ECW! This Is Extreme

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Active Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

*Let the bodies hit the floor comes on and the crowd goes nuts*

Hell everyone and welcome to our 3rd edition of ECW!! Were just 3 days away from December to Dismember!
Tazz: Oh Boy Joey what a Night it’s going to be! Punk vs. Knox in our semi-finals for the ECW world championship, and the triple thread for the semi-final in the ECW world title chase.

*Were put backstage with Paul Heyman*

Heyman: Welcome my children! For I am your master! That’s right; I have been named the NEW ECW General Manager! And if you that last week was bad, wait until you see this. *Heyman turns around and we see his 2 body guards holding Balls Mahoney* *Heyman puts his hands up, than down and they start to beat him with police batons*

Heyman: Now that Mahoney is out of the world title chase… hmmm who should take his place? No other than this man! * The camera moves to the man*

Shelton Benjamin! This is our team, Team Xtreme! And nobody, body will stop us!

*Commercial Break*

Styles: You’ve got to be kidding me! They beat the hell out of Mahoney and Benjamin takes his place? What kind of crap is that!
Tazz: Joey, I’ve got to tell you…. * someone grabs the mic*

The Zombie:
uhhh…uhh… hmmm… ahhhh

The Zombie: Ahh!!! Daaa… urrrr! Ahhh!

*The Sandman’s music hits*

Match 1
The Sandman Vs the Zombie
The Zombie runs after Sandman with his mouth open, he’s trying to bite him! Luckily sandman whacks him across his face with his Singapore cane. The Zombie falls down hard and sandman starts hitting him while his lifeless body is on the mat. He than raises his cane to the crowd.

Sandman than waits for the Zombie to get up. Using his Singapore cane, he does a white Russian leg sweep and makes the cover…1…2...3!
Winner: The Sandman

*Commercial Break*

*We come back to see The Sandman holding a mic*

The Sandman:
I’m making an open challenge to anyone who things they can beat me at December to Dismember.

*Matt Striker’s music hits*

Striker: I accept Sandman, but you won’t be able to beat me, for I can beat you any day of the week, anytime, and anywhere.

The Sandman: Good, because were playing by my rules! Singapore can on a pole!

*Striker has a bold look on his face, than walks backstage.*

*Were back stage to see Tommy Dreamer and Sabu*

Tommy: Pauly, I don’t know why you screwed us! But were taking it all back. Were taking our pride, the ECW name, and our title! That’s why at December to Dismember, were challenging your guards of defense to a match! An ECW Extreme rules, and if they lose, they must take off what there hiding from, and that’s the helmets!

*Commercial Break*

Match 2
The Mexicools Vs Cor Von and Burke

Crazy and Burke start it off, Crazy dives under his legs, picks him up for a suplex, but Burke counters it and does a back body drop…1…2.. Kick out! He than throws Crazy in the corner, stars punching him in the stomach and tags in Cor Von. Cor Von picks him up over his shoulders, and throws him face first into the mat. He than picks him up throws him to the ropes and does a huge Spine buster… he than looks up at the crowd and screams! He than makes the cover…1…2. Kick out! Crazy punches him in the stomach, runs to the ropes, Cor von Catches him and goes a tilt-a- world slam, Crazy counters it and does a flying DDT.

Both men are down. The ref starts the count…1….2…3….4…5….6…7 both men get up. Cor von tags in Burke and Crazy tags Psychosis. Psy kicks Burke right across the face and does a leg drop to Cor von, who than falls out of the ring. He sets up Burke by grabbing his left leg as Crazy goes to the top rope. Crazy does a huge moonsalt and lands it… he than makes the cover….1…..2 kick out! Cor von comes in the ring and starts pounding on Psy. Burke than pushes Crazy to the ropes and Cor von sets it up…The P…o…u….n…c...e! He nails it and Crazy is thrown right in the middle of the ring. Burke sets up the double arm DDT and nails it on Psy. Cor von than makes the cover on Crazy…1…2...3!

Winners: The New Breed!

*Commercial Break*

*We come back to see Dupree’ backstage*

Dupree’: I’m issuing an open challenge for December to Dismember. Anyone, I mean anyone who thinks they can pin me in less than 5 min. will get my own money. $10,000, But there is a catch as well, if this person is to lose, than they can’t wrestle for 1 whole month. Sounds good? See you there.

Match 3 Triple Threat Ecw Semi-Finals.
Rob Van Dam vs. Kevin Thorn vs. Shelton Benjamin
Benjamin jumps out of the ropes and Thorn and RVD lock up. Thorn overpowers RVD and throws him across the ring. RVD gets up and runs at Thorn, Thorn grabs him and throws him over his shoulders. He than makes the cover….1…2...kickout. Thorn picks up RVD, who starts to punch at his chest. Rvd than grabs thorn and attempts a suplex, Thorn picks him up and goes for a spine buster, but RVD counters it with swinging DDT. Thorn is down as RVD gets up and goes to the ropes for a rolling thunder. He nails it! 1….2… kick out! RVD than sets up Thorn for a German suplex, he nails it. Thorn is helpless as RVD goes to the top rope. Out of nowhere, Shelton comes in and jumps on the top rope and picks up RVD for a huge superplex!

He than goes and covers RVD…1…2…kick out! Benjamin picks up RVD and power bombs him onto the turnbuckle, Thorn gets up and Benjamin super kicks him right across his jaw. Thorn falls out of the Ring and Benjamin sets up RVD, RVD is on the turnbuckle with his face toward the entrance. Benjamin goes for a huge splash, but RVD jumps out of the way. Shelton than gets nailed with a huge super kick and both men fall down.

The Ref makes the count…1….2…3…4…5….6….7….8…..8… both men get up.

*Commercial Break*

We come back to see Thorn stomping on Benjamin and RVD. Thron than picks up Shelton and throws him to the ropes and nails a sitting backbreaker. He than makes the cover. 1…2…kick out. RVD gets on the top rope and thorn hits him. RVD is stuck up there as Thorn goes for a Superlex. He has him but out of nowhere Benjamin goes underneath him and does a huge power bomb. He nails it and all 3 men fall down to the ground. All men are on the ground. Thorn reaches over and covers RVD…1...2…kickout!

All men get up. RVD does a close line and throws Benjamin out of the ring, he than super kicks Thorn in the face and goes to the top rope. He sets up the 5 star frog splash and nails thorn. Out of nowhere Benjamin comes in the ring and throws out RVD and makes the cover…1…2...3!
Winner and Advancer to the Finals for the ECW world Championship: Shelton Benjamin!

Benjamin than grabs a mic.

Benjamin: Here he is. Your advancer in the finals for the ECW world championship. And I got to say , it feels good! Because I don’t care who wins, whether it be Punk, or Knox, because there ant no stopping me now!!!!!

*Commercial Break*

Tazz: What a night it has been! Challenges have been issued and December to Dismember is going to be huge!
Styles: You’ve got that right, and now it’s time for the main event!

The Main Event: Semi-Finals for the ECW world title
Cm Punk Vs Mike Knox

Both men lock up. Knox throws punk on his back and goes for a leg drop, Knox misses and punk kicks him right on the backside of his head. Knox falls down hard as Punk attempts a leg drop of his own. He nails it! 1...2.. kick out! Punk than grabs Knox and throws him to the turnbuckle. Punk goes for the big knee but Knox counters it with a close line! He than sets up Punk, Knees wrapped around the top turnbuckle, face on the ground. He starts the attack and kicks him in the face, over and over again. Ref starts to count…1...2…3! ‘Get off him’’ Knox wont stop.

*Commercial Break*

We com back to see Knox get Punk in a sleeper. The crowd chants clapping there hands as fast as they can. Punk gets up and does a back body drop. Both men are down. Punk quickly gets up and goes to the outside. He waits for Knox to get up, he does and Punk lands a flying close line! He than makes the cover…1...Knox Throws punk and gets up. He than does a big boot to the face and throws him outside of the ring. He taunts the crowd.

*Commercial Break*

Knox does a titl-a world slam and makes the cover…1..2..kickout! Punk gets up as Knox attempts a back body drop. He slaps him across the face and kicks him upside his head. Knox falls to the turnbuckle as CM Punk does a running knee right to his face. He than attempts a bulldog but Knox throws him. Knox goes for the Bicycle kick! Does he land it? No! Punk counters it and gets him up for the GTS! He nails it and Knox is lifeless on the ground. Quickly Punk locks in the Anaconda vice.

Knox taps as quickly as punk locks it in. Punk looks happy, really happy
Here is your winner and the advancer to the finals n the ECW world title tournament: CM PUNK!

*Punk Grabs a mic*

Punk: I did it! I can’t tell you all how happy I am! I can only remember when I was a boy, in the crowd, hoping I would live my dream and become the ECW world Champion! I don’t care what happens at December to Dismember because no matter who wins the tournament and is named the ECW world champion, I will still have Respect for Shelton Benjamin, no matter what happens!

*Punks music comes on*

*End of Show*

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Main event, altough I didn't liked Punk's promo afterwards

WM: Sandman vs Zombie, but well, it is a squash

BP: Heyman's one

WP: Punk's one, I didn't like the ROH reference. I don't know if that was what you intended, but I didn't like Punk saying he will respect Shelton not mattering what happens


BM - The ME

WM - Sandman vs. zombie

BP - Heymans

WP - Punk

AC - Good Show. Hope D2D puts on a great show. Cheap Plug i'm almost done with RPW's Tuesday night World Wide Wrestling. When it's posted go check it out.

Rate - 7.5/10


Predictions for D2D

5 Minute Challenge
Rene’ Dupree open challenge 10,000 dollars, (If his opponent loses he cant wrestle for 1 month) The guy he faces

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match
The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Extreme Rules
Tommy Dreamer and Sabu vs. Paul Heymans defense team ( If they lose they have to reveal who they are)

Super Crazy w/ Psychosis Vs Elijah Burke w/ Marcus Cor Von

C.M Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin


Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
BM:: Main Event
Worst Match:: Opener Sandman and The Zombie
Best Promo:: Tommy and Sabu
Worst Promo:: CM Punk after the match. That didn't seem like CM Punk talking
additional Coments:: You might need to work on your promos a bit but overall an ok show. looking forward to CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin
Rating:: 7/10


Active Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score

ECW DECEMBER TO DISMEMBER! Coming live (Whenever I decide to post it)
The Official Card

5 Minute Challenge
Rene’ Dupree open challenge 10,000 dollars, (If his opponent loses he cant wrestle for 1 month)

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match

The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Extreme Rules
Tommy Dreamer and Sabu vs. Paul Heymans defense team ( If they lose they have to reveal who they are)

Super Crazy w/ Psychosis Vs Elijah Burke w/ Marcus Cor Von

C.M Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin

( All predictions right will get rep!)


Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
ECW DECEMBER TO DISMEMBER! Coming live (Whenever I decide to post it)
The Official Card

5 Minute Challenge
Rene’ Dupree open challenge 10,000 dollars, (If his opponent loses he cant wrestle for 1 month) Other

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match
The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Extreme Rules
Tommy Dreamer and Sabu vs. Paul Heymans defense team ( If they lose they have to reveal who they are)

Super Crazy w/ Psychosis Vs Elijah Burke w/ Marcus Cor Von

C.M Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin

Looking forward to December To Dismember even though its January

Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
I'm here to announce that i will be dylanfsd partner in this thread

i do all gfx and promos


Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
ECW DECEMBER TO DISMEMBER! Coming live (Whenever I decide to post it)
The Official Card

5 Minute Challenge
Rene’ Dupree open challenge 10,000 dollars, (If his opponent loses he cant wrestle for 1 month) Other

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match
The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Extreme Rules
Tommy Dreamer and Sabu vs. Paul Heymans defense team ( If they lose they have to reveal who they are)

Super Crazy w/ Psychosis Vs Elijah Burke w/ Marcus Cor Von

C.M Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin

Looking forward to December To Dismember even though its January

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
5 Minute Challenge
Rene’ Dupree open challenge 10,000 dollars, (If his opponent loses he cant wrestle for 1 month) Other = he will lose

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match
The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Extreme Rules
Tommy Dreamer and Sabu vs. Paul Heymans defense team ( If they lose they have to reveal who they are)

Super Crazy w/ Psychosis Vs Elijah Burke w/ Marcus Cor Von

C.M Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin

I am checking it out!

The Rated R CMStar

5 Minute Challenge
Rene’ Dupree open challenge 10,000 dollars, (If his opponent loses he cant wrestle for 1 month) He loses

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match
The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Extreme Rules
Tommy Dreamer and Sabu vs. Paul Heymans defense team ( If they lose they have to reveal who they are)

Super Crazy w/ Psychosis Vs Elijah Burke w/ Marcus Cor Von

C.M Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
5 Minute Challenge
Rene’ Dupree open challenge 10,000 dollars, (If his opponent loses he cant wrestle for 1 month) He loses

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match
The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Extreme Rules
Tommy Dreamer and Sabu vs. Paul Heymans defense team ( If they lose they have to reveal who they are)

Super Crazy w/ Psychosis Vs Elijah Burke w/ Marcus Cor Von

C.M Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin


Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
5 Minute Challenge
Rene’ Dupree open challenge 10,000 dollars, (If his opponent loses he cant wrestle for 1 month) Loses

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match
The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Extreme Rules
Tommy Dreamer and Sabu vs. Paul Heymans defense team ( If they lose they have to reveal who they are)

Super Crazy w/ Psychosis Vs Elijah Burke w/ Marcus Cor Von

C.M Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin


Active Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
December To Dismember

Manhattan, New York

Styles: welcome to ECW December to Dismember!!!

Tazz: It’s not even December Styles!

Ha-ha we will just ignore that Tazz! We have a lot of matches lined up tonight folks! The crowning of the New ECW world champion, the $10,000 open, much much more!

*Rene’ Dupree’s music hits*

Dupree: I am here right now to present to you the 10 000 dollar challenge, If you think you can beat me in 5 minutes then come up to this ring right now but before you do you must remember that if you lose this challenge you will be out of action for a whole month without pay

Tazz: No ones coming

Styles: It looks like know one wants to take Rene Dupree’s Challenge

***One of a Kind hits***

RVD comes rushing up with a microphone in full gear

RVD: You know what Dupree? I accept your challenge

Crowd: Going Nuts

RVD: I am going to accept you challenge and I’m going to win. I will take your 10 000 dollars and I’m going to do something great with it. I am going to do something the fans want, which has nothing to do with you
Dupree: Ok tough guy come here right now

Match 1 Take it or leave it $10,000 Vs 1 month without wrestling
Rob Van Dam Vs Rene’ Dupree

Rob and Rene’ lock up. Rob throws him to the side and Rene falls down hard. Rene gets up and locks up with rob again. Rob gets him in a headlock and Rene falls to his butt. He than gets Rob by the hair and throws him forward. Rob falls down and Rene’ gets Rob in a headlock of his own. Rob is down and the Crowd starts to clap………… Rob gets up and punches Rene’ in the stomach. Rene then gets thrown to the ropes, he comes back only to get a boot to the stomach by rob. Rene falls down hard and rob goes for a rolling thunder……he nails it! Cover…1…2 kick out! Rene’ grabs rob by the legs and throws him out of the ring. He than follows Rob out of the Ring and throws him into the steel pole. Rob is out and out cold. Rene than puts him back in the ring and makes the cover…1…2...kick out! Rene goes to the top rope and nails a big splash…1...2…kick out! Rene than picks up Rob, locks in a German suplex, and throws him over his shoulders. He than sets up Rob in the middle of the ring and prances around. He does the big knees to the face. He than covers Rob again!1…2…kick out! He goes for the big knees again, Rob rolls out of the way and Renee hits the floor as Rob runs to the rope and drop kicks Rene’. Rob than goes to the top rope….. He’s going to attempt something, what is it? Rob than attempts a sitting moonsalt and nails it. Rene’ is down, and Rob goes to the tope rope again! He than goes for the 5 star from splash…he nails it! He than goes for the cover…1…2…3!
Winner: Rob Van Dam

RVD: Ok everyone, I’ve beaten Dupree, I’ve won the $10 000. Now what’s next you say? Well I would like to call out my boss Paul Heyman

***Paul Heyman comes into the ring with a suit case***
RVD: What’s in the suit case Paul?
***Paul Heyman opens the suit case***

RVD: Here it is the new ECW Television Title which will be awarded to me
***RVD holds up the belt and the crowd goes wild***

RVD: See this T.V. title around my waist? Well get used to this sight because you are going to see it for a long time, There is no one in this business never mind this company that I can’t beat in 10 mintues.

***RVD and Heyman both leave with the crowd cheering***

Joey you’ve got to be kidding me! Heyman is brining back the TV title, and putting it on Rob! What a huge victory.

Styles: Tazz your as speechless as I am! I can’t even tell you how excited I am for Rob at the moment! Congrats Rob, you deserved it!

*The New Breeds music hits*

Match 2
Elijah Burke w/ Cor Von Vs Super Crazy w/ Psychosis

Crazy is getting the crowd pumped he starts clapping as the crowd chants ‘’ole…ole….ole….ole’’ Burke goes on the offense and nails Crazy on the top of his head. He than keeps up and starts punching him with boxing like moves. Crazy falls to the ground as Burke taunts the crowd. He than picks up crazy and sets him up on the top rope. Crazy kicks him right across the face, Burke turns around and crazy jumps over his head, gets a hold of it, and nails a huge neck breaker. The than goes for the cover…1…2...kickout! Crazy waits for Burke to get up, when he does, Crazy goes to the rope, running back and does a hurricaneana. Burke goes flying as Crazy runs and close lines him out of the ring. Burke falls out hard, than gets up. Crazy runs to the over side of the ropes, runs back and does a suicide dive right over the tope rope right into Burke. Both men are down as Cor Von goes over to beat up Crazy, but Psychosis runs in the right, runs to the ropes and attempts a suicide dive of his own. Cor von saw it, and jumped out of the way causing Psy to hit face first into the barricade. Crazy gets up and grabs Burke, and rolls him back into the ring. He than fallows him into the ring. Burke quickly punches him in the face and grabs him for a suplex, he does and nails it! He than sets up Crazy underneath the bottom rope and goes for his running elbow. He runs, gets the tope rope, feet in the sky and nails it. He than makes the cover…1.2….*Crazy puts his leg on the bottom rope* Burke furious goes for Crazy again… he’s setting him up for the Elijah Express. Crazy jumps out of the way and goes to the top rope! He goes for a moonsalt… he barely nails it. 1…2……kick out! Crazy can’t believe that after all of that Burke still won’t go down. Crazy than goes to the top rope again and attempts a moonsalt……. Burke jumps out of the way and Crazy lands on his feet. Burke than grabs him and nails the Elijah experience. Crazy falls down to the rope, facing the crowd and Burke attempts another Elijah Express….. He waits…. And waits…. And waits….. He runs toward him and nails it! He than pulls him away and makes the cover….1….2….3!
Winner: Elijah Burke
After the match Burke and Cor Von start to beat up Crazy, Cor Von sets up the Pounce, and nails it. Psy tries to help him but gets punched over and over and gets thrown out of the ring.


Match 3 Singapore Cane on a Pole
The Sandman Vs Matt Striker

Strike tries to out-smart the sandman by going for a rollup as soon as the match starts. Sandman quickly kicks out and starts with the pounding to the face. Sandman than body slams Striker and goes for the Cane. Striker gets him caught on the ropes causing Sandman to fall butt first on the top rope. Striker than sets him up for a power bomb and nails it! Sandman is down and Striker gets the Cane. He starts to beast Sandman with it! Sandman is covering his face but can’t take the beating. Striker than picks up a lifeless Sandman and attempts the Sandman’s own move! The white Russian leg sweep! Sandman counters it and does a neck breaker…..both men are down….Sandman gets up and goes to the top rope. Striker being knocked out cold still lays there. Sandman than does a modified Swanton bomb and nails it. He gets the Cane and gets ready for Striker to get up. He than swings at striker but Striker ducks and low blows him. Striker than gets the Cane, gets ready to nail sandman with…. Sandman gets up in pain; he’s facing the entrance ramp. Striker than runs toward him and swings the Singapore Cane forward, Sandman ducked which cause the cane to come off of the top rope and nail Striker right in the face. Striker falls down as the Sandman gets the cane and gets ready for him to get up…… Striker gets up and the Sandman locks up the White Russian Leg sweep and nails it. He than puts the can on Strikers chest and makes the cover…1…2…3!

Winner: The Sandman

Styles: Wow what a match. It looked to me like the Sandman was going to lose!

Tazz: I know Joey, looks like the ‘’Student’’ outsmarted the Teacher!

Styles: Jokes aside Tazz, were about to have bad blood next! Heyman screwed Tommy Dreamer and Sabu out of there matches, and Sabu’s was an ECW World Title Qualifier! So Dreamer and Sabu are taking on Heymans Defense team (Team Xtreme).

Match 4 Extreme Rules
Team Xtreme (Heymans enforcers) Vs Sabu and Tommy Dreamer
Weapons are set up everywhere as the defense team, Sabu and Dreamer all brawl. Tommy nails one of the enforcers with a stop sign and he falls down hard. Sabu sets up a chair and jumps on the other Enforcer. Dreamer gets a trash can and smashes it on the enforcer that Sabu just jumped on and both of the enforcers are down. The other one gets up Sabu gets a chair and throws it right into his face. He nails it causing him to fall down.Heyman comes running to the aid of his team. He distracts Sabu as the Enforcers get there night sticks and start beating Tommy with them, they than beat up Sabu. 1 of the Enforcers pulls out 2 tables out of the ring. He sets up one outside of the right and throws the other one in the ring. The other enforcer sets up the table in the ring. The other cuts his hand setting up the other one. It’s a table wrapped in Barbed wire. Sabu gets up and starts pounding on the enforcer in the ring. He falls down as Sabu gets him on the outside apron. They forcing each other to jump on the table filled with barbed wire. The other enforcer gets in the ring and Tommy Nails him with a chair. Tommy than throws him to the rope and nails a sitting Spine buster. He goes for the cover….1…2…. Out of nowhere someone comes in the ring and nails Tommy upside his head with a glass tube. Tommy falls down knocked out as the wrestler runs over to the apron and pushes Sabu into the barbed wire table. Sabu is screaming in pain… the Barbed wire is eating away at his flesh… blood is everywhere as he screams for his life. The enforcers tha bick up Dreamer and powerbomb him into the table and make the cover…1….2…3!

Winners: Team Xtreme

After the match the wrestler reveals himself as Chavo Guererro and said that nobody will take the helmets off of the enforcers and that Team Xtreme will never go down.


Tazz: You’ve got to be kidding me! Dreamer and Sabu were soooo close!
Styles: Heyman has screwed ECW once again! …now time for the main event!

The Main Event: ECW World Title Finals
Cm Punk Vs Shelton Benjamin

Punk and Benjamin lock up. Benjamin counters the lock up with a back body drop. Punk falls down and Benjamin starts kicking at his head. The ref is screaming…. ‘’1…2…3.get off of him, get off’’! Benjamin backs up and Punk pulls himself up on the top turnbuckle. Benjamin quickly runs over toward him and does a big boot right across his face. Punk falls down and Benjamin picks him up for a powbomb.He lifts him up only to have punk jump over him, Punk than does the multiple slaps and punches across the face followed by a kick right across the face of Benjamin. Punk goes to outside apron and sets Benjamin up… Benjamin gets up and Punk does a flying close line… he nails it! Benjamin gets up quickly only to get kicked right across the face forcing him to fall to the turnbuckle… Punk than sets up the running knee and nails it! He than attempts the bulldog and nails that as well. Punk sets up Benjamin for the GTS……. He picks up Benjamin …Benjamin knees him in the face repeatedly. Punk lets go and Benjamin does the T-Bone suplex…he nails it! Cover..1…2.. Punk’s foot was on the bottom rope. Benjamin starts complaing to the ref as Punk gets up and sets up Benjamin…. Benjamin turns around to get pulled into the GTS!! Punk attempts it but Benjamin counters it with a rollup…1…2…3!!!

Winner and the New Ecw World Champion: Shelton Benjamin!

Tazz: Did you see that? Shelton Benjamin has just won the ECW title

Styles: Tell you the truth Tazz I really thought punk had this one

***Crowd is booing Benjamin takes the microphone from the announcer***

Benjamin: You have just witnessed history. Years from now you are going to be telling you grand children of the night Shelton Benjamin won the ECW title

Crowd: Heavy Booing

Benjamin: You know what? It really doesn’t matter what you ingrates think of me because the fact is I am champion and there isn’t one of you who can stop me and there ain’t one of you who can do a single DAMN thing about it.

***Benjamin leaves the ring with heavy boos***

Talking about ingrates, he doesn’t even appreciate the people who are the rason he is even in this business

well, the era of Shelton Benjamin has started and it doesn’t look like to many people are happy with that.

*End of Show*


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score

WM: RVD/Dupree

BP: Sheltons

WP: None

AC: Good PPV, i only missed one match, but the show shoudl fo been way seemed like a reg. show than a PPV
check out RR in ECW vs WWE