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Aug 9, 2011
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That was EPIC. Really realy enjoyable to read. Looking forward to see where things go from here and the draft is only going to mix things up a bit more. Great work team keep it up.


Aug 26, 2010
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Geelong, Australia
To all the writers. Brilliant. You probably gave some of the TT'ers much more than they deserved with the effort put into some of those matches, but it wa really great and you deserve to be commended by everyone on the roster.

To everyone that won there matches, you all deserved to win, and some were very stiff, but there can only be one winner.

In the case of my match, Rock, your first post was one of the better ones I have witnessed in a match against me, and I am glad to pull out the win, definitely hope there is a rematch down the line at some stage.


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Sep 14, 2010
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Went through the show. Solid show. I enjoyed it. My match... mannnn 2 restarts... that was crazy. glad I was able to walk out of it with the belt though. Let's see what later things are gonna present.


Apr 23, 2011
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Amazing! Amazing PPV this was and not only because I finally won that title, but because of the work writers done. I think that biggest props goes to Awesome Miz, because when I saw all the things he has done for this show. You have my respect bro. And I also know, that it was very hard, to decide who's gonna win in these matches, because all of them were very close I'm sure. Congrats to all the winners and champions ...


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Jun 3, 2010
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Geelong, Australia
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CWF Presents - Invasion



Live From, Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio

The official theme song of Invasion begins playing.


'Cryin' Like a Bitch! by Godsmack' is heard around the arena as we are instantly interrupted...

The scene opens on Tazz leaving his office. As he does, a couple of moving guys enter behind him. As he opens the door back up, he sees them lifting furniture and taking it away.

Tazz: What the Hell do you think you're doing?!

Moving Guy 1: Sorry, orders from the boss.

Tazz: Boss? I am the boss!

Moving Guy 2: Umm, no. That guy behind you is....

As Tazz turns around, we see CWF Owner Vince McMahon with a good-looking girl standing behind him. He seems to be in a great mood.


Tazz: Oh, hello Mr. McMahon.

Vince McMahon: How ya' doing Mr. Tazz? Look, A few slight changes have been made to the landscape of Monday Night WAR. Tell you what, Tazz. Just watch my big announcement coming up next and you'll know exactly what's going on.

Vince and the woman leaves the office as moving men continue to move furniture out of Tazz's office.

Coming October 23rd!


Cole: What was that about?

Booker T: Yo, I don't know, dogg, but I can't wait till we find out!

Just then, a theme hits we haven't heard in a long time.


The crowd actually kind of pops for Vince McMahon here tonight. He makes his way down the ramp in typical fashion.


He stomps up the ring steps and enters the ring. He is handed a microphone from a ringside employee and begins his announcement.


Vince McMahon: Well, let me first start off by saying I hope everyone is enjoying CWF Invasion thus far. I promise I won't take up too much of your time but I have a few announcements to make regarding Monday Night WAR. You see, I've kept a close eye on the brand and, to be honest, it bores me half to death. I mean, it's so cliché and dated that I think it's time for a change. For far too long, we've been stuck in a perpetual time machine keeping us back from the future and that all ends tonight. Now, many of you are wondering why moving men were moving furniture from Tazz's office. Well, let me say it to you like this: Tazz, I believe never took the time to read the fine print of his contract. It clearly stated that he was only the Interim General Manager until he either proved himself worthy of the position or until a suitable replacement could be found. With all due respect, Tazz, you haven't lived up to your own hype so I hate to say this, but I am relieving you of your General Manager duties.

The crowd boos at Vince's shocking announcement. Vince quickly calms them down.

Vince McMahon: Now now now, calm down. You see, Tazz, your contract is still valid here in CWF so I have came up with an alternative for you. You see, We need to revitalize our commentary team. So, from here on out, Tazz is hereby officially a color commentator for Monday Night WAR.

Cole: I don't like that at all!!

Booker T: I don't think it matters what you like. My man Tazz comin' back to the commentary booth!

The crowd pops for that announcement. Vince then continues on to his other announcements.

Vince McMahon: Now then, that leaves the General Manager position open. But not for long because I personally have went out and found the perfect man to replace Tazz as General Manager of Monday Night WAR. Someone who will lead, not only the WAR brand but also the entire CWF into the next generation. Someone who refers to himself as the “King of all Social Mediaâ€. You've liked him on Facebook. You've followed him on Twitter. And now, here he is......

Cole: Who could it be?

Booker T: Yo, dogg, I have no idea.

Just then, the most shocking themes of all hits the PA.


The crowd goes absolutely crazy as “Long Island Iced Z†Zack Ryder comes out from the back fist pumping and checking out all of the ladies in the crowd. He then throws up the “LI†sign.


Cole: ZACK RYDER?! Are you kidding me?!

Booker T: What a bombshell announcement!

He cockily makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. He shakes hands with Vince McMahon as Vince hands him his microphone and leaves the ring. Ryder waits for the crowd to die down a bit before starting his speech.


Zack Ryder: Where are all my broskis at?!

The crowd cheers in excitement and begin to chant “RYDER! RYDER! RYDER! RYDER!†Zack gets a huge smile on his face as he continues.

Zack Ryder: I want to personally thank Vince McMahon for the opportunity to be the General Manager of Monday Night WAR and I promise to each and every one of you that I will do my best to make WAR the premiere brand in the CWF. When Mr. McMahon called me up and offered me the job, the only thing I could say was, "Are You Serious, Bro?" I mean, General Manager of the number one brand in CWF? And Tazz, broski, I hope there are no hard feelings between us for the way things turned out, but hey, look on the brightside: At least your headache is now MY headache. I guarantee that the success of WAR will be like me fist-pumping. It will NEVER stop. The Ryder Revolution is now the Revolutionary WAR here in CWF. So, everyone, enjoy the show and thank you.

Zack Ryder goes to leave but Michael Cole stands up with a microphone.


Cole: Excuse me, Zack, but as your employee, I have a formal complaint. You see, I'm a professional broadcast journalist and as a man who has announced with Tazz before in the past, I can personally say I will not and will never work with that man again. It's either me or him. Make your choice.

Zack tugs on his chin for a few seconds before blurting out an answer.

Zack Ryder: You're Fired, bro!

The crowd pops loud as security guards come out and escort Michael Cole from the building. The entire crowd is singing “NAH NAH NAH NAH, NAH NAH NAH NAH, HEY HEY HEY, GOODBYE!†aimed at Cole. As they do, Zack Ryder adds insult to injury.

Zack Ryder: Hey, Cole. Take Care, Spike Your Hair. WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!

Zack drops his microphone and starts heading towards the back. We then fade to the backstage area where Tazz has a few items and is heading towards his car in the parking lot. Just then, PPV backstage correspondent and WAR commentator Josh Mathews approaches for an interview.

Josh Mathews: Tazz, Tazz, sorry to intrude, but hearing Mr. McMahon's latest announcment, we were just wanting your thoughts?

Tazz: My thoughts? My thoughts? Well, Josh, lemme tell you....

Tazz then grabs Josh Mathews and overhead belly-to-belly suplexes him through a table with catering on it. Josh is out cold and like a light. Tazz bends over his mangled and motionless body.

Tazz: See you on commentary......maybe......

Tazz grabs his things and heads toward the parking lot as we fade into our next segment.

Invasion is rolling through with great matches and segments, when suddenly this appears on the tron.


The crowd are clearly confused as "Cryin' Like a Bitch" has faded out since we were just looking at the commentary team hype our next few matches. They don't speak, also puzzled by this, but they aren't for long as the camera pans out to show who the conspiracy victim is, and the crowd boo their hearts out. Chris Jericho smiles with his picket fence sign. A small crowd has started to gather, some from the crowd inside the building, as Jericho is clearly shown to be outside the building, and he grabs a megaphone on the nearby ground, and begins yelling through it.


Jericho:Attention, hypocrites and parasites of all genders and ages! In case you haven't noticed, recently a domino effect of factors has begun to take its toll on my in ring competitions, and I am on a slight losing streak. Clearly, I am a victim of some kind of a conspiracy! You people will never admit it, but you are all most likely in on it! You can't stand the fact that I will reveal to the world what you people really are! Nothing but troglodites and bottom feeders! I ought to walk out on all of you right now, what reason could you hypocrites possibly have-

A guy yells out "IT'S BECAUSE YOU SUCK!" The small crowd around Jericho ooh's, as he lowers the megaphone and stares at him in disgust. Suddenly, he loses his temper and yells again through the megaphone, aimed directly at him.

Jericho:I suggest you keep quiet, or I'm going to beat you worse than Austin has ever managed to do to his former wife! Speaking of which, you people need to realise that another main plotter in this conspiracy to try and keep me down and out of the title picture is none other than YOUR hero, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Yes, you all cheer, you go nuts, you scream "Hell Yeah" whenever he requests it, and of course you all continue with those ridiculous what chant-


Jericho's eyes suddenly widen when he hears them.

Jericho:Did you jus-






Jericho yells out in anger and grabs his picket fence sign and starts yelling at the crowd, they still chant What at him as he slowly backs up to the arena while yelling. Invasion fades to its next segment.


JR: BAH GAWD! What an announcement! Ryder taking over WAR... Well, it looks like things are going to be rushed tonight... I can't even get to put my thoughts for Invasion because we're already going to get to our first match!

Justin Roberts: The Following match is a Gauntlet 5-man Tag Team match for the CWF Tag Team Championships.



The crowd pops loud as Road Dogg and Billy Gunn emerge from the back and make their way down towards the ring. They are all full of energy here tonight.

Booker T: Man, I can't wait for this match. It's gon' be off da' hook, no doubt!

JR: Right you are, Book. We're starting things off with the ever-popular New Age Outlaws.

Striker: Things are definitely going to be controversial tonight with the Outlaws!

As they reach the ring.....



The crowd boos as Wade Barrett and William Regal, the “Emperors of Royalty†make their way down to ringside. Dave Taylor and Robbie Brookside accompany them but Regal and Barrett tell them to go back to the back.They are just as snide and cocky as always here tonight.

JR: And you can never count men like William Regal and Wade Barrett out. They are tremendous competitors at the end of the day.

Striker: Absolutely. Regal the crafty veteran and Barrett the young hot upstart. They could be the dark horse to win this thing.

Booker T: I'm still goin' with my doggs the New Age Outlaws!


All 4 men are in the ring as the bell is rung. Road Dogg and Regal are starting this out. Both men lock up with Regal getting the upper hand. Regal hits a headlock takedown and starts wrenching it in.Road Dogg uses his legs to knock Regal in the face and off of him. Both me get to their feet as Road Dogg starts hammering away at Regal. He sends him into the ropes and hits a big back body drop. Regal gets to his feet and is met with an armdrag. Road Dogg then locks in an armbar on Regal as Regal writhes in pain. Barrett rushes into the ring and interrupts the hold. As he does, Billy Gunn runs into the ring and clotheslines Barrett over the top rope. Barrett lands on his feet. As the referee tries to get Billy back in the corner, Barrett has Road Dogg's leg and drags it over to the corner and throws it against the corner, causing Road Dogg to scream in agony.

Booker T: That wasn't cool, man!

Striker: It was effective nonetheless.

Regal then drags Road Dogg to the center of the ring and goes for the cover.




Road Dogg gets the shoulder up. Regal drags Road Dogg to his corner and tags in Barrett. Barrett then starts stomping away at Road Dogg. He picks Road Dogg up and goes for a suplex. Road Dogg wiggles his way out and lands near his corner and Billy Gunn tags himself in. Billy clotheslines Wade and knocks Regal off the apron. Regal falls hard to the mat below. Gunn picks Barrett up and sends him into the ropes. Gunn tries a back body drop but Wade stops and kicks Gunn right in the face. Barrett goes for a clothesline but Gunn ducks. As Barrett turns around, Gunn connects with a textbook dropkick. Regal runs into the ring to attack Gunn but Road Dogg intercepts. Regal goes to clothesline Road Dogg but Road Dogg ducks and, as Regal turns around, Road Dogg hits the Shake, Rattle, and Roll.

JR: A little bit of Shake, Rattle, and Roll here tonight at Invasion!

Booker T:
Man, I love that!

Regal rolls out of the ring as Road Dogg follows. Barrett gets to his feet as Gunn is distracted by the action outside. Barrett grabs Gunn and sets up for the Wasteland. As Barrett goes for it, Gunn hooks onto Barrett's arm and hits a armdrag. Barrett gets to his feet only to get a kick to the midsection. Gunn then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Fame-Asser. Gunn goes for the pin.





As the bell rings once, the next team comes out from the back.


The crowd boo's loudly as Matt Hardy Version 1 and his MF'er Shannon Moore start making their way down to the ring. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn are both in the ring together. Matt and Shannon then take off sprinting toward the ring and slide in. Matt and Shannon begin brawling with the New Age Outlaws with Matt and Billy and Shannon and Road Dogg all over each other. The referee finally gets a handle on the situation and we start it off with Matt and Road Dogg. Both men lock up with Road Dogg getting the upper hand. Matt connects with a few shots to Road Dogg's abdomen and sends him into the ropes. Road Dogg comes back and hits a shoulder block to Matt. Matt hits the mat as Road Dogg rebounds off the ropes. As he does, Matt hops up and hits a big hip toss. Matt then starts stomping away at Road Dogg. Billy Gunn goes to enter the ring but the referee stops him and begins to argue with the referee. Meanwhile, Matt and Shannon double-team Road Dogg. Both set up and hit Road Dogg with a double suplex. As the referee turns around, Shannon exits as Matt makes the pin.




JR: And a near-fall to keep the Outlaws' chances alive.

Booker T: Come on, Outlaws!

Striker: So much for unbiased commentary, Booker!

Matt picks Road Dogg off the mat and whips him into the corner. Matt then hits a couple of shoulder blocks to Road Dogg as Road Dogg falls back into the corner. Matt grabs Road Dogg's legs and alley oops him upward and sends him down in a powerbomb position. Matt goes for a cover again.




Road Dogg kicks out again. Matt has enough and drags him to the middle of the ring and hits a leg drop to Road Dogg. He pins him again.




Striker: And Matt Hardy is obviously getting annoyed and flustered.

Booker T: Because the Outlaws won't stay down for no one, dogg!

Matt goes to pick Road Dogg up again but this time Road Dogg hits a jawbreaker to Matt and he falls down. Road Dogg tags in Billy Gunn and Billy lifts Matt up and starts chopping him on the chest. Matt falls back into his corner and unbeknownst to Gunn, Shannon blind tags himself in. As Billy whips Matt into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, Shannon hits a sidekick to Gunn. Shannon then mounts Gunn and starts hammering away on him. Shannon stands up and starts choking Gunn with his boot.

JR: It seems to me that Matt Hardy has taught his protege' Shannon Moore some of his dirty tricks.

Booker T: Yeah I think Ric Flair has a challenger for the title of “Dirtiest Player in the Gameâ€, for real.

The referee starts a 5-count and Shannon lets up at 4 and ½. Shannon then waits for Gunn to stand up and, as he does, Shannon goes for the Moore-gasm but Gunn grabs the nearby ropes for leverage and Shannon drops himself on the mat. Gunn then stomps on Shannon a few times before tagging in Road Dogg. Road Dogg lifts Shannon up and goes for a Pumphandle Slam. As he lifts Shannon up, Matt blind tags himself in. Road Dogg connects with the Pumphandle Slam as Matt trips Gunn off the apron and makes him land face first on the side of the ring. Gunn is out. Road Dogg tries to make the cover but the referee won't make the pin. Road Dogg stands up and begins to argue with the referee. Then, out of nowhere, Matt rolls Road Dogg up in a school boy pin.





Booker T: Man, that sneaky Matt Hardy just put the boot to my choice to win this match. That ain't cool, dogg.

Striker: It may not have been very cool, but it was very smart.

JR: No doubt about it. Matt Hardy knows tag team wrestling very well.

As Matt lifts Shannon to his feet, the next team comes out to the ring.


The crowd lets out a mostly negative response as Judas Mesias and Gangrel, along with Ariel, walk down the ramp heading towards the ring with the already-weakened Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore waiting.

Booker T: Aww man, things just got darker here in Cleveland!

Striker: The Coven has arrived here tonight!

Mesias and Gangrel enter the ring and immediately start attacking Team Mattitude. Both teams are trading right hands with each other with the fresher Coven getting the upper hand. Gangrel and Mesias whip them into the ropes and hit double back body drops to both men. Shannon rolls out of the ring and Mesias gets on the apron as we start with Matt and Gangrel. Gangrel lifts Hardy up and goes for the Impaler DDT but Matt wiggles out and reverses it into a Side Effect. Matt hits it and goes for the cover.



Mesias interrupts the pin. Mesias then starts attack Matt and drops him with a big lariat. Just then, Mesais notices Shannon Moore flying through the air with a big crossbody. Moore gets all of it and Mesias falls to the mat hard.

JR: Good God!

Booker T: Shannon Moore goin' up in the air, dogg!

Matt mounts Gangrel and starts hammering away on him. Matt then gets to his feet and sizes Gangrel up. As he does, Matt goes for the Twist of Fate. Gangrel reverses and shoves Matt Hardy forward. Matt turns around but is caught by Gangrel in a belly-to-belly suplex. Gangrel makes the cover.




Gangrel stands up and tags in Mesias, who recovered faster than Shannon. Mesias grabs Matt and lifts him high into the air with a military press and drops him down hard. Mesias beats on his chest and plays up to the crowd. Matt uses this time to crawl to his corner. Mesias notices Matt getting to his feet and grabs one of Matt's legs. Matt then hits a big inziguri to Mesias as he tags in Moore. Shannon cautiously enters the ring and sizes Mesias up. Shannon then hits a Moore-gasm to Mesias. Shannon goes for the pin but, as he does, Ariel enters the ring and starts beating on Shannon's back, interrupting the pin. The referee calls for the bell.


JR: By some technicality, Team Mattitude move on to the final round to face the only tag team left, R.E.M.E.D.Y.

Gangrel and Mesias start arguing with Ariel as they walk off to towards the back. As they leave, the next theme hits.


“Coma White†hits the Eddie Guerrero, R-Truth, and Jesse Ventura, the trio known as R.E.M.E.D.Y. emerge from the back looking as confident as ever.

JR: Of course, these men are going to reap the benefits of Team Mattitude's weakened state.

Striker: Why wouldn't they, JR? It's a smart and intelligent move.

Booker T: But it's also a punk move, Matt!

Striker: Hey, that's how the cookie crumbles, Booker!

Eddie and Truth enter the ring with Eddie staying on the apron. Shannon and Truth are starting it out. Both men lock up with Truth immediately getting the upper hand, connecting with a knee to the gut. Truth sends Shannon into the ropes. Shannon jumps onto the ropes and goes for a springboard crossbody. As he does, Truth hits a dropkick and nails Shannon in mid air. Truth goes for the cover.



Matt drags Truth off of Shannon and starts pounding away at him. Eddie enters the ring and starts stomping on Matt. Matt then spears Eddie to the ground and both men begin to brawl with each other. The referee is distracted with them to not see Jesse slide something into the ring to Truth. It's a pair of brass knuckles. On the outside, Matt has sent Eddie into the steel steps. Eddie writhes in pain. Matt then grabs Eddie and nails a Twist of Fate to him on the outside. Meanwhile, in the ring, Truth nails Shannon in the face with the brass knuckles.

JR: What the Hell was that?

Booker T: Some very under-handed tactics on behalf of R.E.M.E.D.Y. Is this gonna be it?

Truth then covers Shannon as Matt races in to interrupt the pin.





Booker T: I have to agree with you JR! That was unbelievable. How did he do it?

Striker: Guys, there might be something to this “Mattitude†thing after all!

Truth and Ventura are honestly shocked. Truth picks Shannon up but Matt intercepts and hits a kick to Truth's midsection. Matt and Shannon both hit a double Side Effect to Truth. Ventura gets on the apron to distract the referee as Eddie slithers back into the ring and takes the brass knuckles from Truth. Shannon then starts bleeding from the shot he took earlier. Eddie hits Shannon again as he falls through the ropes. Eddie then nails Matt in the face with the brass knuckles. He then mounts Matt and eventually opens him up. Eddie then tosses them back out of the ring as he scales the top rope. Eddie connects with the Frog Splash. Eddie then goes for the cover.





Booker T: That “Mattitude†must be some strong stuff, man!

Eddie cannot believe his eyes and neither can Ventura. Truth has made it to his feet as Matt sets up with blood all over his face.


Eddie gets frustrated and calls Truth over. Both men begin working over Matt's head pretty hard with right hand shots. Matt is bleeding profusely. As Eddie then goes to cover him, Shannon appears out of nowhere, bleeding as well. He goes to attack Eddie but Truth intercepts and hits him with a Pay Dirt. Eddie grabs Matt and holds him down as Truth pins Shannon.






Eddie and Truth slide out of the ring and claim their newly-won Tag Team Titles as Ventura presents them with it. Matt and Shannon begin to stir in the ring as they watch Eddie and Truth walk away with the titles.

Booker T: Man, that was one hell of a war we had out here tonight!

JR: An amazing showing by all of these competitors here tonight, that's for sure.

Striker: No doubt about that, JR! Anybody could have walked away with the titles but it was the men who had a secretive deceit up their sleeves ultimately walked away the victor.

Matt and Shannon are rolling out of the ring as we go to commercial break.


Are going to win NRL Premiers this week!


We're back from a short commercial as we see Joey Styles and Josh Mathews.

Josh Mathews: You alright?

Joey Styles: No I'm not alright... The Rock & Cody Rhodes aren't here and their match is next... I'm going to have to cancel it. They'll deal with me on HONOR.

Styles storms off as we go back to the ring.

The lights in the arena goes off, purple hue hovers the ring... Music blasts from the PA System.


Ironman by Black Sabbath begins playing as the lights are still dark, after a minute of the song being played we see Jimmy Jacobs by the corner turnbuckle as he sits down, Jacobs then crawls to the middle of the ring as he stands up as he tilts his head as he looks up to the ceiling and laughs... The lights goes out.


JR: I don't like what's happening here...

The lights come back on as Morrison is in the middle of the ring in a bloody pool, the referee appears as Jacobs makes the pinfall.




Winner by pinfall, Jimmy Jacobs!

The lights go off once again as we hear laughter, we then hear a voice which sounds like Jacobs, it is probably Jacobs.

Jimmy Jacobs: Tonight the life of John Morrison is no longer with us, the life of John Morrison is dead and soon... you people will pay the price of messing with the darkness!

The lights come back on and nobody is in the ring and the mat has already been cleaned as a theme song is played...



The sound of the glass shattering startles Jericho as “The Texas Rattlesnake†Stone Cold Steve Austin appears, more pissed off than usual. Austin walks down the ramp with a microphone in hand. He enters the ring and scales each turnbuckle to salute his fans.



"Break the Walls Down" graces the fans' presence as Jericho himself appears from the curtain. He stands on the stage before walking his way down the aisle. He's already near the ring, as he marches his way up the steel steps provided for him as he steps into the ring.

Booker T: Dis gon' be chaos dawg! My homie Stone Cold is gon' get da job done!


- Ding Ding Ding -

Jericho and Stone Cold instantly lock up in the middle of the ring, Stone Cold instantly gets the advantage with a knee to Jericho's abdomen section, Stone Cold then clotheslines Jericho as Stone Cold then connects with a leg drop. Stone Cold goes for the pinfall.



Stone Cold then lifts Jericho to his feet as Jericho then manages to punch Stone Cold as Jericho then connects with a dropkick. Jericho then runs to the ropes where he jumps up on the second ropes as he connects with the Lionsault. Jericho goes for the pin.




Booker T: Dem pinfalls happenin' so fast!

Jericho then waits for Stone Cold to get to his feet as Jericho connects with an Enzuirigi, Jericho then slaps on the Walls of Jericho but Stone Cold quickly reverses with a schoolboy pin but Jericho quickly gets to his feet as does Stone Cold. Stone Cold connects with the Thesz Press and begins throwing punches on Jericho, Stone Cold then gets to his feet as he stomps Jericho a couple of times. Stone Cold then lifts Jericho to his feet as Stone Cold looks for a German Suplex but Jericho counters as Jericho gets behind Stone Cold and connects with a German Suplex, Jericho then goes to the top rope as he climbs up but Stone Cold quickly gets up and rushes towards Jericho before connecting with a Superplex.


Stone Cold then goes up to Jericho and connects with a knee drop, Stone Cold then lifts Jericho to his feet before flipping the bird as Stone Cold kicks Jericho and looks for a Stunner but Jericho counters and connects with a Codebreaker instead! Jericho goes for the count.




Booker T: My homie kicked out dawg!

Jericho looks absolutely pissed off as Jericho begins stomping on Stone Cold, Jericho then grabs Stone Cold in a Full Nelson hold as Jericho drags Stone Cold to his feet but Stone Cold reverses as he lifts Jericho and connects with a Spinebuster. Stone Cold then goes towards Jericho and grabs him before placing him in a Texas Piledriver position but Jericho rolls under the legs of Stone Cold before locking in the Walls of Jericho. Jericho places the hold a bit tighter as Stone Cold is looking for the ropes but Jericho moves him back to the middle of the ring, Stone Cold then flips over as he kicks Jericho in the abdomen section as Stone Cold gets to his feet and charges at Jericho with a clothesline but Jericho ducks and turns Stone Cold around before kicking him in the abdomen section followed by Jericho's version of a Stunner!

JR: That's just disrespectful, Jericho hitting the stunner.

Jericho goes for the pinfall.




Jericho grabs Stone Cold and drags him to his feet before connecting with another Codebreaker. Jericho then goes for the pinfall and uses the bottom ropes to assist him, the referee doesn't see this as he makes the count.




Winner by pinfall, Chris Jericho!

JR: What an upset...

Jericho rolls out of the ring quickly as he walks up the entrance ramp still looking at Stone Cold as he raises his hand in the air, we then go to a quick commercial.



Peanut Butter M&M's, sponsoring CWF Invasion tonight.



'Nonpoint - Vengeance' begins playing throughout the PA System as Christian slowly walks from behind the curtain, the crowd is giving him a mixed-reaction but cheers are heard. Christian is making his way down to the ring as he steps up on the steel steps before laughing at the crowd and taking the microphone.



Supposedly there isn't going to be Cody Rhodes facing against The Rock. Backstage has it that Cody Rhodes has left the company, doesn't surprise me after I defeated him last week. The Rock isn't going to appear because he's decided to film 'The Tooth Fairy 2', but he's still around... unfortunately. What do I have to do to prove management that I am in fact the best wrestler on the roster? I eased through this tournament easily, there was no blood, no sweat or tears. It was just Christian doing what he does the best, but chances are never given to a person like me, but tonight... Tonight I finally receive my opportunity and when I come back out here and face Brock Lesnar and Kevin Thorn, I will beat them. I am going to become CWF Champion and I will not be screwed at any given cost and I will be prepared for you Kane because I know you're waiting, I know management is waiting for me to win the championship. That briefcase of yours doesn't scare me at all, I will make sure you lose your opportunity when you cash it in. Tonight isn't just about Brock and Kevin, it's also about Kane. While he's been under-estimated as of late, we will never know when he will strike but I, Christian will continue to be prepared for the moment. Tonight, after seventeen long years of being screwed over by management and you inbred morons, I will become Champion and reign over CWF once again and I promise you... when I hold the belt, there will be no more screwjobs, there will be nothing but demands of respect because I truly deserve respect around here... At the end of the night, I will be CWF Champion, what are you going to do about it?

Christian drops the mic as he heads backstage, the camera pan back to the commentators but..
The Invasion Titan Tron, turns black, Kurt Angle is not even scheduled to be on the show makes his way down to the ring, dressed way differently than you would normally expect him to be.


Yo, Yo, Yo, Peeps it's me Kurt to the A to the Angle. I prepared a special little rap for you here today to show you what I got.

Crowd is beyond confused and at this point it seems clear that Angle is mocking Cena. The idea of him rapping has actually garnered a few cheers from the crowd.

Yea, I'm not rapping you idiots. Just wanted to prove a point that you'll follow and cheer any jackass blindly and most specifically that wannabe Cena. I don't have a match here tonight and I wasn't invited here to talk either, but I'm Kurt Angle and I'm going to do whatever the hell I want.

The Boos now come out again in full force, which seems to make Angle happy

Let's just run down the reason I should be here tonight. One, I'm the biggest star in this company. Two I'm a freaking American Hero, winning a gold medal isn't something common in the back. Three, I'm the best damn wrestler in the company, and even though I hate you people, I feel for you cause without me on the card you aren't going to get much of a show.

The "YOU SUCK" chants break out and once again Angle seems to just strive off the negative attention

I didn't come here to sit on the sidelines, I came here to win titles and I can't do that if I don't have matches. Management has treated my arrival here like, "Hey, no big deal it's just Kurt Angle". Totally unaccpetable, and if managment isn't going to give me what I want I'm going to take any mean necessary.

Angle drops the mic and leaves the ring.​
Booker T: Now we back and we've already seen new Tag Champions REMEDY, we saw Jericho gettin' da win over Stone Cold 'ere and we saw Jacobs for a mere five seconds. Unbelievable dawg!

JR: Pay-Per-Views are always unexpected you know Booker... Our next match is Batista vs. Kane!

[Batista vs. Kane]


The Invasion arena is on fire! Not literally, but the crowd are electric awaiting for something to happen, one of their favourite stars to emerge and entertain. This unfortunately is not one of them....



Batista walks out onto the ramp, and slowly takes a breath before spinning with his arms held out, and punches the air before walking forward, and with a smirk, stopping, slaps he ground and performs his turret taunt as fireworks go off behind him. One more punch in the air and The Animal makes his way towards the ring.


Batista and Kane lock up in the middle of the ring, and Batista quickly swings around Kane for a rear waistlock but Kane hits him with an elbow to the side of the head forcing him to release. Batista is stunned by the elbow, and Kane lands another shot to him, before irish whipping him into the corner. He runs up, and smacks Batista with a thunderous clothesline, which almost sends the Animal over the top rope. Kane waits for Batista to walk out of the turnbuckle, and looks for the one-handed Side Slam, but Batista frees himself and hits Kane with a back suplex. He whips Kane off the ropes and floors him with a clothesline.

JR: Both these men, displaying their power early. Batista is just a dominating force.

Booker T: See, you can say the same for Kane, and I been in the ring with both of ‘em, two of the scariest cats I know.

Batista taunts the crowd by going crazy on the top rope and stomping his feet. He turns around with a smile on his face but all of a sudden Kane sits up and the smile fades. Quick as he can, Batista rebounds off the ropes and smacks a boot right into the face of the Big Red Machine. Surprising for Batista and certainly surprising for so early in the match, Batista climbs up to the top rope, and flies off looking for a splash on Kane, but Kane rolls out of the way, and Batista is winded. Batista rolls over onto his back as Kane now shoots off the ropes and lands a big leg drop on the face of Batista.


Kickout by Batista.

Kane doesn’t seem fazed at all, as he now waits for Batista to get up to his feet before he scoops him up onto his shoulders looking for a Running Powerslam, but Batista slips off and runs Kane into the corner. As Kane turns around, Batista looks to pick him up for the Spinebuster, but Kane suddenly steps over Batista’s head, and lifts him up for a Powerbomb that connects! Batista is withering on the canvas as Kane makes another cover!



Kickout by Batista.

JR: And can you imagine if Kane had beaten Batista there with a Powerbomb, a move Batista is very fluent with.

Booker T: That right there would’ve been a huge win for Kane in a huge way, and Batista would’ve been mad.

Kane flips his head back to get the hair away from the front of his mask, as Batista is lying face down on the canvas and he positions himself properly before stomping on the Animal’s neck viciously. Batista yowls out as Kane’s eyes clearly show the expression of hate and torment, two things you know he’s experienced in. Kane picks up Batista and whips him off the ropes, looking for a big boot, but Batista ducks, comes off the ropes, and Kane turns around just in time to eat a massive Spear from Batista! Batista lands an elbow drop on the throat of Kane before making a lateral press.



Kickout by Kane.

Batista tells the referee he needs to count faster as he pulls Kane to his feet by the hair and lands shots to the forehead. Kane stumbles back into the corner as Batista lands more shots and some kicks to the abdomen. The referee pulls him off and admonishes him, but Batista tries to move in on Kane again who’s used the time, and switches it around, landing a body shot to Batista, an uppercut, and finally a side elbow to the jaw in the corner. Batista collapses in a seated heap in the corner, and Kane uses both of his gloved, large hands to choke him, but stops as the referee reaches 4.

JR: When Kane is in the ring, it’s almost as if you can feel the hate flowing, ebbing through the ring, it’s almost supernatural.

Booker T: When Kane is in the ring, awww, it’s on, like neckbone.

Batista gasps for air in the corner as Kane once again approaches, but Batista chops the monster down to one knee with a swift kick to the kneecap. Once Kane is down, Batista lands another boot, this time to the side of the head which floors Kane. Batista now smells blood in the water, and grabs Kane’s leg and drops his elbow on it before wrenching it back, trying to soften up the leg of the giant man.

Kane reaches up to try and get Batista, but Batista lands a shot to Kane’s face. Once again he tries, but Kane is knocked back onto the canvas, but then from down on the canvas, he extends his arm and hits Batista in the chin with a huge right uppercut. The Animal’s eyes suddenly glaze over and his expression dumbs down as he collapses onto his back. Kane slowly gets to his feet, nursing the tender leg, but gets on the apron and scales the top rope, waiting like a gargoyle for Batista to get to his feet, and once he does, Kane leaps off for the clothesline, but once again Batista runs forward and nails Kane with a spear, sending him flying into the turnbuckle! Kane collapses forward onto his Big Red Face.

JR: Oh my god! Did you see that spear? Kane must be in agony!

Booker T: That one looked like it hurt, JR, I could hear it from here.

Batista makes a cover on Kane.



Kane kicks out.

Batista slams his hand on the mat in frustration as Kane kicks out again. He rubs his face, pondering his next move as Kane recovers, slowly rising to his feet. Batista waits like a lion for Kane to get to his feet, and charges once again roaring and hitting Kane with a chop block to the knee which seems to almost crumble the monster who falls to the canvas. Batista slides out of the ring, and hooks Kane’s knee onto the bottom rope, tugging and pulling at it with all he’s got, and breaks it once the referee reaches 4. Batista slides back in the ring, but then suddenly rolls back out as he pulls Kane leg first, fitting the ringpost inbetween his two giant legs. He pulls the injured spot of Kane and slams it right into the steel ringpost multiple times!

Batista smiles and pauses from the relentless attack, and suddenly Kane musters strength in his leg to push the Animal back into the barricade, hurting Batista’ lower back. Eventually, he rolls back into the ring, as Kane has got to his feet. They begin to trade shots over and over, and Kane gets the advantage, knocking Batista into the ropes, and irish whipping him off them, and lifts his good leg to smack Batista in the face with a big boot, but he relies too heavily on the injured leg, and Kane also falls down nursing his knee.

JR: Kane, the knee obviously bothering him, that knee has really been targeted to perfection by Batista.

Booker T: That’s why he’s the Animal, JR, he ain’t just brutal and dominatin’, he’s also a very precise predator when he needs to be!

Kane is unable to capitalise on Batista being down thanks to the leg. Kane crawls over the ropes and uses them to get up to his feet, as Batista gets up and tries again to rush The Big Red Machine, but Kane’s ready this time and once again hits him with a big uppercut that stuns him. Kane uses all he can muster to get a running start and leap through the air, hitting Batista with a flying clothesline! Kane makes the cover!



Another kickout by the Animal.

Kane is now sitting and shaking his head thinking. He eventually flips his hair back away from his mask again and sits up, all the adrenaline he has going helping him to ignore his injured leg. He signals for the chokeslam, his hand raised and open to grab Batista’s throat, and as Batista gets up, he does, but Batista kicks him in the knee again, and Kane falls to one knee and the Animal hits a snap DDT! Batista sits up smiling and crawls over to Kane for a cover, but suddenly his gloved hand grabs Batista by the larynx, and he lifts him into the air!

Booker T: Ohhhh my goodness!

JR: Yes, Kane, do it! The Big Red Machine….THE BIG RED MACHINE! YES!

JR yells in excitement as Kane throws almost 300 pounds down to hell with the Chokeslam with one hand. But before Kane can make a cover, he falls to one side due to all the weight he’s just lifted. Eventually, Kane crawls over and makes a cover.



Th- Batista kicks out!

The crowd actually pop for Batista as Kane looks down at The Animal, in even more rage than perhaps he ever has. Kane grabs him by the scalp and pulls him up to his feet, seemingly his anger allowing him to ignore his leg, as picks Batista up for the tombstone, but before he can fully get him in position, Batista wriggles off of Kane, and shoves him away so that he rebounds off the ropes, and Batista does the unthinkable by lifting up over 300 pounds of Hellfire and Brimstone, and slamming it to the mat with a Spinebuster!

JR: Oh my gawd! BAH GAWD! Spinebuster! Spinebuster by Batista!

Booker T: doesn’t even have time to speak as Batista crawls over to make a cover.



Th- Kane kicks out!

Batista sits up with a shocked expression on his face, and holds his head in his hands thinking about what he has to do now. He realizes what he must do as he climbs the turnbuckle for the second time in this match, and dives off looking for an elbow drop to the black and corrupted heart of The Monster, but Kane sits up just in the nick of time, and Batista lands right on his arm! Batista holds his elbow in pain as Kane probably smiles under the mask, and grabs Batista by the throat pulling him to his feet, looking for the Chokeslam again, but Batista clubs his arm away, kicks him in the gut, which may or may not have been downstairs, and hooks him up, and the fuse is lit, using all of his strength, Batista plants Kane with the Batista Bomb! He covers!




Here is your winner at 15:32, The Animal, BATISTA!


Batista then leaves the ring, shortly after Kane recovers as he heads out the back. We then hear a song that isn't so familiar.


The CWF Universe burst into cheers as Alex Riley makes his way out from the back. Riley emerges with a smile on his face as he stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the positive atmosphere. Riley looks around at the crowd for a moment before deciding to walk down the ramp and towards the ring


Riley high-fives some fans as he rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps. He stands on the ring apron with the smile still on his face, before entering the ring. Riley walks over to the turnbuckle, climbs up it and raises his arm in the air. The CWF Universe cheers him as he gets off the turnbuckle, reaches through the ring ropes and is handed a microphone from an official. Riley walks to the middle of the ring and raises the microphone to his mouth


Alex Riley

I'm sure most of you are wondering why I'm out here tonight, and I'm about to get to that in a moment, but what I'd like to begin with first is just a simple apology. Now what do I have to apologise about? What mistake could Alex Riley possibly have made in his first two weeks with the company to cause him to throw away his pride for a moment and just lay it all out there on the line? Well, it's quite simple. My first night as a CWF superstar, I ran down to this ring and attacked The Big Red Machine, Kane. Luckily for me, Kane has had other business to take care of and hasn't exacted revenge on me just yet, which is why I'm taking this moment to first of all apologise for what I did... but also to explain why I went after Kane two weeks ago on Honor.

Riley pauses for a moment and gazes out to the UCW Universe, all of whom are listening to his every word

Frankly - and I'm going to be one hundred percent honest with you all here - I did it for just one reason. It doesn't take a genius to recognise the fantastic career that Kane has had, and I personally feel he will be a Hall of Famer one day. It's an inevitable fact that only an ignorant asshole would shy away from, because The Big Red Machine, mask or no mask, is one of the most intimidating and one of the most dangerous superstars in history, but what trumps all of that is the amount of success he has achieved. So if you haven't put together the puzzle quite yet, allow me to do it for you. I attacked Kane because he is one of the big dogs in CWF, and one day I'd like to be in his exact position.

The CWF Universe react quite positively to Riley's explanation, which Riley grins to

I don't expect Kane to forgive me for what I did, but I promise to each and every one of you right now that I'm ready for whatever is about to come my way. Guaranteed I dropped the ball last week by arriving late to the arena, which meant no explanation regarding my actions and a lack of preparation for my match against Brock Lesnar, but I'm still new to this business. So although I've let a lot of people down, all I can do from here is right my wrongs and prove why I will one day have my name up in lights. I'm going to prove to all of you, as well as the superstars in the back, that I can become a big-time player in the professional wrestling business.

Again the CWF Universe react positively to Riley's words

I have big dreams, giant aspirations, and two minor bumps on the road aren't going to stop me from achieving what I've set out to achieve. I've dreamt of just making it to this spot my entire life, and now that I've made it, I need to reset my goals and scale new heights. I'm thinking the only way to make that happen, is if I grab a hold of something... I don't know, gold maybe? All I can suggest is for you all to watch this space, because Alex Riley is in the building, and he's here to stay!

Riley's arm falls to his side as a massive smile creeps onto his face the very moment the CWF Universe burst into cheers. Riley drops the microphone in the middle of the ring, before climbing out and walking over to the ring barrier. Riley begins to high-five a few fans while proceeding to walk towards the top of the stage, seemingly very pleased with everything he had to say. Riley doesn't turn back around, choosing not to milk the situation any further and just walking to the back to allow the pay-per-view to move on.

JR: Now it's time for some Hardcore action!

Invasion fades back to the ring as the bell rings to signify a new match and the theme of a familiar man plays.


The Hardcore Champion appears from the back, fired and up ready to defend his title in a Last Man Standing Hardcore match, despite the brutality of the match and the odds against him in who he's facing. But then again, why should he be worried? He's faced this man before. Sheamus reaches the ring and takes off his Celtic Cross necklace and drops it in the corner below the turnbuckle as the crowd are cheering him on. He displays his title once more for the fans before he hands the title to the referee and we await the challenger.


The new and perhaps improved John Cena appears from behind the curtain, and like Sheamus is fired up as always. The crowd mainly boo him, but you can tell there are a few cheers in there from the hardcore Cena fans. He smirks as he looks like he's going to throw his cap, but simply drops it on the floor and shrugs as the crowd boo him for it. He gets into the ring and takes off his shirt and drops it. He kisses his dogtag and hands it to the referee who nods his head. He presents the title up above his head as the bell rings three times and the match begins!


Cena and Sheamus circle in the ring and lock up in the middle, before Sheamus slyly knees Cena in the midsection, clubs him in the back and throws him through the middle rope, so soon. Sheamus follows him to the outside and kicks him in the abdomen as he tries to get up. Sheamus pulls up the ring skirt and reaches in and retrieves a menacing looking steel chair. As he turns around to use it on Cena though, Cena ducks to his knees and low blows Sheamus, Sheamus drops the chair to the side, and Cena suddenly scoops him up onto his Shoulders and AA’s him onto the ring barricade!

JR: Oh my gawd! Did you see that Booker? So early in the match and Cena hits the Attitude Adjustor.

Booker: Gone’ have to correct you there, JR, it’s an Attitude ADJUSTMENT. But there’s mah dawg, John Cena showin’ why he’s one of the best.

Sheamus never actually falls to the floor as he stays almost impaled on the barricade separating the ring from the fans. Cena gets a weird look in his eye as he takes the chair and unfolds it, into a sitting position below Sheamus. He wraps his arm around his neck, and signals for a reverse DDT onto the sitting chair. Cena roars out to the crowd but takes too much time as Sheamus slides off and is on the other side of the chair, he kicks Cena in the gut and quickly hits him with a snap DDT of his own that plants Cena headfirst right onto the chair seat, which snaps off! Sheamus gets to his feet quickly as the referee counts on Cena.





Cena stands up. The Referee has gotten to 4 pretty soon in the match up already, and Sheamus is not happy that it wasn’t a double digit, so as Cena stands up he smashes him into the ring post at ringside and leaves him doubled over on the steel steps. Sheamus gets up onto the second step, and lifts his heavy arms, bringing them down looking for an axe handle, but Cena quickly jerks his head back and Sheamus’ arms land painfully on the edge of the top step. Cena is quick to capitalise as he picks up the separated chair seat and brings it down on Sheamus’ forearms, as the Celtic Warrior rolls off the steps and writhes in pain on the floor. He sits up, tending to his arms as Cena smiles on.

JR: What a sickening thud onto Sheamus’ arms with that separated chairseat, I haven’t seen anything like that.

Booker T: JR, I gotta agree witchu’, I think we’re gonna see some things tonight we never even dreamed of, dawg.

Sheamus gets to his feet, using the announce table to support himself, as Cena comes over and smacks his head off it. Cena tears off the covering and rips out the monitor and wires of the Spanish announce table, but as he turns around Sheamus has gotten another chair from under the ring and smacks him in the head with it! Cena stumbles to the side and falls to one knee as Sheamus notices a stray wire from the table. He licks his chops and grabs the wire, before wrapping it around the steel chair he has in his hand. With the wire firmly attached, he turns to the stunned Cena who has his back to him.

Sheamus suddenly runs forward and smacks the Wire-wrapped chair right into Cena’s back. Cena yowls out in pain and tries to crawl forward away, but Sheamus relentlessly continues the assault, battering Cena’s back with the wire-wrapped chair until Cena falls flat down. You can see some blood trickle from wounds on Cena’s back as Sheamus beats his chest and yells out at the crowd, who cheer in return. The referee begins his count to a ten as Cena is down.






Cena gets to his feet and Sheamus is dumbfounded, he is positive that Cena should’ve stayed down. To him, it’s no matter as he now smacks Cena in the back again with the chair and Cena once again yells out and leans against the ring apron, facing towards Sheamus. Sheamus smiles and runs at Cena, but he kicks him in the gut and quickly hooks him up for a Fisherman’s Suplex, which he lands on the nearby steel steps! Sheamus is motionless on the steps, as Cena raises his hands and makes his Word Life signal with one hand and the “OK†with the other and screams out at the crowd, who boo him in return. Cena shakes his head and says something about Cleveland’s football team as the referee is counting on Sheamus.






Sheamus stands up holding his back in pain. Cena walks over smiling and says. “Shoulda stayed down.†He lands a few closed fists to Sheamus’ head as Sheamus stumbled back and rolled into the ring to avoid Cena. John follows him, as Sheamus has gathered some space and charges at Cena with an axe handle as he gets in, but Cena is wise to it as he drops Sheamus with a drop toe hold, and quickly locks in the STF-U!

JR: Bah Gawd! The STF-U! This match is a blockbuster, if you take the opinion of my good self!

Booker T: I don’t see what anyone could say about it JR, look at that right there!

Sheamus screams out in pain as he’s trapped in the STF-U, as the crowd boo Cena, at least the majority. Sheamus crawls and in a futile attempt, reaches the ropes, but Cena doesn’t have to release the hold. Sheamus realises he can’t afford to pass out from the pain, so his hands scramble around looking for something to use, and he grabs his Celtic Cross necklace that he left in the corner earlier, and without hesitation, jabs it right at Cena’s face. Cena holds his forehead and rolls off of Sheamus, his face on the mat. Sheamus is lying, severely damaged on the canvas as Cena lays there face down. The referee begins to count out both of them.






Sheamus stands up.



Cena gets up, but the camera can now clearly make out that the leader of the Chain Gang is a bloody mess, as it drips from his forehead down onto the canvas and after a few seconds, he is wearing the proverbial crimson mask. The Great White smells blood in water as he pushes Cena over onto his back and starts landing unprotected to the wound on the forehead of Cena. Sheamus’ hand is soon stained with the blood of Cena, as Sheamus rolls out of the ring and once again, pulls up the ring skirt and finds a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. Cena has rolled out of the ring, holding onto the ring apron, and starts back away from Sheamus towards the corner of the ring barrier.

JR: Oh my god….that baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, if Sheamus were to use that there’s no telling what it would do to Cena’s face.

Booker T: It’d grate it like cheese, JR!

Sheamus roars out and comes running at Cena with it held high over his head, but Cena reacts too quickly and kicks him right in the testicles. Sheamus doubles over in pain holding his cajones, as Cena, using all the strength he can muster, sticks Sheamus inbetween his legs, and picks him up for a powerbomb. But instead of hitting him onto the concrete, Cena runs right towards the ring barricade, and using all of his strength, powerbombs Sheamus through it. Various fans and security dive out of the way, as the majority of the crowd ohhhh. The referee looks shocked as he counts them out regardless.

JR: BAH GAWD! Did you seek that Booker?! A powerbomb through the barricade!

Booker T: Dawg, what did I tell ya? This one is gone be off the chain!







Cena stands up.



Sheamus stands up. Cena is leaning against the barricade, his blood now staining the concrete, as he tries to get away from Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior follows him and clubs him in the back where the wounds there are still opening up. Sheamus, unharmed in comparison to Cena, beats his chest and spreads his arms for the crowd. But what he doesn’t notice when Cena is on one knee is he detaches the belt buckle from his belt, and as Sheamus approaches, he turns around and clocks him right in the face with it! Sheamus stumbles back holding his face, as Cena continues up the aisle towards the stage, where a large model of a tank is to fit the name “Invasionâ€. A spotlight shines on the tank from the side, just off the stage.

JR: Cena, wisely hitting Sheamus with that belt buckle. If we can get a shot of Sheamus’ face..

Booker T: Oh man, dawg, looks like the human jar of mayonnaise is now a ketchup surprise.

JR looks at Booker weirdly as we get a shot of Sheamus’ face, and he is indeed bleeding from his head. Sheamus holds his head in pain before he follows Cena up the ramp onto the stage. Cena is leaning against the model Tank, his blood dripping onto the camo paint turning it red. Sheamus readies himself, and dives at Cena as he turns around looking for a Brogue Kick, but Cena ducks, and as Sheamus turns around he runs at him, but Sheamus sidesteps him and smacks Cena’s face right into the gun barrel of the tank! The barrel moves slightly as Sheamus falls over onto his back. The ref counts him out.






Cena decides that he hasn’t hurt Sheamus enough to be content, and he picks him up to his feet and smacks him off the side of the tank, stunning the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus stumbles back to the end of the stage, and has the werewithall to jump down from it and land on his feet, as Cena shakes his head, and the crowd are booing. Sheamus falls to the one knee as Cena comes over and DDT’s him to the floor. Cena once again picks up Sheamus, but this time onto his shoulders. Cena has Sheamus in position, and looks over at the electrical equipment at the back of the arena. He points to it with his index finger, and the crowds’ boos intensify as he strolls towards it with Sheamus on his shoulders.

JR: Oh god no…what is Cena thinking? Oh my god, no, you can’t do that!

Booker T: Cena has to go to all new lengths to put down Sheamus!

Cena gets close to the barrier blocking the electrical equipment from him, and smiles before getting at the right angle to throw Sheamus. Before he can, though, Sheamus quickly lands a barrage of side elbows to his temple, Sheamus leaps off and hits him with a Brogue Kick! Cena falls against the barrier, but doesn’t go through it as Sheamus looks to change that. Quick as he can, Sheamus hoists Cena up onto his shoulders for the High Cross, and lets out a primal roar as he runs towards the barrier! Sheamus falls forward onto his stomach as he tosses Cena into the electrical equipment! The referee counts!











Your winner at 29:34, and STILL Hardcore Champion: SHEAMUS!


JR: What a contest!



Nintendo64, plugging because it's cool to be old school!




'Nonpoint - Vengeance' begins playing throughout the PA System as Christian slowly walks from behind the curtain, the crowd is giving him a mixed-reaction but cheers are heard. Christian is making his way down to the ring as he steps up on the steel steps before laughing at the crowd motioning the title.

Christian is cut off by the lights as they cut off all over the arena. And then a haunting theme begins.


â€Trauma†by Tech N9ne begins to play through the arena as the lights come back on and on the stage stand the most powerful duo in CWF. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman.

The duo make their way down the ramp. Paul walks up the steps and enters the ring as Brock hops from the floor to the apron. He enters the ring as he looks at Christian.

The lights suddenly go down inside the arena and the familiar whisperings of The Coven's theme begin to be heard throughout the arena.



'Fangin' n' Bangin' hits the PA system and the crowd begin to stir, in fear and in hatred they boo the immediate entrance of The Coven. A fiery circle forms on the stage, and from the fire emerge Kevin Thorn, Ariel by his side and his minions trailing behind him. They walk out from the fire in that order as the crowd begin to rain down with boo's.


The blood thirsty cult make their ways down the ramp as a unit as the crowd continue to boo. Thorn has not take his eyes off of Lesnar and Christian since he emerged from the fiery pit. Ariel takes the lead and walks round to the side of the ring, she then props herself up and then gets herself into her signature bat pose as Kevin Thorn locks lips with her. Ariel then swings down and sits on the middle rope and allows Thorn to enter. Judas Mesias has slithered into the ring at this point. Gangrel stands on the ring steps, goblet of blood in hand. He takes a gulp before spitting the blood up into the air, it lands down on him covering him in blood. Gangrel then steps into the ring. The lights then return to their normal state as Ariel hops off the apron as she looks on as the bell then sounds.


Thorn, Lesnar and Christian have a strange three-way staredown from each of their respective corners. Suddenly, Thorn and Christian both charge Lesnar, hitting him with clubbing blows to the back and to the head, trying to force him down. They eventually do, and Christian signals to Thorn for a double suplex, and so they have more room, they drag Brock to the middle of the ring first, and look for the double team, but Brock Lesnar reverses and suplexes both of them over his head at the same time!

JR: Lesnar there, great pure athlete, showing his brute strength.

Booker T: Brock Lesnar is gonna be a primetime player, right here in the CWF.

As Christian and Thorn each get up he double clotheslines them, and Christian gets up in the middle of the ring as Thorn wisely rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope. Lesnar hits Christian with an Exploder Suplex of sorts, and Christian lands near the corner. Captain Charisma recovers in the corner, as Lesnar charges at him, Christian suddenly jumps into the ropes and Lesnar meets a dead end before he meets Christian’s feet as he’s hit with a Pendulum Kick! Christian scales the top rope as Lesnar is stunned and leaps off, hitting him with a Missile Dropkick. Suddenly Thorn rolls back in to the ring, and as Christian turns around, Thorn picks him up for a scoop slam, which he hits by slamming Christian onto Lesnar.

Thorn looks pleased with himself as he drops an elbow on Christian’s abdomen which damages both men, and goes for it again but Christian raises his foot which catches Thorn in the lip and he stumbles back to the ropes. Suddenly, Lesnar grips Christian and stands up, flips him around, and puts him on his shoulders, going for the F5, but Christian slips out the back while also hooking his head and hitting him with a Reverse DDT! Christian gets up and notices Thorn, so he hits him with a few right hands backing Thorn up to the ropes, who he whips off them, and Lesnar ducks him.

JR: I see something happening here, Booker…

Booker T: Oh my good-

Before Booker can speak, Lesnar has turned around and crouches, Thorn tries to leapfrog him, but Lesnar stands up in time to catch him in an Electric Chair, before spinning around and dropping back as Christian also catches Thorn with a neckbreaker. Thorn lies writhing on the canvas as Christian tries to land various shots to Lesnar, and irish whip him, but Lesnar pulls back on the arm and hits a short-arm clothesline which turns Christian inside out as Lesnar makes a quick cover on Christian!


Kickout by Christian.

Lesnar quickly pulls Christian to his feet and pushes him into the corner, and places him on the top rope. Lesnar himself begins to climb up, but Christian once again lands right hands to Lesnar, but now Lesnar fights back, hitting Christian with his own huge right, taking him aback and leaving him on dream street on the top rope. Lesnar gets to the very top and hooks Christian up for a superplex, but suddenly Thorn comes in from nowhere, leaps onto the second rope and hooks around Lesnar’s waist, using all his strength to toss him back with a German Suplex, as Christian is launched by the Superplex as well!

JR: Bah gawd! Just like at Starrcade, that damn Kevin Thorn nearly breaks another man’s neck!

Booker T: JR, how come you never hooked me up with this job earlier?

All three men lie motionless as Kevin Thorn finally crawls over to cover Lesnar.



Lesnar kicks out.

Thorn looks frustrated that Lesnar kicked out, but notices Christian lying further down the ring. He quickly scrambles over to cover him.



Kickout by Christian!

Thorn looks even more livid as he slams his hand on the mat, clearly upset over that not being a three as he lifts Christian to his feet, and sets him up for some kind of Tiger Bomb variation. Kevin Thorn uses the momentum of the Tiger Bomb to plant Christian and quickly covers his shoulders!

Lesnar breaks it up! Lesnar runs up and boots Thorn in the side of the head and right off Christian. Lesnar stomps on Thorn and stands on him, using the ropes as leverage to cause more damage to the sternum. The referee cannot disqualify Lesnar, so he allows him to continue until Lesnar sees fit to let go, and he looks quite pleased with himself. Suddenly though, as he leans down to pick up Thorn, he pulls a trick from his hat, and shoots red mist from his mouth into Lesnar’s face! Lesnar holds his face and backs up into the corner, where Thorn leaps onto the second rope and starts to pound Lesnar with unprotected shots to the head.

JR: Thorn pulling out some red mist, it wouldn’t surprise me if this headcase is trying to draw blood now.

Booker T: That IS kind of what he’s about, JR…

He doesn’t get a chance to though, as Lesnar suddenly shows signs of life grabbing Thorn around the legs and running forward, Thorn is in a lot of trouble, but suddenly Christian hits Lesnar with a drop toe hold, so not only is Thorn nailed with a powerbomb, Lesnar’s forehead crashes right into his groin, and Lesnar is also stunned from the fall. Christian takes the opportunity to cover Thorn!



Thorn grabs the rope! The official points out to Christian that Thorn has his hand tightly wrapped around the bottom rope and Christian cannot believe it. He lets out a sigh of exasperation and throws his arms in the air, clearly upset by the decision. He stomps on the forehead of Lesnar, and quickly scales the top turnbuckle, and flies off, looking for a splash on Brock, but all he gets is a stomach full of knees, and Christian bounces off the knees of Lesnar and lands on the opposite side, holding his sternum, as Lesnar gets to his feet. Thorn suddenly runs at Lesnar, but he’s ready and catches him with a stalling Belly to Belly suplex, which catapults Thorn into the corner, and his legs get trapped in the top in a tree of woe position. Lesnar gets an idea as he picks up Christian in a backbreaker position, runs with him and uses him as a battering ram against Thorn, then runs back and derails Christian with a Front Slam! Lesnar makes the cover!



Kickout by Christian.

JR: Many pinfall attempts in this match, which just goes to show you how much all of these men want to be champion.

Booker T: And that includes the current Intercontinental Champion, Brock Lesnar.

The Lesnar that Booker T speaks of looks disappointed as he sits on his knees considering what to do next, but doesn’t notice Thorn coming up behind him, who quickly locks in a sleeper hold! Lesnar tries punches at the arms of Thorn to get him off, but suddenly Thorn’s fangs dive into the forehead of Lesnar, who backs up into a turnbuckle sending Thorn spine-first into it, then facing towards the ropes and bucking Thorn off of his back all the way onto the floor outside!

Lesnar turns around to Christian kicking him square in the testicles, and then hitting him with a snap DDT to try and keep the big man down. He kicks Lesnar in the guy while he’s down, forcing him to sit up, and Christian shoots off the ropes and hits Lesnar in the face with a dropkick, before he tries making a cover.



Lesnar kicks out. Christian slaps his hand on the mat, screams “Damnit!†and complains to the referee that his count is far too slow. Thorn still lies relatively hurt on the outside, as Christian leans through the second rope to the grab him, Thorn nails him with an uppercut, and hooks the head, suddenly hitting him with an Original Sin on the outside!

JR: Original Sin! The Rope-Hung Stunner by Kevin Thorn, that has to take the wind outta Christian’s sails!

Booker T: I gotta agree witchu, JR, that was just deadly.

Thorn climbs into the ring and stands across it from Lesnar. The two square up, before eventually they start trading shots, when Lesnar hits one he gets a cheer, and when Kevin nails yet another closed fist, he gets some boos. He eventually hits enough to start backing up the mammoth of a man that is Brock Lesnar up to the ropes, and rebounds him off them, goes for a clothesline but Lesnar ducks, and shoots off again looking for one of his own, but suddenly Thorn catches the arm with a takedown and locks Brock Lesnar in a crossface! Lesnar yells out in pain, reaching for any and all ways of escape that he can muster. Using all his strength, Lesnar eventually starts to stand with Thorn still having the crossface locked in, and Lesnar suddenly manages to land him onto his Shoulders, and crumples him to the canvas with an F5! Lesnar makes a cover…



Kickout by Kevin Thorn!

The crowd pop loudly for Kevin Thorn, which is a change, but they have to for his tremendous feat of kicking out of such a brutal move such as the F5. Lesnar looks down at Thorn shocked that he kicked out, but he doesn’t have time to consider it, as Christian has recovered and smacks him in the back with a steel chair! Lesnar howls out in pain as Christian hits him with the chair again and again, trying to keep this beast of a man on the ground.

JR: Christian, showing an extreme amount of brutality here, perhaps trying to break Lesnar’s will.

Booker T: Trust me when I say this, JR, that’s far easier said than done.

Christian eventually lets up with the chair and a strange idea starts to congregate in the mind of captain Charisma. First, as Kevin Thorn recovers he smacks him in the forehead with the chair, and then places the chair inbetween the top and second turnbuckles, as one of the masters of chair is ready to show his expertise. Christian tries to pick up Lesnar in a front headlock, but Lesnar suddenly has a spark of life and runs forward with Christian in a bearhug like position, not realizing the chair is there until too late, and it crashes into his skull. Christian’s back also hits the turnbuckle padding, and he falls forward onto the collapsing Lesnar by chance for the cover.



Lesnar has his foot on the rope!

Christian can’t belive it, as he pulls out the chair in rage, looking to hit Lesnar, but notices the top rope and gets an idea. He drops the chair in front of it, and using all his strength puts Lesnar on the top rope facing away from the ring. Christian does his best to balance on the rope as he has Lesnar in position for a Killswitch off the top rope onto the chair. Suddenly, as he yells out, Kevin Thorn runs in, and hits the rope, causing Lesnar to fall out to the outside onto the steel steps, and Christian gets crotched on the rope, Thorn quickly hooks his head again and hits him with the Original Sin! The cover!






Your winner at 29:31, and NEW CWF Champion, KEVIN THORN!


Thorn is relieved the match is over, he holds up the new CWF Championship up high

JR: What a night it has been!

Booker T: We gon' cut to a quick commercial and when we come back we're gonna see Finlay take on Edge!


Live Steaming CWF Invasion Tonight!




The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off.




Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin..


They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd, and continues to take it all in before walking over and grabbing the mic. He has a quick glance at Edge but soon enough....



Booker T: What da hell is Ryder doin' 'ere?

Ryder has a microphone in his hand as he addresses the crowd.

Zack Ryder: Are you serious bro? The main event of the night is going to be some singles match? Nah bro! I'm going to spike things up 'ere, we're gonna see somethin' truly amazing. You want somethin' better than the original singles match? I'm going to do something that's never been done before in the business of professional wrestling I believe... I'm going to make this match a ZACKATHON, this is a 5 series match. Best of 5 happens here and there's stipulations all round. Now, here's the list.

The titantron lights up as we see the list.

Match 1 - Submission Match
Match 2 - Opponents Finisher Match
Match 3 - Falls Count Anywhere Match
Match 4 - Tables Match
Match 5 - Sadistic Madness Match
Zack Ryder: The rules are quite simple. Now that's what I call a ZACKATHON! Woo, Woo, Woo, YOU KNOW IT!

Ryder leaves as the cameras go to the ring as Tony Chimel is there.

Tony Chimel: Now for our main event of the night it is a ZACKATHON and it is for the CWF Heavyweight Championship, Finlay and Edge must compete in all five matches here with the superstar winning the most being the Heavyweight Champion and first weighing in at 240lbs from Toronto, Ontario, Canada he is the number one contender, EDGEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

The crowd cheers heavily for Edge as a chant begins firing up as Tony Chimel then continues on.

Tony Chimel: And weighing in at 230lbs from Belfast, Northern Ireland he is your CWF Heavyweight Champion, FINLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Booker T: Oh Boy! Da first match bein' a submission match. You ready for da ZACKATHON JR?!


- Ding Ding Ding -

The bell sounds as Finlay and Edge circle around the ring as Edge quickly grabs Finlay around the waist as Finlay quickly reverses and looks for a German Suplex but Edge quickly turns around as he connects with a drop toe hold as Edge looks for the Crippler's Crossface but Finlay quickly flips over as Finlay gets to his feet as Edge gets up only to receive a dropkick from Finlay. Finlay then grabs Edge's leg as Finlay connects with a leg DDT before turning Edge over as Finlay looks for a Single Leg Boston Crab. Finlay tries to apply more pressure but Edge crawls as he grabs the ropes, Finlay doesn't let go instead he gets to a standing position as he turns around before kicking Edge in the shin. The referee pulls Finlay back as Hornswoggle is seen coming from under the ring as he gets onto the steel steps but Lita tries to provoke him, Lita goes after Hornswoggle but Hornswoggle spits green liquid in the face of Lita as Lita rushes to the announcer's table wanting a towel. The cameras rush back to the ring where Edge is up on his feet as he has Finlay in a headlock, Finlay pushes Edge away as Edge bounces off the ropes as he comes back with a shoulder-block as Finlay falls to the mat. Edge grabs Finlay's leg but Finlay kicks Edge as Finlay gets to his feet and looks for a DDT but Edge reverses and hits an Edgecution!

Booker T: What a counter by the Rated R Superstar, Edge!

Edge quickly flips over as he looks for the Crippler's Crossface once again as Edge goes to apply but Finlay bites Edge's wrist as Edge lets go of the hold as he holds his wrist, the referee wondering what just happened. The referee goes to check up on Edge as Hornswoggle tosses a Shillelagh to Finlay as Finlay hides it under the corner turnbuckle. Finlay grabs Edge and Irish-whips him towards the ropes but Edge reverses as Finlay grabs the ropes and stays put. Lita gets turns around to see the action as Edge rushes for a spear towards Finlay but Finlay moves out of the way on time as Edge goes through the top and middle ropes as he crashes into Lita by accident!

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD! Edge doing mistakes, especially last week on WAR with the accidental spear on Sheamus... now this. This isn't looking good Booker...

Booker T: This is insane, Finlay has outsmarted him twice 'ere dawg!

Finlay slides out of the ring as he grabs Edge as Finlay goes to toss Edge towards the steel post but Edge reverses as Finlay crashes into the steel steps / steel post. Edge looks at Lita and notices she's knocked out as Edge goes to her aide as the referee checks up on Finlay, Hornswoggle sneaks from behind with the Shillelagh as he delivers a low blow on Edge. Edge drops to his knees as Finlay gets to his feet as he charges at Edge and connects with a High Knee. Finlay grabs Edge and rolls him in the ring as Finlay grabs Edge and places him on his shoulders but Edge backslides somehow as he rolls Finlay in a schoolboy pin which is only allowing Edge to roll back and grab Finlay's legs as Edge flips Finlay over and locks in the Boston Crab. Finlay is struggling here but he crawls towards the ropes, Edge brings him back to the middle of the ring but Finlay continues to crawl once more as he finally makes the ropes. Edge lets go of the hold as Edge grabs Finlay from behind and goes for a Reverse DDT but Finlay reverses quick enough before delivering a German Suplex. Finlay still holding onto Edge's waist goes for another German Suplex which connects as Finlay then turns clockwise across the mat as he grabs Edge's left arm before rolling against the mat before locking in a double under hook hold. Edge is struggling here as Finlay holds onto the double underhook hold long enough, Finlay then still holding onto the double underhook manages to use his feet to guide him up. Edge then bends over as Finlay flips over and the move is now seen as a Cattle Mutilation, Edge struggles even worse as he then taps out.

Booker T: What a submission hold! Dat's Finlay 1 - Edge 0. Now it's time for an Opponent's Finisher Match

JR: This should be interesting here...


Finlay lets go of the hold as Round Two begins instantly, Finlay grabs Edge as Finlay is looking to hit the Edgecution but Edge pushes Finlay back. Finlay charges at Edge but Edge tosses him towards the corner turnbuckle as Edge then connects with a spear towards the corner turnbuckle as Edge then places Finlay onto the top rope. Edge then steps up onto the second ropes as he begins punching Finlay, Finlay tries to fight back but Edge connects with another punch once again. Edge looks for a Superplex but Finlay is holding the ropes, Edge then connects with an elbow strike on Finlay as Edge gets onto the top rope as Edge begins punching Finlay before placing him on his shoulders. Edge then leaps off the top rope with a Rolling Hills which connects as Edge quickly looks for a pinfall.




Booker T: You've got to be kiddin' me!


Edge goes for a pinfall once again but the referee tells him it's not going to count and that he has to hit the opponent's finisher once again before making a pinfall for it to be successful. Edge isn't pleased as Hornswoggle somehow gets into the ring as he taps Edge's leg. Edge turns around as Hornswoggle tries to stomp his feet but Edge picks Hornswoggle up as the referee tells Edge to put him down, Edge does so. The referee looks at Hornswoggle and tells him that he is now banned from ringside, as Finlay gets to his feet and sees this, he charges at Edge looking for a spear but Edge moves out of the way as Finlay crashes into the steel post. Hornswoggle then leaves the ring as the referee orders him to, Edge grabs Finlay and lifts Finlay to his shoulders as Edge looks for a Celtic Cross but Finlay reverses with a quick backslide as Finlay looks to lock in the Sharpshooter but Edge kicks Finlay as Finlay falls to the mat, both men get to their feet quickly as Edge knees Finlay in the abdomen section before connecting with a DDT. Edge then goes onto the apron as he climbs up onto the top rope as Edge leaps off as Finlay is on his feet as Edge connects with a Cross-body. Edge then rolls towards near the ropes as Finlay slowly gets to his feet, Edge grabs him from behind and delivers a German Suplex as Edge then grabs Finlay and places him to his feet before placing Finlay on Edge's shoulders as Edge goes for the Celtic Cross and it connects!





Winner of Round 2 (Opponent's Finisher), EDGE!


Round 3 - Falls Count Anywhere Match

Edge looks for another pin straight away.



Edge slides out of the ring as he grabs a steel chair before sliding back into the ring, Finlay is on his knees as he jumps from his position and hits a dropkick on Edge as Edge hits himself with the chair and falls back. Finlay crawls across the ring as he grabs the ropes and takes a breather. Edge is still on the mat, Finlay walks up to him as Finlay places the chair on his head as Finlay takes a few steps back before looking for a Leg Drop as Edge quickly tosses the chair away, Finlay still connects with the Leg Drop. Finlay gets to his feet as Finlay gets onto the apron side as Finlay climbs up the top rope as Lita is recovering from the bump she took earlier, Lita jumps up onto the apron as she tries to distract Finlay. Finlay hops down from the top rope as Edge manages to punch Finlay as he is knocked off the apron, Lita looks at Edge as she holds his neck and utters a few words. Edge gives her a kiss, Lita then gets onto the top rope and nods at Edge before Finlay gets up. Lita then goes for a Litasault but Finlay manages to catch her as Finlay then connects with the Rolling Hills on Lita. Finlay gets up quickly as he grabs Lita, Edge slides out of the ring and charges at Finlay but Finlay pushes Lita into Edge as Edge stops suddenly and grabs Lita. Edge then grabs Lita and places her on a chair, Edge then chases after Finlay who is nearing the entrance ramp. Edge charges at Finlay as Finlay charges at Edge as they both connect with a clothesline which sends both down.

Booker T: Dis is WAR, I tell ya JR! I'm gonna hav' to give Lita me seat dawg!

As Booker T stands up and helps Lita to sit on his chair, Edge and Finlay are trying to get to their feet but Edge is on his knees as he punches Finlay, Finlay then punches Edge straight after as both lock up as they slowly get to their feet, Edge manages to connect a punch on Finlay as Edge punches once again before grabbing Finlay and walking him up the entrance ramp before slamming his head against a stage prop. Edge repeats it a few more times before taking Finlay backstage. Edge grabs Finlay as Edge punches a few more times as Edge sees a few weapons laying around, Edge grabs the trash can as he goes to hit Finlay with it but Finlay ducks as Edge turns around as Finlay hits a spear as Edge falls back onto the floor, the trash can rolls down the hall. Finlay grabs the fire extinguisher as he prepares to hit Edge in the chest with it but Finlay gets kicked in the face as the camera rolls and it's Sheamus!


Sheamus grabs Finlay as Sheamus connects with a side slam backbreaker before grabbing Finlay and dragging him along towards the parking lot. Edge slowly gets to his feet as he sees what Sheamus is doing from the distance, Edge gets up and rushes towards the parking lot. The cameras get to the parking lot as Sheamus has Finlay near a car as Sheamus yells out for Edge to spear Finlay. Edge looks weary after what happened on WAR last week, Edge then goes for a spear on Finlay which connects as Finlay falls back as Finlay slides across a car bonnet as Finlay falls back on the other side somewhat landing on his feet. Edge gets up on the car bonnet but Finlay has a Shillelagh in his hand as Finlay hits Edge with the Shillelagh right in the head as Edge falls back as he lies motionlessly on the car bonnet as Sheamus is looking on.

Booker T: DA HELL Finlay get dat Shillelagh from?!

Finlay gets up as the referee is there as Finlay goes to pin Edge.



SHEAMUS BREAKS IT UP. Sheamus grabs Finlay and shakes his head as Sheamus kicks Finlay in the abdomen section before dragging him on top of the car. Sheamus tells the referee to move Edge off the bonnet as the referee helps Edge out, Sheamus grabs Finlay and places him in a Crucifix Powerbomb position but Finlay backslides as Sheamus turns around as Finlay grabs Sheamus and places him on his shoulder as Finlay goes for the rolling hills as Sheamus crashes into the windscreen of the car as Finlay rolls off the bonnet. The camera zooms in on Sheamus who is bleeding heavily completely laid out as the car alarm blares out loudly. Edge gets to his feet as he grabs Finlay and connects with an Edgecution as Finlay's head hits the side of the car, Finlay falls back as Edge goes for the pinfall.




Winner of Round 3 (Falls Count Anywhere Match) - EDGE!


Round 4: Tables Match

JR: Edge has hit the lead! If he can secure this pinfall then he has this won even though Round 5 is still needed.

Booker T: Come on Edge, just find a table!

Edge grabs Finlay and drags him up to his feet as Edge grabs him as Edge punches Finlay a few times as they head back into the arena, Edge opens the door as they go through the merchandise stand area. Edge grabs Finlay as Edge prepares for a powerbomb but a man grabs Edge from behind and has him in a sleeper-hold! The camera can reveal it's Batista!


Batista grabs Edge and begins punching him, Batista then kicks Edge in the abdomen section before preparing for a Batista Bomb onto the floor which connects. Batista grabs Edge once more as Batista kicks him before tossing him into a door. Batista drags Edge towards the entrance stage as Batista kicks Edge in the abdomen section and hits another Batista Bomb.

Booker T: Dis is complete chaos!

JR: It's completely allowed here, it's a tables match Booker.

Batista walks backstage as he grabs a table from the hallway as he carries it back to the entrance stage as Batista walks past Edge as Batista hops down from the middle section of the entrance ramp as he places the table off the stage. Batista hops back up on the entrance ramp as Edge is on his knees, Batista kicks him in the head before placing his boot across the Edge's skull before stomping it. Batista walks backstage as he grabs Finlay and drags him to the entrance ramp, Batista grabs Edge as he lifts him to his feet as Edge is almost falling off the stage. Batista grabs Finlay before kicking him in the abdomen section before connecting with a Batista Bomb, Batista then grabs Finlay before Irish-whipping him towards Edge as Finlay and Edge both leap off the stage as Finlay is on top with the spear as Edge crashes into the table as Finlay crashes on top of Edge. Both men look completely knocked out as the referee grabs a microphone to announce the winner of Round Four.

Referee: Your winner for Round 4 - FINLAY! The score's are level at 2-2, the last round is a Sadistic Madness match. You must make your opponent bleed before pinning them and I cannot do anything until these two recover.



Batista looks down on the stage as he raises his hand, all of a sudden Chris Jericho sneaks from behind as Jericho grabs Batista in a Full Nelson hold before connecting with the Breakdown as Batista busts his head open on the corner of the stage / entrance ramp. Jericho then grabs Batista to his feet before connecting with a Codebreaker!


JR: Sheamus, Batista and now Jericho... Who else is going to come out in this chaos?

As Jericho gets to his feet, Stone Cold walks from behind the curtain as he kicks Jericho in the abdomen section before connecting with a Stunner. The crowd goes absolutely mental as Stone Cold walks down to the ramp as he grabs both Finlay and Edge as Stone Cold drags both to the ring as he rolls them both into the ring. Stone Cold grabs Finlay and drags him to his feet before connecting with a Stunner, Stone Cold then grabs Edge to his feet and hits him with a Stunner as well. Stone Cold calls for a beer as he pours it all over Finlay and Edge, Stone Cold is about to leave the ring but he is stopped by someone, Stone Cold turns around as CM Punk is standing in the middle of the ring as he grabs Stone Cold to his feet and connects with the Go To Sleep. CM Punk then grabs a microphone...

CM Punk: While you're all enjoying the chaos that's going on, I want you people to intake what's really happening around here. Tonight is the last night I'm here in CWF, while Finlay and Edge are knocked out cold, we must await for them to get back to their feet so we can find out who wins the CWF Heavyweight Championship. The fact is... we're most likely not going to find out after the chaos that's gone on, so I suggest you all listen to me until these guys can manage to find a way to stand up. What I've said is the complete truth, for months I've been on a winning streak but it all took a downfall recently where I continued to be disrespected. I fought very hard against Finlay at Starrcade and I was then overlooked by Edge here, mind you Edge's a great competitor but when I put my body on the line and put on the best performance you've ever witnessed... I get nothing, which is why on September 25th, 2011. My contract will come to an end and I will not re-sign with the company, perhaps I'll wrestle in Japan, Europe or even Australia. Maybe I'll give myself a bit of a vacation and see what I could do, because it's completely unfair when I bust my ass out in the ring and tonight I get nothing. No match, nothing. Mind you I came out here during WAR, but I'm allowed to be here tonight to tell you people once again because I'm the voice of the voiceless. Nobody in that locker room has the balls to come out here and speak the truth about what really goes on, after the match we all go backstage and talk about our life but all the guys backstage agree with me when I say we're all getting overlooked. I demand proper competition, I want to see better things happen around here and Zack Ryder isn't going to be the one to fix the problems happening on CWF Monday Night RAW, neither will Joey Styles fix his problems on HONOR. None of you will understand the fact that CWF isn't running how the people want to see it... Before I go, I've got one thing to do... My contract expires in just one hour...

CM Punk grabs Stone Cold once again as CM Punk clocks him over the face with the microphone. CM Punk then looks at Chris Jericho as CM Punk goes to speak...

CM Punk: If I ever rejoin the company there's not just one person that I'll deal with, it will be the majority of the CWF Roster. But I am not rejoining the company until I get my wish, in fact... there's three wishes I want, could I get a genie out here? Call me Aladdin, but John Laurinaitis the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations cannot even see the talent in me yet he knows what I want and it doesn't revolve a damn title shot... You see I am the best wrestler in the world! So John, while my contract is gone I suggest you try very hard to deliver the best for CWF because I have pride for the business here and without me here... There is no talent.

Instantly John Laurinaitis walks down the entrance ramp.


John Laurinaitis: I guess we have time to talk CM Punk... Finlay and Edge are barely recovering here... I want to fix things and ensure that you do stay in CWF because I have plans...

CM Punk: A plan? Is that so John? My contract expires tonight and I doubt you would be able to sign me in a heartbeat.

John Laurinaitis: CM... Listen.

CM Punk: No, I will not listen to you and your lies... in fact, come in the ring so I can whisper something, I don't really want these people knowing something that could jeopardize your job.

John Laurinaitis steps into the ring but CM Punk grabs him and delivers a Go To Sleep as CM Punk then kicks John Laurinaitis out of the ring as CM Punk then heads up the entrance ramp as he leaves.

JR: This is absolutely insane... I cannot believe what I'm witnessing here.

Edge and Finlay are slowly getting up to their feet after five minutes of being knocked out cold, Edge punches Finlay as Finlay punches back. They lock up in the middle of the ring as Finlay knees Edge in the abdomen section. Finlay then tosses Edge to the corner turnbuckle as Finlay charges with a clothesline which connects, Finlay then walks back to the middle of the ring as he repeats once again. Edge then drops to his knees as Finlay slides out of the ring as he looks under the ring as he grabs the Shillelagh as Finlay slides back in the ring as he gets up as Edge out of nowhere connects with a spinning heel kick. Edge then grabs the Shillelagh as he throws it towards the entrance ramp, Edge grabs Finlay before throwing him over the top rope, Edge then slides out of the ring as Finlay gets to his feet as Edge connects with a one-handed bulldog. Edge then takes off the top of the announcer's table as Lita gets up holding her head, Lita walks up to Finlay as Lita drags him to his feet as Lita goes for a Twist of Fate but Finlay pushes Lita out of the way as Finlay charges at Edge with a Spear but Edge moves out of the way as Lita connects with the Twist of Fate!

JR: Wow, Lita was quick to connect that Twist of Fate, could we be seeing a new CWF Heavyweight Champion soon?

Lita looks under the ring as she grabs a ladder, Edge grabs Finlay as Edge tells Lita to hit Finlay with the ladder but Finlay pushes Edge in front of him as Lita accidentally hits Edge across the head with the ladder, Edge is busted open as Lita goes to Edge's aide as she tries to apologize as Finlay grabs Lita and begins choking her. Finlay punches Lita before dragging Lita on top of the announcer's table, Finlay then places Lita on his shoulders before connecting with the Celtic Cross as the table breaks as Lita is busted open bleeding heavily. Finlay then checks under the ring as he finds a steel pipe as Finlay then begins using it as he bashes the steel pipe across Edge's forehead as Edge begins bleeding heavily, Finlay rolls Edge into the ring as Finlay grabs Edge as he places him in a standing position in the middle of the ring as Finlay walks to the corner turnbuckle and motions Edge's Spear taunt.

Booker T: Damn dawg, this gon' be over now! Finlay's disrespectin' Edge 'ere!

Finlay has a smile on his face as he charges at Edge before connecting with a Spear, Finlay then goes for the pinfall...






The referee holds up Finlay's hand as he raises the title up relieved the match is over.

JR: What a match that was! I'd love to see Edge and Finlay at it once again, that was hell of a main event!

As Finlay poses up on the top rope the arena goes completely dark, they come back on as Chris Jericho, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Batista are all in the ring. They look to attack but Zack Ryder walks out from behind the curtain quick enough.


Zack Ryder: Look guys, show's over... I don't want no dramas happening here broski's so here's what I'm going to do... Congratulations Finlay on winning the title and here's the thing, the next Pay-Per-View is Elimination Chamber and seeing Chris, Steve and Batista all wanted to attack Finlay just then... I'm going to make a six-man match happen at Elimination Chamber. The opponents announced already are your CWF Heavyweight Champion Finlay, Edge, Chris Jericho, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Batista.

Finlay snatches the microphone off Ryder.

You do know that's five people you've announced, I might have just gone through a hell of a match but I can count.

Finlay gives Ryder the microphone back.

Zack Ryder: I wasn't exactly finished, with that being said... The sixth person in that Chamber is going to be a surprise. You'll find out at the Pay-Per-View exactly who that person is, now get out of the ring so I can thank everyone for coming here tonight and enjoying this great Pay-Per-View!

Jericho, Batista and Stone Cold go to leave the ring as does Finlay but Ryder stops Finlay and tells him to come into the middle of the ring, Finlay doesn't like the sound of it as Finlay grabs Ryder and connects with the Rolling Hills.


Booker T: Dawg, this Pay-Per-View was whack, we had ev'rthin' happen 'ere right in da main event. Thanks for joinin' us tonight folks, hope ya had a good night and man... Tuning into WAR & Honor next week 'cos things are gonna shape up especially wit' a match already announced for Elimination Chamber!

Andrew - Putting up the show, Coding, Finlay vs. Edge, Jericho vs. SCSA, Jacobs vs. Morrison, Segments.
Hoov - Tag Team Championship Match
Bronzy - Batista vs. Kane, CWF Championship Match, Sheamus vs. Cena

Announced for Elimination Chamber:
Finlay© vs. Edge vs. Batista vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho vs. ???


I want everyone to thank Bronzy for stepping up, without him the show would have been late. He stepped up and did everything in like two hours. You should be thankful that Bronzy and myself have managed to get the show up on time. Enjoy reading ^_^

Last edited:


Aug 26, 2010
Reaction score
Geelong, Australia
I don't know about the whole CM Punk angle, its all getting a bit too close to what actually happened and stuff, but if you've got a different move for it, Im happy to see it.

Good show, happy to win my match, I think it was some of my better work so I'm glad it paid off. Elimination Chamber against 4 other blokes, the calibre of those guys is going to be very tough for me.

Congratulations to those who won titles, and to whoever else won, there were a few really good threads that I read.

The Hoov

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Oct 31, 2010
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Awesome PPV CWF! I'm kinda sad that I lost BOTH my matches but, eh, whatcha gonna do? I love Zack Ryder as GM (wonder who thought that up? ;-D)

All in all, good show and lets kick ass towards EC!


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Sep 14, 2010
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I really really really hope that something different happens with this CM Punk angle cause I'm kinda gettin tired of this whole contract expiring thing with him. I'm sure he is capable of doing more than those angles.

Other than that... good show and congrats to the winners.


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For those wondering about the CM Punk angle, it's something different.


Aug 9, 2011
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Soild show. Congrats to Lub he was the beter man n our bout. Also congrats to all who won and cheers to Andrew and the team.


Apr 23, 2011
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Great PPV! Love Zack Ryder as a manager and Main event of the night, Finlay vs Edge it was awesome! Thanks to Bronzy for helping out. :) Well P-Kid, maybe next tiíme, you'll be more lucky ;) Congrats to all the winners and champs!


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Very nice! Hearing the state of PPV when I went to sleep I did not expect to see the show up, great work Bronzy, you BEAST! Looking forward to Elim Chamber, that's going to be hot stuff. Thought the JEricho match deserved more but considering the circumstance i can understand whats going on there. Zackathon... brilliant haha

Big Red Jericho Punk

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Sep 28, 2010
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This was a really impressive show. Batista, Thorn, and Jericho winning is great to see. All three guys really have improved and worked so hard. Congrats to the guys who used them sorry I'm rushing a bit. Overall PPV was enjoyable, although main event got hectic. Punk talking while a fight going on is something that was a bit too much. That only happens in fantasy land I guess. But I love the angle going into EC. We got five guys with a mystery man which is an awesome angle. Bronze and Andrew great job guys!! To put this out on time and make it epic was absolutely amazing. Both of you are awesome

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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My internet goes down at the worst possible times. Anyhoo, even that is no excuse and I apologize for my absence and my failure to get my matches in. I also apologize to lewb for not getting another TT in for our match, but congrats on the win. Glad to be tag team champions, I was certainly up against some stiff competition that's for sure. Great show everyone.


Apr 24, 2011
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Very nice! Hearing the state of PPV when I went to sleep I did not expect to see the show up, great work Bronzy, you BEAST!


Honestly though, I'm just glad I could help. Thank Andrew for organising it and all, I don't want anybody's thanks, I'm sure anyone would do the same thing. But you can thank me for being the Best in The World at What I do, if you'd like? Oh, and Dres, it's cool. I'm sure Andrew will be understanding and I'll try my best to be as well about your situation.
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