WWE Raw, Smackdown, PPV's 2004 Review Thread (Maybe HeAT & Velocity Matches)

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That Orton match is still a thing of beauty
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Batista & Ric Flair
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

WWE Monday Night RAW
April 19th, 2004
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Jericho debuts his new countdown and video Tron, so many fruity colors.

Chris Jericho vs. Christian (w/Trish Stratus)
Still really good, I doubt they will ever tough the Mania match but this is the closet. Unlike last night this match is solely about them. Great sequences and counters, neither guys can really maintain control for longer than 40 seconds before the other has a counter, plus they've seen it all from one another so they have to come up with new stuff. Awesome moment, Jericho spanks Trish when she interferes so Lawler "Can we have a replay of that sexual assault & He's groping her" Christian begins working the next, it's really great, as well as Trish's interference. Christian continues to be super underrated at being vicious and is just a prick. Jericho has a fantastic comeback which leads to a great finishing stretch, with the moves getting bigger and bigger than the last. Great counters and reversals leading to near falls. Jericho hits a double arm superplex off the top but hurts his "previously injured knee" Hey whatever happened to that :side: But only gets two, Christian comes back with a tornado inverted DDT but gets two. Christian then holds Jericho up for Trish to slap him but he ducks and hits Christian instead. That allows Jericho to hit his step up enzuigiri, but Trish has the ref distracted. Jericho throws Trish in but as the ref rolls Trish out, a HUGE BALD HEADED MAN KICKS Jericho in the face allowing Christian to get the pin. ***1/4

After the match; the mystery man follows Trish and Jericho to the back.

During the break; Christian introduces Trish to their new Problem Solver, Tyson Tomko.

Chris Benoit comes down to the ring, he says it all started in a place every wrestler, wrestling fan knows as the "Dungeon" Benoit says over 18 years ago Stu Hart, springboarded him into pro wrestling, which got him here to World Champion. He says the only sad part is Stu is no longer here, so he can't thank him personally for helping him and wrestling. Benoit says after leaving, he heard it all. Benoit, you can't do it, you don't have what it takes. YOU CAN'T WIN THE BIG ONE! Well, I proved them all wrong, first by winning the Rumble, then making both Triple H and Shawn tap out in back to back triple threat matches. CHRIS BENOIT IS 4 REAL! AND I AM THE WORLD CHAMPION! Shawn Michaels comes out now, he says he always believed Benoit was real, ever since he's heard of him he didn't believe he was REAL! The crowd begins an "ASSHOLE" chant. He says the only thing he questions if Benoit believes in his heart that he is "THE BEST" Benoit cuts him off and says he does and has the world title to prove it. Shawn then says Shawn is 1-0 against him in 1-1 matches. Shawn shows the footage from Raw 2/16. Shawn says he knows these people don't like him but he came out asking him man to man, he wants a match to find out who is the best. TONIGHT! Benoit accepts, but Eric Bischoff comes out. He says he loves that idea so match, that it won't happen in CANADA! Benoit cuts him off saying Shawn came to talk to him and tells Eric this is none of his business. Eric says a match of this magnitude needs two weeks to build and advertise. So it'll happen in 2 weeks in Phoenix, Arizona.

Benoit and Michaels shake hands.

WWE Woman's Championship: Victoria vs. Molly Holly
Molly is pretty great in this, she's super aggressive and still hasn't forgiven Victoria for shaving her head. As for Victoria, i think the Lita match as spilled into her performance, it's not as botchy but she's clearly counting the sequences in her head and is clearly just waiting for the next spot. Victoria pulls off Molly's wig so Molly snaps and applies this AWESOME LEGAL Rear Naked Choke that the ref does the 5 count even though it's in the middle of the ring. THE REF THEN DQ'S HER! WHAT THE FUCK! What next, someone is gonna be DQ'ed for a sleeper?

In the parking lot; Evolution arrives in an all-white limo. Josh Mathews asks Triple H about being the only one without a title, Hunter goes to walk off as Josh asks him his thoughts on the match made tonight. Triple H pauses and says what match so he tells him about the Benoit/Michaels match in 2 weeks. Hunter says that his match and storms off.

Backstage is a dark room; KANE says theirs been a problem, he says he's become WEAK! and has shown human compassion. BUT NO MORE! TONIGHT! I WILL FEAST ON FEAR AND SUFFERING! He says he will taste the pain of others and will hunger for a sacrifice. TONIGHT!

Backstage: Eric and Nitro look nervous, Eric says he will not end up like Kurt by the hands of some raging monster. The door knows, and Regal comes in. Regal tries to get out of babysitting Eugene and says he's lost him. Bischoff says this isn't optional, he'll look after Eugene or never work on Raw again. He tells him to go find Eugene, or he'll be the one against Kane tonight.

plug for the old school wwe.com

A banged up, bandaged up Randy Orton comes out. He says whos the "noon, can't play with the big boys, wet behind the ears, punk kid now?" He says, everyone, though Foley was gonna destroys him and though tonight was gonna be Foley's celebration night. But it didn't happen. He says last nights victory was the biggest win of his career so far. He thanks, Foley, not being the stay at home retired book writer dad. But for being Cactus Jack. He says he saw the hate in Mick's eyes while Foley was bashing his head in, with weapons shot after weapon shot. Orton says he took everything Foley can dish out, but he WON, he beat Foley in his own game. AND HE DID IT ALL ALONE! He says he entered the match as Randy Orton, Hardcore Legend, Legend Killer, but he became something he tried to kill in that match. He became Randy Orton: Living Legend.Edge interrupts by coming down to the ring, Edge says for the last 14 months, he's been sitting on the sidelines watching him run his mouth and HE DOESN'T! LIKE! HIM! Edge dares him to spit in his face, but Orton says no. He says he's beaten up, sore, tired otherwise, he'd have already dropped Edge. Orton then says he's not even worth it! FUCK YEAH ORTON! Edge attacks him though and runs off Orton. But, Flair and Batista come out though, and it's a 3 on 1 until Chris Benoit runs down to help him fight them, but Triple H comes down, just to attack Benoit. He doesn't even give a shit about Edge. He lays Benoit out with a Pedigree as Evolution all leave.

Eric Bischoff comes out makes the match of Flair and Batista vs. Benoit and Edge for the World Tag Team Championships.

Coachman comes out onto the stage and introduces Garrison Cade.

Garrison Cade vs. Tajiri
Poor Tajiri man, not only does he look weak as hell against Coach 24 hours ago but now he's jobbing to Cade. SMH!


Eugene is in the ring, firing off t-shirts with the gun. Regal comes out to try to get him to come to the back but gets shot in the DICK with a t-shirt.

Backstage: Edge and Benoit are getting ready, Edge says nobody gave him a chance last night. But Benoit says nobody gives them a chance tonight. SO TONIGHT THEY WILL STICK IT TO THEM! WALK IN AS UNDERDOGS AND WALK OUT AS TAG CHAMPIONS

Mattitude.com; Matt has 44 different action figures & Matt never makes his bed.

It's supposed to be Lita/Val vs. Gail/Matt, but KANE comes out, the heels bail but Val tries to fight KANE but fails.Kane goes after Lita.........................BUT MATT HARDY MAKES THE SAVE! He yells at Lita to run, but she just cowers in the corner as Kane destroys Matt, he hits him with a Chokeslam before laughing. PYRO!

RIP Mattitude V.1. :mjcry

WWE World Tag Team Championships: Batista & Ric Flair vs. Edge & Chris Benoit
Edge and Benoit having matching black and blue attire is great, I'm such a nerd like that. I love when random guys tag up and have matching color attire. Benoit and Flair have their usual amazing hate-filled intense opening, nasty chops and Flair bumping. Edge looks way better than he did last night, but still not even close to being back. He does throw some awful chops tho. Shawn Michaels level. Edge/Batista has some awkward moments but still was fun, Benoit/Batista fuckin ruled. Evolution iso Edge after a sick Batista Lariat. They target Edge's broken wrist and it's great, stomps, wrapping it around the ring ropes and just awesome stretches by Flair. It's kinda weird you would think someone with a legitimate broken bone would know how to sell, but instead, Edge doesn't sell a lick of it. SMH! Benoit has a great hot tag, he cleans house and locks Flair in the crossface but Triple H runs down distracting Benoit so he breaks the hold knocking Hunter off the apron. Just before we go to a commercial, Batista hits Benoit with a spinebuster allowing Evolution to iso him. They work over Benoit's back, well Batista does as Flair just fights Benoit getting revenge for all the chops and times Benoit just fucked his shit up.It's great. Triple H who is now at ringside gets involved too, Edge's hot tag was good enough for me to be okay with his no-selling self. The match breaks down, with Edge hitting Batista in the head to counter out of the sit down powerbomb. Benoit throws Flair out and hits the diving headbutt. But as the ref is with Edge, Hunter pulls Benoit out but Shawn runs out and superkicks Triple H. In the ring, Edge hits the spear on Batista for the win. Good stuff. ***1/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Champion: Eddie Guererro
WWE United States Champion: John Cena
WWE Tag Team Champions: Scotty II Hotty & Rikishi
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo Guererro Jr.

WWE Smackdown
April 22nd, 2004
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Recap of Kurt being murdered last week.

At ringside, Cole and Taz let us know that Kurt isn't dead, he just suffered a broken leg, grade 3 concussion, and severe internal injuries. So obviously Kurt is not here, Taz says the show must go on :lmao Even if there is now captain steering the ship.

Tonight: Rikishi/Scotty vs. Haas & ??? - Tag Titles

Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T
FUCK YEAH! Angry RVD facial expressions are back. He punches still look like shit, but he's added these awesome looking elbows and forearms to go with stiff kicks. RVD controls 80% of this and it's the best he's looked all review, he's not going for covers he just wants to beat up Booker. And Booker is great bumping for him. Booker gets a brief moment on offense, he tries to work the neck but it goes nowhere. Randomly, the pyro goes off as RVD is about to hit the Five Star Frog Splash, that distraction allows Booker to roll RVD up and hook the tights for the win. **1/4

Paul Heyman immediately comes out, he says with Kurt Angle in the hospital, there was only one man Vince could turn to, to take control of the show. Heyman says he wants RVD to stay in the ring. CAUSE FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY THIS IS PAUL HEYMAN'S SMACKDOWN AGAIN! Heyman says he was the reason Smackdown became the crown jewel of Thursday Nights. Until the locker room turned his back on him, but he doesn't blame RVD for that. However, his legacy has been prostituted before and says RVD knows what he means. He brings up ECW and says RVD has been disgracing its memory since he got to WWE. The Dudleyz come out and say that anything he has to say to Rob, and the past about ECW, he can say to them. Paul asks if they ever wondered why in the 5 or so months he ran SD, why he never tried to get them on his show.........WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THE DUDLEYZ DID ANYTHING NEWSWORTHY! AT LEAST TAZ KNEW WHEN TO GET OUT :mark: Heyman says all they are, are Vince's neutered pets. They turn and beat down RVD, and ask how tame that is. Paul says it's a good start and leaves.

The Champs and Haas come out, Haas still doesn't know who is tag partner is until. RICO comes out, Haas is not pleased.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Scotty II Hotty & Rikishi vs. Charlie Haas & Rico (w/Miss Jackie)
Cole says when you're Rico every day is GAYLA! ASS Play comedy match, lots of male on male spanking and ass play stuff. Rico throws everyone off with his suspect offense, Haas/Scotty is fun for a bit. Hilariously, Rico pulls Haas out of the way of the stinkface and takes his place for the stinkface. He even adds lipstick. Rico then makes out with Scotty in the ring, which distracts him long enough for Haas to roll him up for the win. After the match; Haas is excited about the win until he remembers he's half tag champs with Rico.

Recap of Show losing his job, then trying to murder Kurt Angle.

Backstage: JBL thanks Heyman for making him see the light, and making him realize how great he really is. Paul brings up "The Champion of Mexico" EL GRAN LUCHADORE! punked him out in the airport, JBL says what was he suppose to do? he can't beat him up in an airport post 9/11. Paul books it next, and JBL says Eddie should also wrestle. Obviously not in a title match. So, Heyman books Eddie vs. The Dudley. JBL asks which one and Paul says they all look alike.

In a pre-tape, EL GRAN LUCHADORE cuts a promo in Spanish that totally gives it away it's Paul London.

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. EL GRAN LUCHADORE
JBL has JBL on the butt but he still has the long pants on. Okay JBL squash, the best part is JBL's trash talking and him saying "C'MON AMIGO" Clothesline from hell ends it.


CAFE DE RENE is set up in the ring, he has a small Eiffel tower set up in the ring and Taz says he can climb it and it would be like King Kong :lmao He tries a moment of silence for Kurt Angle, but gets none, so he yells at the crowd for being not classy at all and totally unrefined. He brings out Torrie Wilson and is nice enough to serve wine. He says they are here to talk about her RAW magazine but goes right into asking her about last week, he asks what she was laughing about and asking how she would feel in Big Show's shoes. He says it's all her fault and she's what's wrong with American women, expecting men to do everything as they have no value in society. He says Fifi isn't the only bitch here, so she slaps him. He throws wine on her as a result and takes off his jacket. He tries to slam her, but John Cena runs down to save. He runs off Rene and wrecks the set.

Handicap Match: John Cena vs. Chavo Guererro Jr. & Chavo Guererro Sr.
Okay match, not enough Classic/Cena. It's kinda just a repeat of last weeks match, and filler of time until Rene comes out and throws Cena into the post, allowing Chavo Jr. to hit a Brainbuster for the win. **

Backstage: Torrie Wilson is getting cleaned up, Heyman comes over and says what Rene did was terrible and says next week he's already booked a match. Rene Dupree vs. Torrie Wilson.


Booker T is in the ring now and talks about how he's the biggest star on Smackdown, everybody know dat. He says 2 months ago people paid to see him do the spin-a-rooni. NOW you da same sucka's askin Bookah why? He says he was a star on RAW to now being a megastar on Smackdown. Booker says he will bring Smackdown up to his level. He says he's the best and most famous man on Smackdown. And soon to be the most famous man in AMERICA! THE LIGHTS GO OUT AND THE GONG HITS! Booker freaks out and bails through the crowd.


Backstage: Josh Mathews is with the New Tag Team Champions, Rico says winning these titles has been one of the happiest days of his life. someone spanks Haas' ass and he thinks it's Jackie but she says it wasn't her. Rico says this is gonna be one fabulous relationship.

The Dudleyz and Paul Heyman come out. The Dudley turns out to be D-Von Dudley

D-Von Dudley (w/Bubba-Ray Dudley & Paul Heyman) vs. Eddie Guererro
You know what, not as bad as I thought it would be. Eddie is Eddie, so he's great and this might be D-Von's best showing since the Reverend DeVon days, he's super aggressive on offense and bumps well, And Bubba is great at justing being a loud mouth New Yorker. At one point, both men fight onto the floor and get counted out. So, Heyman says that's not how things end on his smackdown and restarts the match. They go another 7 minutes or so, really back and forth. D-Von semi-targets the head and neck. His offense revolves around the sleepers and side-headlocks. Eddie has two really good comebacks, D-Von counters a suplex into an inside cradle then from the floor, Bubba holds the leg allowing D-Von to pick up the win. WAT! EDDIE LOSES TO A TAG TEAM WRESTLER WHO HASN'T BEEN RELEVANT SINCE THEY REJOINED BACK AT SURVIVOR SERIES 2002. DOG! Shit is crazy. Also no way this needed 14-15 minutes. **1/2

After the match; JBL attacks Eddie from behind, he hits the clothesline from hell to end the show. LONGHORNS!


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Benoit & Edge
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

WWE Monday Night RAW
April 26th, 2004
Topeka, Kansas

Tonight: Benoit/Edge vs. Flair/Batista II

Lita & Victoria vs. Molly Holly & Gail Kim
JR and King keep talking about Lita's new-found smile, they keep questioning what's behind it. Tokan woman's match, Victoria and Lita continue to mistime and rush stuff, Gail is solid and has some good arm work. Molly tries to keep this shit tight. Molly again snaps when her wig is off, she and Victoria brawl on the floor while Lita hits Gail with a DDT in the ring for the win. *3/4

After the match; Molly attacks Lita from behind, but Kane comes out. He corners Lita and strokes her hair, but as he goes in for a kiss, she bails out and runs to the back.

Backstage: Lita is running and runs into Matt Hardy, she is freaked out, as Matt says he has a match with KANE tonight and he will pay for what he's done. They hug and it looks like they are about to kiss, BUT KANE BREAKS IT UP! He destroys Matt beating the shit out of him until refs and Fit break it up.

Coachman is in the ring, he brags about actually being a success from Kansas. He says they better start treating him like the hero he is or he'll beat them up in the parking lot. Tajiri comes out, he says Coach is not a winner he is a RYER! and wants a rematch. Coach says NO. buts he wants two eggrolls and if he hurries he will let him keep the change. Tajiri kicks coach in the head and sends him to the floor, where Cade is. Triple H comes out laughing at them. He makes his way down to the ring, he and Tajiri laugh but Hunter turns on him hitting a low blow from behind. He throws him to the floor and grabs the mic, he says nothing personal, just the wrong place at the wrong time. Hunter says he wants someone to explain to him how Shawn got a title match, cause the way he remembered it was Shawn tapped out at Backlash. He says that match is his, Tajiri tries to get back in and Hunter says he's just like Shawn and doesn't know when to quit. He walks over, BUT TAJIRI HITS HIM WITH THE GREEN MIST!!!!! Hunter rolls around in the ring, and Tajiri goes to the back.

Backstage: Triple H goes into Eric's office, he starts yelling at a plant thinking it's Eric :lmao Eric calls him and a blinded Triple H turns around. He says he wants a match with Tajiri and Eric okays it.

Robert Conway (w/Sylvan Granier) vs. Rhyno
More Eugene shit, I don't care.

Backstage: Todd Grisham interviews Chris Benoit and Edge, Edge goes to talk but Shawn Michaels comes over and says he knows Benoit has a lot on his plate but not to forget about next weeks match. Benoit says next week will be his last time. But tonight they will put that final nail in Evolution's coffin.

Christian, Trish, and Tomko come out. Christian goes through his list of accomplishments recently, beating Jericho at Mania, taking his girl, and now adding the problem solver. He says the only problem is not BEING THE WORLD CHAMPION.

Christian (w/Trish Stratus & Tyson Tomko) vs. Grandmaster Sexay
This is weird, Sexay has way too much on offense like 70% is him. He counters pretty much everything Christian throws at him. Christian only wins because Sexay is still putting goggles on before trying a Legdrop, which allows Christian to hit the unprettier for the win. After the match; Jericho's intro and pyro hits, but he runs from the crowd to attack Christian who sent Tomko up the ramp. He tries to put Trish in the Walls of Jericho, but they pull her to safety.

Triple H vs. Tajiri
FUCK YEAH! Triple H still has the mist on his face, he doesn't do his usual entrance as he's too busy trying to rub the mist out of his eyes with a towel. So happy Triple H is back to being GOD in the ring, instead of whatever he calls 2002/2003. This is shades of Hunter/Taka from 2000, with Hunter bumping and selling all of Tajiri's shit. Going above and beyond to make everything look great. You know it would be semi-believable that Tajiri could win if he wasn't jobbing to Coach and Cade on back-to-back shows. SMH! Tajiri keeps catching Hunter off-guard with kicks and strikes, but as he goes to end it with one last kick, Hunter counters into a huge power move to take over. Hunter works the back, he takes the same formula he uses in his matches with Shawn, sick hard Irish-whips and stretches. Tajiri counters an abdominal stretch into an octopus, but Hunter hit tosses out. It goes a couple more minutes with Tajiri making a sweet comeback, he goes for the mist again but this time Triple H ducks and hits the pedigree for the win. **3/4

Kane comes out, Matt Hardy's music hits but he doesn't come out at first, it takes him a good 40 seconds before he hobbles out still hurting from the beatdown.

Kane vs. Matt Hardy
Fun little angle match, KANE continues to destroy Matt who's selling is fantastic. Kane hits 2 Chokeslams he goes for the Tombstone, but Lita runs out trying to stop it. Kane drops Matt and puts Lita into the corner. HE FINALLY GETS HIS KISS and leaves. FUCK YEAH! KANE!

Jerry "THE KING" Lawler is in the ring, he's showing off the new WWE Diva's magazine. Lawler brings out Stacy Keibler. ASSSSSS!


Lawler says someone in the crowd wanted to see her ASSets up close. Harley MOTHERFUCKIN' Race. Stacy goes out and hugs him. But Randy Orton comes out, JR already begins saying NO! NO! NO! and says he hopes his gut is wrong about this :mark: Orton goes over to Race, he says did I just hear somebody hear the word Legend? He says HE'S the only legend in this Arena. He says he's done more in his 2 years in the WWE than Harley has in his entire life. Harley just laughing and shaking his head :lmao Orton leaves the ring and walks over to Harley, he says he's gonna do what he did to FOLEY! He then spits in Harley's face. harley then goes to punch him, but Orton avoids. BUT SHELTON COMES FROM THE BACK AND HAS THIS GREAT LITTLE FIGHT WITH ORTON. He hits the Stinger splash and sends Orton to the floor with a big right hand.


Backstage: Batista and Flair are getting ready, Batista says tonight they are gonna end this night off right. He says he hasn't been able to sleep or eat and promises to next let him down again. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

WWE World Tag Team Championships: Batista & Ric Flair vs. Edge & Chris Benoit
As expected this rules, Benoit/Flair, and Benoit/Batista. Edge is still rusty but has good interactions with Batista who has now arrived as this AWESOME powerhouse enforcer. Edge applies this god-awful half Boston crab to Flair like he's just holding the leg. He works on it for a bit even locking in the Figure-Four, Flair initially sells but as soon as Benoit tags in he just completely stops selling and does his usual get beating the shit out of him bumping just allowing Flair to do anything he wants to him. Which I love, but kinda makes the whole leg stuff pointless, and to make matters worse they don't target it again and it ever becomes a factor again. Evolution again focuses on Edge's hand, but we miss all of it as it "happens during the commercial" when we return, they go right into Benoit's hot tag. He cleans house, first by taking Flair out and hitting the Triple rolling German's onto Batista. He signals and hits the Diving Headbutt, but instead of going for the cover he applies the Crossface. Just as Batista is about to tap, he is saved by Flair and now Evolution isolates Benoit. They work over the back and it's really good, Batista power submissions are great, as is Flair who just gets his own back and just fights Benoit. Edge has a fun hot tag which leads to another really dope finishing stretch. Batista hits Benoit with a spinebuster, but Edge clotheslines he and Batista over the top. Then, as Flair goes to apply the figure Four to Benoit Edge comes in and spears Flair for the win. *** - ***1/4

After the match; Triple H comes down and attacks both Edge and Benoit. Batista brings a chair in, but Shawn takes it away. He swings at Hunter, who dicks and accidentally hits Benoit with it. Shawn then counters the pedigree and backdrops Hunter to the floor. Evolution bail, but as Shawn explains himself to Edge. He turns into Benoit who locks him in the Sharpshooter until Edge pulls him off. And RAW ends.


Nov 13, 2010
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I thought Harley Race hit him flush and Orton no sold it.....I think I ranted about this since Harley is universally praised as one of the legit tough guys ever and it pissed me off to no end.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
I thought Harley Race hit him flush and Orton no sold it.....I think I ranted about this since Harley is universally praised as one of the legit tough guys ever and it pissed me off to no end.

unless it was a WWE edit


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Champion: Eddie Guererro
WWE United States Champion: John Cena
WWE Tag Team Champions: Charlie Haas & Rico
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo Guererro Jr.

WWE Smackdown
April 29th, 2004
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Kurt Angle is being wheeled out but some big box headed jacked up guy. He has his leg in a cast. He gets helped into the ring, before sitting in his wheelchair in the center of the ring. Kurt's fake crying is the greatest :lmao he says he just wanted to let everyone know, he's seen numerous doctors and they've all said the same thing...................I WILL NEVER WRESTLE AGAIN! He says wrestling and competition was his passion, he says his life is over. But despite the pain and injuries, there was no way he wasn't gonna show up here in OKC. Because there is one thing he needed to confirm, that he suspected all along. YOU PEOPLE ARE ALL TO BLAME FOR THIS! He yells at the people to shut up, and as soon as he came out you people chanted "YOU SUCK" he yells at them for thinking he's a joke and can never wrestle again. He says he thought things would be different, but no. You, people, are bloodthirsty animals. He says he watches a show of people still alive who almost got killed and HE'S ONE OF THEM! Kurt says they don't appreciate him, never has. And now he blames them, the Big Show...And Torrie Wilson. Kurt calls for Torrie to come out, who looks scared but Sexy as hell. She comes into the ring and cowers into the corner, he says he blames her the most. And says it must be nice to be perfect, well she's not. She's pathetic................BECAUSE OF MY INJURIES I CAN NO LONGER HAVE SEX WITH MY WIFE! He then makes the match with Rene a NoDQ match. And that match is NEXT!

NoDQ Match: Torrie Wilson vs. Rene Dupree
This goes about a minute, Rene fucks with her and almost gets pinned twice so he tries to get aggressive. Anyway, Cena comes out and saves Torrie. They have a mini-fight with Rene throwing Torrie into Cena and running off. It's NODQ! Why are you playing his music?

Tonight: Rico/Haas vs. Bashams for the Tag Title.

Backstage: Rene is ranting to Kurt about Cena ruining everything, he says Cena and Torrie must be laughing at him. Kurt says he blames Cena for his injuries too because of Hip-hop :lmao Kurt then makes the match or Rene vs. Cena for the US title, he says he's gonna be proud to have a Frenchman as US champion.

Nunzio waits in the ring for his match, but the lights go out GONG!.................GONG!...................GONG! Smoke comes into the ring, but the lights come back on and it's fine. Cole says there were rumors of Taker being here tonight.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Nunzio vs. Chavo Guererro Jr. (w/Chavo Guererro Sr.)
Decent, short match but guys get time on offense. It's not spectacular or anything but just really solid. Nunzio plays the face by default even though the crowd doesn't give a shit about him. Chavo Classic gets in involved allowing Jr. to hit the Gory Bomb for the win. After the match; Chavo calls himself the greatest Cruiserweight champion of all time, he says he's starting to get bored with the lack of competition. He says next week, he gonna hold an open challenge to any cruiserweight around the world. Mexico, Japan, Europe, Africa, it doesn't matter. it will be a championship match, but it can only be someone he hasn't beaten yet.

RVD storms out, he calls out Bubba and D-Von. But Paul Heyman is BACK! He comes out and says he was just visiting this week, he says RVD is taking what happen last week personally, but what the Dudleyz did was just take some advice. He brings out the Dudleyz, saying he needs to learn how to fear them again. They come from the crowd and attack RVD. Eddie Guerrero runs out to make the save.

Backstage: Josh Mathews is with Booker T, he asks him about The Undertaker's GONG last week and tonight. Booker plays it off as some type of error. He says he isn't afraid of the Undertaker and if he wanted to he would SLAP THE DEAD OFF THE UNDERTAKER!

Backstage: Heyman tells the Dudleyz that it's The Dudley vs. Eddie Guerrero Tonight, Screw RVD and Heyman says everyone is barred from ringside apart from him and the Dudley.

Booker T vs. Billy Gunn
I'm convinced Gunn is the worst wrestler on the roster, that includes both Raw and Smackdown. Booker wins with the Scissors Kick.

As Booker is celebrating the lights go out, and THE UNDERTAKER's music hits. He comes out along with Paul Bearer. They make their way down to the ring, Booker says these people ain't gonna see it tonight, he just had a gulling match. He goes to leave but grabs the urn out of Bearers hands and nails Taker with it. He stands over him and holds the urn over his head. So, Taker sits up and Booker bails through the crowd.

Backstage: Kurt Angle tells Josh he now has to call him Mr. Angle, Kurt says it's obvious Booker isn't afraid of anybody so he makes the match of The Undertaker vs. Booker T at Judgement Day. He says Taker is like him and hasn't wrestled since Mania, but he can unlike himself. He says he doesn't think Taker appreciates it. So he will, next week!


Backstage: Rico is with Miss Jackie and Haas. Haas says he's not coming out as somebody stole his tights (Miss Jackie holds up the missing attire) Haas says he's not coming out dressed in his attire. Rico says he can come out naked, which isn't an option. Rico then pressures him saying he wouldn't want him to defend the title alone and he needs him. Haas says fine and he will meet him in the ring.

WWE Tag Team Championships: The Basham Brothers vs. Rico & Charlie Haas (w.Miss Jackie)
I do find it hilarious that a few months ago, the Bashams were into getting spanked by someone as hideous as Shaniqua but as soon as some gay shits happens they are like No, No. this is too much. Typical comedy match, Faghams are shook, Haas is great as just looking disgusted by all of this. The kiss to German Suplex gives the champs the win.

Luther wheels Kurt Angle out to ringside for the main event.

Eddie Guererro comes out. The Dudley this week is....................BUBBA. Shocker.

Eddie Guererro vs. Bubba-Ray Dudley (w/D-Von Dudley & Paul Heyman)
Another Eddie carry job, thankfully this is 8 minutes instead of 14. Bubba offense is a little slow to get going but once he begins talking shit, he picks it up. Just like D-Von last week it's Bubba's best showing since IDK one of those pointless hardcore title matches in 2002? Bubba begins working the head with headlocks and sleepers, but his best offense is these nasty clotheslines that just come out of nowhere and if think they catch Eddie off-guard too cause he just crumples when he gets hit with one of them. Eddie has a great little comeback, he does the Latino Heat style one. He hits the 2 of the amigos, but the ref gets bumped. And Bubba hits the Bubbabomb for two. He goes for it again, but Eddie counters into a DDT for two. Bubba cuts him off as he tries the Frog Splash, Heyman gets on the apron as the Dudleyz go for Doomsday Device, but Eddie ducks and rolls Bubba for the win. **1/4

After the match; The Dudleyz attack Eddie from behind, but RVD makes the save. They clean house and RVD gets some revenge by low blowing D-Von. They then hit semi-Stereo Frog Splashes on the Dudley Boyz. Kurt then tells Taz that it will be RVD/Eddie vs. The Dudleyz NEXT WEEK!



Nov 13, 2010
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
How was Eddie and RVD not a team?

And the debut of Romans older brother :mark:


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Benoit & Edge
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

WWE Monday Night RAW
May 3rd, 2004
Phoenix, Arizona

AWESOME Shawn/Benoit video package to open the show, it has them both talking what the world title means to them. And what's it gonna take to beat the other? Good shit.

Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton & Batista) vs. Shelton Benjamin, Tajiri & Edge
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I DON'T REMEMBER THIS AT ALL! This is so fuckin good dude, like Shelton/Orton's chemistry to start rules with Orton not falling for all the stuff Triple H took lightly, but this is the rare time someone is quicker and a better athlete than him so Shelton has a counter for his counter. Hunter/Tajiri continues their goodness from last week, Hunter continues to bump huge for him. Hunter/Edge has a nice sequence with Edge getting the better, Hunter sells it great with a facial expression like he can't believe he's getting bested by a one-handed wrestler whos been on the shelf for over 13 months. Evolution target the broken wrist and Edge's selling is getting better as the weeks go by, but as usual, he just stops selling a LEGITIMATE! injury. The wrist work is great, Hunter doing cocky small heel tactics like just grinding the wrist into the mat and placing his knee and boots to hit is fun. Tajiri has this amazing hot tag, he cleans house with kicks and hits Hunter with a DDT for two. but FUCK THAT! Tajiri goes for the handspring back elbow but Batista kills him with a lariat to the back of his head allowing Evolution to isolate him during the commercial. They beat on him with power moves, well Hunter and Batista do. Orton busts out HEADLOCK RANDY! Great sequence Orton goes to sit on Tajiri and as he goes to punch Tajiri he slides out and kicks him in the back of the head. Edge has a fun hot tag, he cleans house as the match breaks down. Everyone pairs off, but Tajiri mists Batista, Orton goes to check on him but he's so distracted that allows Edge to sneak into the ring and hit Orton with a spear for the win. AWESOME match, just a shame Shelton didn't get much ring time. Still dope. ***1/2



Backstage: Coach tells Cade some jokes, when Mr, McMahon comes over. Coach asks him what he's doing here and Vince says he's here for the World Title Match.


BREAKING NEWS: On a Smackdown house show last week in El Paso. Eddie invited his family in the ring, but there was an incident involving JBL and Eddie's mother and she had a heart attack. JR says there'll be more about this on Smackdown.

Backstage: Evolution are ranting to Eric, Hunter says he's wasting his time in these multi-man matches when he should be in World Title matches. Batista says he wants Tajiri so he can kill him, Orton says he needs to put an end to Edge and his cheap shots. Johnny Nitro barges in and says Vince is here. Eric tells him to get the skybox ready. Eric then books Batista/Tajiri, Hunter/Shelton & Orton/Edge - IC title, NEXT WEEK!

Rob Conway (w/Sylvian Grenier) vs. The Hurricane (w/Rosey)
Pretty average TV match, lots of back and forth until Conway has a decent heat segment on Hurricane's neck. Hurricane doesn't sell it at all like he doesn't even reach to hold the neck not one time. Conway hits that sweet swinging neckbreaker again, but this time he uses the ropes instead of the turnbuckle for the win. After the match; Conway cuts a promo saying Eugene is gonna get a special type of beating.


Recap of the Kane/Lita/Matt, triangle angle stuff.

Steven Richards vs. KANE
SQUASH! goes about 25-30 seconds Kane wastes no time, he hits a chokeslam for the win and quickly runs to the back. He doesn't even let the pyro go off :hm:

The Highlight Reel is set up in the ring, Jericho comes out as JR and King talk about Matt being the special guest. Jericho says he is usually the highlight of the night, but tonight that's gonna be the Shawn/Benoit match. Jericho says its been far too long since he's had a title match, so he challenges the winner of the World Title Match. Jericho says his guest tonight has been going through some changes of his own, and maybe he trying to reconnect with an old girlfriend of his own. Outcomes Matt, Mattitude.com says "Matt believes in karma," Jericho says Matt and Lita have been through so much, and he thought his "relationship" was messed up but Matt cuts him off. He says he's had his fair share of problems and mistakes, he says he's only human but as a man, he's here trying to change that. So if that means going to war with KANE so be it. Matt says he's here to talk about Lita, he says he knows Lita is here and asks her to come out. Suddenly, on the tron Lita is looking distressed. She says Matt I never loved you and I've found someone else. Matt sounds shocked as she says I need you to stay away from me. She begins crying, and begins yelling HELP! SHE'S IN THE BOILER ROOM TIED UP.......................KANE THEN COMES OVER AND GIVES THIS AWESOME EVIL GRIN TO THE CAMERA! Matt then leaves the ring and runs to the basement.

Jericho says that's an abrupt ending, so Christian, Trish, and Tomko come out. Christian says this isn't the end the party is just beginning. He says last week Jericho put his hands not only on him but an innocent angel called Trish. He says now that's a problem, so Tomko rushes to the ring. Jericho obviously gets the better because lol Tomko, Christian tries to attack Jericho from behind but that backfires. But the numbers catch up to Jericho leading to a 2-1. They beat him down, Trish kicks him in the dick allowing Jericho to finish him off with an unprettiter.

During the commercial, Matt found Lita, he unties her and they run off. With Matt yelling "I WILL KILL THAT BASTARD & DID HE TOUCH YOU"

Gail and Molly come out with Gail saying I hope no one feels sorry for Lita because she got what she deserves.

Gail Kim (w/Molly Holly) vs. Victoria
Victoria being the number 1 babyface champion is not working, shit her as a babyface isn't working. She seems to regress and get worse with every passing match, she can barely life Gail up in a press slam and damn near almost drops her on her head. This goes on far too long and is really boring, Gail does end up hitting an Octopus Hold/Fujiwara Armbar hold combo to win.

Vince is in the skybox alone.

A pretape airs of Regal talking to Tom Pritchard as Eugene plays around in the ring. Regal says he hopes he can get rid of Eugene today with a torturous training session. However, Eugene picks up quickly as we learn in a montage. Dr. Tom pumping his fist up and down and rooting for Eugene. In an amazing foreshadowing, Eugene offers Regal a sip from his Triple H water bottle and even does the Triple H spit water pose. Eugene also rules at chain wrestling, in a montage done to Daniel Bryan's first WWE music. Regal is disgusted that Eugene is so good. He even debuts calling him "Young Master Eugene" :mark:


Eric Bischoff comes out onto the stage and announces Jericho vs. Christian in a Steel Cage Match next week :mark:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit
Still holds up as a RAW classic, awesome intensity and just an all-out struggle for both men. The tie-up look stiff with neither man really wanting to break in the corner or trust to the other to break clean so the ref has to do it for them. They do that 3 times until Shawn says fuck it and punches Benoit in the head. They go back to the mat with Shawn getting the better until Benoit quickens the pace with his usual hard-hitting, million miles an hour offense. Benoit quickly goes to the back but Shawn manages to turn the tide by hitting a swinging neckbreaker and now Shawn targets the neck for a bit. Shawn does a great job avoiding Benoit's main stuff like the German's or repeated Crossface attempts as we go to a commercial. When we return Shawn has Benoit locked in, an abdominal stretch (during the break Shawn send Benoit into the turnbuckle hard back-first like Hunter does) Shawn's back work continues to be great, he hits different suplex's mainly targeted to the back and he isn't hitting his shitty chops. He also does a phenomenal job cutting off Benoit before he can make a comeback. But, Benoit ducks a superkick and hits the triple rolling germans but he sees Shawn getting to his feet, so he quickly gets down and hits a 4th. Benoit again heads up top. He goes for the Diving Headbutt but Shawn manages to roll away. SMH! Both men battle over a suplex, Benoit trying to get Shawn into the ring, but Shawn counters and suplexes Benoit to the floor. He then heads up top and nails a sweet moonsault, with he knee hitting Benoit right into the head. Both men get back to their feet on the floor, but it's again Shawn getting the better sending Benoit knees first into the steel steps and his head hitting the ring post. Well, that opens Benoit up. As we enter our last commercial break. In the ring, Shawn locks in a sleeper as well as working the cut with some of his best punches. FUCKIN' AWESOME Benoit fighting spirit he's been using these sick knees to Shawn's midsection or head just for separation to go into a German. I love that Shawn never forgets about Benoit's worked over back, so when he isn't targeting the head he goes back to the back with submissions E.G. Boston Crab or strikes to the back. In what looked like a last-ditch effort Benoit locks in the crossface but Shawn gets to the ropes, he tries it again but again the ropes. Shawn then goes for the superkick but Benoit catches it, he now attempts the Sharpshooter but Shawn counters by kicking Benoit into the ref so all 3 men are down. Shawn slowly begins to get back to his feet, he catches Benoit with Sweet Chin Music but the ref is out. That allows Triple H to come from the back and nail Shawn with a pedigree before jumping into the crowd and watching on. Benoit recovers and slowly crawls on top for the win. REALLY good match. Great psychology, no selling problems, all logical in terms of the moves and both men's will to win. Just really would have liked a clean win for Benoit to further legitimize his world title run instead of again making it about Hunter and Shawn. ****1/4




Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Champion: Eddie Guererro
WWE United States Champion: John Cena
WWE Tag Team Champions: Charlie Haas & Rico
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo Guererro Jr.

WWE Smackdown
May 6th, 2004
Tucson, Arizona

Michael Cole is in the ring, he talks about Eddie's mom suffering a heart attack in the ring at a house show in El Passo. OH SHIT! They have the footage. Eddie says he knows he's a week early, but next week is Momma's day. He brings in Vickie as well as he two daughters before introducing his mum. He thanks them all, and JBL comes out. He hits Eddie with the Clothesline From Hell and holds up the WWE championship yelling at Eddie's mum to get out and she yells back. He grabs her and she goes down holding her chest as everyone is horrified. Eddie chases him off, some of these crowd facial expressions are amazing.

Michael Cole and Taz talk about it at ringside, Cole says Eddie is stated to be here tonight. As well as hear from JBL.

Tonight: RVD/Eddie vs. The Dudleyz & The Undertaker in action

John Cena vs. Doug Basham (w/Danny Basham)
Decent weekly Cena showcase, Bashams are still ass. Cena wins with the FU.

YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP! Booker T goes to a fortune teller, She says she sees a shadow, beyond the grave, a shadow of a dead man reaching out to him, boy. BLACK SHADOW! that will catch him and drag him down. Booker asks what can he do to stop it, she says he needs help from the other side. She then hands him a feather of a crow, thangs from a 3 legged dog. And one last thing but she can't give it to him. She says to go to a special graveyard during a full moon and get dirt. She says the grave will find him.

OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Chavo. Chavo & Chavo come out for the Chavo vs. The World match, Chavo classic says he's very emotional with what happens to his mother but he's here to support his son. Chavo Jr calls him CHAVO CLASSIC :mark: Jr. says he's here to see if anyone has taken him up on his open challenge................................Jacquelyn. Oh. Jr asks if she's serious? and asks if this is a joke? He says bring on the real opponent. She doesn't leave so he tells her to go to the back and make him a sandwich. She refuses to leave and attacks him so the match is on.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Chavo Guererrro Jr. (w/Chavo Guererro Sr.) vs. Jacquelyn
I mean it is what it is, Chavo toys with her way too much and too long allowing Jacque to low blow him and connect with an inside cradle for the win. RIP Cruiserweight title.

Nunzio and Stamboli are in the ring when Luther rolls Mr. Angle out, he says for a second he thought you people would actually appreciate the sacrifices he gave to them. But he was wrong, so from the bottom of his heart as an American, he is ashamed and disappointed in each and every one of them. But despite all that, last week he makes a promise that the Undertaker will be in action. He says he asked Luther to go around to all the guys in the back to see who wanted to face the Undertaker here tonight, sadly not one wrestler wanted it so...........THE TWO OF YOU WILL FACE HIM INSTEAD.

The F.B.I (Nunzio & Johnny Stamboli) vs. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)
Fine Taker showcase, it's mostly Stamboli/Taker for like 2 minutes. Taker hits all his usual shit. Taker then hits a flatliner and follows up with some front/dragon sleeper hold for the win. After the match; He hits Nunzio with the Last Ride and Tombstone to Stamboli.

Booker is now in a graveyard, he claims he's been here for 3 hours and still can't find it. He stumbles across a Tombstone with no name on it. He begins picking up the dirt and leaves. But, he hears something and runs away..............SUDDENLY, IN A PISS POOR VIDEO EDIT THE GRAVE THAT BOOKER PICKED THE DIRT OFF FROM. TAKERS HAND POPS OUT!

Backstage: Josh Mathews is outsides Eddie's locker room, they again show the El Passo footage again. Josh asks Eddie if he blames himself for his mothers heart attack. Eddie doesn't speak but he has these amazing facial expression that goes from, sad, to maybe am, to da fuck you say, to IM GOING TO KILL JBL! to i'mma fuck you up so Josh runs off.

Rene Dupree and FiFi joins commentary.

Torrie Willson vs. Dawn Marie

Rene interferes. He goes to slam Torrie on the floor, but John Cena runs out to fight, ending the match. They fight, and Cena checks on Torrie, allowing Rene to get the jump. He throws Cena into the ring apron, announces table and into the crowd before bringing him back into the ring. He throws Cena into the exposed steel from where the turnbuckle was. Now he bounces Cena's head off the ringpost and hits him with a TV monitor. Rene then ends it by powerbombing him through the announce table. BEST THING RENE HAS EVER DONE! 2004 BEATDOWNS'S CONTINUE TO BE THE GOAT!

OH SHIT! During the commercial, Rene threw Cena off a stretcher and threw it at him. He then grabs Taz's chair and throws it at him too.

Cole says Eddie's mom has been released from the hospital today.

Live via satellite from NYC, JBL says he quietly and politely asked Eddie's old mother to leave. So he can finish what he started with her baby boy. He says the people watching might like to have 18-20 people living under one roof, but it wasn't Bring Your Family To Work Day. JBL says Eddie has to take responsibility for what he put his family into. He says if he was there tonight, Eddie would do something dumb and get hurt, which is why he's not here, as a gift to Eddie after what happened to his mother. But he WILL be at SD next week and at Judgment Day when he wins the title. He then says he thinks she faked it because she's a Guerrero. He says his people came to America on a boat, not an innertube. JBL says this interview is OVER!

Paul Heyman is with Kurt Angle, Heyman says Eddie is waiting to explode tonight and if anything happens the higher ups will be looking at him. GM Kurt, he says what if the Dudleyz get hurt they will have no choice but to sue. and SUE the WWE so he will lose his job. So, Angle takes him out of the match. Paul leaves and Angle tells Luther to go get a replacement and whispers a name in his ear.

And the mystery partner is....................REY MYSTERIO!

The Dudley Boyz vs. Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio
This gets 10 minutes or so, and i would be lying if i didn't say i enjoyed this a lot. Like more than I've enjoyed 3 of the 4 guys this whole review. The Dudleyz are super aggressive and RVD&Rey are bumping well, I think it's got something with the Dudleyz not having any limb work and just beating both guys up. They iso RVD for a bit and it's fine, Rey's hot tag rules tho. He goes for a 619 on D-Von but Bubba sweeps the leg with a clothesline to the knees :lmao fuck that looked awesome tho. Rey is pretty on his game here with spots and moves, everything looks crisp and hits clean. Bubba who has been getting ping-ponged around runs over and nails RVD he then distracts the ref allowing D-Von to crotch Rey into the ringpost allowing the Dudleyz to take over. Pretty good heat, again no limb work, just ground, and pound or powermoves. Rey sends Buba into the ringpost allowing RVD to get the hot tag, RVD busts out his angry face YES! HE CLEANS HOUSE AND HITS THE THRUST KICK for two. The match breaks down, with the faces hitting Rolling Thunder/Dropping The Dime combo on D-Von to win. **3/4

The Dudleyz jump them from behind, but Eddie comes out and makes the save. He throws the ref out and hits the Dudleyz with a chair. Ref Nick Patrick then gets it. RVD tries to calm him down but RVD gets murdered with the chair. EDDIE CONTINUES TO MURDER BUBBA AND D-VON WITH CHAIR SHOTS BUSTING THEM OPEN TO END THE SHOW.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Benoit & Edge
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

WWE Monday Night RAW
May 10th, 2004
San Jose, California

Recap of the classic Benoit/Michaels match from last week.

Tonight: Orton/Edge, Eugene/Conway, Christian/Jericho, Batista/Tajiri & Hunter/Shelton

Triple H vs. Shelton Benjamin
Sadly this isn't a real match, more of an angle match. Hunter tries to attack him before the bell but it backfires and Shelton hits some sweet Steamboat inspired arm drags, this is pretty much 2 minutes of Shelton pinballing Hunter around and have a counter for everything. He gets a close near fall off a powerslam and a DDT. Shelton goes for the Stinger splash but Hunter avoids and sends Shelton to the floor. Shawn Michaels then runs out and attacks Hunter, they have this awesome. Well, Shawn does, Shawn has this awesome hate-filled brawl as he beats Triple H in and out of the ring, he doesn't allow separation between the two until refs, security and agents break it up. Shawn grabs a mic and challenges Hunter who has bailed through the crowd to finish this tonight. Eric comes out and says he knew something like this would happen, and he will not lose control of his show. He says he is making an example of Shawn. So he brings security out to escort Shawn out of the building. HE'S ALSO SUSPENDED! Shawn then hops the rails and again goes after Triple H.

Orton/Edge video package :mark:

Backstage: FLAR IS BACK! He says Shawn finally got what he deserved. He says Shawn is on the outside looking in, EVOLUTION IS ON THE UP! He says Orton will embarrass Edge and Batista will break Tajiri. Eric comes running over, he says he had to do what he had to do. He says he's also made another decision. Triple H will have an opportunity at the world title next week.

Tajiri vs. Batista
I wonder if the plan was always to have Tajiri have a mini-feud with Evolution, cause if so I still have to question him jobbing to Coach and Cade in back to back matches. Unless this was Tajiri's thank you reward. Weird. Anyway, this is a fun time. Tajiri uses his feet to keep distance between them. He then starts busting out moves using his surrounding e.g. using the ring apron as leverage to ram Batista into the barricades, he then hops the barricades and tries a tornado DDT but Batista counters sending him back-first into the ring apron. Batista begins targeting the back and it rules, power moves and just using his weight to apply pressure to the back. Tajiri's comeback and finishing run were awesome, and Batista cut off the Buzzsaw Kick and hit a big Spinebuster for the win. After the match; Batista hits another spinebuster followed by the Batista Bomb and chokes Tajiri out until the mist comes out like blood. Referees pull him off. **3/4

Some bum ass cluserfuck Divas fuckery airs.

Backstage: Todd Grisham interviews Chris Jericho, Jericho says it's weird that Eric told Hunter he has an opportunity at the world title next week, cause it's the same thing he said to him. But he'll worry about that next week. Cause tonight he has Christian and a 15-foot high steel cage. Jericho says Trish and Christian like to talk about how rough they like it, well tonight Christian will find out how rough he can be.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Randy Orton vs. EDGE
I love the intensity to open with both guys struggling in the lockup and making everything seem like such a battle. You can see Orton and Edge already felt the chemistry like a minute in as Orton gave him that smile/head nod like okay. Edge targets Orton's lower back and it rules, but it's Orton who clearly shines here. He makes everything seem like a fight and a struggle for Edge to do anything. Orton's selling is great, as the match is being dominated by Edge. Flair comes from the back as we go to a commercial. When we return, Flair sends Edge into the steel steps allowing Orton to take over. He now begins targeting the neck/back of Edge. Orton's facial expressions are great he really makes it look like he's trying to rip Edge's body parts off with force. It's fucking great. AWESOME near fall with Orton going for the crossbody and hits but Edge uses the momentum to roll through and get a two count. Edge's comeback is great, he goes back to work with all his offense targeting the previously worked over back as well as selling the neck. Another dope spot is Edge hitting a spear into Orton's back sending him off the apron into the barricades. He rolls Orton in and hits the dropkick off the top for two. Both men continue to battle and work on one another's back, Edge continues to get some amazing near falls. Flair gets on the apron but Edge spears him off, that allows Edge to sneak in and schoolboy Edge while holding the tights for the win. ***1/4 - ***1/2

Backstage: Regal and Eugene are getting ready for his match, Eric comes over and says he wants a word with Regal alone. Eric says he wants Regal to make Eugene lose so he can get rid of him forever. Regals says he will make sure the best man wins.


Backstage: Todd Grisham interviews Christian, Christian says he's not concerned or have any problems when he has the Problem solver or a sweet flower like Trish. Christian says this is GAME 7! And the winner moves on to bigger and better things, like next week when he has an opportunity as the world title. They go to leave, but Trish goes over to Lita. She asks how she's holding up..... SHE THEN FAKES LIKE KANE IS BEHIND HER AND BEGINS YELLING! Lita is pissed and they begin brawling until Matt and Christian pull them off. Trish says "BITCH CAN'T TAKE A JOKE" :lmao

Matt Hardy and Lita come out, Val's music hits but he doesn't come out. Instead, Kane appears on the tron and starts beating Val up. He says that's a message to Matt. But he wants an answer from Lita, and it better be the right one.

Rob Conway (w/Sylvian Grenier) vs. Eugene (w/William Regal)
Yeah, comedy and shit. The crowd are totally behind Eugene so I blame them for everything moving forward. Regal's facial expressions debating if he should cause Eugene to lose, ruled. Regal trips Eugene, but convinces him that he tripped on the apron cover. Eugene gets a roll up with a bridge for the win.

Eric Bischoff comes out onto the stage, Nitro says next week in that very ring it will be Trish vs. Lita. Eric then makes a 20 man over the top rope battle royal with the winner facing Benoit for the World Title @ Badd Blood.

Eric joins commentary, he says Shawn will remain suspended so he will not be in the match next week.

Steel Cage Match: Chris Jericho vs. Christian (w/Trish Stratus & Tyson Tomko)
Good start, with Christian and Tomko talking on the floor which gives Jericho the opening to dropkick him through the cage door and roll him back in to start. But, then like a minute later Jericho tries to escape the cage which is crazy weird considering how this is supposed to be a blood feud, you know your former best friend turned on you, the took ya bitch and has pretty much been beating you down whenever he can. SMH! Other then that, this is really good. Both continue to have no problem beating the shit out of one another. Again Jericho tries to climb out but Tomko stops him from hitting the cage with a chair, Jericho then dives off the top with a crossbody. Jericho now goes to the door but Tomko boots him in the head and that's when the refs send him to the back. Jericho makes it to steps but Christian pulls him back in and backdrops Jericho into the cage. Christian gets some awesome color when Jericho sidesteps a charging Christian and he goes headfirst into one of the steel beams, Jericho continues to ram his head into the cage and now the blood is just flowing :mark: Jericho hits the bulldog for two, as Jericho begins taunting Trish. That allows Christian to send Jericho into the cage mesh and hit the unprettier but he's too worn down to cover right away. So when he does manage to cover it only gets two. He begins climbing the cage but Jericho catches him and hits nasty double arm suplex off the top RIP CLB's back. Trish grabs a chair and she enters the ring, but Jericho stops it and locks her in the walls. Christian being the good boyfriend he leaves her and tries to climb over the top again, but again Jericho catches up to him. He pulls him back in by slamming him off the top and then locking in the walls. AWESOME! Christian reaches the ropes and tries to pull out the door but Jericho pulls him back in and Christian is forced to tap. Good cage match, but it was worked more like a cage match for a title rather than a hate feud blowoff cage match. The finishing stretch ruled tho. ***1/4



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Champion: Eddie Guererro
WWE United States Champion: John Cena
WWE Tag Team Champions: Charlie Haas & Rico
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Jacquelyn

WWE Smackdown
May 13th, 2004
Reno, Nevada

Tonight: JBL vs. Mysterio

Bubba comes out alone, but D-Von sneaks from behind and attacks RVD and the bell rings.

Rob Van Dam vs. D-Von Dudley (w/Bubba-Ray Dudley)
This is decent but kinda uninteresting. They kinda just go through their usual routine. Same spots and counters we've seen since 90's ECW. D-Von targets RVD's neck who sells it hilariously, he goes from overselling it to just shaking his neck like a bobblehead. Only real highlight in this is Bubba jawing with the fans which resulted in this huge RVD chant, like 2001 RVD chant. And the finish with D-Von stealing Orton's finish from his match against RVD on RAW January 12th, the hanging spike DDT for the win. After the match; The Dudleyz go to attack RVD again but Rey makes the save. **1/4

Backstage: Eddie is looking depressed when Luther rolls Mr. Angle next to him, Kurt says he wants Eddie to look and listen to him. He says he knows he's upset about his mother but what he did was unacceptable. He says he will not stand for it. Kurt says he's become a loose cannon and he's already gotten rid of the Big Show, if he keeps going he will be next. Kurt says Eddie cannot touch JBL or there will be consequences. Eddie gets up and leaves, as Kurt yells at him to get back.


Michael Cole is in the ring and introduces the NEW WWE Cruiserweight champion, Jacquelyn. She says she's proud to be the first woman to hold this title, and she wants to tell Chavo she lost to a girl. Chavo & Chavo come out. Jr. calls her a thief and says having his title stolen from him is the single worse thing that has happen to him (So his grandmother having a heart attack 11 days ago isn't the worse :lmao) Jr. calls himself a mans/man and says everyone knows she can't beat him without cheating, he says he has his rematch at Judgement Day. And to prove he is the better man, he will have one arm tied behind his back. Classic then says that is really great bringing justice back to the family, but you know what I WANT SOME REDEMPTION! He then challenges Jacque to a match right now. Classic begins getting undressed till he's just in his slacks and wifebeater.

Jacquelyn vs. Chavo Guererro Classic (w/Chavo Guererro Jr.)
Goes about 2 minutes, Classic continues to rule at just cheating and being a dick. Stomping on Jacque's hand and just being a dick, toying with her. Jacque has a nice comeback, she hits a tornado DDT for two, but Jr hits her on the floor and rolls her back in allowing Classic to pick up the win. Classic begins to celebrate but she pulls down his pants. AWESOME comedy with Classic and JR trying to pull his pants back up but Classic keeps falling over.

Backstage Kurt says he's the GM and no one disrespects him like Eddie does, he tells Luther to get him Eddie or take him to Eddie.

Recap of Booker's Smackdown last week.

Backstage: Luther rolls Kurt to Eddie again, Kurt says he is the boss and demands his respect. He says he heard JBL is on his way and if Eddie attacks JBL tonight he will be stripped of the title and he will hand him the title to JBL on the spot. Kurt then tries to blame Eddie for his mother but backtracks when Eddie grabs him.

At ringside, Cole and Tazz talk, but JBL calls in and says he'll make statement tonight and promises something big. Tazz asks him about Eddie and JBL says tell Eddie just to sit tight and Judgement Day might come early.

The FBI are in the ring, Nunzio had his arm and ribs bandaged up while The Bull has a neck brace on. Suddenly, Booker T comes out holding his POUCH.

The F.B.I (Nunzio & Johnny Stamboli) vs. Booker T
Cole says Booker requested this match to show he's just as good if not better then Taker. So, this is just a Booker on offense showcase. He beats up both FBI members with ease, he hits the ax-kick on Stamboli for the win. After the match; Booker grabs the mic and says for all you SUCKAs that don't believe, I am just as powerful as the Undertaker. NOW...CAN...YOU...DIG...THAT! Suddenly, the lights go out and Taker appears on the SD trons. Booker tries to bail up the ramp but Paul Bearer comes out to block him. THAN IN THE RING TAKER SITS UP! Booker is freaked out, but then holds up his little pouch :lmao

Eddie Guererro comes out, no car, no smile all ANGRY! He says when he wears his WWE championship, he represents the people. He represents all the boys in the back and America. He says JBL calls himself a true American, naw man. A true American doesn't rub it in, America is about the land of opportunity, busting your ass and making something of yourself. Eddie says he lives his life to fullest and calls JBL ignorant. He says America is not billed off JBL's blueblood wealth, no. He says he gonna make JBL rethink his manhood and PROMISES TO KICK THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM AT THE PPV! Eddie says he is not gonna wait, he says JBL tried to traumatize his family and put his hands on a 76-year-old woman. Eddie says every morning he has to look at his kids as his kids ask him what are they gonna do to that man that touched grandma. Eddie says he will not wait anymore, so Vickie, Kids turn off the TV because i don't want you to see this side of me. He calls out JBL and JBL's limo comes out. Eddie goes out after it, but the door is locked. Eddie grabs a pipe and breaks the window...but JBL isn't inside. Cops come out now, and JBL's voice is heard saying to arrest him for vandalism and destruction of private property, saying to cuff him like the mongrel he is. Eddie is cuffed, and JBL now walks out with the mic. Eddie is held back and JBL says his mother must be real proud and asks how she's doing. Eddie rushes JBL, EVEN THOUGH HE'S FUCKING HANDCUFFED, and JBL starts beating the shit out of him. Eddie keeps fighting back though, and JBL yells for the cops to take him away for attacking him. They drag Eddie off, and JBL gets in the ring, yelling to put him down for aggravated assault. JBL says to use his phone call to call his mother, and JBL celebrates in the ring. AMAZING PROMO/AMAZING ANGLE/AMAZING FEUD <3 2004

Rico (w/Miss Jackie & Charlie Haas) vs. Hardcore Holly (w/Billy Gunn)
WHAT THIS FUCK IS THIS! WAIT, Holly, and Gunn are now a tag team and have a title match at the PPV! WHY? WHAT THE FUCK! NO! Typical Holly shit, he not into the gay shit so he stiffs Rico whenever he gets the chance. Holly rolls through a really shitty Crossbody to win.

Earlier this week, Rene and FiFi were talking, Rene says he hears the BOOOO's because he speaks the truth and that's why the rest of the world hates America. He shows footage of his awesome beatdown last week. Rene says that was nothing compared to what he does to him this Sunday. He says he will become the first Frenchman to become the US Champion.


Sakoda (w/Akio) vs. John Cena


John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio
JBL now has the black warmup sports jacket, towel, and just the JBL trunks attire. FINAL FORM JBL :mark: Awesome big man vs. little man match, Rey rules in this style of match and JBL who isn't great in the ring, but shines in this type when he can just throw Rey around. He really lays his shit in and Rey bumps like crazy for everything. At one point, he shoves Rey's head with his foot on the mat, and yells, "COME ON REY! ARRIBA! :lmao That leads to a really fun Rey comeback, he hits the 619 but JBL ducks the senton and boots Rey in the head, he throws him to the floor and into the steps. JBL continues to beat the living shit out of him on the floor bouncing his head on the seated steps and table. He hit a Powerbomb into the turnbuckles and then the Clothesline From Hell to win. ***

JBL grabs a mic and says make no mistake he doesn't give a damn about Eddie's mother, that old lady was lucky enough to be alive to see Eddie win the title. He says if she's even able to make it she will watch as he beats the hell out of Eddie this Sunday. And if she DIES! SHE DIES! JBL yells this is about him, and the WWE Championship. WHAT I SAY IS DO! WHAT I WANT! I GET! He says Eddie made this personal, so he makes this a guarantee he will win this Sunday




Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Champion: Eddie Guererro
WWE United States Champion: John Cena
WWE Tag Team Champions: Charlie Haas & Rico
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Jacquelyn


WWE Judgement Day
May 16th, 2004
Staples Center: Los Angeles, California

Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam vs. The Dudley Boyz
Not nearly as good as the Smackdown match 2 weeks ago, mainly because we don't get funny RVD facial expressions and awesome kicks. Kinda weird start, the Dudleyz go right into iso'ing RVD like 20 seconds in, RVD doesn't really sell or anything just his usual bumping, he then makes his own comeback and has like his own hot tag cleaning house as Rey just watching on the apron. The Dudleyz regroup and they do the whole thing over again, with the Dudleyz again iso'ing RVD, but this time Rey gets a hot tag. He and Bubba have this great mini-interaction, but Bubba kills him with a hot shot dropping him no the top tope. That allows the Dudleyz to iso Rey and work over the neck, which obviously doesn't get sold because it's Rey. Rey would rather sell hurting his ass on a bulldog than getting his throat pulled in submissions smh. RVD's has a decent hot tag, he stiffs Bubba like 3 times with straight kicks and Bubba dies on all of it, the match breaks down with the Dudleyz go for WAAAAZ UP! But Rey breaks it up, he hits Bubba with the bronco buster and then leapfrogs over RVD and hitting a Rana off the top for two. The match ends with Rey hitting a double 619 to the Dudleyz and RVD hitting the 5-Star-Frog Splash off the top for the win. ** - **1/4

Backstage: Josh Mathews is outside Bookers locker room, he says he been hearing weird noises. Booker opens the door and says ask his stupid little question. He says I got the answers, i'm bigger than RVD, Rey, and The Undertaker. Booker pulls out his little pouch and says he has the power and when he beats Undertaker he will be the one true star on Smackdown.

Luther pushes out this huge box thing, AND KURT THEN POPS UP OUT OF THE TOP LIKE SOME ELEVATOR :lmao Kurt says Los Angeles, the city of angels, he says everytime he comes here he doesn't see any angles just a bunch of phonies and lazy dreamers looking for a big break that will never come. An overrated basketball with their star player unable to make the Olympics because he will be on trial. AND WORST OF ALL YOU IDIOTS! I SEE FANS OF EDDIE GUERERRO! He says it's funny if Eddie didn't cheat to beat him at Mania, he would be the one defending the title tonight. Kurt says when JBL beats Eddie here tonight, he expects the fans to do what they do best and RIOT! He says when JBL wins the belt, he's getting the hell out of there and WISHES THEY HAVE ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE! Angle brings out Torrie Willson and says if she loses tonight, she's fired.

Torrie Willson vs. Dawn Marie
Torrie wrestling with urgency is pretty hilarious, she does all the basics and tries hard, both women do but this isn't good. Best moment of the match is Torrie accidentally rips Dawn's pants exposing her bare ass for a good minute or so, that distraction allows Torrie to backslide her for the win.

Backstage: JBL is in his own personal locker room, he says he's been campaigning this great country for a while now and what he's discovered is quite disturbing. He's discovered a bunch of Eddie Guererro's, people who cut corners. Bottom feeders looking for handouts, he says LA is the worse, but not all is bad, some in LA know how to wash cars or shine shoes. He says he's winning the title tonight for his America, in JBL's America everyone speaks English. Tonight is Judgement Day for Eddie Guererro.

Scotty II Hotty vs. Mordecai
Yeah, so this, lol this is, um yeah. Mordecai yeah, so his entrance and music is cool as shit, he looks different, his cross symbol is dope the white attire works but HOLY SHIT! Dude is average af in the ring. Pretty funny that he and Scotty have the same bleach hair. Mordicai's does these hilarious "intensity" facial expressions and yelling during every move to give it that extra ouch feel but, it just comes off laughable. anyway, after brief comeback by Scotty before Mordecai hits a RAZOR'S EDGE for the win. PASS!

Backstage: Chavo and Chavo are getting ready for their match when Jacque comes in and hands Chavo Jr a gift. It's a bra, she says since he lost to a girl she, I mean he should dress like a girl. Chavo loses it and says this isn't a game and he's gonna hurt her so badly before taking his title back (in the background Chavo Classic inspects the bra and panties)

WWE Tag Team Championships: Charlie Haas & Rico (w/Miss Jackie) vs. Hardcore Holly & Billy Gunn
FUCK ME! What did I do to deserve this, you know what's funny is Gunn acting freaked out by Rico's antics, of anyone on the roster who shouldn't be freaked out it should be Gunn. YOU KNOW THE SAME BILLY GUNN WHO HAD HIS ASS OUT ALL 99, THEN WAS IN A SUSPECT TAG TEAM ONLY 2 YEARS AGO, AND GUESS WHAT HIS MANAGER WAS RICO! So why is he shocked by this? Fuckit. This gets 10 minutes and is a total waste of time. Like half the time is Rico does his stuff, but the control segment on Haas wasn't awful. Rico yells, "DON'T YOU HURT MY CHARLIE!" which was great tho. The match ends when Rico hits a sneak superkick and Haas floats over with a rollup for the win. Meh. *3/4

Backstage: The Undertaker is in a dark room full of smoke, Paul Bearer says Booker's time is running out and this is his Judgement Day. REST...IN...PEACE!

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Chavo Guererro Jr. (w/Chavo Guererro Classic) vs. Jacquelyn [Chavo Has One Arm Tied Behind His Back]
It is what it is, Chavo doesn't mess around he pretty much dominates for the majority but Jacque sends him into the ring post with his one good arm, which is awesome storytelling. She sees this and then targets the head. FUCK ME! But she's not done she tries a sleeper but when that doesn't work she goes to kicking the chest. Classic tries to get involved but it backfires as she low blows him and rolls him up for two, Classic tells the ref to get her back and he cuts Chavo's arm loose. He fakes having his arm tied still until Classic gets on the apron distracting the ref allowing Chavo to use both his hands to beat down Jacque. This happens 3 times, and on the 3rd Chavo hits the Gory Bomb for the win and going back to FAKING HAVING HIS ARM TIED BEHIND HIS BACK! AWESOME! **

After the match; Chavo blames her and the people for making him do that. He says she isn't laughing anymore, and no one can ever laugh at him ever again. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CHAVO~!

WWE United States Championship: John Cena vs. Rene Dupree
This is smartly booked but rough like this has some great hate-filled violence on Cena's part and Rene does a great job trying at first bailing to the floor to piss Cena off but then the match goes downhill with Rene on offense, cause he's still Rene he's still coasting on heel 101 antics. I'm convinced that attack on Cena 2 weeks ago was lighting in a bottle and Vince told him what to do step-by-step. This might be Cena's best babyface showing maybe since January or February, his bumping is phenomenal, especially him going for a shoulder block but Rene ducks and Cena goes flying over the top and lands chest first onto the floor. Rene then proceeds to work it. He applies a bear hug which doesn't look good at all, and I hate when two guys that are pretty much the same size do it. It just looks like wrestler 1 is just resting on wrestler 2, waste of time. I think bear hugs should only be used by giants, the Big Shows, Mark Henrys, Brock, Vader ect. Cena doesn't sell because that's now his thing, UGH! He hits his usual comeback, shoulder block, shoulder block, back suplex but misses the 5 knuckle shuffle and Rene hits the spinebuster. BUT RENE GETS COCKY AND DOES THE FRENCH TICKLER! They forget all about Cena's chest work and go back and forth trading moves and near falls. Cena hits the FU for the win. **


Booker T vs. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)
Hilariously, Booker holds his pouch in front of him the whole time hoping for some type of results. I don't know if this was supposed to be intensely funny but at one point Taker tries to dominate so Booker rolls to the floor and rubs the pouch on himself trying to give him special powers :lmaolmao It backfires as Taker continues to dominate until Booker hangs him up on the top rope and follows up with a dropkick off the top. He workers over Taker with strikes, but then randomly stops to grab the pouch. But as soon as he goes back over to Taker, Taker makes a comeback. OH SHIT! WHAT IF THE VOODOO WOMAN IS IN CAHOOTS WITH TAKER! Taker goes for the last ride, but Booker slides out and hits the ref on accident. He then grabs the pouch, opens it and throws what looks to be dust into takers eyes. Since when does grave dirt, a black feather, and thangs from a 3 legged dog turn into dust or sand? WHAT IF BOOKER WAS DUPED AGAIN! AND SOMEONE TOOK HIS ORIGINAL BAG, THAT'S WHY IT'S NOT WORKING :side: Anyway, it has no effects on Taker apart from pissing him off. Booker suckers him in, before working over Taker's legs to which Taker sells really well until Booker just randomly stops working it, he hits the scissors kick for two. Taker sits up and immediately hits the chokeslam followed by the Tombstone for the win. **1/4


WWE Championship: John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Eddie Guererro
SO, this is fuckin amazing and doesn't get talked about enough. Sadly, it's only remembered for one thing and although that one thing is like next level never seen before or again. This has so much more to it. Like Eddie just beating the holy shit out of JBL for a good 5 minutes straight, just letting out all the frustration and hatred out on JBL, who bumps and begs off so well. Eddie taking his time and punching away at JBL along with talking in Spanish is great, this is all great. Out of desperation, JBL sends Eddie into the steps who seems to have hurt his arm or wrist. That opening allows JBL to get vicious in his awesome bully offense. JBL might have the best punches on the roster behind Taker and Matt, actually, I might put JBL's above Matts. Eddie has these mini-comebacks so JBL resorts to holds just to keep a pissed off Eddie grounded. AWESOME Spot. Eddie makes his comeback but as he goes for a plancha, JBL watches him on the floor and hits a sweet fallaway slam. The fight on the floor some more with JBL catching Eddie coming charging in with a backdrop onto one of the announce tables at ringside. JBL begins working on the back, and Eddie sells it greatly when coming back, especially with the difficulty doing the 3 Amigos plus with the weight difference it all comes into play. The ref gets bumped as he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, it the most realistic ref bump i've ever seen. JBL and Eddie fight some more on the floor, Eddie throws JBL onto Cole and TAZZ before checking on the ref. HE THEN WALKS OVER TO JBL BUT JBL FUCKIN WRECKS HIM WITH A CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD! AND THAT RESULTS IN ONE OF THE SICKEST BLADEJOBS I'VE EVER SEEN!


LIKE Eddie lands on JBL's hat and when JBL picks Eddie up 3/4 of JBL's hat is covered in blood, JBL continues to beat him around the ring. as we get shots of these fucking puddles of blood. FUCK ME! JBL follows up by hitting him with the steel steps to the cut. Eddie can barely stand, and even when he does get up he needs JBL to hold him up. JBL hits a nasty clothesline from hell but the ref is down. A 2nd ref comes down, but Eddie somehow kicks out. You actually see the blood flowing out of his head, which is insane. It's way worse than Shawn's at Bad Blood 97 and worse than Jay Briscoe against Joe. JBL goes for another Clothesline from Hell but Eddie just falls because of the blood loss and the 2nd ref gets taken out. JBL follows up with a powerbomb as the 1st ref is now awake but again Eddie kicks out. JBL applies a sleeper and the BLOOD IS JUST EVERYWHERE! THIS IS FUCKIN' INSANE! Eddie makes a comeback, while slowly doing his shimmying totally soaked in blood gives off this amazing new level feel to it. It still gives me goosebumps watching. Eddie hits a desperation DDT and goes for the Frog Splash, but Eddie took too long due to the blood loss, that allows JBL to roll out of the way. JBL grabs the title along with a chair. He throws the chair in as bate, so the ref takes it. Eddie then grabs the title and nails JBL with it just as the ref turns around for the DQ.


Eddie continues to rain down with punches, refs come down to break it up but Eddie uses every bit of his energy to break free and continue to fight JBL. He hits him twice with the title and now JBL is busted open. Eddie then rolls to the floor and grabs a chair. In some kind of revenge, it's now Eddie nailing JBL with a chair shot. JBL rolls in and tries to beg off, but Eddie fires up and nails him with a sick chair shot. Eddie then heads up top and nails the Frog Splash until the refs pull JBL to safety. He collapses and backs up the ramp on his ass, but Eddie goes back out after him! Eddie keeps it up. He throws refs back. IT TAKES ARM! FIT! DEAN! and more to physically pull Eddie off who goes back to the ring and celebrates with the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP! And gives us one of the greatest visuals in wrestling history. MOTYC without question. ****1/2


Overall: A piss poor PPV, outside of a classic all-time amazing hate-filled violent main event.