WWE vs. ECW extreme meets wrestling

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Evil Austin

just so you guys know when we get to at the end of the btb year when cyber cunday comes we (me and nate) have 3 matches each on the ppv and you guys can vote like in life on the opponents, stipulations, refferee's, and more so jsut so you guys know in december (btb time) you have the power

Triple H15

New Member
Oct 15, 2007
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That soundsa wicked i cannot wait until Cyber Sunday.

Dont be afraid to check out Total Wrestling Entertainment

Evil Austin

ok i will i am sorry for the lateness of my second show the last few hours i have not been home so it may be a little bit late this time.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
yea i was tryin to get a show up and didnt want to have to write an extra two matches....can u tell me how i can improve cause i kno u and XB abd gardsJr. and Jhar and Enigma are really good at this and i really want to be up with yall

1. Make a long term storyline, it really helps so that you can have this BTB long.

2. Don't think about the readers, if no one tried to review your show, don't think 'bout it 'coz you will lose your passion in doing it. Just think about how you enjoy writing this stuff and why did you started to write this in the first place.

3. Lenghty matches or not, It's up to you but every readers want to see a long awesome main event.

Well... that are the only things I can think of...
btw, you forgot CMS and SWA/Weebo, they're also one of the best BTB Writers in the forum. And our former mod is The Anigma and not Enigma 22 :D

Cheap Plug: Check out HEW! :D

Evil Austin

my show should be up soon. again sorry for late ness i have not been home the last half day and could not finish it.

Evil Austin


show starts off showing what happened last week as the pyro's go off.

Jr: Welcome to this weeks edition of the wwe.

King: Exactly, and tonight will be a great show.

Jr: We have Stone Cold Steve Austin taking on a man of vince's chosing to move into the royal rumble match.

King: Wel will also have the aftermath of the wwe title match last week and the steel cage match.

Jr: Lets get started.

Mr Kennedy music hits and he storms down to the ring.

*The lights dimmen*

*The Mike comes down and he begins to speak his mind.*

Kennedy: I am the fastest rising star in the wwe right now i have beaten over 8 count them 8 superstars in the last year and a half that have been champions but have i been champion no. This is an outrage, they did not even put me in the show last week and how can you have a show without MISTERRR KENNNEEEDDDYYYY (*long pause*)..........................................................

IF YA SMEEELLLL hits and the crowd goes nuts.

King: Jr, he did not let him finish.

Jr: oh, boo hoo like he havent heard it already.

Rock: Wha wha wha wha. i was a fast rising star just like you i won my first wwe title in my first year at the wwe, i even debut at a ppv. So stop whining you just absoloutly suck.

Kennedy: (screames to his face) Kennedy.

Rock: Jesus christ man you do need a breath mint you should change you name to misterrrr colgate......... needs a colgate.....

crowd goes nuts.

kennedy: Oh yeah, you think your so funny. why the hell are you here anyway ?

Rock: Well i could not stand listening to you backstage any more you are boring the new wwe and no one likes you.

*No chance hits*

Vince: Why don't we settle this, lets make this interesting later tonight lets have brock lesnar and mr Kennedy vs The rock and a partner of his chosing.

--------- promo ends

Match - 1 Christion cage and Mark Henry vs The dudley boys

bell rings and bubba starts it off with christion. Christoin is throwing right hands than bubba is aswell Bubba does the stick and move and knocks him down. He takes his hand and drags him to the corner were d-von is and tags him in. D-von is kicking cage in the corner for a little while before lifting him up and throing him at the ropes and leaning forward for the backdrop but cage kicks him in the shoulder and clostlines him down. He runs and tags in the world strongest man Mark Henry.

D-von gets knocked down and than bubba knocked down when he came in the ring to help hsi half brother d-von out. Henry looks in control. He lifts up D-von the legal man and than gets him in a bear hug. he is holding it in for a good minute and than D-von is headbutting and punching henry in the head. Henry lets go and D-von and bubba clostling him. cage comes in the ring and than is attacking bubba outside the ring. mark Henry throws him in the corner and is shoulder takcling him alot. Meanwhile Bubba is outside and had hit cage's head on the pole and he is down Bubba is back in the ring and is hitting Henry from behind. Henry turns around and than pushes him off. D-von and bubba both suprisingly hit the 3-D and than go for the pin and get the win.

WInner's The Dudley Boys

Backstage - Rock is looking around for a partner and he runs into a man that is not angly shown on the screen but the rock is smiling and saying Finally The Rock has found the Perfect partner.

in the ring Randy Orton is there and begins to speak.

Orton: I Randy Orton got cheated out of the wwe title last week inthat unfair blindfold match i mean we could not even see each other and thats why i deserve to be the number one contender not Bill Goldberg.

*Goldberg's music hits and he makes his way to the ring.*

Goldberg : i am the number one contender and i won a 3 man steel cage match to do it.

Orton: (getting interupted.)

HBK's music hits.

HBK: i am the number one contender the show stoppa the incon HBK shawn micahels because i kicked you in the teeth last week and you went through the cage door thats how strong my kicks are.

Randy: All of you shut up i am the third generation wrestler here and i am the number one contender.

Goldberg: well i guess the apple does not fall far from the tree your dad was never a champion and his dad wasn't.

HBK laughs

It has been announced during the commercial break as they get ready for the next match that it will be a fatal four way match at the royal rumble for the wwe title.

Vince is in the ring and begins to speak.

Vince: Bret Hart, i don't have much to speak on him besides the fact that i am entering the royal rumble and that i am going to eliminate you personaly because you will never be the wwe champion or ecw champion again becuase Vince screwed Bret!

Vince: Now onto Austin i gurrandam tee that you will not win the royal rumble match for the fourth time.

When we got back it was ready for the second match. it is.

The royal rumble qualifier match Stone cold steve austin vs ???? (mr Mcmahon's pick)

Austin is in the ring waiting on his opponent.

Vince is near the announce tables and says that the opponent is non other than this man you say that your the king at rumbles won it three times looking for the fourth well this man has the record for the most eliminations one year eliminating you and has not missed a rumble since 1999 and is going to beat you than win the royal rumble he is this man the man your about to face tonight is KANE!

Austin flips the tron off with vince on it as kane's pyro goes off and he makes his way towards the ring.

bell rings and the match begins.

kane picks austin up and throws him at the corner and than starts pounding on him. austin turns him around so Kane is at the corner and pounds on him and stomps a mud hole and walks it dry. He drags kane slightly to the centre of the ring and than stomps some more on him and than lies down with him and starts talking smack to kane. Kane had heard enough and than grabbed the throat of Austin and started to stand up and than was about to lift him up for the choke slam but than got kicked in the gut and stunnered. He talks a bit off smack and than goes for the pin fall but kane lifts austin off his chest adn stand sup with him for a millitary press slam and hits it.

Mr McMahon has a huge smile on his face. Kane goes for the pin but Austin kicks out. Kane goes for the choke but he has to let go at 4. Austin rolls under the bottom rope and takes a breather kane goes out after him and chucks him back into the ring. Kane than throws him around the ring showing his power over austin. Austin is throwing right hands in the face of Kane but kane throwes his own stronger ones back at him and than gets him in the corner. He puts him on the top rope standing on the second rope and kaen has him in a choke than does a diving second rope chokeslame from the second rope through the announce tables just throing him across.

The reff begins to count.

Austin is getting pointed and laughed at as he is being unconcious on the floor by vince. The reff is up to 8 but the reff does not get to 9 because Kane does nto want ot win that way he hits the reff int he back off the head knocking him out . Vince looks pissed Kane rolls austin in the ring and than Vince is on the appron screaming why and than gets asteel chair and saying use it on him. but Kane punches the chair in vinces face adn than vince is down near the announce table that was broken not that long ago. meanwhile Austin had grabbed the chait and than tried to hit it in the face off kane and does kanes head starts to bleed and he goes for the pin and gets the win.

Austin had been entered in the royal rumble now.

Backstage - Kennedy has found his partner.

Kennedy : Brock lesnar is my partner (talking to screen).

Brock: Rock, no matter who you pick you do not stand a chance we have the fastest rising star in wwe history and we have the all american guy that beat oyu in his first wwe title match. Rock you have no chance of winning this match.

Rock is on the screen as they are in the lockerroom talking and looking at the screen on the TV and they see Rock.

Rock: You know you Jabronni's i have on thing to say to you Just Bring It and thats what i did i brought it i brought my former friend. Brock a guy that has beaten you for a title quite a few times The only Olympic gold medalist in wwe history Kurt Angle.

Brock and Kennedy are arguing in the back on what to do about the situation becuse they are the main event of the evening.

In the Ring

John Bradshaw Layfeild's music hits and he makes his way to the ring with the big horned limmo.

John is in the ring and begins to speak.

JBL: I am the best wrestler the ever was and ever will be, i was the longest running smackdown champion in smackodwn history which is more than the likes off HHH, rey, batista, edge, undertaker, brock lesnar, kurt angle, the rock, john cena and others. It proves that i am better than everyone in the business today because i am a wrestling (pause) GOD.

His music goes and than he leaves the ring.

Match - 3 Rob Van Dam vs Booker T vs Rick Flair

The match has been going on for a little while as we come back form a commercial break and we see that Rick flair is chopping booker T in the corner. Rick moves out of the way a second and than Rvd jumps on Booker and monkey flips him. Rick starts chopping and than back suplexes. RVd booker is up by now and than back kicks flair in the gut. adn than goes for the scizzor kick. Flair ducks and than moves out and than grabs both legs and trips him. and than gets him in the figure four leg lock.

RVD is on the top rope and than hits the five star frog spalsh on both men in the figure four leg lock and pins rick for he win.

Backstage HHH is seen with HBK and they HHH is trying to convince him that next week we have to work together as DX for one night only to beat Goldberg and Orton next week at the main event Shawn does not agree to it shawn just leaves which leaves the question will they work together?

Main Event - Brock Lesnar and Mr Kennedy vs Kurt Angle and The Rock

Kurt Angle and Kennedy start off Kurt almost gets clostlined but he ducks and than this three German suplexes. Kennedy gets dragged to his corner and than kurt gets the tag on Rock. Rock Manhattan drops him and than throws him at the ropes and than knees him in the gut and he falls down. he goes for the people's elbow but Brock gets in the ring and hits him in the back of the head and he falls down. Kennedy pulls him to his corner and than tags in Brock lesnar.

Kurt is arguing to the reff that they were not aloud to do that as they beat up on rock (kennedy and brock) when the reff turns around kennedy is on the apron in the corner of his team. Brock does the cradle drop suplex and really hurts rock's back. and again and than again and than snap suplexes him.

he starts to work on the back and than goes for the Brock lock. Rock is thriving in pain. Though he does not tapp out. Brock gets really pissed and angry he lets go and begins to beat and kick on him. he tags in Kennedy, he goes for the pin on Rock but The Rock kicks out. Rock kicks kennedy off and than tags in Kurt Angle Kurt is Arm dragging everyone and than angle slams brock in the ring and than the rock rock bottoms kennedy and than kurt goes for the ankle lock on kennedy and he taps out.

As the show ends Rock and Kurt are announced the winners of the match.

comments and reviews please

thank you

Evil Austin

Nate 757's show will be up around nine pm forum time so look out for it

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Kennedy/Lesnar vs. Angle/Rock

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Rock/Kennedy, lol... Mr. Colgate.. needs a Colgate

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: It's okay if you haven't posted the show in the desired time, no need to hustle man! Anyway, the show is pretty well... I think you should improve your promos alot more, we got the same problem! lol...


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Bodies hits as we see the entrance video play for ECW as Joey Styles welcomes us to another episode of ECW.

Joey: After the huge news that was announced late last night concerning the 2008 Pay Per View schedule, will there be any matches made for the Royal Rumble and who will Paul Heyman place into the Royal Rumble match? But first lets head to the ring as the new ECW world champion is in the ring and he is in the celebratory mode.

Camera goes to the ring where Edge and the two masked men are in the ring.

Edge: I did it. I told everybody last week I came to ECW for one reason and one reason only. That would be to fulfill the destiny of the higher power and win the ECW World Heavyweight championship, when I totally dominated Chris Jericho and Shelton Benjamin last week in a triple threat ladder match.

Crowd: You suck…boo…boo

Edge: You can boo all you want but the fact remains that I am still the ECW champion. You may be wondering who these two masked men are that, as some people will tell you, helped me screw Benjamin out of the title. Well I would tell you, but I’m not the kind of guy to reveal his secrets. So now that I have the ECW title and the backing of the Higher Power, there Ain’t No Stoppin’ Me.

Ain’t No Stoppin’ Me plays as Shelton Benjamin walks through the curtain microphone in hand.

Shelton: Edge, did I just hear you say there was no stopping’ you. Can you please come up with your own phrase, I mean damn. O yea you can. This reeks of awesomeness, doesn’t Edge.

Crowd pops as Edge freaks out with Benjamin bringing up Edge’s older days.

Edge: Benjamin, what the hell are you doing out here. This is my time, this is my celebration. I order you to go to the back and let me finish what I was saying.

Benjamin: Well, Edge it looked like you where done so I decided to grab a mic and come out, talk a little trash and then take the ECW belt which should be with me right now.

Edge: You can’t take my belt, It has my name on it. See

Edge points to the name plate with Edge written on it.

Benjamin: Wanna see me get take it from you?

Benjamin charges to the ring and right onto Edge. The masked men take Benjamin and drag him off of Edge. Benjamin punches one and kicks the other one. The masked men are on the ground and Benjamin goes after Edge. He tries a T-bone suplex but the masked men save Edge and Edge and the masked men high-tail it out of the ring as Benjamin does the “I want the belt” taunt.

A familiar guitar strum hits as the place goes wild in anticipation for Bret Hart. Bret makes his way to the ring as the place goes nuts. Bret makes it to the ring and looks around the ring as the fans are still popping for Hart.

Bret: Last week, I came out and made some bold statements pertaining to Vince McMahon and on WWE, Vince remarked back. Vince, like I said last week, it is going to be Bret Hart screwing Vince McMahon. If you want a war than you got one. You see Vince, I have already started to recruit men for our battles that we are sure to have. I want to introduce you all in ECW to my nephew. Teddy Hart.

Hart’s music plays as he walks to the ring to a decent pop for being introduced as a Hart.

Teddy: Vince, you may say I have an attitude problem and I may do, but I swear on this. All my attitude will be focused on taking you out. You wanted the Hart Foundation 2.0 on Smackdown but never gave it to us because of my attitude problem. Well, it is time for an attitude adjustment on your part. The Hart foundation 2.0 starts tonight in ECW with my uncle, the legendary Bret Hart in command.

Bret: Vince, this is WAR.

Teddy stands in the ring and Bret goes to the outside. Teddy waits for his opponent as Petty Williams comes out to a decent pop.

Match starts with Teddy in charge. He nails a few punches then whips Petty into the ropes. Dropkick by Teddy followed by a full body scissors. Petty knips out and Teddy lets him to his feet. Both men up as Teddy charges at Petty with a clothesline, but Petty ducks and nails a clothesline on Teddy. Hart back up as Petty nails a kick to the gut followed by a DDT. Petty tries a pin but Teddy kicks out at one. Petty applies a chin lock. Teddy powers up and hits some elbows to Petty’s gut. Petty’s releases the hold and Teddy nails a standing dropkick. Teddy to the top rope looking for a dropkick. Petty moves out of the ring and Teddy hits hard. Petty to the outside and he looks under the ring pulling out a chair. Teddy back up as Petty rolls into the ring. Petty puts the chair up preparing to swing on Teddy, but Hart nails a spinning kick into the chair. Teddy goes for the cover, but only gets two. He cannot believe it and looks at Bret. Bret gives him a nod as Teddy drags Petty’s leg to the bottom rope and smashes down on it. He does this a couple more times, then grabs the steel chair. He places the chair on Petty’s leg and comes down on it. Teddy drags Williams to the middle of the ring and places him in the Sharpshooter. Petty tries to get to the rope, but eventually taps out to the pain.

Backstage we see Batista walking down a hallway into the ECW locker room. He goes directly to Bobby Lashley and starts to talk to him.

Batista: Last week Lashley, you cost both of us the opportunity to win the ECW world title when you flew over the top rope and crashed into me, sending both of us through the ramp. I have not felt the same way since. What do you have to say.

Lashley: First of all, Batista, I don’t have to tell you why I do what I do. But if you want to know so much, I did It because I was looking to win a match. That is the reason we wrestle, is it not. I wanted to put a show on for the fans and that is exactly what I did. Do you have a problem with that?

Batista: Well actually I do Bobby. I was put on the shelf 2 times in the past three years. I had to surrender the World title because of that. In ECW, I will not go down like that again. Got it pal?

Batista pokes Lashley rather hard which starts a brawl between these two big men.
Paul Heyman comes into the locker room to help break it up. After he does, he has this to say.

Paul: Since you guys wanna fight so much. I am going to make a match at the royal rumble between you two. However it will not just be any ordinary match. It will be a Last Man Standing match. Also, while I have the attention of the people in the locker room. I have brought in the ECW tag team championship belts and tonight I start the first round of the tournament tonight. Also, whatever teams win tonight will be qualified for the Royal Rumble.

Back in the arena, Brooklyn, Brooklyn hits as Cryme Tyme walks out to a decent pop from the class.

After a few moments of anticipation, the Hardy boys music hits to a pop close to Bret Harts earlier in the show.

Match starts with Jeff and JTG. Jeff on the offensive with a series of kicks and punches. Hurricanranna by Jeff that sends JTG to his corner. Tag to the big Shad and he comes in with a attempted clothesline, ducked by Jeff into a double leg dropkick. Shad on the ground as Jeff gets a big pop. Jeff tags in Matt. Matt comes in with a side effect on Shad. Pin attempt by Matt gets broken up by JTG. This brings Jeff in the ring and he goes after JTG. JTG and Jeff punch back and forth until they brawl onto the floor. Matt and Shad on the inside. Matt tries a twist of fate, but Shad reverses Matt into the ropes. Shad comes at Matt with a clothesline that knocks Matt for a loop. Shad calls for the G9 as JTG is knocking Jeff down. JTG back in the ring and he bounces off the ropes. However Jeff clips JTG’s leg and he falls. Jeff in the ring with and nails Shad. Matt with the Twist of Fate followed by the Swanton for the win.

Joey: Well, Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy have advanced in the tag tournament and they also have qualified for the Royal Rumble. Let’s head to the ring for our next first round in the tag tournament.

Out comes the tag team of Kofi Kingston and Carlito to a mixed reaction. Cheers for Kofi and boos for Carlito.

Next The Major Brothers come out to a pretty bland response.

Match starts with Brian and Kofi. Kofi on the offensive with some swift kicks. Kofi goes and nails a scissors kick. He looks to end the match early with a Cool Runnings. Brian ducks and nails a super kick. Kofi is down and Carlito comes in after Brian tries to pin him. Kofi gets up as Carlito goes out. Carlito is trying to get onto the apron and Kofi flies off the ropes knocking Carlito into the guardrail. Brian back on Kofi as Kofi looks at Carlito on the ground. Brian with a tag to Brett. Brett comes into the ring and The Majors perform the double Superkick. Brett pins Kofi for the pinfall.

After the match, Carlito gets up and gets on the mic.

Carlito: Kofi, you screwed up you Jamaican fool. You messed with Carlito and that is not cool.

Kofi: Sorry man, it was an accident maaan.

Carlito doesn’t take the apology and attacks Kofi. He then spits in Kofi’s face with a spit up apple.

Paul Heyman comes out with a microphone.

Paul: The next match will be for a spot in the 2008 Royal Rumble. Introducing first, The Shaman of Sexy, John Morrison.

Morrison comes out and waits for his opponent. After a few moments MVP comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd. MVP gets on the mic before his match.

MVP: Morrison, tonight I show you why I am better than you, and at the Royal Rumble I prove why I am better than the other twenty-nine men in the Rumble.

MVP then goes to the ring to start the match.

Match begins with MVP in complete control. MVP nails a strong kick to Morrison. MVP then punches Morrison in the face three hard times. Match continues for a while with MVP on the offensive. Morrison starts a comeback when he reverses MVP’s kick in the corner by moving out of the way and having MVP catching himself on the top turnbuckle. Morrison goes for a school boy but MVP kicks out at two. Both men back up with Morrison on the offensive. Morrison attempts a standing shooting star press but MVP moves out of the way. MVP up and locks in the playmaker. He nails it and gets the three count.

Backstage we see Samoa Joe with Josh Matthews.

Josh: Samoa Joe, you requested this time to speak on the air. So I am going to turn the microphone over to you.

Joe: Thank you Josh, I requested this spot to make an open challenge to anybody on the roster. See Josh, last week I was left out of the ECW World title tournament and I feel disrespected. I deserved the opportunity to win the ECW title. So I just spoke to Heyman and he has told me that whoever accepts my challenge for next week, it will be a Royal Rumble qualifier. So for whoever wants some, remember what the fans say. Joe’s going to kill you.

The crowd begins to chant Joe’s going to kill you, Joe’s going to kill you.

Back in the ring we are ready for the Main Event.

AJ Styles comes to the ring and he waits for his opponent as this is a Royal Rumble Qualifier match.

Shelton Benjamin makes his way to the ring to a pretty decent pop compared to some other faces on the roster.

As soon as Benjamin makes it into the ring, Edge comes to the ring. He jumps Benjamin from behind with a steel chair. The masked men are with Edge and they get some shots in. AJ is in the ring and he does not make a move to help Benjamin. Edge sets Benjamin up and one of the masked men nails Benjamin with a chair busting him open. Edge then gets the masked men to pick Benjamin up and hold him in place as Edge hit’s a devastating spear. Edge rolls Benjamin in the ring as the referee rings the bell. AJ with the pin but Benjamin kicks out at two. Edge cannot believe it and he gets in the ring. Edge nails Benjamin with another spear. AJ locks in the Styles Clash and nails it. He pins Benjamin, but Benjamin kicks out again. Edge back into the ring and he nails the Edgecator on a steel chair. AJ with the pin for the three count finally.

After the match, Edge gets the ECW belt and puts it into Shelton’s face.

Edge: Benjamin, you will never have this title. The Higher Power has made everything happen as planned. You will never have my title.

CT Styles

DX 3:16 I recomemd longer matches but I think you didn't have much time so thats alright. pretty good show.

Nate, ECW was good to. I like how Edge is world champion aswell I tthink it suits him hopefully a long reign.

Both shows are good. 7/10 I look forward to the future of this BTB it reminds me of the 90's lol.

Evil Austin

Best Match: Kennedy/Lesnar vs. Angle/Rock

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Rock/Kennedy, lol... Mr. Colgate.. needs a Colgate

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: It's okay if you haven't posted the show in the desired time, no need to hustle man! Anyway, the show is pretty well... I think you should improve your promos alot more, we got the same problem! lol...

thank you. for the review i will review your next show.

Evil Austin

Preview for the Next wwe show.

(not saying it post in five minutes but this is the preview for it.)

- With the heated rivalry forming once again between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon what will happen will vince have something to do about it once Bret added His Nephew teddy Hart in it and called this War?

- What will Vince's reaction be to Austin Qualifying for the Royal Rumble?

- With one two weeks until the Royal Rumble who else will Qualify ?

- What will happen when DX? team up for one night only to face Goldberg and Randy Orton who in two weeks are in a fatal four way match for the wwe title will they be able to work together?

- There has been questions and roomers about when the First match of the Undertaker will be ? will it be tonight or is he saving it for something important?

all these questions and more will be answered when wwe will be posted

again not saying in five minutes but keep coming back.


Evil Austin

wwe shows have come to terms with the release of former tag team cahmpion and former comissioner of the wwe and former europeon champion WIlliam Regal.

WWE wishes Regal all the Best in his Future Endeavors.

Note - I may debut another superstar in the next few weeks taking his spot on the roster.
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