Actually, no.I'm not sure you understand what wrestling is. Reigns clearly can wrestle you insufferable blueberry. Let me guess, you are one of those ROH workrate fanboys? kick rocks
Actually, no.I'm not sure you understand what wrestling is. Reigns clearly can wrestle you insufferable blueberry. Let me guess, you are one of those ROH workrate fanboys? kick rocks
I think you're the only one who actually likes Reigns over here.Reigns is awesome and fuck you if you disagree
I really don't give a shit. Most people's reasons for hating him are Blue anyway. "He's going to be shoved down our throat... so fuck him!"I think you're the only one who actually likes Reigns over here.
They haven't given him a character at all. He is just a big tough face who wants to do well in pro wrestling.I'll tell ya I thought he was gonna return a little less bland but idk if it's the writing or creative that's making it difficult for him to have done that.
Who knows. They did it with Rollins and his new attire and theme suck balls.One of the biggest mistakes of his character is that they kept him The Shield attire, theme song, entrance. I think they should've give him some original stuffs.
Ambrose is like Steen... they look weird in wrestling attire.The attire is acceptable, I actually like the pants. A t-shirt would've fit him better with those pants instead of that.... (what's that?). Also, I heard that the theme song is a placeholder.
Dean Ambrose should change his attire too.
One of the biggest mistakes of his character is that they kept him The Shield attire, theme song, entrance. I think they should've give him some original stuffs.
Not really. I liked Dean's attire from FCW, or even the actual one, with out the shirt. He looks like a street fighter with this shirt on him.
This current attire fits his unhinged character perfectly, imo.