(Following on from TDK) The Live Production and Business are major parts to a professional wrestling company. You can't have a company that has just wrestlers. You need to know how to promote it and put it out there for all to see (and putting a poster on your street ain't gonna make it worldwide). Ok, TNA puts on some interesting matches (Ultimate X matches with Styles and Daniels [imo]) but then again it doesn't nessacerly (sp?) mean that it's better. One aspect of the company cannot overpower another that has been established in households for years. Maybe in about 10 years then you can raise this question but for now, no point really.
I found this somewhere: "i think WWE and TNA should team up and compete against ROH so they dont have this fucking who is better shit!" rofl
I found this somewhere: "i think WWE and TNA should team up and compete against ROH so they dont have this fucking who is better shit!" rofl