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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2022
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In a sign of things to come later on this evening, our show would kick off with a multiple women's match as we'd be treated to a wild over the top rope battle royal. Featuring twenty women some of whom were recognizable to the brand while others had plied their trade in the UK performance Center to earn their place in the bout. It wouldn't take long in this match for a few names to make quick impressions on the fans. As the imposing monster LA Taylor ran roughshod over the competition while plucky underdog Aleah James seemed to have a knack for survival. As always with these matches we'd see a few alliances form with the House of Couture duo obviously sticking close together until their eventual eliminations at the hands of Dakota Kai and Laura Di Matteo.

Another duo who seemed to work together well was Mercedez Blaze and Taonga who'd shockingly eliminate Laura Di Matteo as well as the powerhouse LA Taylor. Yet their team work was cut short by the betrayal and elimination of Taonga by Blaze. As the match wound down and we was left with 4 the final women remaining were Dakota Kai, Masha Slamovich, Candy Floss and Gisele Shaw. As these women battled it out we'd see an inadvertent double elimination as Shaw and Candy Floss fell from the apron to the floor. A short battle between Masha and Dakota Kai then followed with Kai having Masha reeling with strikes until Masha countered a kick and spiked Dakota with a Snow Plow before tossing her from the ring.



The second dark match of the night was tag team action as The Workhorsemen pair of Asher Hale and JD Drake would take on The Throne's Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. Going it alone tonight without their King or Queen present. This match was quite the rugged, hard hitting tag team match with both teams having a world of veteran experience behind them. Looking to make an impression on the fans in attendance Asher Hale and JD Drake showed themselves willing to put it all on the line with JD Drake even taking to the skies at points against his opponents. Unfortunately for the Workhorsemen it seemed that Axel and Dallas had very much kicked it up a notch in order to impress. This was shown when Dallas would crush JD Drake with a spear at ringside before he and Axel finished Asher with a snapshot DDT in the ring.



Another man looking to make an impress was veteran Suge D. Shown to be an animated individual with a lot of personality, Suge D in his entrance alone would get the fans behind him despite being unfamiliar with the American's work. His opponent for this evening would be James Drake of the Grizzled Young Veterans. Armed with Kip Sabian in his corner who was shown to be a highly disruptive individual at ringside. In fact it would be Sabian and his antics which played a big factor in this bout as he provided a distraction which allowed Drake to connect with a DDT for the victory.

Another thing coming by Judas Priest plays in the background while a video package runs down all the highlights from the first night of the War of the Roses special. Kicking off with Aussie Open retaining their tag team titles before following up with Kanji's emotional victory. The video then shifts to the brutal fashion in which Isla Dawn was victorious in the through the looking glass contest. After this we'd see footage of Ashton Smith and Joe Hendry each leaving victorious before finally highlights of the main event was shown in which the men's team for Katarina Leigh would defeat Team Barrett giving them a edge going into tonight's' show. With that the show opens up from inside the Globe Arena where John Gooden as always is quick to greet us and welcome us to the show. From here Gooden would welcome his guest broadcast analyst for the evening Simon Miller who was very enthusiastic about being apart of the show and eager to kick things off by sending us backstage for some pre-match interviews.
Ahead of the opening contest of the evening, two pre-match interviews were shown. The first of which would take us to the private dressing room of the Throne where Joanna Rose is standing by with the pair of Tony Nese and Drew Gulak. Standing just behind the duo and quickly overtaking the interview is Maria Kanellis. Livid following her husband's defeat in the previous night, Maria says that the Throne is under fire but she is putting her faith in two of it's most loyal subjects. Calling tonight a true righting of the ship for the Throne, Maria pledges that her soldiers will tonight will eliminate and eradicate the pests who have tried to ruin what the Throne is looking to achieve as part of the UK Brand. With that Maria closes the interview by telling Nese and Gulak that failure will not be tolerated from them at all in regards to the match.

From here cameras then take us across the other side of the building to one of the hallways in the building. Here Frankie B is joined by both Adam Brooks and "Flash" Morgan Webster. Unlike Gulak and Nese who seemed to be feeling the pressure put on their shoulders by the Throne. Both Morgan Webster and Adam Brooks seemed quite confident if not excited to finally step in the ring and face off with the Throne. Calling tonight a clear case of Karma being a bitch, Morgan Webster and Adam Brooks say that the Throne is already beginning to crumble. Proclaiming that they will pull Mike Kanellis down from his ivory tower. Morgan Webster says that the movement against the so called king has already begun and tonight the world will see some of his pawns pulled off from the board.




Kicking off the night would be our tag team grudge match as The Throne battled Morgan Webster and Adam Brooks. Before the match could officially get underway we'd see both teams be chained together. While Morgan Webster would be chained to Tony Nese, we'd see Drew Gulak chained by the neck to Adam Brooks. Once they were bound to one another by these steel chains connected to the collars. This contest would get right under way with Morgan Webster pouncing onto Nese with a Thesz press and firing off punches to Nese. At the same time Adam Brooks quickly takes things to the floor as he hits Gulak with a hurricanrana sending him tumbling through the ropes before following up with a suicide dive.

This would get the match off to a blistering start much to the delight of the crowd in attendance. Continuing on this fast paced action we'd see Morgan Webster follow up with a crossbody block on Tony Nese which would send both men toppling out to the floor. As this happened however it would be Drew Gulak who became the first man to take advantage of being bound to his foe as he yanked the chain pulling Brooks towards him in order to hip toss him against the barricade. With Brooks incapacitated Drew Gulak would then come to the aid of his partner by driving Morgan Webster into the steel ring post much to the crowd's chagrin. From here the Throne duo would start to take over this contest with Gulak in particular thriving from this kind of contest using the chain as a weapon.

Using the chain to whip Morgan Webster before he and Nese would align to use the chain to perform a double clothesline on Adam Brooks back in the ring. Before their onslaught could continue however Morgan Webster would show he was just as willing to use the chain to his advantage as he wrapped part of it around his fist before drilling Tony Nese in the midsection. Following this Morgan used the chain around his neck to go between Gulak's legs before low blowing him with the chain to a pop from the crowd. With the momentum of this bout going back and forth continuously it seemed that enough was enough for Maria Kanellis who would rush down to the ring as she tries to rally her team.

The presence of their queen at ringside would definitely spur on her subjects as both Gulak and Nese began firing back at their opponents. This would include Nese landing a vicious tilt a whirl back breaker on Morgan Webster while Gulak again used the chain this time to assist him in trapping Adam Brooks arms as he trapped him in a chikara special submission hold. Unfortunately for Gulak this would be thwarted when Morgan Webster bought his crash helmet into the fray and managed to hit him across the back with the helmet before following up with a shot to Nese's midsection. A livid Maria would wave to the back perhaps calling for reinforcements but cameras quickly shifted to the back and showed Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas being beaten down by Mark Andrews and Joe Hendry.

With her forces nullified Maria Kanellis herself would enter the ring. Armed with a chair in her hands Maria looked to swing the chair at Morgan Webster who at the last second would side step and this would lead to Maria blasting Nese with the chair. Nese would fall onto the canvas but before Maria could turn around Webster was able to side step a charging Gulak who would run right into Maria knocking the Queen down to the canvas. With Maria down a stunned Gulak would back up only to be hit with a chain assisted punch by Webster. This put Gulak on a knee and allowed Webster to wrap the chain around his neck before clamping on the Strangler. At the same time Adam Brooks would use the chain around his neck to trap Nese in a crossface submission. Much to the audience's delight we'd see a double tap out from the Throne!

Andy Shepherd:
The crowd explodes in cheers as the announcement is made. Rising to their feet in the ring both Morgan Webster and Adam Brooks are clearly feeling the effects of battle as they snatch one another in a tight hug. Following this the referee raises both Brooks and Webster's arms in the air while a livid Maria begins to recover at ringside.
~ MY WAY ~


What have you done by Within Temptation plays over a video package detailing Katarina Leigh's tenure as the WWE UK general manager. Mixed in with this highlight package is voice over footage of a recent interview with Katarina Leigh. Named as the general manager from the very first episode of the WWE United Kingdom Brand. Katarina Leigh was shown to be a firm but fair figure as she looked to create a level playing field among the talents competing for the brand. However despite her attempts to give everyone their opportunity Katarina wasn't without her problems with her talents. The first of which was then UK Champion Pete Dunne who managed to draw the GM's ire with his vicious actions towards other roster members. Calling her relationship with Pete Dunne one which is far from harmonious but definitely has it's respect. Katarina says that while she always felt that things could have been handled better on both ends. She will always respect Dunne as a pillar of the UK Brand.

From here focus moved to the arrival of the UK women's division and the women's title tournament. An originator and pioneer of the UK women's wrestling scene in her own right. Katarina Leigh says that while there was some sadness on Katarina's part that she herself wouldn't have the opportunity to compete in such a historic event. At the same time once she checked her ego at the door she was thrilled to see the talents of the future of the UK wrestling scene such as Tegan Nox, Toni Storm and Xia Brookside all vying for the title. Unfortunately as Katarina stated which was a common part of her story with WWE UK, where there was opportunity there was also turmoil and disruption. This time coming from one Rhea Ripley who was displeased at her elimination from the tournament and would begin to take out her frustrations on the rest of the show in response.

Trying to remain professional despite Rhea's disrespect and goading. Katrina never stood in Rhea's way as the young superstar and future NXT women's champion would keep winning matches until she was named the number one contender against Tegan Nox. The match would be marred with controversy and led to Katrina issuing an immediate rematch which Nox won cancelling the ill gotten win by Rhea. Sadly with this match result any respect or professionalism went out the window and things would become personal. Around this time Katarina would be undergoing an assessment on her capabilities as a GM and it was here Rhea finally struck gold when Katarina would also have to deal with the actions of one Fabian Aichner. Aichner of course hit the brand like a tornado and it was his actions and title victory which brought Katarina's job in question. On this topic Katarina admits she should have perhaps seen that a set up was taking place but with everything happening at once, she had no time to even think such a thing through.

Striking back at Rhea after several personal insults and attacks. It would be here that management sent in Wade Barrett to oversee her decision making. Remarking the she tried to see the best in Wade despite his reputation. Katarina says at first she believed him when he said he was here for the best interests of the brand. At the same time she couldn't focus on that entirely thanks to her bubbling feud with Rhea Ripley. On her own back much to the chagrin of Wade Barrett, Katarina would put herself in a match with Rhea Ripley at Showcase Wembley which ended their saga once and for all. However as she admitted by putting herself in this match she'd allowed Wade a window to further get his claws into the brand. Convincing the likes of the Grizzled Young Veterans and The Foreign Legion to launch a series of random attacks before turning the roster on itself with a big attack culminating with Barrett putting Katarina down with Wasteland. Sat at home recuperating from her injuries Katarina admitted it pained her to see what had become of the brand under his leadership.

However at the same time being at home allowed her a chance to reevaluate. Saying she has returned to the brand not just to defeat Wade Barrett and his so called regime change but also to regain control and redeem her past mistakes. Admitting that she wasn't the perfect General Manager and made a lot of mistakes in judgement. Katarina wants to reclaim her post to truly cure the chaos and bring back the level playing field she previously promised. Which is why she says when her women's team wins tonight and Wade is forced to depart the brand once and for all. She promises that there will be no punishments or harsh treatment for those who fell under his spell. Instead she will wipe the slate clean as she looks to bring the brand back to it's glory.
Just before we can return to ringside for the second contest of the night. Two pre match interviews are then shown with the participants of this heated grudge match. The first interview takes place in the car park of the building as Joanna Rose approaches Eddie Dennis on his arrival to the building. True to form Dennis is highly dismissive of his match tonight with Williams. Seeing Williams as truly a caveman and a dinosaur that's just trying to survive it's eventual extinction. Eddie Dennis says tonight he will take great pleasure in showing the world that not only is Doug Williams nothing more than a pathetic old man. But that in truth the world over rated what Doug had to begin with. Saying that he is looking at tonight as his reintroduction to the ring for the UK Brand. Eddie Dennis says that he cannot think of a better way to make his return than by standing triumphantly atop the ashes of Doug Williams' career! With that Dennis closes out his interview by stating that tonight is more than Doug's final match it is also his final ever night with WWE UK.

In contrast to this interview when
Frankie B would head to the dressing room area, we'd see Doug Williams in the middle of his warm up ritual. Cutting his warm up short Doug Williams is all business regarding this contest. Admitting that he knows his best days are behind him and that his bump card has very much nearly clocked out. Doug says that tonight for him is a chance to not just show the world that he is not done just quite yet but also gives him a chance to humble one of his biggest detractors Eddie Dennis. Stating that in his numerous decades in the business Doug has had to work alongside countless individuals who he didn't like or wasn't fond of. Yet while he has been able to turn the other cheek and remain professional as best he can. Now having children at home who go to school and get asked about these insults. Williams says that tonight is more than just shutting up Eddie Dennis but it's also a chance for him to teach his children a valuable lesson about standing your ground against bullies and not allowing yourself to become a victim. Which is what he'll do tonight when he makes Eddie Dennis pay for every harsh worst and disrespectful statement which came out of his mouth.




Before the bell can even ring this match is jump started by Eddie Dennis. Blindsiding Williams during the end of the ring introductions, Eddie Dennis didn't let up in this overly aggressive and vicious approach as he punched and stomped on the grounded Williams. The crowd in attendance would loudly voice their disgust at Dennis' tactics while Oscar Harding looked to regain control of this bout. Forcing Dennis to back away into a neutral corner, Oscar then started to check on Williams who had managed to pull himself gradually to the ring corner. While checking on Williams, it soon become apparent from Oscar that while he was happy to wave this match off it would in turn be seen as a forfeit defeat. While a smug Dennis watched on, Doug Williams say that he's not pulling out of this match and wished to continue regardless of the vicious attack he had endured.

With the bell officially being rung and the match starting Eddie Dennis looked to continue his momentum as he attacked the cornered Doug Williams. Firing off a series of punches to the head of the veteran, Eddie Dennis then hits the ropes before he runs off and lands a running forearm strike to the side of Williams' head knocking him down to the canvas. With Williams hurt, Eddie made a cover but much to his chagrin Doug Williams managed to kick out at a count of two. Dragging Williams to his feet, Doug managed to fire back at Dennis with a couple of punches to the midsection only for Dennis to retaliate with a boot to the face putting Doug back down on the canvas. With Williams down on the canvas, Eddie Dennis would then place his foot on Doug's chest mockingly for the cover only to have Williams kick out once more at a count of two.

Looking to finish his foe Eddie Dennis dragged Williams again to his feet and attempted a rainmaker lariat but as he spun Williams around Doug managed to connect with an anarchy knee right to the jaw of Dennis. Eddie Dennis is hurt badly as he stumbles against the ropes while Williams falls back onto the canvas. Once he has recovered from this blow a livid Eddie Dennis charged Williams who by this point was on a knee. Catching Dennis running on, Doug used his momentum against him as he brought Eddie down onto the canvas with an exploder suplex. Catching Dennis on his way up with a European uppercut, Doug Williams then hit the ropes as he looked for a revolution DDT. Unfortunately Dennis saw this coming and shoved Williams off into the turnbuckle before he'd meet him with a running knee to the midsection backing Doug up into the corner.

Throwing a vicious series of punches at Doug, Eddie Dennis seemed like he had by now had enough of Williams and was looking to end this. Trash talking Williams and branding him useless, Eddie Dennis doubled Doug Williams over with a knee to the mid section before he readied him for the Neck Stop Driver. Hoisting Williams in the air Eddie's confident expression soon began to fade as Williams landed a knee right to the top of his head. With Eddie Dennis wobbled Williams managed to drop down behind him before he'd clasp his arms around Eddie's waist. Before Dennis could react Williams would quickly follow by running Eddie into the turnbuckle and pulling him back with the Chaos Theory! The crowd in attendance explode into cheers as referee Oscar Harding then makes the count. 1...2...3!


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Doug Williams rises to his feet. While Doug Williams catches his breath, the referee rushes over to him and follows by raising Doug's arm in the air. With the audience applauding him Williams bows before he leaves the ring. While Doug Williams begins to head backstage we see the official checking on the downed Eddie Dennis.


"Get the drinks in Lads!"

Session Moth's beer garden opens soon!

Footage filmed from earlier this evening is then shown and it is directly from the office of
Wade Barrett. The management consultant is absolutely livid as he paces back and forth until he is joined by Jinny. The team captain for his women's team, Jinny seems well aware of the pressure thrust upon her as Wade Barrett makes it clear that failure tonight is not an option. Nodding her head in agreement Jinny says that she has spared no expense tonight to make sure that victory is assured and she has her team ready to act for any means necessary in order to succeed. On hearing this Barrett nods his head before he smiles as Jinny leaves the office.
Right before the next match of the evening could begin two interviews filmed from earlier on this week are played. Instead of the format we have been used to with these previous interviews taking place in the building. With these interviews filmed from earlier in the week we'd see them take place in vastly different locations. The first interview itself would take place on the grounds of the Trivet home. This illustrious country estate of course would be where his match with EC3 was taking place, Spike Trivet for this interview was in the middle of afternoon tea. Joining him for this would be Joanna Rose who was quickly poured a cup by a member of Spike's rather anxious waiting staff. After taking a sip of his tea, Spike Trivet with a snap of his fingers would have an elderly waiting staff member cut him a fresh scone before he'd add on the cream and jam. As Trivet took a slight nibble Joanna Rose would look to start this interview only for Trivet to lose his temper and begin screaming at his employee for putting the cream on the scone first.

From here Spike Trivet's interview would officially commence as Joanna Rose asked Trivet just what could be expected from Manor House Mayhem. In response to this Spike Trivet says that EC3 is a fool who is giving up home court advantage to his opponent. For the second he steps foot on these private grounds of the Trivet estate, he will be committing trespassing and Spike Trivet will be free to deal with him in anyway which he sees fit! Saying that he has an entire estate to use at his disposal and how he has used his money and associates to stock up on the fun stuff. Spike Trivet closes this interview by promising to firmly display the class divide between himself and EC3!

With Spike Trivet's interview finished we would then be taken car shopping as
EC3 would walk around an expensive car dealership with Frankie B walking beside him to conduct this interview. EC3 took his time to slowly looking over the cars as Frankie B asked him openly why he'd take such a contest in Spike Trivet's home. EC3 was quick to counter that Trivet is someone who always needs to have control. He always wants to have the 51 percent of the share so that he will be the majority. This is why he takes every short cut known to man even when there is no need for him to do so. Knowing that if he just had a regular match with Spike Trivet, he would have to have eyes in the back of his head because of Spike's machinations. EC3 says that by giving Spike his little stipulation which he so wanted, he is free to expect the unexpected and that is freeing for him.

Asked what he is expecting from Manor House Mayhem, EC3 comments that he is expecting Spike to pull out all the stops to get an edge. However what Spike hasn't realized is that all the pressure is firmly on his shoulders. This is his match and his rules so if EC3 shows up on Spike's turf and beats him. That's a humiliation that Spike Trivet cannot and will not be able to live down. This is why EC3 has chosen to put the ball in his court. Because he fully intends to humiliate and humble Spike Trivet. Which he will do so by taking the control from Spike Trivet in his home territory.




Before this match can begin the cameras take us to our commentary table for a quick stop off as our commentary team explained the rules. Revealed to be a no holds barred clash which is a strict fight to the finish. John Gooden says that only one referee and a handful of cameramen were allowed on sight for this confrontation and with that the feed would take us to the front entrance of the Trivet estate. Standing out the front of this country manor estate, Spike Trivet has a glass of champagne in his hands as he stands before a large group of his social class. For this gathering which has a waiting staff all holding trays of drinks and various entrees for his guests to consume. In the front of this large estate is a big gate as well as a large fountain piece. Not too far from the fountain is a hired orchestra who are currently in the middle of playing a piece of classical music much to Trivet's delight as he basks in the moment before tapping his glass and turning to his guests. Thanking all his friends for coming to this as he put it to the hunt. Spike then follows by promising to claim the coup de grace on EC3's career. Spike's speech is soon cut short as his steward (Dave Taylor) informs Spike that Mr. Carter is on his way.

Almost as if by cue the orchestra begin to play a version of
Escape the Fate's One of the Money. The cameras then shift to the horizon where in a scene like a movie a Orange Lamborghini bought by EC3 for this very occasion speeds towards the manor. Speeding down the road in a manner not unlike a hero arriving for a final showdown, EC3 shows no intention of slowing down which causes Spike Trivet to panic and scream at one of his associates to open the gate quickly. The large gate begins to open and in enough time it forms a gap for EC3's car to speed right through. The car spins but EC3 with perfect handling it able to get it under control as he parks right up close to the congregation. Stepping out from the vehicle EC3 quickly makes it clear that he isn't here for anything other than a fight as he quickly throws a champagne glass he is offered by a member of the service crew to the ground. As the glass shatters from the crowd Ridge Holland as if on cue charges at EC3, these two men would begin to engage in a pull apart brawl while all the on lookers watch on. With some heavy shots traded back and forth EC3 is able to slam Ridge Holland face first into one of the catering tables before he'd toss Holland back first onto the windshield of his car.

Holland lets out a pained wheeze as he rolls off of the windshield and onto the hood of the car. His back has a series of small cuts from where the glass has shattered as little specs of blood are shown to be appearing through his white shirt. With Holland down EC3 turns his attention to Spike Trivet who runs inside the front door of his luxurious manor home. Charging towards the door of the manor EC3 is surprised to come face to face with Drake Maverick. The former member of the roster and 205 Live general manager shares a small but weird interaction. Sizing one another up EC3 reacts with a slight hint of confusion as he asks Drake Maverick if he knows him from somewhere. Remarking that Maverick reminds him of an old family friend of his EC3 wishes him well before he heads into the home through the front doors while Drake begins searching for his friend Dixie. Once inside the manor EC3 sees several possible ways to go among the halls of this estate. Hearing noises to the right EC3 without hesitation followed down an impressively long corridor. Very much sporting a traditionally old time England décor, EC3 navigates his way through the hall and begins to pass a suit of armor on display.

True to form a blindside like attack follows as Spike Trivet shoves the armor on top of EC3 which knocks the top one percent to the floor. As EC3 tries to climb to his feet Spike uses the shield from the suit of armor to hit EC3 across the back. Knocking EC3 back down with this blow, Spike Trivet then goes for a cover but much to his chagrin EC3 kicks out at a count of one. Climbing to his feet Trivet starts to stomp on EC3 until EC3 catches him by the leg and shoves Trivet back with force. Trivet crashes back first into a glass trophy cabinet before he falls to the ground. Continuing his attack EC3 drags Trivet to his feet and drills him with a right hand which knocks Trivet backwards through a door into the kitchen area. Scrambling to his feet Trivet is hit again by EC3 this time backing him up onto part of the kitchen counter where numerous platters of food are set to be carried out. Snatching a platter of voulevants in his hands Spike's wild swing was blocked by EC3 who responded by drilling Trivet with a prawn cocktail glass shattering it over Trivet's head. Livid at seeing the mess to his kitchen David Taylor intervenes with a well timed attack on EC3 with a cloche. Momentarily stunned EC3 staggers back against the kitchen counter allowing Trivet to escape from the kitchen.

Looking to continue his attack Dave picks up a rolling pin which he uses to swing for EC3's head. EC3 however manages to duck under the blow before snatching a china plate and shattering it over Dave's head. Stumbling back from the blow Taylor is defenseless as EC3 follows up by grabbing a flower vase which he shatters over Taylor's head in a follow up to knock him out. Turning his attention back to Spike Trivet, EC3 follows up by running out of the kitchen as he begins to head towards the living room area. Here EC3 has another strange and unexpected encounter as former WWE superstar Brodus Clay is talking to a woman identified as NXT alumni Maxine. Both of whom look at EC3 in confusion while EC3 does the same. After doing a double take at Brodus who EC3 asks if he knows him from somewhere, EC3 quickly becomes enchanted with Maxine who says that he reminds her of a former boyfriend of hers. Asking where Spike is, EC3 is pointed the way to the conversatory of this home. Here EC3 finds a heated pool but as he walks through the door Spike Trivet wraps a towel around his neck in an attempt to strangle him.

EC3 takes a knee as Trivet's choke begins to take fast effect. While Trivet true to form begins to trash talk EC3 saying at every turn he has shown himself to have an answer for EC3 and that brains beat brawn any day. Firing off a couple of back elbows to Spike's midsection would cause Spike's grip to weaken slightly before EC3 stood up and drove himself and Spike Trivet back first into the pool with a splash. As EC3 rises from the water he sees a panicked Trivet already swimming to the edge, chasing after Trivet as he exits the pool. EC3 is quick to throw a poolside chair towards Trivet just narrowly missing Spike on his way out. As Spike enters the garden he loudly screams for his staff to release the hounds. But it appears those working for Trivet have grown fed up of his disrespectful ways and totally ignore his orders. With EC3 in hot pursuit Spike vanished into a large hedge maze as he looked to turn the momentum of this bout around. Snatching a lacrosse stick as he enters the maze EC3 appears prepared for anything as he makes his way through the maze.

Taking a turn into a dead end EC3 is surprised however to arrive upon a tea party being held by the Wonderland faction. Featuring a surprising appearance of the March Hare Aivil who was sat at the table along with an unidentifiable Mad Hatter as well as Jayde, Isla Dawn, Jurn Simmons and Joseph Conners. Again the dead pan EC3 comes into play as he looks on in confusion while he's invited to join the party. Instead EC3 slowly backs away and heads back into the maze. Walking through the maze EC3 manages to find another path and he emerges from the exit to the stables. Just on the horizon EC3 sees Spike Trivet who has tried to make an escape on a horse. However it seems that Trivet isn't having much success in controlling his mare. EC3 meanwhile quickly mounts a horse still clutching the lacrosse stick as he begins his charge across the grounds. Seeing EC3 come charging towards him on horseback Trivet attempts to run but this doesn't prove successful as EC3 dives off from the horse and onto Trivet pulling him into the ground for a pinning position for a count of two.

Climbing to his feet EC3 then attempts to bash Spike with the lacrosse stick but Trivet is able to low blow him. This doubles EC3 over and Trivet viciously pulls him in so he can bite EC3 on the nose. EC3 screams in pain as he drops to a knee and Spike finally releases him from his bite before he lays out EC3 with a left cross. Joined by Ridge Holland, Trivet berates his associate before he says it is time to end this. Holland produces from his jacket pocket a set of handcuffs. Looking to restrain EC3, Holland is surprised with a low blow by EC3 who follows with one on Spike Trivet. EC3 then follows up by handcuffing Ridge Holland's hands behind his back before he drives him into the ground with the top one percent. After laying out Holland, EC3 begins to stalk Trivet as he stumbles back to the manor. Having seemingly been thwarted at every turn it seems Trivet has opted to cut his losses as he heads right to EC3's lambo. Rushing after him EC3 spins Trivet around only to have Spike drive a fountain pen into his eye.

EC3 screams in pain as he covers his face and this allows Spike Trivet to connect with another cross knocking EC3 onto the ground. Trying to get to his feet but with his vision impaired EC3 swings wildly but Trivet blocks and counters by slamming EC3 head first into the side of his car. With EC3 groggy and stunned Spike adds insult to injury as he trashes EC3 saying that he told him this would happen. Seemingly in one last show of defiance EC3 spits at Spike Trivet and connects with a stiff open handed slap to follow. In retaliation of this Trivet throws EC3 onto the roof of his lambo before he mounts EC3 and connects with a vicious series of headbutts from here Spike drags EC3 to his feet before he follows up with a vicious piledriver on top of the roof of the lambo. With the referee present Spike Trivet then makes the cover to pick up the win!

Andy Shepherd:

With the camera feed cutting and returning us to ringside. The crowd in attendance erupts into boos as they voice their displeasure at the end result of Manor House Mayhem. On commentary John Gooden cannot believe what has transpired in this contest. It is then that Gooden reveals following this bout both men were taken to hospital with EC3 being rushed into surgery.


4 Night Event

Lyceum Theatre, London England
Ahead of our fourth match up of the evening Match 4 pretaped interviews are then shown. The first of which takes place in the locker room area where Kassius Ohno is currently studying tape on his opponent for this evening. Joined by Joanna Rose for this exclusive interview the commonwealth champion is all business ahead of his title defense. When asked about his opponent tonight Kassius Ohno flat out refuses to comment on or acknowledge the kingdom of Wonderland as he dismisses Isla Dawn and her following as a mindless cult and a manipulative leader. Solely focused on his opponent Joseph Conners, Kassius Ohno remarks that he is looking past the Cheshire's guise as he recognizes the skilled competitor beneath. Stating that Conners has long been on his radar Kassius Ohno says that Joseph is a man who should be much further than he is but his issues have constantly held him back. Calling Joseph Conners a sociopath who struggles to get things done between the rules. Ohno says that he will exploit Conners weaknesses and lack of self control on his route to victory.

The second interview meanwhile would be a lot less straight forward as Frankie B joined Isla Dawn in a room lit only by a solitary candle in the middle. Frankie was clearly on edge as in the shadows whispers and voices could be heard while between the flickers of the candle Jurn Simmons was shown standing behind Isla Dawn stoically. Calling this weekend a big night for her kingdom with her ridding herself of that invader Nikki Cross. Isla Dawn says that the revelry shall begin when her Cheshire manages to claim gold. Stating that her kingdom has been ignored and denied for too long. Isla says that tonight is the end of their oppression as Conners is the first to claim gold for Wonderland. From there Isla pledges that this will not be the first trophy her kingdom collects as she cryptically promises that further treasures for them will soon be in reach.




The bell then rings to begin our next match of the evening and it is very quick that John Gooden and Simon Miller express their surprise that Joseph Conners is out here on his own this evening. To say in comparison to the previous match which was chaos from the off that this was more akin to a chess match would be an understatement. Because Kassius Ohno seemed to want to keep a slow pace in this bout at least in the early going as he looked to focus on mat based offense perhaps in an attempt to frustrate his opponent Joseph Conners. Despite the misgivings about Conners and his at points unpredictable behavior he showed himself to be quite a proficient mat grappler himself as he never looked out of his depth and at points would gain the advantage against his opponent. Following a rear chinlock on his opponent however Conners soon displayed some of that erraticism for which he has been known for as he'd quicky let up the hold and connect with a diving forearm to Ohno's jaw.

Rattled by this unorthodox attack Kassius Ohno rolled out of the ring with the Cheshire in pursuit and we'd see the match pick up and get a bit more grittier now as Conners followed by pushing Ohno shoulder first into the ring post. Showing his unpredictability Conners continually used the ringside area as a weapon first by driving Ohno back first into the ring apron before following up with a hip toss which he'd throw Ohno at an angle into the ringside stairs. From here Conners then used the apron itself to pull the cover over Ohno's head before he'd connect with several punches and kicks. As Thomas Scarborough reached a count of six however we'd see "The White Rabbit" Jayde head down to the ring. Perhaps under the orders of her queen, Jayde was the one to remind Conners that he couldn't win the belt by way of a count out and Conners quickly tossed Ohno into the ring before he'd follow. A cover followed for a near fall before Conners attempted All She Wrote. Ohno however was able to spin out and land a forearm to Joseph's jaw and follow up with a kravate suplex which put both men on the canvas.

The crowd in attendance began to cheer and get behind Kassius Ohno as they willed him on to get to his feet. Slowly both men managed to get up with Conners being the first to his feet only for Ohno to stagger him with another Forearm. A third however would be blocked as Conners ducked under before kicking out Ohno's leg. From here Conners trapped a kneeling Ohno in a gator roll submission only for Ohno to put his foot on the ropes. This caused Thomas to begin counting and again Jayde perhaps saving the match intervened yelling at Conners to release the hold so he'd not get disqualified. Dragging Ohno to his feet, Conners threw his opponent in the corner before he'd land a leaping knee strike. With Ohno staggered Conners then lifted him up before planting him with a stun gun for another near fall. Showing a little frustration Conners then motioned for Don't Look Down as he looked to finish his opponent. His hastiness however nearly cost him as Ohno managed to small package him for a near fall in his own right.

Rolling to his feet Conners aggressively charged at Ohno who this time countered with a school boy for another near fall. Unable to contain his frustration Conners wildly swung at Ohno who ducked the blow and followed with a backslide which again got him a count of two. Pounding the mat as he started to get to his feet Conners' charge at Ohno this time was met with a victory roll for which Conners kicked out at two. Rolling to his feet however the frustrated Conners perhaps looking to defend a flash pin attempt kept his hands low and this allowed Ohno to land a cyclone kick. Joseph is stunned as Ohno then hoists Conners onto his shoulders in an electric chair position before he'd drop him down into a discus elbow to the back of the head. With a horrified Jayde looking on Conners was practically defenseless as Ohno followed with Death is Welcome for the three!



The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Kassius Ohno climbs to his feet. The Commonwealth Champion is soon presented with his title and begins to celebrate another hard fought victory. Meanwhile at ringside a concerned Jayde watches on as Jurn Simmons drags Joseph Conners out of the ring beforewalking him up the ramp.
Quickly the cameras then cut to our commentary team where a concerned John Gooden reports that he has been asked to send us backstage where he has been informed that a backstage altercation has taken place during the previous contest. Between the shouting and screaming around the scene of this commotion we see a full battalion of security and officials present on the scene while medics check on Raquel Lourenco. In the distance we can see security trying to separate the House of Couture's Lana Austin and Nina Samuels from Laura Di Matteo and Candy Floss. At the very same time officials are desperately attempting to split up another brawl between the pairs of Dakota Kai and Piper Niven and Australia's Hottest Commodities Persia Pirotta and Indi Hartwell. Standing and surveying the scene is a smirking Jinny who appears to have orchestrated what John Gooden is outright branding an assault on Raquel Lourenco. While Jinny walks away a couple of members of Team Katarina arrive on the scene to check on the welfare of their fallen partner.




It was now time for the main event of the evening and this was of course a high stakes elimination tag team match. While this match was originally advertised to feature ten of the top women that WWE UK has to offer. Obviously following that pre match segment this match would start with just nine women as Team Katarina was down one member after Raquel Lourenco was assaulted backstage. To say having a one person advantage seemed to greatly boost the confidence of Team Barrett was an understatement with Jinny in particular looking very pleased with herself. Despite this handicap team Katarina remained focused on the task at hand as it would be their youngest member Xia Brookside who elected to start for their team. In a similar contrast Millie McKenzie would be the one chosen by Jinny to begin for their team. These two women who commentary were quick to note were former friends at one point started out by circling one another before locking up in the center of the ring.

What followed would be some solid, technical chain wrestling from both women as they sought to prove technical superiority over one another. Yet as we'd soon see with this back and forth technical exchanges. Millie McKenzie just could not help herself as she'd continually berate Xia Brookside and at points also punish her with some stiff strikes. This abuse would earn Millie her fair share of disdain from the audience and also seemed to spur on Xia Brookside who started to mount a comeback of her own against Millie. After rattling Millie with a couple of hard elbow strikes, Xia followed by hitting the ropes and landed a hurricanrana on her foe putting her down on the canvas. Rolling to her feet Millie was seemingly wobbled by this and she'd make a tag out to Deonna Purrazzo. Stepping into the ring Deonna had a steel glare for Xia Brookside as commentary reminded us of the bad blood these two former rivals shared.

Forgoing the technical displays we had previously been accustomed to expect from her. Deonna Purrazzo was on the aggressive from the start showing that she had not forgotten her past history with Xia Brookside. We'd also see some very impressive tag team work between Deonna and Emma who attempted to isolate and work over Xia Brookside. This would be until Brookside managed to hit an impressive ddt and stunner combination on the pair. With this comeback Xia was able to make a much needed tag out to former UK women's champion Tegan Nox. The women's champion very much was fired up as she began to clean house on entry into the ring. A flying forearm smash landed on Purrazzo before she'd grab hold of Emma. These two of course had shared a lot of bad blood as of late and we'd see Nox waste little time in driving her down into the canvas with a chokeslam.

After tagging herself into the match, Millie McKenzie was met with a forearm strike before Nox tossed Millie into the ropes. From here Nox was able to pop Millie up into the air before connecting with a forearm smash putting McKenzie down on the canvas. With their opponents reeling Nox found herself battling with her former friend Toni Storm all the while a conniving Jinny was crouched down at ringside. Attempting to send Toni Storm off into the ropes, Tegan was instead countered and fired off into the ropes herself. While the referee attempted to gain order over the situation, what the referee failed to see was Jinny using the chain off her handbag as a weapon. Wrapping it tightly around her fist Jinny was able to hit Nox in the back in the kidney area as she bounced off of the ropes. This caused Nox to stagger forward into a spear by Millie McKenzie which was enough to keep the former women's champion down for the three in a shocking elimination! Tegan Nox has been eliminated!

Now down to three members on their team the General Manager herself Katarina Leigh entered the ring looking to even the odds. While she did so we'd see at ringside a fight had broken out between Xia Brookside and Deonna Purrazzo while Kay Lee Ray was attempting to fight off the numbers of Emma and Toni Storm. Squaring off with Millie McKenzie, Katarina was shown to quickly have a strength advantage of the pair as she'd easily move Millie around the ring and block several suplex attempts before firing Millie off into the ropes and blasting her with a mafia kick on the return. With McKenzie reeling Katarina then followed up with the ice breaker. Before she could make a cover however she'd be thwarted by a forearm across the back by Jinny. Rising to her feet Katarina began firing off shots at Jinny. After throwing Jinny out onto the apron Katarina turned her attention back to Millie.

Having made a recovery McKenzie fires off with a series of punches at Katarina. From here Millie attempted a spear on Katarina who side stepped allowing Millie to hit the ropes behind her. As she did so much to little attention by anyone apart from the referee a blind tag was administered by Jinny on Millie McKenzie. This time Millie's spear attempt would be met with a well timed knee strike to counter. This wobbled McKenzie and she'd stagger backwards allowing Katarina to follow up with a move she called the Frost Bite. Rising to her feet Katarina then caught Emma as she entered the ring with a clothesline much to the audience in attendance's delight. However before a fired up Katarina could do any more damage, she'd be spun around and blasted with the touch of couture by Jinny! The crowd would watch on in horror as Jinny made a cover. Kay Lee Ray for her part would look to break up the cover but she'd be a second too late as the ref counted the fall. Katarina Leigh has been eliminated!

The audience boos as a smirking Jinny backs up into her corner and is flanked by her full team of Millie McKenzie, Toni Storm, Emma and Deonna Purrazzo. On the other side of the ring stands just two women Kay Lee Ray and Xia Brookside. Despite this overwhelming numbers game they found themselves facing neither woman seemed intimidated as Kay Lee Ray entered the ring officially while Jinny tagged out to Emma. These two veterans wasted little time in meeting in the center of the ring where they'd exchange some stiff striking with one another. Kay Lee Ray begins to get the better of these exchanges when again the numbers game starts to become apparent as Toni Storm enters the ring. Kay Lee Ray manages to drop Storm with a superkick but with the referee distracted further by Millie McKenzie this time we see an illegal assist by Deonna Purrazzo put KLR on the canvas.

Emma has a smug smirk on her face as she mockingly performs her old dance routine much to the crowd's chagrin. Continuing to mock her downed opponent Emma even brushes her boot across KLR's face. Following up on this taunting and show boating Emma stands over Kay Lee Ray and slaps her across the face. This spurs on Kay Lee Ray who shoves Emma away before rolling to her feet. Once she's up a livid Kay Lee Ray fires off several punches at Emma backing her up onto the ropes before she sends her across the ring and into the ropes. With Emma reeling Kay Lee Ray met her on the return with a hurricanrana before firing off several elbows to the top of Emma's head. Team Barrett watched on concerned as Emma staggers to her feet and Kay Lee Ray cracks her with a superkick. From here Kay Lee Ray makes a cover for the count of three! Emma has been eliminated!

Rising to her feet Kay Lee Ray has her eyes locked on the heel corner as Millie McKenzie, Deonna Purrazo and Jinny all stare her down. As none of this trio seem willing to enter the ring, Kay Lee Ray quickly realizes there is one missing but unfortunately it's a little too late as she turns into a headbutt by Toni Storm. Wobbled by this shot, Kay Lee Ray is then driven into the canvas with storm zero by Toni Storm. The audience erupts into boos as Toni Storm then makes the cover on Kay Lee Ray. Xia Brookside tries to intervene but she is pulled off of the apron by Millie McKenzie while the referee counts the three. Kay Lee Ray has been eliminated! Rising to her feet outside of the ring Xia Brookside sees standing in the ring are the full collective of Jinny, Toni Storm, Millie McKenzie and Deonna Purrazzo. Climbing up onto the apron Xia Brookside stares down her opponents when..

Raquel Lourenco storms out from the back. The crowd in attendance are on their feet as in the ring a stunned Jinny looks on. Quickly the cameras shift to the backstage area where Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta are shown trying to rush to the gorilla position only to be blindsided by Dakota Kai and Piper Niven. Rushing out of the ring to meet her Toni Storm is blasted with a clothesline by Lourenco who then meets Millie McKenzie with the same. Meanwhile in the ring Xia Brookside springs over the ropes with a dropkick on Jinny before her and Deonna Purrazzo once more resume their battle. Trading punches back and forth in the ring, Xia Brookside is quick to show how she's matured since her past battles with Deonna as she'd counter an armbar attempt before connecting with a left cross to Deonna's jaw. With the crowd behind her Xia then followed with a ddt for a near fall.

Unfortunately for Xia her time on offense would soon be intercepted thanks to a well timed arm breaker by Purrazzo. Looking to continue this line of offense Deonna follows with another arm breaker on her opponent. From here Deonna attempts to clamp on a fujiwara armbar onto Xia Brookside. This time however she manages to lock the hold in right in the center of the ring. Xia screams out in pain while Raquel attempts to enter the ring. Sadly Raquel is blocked by the efforts of Toni Storm and Millie McKenzie. A smug Jinny begins to taunt the crowd in attendance but with her back to the ring she does not see Xia roll through and trap Deonna in a crucifix pinning position. The crowd cheer as the count of three is made! Deonna Purrazzo has been eliminated! A livid Jinny turns to face Xia who waves her on. Entering the ring Jinny attempts for a clothesline which is quickly ducked by Xia.

Timing this duck well Xia leaps to her corner and she manages to tag out to a fired up Raquel Lourenco. Jinny appears to be horrified as Lourenco enters the ring. Quickly she is punished with a hard series of elbows and kicks backing her up into the corner much to the crowd's delight. A running kick to the jaw then follows putting Jinny down on the canvas. Millie McKenzie attempts to intervene but she's taken down with a belly to belly suplex by Lourenco. Several punches then follow while Jinny tags out to Toni Storm. Storm and Lourenco trade some hard punches and strikes back and forth before Storm wobbles Raquel with a headbutt. With Raquel stunned Toni then looked to hit a piledriver only to have Lourenco back drop her on the canvas. As Storm staggered to her feet she'd then be met with a big superkick by Lourenco.

As Storm staggers to her feet she is then met with a pump kick to the jaw by Lourenco. This rocks Toni and allows Lourenco to hit a big german suplex. Reeling from this blow as she lands on her knees, Toni Storm is pretty much out as Lourenco dives on her back and clamps on the Killer Clutch for the submission. Toni Storm has been eliminated! Entering the ring Millie McKenzie attacks Lourenco as we are now down to two women on either team. Hard strikes go back and forth until Lourenco wobbles McKenzie with a spin kick. From here Lourenco makes a tag out to Xia Brookside who springs into the ring with a crossbody block onto Millie McKenzie. Brookside continues to land some spirited flurries on McKenzie. However soon things take an unexpected turn when Raquel Lourenco is pulled from the corner and slammed into the guard rail by Lana Austin and Nina Samuels.

This well timed assault would take place as Jinny deliberately distracted the referee from seeing what was transpiring. At the same time it also allowed Millie McKenzie to poke Xia Brookside in the eyes before driving Xia into her respective corner. Millie would then be the one to divert the referee's attention which allowed Jinny to use the tag rope to choke Xia Brookside. At the same time at ringside Lana and Nina proceeded to put the boots to Lourenco until Laura Di Matteo and Candy Floss rushed down to the ring. A brawl would then begin between these two duos which would enter the crowd much to the anger and annoyance of Jinny and Millie. The referee would then catch Jinny strangling Xia and would threaten a disqualification on her which caused both Jinny and Millie to begin protesting, this is until Xia Brookside jackknife's Millie McKenzie for a shock three count! Millie McKenzie has been eliminated!

The crowd explodes into cheers as the announcement is made and Xia Brookside rolls onto her hands a knees. As Xia Brookside looks to regain her composure her moment is cut short with a vicious punt kick to the skull by Jinny. This vicious blow puts Brookside down on the canvas and in an unnecessary follow up Jinny proceeded to curb stomp Xia Brookside into the canvas before making the cover for the three! Xia Brookside has been eliminated! The crowd erupts into boos as the announcement is made and Jinny rises to her feet. The arrogant Fashionista begins to pose as she basks in what she calls her moment. However much to the crowd's delight the camera pulls back as we see Raquel Lourenco enter the ring and stand behind Jinny. Slowly turning around Jinny comes face to face with Raquel Lourenco. There are flickers of intimidation and fear in Jinny's eyes as we are now down to just two and she quickly backs up against the ropes.

This forces the official to try and step between them in an effort to administer a clean break. As Artemis does so however Jinny takes full advantage and thumbs Raquel right in the eye. The crowd again erupts into boos and chants of bullshit as Raquel backs up. From here Jinny quickly follows up with a boot right to Lourenco's jaw putting Raquel on a knee. Barking at Raquel that she should have stayed by her side Jinny then looks to end things as she sets Lourenco up for the touch of couture, but as she spins Raquel around Jinny is surprised as Lourenco side steps at the last minute avoiding Jinny's attack. Rising to her feet Jinny is met with a big kick to the jaw by Lourenco. This blow rattles Jinny big time as she turns away with the force of the blow and this allows Lourenco to trap Jinny in the killer clutch right in the center of the ring. Jinny screams out in pain as Lourenco pulls her to the canvas, seemingly having run out of tricks Jinny is left with no choice but to tap! Jinny has been eliminated!

Andy Shepherd:

With the announcement made a huge cheer erupts from the crowd in attendance. Releasing the hold on Jinny, a smiling Raquel Lourenco takes a knee when she is snatched in a tight hug by a jubilant Katarina Leigh. The UK General manager helps her ally to her feet before she raises her arm high in the air. With the crowd on their feet clapping for her Raquel has a big smile on her face while the referee checks on the downed Jinny. Soon Raquel is joined in ring by Dakota Kai, Piper Niven, Tegan Nox, Kay Lee Ray and many others all of whom begin applauding Lourenco as the show comes to a close.


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In what has been a continuing trend as of what is being rumored to be an overhaul of WWE UK's brand. A few more names have been confirmed to be moving on both from the WWE UK main roster as well as it's performance center. The most surprising name is that of Deonna Purrazzo who we can confirm will be returning over the pond for an immediate call up on Friday Night Smackdown. The Virtuosa is said to have made many fans with her WWE UK run and is looked upon as a star in the making who is set to receive a big push on her arrival. She will not be the only one however moving on as we know that EC3 following his defeat at the Showcase will also be returning to the states as he joins Monday Night Raw. In similar fashion it's said that EC3 really won himself some fans with his tenure with WWE UK and his selfless behavior in putting over Spike Trivet in his way out of the brand.

It is not confirmed entirely just yet but Emma is also believed to be departing the brand on top of these two. It's indicated that there are plans for Emma to head to NXT where she first made her name to bring a veteran presence to it's impressive women's roster. Another name going to NXT albeit fully confirmed is that of Kenny Williams. The Scottish star has long been off television as early rumors indicated a serious character overhaul. Sadly it was said that a place for Kenny couldn't be found in the current climate and that Williams is expected to instead begin this storyline over on NXT.

Continuing this trend of changes we also know that a tag team from the UK performance center comprised of Damian Slater and Marcius Pitt are headed to NXT Japan. This is believed to be of personal request by the duo who have long sought to wrestle in Japan believing it to be more suited to their styles. Joining them will be UK veteran and hard nosed brawler Chris Ridgeway. A true student of the strong style way of life Chris Ridgeway is expected to be a exciting edition to NXT Japan. The last departure is that of prospect Peter Thiyani who surprisingly requested his release from the company. Thiyani was said to have grown frustrated with his time in the UK performance center and is seeking to go out on his own with the independents. The door is said to be open to a return from him in the future.
With these departures again indicating an overhaul, a few new arrivals to the WWE UK brand have been announced. The first of which will be two women said to be headed to the WWE UK performance center in an attempt to shore up their skills. Respectively they are Amber Nova and 2nd generation talent Rachel Ellering. While details are unclear on if they will appear full time on WWE UK television, we know some singular appearances haven't be ruled out just yet. On top of them we know that veteran Santana Garrett shall be joining the WWE UK brand on the main show. Said to be joining in a similar fashion to Kassius Ohno and Shelton Benjamin, Garrett is seen as a talented veteran who can help further develop some of the brand's rising stars.

On last surprising addition has been revealed to be joining WWE UK from NXT. Said to be looked upon as a similar fashion to the brief run of Aliyah and Vanessa Borne in which WWE brass are looking to see how these prospects fare in a total different show. We know that the former Jessie Elaban will be joining the brand. Having undergone a name change to Jessi Kamea, it is said that Kamea will be undergoing a villainous character change from when fans last saw her in the Mae Young classic. While we know that Garrett, Evers and Nova will be coming very much in the near future. It is said that Kamea's debut will just be a little further out.
Lastly in some surprising news, it can be confirmed that a contract has been sent out to New Japan's Aaron Henare. The New Zealand Native is a 4 year pro with a background amateur wrestling, MMA, Muay Thai and Catch wrestling. There's been a belief that Henare has grown a little disenchanted with his standing in Japan. Looked upon as a fairly low card member of the roster despite his progressing through the New Japan Dojo and Lion system. Henare is believed to be nearing the end of his contract which is why he sent feelers out to WWE that he was potentially looking to make a deal.

It's said that talk is that while Henare would be an excellent fit for NXT Japan or NXT itself. Some want Henare to be apart of WWE UK. This is partly through calls of both Finn Balor and the yet to debut David Finlay Jr, both of whom share a history with Henare and are eager to work with him once more. This of course wouldn't be the first wrestler from New Japan that WWE UK has extended offers to in the past with both Jay White and Will Ospreay at a time entering negotiations. Whether a deal can be made for Henare is yet to be confirmed and only time will tell if he's willing to make the jump.


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Night One Preview!
"The Arrow of Hungary" Icarus vs. "The Spanish Heartthrob" Angelico

The first match of the evening and also the tournament as a whole will feature two of the fields most talented high flyers as Icarus battles Angelico. While both these men may share some similarities in their ring styles thanks to their high flying abilities, it is here that any comparison starts and finishes. As in one corner you have The Arrow of Hungary Icarus, a certified anarchist who is known for his aggression and antisocial behavior. While opposing him is the Spanish Heartthrob from South Africa Angelico. The flash ladies man who certainly isn't shy when it comes to entertaining the crowd with his array of dance moves. Making this quite the fascinating battle between two rival personalities.
"The Bulgarian Brute" Alexander Rusev vs. "The Kiwi Express" Dylan James

In a stark contrast from our opening contest of the evening which features the high flyers. Match two will feature two bruising heavyweights who are set to collide. Standing in one corner will be the former 3 time United States Champion Rusev. While Rusev Day at least for now may be behind us as Rusev has not seen his best days as of late. This tournament will provide him with a big shot to prove to everyone and himself that Rusev Day is not over yet. His opponent will be a dangerous bruiser by the name of Dylan James who has spent years plying his trade in Japan and is coming into this tournament looking to shock the world!
"The Swiss Cyborg" Antonio Cesaro vs. "The Hitta" Malik w/Kosta Kostantino

Perhaps one of the leading favorites in the European Championship tournament as a whole. Former tag team as well as former United States champion Antonio Cesaro will be competing in the third match on the card. Long seen as a talent on the very precipice of greatness who is looking for that big moment to thrust him into greatness. His opponent for the evening will be a man who is also looking for that moment in this tournament. As Cesaro will take on the brash individual known as Malik. Unlike many competitors however Malik will not be coming alone as he brings with him his manager Kosta Konstantino. Will Cesaro overcome the number's game?
"The OJMO" Michael Oku vs. "The French Submissioner" Heddi Karaoui

A standout from the UK performance center with whom many fans of WWE UK will be familiar. It wasn't long ago that Michael Oku was seen as a rising star as he participated in a tag team tournament with Kenny Williams by his side. Sadly in this tournament we'd see the real side of Kenny Williams who assaulted Michael Oku in an unprovoked attack. Since that time Michael Oku returned to the PC as he looked to recover from his injuries. Now he is back in this tournament looking for redemption. However standing across from him is a dangerous submission specialist in Heddi Karaoui. With a background in Sambo and Judo, Heddi is a dangerous threat for anyone on the mat. With both men proficient submission specialists, this promises to be a grappler's delight.
"The Ninja Warrior" Marius Al Ani vs. "Polish Pitbull" David Oliwa

If you did a survey of those in the WWE UK performance center of which of it's many standouts was perhaps the best all around athlete. One name who would frequently be mentioned is Marius Al-Ani. The German manages to blend together his athleticism along with his proficient technical abilities in a manner which few have seen before previously. While facing an opponent like Al-Ani may seem far from ideal, we know that this won't be the case for football player turned wrestler David Oliwa. A hard nosed and rugged individual, the confident Oliwa will be more than relishing his opportunity to play the spoiler.
"The French Phenom" Rene Dupree vs. "The Falcon" Kris Jokic

With this tournament already proving itself to be the place to be for numerous talents across all of Europe. We will see the return of a very familiar face for fans of WWE from the early 2000s. This is because Rene Dupree will be stepping foot in a WWE ring for the first time in over a decade. While a lot of WWE fans will know Dupree mainly as a tag team competitor, he has since made his name as a singles competitor in Japan. His opponent will be the highly skilled high flyer from Croatia Kris Jokic. Nicknamed by some as the Falcon for his aerial exploits, Jokic will be looking to get some eyes on him with a win over a former tag team champion like Dupree.
"American Destroyer" Donovan Dijakovic vs. "The Wildman" Heimo Ukonselka

If the earlier Rusev and Dylan James match wasn't enough for fans of Hoss matches. Then you will certainly be in for a treat in the co-main event of the evening. Standing in one corner will be the hard hitting titan Donovan Dijakovic from NXT. A scary blend of high impact offense and stunning agility, Dijakovic will find a man standing across him more than willing to give him the fight he desires. For he will face Heimo Ukonselka, the wildman from Finland is a savage combatant who will definitely not be intimidated in stepping in the ring against such an established foe. Making this a shoe in for potential match of the night.
"Unbesiegbar" Ilja Dragunov vs. "The Local Hero" Joe Hendry

Two of WWE UK's true standouts will collide in the main event of night one in a clash of fan favorites. In one corner we have the hard hitting, reckless and proud warrior Ilja Dragunov. While standing across from him is the confident, composed grappling ace Joe Hendry. This is a rematch for the pair who have built up a healthy amount of respect and admiration for one another. Their previous bout was in the opening round of the king of the ring tournament during which Joe Hendry narrowly took the victory. Now with this pair doing battle once again, the pressure will be on both to advance but also to make a statement regarding the result of their first outing. Who will leave night one going further in the tournament?


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Animals by Architects plays as the first night of the WWE European Championship Tournament begins. Starting out with a tribute to the lineage of this title. We see some of the key moments from this title's past starting out with the night Davey Boy Smith was named it's inaugural champion. From here the video would shift to Shawn Michaels' controversial title win before we'd see footage of title holders such as William Regal, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Triple H, Christian and Jeff Hardy. From here the event would open up in the Lyceum Theatre in London, England. With a small, intimate crowd in attendance we are greeted by John Gooden who quickly welcomes us to his colleagues for the evening Johnny Saint and William Regal. While Regal provides some great knowledge on the prestige of the European Championship, Johnny Saint meanwhile spoke about British Wrestling history before saying how this tournament will help Shape it's future.
Ahead of the opening contest of the evening two interviews are shown featuring the participants. Jessy Maria is the host of this particular set of interviews which begins as he sits down with Hungary's Icarus. Shown to be quite the embittered individual for Icarus tonight was less about the European Championship and more about why it has taken so long for him to be brought into the brand. Calling himself one of the most vicious competitors that European Wrestling has ever seen. Icarus says that the beauty of this tournament for him is that now he has guaranteed matches and won't be forced to deal with pull outs because of his reputation. When asked about his opponent Angelico, Icarus was very dismissive as he simply stated tonight is not about who is prettier but about who is better.

The second interview for Jessy Maria would be conducted with South Africa's Angelico. Unlike the stoic, embittered workings of Icarus. Angelico very much was warm and engaging in this interview. Calling being apart of the European title tournament a big milestone for his career. Angelico's pride in the tournament was soon replaced by his belief that through his WWE UK exposure he'll meet more eligible women out there. Admitting that his reasoning for wrestling is the money, fame and the ladies. Angelico says that the only thing better than winning the European Championship for his career. Will be the afterparties he will be hosting in celebration of his victory! In a similar fashion to his opponent Angelico didn't comment on Icarus, instead his interview was cut short when Angelico began flirting with one of the production staff.
Match #1: Icarus vs. Angelico

Kicking off the evening was an energetic opening bout between Icarus and Angelico. In the early goings of the contest we'd see both Icarus and Angelico fly across the ring much to the audience in attendance's delight. However roughly a few minutes into the bout we'd see some true colors shown by Icarus as he'd cheap shot Angelico on a break with a headbutt allowing him to ground the South African. However soon we'd find that Angelico had no issue in fighting in the trenches with his opponent and would soon force the Hungarian to submit to the Cruceta Invertidas!

Simon: And the winner of the match Angelico!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Angelico rises to his feet. With a smirk on his face Angelico has his arm raised by the official before he breaks out into a victory dance much to the delight of the crowd. In particular it seems that Angelico is a hit with many female fans as he parades around the ring winking at several in the crowd.
Following the opening bout of the night we'd be played our next interview segment conducted by Jessy Maria. Her first guest would be Dylan James. The New Zealand standout as Jessy mentions is facing one of the biggest names in the tournament and asks how he feels standing against such a high regarded foe early in the field. While admitting that he does have some nerves about the tournament. Dylan James says that he knows nerves are natural and he believes that this tournament will be the beginning of his career's breakout. Calling Rusev a dangerous opponent and one of the biggest threats in the tournament. James states that he wouldn't have it any other way as after this match everyone will be talking about the man who broke the Bulgarian Brute!

Following this would be Alexander Rusev's sit down interview. This interview showed a very focused and serious side to Rusev who called the European tournament as a chance for redemption. Using words like rebirthing and reincarnation to further push that this tournament is his chance to put his past behind him and silence his doubters once and for all. Saying that he is a man who has sacrificed everything for this moment and god has granted him this opportunity. Citing his lord as the one and only person he will kneel before, Rusev closes out his interview by promising victory tonight and in the European Title Tournament.
Match #2: Alexander Rusev vs. Dylan James

In a stark contrast from the opening bout of the evening which focused on high flying. The second bout of the night was a Hoss battle of the highest order as Alexander Rusev battled Dylan James. This match very much lived up to it's expectations not just with some hard strikes but also some big suplexes as Rusev showed off his impressive sambo background. James to his credit despite being the underdog would have his moments as he stunned Rusev with a big spinebuster and got a near fall following a three point stance tackle. The turning point however was when Rusev caught a charging James with a Machka kick and then clamped on the Accolade for the submission victory!

Simon: And the winner of the match Alexander Rusev!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made yet despite being the victor Rusev does not release the Accolade right away. Once he has done so a fired up Rusev lets out a roar before he pounds his chest and proceeds to get his arm raised.
Between matches we'd be played the next round of pre taped interviews. Jessy Maria for her first interview is joined not just by Malik but also by Malik's manager Kosta Konstantino. Doing most of the talking for his client, Kosta Konstantino was highly dismissive of WWE UK, Cesaro and the European title tournament as a whole. Instead he says that WWE UK should be honored to have a talent like Malik in it's possession and on top of that it is Malik's participation which makes the European title tournament credible. Calling Antonio Cesaro a never has been who is simply here to fill the numbers, Kosta says that when Malik eliminates Cesaro from the tournament. That people best not consider the real sure thing in this tournament an upset. Instead they proclaim this is the first of many in Malik's crowning moment.

In a stark contrast to the interview with Malik and Kosta which was fully of bravado and brash statements. Jessy Maria's interview with Antonio Cesaro was a totally different conversation. Talking humbly about his career and his time in WWE as well as what this tournament and opportunity means to him. Antonio Cesaro says that he has long been perceived as coming just short of reaching for that brass ring. Calling this tournament his chance to show that he is good enough and to finally take something for himself. Cesaro says what makes this tournament extra special is that one of his mentor's William Regal is in attendance. Cesaro calls it a great honor for him to contend for and win the title in front of his mentor.
Match #3: Antonio Cesaro vs. Malik w/Kosta Kostantino

Unlike the previous two battles which had seen stylistic matches between wrestlers. This bout would feature very much a contrast in styles and approaches as Antonio Cesaro battled Malik. With his manager Kosta Konstantino constantly running his mouth at ringside and providing distraction. It appeared that Malik had every intention of taking every short cut he possibly could against one of the tournament favorites. While Malik's methods by hook and crook may have been effective in the early going we'd soon see just why Cesaro was a heavy favorite after he caught Malik with a big pop up European uppercut. An attempt at interference backfired as Kosta found himself caught in a giant swing by Cesaro only to be cut off by Malik. Unfortunately for Malik, it wouldn't be long until he fell to a Neutralizer.

Simon: And the winner of the match Antonio Cesaro!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Antonio Cesaro rises to his feet. After having his arm raised in the air, Cesaro leaves the ring and shares a moment with William Regal at ringside while in the ring a groggy Kosta begins to check on Malik.
With Match Three completed, the next promos would be played ahead of our fourth opening round match. The first of which was an interview with "The OJMO" himself Michael Oku. Returning to the UK Brand for the first time in over a year. Michael Oku says his previous time with WWE UK was a learning experience for him. Acknowledging that at that time he wasn't ready but that he needed that wake up call to realize it. Grateful for that chance Oku says that he is even more thrilled to be given this second chance as per the European title tournament. Saying that now we will all see exactly what he is capable of and just what his true ceiling is. Michael Oku pledges that the European title tournament will be his crowning moment!

Oku's opponent Heddi Karaoui meanwhile is lacking the humility of his opponent. Instead Heddi is shown to be very confident in his abilities. A skilled martial artist who has studied many forms of grappling, Heddi says that he knows for a fact that when a bout hits the mat he can make anyone submit! Dismissively branding his opponent tonight a pretend grappler. Heddi claims that it is easy for him to expose the pretenders as any man who dares to go to the mat with him quickly sees that they have been dragged into deep waters. Branding himself a submission savant Heddi makes a bold prediction that not only will he be bringing gold back to France but also the limbs of everyone who steps in his path.
Match #4: Michael Oku vs. Heddi Karaoui

Going back to the interesting styles battles we'd see Michael Oku battle Heddi Karaoui. Billed very much as a submission grapplers collision. We'd very much see a chess match as Michael Oku battled Heddi Karaoui in a contest which took place for the majority on the match. Thanks to his experience and grappling background it would begin to seem that Heddi Karaoui was taking over in this contest as he took the back of Oku and began attempting a rear naked choke. Oku would be forced to go on the defensive from this point as Heddi attempted all manner of chokes and submissions. Seemingly coming closer at various points Heddi couldn't resist trash talking his foe at every point. However Heddi's overconfidence would cost him dearly as Oku managed to trap Heddi in a single leg crab right in the center of the ring which forced a submission.

Simon: And the winner of the match Michael Oku!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Michael Oku releases the hold. After getting his arm raised in the air Michael Oku turns to his opponent. Rising slowly to his feet Heddi Karaoui doesn't seem happy as Oku offers him a handshake. After a few moments Heddi shakes his head in disgust and leaves the ring before marching backstage to boos.
With that it is then time for the next set of pre match interviews. The first of which would see Jessy Maria joined by David Oliwa. Billed as a former football player by Jessy, David Oliwa was very much straight to the point in this interview. Shown to not be the most warm or engaging prospect, Oliwa made it clear that he wasn't here for the pomp and circumstances but rather he was here for the competition. Calling his opponent one of the tournament's top seeds for all those in the know. Oliwa makes it clear that he will take great pleasure in upsetting the field tonight.

While he may also have brought a lot of intensity with him as he walked into the room for his interview. It must be said Marius Al-Ani also brought with him a lot of intensity but he also followed that with a lot more energy than his opponent. Referring to himself as a demi god. Marius said that he considered this tournament his birthright. Talking about his opponent tonight, Marius made it clear that he didn't think much of David Oliwa or the rest of his field for that matter. This was especially shown in the closing part of his interview in which he advised everyone against him to bend the knee and save themselves from further embarrassment.
Match #5: Marius Al-Ani vs. David Oliwa

Perhaps one of the more favored names in the tournament for those in the know about the European wrestling scene. Marius Al-Ani had a lot of hype surrounding him going into this bout as he took on David Oliwa. Billed by William Regal as a former football hooligan; David Oliwa showed little fear or intimidation of the steep odds he faced. While Oliwa would have a few moments in this contest, the bout was very much a showcase for what exactly Marius Al-Ani could do. After a few minutes of action Marius connected with a superman punch on Oliwa which put the Polish standout on a knee before Al-Ani clamped on a rear naked choke for the submission.

Simon: And the winner of the match Marius Al-Ani!

The crowd respond with quite the mixed reaction as Marius rises to his feet. After getting his arm raised in the air Marius climbs the turnbuckle and flexes his biceps to further celebrate his victory.
Following this match it'd then be time for Jessy Maria's next round of interviews. Joining her first for this one would be Kris Jokic. The Croatian superstar is very humble about where he came from and where he is now. Calling his journey a rollercoaster which has been filled with peaks and valleys. Kris says that this tournament is a massive honor for him and he is looking to show the world exactly who he is. Talking about his opponent Jokic says he has a tremendous amount of respect for Rene Dupree and is eager to see how he measures against a former WWE superstar and tag team champion.

Rene Dupree of course was the next subject to be interviewed and unlike the humble and likeable Kris Jokic. It was clear that the 12 years or so away from the WWE have done little to humble The French Phenom. Shown to be quite arrogant as he expressed his displeasure at even having to compete in such a tournament. Rene Dupree says it's time that WWE recognized their mistake in letting him go. Calling himself the complete package, Rene Dupree says that this isn't a comeback for him as he's been ready for years. Instead this is his chance to show WWE just how poor their judgement was in letting him go the first time.
Match #6: Rene Dupree vs. Kris Jokic

Former WWE Tag Team Champion Rene Dupree returned to a WWE ring for the next contest of the evening as he battled Kris Jokic. This very much was a strong contrast in styles as Rene Dupree looked to keep his high flying opponent grounded for the duration of the contest. Despite facing such an experience and size disadvantage the Croatian Kris Jokic put in a more than spirited performance against Rene Dupree. While the crowd may not have been familiar with Jokic in the early going to his credit he soon won them around especially against the detestable Dupree. To the crowd's delight we'd see a big upset in this match as Jokic countered a Dupree bomb attempt and landed a reverse hurricanrana. With Dupree stunned Jokic followed with the Falcon Spiral for the victory!

Simon: And the winner of the match Kris Jokic!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Kris Jokic takes a knee. While Jokic rises to his feet and has his arm raised, we see a groggy Dupree roll to the floor as he comes to the realization about what happened.
It would then be time for the co-main event of the evening and of course we'd begin with some pretaped interviews for the men competing. The first of which would be the Wildman from Finland Heimo Ukonselka. To say this would be a unique interview would be a understatement thanks to Heimo's strange charisma and the fact that he brandished a warhammer throughout. Calling himself a warrior and the last soldier of his tribe. Heimo says that tonight he is here for a skirmish and is proud that he has a worthy foe to meet him in the ring for combat!

Thankfully for Jessy Maria her second interview here with Donovan Dijakovic is a lot more straightforward. Calling this tournament just like everything he's done since coming to the WWE, this is all for the betterment of his family. Calling this tournament a great opportunity to further his career. Dijakovic says that he is willing to put himself through hell in order to do what is best for his family and for this week it is winning this tournament. Regarding his opponent tonight Dijakovic admits he does see some comparisons between the pair of them but that Heimo just like everyone else will be forced to Feast Your Eyes!
Match #7: Donovan Dijakovic vs. Heimo Ukonselka

Similar to the earlier Rusev/James match, there was a lot of expectation of another hoss battle here between Donovan Dijakovic and Heimo Ukonselka. While this bout may have lacked some of the big slams and suplexes that the previous hoss battle had. Instead this bout made up for that with some stiff striking and also startling displays of athleticism from the two titans. Heimo Ukonselka for his part appeared more than willing to live up to his wildman moniker as he threw himself at Dijakovic with abandon. Unfortunately for Heimo just as he appeared to have the match won, a big cyclone kick by Dijakovic rattled him and allowed Donovan to finish things with Feast your Eyes.

Simon: And the winner of the match Donovan Dijakovic!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and slowly we see Donovan climb to his feet. After he has his arm raised in the air Donovan screams out loudly. While Dijakovic begins to celebrate a stunned Heimo begins to climb to his feet. These two warriors come face while the crowd showers both with applause. After a couple of moments the two men embrace much to the delight of the audience in attendance before Heimo raises Donovan's arm.
Just ahead of the main event of the night we'd be played one last pre match promo. In a stark contrast from the other's throughout the night Ilja Dragunov and Joe Hendry based on their respect and friendship would agree to have their interview done together. For this particular interview Jessy Maria focused on the dynamic that the duo shared and it was clear there was a lot of mutual respect between the pairing. Talk soon turned to the first bout that the pair had as part of the King of the Ring tournament. That match of course saw Joe Hendry leave victorious but it is clear that both men have not let that result impact their respect for one another. Instead both would confidently state that this match would be different as Dragunov pledged he would win while Hendry proclaimed this time it would be more definitive. With that the duo would shake hands as the interview came to a close
Main Event: Joe Hendry vs. Ilja Dragunov

It was then time for what was hands down one of the most anticipated contests of the evening. This match would feature two of the UK Brand's hottest rising talents as Joe Hendry battled Ilja Dragunov. Of course this wasn't the first time this duo had clashed with them memorably having a match in the opening round of the King of the Ring tournament. While that match was won by Joe Hendry, it appeared both men were eager to prove something to one another in this meeting. This would by far be the match of the night and went much longer than every other contest in the evening. A back and forth clash filled with numerous false finishes and near falls, in the end just like the first match it was one well timed counter which made the difference. This time however Ilja Dragunov was the one to get his hand raised as he managed to reverse a Hendry lock attempt into a pinning position!

Shepherd: And the winner of the match Ilja Dragunov!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and we see Ilja Dragunov on both knees overcome with emotion at this hard fought victory. On the opposite side of the ring Joe Hendry is filled with disbelief at what has transpired as he takes a knee before pulling himself to his feet using the ropes. While Hendry watches on, Ilja Dragunov has his arm raised in victory and begins celebrating his win. Slowly the duo come face to face and after some reluctance Hendry raises Dragunov's arm in the air as the show comes to a close.


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"Guerrier Du Peuple" Senza Volto vs. "Il Ragazzo Prodigio" Francesco Akira

Opening the show on night two will be a match which promises to make for quite the high flying spectacle. As this match will feature a veteran of the french wrestling scene Senza Volto who has wowed Europe with his lucha libre abilities. Standing across from him will be a young high flyer from Italy known as Francesco Akira who has recently caught the attention of world thanks to his aerial abilities. The youngest man in the tournament by far, this is the biggest moment of Akira's young career while the veteran Volto will look to shut his hype and touting down.
"The Last Sick Boy" Rory Coyle vs. "Bad Bones" John Klinger

A total opposite from the opening bout of the night which promises to be a high flying spectacle. The second contest isn't going to be some athletic, high flying contest. Instead it's going to be a hard hitting brawl as Rory Coyle and John Klinger collide. Both men enter this bout with less than stellar reputations as in one corner you have the noted sadist Rory Coyle who is known for his hardcore exploits and viciousness. While in the other corner is one of the tournament favorites who is known to be as ruthless as they come in John Klinger. Making this perhaps one of the more anticipated bouts of the evening.
"The Celtic Warrior" Sheamus O'Shaunessy vs. "Bomber" Dave Mastiff

One of the more exciting aspects of the European title tournament is the mixture of talents being brought in. This of course includes members of the current WWE roster looking to reestablish themselves with the European championship. One name looking to do so is former multiple time world champion Sheamus who will for this tournament be returning to his roots as Sheamus O'Shaunessy. His opponent however will also be a man looking for a new opportunity as heavy hitting bruiser Dave Mastiff returns to the brand knowing that a win here will fully begin his career redemption.
"Untamable" Emil Sitoci vs. "The Big" Omari

Another tournament favorite on paper is a man who many have been looking forward to seeing arrive in WWE UK. This of course being veteran Emil Sitoci. Described by many as the perfect athlete who blends impressive athleticism with at times freakish power. Sitoci for a time has been training with the UK performance Center with many citing him as a mentor as he slowly stepped into a more coaching role. His opponent for night two will be one of his proteges in the UK performance Center Omari who will be looking to pull off a big upset in the tournament field.
"The Black Swan" Cara Noir vs. "The Russian Hooligan" Peter Orlov

Match Five promises to be an intriguing clash on paper as it features two talents who are polar opposites. The first of which is returning Russian veteran Peter Orlov. Orlov was at one stage a top developmental prospect for WWE back 2009 before his career would come to a surprising halt. Now years on the Russian Hooligan will be looking to return to the ring and reclaim his past glory. His opponent however will be the enigmatic Cara Noir, a silent individual who does all his talking in the ring. The expressive and pained artist is looked upon as a dark horse in the tournament and will be looking to prove his worth here.
"The Human Torture Device" Doug Williams vs. "The Bambi Killer" Chris Raaber

Another veteran drawn back into the fold as part of this tournament will be Doug Williams. Of course Williams works as part of the commentary team for WWE UK and is truly seen as a mentor figure by many of the roster. However his opponent for this event is very much a man who won't be blinded by working with such a regarded veteran. As his opponent will be a man who wrestled for decades himself all across the world in Chris the Bambi Killer. The Austrian however has never had a big break and because of that is quite the embittered figure who is looking to take full advantage of this moment.
"The King of Smoke Style" Bobby Gunns vs. Adrian "The Perfect" Storm

The co-main event of the evening will feature the long awaited WWE UK debut of Bobby Gunns. Seen as another tournament favorite by many in the know. Bobby Gunns talents in the ring are widely recognized just as his surly behavior away from the ring is also of note. The self proclaimed King of Smoke Style however has quite the cult following behind him and will be looking to piggy back this tournament into a run with WWE UK. Opposing him however is a dangerous opponent known as Adrian Storm. Described as a stoic individual who strictly sees what he does as business. Storm seems like the perfect candidate to play spoiler should he be under estimated.
"Der Ring General" GUNTHER vs. "The Predator Slayer" Oro Mensah

Finally in the main event of night two, fans will see the debut of a man who's arrival to WWE UK has been long anticipated. This being one of the most feared, highly regarded heavyweights that the European wrestling scene has ever witnessed Gunther. A titan who is as gifted a technician as it comes but is also capable of bone rattling strikes. Gunther comes into the tournament as to some the odds on favorite. Opposing him however is a man not likely to be intimidated in Switzerland's Oro Mensah. While on paper he is the biggest underdog of the night. Mensah is a skilled competitor in his own right and has outright said he is coming to this tournament with the intention of shocking the world.


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Sep 14, 2022
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Backstage Interviewer ~ John Gooden
Commentary Team ~ Andy Shepherd, Johnny Saint and William Regal
Ring Announcer ~ Francesca Oliver
As Franz Ferdinand's take me out plays, a video package is shown highlighting the first night of the WWE European Championship tournament. Culminating with Ilja Dragunov's victory over Joe Hendry, the video feed soon cuts out as we open up inside the Lyceum Theatre for night two. Opening up once again before a small, intimate group of fans. We would be swiftly greeted by the commentary team for the evening which was comprised of Andy Shepherd along with UK wrestling legends Johnny Saint and William Regal. The trio hypes up tonight's event before Andy Shepherd directs us to the titantron so that we can see the first spate of interviews ahead of the first matchup of the night.
Handling the interviews for the evening is John Gooden. While usually a member of the broadcast team, Gooden is a skilled journalist in his own right and is joined for his first interview of the evening by Senza Volto. Using a translator for this interview it swiftly becomes clear that Senza Volto is overjoyed to be apart of the WWE and this tournament. Calling be a competitor in this situation a dream come true, Senza Volto says that this truly feels like his hard work has been recognized and everything he's sacrificed is not in vain. When asked about his opponent for the evening, Volto is candid admitting that he does lack familiarity with Akira but he feels confident that in this battle of the high flyers, it is his experience that will give him the edge!

In comparison to Senza Volto's outpouring of emotion. The young man
Francesco Akira is a lot more cool in his interview. Admitting that he is humbled by this experience being so young into his career. Akira says that he is well aware of what an opportunity like this can do for his career and that winning this tournament would put him on the road to superstardom. Calling his style high risk, Akira claims that he is also here to show the world that he is the future of flight. As talk turns to his opponent for the evening, Akira is nothing but respectful about Senza Volto and his abilities. Calling this a match he has wanted for quite the long time, Akira says it's now up to him to show the world that the future is now!

Kicking off the evening would be a highly anticipated clash between aerial artists Senza Volto and Francesco Akira. It was clear from the pre match handshake there was a lot of respect between this pairing. Yet make no mistake even with this respect both men wouldn't hold anything back in what was quite the thrilling back and forth battle. As this thrilling contest reached it's ten minute mark we'd see Akira connect with Fireball on Senza Volto. With Senza Volto wobbled big time by this blow, Akira then quickly followed up with an Akira Sault for the victory!


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Akira quickly climbs to his feet. Once Akira is up he begins to celebrate his victory before he's grabbed by the shoulder and spun around by Volto. Shown to be quite frustrated at his defeat Volto squares off with Akira before he snatches him in an embrace in the center of the ring while the crowd applauds.
John Gooden then sits down for his next set of interviews and unlike his first set of interviews. These participants are definitely not the soft spoken humble natured individuals. In fact the first interview between Gooden and Rory Coyle is quite the disturbing affair. A harrowing and haunting individual Rory makes it clear that the title and the tournament don't actually mean anything for him. He's not here for gold or accomplishments, instead he's here for violence. A sadistic individual who takes pleasure in the pain of others. Rory Coyle says that when it comes violence, pain and suffering he considers that more of a passion than a profession. Saying that he is the one true sick boy in wrestling. Rory promises to use the blood, sweat and tears of his opponents to paint his canvas.

The second interview with
John Klinger, while perhaps not as terrifying or disturbing as the interview that Coyle had. John Klinger would more than make up for it with intensity and determination. Klinger says that he isn't here to make up the numbers and he's also not someone who is just happy to be here. Instead he is someone who is angry that he was not called upon sooner. Calling his opponent a twisted sadist, John Klinger practically begins to smile when he says that he wouldn't have it any other way. In fact Klinger not only is relishing having such an opponent in the ring against him. But he wants to further up the ante instead for tonight. Which is why he's gotten their match agreed as a no disqualification match!

Having been personally requested by both Rory Coyle and John Klinger this match would be confirmed as a no disqualification match. This would be a vicious and wild brawl between Rory Coyle and John Klinger. Brawling around the ringside area and in the crowd. We'd see both men take some vicious weapon shots and blows throughout the bout. This would be until John Klinger was able to connect with a crushing spear on Rory Coyle putting him through a table. With Coyle down, Klinger quickly followed up with the shadow driver for the win.


The crowd reaction is mixed as John Klinger rises to his feet. While Klinger has his arm raised in the air and begins to celebrate his victory. Replays of the match begin to play.
Ahead of the third match of the evening we'd be shown another round of interviews filmed. The first of which would see John Gooden joined by former multiple time world champion Sheamus. Quickly in the interview subject turns to Sheamus wanting to embrace his past and heritage by going by his full name of Sheamus O'Shaunessy. Speaking candidly about his career and where he's at, Sheamus cannot help but express some frustration as of late that he isn't given the respect he is due as a former world champion. Calling his transformation a chance to not only reintroduce himself to those who looked him over but to also make those unfamiliar with him recognize that he's still just as dangerous as he was in his best years!

Following this interview is John's second sit down interview with Sheamus' opponent for the evening
Dave Mastiff. Shown to be quite a humble figure Mastiff doesn't hide away from his past as a former heavy for hire. Remarking that in desperate times when he needed the money he did things he wasn't proud of. Mastiff sees this tournament as a chance for redemption for his reputation and his career. Wanting to prove that he is more than just a low level gun for hire. Dave Mastiff says his intention is to come into this tournament and shock the world. Firstly by beating a former world champion like Sheamus and secondly by winning the tournament and showing that he is the best UK heavyweight in wrestling!

Heavyweights would collide in the next bout of the night as former WWE champion Sheamus took on the bruising heavyweight known as Dave Mastiff. Billed as a hoss battle we'd instead nearly get a flash finish from the off as Mastiff backed Sheamus up into the corner with a lariat. A series of heavy blows then followed before Mastiff connected with a corner cannonball on Sheamus. With Sheamus down Mastiff went for a cover only to have Sheamus kick out barely before three. Somehow Sheamus would soon find a way back into the bout despite a spirited effort from Mastiff. After narrowly avoiding a vader bomb from Dave, Sheamus followed with a Brogue Kick on Sheamus for the win!


The crowd offers some respectful applause as Sheamus rises to his feet in the ring. After having his arm raised, Sheamus walks over to a cornered Mastiff and helps him to his feet before the two men shake hands following this hard fought battle.
In a shift from the interview format, the next interview would see both Emil Sitoci and Omari sit down together with John Gooden. With the mentor and protege bond this pair share from their time at the UK performance center it is clear that there is a lot of respect shared between the duo. Rather than be annoyed however that they have to face off with one another as part of the tournament. Both instead see this as a different way which is they get to face someone they truly respect on the biggest stage of them all. Promising that this match won't change the bond they have, it seems that both men simply just want the other to bring their best for what they hope to be the match of the night. With that the two men shake hands as the interview comes to a close.

The fourth bout of the evening was an emotionally charged battle between teacher and student as Emil Sitoci took on Omari. Starting out this match with a handshake both Sitoci and Omari soon got underway with some chain wrestling and striking exchanges. Both men would have their moments in this contest as Omari showed himself to be perhaps the stronger of the two and more powerful while Sitoci made up for that with technique and speed. In the end however experience won the day as Sitoci picked up a win following a snapmare driver.


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Emil Sitoci quickly rises to his feet. After having his arm raised Sitoci turns to see a disappointed Omari taking a knee. Rushing over to his student, Sitoci helps Omari to his feet before they share a hug much to the crowd's delight. Omari then proceeds to raise Sitoci's arm in the air when all of a sudden Michael Oku appears on the stage watching and nodding his head approvingly.
Now halfway into the show we'd get another change from the norm with John Gooden's interviews as he revealed that the scheduled into with Cara Noir wouldn't be taking place due to a no show. In fact as Gooden put it, they hadn't been able to reach Cara Noir since he'd been confirmed from the tournament. As for the Peter Orlov interview, this did go ahead and it was swiftly apparent that Orlov was far from pleased about playing second fiddle as part of this match. Calling his return to the WWE a big deal. Peter Orlov says that WWE missed out on his star and next best thing. Yet now having taken some much needed time away from the ring, he's returning to show WWE and the world exactly what they missed out upon by not taking advantage of what they had before!

Looking to make a successful return to the WWE Peter Orlov found himself matched up against one of the more unpredictable and enigmatic individuals in the tournament. This of course being Cara Noir. Despite Orlov's craftiness and stalling tactics this contest very much was a showcase for Cara Noir who quickly captivated the fans and won them over with his in ring exploits. After rocking Orlov with a Swan Woo dropkick, Cara Noir followed up with a big brainbuster onto Orlov. With Peter Orlov floored, Cara Noir clamped on a rear naked choke for the submission victory.


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Cara Noir immediately rolls out of the ring. Clearly not in a celebratory mood, Noir makes a swift exit backstage while the referee tends to Orlov.
It is then time for the next wave of interviews for John Gooden and with the first one for him. It's definitely not a case of work as he is joined by friend and broadcast partner Doug Williams. This is quite a laid back conversation as opposed to an interview as Gooden starts by congratulating Doug on his recent win over Eddie Dennis. Humbly Williams remarks that he didn't expect to return to the ring or have the success he has had. Which is why he is here in this tournament to truly see just how far he can go. Saying he's been aware of Raaber and his reputation for years, Williams comments that he knows he'll have a fight on his hands but is more than up to the challenge tonight.

Unlike the Williams interview,
Chris Raaber is not a friendly chat. Instead we have a fired up and aggressive veteran of the ring who makes it clear that for him tonight is do or die. Saying that he's aware that his career is on it's last legs and how he very much needs this tournament to justify keeping his career afloat. Chris Raaber claims that he is far from a bad guy, instead he is a desperate man who is driven to desperate means and will do whatever he has to in order to succeed. Admitting he has a lot of respect for his opponent tonight, Chris Raaber says that the respect however won't stop him from doing what he has to in order to put Doug away.

Veterans would collide in the sixth bout of the night as Doug Williams battled Chris Raaber. This contest would be a styles clash as on one side of the ring you had the technical expertise of Doug Williams while opposing him was the hard hitting and brutish Raaber. This bout would turn very much into quite the old school affair as neither man exited the ring or ventured to the top rope. With the match going back and forth and both men showing a willingness to engage the other in their own specialties. It became apparent that all it would take is one mistake to turn this bout around. In the end it was a surprising display which caught Raaber off guard as Williams performed a springboard off of the middle rope and landed a tornado DDT before following up with the Chaos theory for the victory!


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made. Climbing to his feet Doug Williams has his hand raised in the air before he bows to his opponent in a sign of respect. While Williams leaves the ring, a dejected Chris Raaber sits on the mat. After removing his boots slowly Raaber leaves them in the center of the ring before walking slowly to the back while the crowd applauds.
It was then time for the interviews for the co-main event of the evening. For the first interview John Gooden found himself standing across from Adrian Storm. Shown to be a stoic and serious figure. Storm is all business about tonight and what this tournament can do for his career. Turning his attention to his opponent Bobby Gunns. Adrian Storm remarks that he thinks he has an excellent skill set when it comes to his work in the ring. However the same compliments cannot be extended to Bobby Gunns and his personality outside of the ring. Promising to keep his head screwed on in this match Storm pledges he will not let any ill will detract from his performance.

Unlike his opponent who very much kept a cooler head. Bobby Gunns didn't have a professional mindset or attitude ahead of his match. Instead Gunns showed himself to be quite a difficult individual who hardly spoke about the match or the tournament. Instead the arrogant Gunns quickly kept badgering the staff behind the camera for his cigarettes and demanding someone get him a Manhattan. Despite Gooden's attempts to have a serious interview it quickly became apparent that wasn't going to be doable with Bobby Gunns. As Gunns broadly lights up a cigarette directly in the room, Gooden calls the interview short.

The co-main event of the evening would feature one of the more detestable names in the tournament Bobby Gunns. A surly individual who very much rubbed the audience the wrong way, Bobby seemed to relish having the crowd in the palm of his hands so to speak. His opponent would be Norway's Adrian Storm who while perhaps not the personality of his opponent, made up for this with some impressive shows of athleticism. In the end however this bout was very much a showcase for Gunns who won this match following a high angle saito suplex followed by a penalty kick.


The crowd boos as the result is announced and Bobby Gunns pulls away from the referee as he looks into his jacket for a cigarette. While Gunns begins to head backstage, we see the official tend to Adrian Storm.
It was then time for the final set of sit down interviews with John Gooden. The first of which would be with Oro Mensah. Shown to be a humble and likable figure who is more than aware of the challenge in front of him tonight. Mensah makes it clear that this is not the first time he has been the under dog nor is it the first tim he's had to take a stand against the monster or boogeyman of the ring. Saying that he like everyone else has heard the talk about Gunther, Oro Mensah says he's earned his nickname of the Predator Hunter for a reason and tonight despite the odds. He has little concern that he can and will put away the monster once and for all!

The second interview will focuses on one of the overwhelming tournament favorites Gunther. An intimidating figure and presence Gunther says that he isn't just here to participate in a tournament for the WWE. But that he is also on a crusade to do what is best for the sport of professional wrestling. Wanting to reestablish the integrity and honor of the ring. Gunther calls the mat sacred and he believes that anyone who steps into the ring should be honored at having that privilege. Remarking that his opponent seems like another misguided young man who thinks this is all a game. Which is why tonight Gunther will show his opponent that this isn't a game and that stepping in the ring against him will see Mensah risking his health!

Finally it was time for the main event of the evening which would see the long awaited debut in WWE UK for Gunther. The hard hitting Austrian Bruiser had long been a name fans had been clamoring to see in WWE UK and here was the chance for the fans to watch him compete. His opponent would be rising upstart Oro Mensah who to his credit didn't show any intimidation of facing such an intimidating presence. Sadly for Mensah while his fearlessness was respectable he'd soon learn just why Gunther had received such high billing as quickly Gunther changed the course of this match with a vicious chop on Mensah. It wouldn't be long after this that Gunther picked up his first WWE win with a lariat on Mensah.


The crowd is silent as the announcement is made and Gunther proceeds to get his arm raised in the air. While the triumphant Gunther stands tall, the referee flags up the X sign as officials begin to rush to the ring in an effort to tend to Mesah while the show comes to a close!


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Sep 14, 2022
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Kicking off night three and the second round of the tournament will be a contest some have dubbed a pure wrestling dream match. As Color Commentator and wrestling veteran Doug Williams will look to continue his impressive underdog run as he looks to turn back the clock once more. However standing across from him is a former tag team champion and united states champion Antonio Cesaro who is looking to add another championship title to his already impressive resume. Is this where the clock finally strikes midnight for Doug Williams' fairytale like run as of late?

Having contested against his protege Omari in the first round of the tournament. Emil Sitoci will follow that bout with another man he's familiar with from the UK Performance Center Michael Oku. Unlike Omari however while there is a familiarity between Sitoci and Oku, there is also a lot of separation. Perhaps knowing that one day these two would do battle, the pair have made it clear that while they aren't enemies they are also the furthest thing from being friends with one another. Adding to the intrigue of this bout is the styles clash as on one side you have the dynamic striking and athleticism of Emil Sitoci while opposing him is the submission tactician that is Michael Oku.

Having just had one brutal battle in the opening round. John Klinger now finds himself very much with a suitable follow up to that as he takes on Donovan Dijakovic in the next contest of the evening. This contest definitely will not be for the feint of the heart with Dijakovic showing himself willing to put himself directly in the fire just like John Klinger. In fact all that can really be expected from this bout is violence at it's most hard hitting. The question isn't a case of who will win this match but more a case of who will survive and what condition will they be in?

In a stark contrast from the match before it which will feature a clash of the heavyweight titans. Match four will very much be a match of style more than anything as two talented high flyers do battle. Yet to simply call both these men high flyers would be a disservice to them both. As in one corner you have the dynamic athlete and electrifying striking of Francesco Akira while standing against him is the grappling and submission stylings of Angelico. With these intangibles and both men's aerial abilities, one can expect a thrilling contest for the second round of the tournament.

Going from the high flyers right to the bruisers in the next bout of the night. We will see two tournament favorites collide as Marius Al-Ani takes on Alexander Rusev. With both of these titans known not only for their power and hard hits but also their freakish athleticism. This is perhaps the closest match on paper in this second round with both men being so similar to one another. The only difference of course being familiarity with the WWE universe. As Marius Al-Ani will look to shock the fans by pulling off a big upset over the multiple time United States Champion.

A true clash of enigmatic personalities will be the story of the sixth match of the evening as Bobby Gunns battles Cara Noir. This very much is a stark contrast as on one hand you have the sleazy individual Bobby Gunns going against the quiet, pained Cara Noir. Along with the contrast in personalities you also have the ring work which varies. On one side of the coin you have the almost cerebral ring stylings of Bobby Gunns going against the sheer dynamic unorthodox approach of Cara Noir. Just who will advance to the next round in what is one of the more intriguing rounds of the opening round.

To say that Kris Jokic upset the tournament field on night two with his match against Rene Dupree would be an understatement. As many considered Dupree the favorite to advance in their contest. However Jokic will have no time to rest on his laurels with that victory as he will find himself again the underdog but this time against perhaps the biggest favorite not just in this match but in the tournament as a whole Gunther. Gunther's arrival to the WWE has long been foretold and he more than lived up to the hype in his first bout. Will Kris Jokic be able to pull off the upset of the century here?

Lastly in the main event of the evening we have what some are considering the most anticipated clash of the second round when Ilja Dragunov collides with multiple time WWE champion Sheamus. Both men had to withstand some adversity to make it to this contest with Ilja having to overcome his friend Joe Hendry while Sheamus had to battle against some early adversity against Dave Mastiff. With both men known for not backing down from a fight and their capabilities at delivering some hard hits this battle could very well be the match of the night. Who will leave night three victorious?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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I have to admit, one of the most compelling aspects of this diary is your knowledge of the British wrestling scene. There are guys on these cards that I know of by name alone, much like there are names I'm familiar with for appearing occasionally on shows in my hometown - guys like Rory Coyle in particular. It's interesting because there are names in this tournament I'm sure you've given original names for to fit the WWE model. It's nice to see some additions like Francesco Akira, too.

While I'm not completely on board with guys like Sheamus being involved with the WWE UK project, it at least makes sense and bolsters the prestige of the roster. We're certainly a long way from the days of NXT UK.

The WWE European Championship coming into play here simply makes sense, and I love how you have mapped this out. GUNTHER is a dead ringer for the winner of this one, but we've got some other mammoth matches in there like Ilja Dragunov going up against Sheamus. Add in wXw native Bobby Gunns, and PROGRESS regular Cara Noir.

You certainly have the roster assembled, and I have really liked reading back the unique WWE UK Specials you've been running. I'm hopeful of seeing more in the way of long-term storylines and something for us to sink our teeth into.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2022
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I have to admit, one of the most compelling aspects of this diary is your knowledge of the British wrestling scene. There are guys on these cards that I know of by name alone, much like there are names I'm familiar with for appearing occasionally on shows in my hometown - guys like Rory Coyle in particular. It's interesting because there are names in this tournament I'm sure you've given original names for to fit the WWE model. It's nice to see some additions like Francesco Akira, too.

While I'm not completely on board with guys like Sheamus being involved with the WWE UK project, it at least makes sense and bolsters the prestige of the roster. We're certainly a long way from the days of NXT UK.

The WWE European Championship coming into play here simply makes sense, and I love how you have mapped this out. GUNTHER is a dead ringer for the winner of this one, but we've got some other mammoth matches in there like Ilja Dragunov going up against Sheamus. Add in wXw native Bobby Gunns, and PROGRESS regular Cara Noir.

You certainly have the roster assembled, and I have really liked reading back the unique WWE UK Specials you've been running. I'm hopeful of seeing more in the way of long-term storylines and something for us to sink our teeth into.

Thank you for taking the time to leave some feedback on my Booker DTP! Really glad to see that my passion for UK wrestling is shining through. That's really cool that Rory Cocyle is from your hometown. I don't think I really have anyone close to me unless I count Will Ospreay from my county same with Cara Noir. I do totally see your point about say Sheamus or Rusev perhaps appearing on a show. I know in the past Cesaro and Finn Balor for example had done so but those two specifically had not done so. I think my goal with using those names is honestly just to further add credibility to the tournament. I know if this was IRL we'd all be like cool they are there but no chance they win. But at the same time they add a sense of intrigue in how far will they go and could it be a swerve and they wind up winning. Plus in my opinion and this is taking away the booker part. I feel realistically they'd draw more eyes on the shows to then further draw attention to the real stars of the show if that makes sense. But like I said I can totally see why there maybe some issues with having someone like Sheamus appear.

Glad you are enjoying the European title tournament so far. I have long been waiting to pull the trigger on this series of shows as it truly feels like the beginning of a new chapter of my promotion now that the General manager turmoil has been ended at the last Showcase. With the tournament there is literally night three and night four of just stand alone matches before shows return as normal and the storylines begin. I can only hope with what I have planned it feels like a new fresh show and a true breath of fresh air. As to an extent my goal with the next wave of UK shows to the next showcase is to very much mold the brand and evolve it into a new entity of sorts. So I can only hope everyone likes the changes I make and the new stories I present! Thank you once again for the comments dude :)
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Sep 14, 2022
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WWE UK Presents




Ring Announcer ~So Cal Val
Commentary Team ~ John Gooden, Johnny Saint and William Regal
The Final Episode (Let's Change the Chanel) by Asking Alexandria plays as we kick off night three of the European Championship Tournament with a recap of night two. This video package of course culminates with the crushing main event in which Gunther dispatched Oro Mensah. Following this the video package highlights all of the brackets for tonight's event as we open up inside the Lyceum Theatre in London, England. Before a lively crowd in attendance, So Cal Val is on hand welcoming the audience in attendance to night three of the tournament. While Val does so, on commentary our trio of John Gooden, Johnny Saint and William Regal begin to hype up the upcoming show.
39 ~ AGE ~ 48
6 ft 5 ~ HEIGHT ~ 5 ft 11
232 pounds ~ WEIGHT ~ 240 pounds
Lucerne, Switzerland ~ HOMETOWN ~ Reading, England
2000 ~ DEBUT ~ 1993
Neutralizer ~ FINISHER ~ Chaos Theory

Kicking off the show would be a singles match between two veterans Antonio Cesaro and Doug Williams. This match would very much be contested as what William Regal called a gentleman's agreement between both men to honor the traditions of European wrestling of old. With neither man leaving the ring and both electing to keep this match from the top rope, instead the audience in attendance would be treated to a back and forth grappling battle as well as some hard exchanges of European uppercuts. At one stage it appeared that Doug Williams had actually gotten the better of one of these exchanges until Cesaro levelled him with a European Uppercut. This put Williams down on the canvas and from here it wasn't long afterwards that Cesaro put Williams away with the Neutralizer.


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made, Standing tall in the ring Cesaro has his arm raised before he begins to celebrate a hard fought victory. While Cesaro begins his celebration, a disappointed Doug Williams takes a seated position in the corner. Taking note of this Cesaro walks over to Doug and crouches next to him. Holding out his hand, Cesaro helps Doug Williams to his feet. Once he is up Doug shakes hands with Cesaro before Cesaro leaves the ring allowing Williams to be giving a standing ovation for his efforts by the crowd in attendance.
35 ~ AGE ~ 27
6 ft ~ HEIGHT ~ 6 ft
207 pounds ~ WEIGHT ~ 176 pounds
Ede, Netherlands ~ HOMETOWN ~ London, England
2000 ~ DEBUT ~ 2017
Snapmare Driver ~ FINISHER ~ Half-Crab

The next bout of the night would be a case of youth vs experience as Emil Sitoci took on Michael Oku. In a bout which showcased a styles clash between the duo. We'd see that Sitoci looked to want to keep the match at a striking range while Oku at any chance was looking to ground Sitoci. Where both men evened out however was when it come to speed as both men managed to catch one another off guard with some impressive aerial offense. Towards the end of the match Emil Sitoci's experience really began to become a difference maker as he'd truly scouted Oku's game and began wearing him out with kicks. After rattling Oku with a roundhouse Sitoci attempted a big enzugiri kick but Oku ducked it and swiftly clamped on a half crab in the middle of the ring for the submission!


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Michael Oku rises to his feet. As Oku begins to celebrate his win, a frustrated Emil Sitoci pulls himself to his feet using the ropes for support. Once he is up Emil Sitoci slowly nods his head before he walks to the center of the ring and snatches Michael Oku in a tight embrace. From here Sitoci raises Oku's arm in the air to a cheer from the crowd.
36 ~ AGE ~ 33
5 ft 11 ~ HEIGHT ~ 6 ft 7
229 pounds ~ WEIGHT ~ 260
Bitburg, Germany ~ HOMETOWN ~ Worcester, Massachussetts
2004 ~ DEBUT ~ 2013
Wrecking Ball Knees ~ FINISHER ~ Feast your eyes

Following two battles of finesse and final technical wrestling. The third contest of the night was a complete war of attrition as both Donovan Dijakovic and John Klinger stood in the center of the ring and duked it out. Both men unwilling to bend and neither man wanting to take a step back this bout was reminiscent of an old school Japanese Wrestling contest from the 80s/90s. Big strikes and brutal combinations mixed in with hard slams and vicious suplexes it seemed that all it would take with this contest was truly one big shot to change the tide and deliver the outcome. This very much proved to be the case as a big knee to the jaw countering a spear attempt by Klinger allowed Dijakovic to punish him with a cyclone kick before following up with a feast your eyes.


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Donovan Dijakovic rises to his feet. While Donovan Dijakovic begins to celebrate his hard fought victory, replays of this physical contest are shown on the titantron. As Dijakovic proceeds to have his arm raised in the air, we see at ringside a groggy John Klinger beginning to come to. Once he is too his feet a frustrated Klinger storms backstage after kicking the ring steps.
33 ~ AGE ~ 20
6'3 ~ HEIGHT ~ 5'9
213 pounds ~ WEIGHT ~ 154 pounds
Johannesburg, South Africa ~ HOMETOWN ~ Bergamo, Italy
2007 ~ IN RING EXPERIENCE ~ 2015
Cruceta Invertido ~ FINISHER ~ Fireball

One of the more eagerly anticipated bouts for night three would be this collision between Angelico and Francesco Akira. This bout would very much be a lucha style match with both men flying all over the ring. It was noted on the commentary table that Francesco Akira had very much upped his aggression in this bout from the first night which we saw him. To his credit Angelico managed to battle against this aggressive approach and put Francesco in a variety of predicaments and submission holds. Going well over ten minutes this back and forth battle waged on with Angelic rocking Akira bad with a bicycle knee strike and following up with a capoeira kick directly to the jaw. With Akira reeling a magistral cradle followed to pick up Angelico the victory.


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Angelico rises to his feet. After having his arm raised in the air Angelico begins to celebrate with one of his trademark dances. Once he is done with his dance celebration Angelico turns to face Francesco Akira. Unlike the first night which Akira was shown to be quite humble. With this loss we'd see a different side to Akira as he'd shove Angelico's hand away. From here Akira would proceed to storm backstage to boos from the crowd.
29 ~ AGE ~ 34
5 ft 9 ~ HEIGHT ~ 6 ft
198 pounds ~ WEIGHT ~ 279 pounds
Eisenach, Germany ~ HOMETOWN ~ Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2011 ~ IN RING EXPERIENCE ~ 2008
Diamond Driver ~ FINISHER ~ The Accolade

Two European standouts would do battle in the next bout of the night as Alexander Rusev took on Marius Al-Ani. Contrasting styles would be the story of this bout as Rusev very much was looking to throw Marius all across the canvas while Al-Ani was looking to stick and move and land strikes on his opponent. In the early goings of this contest we nearly saw a huge upset as Marius Al-Ani connected with a superman punch from the corner which floored Rusev and allowed Al-Ani to score a razor thin near fall. To his credit Rusev managed to hang in their against Al-Ani and after driving him into the canvas with a series of brutal suplexes he'd clamp on the Accolade for the submission victory!


The crowd response is mixed as Rusev rises to his feet in the ring. Letting out a loud roar Rusev proceeds to have his arm raised before he'd be spun around by Marius Al-Ani. A tense staredown would then follow between both men before Marius begrudgingly shook hands with Rusev and raised his arm in the air.
27 ~ AGE ~ Unknown
5 ft 10 ~ HEIGHT ~ 6 ft
202 pounds ~ WEIGHT ~ 198 pounds
Thuringia, Germany ~ HOMETOWN ~ Parts Unknown
2012 ~ IN RING EXPERIENCE ~ 2010
German Suplex ~ FINISHER ~ Blackout

To say match six wasn't just a styles clash but was also a clash of personalities would be a broad understatement. As in one corner you had the silent, tortured Cara Noir while opposing him would be the surly, indignant Bobby Gunns. Before the match even got underway Gunns appeared to try and get under Noir's skin blowing smoke in his face. To his credit Cara remained composed and for most part it was Cara Noir who controlled this match. Gunns moments throughout were fleeting as he picked up a near fall following a neck breaker but it was clear of the two of them it was Gunns who couldn't keep his emotions in check. This allowed Noir to land a quick counter as he dove behind Gunns and clamped on a choke for the submission.


The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Cara Noir rises to his feet. As the stoic Cara Noir stands tall in the ring, Bobby Gunns is shown climbing to his feet before he storms backstage. The crowd in attendance begins to applaud Noir's efforts. Slowly Noir leaves the ring and he begins to make his way backstage. Yet as Noir reaches the top of the ramp he is blindsided by Bobby Gunns. The crowd erupts into boos as Gunns fires off several punches on Noir. This is until Noir begins to fire back and lands a Swan Woo kick to the chest of Gunns. With Gunns stumbling to his feet Noir showcases some anger for the first time as he proceeds to knock out Gunns on the ramp with a roundhouse kick before walking backstage.
30 ~ AGE ~ 33
5 ft 11 ~ HEIGHT ~ 6 ft 4
183 pounds ~ WEIGHT ~ 295 pounds
Zadar, Croatia ~ HOMETOWN ~ Vienna, Austria
2013 ~ IN RING EXPERIENCE ~ 2005
Solar Flare ~ FINISHER ~ Powerbomb

The Co-Main event of the evening was very much a David vs. Goliath affair as Kris Jokic battled tournament favorite Gunther. This would be a tough match to watch at points as despite Jokic's efforts nothing he did seemed to phase Der Ring General who with only a few landed blows was already leaving welts and bruises on Jokic's chest. Following a series of vicious chops it appeared that Jokic's chest was bleeding from the force but despite this pain he wouldn't stay down. This would be until in a horrifying moment Gunther connected with a knife edge chop right to the face of Jokic. Hitting the canvas in a heap Jokic was prone and lifeless as Gunther followed with the last symphony to advance to the next round.


The crowd is silent as they cannot hide their concern for Kris Jokic. While a remorseless Gunther stands tall in the ring, the official calls for medics. With a stoic Gunther looking on, medics and officials begin to tend to the downed Kris Jokic.
27 ~ AGE ~ 42
5 ft 9 ~ HEIGHT ~ 6 ft 4
187 pounds ~ WEIGHT ~ 266
Moscow, Russia ~ HOMETOWN ~ Dublin, Ireland
2012 ~ IN RING EXPERIENCE ~ 2002
Torpedo Moscow ~ FINISHER ~ Brogue Kick

Finally it was time for the main event of the evening. This very much lived up to expectations as a hard hitting, back and forth battle. Despite the noted size and experience difference Ilja Dragunov showed himself to be perfectly willing to stand and brawl with Sheamus. Both men would really bring the intensity in this bout, with every passing blow it seemed that the bad blood and animosity had built between both men. The longest match of the evening this war took multiple turns before Sheamus caught Ilja Dragunov charging with an Irish Curse back breaker. From here Sheamus looked to wrap things up with the brogue kick but as he charged at Ilja he'd be met with Torpedo Moscow! This puts Sheamus down on the canvas as Dragunov follows making the cover.

So Cal Val: And the winner of the match Ilja Dragunov!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made. Rising to his feet is Ilja Dragunov and he is sporting some scars of battle. After having his arm raised in the air, Ilja finds his celebration cut short when he is spun around by Sheamus. Following a brief tense showdown between the pair, Sheamus snatches Dragunov by the arm and proceeds to raise his arm in the air to a huge pop from the crowd before Sheamus heads backstage.
With Ilja Dragunov still standing in the ring following his hard fought victory in the main event. So Cal Val joins Ilja in the ring before soon we slowly see Angelico, Michael Oku, Alexander Rusev, Antonio Cesaro, Gunther, Donovan Dijakovic and Cara Noir all gradually make their way down to the ringside area. Standing in the ring, So Cal Val is quick to congratulate the remaining eight men for making it to the quarter finals of this tournament. The crowd in attendance very much is quick to join in this congratulatory moment as they all take a moment to applaud the quarter finalists. With that said Val, then says it's time to move onto the final night of the tournament which will of course decide the quarter finals, semi finals and finals.

Holding a card in her hand So Cal Val says that she has in her possession the seeds for the tournament and would like with the couple of minutes remaining to announce the quarter final matches for tomorrow's show. This earns a loud cheer from the crowd who are unable to hide their anticipation for the preview ahead of tomorrow's final event. With that Val proceeds to announce for the first bout of the quarter finals Angelico will be wrestling Michael Oku. In turn on hearing this announcement both Oku and Angelico stand forward and shake hands with one another. A brief but respectful stare down follows with both men nodding to one another before shaking hands once more as they part ways. From here Val calls forward Ilja Dragunov to the center of the ring.

Ilja receives a loud cheer from the crowd as he eyes up his potential opponents before Val speaks up and calls forward Alexander Rusev. Stepping into the center of the ring Rusev engages in a tense stare down with Ilja Dragunov before he offers a hand shake. Dragunov accepts but Rusev pulls him in close as the pair go nose to nose with one another. Finally after a few moments the pair back up as Val then prepares to make the third match announcement. It is then that Val calls forward Donovan Dijakovic before following up with Cara Noir. From the second Dijakovic has Noir in front of him it appears Donovan doesn't know how to take the Black Swan. Yet soon the Swan meets him with an intense and angry glare which is met with a nod by Dijakovic as he backs up.

With three matches announced, the final match of the quarter finals is clearly a no brainer. Quickly Antonio Cesaro stands forward in the center of the ring. Bouncing up and down on his toes, Cesaro looks quite fired up as he even removes his shirt. In contrast Gunther slowly and deliberately steps forward with a stoic look. As the pair stand across from one another Gunther is emotionless bar a cold stare. Cesaro meanwhile is very fired up as he barks at Gunther that he has waited years for this. As the pair continue to face off this latest episode of the WWE European Championship tournament comes to a close.


Drop the Mike
Sep 21, 2022
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North Carolina
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Shade, always loved your work dating back to the OWU/WCRP and earlier days. You're incredibly talented and creative - I hope you know that. And with this UK project you've shared with a couple sites now, you're thriving with your UK wrestling passion. I wish I could pick your brain about the UK scene, but this booker is doing enough with introducing me to guys like Oku and Noir who I need to look up now.

So for the quarterfinals we got:
Angelico vs Michael Oku
Rusev vs Dragunov
Dijakovic vs Noir
Cesaro vs Gunther

Not sure the brackets for this, but WOW! That's a solid lineup. Not familiar with Oku or Noir, but expecting it to be Dragunov and Gunther in the finals? Sign me up. Perhaps you have Dragunov win the match to slay the giant since those two have always matched up well irl, but I'd like an 8-month run with Gunther as champion to establish prestige with the new European Championship.

Can't wait for Night 4 and glad to hear this rejuvenated you!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2022
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Shade, always loved your work dating back to the OWU/WCRP and earlier days. You're incredibly talented and creative - I hope you know that. And with this UK project you've shared with a couple sites now, you're thriving with your UK wrestling passion. I wish I could pick your brain about the UK scene, but this booker is doing enough with introducing me to guys like Oku and Noir who I need to look up now.

So for the quarterfinals we got:
Angelico vs Michael Oku
Rusev vs Dragunov
Dijakovic vs Noir
Cesaro vs Gunther

Not sure the brackets for this, but WOW! That's a solid lineup. Not familiar with Oku or Noir, but expecting it to be Dragunov and Gunther in the finals? Sign me up. Perhaps you have Dragunov win the match to slay the giant since those two have always matched up well irl, but I'd like an 8-month run with Gunther as champion to establish prestige with the new European Championship.

Can't wait for Night 4 and glad to hear this rejuvenated you!

Thank you for taking the time to leave some feedback my friend :) Really appreciate you saying all the kind words and I'm glad I'm able to introduce some new faces of the UK wrestling scene. By all means feel free to pick my brain or ask for suggestions. I'm always happy to do so! It's funny you mention Oku in particular as I recently truly turned a corner on him myself. This was from me going to some Rev Pro shows and being blown away by his skills and abilities. The same basically happened last year with me going Progress and being fully introduced to the likes of Cara Noir, Spike Trivet, Charles Crowley and others. It's nice to use people who I can now say I've seen live in person.

So with the tournament brackets. I'm aware I didn't specify exactly what the brackets were which is an error on my part. So I can confirm that the winner of Angelico and Michael Oku will face the winner of Ilja Dragunov and Alexander Rusev. This means on the other side of the field Gunther and Cesaro's winner will face the winner of Donovan Dijakovic and Cara Noir. I'm hopeful with what I've got lined up and planned not just for night 4 but also for what comes after this tournament that you'll like the booking and story being played out. Thank you once again kindly for leaving me the feedback :)


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Sep 13, 2022
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Onto day three of the WWE European Championship tournament...

God, I bet that Cesaro and Doug Williams would have been a stiff, incredible match. Their styles would have really matched up I suspect. The right man definitely won, and I could easily see Antonio going all the way to the title.

Michael Oku is a breakout star and I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of him in the foreseeable future. I suspected he'd get the win over Emil Sitoci, who I have no idea about. A little research shows me who he is, and I would suspect the main reason he's here is to fill the Netherlands representation in this tournament.

Donovan Dijakovic was always going to go over John Klinger. Angelico and Francesco Akira would have done some really cool and slick-looking stuff. Again the right man won, as I feel Akira still has a way to go before truly being seen as a guy to go places. Rusev defeating Marius Al-Ani was what it was. I don't know, I feel like you could have chosen a better German worker for the slot.

Cara Noir defeating Bobby Guns made sense, and I also think that Noir is a frontrunner to become WWE European Champion at the end of this. Something to spice Guns' character up by attacking Noir after the bell.

Very interesting that GUNTHER remains GUNTHER while Cesaro and Rusev magically grow back their first names. I think this was a no-brainer of an outcome. Again, I think GUNTHER has potential to be the WWE European Champion.

Ilja Dragunov and Sheamus would have been an awesome hard-hitting display of violence. Glad to see Dragunov win, and it definitely would have fit a sufficient bill in the main event for this show. It was really cool seeing SoCal Val reveal the seedings for the next round of the tournament, and it really makes you wonder how things are going to go when you have Cesaro and GUNTHER matched up.

Overall, effective show with the key matches and frontrunners outlined. The next few shows look very promising.


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Sep 14, 2022
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Onto day three of the WWE European Championship tournament...

God, I bet that Cesaro and Doug Williams would have been a stiff, incredible match. Their styles would have really matched up I suspect. The right man definitely won, and I could easily see Antonio going all the way to the title.

Michael Oku is a breakout star and I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of him in the foreseeable future. I suspected he'd get the win over Emil Sitoci, who I have no idea about. A little research shows me who he is, and I would suspect the main reason he's here is to fill the Netherlands representation in this tournament.

Donovan Dijakovic was always going to go over John Klinger. Angelico and Francesco Akira would have done some really cool and slick-looking stuff. Again the right man won, as I feel Akira still has a way to go before truly being seen as a guy to go places. Rusev defeating Marius Al-Ani was what it was. I don't know, I feel like you could have chosen a better German worker for the slot.

Cara Noir defeating Bobby Guns made sense, and I also think that Noir is a frontrunner to become WWE European Champion at the end of this. Something to spice Guns' character up by attacking Noir after the bell.

Very interesting that GUNTHER remains GUNTHER while Cesaro and Rusev magically grow back their first names. I think this was a no-brainer of an outcome. Again, I think GUNTHER has potential to be the WWE European Champion.

Ilja Dragunov and Sheamus would have been an awesome hard-hitting display of violence. Glad to see Dragunov win, and it definitely would have fit a sufficient bill in the main event for this show. It was really cool seeing SoCal Val reveal the seedings for the next round of the tournament, and it really makes you wonder how things are going to go when you have Cesaro and GUNTHER matched up.

Overall, effective show with the key matches and frontrunners outlined. The next few shows look very promising.
Thank you for taking the time to leave some feedback on my latest show mate. I really appreciate you doing so. Pleased my European tournament is being so well received. Cesaro and Doug was a fun contest for me to do. It's something I'm personally sad didn't happen in real life but at the same time I'm thrilled I got to do in my tournament even if it was just a mere one off. I think for me that's the joy with such a tournament is the fact that I can gather these names together for it. Oku is someone I've definitely turned a corner on and he's someone I'm eager to use for the future. I definitely feel Oku is a star and it was cool to finally make a use of Sitoci. He is someone I've wanted to present but never quite had the opportunity to do so until now.

Like you I'm very high on Akira and he is someone I'm definitely open to using for the future. He potentially can be a fun add to my brand for the future. If I'm honest Marius like Klinger and Sitoci was someone who'd long been on my list that I'd wanted to present. In honestly for that spot in the tournament I'd basically drawn it down to either Dreissker or Al-Ani for the final spot. That's probably down to my true lack of knowledge of the German wrestling scene bar WXW. Would be curious to hear who you may have used instead of Al-Ani. I think with my brand and the names while I've wanted to give this tournament a more sport like feel with full names and the tales of the tape. I also weighed the pros and cons of Gunther or Walter. Controversially, I'm actually someone who prefers GUNTHER as opposed to WALTER which I know probably seems so small. But to me it made a lot of difference in what I was writing. Once again my friend thank you for taking the time to review. I hope you enjoy the finals :)
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Sep 14, 2022
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Ring Announcer ~ Andy Shepherd

Backstage Correspondent ~ So Cal Val
Commentary Team ~ John Gooden, Johnny Saint and William Regal
Obey by Bring me the Horizon and Yungblud plays as the final night of the European Championship tournament begins. The night begins with a recap so far of the tournament and exactly how the final eight men have made it this far. From here a preview of tonight's quarter final matches is then shown before we open up live from inside the Lyceum Theatre. After panning around the crowd, the cameras take us to ringside where the European championship is currently sat on a podium. At commentary the trio of John Gooden, Johnny Saint and William Regal hype up the show and the crowd at home before sending us to the ring for our first contest.
Andy Shepherd: Good Evening, it is now time for our opening match of the night which is set for One Fall! *Crowd chants One Fall* and this is a quarter final match in the European Championship Tournament. Introducing first.. Hailing from Johannesburg, South Africa.. "The Spanish Heartthrob" ANGELICO!

John Gooden: I don't know about you gentleman but I never get sick of hearing this theme song. Every time Angelico walks to the ring it's like the party has just begun.

William Regal: Far be it from me to usually go along with things like this. But I must begrudgingly admit that the song does cause a wiggling sensation in my toes. Not that I'd ever admit to that again. But let's move away from the theme and talk about the man in question. Isn't that right Mr. Saint?

Johnny Saint: When myself and Mr. Regal were in the business. We also heard of the flashy Lucha Libre style in Mexico and thought it was lacking in substance like many of our European cohorts. Seeing the evolution of the game since those simpler times and how simple minded we was. That style we held dear with the style we didn't understand have now been molded together perfectly by Angelico. Look past the party lifestyle and woman chasing antics and you will find a tremendous athlete who is as technically gifted as he is acrobatic.

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and slowly Angelico struts out onto the stage in one of his trademark dance sequences. In no rush on his way to the ring Angelico's dance is quickly imitated by many of the fans in the crowd. As he passes the ringside area, Angelico lives up to his ladies man reputation as he walks over and makes some quick small talk with some ladies in the front row before hopping up onto the apron. From here Angelico climbs into the ring and removes his hat and jacket while Andy Shepherd steps forward.

Andy Shepherd: Now introducing his opponent. He hails from London, England. He is "The OJMO" Michael Oku!

John Gooden: So I'm going to be the one to say it. Talk about an underdog story here. Michael Oku returning to the WWE UK brand for the first time in two and a half years. Last time we saw Michael Oku he was young and inexperience not too mention perhaps a little naive to the way the wrestling world worked. Yet now we see a man who has gained some needed experience against some of the best the world has to offer.

William Regal: Honestly you put it better than I could myself John. I looked back and Michael's early career with WWE UK. He reminded me of myself when I first started the business. While I had some physical capability and could handle myself in some situations. I lacked the experience and truly wasn't ready for a lot of opportunities thrown my way. I needed the struggle and the hardship in order to gain that confidence and mindset to reach my potential. I think Michael Oku is someone of that cloth and now while some see him as a underdog in this tournament. I personally feel he is a dark horse who is capable of going the whole way.

Johnny Saint: I have to agree with everything said here. I have personally seen Michael Oku training at the WWE UK performance center and he is someone with no ego who is constantly looking to improve and hone his abilities. On top of this he has his mind focused solely on the championship. Unlike others who have come here looking for ego, redemption or in Angelico's case women. Michael Oku's sole focus is on winning this tournament and his focus and determination makes him dangerous.

Again the crowd in attendance cheers as this time Michael Oku's them begins to play. After a couple of moments Michael Oku walks out onto the stage with an intense glare and a look focus on his face. While Angelico is leaning back in the corner, Michael Oku unlike his opponent offers little in the way of pomp and circumstance as he walks down to the ring. Occasionally high fiving fans in attendance Oku once he reaches the ringside area stops before a woman who John Gooden introduces as his girlfriend Amira Blair. After sharing a kiss with his girlfriend Oku refocuses and slides into the ring before removing his red leather jacket and dropping it onto the apron.

Tale of the Tape
33 ~~ AGE ~~ 27
6'3 ~~ HEIGHT ~~ 6'0
213 pounds ~~ WEIGHT ~~ 176 Pounds
Johannesburg, South Africa ~~ Hometown ~~ London, England
2007 ~~ Debut ~~ 2017
Cruceta Invertido ~~ Finisher ~~ Single Leg Crab

The bell rings to start the opening bout of the night and we'd see a sign of respect kick things off between Angelico and Michael Oku. After the pair shake hands with one another, they would back off and begin to circle around one another. What would follow in the early going would be a real technical, chain wrestling exhibition as both Angelico and Michael Oku kept things simple with one another. Clearly this was by design with both men holding a lot of respect for one another and not wishing to give one another any extra advantage by taking any risks. Steadily however we'd see the pace begin to quicken and both men begin to up the aggression and intensity of these exchanges. This eventually would even see both men perform some striking exchanges as they dueled kicks to the leg and chest until Angelico landed a bicycle knee strike.

Showing just how dangerous he was especially when it came to attacks focusing on the leg however. Michael Oku seemed to have Angelico's knee strikes scouted from this point onwards as when Angelico would attempt the move it would be blocked before Oku took him down with either a sweep or a dragon screw. Seemingly having scouted much of Angelico's offense, Michael Oku's main focus was to catch Angelico in his trademark single leg crab. This would include one impressive feat in which Oku counted a capoeira kick by Angelico and locked the crab right in for a close submission attempt. Forced to fight his way off the mat from these frequent leg onslaughts Angelico's technical ability would be on display at points as he kept managing to escape Oku's clutches.

This would be until Oku managed to counter a flatliner attempt by Angelico with a drop toe hold which would allow him to clamp on the Single Leg Crab directly in the center of the ring. Screaming out in pain as Oku looked to cinch the hold in further, Angelico's attempts to crawl to the ropes proved fruitless until he managed to roll over and small package Oku for a near fall. Rising to his feet Angelico attempted a pump Bicycle knee for which Oku again was seemingly prepared for only for this to be revealed as a ruse as Angelico instead connected with a superman punch to the temple. With Oku stunned Angelico wasted little time hitting Fall of the Angels driving Oku hard into the corner. Falling to the canvas Oku appeared badly winded by the move and Angelico quickly capitalized with a magistral cradle for extra leverage to take the pin!

Andy Shepherd: And the winner of the match Angelico!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Angelico rises to his feet. After collecting himself and getting his breath back Angelico then has his arm raised by the referee. After having his arm raised Angelico approaches a kneeling Michael Oku and offers him a hand to his feet. Oku is disappointed as he shoves Angelico's hand away. Once he has pulled himself up however Oku reaches out and shakes hands with Angelico before raising his arm in the air to a loud cheer from the crowd.
Andy Shepherd: It is now time for our second match of the evening and it is of course set for one fall *Crowd chants one fall*. Please join me in welcoming at this time "The Ravishing Russian" Lana!

There is an explosion of cheers as much to the surprise of everyone in attendance, Lana's theme begins to play from the titantron. After a few moments Lana comes out onto the stage and breaks into a impressive twirl despite the high heeled shoes she is wearing. Dressed in a black business like attire similar to her old days as Rusev's valet. Holding a microphone in hand Lana stops at the top of the ramp while the crowd in attendance continues to cheer and applaud her. Basking in the cheers for a few moments, Lana then raises the microphone as she prepares to speak.

Lana: Ladies and Gentleman. Allow me to introduce you to my husband. He is a former three time United States Champion and soon to be your new European Champion. For today just like every other day is.. *The Crowd loudly chants Rusev Day*. He is "The Bulgarian Brute" Alexander Rusev!

John Gooden: Well this is certainly something gentleman. Lana making a shocking appearance here as part of the European Championship tournament to introduce her husband Alexander Rusev. On paper in what is quite the stacked tournament field, one has to consider Rusev a favorite. Wouldn't you both agree?

Johnny Saint: Without a doubt! There are individuals few and far between who have excelled in any era of wrestling. When I look at Alexander Rusev who is the perfect blend of power and technique. I see a man who could show up in any territory in any era and hold his own. I think also which makes Alex scarier still is the fact that he has an almost deceptive level of speed. It's not often you see an athlete of that size capable of generating such short, explosive bursts and that for me personally makes Alexander Rusev all the more fearsome.

William Regal: To echo what Mr. Saint has said here. Thank god I am retired and more so thankful that Alexander Rusev wasn't around when I was participating in this tournament. I think we can all agree an Alexander Rusev on his best day is one of the most dangerous and fearsome competitors to ever step foot in the ring. However I think we can all agree there are times when factors outside the ring have held Rusev back. So it is my hope that this is a focused Alexander Rusev who solely concerned with the task at hand!

To a loud cheer from the crowd a fired up Alexander Rusev leaps out from the back and stomps down on the stage wearing a black Rusev Day hoodie. After sharing a kiss with his wife Lana, Rusev walks down to the ring with a look of purpose. Removing his hoodie and throwing it out to the crowd Rusev climbs up the ring steps before he enters the ring. As his wife Lana watches on from ringside approvingly Rusev flexes in the ring and lets out a fired up, impassioned roar to further applause from the fans in attendance. While the fired up Rusev paces back and forth, Andy Shepherd prepares for his next introduction.

Andy Shepherd: And now introducing his opponent. He hails from Moscow, Russia; He is "Unbesiegbar" Ilja Dragunov!

John Gooden: We'll do a lot of talking about athletes on this show and what they have to offer or what they bring to the table. In the case of Ilja Dragunov this is not dare I say the biggest man in the field or the most experienced or the best athlete. In fact when it comes to Ilja Dragunov what he truly brings to this tournament is drive, determination and heart. This is why Ilja Dragunov in a short time has captured the hearts and minds of the WWE UK fans. As they know he will give everything he has got every single night.

William Regal: Ilja Dragunov very much is a rare breed. In a way he reminds me a little of a young me when I was breaking into the business. I took some downright brutal hidings from veterans who were looking to weed me out of the business before I'd even started. Yet despite the pain and punishment I'd show up day and night without fail for another. The difference between me and Ilja Dragunov was, I was just a kid getting my ass kicked. Ilja Dragunov is a modern day gladiator so to speak. Someone without an ounce of quit in him who will take your best shot and ask for me.

Johnny Saint: To echo Mr. Regal, I think comparing Ilja Dragunov to a gladiator is more than apt. This is a man who will live and die by the sword. There is nothing subtle about Ilja Dragunov or his style. He doesn't want to catch a quick win or pick up a tainted victory. It is either do or die. I do concur with what John said regarding Ilja's size and experience lack. Yet by weaponizing iron will the way he does it doesn't matter. He truly has the potential to shake the entire field once again as he already has done so when he put away Sheamus in the past round.

With the audience on their feet an intense Ilja Dragunov marches out from the back. The mad dragon is greatly fired up for this match as beneath his red and black feathered robe he flails his arms wildly. With his eyes locked firmly on Ilja Dragunov, Alexander Rusev in the ring was motionless with a cold stare on his opponent. Dragunov for his part had no fear or intimidation about this match. After wiping his boots outside of the ring Dragunov stepped between the ropes and would stand right across from Rusev ahead of it's beginning.

Tale of the Tape
34 ~~ AGE ~~ 27
6'0 ~~ HEIGHT ~~ 5'9
279 pounds ~~ WEIGHT ~~ 187 Pounds
Plovdiv, Bulgaria ~~ Hometown ~~ Moscow, Russia
2008 ~~ Debut ~~ 2012
Accolade ~~ Finisher ~~ Torpedo Moscow

The bell would then ring to start out the second match of the evening. Despite facing a size and experience disadvantage once again against one the tournament favorites, Ilja Dragunov showed little sight of intimidation. However it wouldn't take long for the size and strength of Rusev to begin to make a difference as he started to throw Ilja Dragunov across the ring with ease. With his wife Lana watching on at ringside Rusev clobbered Dragunov with some hard strikes also which started the audience rallying behind the young Russian standout. However a big Bulplex from Rusev put Dragunov down hard on the canvas and allowed Alexander to pick up a close near fall all the while Lana continued to cheer on her husband.

Rusev would then begin to show off his power as he'd start to deadlift Ilja Dragunov from the canvas and up into the air before he'd slam him down into the canvas with force. Yet it seemed no matter how much damage Ilja Dragunov took at the hands of the Bulgarian Brute, there was no breaking his iron will. Constantly finding a way to kick out or break out of Alexander's clutches. Ilja Dragunov would also try and respond with some fire of his own as he'd land some hard strikes and attacks on Rusev. Yet despite Dragunov's best efforts it would appear that nothing he was doing was having the same effect as when Rusev would land a strike on him. This was shown when a Machka kick by Rusev would put Ilja down.

Landing several big knee lifts to Ilja after draping him over the ropes. Rusev under Lana's orders would then motion that it was time to Crush as he prepared his foe for the accolade. However Dragunov would have the where with all to roll out of the way of a stomp from Rusev before he'd land a lariat right to Rusev's jaw. Rusev however wouldn't fall and he'd immeadiately counter by hoisting Dragunov up into the air with a uranage. Signaling for the Accolade again as Lana yelled at Rusev to crush, the former United States champion stepped over Ilja Dragunov and this time would lock the hold in on Dragunov in the center of the ring. Screaming out as he cranked on the hold it seemed victory was in sight for the Bulgarian.

Refusing to bend and refusing to break once again Dragunov would do all he can to escape. Pulling back on the hold more Rusev looked to be doing all he could to finish off his opponent. This would be until in a surprising display of power Ilja Dragunov would stand up with Rusev on his back before falling backwards onto Rusev. This would knock the wind out of Rusev and appeared to bring new life to Dragunov. Stumbling to his feet Rusev's attempt at a clothesline would be ducked under by Ilja Dragunov who spun him round before he'd drive Rusev down into the canvas with a big t-bone suplex. Stumbling to his feet once again Alexander Rusev looked to be badly rattled when Ilja Dragunov charged out the corner and hit him with Torpedo Moscow. A stunned Lana could only watch on as Dragunov made the match winning cover!

Andy Shepherd: And the winner of the match Ilja Dragunov!

The crowd cheer as the announcement is made and Ilja Dragunov after a few moments is able to pull himself to his feet. Using the ropes for support as he looks to recollect himself, Ilja steps forward to the center of the ring before he has his arm raised in the air by the official. While Dragunov basks in the cheers from the crowd Lana climbs under the ropes to check on her husband. Rusev looks to be stunned as he begins to slowly climb to his feet, as he does so Rusev locks eyes with Dragunov. Staring at Ilja intently Rusev slowly and approvingly nods his head at Ilja before exiting the ring and heading backstage.
Andy Shepherd: It is now time for our next match of the evening and it is set for one fall! Introducing first, from parts unknown! He is "The Black Swan" Cara Noir!

John Gooden: It must be said. There have been a lot of interesting and different personalities in this tournament. But I can't think of someone with such a presentation who has garnered as much attention as Cara Noir has.

William Regal: In my many years of wrestling. I have encountered The Boogeyman, Goldust, Gangrel, Kane, The Undertaker and all manner of individuals who draw your attention the second their entrance begins. The one thing those men and countless others had in common is that it wasn't just an entrance. These men had intangibles and x factors which made them dangerous. Cara Noir in my opinion is someone who thrives upon off setting you with his appearance and theatricality. He is a legitimate wolf in sheep's clothing.

Johnny Saint: To echo my colleague it is hard to know just what to say about Cara Noir. He hasn't spoken whatsoever since this tournament has began. He shows up right at bell time for his entrance and then the second the match is over he makes his leave. I hate this feeling of being under prepared but there's little to go off with Cara, we don't know anything about the man beneath the paint. All we know is what we have seen in the ring. But going by that we potentially have one of the most athletic and physically impressive talents that the UK Brand has seen.

The lights in the building then shut off abruptly before several beams of light focus on the entrance ramp. Slowly and purposely Cara Noir emerges from the back wearing his metal mask and black feathered cloak. Slowly removing the mask Cara has a pained, anguished expression on his face before he grits his teeth and raises his mask in the air. From there Cara quickens up his pace as he walks to the ring. Once he is at the ringside area Cara slides under the bottom rope into the ring before he does a twirl and takes a knee. As his music reaches as crescendo, Cara Noir rises to his feet displaying the wings on his cloak for all to see while the lights turn on. Noir then stands looking up at the ceiling while Andy prepares his next introduction.

Andy: And his opponent hailing from Boston, Massachusetts. He is Donovan Dijakovic!

John Gooden: I know both of my colleagues here come from the days of multiple matches in one day but in this day and age. The concept of wrestling multiple times in one evening is a rarity. While some may consider this a daunting prospect or something not desirable Dijakovic isn't one of them guys. He truly thrives in the fire and the fight.

William Regal: It's not often someone like Dijakovic comes along. I haven't seen someone so invested and someone so willing to engage in the fire like this since my old friend Fit Finlay. Dijakovic is someone who those in the know so to speak are just waiting to see breakout. This tournament and a win over an attention capturing individual like Cara Noir, would do just that!

Johnny Saint: Hard hitting, durable, iron will and sheer determination. Donovan Dijakovic is someone who has the world at his feet. I'd say the only issue with someone like Dijakovic and this is a recurring theme for him. He sometimes takes one risk too many. While a hard kick or punch might suffice, Dijakovic deep down likes a little more sizzle which is why we see him taking to the skies. This has come back to bite him at points, so I'm hoping he's learned from past mistakes.

Marching out slowly from the back with a red hooded jacket pulled firmly over his face. Donovan Dijakovic stops on the center of the ramp before he slowly lowers his hood revealing an intense glare. Quickly Dijakovic follows by throwing a left then right elbow which culminates with a high left knee strike in the air. Taking a breath as he lowers his leg, Dijakovic then slowly walks down to the ring with an air of confidence surrounding him. The entire time his eyes are locked firmly on his opponent Dijakovic pulls himself up onto the apron before he climbs into the ring. Once in the ring Dijakovic takes his corner as he waits for the match to commence.

Tale of the Tape
Unknown ~~ AGE ~~ 33
6'0 ~~ HEIGHT ~~ 6'7
198 pounds ~~ WEIGHT ~~ 260 Pounds
Parts Unknown ~~ Hometown ~~ Worcester, Massachussetts
2010 ~~ Debut ~~ 2013
Blackout ~~ Finisher ~~Feast Your Eyes

The second the bell rang to start this match, this bout would kick off hot as Cara Noir ran across the ring and connected with a Swan Woo kick right to the chest of Dijakovic. Dijakovic would fly back into the turnbuckle as Noir fired off hard punches, kicks and elbows to Dijakovic knowing he had to take the fight to his larger opponent. Noir's early flurry however would soon be cut short when Dijakovic managed to find a moment to shove Cara back before connecting with a boot of his own right to the chest of Cara Noir. This space allowed Dijakovic to obliterate Cara Noir with a vicious clothesline which caused an impressed William Regal to clap his hands together on commentary. From here the sheer power difference would be on display between the pair in the force of the blows landed.

In a match which primarily focused on striking battles the story of this bout very much was the difference in power of the strikes they dished out. As every time the much large Dijakovic managed to connect it would echo throughout the building. This would always mean that despite Noir's best efforts and best shots landing it didn't take much for Dijakovic to get back into the bout. After landing a big knee to Noir's chin it seemed that Dijakovic was firmly taking over this bout. A big chokeslam followed by Donovan which earned him a near fall. Yet Noir soon managed to fire back at Dijakovic with a capoeira kick which would allow him to climb to his feet before following up with a lariat on Dijakovic which put the towering big man down on the canvas.

Stumbling to his feet Dijakovic would be shoved into the ropes by Noir who met him on the rebound with a german suplex. Dijakovic again stumbled to his feet but was clearly badly wobbled by this. Looking to end things Noir attempted a rude awakening neck breaker on Dijakovic only to be elbowed to the back of the head by Donovan. This caused Noir to stumble forward and allowed Dijakovic to connect with a discus boot on Cara Noir. Looking to finish his opponent once and for all Dijakovic snatched Noir to his feet and looked to connect with Feast Your Eyes. Noir however had the where with all to fight his way through Dijakovic's grasp before locking in the Black Hole submission. Dijakovic tries to fight the grasp around his neck and begins ramming Noir into the corners but Cara will not let go. Slowly Donovan begins to fade as he drops to a knee and this allows Cara to body scissors him pulling him to the mat in the submission. After a few moments Dijakovic's arms go limp as the referee calls for the bell!

Andy Shepherd: And the winner of the match Cara Noir!

The crowd in attendance cheers as the announcement is made and Cara Noir rises to his feet. Without any pomp or circumstances Cara Noir makes his exit from the ring and heads to the back. Meanwhile in the center of the ring Dijakovic begins to come around and cannot hide his disappointment at his defeat. Yet as Donovan pulls himself to his feet he is met with a standing ovation by the audience in attendance. Joining in this applause are the commentary team at ringside and slowly Dijakovic nods his head before leaving the ring and heading backstage.
Andy Shepherd: It is now time for our next match of the evening which is the fourth and final match of the quarter finals. Introducing first from Lucerne, Switzerland. He is "The Swiss Superman" Antonio Cesaro!

John Gooden: I have to say and I know I'm speaking for all of us here. When you are in a position like I know you two have been evaluating talent and I have been privileged to do so by calling numerous matches. You often hear talk of someone being this good or that great but when you see them they don't quite live up to the expectation set before them. That is not the case whatsoever with Antonio Cesaro. This is a man who is somehow just as good as advertised but equally under appreciated at the same time.

Johnny Saint: I can gush and say a world of positive comments, compliments and give numerous plaudits to Antonio Cesaro. On any given day I will be honored to do so for a man who I consider to be a wrestler's wrestler. However nothing I say in regards to Antonio Cesaro will contain the gravity and true gravitas of such as my esteemed colleague next to me who is of course his mentor. Isn't that right William?

William Regal: When it comes to this job. I have often felt it is good to keep ones cards up ones sleeves and also to keep their thoughts and feelings at times to themselves. However in the case of Antonio Cesaro, I can't do that. This is a man who I am honored to have taught and mentored and someone who I am truly proud to call my lest ever match. There are only a few people I can truly say in this business of the many I've trained that I consider them family. Antonio Cesaro, Daniel Bryan and Kassius Ohno being three of them. So while as a commentator and analyst it is my job to remain impartial to the task at hand. Deep down I know that everything in my heart is rooting for Antonio. This is a match he has long personally wanted and now he gets his chance to not only fight Gunther but also to become European Champion.

The crowd cheers loudly as the announcement is made and slowly Antonio Cesaro walks out from the back. Wearing a long sleeved black jacket over his ring gear Cesaro looks very focused as he walks down to the ring. On his way down to the ring Cesaro makes a point of stopping and looking over at William Regal with whom he shares a acknowledging nod. From here Cesaro climbs up on the apron before he enters the ring. Once Antonio Cesaro has entered the ring he raises his arms in the air before pumping them to the crowd while Andy Shepherd prepares his next introduction.

Andy Shepherd: Now introducing his opponent. From Vienna, Austria he is "Der Ring General" GUNTHER!

John Gooden: We have done a lot of talk about potential favorites in this tournament and seeding since the opening night. Some people in those rankings and markings have exceeded expectations while others have fallen by the wayside. One thing however which has remained consistent is that this man Gunther. Has more than lived up to his billing as the tournament favorite. Not only has he yet to be taken off of his feet but he has also put his two opponents so far in the hospital. He doesn't just defeat them he decimates and destroys them.

William Regal: European wrestling has a history of monsters going back to the times of Andre the Giant, Giant Haystacks and Otto Wanz as prime example. Gunther in my opinion is the evolution of a European heavyweight wrestler. This is a man who possesses the same size, strength and brute force as all those mentioned but on top of that he is by far one of the finest technical wrestlers I have seen with one of the sharpest, savviest technical minds to boot. It is hard for me to put much more in context about just how formidable and dangerous Gunther is. Yet mark my words this man is as good if not greater than advertised.

Johnny Saint: I honestly say it any better than it's been put across by my colleagues. Gunther is someone who has come into the European Championship tournament with a world of expectation and pressure thrust upon him. In a class chock full of world renowned talent, multiple time world champions and surefire hall of famers. One thing above all else has remained consistent and that is this man has been regarded as the favorite. In a tournament filled with men living up to reputations and others far exceeding expectations one thing has remained constant and that is Gunther at the top spot. They say the weight of expectation has been the folly of many man. Yet in Gunther's case this is no ordinary man. This is a man of focus and dedication. We all know with all due respect to Oro Mensah and Kris Jokic, Antonio Cesaro is the biggest threat Gunther has faced so far in this field. Yet to Gunther this is nothing to threat it is just another opponent to defeat!

To boos from the crowd Gunther slowly emerges from the back wearing his trademark black overcoat. Standing at the top of the ramp the stoic Gunther doesn't seem impressed with the occasion whatsoever as he slowly puts his arms behind his back in his trademark pose. On his way down to the ring Gunther has his eyes locked firmly on Antonio Cesaro. Once he's up on the ring apron Gunther removes his jacket before he wipes his boots on the side of the apron. From here Gunther climbs through the ropes and into the ring before he comes face to face with Cesaro for a tense staredown.

Tale of the Tape
39 ~~ AGE ~~ 33
6'5 ~~ HEIGHT ~~ 6'4
232 Pounds ~~ WEIGHT ~~ 295 Pounds
Lucerne, Switzerland ~~ Hometown ~~ Vienna, Austria
2000 ~~ Debut ~~ 2005
Neutralizer ~~ Finisher ~~ Powerbomb

Like the match before it this contest cuts a blistering pace in it's early going as Cesaro goes right on the attack with a series of European uppercuts on Gunther. For the first time in this tournament we'd quickly establish that Gunther finally had an opponent who could withstand his heavy blows and fight fire with fire. Responding with some hard forearm strikes Gunther seemed angered by Cesaro's early attack as the pair locked up in a roman knuckle lock from here. Both looking to slow the pace down and perhaps prove something further to one another. Gunther looked to use his size to move and manipulate Cesaro but instead he'd find himself met with the realization as to why Cesaro is seen as the strongest man in the WWE.

Backed up onto the ropes by Cesaro, Gunther would respond with quite an uncharacteristic strike for him as he landed a headbutt on Cesaro which broke the grasp they had on one another. In retaliation however Cesaro would fire back with a headbutt of his own onto Gunther for a pop. This would very much be a story which also played out throughout the match as Cesaro kept on throwing strikes at Gunther and kept poking the bear so to speak. Yet despite everything that Cesaro threw at Gunther he never quite put him down on the canvas. Instead the closest Cesaro would come would be off of a springboard european uppercut which hit Cesaro directly on the jaw. The force of this blow would rattle Gunther who stumbled back and took a knee.

Seeing Gunther rattled the audience in attendance would rise to their feet while Cesaro motioned that he was about to finish things off. Holding Gunther in position Cesaro looked to ready Gunther for a neutralizer only for Gunther to back drop him to the mat. Charging at Cesaro Gunther attempted a john woo kick but Cesaro side stepped and Gunther landed hard on the canvas. From here Cesaro quickly would try for the big swing but Gunther landed a hard upkick sending Cesaro's mouth guard flying. While Gunther climbed to his feet Cesaro sprung up the ropes and looked for another springboard uppercut only for Gunther to catch him in midair with a vicious forearm to the jaw. Stumbling to his feet without his usual jaw protection Cesaro appeared to be out on his feet. This left him prone to be obliterated with a lariat by Gunther who made the match winning cover!

Shepherd: And the winner of the match Gunther!

The crowd erupts into boos as the announcement is made. While Gunther stands tall in the ring, the referee begins checking on the downed Cesaro. While Gunther looks on with stoicism, we see a concerned William Regal also head down to the ring to check on his protege. As Gunther begins to leave the ring, medics begin to head down to the ring.
From here the cameras cut to the backstage area, Standing in the hallway of the arena is So Cal Val for an exclusive interview with the first pair of semi finalists of the European title tournament. Joining So Cal Val at this time are both Ilja Dragunov and Angelico. Despite having the knowledge that they will be competing against one another both Ilja Dragunov and Angelico are cordial with one another as the duo clearly hold one another in high esteem. This mutual respect between the two is quickly displayed when So Cal Val begins to talk their upcoming match with one another. As both men make it clear that they consider it an honor to finally face off with another in the ring especially on a stage as big as this one!

While the two share a lot of respect for one another both in the ring and outside. Both men make it clear that nothing will be held back nor will any quarter be given. During this part of the interviews things do get a little heated as Ilja Dragunov remarks about where he and his opponent differ. Saying that he has trained for battle since birth and ensured his readiness for war. Dragunov doesn't condemn the more party lifestyle of Angelico but he makes it clear that he thinks training was the better way to spend his nights. In response however Angelico admits he's fond of a good time but one thing he's more fonder of is creating moments. He thrives on being underestimated because of his love of the nightlife and his dancing. When the truth is he knows he belongs in this tournament and he knows that he will create another moment in their match when he upsets Ilja Dragunov!
Andy Shepherd: It is now time for our next contest of the evening. Which is our first Semi Final match and it is of course set for one fall!

Andy Shepherd: Introducing first... ANGELICO!

The crowd in attendance cheers as Angelico is already standing in the ring and raises an arm high in the air. Filled with his usual bluster and bravado Angelico winks to a few ladies at the guard rail before he turns his attention back to the ring and begins bouncing on his toes.

John Gooden: In a tournament filled with former champions, titans and veterans. I say this with the upmost respect. Angelico maybe the underdog story of this tournament. Very much a man who has lived up to the moniker of a journeyman. Angelico has wrestled across the globe but until tonight it's safe to say he has never quite reached such a big summit.

Johnny Saint: I have been thoroughly impressed with what I have seen from Angelico. As mentioned Angelico is someone who has plied his trade across the world but until now has for one reason or another never quite made it. In this tournament Angelico has shown himself to be a worthy if unlikely contender to the throne.

William Regal: While I do agree with a lot with the sentiment of Angelico overcoming some odds. Let's not sell this story short. While this is arguably the biggest stage to date for Angelico. This is someone not afraid to take risks in order to win. He will put himself in jeopardy to get ahead and knowing that the deck is seemingly against him. We truly could see Angelico with this nothing to lose mindset rise.

Andy Shepherd: And introducing his opponent.. Ilja Dragunov!

Again the crowd in attendance cheers while in the corner opposite an intense Ilja Dragunov stares his opponent down. With a cold stare on his face Dragunov doesn't even blink as he begins pacing back and forth in the corner.

John Gooden: Regarding talents and their journeys to be in this tournament and the tournament so far. There is probably no one as of yet who has had a tougher road than Ilja Dragunov. This is a man who just keeps on fighting and overcoming obstacle after obstacle. Plus I know from talking to Ilja personally before tonight's show, he is the only person who is truly clamoring and hoping to see Gunther in the ring.

Johnny Saint: Dragunov is a rare breed without a doubt. There are few men who possess that mindset and will that Ilja has. This is a man who has the mindset and will power of a trapped coyote. Someone willing to not only bite an injured limb off and then later use it as a weapon in order to win. Not many share this mindset and to an extent that's probably a good thing. I must say though what did surprise me was the level of respect these two men shared for one another despite their noted differences in personality and character.

William Regal: Johnny I'm not so surprised by that if I am completely honest with you. Ilja Dragunov as we know is one of the more intense individuals on the roster but he is also a man of honor and respect. Which is a stark contrast to many in this business which has been built on backstabbers and vanity. So he is someone who is more than aware of the capabilities of his opponent.

Tale of the Tape
33 ~~ AGE ~~ 27
6'3 ~~ HEIGHT ~~ 5'9
213 pounds ~~ WEIGHT ~~ 187 Pounds
Johannesburg, South Africa ~~ Hometown ~~ Moscow, Russia
2007 ~~ Debut ~~ 2012
Cruceta Invertido ~~ Finisher ~~ Torpedo Moscow

As one may have expected with their earlier interview this contest would begin with a handshake between both Angelico and Ilja Dragunov. With both men clearly sharing a lot of respect for one another this wasn't a brawl in the early goings like some of the other matches in the tournament, instead it was more a chess match as both men started with some chain wrestling to begin. Keeping things very much to basics it appeared that because of this mutual respect neither man at least to begin was going to take any risks in order to give the other one an inch. This approach would more than favor Angelico in the early goings who thanks to his unorthodox lucha style was able to keep Dragunov on the defensive until Dragunov finally ditched the technique and clocked Angelico with a hard forearm strike.

With this blow landed the bout would take a change of pace as both Angelico and Ilja Dragunov upped the intensity of their clash and began to not only get steadily more aggressive with their grappling but also begin to add in some hard striking exchanges. This would begin to tell a story in the bout as we'd see Dragunov really go out of his way to test the grit and toughness of his pretty boy opponent. To his credit Angelico proved more than willing to rise to this challenge as he picked up one of the first near falls of the bout following a STO backbreaker followed by a flatliner. Dragunov however as we'd know wasn't one to go down easy as when Angelico looked for the fall of the angels, Dragunov would counter with a sunset flip powerbomb before he'd land a H Bomb to Angelico's jaw.

Again the tide in this contest would turn with Ilja taking firm control and at one stage coming close to putting Angelico away after he landed a big exploder suplex followed by an almighty lariat. From here we'd see Dragunov motion for Torpedo Moscow. Yet as he charged out from the corner Angelico would drop down low and connect with a chop block right to Dragunov's left knee. This would be a big turning point in the match as Angelico began to target Ilja Dragunov's left knee. As the bout wore on we'd see Ilja Dragunov begin to show the effects of this limb work as not only was his movement limited but also at times uncharacteristically showing the weakness in this limb as he'd club it with his own hands and grasp it at others.

Despite this compromised limb Dragunov was still in the bout and he picked up a near fall of his own following a lariat to the jaw of Angelico. This spun Angelico in the air before he hit the canvas with a thud. From here Ilja Dragunov looked to end things as he hoisted Angelico onto his shoulders in position for a death valley driver. Again however Ilja's leg came into play as it started to buckle by Dragunov let out a loud scream before powering through and landing a turnbuckle death valley driver. Looking to finish things once and for all Ilja Dragunov had to use the ropes for support to get to his feet. Despite his leg being compromised Ilja charged at Angelico only for Angelico to catch him with a drop toe hold before locking in Cruceta Invertido! Trapped in the center of the ring Ilja Dragunov screams out in pain as Angelico plies on the pressure on his left knee. Valiant attempts to pull himself to the ropes are thwarted and eventually Dragunov is forced to submit!

Andy Shepherd: And the winner of the match Angelico!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Angelico releases the hold. Once he rises to his feet Angelico has his arm raised by the referee in attendance before he begins to celebrate a hard fought victory. While Angelico takes the time to celebrate this win, a weakened Ilja Dragunov rises to his feet. Once he is up and on his feet Ilja Dragunov hobbles towards Angelico before raising his arm in the air to a further pop from the crowd.
Following this match the cameras return to the hallway of the building where again So Cal Val is joined by the next two semi finalists in the European title tournament. Unlike her previous interview experience previewing a semi final bout. This time it was clear that Val would not be dealing with a civil or respectful affair as Gunther clearly looked down his nose at Cara Noir and what he deemed vain, self indulgent theatricality which in his words besmirched the sport he holds dear. Further drawing Gunther's anger and rage would be the fact that Cara Noir remained silent through this interview. Not only electing not to answer any questions thrown his way but also refusing to even react from any of Gunther's attempts to goad him. Perhaps in an attempt to pacify things Val asks Gunther is there anything he does respect in his opponent.

Showing that he is well aware and versed about every opponent he has faced and potentially can face in this tournament. Gunther praises that Cara Noir is potentially one of the best athletes that the tournament has to offer. Yet as Gunther says no matter how in shape someone is or how skilled an athlete they are, that training will not prepare them for being in the ring with Gunther. Looking to draw some emotion out of Cara Noir, So Cal Val directly asks him how he is feeling about this match with Gunther. However much like he has the whole interview Cara Noir doesn't speak. What he does do however is stand right in front of Gunther and meet Gunther's cold stare with one of his own. Gritting his teeth, Cara Noir without a word backs up and walks off the set while Gunther still watches on.
Andy Shepherd: It is now time for our second Semi Final match of the European Championship tournament. This match is of course set for one fall!

Andy Shepherd: Standing to my right in the ring at this time. He is "The Black Swan" Cara Noir!

The crowd cheers as Cara Noir stands in his corner stoically. Offering no emotion despite the reception given to him by the audience, Cara Noir appears to have his eyes firmly locked on Gunther across the ring.

John Gooden: I think it's safe to say while some on first glance based on the presentation may write Cara Noir off as style not substance. However Noir has consistently proven to be more than just a gimmick. He is a dynamic athlete who truly mixes up his striking and submission abilities well.

Johnny Saint: I think that is over all which makes Cara Noir so dangerous. He's someone who people make those assumptions about and someone who people cast aspersions about. Yet the fact is this is a highly skilled athlete who has all the potential in the world. Being as strange and unorthodox as he is only makes him more dangerous.

William Regal: Having watched the roads both men have taken to get here. While there is no doubt that Gunther is an overwhelming favorite. It has to be said this match here truly has the makings of upset potential. Because while he may not say it outright, it's clear that Gunther may not hold his foe in high esteem and if he was to underestimate Cara Noir here, he may find himself quite the challenge.

Andy Shepherd: And standing to my left. He is "Der Ring General" Gunther!

Standing across from Cara Noir on the other side of the ring is Gunther. The tournament favorite is stoic and is sporting a cold, piercing stare as he appears to be looking down his nose firmly at his opponent. While Andy Shepherd begins to make his leave from the ring, the referee begins to do his last minute checks.

John Gooden: I have to say Mr. Regal, while I do see some validity in the point you are making about over estimation. If there is one thing I can say for sure about Gunther. While when you interact with him you are never going to get much in the way of conversation and certainly no small talk. What I can see is someone truly focused on the prize and because of that someone who is well prepared for the task at hand. I do not see him as someone who will intentionally under estimate someone.

William Regal: That is a good point John. We have seen a lot of wrestlers in one way or another become victims of expectation. Gunther throughout this tournament has not only shown himself to be a man more than willing to live up to the lofty billing he has received but he's also exceeded that. I mean we are now at the semi finals and no one yet has truly put this man down. We've seen him take a knee but no one has been able to even knock this man down. It's terrifying.

Johnny Saint: There are times as a wrester even years on you consider what if. Prime example being seeing my good friend Doug Williams participate in this tournament. I start to wonder if I could lace up my boots one last time. When Gunther comes out and I see him in the ring, any delusions I have of such a thing quickly waive and reality seeps in reminding me that I'm just an old man now and have no business being in there with such a man.

Tale of the Tape
Unknown ~~ Age ~~ 33
6'0 ~~ Height ~~ 6'4
198 pounds ~~ Weight ~~ 295 pounds
Parts Unknown ~~ Hometown ~~ Vienna, Austria
2010 ~~ Experience ~~ 2005
Blackout ~~ Finisher ~~ Powerbomb

The bell rings to start the match and this contest doesn't get to the blistering start that some may have predicted. Instead both men circle around one another in what could only be described as a feeling out process. From here after a moment of this we see a lock up between the two and quickly in this collar and elbow tie up we see the strength advantage possessed by Gunther who manages to muscle Cara Noir back into the turnbuckles. The referee looks to instigate and break which Gunther complies with cleanly before he attempts to land one of his chops. Cara is able to duck under however before he connects with a series of stiff leg kicks to Gunther's thigh. This is until Gunther shoves Noir down to the canvas and we see Noir roll to his feet while a livid Gunther makes a charge.

Ducking under a clothesline again Noir connects with a couple of leg kicks which further anger Gunther. Again the pair lock up and once more Gunther backs Cara Noir up this time putting him against the ropes. This time however instead of going along with the clean break an enraged Gunther swings wildly at Cara with clubbing Vader like forearms. All Noir can do is cover up before making an escape and once he does so he resumes the leg kicks on Gunther. This appears to be the strategy that Noir was looking to employ in the bout as he was using his speed advantage and athleticism to avoid Gunther's clutches while picking apart his mobility. As this strategy waged on we'd see Gunther at points begin shaking his legs out when chasing Noir. Every time he did get hold of Noir it seemed Gunther's sole intent was to do as much damage with his blows as possible.

As the match wore on we'd see the leg kicks of Cara Noir continue to have an effect on his foe as we'd see Gunther's leg begin to raise with the blows. At points we'd even see Cara Noir manage to make Gunther take a step back in what was typically a straight striking affair. Any momentum built however soon turned when a livid Gunther pinned Noir in the corner and unloaded a nasty forearm to his face. Noir hit the canvas with a thud and Gunther proceeded to punish him with a seated senton across the chest. Mounting Cara, Gunther followed with a series of punches and forearms on his opponent until Noir rolled him in a pinning position for a count of one. Climbing to his feet Gunther would be surprised with a Swan woo kick by Noir backing him up into the corner.

Looking to end things Cara Noir went back to his game plan of leg kicks with one causing Gunther to turn away. This allowed Noir to dive on Gunther's back as he tried to lock in the blackout. Unfortunately for Noir, Gunther would throw himself backwards landing right on top of Noir with a thud on the canvas. Resuming his mounted position Gunther blasted Cara with a series of forearms before dragging Cara to his feet. From here Gunther clobbered Cara Noir with a punishing lariat putting him back down onto the canvas. With Noir seemingly knocked out from the force of this blow Gunther dragged Cara to his feet by his wrist before pulling him in for one more lariat for good measure. Seemingly not done with punishing his foe, Gunther wrapped his arms around Cara's neck in a sleeper position and began to choke him in the center of the ring. Seeing that Noir was already limp from the lariats, the referee would call for the bell.

Andy Shepherd: And the winner of the match Gunther!

While Gunther releases the hold, the official already begins to call medics so that they can tend to Cara Noir. While a stoic Gunther climbs to his feet and begins to leave the ring, it is notable that he is slightly hobbling. In the ring meanwhile medics check to the still motionless Cara Noir.
The cameras quickly cut away from the ringside area and to the backstage area where So Cal Val is standing by. Revealing that she has personally been asked to take this time to make an announcement to fans of the WWE UK Brand and those watching the European title tournament. So Cal Val reveals that management have so far been very impressed with what a lot of the talents have brought to the table. This is why a meeting has taken place tonight and So Cal Val is happy to announce that following that meeting a WWE UK contract is being offered to Michael Oku! This announcement earns a loud cheer from the audience in attendance yet it appears So Cal Val is not quite finished as she reveals that a decision was also just made following the previous match. That once medics and officials have finished tending to Cara Noir, he will also be offered a contract with the WWE UK Brand!
Andy Shepherd: Ladies and Gentlemen! After days of unmissable action we are now down to two. These two men have survived thirty others to get to this point and will now do battle to crown the European Champion!

There is a cheer from the crowd as Andy Shepherd continues.

Andy Shepherd: So please welcome our first finalist. Hailing from Johannesburg, South Africa.. He is the Spanish Heart Throb! ANGELICO!

The crowd cheers as the announcement is made and Angelico's theme begins to play from the titantron. Slowly Angelico begins to dance his way out onto the stage showing the same confidence he has shown throughout the tournament. On his way down to the ring Angelico high fives some of the fans in attendance and gives a point to the commentary table where we can even see William Regal nodding his head along to Angelico's theme. Once up on the ring apron, Angelico hops through the ropes before removing his jacket which he hands to an attendant at ringside.

John Gooden: It has to be said while he may not have been an odds on favorite to make it this far. There is no denying that Angelico has earned his spot in the finals. While Gunther is a far from ideal opponent to have to face, Angelico has been the picture of confidence throughout this tournament. There maybe a lot of talk about who is a wrestler's wrestler in parts of this tournament but without right a doubt here is your showman and entertainment. I'm sure you agree don't you William.

William Regal: I've said it once and I'll say it before. The entrance is without a doubt one of my highlights through this tournament but what is also a highlight is being constantly impressed by this young man. As much as he is about the ladies, the song and dance or Vibez that the kids say. Talent this man possesses is indisputable. He may not have been the first choice to get to this moment but he is more than skilled and deserving enough of being here.

Johnny Saint: I can't agree more with the pair of you. I think one of the true pleasures of this tournament has been getting to witness these talents in person and to see their capabilities firsthand. It has not only given me hope for the future of European wrestling as a whole but it has made me a fan of numerous new talents that I wasn't quite familiar with. Angelico being one of them!

Andy Shepherd: And now introducing his opponent. He hails from Vienna, Austria. He is Der Ring General... GUNTHER!

The once cheering crowd changes their tune quickly on this announcement as the imposing Austrian walks out from the back. Stoic as ever Gunther takes his time walking down to the ring with his eyes firmly locked on his opponent. As he nears the ringside area Gunther removes his jacket before walking up the ring steps. Once on the apron Gunther wipes his boots before climbing into the ring.

John Gooden: The story has to be said that if Angelico is the underdog who has risen to this occasion. It's fitting that he is now in the finals against the man who even before the full field was announced was being tabbed as this tournaments winner. While Angelico has overcome the odds, Gunther has lived up to his billing and more so as the tournament favorite. He was rightly the top seed in my eyes and still has yet to even be knocked down by an opponent.

William Regal: It's not just the fact that Gunther has made it to the finals either. It's how he has made it this far to the finals also. Gunther hasn't just defeated his opponents but he has destroyed them. Every opponent who has been in the ring with Gunther has been sent to hospital afterwards. He doesn't just beat people he breaks them and that is terrifying.

Johnny Saint: I think adding to the terror of this realization of what Gunther is capable of. It's that not only has Gunther beaten all these individuals. It's the fact that Gunther has done so in a completely different fashion each time. We've seen him put away Oro Mensah with a powerbomb and Kris Jokic with the Last Symphony. Cesaro was knocked out with a clothesline and in the case of Cara Noir it was a sleeper hold. Gunther is not just the bigger man and not just the more favorable. But because of this he's also unpredictable as you can't scout the finishing move of a man who can put you away in any which way he likes.

Tale of the Tape
33 ~~ AGE ~~ 33
213 Pounds ~~ WEIGHT ~~ 295 Pounds
Johannesburg, South Africa ~~ HOMETOWN ~~ Vienna, Austria
2007 ~~ DEBUT ~~ 2005
Cruceta Invertido ~~ FINISHER ~~ Powerbomb

The bell rings to start the match and both men begin circling around one another as this thing kicks off. Showing himself to be quite studious Angelico fires off a couple of low leg kicks at Gunther showing that he is aware of the work put in by Cara Noir in the match previously. On top of this Angelico is quick to dive in for a single leg on this leg of Gunther but this nearly backfires as for a brief moment Gunther winds up on top of him. Flipping Angelico onto his back, Gunther puts his weight to use with a cover but can only secure a count of one. Yet as Angelico rises to his feet he again flicks out a couple more leg kicks which this time land on the towering Austrian. Another takedown attempt by Angelico is thwarted as Gunther this time picks at Angelico's legs and comes close to putting him in a heel hook submission.

While Angelico is able to squirm free and takes a knee, Gunther is already to his feet and he quickly tries to put Angelico away as he sets him up for a powerbomb. Angelico fights and struggles with all his might and manages to escape Gunther's grasp. Staggering back into the corner Angelico is looking to compose himself when Gunther condescendingly pats him on the head. With this sign of disrespect it is clear that Gunther is holding little in the way of regard for his opponent and this small gesture leads to Gunther being besieged by boos by the audience in attendance. Showing some anger for the first time in this tournament at this disrespect Angelico charges forward and lands a forearm right to the face of Gunther.

This shot appears to anger Gunther who responds with a forearm strike of his own which puts Angelico down to the canvas hard. Staggering to his feet Angelico ducks under a swing from Gunther and hits the ropes but when he does he is met on the return by Gunther with a clothesline. As Angelico rolls over onto his stomach and begins to get onto his hands and knees Gunther stomps right on the back of his neck pressing Angelico face first into the mat. Angelico tries to fight his way to his feet but as he begins to get to his knees Gunther clubs him with a forearm across the back. Angelico screams out in pain while Gunther starts to hit the ropes. Running off it appears Gunther is looking to end things early when Angelico manages to leap frog over him.

A head scissors attempt on Gunther backfires however and Angelico is thrown down onto the canvas with Gunther stomping down hard on Angelico's chest to follow. As Angelico tries to sit up Gunther kicks him to the side of the head causing Angelico to roll over to the ropes. From here Gunther again shows disrespect to his foe as he uses his boot to press Angelico's face into the canvas until the referee forces a break. Once he is to his feet Angelico ducks under a strike attempt by Gunther before he tries to land a leg kick. Gunther catches the leg and lifts Angelico up for a powerbomb but Angelico drops down behind Gunther. A leg kick is feinted by Angelico who instead goes upstairs with a roundhouse to the jaw of Gunther which rattles the big man.

With Gunther dazed Angelico snatches him by the leg and lands a dragon screw becoming the first man to take Gunther down to the canvas. As Gunther tries to get to his feet the fired up Angelico dives on him with elbows and punches. Gunther tries to cover up as he pulls himself towards the ropes and Angelico once he is up begins to land a series of stomps and kicks to Gunther's head until the referee again forces a break. Pulling himself to his feet in the corner Gunther managed to back drop a charging Angelico over the top rope. Landing on the apron Angelico looked to spring back into the ring but Gunther hit the top rope as Angelico was starting to spring and this caused Angelico to catch his ankles on the top rope and flip into the ring and onto the canvas.

A scoop slam from Gunther followed who made a cover for a count of two. Looking bemused at this Gunther dragged Angelico to his feet and landed a big forearm strike putting Angelico against the ropes. Sending Angelico across the ring Gunther would be surprised as Angelico leaped up onto the middle rope and rebounded with a kick to Gunther's jaw. A springboard forearm to the jaw followed but sadly for Angelico he'd go to the well one time to many. As the next springboard attempt by Angelico was countered in midair with a chop to the chest. The echo of this blow would sound out through the building as Angelico hit the canvas with a thud. Seemingly not wasting a second Gunther followed with a seated senton across the chest of Angelico.

Seemingly enraged by Angelico's resilience shown thus far Gunther would drag Angelico to his feet and hoist him up in the air before dropping him back first across the top rope in the corner. With Angelico laid across the top turnbuckle Gunther climbed the ropes and pressed his foot down on Angelico's throat as he pushed Angelico's body down towards the outside of the ring. As the referee administered a count Gunther climbed down from the ropes and pulled Angelico back into the ring. Dragging him to his feet Gunther landed another strike but this time Angelico fired back with some strikes of his own. Spurred on by the crowd's cheers Angelico would eat several forearms from Gunther and refuse to fall as he responded with his own. This would be until a nasty chop to the chest put Angelico down.

Stumbling to his feet another forearm from Gunther met Angelico once he was up. This caused Angelico to take a knee before he rose to his feet and landed a chop to Gunther. Seemingly taking offense to this Gunther responded with a boot right to the jaw of Angelico. Quickly Gunther looks to hit a butterfly suplex but Angelico spins out and lands a capoeira kick. With Gunther stunned Angelico then lands a hook kick right to the back of Gunther's head. Gunther takes a knee and Angelico hits the ropes before he lands a penalty kick to Gunther's chest. With Gunther down on the canvas, Angelico makes a cover but Gunther kicks out at a count of two. A foot stomp by Angelico follows across Gunther's chest before Angelico scales the turnbuckle.

Angelico attempts a senton splash but as he begins to land Gunther moves his body on the mat and catches Angelico in a rear naked choke hold. Gunther uses this hold to climb to his feet and pulls Angelico up before he spins him around. Looking to end things with a powerbomb, Gunther is stunned as Angelico drops down and lands a superkick. A follow up superkick is blocked as Gunther catches his leg and spins Angelico around. Gunther's second attempt at clamping on the choke is blocked when Angelico grabs the ropes but Gunther hooks him by the waist and lands a german suplex in retaliation. With Angelico down, Gunther climbs the turnbuckle and begins to take his place on the middle rope. Once he is in position however Gunther is met with a kick to the leg by Angelico. A follow up kick to the jaw then puts Gunther in a seated position on the turnbuckle.

Looking to wrap things up Angelico tries for a hurricanrana on Gunther who manages to shove Angelico off. As Angelico hits the mat and stumbles to his feet Gunther charges from the corner with a running dropkick to the chest. This sends Angelico crashing onto the mat before he begins to take a knee. With Angelico on his knees Gunther lands a series of hard open handed strikes to Angelico's face and chest. Dragging Angelico his feet Gunther looks to end things with a lariat but Angelico ducks under and goes over Gunther's shoulder with a float over DDT. Gunther stumbles to his feet and is met with a Syuri knee to the jaw before Angelico follows up with a single knee face buster which puts the Austrian down onto a knee.

A superkick to the jaw of Gunther puts Gunther down on the canvas and a fired up Angelico looks around at the audience in attendance. The entire crowd is willing him on as Angelico begins to climb the turnbuckle. Clearly feeling the pain of the battle he has been through Angelico's climb is slow and labored but once he is up Angelico readies himself for what perhaps could be a moonsault. Just before Angelico can dive however we see that Gunther climbs to his feet having rolled under the ropes and onto the apron. Standing by Angelico, Gunther wastes little time hitting Angelico with a lariat to the back of the leg causing it to collapse from under Angelico and this leaves Angelico to take a nasty spill into the ring. Wasting no time Gunther climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off from the top with a splash across Angelico's chest. A cover is then made for the count of Three!


There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as despite the smattering of boos a lot of respectful applause issued towards Gunther. Slowly rising to his feet as confetti rains down from above, Gunther punches the air as he lets out a shout. Joined in the ring by William Regal who is holding in his hands the European Championship. Holding out the title to Gunther, William Regal nods his head respectfully before Gunther takes the title and raises it above his head. Letting out a loud impassioned roar the European Champion Gunther stands tall in the ring as the show comes to a close.