Compare Reigns to Rocky, Hogan, Cena at the same level of development. Yes, it's a potential thing, but at this point, that's where we are with Reigns.
No. That's called "story structure". Good guys help good guys. Bad guys help bad guys when it suits them, then stab them in the back when it doesn't. And ten year olds? Dude. Tolkien, Lucas, King, Martin, and a whole host of other writers much better than you get my point. I promise.
Then you should have posted it as a general comment, not connected to a post about the match that just occurred. Clarity is your friend.
Okay, first off, you need to lay off the attack on my writing because you obviously aren't any better. You used not on an ad hominem attack but an appeal to authority. Once you learn to argue without fallacies, then you can make a comment on my writing.
Story structure? Good guys help good guys whenevr they can? Like I said, 10 year old's wrestling logic. In wrestling, the behind the scenes stuff plays into the story lines a lot. And regardless of your "Yay Good guys" attitude, you obviously have not watched much wrestling in your life if you honestly believe this to be the case.
And I'll post anything I want in any thread directed in any way I want to. If you don't like the way I post, don't read it. The fact is, you jumped on that statement because you think you have some intellectual authority in this case, and you don't