Well yeah they force you into rooting for Christian in the group they picked. It is not even a choice really which is sad as they haven't developed a character for Kidd or Tensai on main tv basically, and act like Superstars and NxT don't happen a lot of the time now since they became Internet shows. In a perfect world you would have an alternative but so far there isn't one in that group. Plus i got to reiterate Christian in this role doesn't annoy me, but his past in the company annoys me as does the world title win solely for Edge. I like Christian in this scenario and environment as it is his element, but I do think they need something more than just him in this match. It has to be 8 men now which I hate because of the clutter, when they could have just made 5 good picks alongside Christian like Dolph, Swagger, Cara, and Cody to make for an exciting and realistic match