I think this topic is highly overrated. As in, it doesn't matter if they are PG or TV-14. They can swear and bleed all they want.. but as long as the stories aren't there, TV-14 ain't gonna change much about that. Also, if they'd go back to TV-14, swearing wouldn't be as special as it is now. Like whenever someone calls someone else a bitch or something along those lines it mostly gets a reaction because people don't get to hear it too often. If you overdo that at some point tho, like anything else, it gets old again
I don't know. At times I'm like "blood would have made this moment a bit more brutal" for example when Owens turned on Jericho he could have made him bleed and write Jericho's name on the list with his own blood. That'd be a cool visual to have but imma repeat myself in saying, I wouldn't overdo it and have every main feud end in a blood bath lol. If they're able to create good feuds like Styles/Cena or anything with Braun, they don't really need TV-14 for that