WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - I liked Christian vs. Hardy, but the handicap match got the stroyline over.
WM - None
BP - Y2J in the locker room. It told a good story, and it made me look forward to when they lock it up.
WP - T. Long and Bischoff just seemed, there.
Comments - A good show with both interesting matches and promos. I'm looking forward to HBK talking on the 3 hour special, and the other things that will happen. It looks pretty good, and I'll check it out.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Pyros go off as the Raw Theme plays.

: Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw! We are LIVE in Cleveland, OH! “JR†Jim Ross and Jerry “the King†Lawler, here at ringside, and King what a show we have tonight!

King: No doubt JR, I can’t wait for this one, right here tonight, HBK speaks! He will come out to that ring and pour his guts out, or so WWE.com says, maybe tonight JR, your questions will be answered!

JR: One can only hope, but after last week’s bizarre ending, anything HBK can say tonight will probably answer at least one of my questions since there are so many King…

King: Don’t I know JR!

Christian’s music hits as the Intercontinental Champion comes down the ramp.

: Well King, there’s your boy Christian, the Intercontinental Champion, ready to face Goldust, who is already in the ring.

King: JR, I still don’t understand why you hate this man so much, he is funny, smart, talented, why do you think they call him Captain Charisma? Plus, he did beat Jeff Hardy 1…2…3 in the middle of that ring last week!

JR: Think what you will King, I saw what went down…

Christian vs. Goldust
Christian taunts Goldust and the crowd with his Intercontinental Championship belt while Goldust ambushes him from behind. Goldust nails him with forearm shots to the back and back rakes. He puts Christian in the corner and hard chops him. He launches Christian across the ring against the ropes. Christian bounces off and Goldust looks for a backdrop. He gets Christian up, but Christian counters in mid air and nails him with a DDT. Christian rolls Goldust over and pins him 1…2…kickout! Christian picks up Goldust and looks for a sidewalk slam, but Goldust manages to get on his feet and hooks the ankle and nails Christian with a Russian Leg Sweep. Goldust gives him a quick kick to the ribs and nails a huge elbow drop onto Captain Charisma. He stays on the mat and locks in a headlock. Christian gets up still in the headlock and clocks Goldust in the ribs with elbow shots. Christian nails Goldust in the gut with a knee. He runs and bounces off the ropes and nails a running knee to Goldust. Goldust lands sitting up on the mat. Christian bounces off the other side off the ring and nails a huge big boot to the head of Goldust. Christian gets down on his knees and pins Goldust 1…2…kickout! Christian gets up and starts stomping the hell out of Goldust out of anger. He picks up Goldust and delivers a huge forearm uppercut. Goldust stumbles away from Christian, but Christian grabs him, pulls him in, and nails him with an inverted DDT. Christian bounces off the ropes and connects with a huge leg drop. Christian pins him 1…2…Christian puts his feet on the ropes…the ref spots them and breaks the count. Christian gets up and starts arguing with the ref. The ref tells him to back off. Goldust gets up behind Christian and grabs him. He maneuvers him and sets him up for the Curtain Call, but Christian spins out of it and emerges behind Goldust. He locks him up and nails him with the Unprettier. He covers Goldust 1…2…3!
WINNER: Intercontinental Champion Christian

King: Yes! Rack up another win for Captain Charisma JR!

JR: Well King, despite Christian’s horrible sportsmanship and cockiness, I suppose if it helps him win matches, it’s good for his career!

King: Does that mean you are on the Captain Charisma band wagon?

JR: I wouldn’t go that far King…

Christian taunts the crowd with his Intercontinental Championship, but Jeff Hardy emerges crossing the barricade out of the crowd with a steel chair. He runs into the ring behind Christian.

JR: By Gawd! It’s Jeff Hardy! Jeff Hardy is here what a surprise!

King: Don’t turn around Christian, get out of there!!!

Christian turns around and Hardy clocks Christian across the skull with the steel chair and Christian gets laid out. Jeff Hardy looks towards the crowd to a thundering ovation. He reaches down and holds the Intercontinental Championship. He holds it high above his head as his theme music plays.

JR: Well King, looks like that cheap victory Christian got last week didn’t sit well with that man, if I didn’t know better I’d say that Jeff Hardy is sending a message to Christian, that being he wants his Intercontinental Championship!

King: Believe me JR, if Christian has any smarts, he won’t give that creep Jeff Hardy a shot at the title, Christian beat Hardy last week 1…2…3 what else does he need to prove?

Coach standing with Bill Goldberg

Coach: I am standing here with quite possibly the most dominating man in the history of Monday Night Raw, the one and only Goldberg. Goldberg, after coming off a huge victory last week against the Big Red Machine Kane, tonight Eric Bischoff has once again stacked the deck against you, because in that ring tonight it will be a rematch from Backlash just 8 days ago as you go against Mark Henry and Rodney Mack in a handicap match.

Goldberg: Coach, it’s no surprise that I am a man of few words, so I am going to make this short and sweet. I came to the WWE to dominate, and that’s what I have been doing, despite Eric Bischoff’s bitchiness. It doesn’t matter if you are Mark Henry, Rodney Mack, Test, or even Kane, because I have beaten them all already and just like I said a couple weeks back, the nest time I am in the ring with Eric Bischoff, hey Bischoff better listen to this, listen real closely to me, You’re Next!

JR: Big words to the GM of Raw, never the less, Goldberg takes on Rodney Mack and Mark Henry tonight in a rematch from Backlash!


Molly Holly’s music hits as the Women’s Champion comes to the ring.

: Well King, it’s that time again, your favorite part of the show! It’s a rematch from Backlash Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly!

King: Oh JR, it’s not that time yet…

Trish Stratus’ music hits as Trish comes down the ramp.

: …now it is.

Victoria comes out of the gate and runs up from behind Trish Stratus and blindsides her. She starts stomping the hell out of Trish on the cold steel ramp.

JR: What the hell is this? It’s Victoria King! Looks like she is still a little pissed about Molly not keeping her promise!

Victoria: Huh Trish? No, no, you are not getting that Women’s Title shot, I am! I am getting what’s coming to me!

Victoria walks into the ring and starts arguing with Molly Holly and Lillian Garcia with Trish still motionless on the ramp.

King: What is going on here JR!? What about Trish?

Lillian goes and talks with the stage manager on the outside and comes back.

Lillian: I have just been informed that due to Trish Stratus’ inability to compete, General Manager Eric Bischoff has stated that Victoria will be Trish’s understudy and this match is still for the Women’s Championship.

JR: Come on, that isn’t fair, Victoria doesn’t deserve squat and Bischoff is just handing her a title shot? That’s not right King!

WWE Women’s Championship
Molly Holly* vs. Victoria
The fans boo before the bell even rings. Both women circle the ring and then lock up. The struggle back and fourth but Molly gets the advantage and pushes Victoria back to the corner. The ref forces Molly to relinquish the hold and Molly does. Molly Holly delivers a strong quick chop to Victoria in the corner and then reigns back elbows to the throat of Victoria. The ref backs Molly Holly up and warns her. Victoria storms out of the corner with a huge boot to the mid section then pulls her back by the hair. Molly hits the mat and her head bounces off of the mat hard. Victoria steps on Molly’s hair and pulls her arms up pulling the hair of Molly. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…and Victoria lets go. She sits on top of Molly and starts nailing her with mounted punches. The ref seen enough and pulls Victoria off Molly. Victoria walks quickly around the inside of the ring to a horrible ovation. Molly gets up and runs towards Victoria looking for a spear, but she maneuvered around her and connects with a roll up 1…2…kickout! Molly grabs Victoria’s legs and slingshots her into the corner. Victoria slams sternum first onto the top turnbuckle and her head cracks off the top of the steel ring post. Victoria slings over the top rope motionless after hitting the steel ring post. The ref goes over to her and tries to get a word but she doesn’t answer. Molly gets up and nails a huge big splash onto the Victoria and knocking the referee out as well. The fans continue to boo and chant GET UP TRISH! GET UP TRISH! GET UP TRISH! Trish Stratus still lies motionless on the ramp. Molly tries to get the ref up, but he is out cold. Molly goes to the ropes and slides out of the ring. She walks over to Lillian and yanks her Women’s Championship out of her hands. She runs and slides into the ring. Victoria finally shows signs of life and stumbles out of the corner backwards. Molly comes from behind with the Women’s Championship. Victoria turns around and Molly goes to smack her with the title, but Victoria ducks. Molly turns around and Victoria nails her with a super kick. Molly goes down and Victoria crashes onto her and signals for the ref to get up. The ref shows a little sign of life and crawls over to Victoria and begins the count very slowly 1……2…..kickout! Victoria can’t believe it. She picks up Molly Holly and signals for the Widow’s Peak, but Molly kicks her in the gut and goes for the Molly Go Round. Victoria breaks the hold and kicks Molly in the gut. Victoria bounces off the ropes and nails a running swinging neckbreaker. Victoria gets up and suddenly Trish emerges sliding into the ring and takes down Victoria with a Thesz Press into mounted punches. The fans go crazy as Trish unloads on Victoria. The ref calls for the bell.
WINNER: Victoria by DQ

JR: Referee calling for the bell, Trish Stratus unloading on Victoria like there’s no tomorrow!

King: Get her Trish! She took your title shot! Come on!

The ref pulls Trish Stratus off of Victoria and another ref comes down the ramp to hold Victoria back. Molly Holly gets up, not really knowing where she is and grabs the Women’s title and high tails it out of there.

JR: Molly Holly driving it like she stole it, taking her Women’s title, and running up the titantron, not wanting anything to do with the chaos in the ring! By god I think we need more security out here King!


Shawn Michaels’ music hits as the Heartbreak Kid comes down the ramp to a very mixed reaction.

Well, there he is ladies and gentlemen, the source of all my queries over the past month and a half, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, love him or hate him, after all these years, is still the most controversial man in sports entertainment. However, just over a week ago at Backlash, I couldn’t believe I was watching the very same man I used to know and love, the Shawn Michaels who used to put on classics, the man who wouldn’t lie down for anybody…laid down for the Nature Boy Ric Flair, I still don’t know the motive, but HBK requested this time and I hope it’s going to be worth it!

King: Well JR, I hope you are ready, I studied the footage and I Sherlock Holmes’d it, I have inkling tonight that HBK will join Evolution, at least align himself with Flair, because there has to be some reason for his actions at Backlash JR.

HBK: Ladies and gentlemen, I ask for your undivided attention please. I am going to be honest with all of you, the Heartbreak Kid hasn’t been the same as of late, you know, I know it, and the whole world knows it. Wherever I go, people have asked me, why, Shawn, why? After all this time I still haven’t given my fans the answer they deserve. Boys and girls, let good old HBK tell you a story, this is much like the same little story Chris Jericho told me last week, it’s about a young boy. This young boy was a real “blue chipper†for all you JR fans out there, he had an open mind and had a real passion, and his passion was wrestling. This young boy used to live and breath wrestling, it soon became his life, and soon he got the bug, he got the bug and wanted to become these guys he saw on TV and at the shows his dad would take him to. Much like in the little tale Y2J told me, this story’s little boy also had a role model, someone he admired, this boy had a dream. His dream, was to become the next Nature Boy Ric Flair. Now, let’s bring you to the present, you know who that little boy grew up to be? The one and only, the Showstopper, the Icon, the Main Event, the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels! Now, I don’t know about any of you people, but when all your life you idolized a man, and finally get the chance to hang with your all time idol, I don’t think any of you, including me, can turn down the chance! Ric Flair approached me! He wanted to help out the Showstopper, coming from the man I worshiped as a child, my idol wanted to help me! He told me, “listen to me my boy and I will take you to places you can’t even imagine.†Everyone else, including Chris Jericho, presumed I was going to join Evolution, just because I was hanging out with the Nature Boy. Chris, I didn’t lie, I stand here, still my own man. However, I have something to get off my chest…Backlash. I admit, that’s not how I wanted it to end up. At first, hooking up with the dirtiest player in the game was a dream, I was living that dream, but history always repeats itself and I should have been smarter, I should have never trusted the dirtiest player in the game. I feel that Ric took it too far, but I don’t blame Ric, in his mind he was supposedly helping me, but I am not sure of that anymore. So right now, I know I answered a lot of your questions, the fans, but right now I would want some questions answered myself, Ric Flair, I want you to come down here right now, come on Nature Boy…

Ric Flair’s music hits as the Nature Boy Ric Flair comes down the ramp.

: Oh here we go, I think business is about to pick up here King!

King: JR, for all you know, Ric Flair was helping out HBK, Flair put Shawn over at…

JR: Don’t even give me that bull crap King, don’t even part your lips, Ric Flair is a snake and all he cares about is himself, and well, Triple H…

Flair: Shawn.

HBK: Ric. Alright, now that we got our hello’s out of the way, I got to ask you Ric, what was your motive at Backlash, now that the cat is out of the bag and everybody knows what’s going on here, just what was happening at Backlash? Was that “helping†me out? Because I saw it as humiliating good old HBK, can you clear that up for me Nature Boy?

Flair: Humiliating? If HBK is going to get humiliated, HBK is going to humiliate himself, because Ric Flair doesn’t humiliate anyone, Ric Flair makes legends okay buddy boy? Listen Michaels, our little skit at Backlash was nothing, look how much attention you are getting? Look who’s on the cover of the magazines, look who’s face is all over WWE.com, that’s right, your’s! Shawn, legends are attention getter’s, you have been an attention getter from the first day I have known you. The reason I took you under my wing was to make you what I am today, I have that sort of power Shawn, the Nature Boy, Woo, only has the power to make another living legend.

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes out of the gate.

: Shut the hell up Ric, I mean seriously, these WWE fans didn’t come and see you, barely able to stand on your own two feet, come out here and flap your gums.

Flair: Jericho, you son of a bitch, for the last time, stay out of my business! Nobody even invited you here!

Chris Jericho starts walking towards the ring.

Y2J: Well Ric, after contemplating what went down at Backlash, and how you screwed Shawn Michaels like that, I wasn’t going to lie down and let this happen.

Flair: Hey, I thought you didn’t care anymore Chris, I…

Y2J: Shut the hell up and let me talk. I was about to give up on my idol, Shawn Michaels, but then I thought about it. Shawn’s story really touched me earlier and if Shawn won’t give up on his supposed “idol,†you Ric, I won’t give up on my idol, HBK. Ric, you aren’t going to corrupt HBK just like you corrupted Triple H into the champion that he is today…

Flair: Hey, don’t you talk about Triple H like that!

Y2J: Who’s going to make me old man?

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion comes down to the ring.

: Triple H! Business is about to pick up King!

HHH: You know something, I have to agree with at least one of you, and surprisingly it’s you Chris. Ric, I am even getting lost with this whole charade. Listen up jack, I am the World Heavyweight Champion, not Shawn Michaels, I should be the one on the magazine covers, web sites, and all that crap, you are with me Ric, you are with Evolution! Don’t bail out on Evolution Ric, it will be the stupidest mistake you will ever make!

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw GM comes out of the gate.

Alright, alright, shut up all of you, I am sick and tired of you taking up my time with all this drama crap. This isn’t what Raw is about, Raw is about action! That’s why right now I am making this announcement. In 3 weeks Raw is going big time, that’s right for the first time in history, it’s going to be a blockbuster night, the first ever 3 hour Raw! Management gave me the task of putting this show together because, after all, I am what keeps Raw going every week. That’s why I making this match! In the main event, in 3 weeks, it will be the World Heavyweight Championship, as Triple H defends his title against Chris Jericho…

JR: Oh boy what a match that is King, a rematch from Backlash?

Bischoff: …and Shawn Michaels…

King: HBK in the main event? Why? He lost to Ric Flair at Backlash, what makes him so special?

Bischoff: …and Ric Flair! It’s a fatal four way match in 3 weeks! However, the main event for tonight still remains to be seen, but I am a little intrigued with this one, I am feeling right here tonight, Triple H, the World Heavyweight Champion, will take on none other than his Evolution “teammate†Nature Boy Ric Flair right here tonight!

Triple H starts freaking out in the ring as Ric Flair stares at Bischoff.

JR: Triple H vs. Ric Flair tonight? This is going to be great!


Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate.

: King, here is a man that has single handedly dominated everyone that Eric Bischoff has put in front of him. He dominated Kane last week, but tonight, in an attempt to redeem themselves, Rodney Mack and Mark Henry look to take down Goldberg in a Backlash rematch!

Theodore Long’s music hits as Teddy accompanies Mark Henry and Rodney Mack to the ring.

: JR, over the past couple weeks, this dominant team hasn’t been the same, some say Rodney Mack is the one that’s been holding them down, I can’t argue, Rodney always seems to screw their matches up one way or another, let’s see if he can switch up his luck here tonight!

Goldberg vs. Rodney Mack and Mark Henry
Goldberg stretches off the ropes keeping his eyes on his opponents. Goldberg approaches the middle of the ring and meets Rodney Mack dead center. Goldberg grabs him by the throat and whips him into the corner. Goldberg runs towards him and nails him with a huge shoulder thrust. Goldberg puts the pain on with multiple shoulder thrusts into the gut of Goldberg. Goldberg takes a few steps back and Mack stumbles out of the corner. Goldberg grabs him and shoots him with a belly to belly suplex. Goldberg guts up and walks over to Mack. Mack gets up with a dazed look on his face and Goldberg nails him with a huge kick to the head. Mack goes down. Teddy Long screams at Rodney Mack from the outside and Mark Henry shakes his head in the corner in disapproval. Goldberg picks him up and hoists him up on his shoulder. He nails a running power slam onto Rodney Mack into a pin 1…2…Goldberg lifts his shoulder up with an evil smirk on his face. Goldberg hurls Rodney Mack into his own corner where Mark Henry is. Goldberg tells Henry to tag himself in and roars to Henry then roars to the crowd. The crowd chants GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Mark Henry tags himself in and runs in and collides with Goldberg neither man moving an inch. Goldberg nails Henry with a right, Mark Henry battles back with a right of his own. Goldberg kicks Henry in the gut and bounces off the ropes. Goldberg charges Henry, but Mark Henry shoots him up for a huge Samoan Drop and gets every inch of it. Teddy cheers as Rodney Mack puts his head down shaking in self denial. Mark Henry bounces off the ropes and then nails a huge body splash onto Goldberg. Teddy motions for Henry to tag in Rodney Mack. Mark Henry abandons Goldberg and goes to tag in Rodney Mack. He puts his hand out and Rodney Mack steps off the apron and walks down the steel steps. Rodney Mack ignores Teddy Long screaming at him and goes up the ramp. Mark Henry screams at him from the ring. Mark Henry turns around and gets Speared by Goldberg. Goldberg snaps back up and roars to the crowd. Goldberg picks Mark Henry up and kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Jackhammer. Goldberg hoists the 400+ pounder up and drills him down with the Jackhammer into a pin 1…2…3!
WINNER: Goldberg

JR: By gawd King! He just Jackhammered the hell out of Mark Henry! That is a 400+ lb man! What a dominant force, can anyone stop this man?

King: This match was rigged, Rodney Mack quit in the middle of this match! This should have been ruled out!

Kane’s music hits as Kane comes running down the ramp.

: By Gawd it’s the Big Red Machine Kane!

Kane slides in the ring. Goldberg charges him, but Kane gets the big boot up laying out Goldberg. Kane grabs Goldberg by the throat and pulls him up. Kane slings the arm back of Goldberg and shoots him up, then drops him down with a huge chokeslam. Kane gets up to an ovation of boos. Kane grabs Goldberg and throws him over the top rope onto the floor in front of the announcer’s table. Kane slides out of the ring and picks up Goldberg. Kane whips Goldberg into the steel steps shoulder first. Kane goes over to the announcer’s table and pries off the black sheet covering.

JR: Oh gawd right in front of us King, it’s really breaking down! Kane destroying Goldberg here!

Kane grabs Goldberg and slams his head off the announcer’s table Kane grabs a monitor and cracks it off the head of Bill Goldberg. Kane slides Goldberg onto the announcer’s table. Kane stands on top of the announcer’s table and signals for the Tombstone. The fans boo loudly, but Kane doesn’t stop. Kane grabs Goldberg and hoists him up on his shoulder. Kane pauses then sets him up and drills him down with the Tombstone Piledriver onto the announcer’s table.

JR: No! No! Tombstone Piledriver onto the announcer’s table! Goldberg I am afraid has just been stopped here tonight by the Big Red Machine Kane! This is horrible.

Kane walks back into the ring and signals for the pyros. The fire bursts from the corners of the ring as his theme plays.

PROMO: Booker T returns to Raw NEXT WEEK!!!

Coach standing by with Randy Orton

Coach: I am the Coach, Jonathan Coachman and I am here with Evolution’s Legend Killer, Randy Orton. Now Randy, can you explain what exactly happened last week in your match with Rob Van Dam? Because some say it was unnecessary….

Orton: Unnecessary? Listen Coach, what was last week, was last week, it has no significance to me at all. Rob Van Dam could go jump up a rope, I am done with RVD, the Legend Killer isn’t about living in the past Coach, it’s about destroying it, and that’s exactly what I did to RVD. However, the Legend Killer is all about the future, and going back to unnecessary, let’s talk about Booker T returning to Monday Night Raw. The man got destroyed over a month ago at the Grandest Stage of them all, WrestleMania, by none other than the Game Triple H, and now expects to return with a glorified parade or something? Give me a damn break, the only thing Booker T needs is a slap into reality, and you know what Coach, I feel like I am the perfect man for the job. So next week, Booker T, I know you’re watching, come in real close, open your ears, don’t think you are getting any type of parade, because that’s far from the truth. Beware Booker T, because Evolution is about to pass you by!


The Dudley Boys’ music hits as the WWE World Tag Team Champions come down the ramp.

: Well King, after a victory last week against Rodney Mack and Mark Henry, the Dudley Boys seemed to get on the wrong side of Raw GM Eric Bischoff, and tonight Eric Bischoff promised the Dudley’s a surprise here tonight!

Bubba: Well, I know all of you saw what happened last week, seems like me and my brother, Devon, are in store for a little surprise courtesy of Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff. Now, just because Eric Bischoff is pissed about Bill Goldberg, doesn’t mean he has to take it out on the good old Dudley Boys. So, what, Eric Bischoff isn’t getting his way, boo hoo, Bischoff, listen up, I don’t know how you do it. I have no clue how someone can manage Raw with his head in his ass…

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as Bischoff appears at the top of the ramp.

: Cut my music. Alright “Dudley Boys,†Enough is enough, I don’t know what’s wrong with everybody tonight coming out here like they run the show, news flash, you don’t run the show, I run this show! I told you last week that I would have a surprise and don’t think I forgot, because Eric Bischoff always keeps his promises! I don’t know about all of you in the audience or watching at home, but Bubba Dudley flapping his gums in my ring has been going on a little too long, I’d say…3 Minutes too long…

From behind of the Dudley Boys, out of the audience come Jamal and Rosey. They ambush the Dudley Boys from behind.

JR: My Gawd King! It’s 3 Minute Warning! They’re back!

Bischoff: Yea you pieces of crap, you probably don’t like that too much do you?!?? Ring the damn bell this is a match! Get me a referee!

Referee Earl Hebner comes running down the ramp.

King: This is a match? Right now?

JR: It came from the mouth or Eric Bischoff, and I have been told his word is the law!

Dudley Boys vs. 3 Minute Warning
Jamal peals Bubba off the mat and body slams him like he’s nothing. Jamal stomps the hell out of Bubba Ray to an ovation of boos. Jamal bounces off the ropes and nails a huge bodysplash onto Bubba Ray Dudley. Jamal covers Bubba 1…2...kickout! Bubba gets up and starts firing back at Jamal. He connects with lefts and rights. He elbows him right on the forehead and whips him across the ring. Jamal counters and whips Bubba across the ring. Bubba Ray Dudley bounces back off the ropes and Jamal hammers him down with a huge spinebuster. Jamal drags Bubba to his corner and tags in Rosey. 3 Minute Warning grabs Bubba Ray. Jamal grabs his arms and Rosey grabs his legs. They slingshot him in the air about 8 feet off the mat and Bubba crashes and burns back onto the mat. Jamal goes onto the apron as Rosey begins to destroy Bubba Ray Dudley. Rosey bounces off the ropes and nails a huge leg drop onto Bubba. Rosey gets up and plays to the crowd, but gets a horrible ovation. Bubba rolls over and gets the tag to Devon. Devon runs in towards Rosey, but Rosey shoots him up and nails him with a back drop. Devon gets up and goes for a clothesline on Rosey, but Rosey ducks and gets behind Devon to nail him with a Half Nelson slam. Devon slams onto the mat and holds his back. Rosey picks him up and whips him into 3 Minute Warning’s corner. Rosey tags in Jamal and then runs across the ring and delivers a quick forearm to Bubba Ray knocking him off the apron. Jamal comes in and walks Devon into the center of the ring. He kicks him in the gut and nails him with a powerbomb. Rosey bounces off the ropes and nails him with a huge bodysplash. Jamal climbs onto Devon Dudley and pins him 1…2…3!
WINNER: 3 Minute Warning

JR: That was an utter destruction of the Dudley Boys King! Damn you Eric Bischoff!

King: Don’t get so fired up JR!

JR: Fired up!? 3 Minute Warning got the jump on them; I bet if the Dudley’s were 100% it would have been a different story! This was horrible.

3 Minute Warning hold the World Tag Team Championships high above their heads over Devon’s cold lifeless body.

JR: Disgusting.

Ric Flair is lacing up his boots in Evolution’s locker room talking with Batista. Triple H walks in and Flair and Batista stand up towards the Game.

HHH: Ric…Dave. Hey Dave, um, can you excuse us for a moment, I have to talk to Ric for a moment.

Batista: Yea, um, sure man, I’ll be out in the hall if you need me…

Batista walks out as Triple H locks eyes with Flair.

HHH: Listen Nay-tch, if you are having problems or something you can always turn to me, ok, no matter what is going on with you and Shawn Michaels, fine, whatever, I am not going to let this break up Evolution.

Flair: I don’t know what you are talking about champ, Evolution is here to stay, don’t even question that. Remember, me and Michaels, straight business, we talked about this champ, so what, we knew what we were getting into…

HHH: This Fatal Four Way for the title was not part of our plan Ric!

Flair: Hey, champ any chance that the Nature Boy riding once more as World Champion is icing on the cake anytime. Don’t worry champ it will be alright…

Flair pats Triple H on the chest and walks out of the locker room. Before he walks out the door, he turns back…

Flair: WOOO!


Ric Flair’s music hits as the Nature Boy Ric Flair comes down to the ring.

: Well King, I for one have lost all respect for this individual, I don’t know in what ways he corrupted the mind of HBK, but he did it, and I can never forgive the man…

King: That’s why he is the dirtiest player in the Game JR, because he plays like that. There is nobody better at mind games and playing dirty than Nature Boy Ric Flair!

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion comes down the ramp.

So King, you had almost all night to decide, since you are so pro-Evolution, have you decided who you are siding with here Jerry?

King: Well JR, I have thought long and hard about it, and I have to say, I just can’t decide! On one end, is the 16 Time World Champion, the best wrestler in the history of our business, Ric Flair, but on the other side is the best wrestler of the current generation, our World Champion, Triple H! How can you decide! It’s Evolution either way, and Evolution is great, you can’t go wrong with this main event!

Triple H vs. Ric Flair
The fans liven up as Triple H and Ric Flair look at each other from opposite ends of the ring. Ric Flair signals to Triple H to bring it and both men explode out of their corners circling the ring ready to lock it up. Ric Flair puts his hand out for the respectful handshake. Triple H smiles and goes for the handshake, but Ric Flair pulls his hand back and slicks back his head letting out a loud WOO! Triple H shakes his head and then when Flair has his back turned delivers a quick kick to the back of Flair’s knee. Flair goes down as Triple H puts his arms up taunting the crowd. Triple H picks up Ric Flair and hammers him across the back. He lifts Flair up and nails a knee buster onto the Nature Boy. Flair goes down and hangs onto the ropes. Triple H delivers a quick shot to the skull of Flair and bounces him off the ropes. Flair shoots across the ring and back and the Game nails a back drop onto Flair. Flair gets right back up and Triple H goes for a shot, but Flair ducks then nails Triple H with a hard chop. Triple H goes for another shot, but Flair ducks again and hard chops the Game. Flair goes to whip the Game against the ropes, but Triple H counters and whips Flair against the ropes. Flair bounces back, Triple H bends over looking for the back drop, but Flair nails Triple H with his own skull buster on the knee. Triple H flies backwards. The Game sits up not knowing he just got hit with his own maneuver. Triple H gets up and locks up with Flair once more. The Game knees him in the gut and sets him up for a suplex. He gets Flair up, but Flair slides out of the back. Flair backs up and lunges connecting with a chop block to the back of the Game’s knee. Ric Flair quickly grabs the leg of Triple H, but the Game quickly kicks Flair away. Triple H gets up and Flair charges him, but the Game catches him and drills him down with a spinebuster. The Game gets up and taunts the crowd and signals for the Pedigree. He picks up Flair and puts his head between his legs looking for the Pedigree. He pulls one of Flair’s arms up, but Flair grabs the legs and pulls them out from under the Game and Triple H goes down. Ric Flair keeps hold of the leg and twists it locking in the Figure Four. Triple H screams in agony rolling on the mat. Triple H looks for the ropes but he is dead center in the middle of the ring. Triple H starts to roll over looking to counter the Figure Four, but Ric Flair puts more pressure on fighting the Game. Triple H finally manages to shift the weight and turn the Nature Boy over putting the pain on Ric Flair. Flair panics and breaks the hold.

Chris Jericho emerges out of the gate and walks down to the ring. He walks around the ring and sits with JR and King at the announcer’s table.

: Chris Jericho! What a surprise! What are you doing out here?

Y2J: Evening Jerry, JR, I just thought that I would come out here and scout my big competition, plus I was watching this match from the back and, surprisingly it’s a real slobberknocker, isn’t that right JR?

JR: It’s a slobberknocker if I have ever seen one!

Triple H gets up and walks over to Flair. Flair pushes Triple H away. The Game walks over to Flair again and Ric pushes him away. Triple H gets pissed and goes to Ric one more time and picks him up, but Ric gives him a strong push and Triple H crashes into the referee. Ric Flair comes from behind and low blows the Game. All 3 men lie motionless in the ring, but Ric Flair manages to stumble up to his feet. Ric takes a few steps then falls atop the Game. The ref is knocked out and the audience counts 1…2…3…4…5…6…but the referee is out cold. Ric picks Triple H up, but Triple H low blows Flair and Ric goes down. Triple H slides out of the ring and goes over to the ring apron. He lifts it up and slides out the sledge hammer. He walks into the ring and sizes up Flair.

JR: Wait Triple H, you can’t do this! This is your mentor, what a sadistic look is in the eyes of Triple H!

Y2J: Yea JR, I suffered the fate of that hammer a couple weeks ago, I don’t know, it’s a very hostile environment right here!

Shawn Michaels runs down the ramp.

Triple H swings the hammer up in front of Flair, but HBK comes up from behind and takes the hammer away from Triple H. The Game turns around going for a clothesline, but HBK ducks and delivers a huge super kick to the Game. HBK extends his hand out to Ric Flair, Ric pauses, then grabs HBK’s hand and HBK helps him up.

JR: HBK just helped Ric Flair? What the hell?

King: JR, it is clear that Shawn still has admiration for his idol, didn’t you hear his story earlier?

Y2J: I don’t know King, I wouldn’t help Ric Flair if he was hanging by a branch over a 50 foot high cliff!

JR: This just gets more and more complicated…

Chris Jericho stands up at the announcer’s table wondering what is actually going on. Shawn escorts Ric Flair out of the ring and helps him up the ramp to a mixed reaction. Triple H kneels up in the middle of the ring shaking his head in disgust.

JR: Well, that’s it for Raw, we will see you next week, for JR and the King, good night everybody!


WWE Raw presents
Raw's 3 Hour Spectacular!
3 Weeks Away!

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H defends against Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels

Other Matches Soon to be Announced​

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Flair vs. HHH

Worst Match: Goldberg vs. Henry and Mac

Best Promo: HBK/Flair/Jericho/HHH

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: What a show! HBK just saved Flair from his teammate, HHH. While we were thinking about HBK's possible fued, looks like we're all wrong and Flair is going to turn, but this is still not sure. XBA, you do really make me curious 'bout this situation. This storyline is great! Let see what will happen next.


Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
BM : Main event, even if Christian / Goldust was good.

WM : I'd say Goldberg vs Henry and Mack, it was a wast of time IMo, and kane attacking Goldberg after the match wasn't impressive, as Goldberg defeated him last week. This is not a threat

BP : Obviously HHH-Flair-HHH-Jericho-bischoff. This angle is getting so interesting, I just can't know which direction you will take but I can't wait to see it.

WP : Goldberg one more time, we shouldn't let this man talk lol

AC : Another great show man, the build up for the special Raw is good, with the main event, probably another Jeff hardy vs Christian, I guess in a ladder match this time

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Main Event, really hype by all the stuff between the 4.

WM: Divas match :shifty:

BP: The 4 men promo, main event Fatal Fourway should he a hell of a match.

WP: Goldberg, really short and I don't know, it's just hard to picture him talk. In the end it went right to the point.

AC: Great show, I wasn't expecting any of this, and the role of Ric Flair is not clear, and let's not even talk about the role of HBK. I am really curious about this, I will be reviewing


Best Match: Ric Flair vs. Triple H

Worst Match: I won't say it was the worst match it was the match which didn't really match up with the others. Molly Holly/ Victoria, it was well written but it's weird how quickly Trish comes and how the referee ends the match, so that wasn't really good.

Best Promo: Shawn/Flair/Chris/HHH, it was great!

Worst Promo: n/a :shifty: or maybe Goldberg's promo...

Additional Feedbacks: Awesome show once again XBA, I loved how you finished the match between Flair and HHH! Storylines are going good and everything seems perfect! Keep it up!

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Flair vs HHH
WM - Christian vs Goldust didn't appeal to me just because I hate Goldust
BP - HBK/Flair/Y2J/Bischoff was great
WP - Dudleys, but it was nice to see 3MW back
AC - Another good show, I really like the storylines, the background to the matches makes the matches better.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Ric Flair vs. Triple H- This was not only the best match written but the whole storyline that surrounds it made it even better. I loved reading this match because of all the tension and suspense that surrounds Flair, Jericho, Michaels and Triple H.

Worst Match: I’ll have to agree with C4 and say that it was Molly Holly vs. Victoria. It was written nicely but it seemed a bit unrealistic how Trish came so fast and how the referee ended the match. This was still a good match, just seemed like the ending was a bit flawed in a sense.

Best Interview/Segment: Michaels/Flair/Jericho/HHH- This was clearly the best interview/segment of the entire show. All superstars were in character and it flowed through well. The Fatal Four-way in three weeks should be a great match and the build towards it in the coming weeks should be even better. I’m really looking forward to the match in three weeks.

Worst Interview/Segment: Goldberg Interview- It wasn’t a horrible interview segment, I just don’t like Goldberg speaking or wrestling for that matter but that’s another story for another day. Anyway, this segment was to the point but I just couldn’t get into it and I actually think it was useless to be quite honest. It was Goldberg repeating what he’s been saying about going after Bischoff. In the end, I feel as though this interview could’ve been scrapped altogether.

Additional Feedback/Comments: Excluding the ending of the Molly Holly/Victoria contest and the Goldberg interview, this was a pretty solid show. I’m loving the way you’re building up your rivalries. Obviously the World Heavyweight Championship title picture is the most interesting storyline but I also like how your brought in 3 Minute Warning to chase The Dudleyz. Again, this was a pretty solid show and I’m looking forward to next week. The build-up is at an all-time high but I'm sure that you'll raise it even more next week. Keep up the good work, bro.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
BM: Imo, I liked HHH/Flair the best.

WM: Molly V Trish (Victoria). Seemed kinda short, ending imo didnt really ruin this match, just didnt like this one.

BP: By far the HHH/Flair/Y2J/HBK/Bischoff promo. Characters werent kept to GREAT similarities, but it was believable and interesting. Set up a sweet ME in a few weeks, too.

Orton's was an honourable mention, and sets up next week - leaving it open to interpretation as to what he'll do to Booker.

WP: Goldberg. Short, but dull.

Nice show. Couldnt enjoy it completely due to this being your first show I've seen. I am however, now lookng forward to next weeks show, as well as your 3hr special in a few weeks.


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Triple H vs. Rick Flair. Could have been longer but really worked well.

Worst Match: Goldberg vs. Rodney Mack. Just two big men going at it. nothing really impressive.

Best Promo:Michaels/Flair/Jericho/HHH. All of them were in character and it is terrific build up going to the Fatal Four way.

Worst Promo: Goldberg interview. not a good guy on the stick at all. Was short and just didn't captivate me.

Additional Comments:Nice show XBA. A lot of interesting story lines. Had a few weak spots but nothing major to gripe about. You did an awesome job and the build up for the PPV is phenomenal. Got me sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next one. I will be reviewing.


Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Flair vs. HHH

Worst Match: N/A but if i had to choose one it would be Goldberg Henry one

Best Promo: HBK, Flair, Jericho, and HHH

Worst Promo: N/A

Additional Feedbacks: Another amazing show. It looks like you are making Flair turn, hmmm this is looking good. You make your feuds and wrestlers very unpredictable, i like that. All storylines are good. I liked all of the matches and the promos, once again you are one of the best promos writers on this site. Well this was another good show and i cannot wait until the next PPV. Keep it up! 9/10
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
Best Match: Triple H vs Ric

Worst Match:
Non but the divas match wasn't really nicely booked

Best Promo: Ric/HBK/Y2J/HHH promo. Stole the show for the most part

Worst Promo: N/A

Additional: Great show man! This is my first review for you're show since TNA and man I must say I missed you're work. I really enjoyed the show. The matches weren't really too lengthy yet they were enough to satisfy the reader. Very nicely written and pretty much a style that I'm fond of reading cause it isn't long but is very great when it comes to content. I like where you're going with the WHC belt feud between the four and having HHH turn on Ric was a nice idea to make the fatal four way even more interesting. Nice job man and can't wait to see what the next show stores for us :)



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

After a brutal main event last week which saw Triple H, the World Heavyweight Champion, go against his mentor and fellow Evolution member, the Nature Boy Ric Flair, we saw Triple H almost turning against the Nature Boy. As the Game was about to hit the Dirtiest Player in the Game with a sledgehammer, none other than the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels stormed the ring. The Heart Break Kid took out the Game Triple H and helped out a man who, in most people’s opinion, humiliated and used him, Ric Flair. Chris Jericho was on hand at the Announcer’s table to witness this bizarre turn of events as he too will join Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair in a Fatal Four Way match at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular in a match for the World Heavyweight Championship. The word on the street is that the Game is not happy about this, what will happen between these four gentlemen just 2 weeks before the 3 Hour Spectacular?

Tonight Raw’s General Manager Eric Bischoff will call address the man known as Goldberg. For months, let alone the years in WCW, Goldberg has been a thorn in Eric Bischoff’s side, and ever since Goldberg came to Raw, he destroys whomever Eric Bischoff throws in front of him. Last week on Raw, after defeating Mark Henry and Rodney Mack in a Backlash Rematch, Goldberg was assaulted by the Big Red Machine Kane. Goldberg was hurled into the steel steps then nailed with the Tombstone Piledriver onto the Announcer’s table. Once again, this Monday Night Eric Bischoff plans on addressing Goldberg in the middle of the ring. How will he react to Kane’s beatdown of Goldberg last week?

With all the other excitement, how can one forget the return of the 5 Time WCW Champion Booker T? That’s right for the first time since WrestleMania XIX, Booker T will be LIVE on Raw! From what Randy Orton said last week, you know he won’t let Booker T return without a word from the Legend Killer.

After Victoria stole Trish’s rematch for the Women’s championship last week, Trish Stratus will take on Victoria one on one.

Another shocker from last week saw the Dudley Boys being ambushed by Eric Bischoff’s surprise, 3 Minute Warning. These are 2 gigantic dominant men looking for the World Tag Team Championships. They destroyed Bubba and Devon last week, what’s on the agenda this week?

Also don’t miss Jeff Hardy, Test, the Intercontinental Champion Christian, Mark Henry and Rodney Mack this Monday Night!


WWE Raw presents
Raw's 3 Hour Spectacular!
3 Weeks Away!

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H defends against Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels

Other Matches Soon to be Announced​

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I'm real curious to see how you build towards the Fatal Four Way match at the Raw-Three Hour Special in the coming weeks. Eric Bischoff reacting to Kane's assault on Goldberg might lead to Goldberg spearing his ass at least that's what I think might happen. A Booker T/Randy Orton confrontation should be interesting and Victoria versus Trish Stratus should be a nice match. It's been said that it's great that you brought in Three Minute Warning but I don't see them getting the World Tag Team Championship but the rivalry with The Dudley Boys could be good.

I'm looking forward to the show, man and I'll be reviewing.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw General Manager comes down the ramp.

: Well folks, welcome to Monday Night Raw, JR Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler, here ringside, looks like we are starting tonight off with our General Manager Eric Bischoff, I can’t wait for this one…

King: Oh come on JR, stop being so sarcastic, I think Bischoff does a great job, well except for the decision of keeping you at the announcer’s table.

JR: I am going to stop this conversation right there King…

Bischoff: Now I presume all of you saw what happened last week on my show, Monday Night Raw? Well, for those who didn’t let’s take a look at this clip…

VIDEO: Kane destroying Goldberg after Goldberg’s match with Mark Henry and Rodney Mack and Kane tombstoning Goldberg onto the announcer’s table.

Bischoff: Oh man, I got to admit it, I can’t get enough of that video! Just the thought, that Goldberg, your supposed superman, the man who can face any challenge and come out on top, getting taken down by one of, well, “my” creations. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the man who destroyed Goldberg last week, the Big Red Machine, Kane!

Kane’s music hits as Kane emerges out of the flames and walks to the ring.Kane walks into the ring and shakes Eric Bischoff’s hand.

Bischoff: Big man, I got to hand it to you, you really impressed me last week, the way you picked your spots and just manhandled Goldberg! However, I felt like you didn’t really get all you wanted last week, I saw that it looked like you wanted more, your hunger for pain and torture wasn’t satisfied, that’s why, in 2 weeks at the big Raw 3 Hour Spectacular, it will be a rematch, Kane vs. Goldberg one on one! However, that’s not all, this match isn’t just any ordinary match, no, you saw that already, so I am making it a Steel Cage match!

JR: Wow, what a night the 3 Hour Spectacular is shaping up to be, in addition to the World’s title match, we have Goldberg and Kane in a cage?

Bischoff: Don’t worry Big man, I haven’t forgot about you, to warm you up for the Cage match, I decided to book you in a match, right here tonight! Have fun, go easy on his ok?

RVD’s music hits as Mr. Monday Night comes down the ramp looking afraid.

Kane vs. RVD

Kane stands in the center of the ring and tightens his glove while RVD stays in his corner fearing for his life. Kane starts walking towards Van Dam and RVD walks backwards circling the ring running away from Kane. RVD keeps circling the ring, but Kane lunges and grabs hold of his pony tail and pulls him in and crushes him with a vicious clothesline. RVD gasps for breath as RVD tries to get up. Kane grabs him once again and whips RVD into the corner. Kane nails numerous shots to the mid section of RVD and then nails him with an upper cut. RVD falls forwards and crashes onto the mat. Kane bounces off the ropes then drills RVD with a leg drop onto the back of Van Dam’s head. Kane rolls RVD over and covers him 1…2…kickout! Kane picks RVD up, but RVD nails a huge heel kick up and nails Kane on the skull. RVD springboards off the second rope and nails a back flying elbow to the Big Red Machine. RVD runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes and runs towards Kane, but Kane catches him and puts him in a vicious bear hug submission. RVD struggles, but then nails Kane’s head with both his arms and Kane breaks the hold. RVD gets behind him and nails a low spin kick to the back of his knees. RVD bounces off the ropes and goes for the Rolling Thunder. He is just about to nail it, but Kane does his signature sit up and nobody is home for RVD as he lands behind Kane. Kane gets up and RVD cringes holding his back on the mat. Kane slaps RVD on the throat and grips this neck and pulls him up. Kane slings the arm over his shoulder and lifts him up for the Chokeslam. RVD slips out the back and gets his feet onto the top rope in the corner. Kane turns around and RVD kicks him away. RVD signals for it and goes for 5 Star Frog Splash. He jumps, but gets caught by Kane. Kane spins him and hoists him up on his shoulder. He positions him in front of him and drills him to the mat with the Tombstone Piledriver. Kane covers RVD 1…2…3!

JR: Well good night Rob Van Dam, what a Tombstone by the Big Red Machine, the same move that destroyed Goldberg on our announcer’s table just last week!

King: I think the tombstone is my new favorite finisher JR!

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate.

: It’s Goldberg! Goldberg is here! He looks pissed King!

Goldberg runs into the ring. Kane looks ready to fight as Goldberg slides into the ring. Goldberg charges Kane and Kane looks for a clothesline, but Goldberg ducks. Goldberg follows through bouncing off the ropes while Kane turns around and is greeted by a Spear by Goldberg, spearing Kane right out of his boots.

JR: By Gawd what a Spear by that man Goldberg! What vengeance!

King: Do you think someone broke the news to him about the cage match in 2 weeks?

JR: Well if no one has, I sure wouldn’t want to be the one who does it!

Goldberg just stares at Kane and roars to the crowd.

PROMO: Booker T returns to WWE Raw…TONIGHT.


Terri is backstage with the WWE Women’s Champion Molly Holly

Terri: I am here with the WWE Women’s Champion Molly Holly. Now Molly, mere moments ago, I got the news from Raw’s General Manager Eric Bischoff, that due to the circumstances of last week’s Women’s Championship mix up, Eric Bischoff has now made it a Triple Threat WWE Women’s Championship match coming up in 2 weeks at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular. Do you think you can take both Trish Stratus and Victoria at once and keep your Women’s Championship?

Molly: Oh, I am sorry, we’re you talking to me like that? Gee Terri, I thought as a broadcaster you were a little smarter than that. Don’t you know why I have this Gold? It’s because I am able to defeat Trish and Victoria at once, having this title on my shoulder represents that I am the best Diva this company has ever produced. Terri, here’s another thing…

Molly Holly cracks Terri across the head with the Women’s Championship.

: …this interview is officially over.

Trish Stratus’ music hits as Trish makes her way down to the ring.

Oh JR, it’s my favorite part of the show! It’s Trish Stratus!

JR: Well King, looking beyond her extreme beauty, I believe Trish Stratus is one of the best Divas to ever grace a WWE ring, well, not according to Molly Holly anyways.

King: Molly is just jealous plain and simple. JR, I got to admit it, Trish must be looking for blood ever since Victoria took her out last week screwing her out of her rematch for the Women’s Championship!

JR: Damn right King, you are not going to see the same Trish here tonight!

Victoria’s music hits as Victoria comes down the ramp.

Trish Stratus vs. Victoria

Victoria slides into the ring and is automatically charges at by Trish. Trish Stratus nails a huge Thesz Press into repeated mounted punches. Trish gets up and signals for Victoria to do the same. Victoria gets up and Trish kicks her in the gut. Trish runs, bounces off the ropes and connects with a bulldog onto Victoria. Trish pins Victoria 1…2…kickout! Trish picks Victoria up and hard chops her against the ropes then bounces her across the ring. Victoria comes back and Trish swings her about and nails a huge back break on her knee. Trish shoves Victoria onto the mat and pins her 1…2…kickout! Trish picks Victoria up once again and shoots her into the corner, but Victoria counters last second and sends Trish flying into the turnbuckles. Victoria charges Trish and clotheslines her in the corner. Victoria picks Stratus up and places her on the top turnbuckle. Victoria climbs to the top rope and delivers punches to the skull of Stratus 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…Trish pushes Victoria back finally and Victoria crashes onto the mat. Trish stands on the top rope and goes high risk and goes for a Frog Splash. She jumps off the turnbuckles, but Victoria counters and gets the knees up. Trish cringes on the mat in pain as Victoria slings the arm over Stratus covering her 1….2…kickout! Victoria picks Stratus up and nails her back down with a sidewalk slam into another pin 1…2…kickout! Victoria gets up and grabs the legs of Stratus looking for a slingshot, but Trish pushes her away and Victoria goes back first into the corner. Trish springs up and somersaults and connects with a head scissors springing Victoria out of the corner. Victoria gets up stumbling and Trish goes for the Chick Kick, but Victoria ducks, spins Trish around, kicks her in the gut and signals for the Widow’s Peak. Trish breaks out of the hold and grabs Victoria’s head and quickly connects with the Stratusfaction. She covers Victoria 1…2…3!
WINNER: Trish Stratus

JR: What a victory by Trish Stratus, she...wait, I hear something is going on backstage...

A limo pulls up and out comes Ric Flair, but shortly after him another man pops out and it’s the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels.

JR: Well King, its hold and cold between these two men. HBK laid down for Ric Flair at Backlash, Michaels was a little pissed, but still said he idolized Flair, and after Flair’s Protégé Triple H almost destroyed him with the sledgehammer last week, HBK came to Ric’s aid, and these two haven’t been closer since!

Ric and Shawn walk through the parking lot but slow up as they see someone in front of them. The camera pans to the side and it’s the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H holding his title and a sledgehammer, blocking their path.

: You know what I just can’t understand, how someone with the legend caliber and accolades, the dirtiest player in the game, Ric Flair, can’t follow a simple plan. Ric, you have made me very, very, angry. You pull this stunt against me? After everything I have done for you? Do you want out of Evolution? Do you? Because you are this close! This close Ric. Beat it Shawn, me and Ric have some business to discuss, come on Ric…

Ric doesn’t move a muscle and continues to stand by HBK.

: Now Ric!

Ric: No.

HHH: What did you say to me?

Ric: Hunter, no. I have been putting up with your self centeredness for far too long now. Hunter, no offense man, I love you like a brother, but maybe, maybe, we need so spend some time apart, at least until after the Fatal Four Way, it’s too much tension you know?

HHH: Too much tension? Are you kidding me jack? Oh, but not enough tension to keep you away from Shawn huh? No, don’t say anything, I get the message, see you around Nature Boy…

HHH starts walking back, but then turns around.

: Oh, since I am that damn good, I always have a back up plan, especially since I saw this coming. Ric since you are so into this Fatal Four Way, and don’t think I forgot about you Shawn, I managed to pull a few strings and booked both of you in a match tonight…against 3 Minute Warning. Have fun…

Triple H walks away and Ric Flair turns to Michaels and shakes his head.

Just when you thought it was safe to watch Monday Night Raw, first HBK was going to join Evolution, but now Ric Flair is an inch from getting booted out of the faction? Something smells a little fishy to me here King!


Evolution’s music hits as Randy Orton comes down the ramp to a horrible ovation.

: Here he is JR, this man has such a bright future here on Raw. The Legend Killer Randy Orton is coming to the ring with a purpose tonight, I can’t wait!

JR: I can’t wait either, King, I can’t wait until someone kicks this guy’s ass so it will knock him back into reality!

Orton: Quiet down I have something to say! Now I don’t come out here just to hear myself talk, I come out here to handle my business, I don’t entrust it to others. It looks to me like I am the only member of Evolution with his head straight these days. Now, getting back to business, you all know why I am out here tonight, I am here to address a certain individual, that being you…Booker T!

JR: Looks like Randy Orton isn’t hesitant in calling Booker out!

Orton: Now I know that you, Booker, haven’t been on Raw in awhile, due to some “personal issues” you have been experiencing, when all of us truly know that you ran out of WrestleMania back to your home in Houston with your tail between your legs, guilty of one thing, embarrassment! You were embarrassed that you were defeated by Triple H at the Grandest Stage of them all! Face it Booker, Evolution has passed you by…Randy Orton has passed you by. People see you as a legend. What is it? A 5 Time WCW Champion? Well Booker, let me tell you something, those 5 World titles don’t mean anything, because you are in the WWE, not WCW anymore, and if I remember correctly, you haven’t done jack in my yard Booker!

Booker T’s music hits as Booker T returns to Raw. He walks down the ramp and into the ring face to face with Orton.

: There he is, Booker T, Booker T returning for the first time since WrestleMania! Booker is in the house!

Booker: Tell me…I didn’t…just…hear that! Who the hell you think you are man?

Orton: Well Booker, you must have a short attention span, I just said…

Booker: Ohhh, oh, I know now, I remember you, weren’t you the towel boy backstage a couple months ago? Damn, you sure buffed up man, look at you!

Orton: Oh, yea, that’s real funny Booker T, but the fact of the matter is, I am Randy Orton, the most gifted wrestler in the WWE today, I know it, they know it, and deep down inside, Booker, you know it too!

Booker: That would be pretty difficult considering I am meeting you for the first time right now! Well, despite this little road block I ran into right now, it sure feels damn good to be back here in St. Louis! St. Louis, let me hear you make some…

Orton: Excuse me? Are you ignoring me Booker? You must be because I am standing right here still. I think you need to learn some respect!

Booker: Respect? Respect? Look at the ego on you man…

Orton: Booker, I came out here to tell you one thing and one thing only, you thought Triple H was a competitor, well you are looking at someone younger, faster, stronger, and dare I say, better looking, than the Game Triple H, and he is up in your face!

Randy Orton slaps Booker T across the face.

: By Gawd, what a slap!

Booker T starts shaking in anger and slowly turns back to Orton ready to strike back, but Orton was stalking him and grabs his head and drills him down with an RKO.

: RKO! Wow, what impact by the Legend Killer!

Randy Orton gets up smirking and puts his arms up as his music plays.

: Well JR, looks to me like the legend of Booker T, has officially been killed at the hands of the Legend Killer!

PROMO: Hype for the Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular

Test stands in the middle of the ring awaiting his opponent.

: Well there you see the Big Man Test who will be taking on a man who can’t refuse a risk, that’s right…

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as Jeff Hardy comes out of the gate.

: I still don’t understand what’s so special about this guy JR, last week he ambushed Christian, Christian!, with a steel chair, quite viciously, may I add, I think he should be suspended, that’s not proper conduct for WWE superstar!

Jeff Hardy vs. Test
Jeff Hardy quickly circles the ring around Test. Test chases Hardy around as Hardy slides out of the ring. Test follows, but Hardy gets the jump on him on the outside floor. Hardy hammers him with blows and slams his head off the ring mat. Test stumbles around and Jeff whips him towards the steel steps, but Test counters and whips Hardy into the stairs. Jeff jumps onto the stairs and jumps backwards connecting with a modified Whisper in the Wind off the steel steps. Hardy gets up and stands atop the barricade to a huge pop from the crowd. Hardy slides into the ring and breaks the referee’s count.

JR: Wow, Jeff Hardy the daredevil taking out the Big Man Test on the outside, he just might see Test as the Intercontinental Champion Christian here King.

Jeff Hardy goes back to the outside and starts stomping Test on the ground. Hardy gets a chair out from the bottom of the ring and sets it up right in front of Test. Test gets up and Hardy runs to the backwards. He runs towards Test and jumps onto the chair and onto Test, but the Big Man catches him. Test drills him with a Bear Hug and runs him spine first into the steel ring post. Test keeps the hold locked and turns around and runs Hardy spine first into the barricade. Test backs up then delivers a huge clothesline to Jeff Hardy and Hardy goes over the barricade into the audience. Test walks to the ring and breaks the ref’s count. He tells the ref to start counting over and the ref starts 1…2…Hardy squirms on the floor in the audience…3…4…Hardy shows signs of life and starts lifting himself up holding onto the barricade…5…6…Hardy gets up and over the barricade falling onto the floor…7…8…Hardy crawls over to the ring apron…9…Hardy slides into the ring to break the count. Test hammers him with knees to the head and neck. He pulls him up by the hair and plants him in the corner and starts blatantly choking Jeff Hardy. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…and Test finally breaks the choke. Jeff Hardy stumbles out of the corner and falls right into Test who drills him with a belly to belly suplex. Test goes and covers Hardy 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and elbows Test in the gut. He lands some shots on Test. Hardy bounces off the ropes and clotheslines Test, but Test doesn’t budge. He goes again, but still nothing. He tries a third time and Test catches him and hoists him up on his shoulder and drills him down with a huge Power slam. Test gets up and taunts the audience to a horrible ovation. Test grabs Hardy up, but Hardy counters with a chin breaker. Hardy bounces off the ropes and finally nails the clothesline. Test falls, but gets right back up. Hardy goes for a kick, but Test catches it, but Hardy counters Test and nails a huge spin kick. Hardy signals for the Swanton. He goes up the turnbuckles, but doesn’t know Test shot up and is in hot pursuit. Test grabs him and throws him off the turnbuckles onto the mat. Test jumps on Hardy covering him 1…2…kickout! Test starts showing off to the crowd confident in his victory. Test struts his stuff around the ring and goes back over to Hardy who nails the quick roll up 1…2…grabs the ropes…3!
WINNER: Jeff Hardy

JR: What?!?!? Jeff! Jeff! Jeff got the ropes and snuck in the win! What ring presence!

King: Sure JR, “ring presence,” but if Christian were to do that you would call him a cheater!

JR: Oh King, you never stop…

Hardy slides out of the ring and up the ramp acknowledging the crowd. He motions that he is going to be champion around his waist.


The Coach is backstage with Chris Jericho

Coach: I am here with the man whom tonight will go one on one with the World’s Heavyweight Champion Triple H in the main event in a Backlash, non title, rematch, yes, I am here with Chris Jericho!

Y2J: Why thank you Coach, for further informing me it’s a non title match, yea, really boosting my spirits there junior. Oh well, the Sexy Beast doesn’t need it to be a World’s title match to kick Triple H’s ass, remember the last time I fought him on Raw, I made him tap to the Walls of Jericho baby! That’s exactly what’s going to happen right here…

Triple H walks into the picture.

Speak of the devil, or should I say speak of the Ass Clown?

HHH: Real funny Chris, listen, tonight, I really don’t give crap if you can beat me, because the only way you can beat me is in a non title match, just like tonight, but still, keep dreaming buddy. However, Chris, you are a man of business I am sure? I am sure you are aware of the little friendship between Shawn Michaels and my “Evolution Teammate” Ric Flair?

Y2J: Listen, I don’t watch day time soaps here Hunter, I am here to wrestle…

HHH: I know, I know, but listen, they are quite the force when teamed together, I want to know something, Fatal Four Way aside, until then, can I count on you if things get ugly? I mean we do have quite the history together…

Y2J: Wow, Hunter, I have to say I am a little flushed, I mean the great Triple H asking for the help of Y2J, from the horrifying team of a 40 year old who thinks he is a 20 and a senior citizen? Who just happen to be 2 of the greatest athletes in our business, but all that aside…hell no, I won’t help you, what are you mad? Triple H, you have something I want, the World Heavyweight title, I am not putting another chance at risk to deal with HBK and Ric Flair ok? From this point on, I think only about Chris Jericho, me, it’s all about me, I mean that was your advice to me a couple weeks ago right? Good luck tonight champ, and good luck in your little daytime soap, it’s quite intriguing.

Y2J walks away as Triple H shakes his head in disgust.

Jeff Hardy limps through the hallways of the arena on his way to the locker room when he bumps into the Intercontinental Champion Christian.

Christian: Hey Jeff, I must say you did give me quite the surprise last week ambushing me with the chair and all, but you know how I roll, Captain Charisma can’t take a chair shot any day, but looks to me like Jeff Hardy can’t take any shots at all! What did Test hit you too hard, he plays rough doesn’t he?

Hardy just stares daggers through him.

Well Eric Bischoff just wanted me to tell you that in 3 short weeks at the Raw 3 hour Spectacular, we are going to have a little match, for my Intercontinental Championship to be exact. It’s a match we are both quite skilled in, but judging by the shape you’re in, maybe not you, Jeff, it’s going to be a ladder match! Good luck, sleep well, I will see you next week, heading out to a party with my peeps, you know how Captain Charisma rolls baby!

Christian walks past Hardy and out the arena door while Hardy sighs heavily.

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as 3 Minute Warning come out of the gate holding the Dudley’s World Tag titles.

: These are 2 scary individuals, they…wait…are those the World Tag Titles King?

King: They sure do look like it JR, they must have stolen them last week after destroying the Dudley Boys! I am just getting word from management that the Dudley Boys will defend their World Tag Titles against 3 Minute Warning at the 3 Hour Spectacular! How can the Dudley’s defend them if 3 Minute Warning possesses them?

Ric Flair’s music as the Nature Boy makes his way to the ring.

: This tale of deceitfulness and loyalty is a tree with a lot of branches King, I am even getting confused, but it appears the HBK and Flair are actually on the same page, how HBK can tag with Flair is beyond me after what Flair had him do at Backlash!

HBK’s music hits as Shawn Michaels comes out of the gate and walks down to where Ric Flair is and both men enter the ring.

: Well King, seems like these men have grown very close since the little Backlash incident, but if that’s what it will take to beat 3 Minute Warning here tonight, I will support both of these gentlemen, even though I wouldn’t trust Ric Flair as far as I can spit!

Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels vs. 3 Minute Warning
Shawn Michaels starts the match out with Rosey. Rosey and HBK meet in the center of the ring and Rosey starts talking trash to HBK and HBK slaps him out of defiance. Rosey clocks HBK with a strong right and HBK stumbles backwards towards the ropes. Rosey hammers HBK across the back with a huge forearm. Rosy bounces HBK off the ropes, but HBK tries to counter and hurl Rosey across the ring, but Rosey puts the weight on and pulls HBK back towards him and nails him with a clothesline. Rosey drags HBK to the center of the ring and covers him 1…2…kickout! Rosey gets up and HBK starts kicking him from the mat. He kicks Rosey in the gut then jets his other leg up kicking Rosey upside the jaw. HBK gets up and starts nailing him with rights and lefts. HBK grabs him and nails him with an Atomic Drop. HBK goes for a body slam, but doesn’t have the strength to get him up. HBK releases holding his back stumbling back. Rosey pulls him in by the arm and gets him in a bear hug. He transfers from a long bear hug into a devastating spinebuster. Rosey gets up to some major heat. Rosey makes the Dudley Boys’ sign with his hands and tags in Jamal. Jamal storms in and picks HBK up by the hair and whips him into the corner. HBK flies up and almost over the corner landing spine first on the top turnbuckle. Jamal charges HBK in the corner, but HBK dodges last second and stumbles down to the right and Jamal lands flat into the corner. HBK gets behind Jamal and rolls him up pinning him 1…2…kickout! HBK shakes his head and begins to crawl towards Ric Flair. He is mere feet away from Flair’s extended hand, but Jamal comes in and pulls him in by the ankle and nails a huge elbow drop onto HBK’s back.

JR: Oh come on! HBK has a bad back to begin with, he has taken many shots to the spine by these huge men, there’s no need for this! I don’t care what Triple H says, this match should not be happening!

King: Oh JR, you know Triple H’s intentions were good, he just wanted to sharpen Flair and HBK’s skills for their big match in 2 weeks…

JR: My Oklahoma Sooner Ass King! Let’s see what happens if Triple H enters that ring with 3 Minute Warning! Triple H is such a big man? Let’s see him step up! That’s exactly why Ric Flair is on the rocks with Evolution! Triple H was the creator of Evolution and now is going to be its downfall!

Jamal grabs one of HBK’s ankles, but HBK gets up using his other leg, still being held by Jamal.. HBK fires off a quick insuguri to the back of the head of Jamal and the big man goes down. HBK lunges and tags in Nature Boy Ric Flair. Jamal gets up and Flair hammers him with hard chops. He backs Jamal into the corner and stomps the hell out of him. Ric whips Jamal across the ring but Jamal counters and whips Flair. Jamal snaps Flair back looking for a clothesline, but Ric Flair ducks, gets behind Jamal and nails a chop block to the back of the knee grounding Jamal. Flair grabs the leg of Jamal and goes for the Figure Four. He takes the legs, turns around, but is greeted by Rosey clotheslining the Nature Boy. HBK storms in and nails the flying running forearm onto Rosey. HBK springs up and Jamal comes at him looking for a clothesline, but HBK ducks. Jamal turns around and HBK drills him with Sweet Chin Music. Jamal flies over the top rope while HBK talks trash to him from the ring, but then turns around only to have Rosey throw him out of the ring. The ref tries to get both men back in the ring and Rosey grabs Flair and sets him up for the Powerbomb. He sends Flair up, but Flair escapes out of the back, lands on his feet, then delivers a huge low blow behind the ref’s back. The ref returns to the action and sees both men are down. Ric Flair crawls over to Rosey and covers him 1…2…kickout! Ric Flair gets up and HBK emerges on the top turnbuckle. Ric Flair gives HBK the thumbs up, but Rosey kicks Flair with his boot and Flair crashes into the corner where Michaels is and hangs Michaels up on the top rope. Rosey gets up and grabs HBK from the top rope and holds him above his head. Flair falls out of the ring and onto the floor. Rosey motions he is going to throw HBK onto Flair, but HBK sneaks out the back. Rosey spins back looking for a backfist, but HBK ducks and deliver some hard shots. Jamal emerges behind HBK. He taps HBK on the shoulder and HBK turns around. Jamal nails him with a huge elbow and HBK turns back around and Rosey kicks him in the gut and nails him with a huge Sit Down Power Bomb into the pin 1…2…3!
WINNER: 3 Minute Warning

JR: Aw come on! HBK and Ric Flair suffer a loss to 3 Minute Warning here tonight, but never the less, a gallant effort by Shawn Michaels and Nature Boy Ric Flair!

King: I don’t know what to think JR, last week 3 Minute Warning beat the hell out of the Dudley Boys and literally stole the World Tag Titles, then this week 3 Minute Warning destroys 2 of the 4 World title competitors! Can these men be stopped?

Coach is standing with the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H

Coach: Triple H, now given you just saw what just happened out there in that ring, what effect does 3 Minute Warning’s victory over HBK and Ric Flair have over the huge Fatal Four Way match in 2 weeks right here on Raw?

HHH: That’s a very good question Coach, it’s damn simple, a quick pay off to 3 Minute Warning and 2 out of 3 of my opponents aren’t 100% and that’s for damn sure, did you see them after the match? All that’s left for the Game now is one man, the man I fought at Backlash, that being Y2J Chris Jericho. You see, now I don’t have to worry about a damn thing, Ric Flair, the naïve man that he is, and HBK Shawn Michaels are out of the picture, and I have defeated Chris Jericho before, so it’s smooth sailing for the Game from here on out…

Coach: Well may I ask your current situation with Ric Flair at this point?

HHH: Coach, that’s a question for after the 3 Hour Spectacular. You see, I’ll play Flair’s mind games, because if there’s anyone that could play mind games a little better than Ric Flair, it’s me jack, so I am playing along, Evolution is now put on hold until after I re establish why I am the leader, the Game, the Cerebral Assassin, Triple H.


Teddy Long and Mark Henry standing behind Rodney Mack

Long: Listen playa, it’s not that we don’t like you or nothing dog, you, well, you just betrayed us last week. You can’t go walking out of the dog house man, that’s not how we roll around here playa? You feel me?

Rodney Mack rises and faces Teddy Long face to face.

: Listen Teddy, I got nothing but respect for you and Mark, but I have to tell you, this ain’t working out bro, I’m out…

Long: Out? What you mean by that playa?

Henry: What you doin’ man?

Mack: I’m out, take that any way you want it, I got to go…

Rodney storms out of the locker room.

: Mark, don’t tell anyone, but I was just tryin to make that playa feel good, I mean he has been screwing up our matches over the past weeks, well, now we don’t have to worry about his playa hatin’ ass anymo…

Rodney Mack storms in and clocks Teddy across the back of the head with a forearm. He grabs Mark Henry by the tights and sends him head first into the wall.

PROMO: Raw 3 Hour Spectacular- Fatal Four Way Hype

JR: Well King I don’t know if we have ever seen a more in depth, more complicated, title picture than we have right now. The betrayal, the friendships, it’s been amazing, but I believe that the Game has been pulling the strings all along. He has been in on it since the start that’s how both Ric Flair and HBK were dismantled moments ago, HHH has had one thing always on his mind and that’s the World title!

King: Well, that and Evolution…

JR: Don’t be too sure about that King!

Chris Jericho’s theme music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

: King, I am starting to think that Jericho might be the favorite going into this Fatal Four Way match. Just look at it King, Jericho is the only man not involved in this whole situation, Jericho is for the first time thinking of Chris Jericho as being the next World Champion, and with Triple H distracted, his dream just might become a reality!

King: JR, you might be stupider than Jericho himself! Chris Jericho couldn’t get the job done at Backlash going one on one with the Game, what makes you think he can get the job done with Triple H along with 2 other men?

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion comes down the ramp.

: Now, as you were saying JR, I completely agree, I believe Triple H has been manning the wheel since the start. I he continues to play his cards right he will have the World Title exactly where he wants it, around his waist.

JR: Well King, I wouldn’t count out Chris Jericho in a million years, let alone Ric Flair or Shawn Michaels. The Game might be a little over his head, maybe he didn’t think everything through, nobody’s perfect, even if you are the Game.

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho
Triple H hands the ref the World Title and Jericho storms the Game. Jericho runs up to him and delivers a huge knee to the gut and hammers him with shots backing him into the corner. Jericho goes crazy with rights and lefts, but the referee backs him off. Triple H gets out of the corner and Jericho goes back after the Game. Jericho kicks him in the ribs and bounces him off the ropes, but HHH counters and whips Jericho across the ring. Jericho bounces back and Triple H nails him with the knee to face buster. Triple H bounces off the ropes and nails Y2J with a flying knee. Triple H bends down and covers Jericho 1…2…kickout! Jericho gets up and Triple H hammers him across the back and Jericho retreats to a corner. Triple H runs up to him and nails him with a knee to the gut. Triple H lets out a Ric Flair style Woo and hard chops Y2J. The fans boo Triple H while the Game keeps hard chopping Y2J. Triple H grinds Jericho’s head against the ropes into the middle of them and then bounces him off across the ring. Jericho bounces off the ropes but hangs onto them. Triple H runs towards Jericho, but Jericho pulls the ropes down and Triple H flies onto the floor. Triple H gets up and Jericho uses the top rope and swings off connecting with a baseball slide onto Triple H. The Game falls backwards onto the barricade. Jericho springboard’s off the top rope into a flying cross body on the Game on the outside. Jericho gets up to a huge pop. He picks the Game up and whips him into the stairs, but Triple H counters last minute and hurls Jericho right into the steel steps. Jericho hits them knees first and flies up and over them. Triple H slides into the ring to break the ref’s count and then emerges on the side of the ring where Jericho is. Triple H grabs Jericho’s head and slams it off the announcer’s table.

JR: Oh by Gawd, not again! This is déjà vu from Backlash King!

Triple H goes for another one, but Jericho elbows him in the ribs and slams Triple H’s head off the announcer’s table. Jericho throws HHH towards the ring and Triple H hits the apron spine first. The Game stumbles away from the ring and Jericho charges him nailing him with a double knee face buster onto the Game. Triple H flies backwards. The ref’s count is up to 8 and Jericho slides into the ring and breaks the count. Jericho spreads his arms and taunts the crowd to a huge ovation. Triple H barely gets up and slides into the ring. Triple H turns around and Jericho charges him looking for a clothesline, but Triple H hoists Jericho up for a back drop over the top rope but Jericho lands on the apron. The Game turns around and goes for a right, but Jericho ducks and nails Triple H with a shoulder thrust to the gut between the second and third ropes. Jericho springboard’s off the apron into the ring, over Triple H, and nails a sunset cradle pin pinning the Game 1…2…kickout! Jericho shoots up and Triple H does the same. Jericho snaps off a huge Insuguri, but Triple H dodges and Jericho lands on his back on the mat. Triple H grabs Jericho’s boot and struts like Ric Flair locking in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Jericho struggles and panics trying to get to the ropes, but he is in the center of the ring. Jericho tries to roll over, but Triple H fights it off. Jericho pulls starts pulling his hair out in pain. Triple H starts putting more pressure on and Jericho taps out.
WINNER: Triple H

JR: What a despicable move by the Game Triple H! What a low blow to the Nature Boy Ric Flair, not only using his signature hard chop, not only stylin’ and profilin’, but using Nay-tch’s signature Figure Four Leg Lock to win the match! Disgusting, King, this is disgusting!

King: JR, so what, he won the match, he did it his way, that’s how he is doing these now a days. JR, tonight was Triple H’s night, no doubt about it. He took out all 3 of his opponents for the 3 Hour Spectacular all in one night!

Triple H smirks and holds up the World title. Jericho slides out of the ring and kicks the steps limping up the ramp.

: I still say Jericho cannot help but to have a gallant effort in any match he is in, Triple H just got the best of his tonight…

King: Oh please JR, it’s time for you to listen to reason. Ever since WrestleMania, Jericho’s record against the Game is 1-2, that’s not that great JR…

JR: Well nothing is for certain until the 3 Hour Spectacular, we will see you next week everybody, for JR and Jerry the King Lawler, good night everybody!


WWE Raw presents
Raw's 3 Hour Spectacular!
2 Weeks Away!

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H defends against Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ladder Match

Christian defends against Jeff Hardy

Steel Cage
Goldberg vs. Kane

WWE Women’s Championship
Molly Holly defends against Trish Stratus and Victoria

World Tag Team Championship
Dudley Boys defend against 3 Minute Warning