no way Khali is winning this
From a match quality standpoint, Ziggler for sure, though I agree with ViperRKO (shocking I know) that he doesn't really deserve a shot considering he's lost to Sheamus twice.
But with suspensions and injuries, the WWE has very little choice here. Who else, other than Ziggler, Swagger, or Christian, could they use in this situation and have it be even 1% believable?
to be honest not sure why Brodus or Ryback aren't given a shot in this thing
It's too bad, because he had a great match with Cena last week and a decent one with Sheamus tonight. Bah.Tensai might have made sense had they not given up on him...oh well
I mean if they were gonna have Tensai to lose...might as well have had him do it to Sheamus