If Dwayne Johnson gets inducted into the Hall of Fame I may go on a killing spree in Miami this year.
Send me an invitation I'll join you. I'll even provide the clothes
If Dwayne Johnson gets inducted into the Hall of Fame I may go on a killing spree in Miami this year.
Send me an invitation I'll join you. I'll even provide the clothes
They don't deserve to be in the HOF thoughEasy young fellow, don't fly off the handle and get upset about it. Who cares if they induct celebrities? Celebrities are an indelible part of what made them the company they are today. Using the Rock and Wrestling Connection, Mr. T and others just got them more notoriety and press, which in turn led to them becoming hugely profitable in a recession-based economy during the late 1980's. Once the attitude era began, who better to kick it off than Mike Tyson? Believe me, there's just enough reason fo
r them to induct celebrities as there is to induct all those guys who you mentioned. Those guys will get in one day, so don't fret.
Why would he need clothes?
Who are you to say who deserves to be in the HoF? They can put whoever they want in there (see MchMahon Sr's limo driver) so who cares? Why make it a big deal? And if you don't understand what I wrote above then don't try to argue with me. The celebrity involvement is a part of the history of the company and they will honour that involvement in their Hall of Fame if they see fit.
If Dwayne Johnson gets inducted into the Hall of Fame I may go on a killing spree in Miami this year.
Send me an invitation I'll join you. I'll even provide the clothes
Not while I'm there thanks.
Very good choice. He may not have lasted as long as some others but he certainly had an immediate impact when he was there.Yokozuna's been announced.
Good choice. IMO.
Yokozuna's been announced.
Good choice. IMO.
I will officially be attending this.