Weird. I would have thought the sad thing was Owen dying.
If he had to die then at least have it be with the championship.
Weird. I would have thought the sad thing was Owen dying.
If he had to die then at least have it be with the championship.
Yeah cause that makes everything better.
Weird considering Eddie and Benoit were booked to win the World Heavyweight and ECW titles when they died.
Two guys I'm sure will inducted within the next 2 years are Kevin Nash and DDP. DDP was more of a WCW guy but he will be in the WWE HOF. His career will go out with a BANG.
To make the whole thing even more eerie, The Game gimmick was meant for Owen Hart.
Cool, so let's wait to give him the IC Title and THEN have him use a faulty harness and die. Good stuff, Viper. You amaze me every day.
Yes, Triple H's gimmick.
Tbh, I never thought Triple H was THAT intimidating either, that is until his feud with The Rock and Mick Foley made him into a credible champion.
Before he started doing that, he wasn't much intimidating. Prior to that, he was known as "That DX guy".