*WWE Great American Bash Discussion Thread*

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I actually watched this last night. Not a bad PPV at all really. There were a few bad spots and a couple matches that were pretty bad, but for the majority, it was decent.

Fatal 4 Way Tag -- **1/2
Matt Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin -- ***1/4
Mark Henry vs. Tommy Dreamer -- DUD
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho -- ***1/2
Michelle McCool vs. Natalya -- *
CM Punk vs. Batista -- **3/4
JBL vs. John Cena -- ***
Triple H vs. Edge -- ***1/4

Nothing really blew me away, but most of the matches were pretty solid.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Fatal 4 Way Tag -- ***
Fun little match.

Matt Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin -- ***
A bit sloppy, but I didn't see Shelton getting the win. Overall fun.

Mark Henry vs. Tommy Dreamer -- **
It was obvious that Mark Henry would retain, but it was nice to see Dreamer on a PPV for once since... Wrestlemania 23.

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho -- ****
Great match, told one HELLUVA story.

Michelle McCool vs. Natalya -- *
Did not care AT ALL for this match.

CM Punk vs. Batista -- ***
Nice match, seems as though Batista stepped up a bit. Fun match.

JBL vs. John Cena -- **
At first I thought this was dreadfully boring, but after rewatching it, I didn't find it that bad. Liked the ending.

Triple H vs. Edge -- ***
Fun match. Screwy ending.

Best GBA from WWE by far.


Pretty good ppv, but there was no point in ending batista/punk in a dq because Kane didnt even show whats in the bag.

He WILL though, so it WAS worth it.

Thought it was a good PPV...

It was unfortunate we weren't afforded a clean finish to Punk v Batista... It was a far better match than I was expecting. Same as HHH v Edge... The bulk of the match was leaning towards a classic... Well be seeing more of those 2 though, I'm sure.

Punk/Tista/Kane seems pretty cert for Summerlslam (and should be a damn goodo match), but the WWE title is interesting..... The writers have gotta do something pretty wild to afford Edge a straight rematch for Summerslam and if it's not Edge then who? ....Big show? ....Khali? (Boy, that match would suck!) ...Or my preference MVP! (If he screws HHH for the title he'll be over like fuck!)

Rest of the card...

4-way tag: Not often you get to enjoy a decent PPV tag match atm so this was cool. Very 2004! LOL

Enjoyed it, but I see R & H as pointless champs now La Familia are losing their grip on SD.

Matt V Shelton: Ended up being a damn good match... Funny hearing the smarks v teeny girls dual chanting... Still not sold on Shelton though. IF it wasn't against a baby-face like Matt, he'd have had NO heat at all.

Henry V Dreamer: Lame... They didn't even give Tommy a strong start from the bell to at least try and convince us he had a chance. As for the Delaney heel-turn.... WHAT-EV-AAAAARRRR!

Q. What the hell kind of heel is gonna align themselves with Delaney now? ...Hardly gonnan 'make it' on his own is he?

Natalya V Michelle:Predictable, but no less painful. Weak match, which I hope isn't indicative of what they have in store for Naty over the course of her run. She can blatantly work and derserved the win, if nothing else then for the positive impact she's had on the SD womens div since her arrival.

HBK V Y2J: More!!!! ....and more again!

O.k., not the most crowd pleasing of finishes, but still another amazing performance. I just pray they give the fans, and the storyline itself, the pay-off they/it deserves... An epic HIAC match.

JBL V Cena:I usually hate this kind of match, but must admit I found it very entertaining. Loved the action-movie-esque miraculous escape from the burning car from Cena! LOL

So yeah, plenty of screwy bits, typical of the B-list PPVs but an entertaining show none-the-less.