I'm always going to have people disagreeing with some of my decisions and I think this will be one of them.
You don't have to make decisions that aren't what the league wants for the sake of being a "powerful GM". I get that if we poll we can't poll people who haven't signed up yet but this ^ argument is a hollow one.I need to make decisions based on what I think is the best direction for the league.
Using this very unlikely example, there are a million other moves in the game that have a nice taunt with them and there's nothing about a Hangman's Neckbreaker specifically that makes Buster so perfect for that and not any other move. To answer the "What if" directly, he can ask the owner of the move if he can use it too or if they would drop it to use a second finisher (that they might have also nominated). If they really don't want to, he can find another move. That's a lesser evil than having a finisher and having no control over someone else come in and use it without asking you, and without you having grounds to object. It's easy for you to say because you've only been on the other side, but if we got a new signup today who took that Shiranui could you honestly say that you wouldn't have preferred for them to ask you first, or consider any of the hundreds of unused finishers?What if say Buster Gates signs up and someone is using his neck breaker? Buster is perfect for that move but someone got there before him.....Why should I say no to Yellow for wanting to use that move?
They can just ask if the other person would be OK with them using the finisher. Why haven't you responded to say why that wouldn't work yet? And it's easy to say we don't want to alienate newcomers until thirty guys turn up wanting the superkick, piledriver, pop up powerbomb or curbstomp (to use two of @Gambino's examples) - and those are the specific moves that a significant portion of signups, especially new signups, want. This rule helps promote creative finishers, and with that creative characters.really would make it harder for new people
They could just ask! If there are 20 moves taken that's nothing compared to the moves there are, and at least one of those 20 wouldn't mind that much and would be willing to share or change.be completely blown away with the amount of finishers that are already taken.
To conclude, introducing this rule would be highly beneficial and considerate to current league members and prevent a lot of irritation about stolen finishers, and would promote creative new finishers from new signups. If anyone's going to be butthurt about not getting "their" one move, or stubborn enough to believe that no "good" ones remain, enough so that they don't join the league... do we need them in the league?
If this were to happen in this section it would get a new thread. Chill your beans.I shotgun the Styles Clash. @The Anarchist reserves his Firemans Carry Roundhouse Kick.