WWE 2024: Summerslam fallout

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
I thought the opening segment was a bit awkward to start off with, having Rhea and Priest come down, only for JD to come out right away, but then they let Rhea talk anyway. It just came off a little weird. Liv trying to duck Rhea’s challenge works, but Pearce making two matches official is solid. Obviously similar to in real life, but you’re left in a situation where you have to wrap up these angles so it’s logical really. The rest of Judgment Day being banned from the arena at Bad Blood is a nice touch.

Erik beating Woods here is the right call, to keep The War Raiders looking strong after their recent return. Expect a tag match to come from this.

I honestly did thing Rey was a strange choice as a challenger for Gunther, considering Rey doesn’t really do much of note anymore. Kind of came out of nowhere. Mysterio’s promo was fine, although not sure Rey needs to go straight into a feud with another champion, even if Bron does make more sense. Dragon Lee stepping in to defend his hero/mentor works well here.

Jey Uso’s promo about his family and The Bloodline was pretty good, and man that attack from Jacob Fatu was brutal. Clearly drawing the battle lines as this sets Jey up to help his family, even if it’s only for his own revenge. Good stuff.

Pure Fusion Collective is/are awful. Happy Dmg Ctrl won. Dakota Kai for World Champ plz.

I like the idea of multiple people chasing Gunther and the title. Hope this means we’re getting a multi man match. Sami/Gunther makes sense as Sami is the last person to beat Gunther, but again, would be nice to have something be different to in real life here.

Braun Strowman getting recruited from two sides is an interesting angle for sure, and one of the better ones you’ve created here. Kross wanting him works, and love the symbolism of Braun holding the old sheep mask as Uncle Howdy tries to bring him back. Really good stuff here, probably the thing I’m enjoying most from you at the moment. Feels like a well crafted, original angle so far.

Booking 101 with Lee getting a flash pin over Breakker, meaning will most likely get a title match between these two. Cool. I’m okay with that.

Awesome main event. Love Reed and Otis getting the main event and love them getting twenty minutes to beat the hell out of each other. Puts Otis over in defeat and Reed has to look like a million bucks, as I assume he’s waiting on the return of an injured Seth Rollins.

Ending was interesting for sure. From a booking perspective, a big thumbs up. Love the creativity of having AJ get involved to create some drama, and Drew comes out of this with even more heat. I don’t know if it’s the writing style or I’ve misread, but if AJ is between them, how did Drew accidentally swing and hit her? A bit confused by that, but otherwise this sets the scene perfectly for them to have to continue to feud. Well done on coming up with a really good reason to keep Punk furious as well.

Solid Raw. Enjoying the stuff you’re putting your own spin on, so can’t wait until you get to further mold Raw into your own.
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Sep 8, 2024
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Friday Night Smackdown
September 6th 2024

The crowd roars as Michael Cole welcomes us to Friday Night Smackdown. The energy in the arena shits drastically as The Bloodline emerges and walks to the ring. Solo grabs a mic, his expression cold and intense.

Solo Sikoa: WWE Universe…

The crowd boos as Solo takes a moment to look at the crowd.

Solo Sikoa: Acknowledge me!!!

The crowd erupts in boos and chants for Roman Reigns and OTC.

Solo Sikoa: So Jey Uso thought he could simply walk away from this family, this bloodline, and stand on his own. This past week, Jey learned the hard way that there’s no escape from this family. He was the only one member of the old Bloodline left and that needed to be rectified. I was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and that’s what happened, I sent Jacob Fatu and he got the job done. And now WWE is finally free of Roman, free of Jimmy and free of Jey.

Solo now turns his attention to the Undisputed WWE Championship.

Solo Sikoa: But now… I’ve got my eyes on something bigger. Cody Rhodes. You’ve been walking around with that Undisputed WWE Championship but your time is coming. I want my rematch and I’m going to get it.

The crowd erupts with boos. Just as Solo finishes, “Kingdom” hits and Cody Rhodes steps onto the stage, mic in hand, with the championship over his shoulder.

Cody Rhodes: Really Solo? This is your big plan? You, Fatu, The Tongas… what I’m looking at is nothing but a cheap, knock-off version of the Bloodline. The real Bloodline crumbled, and you guys are nothing but the last remnants, scrambling to stay relevant.

The crowd cheers as Cody enters the ring.

Cody Rhodes: You want this Undisputed WWE Championship? I would be more than happy to kick your ass once again and show the world that you are nothing more than a wanna be tribal chief.

Before Cody can say another word, Fatu, Tama and Loa jump him beating him down viciously. Solo watches with a smirk as Cody is outnumbered. But suddenly, “Voices” blasts through the arena and Randy Orton sprints down to the ring. He clears house with RKO’s, saving Cody from the assault. As the chaos subsides, Smackdown GM Nick Aldis appears on the stage and announces that Cody will defend his Undisputed WWE Championship against Solo Sikoa at Bad Blood. As for tonight, Cody will go one-on-one with Jacob Fatu. The crowd cheers as Cody and Randy stand tall in the ring, staring down the Bloodline as we go to a commercial break.

Match #1: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill vs Chelsea Green and Piper Niven – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship

The match is set ablaze by the tension from the previous week, where Chelsea and Piper ambushed Jade and Bianca, injuring her arm. As the match gets underway, Chelsea and Piper quickly target Bianca's weakened arm, employing ruthless tactics to keep her on the defensive. Bianca fights valiantly, showcasing her resilience, but the damage from the ambush is evident. Despite her struggles, she makes crucial tags to Jade, who brings a fresh burst of energy to the ring. Jade's impressive athleticism turns the tide, and after a fierce exchange, Bianca finds a moment to capitalize. With determination, she fights through the pain and delivers a powerful comeback, stunning Chelsea and Piper. In a dramatic finale, Bianca executes a stunning KOD on Piper, followed by Jade hitting Jaded on Chelsea to secure the pinfall victory.

Match Results: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill def. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven (8:11) – Still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

After the match, Pure Fusion Collective emerges from the crowd and attacks the champions. It is a relentless 4-on-2 attack until Damage CTRL comes out to even the odds. A huge brawl issues between the two teams and ends with Iyo Sky delivering a moonsault to the outside, taking everybody down in the process.

Backstage, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa, visibly frustrated after their loss to the Bloodline last week, are walking through the hallway. Suddenly, Pretty Deadly approaches them with their signature smug grins.

Elton Prince: Well, well, well… look who it is. DIY, fresh off another failed attempt to reclaim glory. How’s it feel to always come up short?

Kit Wilson: Must be exhausting, constantly falling flat on your faces. But hey, at least you’re consistent!

Gargano and Ciampa stop in their tracks, glaring at Pretty Deadly.

Johnny Gargano: Real funny, coming from the guys who’ve been sitting on the sidelines. When’s the last time you even had a match that mattered?

Tommaso Ciampa: We don’t have time for this. We’ve got bigger problems than dealing with wannabe fashion models trying to stay relevant.

Elton and Kit laugh mockingly.

Elton Prince: Oh, trust us, darlings, we’re more than relevant. In fact, we were just thinking… It’s about time someone put you two out of your misery once and for all.

Kit Wilson: Yeah, we’re tired of watching you stumble around thinking you’re still top-tier. Why don’t we give everyone a real show and finish you off ourselves?

Ciampa steps closer to them, glaring.

Tommaso Ciampa: You want a match? Fine. You two, us, tonight. Let’s see how your little pretty faces hold up when you’re in the ring with real fighters.

Johnny Gargano: And when we’re done with you, maybe you’ll think twice before running your mouths at DIY.

Pretty Deadly smirk, clearly unfazed.

Elton Prince: Oh darling, we’re always ready for our close-up. See you in the ring.

The tension is thick as DIY and Pretty Deadly stare each other down before Pretty Deadly walk off confidently. The camera lingers on DIY, who share a determined nod before walking away.

Match #2: AJ Styles vs Andrade

AJ circles the ring confidently, while Andrade stands tall, eyeing him cautiously. The two lock up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up, with AJ quickly transitioning to a headlock. Andrade pushes him off into the ropes and AJ bounces back, hitting a quick shoulder block that takes Andrade down. Andrade quickly kips up and the two exchange a series of counters – arm drags, wrist locks and flips – showcasing their athleticism. Andrade catches AJ with a deep arm drag and follows up with a dropkick, sending Styles rolling out of the ring to regroup. AJ smirks, nodding in acknowledgement as he re-enters the ring. Andrade begins to control the pace, hitting AJ with strong chops to the chest, driving him into the corner. He whips AJ across the ring, but AJ rolls out of the way. AJ capitalizes with a quick Pele kick, stunning Andrade. AJ then goes for a suplex, but Andrade counters, dropping AJ with a back elbow and hitting a crisp snap suplex, floating over to a cover and kick out at two. Andrade continues his offense, hitting a springboard moonsault for another near fall.

He grabs AJ by the head, attempting to connect with The Message but AJ fights out, nailing Andrade with a series of forearm strikes. AJ hits the ropes and connects with a flying forearm, sending Andrade down hard. AJ heads to the apron to set up for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Andrade rises to his feet and knocks AJ off the apron to the floor. Andrade follows him outside, throwing AJ into the barricade. He lifts AJ and slams him face-first into the ring post, but AJ sneakily grabs Andrade’s tights and throws him into the steel steps to regain control. AJ throws Andrade back into the ring and tears apart the turnbuckle pad as the referee argues with him. With Andrade dazed and taking advantage of the referee being distracted by adjusting the turnbuckle pad, AJ pulls out a pair of brass knuckles from his tights. He quickly strikes Andrade with a low blow followed by a hidden punch with the knuckles to Andrade’s jaw. He tosses the brass knuckles out of the ring as the referee turns around. AJ then goes to the apron and hits a perfect Phenomenal Forearm, picking up the victory.

Match Results: AJ Styles def. Andrade (15:23)

Cody Rhodes is seen backstage pacing back and forth, the WWE Championship glimmering on his shoulder. He looks focused but a bit tense. Randy Orton walks in, a serious expression on his face.

Randy Orton: (leaning against the wall) You know, you’ve got a target on your back now more than ever.

Cody Rhodes: (stopping to face him) I know, Randy. Solo, Tama, Tonga, Fatu—they’re not playing games.

Randy Orton: (nodding) They never do. But listen, I’m here to tell you that I’ve got your back tonight.

Cody Rhodes: (raising an eyebrow) You sure about that? Things got a bit tense between us in the last few weeks…

Randy Orton: (smirking) Yeah, but tonight it’s different. It’s about more than just championships. It’s about survival. And despite what happened, you are still my friend.

Cody nods, a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Cody Rhodes: I appreciate it, Randy. This match against Fatu is personal. Solo will try everything to weaken me before our match at Bad Blood and take my championship.

Randy Orton: (straightening up) And he will if you don’t stay sharp. I know you’ve got what it takes but keep your head on a swivel.

Cody Rhodes: (smirking) Trust me, I will. And if anything goes down, I’ll return the favor someday.

Randy Orton: (chuckling) Just don’t get too sentimental on me, Cody.

They share a brief moment of camaraderie, a mutual respect evident in their exchange.

Cody Rhodes: (clapping Randy on the shoulder) Let’s go out there and show them what we’re made of.

Randy nods as Cody walks away.

The United States Champion LA Knight struts down the ramp, the United States Championship glistening over his shoulder. The crowd erupts in cheers, echoing "Yeah!" as he climbs into the ring.

LA Knight: (grinning, microphone in hand) Berlin was just the beginning! I went toe-to-toe with Shinsuke Nakamura and came out on top! That’s what LA Knight does—he proves he’s the best!

The crowd cheers, and he basks in their adoration.

LA Knight: But I’m not one to rest on my laurels. So tonight and because I’m fired up and feeling like punching someone in the face, I’m issuing an open challenge for this bad boy right here! (he raises the championship) Who thinks they can take it from me?

The energy in the arena shifts as the familiar music of Austin Theory plays. The crowd responds with a lot of boos as Theory makes his way to the ring, a confident smirk on his face.

Austin Theory: (taking the mic) You really think you’re the top dog, huh, LA? Retaining against Nakamura doesn’t make you invincible. It just makes you a target.

LA Knight: (smirking) Oh, look who it is! Austin Theory, the self-proclaimed future. You think you can take this title from me? (points to the championship) Bring it on!

Theory steps closer, the tension palpable.

Austin Theory: You want a challenge? Fine. But remember, I’m not just any contender. I’m the guy who’s going to change the game.

LA Knight: (grinning) You’re welcome to try, kid. But just like everyone else, you’re gonna find out that you’re not on my level.

The crowd roars as LA Knight paces the ring, fueled by the energy of the moment.

Austin Theory: Let’s settle this right now! I want that title, and I want to prove I can take you down!

LA Knight nods, the challenge accepted. He raises his championship high, staring down Theory with fierce determination.

LA Knight: Then it’s on! You want a shot at the U.S. Championship? You got it! But be ready, because once that bell rings, you’re in for the fight of your life!

The crowd erupts as the two competitors stand face to face and a referee comes down to the ring to start the match.

Match #3: LA Knight vs Austin Theory – United States Championship

Knight and Theory lock up in the center of the ring, each trying to gain an advantage. Knight shoves Theory back, showing his strength. They circle each other again, and this time Theory takes control with a quick arm drag, sending Knight to the mat. Knight quickly recovers, rolling to his feet and delivering a hard shoulder tackle to Theory, knocking him down. Knight follows up with a series of punches, keeping Theory on the defensive. The crowd is solidly behind Knight, chanting his name. Theory retreats to the corner, but Knight is relentless, charging in with a clothesline that sends Theory crumpling to the mat. LA Knight covers for a quick two-count.

As the match progresses, Theory finds an opening and counters with a dropkick, sending Knight sprawling to the outside. He seizes the moment to taunt the crowd, but Knight quickly regains his composure and slides back in, delivering a hard fist to Theory’s jaw. The pace quickens, with both competitors trading blows and high-flying maneuvers. Theory hits a neckbreaker and goes for another pin, but Knight kicks out at two. Frustrated, Theory climbs to the top rope, looking for a big move. Just as Theory leaps, Knight rolls out of the way, and Theory crashes to the mat. That’s when Grayson Waller appears and tries to create a distraction but Knight grabs Theory and sends him into Waller knocking him off the apron. Knight seizes the moment, delivering the BFT and pinning Theory.

Match Results: LA Knight def. Austin Theory (11:07) – Still WWE United States Champion

The crowd roars as LA Knight stands tall once more, but just as he turns his back, his head almost goes off his shoulders as Nakamura connects with a huge Kinshasa. Nakamura grabs a mic and leans over to Knight, completely knocked out.

Shinsuke Nakamura: You… Me… Next week. For the United States Championship… Two out of Three Falls!

The challenge has been laid out as Nakamura poses with the championship and leaves the ring under heavy boos from the crowd.

Match #4: Kevin Owens and The Street Profits vs Legado Del Fantasma

The match starts with high energy, as the Street Profits and Owens showcase their signature teamwork and charisma. The crowd chants in support of the faces, fully engaged. Legado Del Fantasma responds with their own agility and strategy, isolating Dawkins early on. The trio uses quick tags and double-team maneuvers to wear him down. Owens eventually gets the hot tag, entering the match with a flurry of offense. He delivers powerful strikes and sends Angel and Humberto reeling with his explosive moves. The action intensifies as all six men spill outside the ring. The Street Profits execute a spectacular dive onto their opponents, while Owens takes control inside the ring. In the closing moments, Owens hits a devastating Pop-up Powerbomb on Angel Garza after countering a series of attempts to regain control by Legado.

Match Results: Kevin Owens and The Street Profits def. Legado Del Fantasma (9:43)

Bayley’s music hits in the arena to a huge pop as she emerges fired up and with a huge smile on her face. She stands in the ring, microphone in hand, with the fans chanting for her.

Bayley: Man… What a crazy night it was in Berlin. I’m not standing here as the new WWE Women’s Champion like I said I would and I could blame Tiffany for it but I’m not going to make any excuses. Just know this Nia… This is far from over between us and believe me when I tell you that championship is coming back to me one way or another.

The crowd cheers as Bayley looks confidently into the camera.

Bayley: However, I may have lost the match but after it was over, something that I have been dreaming of for the past two years happened. So ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you someone very special to me, someone who has been missed by all of you… My best friend, Sasha Banks!

The crowd erupts as Sasha Banks’ music hits. She strides down the ramp, the familiar swagger and confidence radiating from her. She joins Bayley in the ring, and they share a warm embrace.

Sasha Banks: Smackdown! It feels so good to be back. You have no idea how much I missed this place and how much I’ve missed you.

The crowd erupts in cheers, chanting ‘welcome back’ at her. Sasha takes a moment to soak it all in and can’t help but get a little emotional.

Sasha Banks: You know… The last time I was here things didn’t go very well. Two years ago, I walked out on WWE. A lot was said at the time, some of it was true, some of it was not. But the truth is that I needed to do what I did. I needed to remind myself why I love this business so much and I needed to regain that love in order to come back stronger than ever. I took a stand for myself, believed in my values, my beliefs, and I did what I thought was best for me and my career. But I always knew that one day I would come back to the WWE. I always knew that one way or another I would come back… home.

The crowd cheers once again, appreciating everything that Sasha said as Bayley watches proud from the corner.

Sasha Banks: For the last two years, I’ve been watching from the sidelines, and it’s clear that the landscape has changed. But there’s one thing that hasn't changed… nobody messes with my best friend!

Sasha looks at Bayley and she nods in agreement, raising her fist.

Sasha Banks: I’ve been watching at home week after week Bayley being outnumbered and tortured by Nia and Tiffany. And that’s when I knew it was time to come back and remind everyone who’s the boss around here.

Before Sasha can continue, Nia Jax’s music hits as she and Tiffany appear on the stage with a cocky look on their faces.

Nia Jax: Oh, look guys who decided to show up. It’s the quitter, Sasha Banks!

The crowd boos loudly as Sasha smirks from the ring.

Nia Jax: I don’t know what you are doing back here but let me tell you that you have just made the biggest mistake of your life. I’m going to make you regret the day you decided to come back, Sasha… And then you are going to do what you always do and that is bitch about it and go home running with the tail between your legs.

Sasha Banks: Oh Nia… Things have really changed around here. The last time I was here, you were gone, fired. And now here you are, the WWE Women’s Champion. I don’t know who you have been sucking up to backstage, but it’s been working pretty well.

The crowd lets out a big gasp at this as Nia stands furious.

Tiffany Stratton: Don’t you dare talk to my queen like that! This isn’t your playground anymore, sweetheart. We run this division now.

Sasha Banks: I’m sorry barbie, who the hell do you think you are? This is and always will be my division. In fact, next week I’m supposed to have my first match back, however I still don’t have an opponent…

Sasha glares at Tiffany with a smile as the crowd erupts in yes chants, sensing a challenge coming.

Sasha Banks: So, barbie doll, since you want to protect your queen so much, I’ll be more than happy to make you tap out next week.

Tiffany Stratton: (laughs) You really think you can take me on after being gone for so long?

Sasha Banks: (smirking) I don’t think—I know. And I can’t wait to show you why I’m still the Boss!

Nia and Tiffany exchange frustrated glances, clearly annoyed at the challenge.

Nia Jax: You’ll regret that, Sasha. But fine, let’s make it happen. Just know… I’ll be watching.

With that, Nia and Tiffany back away, leaving Sasha and Bayley in the ring, both beaming with confidence. Sasha poses for the crowd, ready to reclaim her spot in the division as the crowd chants her name once more.

We go backstage and the US Champion LA Knight has a furious look on his eyes as Kayla Braxton approaches him.

Kayla Braxton: LA Knight, earlier tonight, you were attacked by Shinsuke Nakamura, and he challenged you to a two out of three falls match for the United States Championship next week. How do you feel about that challenge?

LA Knight: Kayla, let me tell you something. Shinsuke thinks he can sneak up on me and intimidate me? Not a chance! This isn’t just about the title; it’s about proving who the real star is in this ring. Two out of three falls? That’s perfect! I’ll show him what happens when you mess with LA Knight. I’m ready to bring the fight and walk out with the championship. So, let’s do this!

Kayla Braxton: You heard it here, folks! LA Knight accepts the challenge! It’s going to be an intense showdown!

Match #5: DIY vs Pretty Deadly

Pretty Deadly, known for their charisma and cunning, controlled the early moments, isolating Gargano and delivering quick tags to maintain the advantage. However, Gargano fought back with a series of well-timed counters, eventually tagging in Ciampa. The pace quickened as Ciampa unleashed a flurry of offense, showcasing his power and intensity. As the match reached its climax, the two teams exchanged near falls, keeping the audience on edge. In a dramatic finish, DIY executed their signature tandem offense, leading to Gargano hitting a superkick on Elton Prince, followed by Ciampa’s Air Raid Crash on Kit Wilson. With a decisive pinfall, DIY emerged victorious, celebrating their hard-fought win as the crowd roared in approval.

Match Results: DIY def. Pretty Deadly (10:36)

After the match, Pretty Deadly jumps DIY from behind with Kit Wilson delivering a series of stomps to Gargano while Prince holds Ciampa back. The crowd boos, and the tension escalates as DIY struggles to fend them off. Just as it seems DIY is overwhelmed, the arena lights dim, and a familiar sound fills the arena… It’s the Lucha Brothers!!! The crowd erupts as the masked superstars make their WWE debut. They hit the ring like a whirlwind, launching into action. Penta delivers a stunning superkick to Kit Wilson, sending him sprawling. Fenix follows up with a dazzling series of high-flying moves, taking out Elton Prince with a spectacular dive. Penta and Fenix signal to each other, then hit their signature finisher: Penta lifts Kit for a powerbomb while Fenix springboards off the ropes, delivering a jaw-dropping cutter in mid-air! The crowd explodes in cheers as Pretty Deadly lies defeated in the ring. DIY and the Lucha Brothers stand tall, their fists raised in victory as the crowd chants in approval, marking an explosive debut for the Lucha Brothers in WWE.

Match #6: Cody Rhodes w/Randy Orton vs Jacob Fatu w/Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa

The match starts with a hard-hitting exchange, both competitors showcasing their strength and agility. Fatu uses his size to push Cody back, delivering powerful strikes and impressive suplexes. Cody responds with his signature resilience, hitting quick jabs and dropkicks, keeping the crowd engaged. As the match progresses, Fatu gains the upper hand with a series of impactful moves, including a Samoan drop that rattles Cody. Orton, from the outside, urges Cody to get back on his feet, providing strategic advice. Cody manages to rally, hitting a beautiful disaster kick that sends Fatu staggering. The crowd roars as he makes a comeback, landing a series of punches and a stunning tornado DDT. Just as Cody builds momentum, the referee's attention is diverted when Solo, Tama, and Tonga start to approach the ring. Orton quickly steps in, warning them to stay back. As Cody prepares to hit the Cross Rhodes, Solo and the others make their move, jumping onto the apron. The referee tries to regain order, but the chaos ensues. Suddenly, the trio storms the ring, attacking Cody relentlessly. Orton springs into action, but he’s outnumbered as Solo, Tama, and Tonga beat him down. The crowd erupts in boos as the chaos unfolds, with Fatu watching, smirking at the destruction.

Match Results: Cody Rhodes def. Jacob Fatu by Disqualification (12:42)

Just when it seems all hope is lost for Cody and Orton, the familiar music of Roman Reigns hits, and the arena explodes with excitement. Roman strides down the ramp, intensity radiating from him as he enters the ring. Reigns charges in, taking down Solo with a powerful spear and quickly dispatching Tama and Tonga with a flurry of punches. The ring clears as Fatu prepares to attack but Solo pulls him out of the ring before he can go after Roman. Roman and Cody lock eyes, a moment of tension passing between them. The show goes off the air with an intense staredown between Roman, Cody and Orton, all men acknowledging their past but united in the face of the threat posed by the Bloodline. The crowd is left buzzing, eager for what comes next.

- LA Knight vs Shinsuke Nakamura in a Two out of Three falls match for the United States Championship
- Sasha Banks vs Tiffany Stratton
- Kevin Owens vs Santos Escobar
- We will hear from the new Smackdown superstars, The Lucha Brothers

And more!!!

Bad Blood 2024 Updated Card
- Liv Morgan vs Rhea Ripley for the WWE Women's World Championship
- Cody Rhodes vs Solo Sikoa for the Undisputed WWE Championship
- Finn Balor vs Damian Priest

More to be announced!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
Opening with Solo was fine here, and I actually really like the change up of direction you’ve taken here. The idea of Solo wanting to take care of ALL members of the old Bloodline before fighting Cody again is a nice strategy to take. I like it. Rest of the promo with Cody interrupting was fine, as was the attack and the Orton save and the two matches booked should be good. Solid opening to the show.

Solid title defence here for Bianca and Jade. I like the way the doubt was set up after the injury to the arm of Belair. Honestly though, even with Pure Fusion Collective, who aren’t great, and Dmg Ctrl getting involved at the end, the women’s tag division just needs something to be interesting. This is not a knock on your booking, it feels the same way in real life.

DIY/Pretty Deadly segment was written pretty well and sets up a match with some heat attached to it suddenly. This gets a thumbs up from me.

AJ/Andrade is always going to be a good match so glad to see you gave them some serious time. The cheat finish from AJ is fine, and has me hoping we see more from these two moving forward.

Enjoyed the Cody/Orton exchange, as things still aren’t perfect, but there’s enough mutual respect and mutual enemies to work together, for now at least. Good stuff here, I thought you captured the chemistry here nicely.

Opening challenge for the US Title for LA Knight is a good idea. Austin Theory is a good choice to accept the challenge, mainly due to his past with the title, in my opinion. Match was booked as it should be, with Knight winning, Theory looks okay, and Waller’s failed interference keeps things ticking along with the Theory/Waller stuff. No complaints from me.

I’m not as sold on Nakamura/Knight in a 2/3 Falls match. Not really sure what from the feud has warranted that type of stipulation, to be honest. Feels like a stretch.

Six man seemed solid enough and I’m okay with Owens and The Street Profits getting the win. I really don’t have much else to say on this one at this point.

At first I was confused why Bayley would be all smiles after losing her title rematch, and I still wish she showed some more sadness at that, but I get the Sasha Banks thing. Sasha’s promo here was fine, although doubt she’d admit some of the stuff she said when she left WWE wasn’t true. Still, a good enough welcome back promo and the back and forth with Nia, leading to the match with Tiffany was solid. Looking forward to Sasha’ first match back next week.

LA Knight accepting Nakamura’s challenge was always going to happen.

DIY going over Pretty Deadly is probably the right call, although I’m glad this match got a decent run time at least. Aftermath is what we’re here for though as The Lucha Brothers showing up is HUGE. Good start from them, intrigued to see how they slot into the tag division on a full time basis.

Pretty standard Bloodline/SD main event, ending in DQ with an attack. The saves from Orton, and then ROMAN REIGNS were a fun way to end the show, as is the demonstration of the clear tension between Cody and Roman.

Pretty solid stuff here which is the norm from you at this point.


Sep 8, 2024
Reaction score

Monday Night Raw
September 9th 2024
The arena buzzes with anticipation as the show goes on the air. A table is set up in the center of the ring. Four chairs are positioned around it, each marked with the names of the competitors. The atmosphere is electric as Adam Pearce is in the ring to moderate this contract signing and welcomes the crowd.

Adam Pearce: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the contract signing for Bad Blood! Tonight, we will witness the official agreement for two highly anticipated matches: Damian Priest versus Finn Balor and Rhea Ripley challenging Liv Morgan for the Women's World Championship!

Damian Priest strides confidently to the ring, a charismatic smile on his face. He takes a seat at the table, soaking in the crowd's support. Next, Rhea Ripley enters, her fierce presence immediately energizing the audience. She takes her place beside Damian, both radiating determination. The mood shifts as Finn Balor makes his entrance, oozing charisma with an air of arrogance. He takes a seat across from Damian, smirking. Finally, Liv Morgan steps in, the Women's World Champion, accompanied by Dominik as she takes her place next to Balor.

Adam Pearce hands out the contracts and motions for the competitors to speak. Finn leans forward, a smug grin on his face.

Finn Balor: Damian… You want to know why the Judgment Day turned on you? From the beginning we always agreed that we had no leaders, and everything worked perfectly until you won the World Heavyweight Championship. You let success get into your head and started acting like you were our boss. You started giving orders, telling everyone what to do… And nobody tells the Judgment Day what to do.

Finn Balor turns his head to Rhea.

Finn Balor: And you Rhea… You were always a badass, ruthless woman who would destroy everyone in her path. And that is until you started to gain the support of these people. It pains you to admit and you probably never will, Rhea, but you have gone soft. You are not the ruthless Rhea bloody Ripley that you used to be. And in the Judgment Day, we don’t have a place for soft people and for sure as hell we don’t have people who like to suck up to the fans.

The crowd boos as Liv Morgan grabs the mic.

Liv Morgan: With that being said, Dominik started to see no value in you, Rhea. I don’t care what these people think, I don’t care who stands in my way and I can be more ruthless that you ever were. And that’s why Dom chose me instead of you.

The crowd erupts in boos as Liv turns to Dom, kisses him and Rhea looks on with a look of disgust on her face.

Rhea Ripley: Finn… I told you this once and I’ll tell you again. Without me and Damian, it’s just a matter of time before the Judgment Day crumbles. There’s just too much ego and believe me when I tell you, I will be one of the responsibles for the fall of the Judgment Day. And Liv… Deep down Dom knows he can’t handle a woman like me and that’s why he had to go and get a blond bitch who was easier to manipulate. At Bad Blood, when you lose that Women’s World Championship to me, he will kick your ass and dump you like the trash you are. And when that happens, I won’t feel sorry for you. In fact, I will enjoy every single second of it.

Rhea proceeds to sign the contract and hands it over to Liv who signs it as well.

Damian Priest: Finn, you talked and talked and all I heard was one thing. You are and always have been jealous of me.

The crowd gasps as Finn looks on with an intense look in his eyes.

Damian Priest: You are jealous because I was able to achieve the level of success that you never could. Ever since you won the Universal Championship and got injured, you have been crawling and crawling trying to reach the top of the mountain again. And it kills you inside that all your attempts have failed miserably. You thought the Judgment Day was your opportunity to win the big one again, but you never thought that I was going to be the one that would shine the most. No matter how hard you try, you will never be as good as me, Finn. And at Bad Blood I’m going to prove it.

The tension rises as both Finn and Damian sign their contracts. As the final signatures are placed, Adam Pearce tries to maintain order.

Adam Pearce: Alright, it looks like everything is official…

Before he can finish, chaos erupts. Finn shoves Damian, igniting a wild brawl. Rhea and Liv quickly join in, throwing punches and grappling. Damian hits Finn with a clothesline that sends him out of the ring and Rhea sets Liv up for a Riptide through the table, however Dom pulls her out of the ring to safety.

The scene fades out, leaving the audience buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming matches as Rhea and Damian stand tall in the ring and we go to a commercial break.

Match #1: Bianca Belair w/Jade Cargill vs Shayna Baszler w/Zoey Stark, Sonya Deville and Natalya

The bell rings, and Bianca and Shayna circle each other, gauging their opponent. They lock up, with Shayna quickly transitioning to a headlock. Bianca powers out, showcasing her strength with a shoulder tackle that sends Shayna reeling. The crowd is electric, rallying behind Bianca. As Bianca gains momentum, the match spills outside the ring. Sonya, Zoey, and Natalya seize the opportunity to attack Jade at ringside. They unleash a brutal assault, drawing the referee’s attention. Jade fights back, but the numbers are against her. Bianca, seeing her partner in distress, rushes to help, but this distraction allows Shayna to land a vicious strike on Bianca. Back in the ring, Shayna capitalizes on the distraction, taking control with calculated strikes and submission holds.

She targets Bianca's arm, trying to weaken her. Bianca fights valiantly, using her speed and athleticism to dodge Shayna’s advances, but the relentless attack keeps her on the defensive. Bianca manages to counter with a series of strikes and a stunning dropkick, momentarily stunning Shayna. The crowd erupts, cheering for her comeback. As Bianca builds momentum, she makes a run towards Shayna, but Sonya, Zoey, and Natalya interfere again, grabbing her ankle and causing her to stumble. With Jade still reeling at ringside and Bianca distracted, Shayna seizes the opportunity to catch Bianca off guard. She locks in the Kirifuda Clutch. Bianca struggles, but the combined interference takes its toll. Unable to escape, she ultimately passes out.

Match Results: Shayna Baszler def. Bianca Belair (12:28)

After the match, PFC continue their relentless assault on Jade and Bianca. Just as it seems all hope is lost, the arena lights dim, and the music of Iyo Sky hits, igniting the crowd. Iyo Sky storms down to the ring, followed closely by Dakota Kai, Asuka, and Kairi Sane. The crowd erupts as they charge in, ready to even the odds. They quickly clear the ring of Sonya, Zoey, Natalya and Shayna, who retreat in a flurry, realizing they are outnumbered. With the ring cleared, Iyo and her allies check on Bianca and Jade, lifting their spirits. The four women share a moment of solidarity, uniting against a common enemy. The crowd cheers wildly, appreciating this unexpected alliance. Damage CTRL seize the women's tag team championships from the timekeeper's table. Holding the titles high, they turn to face Bianca and Jade, who are still catching their breath but ready for a fight. Tension fills the air as Damage CTRL stands across from Bianca and Jade, championship belts glistening in their hands. The two teams lock eyes, each side aware that it’s just a matter of time before they face off for the championships.

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Jackie Redmond stands with a microphone, ready to interview Sami Zayn. Sami paces back and forth, visibly focused and determined.

Jackie Redmond: Sami, thanks for taking a moment to chat. Tonight, you have a huge opportunity ahead of you as you face Sheamus in a no. 1 contender's match for the World Heavyweight Championship. How are you feeling about this match?

Sami Zayn: (pausing, taking a deep breath) Jackie, this is it. This is what I've worked so hard for. Sheamus is a formidable opponent—no one can deny his strength and experience. But I’ve been in this position before, and I know what it takes to seize an opportunity. This is my moment, and I’m not going to let it slip away.

Jackie Redmond: Speaking of tough opponents, last week you were attacked by Chad Gable. Can you share your thoughts on that incident?

Sami Zayn: (sighing) Look, Chad is incredibly talented. I have a lot of respect for him in the ring. But that attack? It was cowardly, but I won’t let it distract me from my focus tonight. I’m going to take care of Sheamus first, and then Chad better watch his back.

Jackie Redmond: So you’re saying you might seek revenge on Gable after tonight's match?

Sami Zayn: (smirking slightly) Let’s just say that once I’ve secured my title shot, I’ll have some unfinished business to handle. I’ve got a score to settle, and I won’t let anyone stand in my way. Tonight is about proving myself, but after that? Chad Gable better be ready.

Jackie Redmond: Well, it sounds like you’re focused and ready to go. Any final words for Sheamus before you head to the ring?

Sami Zayn: Sheamus, I respect you, but tonight, it’s every man for himself. I’m not just fighting for a title shot; I’m fighting for my legacy. I’ll see you out there.

Jackie Redmond: Thanks, Sami. Good luck tonight!

The camera zooms in on Sami as he walks away, a look of determination on his face, ready to face the challenge ahead.

The camera cuts to Michael Cole in the arena, where he sits at the commentary desk with a serious demeanor. The screen splits, showing CM Punk via satellite, visibly agitated.

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Raw. Joining us now via satellite is CM Punk. Punk, thank you for being here. I want to start by asking about your wife, AJ Lee. Last week, Drew McIntyre accidentally punched her in the face during the chaos. Can you update us on her condition?

CM Punk: (his jaw clenched, voice tense) Thanks for having me, Michael. AJ is tough, as everyone knows, but this whole situation has been hell for her. She has a broken jaw, I’ve been at the hospital with her all week, and no one should have to go through this, especially at the hands of someone like Drew McIntyre.

Michael Cole: Understandably so. How are you handling that incident?

CM Punk: (leaning forward, eyes blazing) Michael, let me tell you, that I have never hated someone as much as I hate Drew McIntyre. He can try to play off what happened as an accident but the look on his face last week, the fury in his eyes and the way he choked me with that belt tells a much different story. It tells me that he doesn’t care at all about my wife’s wellbeing or anyone’s as long as it affects me. Drew… You are the biggest son of a bitch that I have ever crossed paths with. And believe me, when I return to Raw and get my hands on you… You are dead!

Michael Cole: So… What’s next for you, Punk?

CM Punk: (his voice rising) I have been thinking all week about how I want to get my revenge on Drew and there is only one way that I can think of for this to end once and for all. Drew… I want a match with you at Bad Blood… Inside Hell in a Cell!!!

The crowd cheers loudly and erupts in Yes chants.

CM Punk: No excuses, no running away—just me and you, locked in that structure until one of us is left standing, until one of us has no more blood to spill. Drew, I’m going to show you that you don’t mess with my family and walk away unscathed. And you better accept my challenge because if you don’t… I’ll make you accept it. And I don’t care where it is, I don’t care if I have to go to your house and beat you up in front of your family, I’m going to get my hands on you one way or another.

Michael Cole: Punk, thank you for your time. We wish AJ a speedy recovery, and we’ll be looking forward to see if Drew accepts your challenge.

The segment ends with Punk’s fierce expression as the screen fades, leaving the audience buzzing with anticipation.

Match #2: AOP w/Karrion Cross and Scarlett vs Dexter Lumis and Erick Rowan w/Uncle Howdy, Joey Gacy and Nikki Cross

As the bell rings, AOP immediately assert their dominance, using their brute strength to overpower Rowan. However, Lumis quickly tags in and showcases his unique blend of agility and psychological warfare, unsettling Akam and Rezar. The crowd is on edge as the two teams exchange heavy blows. The tide turns when Karrion Kross distracts the referee, allowing AOP to double-team Lumis in their corner. They isolate him, using quick tags to keep him from making the crucial tag to Rowan. Scarlett cheers them on, adding to the tension. Rowan unleashes a flurry of powerful strikes, taking down both members of AOP.

The momentum shifts dramatically as he sends Rezar crashing into the turnbuckle. Lumis, now revitalized, tags back in, and together they execute a series of impressive double-team maneuvers. n a nail-biting conclusion, AOP attempts to regain control, but Lumis locks Akam in his signature submission hold, the Silence. While Rezar tries to intervene, Rowan intercepts him, leading to a chaotic brawl outside the ring. With the referee distracted, Kross tries to intervene but is thwarted by Gacy and Nikki. With the odds stacked against them, Lumis manages to maintain the hold, forcing Akam to tap out. The arena erupts as Dexter Lumis and Erick Rowan emerge victorious.

Match Results: Dexter Lumis and Erick Rowan def. AOP (10:06)

After an intense match, the arena dims, and the titantron flickers to life, revealing a dark, ominous location. Shadows flicker across the screen, creating an eerie atmosphere. Braun Strowman steps into view, his expression serious and contemplative.

Braun Strowman:
(his voice low, almost haunting) For weeks, I’ve been pulled in different directions… Uncle Howdy whispering in my ear, reminding me of my past. Offering me this.

He holds up the old sheep mask, its surface worn and weathered, a relic of his time in the Wyatt Family.

Braun Strowman: Bray was more than a mentor; he was family. He taught me to embrace the darkness, to harness the chaos. But after everything… I thought I’d buried that part of me. Now, I’m confronted with the question: Who am I really?

His tone shifts, filled with a mix of anger and resolve.

Braun Strowman: Karrion Kross has also come knocking, trying to lure me into his twisted web. But this isn’t about alliances or promises. This is about understanding my own identity. I’ve struggled with this conflict long enough.

He takes a deep breath, his intensity palpable as he stares directly into the camera.

Braun Strowman: Uncle Howdy says it’s time to do it for Bray. To accept who I am. And maybe… just maybe, it’s time I stop running from the truth.

With a sudden, deliberate motion, Braun places the sheep mask over his face, obscuring his identity. The mask symbolizes his acceptance of his past and the darkness that comes with it.

Braun Strowman: (voice slightly distorted, filled with conviction) It’s time to embrace the chaos because now I know who I am. I’m the monster you’ve always feared.

The screen fades to black, leaving fans wondering about Braun’s true allegiance and the ominous path he’s chosen. The Final Testament looks on from the ring with a confused look on their faces as Uncle Howdy starts laughing uncontrollably.

The arena is charged with anticipation as Bronson Reed’s music hits. He walks down to the ring with a confident swagger, his presence commanding attention. The crowd boos, but Reed seems unfazed. Reed enters the ring and grabs a microphone, looking out at the audience.

Bronson Reed: I’ve taken out anyone who dared to step up to me. Last week, I proved my dominance in that no holds barred match against Otis. And now? I’m ready for anyone who thinks they can challenge me. So tonight, I’m issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back!

The crowd murmurs, excitement building. Reed leans against the ropes, waiting.

Bronson Reed: Whoever thinks they can take me on, step right up. I promise, you’ll leave in an ambulance, just like Seth Rollins did when I put him on the shelf!

The tension hangs in the air, and after a moment, the lights dim. The crowd erupts as Seth Rollins's music hits. He appears on the stage, limping slightly but looking determined. The crowd roars as Rollins makes his way to the ring, a fire in his eyes. The two men collide in a flurry of punches, the crowd going wild. Reed tries to overpower Rollins, but Rollins fights back with quick strikes. Reed gains the upper hand for a moment, tossing Rollins into the corner. He charges at him, but Rollins sidesteps, sending Reed crashing into the turnbuckle. Rollins takes advantage, landing a series of kicks to Reed’s midsection, but Reed manages to catch Rollins and lifts him for a slam. Rollins escapes and counters with a sharp superkick. As the brawl continues, Reed rolls out of the ring to regroup. Rollins, not willing to let him escape, follows and the two begin to fight at ringside. In a dramatic turn, Rollins grabs Reed and throws him into the announce table. The table creaks under the pressure, but Reed fights back, pushing Rollins away. Rollins, undeterred, hits Reed with a steel chair and positions him on the announce table. Rollins jumps onto the table from the barricade and delivers a devastating Stomp, crashing Reed through the announce table. The crowd erupts as the table splinters under the impact. Rollins stands over Reed, breathing heavily, a look of determination in his eyes. He raises his arms in victory, with the crowd chanting his name. Medical personnel rush to check on Reed as Rollins backs away, a triumphant smile on his face.

Rey Mysterio stands near a wall, discussing strategy with Dragon Lee, who’s buzzing with excitement from his recent victory over Bron Breakker. The atmosphere is hopeful as they prepare for the upcoming match against Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonagh, and Carlito.

Rey Mysterio: (smiling) Dragon, you’ve shown everyone what you’re capable of. Pinning the Intercontinental Champion was just the beginning. I can see you becoming the champion soon. You have the heart and the skill.

Dragon Lee: (enthusiastically) Thank you, Rey! That means a lot coming from you. I’m ready to show the world that the LWO is a force to be reckoned with.

Suddenly, Dominik Mysterio enters the scene with Liv Morgan by his side. Dominik wears an arrogant smirk, clearly in a mood to provoke.

Dominik Mysterio: (interrupting) Look who we have here. The ‘future champion’ and my deadbeat dad. It’s cute that you think Dragon Lee can actually win a title. He’s just a footnote in my shadow.

Liv Morgan rolls her eyes, crossing her arms, clearly unimpressed with Dragon Lee.

Liv Morgan: You think you can hang with the big boys? Dominik is the future, not you. And Judgment Day will crush the LWO tonight.

Rey Mysterio steps forward, a protective stance for Dragon Lee.

Rey Mysterio: You need to show more respect, Dominik. Dragon has earned his place here, and he’s got what it takes to become a champion.

Dominik scoffs, dismissively waving a hand.

Dominik Mysterio: Respect? From you? Please. I have no respect for deadbeat dads and for masked superstars who are delusional enough to think that they’re ever going to succeed in the WWE.

Dragon Lee’s expression hardens, ready to defend himself.

Dragon Lee: I’m not delusional, Dominik. I’m here to prove myself, and I won’t let you or anyone else disrespect me.

Rey Mysterio: Dom… You have a lot to learn. And I have no problem beating up your ass once again for you to gain some respect.

Dominik laughs, leaning closer to Rey.

Dominik Mysterio: I’ll show you respect… when you stop hanging out with losers.

As Dominik and Liv walk away, Rey turns to Dragon Lee, a look of encouragement on his face.

Rey Mysterio: Don’t let them get to you. Show them what the LWO stands for tonight. You’re ready for this.

Dragon Lee nods, a fierce determination in his eyes as he prepares for the match, leaving the scene with renewed confidence.

Match #3: The Viking Raiders vs The Miz and R-Truth

The match begins with The Miz and R-Truth trying to use their agility and quick tags to gain the upper hand on the Viking Raiders. For a moment, they manage to land a few hits, keeping Erik and Ivar on their toes. However, the tide quickly turns as the Viking Raiders showcase their strength and teamwork. Erik and Ivar dominate most of the match, utilizing their power to overpower Miz and Truth. They execute a series of punishing moves, including devastating strikes and impressive double-team maneuvers, leaving Miz and Truth struggling to mount a comeback. The Viking Raiders' aggressive offense is relentless, making it clear that they are in control. As the match reaches its climax, the Viking Raiders deliver their finishing move, securing a decisive victory over Miz and Truth. The referee counts the pinfall, and the Viking Raiders stand tall in the ring, victorious.

Match Results: The Viking Raiders def. The Miz and R-truth (7:43)

Their post-match celebration is cut short as they look to inflict more damage on the defeated Miz and Truth. Just as they prepare to strike, The New Day's music hits, and Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods rush down to the ring. They quickly intervene, forcing the Viking Raiders to back off. The New Day helps Miz and R-Truth to their feet, and together, they confront the Viking Raiders. New Day stand tall along with Miz and Truth, leaving the Viking Raiders fuming as they retreat to regroup.

Match #4: LWO (Dragon Lee, Joaquim Wilde and Cruz Del Toro) w/Rey Mysterio and Zelina Vega vs The Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio, Carlito and JD McDonagh) w/Finn Balor and Liv Morgan

The match begins with high energy as Dragon Lee and Dominik Mysterio start things off. Lee showcases his agility, landing impressive strikes and flips that keep Dominik on the defensive. However, Dominik quickly counters, using underhanded tactics to turn the tide, tagging in JD McDonagh. The Judgment Day begins to isolate Lee, with Carlito adding his veteran experience to keep Lee grounded. As the match progresses, Cruz del Toro and Joaquim Wilde each take turns trying to mount a comeback, but the Judgment Day employs quick tags and dirty tactics to maintain control. Rey Mysterio cheers from ringside, urging his team on, while Zelina Vega provides encouragement and strategy. As the match nears its climax, the action intensifies. Lee manages to create some space and tags in Cruz del Toro, who explodes into the ring with high-energy offense, taking down JD and Carlito. The crowd is on their feet as Cruz looks to finish things off.

Suddenly, Liv Morgan attempts to interfere, jumping onto the apron. Zelina Vega quickly intercepts her, and a brawl erupts between the two outside the ring. Liv shoves Zelina across the announce table, causing chaos as announcers scramble to get out of the way. Just as things look dire for the LWO, Rhea Ripley emerges from the crowd, attacking Liv and adding to the chaos. Dominik and Balor try to intervene, but Damian Priest appears, attacking Balor and sending him crashing into the crowd, leading to a wild brawl that spills throughout the arena. With the focus on the chaos outside, the referee’s attention is diverted. Suddenly, Bron Breakker attacks Mysterio at ringside and delivers a cheap shot to Dragon Lee as he tries to regain control. With the distraction in play, Dominik sees his opportunity. He quickly capitalizes on the situation, hitting the frog splash on Dragon Lee and scoring the pinfall. The referee counts to three, awarding the victory to The Judgment Day.

Match Results: The Judgment Day def. LWO (14:35)

As the bell rings, the ring is filled with chaos as Liv and Rhea continue to fight on the outside. Dominik tries to intervene and gets a headbutt from Rhea much to the delight of the crowd. Liv takes advantage, sends Rhea crashing into the barricade and runs through the crowd along with Dominik, escaping from Rhea’s wrath.

Backstage, we see Damian and Finn still fighting, knocking over crates and equipment as they exchange heavy blows. Camera crews scramble to capture the action, focusing on the two as they fight their way through the narrow backstage corridors and Damian screams that Balor brought this on himself. The brawl intensifies, with both men trading punches and grappling against the walls. They crash through a nearby catering area, scattering food and drinks everywhere. Realizing the fight is escalating and not wanting to be caught in the chaos, Finn spots his car parked just outside the backstage area. He makes a break for his car, quickly fumbling with the keys as Damian charges after him. Just as Balor jumps into the driver’s seat and slams the door shut, Damian reaches the car and tries to pull the door open, but Balor, without hesitation, starts the engine and escapes at high speed narrowly avoiding a stack of crates. Damian stands there, frustration boiling over as he watches Finn’s car peel away.

Damian Priest: (shouting after him) This isn’t over, Balor! I’ll get you next time!

The camera cuts to a quieter part of the arena where Jackie Redmond stands ready with a microphone. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as the World Heavyweight Champion, Gunther, stands beside her, his imposing presence clear.

Jackie Redmond: I’m here with the World Heavyweight Champion, Gunther. Gunther, tonight, Sami Zayn and Sheamus will face off in a match to determine your No. 1 contender. What are your thoughts on this upcoming match?

Gunther: (calmly) Both men are capable competitors, but they are not on my level. Sami Zayn has shown resilience, and Sheamus has strength, but neither can dethrone me. I have proven myself time and time again, and whoever wins tonight will learn that the world championship is beyond their reach.

Jackie Redmond: You've had a dominant reign as champion. How do you plan to prepare for whoever emerges victorious from this match?

Gunther: (smirking slightly) Preparation is key, Jackie. I will observe closely. I need to know the weaknesses of my opponent. But ultimately, it does not matter. The title will remain with me. I am the strongest in this division, and I will ensure it stays that way.

Jackie nods, clearly impressed by his confidence.

Jackie Redmond: Thank you for your time, Gunther. It will be interesting to see how things unfold tonight.

As Jackie wraps up the interview, Gunther turns to walk toward the entrance ramp. The camera follows Gunther as he makes his way to the ringside area, where he takes a seat at the commentary table, exuding an air of confidence and authority. The audience reacts with a mix of cheers and boos as Gunther prepares to watch the match unfold, ready to analyze the action and keep a close eye on his potential challengers.

Match #5: Sami Zayn vs Sheamus

The bell rings, and the two competitors circle each other, both gauging their opponent. Sami Zayn takes the initiative, using his agility to dart in and out, landing quick strikes on Sheamus. He keeps his distance, avoiding Sheamus’s powerful grapples while delivering a series of kicks to Sheamus' legs. Sheamus, unfazed, absorbs the punishment and finally catches Zayn with a massive shoulder tackle, sending him crashing to the mat. The crowd erupts, but Zayn quickly rolls away, using the ropes to pull himself up. Gunther, observing from commentary, smirks. As the match progresses, Sheamus gains the upper hand, utilizing his strength to dominate Zayn. He delivers a series of clubbing blows to Zayn's back, followed by a brutal Irish whip into the corner. Sheamus charges in for a shoulder tackle, but Zayn dodges, causing Sheamus to crash into the turnbuckle. Zayn seizes the moment, unleashing a flurry of punches and following up with a tornado DDT that leaves Sheamus dazed. The crowd rallies behind Zayn as he climbs to the top rope, signaling for a high-risk move.

Zayn launches off the top rope with a crossbody, landing on Sheamus for a pin attempt. The referee counts—one, two—but Sheamus powers out, sending Zayn sprawling. Undeterred, Zayn immediately transitions into a kick to Sheamus's midsection, followed by a blue thunder bomb. He goes for another pin—one, two—another near fall! The crowd is on its feet, chanting for Zayn as he looks to finish the match. He sets up for the Helluva kick, a move that has finished many opponents. Zayn bounces off the ropes, but just as he lunges, Sheamus catches him mid-air with a devastating knee strike. The momentum swings back to Sheamus, who starts to rally, delivering a series of clubbing blows and finally hitting a big suplex. He covers Zayn for a pin—one, two—Zayn kicks out just in time. Frustrated, Sheamus gets to his feet and prepares for the Brogue Kick.

As he sets up, the atmosphere shifts when Chad Gable suddenly appears at ringside, his eyes locked on Zayn. The crowd gasps, sensing the impending interference. Gunther notices, leaning forward at the commentary table. Sheamus charges at Zayn, but at the last moment, Zayn sidesteps, and Sheamus accidentally collides with Gable, knocking him off the apron. This distracts Sheamus, allowing Zayn to attempt the Helluva kick again. However, before he can execute it, Gable recovers and slides into the ring. Gable launches an attack on Zayn, delivering a series of punches and the referee has no choice but to call for the bell.

Match Results: Sami Zayn def. Sheamus by Disqualification (16:20)

Sheamus, seeing Zayn being attacked, tries to intervene, but Gunther quickly stands up from his commentary position. He enters the ring and blindsides Sheamus with a brutal powerbomb, sending him crashing to the mat. Gable locks Sami Zayn in an ankle lock, wrenching it in with vicious intent. Zayn writhes in pain, desperately trying to reach the ropes. The crowd is on their feet, concerned for Zayn and Gable eventually lets him go. As chaos reigns, Gable spots the World Heavyweight Championship lying in the corner of the ring. He picks it up, holding it aloft with a look of determination and ambition. Gunther, still in the ring, notices Gable’s actions and steps forward, an intense glare exchanged between the two.

Gunther: (glaring) That title doesn’t belong to you.

Chad Gable: (smirking) Maybe it will soon.

The tension in the arena thickens as Gable and Gunther engage in a fierce staredown, both men clearly vying for dominance. Gable eventually places the championship on Gunther’s shoulder and exits the ring. As the show begins to fade out, the camera captures Gunther’s icy glare, reflecting his frustration and rage at the audacity of Gable.

- Bron Breakker vs Rey Mysterio
- New Day vs The Viking Raiders for the World Tag Team Championships
- Drew McIntyre will return to Raw and address his actions
And more!!!

Bad Blood 2024 Updated Card
- Liv Morgan vs Rhea Ripley for the WWE Women's World Championship
- Cody Rhodes vs Solo Sikoa for the Undisputed WWE Championship
- Finn Balor vs Damian Priest

More to be announced!!!
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Reactions: Roy Mustang


Sep 8, 2024
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Friday Night Smackdown
September 13th 2024
The camera pans across the electric crowd, buzzing with excitement as the iconic SmackDown theme plays. The lights flash in a vibrant display, and Michael Cole welcomes us to Friday Night Smackdown. The arena erupts as LA Knight's theme music hits. The lights shift to a spotlight, and LA Knight struts onto the stage, exuding charisma and confidence. He raises his arms to the crowd, soaking in their energy as he prepares to defend the US Championship.

Match #1: LA Knight vs Shinsuke Nakamura – Two out of Three Falls match for the United States Championship

As the bell rings, both competitors circle each other. They lock up, and Nakamura quickly transitions into a side headlock, showing his technical prowess. Knight tries to push Nakamura off, but Nakamura maintains control, grounding Knight. The champion finally breaks free, delivering a shoulder tackle that sends Nakamura sprawling and poses to the crowd, but Nakamura quickly retaliates with a swift kick to Knight’s knee, bringing him down. Nakamura begins to target Knight’s legs with a series of calculated kicks, clearly taking a heelish approach to wear down the champion. He follows up with a brutal knee strike to Knight’s face, staggering him. Knight fights back, landing a series of punches and a snap suplex, but Nakamura counters with a vicious spin kick that sends Knight crashing into the corner. As Knight struggles to recover, Nakamura charges in, hitting a running knee strike that echoes throughout the arena. Nakamura goes for the first pin attempt, but Knight kicks out at two. Nakamura, unfazed, begins to taunt the crowd, raising his arms in a mocking gesture. Knight rallies back with a flurry of punches, but Nakamura quickly cuts him off, delivering an enziguri that leaves Knight dazed. Nakamura, sensing victory, sets up for the Kinshasa. He takes a moment to bask in the audience's reaction and charges, but Knight dodges at the last moment, sending Nakamura crashing into the turnbuckle. However, Nakamura quickly recovers and retaliates with a quick knee to Knight’s face. With Knight reeling, Nakamura takes a moment to taunt him further, then hits the Kinshasa! Knight crumples to the mat and the challenger takes the first fall (Shinsuke Nakamura 1 – 0 LA Knight)

The bell rings for the second fall, and Knight looks visibly frustrated but determined. Nakamura continues to taunt him, prompting Knight to fire up. Knight charges at Nakamura, throwing a series of strikes that finally catches Nakamura off guard. He lands a big shoulder block, followed by a spinning elbow that knocks Nakamura down. Knight keeps the pressure on, hitting a running bulldog and then a swinging neckbreaker, showing the crowd his fighting spirit. He goes for a pin attempt, but Nakamura kicks out, maintaining his composure. Knight doesn’t let up, delivering a kick to Nakamura’s midsection and then launching him into the corner. He follows up with a corner clothesline and a bulldog out of the corner. Knight sets Nakamura up for his finisher, the BTF, but Nakamura slips out and counters with a kick to Knight’s knee, attempting to ground him once more. As Nakamura regains control, he hits a series of kicks, but Knight counters with a surprise roll-up! The referee counts—one, two—but Nakamura kicks out just in time. Both men get to their feet, and Knight throws a punch that connects, staggering Nakamura. Knight follows up with a running lariat, sending Nakamura to the mat. Knight is relentless, hitting a series of moves, culminating in a picture-perfect leaping elbow drop. He goes for the cover—one, two—Nakamura kicks out again! As the second fall continues, Knight gains momentum, hitting a series of punches and a Samoan drop that shakes the ring. He signals for the finish again, and this time, he successfully hits the BTF! Nakamura is down and Knight wins the second fall. (Shinsuke Nakamura 1 – 1 LA Knight)

The bell rings for the final fall, and both men are visibly exhausted. The crowd is on their feet, chanting for both competitors. Nakamura, now more cautious, circles Knight, looking for an opening. They engage in a heated exchange of strikes, with Knight getting the upper hand this time. Knight hits a big right hand that staggers Nakamura, followed by a leaping shoulder tackle. He maintains the pressure, but Nakamura finds a way to counter with a swift kick to the gut. Nakamura tries to regain control with a series of kicks, but Knight absorbs the blows and delivers a huge spinebuster that shakes the arena. Knight is fired up, taunting Nakamura to get back up. As Nakamura slowly rises, Knight charges for another BTF, but Nakamura counters with a knee strike to the face. Nakamura looks to follow up with the Kinshasa again, but Knight counters, pushing him into the ropes and catching him with a big back elbow. With both competitors down, the referee begins the count. They both struggle to get back to their feet. As they rise, Knight catches Nakamura with a surprise roll-up, but Nakamura kicks out just in time. Both men get to their feet and trade strikes again. Knight finally gets the upper hand, hitting a superkick that sends Nakamura to the mat. Knight signals for the end, pumping up the crowd as he prepares for one final BTF. As he goes for it, Nakamura counters, but Knight pushes him into the corner and follows up with a series of punches. In a final burst of energy, Knight hits another BTF, this time connecting cleanly. He goes for the cover and retains the championship.

Match Results: LA Knight def. Shinsuke Nakamura (2-1) – Still the United States Champion (20:18)

The camera cuts to a backstage area where Kayla Braxton stands with a microphone, ready to interview Cody Rhodes.

Kayla Braxton: I'm here with the Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes. Cody, last week you had an unexpected save from Roman Reigns. How are you feeling about that situation?

Cody, wearing a determined expression, takes a moment before responding. The tension is palpable.

Cody Rhodes: Kayla, let's be clear. Roman Reigns may have come to my aid last week, but I haven’t forgotten what he's done to me over the past two years. This isn’t just about one moment of heroism. This is about betrayal, manipulation, and a reign of terror that he’s imposed on not just me, but on everyone who’s stood in his way.

Kayla nods, trying to gauge his feelings.

Kayla Braxton: So you don't trust him, then? Even after he saved you from that attack?

Cody Rhodes: Trust? That's a luxury I can’t afford, especially when it comes to someone like Roman. He’s proven time and time again that he’ll do whatever it takes to stay on top. I appreciate the save, but I can't shake the feeling that this was just another one of his games. He doesn’t do anything without a motive.

Cody’s intensity grows as he continues.

Cody Rhodes: I’ve fought too hard and sacrificed too much to let someone like him back into my good graces. If he thinks I’ll simply forget and let my guard down, he’s mistaken. And let me assure you that I’m going to be watching him closely, and if he steps out of line again, he won’t just be dealing with me—he’ll be dealing with a whole new side of Cody Rhodes.

Cody steps away from the camera, leaving Kayla with a serious look on her face.

Match #2: Kevin Owens w/The Street Profits vs Santos Escobar w/Angel and Humberto

The match begins with both competitors showcasing their agility and technical skills. Owens uses his power advantage early on, delivering a series of hard-hitting moves, including a quick senton and a corner splash. Escobar, however, shows his resilience, countering with his quickness and strategic mind, using the ropes to his advantage to evade Owens' attacks. As the match progresses, the Street Profits and Legado Del Fantasma members become increasingly involved, creating a chaotic environment at ringside. Escobar manages to create distance, distracting Owens and allowing his teammates to create a diversion. In the final moments of the match, Owens appears to be in control, setting up for a Pop-up Powerbomb. However, at the critical moment, Angel and Humberto distract the referee, allowing Escobar to take advantage. The Street Profits take care of Angel and Humberto outside the ring, but Escobar takes advantage of the distraction and delivers a low blow behind the referee’s back. He follows it up with the Phantom Driver and wins.

Match Results: Santos Escobar def. Kevin Owens (11:04)

The arena buzzes with excitement as Sasha Banks makes her entrance, flanked by her best friend Bayley. The crowd erupts in cheers as Sasha steps into the ring, ready to prove she’s still a top competitor. Across the ring, Tiffany Stratton makes her entrance, accompanied by the imposing WWE Women's Champion, Nia Jax, who watches closely from ringside.

Match #3: Sasha Banks w/Bayley vs Tiffany Stratton w/Nia Jax

The match begins with a palpable intensity, as both women showcase their athleticism and technical skills. Sasha quickly takes control, using her speed to dodge Stratton’s attempts to ground her. She hits a series of strikes and a beautiful hurricanrana, sending Tiffany reeling. Stratton responds with her own offense, utilizing her agility and clever tactics to gain the upper hand. She traps Sasha in the corner and delivers a series of vicious kicks, showcasing her heel persona. Despite the onslaught, Sasha’s resilience shines through, and she fights back, hitting a spinning back elbow that stuns Tiffany. As the match nears its climax, both women exchange near falls, the energy in the arena building with each near pin. Bayley cheers Sasha on from ringside, encouraging her to dig deep. Just when it seems Tiffany might secure the win with a top-rope maneuver, Sasha counters, catching her in mid-air and transitioning into the Banks Statement. Sasha locks in the submission, and Tiffany struggles, but ultimately has no choice but to tap out.

Match Results: Sasha Banks def. Tiffany Stratton (10:22)

The crowd erupts as Sasha celebrates her victory, re-establishing herself in the ring. Bayley joins her in the ring, and the two embrace, celebrating Sasha’s triumphant return. Tiffany retreats up the ramp, Nia goes to meet her, furious, and Bayley grabs a mic.

Bayley: Hey Nia, Tif! We have been thinking and it’s been four years since the last time me and Sasha teamed up together. So we went to Nick Aldis earlier tonight and were informed that in three weeks, at Bad Blood, it’s going to be the two of you…against us!

Nia smirks, sensing an opportunity to take out her enemies, while Tiffany looks annoyed but accepting as Sasha and Bayley stand tall in the ring, celebrating.

We see The Bloodline backstage and Solo steps forward, ready to address the camera.

Solo Sikoa: (with a serious expression) Roman… I gave you an opportunity to acknowledge me and you didn’t take it. We took you out several weeks ago but clearly you didn’t understand the message. This is not your playground anymore. This is not your show and this is not your Bloodline!!! I have taken everything from you, Roman. I am the tribal chief now. I have the Bloodline. And soon enough, I’ll have the thing that matters to you the most… the Undisputed WWE Championship. And if you try to stop me, I’m going to put you out of your misery once and for all, just like I did to Jimmy and Jey.

As Solo finishes, Tama, Fatu and Tonga step forward, adding their nods of agreement. The camera zooms in on Solo’s intense expression before cutting away.

Michael Cole stands in the center of the ring, microphone in hand. The Lucha Brothers—Pentagón Jr. and Fénix—make their entrance, receiving a thunderous ovation from the crowd. They step into the ring, looking energized and ready to speak.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the newest tag team sensation in WWE, The Lucha Brothers!

The crowd cheers as the brothers take their places in the ring, soaking in the moment.

Michael Cole: Last week, you made a huge impact by saving DIY from an attack by Pretty Deadly. What motivated you to come to their aid?

Pentagón Jr: (smirking) Michael, we didn't just come to WWE to make friends. We came to prove that Lucha Libre is the most electrifying style in wrestling. When we saw Pretty Deadly trying to take out DIY, we couldn’t just stand by. We fight for respect and honor in this ring.

Fénix: And we’ll fight anyone who stands in our way. Pretty Deadly thought they could bully their way through, but they don’t know what they’re up against. We’re here to show them the true meaning of lucha.

Just as they finish, the music of Pretty Deadly hits, and the duo—Elton Prince and Kit Wilson—strut onto the stage, oozing arrogance.

Kit Wilson: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Lucha Brothers! Congratulations on your little debut moment. How adorable.

Elton Prince: But let’s be honest, saving DIY doesn’t make you heroes. It makes you fools! You think you can come in here and make a name for yourselves at our expense? You’re sadly mistaken.

The crowd boos Pretty Deadly as they walk down to the ring, continuing to taunt the Lucha Brothers.

Kit Wilson: You two are just a couple of masked wannabes! And you may have been good where you came from, but this is the big league. You don’t have what it takes to succeed and you’re nothing but a stepping stone on our way to the top!

Suddenly, Pretty Deadly rushes the ring, attempting to attack the Lucha Brothers. But Pentagón and Fénix are ready; they quickly counter, executing a series of high-flying moves that leave Pretty Deadly reeling. They take out Elton with a superkick and Kit with a double-team DDT, sending the duo sprawling to the outside. The crowd erupts as the Lucha Brothers stand tall in the ring but suddenly, DIY's music hits, and Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa appear on the stage and walk to the ring.

Johnny Gargano: We just wanted to say we appreciate what you did for us last week… And welcome.

Tommaso Ciampa: And also… We cannot wait to meet you guys in the ring.

The tension builds as the four men stand in the ring, the crowd roaring with excitement at the possibility of a showdown between DIY and the Lucha Brothers.

The camera cuts to a dimly lit backstage area where Nia Jax paces back and forth, her frustration palpable. Tiffany Stratton stands nearby, looking uneasy after her loss to Sasha Banks.

Nia Jax: (stopping and glaring at Tiffany) What were you thinking out there? Losing to Sasha Banks in her first match back? You’ve got to be kidding me!

Tiffany Stratton: (defensive) I—I had her! I just got caught off guard, Nia. It won’t happen again.

Nia Jax: (leaning in, her tone low and intense) It better not. You’re supposed to be my partner, and now you’ve made us look weak. And I don’t associate myself with losers.

Tiffany swallows hard, sensing the weight of Nia’s words.

Tiffany Stratton: I promise I’ll do better. I’ll show everyone that I can handle this.

Nia Jax: (narrowing her eyes) You better. Because at Bad Blood, we have to make a statement. I’m not losing to anyone, especially not to a couple of wannabes. Understand?

Tiffany nods emphatically, and Nia gives her one last hard look before walking away, leaving Tiffany looking both motivated and apprehensive about what lies ahead.

Match #4: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill vs Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre

The match showcases high-energy exchanges, with Bianca using her incredible athleticism to gain the upper hand early on. Jade displays her strength and agility, working seamlessly with Bianca to keep their opponents on the defensive. Isla and Alba fight back, utilizing clever tactics and quick tags to isolate Jade. However, the teamwork and resilience of Bianca and Jade shines through. In the final moments, Bianca hits a stunning K.O.D. on Isla, followed by Jade delivering Jaded to Alba, securing the victory.

Match Results: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill def. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre (6:11)

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill stand in the ring, fresh off their victory over Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre. The crowd cheers as they soak in the moment before Bianca grabs the microphone.

Bianca Belair: What a night! But after what happened on Monday, we know our fight is far from over.

Jade Cargill: You see, Pure Fusion Collective—Shayna Baszler, Sonya Deville, Natalya, and Zoey Stark—they think they can bully us because they’re all on the same page. But let me tell you something: teamwork doesn’t scare us. It fuels us!

The crowd responds with a loud cheer.

Bianca Belair: And then there’s Damage CTRL—Iyo Sky, Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai. You girls have had your moments, but you’re not going to get anywhere close to our tag team championships ever again.

Jade Cargill: Next Monday on Raw, we will face The Kabuki Warriors. We have beat them before, we will beat them again and they will have no choice but to go to the back of the line.

Bianca Belair: And when we are done with Damage CTRL, we will take care of Pure Fusion Collective and we are going to show you that we are here to stay and we are a force to be reckoned with!

The crowd erupts as Bianca and Jade raise their arms in solidarity.

Jade Cargill: Get ready, because we’re not backing down, and we’re coming for you all!

The energy in the arena is electric, with fans eagerly anticipating the showdown next Monday on Raw.

The camera cuts to Kyla Braxton standing in front of a SmackDown backdrop, looking ready for an interview.

Kyla Braxton: I'm here with AJ Styles, who has been making quite the impact lately, especially after that controversial victory over Andrade. AJ, what are your thoughts on the—

Before Kyla can finish her sentence, AJ Styles strides into the frame with a cocky grin.

AJ Styles: "Thoughts? Kyla, I don't need to think about it. I did what I had to do. Andrade just wasn't on my level—"

Suddenly, Andrade bursts onto the scene, fueled by rage. He tackles AJ from the side, and the two men immediately start brawling! They throw punches, slamming each other into crates and equipment as nearby referees rush in to break it up. The brawl spills into a narrow corridor, Andrade managing to get the upper hand, delivering a series of kicks that sends AJ reeling. AJ retaliates, using his cunning to shove Andrade into a stack of boxes, but Andrade quickly counters, tackling AJ to the ground. Referees struggle to separate the two, but AJ breaks free, launching Andrade into a wall, sending equipment crashing down.

Nick Aldis steps into the fray, commanding attention with a loud voice.

Nick Aldis: "Enough! This ends now! You both want to settle this? Next week, it’s official: AJ Styles versus Andrade in a Falls Count Anywhere match!"

AJ sneers at Andrade, clearly enjoying the chaos he’s created, while Andrade glares back, determination etched on his face. As the referees finally manage to pull AJ and Andrade apart, the tension hangs thick in the air, setting the stage for a brutal showdown.

The familiar music of Roman Reigns echoes in the arena as he steps out, exuding confidence. Roman raises the mic, looking around at the fans, a smirk on his face.

Roman Reigns: Smackdown… Acknowledge me!!!

The crowd cheers for this and start chanting “We acknowledge you” and “OTC” as Roman stares at the crowd, soaking it all in.

Roman Reigns: You all know who I am. I’m still the face of Smackdown, I’m still the Tribal Chief, and nothing has changed.

He pauses, letting the crowd react before continuing.

Roman Reigns: Last week, I made a choice to step in and save Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton. I heard what Cody had to say earlier tonight, but let’s be real— I didn’t do it for you. I did it because I’m haunting the Bloodline. I don’t trust you either. And honestly? I don’t like you either. But guess what? We have a common enemy.

The crowd buzzes with excitement as Cody Rhodes enters the arena, followed by Randy Orton. They step onto the stage and head to the ring, looking determined.

Cody Rhodes: Roman, you say you’re the Tribal Chief, but why should we believe you? Your history is filled with betrayal and lies. And even though I appreciate what you did last week, that doesn’t make us friends, partners or even allies. I don’t trust you and I probably never will.

Randy Orton: You see, me and Cody, we are looking for someone we can trust to battle the Bloodline. And you? You’re not that guy.

Roman raises an eyebrow, his expression serious.

Roman Reigns: Trust? I don’t trust you either. And when I'm done dismantling the Bloodline, believe me Cody, I’m coming for my Undisputed WWE Championship again. But, right now, we have common enemies and I’m the best and only option you have.

Just as tensions rise, the lights suddenly shift, and the ominous music of The Bloodline fills the arena. Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu emerge, circling the ring like predators stalking their prey. As they prepare to attack, a familiar voice echoes through the arena—It’s Paul Heyman!!!

Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman!!!

The crowd goes crazy for Paul and chants his usual speech along with him.

Paul Heyman: I am the wise man for your tribal chief, the head of the table, Roman Reigns!!!

The crowd cheers for Paul as he points to Roman, who has a huge smile on his face, happy to see his wise man.

Paul Heyman: And I didn’t come alone…

The crowd explodes as Jimmy Uso steps out!!! He rushes to the ring and immediately attacks Solo! Chaos ensues as Roman, Cody, Randy, and Jimmy brawl with The Bloodline. Fists are flying, and the ring is filled with action. The faces quickly gain the upper hand, pushing back Solo, Tama, Tonga, and Fatu who retreat through the crowd. The fans are going crazy as Roman, Paul and Jimmy stare each other down in the middle of the ring and embrace each other as a united front.

- AJ Styles vs Andrade in a Falls Count Anywhere match
- The Lucha Brothers in their debut match against A-Town Down under
- We will hear from Roman Reigns and the returning Jimmy Uso
And more!!!

Bad Blood 2024 Updated Card
- Liv Morgan vs Rhea Ripley for the WWE Women's World Championship
- Cody Rhodes vs Solo Sikoa for the Undisputed WWE Championship
- Finn Balor vs Damian Priest
- Sasha Banks and Bayley vs Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton

More to be announced!!!
Last edited:


Sep 8, 2024
Reaction score

Monday Night Raw
September 16th 2024

The arena is alive with energy as the show goes on the air and Gunther’s music hits. The crowd erupts as he walks to the ring, holding the World Heavyweight Championship with pride. He steps inside, the title gleaming as he raises it above his head.

Gunther: Last week, I was prepared to face a worthy challenger for my title. But due to the incompetence of others, I find myself without a No. 1 contender. Therefore, I will take Bad Blood off, and enjoy my reign in peace. Neither one of those guys were worthy of facing me for this championship anyway.

As Gunther lowers the mic, Sheamus's music hits, and the crowd goes wild. Sheamus strides to the ring, a determined look on his face.

Sheamus: Not so fast, Gunther! You think you can just take a vacation with that title? I’m here to tell you I should be the No. 1 contender! I’ve been fighting tooth and nail for this opportunity! And if that prick Chad Gable hadn’t interfere in the match last week, I would have defeated Sami.

Before Gunther can respond, Sami Zayn’s music plays, and he rushes down to the ring, microphone in hand.

Sami Zayn: Excuse me, Sheamus! You may have history, but I’m the one who deserves this shot! I had your ass beat last week until Gable ruined everything. Also, I’m the one person to have ever pinned Gunther. So I think it’s fair to say that puts me above everyone else.

Gunther looks unimpressed, glancing between both men as they argue.

Gunther: Both of you are simply wasting my time. I need a worthy challenger, not a petty squabble.

Suddenly, Adam Pearce’s music hits, and he steps out with a serious expression.

Adam Pearce: Enough! I’m not going to let this continue. Gunther, if you think you are going to take Bad Blood off you are very mistaken because I have a very simple solution for this. In two weeks at Bad Blood, it will be Gunther defending the World Heavyweight Championship in a Triple Threat match against Sami Zayn and Sheamus!

The crowd cheers at the announcement and Gunther looks on furious. Just then, Chad Gable’s music hits, and he walks out, looking fired up.

Chad Gable: Wait a minute! Why is no one talking about me? Neither Sami or Sheamus should be getting a World Heavyweight Championship match. I am sick and tired of constantly being overlooked; I deserve a shot at the big one. I took Gunther to the limit before and I plan on doing it again and, this time, be successful.

Adam Pearce raises an eyebrow, contemplating.

Adam Pearce: Well Gable… You actually have a very good point. But I can’t just hand you an opportunity at the World Championship, especially after you interfered in last week’s match. You will have to earn it. So, here’s the deal: Tonight, you will face Sami Zayn. If you win, the match at Bad Blood becomes a Fatal 4-Way.

The crowd erupts at the stakes. Sami and Gable share a tense stare as Gunther stands to the side, a smirk on his face.

Gunther: This is amusing. Good luck to you all. You'll need it.

With that, Gunther exits the ring, leaving Sheamus, Sami, and Gable glaring at each other.

Match #1: Bron Breakker vs Rey Mysterio

Bron immediately uses his size and strength to push Rey into the corner, delivering a series of powerful shoulder blocks. Rey, ever resilient, dodges a big punch and counters with quick strikes, aiming for Bron’s legs to chop him down. Rey lands a flurry of kicks, staggering Bron momentarily. He attempts a springboard attack, but Bron catches him mid-air, transitioning into a devastating slam. The impact shakes the ring, and Bron goes for the pin. Rey kicks out just in time, and the crowd erupts with cheers. Bron, visibly frustrated, drags Rey to his feet, but Rey surprises him with a quick DDT, creating some space to regroup. As Bron stumbles back, Rey takes a moment to catch his breath, and the crowd rallies behind him. Rey starts to build momentum, hitting Bron with a series of strikes followed by a spinning wheel kick that sends Bron into the ropes.

Rey follows up with a 619 attempt, but Bron catches him again, this time countering with a massive spinebuster that shakes the arena. Bron goes for the cover again and Rey kicks out once more, showing his heart and determination. Bron, now growing impatient, hoists Rey up and positions him for a powerbomb, but Rey counters with a hurricanrana, sending Bron crashing into the corner. With Bron dazed, Rey climbs to the top rope, signaling for a high-flying move. He launches off with a crossbody, but Bron catches him once again, this time transitioning into a military press. Bron holds Rey up for a moment, showcasing his power before slamming him down hard onto the mat. He quickly goes for the pin and picks up the victory.

Match Results: Bron Breakker def. Rey Mysterio (12:08)

Bron looks down at Rey and decides to continue the assault, stomping on him relentlessly. The crowd begins to boo, growing restless. Suddenly, Dragon Lee’s music hits! The crowd erupts as Dragon Lee sprints to the ring, sliding in to confront Bron who retreats up the ramp. Lee proceeds to grab a microphone.

Dragon Lee: Bron, you may have won tonight, but your days of champion are numbered. You will no longer disrespect Rey or anyone else because next week I’m challenging you for the Intercontinental Championship. I’ve beat you before and, next week, I will do it again and become the new intercontinental champion!

The crowd goes wild, excited by the announcement. Bron's expression shifts from amusement to irritation as he realizes Dragon Lee means business. Bron glares at Dragon Lee, who stands firm, ready for the challenge ahead. The camera captures the intensity between the two, building excitement for their upcoming clash.

The camera cuts to Jackie Redmond standing in the backstage area, ready for an interview. The energy is palpable as she holds the microphone, looking excited.

Jackie Redmond: I’m here with the current World Tag Team Champions, The New Day! Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods, you have a huge challenge ahead of you tonight as you face The Viking Raiders. How are you feeling going into this match?

Kofi and Xavier are seen adjusting their gear, wearing bright smiles despite the looming challenge.

Kofi Kingston: Jackie, we’re feeling amazing! The Viking Raiders are tough, no doubt about it, but they’ve got to remember one thing: we’re the champs for a reason!

Xavier Woods: That’s right! We’ve faced giants before, and we’ve come out on top. The New Day doesn’t just bring the power; we bring the positivity and the heart!

Jackie Redmond: You mentioned facing giants before. What’s your strategy against a team as physical and aggressive as The Viking Raiders?

Kofi Kingston: It’s all about teamwork! We know they’re going to come at us hard, but we’re ready to counter that. Speed and agility are our weapons, and we’re going to use them to our advantage.

Xavier Woods: And let’s not forget the power of positivity! That energy fuels us, and when we step into that ring, we’re not just fighting for ourselves; we’re fighting for everyone who believes in us.

As they speak, the atmosphere shifts slightly, and the sound of The Viking Raiders’ music can be heard faintly in the distance.

Jackie Redmond: Do you think The Viking Raiders are underestimating you?

Kofi Kingston: Honestly, they might be. But we’ve shown time and time again that you can’t count The New Day out. We’re more than just a tag team; we’re brothers!

Xavier nods, determination etched on his face.

Xavier Woods: And tonight, we’re going to prove that once again. The Viking Raiders might think they can take those titles, but we’re ready to defend what’s ours!

Kofi Kingston: So, to Erik and Ivar, we hope you’re ready for a fight. Because we’re not going down without a battle.

The camera captures the intensity in their eyes as they fist bump, radiating confidence.

Jackie Redmond: There you have it! The New Day is fired up and ready to defend their titles against The Viking Raiders. It’s sure to be an explosive match!

The camera fades out as Kofi and Xavier head towards the entrance, full of energy and ready for action.

Match #2: New Day vs The Viking Raiders – World Tag Team Championship

The bell rings, and the match begins with Kofi and Erik starting things off. Kofi uses his agility to dodge Erik’s initial attacks, hitting him with a series of quick strikes. However, Erik quickly catches Kofi, delivering a brutal shoulder tackle that sends him sprawling. Kofi tries to tag in Xavier, but Erik pulls him back, preventing the tag. Ivar tags in and immediately goes on the offensive, hitting Kofi with heavy strikes and a massive hip toss. The Viking Raiders start to isolate Kofi, cutting off the ring and making quick tags to keep him from reaching Xavier. Kofi fights back, trying to build momentum, but every time he gains a bit of ground, the Raiders cut him off with powerful moves. The crowd rallies behind Kofi as he finally manages to escape Ivar’s grasp and dives for the tag! Xavier enters the ring like a house of fire, taking down Ivar with a series of punches and a dropkick. He keeps the momentum going, hitting Erik with a spinning elbow. The New Day shows their resilience, but the Viking Raiders quickly regroup and start to wear down Xavier.

The match reaches a critical point when Ivar sets up for a top rope move. Kofi, sensing the danger, jumps onto the apron and distracts the referee. Xavier manages to push Ivar off the top rope, sending him crashing to the mat! Kofi and Xavier rally the crowd, firing each other up. Xavier makes the tag to Kofi, who leaps off the top rope with a crossbody onto Erik, followed by a flurry of offense! As Kofi gains momentum, he attempts Trouble in Paradise, but Erik ducks just in time, and Kofi spins around, barely avoiding a vicious lariat. Kofi tags in Xavier again, and they work together to hit a double-team move—a backstabber followed by a flying splash! The crowd erupts as Kofi and Xavier make the cover. Ivar breaks it up at the last moment, pulling Xavier off Kofi. The action spills outside the ring, and chaos ensues as all four men brawl, trading heavy blows. Back in the ring, the Viking Raiders attempt their finishing move, but Kofi counters with a kick to Ivar, stunning him. Xavier hits a superkick on Erik, sending him to the canvas. Kofi quickly climbs to the top rope and signals for the finish. He leaps off, hitting a stunning diving splash onto Erik followed by Trouble in Paradise! Xavier covers and picks up the victory.

Match Results: New Day def. The Viking Raiders (14:48) – Still World Tag Team Champions

The camera cuts to the backstage area where Rey Mysterio is sitting with Dragon Lee, giving him some advice. Dragon Lee looks focused, listening intently.

Rey Mysterio: Listen, Dragon, I know you’ve faced some tough opponents but Bron Breakker is no joke. He gave me a beating out there. But you have what it takes to win that Intercontinental Championship. Just remember to stay true to yourself and trust your instincts in the ring.

Dragon Lee nods, his determination evident.

Dragon Lee: Thank you, Rey. I’ll make sure to give it my all next week. I want to show everyone what I can do.

Just then, Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan stroll into the scene, a smug look on Dominik's face as he spots Rey and Dragon Lee.

Dominik Mysterio: Well, if it isn’t the father-son duo preparing for another failure. What are you two chatting about? How to lose gracefully?

Rey’s expression darkens as he steps protectively in front of Dragon Lee.

Rey Mysterio: What do you want, Dominik? Can't you see we're busy?

Dominik Mysterio: (mockingly) Oh, I can see it. But listen, Dragon, if you ever want to succeed in WWE, you need to stop hanging out with deadbeat dads. Look at me—ever since I cut ties, my career has taken off!

Dragon Lee’s anger simmers as he stands tall, locking eyes with Dominik.

Dragon Lee: You think that makes you better than us? After I win the Intercontinental Championship next week, I’m coming for you. And trust me, I will beat your ass!

The tension escalates as Dominik shrugs it off, unfazed.

Dominik Mysterio: Good luck with that. You’ll be back in the shadows before you know it.

Liv Morgan: You will not win the Intercontinental Championship. Dom will win it eventually and we will the new power couple of WWE.

At that moment, Zelina Vega strides into the scene, sensing the escalating tension.

Zelina Vega: What’s going on here? More of your pathetic trash talk, Liv? Maybe you should focus on your own career instead of trying to defend Dominik's failures.

Liv steps up, ready to argue back.

Liv Morgan: And who are you to talk? You’re just trying to ride Rey and Dragon Lee’s coattails!

Zelina Vega: If you want to settle this, how about I challenge you to a match tonight? Let’s see who can actually back up their words in the ring.

Liv smirks, a glimmer of challenge in her eyes.

Liv Morgan: You really think you can take me on? Bring it!

Dominik leans back, pleased with the chaos unfolding.

Dominik Mysterio: This is going to be a disaster for you, Zelina.

Dragon Lee, fueled by determination, locks eyes with Dominik once more.

Dragon Lee: Just wait, Dominik. After I win that title, I’ll deal with you.

As the tension thickens, the camera captures the fierce resolve on the faces of Rey, Dragon Lee, and Zelina.

The arena is charged with energy as the lights dim, and eerie music plays. The titantron lights up, revealing Braun Strowman standing in a dark, shadowy space, wearing the old sheep mask. The crowd buzzes with intrigue and anticipation as Bron enters the arena and makes his way to the ring. Braun lifts the microphone to his lips, his voice distorted by the mask.

Braun Strowman: For too long, I’ve fought against who I truly am. This mask symbolizes my past, my connection to the darkness that fuels me. Uncle Howdy has shown me that I don’t need to hide from it. Embracing the chaos is my path forward.

He pauses, taking a deep breath, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

Braun Strowman: I’ve been a monster among men, but now, I’m ready to become something more. Something powerful and no one will stand in my way.

Suddenly, Uncle Howdy’s theme music plays, cutting through Braun’s promo. Howdy strides confidently to the ring, a sly smile on his face as he holds a microphone of his own.

Uncle Howdy: Look at you, Braun. The mask fits you well. You’re finally starting to understand the true power of darkness. Together, we can unleash a force that this company has never seen before.

The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the tension builds between the two figures.

Braun slowly removes the sheep mask, revealing a fierce determination in his eyes. He stands firm, staring down Uncle Howdy.

Braun Strowman: You’re right about one thing, Howdy. I am ready to embrace the darkness. But I’m not sure I need you to do it.

Howdy smirks, clearly unfazed by Braun’s defiance.

Uncle Howdy: We can help each other. Imagine the destruction we could cause if we join forces. You don’t have to go through this alone. Do this for Bray.

The crowd murmurs, sensing the potential for a dark alliance. Braun looks contemplative for a moment, then shakes his head.

Braun Strowman: I’m not interested in being anyone’s puppet. But maybe I’ll let you show me what you’re capable of.

The atmosphere shifts as the two men step closer, their faces inches apart, the tension thickening.

Uncle Howdy: Then let’s make a deal. Follow me into the darkness, and together, we’ll bring chaos to this place.

Without breaking eye contact, Braun nods slightly, and they both turn to exit the arena together, a chilling alliance forming before the audience’s eyes. As they walk up the ramp, the crowd is left buzzing with anticipation and uncertainty, wondering what this partnership will mean for the future. The camera zooms in on Braun’s determined face, hinting at the unpredictable path that lies ahead.

Match #3: Liv Morgan w/Dominik Mysterio vs Zelina Vega

They lock up, and Zelina quickly transitions into a headlock, trying to control the pace. Liv counters, shoving Zelina off the ropes, and hits her with a shoulder tackle. Zelina hits the mat but rolls back to her feet, anger flashing in her eyes. Zelina retaliates with a series of quick strikes, pushing Liv into the corner. She follows up with a kick to the midsection, then delivers a snap suplex. Zelina goes for the cover and Liv kicks out, showing resilience. Zelina keeps the pressure on, locking in a submission hold. Liv fights her way back to her feet, breaking the hold and sending Zelina into the ropes. As Zelina rebounds, Liv catches her with a kick to the face, sending her crashing to the mat. Liv climbs to the top rope but just as she leaps for the Senton, Zelina rolls out of the way, causing Liv to crash hard onto the mat. Zelina quickly capitalizes with a series of kicks, but Liv catches one and spins her into a devastating DDT! Both women are down as the referee starts the count. The crowd counts along, eager for a winner. Liv begins to stir first, crawling toward Zelina. Liv manages to make the cover and Zelina kicks out at the last moment! Liv, frustrated, pulls Zelina up and goes for the Oblivion, but Zelina counters, pushing her into the corner. Liv’s momentum allows her to recover quickly, and she charges forward, connecting with a flying crossbody. She attempts another move, but Zelina surprises her with a roll-up. Liv escapes, and both women scramble to their feet. Liv finally hits the Oblivion and covers Zelina for the win.

Match Results: Liv Morgan def. Zelina Vega (10:31)

Suddenly, Rhea Ripley’s music hits, and she storms down to the ring, as Liv and Dominik’s faces turn to panic. Liv and Dominik try to escape through the crowd, but Rhea grabs Liv and throws her to the floor with brute force. Dominik Mysterio rushes in to intervene and Liv takes advantage, grabbing Rhea, delivering a quick punch to fend her off and throwing her into the steel post. Just then, Damian Priest runs down to help Rhea, but Finn Balor intercepts him on the ramp, throwing punches. The chaos continues as Liv sends Rhea back in the ring. Finn and Damian are brawling outside, and the referee tries to restore order. Liv delivers a superkick to Rhea followed by Oblivion as Dominik laughs and encourages Liv. Outside the ring, Finn hits Damian with the steel steps three times, the last blow sending him flying over the barricade. The Judgment Day stands tall, clearly proud of the damage they caused as the crowd boos.

The camera opens to a dimly lit area backstage where Damage CTRL is gathered. Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai stand confidently in front, flanked by Asuka and Kairi Sane.

Iyo Sky: Since WrestleMania, Damage CTRL has not been the same. We lost strength and power. But tonight, our road to become the most dominant faction in WWE once again begins when Asuka and Kairi defeat Belair and Cargill.

Dakota Kai: We’ve been patient, watching them celebrate their little reign, but it’s time for a change. Asuka and Kairi, you’ve been the backbone of this division, and tonight, we will show everyone why we’re the most dominant force in WWE. And, after tonight, it’s just a matter of time until the Women’s Tag Team Championships come back to Damage CTRL once again.

The scene fades out with the powerful image of Damage CTRL united, setting the stage for their high-stakes match against Belair and Cargill.

The arena lights dim as Drew McIntyre’s music hits. The crowd erupts with a lot of boos as he walks to the ring, a confident look on his face. He grabs a microphone and stands center stage, soaking in the energy of the crowd before he speaks.

Drew McIntyre: You know, I've always been one to take responsibility for my actions. But let’s get one thing straight—I didn’t mean to punch AJ Lee. That was an accident, plain and simple. But... if I’m being honest, I’m not exactly upset about it. I didn’t mean to punch her but I’m glad I did it.

The crowd reacts with a mix of shock and intrigue. Drew smirks, pacing the ring.

Drew McIntyre: CM Punk, you’ve been out here crying about how I disrespected your wife, how I crossed a line. But let’s not forget who the real monster is. You brought this upon yourself. You’ve been poking the bear for months, and now you want to act all high and mighty? Please. All those times you cost me the World Heavyweight Championship, how you screwed me over of every opportunity I got. You deserve everything that is happening so no, I’m not sorry about your wife and I would do it all over again. And if she wants to blame someone, she should blame you for messing with the wrong guy.

Drew’s intensity rises as he grips the mic tighter.

Drew McIntyre: Last week, you challenged me to a Hell in a Cell match at Bad Blood, and you know what? I accept. But you better understand something: inside that structure, there are no rules, no limits, and no mercy. You want to settle this? Then let’s do it in the most unforgiving way possible.

The crowd erupts, some cheering, others showing their disdain for the prospect of the match.

Drew McIntyre: You’re going to step into my world, Punk. This isn’t just about revenge for you or for me. This is about survival. I’m going to take everything you hold dear and smash it into oblivion. You think you’re the best in the world? We’ll see about that when I put you through hell.

Drew takes a moment, looking into the camera, his expression serious.

Drew McIntyre: So get ready, Punk. At Bad Blood, you’ll be facing the wrath of the Scottish Warrior. You wanted this fight, and now you’re going to get it. And believe me, I won’t stop until I leave you broken, battered and bloody.

With that, Drew drops the mic, his music hitting as he stares into the camera, a fierce determination in his eyes. The crowd buzzes with anticipation for the impending clash, setting the stage for an explosive showdown at Bad Blood.

Match #4: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill vs The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) w/Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai

The bell rings, and Bianca starts off strong, showcasing her athleticism with powerful slams and impressive agility. Kairi Sane counters with her speed, using quick strikes and agile moves, keeping Bianca on her toes. Jade tags in, bringing her fierce presence to the ring, dominating Asuka with her strength. Asuka retaliates, expertly working over Jade’s arm, transitioning into a series of kicks that keep Jade at bay. The crowd is fully invested, cheering for both teams as the back-and-forth continues. The match reaches a fever pitch as all four women get involved, creating chaos in the ring. Just when it looks like Bianca and Jade are gaining the upper hand, the atmosphere shifts dramatically. Suddenly, Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, Zoey Stark, and Natalya storm the ringside area, launching an unexpected attack on Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai. The distraction allows the chaos to spill into the ring. Sonya and Shayna take out Iyo and Dakota, while Zoey and Natalya dive into the ring to unleash a brutal assault on Bianca, Jade, Asuka, and Kairi. The referee tries to regain control, but the scene is pandemonium as fists fly and bodies collide. With the match spiraling out of control, the referee has no choice but to call for the bell, resulting in a disqualification.

Match Results: The Kabuki Warriors def. Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill by disqualification (8:52)

As the chaos continues, Sonya, Shayna, Zoey, and Natalya stand tall in the ring with everybody laid out except them, posing triumphantly with the Women’s Tag Team Championships, clearly laying claim to the titles despite not being the champions.

The arena is buzzing as Seth Rollins’ music hits, and the crowd erupts in cheers. He struts to the ring, visibly energized, a determined look on his face. He takes a moment to soak in the adoration before grabbing a mic.

Seth Rollins: (smiling) You know, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of coming back from injury, feeling the energy of this incredible crowd, and knowing that the monster responsible for my pain is still lurking around! Bronson Reed, I haven’t forgotten what you did to me. You took me out, you thought you could silence me, but all you did was light a fire under me!

The crowd cheers as Seth paces the ring, his intensity building.

Seth Rollins: So here’s the deal, big man. I’m challenging you to a match at Bad Blood! I want you to step into this ring with me so I can show you exactly why you don’t mess with Seth Rollins. You think you can intimidate me? You think you can take me down? Well, you’re about to find out that I’m not just any competitor—I’m Seth Freakin’ Rollins!

The crowd erupts again, feeding off his energy. Seth pauses, letting the excitement build before continuing.

Seth Rollins: But tonight, I’m not just here for Bronson Reed. Oh no, I’m feeling generous! Tonight, I feel like stomping people’s heads on this mat so I’m issuing an open challenge right here, right now! So, if you think you have what it takes to step up, then come on down!

The arena buzzes with anticipation as the challenge hangs in the air. Suddenly, Pete Dunne’s music hits, and the crowd pops as he makes his way to the ring, a look of determination on his face.

Seth Rollins: (grinning) Well, well, well! Looks like we have a taker! Pete Dunne, I respect your grit and your style, but you picked a hell of a night to answer this challenge.

Rollins extends a hand, but Dunne stares him down, a fierce look in his eyes, as a referee comes down to the ring to start the match.

Match #5: Seth Rollins vs Pete Dunne

The bell rings, and the atmosphere is electric as Seth Rollins and Pete Dunne circle each other in the ring. The crowd is firmly behind Rollins, chanting his name as he locks eyes with Dunne, who sneers back, exuding his trademark arrogance. The match starts with a quick exchange of holds, Rollins using his agility to gain the upper hand early on. He executes a series of quick strikes, sending Dunne reeling. Dunne quickly regains his composure, retaliating with a stiff forearm to Rollins’ jaw, followed by a brutal chop that echoes through the arena. As the match progresses, Dunne begins to take control, showcasing his technical prowess. He targets Rollins’ arm, twisting it painfully and using the ropes for leverage. The crowd rallies behind Rollins, chanting for him to fight back as Dunne smirks, reveling in the punishment he’s dishing out. Rollins, showing his resilience, fights back with a series of quick counters. He dodges a charge from Dunne, sending him crashing into the corner. Rollins seizes the opportunity, hitting a series of clotheslines and a blockbuster that gets the crowd fired up. He’s back in the game! But Dunne isn’t done yet. As Rollins builds momentum, Dunne counters a springboard move with a vicious enzuigiri, knocking Rollins down. He goes for a cover, but Rollins kicks out at two, the crowd erupting in cheers. Dunne transitions into a submission hold, wrenching Rollins’ arm again, but Seth fights his way to the ropes, forcing the break. Dunne, frustrated, argues with the referee, allowing Rollins a moment to recover.

The crowd claps in unison, willing their hero to rise. With renewed energy, Rollins springs to his feet, launching himself at Dunne with a flying crossbody. Both men crash to the mat, but Rollins quickly rolls to his feet, the fire in his eyes unmistakable. He follows up with a superkick that sends Dunne staggering. As Dunne tries to recover in the corner, Rollins charges, delivering a running knee that rocks the Brit. Dunne slumps to the mat, and Rollins climbs to the top rope, looking to finish it. Rollins takes a moment to soak in the crowd’s energy before launching off for a frog splash, but Dunne rolls away at the last second! The impact shakes the ring as Rollins crashes hard. Dunne, sensing his moment, quickly capitalizes, trying to lock in the Bitter End, but Rollins fights it off! In a stunning display of resilience, Rollins reverses the hold, pushing Dunne away. He then catches him with a superkick that stuns him. The crowd erupts as Rollins readies himself for the finish. Seth steps back, eyes locked on Dunne as he sizes him up. With the crowd behind him, he charges forward, delivering a devastating Stomp right to Dunne’s face! Dunne crumples to the mat, and Rollins makes the cover. The referee counts: one, two, three!

Match Results: Seth Rollins def. Pete Dunne (16:20)

The camera cuts to Karrion Kross standing in the backstage area. His expression is intense, eyes focused as he prepares to address the recent events surrounding Braun Strowman and Uncle Howdy.

Jackie Redmond: Karrion, what is your reaction regarding what happened earlier tonight between Braun Strowman and Uncle Howdy?

Karrion Kross: (smirking) You know, it’s fascinating how quickly the tides can turn in this business. Braun Strowman, a powerhouse, a behemoth—suddenly he finds himself donning a mask and joining forces with the very thing he once escaped from. It’s almost poetic, really.

He takes a step closer to the camera, intensity building in his voice.

Karrion Kross: But let’s not forget who I am. I’m Karrion Kross. I don’t chase after alliances; I create destiny. Uncle Howdy can wrap his claws around Strowman, but what he offers is a cage, not freedom. Braun may think he’s found a home, but he’s merely stepping into a trap, and I’m not going to sit idly by while he makes that mistake.

He runs a hand through his hair, exuding a calm yet menacing energy.

Karrion Kross: I’ve always respected Strowman’s power, but it seems he’s forgotten the strength that comes from within, the strength to stand alone. I wanted him on my side, but now? Now, it’s a matter of principle. I won’t let Uncle Howdy manipulate him, or anyone else, for that matter.

He leans forward slightly, his gaze unwavering.

Karrion Kross: Braun may be lost in the shadows, but I promise you, when the time comes, I will shine a light on the truth. Uncle Howdy can have his puppet for now, but I’ll be watching… and waiting. The real game is just beginning.

With a final, piercing look into the camera, Karrion Kross turns away, leaving the audience with a palpable sense of tension and anticipation for what’s to come.

The World Heavyweight Champion Gunther emerges in the arena, followed by Sheamus, as they will join commentary for our main event.

Match #6: Sami Zayn vs Chad Gable – If Gable wins, the match at Bad Blood becomes a Fatal-4-Way

As the match begins, the camera cuts to the commentary table where the World Heavyweight Champion Gunther and Sheamus sit. Both men analyze the matchup with intensity. Back in the ring, Gable and Zayn exchange holds and counters, both men displaying their technical skills. Zayn uses his agility to evade Gable’s grapples, but Gable quickly adapts, catching Zayn with a perfectly executed suplex. The crowd applauds Gable’s technical mastery as he goes for an early pin, but Zayn kicks out. As the match continues, Gable maintains a slight edge, using his wrestling acumen to ground Zayn. He targets Sami’s legs, trying to slow him down. Zayn, however, shows resilience, fighting back with a series of strikes and an explosive tornado DDT that shifts the momentum in his favor. The crowd is on their feet, cheering as Zayn rallies, hitting Gable with a big blue thunder bomb! He goes for the cover, but Gable kicks out at two, much to Zayn’s frustration. The pace quickens as both men trade blows. Gable attempts a German suplex, but Zayn counters, pushing Gable into the ropes. Zayn charges for a clothesline, but Gable ducks and delivers a quick roll-up for a near fall! The tension rises as the crowd counts along with the referee.

As the match nears its climax, Zayn builds momentum, hitting a running heel kick that sends Gable into the corner. Sami follows up with a series of strikes, then sets Gable up for the Helluva Kick. The crowd is electric, chanting for Sami to finish it. But just as he prepares, chaos erupts outside the ring. Gunther and Sheamus exchange heated words at the commentary table and start to brawl, exchanging blows. The referee rushes to the ropes to restore order, distracted by the fight unfolding outside. Seeing the distraction, the Creed Brothers rush to ringside. They slide into the ring, attacking Sami Zayn from behind, catching him off guard. The crowd erupts in shock and disapproval as the brothers deliver a brutal double-team, incapacitating Zayn. With the referee still preoccupied, Gable seizes the opportunity. He quickly gets to his feet, and with a determined look, he delivers his signature Chaos Theory rolling German suplex on Zayn! Gable covers Zayn as the referee finally turns back, counting: one, two, three!

Match Results: Chad Gable def. Sami Zayn (15:10)

The bell rings, and the crowd is left stunned as Chad Gable stands victorious, pumping his fist in the air. Gunther and Sheamus stop brawling momentarily to take in the result, both clearly intrigued by what this means for Bad Blood. As Gable celebrates in the ring, the Creed Brothers join him, raising his arms in victory. The camera cuts to Gunther and Sheamus, who exchange knowing glances, both aware that the stakes just got higher for their championship match.

- Bron Breakker vs Dragon Lee for the Intercontinental Championship
And more!!!

Bad Blood 2024 Updated Card
- Liv Morgan vs Rhea Ripley for the WWE Women's World Championship
- Cody Rhodes vs Solo Sikoa for the Undisputed WWE Championship
- Finn Balor vs Damian Priest
- CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre in a Hell in a Cell match
- Gunther vs Sheamus vs Chad Gable vs Sami Zayn in a Fatal 4 Way match for the World Heavyweight Championship
- Sasha Banks and Bayley vs Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton

More to be announced!!!