WWE 2024: Summerslam fallout

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
I thought the opening segment was a bit awkward to start off with, having Rhea and Priest come down, only for JD to come out right away, but then they let Rhea talk anyway. It just came off a little weird. Liv trying to duck Rhea’s challenge works, but Pearce making two matches official is solid. Obviously similar to in real life, but you’re left in a situation where you have to wrap up these angles so it’s logical really. The rest of Judgment Day being banned from the arena at Bad Blood is a nice touch.

Erik beating Woods here is the right call, to keep The War Raiders looking strong after their recent return. Expect a tag match to come from this.

I honestly did thing Rey was a strange choice as a challenger for Gunther, considering Rey doesn’t really do much of note anymore. Kind of came out of nowhere. Mysterio’s promo was fine, although not sure Rey needs to go straight into a feud with another champion, even if Bron does make more sense. Dragon Lee stepping in to defend his hero/mentor works well here.

Jey Uso’s promo about his family and The Bloodline was pretty good, and man that attack from Jacob Fatu was brutal. Clearly drawing the battle lines as this sets Jey up to help his family, even if it’s only for his own revenge. Good stuff.

Pure Fusion Collective is/are awful. Happy Dmg Ctrl won. Dakota Kai for World Champ plz.

I like the idea of multiple people chasing Gunther and the title. Hope this means we’re getting a multi man match. Sami/Gunther makes sense as Sami is the last person to beat Gunther, but again, would be nice to have something be different to in real life here.

Braun Strowman getting recruited from two sides is an interesting angle for sure, and one of the better ones you’ve created here. Kross wanting him works, and love the symbolism of Braun holding the old sheep mask as Uncle Howdy tries to bring him back. Really good stuff here, probably the thing I’m enjoying most from you at the moment. Feels like a well crafted, original angle so far.

Booking 101 with Lee getting a flash pin over Breakker, meaning will most likely get a title match between these two. Cool. I’m okay with that.

Awesome main event. Love Reed and Otis getting the main event and love them getting twenty minutes to beat the hell out of each other. Puts Otis over in defeat and Reed has to look like a million bucks, as I assume he’s waiting on the return of an injured Seth Rollins.

Ending was interesting for sure. From a booking perspective, a big thumbs up. Love the creativity of having AJ get involved to create some drama, and Drew comes out of this with even more heat. I don’t know if it’s the writing style or I’ve misread, but if AJ is between them, how did Drew accidentally swing and hit her? A bit confused by that, but otherwise this sets the scene perfectly for them to have to continue to feud. Well done on coming up with a really good reason to keep Punk furious as well.

Solid Raw. Enjoying the stuff you’re putting your own spin on, so can’t wait until you get to further mold Raw into your own.
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Sep 8, 2024
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Friday Night Smackdown
September 6th 2024

The crowd roars as Michael Cole welcomes us to Friday Night Smackdown. The energy in the arena shits drastically as The Bloodline emerges and walks to the ring. Solo grabs a mic, his expression cold and intense.

Solo Sikoa: WWE Universe…

The crowd boos as Solo takes a moment to look at the crowd.

Solo Sikoa: Acknowledge me!!!

The crowd erupts in boos and chants for Roman Reigns and OTC.

Solo Sikoa: So Jey Uso thought he could simply walk away from this family, this bloodline, and stand on his own. This past week, Jey learned the hard way that there’s no escape from this family. He was the only one member of the old Bloodline left and that needed to be rectified. I was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and that’s what happened, I sent Jacob Fatu and he got the job done. And now WWE is finally free of Roman, free of Jimmy and free of Jey.

Solo now turns his attention to the Undisputed WWE Championship.

Solo Sikoa: But now… I’ve got my eyes on something bigger. Cody Rhodes. You’ve been walking around with that Undisputed WWE Championship but your time is coming. I want my rematch and I’m going to get it.

The crowd erupts with boos. Just as Solo finishes, “Kingdom” hits and Cody Rhodes steps onto the stage, mic in hand, with the championship over his shoulder.

Cody Rhodes: Really Solo? This is your big plan? You, Fatu, The Tongas… what I’m looking at is nothing but a cheap, knock-off version of the Bloodline. The real Bloodline crumbled, and you guys are nothing but the last remnants, scrambling to stay relevant.

The crowd cheers as Cody enters the ring.

Cody Rhodes: You want this Undisputed WWE Championship? I would be more than happy to kick your ass once again and show the world that you are nothing more than a wanna be tribal chief.

Before Cody can say another word, Fatu, Tama and Loa jump him beating him down viciously. Solo watches with a smirk as Cody is outnumbered. But suddenly, “Voices” blasts through the arena and Randy Orton sprints down to the ring. He clears house with RKO’s, saving Cody from the assault. As the chaos subsides, Smackdown GM Nick Aldis appears on the stage and announces that Cody will defend his Undisputed WWE Championship against Solo Sikoa at Bad Blood. As for tonight, Cody will go one-on-one with Jacob Fatu. The crowd cheers as Cody and Randy stand tall in the ring, staring down the Bloodline as we go to a commercial break.

Match #1: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill vs Chelsea Green and Piper Niven – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship

The match is set ablaze by the tension from the previous week, where Chelsea and Piper ambushed Jade and Bianca, injuring her arm. As the match gets underway, Chelsea and Piper quickly target Bianca's weakened arm, employing ruthless tactics to keep her on the defensive. Bianca fights valiantly, showcasing her resilience, but the damage from the ambush is evident. Despite her struggles, she makes crucial tags to Jade, who brings a fresh burst of energy to the ring. Jade's impressive athleticism turns the tide, and after a fierce exchange, Bianca finds a moment to capitalize. With determination, she fights through the pain and delivers a powerful comeback, stunning Chelsea and Piper. In a dramatic finale, Bianca executes a stunning KOD on Piper, followed by Jade hitting Jaded on Chelsea to secure the pinfall victory.

Match Results: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill def. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven (8:11) – Still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

After the match, Pure Fusion Collective emerges from the crowd and attacks the champions. It is a relentless 4-on-2 attack until Damage CTRL comes out to even the odds. A huge brawl issues between the two teams and ends with Iyo Sky delivering a moonsault to the outside, taking everybody down in the process.

Backstage, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa, visibly frustrated after their loss to the Bloodline last week, are walking through the hallway. Suddenly, Pretty Deadly approaches them with their signature smug grins.

Elton Prince: Well, well, well… look who it is. DIY, fresh off another failed attempt to reclaim glory. How’s it feel to always come up short?

Kit Wilson: Must be exhausting, constantly falling flat on your faces. But hey, at least you’re consistent!

Gargano and Ciampa stop in their tracks, glaring at Pretty Deadly.

Johnny Gargano: Real funny, coming from the guys who’ve been sitting on the sidelines. When’s the last time you even had a match that mattered?

Tommaso Ciampa: We don’t have time for this. We’ve got bigger problems than dealing with wannabe fashion models trying to stay relevant.

Elton and Kit laugh mockingly.

Elton Prince: Oh, trust us, darlings, we’re more than relevant. In fact, we were just thinking… It’s about time someone put you two out of your misery once and for all.

Kit Wilson: Yeah, we’re tired of watching you stumble around thinking you’re still top-tier. Why don’t we give everyone a real show and finish you off ourselves?

Ciampa steps closer to them, glaring.

Tommaso Ciampa: You want a match? Fine. You two, us, tonight. Let’s see how your little pretty faces hold up when you’re in the ring with real fighters.

Johnny Gargano: And when we’re done with you, maybe you’ll think twice before running your mouths at DIY.

Pretty Deadly smirk, clearly unfazed.

Elton Prince: Oh darling, we’re always ready for our close-up. See you in the ring.

The tension is thick as DIY and Pretty Deadly stare each other down before Pretty Deadly walk off confidently. The camera lingers on DIY, who share a determined nod before walking away.

Match #2: AJ Styles vs Andrade

AJ circles the ring confidently, while Andrade stands tall, eyeing him cautiously. The two lock up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up, with AJ quickly transitioning to a headlock. Andrade pushes him off into the ropes and AJ bounces back, hitting a quick shoulder block that takes Andrade down. Andrade quickly kips up and the two exchange a series of counters – arm drags, wrist locks and flips – showcasing their athleticism. Andrade catches AJ with a deep arm drag and follows up with a dropkick, sending Styles rolling out of the ring to regroup. AJ smirks, nodding in acknowledgement as he re-enters the ring. Andrade begins to control the pace, hitting AJ with strong chops to the chest, driving him into the corner. He whips AJ across the ring, but AJ rolls out of the way. AJ capitalizes with a quick Pele kick, stunning Andrade. AJ then goes for a suplex, but Andrade counters, dropping AJ with a back elbow and hitting a crisp snap suplex, floating over to a cover and kick out at two. Andrade continues his offense, hitting a springboard moonsault for another near fall.

He grabs AJ by the head, attempting to connect with The Message but AJ fights out, nailing Andrade with a series of forearm strikes. AJ hits the ropes and connects with a flying forearm, sending Andrade down hard. AJ heads to the apron to set up for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Andrade rises to his feet and knocks AJ off the apron to the floor. Andrade follows him outside, throwing AJ into the barricade. He lifts AJ and slams him face-first into the ring post, but AJ sneakily grabs Andrade’s tights and throws him into the steel steps to regain control. AJ throws Andrade back into the ring and tears apart the turnbuckle pad as the referee argues with him. With Andrade dazed and taking advantage of the referee being distracted by adjusting the turnbuckle pad, AJ pulls out a pair of brass knuckles from his tights. He quickly strikes Andrade with a low blow followed by a hidden punch with the knuckles to Andrade’s jaw. He tosses the brass knuckles out of the ring as the referee turns around. AJ then goes to the apron and hits a perfect Phenomenal Forearm, picking up the victory.

Match Results: AJ Styles def. Andrade (15:23)

Cody Rhodes is seen backstage pacing back and forth, the WWE Championship glimmering on his shoulder. He looks focused but a bit tense. Randy Orton walks in, a serious expression on his face.

Randy Orton: (leaning against the wall) You know, you’ve got a target on your back now more than ever.

Cody Rhodes: (stopping to face him) I know, Randy. Solo, Tama, Tonga, Fatu—they’re not playing games.

Randy Orton: (nodding) They never do. But listen, I’m here to tell you that I’ve got your back tonight.

Cody Rhodes: (raising an eyebrow) You sure about that? Things got a bit tense between us in the last few weeks…

Randy Orton: (smirking) Yeah, but tonight it’s different. It’s about more than just championships. It’s about survival. And despite what happened, you are still my friend.

Cody nods, a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Cody Rhodes: I appreciate it, Randy. This match against Fatu is personal. Solo will try everything to weaken me before our match at Bad Blood and take my championship.

Randy Orton: (straightening up) And he will if you don’t stay sharp. I know you’ve got what it takes but keep your head on a swivel.

Cody Rhodes: (smirking) Trust me, I will. And if anything goes down, I’ll return the favor someday.

Randy Orton: (chuckling) Just don’t get too sentimental on me, Cody.

They share a brief moment of camaraderie, a mutual respect evident in their exchange.

Cody Rhodes: (clapping Randy on the shoulder) Let’s go out there and show them what we’re made of.

Randy nods as Cody walks away.

The United States Champion LA Knight struts down the ramp, the United States Championship glistening over his shoulder. The crowd erupts in cheers, echoing "Yeah!" as he climbs into the ring.

LA Knight: (grinning, microphone in hand) Berlin was just the beginning! I went toe-to-toe with Shinsuke Nakamura and came out on top! That’s what LA Knight does—he proves he’s the best!

The crowd cheers, and he basks in their adoration.

LA Knight: But I’m not one to rest on my laurels. So tonight and because I’m fired up and feeling like punching someone in the face, I’m issuing an open challenge for this bad boy right here! (he raises the championship) Who thinks they can take it from me?

The energy in the arena shifts as the familiar music of Austin Theory plays. The crowd responds with a lot of boos as Theory makes his way to the ring, a confident smirk on his face.

Austin Theory: (taking the mic) You really think you’re the top dog, huh, LA? Retaining against Nakamura doesn’t make you invincible. It just makes you a target.

LA Knight: (smirking) Oh, look who it is! Austin Theory, the self-proclaimed future. You think you can take this title from me? (points to the championship) Bring it on!

Theory steps closer, the tension palpable.

Austin Theory: You want a challenge? Fine. But remember, I’m not just any contender. I’m the guy who’s going to change the game.

LA Knight: (grinning) You’re welcome to try, kid. But just like everyone else, you’re gonna find out that you’re not on my level.

The crowd roars as LA Knight paces the ring, fueled by the energy of the moment.

Austin Theory: Let’s settle this right now! I want that title, and I want to prove I can take you down!

LA Knight nods, the challenge accepted. He raises his championship high, staring down Theory with fierce determination.

LA Knight: Then it’s on! You want a shot at the U.S. Championship? You got it! But be ready, because once that bell rings, you’re in for the fight of your life!

The crowd erupts as the two competitors stand face to face and a referee comes down to the ring to start the match.

Match #3: LA Knight vs Austin Theory – United States Championship

Knight and Theory lock up in the center of the ring, each trying to gain an advantage. Knight shoves Theory back, showing his strength. They circle each other again, and this time Theory takes control with a quick arm drag, sending Knight to the mat. Knight quickly recovers, rolling to his feet and delivering a hard shoulder tackle to Theory, knocking him down. Knight follows up with a series of punches, keeping Theory on the defensive. The crowd is solidly behind Knight, chanting his name. Theory retreats to the corner, but Knight is relentless, charging in with a clothesline that sends Theory crumpling to the mat. LA Knight covers for a quick two-count.

As the match progresses, Theory finds an opening and counters with a dropkick, sending Knight sprawling to the outside. He seizes the moment to taunt the crowd, but Knight quickly regains his composure and slides back in, delivering a hard fist to Theory’s jaw. The pace quickens, with both competitors trading blows and high-flying maneuvers. Theory hits a neckbreaker and goes for another pin, but Knight kicks out at two. Frustrated, Theory climbs to the top rope, looking for a big move. Just as Theory leaps, Knight rolls out of the way, and Theory crashes to the mat. That’s when Grayson Waller appears and tries to create a distraction but Knight grabs Theory and sends him into Waller knocking him off the apron. Knight seizes the moment, delivering the BFT and pinning Theory.

Match Results: LA Knight def. Austin Theory (11:07) – Still WWE United States Champion

The crowd roars as LA Knight stands tall once more, but just as he turns his back, his head almost goes off his shoulders as Nakamura connects with a huge Kinshasa. Nakamura grabs a mic and leans over to Knight, completely knocked out.

Shinsuke Nakamura: You… Me… Next week. For the United States Championship… Two out of Three Falls!

The challenge has been laid out as Nakamura poses with the championship and leaves the ring under heavy boos from the crowd.

Match #4: Kevin Owens and The Street Profits vs Legado Del Fantasma

The match starts with high energy, as the Street Profits and Owens showcase their signature teamwork and charisma. The crowd chants in support of the faces, fully engaged. Legado Del Fantasma responds with their own agility and strategy, isolating Dawkins early on. The trio uses quick tags and double-team maneuvers to wear him down. Owens eventually gets the hot tag, entering the match with a flurry of offense. He delivers powerful strikes and sends Angel and Humberto reeling with his explosive moves. The action intensifies as all six men spill outside the ring. The Street Profits execute a spectacular dive onto their opponents, while Owens takes control inside the ring. In the closing moments, Owens hits a devastating Pop-up Powerbomb on Angel Garza after countering a series of attempts to regain control by Legado.

Match Results: Kevin Owens and The Street Profits def. Legado Del Fantasma (9:43)

Bayley’s music hits in the arena to a huge pop as she emerges fired up and with a huge smile on her face. She stands in the ring, microphone in hand, with the fans chanting for her.

Bayley: Man… What a crazy night it was in Berlin. I’m not standing here as the new WWE Women’s Champion like I said I would and I could blame Tiffany for it but I’m not going to make any excuses. Just know this Nia… This is far from over between us and believe me when I tell you that championship is coming back to me one way or another.

The crowd cheers as Bayley looks confidently into the camera.

Bayley: However, I may have lost the match but after it was over, something that I have been dreaming of for the past two years happened. So ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you someone very special to me, someone who has been missed by all of you… My best friend, Sasha Banks!

The crowd erupts as Sasha Banks’ music hits. She strides down the ramp, the familiar swagger and confidence radiating from her. She joins Bayley in the ring, and they share a warm embrace.

Sasha Banks: Smackdown! It feels so good to be back. You have no idea how much I missed this place and how much I’ve missed you.

The crowd erupts in cheers, chanting ‘welcome back’ at her. Sasha takes a moment to soak it all in and can’t help but get a little emotional.

Sasha Banks: You know… The last time I was here things didn’t go very well. Two years ago, I walked out on WWE. A lot was said at the time, some of it was true, some of it was not. But the truth is that I needed to do what I did. I needed to remind myself why I love this business so much and I needed to regain that love in order to come back stronger than ever. I took a stand for myself, believed in my values, my beliefs, and I did what I thought was best for me and my career. But I always knew that one day I would come back to the WWE. I always knew that one way or another I would come back… home.

The crowd cheers once again, appreciating everything that Sasha said as Bayley watches proud from the corner.

Sasha Banks: For the last two years, I’ve been watching from the sidelines, and it’s clear that the landscape has changed. But there’s one thing that hasn't changed… nobody messes with my best friend!

Sasha looks at Bayley and she nods in agreement, raising her fist.

Sasha Banks: I’ve been watching at home week after week Bayley being outnumbered and tortured by Nia and Tiffany. And that’s when I knew it was time to come back and remind everyone who’s the boss around here.

Before Sasha can continue, Nia Jax’s music hits as she and Tiffany appear on the stage with a cocky look on their faces.

Nia Jax: Oh, look guys who decided to show up. It’s the quitter, Sasha Banks!

The crowd boos loudly as Sasha smirks from the ring.

Nia Jax: I don’t know what you are doing back here but let me tell you that you have just made the biggest mistake of your life. I’m going to make you regret the day you decided to come back, Sasha… And then you are going to do what you always do and that is bitch about it and go home running with the tail between your legs.

Sasha Banks: Oh Nia… Things have really changed around here. The last time I was here, you were gone, fired. And now here you are, the WWE Women’s Champion. I don’t know who you have been sucking up to backstage, but it’s been working pretty well.

The crowd lets out a big gasp at this as Nia stands furious.

Tiffany Stratton: Don’t you dare talk to my queen like that! This isn’t your playground anymore, sweetheart. We run this division now.

Sasha Banks: I’m sorry barbie, who the hell do you think you are? This is and always will be my division. In fact, next week I’m supposed to have my first match back, however I still don’t have an opponent…

Sasha glares at Tiffany with a smile as the crowd erupts in yes chants, sensing a challenge coming.

Sasha Banks: So, barbie doll, since you want to protect your queen so much, I’ll be more than happy to make you tap out next week.

Tiffany Stratton: (laughs) You really think you can take me on after being gone for so long?

Sasha Banks: (smirking) I don’t think—I know. And I can’t wait to show you why I’m still the Boss!

Nia and Tiffany exchange frustrated glances, clearly annoyed at the challenge.

Nia Jax: You’ll regret that, Sasha. But fine, let’s make it happen. Just know… I’ll be watching.

With that, Nia and Tiffany back away, leaving Sasha and Bayley in the ring, both beaming with confidence. Sasha poses for the crowd, ready to reclaim her spot in the division as the crowd chants her name once more.

We go backstage and the US Champion LA Knight has a furious look on his eyes as Kayla Braxton approaches him.

Kayla Braxton: LA Knight, earlier tonight, you were attacked by Shinsuke Nakamura, and he challenged you to a two out of three falls match for the United States Championship next week. How do you feel about that challenge?

LA Knight: Kayla, let me tell you something. Shinsuke thinks he can sneak up on me and intimidate me? Not a chance! This isn’t just about the title; it’s about proving who the real star is in this ring. Two out of three falls? That’s perfect! I’ll show him what happens when you mess with LA Knight. I’m ready to bring the fight and walk out with the championship. So, let’s do this!

Kayla Braxton: You heard it here, folks! LA Knight accepts the challenge! It’s going to be an intense showdown!

Match #5: DIY vs Pretty Deadly

Pretty Deadly, known for their charisma and cunning, controlled the early moments, isolating Gargano and delivering quick tags to maintain the advantage. However, Gargano fought back with a series of well-timed counters, eventually tagging in Ciampa. The pace quickened as Ciampa unleashed a flurry of offense, showcasing his power and intensity. As the match reached its climax, the two teams exchanged near falls, keeping the audience on edge. In a dramatic finish, DIY executed their signature tandem offense, leading to Gargano hitting a superkick on Elton Prince, followed by Ciampa’s Air Raid Crash on Kit Wilson. With a decisive pinfall, DIY emerged victorious, celebrating their hard-fought win as the crowd roared in approval.

Match Results: DIY def. Pretty Deadly (10:36)

After the match, Pretty Deadly jumps DIY from behind with Kit Wilson delivering a series of stomps to Gargano while Prince holds Ciampa back. The crowd boos, and the tension escalates as DIY struggles to fend them off. Just as it seems DIY is overwhelmed, the arena lights dim, and a familiar sound fills the arena… It’s the Lucha Brothers!!! The crowd erupts as the masked superstars make their WWE debut. They hit the ring like a whirlwind, launching into action. Penta delivers a stunning superkick to Kit Wilson, sending him sprawling. Fenix follows up with a dazzling series of high-flying moves, taking out Elton Prince with a spectacular dive. Penta and Fenix signal to each other, then hit their signature finisher: Penta lifts Kit for a powerbomb while Fenix springboards off the ropes, delivering a jaw-dropping cutter in mid-air! The crowd explodes in cheers as Pretty Deadly lies defeated in the ring. DIY and the Lucha Brothers stand tall, their fists raised in victory as the crowd chants in approval, marking an explosive debut for the Lucha Brothers in WWE.

Match #6: Cody Rhodes w/Randy Orton vs Jacob Fatu w/Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa

The match starts with a hard-hitting exchange, both competitors showcasing their strength and agility. Fatu uses his size to push Cody back, delivering powerful strikes and impressive suplexes. Cody responds with his signature resilience, hitting quick jabs and dropkicks, keeping the crowd engaged. As the match progresses, Fatu gains the upper hand with a series of impactful moves, including a Samoan drop that rattles Cody. Orton, from the outside, urges Cody to get back on his feet, providing strategic advice. Cody manages to rally, hitting a beautiful disaster kick that sends Fatu staggering. The crowd roars as he makes a comeback, landing a series of punches and a stunning tornado DDT. Just as Cody builds momentum, the referee's attention is diverted when Solo, Tama, and Tonga start to approach the ring. Orton quickly steps in, warning them to stay back. As Cody prepares to hit the Cross Rhodes, Solo and the others make their move, jumping onto the apron. The referee tries to regain order, but the chaos ensues. Suddenly, the trio storms the ring, attacking Cody relentlessly. Orton springs into action, but he’s outnumbered as Solo, Tama, and Tonga beat him down. The crowd erupts in boos as the chaos unfolds, with Fatu watching, smirking at the destruction.

Match Results: Cody Rhodes def. Jacob Fatu by Disqualification (12:42)

Just when it seems all hope is lost for Cody and Orton, the familiar music of Roman Reigns hits, and the arena explodes with excitement. Roman strides down the ramp, intensity radiating from him as he enters the ring. Reigns charges in, taking down Solo with a powerful spear and quickly dispatching Tama and Tonga with a flurry of punches. The ring clears as Fatu prepares to attack but Solo pulls him out of the ring before he can go after Roman. Roman and Cody lock eyes, a moment of tension passing between them. The show goes off the air with an intense staredown between Roman, Cody and Orton, all men acknowledging their past but united in the face of the threat posed by the Bloodline. The crowd is left buzzing, eager for what comes next.

- LA Knight vs Shinsuke Nakamura in a Two out of Three falls match for the United States Championship
- Sasha Banks vs Tiffany Stratton
- Kevin Owens vs Santos Escobar
- We will hear from the new Smackdown superstars, The Lucha Brothers

And more!!!

Bad Blood 2024 Updated Card
- Liv Morgan vs Rhea Ripley for the WWE Women's World Championship
- Cody Rhodes vs Solo Sikoa for the Undisputed WWE Championship
- Finn Balor vs Damian Priest

More to be announced!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
Opening with Solo was fine here, and I actually really like the change up of direction you’ve taken here. The idea of Solo wanting to take care of ALL members of the old Bloodline before fighting Cody again is a nice strategy to take. I like it. Rest of the promo with Cody interrupting was fine, as was the attack and the Orton save and the two matches booked should be good. Solid opening to the show.

Solid title defence here for Bianca and Jade. I like the way the doubt was set up after the injury to the arm of Belair. Honestly though, even with Pure Fusion Collective, who aren’t great, and Dmg Ctrl getting involved at the end, the women’s tag division just needs something to be interesting. This is not a knock on your booking, it feels the same way in real life.

DIY/Pretty Deadly segment was written pretty well and sets up a match with some heat attached to it suddenly. This gets a thumbs up from me.

AJ/Andrade is always going to be a good match so glad to see you gave them some serious time. The cheat finish from AJ is fine, and has me hoping we see more from these two moving forward.

Enjoyed the Cody/Orton exchange, as things still aren’t perfect, but there’s enough mutual respect and mutual enemies to work together, for now at least. Good stuff here, I thought you captured the chemistry here nicely.

Opening challenge for the US Title for LA Knight is a good idea. Austin Theory is a good choice to accept the challenge, mainly due to his past with the title, in my opinion. Match was booked as it should be, with Knight winning, Theory looks okay, and Waller’s failed interference keeps things ticking along with the Theory/Waller stuff. No complaints from me.

I’m not as sold on Nakamura/Knight in a 2/3 Falls match. Not really sure what from the feud has warranted that type of stipulation, to be honest. Feels like a stretch.

Six man seemed solid enough and I’m okay with Owens and The Street Profits getting the win. I really don’t have much else to say on this one at this point.

At first I was confused why Bayley would be all smiles after losing her title rematch, and I still wish she showed some more sadness at that, but I get the Sasha Banks thing. Sasha’s promo here was fine, although doubt she’d admit some of the stuff she said when she left WWE wasn’t true. Still, a good enough welcome back promo and the back and forth with Nia, leading to the match with Tiffany was solid. Looking forward to Sasha’ first match back next week.

LA Knight accepting Nakamura’s challenge was always going to happen.

DIY going over Pretty Deadly is probably the right call, although I’m glad this match got a decent run time at least. Aftermath is what we’re here for though as The Lucha Brothers showing up is HUGE. Good start from them, intrigued to see how they slot into the tag division on a full time basis.

Pretty standard Bloodline/SD main event, ending in DQ with an attack. The saves from Orton, and then ROMAN REIGNS were a fun way to end the show, as is the demonstration of the clear tension between Cody and Roman.

Pretty solid stuff here which is the norm from you at this point.