WWE 2019: No Wildcards

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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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I wonder if Roman will start using his Guillotine submission more instead of the Spear to win matches? It wouldn't surprise me if Roman uses the move

I've used it a few times in this thread (after seeing him use it in real life) but I also love wrestlers having multiple finishers that can end a match so it will 100% be a mix of both moves when he wins matches and maybe a few others
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2022
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I've used it a few times in this thread (after seeing him use it in real life) but I also love wrestlers having multiple finishers that can end a match so it will 100% be a mix of both moves when he wins matches and maybe a few others

Yeah but with Roman using the Guillotine it makes him even more dangerous. But it won't surprise me if The Bloodline ends up being formed sooner rather than later. Why? Naomi planted the seeds because of her heel turn and it was because of her cousin in law, Jimmy's cousin Roman who got in her ear while she was out of action. Then if The Usos develop their mean streak and turn heel, what better way to start The Bloodline? But The Usos and Naomi are on RAW and Roman is on Smackdown unless Roman gets drafted to RAW later this year. Or The Usos and Naomi get drafted to Smackdown. Either way, either scenario I can see The Bloodline happening.
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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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News update:

Bobby Lashley out of action for 7 months with a ripped bicep!

At a house show over the weekend, Bobby Lashley tore his bicep and will now be out of action for 7 months. This is seen as a massive blow as there were big plans for him for the rest of the year including a Summerslam rematch with Brock Lesnar. It also causes further strain to the Backlash card as Lashley was going to fight Lio Rush on the PPV. What happens now remains to be seen but WWE will have to make a few adjustments due to this.

Mod note: EWR hitting me hard and this is even before the real-life issues hit Raw. Lashley, I had big plans for him. HUGE PLANS. See above. Luckily I have a backup plan so my plans aren’t too badly damaged but going to need to rework a fair few things for year 2 now as Lashley was a massive part of it and being out till November/December means those plans are no longer possible.

Tony Nese out for 2 weeks with back issue

Tony Nese on the same house show picked up a back strain and will miss two weeks of action. This isn’t seen as too big a blow as there are no current plans for Tony Nese.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2022
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Lashley being out until November/December that means earliest he could return would be Survivor Series but latest would be the December pay per view assuming it is a RAW PPV
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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Haha EWR strikes again. Ouch. Lashley sounds like a fair blow for sure.

By the way, Smackdown was a blast to read. You have a knack of writing out your stuff in a way that it still gives you that 'full show' reading experience, yet it doesn't feel over detailed or a chore to read. Compliments for that. On another note, thought the show was very solid booking wise as well. Obviously the big ending was a lot of fun and sets up a huge feud, but the character work with Finn is certainly a highlight. Bray should be plenty of fun moving forward, and E/Kross is going to be interesting.

Really nothing standing out to me that requires any constructive feedback right now, just really enjoyed the read. Although admittedly that will change if Titus goes over Cedric.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2022
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After the way Roman clearly destroyed McIntyre on Smackdown, I definitely say Roman has the advantage heading into Backlash

And considering Backlash is in McIntyre's home country in Scotland and especially in Glasgow the capital city, does McIntyre really have a chance against Roman? Especially a more dangerous and more unhinged Roman after losing the title to McIntyre at WrestleMania 36.

But I think Finn Balor when he does return, he will not return to Smackdown or even return to RAW either. I think he will return as The Prince but on NXT.

But then you have 2 supernatural characters of Karrion Kross and The Fiend on the same show on Smackdown. It would be inevitable that those 2 cross paths at some point.

But The Fiend he has essentially been targeting people who Bray Wyatt has had a past with, so it makes me wonder if Randy Orton could be his next target? Or could it be Daniel Bryan? Or could he go after anyone on the roster like Kevin Owens, The Miz, no one really knows

Or could The Fiend set his sights on Drew McIntyre and the WWE Championship? Or could he even go after Roman Reigns?
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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Monday Night Raw:
April 20th 2020
Columbia, South Carolina

Colonial Life Arena

We open Monday Night Raw up as we can see THE CLUB walking through the back. THE GOOD BROTHERS can be seen following AJ STYLES who looks dejected and angry.

Karl Anderson: Listen AJ, last week was a tough loss but…

AJ Styles: But what Karl? I’m AJ Styles. I’m meant to be truly Phenomenal.

Luke Gallows: Losses happen to everyone AJ. You will get back on track and prove…

AJ Styles: You two don’t get it.

AJ storms off elsewhere leaving The Good Brothers standing there. Karl thinks about following AJ but Luke shakes his head.

Luke Gallows: Let’s give him some space.

The camera catches up with AJ as he heads around a corner AND BUMPS INTO THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION ALEISTER BLACK! The two men stare each other down with Black remaining unfazed.

Aleister Black: Can I help you?

AJ thinks for a moment and smiles.

AJ Styles: Actually, you can. I want to fight you tonight!

Black doesn’t flinch.

Aleister Black: Not sure you are worthy of a title shot after your recent losses.

Ouch. AJ flinches at that line but carries on.

AJ Styles: It doesn’t even need to be for the title. I just want you in the main event where I’ll beat you and prove that my recent losses were flukes.

Black remains stoic.

Aleister Black: Desperation leads to weakness. I’ll speak to Adam Pearce and get the match made.

Black walks past AJ.

Aleister Black: But don’t blame me when everything fades… fades to black.

Black leaves the scene as AJ is standing there looking a bit desperate but smiling having gotten what he wanted as we cut to the opening video for Monday Night Raw.



Michael Cole: It’s Monday night and you know what that means. Welcome to Monday Night Raw!

Elias: And we have a big show in store tonight. I’ve gotten word from Adam Pearce that in tonight’s main event we will see AJ Styles go one on one with Aleister Black!

Michael Cole: AJ is desperate to prove to himself that he is still the same Phenomenal superstar he always has been.

Elias: But that’s not all. We will also…


Massive boos from the crowd as SETH ROLLINS marches out with a neck brace still around his neck but he has his leather jacket with the fur around it and black gloves on his hands. He stands there for a moment as THE AUTHORS OF PAIN soon walk out behind him in suits cutting an imposing presence as the trio head down the ramp together.

Michael Cole: We will have to finish that thought later as Seth Rollins looks like he wants attention again.

Elias: We are supposed to be neutral here on commentary but it is hard for us to hide our disdain for this man after what he has done.

Michael Cole: And his influence seems to be getting even stronger as he is now flanked by the two-time tag team champions The Authors of Pain.

Elias: Two of the toughest superstars on the Raw roster, who are willing to leave a trail on bodies in their wake.

Seth Rollins and The Authors of Pain are now standing in the middle of the ring as Seth looks to step forward and speak.

Seth Rollins: Some prophets are not appreciated in their time. And I am one of those men.

Loud boos from the crowd as Seth smirks to himself and soaks in the heat from the fans.

Seth Rollins: You people turned on me. Hell, most of the locker room turned on me when I saved this brand from Brock Lesnar’s iron grip on the Universal title!

Seth is getting angry as he starts to shout pointing at himself.

Seth Rollins: Everything I did for you people got thrown in my face when Edge came back.

Seth stops for a moment and starts to smile.

Seth Rollins: But it made me see the light. I needed to save people from you.

The cheap heat is working as Seth is almost going crazy the more he speaks.

Seth Rollins: I needed to be the messiah for superstars who needed someone to guide them to the top!

He turns to the Authors of Pain standing behind him.

Seth Rollins: I needed to be better than Edge. To save careers not ruin them. To bring people to greatness with me not leave them in the dirt.

Loud boos from the crowd and even a few chants telling Seth he sucks but he just smirks in response.

Seth Rollins: And that brings me to these two monsters.

Akam and Rezar as always stand there looking like a force to be reckoned with.

Seth Rollins: These two men over the last couple of months have lost their way.

Neither man react to what Seth is saying as he carries on.

Seth Rollins: They lost their tag team titles to The Usos and even were pinned by The Street Profits at Wrestlemania!

Cheers for the Street Profits, bringing a dirty look from Seth Rollins.

Seth Rollins: These two should be killers who no one can stop. And under me, they will once again become the killers they are.

Akam and Rezar both pound their fist into their other hand, mean-mugging the camera.

Seth Rollins: But this is an open invitation to any superstar in the back. We can save you. Pledge yourself to us and we can help save your career I promise you.

Seth drops the microphone for the moment and sticks his arms out, flanked by the Authors of Pain until…


Not much reaction from the live crowd as AIDEN ENGLISH walks out. He looks a little dejected as he walks down the entrance ramp. Seth Rollins in the ring keeps his arms out and smiles wickedly as he watches Aiden English grab a microphone from someone at ringside. He climbs into the ring and he looks at Seth Rollins.

Aiden English: Seth, I came to Monday night Raw for a new start. And I failed straight away.

Aiden looks down at the mat whilst Seth smirks wildly.

Aiden English: I need guidance. I need… I need saving.

Aiden gets on his knees as the crowd boos him but Seth Rollins is all smiles.

Aiden English: Save my career Seth. Save me.

Seth has a wicked smile.

Seth Rollins: Aiden, I promise you. Under my guidance, you shall thrive!

He places his head on the head of the bent-over Aiden English.

Seth Rollins: Welcome to the church of Seth Rollins!

Seth drops the microphone at that point as Aiden English turns to the camera but remains kneeling in front of Rollins as his power on Monday Night Raw grows even more.

Michael Cole: We may not like it but Seth Rollins seems to be recruiting an army.

Elias: Seth is preying on those in a low place. Akam and Rezar had just lost their tag team titles. Aiden English is having a crisis of confidence.

Michael Cole: Who else could join this cult?

Elias: We shall find out in the coming weeks but up next, we will see Lio Rush look to get some revenge on MVP after the veteran walked out on him. You don’t want to miss it!

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We come back from the commercial break as we see LIO RUSH make his way out! He gets decent cheers from the live crowd and looks fired up as he walks to the ring, ready to give MVP a beating today.

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw where we are about to see a grudge match.

Elias: MVP left Lio Rush hanging a couple of weeks ago in the middle of a tag team match against the Linebackers and Lio is looking to make him pay for that.


Boos from the crowd as MVP makes his way out in his attire and does his usual pose. He mouths off to a few fans before posing some more as we can see Lio Rush looking annoyed in the ring.

Michael Cole: MVP said last week that Lio needs to learn to listen to his elders and will look to prove it in the ring tonight.

Elias: MVP is in the twilight of his career but the crafty veteran still knows a few tricks that might shock Lio Rush.

MVP carries on his way to the ring but as he gets to the bottom of the ramp, LIO RUSH LEAPS OVER THE ROPES AND WIPES OUT MVP! A loud pop from the crowd as Lio Rush stuns MVP before the bell! He grabs the veteran and rolls him into the ring as the referee calls for the bell to get this underway!

Match 1: Lio Rush vs MVP

Match summary: Lio totally overwhelms MVP and shows off his great high-flying skills, being one of the best on the planet. MVP does get back into the match before the end, having to rake the eyes of Lio to do it. However, as MVP Irish whips Lio Rush into the ropes… LIO BOUNCES BACK OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE AND HITS THE COME-UP (Rebound off the middle rope into a stunner)! Rush makes the cover and picks up the win!

Winner via pinfall: Lio Rush (5:11)

A decent pop from the live crowd as Lio Rush stunned MVP before the bell and kept the speed at 100mph keeping control of the entire match. He celebrates with the fans after celebrating in the ring as MVP pounds the mat shaking his head.

Michael Cole: What a performance by Lio Rush tonight. Proved himself here against MVP.

Elias: MVP is a former tag team and United States Champion. Defeating him like that is no easy feat.

Michael Cole: Maybe Lio doesn’t need any lessons?

Elias: Well it looks MVP has something to say.

Elias is right as MVP whilst still in the ring has grabbed a microphone and points at Lio Rush at the top of the entrance ramp.

MVP: Lio, Lio. Well done, you’ve passed the first test kid.

Lio shakes his head looking dismissive but MVP carries on.

MVP: But you haven’t learned the lesson I was teaching you today.

Lio off-mic shouts “What’s that? How to get your ass beat”. MVP doesn’t rise to this.

MVP: No, it’s always watch your back because the bell ringing doesn’t always end a fight!

Lio Rush looks confused but dares MVP to meet him… but suddenly we see APOLLO CREWS standing behind him?!?! MVP has a massive smirk on his face as the Smackdown superstar ATTACKS LIO RUSH FROM BEHIND! Boos from the live crowd as Apollo Crews beats down Lio Rush and tosses him around with ease bringing him back towards the ring! The crowd are starting to boo even louder this beating is going on as Crews sends Lio Rush back into the ring!

MVP in the ring starts talking a bunch of trash to Lio as he is down on the mat and Apollo Crews stands there cutting an imposing presence. MVP tells him this is the lesson before telling Apollo to lift him off the mat and connects with THE CHARIOT (Sit-out powerbomb)! Lio Rush is down for the count but Apollo doesn’t stop there as he connects with a STANDING MOONSAULT for good measure! Crews gets to his feet as MVP smirks next to Apollo Crews as they stand tall over Lio Rush.

Michael Cole: This was the plan all along by MVP!

Elias: But what is Apollo Crews doing here? He is a Smackdown superstar!

Michael Cole: We will try to get Renee Young or Charly Caruso to get some answers but right now we have a recap on what happened on NXT last week involving our WWE Women’s tag team champions.

Elias: The Robert Stone Brand certainly made an impact.


We cut to a video recap as we can see Bayley and Kairi Sane standing in the ring holding microphones with the WWE Women’s tag team titles around their waist having called out The Robert Stone Brand. Robert Stone then appears and distracts the champion before they are attacked by his clients doing a 4-on-2 beatdown! In the end, the segment finishes with Raquel, Chelsea, Vanessa, and Aliyah all standing tall, holding the belts as we cut back to the commentary team at ringside.


Michael Cole: A cheap attack by the Robert Stone Brand and understandably the champions want payback.

Elias: The Hugging Pirates have agreed to put the tag team titles on the line against The Robert Stone Brand at Backlash! That’s not all though. Later on tonight, Bayley will take on Chelsea Green one on one.

Michael Cole: That promises to be a big match. We are just going to a commercial break but when we return Renee Young has found MVP and Apollo Crews to get an explanation for the attack on Lio Rush after the bell as well as why Crews appearing on Raw. Don’t go anywhere.

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When we return from the commercial break, we see RENEE YOUNG catching up to a smug MVP as he talks to APOLLO CREWS with the duo being all smiles.

Renee Young: Apollo, what are you doing on Monday Night Raw? You are a Smackdown Live superstar.

Apollo waves a finger as MVP speaks on his behalf.

MVP: Not anymore. Look at the newest superstar on the Monday Night Raw roster!

A big addition to the roster as MVP carries on.

MVP: I used my business skills to make sure Adam Pearce pulled off the trade to bring Crews to Raw when he brought over Aiden English for Bobby Roode. And now this man is ready to break free.

Apollo Crews: I’ve been here for years and never won a title. I’ve just been smiling and happy to be here. No more. I want gold around my waist.

Crews puts his hand on the shoulder of MVP.

Apollo Crews: This man will guide me to gold.

MVP: I’ve been talking to this man for months. See I don’t want one talent. No I want to get a business going. A hurt business!

Roll credits.

MVP: Now one of those men Bobby Lashley is on the shelf for a while but I can assure you Bobby, when you come back just give me a call.

MVP smirks before looking back at Renee.

MVP: But I’m not done recruiting. Apollo is the first but he won’t be the last. Lio I want you to learn your lesson.

MVP gets serious as he looks at the camera.

MVP: You need to listen to me and I’m going to show you what happens when you don’t. At Backlash you will go one on one with Apollo Crews.

Another match added to the Backlash card.

MVP: And when he beats you at Backlash, you will either fall in line under my guidance or fall.

Apollo Crews: Welcome to the Hurt Business.

MVP: And business is booming.

MVP and Apollo Crews walk off elsewhere backstage as we cut to a different hallway backstage…


As we see CHARLY CARUSO standing ready for an interview of her own.

Charly Caruso: It is a packed Monday night Raw tonight with the semi-finals of the Gold Rush tournament taking place tonight. And right now I have one of the participants with me. Welcome my guest at this time, Montez Ford!

MONTEZ FORD walks into the shot flanked by his tag team partner ANGELO DAWKINS who is hyping up his best friend.

Charly Caruso: Montez, last week you picked up the biggest win of your singles career when you pinned AJ Styles. How are you feeling after such a big upset win?

Montez Ford is all smiles as he responds.

Montez Ford: I’m on fire Charly. I’ve not felt this confident before. I pinned the Phenomenal One!

Angelo Dawkins: A multi-time WWE Champion!

Montez Ford: I proved I can compete with the best in this business and now I’m two matches away from a Universal title shot!

Charly Caruso: Well tonight you fight another former champion in Andrade Cien Almas. What is your game plan?

Montez nods and claps his hands together.

Montez Ford: My game plan? I don’t have a game plan like I didn’t against AJ. I’m going to that ring and bring the smoke.

Angelo starts to clap his hands.

Angelo Dawkins: He wants the smoke. He wants the smoke.

Ford joins in with the clapping and sings along.

The Street Profits: He wants the smoke. He wants the smoke.

Montez Ford: C’mon Charly join in.

Charly shrugs and joins in with the chanting as we cut elsewhere backstage once more…


As we see ADAM PEARCE in his office sorting out some paperwork when the door slams open and NIA JAX walks in (noticeably struggling though and even clutches her back at one point.

Adam Pearce: Nia, I’m very busy what do you want?

Nia Jax: What do I want? I want the title match I earned at Wrestlemania!

Adam Pearce holds his arms up.

Adam Pearce: And you will get it. As soon as you are cleared to compete.

Nia looks furious and winces in pain.

Adam Pearce: Also you are not the only one unfit to compete. Becky is also not cleared to compete.

Nia smirks.

Nia Jax: Thanks to me.

Adam doesn’t respond to that comment.

Adam Pearce: As I said, neither of you are cleared to compete and until you are cleared, you won’t get your Women’s title shot.

Nia looks angry but shakes her head.

Nia Jax: Fine. But the second I’m cleared, I want my title match with Becky Lynch.

She gets close to Adam Pearce.

Nia Jax: And if she isn’t cleared to compete, I expect to be handed the title.

Nia storms off bringing the segment to an end as we cut to a commercial break.

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Boos from the live crowd as we return from the commercial break and THE LINEBACKERS are making their way to the ring. MOJO RAWLEY shouts at the fans that this is their time whilst RIDDICK MOSS stays quiet.

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Monday night Raw and right now we are going to see The Linebackers taking on The Usos.

Elias: The Linebackers asked for this match to prove they should get the title shot at Backlash, not The Usos.


A decent pop from the fans as THE USOS make their way out in their hoodies and are hyped up ahead of this tag team match. JIMMY USO and JEY USO slap hands with the fans before climbing onto the ring apron.

Michael Cole: The Usos will want to pick up the win tonight to keep the momentum going ahead of their tag team titles match at Backlash.

Elias: But in the back of their minds, they have to be wondering what stipulation Zelina Vega will pick for the tag team titles match at Backlash.

Jey Uso steps into the ring for The Usos whilst Mojo Rawley starts for The Linebackers as the referee calls for the bell to get the match underway.

Match 2: The Usos vs The Linebackers

Match summary: The Usos may be smaller in size compared to their opponents but they make up for it in speed and their experience as a tag team. Mojo and Moss get some opportunities to lay into the veteran tag team but in the end, the skill of The Usos stands out as they hit Mojo Rawley with DUAL SUPERKICKS before taking out Moss with DUAL SUPERKICKS AS WELL! Jey hooks the leg and picks up the win for The Usos!

Winners via pinfall: The Uso (5:23)

The Usos get back to their feet as they celebrate the victory over The Linebackers tonight. The crowd cheer for the veterans who carry on building momentum for Backlash.

Michael Cole: The Usos proving how good they are as a team tonight. And sending a direct message to the World tag team champions The Ungovernables with the win in tonight’s match. They are ready for Backlash.


Boos from the crowd as the tag team champions CESARO and ILJA DRAGUNOV walk out with the tag team titles around their waist. ZELINA VEGA soon walks out with her clients. She smirks to herself as The Usos are stood in the ring and trash talk the champions.

Zelina Vega: Well done Usos. A nice win for you boys.

A patronizing response from Zelina which gets heat from the crowd.

Zelina Vega: But beating my clients is a very different challenge to beating those two.

Noticeably Mojo Rawley and Riddick Moss walk past The Ungovernables as she says that glaring at them but heading backstage without starting a fight.

Zelina Vega: And in a normal tag match it proved too hard didn’t it?

Ilja smirks and shouts something in Russian whilst Cesaro mockingly takes a sip of water, pissing off Jey as Jimmy keeps him calm.

Zelina Vega: But if you want these tag team titles back, you will need to beat them in an environment that favors them.

Boos from the crowd as Zelina shakes her head.

Zelina Vega: It will be a tornado tag team match at Backlash!

That gets a loud pop from the crowd as Zelina drops the microphone smirking whilst in the ring The Usos remain defiant and shout they are the best in any environment no matter what! Zelina is still confident and so are her clients who pose next to her.

Michael Cole: The challenge has been set for Backlash! A tornado tag team match for the tag team titles!

Elias: And the chaos of a tornado tag match favors the champions.

Michael Cole: A tornado tag team match can end up resembling a singles match due to the chaos involved.

Elias: We shall see but speaking of tag team warfare let’s hear from Taynara Conti and Xia Li!


We cut to a locker room as TAYNARA CONTI and XIA LI are sat backstage looking a bit pissed off.

Taynara Conti: Last week, I thought you finally stopped being a coward Sasha.

Conti shakes her head.

Tayanra Conti: I was wrong.

Xia Li: Naomi, you have no honor sticking your nose in. If you two want to team up on Conti, I’m stepping in.

Taynara points at the camera.

Taynara Conti: Naomi, Sasha, Team BAD! Whatever you call yourself we are issuing a challenge next week!

Conti is fired up.

Taynara Conti: Us versus you in the ring and I get to give you a taste of what awaits when you piss off a crazy Latina!

Conti and Xia Li stare at the camera having issued a challenge to Sasha Banks and Naomi as we cut to a commercial break.

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A loud roar and a decent pop from the live crowd once we return from the commercial break to start the second hour as BRAUN STROWMAN marches to the ring. As usual he towers above the fans and steps into the ring ready for his semi-final match.

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw and right now we are about to see the first semi-final in the Gold Rush tournament.

Elias: This one promises to be one hell of a brawl between two of the biggest powerhouses on the Raw roster.


A decent pop from the crowd as the Celtic Warrior SHEAMUS marches down the entrance ramp towards the ring. He pumps up the crowd and climbs into the ring across from the Monster among men.

Michael Cole: Sheamus loves nothing more than fighting and brawling. He’ll get that chance tonight.

Elias: Whoever wins this match will have earned it. This could easily become a war very quickly.

Sheamus and Braun are both ready for a fight as the referee calls for the bell to get this match underway.

Match 3: Braun Strowman vs Sheamus

Match summary: Both men hit each other hard in this match with Braun having the power advantage and Sheamus having to for once play the underdog! The two men brawl around the ring and nearly get each other counted out but they both get into the ring on the count of 9! In the end, Sheamus picks up the win by hitting Braun with not one but TWO BROGUE KICKS keeping him down for 3!

Winner via pinfall: Sheamus (7:28)

Strowman kicks out after the 3 count at 3.01 but it is too late as Sheamus picks up a massive win and is now one match away from earning a Universal title shot. Braun meanwhile looks furious to have lost tonight.

Michael Cole: A slight upset tonight as Sheamus overcomes the power of Braun Strowman.

Elias: It takes a lot to make Sheamus an underdog but he overcame the monster among men tonight.

Michael Cole: And he will fight either Andrade Cien Almas or Montez Ford at Backlash for a future shot at the Universal title.

Elias: One of the few belts Sheamus has never won in WWE.

Braun gets back to his feet and looks at Sheamus who is celebrating and nods at him showing respect to the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus nods back as Braun leaves the ring and we cut to a commercial break.

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When we return from the commercial break we get loud boos as SAMOA JOE is shown arriving at the arena. He is 2 weeks away from a Universal title shot against Aleister Black but still doesn’t look like a good move as he is stopped by… MVP and APOLLO CREWS!

MVP: Joe.

MVP holds his hand out looking to greet an old friend but Joe remains stoic.

Samoa Joe: What do you want Montel? And why is he here?

Crews steps forward but MVP stops him.

MVP: Apollo, hey man. It’s all good. I’ll catch up with you in a bit.

Apollo stares at Joe before heading off elsewhere backstage leaving MVP and Joe alone.

MVP: Joe we have known each other for years…

Samoa Joe: So I know you want something.

MVP smirks.

MVP: Always a smart man Joe. A straight shooter and that’s why I want to do business with you.

He gives Joe his business card as Joe holds it for a moment.

MVP: No one around here emphasizes hurt like you do. You choke people out and leave a trail of bodies in your wake.

Joe is looking at the card as MVP carries on.

MVP: With my guidance, I can help you become Universal Champion at Backlash.

That changes the mood of Joe quickly who tosses the card at MVP.

Samoa Joe: I don’t need any help to become champion!

Joe gets right in MVP’s face who backs away slightly sticking his hands up.

Samoa Joe: And I’ll prove it!

He storms off heading elsewhere leaving MVP at first looking a bit shaken before smirking to himself as we cut back to the ring…


As cut back to the ring with ADAM PEARCE standing in the middle in the ring in front of a pair of scales whilst on a podium.

Adam Pearce: Now as you people know I hate to be out here any longer than I have to as Monday Night Raw is about the superstars.

Cheap pop from the crowd who agrees.

Adam Pearce: So let’s get this weigh-in underway starting with the challenger: Dominik Dijakovic!


Boos from the crowd as DOMINIK DIJAKOVIC marches out cutting an imposing presence. He is joined by ZELINA VEGA who smirks and leads her client to the ring. They step into the ring with Dominik standing just behind the scales as Vega smiles at Adam Pearce who ignores her as best he can.

Adam Pearce: And now our United States Champion: Chad Gable!


A pretty loud pop from the live crowd as CHAD GABLE walks out with an American Olympic-style tracksuit and his US title around his waist. KURT ANGLE is next to his mentee and they walk down the entrance ramp together. We can see Zelina whispering a few words to her client who sternly nods whilst Gable and Angle climb into the ring.

Adam Pearce: Thank you for joining us. Now before we…

Zelina Vega: No no I want to know what stipulation my client is going to have to fight in.

Boos from the crowd as Kurt Angle smirks.

Kurt Angle: You don’t like it when someone else holds the power, do you Zelina?

Zelina pouts in response to this as Kurt gets cheers from the crowd.

Kurt Angle: You’ll get the stipulation when I am ready!

Zelina shakes her head as Kurt signals for Adam Pearce to carry on.

Adam Pearce: Thank you Kurt.

Zelina Vega (coughs): Favouritism.

Pearce ignores her again.

Adam Pearce: So let’s start by weighing the challenger.

Pearce points to Dijakovic and asks him to climb into the scales! Dijakovic takes a moment before standing on the scales flexing his muscles for the fans to see his imposing size. Pearce checks the scales before turning to the fans.

Adam Pearce: Two hundred and seventy-five pounds!

Dijakovic stays still as Zelina smirks and nods. He climbs off the scales standing next to her as Adam turns to the champion.

Adam Pearce: Chad could you step onto the scales.

The champion nods as he passes the United States title to Kurt Angle, not before looking at Dominik Dijakovic. Once he steps onto the scale Adam has a look, nodding at the scales before turning to the crowd.

Adam Pearce: Two hundred and two pounds!

Cheers from the crowd as the cruiserweight is passed his United States title by Kurt Angle.

Adam Pearce: Thank you. Now before Kurt and Chad announce the stipulation for Backlash, do you two have anything to say?

Dijakovic nods taking the microphone as he walks closer to Gable and Angle. Both though remain still and calm.

Dominik Dijakovic: Gable, no matter what stipulation you pick I will crush you in the ring. No countouts to save you. You’ll have to actually beat me!

Dijakovic points at his chest before passing the microphone to Zelina.

Zelina Vega: And you won’t.

Boos from the crowd as Zelina smirks evilly.

Zelina Vega: Look what he did to Brock Lesnar!

A few fans chant for Brock as Vega turns to the crowd.

Zelina Vega: He helped destroy Brock Lesnar. Annihilate Brock in this ring and get revenge. You think Chad stands a chance?

Zelina smirks as Chad asks for the microphone from Kurt who obliges.

Chad Gable: Dominik, you needed five of your friends to help you take out Brock.

Cheers from the crowd as Dijakovic looks angry.

Chad Gable: I’d be even more worried if all six of you couldn’t take out one person. Even if they are BRRRRRRROCK LESSSNAR!

Cheers for the goofy Heyman impression earning a chuckle from Kurt.

Chad Gable: But I will say this Dijakovic.

He steps closer to the giant, with the big man towering over him.

Chad Gable: You are a great wrestler. I’ve seen what you can do in NXT before Zelina recruited you. Hell, I’ve seen what you did outside of WWE. You are one of the most agile big men I’ve seen.

Dijakovic remains unflinching.

Chad Gable: But I can still take you down like all the rest. By slowing chopping down your legs and bringing you down to the mat with the ankle lock!

Dijakovic looks angry but Gable doesn’t move.

Chad Gable: I mean that’s why you got counted out. I didn’t cheat, no I took away your ability to walk and you couldn’t climb back inside due to it.

Dijakovic looks furious as the crowd cheers Gable getting behind the champion as they agree with him. Chad then passes the microphone to Kurt.

Kurt Angle: So Zelina you want to make sure there are no countouts? Like a street fight? Where your clients can make their way into the match and cost Chad his United States title?

Zelina looks annoyed and looks like she has been caught with her hands in the cookie jar.

Kurt Angle: No. We are going to introduce something new to the WWE Universe.

A few murmurs from the crowd as Zelina looks angry and confused.

Kurt Angle: At Backlash, you will fight Chad Gable for the United States title in the FIGHT PIT!

Cheers from the crowd though they aren’t sure what the match will be as Kurt Angle drops the microphone. Kurt Angle and Chad Gable stand across the ring from Zelina Vega and Dominik Dijakovic as they stare each other down.

Michael Cole: The United States title will be on the line in the first-ever fight pit match!

Elias: I wonder what a fight pit match is going to be but I’m excited Michael.

Michael Cole: Hopefully we find out a few more details next week but I’m excited to see what awaits us.

Elias: But up next when we return from the commercial break, Beth Phoenix will take on Mia Yim. Don’t go anywhere!

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Boos from the crowd once the show returns from a commercial break as MIA YIM makes her way out to the ring. She has a cocky swagger as she walks down the ramp and taunts the fans in the crowd.

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw and right now we are going to see action in the Women’s division as Beth Phoenix takes on Mia Yim!

Elias: Mia Yim wanted this match so she could potentially pick up a win and get herself back in line for a Women’s title shot.


A decent pop from the live crowd as BETH PHOENIX walks out and she is joined by her tag team partner NATALYA! The Divas of Doom walk down the ramp and Nattie can be seen hyping up her friend as she walks down the ramp.

Michael Cole: Beth Phoenix has talked about this being the final year of her career and wants to become a Women’s Champion one more time before her career ends.

Elias: She will need to start picking up wins against talent like Mia Yim if she wants to get herself back in line for a rematch from last year against Becky Lynch!

Mia talks a bunch of trash once Beth steps into the ring but the Glamazon ignores her as the referee calls for the bell to get the match underway.

Match 4: Mia Yim vs Beth Phoenix w/Natalya

Match summary: Mia Yim talking trash early on soon backfires as Beth knocks her block off! Beth’s power controls the match and lays into Mia Yim who has to use her ring IQ to get back into the match. Mia puts up a good fight but Beth is too powerful for her fellow ring veteran and in the end, Beth puts away Mia Yim with the GLAM SLAM for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Beth Phoenix (6:10)

Beth Phoenix gets to her feet having picked up a hard-fought victory over Mia Yim tonight. Natalya joins Beth in the ring and lifts her arm into the air as Beth soaks in the cheers from the live crowd.

Michael Cole: A strong win for Beth Phoenix tonight.

Elias: A few more of those and she might be in title contention.

Michael Cole: For sure Elias but right now we are about to hear from Sasha Banks and Naomi as they respond to the challenge issued by Taynara Conti and Xia Li earlier tonight.


We cut to SASHA BANKS and NAOMI standing backstage with Banks wearing her shutter shades whilst Naomi looks pissed off.

Sasha Banks: Conti, you want to talk all this trash about me being a coward. No, you are just beneath me!

She seems very angry as she puts the shades onto the top of her head.

Sasha Banks: I shouldn’t have to be wasting my time dealing with you. No, I should be taking back my Women’s Universal title from Becky Lynch.

Naomi side-eyes Banks as she says that but carries on.

Sasha Banks: Or maybe even going after an old friend to become tag team champions for the third time!

Naomi reacts a lot better to that idea but stays quiet.

Sasha Banks: Naomi helped me because it benefits her to be this close to a top star. This close to the title picture.

Naomi: Working with Sasha again gets me closer to the top and closer to becoming Women’s Universal champion.

Sasha this time side-eyes Naomi but focuses on her enemies.

Sasha Banks: But first we need to take out the trash. You want to challenge us to a match next week?

Naomi: That’s a bad idea cause we accept.

Sasha Banks: Conti, I’m going to give you a taste of the beating you are in for at Backlash when I take care of your tag team partner Xia Li.

Sasha steps forward.

Sasha Banks: And at Backlash, all that potential. All that promise. It will be gone because it’s boss time.

Sasha puts her shades back on the end of the promo standing next to her new ally and maybe tag team partner Naomi as we cut to a commercial break.

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Boos from the crowd as DANNY BURCH walks out ready for action joined by ONEY LORCAN who is in jeans and a hoodie as he psyches up his tag team partner ahead of this singles match within the Cruiserweight division.

Michael Cole: Welcome back and right now we are going to see a match that came about after a backstage confrontation last week.

Elias: Danny Burch wasn’t happy about what he saw as disrespect from Ziggler and challenged him to a fight.


A decent pop from the fans as the veteran DOLPH ZIGGLER walks out in his Demin outfit and looks fired up as he heads to the ring. He pumps up the fans before climbing into the ring, coming face to face with Danny Burch.

Michael Cole: Dolph is looking to get back into the Cruiserweight title picture and will need to pick up a bunch of wins to do it.

Elias: Tonight is a good way to get the ball rolling and put himself back into contention. Danny Burch is a tough competitor in the ring and will prove to be a different challenge to other Cruiserweights.

Danny is still talking a whole lot of trash whilst Dolph remains calm but keeps an eye on Oney Lorcan outside the ring as the referee calls for the bell to get the match underway.

Match 5: Dolph Ziggler vs Danny Burch w/Oney Lorcan

Match summary: Early on both men are evenly matched as Ziggler tries to use grappling and his speed to bring down Danny whilst the former hooligan focuses on strikes and punches with a few headbutts thrown in. Danny sends Ziggler to the outside but gets sent into the barricade by Ziggler. Oney though comes face to face with Ziggler and distracts him for a moment allowing Danny to club him from behind before sending Ziggler back into the ring, getting boos from the crowd.

Danny lays into Ziggler in the next few minutes of the match, trying to use his strikes to rough up Ziggler on the mat. He grabs hold of Ziggler and looks like he might be about to end it with a SPIKE DDT…BUT ZIGGLER ESCAPES AND HITS THE ZIG ZAG! Ziggler makes the cover and gets a close two-count. Oney Lorcan looks to climb onto the apron at this point and EATS A SUPERKICK FROM ZIGGLER! Ziggler turns as DANNY TRIES TO ATTACK HIM AND GETS HIT WITH FAMOUSER! Ziggler makes the cover 1 2 3! Ziggler wins!

Winner via pinfall: Dolph Ziggler (7:40)

Cheers from the crowd as Dolph Ziggler gets to his feet having earned a hard-fought victory in this match. He celebrates in the ring as Oney Lorcan outside the ring rubs his jaw furious.

Michael Cole: Ziggler gets the win overcoming both members of the One Twos during this match.

Elias: A few more performances like that and Ziggler will earn himself a rematch for the Cruiserweight title.

Ziggler is carrying on his celebration in the ring as Oney Lorcan attacks him from behind! Boos from the crowd Oney lays into him with a series of boos from the crowd as Danny Burch gets back to his feet and lays into Dolph Ziggler until…


Cheers from the crowd as DREW GULAK runs down to the ring with a steel chair in hand and smacks Oney Lorcan in the back with it! He swings for Danny Burch but the Brit slides out of the ring avoiding it as he retreats up the entrance ramp. Drew Gulak smacks the chair daring him to come back before tossing the chair away as he helps Ziggler up to his feet.

Michael Cole: Drew Gulak making the save for Ziggler tonight!

Elias: Drew was screwed out of a match with Oney Lorcan a couple of weeks ago by Danny Burch so this must have been his payback.

Michael Cole: The One Twos won’t take this well that is for sure.

Elias: Well I am getting word from backstage that Renee Young has an exclusive interview for us.


We see RENEE YOUNG standing with a microphone in her hand.

Renee Young: Thanks Elias. Please welcome my guest at this time MANSOOR!

The Saudi Arabian superstar walks into the shot with a smile on his face and shakes the hand of Renee before doing a polite bow.

Renee Young: How does it feel being on Monday Night Raw?

Mansoor smiles.

Mansoor: Being on one of the biggest brands in the world is a great honor and I want to thank WWE for the opportunity to represent my homeland.

He carries on smiling as he speaks.

Mansoor: To compete in the Cruiserweight division with some great competitors like Mustafa Ali, Dolph Ziggler, Drew Gulak, Kalisto would truly be an honor.

The smile goes for a moment.

Mansoor: But people like Danny Burch, Oney Lorcan and Angel Garza bring shame to the division. I want to avenge what Garza did to me and I will after beating Kal…

???: Oi dafties!

That could only be one man as the camera pans over to show NOAM DAR! He is chewing his gum and acting like a twat as per usual before speaking.

Noam Dar: You should be interviewing me! I got screwed by Edge last week!

Mansoor: Didn’t you try to cheat him first? To quote an American phrase, if you live by the sword you die by the sword. Dishonor will be met with dishonor in kind.

Dar looks furious at this and gets closer to Mansoor.

Noam Dar: Kid, you may be new around here so I’ll give you a warning. Don’t come close to a supernova or y’all get burned into a crisp ya dafty.

Dar walks off out of shot leaving Mansoor standing there shaking his head whilst we cut to a different hallway backstage…


As we can see ANDRADE CIEN ALMAS and ZELINA VEGA walking down the hallway to the ring.

Michael Cole: When we come back from the commercial break, we will see Andrade Cien Almas take on Montez Ford with the winner fighting Sheamus at Backlash in the Gold Rush tournament final. You don’t want to miss it!

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A pretty loud reaction as we return from the commercial break and we see MONTEZ FORD making his way out joined once again by his tag team partner ANGELO DAWKINS who is hyping him and the crowd up. He sprints down the ramp and jumps into the ring ready for action.

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Monday night Raw and right now we are about to see the second semi-final of the Gold Rush tournament as Montez Ford takes on former Universal champion Andrade Cien Almas.

Elias: Montez Ford pulled off a massive upset the other week and defeated a former World champion in AJ Styles!

Michael Cole: One more upset and he is in the final against Sheamus, one match away from a shot at The Universal title.

Elias: Montez had a bright future and is a future world champion. Could that future be a lot sooner than we realized?


Boos from the crowd and fairly sizeable after ANDRADE CIEN ALMAS and ZELINA VEGA used the Ungovernables to take Brock Lesnar out on the post-WM Raw. He has a smug look as he takes off his shades and passes them to Zelina, focusing on Montez Ford in the ring but doesn’t look worried.

Michael Cole: Andrade wants to get his Universal title back but Adam Pearce made it clear that since he was pinned first at Wrestlemania, there was no automatic rematch for the former champion.

Elias: Andrade held the title for six months beating a lot of former champions but in the end fell to Aleister Black.

Michael Cole: But he has The Ungovernables on call in the back ready to help at any time.

Elias: Angelo will need to keep an eye on the entrance ramp and the crowd for Montez.

Andrade gets to the bottom of the ramp and poses once again before smirking at Zelina Vega outside the ring… AS MONTEZ LEAPS OVER THE ROPES WIPING OUT ANDRADE! Loud cheers as Montez starts the match off with a bang. He grabs hold of Andrade by the neck and rolls him into the ring before leaping over the ropes as the referee calls for the bell to get this match underway!

Match 6: Andrade Cien Almas w/Zelina Vega vs Montez Ford w/Angelo Dawkins

Match summary: Andrade is stunned in the opening minute as Montez keeps the attack going, looking to take him by surprise. Montez even teases going for FROM THE HEAVENS but ZELINA GRABS MONTEZ’S FOOT STOPPING HIM! He shakes her off but the distraction is enough for Andrade to leap up onto the top rope and SUPERPLEX MONTEZ DOWN TO THE MAT! The referee though saw what happened and points to Zelina Vega EJECTING HER FROM RINGSIDE!

Andrade and Zelina argue with the referee but he remains firm demanding she heads backstage. The self-inflicted distraction nearly costs Andrade as Montez rolls him up but Andrade kicks out at 2.9! The crowd is starting to get behind Montez as they sense another potential upset here! He keeps up the pace in the next few moments of the match and you can tell Andrade is starting to struggle early on with Montez desperate to take advantage of this opportunity.

Andrade though weathers the storm and starts to slow overpower Montez whilst showing off his insane agility of his own! He stands to also target the ribs of Montez, looking to take away his ability to his From the Heavens, hitting a series of brutal double foot stomps to the chest of Montez! As we get to the closing stages Andrade is in control wrenching on him with a brutal abdominal stretch but Montez fights him off before running off the ropes with a SUPERMAN PUNCH!

He floors Andrade and knocks him to the mat before hoisting him up off the mat and hits ROCK BOTTOM! Loud cheers from the crowd as Montez makes the cover 1 2 Andrade kicks out! Montez rolls away clutching his ribs before looking at the top rope knowing he needs to go big. He steadies himself and flies off… ANDRADE GETS HIS KNEES UP! Montez smashes his ribs as Andrade sends him into the corner with a DROPKICK AND FOLLOWS UP WITH SEEING SHADOWS! Andrade could make the cover but he wants to be safe so hits the HAMMERLOCK DDT! Andrade hooks the leg and makes the final of the Gold Rush tournament!

Winner via pinfall: Andrade Cien Almas (17:10)

Andrade rolls away from Montez Ford, grabbing hold of the ropes as he helps himself back to his feet having gone through one hell of a fight to earn his spot in the final. Montez meanwhile is still down on the mat as Angelo Dawkins slides in to check on him and make sure he is OK.

Michael Cole: Andrade survives a potential banana skin and puts away Montez Ford but not without a lot of trouble.

Elias: Montez can be proud of his performance tonight. He gave it his all and came this close to making the final but Andrade was too much in the end.

Michael Cole: And now he will face Sheamus in the final to see who will be next in line for a shot at the Universal title.

Elias: That promises to be one hell of a banger.

Andrade is back on his feet as Montez Ford is sat up on the mat and puts his fists up ready for a fight. Angelo also looks like he is ready to fight Andrade but the leader of the Ungovernables in a rare show of respect nods at the duo before walking off shocking them and the crowd. Montez Ford in the ring meanwhile is helped back to his feet by his tag team partner as they share a hug and we cut to a commercial break.

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When we return from the commercial break we can see the Cruiserweight Champion MUSTAFA ALI walking through the backstage area until he is stopped by a smirking ANGEL GARZA! He has a nice black shirt and rose in his pocket whilst Mustafa Ali is in regular street clothes not looking amused.

Mustafa Ali: What do you want Angel?

Garza smirks.

Angel Garza: I just wanted to get a closer look at the title soon-to-be mine.

He has a grin as Ali grabs the title off his shoulder and lifts it up getting closer to Angel Garza.

Mustafa Ali: This title means the world to me. Being a champion people can be proud of means more than you can imagine. After what you pulled last week, there is no chance I let you take this from me.

Garza shakes his head.

Angel Garza: I do what it takes to get what I want and what I want are the finer things in life.

He pulls the rose out of his pocket and sniffs it.

Angel Garza: Whether that be fine wine, flowers, women…

He goes to touch the title but Ali pulls it away.

Angel Garza: Or gold.

Garza backs away from Ali smirking to himself.

Angel Garza: Don’t worry Ali, I won’t take that title from you just yet. I’m happy to wait till Backlash.

Angel backs away as SHINSUKE NAKAMURA ATTACKS ALI FROM BEHIND! Angel smirks as Shinsuke after knocking down Ali hits him with a KINSHASA! Angel stands over Ali smirking before nodding as he walks off with his fellow Ungovernable Shinsuke and we cut to the commentary team at ringside.


Michael Cole: A cheap attack by Shinsuke Nakamura there!

Elias: Angel is willing to do whatever it takes to get the Cruiserweight title and like Andrade he’ll use his fellow Ungovernables if needed.


A decent reaction from the live crowd as KALISTO sprints down the ramp and heads straight for the ring, ready for action tonight. He looks determined behind the mask and there is less of the usual playing to the kids in the crowd from the former United States and Cruiserweight champion.

Michael Cole: Speaking of Angel we are about to see two men collide for the right to fight Angel Garza next week and get revenge.

Elias: Garza disrespected their culture when he messed with Kalisto’s mask to earn his spot in the number one contender’s match and Kalisto wants payback.


Also getting a decent reaction from the crowd MANSOOR walks out slapping hands with the fans as he walks out and has a big smile on his face before seeing Kalisto in the ring and the smile fades from the young Cruiserweight.

Michael Cole: But Mansoor feels disrespected by Garza tossing his pants into his face blinding him and allowing Garza to steal the win last week.

Elias: Both men have an axe to grind but only one man gets a rematch with Garza next week ahead of Backlash.

Once in the ring, Mansoor offers a handshake to Kalisto. The luchador takes a moment but does accept it before telling Mansoor there will be no respect once the bell rings which the young superstar acknowledges. They both back away and the referee calls for the bell to get this match underway!

Match 7: Kalisto vs Mansoor

Match summary: Kalisto starts off the match aggressively, going right after Mansoor and catches the rookie off-guard! Mansoor though shows his heart, staying alive in this match and as we get to the 4-minute mark it looks like Mansoor might win. However, NOAM DAR climbs over the barricade and trips Mansoor distracting him out of view of the referee. Kalisto doesn’t see it and pounces on him hitting SALIDA DEL SOL! Kalisto makes the cover and picks up the win.

Winner via pinfall: Kalisto (4:46)

A bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd as Kalisto looks a bit confused but soon realizes something happened as Noam Dar sneaks off smirking to himself having cost Mansoor the match.

Michael Cole: Kalisto picks up the win and earns the right to fight Angel Garza next week on Raw!

Elias: But not without a massive assist from Noam Dar!

Michael Cole: And it was clearly unwanted by Kalisto.

Elias: Doubt that will make Mansoor any happier though.

Kalisto heads over to Mansoor and can be seen saying sorry to the young Cruiserweight who nods accepting the apology before telling Kalisto off-mic to kick Angel Garza’s ass. Mansoor leaves the ring, still pissed off as Kalisto celebrates in a muted fashion before shouting in Spanish he will kick Angel’s ass whilst the show cuts to a commercial break.

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When we return from the commercial break, we see EDGE sitting on a chair in a leather jacket looking at the camera. He still has a wild and slightly unkempt beard with a bit of a crazed look in his eyes before speaking.

Edge: I thought this was over.

Edge chuckles slightly.

Edge: I thought you were smarter than this Seth.

He looks directly at the camera with a slight smile that turns to pure anger.

Edge: I was ready to move on. Ready to go back and reclaim what I never lost. To become a world champion one more time.

He looks longingly at his hands before looking back at the camera.

Edge: But you want to carry this war on? I think you forget just how well I know you. Because I know myself.

He gets to his feet and the anger is building in his face.

Edge: You claim to be a savior? No you are leeching off these people.

He throws his arms into the air in fury at the idea people think Seth might be saving them.

Edge: You are using them like I’ve used others in the past to get what I want and I know what you want.

He looks back at his hands.

Edge: To be a world champion again.

Edge sighs and grits his teeth.

Edge: I’m not cleared to compete again.

Edge pauses for a moment though.

Edge: But it’s only for a couple of weeks. I’m not letting you put me back on the shelf.

He glares at the camera with pure anger.

Edge: And I promise that your church will be raised to the ground.

Edge stares at the camera for a few seconds before walking off elsewhere as we cut back to the commentary team.


Michael Cole: Edge making his intentions clear.

Elias: These two men I feel might be fighting for a while. Seth and Edge are both men who have been proven willing to end their enemy's career and they will want to destroy each others for sure.


A decent pop from the live crowd as FIRE AND DESIRE walk to the ring with a purpose. Neither SONYA DEVILLE nor MANDY ROSE look happy. They pay little attention to the fans and head to the timekeeper’s area looking for microphones.

Michael Cole: On last week’s Raw we saw The Real Horsewomen send a message to the entire roster including our Women’s Universal Champion Becky Lynch and the WWE Women’s Champion Ember Moon.

Elias: Fire and Desire are not going to take that lying down though especially Sonya who has had her own issues with Ronda Rousey.

Fire and Desire are now in the ring as Mandy looks to speak first.

Mandy Rose: Shayna Baszler, Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir! We want you to get your asses out here now!

Cheers but quiet ones for Mandy Rose as Sonya speaks now.

Sonya Deville: And we know you might be at Ronda’s feet worshipping her because she is the only reason you three have a job!


Sonya Deville: But maybe she is doing what she does best? Sulking after another loss!

Sonya is not holding back as Mandy smirks and nods agreeing with her friend’s barbs.

Sonya Deville: So why don’t you hurry up before we come back…


Loud boos from the crowd as the Women’s Money in the Bank holder SHAYNA BASZLER walks out with her microphone being flanked by JESSAMYN DUKE and MARINA SHAFIR! Shayna doesn’t look impressed as Sonya dares her to come to the ring but Shayna shakes her head.

Shayna Baszler: We’ll come to that ring on our terms.

Sonya looks at Mandy who nods as Shayna carries on.

Shayna Baszler: But if you want to fight us…

Sonya Deville: No we don’t want to fight the goons. We want the real bosses.

Mandy Rose: You and Ronda!

Boos from the crowd for the mention of their names. Shayna smirks shaking her head.

Shayna Baszler: She’s not here tonight!

Loud boos from the crowd as Shayna shrugs.

Sonya Deville: Of course, she never took losing well did she.

Shayna doesn’t rise to it and carries on.

Shayna Baszler: But if you two want a fight, she’ll be back at Backlash!

A mixed reaction from the crowd as Shayna smiles.

Shayna Baszler: And since Becky has gone running into hiding ever since I sent my message to her…

Nuclear heat for that line but Shayna soaks in the boos.

Shayna Baszler: I’m pretty free so me and Ronda can show this division what a real dominant tag team looks like!

Shayna smirks as the crowd boos but turns to face her goons nodding.

Shayna Baszler: But you want to kick our asses didn’t you? Let’s see if you are still saying that as we choke the life out of you!

Shayna drops the microphone and leads the rest of the Real Horsewomen to the ring as they surround the ring SHIELD style before storming into attack Fire and Desire! It is a 3-on-2 beatdown with Sonya and Mandy doing their best to fight back but it looks like they are about to be destroyed until…


Cheers from the live crowd as TEAM KICK: DAKOTA KAI and TEGAN NOX sprint down the ramp and slide into the ring going right after The Real Horsewomen goons sending them over the top rope to the floor leaving Shayna alone in the ring with Fire and Desire plus Team Kick. Shayna wisely slides out of the ring and starts to retreat to the back promising this isn’t over as she backs away.

Michael Cole: Good thing Team Kick were around or we could have seen another beatdown of Fire and Desire.

Elias: Notice how Shayna backs away as soon as they no longer have the numbers advantage.

Michael Cole: But I’ve gotten word from Adam Pearce and it is official. In her first appearance since Wrestlemania Ronda Rousey will team with Shayna Baszler to take on Fire and Desire.

Elias: It promises to be a fight for sure but up next when we return from the commercial break we will see Bayley go one on one with Chelsea Green. Don’t go anywhere.

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When we return from the ad break, TEAM KICK is shown walking through the back when they are stopped by CHARLY CARUSO who is looking for an interview.

Charly Caruso: Dakota, Tegan sorry to disturb you but can I ask why you made the save for Fire and Desire?

Tegan and Kai look at each other shrugging.

Tegan Nox: Honestly? We don’t really care about Fire and Desire. We just hate Shayna Baszler.

Dakota Kai: She used to bully me in NXT.

Kai looks at her arm wincing as she remembers what Shayna did to her limbs.

Dakota Kai: She took months of my career.

Kai looks at Nox before giving her friend a hug.

Dakota Kai: But thanks to a good friend, I fought my way back and even took the NXT title from her, driving Shayna out of NXT!

Mod note: In this timeline Kai beat Shayna just before Summerslam 2019 ending her 2nd reign not Rhea later in the year.

Dakota Kai: And if she is here on Raw doing the same thing she did to NXT, well maybe we need to kick her out of here too.
Kai and Nox share a fist bump with each other before walking off bringing the interview to a close as we cut back to the ring.


Light boos from the crowd as CHELSEA GREEN walks out first showing off to the crowd before dismissing them. The NXT superstar of course isn’t alone as she walks out and is joined by ROBERT STONE, RAQUEL GONZALEZ, ALIYAH and VANESSA BOURNE!

Michael Cole: Well up next we are going to see a preview for Backlash as Chelsea Green goes one on one with Bayley!

Elias: Chelsea Green in her short time on NXT has been showing why she is seen as a future champion in WWE and she is as good as she is conceited.


A much louder pop from the live crowd as BAYLEY walks out joined by her tag team partner KAIRI SANE! They lift their tag team titles into the air showing them off to the crowd as Robert Stone shouts for anyone to hear that those titles will be around his client's waist soon enough.

Michael Cole: Being the WWE Women’s tag team champions leads to a lot of competition and we are seeing the Hugging Pirates getting from all brands.

Elias: I think Bayley welcomes it and is used to it now she is in her third reign as tag team champion.

Michael Cole: Kairi may be one of the sweetest people in the company but she is also super tough.

Elias: However the number game The Robert Stone Brand may prove to be an important factor in their match at Backlash.

Bayley steps into the ring standing across from Chelsea Green who is still talking a bunch of trash before the bell is called to get the match underway!

Match 8: Bayley w/Kairi Sane vs Chelsea Green w/Robert Stone, Raquel Gonzalez, Aliyah and Vanessa Bourne

Match summary: Chelsea starts off the match being very cocky and is nearly put down straight away within moments due to this. Bayley lays into her with a series of punches and even looks like she might go for the BAYLEY TO BELLY but Chelsea slips away escaping from Bayley. She rolls to the outside and regroups with Robert Stone and Aliyah AS BAYLEY WIPES THEM OUT WITH A DIVE! As this is happening Vanessa Bourne climbs onto the apron distracting the referee until Kairi pulls her off and they argue… ALLOWING RAQUEL TO BIG BOOT BAYLEY BEHIND THE REF’S BACK!

Boos from the crowd the commentary put over the numbers game the Robert Stone Brand has could prove to be what gives them the win at Backlash. Back in the ring, Chelsea Green has now been allowed to gain an advantage and uses it fully to wear down Bayley. She is in total control of the match and taunts Kairi as well as the fan drawing even more boos as the match goes on.
In the closing stages of the match, Chelsea Green is giving Bayley a bit of a beating but cannot put her away. She runs off the ropes looking for a CURB STOMP… BUT BAYLEY MOVES JUST IN TIME! Chelsea turns around as Bayley goes for a clothesline but CHELSEA REVERSES IT AND LOOKS TO GO FOR I’M PRETTIER… BUT BAYLEY COUNTERS INTO A ROLL-UP! 1 2 3 BAYLEY PICKS UP THE WIN!

Winner via pinfall: Bayley (9:43)

Cheers from the crowd as Bayley gets to her feet BUT SHE GETS ATTACKED FROM BEHIND BY ALIYAH AND VANESSA BOURNE! Boos from the crowd as Kairi Sane tries to stop them but RAQUEL GONZALEZ SMASHES HER WITH A BIG BOOT! Chelsea Green soon joins in with the beatdown as they lay into the Hugging Pirates before Raquel grabs both of them and powerbombs them to the mat with authority. Robert Stone takes the title belts from the timekeeper’s area and passes them to his clients as they pose over The Hugging Pirates!

Michael Cole: Bayley picks up the win but it’s the Robert Stone Brand who stand tall tonight.

Elias: And this could be the scene at Backlash if the numbers game proves to be too much.

Michael Cole: Can the Hugging Pirates overcome the numbers?

Elias: We shall find out next week but up next…


We cut to the backstage area as we see AJ STYLES next to the GOOD BROTHERS and sends them elsewhere backstage before walking down a hallway.

Elias: We will see AJ Styles take on Aleister Black one on one in non-title action. Don’t go anywhere!

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When we return from the commercial break, we cut to the commentary team adjacent to the entrance ramp who welcome us back to the show for the final time before the main event gets underway.

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Raw and we are about to begin our main event but before it begins a few tag team matches have been made official for next week’s show.

Elias: The Real Horsewomen members Duke and Shafir will take on Fire and Desire as they look to warm up ahead of their Backlash match with Shayna Baszler and Ronda Rousey.

Michael Cole: Dolph Ziggler will team up with Drew Gulak to fight the One Twos as Ziggler looks to keep his momentum going and get back into the Cruiserweight title picture.

Elias: And last but not least we will see our Cruiserweight champion Mustafa Ali team with the United States Champion Chad Gable to take on The Ungovernable members Dominik Dijakovic and Shinsuke Nakamura on the go-home show for Backlash!


A mixed reaction from the live crowd as AJ STYLES walks out to the ring but there is a lot less cockiness from AJ as he walks out, clearly still being affected by his losses the last few weeks and at Wrestlemania. Noticeably the Good Brothers are not following the Phenomenal One to the ring.

Michael Cole: Right now we are about to see AJ Styles in action as he gets a chance to get back on track as he fights the Universal Champion Aleister Black.

Elias: AJ knows if he wins tonight, he might get added to the Backlash main event or earn a title shot after the pay-per-view.

Michael Cole: Once again AJ wants to do this alone.

Elias: It’s a matter of pride for him at this point. He needs to prove he still has it.


A loud pop as the Universal Champion ALEISTER BLACK rises from the depths of the arena. He slowly walks down the ramp focusing on AJ Styles in the ring before slowly making his way onto the ring apron.

Michael Cole: Aleister Black has a tough challenge ahead of him at Backlash but right now he will fight a man who knows Samoa Joe arguably better than anyone in WWE.

Elias: AJ and Joe knew each other even before WWE and we know how personal their feud over the WWE title got.

Michael Cole: Maybe AJ has to find the fire from those days?

Elias: Hell a win tonight and he might be facing Samoa Joe again down the line for the Universal title?

Aleister climbs into the ring and stands across from AJ Styles who once again has a lot less cockiness and trash talk compared to the normal. The referee calls for the bell and gets this match underway!

Main event: AJ Styles vs Aleister Black

Match summary: AJ starts the match going right after Aleister Black and tries to target the legs of Black but the Dutch destroyer is ready for the plan as he counters everything AJ Styles tries. AJ noticeably during the match gets more frustrated as Black controls the majority of the match and just looks to be on another level to the Phenomenal one. AJ gets more and more desperate as the match goes on. He even starts resorting to eye rakes and back rakes any time the referee isn’t looking.

Black is noticeably getting pissed off with the cheating whilst the referee has to tell off AJ on several occasions for this. In the closing stages of the match, for the first time during it, AJ has gained an edge having hit Black with the STYLIN DDT! AJ wastes no time and heads to the ring apron as he lines up Black! He wills the Dutch destroyer up and flies off looking for the PHENOMENAL FOREARM… BLACK MASS IN MID-AIR! AJ drops like a sack of spuds and Black makes the cover 1 2 3 Black picks up a win.

Winner via pinfall: Aleister Black (8:56)

Aleister Black gets to his feet and remains stoic, no wild celebrations tonight from the Universal champion. He has gotten the job done and come out on top over a former WWE Champion.

Michael Cole: Aleister Black with another win tonight and AJ Styles with another loss.

Elias: AJ might need to go back to the drawing board if he wants to overcome this rut.

Michael Cole: We know how good AJ Styles is but has he lost his edge in the last month?

Elias: I still think he is Phenomenal but for AJ this isn’t good enough.

Aleister Black starts to walk up the entrance ramp slowing with the Universal title over his shoulder whilst in the ring we see AJ Styles come to and start punching the mat in anger. He pulls at his hair and can’t believe he has lost tonight. Black meanwhile stands tall at the top of the entrance ramp after another win as the show fades to… SAMOA JOE GRABS HIM FROM BEHIND AND LOCKS IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH! Black struggles to fight back and Joe ends up choking Black until he passes out!

Michael Cole: Samoa Joe catching Black by surprise!

Elias: And that’s why he is so dangerous! If he gets that hold locked in at any point it could be game over for Aleister Black and he loses his Universal title just like that.

Samoa Joe bends down and grabs the Universal title lifting it off the prone body of Black and holds it for all to see as the show this time fades to black.

Matches confirmed for next week:

Tag team match:
Chad Gable and Mustafa Ali vs The Ungovernables (Shinsuke Nakamura and Dominik Dijakovic)

Tag team match:
Taynara Conti and Xia Li vs Team B.A.D (Sasha Banks and Naomi)

Tag team match:
The One Twos vs Dolph Ziggler and Drew Gulak

Singles match:

Angel Garza vs Kalisto

Baltimore, Maryland
May 3rd

Universal title match:
Aleister Black © vs Samoa Joe

Cruiserweight title match:
Mustafa Ali © vs Angel Garza

United States title Fight Pit match:
Chad Gable © vs Dominik Dijakovic

World tag team titles tornado tag match:
The Ungovernables © vs The Usos

WWE Women’s tag team titles match:
The Hugging Pirates © vs The Robert Stone Brand

Number one contender’s match for the Universal title:
Andrade Cien Almas vs Sheamus

Tag team match:
The Real Horsewomen (Shayna Baszler and Ronda Rousey) vs Fire and Desire

Street Fight:
Sasha Banks vs Taynara Conti

Grudge match:
Lio Rush vs Apollo Crews

EWR Rating:

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Reactions: Sky


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2022
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- Samoa Joe chokes out Black...if there is someone who is a worthy challenger for WWE Universal Champion Aleister Black, it is definitely Joe!!! Joe from behind gets Black in the Coquina Clutch...he had it locked in and honestly I can see Black's title reign being over before it even starts

- But MVP recruiting members for The Hurt Business and Apollo being its first member, I wonder who else will join The Hurt Business as a stable? He tried to recruit Joe but Joe turned him down flat. Apparently he is trying to recruit Lashley, but when Lashley comes back, will he even want to join?

- But why Aiden English of all people to join Seth Rollins' group? Really him? Really?

- It looks like Seth Rollins/Edge rivalry is set to continue but neither man is really cleared to compete right now so it begs the question of when they will

- Chad Gable/Dominik Dijakovic for the WWE United States Championship in a Fight Pit...I can't wait

- Andrade vs Sheamus in the WWE Universal Championship tournament Final...I can say that that surprises me
Last edited:
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Reactions: Roy Mustang


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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Right off the bat, you've immediately got me sold on the AJ Styles arch you seem to be fleshing out. A disappointing loss to Ford last week and now he's snapping at his buddies because he's frustrated. The request for the match and the loss to the champ will show him just how off the pace he is. Can only expect fun things to come character development wise with this moving forward. It feels like I might have started following religiously at the right time with this just kicking off so that makes me a happy camper.

Holy crap, this is a different world in here. I honestly can not picture Elias being a commentator haha.

For the most part, I like Rollins looking to recruit for his church with the idea that he can save people's careers. All for it, and I even like Aiden English being the first guy since he's nothing at this point. I'm looking forward to how English goes from here for sure, my only real concern is that maybe this could have been spaced out a little more. Rollins making the call to any superstar who wants to join and then English being there immediately maybe almost feels a little to planned or scripted. Maybe could have dragged this out and had English approach in another segment later on in the show or something.

I LOVE MVP so Rush beating him only to reveal the Apollo pairing is something I'm all for. The Hurt Business being in here is fine. As of right now, there aren't any issues, but I do worry a little about Rollins and MVP both recruiting for heel stables at the same time. Completely different attitudes and styles so it can work, just hope it doesn't become to same/same.

Really not looking forward to a potential Nia/Becky feud lol.

Without having read to much, I love the team of Cesaro and Dragunov with Vega as a mouthpiece. As a matter of fact, the entire Ungovernables stable is all kinds of awesome. I'm all for these guys and The Usos going at it.

Enjoyed the segments throughout the night from the folks still in the running from a title shot against Black, and I've no issues with Joe choking him out to prove his point to end the night.

Some other solid things happening also with Banks and Naomi likely to face Tay and Xi, and same boat goes for what looks to be future Ziggler and Gulak versus Oney and Burch match. Dar/Mansorr looks to be an issue now as well, and I enjoyed team Team Kick saving the Hugging Pirates (what a team name, btw).

Not a lot to give feedback to on the show really, a very good read. Maybe a slight concern with there being so many big, strong heel stables, or at least there will be with Hurt Business and Church growing, and The Ungovernables being so big. Maybe less of a concern and more I'm just curious how you'll work it. But yeah, ignore my ramblings, good stuff here.
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Reactions: Roy Mustang

Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Mod note: The reason for Elias on commentary is due to an EWR injury. Elias is out for at least another 11 months from memory so I decided to make use of him on commentary for the time being as I was taking Big Show off commentary around that time.

Friday Night Smackdown:
April 24th 2020
Omaha, Nebraska

CHI Health Center Omaha


A loud pop from the live crowd as we get the usual pan around the arena to welcome us to Friday Night Smackdown! We then cut to the commentary team at ringside!

Byron Saxton: It’s Friday night you know what that means. Welcome to Smackdown Live from Omaha, Nebraska!

Corey Graves: And we have a big show in store tonight. In our main event champion and challenger, The Miz and John Morrison team up to fight Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan!

Byron Saxton: That’s not all however as…


Before Byron can carry on the show introduction, ROMAN REIGNS marches out in a shirt and jeans as he looks at the crowd with pure disdain. The crowd in equal measure boo the living hell out of Roman but he doesn’t care as he lifts the microphone in his hand up whilst walking down the ramp.

Roman Reigns: Cut my music!

When Roman talks people listen and the music goes off as Roman carries on his walk to a chorus of boos.

Roman Reigns: Last week, was me setting things back on track.

Louder boos from the crowd but Roman just shakes his head and looks at them like ants beneath his feet.

Roman Reigns: Drew McIntyre pulled off a miracle at Wrestlemania!

Loud cheers for the WWE Champion, which noticeably gets to Roman but he carries on anyway.

Roman Reigns: Look at what happened every other time he tried to step into the ring with me. He got destroyed!

Loud boos once again as Roman climbs into the ring standing front and center commanding attention from the live crowd!

Roman Reigns: And that was just a taste of what is going to happen each night until I get my rightful rematch for my title!

Roman screams into the microphone, almost unhinged having lost his title. He looks to carry on until…

DREW MCINTYRE slowly marches out to a massive ovation from the live crowd. The Sinister Scotsman has tape all around his mid-section and rib cage. He also has the WWE title around his waist and a microphone in hand as he points at Roman in the ring.

Drew McIntyre: You want to fight? You want a rematch for MY WWE title!

Drew puts extra emphasis on the “my” pissing Roman off.

Drew McIntyre: Well I don’t want to wait so why don’t we do this right now!

Drew slams the microphone down on the floor and SPRINTS TO THE RING… AS ROMAN LEAVES THE RING TO MEET HIM ON THE OUTSIDE AS THEY START BRAWLING ON THE ENTRANCE RAMP! It’s a hockey fight as the two men try to batter the fuck out of each other but Roman gains the edge when he KNEES DREW IN THE RIBS! The injured ribs that Roman made worse last week and he is taking full advantage of Drew’s injury.

He grabs hold of Drew and sends him ribs first into the barricade causing even more damage to Drew! Drew falls down clutching his mid-section as Roman heads to the ring apron and pulls out a STEEL CHAIR! He makes his back over towards Drew McIntyre BUT AS HE TURNS AROUND DREW CLAYMORES THE CHAIR INTO ROMAN’S FACE! Roman falls backward on the floor as Drew gets back to his feet and GRABS THE STEEL CHAIR! He walks over to Roman and starts WAILING ON HIM WITH IT!

Drew lays into Roman with the steel chair several times and dents the chair before tossing it to the side. He looks to drag Roman off the mat to do even more damage and HITS HIM WITH A FUTURESHOCK DDT ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR! Loud cheers from the crowd as Drew looks around because he isn’t done laying into Roman as he heads to the ring and grabs THE STEEL STEPS! He heads back over to Roman ready to smash them onto him BUT A SWARM OF SECURITY RUN OUT TO STOP HIM! Loud boos from the crowd as they pull Roman and Drew away from each other taking the steel steps out of Drew’s hands as WADE BARETT WALKS OUT WITH A MICROPHONE!

Wade Barrett: Drew as much as part of me would love it if you put Roman in the hospital…

That idea gets cheers from the fans.

Wade Barrett: The shareholders wouldn’t be happy if I let you do it outside of a match!

Drew even though he is close friends with Wade Barrett is still trying to break free and fight Roman whilst the former champion is also trying to break free.

Wade Barrett: But this does need to end between you two!

As Wade says that Roman breaks free and SUPERMAN PUNCHES DREW! Loud boos as Drew falls back and the security re-swarm Roman once again. Wade looks angry and goes to speak again BUT DREW FIGHTS OFF HIS SECURITY NOW AND STARTS WAILING ON ROMAN! He gets in a few good shots on Roman before being pulled back this time by the army of security as Wade sighs before carrying on.

Wade Barrett: You two will fight once more for the WWE title but it will be the final time you battle!

Loud cheers from the fans ready to see the fight and the conclusion of this near 18-month feud.

Wade Barrett: But I will allow the champion to pick where the match takes place.

The two men are still trying to break free as a poor stagehand has to get close to Drew and put the microphone in front of him.

Drew McIntyre: I want him at Judgment Day in my home country of Scotland!

Loud cheers from the crowd and a big match made official for Judgment Day. Off-mic Roman can be heard mouthing off he is going to embarrass Drew in front of his family causing him to try to break free again but security keeps them separate as Wade carries on.

Wade Barrett: That’s fine and Roman…

The tribal chief looks smug as he expects a microphone to be passed to him.

Wade Barrett: I’m afraid I have some bad news as I will pick the stipulation for the match!

Roman looks furious as the crowd cheers Wade trolls Roman.

Wade Barrett: When you two collide in Scotland it won’t be a regular match. No this will be the last time you meet for the WWE title no matter who walks out as champion because you will settle it in a three stages of hell match!

Wade drops the microphone and we get a bombshell of an announcement from Wade Barrett! A three stages of hell match!

Byron Saxton: Three stages of hell at Judgment Day!

Corey Graves: We haven’t seen one of those matches in years!

Byron Saxton: But can you think of a more fitting way for the war between both men to come to a close?

Corey Graves: I don’t always agree with our commissioner but he has it right here. Whilst security gets these two away from each other and out of the arena, up next we will see Cedric Alexander take on Titus O’Neil in singles action. Don’t go anywhere!

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Boos from the crowd as we return from the commercial break and CEDRIC ALEXANDER makes his way to the ring flanked by his muscle and tag team partner DIO MADDIN. Cedric talks trash to the fans as he steps into the ring with a cocky smirk.

Byron Saxton: A couple of weeks ago, we saw Cedric Alexander and Dio Maddin take out Titus O’Neil’s tag team partner No Way Jose.

Corey Graves: And from what I hear, we will never see him again.

Byron Saxton: A shame as I loved that conga line.

Corey Graves: Of course you did Byron.


A small pop from the live crowd but he does get some cheers as TITUS O’NEIL sprints out to the ring looking to get his hands on Cedric and Dio but Cedric slides out of the ring mocking Titus.

Byron Saxton: Titus doesn’t want to wait to hurt Cedric Alexander.

Corey Graves: But that might cost him. He is rushing into a two-on-one fight.

Titus demands Cedric gets back into the ring and after a while after talking to Dio, Cedric Alexander gets back into the ring ready to get this match underway!

Match 1: Titus O’Neil vs Cedric Alexander w/Dio Maddin

Match summary: Titus is fired up and Cedric uses that to his advantage, rolling in and out of the ring in the early stages of the match. Titus eventually grabs hold of Cedric Alexander and starts to toss him around the ring with his superior size. In the end, though Cedric distracted the referee allowing DIO TO SNEAK IN AND HITS A BIG BOOT KNOCKING HIM OUT! Cedric smirks and follows up with OVERTIME (Frog splash)! Cedric smirks as he makes the cover and picks up another win.

Winner via pinfall: Cedric Alexander (5:33)

Boos from the crowd as Cedric smirks in a cocky fashion as Dio Maddin stands outside nodding having helped Cedric get another win on Smackdown Live and maybe getting Cedric closer to title contention soon?

Byron Saxton: Cedric picks up the win over a Hall of Famer!

What? He is.

Corey Graves: Cedric is starting to rack up the wins. Ever since he paired up with Shelton Benjamin originally and now with Dio Maddin, he has had a bit of a career resurgence.

Byron Saxton: I may hate the attitude of these two but it is working.

Corey Graves: Sometimes you need a bad attitude to get to the top of WWE. Cedric spent years playing nice and after losing his Cruiserweight title look where it got him!

Back in the ring Cedric shouts to Dio bring him into the ring and Dio Maddin attacks Titus O’Neil from behind as he beats down the Hall of Famer in the ring whilst Cedric Alexander stands there smirking until…


A decent pop as two-time Cruiserweight champion AKIRA TOZAWA makes his way out and sprints down the ramp as he leaps over the ropes hitting a missile dropkick taking down Cedric! He shouts AHA to the delight of the crowd before coming face to chest with Dio Maddin! Dio swings for Akira but Akira ducks running the ropes AND LOW BLOWS DIO! Hey when they have a size advantage do what is necessary and Akira follows up with a DROPKICK TO SEND DIO OUT OF THE RING NEXT TO CEDRIC! Both men get to their feet outside the ring as they look furious.

Byron Saxton: Thank god for Titus’s former tag team partner and friend Akira Tozawa!

Corey Graves: We saw him return to Smackdown a couple of weeks ago after becoming a two-time Cruiserweight champion in NXT and it looks like he is reuniting with an old friend.

Titus O’Neil hugs Akira Tozawa and thanks him whilst Cedric Alexander and Dio Maddin promise this isn’t over as the show cuts to a commercial break.

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When we return from the commercial break, we can see a smug BARON CORBIN standing in front of the camera in a black waiter-style shirt as he gets ready to speak.

Baron Corbin: Last week was a correction to the natural order. Getting me back on top where I belong!

He chuckles to himself and sticks his arms out almost like he is feeding off the fans booing in the arena.

Baron Corbin: Xavier was lucky to toss me out of the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and Akira caught me by surprise.

That’s what a mystery opponent does.

Baron Corbin: But when I fight someone one on one, I showed everyone why I am the best in this company.

Some anger from Corbin as he gets closer to the camera.

Baron Corbin: And when I step into the ring next week, I’ll prove it to the world one more time.

Corbin smirks.

Baron Corbin: And I’ll stay ahead of Xavier Woods in the line for the Intercontinental title!

Corbin walks off bringing the promo to an end as we cut back to the commentary team at ringside.


Byron Saxton: Baron Corbin is running his mouth once again.

Corey Graves: Show respect to your former boss Byron.

Byron Saxton: I think I’ll pass Corey.

A massive mixed reaction from the live crowd as RANDY ORTON slowly walks out. The Viper takes his time walking out and slowly slithers down the ramp, looking to head to the ring and speak.

Corey Graves: We can have that argument later but right now it looks like we are about to hear from the Viper Randy Orton!

Byron Saxton: In three weeks, he will take on Kevin Owens in an ambulance match!

Corey Graves: Wade Barrett summed it up when he said one of them if not both would end up in hospital by the end of this war. He’s just made sure they had a ride there and then.

Randy Orton is now standing in the middle of the ring as he gets ready to speak to the live crowd.

Randy Orton: I’ve made a career out of putting people in the hospital.

Orton smiles as he thinks about all the people he had hurt throughout his long career.

Randy Orton: Rookies, heroes, villains, giants, cruiserweights, heavyweights and even legends.

A sinister cold smirk is etched on the face of Orton.

Randy Orton: I’ve been something of a legend killer during my time here.

Orton tilts his head as he looks at the fans.

Randy Orton: And Kevin Owens is something of a legend to a lot of you fans?

Cheers from the crowd as Kevin Owens gets mentioned but Orton scowls at the fans.

Randy Orton: To me he is a legend only in bingo halls!

Loud boos from the crowd for disrespecting Kevin Owens.

Randy Orton: Owens and his best friend Sami had to fight in what garage or bingo hall they could to get a spot here. I was just born into greatness.

He sticks his arms out and soaks in the boos.

Randy Orton: And you saw what happened when Sami Zayn got in my way.

Orton points at the entrance stage.

Randy Orton: I put him in the hospital! The same place I’m going to send Kevin…


Loud cheers as KEVIN OWENS walks out with a microphone and cuts Randy Orton off straight away.

Kevin Owens: Hey cut my music, I’ve got something to say to this asshole!

KO not mincing his words tonight as Orton smirks.

Randy Orton: Now Kevin, we don’t want you losing your temper and causing the match at Judgment Day to be cancelled, do you?

Owens no sells this comment and climbs into the ring coming face to face with Randy Orton.

Kevin Owens: Oh trust me Randy, I want the match more than anything in the world right now.

Kevin is inches away from the Viper.

Kevin Owens: I don’t just want to beat you, I want to end your career.

Cheers from the crowd behind KO though a few Orton fans in the crowd boo hating the idea of seeing no more Randy Orton.

Kevin Owens: You think that the old me is just magically gone?

Owens shakes his head.

Kevin Owens: He never left. I’ve just tried to be better for my family! I have a kid at home who watches me every week and used to have to make excuses for his dad!

Owens is shouting right in Orton’s face who remains calm.

Kevin Owens: I don’t want my son to have to do that so I’ve kept my anger in check and tried to be a man he can look up to. A man he wants to become.

He looks Randy up and down.

Kevin Owens: Not a snake like you.

Orton scoffs not caring.

Randy Orton: Good to know your son is as soft as Sami’s skull!

A truly vile insult from Orton which gets a ton of heat from the crowd and Owens comes this close to punching him but stops himself.

Randy Orton: Go on Kevin. Hit me. Do it right now and then I won’t have to wait till Judgment Day. I’ll be able to end your career right now instead and send you home to your weeping wife and son.

More vile insults from Orton as Owens struggles to keep his cool but leaves the ring as Orton laughs to himself loving the fact Owens isn’t allowed to hit him as he taunts him some more.

Randy Orton: I mean what kind of example are you setting for your son. What kind of a man are…

Kevin Owens: Randy!

Owens cuts Orton off.

Kevin Owens: Shut the f*** up!

The censors catch it just in time but Kevin has had enough of Orton.

Kevin Owens: The only thing keeping you standing in that ring is the fact that I know I get to make you regret every word at Judgement Day.

Loud cheers as Orton scowls.

Kevin Owens: Every single word you’ve said is going to lead to one more powerbomb, one more stunner, one more kick to your head!

Owens’s temper is rising and rising as he looks Orton dead in the eyes in the ring.

Kevin Owens: You will find out that I may be trying to be a good person but the prize-fighter is still here!

He points at the floor as he finishes his rant.

Kevin Owens: The man who put his boot on Cena’s throat and beat him in his first-ever Raw match is still here! And after Judgement Day you won’t be!

Kevin Owens tosses the microphone down to the mat and storms off in anger having sent his message whilst Orton looks a tad hesitant before smiling and shakes his head as he tells the fans it will be Owens heading to the hospital.

Byron Saxton: I feel like Judgment Day could be a war.

Corey Graves: Two men who are prone to losing their cool both want to hurt one another. They might be both leaving in an ambulance.

Byron Saxton: But is Orton sealing his fate by taunting Kevin?

Corey Graves: We will find out at Judgment Day but up next after the commercial break we will see the newest Smackdown superstar James Storm in action. Don’t go anywhere!

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As we return from the commercial break, R-TRUTH is already halfway to the ring as he raps along to his theme song hyping up the crowd. CARMELLA and LIV MORGAN are hyping R-Truth up as they dance along with their friend whilst he climbs into the ring ready for action.

Byron Saxton: Welcome back to Smackdown Live and Corey did you enjoy our nice little dance break?

Corey Graves: Shut up Saxton.

*DO I*

A few cheers from the fans but since he is still new to the WWE Universe as JAMES STORM walks out flanked by his tag team partner BOBBY ROODE. James is sipping on a beer before teasing he is going to pass it to a fan but pulls it get back getting a few boos from the fans now.

Byron Saxton: James Storm has made an impact upon arriving in WWE and teaming up with his best friend Bobby Roode.

Corey Graves: And we know both these veterans have gold in their sights. But what will they go for first? The Intercontinental title or the WWE tag team titles?

James Storm looks very cocky as Bobby tells the two ladies with R-Truth to back off. The referee calls for the bell and gets the match underway!

Match 2: James Storm w/Bobby Roode vs R-Truth w/Liv Morgan and Carmella

Match summary: It’s a match you might have seen at the very start of TNA but in 2020 there is only going to be one winner. James Storm controls the majority of the match and picks up the win with the LAST CALL (Superkick)! Storm hooks the leg and picks up the win!

Winner via pinfall: James Storm (3:09)

The reaction is now negative towards James Storm in the ring but he doesn’t care as he gets to his feet celebrating the win over R-Truth. Outside the ring, Bobby Roode smirks and claps his hand applauding his friend’s performance tonight.

Byron Saxton: James Storm picks up the win in a dominant fashion tonight.

Corey Graves: He didn’t come to WWE to stand on the sidelines and be a cheerleader for Roode. He wants gold as much as the glorious one.

Back in the ring, Roode passed James a drink as the pair take a big chug of it BEFORE POURING THE REST ONTO THE PRONE R-TRUTH GETTING LOUD BOOS! Liv Morgan and Carmella upon them doing this slide into the ring confronting The Last Outlaws who just smirk and leave the ring soaking in the heat from the crowd.

Byron Saxton: There is no need for that disrespect!

Corey Graves: The Last Outlaws aren’t here to be respected, they will be taking what they want from Smackdown Live.

Byron Saxton: But why do what they did? Why do something like…

Corey Graves: Byron, we can argue later but there seems to be a commotion backstage.


We get to the backstage area where we can see THE RIOTT SQUAD BRAWLING WITH BLISS AND MELINA in the hallways backstage. The two teams are fighting with each other as Bliss and Melina look to avenge the attack from last week but a bunch of officials get between the 4 women bringing the fight to a stop. WADE BARRETT walks into the shot in his suit and doesn’t look happy.

Wade Barrett: OK that is enough between you lot. Stop this now.

The 4 women stop brawling but stand across from each other ready to fight as the Smackdown commissioner carries on.

Wade Barrett: Now I’ve spoken to Adam Pearce and William Regal since both of you teams want the next shot at the Women’s tag team titles.

That gets their attention as they turn to Wade and listen to what he has to say.

Wade Barrett: So next week you two teams will face in a number one contender’s match and the winners will get a title match at Judgement Day against the winner of Hugging Pirates and The Robert Stone Brand.

A big match number one contender’s match is signed for next week’s show.

Wade Barrett: But now I’ve made that match, you all need to leave the arena now.

Ruby and Sarah glare at Bliss and Melina before walking off as the new team looks at each other nodding, getting a big opportunity next week as we cut elsewhere backstage…


As we can see CHARLOTTE FLAIR walking to the ring dressed to compete and she is followed by her tag team partner LACEY EVANS!

Byron Saxton: When we return from the commercial break, Charlotte Flair will be in action. Don’t go anywhere!

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When we return from the commercial break, we can see DANA BROOKE standing in the ring ready for action as…


Loud boos from the crowd as usual as CHARLOTTE FLAIR walks out to the ring with her full robe and she is joined by LACEY EVANS! Both women show off to the crowd as they walk out and Charlotte especially has a smug look on her face. Dana in the ring meanwhile looks determined and shouts a few choice words at Charlotte.

Byron Saxton: Welcome back to Smackdown Live and right now Charlotte Flair will take on Dana Brooke, a match made after Charlotte Flair attacked Dana Brooke as they looked to answer Ember’s open challenge.

Corey Graves: Dana might find she is out of her depth stepping into the ring with the Queen.

Byron Saxton: But it wasn’t just Dana that Charlotte Flair attacked last week.

Corey Graves: She laid out our WWE Women’s Champion Ember Moon and confirmed she wants her throne back.

Charlotte is now in the ring looking very smug as she taunts the live crowd before she turns around coming face to face with Dana Brooke as the referee rings the bell to get the match underway!

Match 3: Charlotte Flair w/Lacey Evans vs Dana Brooke

Match summary: Dana comes out of the blocks on fire and lays into Charlotte getting 30 seconds of offense, controlling the match briefly. And after that, it is all Charlotte who cuts Dana off with a chop block. She works over the right leg and soon puts Dana Brooke in the FIGURE 8! She yanks on it and it forces a tap out from Dana Brooke!

Winner via submission: Charlotte Flair (2:27)

Charlotte Flair holds it on for an extra few seconds after the bell and gets to her feet smirking whilst Dana clutches her right leg.

Byron Saxton: Charlotte picks up the win in decisive fashion.

Corey Graves: Charlotte re-entering the WWE Women’s title picture feels right Byron. The Queen wants her throne.

Byron Saxton: I mean Ember overcame Asuka already…

Corey Graves: But Charlotte is a whole different kind of challenge.

Lacey Evans as the commentary talks grabs a microphone from someone at ringside and wipes it with her handkerchief before passing it to her tag team partner.

Charlotte Flair: Well at least you did this right.

Charlotte turns around as Lacey looks unimpressed but stays calm.

Charlotte Flair: As you just saw, I’m still the Queen of this division. I’m still the final boss of the Women’s division.

Boos from the crowd as Flair is enjoying herself as she taunts the live crowd.

Charlotte Flair: I’m bigger than the “legit boss”, bigger than any “hugger”, bigger than any “man”.

I wonder who she is calling out here guys?

Charlotte Flair: And I’m certainly bigger than Ronda Rousey!

That gets a loud mixed reaction and shockingly, more cheers than you would expect. Lacey in the background though looks like she wants Charlotte to get to the point.

Charlotte Flair: I’m even bigger than the Empress!

And right back to loud boos from the crowd. Charlotte looks to carry on however someone has had enough…


A loud pop from the live crowd as EMBER MOON walks out with the WWE Women’s title on her shoulder and in her other hand? A microphone. Charlotte shakes her head smirking having drawn the champion out. Lacey looks like she is going to leave the ring but Charlotte stops her wanting Ember to speak.

Ember Moon: Are you done stroking your own ego Charlotte? Or does Lacey not do it enough for you?

Lacey looks ready to go fight Ember but Charlotte keeps her in the ring.

Ember Moon: Charlotte you are not the benchmark anymore.

Ember lifts the title up and slaps it.

Ember Moon: The champion is and last I checked, it’s me!

A lot of fire is shown by Ember, showing a lot of confidence which gets cheers from the crowd as Charlotte smirks.

Ember Moon: I mean if you wanted a shot, you should have just asked.

Charlotte: A queen shouldn’t have to ask.

Ember Moon: Yeah you are used to things being handed to you.

A few gasps from the crowd and loud cheers for that line which noticeably pisses Charlotte off.

Ember Moon: But hell, what’s one more title shot gifted to Charlotte Flair right?

Ember says that line laced with sarcasm.

Ember Moon: You want a shot at this? Fight me at Judgment Day!

Wow! Charlotte smirks to herself and turns to Lacey.

Charlotte Flair: That’s how you get what you want Lacey. Not by rushing to the ring for an open challenge but by tricking the champion into giving you what you want.

Lacey rolls her eyes as the crowd boo insanely loudly whilst Charlotte looks up the ramp at Ember Moon.

Charlotte Flair: I’ll not only fight you for the title at Judgment Day but I will become a nine-time Women’s Champion!

The second loudest boos of the night as Charlotte drops the microphone and sticks her arms out as she soaks in the boos whilst Ember Moon at the top of the entrance ramp holds her WWE Women’s title in the air.

Byron Saxton: I’ve just gotten word from Wade Barrett backstage and he has made it official. At Judgment Day, Ember Moon will defend her WWE Women’s title against Charlotte Flair!

Corey Graves: Ember might have gotten herself in trouble. There is only so many times you can overcome the odds before the favorites win.

Byron Saxton: Don’t rule out Ember. She defeated Asuka who banished Charlotte from the title picture at Wrestlemania.

Corey Graves: We will have to see Byron but up next after the commercial break we are going to see the number one contender’s for the WWE tag team titles The War Raiders take on Lucha House Party. Don’t go anywhere!

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A decent pop from the live crowd as the show returns from a commercial break and the WWE Tag Team Champions HEAVY MACHINERY make their way out! They lift their tag team titles into the air showing them off to the crowd before heading to the commentary desk.

Byron Saxton: Welcome to the commentary booth guys.

Tucker Knight: Well Otis heard how much of a fan Corey is and wanted to greet him personally!

Otis hugs Corey squeezing him as Corey is clearly annoyed by this!

Corey Graves: Get off me, you lumbering oaf.

Otis breaks the hug and sits down next to Tucker as Corey glares at him in anger.


A decent pop from the live crowd as LUCHA HOUSE PARTY make their way out with GRAN METALIK and LINCE DORADO slapping hands with a few of the kids in the front row before leaping into the ring.

Byron Saxton: Last week you faced these two men in the ring and they gave you a bit of a challenge.

Otis Dozovic: Those boys, they can move fast Byron. It was hard for us to keep up with.

Tucker Knight: But we played to our strengths and used our power to overcome them once we caught them! All it took was one mistake.

Corey Graves: That plan won’t work at Judgment Day against your opponents.


Boos from the crowd as THE WAR RAIDERS walk out cutting an imposing presence on the way to the ring. HANSON and ROWE slowly walk around the ring before climbing inside. He makes sure to point at the champions on commentary promising to send a message tonight.

Byron Saxton: The War Raiders do offer a very different challenge to the last two teams you faced in a title match.

Tucker Knight: You aren’t wrong. These two men are not just powerful but they are fast. It could be the toughest challenge we have faced.

Otis Dozovic: My mama said that the bigger they are the harder they fall and they will fall hard Tucky.

Corey Graves: Y’know that the two of you are pretty big yourself so that could be applied to you.

Otis looks shocked and confused as Tucker rolls his eyes whilst in the ring we see Hanson start for the Raiders and Lince Dorado starts for Lucha House Party.

Match 4: The War Raiders vs Lucha House Party

Match summary: Lucha House Party like the previous week tries to use their pace to take War Raiders by surprise but The War Raiders are ready from the bell and use their own shocking agility and take down the Luchadors with ease. Hanson and Rowe toss their opponents around, almost toying with them and sending a message to Heavy Machinery about what they might be in store for at the PPV. On commentary, Tucker comments that the War Raiders are too focused on hurting people and not focused enough on winning.

Back in the ring Gran Metalik made a bit of a comeback and used his insane ability to walk the ropes popping the crowd as he stuns the two War Raiders. Gran Metalik even looks like he might pick up the win with a 450 SPLASH! Hanson though makes the save and after this The War Raiders refocus on getting the job done as they hit Lince Dorado with a DOUBLE CHOKESLAM TO THE FLOOR OUTSIDE! They then hit gran Metalik with THE FALLOUT picking up the win!

Winners via pinfall: The War Raiders (7:59)

Hanson and Rowe get to their feet cutting an imposing presence within the ring, over the laid-out Gran Metalik as they turn to the champions on commentary and start doing the traditional belt motion.

Byron Saxton: I think they are sending a message to you.

Tucker Knight: They can send whatever message they want to us…

Heavy Machinery get to their feet and lift their WWE Tag Team titles in the air.

Tucker Knight: But we are the champions and we’ll still be the champions after Judgment Day!

The two teams stare each other down with both ready for a fight but we still have a few weeks to go. Meanwhile we cut backstage…


As KAYLA BRAXTON is standing backstage ready for an interview!

Kayla Braxton: It’s has been an action-packed episode of Smackdown but right now I have Mr. Money in the Bank Big E!

BIG E walks into the shot with a smile on his face and he is wearing an odd pimp-like outfit which makes Kayla nearly corpse.

Kayla Braxton: Big E, what are you wearing?

Big E looks at his outfit and then back at Kayla.

Big E: I don’t know what you are talking about Kayla. I totally didn’t lose a game of 2k20 against Woods and had to wear this outfit.

2k20. Who remembers that trash fire?

Kayla Braxton: Well I have to say you pull it off.

Big E: See Kayla. This is why you are our favourite.

Kayla smiles before getting back on track.

Kayla Braxton: But I must say, how are you feeling ahead of Judgment Day?

Big E is no longer smiling and gets serious.

Kayla Braxton: I mean you’ve put the Money in the Bank briefcase on the line and could lose it to…

Big E: I know.

E says it much more quietly than normal but stops Kayla as he carries on.

Big E: I know the risk I am taking.

He swings the New Day colored briefcase round and looks at it for a good few seconds before speaking.

Big E: I could lose my guaranteed shot to fight for either the WWE or Universal title at Wrestlemania Thirty-Seven. All the damage I took in that match, all of my hard work just disappears like that.

Big E snaps his fingers but fires himself up.

Big E: But I wouldn’t be the man I am, the man holding this briefcase without those two.

He points towards the back.

Big E: Without them, I’m not me. And Kross has been targeting them. He says he won’t leave Kofi and us alone till he breaks us. I need to show him we are unbreakable!

Big E is fired up and lifts the briefcase into the air.

Big E: You won’t break up and I will show you the power of friendship!

However as Big E carries on we see SCARLETT BORDEAUX walk into the shot with an hourglass in her hand and a devilish smirk on her face. Big E stops speaking as he glares at Scarlett who lets out an evil laugh before speaking.

Scarlett Bordeaux: Karrion finds your speech and your positivity… sickening.

The siren scowls at Big E who doesn’t flinch or move.

Scarlett Bordeaux: Your positivity and your friendship won’t save you from the end…

Scarlett passes the hourglass to Kayla who looks confused.

Scarlett Bordeaux: Which is near.

Scarlett walks off as Big E looks angry before looking at the hourglass which has “BIG E” written on it as the sand ticks down and we cut to a commercial break.

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A loud pop from the live crowd as JEFF HARDY makes his way out for the first time in nearly 3 months. There is no face paint and weirdly there is none of the usual dancing at the top of the entrance ramp as the former WWE Champion walks to the ring.

Byron Saxton: Welcome back to Smackdown Live and right now, we are about to hear from Jeff Hardy upon his return!

Corey Graves: We haven’t seen him since he was attacked by The Fiend Bray Wyatt and I don’t think he is happy about that.

Byron Saxton: We saw just what a massive threat The Fiend can be when he annihilated the Demon King Finn Balor in a matter of minutes!

Corey Graves: Jeff though has never shown a willingness to back down from a massive threat. Look at his first breakthrough performance against The Undertaker!

Jeff Hardy walks around the ring and grabs a steel chair plus a microphone. He tosses the steel chair into the ring and follows it inside the ring. He picks up the steel chair and unfolds it before taking a seat on it as he faces the entrance ramp.

Jeff Hardy: I’m sorry I’m not feeling my usual self.

Jeff looks upset as the crowd goes a little quiet.

Jeff Hardy: The last year, my brother and I have been ravaged by injuries. It got so bad, Matt choose to leave WWE.

A bit of a hushed tone though some in the crowd are sad to see Matt Hardy has gone from WWE (but you can tune into AEW Dynamite to see him)!

Jeff Hardy: And I’ve been alone, trying to get back to the top. Become a WWE Champion once again.

Jeff sounds really down as he speaks to the fans who are remaining respectful and quiet for him.

Jeff Hardy: And I was so close.

Jeff looks up to the roof above the ring.

Jeff Hardy: It was within touching distance but Roman made sure I couldn’t have my moment.

Loud boos from the crowd first time in the promo which Jeff nods acknowledging.

Jeff Hardy: I think we all hate him equally.

Jeff faintly smiles for the first time before looking down once again.

Jeff Hardy: But as I sat in the ring, thinking about what was next…


A mixed reaction from the live crowd as the Firefly Funhouse starts up interrupting Jeff Hardy and we cut to the funhouse as we see BRAY WYATT standing there in his Mr. Rodgers style jumper as he waves at Jeff Hardy.

Bray Wyatt: Hello Jeff and hello everyone else. Welcome to the Firefly funhouse!

He waves at the camera as Jeff scowls and stands up.

Bray Wyatt: Now Jeff…

Jeff Hardy: No Bray, I’m not here for your bullshit!

Loud cheers as Jeff gets to his feet and Bray holds his mouth fake offended.

Bray Wyatt: Jeff, you can’t say that. We have children here!

Rambling Rabbit is shown wearing a Jeff Hardy shirt and shakes with fear as Bray covers his ears.

Bray Wyatt: Rambling Rabbit is a delicate flower Jeff. You can’t say those kind of words around him.

Jeff Hardy: Bray I didn’t come out here for your games I came to issue a challenge!

Bray is shocked at first but smiles in a creepy evil fashion but it is Rambling Rabbit who speaks first.

Rambling Rabbit: Jeff, Jeff. I’m your biggest fan. See my shirt.

The camera shows the rabbit’s shirt plus the angry look on Bray’s face.

Rambling Rabbit: You need to run Jeff. Run be…fo…

We see the rabbit’s head disappear as Bray crushes it with his bare hands and pops it off to gasps from little children watching the show in the funhouse as Bray smirks evilly.

Bray Wyatt: Oh sorry Jeff he seems to have lost his head.

We hear the little children in the funhouse let out a chuckle which seems to anger Jeff.

Jeff Hardy: Enough games Bray. I want to fight the Fiend at Judgment Day!

Cheers from the crowd though some go quiet in fear of what The Fiend could do to Jeff Hardy.

Bray Wyatt: You want The Fiend?

Bray goes cold and eerie as he tilts his head.

Bray Wyatt: Do you know remember what he did to you Jeff? Don’t you want to forgive and move on?

Jeff Hardy: You cost me the chance to fight at Wrestlemania!

Jeff is fuming as he gets to his feet fully and pushes his chair away.

Jeff Hardy: I want to stop you but I don’t want a regular match!

Bray is now smirking as he lets Jeff carry on.

Jeff Hardy: I saw what you can do…

Bray Wyatt: He can do.

Bray puts his hands up acting innocent.

Jeff Hardy: I don’t care if you pretend that monster isn’t you because I want it, you or whatever demons in that funhouse in the ring at Judgment Day and I want to be able to use any weapon to destroy it!

Jeff is speaking with a venom we rarely see from him.

Jeff Hardy: Tables, ladders, chairs! Anything I can get my hands on and I will bury you under them at Judgment Day!

Jeff slams the microphone down and leaves the ring but Bray isn’t done speaking.

Bray Wyatt: Jeff be careful what you wish for. Because something you might not like, might come out at Judgement Day.

The screen starts to go red and black with static as we see the Fiend appear before cutting back to Bray who smiles and waves goodbye!

Bray Wyatt: Bye for now kids!

Jeff Hardy stops on the ramp as he glares at Bray Wyatt on the titantron as the Firefly Funhouse music plays in the background.

Byron Saxton: Jeff Hardy wants the Fiend at Judgement Day!

Corey Graves: I get Jeff wants revenge on Bray Wyatt but we saw what he did to the Demon King at Wrestlemania. Jeff could be getting himself into trouble.

Byron Saxton: Maybe the no disqualifications stipulation will give him the edge he needs?

Corey Graves: We shall see but I fear not. However up next when we return from the commercial break, we will see Buddy Murphy in action against Ricochet! Don’t go anywhere!

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When we return from the commercial break, RICOCHET makes his way out getting a decent reaction from the live crowd. The high-flier sprints down the ramp and leaps over the ropes as he lands in the ring, ready for action tonight.

Byron Saxton: Welcome back to Smackdown Live and right now we are about to see a singles match between two men look to get a win for different reasons.

Corey Graves: Ricochet is coming off losing out in the Men’s Money in the Bank ladder match and will be looking to get back into title contention with a win over a man who fought for the WWE title last week.


A mixed reaction from the live crowd with some impressed with BUDDY MURPHY after his performance last week. Murphy though doesn’t notice the cheers or doesn’t care as he walks down the entrance ramp with a purpose.

Byron Saxton: Buddy Murphy pushed Drew McIntyre to the limit on last week’s Smackdown Live and will be looking to bounce back with a win over Ricochet.

Corey Graves: We know how hard Buddy Murphy will be taking that loss after last week’s show and he will want to earn another shot for the title soon.

Buddy steps into the ring as Ricochet offers him a hand and in typical white meat babyface fashion compliments his performance last week. Buddy ignores it and heads to the corner as Ricochet shrugs. The referee calls for the bell to get this match underway!

Match 5: Buddy Murphy vs Ricochet

Match summary: Buddy starts the match off at a fast and aggressive pace, catching Ricochet off-guard as he has to take a moment to powder. Ricochet though gets back into the match when Buddy makes a mistake due to his anger and from there shows off just what he can do in the air, dazzling the crowd with his flips. Buddy however counter using his size advantage to control the match, harking back to his 205 Live days versus other Cruiserweights.

Obviously now he is out of the division, Buddy has put on even more mass and the size starts to tell during the match with Murphy controlling the match with his power and explosive offense, with Ricochet only getting the chance to fight back when using his insane agility. However in the end, the high-flying costs him the match as Murphy counters a MOONSAULT OFF THE ROPES WITH A SUPERKICK MID-FLIP! Ricochet is down as Murphy hoists him up and hits MURPHY’S LAW for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Buddy Murphy (10:55)

Buddy Murphy gets back to his feet having been put through a tough challenger by Ricochet but there is no celebration from Murphy who snatches his arm away from the referee and storms off towards the back after the match.

Byron Saxton: A decent win for Buddy Murphy tonight but he clearly isn’t happy still after losing out to Drew McIntyre last week.

Corey Graves: Buddy wants to be a champion once again. It has now been over a year since he held a title and he is getting more determined to fix that as time goes on.

Byron Saxton: More performances like that and he might get himself in line for another shot at either the WWE title or Intercontinental title.

Corey Graves: Well speaking of the Intercontinental title, we have Kevin Patrick with The Miz, John Morrison, Maryse and Franky Monet ahead of the main event! Let’s go to him right now.


We cut to the backstage area and Kevin Patrick is standing in front of the previously mentioned THE MIZ, JOHN MORRISON, MARYSE and FRANKY MONET.

Kevin Patrick: Thanks Corey. Miz, I’ve gotten word from Wade Barrett that if Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan win tonight, Daniel Bryan will be added to the Intercontinental title match at Judgement Day?

John Morrison pulls off his shades and looks furious as Franky steps forward.

Franky Monet: That’s disgraceful. My husband deserves better than this!

Maryse rolls her eyes as Miz steps forward speaking to Franky.

The Miz: Franky, it is fine. We will just beat him like I did at Wrestlemania.

Miz looks at John as he says causing John to pull a confused face.

John Morrison: Are you trying to imply something?

The Miz: What?

John Morrison: Are you implying you’ll have to do it because I lost to Bryan a month ago?

Maryse steps in now.

Maryse: John stop being ridiculous. Your wife’s behavior is rubbing off on you.

Franky steps forward as it looks like they might come to blow themselves when…

???: Maybe you can just hide under the ring and let someone else do all the work John.

The camera pans over to show XAVIER WOODS and KOFI KINGSTON walking into the shot.

Kofi Kingston: I mean you did that to my boy Xavier.

John steps forward whilst his wife still argues with Maryse in the background and Miz watches on.

John Morrison: Listen I got injured mid-match.

Kofi shakes his head as John gets closer to him.

John Morrison: So I used my brain, something your friend Big E could learn about.

Kofi at that point pushes John Morrison away from him and John goes to fight him but Miz holds him back whilst Xavier keeps Kofi from fighting Morrison.

The Miz: OK that’s enough both of you.

John Morrison: No no you know what. If Woods is so upset after losing at Wrestlemania and last week…

Woods looks pretty angry and thinks about letting Kofi go.

John Morrison: I’ll give him a shot after I win the Intercontinental title at Judgment Day.

Miz lets go of John and turns to him.

The Miz: Shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep John.

Ohhhhhh and John now turns around to face Miz looking annoyed as Kofi and Woods start to laugh making Morrison even angrier.

John Morrison: Think that is funny.

Kofi and Woods look at each other and nod.

Kofi Kingston: Yeah I do.

At this point, Franky steps forward and now gets in Kofi’s face.

Franky Monet: Well ya know what, why doesn’t John show you what he can do next week and maybe Xavier will wind his neck in?

Kofi Kingston: You’re on. I’ll see you next week John.

The New Day walk off with the challenge for next week’s Smackdown Live made. Franky turns to her husband and gives him a kiss.

Franky Monet: I’ll go speak to Wade and get it made official so you can embarrass him next week.

John nods liking that as Maryse rolls her eyes. Franky walks off elsewhere as Miz signals they need to start heading to the ring.

The Miz: C’mon we have a main event to win.

The Miz walks forward and Maryse goes to join him but John stands in her way.

John Morrison: No. You stay here. If my wife isn’t at ringside, neither is yours.

Morrison walks on ahead as Miz looks confused and annoyed before shaking his head and kissing his wife.

Byron Saxton: Up next we will see our main event with Judgment Day implications. Miz and Morrison take on Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan. Don’t go anywhere!

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A mixed reaction from the live crowd as we return from the commercial break for the final time this evening as DANIEL BRYAN makes his way out and he is soon followed by ERICK ROWAN. Rowan towers over Bryan as the planet’s champion can be seen giving Rowan some instructions as they head to the ring together.

Byron Saxton: Welcome back to Smackdown Live and we learned two big things before the commercial break.

Corey Graves: That’s right Byron. Wade Barrett has made it official but on next week’s Smackdown Live former WWE Champion Kofi Kingston will take on John Morrison!

Byron Saxton: But we also got it confirmed that if Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan win tonight, Daniel Bryan will be added to the Intercontinental title match at Judgment Day making it a triple threat match!

Corey Graves: Making it even more important Miz and Morrison get along or the match at Judgement Day gets even tougher for them.


Cheers from the live crowd initially as THE MIZ walks out before being joined by his best friend and tag partner tonight JOHN MORRISON who gets quite loud boos. Morrison ignores the fans however and does his usual entrance whilst Miz shows off his Intercontinental title for the crowd.

Byron Saxton: You can sense some tension between these two men. Ever since Wrestlemania, you can feel an undercurrent of tension between the two men.

Corey Graves: I think it goes back to before Wrestlemania. There seems to have been a change in attitude when it comes to Morrison, doing what it takes to win. Almost like the old Miz.

Byron Saxton: The New Day did point it out.

Corey Graves: And maybe John has the right idea because it could cause him to become champion at Judgment Day.

Once at the ring Daniel Bryan tells Erick Rowan he is starting. Miz wants to start in the ring but John Morrison insists on starting. They have a small argument which Bryan loves before John steps in the ring as Miz throws his arms into the air and heads to the apron as the referee calls for the bell.

Main event: The Miz and John Morrison vs Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan

Match summary: Bryan goes on the attack and targets the leg of Morrison right from the start. The one he “injured” at Wrestlemania 36 and forces him back into the corner to tag in The Miz. Miz shakes his head but climbs into the ring ready to face off Daniel Bryan. Loud cheers from the fans who want to see a rematch from Wrestlemania as Bryan smirks AND TAGS IN ERICK ROWAN! Loud boos from the crowd as Rowan steps into the ring and Miz has to try to wear down the giant but Rowan’s power lets the Eco-Warriors stay in control. Bryan once Miz is worn down makes a bunch of rapid tags with Rowan as Morrison watches on from the apron talking a lot of trash but never steps off it.

Miz tries to fight back and eventually breaks free of Rowan and crawls to the corner of the ring MAKING THE HOT TAG TO JOHN MORRISON! John runs around the ring and whilst Bryan is tagged in he is not ready for the speed at which Morrison moves even with an “injured” leg! He sends Rowan out of the ring and leaves himself alone with Bryan! Bryan gets taken by shock and John taunts the crowd as well as Bryan, getting even more heat from the crowd before looking to go for the FLYING CHUCK BUT BRYAN COUNTERS INTO A HEEL HOOK!

Bryan tears away at the leg but Miz slides into the ring just in time breaking the hold! Miz then hits Bryan with a series of IT KICKS but Rowan runs into the ring hitting a BIG BOOT! He hoists Bryan up but Miz counters with a DDT! Rowan rolls out of the ring as Miz grabs Bryan for the SKULL CRUSHING FINALE… BUT BRYAN PUSHES HIM OFF INTO A FLYING CHUCK FROM MORRISON! Morrison holds his head in shock… AS BRYAN ROLLS MORRISON UP IN A SMALL PACKAGE 1 2 3! Bryan sneaks the win and is going to Judgment Day!

Winners via pinfall: Daniel Bryan and Erick Rowan (11:12)

A massive mixed reaction which is actually more cheers than boos as Daniel Bryan gets to his feet and celebrates pinning John Morrison. He even does a few yes taunts before catching himself. Rowan joins him in the ring looking oddly unimpressed at first before lifting his boss’s hand into the air.

Byron Saxton: Daniel Bryan has just pinned John Morrison and is now in the Intercontinental title match at Judgment Day!

Corey Graves: The issues between Miz and Morrison made the difference. You could tell they were not on the same page during the match and it cost them.

Byron Saxton: Will Bryan now be able to get his Intercontinental title back at Judgment Day?

Corey Graves: He does have to overcome two “friends” at the pay-per-view but we have seen Bryan pulls out the victory in those kinds of triple threats before.

Bryan and Rowan have headed to the top of the entrance ramp as they carry on their celebrations whilst in the ring we can see Miz and Morrison arguing with each other. The final image we get is a smirking Bryan as the show fades to black

Confirmed matches for next week:

Number one contender’s match:
The Riott Squad vs Alexa Bliss and Melina

Singles match:
John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston

Singles match:
Baron Corbin vs ???

Judgement Day
Glasgow, Scotland

May 10th

WWE title three stages of hell match:
Stipulations TBA
Drew McIntyre © vs Roman Reigns

WWE Women’s title match:
Ember Moon © vs Charlotte Flair

Intercontinental title triple threat match:
The Miz © vs John Morrison vs Daniel Bryan

WWE tag team titles match:
Heavy Machinery © vs The War Raiders

WWE Women’s tag team titles match:
Hugging Pirates or The Robert Stone Brand © vs The Riott Squad or Alexa Bliss and Melina

Money in the Bank briefcase on the line:
Big E vs Karrion Kross

Ambulance match:
Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens

No DQ match:
Jeff Hardy vs The Fiend Bray Wyatt

EWR Rating:

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Sep 16, 2022
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- A Triple Threat Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship between The Miz, John Morrison and Daniel Bryan...I can definitely see this match working to Bryan's advantage. Why? Because not only does he have Erick Rowan by his side, Miz and Morrison have their issues as well with Miz being the Champion and Morrison showing more of a heelish side

- Jeff Hardy is back and he wants The Fiend again in a match like is Jeff crazy? Or does he have a death wish? Does he not remember the last time he was in the ring with The Fiend? The Fiend destroyed him in a way he's never ever been destroyed before

- This Ambulance Match between Owens and Orton is as personal as it has become and I love that they have this zero tolerance policy...they can't touch each other until the match because if they do, the match is canceled and they could face fines and suspensions. Technically they still can get their hands on one another especially if it is in a Tag Team Match but they are trying to do everything they can to get under each other's skin. I just love how personal this rivalry has become.

- 3 Stages of Hell between McIntyre and Reigns for the WWE Championship in Scotland at Judgment Day...I mean the only way the rivalry can truly be settled once and for all would have been inside Satan's structure inside Hell In a Cell or even in Last Man Standing but 3 Stages of Hell hasn't happened since 2009 with HHH and Orton. But to see it brought back, I can only imagine what the 3 stipulations will be. I mean the first stipulation will most likely be a regular Singles Match. 2nd stipulation will probably be a Steel Cage Match and then the 3rd and final will probably be a Ladder Match.

- I can definitely see Big E losing the Money in the Bank briefcase to Karrion Kross and Kross with that briefcase could cash in on Roman Reigns or on Drew McIntyre. Or Kross if he wins the briefcase could cash in on Aleister Black or he could cash in on Andrade or on Sheamus.

- But if Big E does lose the briefcase, I can see him winning the 2021 Men's Royal Rumble Match in January should he lose the briefcase to Kross.
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Nov 14, 2020
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I thought the progression of Drew and Roman was good tonight. By this point they are so heated that they just want to tear each other apart. Had no idea this had been going on for 18 months, but definitely feels like 3 stages of hell is the right call. A rarely used stipulation to so happy to see it.

Similarly with the above, your other big segment of the night, Orton/Owens did exactly what it needed to as well. Instead of the usual staredown or fight to end, I like the idea of Owens walking away to prevent himself from snapping. A nice twist and plays on him being a new man and trying to keep his temper in check.

Flair/Moon stuff was pretty on point also. Typical 'Queen' Charlotte, getting herself the title match. I'm definitely intrigued by the result and how Lacey will factor in as well.

Miz/Morrison issues continue to progress well. What's interesting is it's getting to the point now where their issues are no longer undertones in the background of whatever feud they're in. They are almost at breaking point now as their issues are clear for all to see. Enjoying it so far, and wouldn't at all surprise me if the Triple Threat is the beginning of the end. Fun stuff to follow so far anyway.

Admittedly the mens tag title scene hasn't really got me hooked or anything yet, but the idea of War Raiders/Heavy Machinery having a big hoss battle does have some appeal.

Brawl between Riott Squad and Bliss/Melina was fine. It's always good when competitors are fighting to qualify for something but there's some legit heat between them.

Big E promo again selling the risk of losing MITB was fine, and his reasoning for doing it is logical for a babyface. Scarlett appearing was nice too.

And Jeff Hardy/Bray segment was good as well. My only concern here really is if you have a TLC match, and a 3 Stages of Hell match on the same card, could end up with a lot of the same weapons/similar spots being used, and one could outshine the other. In a WWE environment, I like to try and keep these 'no rule' type brawls with weapons and stuff to one per card for that very reason.

Corbin promo was fine to as was Tazawa saving O'Neil to probably set up a tag match at some point.

Again, very fun reading in here.
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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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I thought the progression of Drew and Roman was good tonight. By this point they are so heated that they just want to tear each other apart. Had no idea this had been going on for 18 months, but definitely feels like 3 stages of hell is the right call. A rarely used stipulation to so happy to see it.

Similarly with the above, your other big segment of the night, Orton/Owens did exactly what it needed to as well. Instead of the usual staredown or fight to end, I like the idea of Owens walking away to prevent himself from snapping. A nice twist and plays on him being a new man and trying to keep his temper in check.

Flair/Moon stuff was pretty on point also. Typical 'Queen' Charlotte, getting herself the title match. I'm definitely intrigued by the result and how Lacey will factor in as well.

Miz/Morrison issues continue to progress well. What's interesting is it's getting to the point now where their issues are no longer undertones in the background of whatever feud they're in. They are almost at breaking point now as their issues are clear for all to see. Enjoying it so far, and wouldn't at all surprise me if the Triple Threat is the beginning of the end. Fun stuff to follow so far anyway.

Admittedly the mens tag title scene hasn't really got me hooked or anything yet, but the idea of War Raiders/Heavy Machinery having a big hoss battle does have some appeal.

Brawl between Riott Squad and Bliss/Melina was fine. It's always good when competitors are fighting to qualify for something but there's some legit heat between them.

Big E promo again selling the risk of losing MITB was fine, and his reasoning for doing it is logical for a babyface. Scarlett appearing was nice too.

And Jeff Hardy/Bray segment was good as well. My only concern here really is if you have a TLC match, and a 3 Stages of Hell match on the same card, could end up with a lot of the same weapons/similar spots being used, and one could outshine the other. In a WWE environment, I like to try and keep these 'no rule' type brawls with weapons and stuff to one per card for that very reason.

Corbin promo was fine to as was Tazawa saving O'Neil to probably set up a tag match at some point.

Again, very fun reading in here.

Totally fair point on the multiple hardcore matches and it is something I usually try to avoid but I also couldn't think of a way for 2020 Jeff Hardy to be a threat to the Fiend who just squashed the Demon Finn without having him using weapons. I am going to try to make sure both matches use mostly different weapons throughout it as it is something I've not done well in the past with multiple similar matches on a PPV. Also Drew vs Roman was running for months in real life before this thread began as they had the most bland match ever at Wrestlemania 35 hence the rivalry effectively being 18 months including that and thread time.
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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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News update:

Damien Priest enters rehab:

In a big blow to the NXT brand, Damien Priest has entered rehab for drug addiction. This is another blow for NXT which is losing in the ratings to AEW as Damien Priest was lined up to fight Adam Cole for the NXT title at Takeover in your house. Rumour has Isaiah “Swerve” Scott will get the match instead or some kind of multi-man match will be done instead. It is unknown how long he will be out but NXT and WWE will want him back ASAP.

Mod note: So just for anyone new, I still EWR NXT in the background and it still exists but I'm not writing 3 weekly shows. Too much work for me lol. Also this may or may not factor into future plans depending how long he is out for.

NXT UK Takeover: Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
April 26th

NXT UK Title match: WALTER © vs Jordan Devlin
David Hart Smith vs Eddie Dennis
NXT UK Tag team champions: South Wales Subculture © vs Imperium
NXT UK Women’s title match: Kay Lee Rae © vs Aoife Valkyrie
Killian Dian and Drake Maverick vs Grizzled Young Veterans
  • Wow
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Sep 16, 2022
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I think Damien Priest will end up on the main roster after rehab but it is just a manner of when

But I love that David Hart Smith, Natalya's cousin, Bret's nephew, son of WWE Hall of Famer the British Bulldog & Diana Hart and grandson of Stu Hart is on NXT UK. It is the perfect place for him.
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