I like to brag about things. I know it bothers you as well. And I know you know that my team is good so no need to put the quotations marks around the word, you've already said as much..
I said your team is good, not you. :XZ:
those weren't even yahoo numbers.
I forgot what I posted. those numbers came from our draft, so those selections come from the competent people. And if PSYCH is so easy to rip off why haven't you done so already? People if you didn't speak so damn poorly about people they might be willing to trade with you, just the heads up. Constantly calling them stupid really doesn't seem to be helping.
Because PSYCH's team has already been torn to shreds. There is nothing of value left that he will trade. Maybe Tyson Chandler, maybe.
I don't call people stupid other than you and PSYCH... and Brandon and SAL and P1 and Ben and BRJP and chico and KIF and IYF and NMS and Notorious and PHX. Idiots. All of you.