Glad to see your writing again, I'm sure it's good.....
First promo, announcing JBL as commissioner, obviously he's a heel, which is good because a heel commissioner leads to some pretty good storylines. Booker T was very in character, I miss that old 5 time shit he used to do. Decent opening promo, although it seemed a bit short.
Swagger vs. Psicosis
I've always loved Psicosis and his wrestling style and i loved how you put him up against a modern wrestler like Swagger. I also like your style of writing, adding in adjectives to the moves and everything like that. Decent match, liked how Swagger won.
Jim Morrison and CM Punk promo, liked how you made Morrison so cocky and also having CM Punk try and recruit Morrison into the Straight Edge Society was nice.
Booker T vs. DiBiase
liked how the million dollar man was ringside watching his son, hopefully you'll have him play a role in this company. Some vintage Booker T moves, and loved the addition of the spinarooni, i miss that ha. JBL coming out and distracting Booker causing him to lose seems like there will be a JBL and Booker T fued going on. Hopefully Booker will take him out of his place.
TLS match? Stools? ha thats funny, let's see where you take this match, i'll deff be tuning it to see what you do with this.
Main Event
Morrison as a heel is obvious, I liked how you had him disobeying the ref and continually kicking Hardy. Also it seems like you made CM Punk a heel here maybe....let's see where you go with this. Hardy finally gets free and here comes RVD, one of my favorite wrestlers. Nice high flying match going on here between RVD and CM Punk, some back to back action by the two, I'm liking it. Good idea on the superplex. Morrison going for the win in the end, but CM Punk tags himself in, deff some chemistry issues here, lets see if it loses the match for them,....O wow, they both find and allows RVD and Hardy to finish him off....I liked how you just let morrisons partner to lose like that, good idea.
Also I'd like to add i liked the commentary from Stlyes and the Franchise, liked how you kept his as a heel with a face play by play announcer, good idea as i loved JR and Lawler, reminds me of them.
Overeall pretty good first show, ill be checking out next weeks.