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I would agree with that except being there opinion, perhaps they just prefer oldschool gimmicky wrestling. Maybe they were big fans of the product in the 80's and early 90's before the Monday Night Wars changed everything. Its possible, but I would say that makes the sheep...crazy but not sheep.

^LOL, no. These are like 15 yr olds. Im sure they didnt enjoy wrestling back in the eighties. One being, b/c they werent even But ya, I agree it their opinion, and thats all great, but it just doesnt make sense.

Peep dont be an idiot...
You want us to stop ragging on TNA although I dont hate it either) yet you call people who like WWE sheep...
I say you fucking should know that if you can rag on WWE causeyou dont like it, then we can not like TNA, however as I said, I dont mind TNA!

No offense to you in that post man but you are being sorta a hipocrite..

Ummm, no. I dont call people who like it sheep. I call people sheep that continuously say that WWE is better than TNA.

TNA is the ultimate belly to belly suplexes... :yawn:

Anyway, it doesnt need a scientist to reveal that WWE > TNA.

Atmosphere, Arenas, matches, superstars, promos, backstage, storylines, entrance pyros, legends, commentators, fans, signs, TV composers and directors experience...and others..

Everything in WWE is better than TNA... thats the bottom line coz WS said so.

That brings me to WS here.

Things in bold are true about WWE being better than TNA

Atmosphere, Arenas, matches, superstars, promos, backstage, storylines, entrance pyros, legends, commentators, fans, signs, TV composers and directors experience...and others..

Arenas, yeah, theyve been around much longer and have a shitload more money.

Backstage, same as the previos one. They can afford better stuff.

Pyros, Bigger arenas. They cant have the same ammount of pyro with a smaller arean or the whole place would burn to hell.

Legends. Read 1, and 2.

Commentators. This is really the only clear cut advantage over TNA that I really see.

Signs. Ok, maybe 2.

As for everything else, just read that you said fans in all that. That is the most asinine thing I have heard on this whole forums existance. The WWE fans are better than TNAs? Ya, 12 yr old kids and little skanky hoe's are better than TNA's hardcore wrestling fans whole get into the whole damn show and stuff. Ya, considering the skanky hoe's buy all of the 12 yr olds shit. Thats about it. Im done. I win :)


Well Peep, you say TNA is better than WWE constantly. So how is it different for people to say WWE is better than TNA?


Didnt I just tell you? I never said that TNA was brillant, I just said they were better than the WWE. You cant get much worse. Ill admit, there are some things that I dont want on my TV screen on TNA, including Black Reign and Samoa Joe, but thats not even compareable to how the WWE shits on everything including PPV matches, Raws, SD's, ECW's and pretty much everything. Ocasionally you will see a decent promo from someone or a pretty good match like we actually saw in the Orton/Cena match at SS, but not as near as frequent as in TNA. I would go into writng a 10 page article on this, but I dont feel it is worth much more of my time to even talk about WWE at the moment. They are basically slaves to TNA. If you wanna pay me to do a 10 page article on this so be it, but Im not about to do so. I think you should all be smart enough yto just realize that WWE is shit right


Ok listen...
Heres the thing, you have just YET AGAIN said WWE is better than TNA. Noone here, as far as I know said WWE was brilliant bu some have said they like it better. So if you say you like TNA better, which you clearly have, then by people saying WWE is better, its no different then what your doing...
And at the end of your post you said WWE is shit right now. That is no different than somebody saying in their opinion TNA is shit. Im done here, its clear that you say that TNA is way better, and others say WWE is way better. I like both but I think WWE is better to me!


would you like to point out to me where I once, ONCE said that WWE is better than TNA. Please. Please. Please.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
TV composers and directors experience

You're wrong on this one. WWE has infinetly better production values than TNA, and the camera work is better too. Not to mention the WWE has superior show editing skills. Granted though all of this is most likely due to meny/experience. But I felt I should point that out.


You're wrong on this one. WWE has infinetly better production values than TNA, and the camera work is better too. Not to mention the WWE has superior show editing skills. Granted though all of this is most likely due to meny/experience. But I felt I should point that out.

TNA's editing is a bit scketchy at times, but theres no helping that when they are taped. Camera work, how can you tell?


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
TNA's editing is a bit scketchy at times, but theres no helping that when they are taped. Camera work, how can you tell?

If anything taping should allow them to better edit the commercials into their matches. Which is one of the little things that really bothers me about TNA.

Camera work, its really all about how they tape things. Like take for example the 3 way match a little while back with Angle/Cage/Rhyno that went the whole show.

When Abyss and Tomko brawled into the crowd and the camera was kept on them. That was pretty bush league. Especially since they acted like it was building up to a great spot, but never really went anywhere. With the E, they rarely ever take the camera off teh ring for that kind of extended time period.

Its also all about camera angles to make some of teh moves look better. WWE fails with it sometimes, but with TNA I notice it more often. They'll put on a camera angle that makes a move look absolutely terrible.

They're minor things, and TNA will learn in time, once either their production people get better or they hire better people. But its enough to bother me when I watch the show.


If you let that bother you more than the storylines and promos and matches itself, then I think you need to not go for wrestling and find a job in the film


Shit Peep, sorry bout my typo lol.
I meant that you have said time and time again that TNA is better than WWE.
Anyways to sum up my argument here it is:
-You say, and we all know it, that you say TNA is better than WWE.
-Some people say WWE is better than TNA.
-Having a preferance doesnt make someone who likes WWE betetr than TNA a sheep.
-Liking TNA over WWE is also not a sheep.
-I like them both but to me WWE is better than TNA but you can have your opinion:)
-WE have too many threads here about WWE and TNA.
So ya, you cant call some people sheeps about liking WWE more when you are the same for TNA.
But its because you like them and thats fine, its good you hjave a preference.
Same to everyone else..

*The End*


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
If you let that bother you more than the storylines and promos and matches itself, then I think you need to not go for wrestling and find a job in the film

Don't be mistaken, those things bother me too. But its always the little things that can be easily fixed, but aren't that bother me even more.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2007
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I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret...

TNA & WWE are not the only wrestling promotions in the world...SURPRISE! Honestly, WWE and TNA are not as good as they could be. In my opinion, wrestling should be the first priority of a wrestling promotion, everything else should be secondary. Thats not the case in WWE and TNA at the moment. I'm not saying angles don't belong in wrestling because that would be an idiotic statement to make, but I believe a good majority of the story should be told in the ring. I don't consider myself a TNA, WWE, or ROH fan. I'm a wrestling fan. I watch wrestling for the wrestling. I can care less about a promotions history, star power, financial situation, etc. It's the in ring product that draws me in.

the dark knight

^LOL, no. These are like 15 yr olds. Im sure they didnt enjoy wrestling back in the eighties. One being, b/c they werent even But ya, I agree it their opinion, and thats all great, but it just doesnt make sense.

Ummm, no. I dont call people who like it sheep. I call people sheep that continuously say that WWE is better than TNA.

That brings me to WS here.

Things in bold are true about WWE being better than TNA

Atmosphere, Arenas, matches, superstars, promos, backstage, storylines, entrance pyros, legends, commentators, fans, signs, TV composers and directors experience...and others..

Arenas, yeah, theyve been around much longer and have a shitload more money.

Backstage, same as the previos one. They can afford better stuff.

Pyros, Bigger arenas. They cant have the same ammount of pyro with a smaller arean or the whole place would burn to hell.

Legends. Read 1, and 2.

Commentators. This is really the only clear cut advantage over TNA that I really see.

Signs. Ok, maybe 2.

As for everything else, just read that you said fans in all that. That is the most asinine thing I have heard on this whole forums existance. The WWE fans are better than TNAs? Ya, 12 yr old kids and little skanky hoe's are better than TNA's hardcore wrestling fans whole get into the whole damn show and stuff. Ya, considering the skanky hoe's buy all of the 12 yr olds shit. Thats about it. Im done. I win :)

arenas????? backstage??????????????? signs?????????????? commentators?????????????????????????????????????????? legends?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? pyros?????????????????????????????????????????/

god damn it. thats enough, sheepshow.

im out.


arenas????? backstage??????????????? signs?????????????? commentators?????????????????????????????????????????? legends?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? pyros?????????????????????????????????????????/

god damn it. thats enough, sheepshow.

im out.

That is everything that WWE has that is better you cumtwat

the dark knight

oh, lmao.

still :gun_rifle:

so fans, directors?????????????????? promos????????????????????????????????????????????????? superstars??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? storylines?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

that makes it even worse!