World Championship Wrestling by Jim Cornette

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Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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Final card for WCW Bash At The Beach
June 11th, 2000
Daytona Beach

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Winner of the Fall is Number One Contender for WCW World Heavyweight Championship:
. Hollywood Hogan and Scott Steiner


Eddie Guerrero

WCW United States Championship Match:
Kurt Angle (c)

WCW Tag Team Championship Match:
The Dudley Boyz

WCW Television Championship Match:
Val Venis (c)

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:
Kaz Hayashi (c)
The New Age Outlaws

Bonus Questions
  1. What will be the longest match on the show? - angle/malenko
  2. What will be the shortest match on the show? venis/regal
  3. Which wrestler will pick up the fall in the Benoit/Goldberg vs. Hogan/Steiner match? - Hogan
  4. Which wrestler will lose and take the fall in the Benoit/Goldberg vs. Hogan/Steiner match? - Benoit
  5. Will there be any surprise appearances? If so, how many and who? (If answer to this question is yes, bonus points will be awarded if correctly answering amount of surprise appearances and who the actual wrestler/s is/are.) - Yes, 3 people


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Predictions Contest

Final card for WCW Bash At The Beach
June 11th, 2000
Daytona Beach

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Vader © defends against Booker T
Think Booker will get his time but not quite yet. Shenanigans abound and Vader retains, as Raven said slightly ominously... for now...

Winner of the Fall is Number One Contender for WCW World Heavyweight Championship:
Chris Benoit and Goldberg vs. Hollywood Hogan and Scott Steiner
Feel like there's something interesting that's going to go down within the Flock so let's go with the Flock getting the title shot.

Raven vs. Ric Flair
Guess I'm predicting a big night for the Flock. Flair should be putting over Raven I think.

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Eddie Guerrero

WCW United States Championship Match:
Kurt Angle (c) defends against Dean Malenko
Just don't think Angle's ready to drop the belt and Malenko probably isn't the guy to do it.

WCW Tag Team Championship Match:
Edge and Christian © defend against The Dudley Boyz

WCW Television Championship Match:
Val Venis (c) defends against William Regal
Mainly a personal preference.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:
Kaz Hayashi (c) defends against Billy Kidman
Been enjoying Keintai's dominance so let's keep it rolling.

The Hardy Boyz vs. The New Age Outlaws

Bonus Questions
What will be the longest match on the show? E&C vs. Dudleyz
What will be the shortest match on the show? Regal/Venis
Which wrestler will pick up the fall in the Benoit/Goldberg vs. Hogan/Steiner match? Steiner
Which wrestler will lose and take the fall in the Benoit/Goldberg vs. Hogan/Steiner match? Benoit
Will there be any surprise appearances? If so, how many and who? (If answer to this question is yes, bonus points will be awarded if correctly answering amount of surprise appearances and who the actual wrestler/s is/are.) I'm going to guess one and I'll let Tony do the honors.


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Predictions Contest

Final card for WCW Bash At The Beach
June 11th, 2000
Daytona Beach

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Vader © defends against Booker T

Winner of the Fall is Number One Contender for WCW World Heavyweight Championship:
Chris Benoit and Goldberg vs. Hollywood Hogan and Scott Steiner

vs. Ric Flair

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Eddie Guerrero

WCW United States Championship Match:
Kurt Angle (c) defends against Dean Malenko

WCW Tag Team Championship Match:
Edge and Christian © defend against The Dudley Boyz

WCW Television Championship Match:
Val Venis (c) defends against William Regal

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:
Kaz Hayashi (c) defends against Billy Kidman
Been enjoying Keintai's dominance so let's keep it rolling.

The Hardy Boyz vs. The New Age Outlaws

Bonus Questions
What will be the longest match on the show? Angle vs. Malenko
What will be the shortest match on the show? Hogan and Steiner vs. Benoit and Goldberg
Which wrestler will pick up the fall in the Benoit/Goldberg vs. Hogan/Steiner match? Hogan
Which wrestler will lose and take the fall in the Benoit/Goldberg vs. Hogan/Steiner match? Benoit
Will there be any surprise appearances? If so, how many and who? (If answer to this question is yes, bonus points will be awarded if correctly answering amount of surprise appearances and who the actual wrestler/s is/are.) I really have no idea so let's say no.


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Sep 13, 2022
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You have done a lot of wild things to WCW, and while I don't normally enjoy this break away from realism, I do think there is merit to a lot of decisions you may have made. Clearly the motive behind it is to promote a youth-orientated product revolving around younger stars than the norm that WCW represented. While Jim Cornette has a mind for the business, I also have to question how sound at booking he is for this particularly product. Nonetheless it's an interesting premise.

Val Venis as far as I'm concerned, was pretty much past it in WWF around this same time. He at least had the opportunity to spice things up as a heel - but evidently you've not gone this route. Strong opener against William Regal, who makes sense remaining in WCW at this time. I feel like he's probably well in need of a change of direction after playing the pompous aristocrat for so long. I'm not sure about changing his name, though.

It is surreal to read the Hardy Boyz and the New Age Outlaws having a match at WCW Bash at the Beach - it reminds me of my old figure-fed days. Frankly, it's wild to imagine a world where Matt and Jeff don't get their first big breaks in WWF.

I always loved me some Kaz Hayashi, so I liked seeing him against Billy Kidman. I was surprised it was so clean, given Dick Togo was in his corner. This felt like it could very well have opened the show.

Seeing Raven associated with Hollywood Hogan and Scott Steiner is hilarious out of context. I'm sure there's decent explanation for it, but this is wild to read.

Diamond Dallas Page and Eddie Guerrero always had really fun matches, and a 20 minute draw would have been interesting. Eddie could well have carried it, too. I did like the heel heat of a 5-minute overtime going denied from the people.

Edge and Christian were always fantastic as the heel champions for face teams to chase. I can imagine Jim Cornette thought he had the Midnight Express reincarnated on his hands with these two. The Dudley Boyz could well have been WCW stars, had WWF not plucked them the September prior.

It shocked me reading Dean Malenko going over Kurt Angle, but without the WCW US Heavyweight Championship this surely can allow for Angle's big ascent to the main event. Great write-up for this match. It's nice to see Malenko get his flowers. As far-fetched as it seems to see Angle in WCW for his rookie year, I actually kind of dig it.

Raven and Ric Flair would have been one hell of an interesting match. I'm a big fan of the dynamic, particularly if this is to continue on. I think if there was reason to guide Flair into gimmick matches, it would be a big blow off against Raven. On this show, Raven's truly coming across as the big bad.

A tag team match to name a single number one contender is...very WCW. Not Jim Cornette's best idea, I wouldn't say. Chris Benoit and Goldberg would be a great match, no word of a lie. I think there is definitely something to that. The match being built on dissension at least made for a compelling read. I suspect Goldberg's about to challenge Vader for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. I'm admittedly not a fan of how Hollywood Hogan or Scott Steiner have been booked on the show, mostly because it's so hard to see them used so passively in this kind of role.

It's strange thinking about Vader in 2000 as WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Sure would be a redemption arc following his 1995 departure, though. It's just interesting to see such a cavalcade of talent from varying parts of the Monday Night Wars all booked on one card, on one product. Makes me dread the idea of tuning into RAW is WAR the next night and seeing what the other channel had to offer...if any. I guess Booker T is on the long-term chase, as he perhaps should be.

Overall, highly creative write-up for this show, with a lot of moving pieces and clearly some long-term thought mapped out to give this product life and dimension.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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Thanks for the feedback, mate. Very much appreciated. Hope the lack of realism doesn't scare you away forever :lol

Bash At The Beach Prediction Contest Results

Roy mustang

Match results 7/9
Bonus questions 3/5
Total 10/14

Blaine 9000
Match results 4/9
Bonus questions 1/5
Total 5/14

Dubble J
Match results 5/9
Bonus questions 1/5
Total 6/14

Match results 3/9
Bonus questions 1/5
Total 4/14​

Congrats roy… you win… bragging rights!!! Yay! I’ve started the first Nitro and am probably 25% through it, but I am back at work now so no idea when it will be finished.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Right. I suppose this is as good a start as any to jump right in...

So, I think I get the vibe for Val being in this spot since it was almost identical to his WWF run at the time since he was IC Champion. My personal preference isn't really him though so this first part fell a bit flat for me with the time-limit draw. Get the vibe you're going for obviously. But for me, I'm not a big Valbowski workrate guy.

This is certainly very different from reality here, hahaha. Don't mind the babyfaces getting a win out of the PPV. No real qualms to speak of.

Wow, Eddie really came out looking good here. Interested in what becomes of Malenko and Angle but Eddie looked straight-up vicious here.

Raven... and The Hulkster? Oh wow. Okay, Stoj.

Rey Jr. getting the W in any era is a good thing. Not much else to say except I'm looking forward to his pursuit of the title.

Really fantastic angle here with The Flock attacking DDP. Definitely makes me want to root for Page. This isn't 1997 anymore, but I think it can still be effective because he's just a popular guy.

Intense, Vader... intense.

Well that's just an awesome tag team match. Big night for Eddie and Angle. Eddie hitting the Frog Splash leading to the win is very interesting. Wondering if there'll be a "You scratched my back, I'll scratch yours" type of beat here.

Fun closing angle here. Should be a top-tier main event next week. Also Vader-Goldberg sounds just insane.

You've put a fascinating spin on a remarkably shitty time period for WCW. I'm all in as usual, Stoj.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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Thanks for the comments, RM. Not the first guy to not be on Val in this spot, but I liked Val in this time period so, uh, to bad lol. But seriously, thanks again, much appreciated. I'm honestly surprised I managed to get another show done this month.












Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Following up on Bash at the Bash...

I feel like Val Venis and Billy Kidman kicking off Nitro only to go to a time limit draw for the WCW World Television Championship was a strange way to kick off the show. Particularly with William Regal spectating. I suspect it plays into Regal and Venis's business continuing, as well as a rematch set up for next week. I probably would have placed this elsewhere on the show.

Unique six-man tag team match combining teams, and we're seeing that illusive grouping of the Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian come together. Very fascinating to see Buff Bagwell thrust into the mix here, though.

I liked Jamie Noble as a worker, and so I'm glad to see whatever we have going here with he and the Rednecks, as well as their business with Eddie Guerrero.

Gotta say, as unique as this Raven and Hollywood Hogan stuff is, it's very different and out there. Not a bad thing by any means. I guess this will set up Raven's ongoing dispute with Sting.

It's a shame they didn't get time, but Rey Mysterio Jr and Low-Ki would have been awesome at this time.

Curt Hennig going over Diamond Dallas Page was a different decision than one I would have made, but it devolved pretty quickly to being overshadowed by the post-match shenanigans with the Flock. There was a lot to unpack with this segment, with so many different characters in the mix.

Vader getting a squash win over Los Conquistadors, and then having words for Goldberg worked well. It sets up the Great American Bash, but I would have thought Vader would have more going on for an episode of Nitro. I suppose with Goldberg yet to compete, we've got more on the way.

Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle going over Dean Malenko and Booker T sounded like a solid tag team match. It shuffles the deck for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship picture.

You know, after watching Spring Stampede 1998, I know Goldberg and Perry Saturn can have a hell of a match. Not a bad match, if not a little weak for a Nitro main event. Alas, it was all about the post-match. I do like that you have Raven overlooking everything in this situation, while Vader lurks in the background. Jim Cornette coming out to make his return felt like the ending of an edition of iMPACT. It sets the picture for Great American Bash.

Onto the next week's show, it's certainly a choice to have the Hardy Boyz regain contention to the WCW World Tag Team Championships, but did they not just lose to Edge and Christian at Bash at the Beach? I suppose it's not a big deal, if anything it just illustrates the Hardys as the men on the chase. I find the idea of Scott Steiner in the mix with the Dudley Boyz and the Hardys hilarious for some reason.

I'm just glad we had a winner this week for the WCW World Television Championship match. Billy Kidman going over surely paves the way for another title shot, somewhere in this William Regal and Val Venis mess. Perhaps without a time limit?

I'm always very happy to see Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis get it on. They were the best of the WCW Cruiserweights in my opinion.

I was surprised to see Dean Malenko and Booker T get so much time for their WCW United States Heavyweight Championship match. It perhaps went too long, but it's also interesting you kept the gold with Malenko. I always did enjoy watching him work, but never thought he was much outside of the ring.

Funny seeing Bryan Danielson here, and rightfully Eddie Guerrero got the win in short fashion.

Chris Benoit, Diamond Dallas Page and Goldberg going over Curt Hennig, Hollywood Hogan and Raven just made sense, as a way to prepare things for the Great American Bash. Crazy brawl with the Dudley Boyz inserting themselves in the mix to end the show.

Overall this second show was a lot less storyline-driven than last week's show. It felt a lot simpler and straight-forward, but perhaps a tad too match heavy. That said, Great American Bash is shaping up mighty well. I'm interested to see what the undercard will have to offer.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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I just wanted to say thanks for all the votes received in the awards, much appreciated.

Also thanks to DTP for the feedback. Just an FYI, The Hardyz beat The Outlaws at BATB, it was The Dudleyz who had a title shot. So yes, Hardyz are definitely the team chasing at the moment, but they didn't get a title shot at the last PPV :)

Anyway, enjoy.











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Nov 14, 2020
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Final card for WCW Great American Bash
July 9th, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:
There Must Be A Winner:
Vader © defends against Goldberg

No Disqualification Match:
Chris Benoit, Diamond Dallas Page and Ric Flair vs. Curt Hennig, Hollywood Hogan and Raven

WCW United States Championship:
Triple Threat Match
Dean Malenko © vs. Booker T vs. Kurt Angle

WCW Tag Team Championship Match:
Edge and Christian © defend against The Hardy Boyz

WCW Television Championship Match:
Val Venis © vs. Billy Kidman vs. William Regal

WCW Cruiserweight Championship:
Kaz Hayashi © defends against Juventud Guerrera

Singles Match:
Eddie Guerrero vs. Jamie Noble

Tag Team Match:
Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner vs. The Dudley Boyz

Bonus Questions
  1. What will be the longest match on the show?
  2. What will be the shortest match on the show?
  3. Which wrestler will pick up the fall in the six man tag team match?
  4. Which wrestler will lose and take the fall in the six man tag team match?
  5. Which of the two triple threat matches on the night will be longer?
  6. Will anybody bleed on tonight’s show? If so, how many and who? (If answer to this question is yes, bonus points will be awarded if correctly answering amount of surprise appearances and who the actual wrestler/s is/are.)
  7. Will there be any surprise appearances? If so, how many and who? (If answer to this question is yes, bonus points will be awarded if correctly answering amount of surprise appearances and who the actual wrestler/s is/are.)
Last edited:
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Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
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Final card for WCW Great American Bash
July 9th, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:
There Must Be A Winner:
Vader © defends against Goldberg

No Disqualification Match:
Chris Benoit, Diamond Dallas Page and Ric Flair vs. Curt Hennig, Hollywood Hogan and Raven

WCW United States Championship:
Triple Threat Match
Dean Malenko © vs. Booker T vs. Kurt Angle

WCW Tag Team Championship Match:
Edge and Christian © defend against The Hardy Boyz

WCW Television Championship Match:
Val Venis © vs. Billy Kidman vs. William Regal

WCW Cruiserweight Championship:
Kaz Hayashi © defends against Juventud Guerrera

Singles Match:
Eddie Guerrero vs. Jamie Noble

Tag Team Match:
Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner vs. The Dudley Boyz

1. Longest Match: United States Title Match
2. Shortest Match: Bagwell & Steiner vs. Dudleys
3. Six-Man Tag W: DDP
4. Six-Man Tag L: Curt Hennig
5. Longer Triple Threat: US Title Match
6. Blood: 4 will bleed (Flair, Hogan, Hennig, DDP)
7. Surprise Appearances: None
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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Final card for WCW Great American Bash
July 9th, 2000
Baltimore, Maryland

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:
There Must Be A Winner:
Vader © defends against Goldberg

No Disqualification Match:
Chris Benoit, Diamond Dallas Page and Ric Flair vs. Curt Hennig, Hollywood Hogan and Raven

WCW United States Championship:
Triple Threat Match
Dean Malenko © vs. Booker T vs. Kurt Angle

WCW Tag Team Championship Match:
Edge and Christian © defend against The Hardy Boyz

WCW Television Championship Match:
Val Venis © vs. Billy Kidman vs. William Regal

WCW Cruiserweight Championship:
Kaz Hayashi © defends against Juventud Guerrera

Singles Match:
Eddie Guerrero vs. Jamie Noble

Tag Team Match:
Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner vs. The Dudley Boyz

Bonus Questions
  1. What will be the longest match on the show? WCW United States title match
  2. What will be the shortest match on the show? Bagwell and Steine vs The Dudley Boyz
  3. Which wrestler will pick up the fall in the six man tag team match? DDP
  4. Which wrestler will lose and take the fall in the six man tag team match? Curt Henning
  5. Which of the two triple threat matches on the night will be longer? United States title
  6. Will anybody bleed on tonight’s show? If so, how many and who? Yes. 3 will bleed. Raven, Ric Flair, Jamie Noble​
  7. Will there be any surprise appearances? If so, how many and who? Yes. I think there will be 2 to some how screw the Hardy Boyz. New Age Outlaws​