That's what bothers me about the situation. They were quick to put it out there about the tests and how everything was fine but they never actually said why he did what he did.Everyone in the Hardy camp pretty much said Jeff’s test were gonna come back clean. So I’m sure they’re not surprised and good for him if it’s true.
But I doesn’t explain walking out in the middle of a match. It’s unprofessional; and it very much is worthy of being fired. If Jeff was knocked loopy or he was out and his body was running on autopilot, he should just come out and say that. But his silence leaves the idea that it’s not that cut and dry.
Oh he didn't fall off the wagon....he's just a headcase, that's so much better.
That's what this is. I remember him leaving, and not coming back. I wondered where he was.If he really ran away through the crowd during a match just cause he was annoyed, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard
Yup.So wait…he walked out in the middle of a match cause he wanted out??!!
That is arguably more unprofessional than the shit he did at Turning Point