Why Society Sucks

  • Thread starter THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps
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What does age have to do with it? EVERYTHING!

Older people are more mature than younger people (or should be) younger people can't defend themselves as well or would be too scared to in front of someone double their damn age.

Come on, you seriously think that? Ok, so if a 30 year old man insulted the hell out of a 6 year old kid, the age would have nothing to do with it? I think it owuld because a 6 year old can't come back to insults plus at that age they haven't started properly forming opinions, a 12 year old is different but it still doesn't mean someone twice their age can pick on them..

People who pick on those much younger than them are cowards and yes age matters.

Actually, it DOES have to do with the person. Age is just a number. It's up to the person to decide where their maturity level stands. Look at people like Haley Joel Osment (the kid from The Sixth Sense). He was far more mature at his age than I'll bet any of you were. His parents raised him well. Then, you get these older kids going to jail and doing other stupid things. Lindsay Lohan is in her 20's and she's fucked up and does bad shit all the time and let's not forget Britney and all her troubles. Lindsay wasn't raised properly so she rebels. Her family is all fucked up, too. Britney's family is just as fucked up.

Just has to do with how you are raised in society. I am much more mature than my younger brother (only younger by 1 year) because we were raised differently. Even my older brother can be incredibly immature at times.

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
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La Florida
^ I agree. Age doesn't determine your maturity level. I mean, it can help, but it's not the number one factor. Sometimes, it depends on the person, how they were raised, what their choices are, and so forth.


^ I agree. Age doesn't determine your maturity level. I mean, it can help, but it's not the number one factor. Sometimes, it depends on the person, how they were raised, what their choices are, and so forth.

I think I may have mentioned this before but there is a 40 year old woman at work (yes, 40) who acts like a dumb little high school girl. She doesn't like anyone who looks better than her (which is pretty much everyone) and plans dumb things like saying certain things when a certain girl walks by to try to make the girl jealous when the girl doesn't care.

The best example I can use about this dumb bitch is that she is married and fucking around with a guy at work, who is now a manager, and is a bit younger than her. His looks do nothing for me but he isn't a good looking person so the girls on his shift like him and this idiot gets jealous. He datd one of my friends, who was a security guard at our work, and his INCRDIBLY beautiful, and said 40 year old started calling her a bitch and other dumb comments. My friend was single and the guy was single so this old married bitch should just shut the fuck up about them.

I have no idea why he fucks around with the 40 year old. For one, she's fucking ugly. I guess it's because she's incredibly easy. If anyone remembers the picture of me at work with short hair and my Batman shirt, the nasty slutty hag next to me is the ugly, immature 40 year old.

God, I hate her so much.
Feb 8, 2007
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Australia... and no, I do not ride around on a Kan
I agree that you can be more mature than your age, but does that seriously mean that if a young kid can't defend themselves they are immature? What so parents should raise their 4 year old kid to act like they are 21?

and lol @ you mentioning the kid from the Sixth Sense, sure he was great in that movie, but how does that determined how mature he is the rest of the time? Remember its just a movie, its ACTING.


I agree that you can be more mature than your age, but does that seriously mean that if a young kid can't defend themselves they are immature? What so parents should raise their 4 year old kid to act like they are 21?

and lol @ you mentioning the kid from the Sixth Sense, sure he was great in that movie, but how does that determined how mature he is the rest of the time? Remember its just a movie, its ACTING.

LOL, please don't tell me you're really that dumb (sorry, no offence, I am just in a bit of disbelief that you actually thought I was talking about the movie itself....).

I am not talking about how he acted in the movie, I am talking about his REAL personality. I only mentioned the movie because a lot of people probably don't know him by name.

Again, you mention age (teach a 4 year old to act like they are 21) when age has nothing to do with how you act. It's how you are raised. My friend's daughter is one of the nicest, most well behaved kids you could ever meet (she is 9) who comes home from school and does all of her studies right away. Her parents give her a certain amount of TV time per week, only let her use the internet when she needs to look up something for school and is only allowed to play video games on weekends so she can do her studies during the week without getting distracted. She also takes piano lessons. Other kids sit around all day neglecting their work while they play games 24/7 and cause trouble.

Age means shit. It's all about your upbringing. For me, I knew the value of money, education and saving up to buy things I wanted. My younger brother didn't because he was given whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and wasn't punished for much (he lived with my mom, I lived with my dad). I am the only one out of myself and my two brothers to have finished high school and furthered my education.

Great One, here's the bitch, lol.


It's a bit old but she looks exactly the same. She really does look like a beaver...

Great One

Rofl, she looks like 50-60, that's disgusting.

Also, I nelected my work 24/7 and all I did was play video games and cause trouble and I turned out fine =/, more mature than the majority that were my age. Point being, there's always exceptions, sometimes age matters sometimes it doesn't. If this dude is really in his mid 20's, he should have the ability to evaluate himself for a second and choose/think about the way he wants to or does act, that's not his parent's decision. Unless he's seriously Blue.


James, the real reason society sucks is because you're still involved with it. That's the only reason why it sucks. You.

Now go kill yourself, emo scum. Take Haley Whoreface with you.

Evil Austin

^ That was a bit harsh, and how do you know he is James? unless your an alt account of someone :shifty: ..... (doesn't know what he is talking about to he shuts up for the moment).

On topic, that lady above does look like a beaver :laugh:, she also looks like she is old enough to be my grandmother. >_>.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

^ That was a bit harsh, and how do you know he is James? unless your an alt account of someone :shifty: ..... (doesn't know what he is talking about to he shuts up for the moment).

On topic, that lady above does look like a beaver :laugh:, she also looks like she is old enough to be my grandmother. >_>.

I know Kiz. He's just joking around.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I kinda find it funny how most of these stories (if not all of them) have been portraying these 6-12 year olds as damn near angels while they are victims of abuse from parents and older bullies. In the areas I have been, we have had kids as early as second grade with foul mouths, and drugs in there backpacks. The kind of kids who pick up heavy rocks and kill baby kittens with them (I have seen this shit happen, I was in so much shock I just kept walking), the kind of kids who call CPS on their parents because they were spanked for stealing money, so the system rewards these kids for being little fucking demons.

I know the general point is that society as a WHOLE is fucked up, I just figured I would clarify on the equaled evil caused and plotted by not just douchebag adults, but with kids who DO know better. Children know from right and wrong at very early ages, so you can't try and tell me that an 8 year old doesn't know that she is causing harm or doing something illegal or wrong.

Moonlight Drive

Well with my story the kid actually has a learning disorder, or something of the like, and is very timid, but you make a pretty valid point.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Granted I can't be too harsh on most kids, say if a little boy had done something horrible and you told the parents about it, and those parents got all offended and yelled at your for telling them how to raise their kid, THAT pisses me off more than anything.

EDIT: And learning disorders, as long as they arn't being consciously used by the person as a scapegoat out of responsiblity, really can't be helped.