Why Society Sucks

  • Thread starter THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps
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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

OK, so I coach an under 14's cricket team. They play every Friday after school, and have a bit of fun. They're all twelve years old, so it's fun for me too. Until some asshole thinks he's big.

We have a set ground, where if you are walking a dog, it isn't allowed on. Four guys were walking around the park with their dogs, and one of the dogs runs onto the park. The guy laughs, knowing it's not allowed. The dog then takes a shit, causing the guy to laugh harder. I'm not blaming the dog here in any way.

Then, one of the kids (who recenbtly turned twelve) yells out that it isn't funny, and that he should clean it up. Obviouslym, the kid is right. The man walks onto the ground, laughs, and asks what he should do. The kid I coach repeats himself. The guy just laughs. He starts to clean up the shit, but then comes out with the insult, "Happy now you little fag?"

That is a fucking grown man. He was 25-30 years old, and he was having a crack at a trwelve year old fucking kid. I yell out to the guy to fuck off, and that he obviously has no life is he has to pick on a twelve year old kid. He laughed, and goes, "OK, OK." I yelled out he had no life, and that he should go back to his lonely home, and sit with himself, wishing he was dead. The guy fires back that at least I don't coach a fag. The kid tells him he's the one walking around with other men. I then tell the guy if he wants to fight, I'm up for it. He walks off, and laughs with his mates.

Honestly, things like this make me question society. Why the fuck do I want to be apart of a society that has douchebags like this? Why pick on a fucking twelve year old kid? I seriously hope that someone kicks him in the head, or that he gets seriously injured. He deserves no better than that. I mean, when you're picking on someone less that half your age, you are worthless to this planet

Fuck the world.


Moonlight Drive

I know how you feel. Round my area, there's a lot of douchebags, but I blame their upbringing. Anyway, time to share one of my little stories.

Well, my mate who lives down the road from me, she has a little sister, about 8, who's in Cubs (Scouts). Her mother is one of the leader people. So, one day (a couple of months ago) they were down at the scout hall setting some stuff up, when my friends little sister and her cousin, also 8, come running in yelling out for help. Luckily there's a burly man who's a leader there too, so he went with them. There friend, a boy who is also 8, was getting bashed by a kid who was in his mid teens, I think 14 or 15 from memory. The guy stopped him without any major damage being done, and here's the worst part in my opinion. He took the boy to his house to talk with his father and said he was reporting the assault to the police. The father just asked if the man could beat the shit out of his son, since he was in enough trouble with the cops already.

What the fuck sort of person takes it upon themselves to beat up a defenceless child with no reasoning? And what father would want his son to get bashed? These are the sort of people I seriously want to knock the fuck out.

Society is fucked.


I am surprised that the guy didn't throw the shit at the kid. He probably would have if not for James's intimidating presence. :shifty:

Kids at school are no better. There was this little kid from the junior school at the train station waiting with his brother and 3 year 12 guys come up to him and ask him why he wears his pants so high. The kid says nothing and the older guy asks him why he is a fag.

The kid's brother in year 10 or 9 maybe tells the year 12 guy to fuck off and pick on someone his own size. The older guys just laugh and throw the kids hat (which costs like $30) onto the tracks and the poor kid starts crying. His brother calms him down as the year 12s walk away high fiving each other and laughing.

I would have said something but Im in Year 8 and I would have gotten beaten up or had something stolen, so I didnt involve myself. The older guys at my school are thugs, theres been more than 20 year 12s expelled right before major exams here.

But on the point, I struggled to comprehend what douchebags the guys were. Its hard to believe that people will pick on others 10 years younger than them just to get a cheap laugh or look big in fron of their mates. :nonono:

Ive had other stories, this is just a similiar one and I thought Id throw it out there.

CT Styles

You know what I'm sick of?

smurf P-Platers who drive around yelling shit out. One Cabby drove past and he had a guy in the front seat yell out 'Cock-Head!'


One. Why was he hanging out with an Indian Cabby on a Saturday?

Two. Why do these fags bother?

When he said 'Cock-Head' I said he's a fag and probably wants to suck my head.

Fucking losers.

X-Power said:
I am surprised that the guy didn't throw the shit at the kid. He probably would have if not for James's intimidating presence.

Kids at school are no better. There was this little kid from the junior school at the train station waiting with his brother and 3 year 12 guys come up to him and ask him why he wears his pants so high. The kid says nothing and the older guy asks him why he is a fag.

The kid's brother in year 10 or 9 maybe tells the year 12 guy to fuck off and pick on someone his own size. The older guys just laugh and throw the kids hat (which costs like $30) onto the tracks and the poor kid starts crying. His brother calms him down as the year 12s walk away high fiving each other and laughing.

I would have said something but Im in Year 8 and I would have gotten beaten up or had something stolen, so I didnt involve myself. The older guys at my school are thugs, theres been more than 20 year 12s expelled right before major exams here.

But on the point, I struggled to comprehend what douchebags the guys were. Its hard to believe that people will pick on others 10 years younger than them just to get a cheap laugh or look big in fron of their mates.

Ive had other stories, this is just a similiar one and I thought Id throw it out there.


Moonlight Drive

I have plenty more as well, that one just stands out. And about the P-Platers CT, they piss me off to no end. I remember walkign down the street and seeing some kids, 8 or 9 I suppose, riding their bikes home when some guys in a car drove past and screamed in ones ear, making him fall off. I thought it was pretty sad, I helped him up. I've seen it happen before as well, but it was a fog horn the other time.

Before I decide to unload with some more of the stories I have, I thought I'd share a nicer one. There's a Blue man (no really, not as in an annoying guy, literally Blue) who lives in my area. You'd assume everyone would be mean to him, but he's actually loved by the people. everyone chats to him when he's walking around the streets, as he usually is, and he always comes to the footy games to support the kids. Everybody knows his name as well, he's like a local celeb.

CT Styles

Oh, so in NSW. Just wondering.

I get it every day and night I'm on the street. :smh

Moonlight Drive

Where I live is pretty bad. there was actually a double homicide a couple months back, and the kids of one of the guys killed go to my school. But you learn where not to go and who to avoid and such, so I get along pretty fine now.


There's also a blind man that lives in my area. The locals are really nice to him and they help him get on the bus, cross roads, etc.

It sickens me to see things such as people driving past in their cars throwing open bottles of coke at him or something. There were also a couple of 10 year olds who thought it would be cool to tap the guy on the shoulder and run away and then kick the back of his knee causing him to fall over. I helped the guy up and when I saw the group of kids later at a park, my dog chased them away. (wusses)

Speaking of my dog, I hate people that think its funny to step on it's tail or harm it in any other way. I stopped to pick up its shit once and when I turn back around theres a little 12 year old grabbing the dog and hitting the dog across the nose for 'fun', making it cry. I told him to get fucked and threw the shit at him. Another time a guy ran over my dogs tail with his scooter and then laughed and sped away. I later caught up with him eating an ice cream and asked him why he did it. He said the dog didnt get out of his way, and he tried to tell it to move. The prick thought he was funny. I threw his scooter into the middle of these huge pricker bushes. Nobody messe with my dog, that's something I can't stand.

CT Styles

I hate this thread. It makes me want to track down these people and beat the shit out of them.


THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Oh, so in NSW. Just wondering.

I get it every day and night I'm on the street. :smh

We live in an awful area.

I remember in year seven, I was waiting for the bus after school, and some guy threw an egg at me. It missed, but I felt so shit after that.


I live in a good area of Sydney, but there are so many dodgy places here, especially out west (no offence) that its pretty dangerous anywhere really. Lots of rich city douchebags that ride around with expensive cars and drag race at night waking us up. :nonono:

Evil Austin

Australia :nonono:

I thought I might add a story of my own in my stay in Australia. I used to live in Sydney from about year 3 - 9 there would be also a special class for "Handicaped" People ie people who can't read or people who are mentaly retarted and or in a wheel chair there is a class for them and they get special treatment.

Basicaly long story short when we had a new guy in our class in a wheel chair and he can't leave the chair for teh rest of his life he is can't walk. The school paid money to build ramps into the rooms and extra ways to get from one floor to the next ie a small one or two person lift. Anyway he was near a ramp and he needed to be helped up just pushed from behind with those handle bars. Though people would just walk by him and laugh at him at the bottom of the ramp as people walked up into class, he would look upset and almost start to cry as he knows there is nothing he can do . Me and my friend did help him forward a bit but it really makes you think, why would you do that?

There was also a time where people would trick the mentaly disabled people into giving them his or hers lunch and money for no reason because they have problems thinking and have brain disorders they just do what they are told and the ass holes are twenty dollars richer. Why take a their money?