Italian Outsider has repeatedly, constantly added to these kind of conversations that he wishes America would get nuked. How is this NOT wishing death upon American's in mass number? I realized as I was posting the Hitler analogy that it was, what would you exactly call it? The name is escaping me, but I think you call it a Red Herring. I am not very well educated in most things like what I just admitted above, but I know a unreasonably hostile person when I see one, which is Italian Outsider.
rofl,can't you distinguish a joke from seriousness? obviously not, the lies you have been instructed to believe in won't allow you.And even if i was serious(i wasn't, but well..), i only wished things your country is the only the responsible of,because you and only you did to others.You can't blame me for things you did.
What you fail to realize is that i don't really hate your country, i just blame it.
And the world is way more hostile than me, just look at your country, deal with it.
EVEN IF all of your accusations are true, even if America has done all of these horrible things that cause you hate it eternally,
They are because based on facts. Does your country invade other weaker countries that do not bow down to you?YES(see Cuba,Vietnam, Iraq).
Does your country impose the same system of government you have, pretending it's the only one right, working and so on?YES(see Afghanistan, Iraq as common names). Does this system fail terribly leading the country in a civil war? YES, in any case.Is your country the only one that used nukes in the past on innocent people?YES, not once but twice.Was it necessary?NO.
An undeniable truth.
wishing for it to be destroyed and using eye for an eye not only makes the world blind, but it makes your aspirations no better than the very people you spew liquid hate towards.
that's the bullcrap you have been instructed to believe, i was talking above. The fact is,the eye for eye(and mouth,and ears and dick too) is the current international American policy.