what's the coolest country in the world?

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whats the best country in the world

  • Iraq

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  • USA

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  • Canada

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^NO, byou idiot, because you want to be the most powerful country, and right now, Russia has close power to you, so yo uwould get nothing by letting Georgia blow up, but if you stop Russia, then you remain on top. Idiot.
But I have no problem with Americans, or the americn country, only the people in charge at this time. Other than that, it's the same.
I just hate when idiots, like you, try to say the US is actually trying to help others. Most americans hate your own government as well, so you dont have to pretend they are good. Every war they put america in, isnt to help people, but is for oil.
Georgia, although they arent in a war yet, they still dont want Russia to nuke their asses, because Georgia = oil.
But anyways, ya, I like america, I like Canada, but I like Canada more, because I live here. But even a blueberry like yourself Blaze, should know your wars aren't needed.

Hidden Blaze

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Ok so we get attacked this goes back to Sept 11th...We are suppose to just over look that and please don't bring up no US Government theories bullcrap...They attacked and we attacked back...

Now lets say Canada was attacked and we sent troops to help Canada would you complain then about them getting in stuff thats not about them...or would you want us to leave and Canada gets blown the hell up..

Yes we do have people making stupid choices and also The President can not declare war idk if you know that...He can send the troops I think its 30 or 60 days...after that he has to pull out of the Congress tells him to...so therefor the War in Iraq is really not Bush's fault but the Congress...but yeah Bush is an idiot but really most leaders of any country are..


Ok so we get attacked this goes back to Sept 11th...We are suppose to just over look that and please don't bring up no US Government theories bullcrap...They attacked and we attacked back...

Now lets say Canada was attacked and we sent troops to help Canada would you complain then about them getting in stuff thats not about them...or would you want us to leave and Canada gets blown the hell up..

Yes we do have people making stupid choices and also The President can not declare war idk if you know that...He can send the troops I think its 30 or 60 days...after that he has to pull out of the Congress tells him to...so therefor the War in Iraq is really not Bush's fault but the Congress...but yeah Bush is an idiot but really most leaders of any country are..

Firstly, you were attacked by terrorist, but you invaded Iraq, which is a totally different country. It;s fine for you to go after the terrorists, but you guys then staretd A DIFFERENT war with Iraq, over stupid reasons.
Do your history before you talk shit.

And also, as I said, if Canada was attacked, the us would help out, and that would be great,c ause we would need that help, and we would be allies.
Just like now, Canada is helping out the US, where possible. But we have a pretty small military, so we can't help out as much.
And what I meant by "we don't want to help that much over a stupid war" was that, if it was a war for a good cause, fine, but I'm saying that even though Canada does have troops helping right now, I don't want them to continue puttinfg more and mroe, because it's for a stupid reason.
I can't argue with you Blaze, because you don't know your facts, and it's too hard to explain.
But whatever, bottom line is, Canada and US are pretty much the same, so I have no problem with US people or places. The only problem I have is the way their government works, but hopefully they get a better president soon.
But the war they are in sucks right now, and is pointless, so I dont want it to go on,e tc... But if it's a proper war, and for a good reason, then I don't have much of a problem with Canada helping. Just liek f Canada was in a real war for a real reason, the US WOULD help.

Hidden Blaze

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The President(even thought he is not that smart) is not to blame for the war...Because the The President can only send troops in for awhile like I said 30 or 60 days can't remember which...but its up to the Congress to approve of the war..if they deny it it The President can't do shit about it expect sit back.

But like I said I agree with you that the government does some stupid shit sometimes...like I said I am sure mostly every country's government does...But I mean I am not gonna sit here and fully bash the country I love and live in...and to the people who live in America and hate it all I can say is they are planes leaving the country every day...GET THE HELL ON ONE...

Italian Outsider

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Apr 19, 2007
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Blaze, you're scaring me with how ignorant your views on the US's war mongering are, but now at least I can go some way to comprehending how Bush got voted back in...

Hidden Blaze

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Well its known cause like I learn it in America Government Class at school that with War The President can not declare war so for people to blame Bush for that is stupid..I know anyone can edit Wikipedia but this is right...

A declaration of war is a formal declaration issued by a national government indicating that a state of war exists between that nation and another. For the United States, Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution says "Congress shall have power to ... declare War;" however, that passage provides no specific format for what form legislation text must have to be considered a "Declaration of War" nor does the Constitution itself use this term. Many have postulated "Declaration(s) of War" must contain that phrase as or within the title. Many oppose that reasoning. The postulate has not been tested in court; however, this article will use the term "formal Declaration of War" to mean Congressional legislation that uses the phrase "Declaration of War" in the title.

Despite the constitutional requirement that Congress declare war, in practice, formal Declarations of War have occurred only upon prior request by the President. And contrary to the popular opinion that the framers of the Constitution intended that the President cannot engage in war without an act of Congress, in fact the framers chose the final wording with the intent of "leaving to the Executive the power to repel sudden attacks" without the explicit approval of Congress.[1] However, debate continues as to the legal extent of the President's authority in this regard. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (Pub.L. 93-148) limits the power of the President to wage war without the approval of the Congress. The United States of America has formally declared war against foreign nations five separate times.


^Noone said that Bush was the only person who decided to go to war. And noone says he is the ONLY one who sucks. The whole government of the states sucks. Congress, President, Vice President, etc.
Buish is the main guy, but they are all equally stupid.
So the point is, it's a stupid, worthless war, and that's why countries are hesitant to help out, and only do what is needed, because it's not a war worth fighting, and is for nothing.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I love how you can make a case against America, but the ignorant Americans just go: NURRR OUR AMEWICA JUNIOORR, or, NURRR KANGWOOOOO.

A lot of people on this forum are like that.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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It actually kind of baffles me how idiotic my own government is. I mean, I talk with my own fellow Americans on a daily basis about world issues, and we talk sensibly and come up with what seems like logical solutions to our nations problems, but for some reason the elected officials who are supposed to be representing and influencing these ideas, go a completely different route once they are elected.

Everybody knows (or at least should know) that the only people who are showcased prominently on the news are America's top 1% of the richest and most famous people. Consequently, beyond financial matters this top 1% are complete and total dumb asses.

I mean honestly, no one individual in this world should be able to need or want 1 billion dollars. I myself can't possibly imagine blowing through even 1 MILLION through my LIFETIME. I get scoffed at for saying this, but if the forbes 400 richest people in America (who are all billionaires) would donate even half of their fortunes to good causes like ended senseless wars, aiding 3rd world countries out of their poverty, world hunger and diseases, then just those 400 minute, select people would be contributing 200 Billion freakin dollars to aiding the world. That is a lot of money no matter which way you shake it.

This isn't even counting the 8 and 9 figure millionaires in American and around the world who don't need all that money, and could be doing alot more to help out all of our neighbors. But we are not, because of natural human actions of greed, jealousy and corruptness. This is more than just an issue of Americans rich people though, but as educated human beings who's history has had us fighting for Democracy we should know better than to let the dollar control our lives so much.

My problem is, when a guy like Italian Outsider seems to look at the actions of these select few, and decides that he is going to declare a personal war against America as a whole. I might be making an assumption there, but it seems that everytime America is brought into a conversation, all I see from TIO is liquid hate with no substance behind it. America as a whole is not a bad place, and we are not bad people, so it bothers me when people from other countries want to go ahead and generalize all American's as in bred hicks in need of a serious dose of Genocide.

But to answer the poll and the question, my hat goes off to Denmark. Surveys say it's the happiest country in the world.


I like how people think the Canadian government is even better than the US government.

You know just as well as I do that if Canada had more military power, they would be sending thousands of troops in there with everyone else. It's just because Canada has 5 people in the military that they don't make a huge impact on war.

Canada doesn't give a shit about their own people. Yay, free health care, thank you for letting me and my immigrant family members take advantage of it, but on the other hand, the newer immigrants get free ducation and free passes to shit like the Royal Ontario Museum. Hey Canada, what about YOUR OWN people? Why can't you give free tickets to a single parent who's raising their kids on their own and can't afford to take them places? Why can't you pay for an actual Canadians' education? Why does some joe blow who just immigrated here yesterday get free education while a large number of actual Canadians are uneducated?

Canada bends over and takes it in the ass when it comes to immigrants. Anyone and everyone can come over here and Canada will let you in. Why do you think a HUGE amount of Indians and Muslims live here? Fuck, I challenge you to go to Brampton, Malton or now even Vancouver and try to spot at least 10 people in a crowd who AREN'T Indian or Muslim.

When my mom and brother come up to visit, they forget how many Indians and Muslims live here because they hardly see any in America. When an immigrant complains about something, the Canadian government does whatever it can to side with the immigrant. For example, an Indian guy complained because he was pulled over for not wearing a helmet while riding his motorcycle. He complained that they are discriminating against him because he is Indian and has to wear a turban so he can't wear a helmet. Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck you, buddy. The law is the law and they would be discriminating if they said that you didn't have to wear one because you wear a turban yet eveyone else had to or they get a fine.

If you don't like how shit is done, get the fuck out. Problem is, Canada is a pussy country and wont say that to people.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
No, that is wrong. If you don't like how shit is done, change it yourself.