Flair played politics as well, he was not as cut throat about it as Hogan was worse than say Austin.
:really:Really? I will say that the main reason I'm not a big Hogan, Cena or Reigns fan would have to be the fact that they were all pushed on us so hard that it's like they were programming us to like them each one of their careers are great and power too them.... right place right time right gimmick for Vince and the fans that were brainwashed into believing in Hulkamania (cough cough bullshit) I will admit last year I hated Cena I still do but I will give credit he is Big match John BUT I will never be part of the C-nation he was also forced on us.....win after win after god damn he won again! Some of which he should not have won IMO (also I have become a fan of his passion on the microphone) Hogan just mumbles and says brotha! Constantly!!!.....Where to start with omg lmao "The Big Frog" ROMAN REIGNS HE is crap on the Mic and just doesn't have the It factor to me....His in ring ability has improved and he by far has the best spear in the business right now! But he should not be the top guy he can be one of the top guys but not The Guy (Remember when he was the guy Lol that worked out well) The point is Hogan, Cena, Reigns were forced! PERFECT EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE WHO WERE NOT FORCED BUT GOT OVER ORGANICALLY BECAUSE PEOPLE WANTED TO SEE THEM would be AUSTIN, ROCK, UNDERTAKER, HBK, and Cm Punk.What is there to hate about Hulk Hogan? :emoji_confused:
100% true but he still kinda sucks!........Brotha!Hogan is a fool but wrestling wouldn't be what it is without him