Oh hell yes! I watch that every year at this point. I really miss Wes Craven. Hoping Scream 5 is good in his memory, I'm a little worried about them doing it without Wes, hope it's good. I really love all the Nightmare films even though they are all so different, I even like the campy sequel to the first. Just really rewatchable films, Robert Englund makes them. It's why the Remake flopped I feel.
Shame they don't really do these big documentaries anymore for Horror films. I really can't get enough of anything Horror. The 4 hour length for this documentary put me off as well for the longest time, but I'd recommend it a lot. Made me respect Rob Zombie a lot more, and all the work he put in the Remake. I like that Zombie is unique, some of his films like Devil's Rejects are great, he has his style. Doesn't always click, sadly.