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Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Smackdown 2 Review

MVP Opening segment: Very in character. I always disliekd the team of MVP and Henry and you split them perfectly. Elevating MVP up there with a lot of ME players with his mic skills. Henry coming out was no real shock but him capable of having a match already after a savage beating is shocking. Then having the match immediately after this promo is even stranger. But you even made Henry look good on the mic and that really speaks to your ability.

MVP vs. Mark Henry: This match started out very believable but some spots were kinda out there. before the match you called him 400 pounds of muscle but MVP is dragging him around on the ground and whipping him hard enough to drive him through the barricade? I cannot see that happening. You made Henry come off as really weak in my opinion aand the roll up finish is something I would expect from MVP and not from Henry. Match built the feud very well just had its moments where it was not believeable.

Haas vs. Burke: Short match and the point was to get Burke over and it did so. Which I am very glad to see Burke get some sort of push to at least mid card status instead of jobber. Also teasing a feud with Ziggler already Burke might be in the Intercontinental Title race. I am looking forward to this future build of Burke.

John Morrison/Jack Swagger promo: It is very weird seeing Morrison as a baby face. alas you did an outstanding job at building Morrison from the mid card IC champ to a major World Heavyweight Championship contender. I really enjoy seeing him built up as a main eventer. In comes Swagger and he did a phenomenal job as the heel and the back and forth between these two was magical. very believable and entertaining and really built their match. I am really looking forward to it tonight.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Drew McIntyre: Eh nothing too special aboutt he match itself. After reading the preview of Drew's history with Finaly I saw the DQ finish coming. Poor Yoshi lol.

McIntyre/Finlay Promo: Very nice surprise twist! I was expecting that Finlay just to cause McIntyre to lose in retaliation but them fomring a tea and destroying poor Toshi was incredibly shocking. very nice surprise and the heat they built was very strong. I am looking forward to them in the tag title tournament and strong contenders in my opinion.

Michelle and Beth vs Mickie and Melina: A surprisingly good match. I never expect much from wwe divas but this match had some good back and forth action. everyone got in their own bit of offense in and the roll up using the ropes from McCool.

Morrison vs Swagger: I had been anticipating this match all night long and it did not disappoint. I was surprised to see that they were tired after the first paragraph. Lived up to the hype of that awesome promo earlier. Morrison will hopefully move onto bigger and more main event worthy feuds.

Rajin interview: I am glad Khali is gone and I am curious as to who this guy could get over as their manager. Although I must admit I have a very good guess about it being Kaval a.k.a. Low Ki.

C.M. Punk and Chris Jericho Promo: I love CM Punk as a heel. he really is one of the best heels when he is on and esp when he is pitted against someone who has a questionable past. Now he can even feed out of Matt's connection to Jeff. Jericho was solid and nothing over the top. So matt hardy and Kofi Kingsotn. I honestly do not see these guys as main eventers. especially Kofi. I am not fond of the character or his promo abilities.

Teddy Long Announcement: A championship scramble? Out of all the possibilities for multiman matches for a title and you choose this one? A big disappointment in my eyes. Also having those matches same night as the ppv is kinda over doing it. Next week is gonna be a stacked show although ocne again not a big fan of Kofi.

Jericho and Punk vs. Hardy and Kofi: Some very itneresting and unique moves are utilized in this match. The armwrench stepover mule kick and the flapjack into european uppercut are very interesting. I am also enjoying the quick tags and not letting one guy be isolated so the guys are getting their fair share of offense in. Kofi and Matt have a lot of unique double team moves and seem to go together as much as I do not want to admit it. The finish was very good. You kept Jericho strong at the finish and didn't make him seem like it was a come from behind win.

Ending out with jericho asserting his dominance on Punk with a code breaker. very nice finishing touch to an amazing show.

Overall rating 9/10. This was a really amazing show and very believable. I only had gripes with a few parts in the entire show but nothing worth making a fuss over. Incredible work on this show and I am definantly a major fan as of this moment.

Moonlight Drive

Fuck your show are long :|

I'll do this seg by seg cos I'll forget what happened otherwise

Opening Promo: Great, just great. Actually made sense to why Montel would break up with Henry, rather than the usual 'YOU LOSTED THE MATCH~!' routine.

Mark Henry vs. MVP: The action in this match was good, but it did have problems. No way in hell could MVP swing Henry into the barricade hard enough to break it. And I just don't see Mark Henry doing a roll-up, a Worlds Strongest Slam would've made more sense. The random street fight interjecture was strange, would've been better if you just said that before the match, as the stuff MVP was doing happens quite a lot. Besides from that, the match had some nice spots and I look forward to this feud.

Burke is overrated. Oh yeah, I dropped the O Bomb. You're obvs going to push him, no idea why Dolph would randomly clap then leave. Seems quite out of place.

We're all jealous of JoMo's slow motion entrance. I <3 Morrison moving up in the world, but feuding with Swagger, who's hardly got an inch of credibility left, to do so seems backwards. Both guys were good, although there wasn't anything amazing here. Lol @ Brandon Powers.

Match was nothing, just used to set up the new team. I don't know how I feel yet, as Drew's lame and Finlay's been wrecked. Maybe you can salvage his epicness. The more tag teams the better, and I <3 Finlay for saying wankers.

I can't force myself into reading Diva's matches. Soz.

Another good match. It had a nice flow and gave enough men enough offence so they both come out looking better than when they came in. Hopefully the feud is done so Morrison can go pwn those newbs who think they're Main Eventers. MVP/Henry is still MOTN though.

Fantastic Jericho/Punk promo, absolutely fantastic. Easily the highlight of the show. Hardy brought it down, as he does with everything, but you nailed both of them. Kofi is blah as a partner, but SD needs some faces. Like the whole set-up of the Scramble qualifiers, but doing it at Armageddon is bad imo. The other issue I have is, the matches will have bizarre psychology. It doesn't matter who wins, just who loses, so why would anyone bother? Would be better if the winner got a later entry slot or something like that, so they're fighting to win rather than to not lose. Next weeks matches were good calls; looking forward to them.

Loved the main event. Not a bad word to say really, I was thoroughly entertained the whole way through. The post-match Codebreaker was a nice way to cap off the show.

Overall, you've improved a lot since I last read your shows. I had a few problems with the way you handled some things, but nothing was utterly terrible. Will definitely be checking in here more regularly.

Just one question though, do you and Y2J tell each other what's going on the PPVs? Because if so, it's seems stupid to me to have both shows main events as multi-man matches.

The Rated R CMStar

MVP promo: It was great. MVP has in character and his explanation not only made sense, but set him as a smart, calculating heel as his turn on Mark Henry was something a long time in the making. Henry's participation brought the promo down imo as he talked too much.

MVP vs Henry: Match favored from being turned into a street fight, altough the reasons behind it were a little sketchy. The weird sports in the match have already been pointed out, but the rest was a good read. I do feel MVP should have gone over though.

Fuck Burke tbh. The Ziggler thing is obviously going somewhere so I'll not comment on it just yet.

Morrison and Swagger's promo was good as it established them for big things when you indeed move Swagger and Morrison towards them, but I felt it just went too long. That's the only kink as thanks to this promo, if you decide, starting next week for example, to push JoMo towards the main event, I would actually buy it.

Nice swerve with McIntyre and Finlay, altough I would have preferred Drew to be pushed as a singles.

The Morrison and Swagger match was rather epic, altough considering the kayfabe lenght of it (9 minutes), them being tired at any point of the match is kinda weird, especially at the beginning. It was nice back and forth and you nailed the styles of both competitors.

Singh promo: Actually a great promo as it leaves me great expectations on who could be debuting, altough I am guessing is nobody earth shattering as he's debuting on Superstars.

Jericho/Punk promo: Mic time has been given to the heels practically the entire night, and it really felt like overkill having Punk and Jericho trash the fans both in the same segment...but then again, it was Punk and Jericho bashing the fans, so it was nothing but awesome. Both characters were spot on altough I think Punk shouldn't had just stand there and act all cool when he's being told Jericho is better and that he has no problem with people not following straightedge lifestyle.

T.Long's announcement: While it sets up for a very interesting next show, I think it was a little out of place and you announced too many things in this promo.

Main Event: I was a little dissapointed after seeing that the epic tag team of Jericho and Punk would be facing...Kofi Kingston and Matt Hardy. Match was alright but Kingston and Hardy made me fell it wasn't main event worthy. I don't agree with the ending considering you have Kingston vs Jericho next week and I don't like having Kofi tap just before that. It was nice seeing Jericho booked as dominant for a change, lol.


Superstars Week 2


The video for WWE Superstars plays as we are introduced to the show that takes superstars from all three brands in the WWE and lets you view them on the same night! We cut to the arena where pyrotechnics go off and the crowd cheer, ready to kick off the show.

Cody Rhodes v Carlito
Rhodes moves down to the ring with his partner Ted DiBiase to a considerable amount of heat, while the Colons make their way to the ring and get quite a nice pop for their troubles. Carlito and Rhodes begin the match, a rather nice fast paced affair, where it almost seems like an X-Division match in the early goings. However, it is time for the heel’s dominant streak after a springboard from Carlito is reversed into a neckbreaker from Rhodes. We get a lot of methodical moves from Cody that I can’t be bothered to explain, before he decides to take a risk and go to the top rope. Cody jumps for an Asai Moonsault but Carlito dodges and as soon as Rhodes lands, he is nailed with the Backstabber! 1...2... Ted DiBiase jumps up on the apron and distracts the referee! The crowd boos but then pops as Primo also gets up on the apron and takes DiBiase out with a hurricanrana to the outside floor. In the ring, this has given enough time for Rhodes to get back to his feet and he plans to ambush Carlito with the Silver Spoon DDT, but the Puerto Rican manages to block the move, spin around his opponent and nail a second Backstabber, with this one clinching the win!
WINNER- Carlito by PINFALL in 7:05

We move on to the Raw rebound, showing Vince McMahon’s announcement that John Cena will defend his title in a fatal 4 way at Armageddon, and the qualifiers will take place later tonight. We see Orton prepping Legacy and telling them to make sure DX don’t qualify, and we see that they follow orders when Cody Rhodes cost Shawn Michaels a victory against The Big Show. Legacy’s music then interrupted HHH enough for Orton himself to capitalize and qualify, and in the main event The Undertaker defeated Batista after Rey Mysterio interfered on his behalf. We get Cena v Show v Orton v Taker for Armageddon and the video package concludes with the match graphic for this.


We go to our night’s Smackdown rebound, and it involves the segment leading up to the main event. We are shows CM Punk feuding with the crowd as usual followed by the entrance of Chris Jericho who begins to brag (as usual). Matt Hardy is the third person out and he announces his partner for the night in Kofi Kingston. The four men exchange words before Teddy long comes out and announces the title match for Armageddon and qualifying matches for the same event. We also hear that next week it will be Hardy/Henry/Morrison vs Punk/Swagger/MVP and Kofi vs Jericho. Moving onto the match, we see it’s highlights before it’s ending when Jericho dropkicked Hardy off the apron before making Kofi tap out to the Liontamer and continue his reign of dominance, even nailing his partner CM Punk with a Codebreaker after the match.

Drew McIntyre & Finlay v Jimmy Wang Yang & Kung Fu Naki
In an absolute squash-fest, the brand new team of McIntyre and Finlay dominated the entire match up, with Yang and Funaki getting no offense in at all. The dominant Brits could have won the match earlier but chose to continue to punish their opponents and send a message to all other tag teams. The finish came with Drew in the ring with Yang and him easily nailing the poor Asian with the Sinister Spike, as Finlay knocked Funaki off the apron with the shillelagh while the referee wasn’t looking. The Fighting Irishman himself was then tagged in and the pair did their Argentine Backbreaker-Gutbuster combo, which I’m calling the Kingdom Kombo. Finlay gets the win from this, naturally, and the pair gets massive badass points.
WINNERS- Drew McIntyre & Finlay by PINFALL in 3:21

We go backstage to interviewer Cristina Legend, who is with Ranjin Singh. She asks him whether we’re going to get any clues regarding who his new client is, and Ranjin says that we’re going to get a really big clue. He brings his client out and although he is wearing a hood that covers his face, we see that he is of a smallish build and is rather lean. Singh beams and raises his clients arm as Cristina asks what exactly this man can do in the ring. Ranjin points out a backstage worker, who is frowning and complaining about work. He whispers something to his client, who promptly walks over to the man and knocks him out with a roundhouse kick. There are both cheers and murmurs from the crowd as Singh announces that his client’s identity will not only be revealed, but he will also have his first match next week; right here on WWE Superstars.


Back from break, we go straight to the ECW rebound and this focuses on the ECW Champion and the search for his contender. We see William Regal defeat Tommy Dreamer early in the night after his Roundtable helped him in an Extreme Rules match. We then go to the main event which saw Shelton Benjamin, The Hurricane, Christian, Zack Ryder and Paul Burchill take each other on in a one fall to a finish match where Christian prevailed after a Super Killswitch to Zack Ryder. Christian therefore earns the opportunity to face Regal at Armageddon for the ECW title in an Extreme Rules match.

Vladimir Kozlov v Shelton Benjamin
Kozlov is accompanied by his stable mate Ezekiel Jackson but there is no sign of William Regal tonight. Shelton actually gets a decent pop coming to the ring, and the crowd is firmly behind him in the match. Shelton tries to get an early advantage using his speed and manages to do so for a while before Kozlov takes him out with one of his strong headbutts. Kozlov then tries to end the match right there with the Iron Curtain, but Shelton manages to escape in the nick of time. Shelton goes to kick Kozlov but his leg is caught by the behemoth- wait, Shelton knocks him to the mat with a Dragon Whip! The crowd pops as Benjamin waits for Kozlov to get to his feet before trying for the Paydirt, only to be swatted away in mid air. Vladimir grabs the Gold Standard and whips him into the corner but Shelton leaps onto the top turnbuckle in one swift movement! Benjamin turns around and leaps onto Kozlov with a crossbody, but is caught! Shelton however manages to fight out with a series of punches, before somehow picking up Kozlov and planting him down with the T-Bone Suplex! After this great feat, Shelton is rewarded with a win! However, the victory is tainted as after the match Ezekiel gets in the ring and attacks Shelton, which leads to Regal’s Roundtable leaving the Gold Standard as a twitching pulp in the ring.
WINNER- Shelton Benjamin by PINFALL in 5:26


We return to a video package for Armageddon, and this time more matches have been announced. We get a match graphic for the WWE title match, a fatal 4 way contesting champion John Cena against Randy Orton, The Big Show and The Undertaker and we see short clips of all four men. This is followed by a match graphic with The Miz, Maryse, Gail Kim and a silhouetted figure, showing the winner takes all match for which Kim is yet to reveal her partner. We move onto ECW where William Regal versus Christian in an Extreme Rules match is shown, and we see how Christian qualified for this title match up. We then go on to Smackdown, which shows two triple threat matches, Mark Henry/MVP/CM Punk and Matt Hardy/John Morrison/Jack Swagger. We learn that the two winners of the matches will each move onto the night’s main event, a Championship Scramble match. We see the match graphic for this, which is for now the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho next to four outlines of figures. We are reminded who these outlines could end up as at the event, before fading out to the ring.

Dolph Ziggler v Christian
In a non title match and the cross brand special for the night, Ziggler and Christian went head to head, with Ziggler getting fair heat and Christian getting a rather epic pop as he made his entrance. Captain Charisma dominated the opening stages of the match, using his experience to control Ziggler on the mat and then take him down with high flying moves, including a diving European uppercut. Christian’s luck turns though when Ziggler dodges a splash in the corner and manages to nail his signature leg lariat, the Zigglariat! After a two count, Dolph begins working over the #1 contender to the ECW title, keeping him down on the canvas where he can’t utilize his speed or get any momentum going. The Intercontinental Champion puts Christian in a lying sleeper hold and tries to wear him down this way, but it isn’t long before the Peeps begin to rally up and Christian manages to get to the ropes with the arena chanting his name. Christian then rolls to the outside and in a crafty move showing his slyness and experience, he pulls Ziggler down onto the top rope and makes him ricochet back onto the mat. Christian goes up to the top rope and comes down for the Frog Splash, but Ziggler gets the knees up! Dolph gets to his feet and waits for Christian to do the same, before trying for the Zig-Zag, only to have it countered into an Irish whip, and only for that to be countered into a whip of his own. Ziggler charges at Christian in the corner but the spear is dodged and Ziggler hits the corner shoulder first. He groggily staggers back but out of nowhere is hooked and planted with the Killswitch! Christian gets the three!
WINNER- Christian by PINFALL in 10:29

Quick Results

1. Carlito def. Cody Rhodes
2. Drew McIntyre & Finlay def. Jimmy Wang Yang & Kung Fu Naki
3. Shelton Benjamin def. Vladimir Kozlov
4. Christian def. Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler

Power 25 Week 2
1) = Chris Jericho

The World Heavyweight Champion keeps his #1 spot after showing his dominance in Smackdown’s main event this week, where he teamed with CM Punk to take on Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston, defeating the fan favourites after making Kofi tap out to the Liontamer. He will have to defend his title at Armageddon in a Championship Scramble and if he continues to perform in this fashion it looks like he’ll be the favourite.

2) --> Randy Orton

Orton moves up this week and even overtakes the WWE Champion John Cena after qualifying for the fatal 4 way WWE title match at Armageddon. Orton defeated HHH after Legacy’s music played and Randy was also successful in his plight to keep DX out of the match.

3) --> Christian

The Instant Classic had a stellar this week this week, and moved up after two wins. He first became the #1 contender to the ECW Championship on ECW before moving on to Superstars to defeat the Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler in a non title match.

4) <-- John Cena

A week of inactivity means that John Cena drops two spots to #4. However, the champ now has his opponents for Armageddon; he will have to take on Randy Orton, The Big Show and The Undertaker in a fatal 4 way match.

5) <--William Regal

Despite being victorious this week, the ECW Champion drops two spots due to tough competition. His victory wasn’t much to brag about either, as he defeated Tommy Dreamer in an extreme rules match after the Roundtable interfered on his behalf.

6) --> The Big Show

Show continues his impressive roll on Monday Night Raw and moves up to show for it. Last week he defeated John Cena in a non title match but this week he defeated HBK to qualify for the title match at Armageddon, albeit with help from Legacy.

7) --> The Undertaker

The Undertaker had his first match as an official member of the Raw roster and it was a success, with him defeating Batista to qualify for the fatal 4 way match at Armageddon. The match saw Rey Mysterio interfere on Taker’s behalf and hand him the victory.

8) --> Elijah Burke

Burke continued his winning streak on Smackdown and made it 2-0 after a victory over Charlie Haas. The Black Pope could become something huge on Smackdown and that’s why he’s already moving up on the Power 25. Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler also took an interest in Burke after the match.

9) --> CM Punk

Punk rebounded from last week’s victory by teaming up with Chris Jericho to take down Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston in Smackdown’s main event. He has a chance to win the World title if he qualifies for the Championship Scramble at Armageddon but if he continues to preach his Straight Edge lifestyle, he won’t be making any friends in the locker room.

10 - John Morrison

After losing the Intercontinental title in what John Morrison described as a painful moment he thinks about every day, the Guru of Greatness managed to rebound successfully. He got revenge on the man who cost him the title in Jack Swagger, pinning him in a one on one match on this week’s Smackdown.

11) --> The Miz

The United States Champion bounced back from a loss to Evan Bourne last week to defeat the very same man in a title match, to make sure the belt remained around his waist. His apparent new partner in Maryse helped interfere and make sure that Miz came out with the belt.

12) - Mark Henry

Mark Henry managed to get retribution against MVP, who viciously attacked him last week, severing their tag team and friendship. Not only was Mark able to compete in a match this week, but he defeated MVP in a street fight after rolling up the Ballin Superstar.

13) --> The Colons

The freshly reunited team managed to make their return match a success as they defeated Chavo Guerrero and Sheamus on Raw. Carlito then defeated Cody Rhodes on Superstars as we learn that the Colons will face Legacy next week on Raw in the tag tournament!

14) <-- Dolph Ziggler

After winning the Intercontinental title last week in suspicious fashion, Dolph’s only appearance on Smackdown this week was coming out after Elijah Burke’s match and congratulating him. He also appeared on Superstars in a losing effort as he was defeated by the #1 contender to the ECW title in Christian.

15) - Chris Masters

Chris Masters was successful on his ECW debut match, defeating fellow debutant Jamie Noble. He won so convincingly that it’s only his first appearance on the Power 25 but he is already at #15 and looks to move even higher in the near future.

16) <-- Gail Kim

The Divas Champion didn’t have a match this week, but approached The Miz and Maryse backstage, before telling them that there would be a winner take all match at Armageddon, pitting Miz/Maryse against her and a surprise partner.

17) - Drew McIntyre & Finlay

A new team formed this week on Smackdown, when Drew McIntyre and Finlay shocked the WWE Universe by destroying Yoshi Tatsu and forming a team. They proved that they really don’t like Asians as their first win as a team was a dominant one against Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki on Superstars.

18) - Michelle McCool

The Women’s Champion makes her debut on the list this week as she teamed with the Glamazon Beth Phoenix to defeat Melina and Mickie James in divas tag team action, after pinning Melina with her feet on the ropes.

19) <-- Shelton Benjamin

Shelton Benjamin had an up and down week. It began with a loss on ECW as he failed to becomes #1 contender to the ECW title in a 5 way match, but rebounded on WWE Superstars where he defeated Vladimir Kozlov.

20) - Beth Phoenix

The Glamazon makes her debut on the list two spots under the Women’s Champion, who she teamed with to be victorious on Smackdown this week, defeating Melina and Mickie James in convincing fashion. Despite partnering with Michelle this week, Beth must be looking for a shot at the Women’s title soon.

21) <-- Gregory Helms

Gregory Helms was inactive this week after his successful Raw debut last week, but he did do something and that was approaching Evan Bourne about making a tag team, which could be successful considering the duo were victorious on week 1 of Superstars.

22) <-- Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy moves down the Power 25 after his second straight loss. This time the team of Chris Jericho and CM Punk defeated him and surprise partner Kofi Kingston in the main event on Smackdown. Once again it wasn’t directly his fault as he was kicked off the apron before his partner tapped out. Hardy is in a bit of a slump and he looks to rebound as he now has a chance at qualifying for the Championship Scramble match at Armageddon.

23) <-- The Hart Dynasty

A week of inactivity doesn’t do any favours for the Hart Dynasty, who drop a considerable amount of spots after disappearing off the face of the earth this week. If they can get a win in the Unified Tag Team Championship tournament, they will definitely move up much higher in the list.

24) <-- Kofi Kingston

Kofi’s debut on Smackdown as Matt Hardy’s partner wasn’t as successful as he’d hoped, with the duo losing in the main event to Jericho and Punk after Kofi tapped to the Liontamer. Kingston has a chance to redeem himself next week as he has a non title match against Jericho, the champ himself.

25) - Regal’s Roundtable

The Roundtable were loyal followers of William Regal this week as they helped the ECW Champion secure a victory over Tommy Dreamer. If Kozlov and Jackson can do this at Armageddon to help Regal, we just might see a very one sided match.



Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
RAW News and Notes
As seen on RAW last week, the main event for Armageddon was announced, with it being a Fatal Four Way match between WWE Champion John Cena, the Undertaker, Randy Orton and the Big Show. Randy Orton is the favourite to win this match, surprisingly, which will most likely lead onto an Orton vs. Undertaker match up at the Royal Rumble. After the events in Madison Square Garden a few months ago, the WWE seemed to be leading up to the Undertaker vs. John Cena, and the plan right now is to have Taker win the title off Orton in a continuation of the short title reigns on RAW, before Cena wins the Rumble, turns heel and ends the streak at WrestleMania.

As for the three men who lost the WWE Title qualifiers last week, them being DX and Batista, they are almost certain for a match at Armageddon, with DX going back to the rekindled feud with Legacy, as Batista goes on with Rey Mysterio. There are talks of having a Six Man Tag Team Match for Armageddon, yet the more likely case will be that one of the feuds will miss out at Armageddon, more than likely Batista/Mysterio, due to creative control to both Triple H and Shawn Michaels. However, this situation is almost certainly going to be addressed on RAW, so tune in this Monday night.

The other RAW match somewhat confirmed for Armageddon is the Mixed Tag Team Match, with the US Champion the Miz and Maryse going up against the Diva’s Champion Gail Kim and a mystery partner to be revealed this Monday on RAW. After the events of the previous weeks, you would expect it to be Evan Bourne, but after seemingly being put in a tag team with Gregory Helms, the partner for Kim is not known. With the mid card scene on RAW not looking too strong, there have been talks of expansion, meaning a former WWE Superstar may very well be brought in. However, expect Kim’s team to get the win, as the Miz has held the US Championship since early October, whereas Kim has only held her title for a few weeks.

Speaking of the tag team of Gregory Helms and Evan Bourne, they are scheduled to take part in the Undisputed Tag Team Titles tournament, as are the new tag team of Drew McIntyre and Finlay from Smackdown. As seen in the RAW preview, the first match of the tournament will take place this Monday on RAW, with the Colons facing Legacy. Expect the Colons to win this as Legacy go onto feud with DX, and don’t be surprised if the Colons win the tournament final, which will take place at the Royal Rumble. As of now, no semi final matches are scheduled for Armageddon.

Finally, there are talks of bringing in either Booker T or Rob Van Dam to the RAW brand. A face run and a return during the Royal Rumble match is the most likely outcome, however one of the two very well may be the partner of Gail Kim. We will find out on RAW if it very well is one of the former World Champions, yet that prospect seems unlikely, as the two are most likely in talks with the WWE if anything.


Monday Night RAW Preview


RAW is live this Monday night with a huge show in store for you, the WWE Universe, with it being the second last RAW before Armageddon! After last week’s chaotic events, RAW promises to be as exciting as ever, especially with a huge Fatal Four Way match in store for the pay per view!

As seen last Monday on RAW, Vince McMahon booked three huge qualifying matches, with the winners going onto face John Cena at Armageddon in a Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Championship. At the end of the night, albeit with interference of some description in each of those matches, the Big Show, Randy Orton and the Undertaker prevailed over Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Batista respectively. Although the main event is not yet known for tonight, you can expect involvement from one of if not more of these four men to be involved in the main event. After not being able to compete last week, and being the fighting champion he is, we can confirm that the WWE Champion John Cena went to the office of Vince McMahon and demanded he was put into action tonight. Will Cena get his wish? What exactly will the main event be? And who will be standing tall by the end of the night? The only way to find out is by tuning into RAW.

As mentioned earlier, although the Big Show, Orton and Taker qualified for the WWE Championship match, it came with some controversy, as there was interference in all three qualifying matches against Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Batista; the first two matches involving Legacy, and the main event involving the returning Rey Mysterio. Only one of the three men who lost last week is confirmed for action tonight as Shawn Michaels will go one on one with Chavo Guerrero, and we will also hear from Rey Mysterio after a rather speedy return from injury after the events from Survivor Series. With Michaels and Mysterio being confirmed for RAW, as are Legacy, will chaos ensue just as it has the past weeks on Monday night?

The first match of the Undisputed Tag Team Championship Tournament will take place tonight, as, after the events which occurred two weeks ago, the Colons will go head to head against Legacy. Of course, Legacy attempted to recruit Carlito into the Legacy two weeks ago, yet the Puerto Rican reunited with his brother Primo, who was subject to an outnumbered assault by Rhodes and Dibiase. With the two having past and personal history, who will get the ever important win and advance to the semi finals of the tag team titles tournament? Both teams have been Tag Team Champions together- the Colons being the first Undisputed Tag Team Champions- so it should prove to be a hell of an affair.

Also in tag team news, after Evan Bourne lost to the Miz in the United States Championship match last week, Gregory Helms came knocking on Bourne’s door with a proposal; the two become a tag team, and enter the Unified Tag Team Titles Tournament to ensure Bourne got another taste at gold after being screwed. Bourne seemed to be happy with the offer, and we can confirm that he has since agreed to the proposition, with the two being in tag team action tonight. A little over a week ago on Superstars, Bourne and Helms got the win over the Miz and Guerrero, so will the new tandem make it 2-0 as a team tonight?

Lastly, the WWE Diva’s Champion Gail Kim confronted the Miz and Maryse last week after the Miz triumphed over Evan Bourne, telling them that in retaliation for the past weeks, she went to Mr. McMahon and booked a Mixed Tag Team match for Armageddon, with a twist; if Gail’s team wins, her partner gets the Miz’s US Championship, whereas if Miz and Maryse win, Maryse wins the Diva’s Championship. Gail also told the Miz that he will be in action tonight in a non title affair, as he will be going up against whoever Gail’s partner may be. Who will Gail’s partner be? And, after seemingly giving up on impressing the French bombshell, the Miz and Maryse have since become a couple, and quite a powerful couple on that note. Will we finally get answers tonight as to why the Miz attempted to get back at Maryse, and why Maryse found interest in the Miz?

All these question will be answered tonight on the USA Network, so don’t miss out!

~Confirmed Matches~
What Vince McMahon promises to be a huge main event!
Unified Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Colons vs. Legacy
Shawn Michaels vs. Chavo Guerrero
The new tandem of Gregory Helms and Evan Bourne in action!
Non Title match: US Champion the Miz w/ Maryse vs. Gail Kim’s Armageddon partner.​

Moonlight Drive

I personally strongly dislike adding those semi-spoilers to your show. I know most of them probably won't come true and the rest are rather obvious, but I can only see it as detrimental to the overall product. I'd read the shows going off what I've read in the past rather than supposed rumours.

What Vince McMahon promises to be a huge main event!
John Cena & Undertaker vs. Big Show & Randy Orton tbh

Unified Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Colons vs. Legacy
Feuding with DX > the tag team championship, at least right now

Shawn Michaels vs. Chavo Guerrero
Squash. lulz.

The new tandem of Gregory Helms and Evan Bourne in action!
Squash. lulz.

Non Title match: US Champion the Miz w/ Maryse vs. Gail Kim’s Armageddon partner.
Since it's a MYSTERY PARTNER~! it should by all means be someone big, like you mentioned before, Booker T or Rob Van Dam or someone to hat effect. Not many people lose on their return, so I expect this to be no different.


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
What Vince McMahon promises to be a huge main event!
Agreed that it sounds like it is just going to be the tag match between the 4 main eventers.

Unified Tag Team Championship Tournament: The Colons vs. Legacy
I'm hoping for the love of god lol

Shawn Michaels vs. Chavo Guerrero

The new tandem of Gregory Helms and Evan Bourne in action!
Yeah not getting anywhere

Non Title match: US Champion the Miz w/ Maryse vs. Gail Kim’s Armageddon partner.
To at least give him a shot when he goes into Armageddon and you dont kill the momentum of this storyline already.

It seems like you have to do a lot of explaining for your next shows instead of letting them play out and give it some element of surprise. While news and recaps are good you also kinda shoot yourself in the foot with your audience expecting whats gonna happen and it really kills the enthusiasm to read the next show.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
RAW 7/12 Recap
A video package plays to start off the show which is nothing new, as the video package shows the events which took place on RAW last week, starting off by showing the announcement of the Fatal Four Way for Armageddon by VKM, before showing the Miz managing to defeat Evan Bourne to retain his United States Championship. What followed was the first WWE Championship Qualifier which was between Shawn Michaels and the Big Show, with the latter winning following Cody Rhodes interference and a Chokeslam. The Colons victory over Guerrero and Sheamus was displayed, before the remaining two qualifying matches were shown, with Randy Orton’s victory over Triple H and the Undertaker’s victory over Batista, with distractions from Priceless and Rey Mysterio respectively.

We then cut live to the arena in, and after the usual greeting form Michael Cole and the King, they mention that we are heading straight into the action here tonight, with the Miz going to be in non title action against Gail Kim’s partner for Armageddon. After the Miz makes his way down to the ring accompanied by Maryse, Gail Kim comes out from the back, cutting right to the chase, introducing her partner from Armageddon, R Truth!

Match 1
Non Title Match
R Truth w/ Diva’s Champion Gail Kim vs. the United States Champion, the Miz w/

The Truth had the early advantage in the early going as he, unlike the Miz, knew who his opponent would be tonight, as R Truth flew all around the ring, wearing the United States Champion down. As it looked like the Miz would get back into the match at the three minute mark by reversing a whip by the Truth, the latter exploded with a Spinning Forearm, knocking the US Champion straight back down to the mat. With Truth continuing to dominate the early proceedings, the Miz did the usual- that being resorting to dirty tactics- as he nailed Truth with a thumb to the eye when Truth was lifting him up to his feet, as the Miz then got Truth in a small package, only to get a two count. Once both men sprung to their feet from here, Truth was caught with a knee to the gut by the Miz, which was followed up with a Swinging Neckbreaker by the champ.

From this moment onwards, the Miz slowed down the match as he preferred to keep a hold of the match by grounding the high flying R Truth. Maryse seemed pleased with the US Champion’s work, however following a rather dominant period, the Miz had Truth in a side headlock, as the Truth managed to get to his feet and began elbowing away at the sternum of the Miz, and when the Miz looked to bounce off the ropes with Truth still in the headlock, Truth pushed him off. As the Miz returned, Truth did the splits to duck the Miz’s attempted strike, before the former sprung to his feet and hit the Miz with a beautiful Standing Dropkick. With the match looking as though it would go back in the favour of Truth, Maryse hopped up to the apron, distracting Truth, only for the Diva’s Champion to come up behind her and pull her off, causing her to smash her face on the ring apron. However, it seemed to work for the Miz, who got to his feet and got the distracted Truth in position for a Skull Crushing Finale, only for the Truth to spin out of it and hit Miz with an Atomic Drop, before he bounced off and hit the Corkscrew Scissors Kick to get the win!
Winner: R Truth

Following a brief celebration by Gail and R Truth, we head to the back where we are in the office of none other than the RAW General Manager, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. VKM talks about last week, saying how the main event for Armageddon for the WWE Championship was confirmed, the Fatal Four Way between the Undertaker, the Big Show, Randy Orton and, of course, the WWE Champion, John Cena. Vince says that not only is there a huge main event planned for Armageddon on the RAW side of things: tonight there is also a huge main event, as the Big Show and Randy Orton will team up to face the Undertaker and John Cena! The crowd, Cole and King go rather spastic at this announcement, before Vince smiles as we go to a commercial break.


Once we return from the break, we see a still motion picture of Umaga, who passed away this past Friday. The words ‘Umaga: March 28. 1973- December 4. 2009’ then come across the screen before we go back to the arena, getting ready to go back to business.

We then see the Colons standing by with none other than Todd Grisham once we return to the arena, who says that tonight, we will bear witness to the first match of the Undisputed Tag Team Championship tournament, which will see the Colons going up against none other than Priceless. The Colons say that their differences have been put behind them and their family is as strong as ever, and that following the events of two weeks ago, they have an added incentive to win the match tonight, and go onto fight for the Unified Tag Team Championships. The Colons leave it short and sweet although Carlito adds in the mandatory ‘And that; that’s cool!’, before we go to the arena and Priceless begin to make their way down to the ring.

Match 2
Unified Tag Team Championship Tournament
The Colons vs. Priceless

Unlike the first match, the heel team had the advantage in the early going with Dibiase and Primo starting off the match, as a stronger Dibiase wore down Primo, as the former and his tag partner Cody Rhodes used quick tags to wear the shorter and more inexperienced Primo down. After moves such as a Double Suplex and an Axe Handle on the twisted arm on Primo, the younger of the two brothers ducked an attempted Double Clothesline, before he hit the two with a Springboard Crossbody. Primo then tagged out to Carlito with Rhodes now as the legal man for Priceless, but with Dibiase getting up, Carlito whipped Ted off the ropes, before back dropping him over the top rope. Rhodes then charged at Lito, only to be nailed with a kick to the gut, as he followed it up with a Snap Suplex straight into the middle of the ring.

The Colons then had a short lived advantage as Rhodes won back the advantage for his team following an eye gouge to Carlito, after Primo and Lito had changed between being the legal man for their team. Rhodes then tagged back out to Dibiase before the two continued to use quick tags and double team manoeuvres to wear down the Colons, taking out the anger from the embarrassment two weeks ago after Carlito turned down Legacy’s offer. However, with Dibiase now in charge, he looked to hit Lito with a Dream Street, before a huge pop was heard around the arena, as Triple H and Shawn Michaels made their way to ringside. Dibiase threw Lito back down to the floor as he went to bad mouth DX, who simply smirked. Dibiase, confused, continued to badmouth Legacy’s rivals, only for Lito to spring to his feet and nail Ted with a Backstabber! Dibiase was then dragged back to the centre of the ring as Rhodes looked to enter the ring, but when he did, he was nailed with a Springboard Dropkick by Primo, enabling Carlito to cover Dibiase and get the win!
Winners and advancing to the Semi Finals of the Undisputed Tag Team Titles Tournament: The Colons

DX then smirk on the outside, happy that they have gotten back at the men who cost them each a shot at the WWE Championship last week. Trips and Shawn then give Priceless a crotch chop each before they head to the back, letting the Colons bask in their glory. Carlito and Primo embrace in the ring before they raise each other’s arms, as both Rhodes and Dibiase begin to come around and contemplate what just happened, when it seemed as though they had the match in the bag. A furious Priceless storm to the back shouting out for DX, and on that note, we head to a commercial break.


We return from the break and we are once again in the backstage area, Priceless no longer having disgusted and angry looks on their faces, but rather looking as though they had a plan. The two then came to a door before they knocked, as the person inside told them to come in. As they opened the door, Batista was seen, and was greeted to big jeers from the crowd. Batista asked what Priceless were there for, as they said that Batista was screwed last week by Mysterio, and now Rey’s buddies had screwed Priceless. Batista seemed confused as to what they were getting at, as Rhodes said that to get at Mysterio, the Animal should help Priceless during Shawn’s match tonight to send a message. Batista contemplates this for a moment before a smirk comes across his face, something which is mirrored by Priceless.

We stay in the backstage area as we see Todd Grisham for the second time in the night, as he is standing by none other than the World’s Largest Athlete and one of the men in the Fatal Four Way match at Armageddon, the Big Show. Understandably, Show is met with big jeers from the crowd, as Grisham asks Show about both the main event tonight and about Armageddon. Show says that two weeks ago, he beat John Cena, and he’s beaten the Undertaker on multiple occasions in the past. Show says he is feared by all the men in the back and the only reason Orton is where he it’s because of the Legacy that he is where he is today, and come Armageddon, Legacy won’t be there to help Orton. Show then says it’s what Orton would say is his ‘destiny’ that Show wins the WWE Championship come Armageddon, and then Show will finally get the recognition he deserves here on RAW after being screwed by Jericho at Survivor Series. Show then leaves the set as Grisham is left standing there, before we head to the arena, although it isn’t for long.

We cut to Michael Cole and the King who talk about the making of the new tandem last week, them being the ever exciting Evan Bourne and Gregory Helms. Cole labels them as ‘Bourne High Flyers’, and we will see them in action after the break!


We see two local talents in the ring who go by the name of Bo and Duke Rotundo {the two of them being from FCW}. Helms and Bourne then make their entrance as Cole calls them Bourne High Flyers once again, before we get ready to go to the third match of the night.

Match 3
Gregory Helms and Evan Bourne vs. Bo Rotundo and Mike Rotundo

This match was essentially a match to showcase Bourne and Helms as a tag team, each man getting their fair share to shine along with hitting double team manoeuvres such as a Standing Moonsault and Leg Drop combination, a Reverse STO and Jumping Enziguiri combo, a modification of the Doomsday Device with Bourne hitting the elevated Bo Rotundo with a Diving Double Knee Drop, and a Superkick from Helms sending Bo stumbling back into a Bourne, who jumped on his shoulders and hitting a Reverse Hurricanrana. After the latter, Mike broke up the count at two as he punched Helms back into the ropes, only for the ropes to be bridged by Helms when Mike charged, causing him to tumble over. Bourne then entered the ring and once Mike got to his feet, Helms elevated a running Bourne over the top rope as he nailed Mike with a huge Over the Top Rope Hurricanrana! A huge pop was given for Bourne who got up relatively quickly as he got back up to the apron, as Helms then lifted Bo up, and nailed him with the Nightmare on Helms Street. However, Helms didn’t go for the pin as he tagged out to Bourne, who hit Rotundo with an Air Bourne for the win!
Winners of this Tag Team Match: Evan Bourne and Gregory Helms

Much like the aftermath of the Colons match, Bourne and Helms embrace following the match after a somewhat easy victory over the two unknowns. Bourne and Helms pose on opposite ropes as they show their gratitude towards the fans, who applaud the exciting duo right back. Bourne and Helms discontinue their posing as they raise each other’s arms in the middle of the ring, as we once again go to the back.

This time, we see Josh Matthews getting ready for an interview instead of Todd Grisham, as the former ECW announcer greets his guest for the night, Rey Mysterio! Rey is greeted to a big cheer as Matthews asks how it is to be back on RAW, and also asks about last week when Rey screwed Batista. Mysterio says that he regarded Batista as not only his best friend, but his family, and after Bragging Rights, he was willing to let bygones be bygones; yet, Dave decided to spear Mysterio off the stage. Rey then said that if Dave decides to put glory over family, so be it, as now, Mysterio doesn’t care about Batista, as Rey’s only going to deal with his true family. Mysterio then walks off following this statement, as we head to another commercial break.


Once we return from the break, we go straight back to the action, as none other than Chavo Guerrero is in the ring, looking to end his mass losing streak. Shawn Michaels then makes his entrance accompanied by Triple H, making his second appearance of the night.

Match 4
Shawn Michaels w/ Triple H vs. Chavo Guerrero

Shawn dominates Chavo from the get go as he uses a wide array of suplexes to wear the nephew of Eddie Guerrero down, nailing a Vertical Suplex, a Back Suplex and a Saito Suplex on Chavo. A resilient Guerrero looked to fight back against Shawn but was merely hit with some chops to the chest, quickly followed by the typical forearm and kip up. Chavo then got back up to his feet and was nailed with an Atomic Drop followed by a Body Suplex, and at only the three minute mark, Shawn headed to the top rope, going to hit the Flying Elbow. However, none other than Cody Rhodes ran down the ramp only for his attempt to be thwarted by Triple H, the two engaging in a brawl. With Rhodes occupied, Shawn nailed the Flying Elbow before he soon began to tune up the band, but what he didn’t see was that Ted Dibiase and Batista had made their way through the crowd. As Dibiase helped out in a 2 on 1 beat down of HHH with Rhodes, Batista entered the ring, and when Shawn went forward for the Sweet Chin Music, he was nearly snapped in two with a huge Spear from Tista!
Winner of this match by DQ: Shawn Michaels

Batista stands tall over Michaels with a smirk on his face as Dibiase throws Triple H into the ring, as a three on two beat down of DX commences. However, before it could properly continue, a cheer arose from the arena, as none other than Rey Mysterio ran out from the back with a steel chair in hand, swinging like a mad man as Priceless and Batista retreated. Rey then helped both members of DX up to their feet to a good pop from the crowd, and with Batista and Priceless smirking at their work, Mysterio got a microphone. Rey then laid a challenge for Armageddon; a Six Man Tag Team Match with Priceless and Batista going up against Mysterio and D Generation X. After contemplation, Batista nodded on behalf of the three men, setting up the third RAW match for Armageddon.


Once we return from the break, we see a replay of the challenge made by Mysterio for Armageddon which is followed by Batista accepting, as Cole and King run through the Armageddon card, expectedly hyping the RAW matches more than the other brand’s matches. Cole and King then begin to hype the Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Championship, as King says Josh Matthews is standing by once again in the backstage area.

Josh then once again welcomes us to the show, as he says he is standing by with another of the Number One Contender’s, Randy Orton! Matthews talks about what Show had to say earlier on tonight and what he thinks of not only the Tag Team Main Event tonight, but also the huge Fatal Four Way at Armageddon. Orton gives Matthews the usual attitude before he says that although Show thinks that he is scared of him, Show couldn’t be more wrong, as Orton fears no one, not Show, not Cena, and not even the Undertaker. Orton says that not unlike Show, he’s beaten all three of his opponents at Armageddon, and that at Armageddon, Orton will regain what is rightfully his from Cena, and as for tonight, Orton and Show will be on the same page, but they won’t be at Armageddon.

The Big Show then makes his entrance which is followed by Orton, before the Undertaker and Cena respectively make their ways down toward the ring, with the main event tag team match ready to begin.

Match 5
Main Event
Tag Team Match
Armageddon Main Event Collides
WWE Champion John Cena and the Undertaker vs. the Big Show and Randy Orton

The two men who have arguably had the most history with each other represent their respective teams, them being John Cena and Randy Orton. Following an early advantage for the face team after a triumph in a test of strength from Cena over Orton which was followed by a Sit Out Hip Toss which was then followed by some quick tags by Cena and Taker, everything turned sour for the Champ and the Deadman, as when Cena went for a shoulder in the corner, Orton moved, causing Cena to smash his shoulder into the ring post. Being one not to pass on an opportunity, Orton found this as his time to strike, as with Cena’s torso dangling over the second rope, Orton turned Cena around as the Champ’s feet rested on the ropes, before Orton hit the sick Elevated Rope Hung DDT. A tag out to the Big Show was then made as he lifted a limp Cena up before he dragged him to the corner and hit a few open hand slaps straight to the chest, before he hurled him out of the corner and back into the centre of the ring. Orton was perfectly happy to watch the match pan out as it was going with the Big Show dominating Cena, yet Orton also did get his fair share of offence in on Cena, whether it be when he was the legal man or not the legal man.

After domination from the heels, Show tagged out to Orton followed a Release Military Press Slam, as Orton waited for Cena to get to his feet, looking for the RKO. However, being the fighter that he is, managed to throw Orton off, causing Randy’s back to smack into the canvas from height. As Orton made the tag to Show, Cena desperately crawled to his corner, and made the tag to Taker, who came in exploding. He nailed the 7 foot giant with some right hands which caused Show to stumble as Taker then bounced off the ropes and hit the Leaping High Angled Lariat, before he bounced over the ropes and hit a Standing Leg Drop, yet Orton broke up the count at two. Orton then tried his best to wear Taker down but he was caught with a boot to the gut, as Orton continued to lay into Taker, backing him into the ropes. However, before more damage could be done, Cena came charging in with a Lou Thesz Press to Orton, knocking him down, but with Cena occupied with Orton, Show quickly charged at Taker and clotheslined him over the ropes. Show then went back over to Cena as Orton rolled out of the ring as Show then grabbed Cena by the throat, yet much like Orton with Taker, Cena booted Show in the gut, before in the second time in three weeks, he got Show up for the Attitude Adjustment. Unfortunately for Cena, Orton had gotten back to his feet and made the blind tag to Show, with the latter being nailed with the Attitude Adjustment! As Cena made the cover, Orton came in with the punt straight to the head, before he rolled Cena over and hooked both the legs, getting the three count over Cena, who wasn’t the legal man!
Winners of this Tag Team Match: Randy Orton and the Big Show

After the match, Orton smirks down at Cena, knowing he just got a huge win over the WWE Champion who wasn’t even the legal man! However, Orton’s world soon turns upside down, as what he doesn’t see is that the Big Show has since made his up following taking himself and Taker out of the ring, and is waiting for Orton to turn around. Orton coincidentally soon turns around into Show, who wraps his giant right hand around his throat, before Orton is laid out with a Chokeslam! Show then exits the ring as he goes over to the timekeeper’s table and rips away the WWE Championship, before he gets back into the ring and poses with Cena’s title {for now?}, as we then fade away from the arena on the second last RAW before Armageddon.

The show then closes with another graphic of Umaga, having the same words as the previous image with the date of birth and unfortunate death along with R.I.P. We then fade to black.


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
R-Truth w/ Gail vs. Miz w/ Maryse: This was actually a very nice back and forth match. It was very believable and I could see it all going down in my mind which is something I am very fond of. I liked the Dusty finish with it seemingly like Miz was going pull out the cheap win but R-Truth capitalizes and gets the win. I foresee the mixed tag match coming soon with the titles mixed in their.

I am surprised you have the Umaga picture memorial after the first match and commercial break. That is normally the first thing at the top of the show before anything. Seems disrespectful and just thrown in there. Not even a video package or anything. Very out of place.

Colons vs. Priceless: I liked the way this match started with Dibiase and Rhodes isolating Primo. Very believable and solid tag team strategy on part of Legacy. I knew the hot tag was coming obviously but I was surprised to see Dibiase receive a back body drop over the top rope and him be able to come back into the match soon after. I was shocked to read that Legacy asked Carlito to join but then again it makes logical sense. Legacy being very dominant through the whole match was very refreshing and seeing DX come down was a bit of a surprise. I did not like seeing the Colons go over on Legacy but I look forward to DX and Legacy moving into their own feud that would elevate them more then beating some other team for the Tag Titles.

Legacy Backstage: This was a very interesting segment. Legacy going to Batista for help and striking a deal so soon after leaving Orton. Almost kinda makes me think of them abandoning the Legacy thing and moving towards a more Evolution like team. I do like the idea of them going along with Batista though since they are not quite good enough to strike it on their own and Batista needs people to distract from how awful he is lol.

Big Show Promo: Pretty generic interview. Nothing to notable. In character for him claiming he has beat Cena and Taker. Just small hype for the PPV ME and the Tag ME for tonight.

Helms and Bourne vs. Rotundo Bros.: Squash match to just get the high flyers over. I will admit I was surprised to see how well you planned out their styles to match and blend with such innovative and exciting double team maneuvers. I wish these two were in the Undisputed Tag title hunt because they could have very exciting matches with the teams that exist.

Mysterio promo: I liked this promo and Rey worded it perfect. Glory over family. I see this feud a lot over the BTBs I read and the way this one has been shaping out, it has certainly caught my attention more then the others. I do hope you don’t drop the ball.

Shawn Michaels vs. Chavo Guerrero: Why was Chavo allowed to face Michaels? He looked so horrible and buried to the point where he looked like he should be in FCW. Getting completely owned in 3 minutes was just painful. The Priceless and Batista run in was inevitable. The run in by Rey was also pretty predictable but I was surprised for the 6 man tag to be for Armageddon. Should be a damn good match up and I am really interested to see how Rey and DX mix together as allies.

Orton Promo: The friction building with Show and Orton going into this tag match should provide with some interesting predicaments leading into Armageddon.

Cena and Undertaker vs. Orton and Big Show: I liked having Cena getting his ass beat to begin because frankly I do not like him lol. But surprising cooperation between Show and Orton considering their promos earlier. I would of expected some hostile tags or ignoring an attempted tag. I was surprised you had such limited offense from Taker. He was only in for a short time and with no significant offense that altered the match. The ending was a bit surprising with Cena getting counted out who was not even the legal man. But then again that has happened a lot over the history of WWE and WCW and hell even TNA. I did like Show getting his vengeance on Orton and asserting his dominance to close the show.

Ending the show with Umaga is totally out of place and kinda zapped out the ending of your main event. Put a damper on the end of a decent show and I really thought, that should have gone on at the beginning of the show.

Overall: 5/10. A decent show with some interesting storyline developments but the build up for the main event was disappointing and Taker being under utilized was a shock.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
My Review:

R-Truth vs. Miz
- nice thing to start the show and I think this two have a chemistry inside the ring that I want to see in TV in the future. R-Truth is on the roll here and the win puts him over and a potential contender for the US titles.

Priceless vs. Colons
- glad to see you saved Carlito and Primo in the company by putting them as a team again. A nice tag team match and could be better without the DX interference but you did developed the feud between the two teams.

Gregory Helms and Evan Bourne vs. The Rotundos
- simply a squash but I liked the team!

Shawn Michaels vs. Chavo Guerrero
- With Chavo's having in the company right now, I think he doesn't deserve to get involved in a match where the pink shirt wearing champion interferes. I think you should book HBK against other guys. Nice touch with adding a 6 man tag at Armageddon and not in a normal Raw Show to continue the feud among them.

Orton/Big Show vs. Cena/Taker
- Good tag team, and I was quite surprise to see no heat between the two teams, but then the end, Big Show just beat the crap out of Orton.

Overall: Finally I did a review for this, and the show is pretty good with nice storylines and feuds revolving around, now I want to see who will you push again to stars man hehe... I am really not into the guys in the Fatal Fourway but I wish we could see exciting feuds in the future, actually I am starting to like the thing between Miz and R-Truth. I'll try to catch up!


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Umaga Passes


WWE would like to express its deepest condolences to Mr. Fatu’s family, friends and fans on his tragic passing. Mr. Fatu was under contract with WWE at various time periods and most recently performed under the name "Umaga." Mr. Fatu's contract was terminated on June 11, 2009.

{WWE Website; December 4th, 2009}

Umaga Passes Away at the age of 36; Scheduled to come back to the WWE?


Eddie Fatu, best known as Umaga from his days in WWE, died this evening in a Houston hospital following a heart attack. He was 36.
{SLAM! Sports Website}

The WWE website released a statement about the unfortunate death a little less than an hour ago after he was announced dead at 7:00PM, yet we can confirm that Umaga was indeed in talks with the WWE, and was scheduled for a spot and return match at the Royal Rumble.

There were plans for a strong running from Umaga in the Rumble before he competed in either the Money in the Bank Ladder match or the Brand Supremacy match for Mania, and would be on the RAW brand. He was scheduled for an Intercontinental Title run as well as a stint in the main event. Umaga had two strikes with the WWE Wellness Policy, and was of course released from his contract on the 8th of June this year after refusing to enter rehab.


Booker T not coming to the WWE after all?
In another major blow to the WWE, Booker T is seemingly not coming back to the company. The original plan was that Booker would come back to the WWE by Armageddon and be Gail Kim’s partner for the Mixed Tag Team Match. However, the two parties couldn’t agree to a contract in time, and Booker was seemingly against the decision in the first place, as the plan was for Booker to go over and win the Intercontinental Championship, before the Miz won it back at the Royal Rumble, putting the Miz over a credible opponent.

Booker wanted to come back in the main event scene straight away where he would either be in the Final Four of the Rumble, or having a match against the WWE Champion. Booker also wanted to come back as a heel, yet if he was to be put in a program with the Miz, he would have to initially be a face. Booker has shown he is already difficult to work with, and all talks with the WWE have now been seemingly put to an end. As seen on RAW, R Truth was announced as the opponent for the Miz and the replacement for Booker, who the WWE saw as their next best replacement :shifty:.


Undertaker Injured?
This past Monday on RAW, the main event was between John Cena and the Undertaker going up against the Big Show and Randy Orton. It was notable that the Undertaker was given limited ring time, with Cena playing the face in peril for the majority of the match as well as taking the pinfall. We can now confirm that the Undertaker has indeed come down with yet another injury, injuring his right leg. He is still scheduled to compete at Armageddon, the Rumble and WrestleMania due to him being too big an asset to miss time, and the plan still is for him to win the WWE Championship at the Rumble. More on this to follow.


ECW News and Notes
For the past few months, ECW was in strife and was on the brink of a major revamp or possible shutdown after low ratings continuously. However, ECW’s ratings have continued to rise and rise since then, drawing in a 1.4 for last Tuesday’s show, which was headlined by the Five Man Number One Contender’s match. SyFy management are said to be absolutely rapt with ECW in the past week’s, meaning a time extension may very well be on the horizon. This rating is the highest rating of ECW since the August 19th edition of ECW back in 2008, which was a 1.5.

In other news, we saw last week that William Regal vs. Christian will now be an Extreme Rules match, showing that the WWE is indeed bringing back the Extreme aspect of ECW. However, after last Tuesday night with Regal defeating Dreamer with the help of the Roundtable, there is talk of actually changing the match once again. The original talk was for the match to be a Steel Cage match to prevent interference from the Roundtable, but it is unknown what exactly will happen for Armageddon, which is just under two weeks away.

As seen last week also, Paul Burchill turned down an offer of Zack Ryder to team up in the Number One Contender’s Match, saying he was perfectly fine on his own. As we’ve reported in past weeks, there have been reports of Burchill joining the Roundtable, however plans have changed, and they are indeed going with Burchill destroying everyone on his path on his own, meaning plans have changed. However, as we know, plans change, and Burchill may very well find his place in the Roundtable.

Finally, the Chris Masters and Great Khali feud we reported from two weeks ago is scheduled to actually go ahead, but not as long as first thought. Plans are for Masters to develop an undefeated run on ECW, meaning he will go over Khali every match, so to make it that the feud doesn’t get stale, the duration of this feud, if it goes ahead as planned, will be a few weeks at most.



Tuesday Night ECW Preview

With Armageddon just under two weeks away, things are really heating up on ECW, so this is an edition of the most extreme hour on television that can’t be missed!

Last week, we saw Christian prevail over Shelton Benjamin, the Hurricane, Paul Burchill and Zack Ryder in a classic encounter which saw Zack be nailed with a Super Killswitch, which got Christian the win. Because of the win, Christian will now face the ECW Champion William Regal at Armageddon for the ECW Championship. However, that’s not all, because, as announced by Tiffany last Tuesday night, the match will be an Extreme Rules match. Tonight, it has been confirmed that we will hear from Christian at the top of the show, and in the third consecutive week, Christian will be in the main event, as he goes one on one with his friend, the Masked Superhero of ECW, the Hurricane!

In the secondary main event of last week, William Regal defeated Tommy Dreamer in an Extreme Rules match, although it took interference from Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov to aid the ECW Champion to victory. After an impressive performance from Dreamer, Jackson and Kozlov intervened, nailing Dreamer with a Double Chokeslam through a table, before Regal finished him off with a Knee Trembler. However, due to the win, Tiffany told Regal after the match that due to that performance, he would now defend his ECW Championship in an Extreme Rules match! We are sure to hear from Regal tonight on ECW, but what exactly will he say?

Also, after last week’s main event, two men who competed will be in action once again, as Shelton Benjamin will go one on one with Paul Burchill. Will the Gold Standard or the Ripper prevail? And finally, in the last confirmed event for the most extreme hour of television, Chris Masters will once again be in action! This is an ECW which you can’t afford to miss!

~Confirmed Matches~
Christian vs. The Hurricane
Shelton Benjamin vs. Paul Burchill
Chris Masters in action!

Plus appearances from ECW Champion William Regal, the remaining members of the Ruthless Roundtable, Zack Ryder, the Great Khali and more!

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Alright, lol. I've been horrible with being consistent with reviews, my bad. I'm going to read ECW, and if I enjoy it, I'll commit to that show.

The Umaga stuff is good, and realistic. +

I don't understand you ruining your storylines to be realistic. Well, its obvious 'taker isn't winning shit now. Whatever. -

LOL @ Booker/Truth. Racist WWE. +

ECW preview looks decent. Christian will lose due to interference, got $5 on it. Regal will complain and whine until Tiffany<3 comes out, and puts him in a tough match just to be a bitch, and teach him a lesson. Burchill over Benjamin. Masters either squashes, or loses suprisingly to a returning star or something. Roundtable attacks the No. 1 contender for Regal's title.


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
I think that the Umaga tribute should have been at the beginnign or RAW. I think you should have mentioned more of his past achievements rather then what might have happened if he lived.

Booker not coming to terms with WWE is surprising. Really made booker look like an asshole and I still think he is going to come in at some time. But bringing him in to be Gail's partner and feud with Miz would really be a waste of Booker anyways so it is probably best he did not come in now anyways. R-Truth is a much better fit in that mid card status.

Trying to cover your tracks of me claiming you didn't utilize taker :shifty: lol anyways, I think this is a major mistake revealing injuries and then saying what the plans are in the future. It really is major flaw I am noticing. I am not a fan of this backstage insight stuff. It sucks the fun out of reading a btb.

I laughed at ECW getting an extension from SciFi when that would be more up to the WWE and Vince. But I am glad to see ECW stick around rather then this NXT crap.

I like the thoughts of ECW going back to being extreme but constantly shifting your Main Event for the PPV is a let down. It is better to establish the match and then build to it then constantly change it keeping people guessing whats the match even going to be.

All this wondering about where someone is going and if he will join a faction but it is just Burchill. I would expect this kinda buzz about someone who mattered. I am curious to see if you want to push him to being a major contender or bury him in Roundtable under the other guys.

This sounds just....awful. Masters vs. Khali? Did you lose a bet and have to make a feud out of the two worse workers ever? I certainly hope this does not happen. This had better be a joke.

ECW Preview

I am glad Christian went over last week but him facing the hurricane this week seems like a step down. I mean undoubtedly Roundtable is going to interfere and cut the match short but still.

Sound logic here of Regal winning an extreme rules thanks to outside interference...so his next match is going to be the same and have the same outside interference but in your notes you claim the main event is going to change again so who knows...

Burchill vs Benjamin will be good and if you do indeed want to push Burchill as a believable main eventer, this is a step in the right direction.

Christian vs. The Hurricane
Shelton Benjamin vs. Paul Burchill
Chris Masters in action!

I am conflicted about ECW but I will be reviewing and I hope you can make somethign even better then the notes I have seen.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Tuesday Night ECW

The second to last edition of ECW before Armageddon began with the usual video package highlighting last week’s main event, that being the huge 5 Man Number One Contender Main Event. The package showed each man managing to hit one of their respective finishers on at least one of the other men in the match as well as last ditch efforts to save the match, such as the Frog Splash from Christian to break up the pin of Burchill over Benjamin and Hurricane dragging Benjamin out of the ring when he was pinning Burchill before throwing him into the ring steps. However, in the end, it was Christian who was going onto face William Regal for the ECW Championship at Armageddon in an Extreme Rules match after he hit Ryder with a Super Killswitch onto Hurricane before he pinned Zack to get the win. The package showcasing the ECW Superstars set to the tune of ‘Don’t Question My Heart’ then begins to play, before we then head into the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas, as we are then greeted by Joey Styles and Matt Striker.

Welcome to another edition of ECW on SyFy. I’m Joey Styles and on my side is my partner Matt Striker, and Matt, following last week’s huge events, tonight is shaping up to be a huge ECW.

Striker: Joey you’re absolutely right, as after Christian became the Number 1 Contender for the ECW Championship, we will not only hear from Captain Charisma, but we will see him in action in the main event once again, as he goes up against the Hurricane!

Styles: And not only that, Matt, but we also have Shelton Benjamin going up against Paul Burchill, and Chris Masters will once again be in action.

‘Just Close Your Eyes’ by Story of the Year then hits the speakers to a massive pop from the Texas crowd, as none other than the new Number One Contender to the ECW Championship in Christian emerges from the back and begins to make his way down to the ring. Christian is quite obviously happy with himself following his huge victory in the five man main event last week as he is all smiles, slapping hands with the fans before he enters the ring via the second rope and takes a mic, before he waits for the music and crowd to die down.

Styles: And here comes the man himself Matt. Christian defeated Paul Burchill, Shelton Benjamin, Zack Ryder and the Hurricane in the main event last week to have the right to face the ECW Champion William Regal in a little under two weeks at Armageddon.

Striker: Joey, this man defied al the critics last week, myself included, as he managed to get the win with a Super Killswitch on Ryder. However, whilst Christian may be on a high following last week’s victory, he has to face Regal, who has the rest of the Roundtable in his corner.

Styles: And Matt, it seems as though Christian isn’t the only one on a high; listen to the ovation!

Joey speaks the truth, as for the last half minute or so, Christian has been waiting for the crowd to die down, with a ‘Christian’ chant arising throughout the Toyota Centre. However, the crowd eventually does quieten down, giving Christian his time to speak.

Christian: Houston, Texas! {Cheap pop} Last week, as you may know, I defeated four other men to become the Number 1 Contender for the ECW Championship once again. And a week from Sunday, I will walk out of the Extreme Rules match at Armageddon as the ECW Champion, once again. Regal, the last time we faced each other one on one for the ECW Championship, I was screwed, but next Sunday, that won’t matter, because I’m going to get back what’s mine. You may have your two lackeys in your corner, Regal {pop}, but when it comes to the Extreme Rules match, there is no better than Captain Charisma.

Christian smirks after this as he looks to continue, but he is once again cut off by a big pop from the crowd, as he then waits for the crowd to die down.

Christian: Think about all the Ladder matches, all the TLC matches, all the Extreme Rules matches, Regal. Me and my brother are known as the masters of tables, ladder and chairs, and at Armageddon, I’ll show ‘The Ruthless Roundtable’ [/sarcasm] why I’m called just that. Last week, I defeated four men to have the right to face you Regal, so next Sunday at Armageddon, I’ll have no trouble against a no good Pom.

There is another interrupting big cheer from the crowd following the ‘no good Pom’ remark, as Christian once again waits for the crowd to die down before he speaks again, again interrupts Christian.

Christian: Regal, I saw your match last week against Tommy Dreamer, and don’t get your hopes up after beating him last week; I did it this year as well. So, when it comes to Armageddon next Sunday, just like with what happened to Dreamer this year, and just like what has happened in the past to the likes of the Hardy Boys and the Dudleys, I’m going to walk out once again as the ECW Champion. You may have Jackson and Kozlov in your corner Regal, but you know what I’ve done with tables, ladder and chairs in the past, so I guess that puts us on a level playing field. 4 weeks ago when I lost my ECW Championship in your home country of England, Regal, you used brass knuckles to screw me out of my title. {heat} Yerh, I know. But next Sunday, not only is the usage of weapons legal, but it puts on a level playing field, Regal. You can use your brass knuckles, but I can assure that next Sunday, whatever you can do, I can do better, and I will walk out as the new ECW Champion!

Once again, Christian smirks with the crowd giving the number one contender another huge reception, but before Christian can continue, ‘Regality’ hits over the speakers to a huge amount of heat, as none other than the ECW Champion William Regal emerges from the back, Jackson and Kozlov right beside Regal unsurprisingly. Regal looks none too happy following the remarks made by Christian, the latter who can’t help but smirk at Regal’s reaction. From the top of the entrance ramp, Regal has a microphone, and gets ready to speak, but he can’t due to the heat being emitted towards him from the crowd.

Regal: Would all you peasants shut your damn mouths!

The heat just gets louder from the crowd who then begin to direct a ‘Regal Sucks!’ chant towards the ECW Champion, with the Ruthless Roundtable not looking too happy at the reception that Regal is getting.

Christian: {smirking} Hey Regal, it seems as though these people think that you suck... [/sarcasm]{pop}

Regal: Christian, just shut your mouth! Do you know who you’re talking to? You’re talking to the most powerful entity in the entire WWE, the Ruthless Roundtable. Christian, just think back to 4 weeks ago when I defeated you in the greatest country in the world to win this ECW Championship! Think back to Survivor Series! Christian you stand no chance against me come Armageddon, let alone the whole Ruthless Roundtable. You’re just a peasant like every inbred here in this filth of an arena tonight!

Christian lets the crowd do the talking as they pour in the heat towards the ECW Champion who is positively fuming following the remarks made by both Christian and the crowd in the past minutes.

Regal: And you actually think that next Sunday at Armageddon, you’re going to take this ECW Championship off me? Christian, you stand no chance at winning this ECW Championship ever again, yet you and all these insolate fans are too stupid to see it.

Christian: Woah woah woah, Regal, I’m going to have to stop you right there. Not only did you insult Captain Charisma, but you insulted the entire Peepulation, and that’s something I don’t stand for Regal. So not only am I going to be the ECW Champion come next Sunday, but Regal, you’re going to be punished by Captain Charisma, because That’s...

Regal: The Peepulation? That’s How You Roll? Do you honestly think about the rubbish that comes out of your mouth? No one in their right mind would believe that you are going to walk out of Armageddon as the ECW Champion, but then again, this is the United States of America...

Yerh boos.

Regal: There is no Peepulation, Christian, you’re not ‘rolling’ anywhere. You’re just an ignorant, poor excuse of a man who uses these stupid fans as a stepladder to face the likes of me, and that’s something which I’m not going to stand for in my ECW. So, Christian, you better choose your words wisely, because they may just lead to you being decimated at Armageddon.

Christian: Regal, you think that I don’t have a loyal following? Well, not only me but the thousands of people in this arena and the millions watching at home may have something to say about that. Regal, it’s not your ECW, and just because you’re the ECW Champion doesn’t mean you run this place. And come Armageddon, there’s going to be a new ECW Champion, and that Regal, is How I Roll!

‘Just Close Your Eyes’ then hits over the speakers to another great pop as Christian ascends the top rope and does the universally known belt signal, staring Regal right in the eyes as he does so. The stare down between the two Armageddon opponents continues for quite some time, the two foreign monsters also staring right through Christian. We then go to Styles and Striker just before we go to the first commercial break of the night.

Styles: Well it looks as though these two men will not only bring anything and everything to the table at Armageddon, but they may very well settle this situation once and for all, Matt.

Striker: It looks as though that is the case, Joey, yet I think Christian should choose his words a little more wisely, just as our ECW Champion said. Insulting Regal is a dangerous practice, yet when he has the two behemoths Kozlov and Jackson beside him; well, I guess you could say Christian wouldn’t want himself in the position which he is finding himself in now. However, after the break, we will see my man, Chris Masters, in action once again.

|~Commercial Break~|

Once we return from the break, and unsurprisingly for viewers at home, ‘Masterpiece’ begins to hit over the speakers to a considerable amount of heat, as none other than Chris Masters emerges from the back, ready for his second match as a part of the ECW roster. As per usual, Masters bad mouths the fans while also doing the pectoral boob dance, getting a small amount of cheers from the ladies and the small amount of Masters fans in attendance. Masters then slides into the ring, as he waits for whoever his opponent is tonight, which has remained a mystery up until now.

‘Land of Five Rivers’ then hits over the speakers to a respectable pop as Masters does a gulp which would make Vince McMahon proud, as none other than the 7 foot 3 behemoth, the Great Khali, emerges from the back, ready for his first match as a member of the ECW roster. Masters seems to have second thoughts about wanting to compete tonight and going to Tiffany during the week, as the Punjabi monster smirks at Masters’ reaction, before he gets into the ring by walking over the top rope.

Styles: Wow! The Punjabi Nightmare is making his first appearance as member of the ECW roster, against Chris Masters of all people! Two of ECW’s largest Superstars are going head to head!

Striker: No! Tiffany is deliberately trying to get Chris Masters injured at the hands of the gargantuan Khali just so Christian looks like the best contender for the ECW Championship! This is a damn disgrace!


After what had been an unsurprisingly dull contest, the Great Khali had the advantage at the five minute mark, as the Punjab had managed to retain the advantage for the majority of the contest. Whatever Masters threw at the Great Khali, Khali no sold and inflicted punishment upon the Masterpiece, who could not seem to catch a break tonight. After Khali went to lift Masters up following a Big Boot, Masters attempted to fight his way back into the match by hitting Khali with some Polish Hammers to the sternum. Masters then got to his feet and look to bounce off the ropes, however everything once again turned sour for Masters, as he was hit the Khali Brain Chop. Khali then looks to go for the pin on Masters, but the Masterpiece manages to kick out after a count of two, managing to endure what the Punjabi Nightmare has thrown at him so far. However, Khali continued to control the match for the following moments of the match, before he applied the two handed choke to Masters, looking to hit the Punjabi Plunge Chokebomb.

However, a desperate Masters kicked Khali in the sternum before he looked to apply the Masterlock, only for Khali to back Masters into the corner. However, unfortunately for the referee, the combined 695 pound mass of Masters and Khali crushes into the referee who was waiting in the corner, causing him to be crushed upon impact! Not paying too much attention to what happened, the dominant Khali lifted Masters up, before hitting him with a Scoop Slam. Masters looked to escape the punishment as he went to crawl out of the ring, but with half of his torso out of the ring, Khali caught his foot. However, being the opportunistic man that he is, Masters managed to seize a conveniently placed chair from under the ring, and as Khali lifted him up, he was blasted in the face with the chair! Khali stumbled backwards as Masters got up to his feet, as he nailed his opponent with a further two shots to the head, which he then followed up by placing the chair on the floor and hitting Khali with an Inverted DDT on the chair! The ref soon began to come to his senses as Masters threw the chair out of the ring and made the cover, as the ref made the slow 3 count to get Masters the win.


Following the victory, Masters quickly scarpers out of the ring after the cheap victory, as he gives a trademark smirk as he makes his way back up the ramp. Masters then does the signature bicep pose before doing the ever awesome tittie dance to make the ladies happy, although there is also a cheer from a very small contingent of the male crowd {AKA BKB}. Masters then smirks although he walks a little more hurriedly up the ramp and towards the curtain as he sees Khali in the middle of the ring recovering, as we head to Styles and Striker.

Styles: What a cheap victory from Masters! Using a steel chair to wear down the Great Khali, I’m sure Tiffany won’t be happy after this.

Striker: Come on Joey, Tiffany is the General Manager of ECW, Extreme Championship Wrestling. Plus, what the referee doesn’t see won’t hurt him, and Joey, don’t deny it, you love seeing men being hit with steel chairs, it’s what you used to love back in the day and you still love it now. Anyway, Joey, it’s time to put this behind us, and we’re going to a commercial break!

|~Commercial Break~|

Once we return from the commercial, we see a triumphant Masters walking backstage with the smirk still on his face after the victory, as the smirk soon fades but then returns, as we see Tiffany standing there in Masters’ way, not looking too impressed.

Masters: So, Tiff, did you see my match against the Great Ape just before? Last week it was Noble, this week it was Khali, and sooner rather than later, it’s gonna be the ECW Champion. Tiff, don’t deny it, I’m your biggest star, and you nor the ECW fans can resist the temptation of the Masterpiece.

Masters’ smirk once again gets bigger as he glances down and does a little tittie jig once again, but he soon stops once he sees that Tiffany does not look too impressed.

Tiffany: Well, Chris, I can assure you now that I can in fact resist the ‘temptation’ of yourself, and quite frankly, I’m sick of you {pop from the crowd}. And judging by that, I think the ECW fans agree with me. Chris, I’m sick of you thinking that you run what goes on here on ECW after you came over from RAW, and I’m going to show you who has the authority here on Tuesday nights. So, Chris, next week, you will be in action once again, and it will once again be against the Great Khali, although, since this IS Extreme Championship Wrestling, how about we make that match No Disqualifications?

Masters’ smirk then instantly fades before his eyes widen in a combination of shock and horror, before he kicks a nearby crate out of frustration.

Masters: No! I beat him once tonight, and I’m your biggest star! You can’t do this!

Tiffany: As a matter of fact, Chris, I can, so the match for next week stands! If you beat him tonight, you will surely have no troubles beating him next week, right? I mean, you are ECW’s biggest star and you are The Masterpiece, so it shouldn’t really be a challenge, should it? {Tiffany smirks as the crowd once again pops} Good luck.

Tiffany then walks off in the direction that she came from as she leaves Masters there to fume and contemplate what position he has gotten himself into after boasting to Tiffany a little too much. We then go to Striker and Styles, the former looking almost as angry as Masters was before we cut away.

Styles: Well, it looks as though I was right Matt! Tiffany isn’t too happy with Chris Masters, and now he has to face the 7 foot plus giant the Great Khali for the second time in two weeks, but this time it will be No Disqualifications!

Striker: This is an outrage, Joey! Masters beat Khali just moments ago, he shouldn’t have to face that behemoth next week, Chris Masters is the future of ECW!

Styles: Matt, you better yell your man Chris Masters to watch out, because Khali won’t be happy next week after being blatantly screwed out of a victory tonight. And speaking about the future of ECW, Matt, this man hasn’t been seen on Tuesday nights for quite a while, but he’s back next week!

We then go to a video package, showing various jobbers being taken out by one of ECW’s newest Superstars, Vance Archer. It shows the 6 foot 8, 272 pound Archer running through various opponents, as it shows Archer hitting various moves such as a Fallaway Slam, Big Boots, Chokeslams, and a Blackout Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb to each opponent he has faced. It then shows a picture of Archer being triumphant after one of his victories, before the words ‘Vance Archer, Returns Next Week’ are shown on the screen next to the ECW logo.

Striker: The ever-impressive Vance Archer returns to action next week, so, once again, the ECW roster must keep an eye out, as this man is rising up the ranks very quickly here on Tuesday nights.

Styles: I agree with you there, partner. However, coming up next is the first of two main events tonight, as the Gold Standard and the Ripper will collide!

Once the announcers say what they have to say, we hear ‘Generator A’ beginning to hit over the speakers to a rather large amount of heat, as none other than ‘The Ripper’ Paul Burchill emerges from the back, his sister ‘The Beautiful Nightmare’ Katie Lea Burchill right by his side. Burchill walks down to the ring with an intent look on his face, as he is looking to make an impression to the rest of the ECW roster after he was on the losing end of the Number One Contender’s match last week.

After Burchill has made his entrance, ‘Ain’t No Stopping Me’ hits over the speakers in a reaction which is exactly the opposite to that of his opponent’s, as ‘The Gold Standard’ Shelton Benjamin emerges from the back. The shower of gold pyro comes down from behind Benjamin who is walks down to the ring with intent, although he still does interact with the fans on the way. Benjamin then jumps onto the apron before he enters the ring, as he is ready for action.

Both these men were unsuccessful last week in the Number One Contender’s match, but if they get the win tonight, they may very well be in line for a future ECW Championship match.


After an entertaining match from both men, Burchill is in control, which had been the case for most of the match, as he now had a modified Abdominal Stretch applied to Benjamin, as he dug the point of the elbow into the sternum of Benjamin. The torso of Benjamin had taken a fair beating for the majority of the contest as Burchill tore him apart with various suplexes such as an Overhead Belly to Belly and a Half Nelson Suplex, but the ever resilient Benjamin managed to find a way out of succumbing to ‘the Ripper’. Benjamin began to elbow away at the head of Burchill in act of desperation, however when Burchill felt his grasp on Benjamin was breaking, he attempted to bounce off the ropes as he looked for a Lariat, but Benjamin caught him, and hit a T Bone Suplex!

Both men were down for a considerable amount of time after Benjamin had endured the punishment for most of the match, but as Burchill began to stir, Benjamin did the typical kip up. Once Burchill got to his feet, Benjamin went for a Superkick, only for Burchill to grab onto it, as he once again looks for a sickening Lariat, but Benjamin ducked under it, and then proceeded to hit a Release German Suplex. After taking a few seconds to recover from the previous beating, Benjamin then headed to the top rope as he looked for a Moonsault, but Burchill was now up, as he crotched Benjamin on the top rope. Burchill then climbed to the second rope in a position that was exactly the same as last week’s Super Back Suplex, but after a few elbows to the face, Benjamin was freed from Burchill’s grasp, as he managed to shift his position and turn around on the top rope so he was facing Paul.

Benjamin then began to club away at the back of Burchill as he looked to hit a Sunset Flip Powerbomb to Burchill, only for Burchill to retaliate with punches to the previously weakened sternum of Shelton, as he hit him with a Back Drop off the top rope, sending him straight back into the centre of the ring. Once Burchill turned around, he looked as though he would leap off the top rope, only for ‘Eye of the Hurricane’ to hit over the speakers, gaining a huge pop from the crowd and an instant reaction from Burchill. However, the Hurricane was nowhere in sight as Burchill smirked as he then went to leap off the top rope onto a now upright Benjamin, only to be nailed with a massive Paydirt as he came crashing down! The crowd gave a great pop for the agility of Benjamin, who then hooked both the legs and got the three count!


‘Ain’t No Stopping Me’ then begins to hit over the speakers once again as Benjamin celebrates his triumphant return to form here tonight, as he goes to celebrate on the second rope. Burchill has since rolled out of the ring as both he and his sister look majorly pissed at the distraction from the Hurricane. However, even with the Burchills leaving, the crowd’s cheers turns to heat, and when Benjamin jumps off the top rope and lands on the mat, he is immediately nailed with a sickening Rough Ryder Leg Lariat! Zack Ryder just laid out Benjamin! Ryder then mounts Benjamin as he lays into the Gold Standard with some right hands straight to the forehead, as the referee tries his best to rip Ryder off from Benjamin. Ryder gets up off Benjamin and sticks his hands up in an act of innocence, but his act doesn’t last long as he throws the referee out of his way once Benjamin begins to stir, as he nails him with a boot to the gut, and hits the Zack Attack! Heat is poured in for Ryder who then backs off Benjamin and once again sticks his hands up, before a smirk comes across the face of Ryder, who looks as though he’s done for the time being. Ryder then exits the ring and walks back up the ramp with a smirk on his face while the referee tries to recover Benjamin, as Ryder gives the mandatory ‘WOO WOO WOO!’ before we cut to Styles and Striker just before the commercial break.

Styles: Zack Ryder has just laid out his arch nemesis Shelton Benjamin! Benjamin had just come off an impressive victory over Paul Burchill, and Ryder blatantly ambushed the Gold Standard, nailing a vicious Zack Attack to finish him off.

Striker: Ryder has been embarrassed the past two weeks here on ECW, partly due to Shelton Benjamin, so it is just an act of redemption, Joey, and I don’t blame Zack. However, it’s time for a commercial break, don’t go anywhere!

|~Commercial Break~|

Once we return from the break, we see Josh Matthews for the first time in the night, however unlike previous occasions, Josh isn’t standing by waiting for his guest, but rather running up to someone who the camera doesn’t pick up.

Matthews: Zack! Zack, can I have a word?

The crowd then gives a rather large amount of heat as once again we see Ryder, who is still smirking following his attack on Benjamin, as he approaches Matthews with confidence and arrogance simply radiating off Ryder.

Matthews: Zack, we all witnessed your attack on Shelton Benjamin just moments ago. Now, the question I have to ask you is quite simple; why?

Zack: John, y’see...

Matthews: It’s Josh.

Zack: Whatever. As I was saying before I was interrupted, what happened moments ago was me simply getting even with Benjamin, and reminding these insolate fans that I am the number one man here on ECW. The last two weeks, complete and utter flukes have happened here on ECW to me: first, the man who I just showed who I was superior to somehow managed to pin me for the three count, and last week, I was screwed out of being the number one contender to the ECW Championship, and quite obviously screwed out of being the next ECW Champion.

The crowd gives heat for the statement made by Ryder, who quite obviously disagree with him saying he would be the new ECW Champion. However, Ryder doesn’t seem to give a shit, as he looks to continue on with what he has to say.

Zack: What you saw out there was the new Zack Ryder. What’s happened in the last two weeks have been nothing but embarrassing, but from this point on, that isn’t gonna happen again. The new Zack Ryder isn’t gonna listen to anyone says anymore; the new Zack Ryder won’t take anything from anyone. But more importantly, Zack Ryder is gonna be the new ECW Champion! WOO WOO WOO, YOU KNOW IT!

Ryder then smirks into the camera and leaves Josh Matthews standing there, before we cut to the announce table at ringside.

Striker: Well there you have it, Joey, Zack Ryder is fed up with being embarrassed, and now, it’s the new Zack’s time to shine!

Styles: Matt, to be perfectly honest, what Zack said wasn’t too different from the ‘old’ Zack Ryder. However, coming up right now, the main event!

On cue, ‘Eye of the Hurricane’ hits for the second time in the night, as none other than ECW’s residential superhero the Hurricane makes his first actual appearance for the night. Hurri slaps hands with the fans, making the little kids happy, before he slides into the ring and poses a little for the crowd. He then waits for his opponent to emerge from the back, who happens to be one of his friends and the men who he teamed with only two weeks ago.

Hurri doesn’t have to wait for too long, as ‘Just Close Your Eyes’ hits also for the second time in the night to the pop of the night as per usual, as none other than the number one contender to the ECW Championship, Christian, emerges from the back. Christian also interacts with the fans before he slides into the ring, and after posing on the top rope, he hops down into the centre of the ring. Christian smirks at Hurri as a smirk is visible through his mask, as the two shake hands in a show of respect to a nice ovation from the crowd.


After what had been a very exciting and topsy-turvy match, Hurri had the advantage after hitting Christian after a Superkick at the 11 minute mark. Hurri then waited for Christian to get to his feet, and when he did, Hurri walked over to him and attempted to whip him into the corner, but Christian bounced off the second turnbuckle and hit a Springboard Crossbody, but the ever wise Hurricane used the momentum of Christian to roll through and get a long two count. Both men sprung up to their feet as Christian went for a boot to the gut, but Hurri caught it and spun Christian around, looking for a Backslide cover, but Christian spun out of that and got Hurri in a Backslide of his own, once again for a close two count. The crowd began to get more and more vocal as the match went on, and the two knowing each other so well made for the match increasingly more exciting, with counter after counter. With both men getting to their feet once again, it was Hurri's turn to charge, only for Christian to elevate the Superhero and nail him with a rope hung Flapjack. Hurri stumbled backwards into Christian who then looked to hit a Killswitch, but Hurri spun out of that as well, before hitting Christian with an Inverted Atomic Drop, which was followed up by a Swinging Neckbreaker. Hurri continued to be in control over Christian, as he decided to go to the top rope in an attempt to put Christian away.

However, the Hurricane took his time in making his way up to the top rope, allowing Christian to recover from the Neckbreaker as he walk hurriedly over to the corner and began punching away at Hurri. Christian then went up to the second rope, as he turned his back to Hurri and went for a Super Killswitch; the move which granted him Number One Contender status last week. However, in an act of desperation, Hurri began punching away at the sternum of the Instant Classic, as Christian then turned around to face Hurri, only to be pie faced back down to the mat. The Hurricane then looked to pounce once again when Christian got to his feet, but when he went for the Diving Crossbody, he was nailed with a huge Elevated Dropkick straight to the sternum from Christian. The crowd gave a good pop for this as Christian got to his feet, and, wasting no time, lifted up the Hurricane before hitting him with a Falling Reverse DDT, but Hurri managed to kick out at the count of two. Christian, albeit surprised that Hurri managed to kick out, lifts him to his feet again as he attempts to hit Hurri with a Vertical Suplex, but Hurri lands on his feet behind Christian... EYE OF THE HURRICANE~! Christian is nailed out of nowhere with the signature move of the Hurricane, who takes a while to come to his senses before he crawls over to cover Christian for what is seemingly the inevitable win, but Christian gets a shoulder up at two!

Hurri is shocked that Christian managed to kick out of his signature move before Hurri walks back to the corner and waits for Christian to get up as he slaps his knee a few time, signalling for the Shining Wizard. Hurri charges at the Instant Classic who has since gotten up to his knees, but when the Superhero charges, Christian dodges it and the Hurricane smashes his knee into the turnbuckles. He then stumbles out of the corner, and things just get worse for Hurri, as he walks straight into Christian... KILLSWITCH! The crowd erupts for the finisher of Christian, who climbs over the Hurricane after momentarily stalling, but after the count of two, the Hurricane gets a foot on the bottom rope! Christian is understandably shocked but decides to stay on the offensive, bringing Hurri to his feet before walking him over to the corner as Christian goes up to the second rope, looking for a Tornado DDT, but he is met with a few jabs by Hurri. Cane then heads up to the second rope and begins to now punch away at the head of Christian, who looks like he'll fall to the outside. Hurri then looks to put Christian away with a Superplex, but Christian, once again in an act of desperation, jumps off the top rope and on the apron, as he brings Hurri crashing down with him, hot-shotting him off the top rope! The crowd pops as Hurri lands in the perfect position for Christian, who jumps off the top rope... FROG SPLASH! Christian then hooks both legs, and that's all she wrote.


And after another thrilling ECW main event, Christian is standing victorious! What a match once again, Matt!

Striker: It was a thrill to watch Joey, and I didn't think I would say this, but it looks as though Christian has the momentum ahead of Armageddon...

Styles: Wait a minute! The Roundtable's in the ring! Look out Christian!

Christian poses on the top rope as the crowd begins to rain in the boos much to the confusion of Christian, who hops off the top rope... BIG BOOT BY EZEKIEL JACKSON! The jeers get even louder as Jackson brings Christian to his feet, as he clasps him with two hands around the throat... DOUBLE HANDED RELEASE CHOKEBOMB! Regal and Kozlov smirk behind Jackson, who lets Kozlov take charge, and lifts up Christian, as he tucks Christian's arms before hitting him with no less than 10 headbutts straight to the chest, before he wraps a hand around the throat of Christian... IRON CURTAIN! The boos get to the point of deafening at the sight of their favourite being destroyed, as Regal taps Jackson on the shoulder and tells him to lift Christian up, which Jackson does gladly. Regal then gets the sadistic smirk on his face, as he takes a firm hold of his ECW Championship.

Styles: Oh come on, he's had enough Regal. Just let him be!

Regal is having none of it, however, as he is intent on sending a message to Christian, as he charges forward and clobbers him in the face with the ECW Championship! Regal finally looks as though he is done as he lifts Christian’s motionless head up and shoves the ECW Championship in his face, as we see that Christian is now busted open. Regal smirks at the sight of Christian being punished as he calls his two lackeys to follow him, but just when it looks as though the Ruthless Roundtable would leave the ring, Regal stops, and walks back over to Christian. The crowd begins to boo once again as Regal reaches into his trunks, and pulls it out... yeh, THE BRASS KNUCKLES~! {Stoj got excited when he read that IMO :side:}

Styles: Oh come on, just stop this! Regal’s taken out the brass knucks, and Christian is already a bloody mess!

Striker: Joey, it’s all about sending a message, and that’s exactly what Regal is doing. If he was ever doubted before this, all doubt would have to be erased now.

Regal then rolls Christian over onto his back as he mounts his Number One Contender, and after he slips on the brass knucks, he hits no less than seven brass knuckle shots straight to the head of the Instant Classic! Christian is now wearing the proverbial crimson mask as Regal is finally done, as Kozlov and Jackson bring the ECW Champion to his feet, as the Ruthless Roundtable, in a change of events from previous weeks, stand tall to end ECW.

Styles: And after a brutal and uncalled for assault on the Number One Contender Christian, the Ruthless Roundtable are now standing tall, after being embarrassed by Christian in the past weeks.

Striker: Joey you said it yourself, Christian has embarrassed the Roundtable in the past weeks, and now the Roundtable has silenced and embarrassed not only Christian, but the critics who have said the ECW Championship is rightfully Christian’s and that Christian will be victorious come Armageddon. And Joey, before you rant on and on, I’ll cut you off here, because we’re out of time! We’ll see you next week right here on SyFy, for the last most extreme hour on television before Armageddon!