Bash at the Beach 1995
Location: Huntington Beach, California
Attendance: 9,500 (roughly)
Tagline: "An Event So Hot, They had to put it on the Beach"!
Comments: WCW took the BATB concept to bonkers levels in the run-up and during the PPV. As part of the promotion for the show a number of wrestlers include Hogan, Flair and Macho appeared on an episode of Baywatch. The event itself was held on a Beach. The company let punters in for free in hopes of attracting a massage crowd. Instead, the card pulled around 9,500 fans. Many of these likely causal fans which would partly explain how lifeless they were for much of the card. Of course with this being wrestling the announcers didn't own up to the real attendance, instead pretending that the crowd on hand was the largest WCW had ever attracted for a PPV in American (not true). More than once Schivone claimed that 100,000 were in attendance
In-ring WCW offered another rubbish line up of matches with only random highlights. Pre-show on the Main Event Paul Wright officially debuted and confronted Hogan - this was the start of WCW pretending that Wright aka The Giant was the son of the late Andre the Giant
U.S. Title Match Sting (c) VS. Meng (W/Col. Robert Parker)
The guy on the racist Meng video package proclaims, "brought up to protect the Emperor in the Far East"
This opening was surprisingly lively and a big improvement on their match the previous month at the Bash. Much of this can be credited to Sting who did a good job in carrying the limited Meng. The U.S. Champion who received one of the best pops of the evening entered an enthusiastic performance with some crisp high risk and power moves, and logical selling. There were some dull rest hold or sloppy moves. But they the match told a decent story and was actually solid. Sting retained the title with a roll up out of the blue at 15:28 (strangely the longest match on the card..). **1/2
TV Title match: The Renegade (c) (W/Jimmy Hart) VS. Paul Orndorff
And the torture goes on! The highlight of this snorefest was the Heenan paying tribute to a certain ex-broadcaster partner by describing Hart as "a little runt"
Apart from that the match itself was a total drag which even at 6:12 still felt about 5 minutes too long
The fans didn't give a shit about the Renegade and Orndorff at this stage of his career looked ready for the retirement home. It's a sign at how poor a match is when the announcers start rambling on about the effects of the wrestlers getting sand on them!
A new low was the Renegade blowing two drop kicks in a row. To add another punch to the gut we got a Dusty finish. Renegade hit a weak back suplex for the three, even though Orndorff appeared to have his arm off the mat. Sadly this might lead to a rematch...
WCW co-booker Kevin Sullivan appears in another naff DOD segment. In a Gothic setting the Taskmaster is joined by Mr. Cobweb (the old man who debuted previously and was said to be a family member or something...). The old conga rambles on before introducing Hogan buddy Kamala.
Kamala (W/The Taskmaster) VS. Jim Duggan
This feels like a Superstars match from 1993. Both guys are at least 2-3 years past their best. Duggan cuts a cartoonish promo turned up to 11. Of course he tries to engage the fans with some cheap U.S. chants. Because let's not forget that every time old Hacksaw wrestles a foreigner it's all about his country against their country
The pacing is sluggish, the brawling sloppy, and each guy looked blown up after seconds. Kamala's vice lock on Duggan's armpit was trippy... Predictably the Taskmaster creates a distraction allowing fellow Dungeon of Doom member The Zodiac to blindside Duggan who was mercifully pinned at 6:06. Not that I care but shouldn't Kamala have gone over clean since they were trying to build him as a Monster to face Hogan? 1/2 Star.
Diamond Dallas Page (W/The Diamond Doll and Max Muscle) VS. Dave Sullivan
Before the match a blonde haired kid who could easily be a future cast member of Baywatch gives the Diamond Doll some roses. Predictably DDP was pissed at this. This distraction opens the door for Sullivan to get a fast start. The match is mostly sloppy, but at least is kept short. Page who was still a bit rough in the ring at least was doing a decent job of working the crowd. His Diamond Cutter ended a flat match at 4:23. *1/2
Sister Sheri spices things up with another striking outfit and sharp promo
Booker T was not so great on the mic. He would come a long way in the next 4-5 years.
WCW Tag Team Title Triangle match: The Blue Bloods VS. The Nasty Boys VS. Harlem Heat (c) (W/Sister Sheri)
What could've been a decent match was sadly hampered by its baffling rules. Any member of any team could tag in another team's man. But why would they when it would limit their chances of winning the match? There would also be confusion over whether the Champions would have to lost the fall for their to be a title change (the answer was No I think?...
). These rules plus some sloppy brawling led to a very disjointed match with too much crammed in. The Nasty's are that classic thing a team who blow hot and cold. On this show they were blowing cold. Sheri gets some good heat with a slap to Eaton on the floor. The Bloods have a brief spell in slowing down the match (much needed), Regal's uppercut looks awesome. Eaton gets a couple of nice high spots, but not much else. The match was hard to follow and it was difficult for those involved to tell a story. Even the opening coin toss seemed like hard work
In the run up to the finish Booker hits a nice axe kick, but then is reversed into the corner and back dropped onto Regal. Knobs splashes onto both men. Sags makes the cover, but at the same time Booker has a arm draped over Regal and so scores the pin instead. It's another baffling WTF WCW classic finish! **
In a promo with the Nature Boy, Ric references Elizabeth who hasn't even joined the promotion at this point. Mean Gene asks, "She go to space Mountain"?
Flair: "You know she did, Whoo"!
What makes this such great heel work is that Flair is keeping the lie of him and Liz up even after it was dis-proven during their WWF feud
And the Baywatch beauties/extras are out...
Lifeguard Match (aka Lumberjack rules): Ric Flair VS. Macho Man (AKA Spokesman for Slim Jim's
Though not quite a classic like their Mania VIII match, this was a satisfying and heated grudge match which was the best thing on the card quite easily. Macho gets off to a fast start. He delivers stiff shots to the head, back drops Flair in the corner and sends him to the floor with a clothesline which looks good. Back inside Flair scores with a atomic drop, followed by hard chops. The heels gang up on Macho on the outside. The pair exchange convincing blows, Flair takes his back flip spot in the corner. A Flair suplex attempt is blocked and Macho suplex's him to the floor. The Nature Boy takes control with a classic thumb to the eye! Flair locks on a pair of sleepers which Savage sells like a Pro. This starts a nice story. The second time Macho counters by dropping his foe chin first across the top turnbuckle. In a strange spot Flair hits his chin when coming off the top rope for an axe handle. Macho locked on his own sleeper, which is smoothly countered as Ric heists him by his knee driving it into Flair's. This sets Macho up to take the figure four moments later. This lasts for a minute before Macho reverses it. Flair hits a good looking vertical suplex. Macho blocks a atomic drop and sends Natch to the life guards outside. The Nasty's and Arn get shots in on Macho on the floor, moments later Arn hits his DDT on the blindside of the ref. Macho kicks out just before the three. A Macho backslide scores a two of his own. Flair connects with a reverse elbow, but then is caught up top. Savage then hits a double axe handle, followed by a great looking top rope elbow drop for the popular 1-2-3! Besides the match falling a little short of their past effects, the lumberjack style rules didn't really add much to the match. But it was a fine match none the less. ***1/2
Main Event WCW Title Steel Cage match
Hulk Hogan (c) (W/Jimmy Hart) VS. Vader
We get a video package highlighting Vader's roadkill Tour leading up to the event.
In his pre-match interview the Hulkster says, "When I toss Vader over the cage, the shanks will be waiting to riphis flesh apart." Top basketball player Dennis Rodman is in Hogan's corner. Rodman would be used for special appearances by WCW over the coming years. Looking silly in a Hogan t-shirt, Hulk refers to him as "Rod the Bod." more than once. Vader's entrance is really cool as he breaks out his classic Helmet
If you watch Vader's early WCW appearances like his PPV debut against The Z-Man at The Great American Bash 1990 or his matches in Japan you will remember what a big part of his entrance the opposing helmet was.
Hogan strikes from the opening bell with hard blows. Vader takes a cage shot. Hogan reverses Vader into his helmet. Then puts the helmet on himself and gets some shots in on Vader in a neat spot which the crowd enjoyed. A splash in the corner turns the tables for Vader. Two Vader bombs gets a near fall. Just like in their Superbrawl match in Feb Hogan deserves credit for his selling for Vader. Hogan takes further punishment with a spear shot to the cage and a suplex where Hogan is just released from off high up. A Hogan slam attempt is block, and Vader misses a brutal looking top rope move. A second slam attempt leads to Vader's coming down on Hogan for a near fall. Moments later Hogan finally gets the bodyslam for the pop. Taking control, Hulk runs Vader into the cage multiple times. Following a big boot and clothesline, the DOD make their presence felt. This is the cue for Rodman to step in and fight the heels off from ringside with a chair. Hogan hits a pair of leg drops. Instead of going for the pin, Hulk decides he wants to win by climbing the cage. Vader catches up to him but then is knocked to the canvas. Hogan escapes the cage for the win at 13:23. The main event was solid for sure. But it was predictable and quite tame compared to their hard hitting Superbrawl V match. ***
Post-Match Ric Flair comes out to the ring and starts berating Vader for his loss. Amusingly Flair is in his T-Shirt and pants
Vader explodes and attacks Flair. Anderson comes out and they try a double team, but Vader over powers them. Vader challenges the former Horsemen to a handle-cap match. This completing a face turn for Vader and setting up another feud. Don't forget Flair and Vader already feuded at the back end of 93. I do like Tony selling it by claiming "I thought we were off the air."
Best Match: Macho Man VS. Ric Flair (Life Guard match)
Worst Match: Kamala VS. Jim Duggan
Event Rating: 3/10
Next Time on WCW Onthe Pay-per-view in the 90's in a departure I will be reviewing that episode of Baywatch
Plus a review of Clash of the Champions XXXI before getting back to the PPV's.

Location: Huntington Beach, California
Attendance: 9,500 (roughly)
Tagline: "An Event So Hot, They had to put it on the Beach"!
Comments: WCW took the BATB concept to bonkers levels in the run-up and during the PPV. As part of the promotion for the show a number of wrestlers include Hogan, Flair and Macho appeared on an episode of Baywatch. The event itself was held on a Beach. The company let punters in for free in hopes of attracting a massage crowd. Instead, the card pulled around 9,500 fans. Many of these likely causal fans which would partly explain how lifeless they were for much of the card. Of course with this being wrestling the announcers didn't own up to the real attendance, instead pretending that the crowd on hand was the largest WCW had ever attracted for a PPV in American (not true). More than once Schivone claimed that 100,000 were in attendance

U.S. Title Match Sting (c) VS. Meng (W/Col. Robert Parker)
The guy on the racist Meng video package proclaims, "brought up to protect the Emperor in the Far East"
This opening was surprisingly lively and a big improvement on their match the previous month at the Bash. Much of this can be credited to Sting who did a good job in carrying the limited Meng. The U.S. Champion who received one of the best pops of the evening entered an enthusiastic performance with some crisp high risk and power moves, and logical selling. There were some dull rest hold or sloppy moves. But they the match told a decent story and was actually solid. Sting retained the title with a roll up out of the blue at 15:28 (strangely the longest match on the card..). **1/2
TV Title match: The Renegade (c) (W/Jimmy Hart) VS. Paul Orndorff
And the torture goes on! The highlight of this snorefest was the Heenan paying tribute to a certain ex-broadcaster partner by describing Hart as "a little runt"

WCW co-booker Kevin Sullivan appears in another naff DOD segment. In a Gothic setting the Taskmaster is joined by Mr. Cobweb (the old man who debuted previously and was said to be a family member or something...). The old conga rambles on before introducing Hogan buddy Kamala.
Kamala (W/The Taskmaster) VS. Jim Duggan
This feels like a Superstars match from 1993. Both guys are at least 2-3 years past their best. Duggan cuts a cartoonish promo turned up to 11. Of course he tries to engage the fans with some cheap U.S. chants. Because let's not forget that every time old Hacksaw wrestles a foreigner it's all about his country against their country

Diamond Dallas Page (W/The Diamond Doll and Max Muscle) VS. Dave Sullivan
Before the match a blonde haired kid who could easily be a future cast member of Baywatch gives the Diamond Doll some roses. Predictably DDP was pissed at this. This distraction opens the door for Sullivan to get a fast start. The match is mostly sloppy, but at least is kept short. Page who was still a bit rough in the ring at least was doing a decent job of working the crowd. His Diamond Cutter ended a flat match at 4:23. *1/2
Sister Sheri spices things up with another striking outfit and sharp promo

WCW Tag Team Title Triangle match: The Blue Bloods VS. The Nasty Boys VS. Harlem Heat (c) (W/Sister Sheri)
What could've been a decent match was sadly hampered by its baffling rules. Any member of any team could tag in another team's man. But why would they when it would limit their chances of winning the match? There would also be confusion over whether the Champions would have to lost the fall for their to be a title change (the answer was No I think?...

In a promo with the Nature Boy, Ric references Elizabeth who hasn't even joined the promotion at this point. Mean Gene asks, "She go to space Mountain"?
Flair: "You know she did, Whoo"!

And the Baywatch beauties/extras are out...
Lifeguard Match (aka Lumberjack rules): Ric Flair VS. Macho Man (AKA Spokesman for Slim Jim's
Though not quite a classic like their Mania VIII match, this was a satisfying and heated grudge match which was the best thing on the card quite easily. Macho gets off to a fast start. He delivers stiff shots to the head, back drops Flair in the corner and sends him to the floor with a clothesline which looks good. Back inside Flair scores with a atomic drop, followed by hard chops. The heels gang up on Macho on the outside. The pair exchange convincing blows, Flair takes his back flip spot in the corner. A Flair suplex attempt is blocked and Macho suplex's him to the floor. The Nature Boy takes control with a classic thumb to the eye! Flair locks on a pair of sleepers which Savage sells like a Pro. This starts a nice story. The second time Macho counters by dropping his foe chin first across the top turnbuckle. In a strange spot Flair hits his chin when coming off the top rope for an axe handle. Macho locked on his own sleeper, which is smoothly countered as Ric heists him by his knee driving it into Flair's. This sets Macho up to take the figure four moments later. This lasts for a minute before Macho reverses it. Flair hits a good looking vertical suplex. Macho blocks a atomic drop and sends Natch to the life guards outside. The Nasty's and Arn get shots in on Macho on the floor, moments later Arn hits his DDT on the blindside of the ref. Macho kicks out just before the three. A Macho backslide scores a two of his own. Flair connects with a reverse elbow, but then is caught up top. Savage then hits a double axe handle, followed by a great looking top rope elbow drop for the popular 1-2-3! Besides the match falling a little short of their past effects, the lumberjack style rules didn't really add much to the match. But it was a fine match none the less. ***1/2
Main Event WCW Title Steel Cage match
Hulk Hogan (c) (W/Jimmy Hart) VS. Vader
We get a video package highlighting Vader's roadkill Tour leading up to the event.
In his pre-match interview the Hulkster says, "When I toss Vader over the cage, the shanks will be waiting to riphis flesh apart." Top basketball player Dennis Rodman is in Hogan's corner. Rodman would be used for special appearances by WCW over the coming years. Looking silly in a Hogan t-shirt, Hulk refers to him as "Rod the Bod." more than once. Vader's entrance is really cool as he breaks out his classic Helmet

Hogan strikes from the opening bell with hard blows. Vader takes a cage shot. Hogan reverses Vader into his helmet. Then puts the helmet on himself and gets some shots in on Vader in a neat spot which the crowd enjoyed. A splash in the corner turns the tables for Vader. Two Vader bombs gets a near fall. Just like in their Superbrawl match in Feb Hogan deserves credit for his selling for Vader. Hogan takes further punishment with a spear shot to the cage and a suplex where Hogan is just released from off high up. A Hogan slam attempt is block, and Vader misses a brutal looking top rope move. A second slam attempt leads to Vader's coming down on Hogan for a near fall. Moments later Hogan finally gets the bodyslam for the pop. Taking control, Hulk runs Vader into the cage multiple times. Following a big boot and clothesline, the DOD make their presence felt. This is the cue for Rodman to step in and fight the heels off from ringside with a chair. Hogan hits a pair of leg drops. Instead of going for the pin, Hulk decides he wants to win by climbing the cage. Vader catches up to him but then is knocked to the canvas. Hogan escapes the cage for the win at 13:23. The main event was solid for sure. But it was predictable and quite tame compared to their hard hitting Superbrawl V match. ***
Post-Match Ric Flair comes out to the ring and starts berating Vader for his loss. Amusingly Flair is in his T-Shirt and pants

Best Match: Macho Man VS. Ric Flair (Life Guard match)
Worst Match: Kamala VS. Jim Duggan
Event Rating: 3/10
Next Time on WCW Onthe Pay-per-view in the 90's in a departure I will be reviewing that episode of Baywatch