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Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
Eric Bischoff has stated the card for the second night of FUJI OF OZ: The Tag Tournament

Eric Bischoff said:
We all know that the Tag Tournament continues, and thus these are the matches that will round our card for Night 2 of the tournament.

Tommy Diablo and El Zorro


KENTA and Kwang(w/Kenny Bolin)

Kenny Bolin stated that there will be no more MR. NICE ASIAN GUY so... he brought in Kwang to help KENTA. What else will Kenny Bolin have under his sleeve.

Samoa Joe and Bison Smith


Teacher’s Pets

Joe lost his match on night one, Larry Sweeney seemingly offered his services to Joe. Night two, Joe is paired with a big partner in Bison Smith. Would Joe win this match? Will Joe accept Sweeney’s offer? What will happen in this match…

Thunder and Lightning


Apollo 55

Two very distinct tag teams. One of heavyweights, one of lightweights… one from Puerto Rico, the other international, one is known as one of the best tag-teams in the history of wrestling in Puerto Ric;, if not the best tag team… the other is one of the great tag-teams in Japan. What will happen when these two teams collide?

The Legion of Doom (w/Paul Ellering)


Muhammad Hassan and The Sheik

The Legion of Doom… arguably the best tag-team ever to set foot on a wrestling ring vs. Hassan and The Sheik…. Who can predict the outcome of this match?

Jennifer Blake and LuFisto



There are girly girls, there are surfer girls, there are girls that don’t want to get their hands dirty…. And then… there are these girls. Jennifer Blake is a girl that isn’t afraid of getting the upper hand in any match, don’t get fooled by her looks… LuFisto… well… look at her picture. MelisChif or AlisChif as you call them… they are arguably one of the best teams in the women division… with their alliance with Kong and Phoenix this match could be really explosive.

Xtreme Tiger


AJ Styles

Austin Aries (w/Larry Sweeney)

X-Division Action in Fuji of Oz: The Tag Tournament Night 2… this match is a great match in the making. Who could argue with that… This could be an omen of things to come at Emotional Damage… and we can’t say this is match of the night, because of the next match announced… it will be a tough contest for the title of “match of the nightâ€



Christopher Daniels


Gregory Helms (w/Larry Sweeney)

Two great X-Division matches here… three tag teams split up into two triple threat matches… who will carry bragging rights when all is settled and done. More importantly… who of these six guys will be at Emotional Damage competing for the second title match announced at that event… Ultimate X Match for the Xtreme Title…. 6 guys… one belt… here are 6 guys, but we know there are other guys wanting that title so these two matches could help anyone get to the Ultimate X.

“Ravishing†Rick Rude (w/Ray Gonzalez)


“Big Poppa Pump†Scott Steiner (w/Ryan Shamrock and Rick Steiner)

Two big mouths, two great performers… two devilish souls competing one against the other… a Main Event no one saw coming… Who will earn victory in this one.​


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Great first show dude, and the night 2 card just looks even better! Really like what you've got going with Sweeny running this place and wanting Joe to join him! I am definitely for that! Joe & Bison Smith make for a pretty intimidating team, I like Stevens & James but they're going to be murdered for sure. The triple threats also look fun, especially the Tiger/AJ/Aries one!

I really like the report style you wrote in, it was nice and easy to read. Extremely surprised Stlyes & Daniels lost to FIST but you made them look really strong by having them come so very close to winning! KENTA went over strong, he's sure to be a huge force for WaW! Good building for him while not having to have anyone job or anything as all in the triple threat came out look good enough.


Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
Nice to see you liked it... really had a tough time figuring out what to do on that first show in terms of who wins and who loses and also where I wanted to go. I think that with these results I have a clear idea of where I'm going.

Kross Rhodes

Israel Has the Right to Exist
Jun 28, 2010
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WOW. That was an intense first show. Thumbs up for pushing Hassan straight away. He needs to be a top dog.

KENTA won the main event?! Holy shit! Nice. Did not see that coming. Samoa Joe getting the offer from Sweeney is quite intriguing as well. I like where that's going.

Ryan Shamrock managing the Steiner brothers? Interesting. I hope you have big plans for them. You could really build your division around them.

Next week's card looks straight up insane. I'd kill to see Rick Rude vs. Scott Steiner. Kudos for booking that.

And Helms/Daniels? Damn. Awesome start, my dude.


Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
Glad you like the first show... and the card... now an announcement regarding the second round

Eric Bischoff said:
We know that both the fans and the wrestlers who won their first round matches want to know who they are going to face for Night 3... so here are the second round match-ups... obviously we don't know who they are going to face off exactly but we can assure them from which match their next opponents will come from.

Team F.I.S.T vs. Winner of Joe/Bison vs. Teacher’s Pet

Steiner Brothers vs. Winner of Thunder/Lightning vs. Apollo 55

Phoenix and Kong vs. Winers of Road Warriors vs. Hassan/Sheik

Masked Luchadores vs. Winners of Diablo/Zorro vs. KENTA/Kwang

Rude/Gonzalez vs. Winners of Blake/LuFisto vs. MelisChif

Sons of Darkness get a bye week

Tune in for Night 2 in order to know who the winners of Night 1 will face on Night 3 of FUJI OF OZ: Triple T


Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
During the week there was an interview on a local radio station with Larry Sweeney and here's an extract of that interview.

When he was asked about him having four great wrestlers under his management and wanting another one; and the possibility of that other guy being Samoa Joe.

Larry Sweeney said:
A lot of people know that I'm a man of business, that I like to run things my way and I know what I want and when I want it. Right now my boys will definitely be on the finals for the tag titles and the other two will more than definitely be on the Ultimate X Match for the Xtreme Title. About Joe, I will just say that I'm still waiting his response to my offer.

Joe was then interviewed via phone by that same station on another day and when they asked him about Sweeney's offer he responded.

Samoa Joe said:
Right now I'm not interested in Sweeney's offer. I mean, do I look like a guy that needs others to win his matches? Do I look like the kind of guy that needs direction right now? Because I don't think so. Sweeney may think I do but right now that's not my point of view and my focus right now is to fight the "Teacher's Pets" with Bison and beat the crap out of them.

Where the Sweeney/Joe saga will lead us next... we don't know. All we know is that the Pets will definitely need a lot of help against a decided Joe and a menacing Bison.


Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
An announcement have been made by the GM and Senior Advisor, Eric Bischoff...

Eric Bischoff said:
As of today WaW has come to terms with Color Commentator, "The Sinister Minister" James Mitchell. He was offered a better job opportunity and in WaW we are very proud to say he did a great job. We wish him luck in all of his future endeavors and hope we haven't seen the last of him.

On another note WaW announces that they have agreed on terms with in ring announcer Bruce Buffer and Rick Rude/Ray Gonzalez personal valet... Terri Runnels.


Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
Two more signings

Eric Bischoff said:
It has been a busy day for WaW staff today as we are looking to power up our roster on the road to Emotional Damage. We have agreed on terms with Mikael Judas, also known as Murphy, and with Mexican wrestler Chessman.

Catfish Billy

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2011
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I'm already missing Terri :( Glad to have The Sinister Minister though. :D


Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
I will try to have the next show up in the time span of today until Monday night


Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
Fuji of Oz night 2 Results are in...

Fuji of Oz: The Tag Tournament Night 2 (Report)

The show started with Larry Sweeney and his four clients in the middle of the ring addressing the fans. This time he speaks about how great his teams looked last week even on the defeat of one of them. He talks on how both Aries and Helms are going to win their respective matches tonight. He then addresses Joe by saying he has patience but it’s better for Joe not to test him.
Out comes Eric Bischoff who talks to Larry and his guys and says that it’s good to feel the confidence emanating from the ring, but he also knows the desire Larry has to have Joe on his side. He states that he wants a clean tournament and then he states that during Joe’s match tonight Larry and his guys are banned from ringside, if one of them appears then F.I.S.T and both Aries and Helms will get no chance at Emotional Damage for any title. Larry and the guys seem pissed in the ring by the words from Bischoff. Then Bischoff sends the five guys to the back and proceeds to present Willie Urbina as the new commentator and Bruce Buffer as the new in ring announcer. Then he welcomes the fans for the night and the Bruce presents the first match.

1-- Thunder and Lightning vs. Apollo 55

The match was dominated by Thunder’s power and Lightning speed. Devitt showed a lot of talent and Iguchi made the best he could to dominate the Puerto Rican duo. In the end both teams have showed everything they have Devitt has Lightning on a Dragon Hold and out comes Ray Gonzalez who distracts the referee while Rude attacks Devitt with the Rude Awakening. Thunder enters the ring and together with Lightning they perform the 3D with Lightning covering Devitt for the three count.

Winners: Thunder and Lightning. Great match didn’t expect the kind of match both Thunder and Lightning put together; they are obviously very good together and know each other really well.

After the match both Rude and Gonzalez celebrate in ring with Thunder and Lightning. It seems like Rude has made some really mean friends as of now.

They show two menacing looking guys backstage talking. So Cal Val goes towards them, they turn around stare at the camera and walk away. The camera follows them until they meet with some guy backstage and the scene goes back to the ring where Buffer is announcing the next match.

2-- Jennifer Blake and LuFisto vs. AlisChif

This was a great match from the four girls in that ring. Alissa Flash showed she has great chemistry with MsChif and Blake and Lufisto showed why they are here competing for that opportunity. The end came when Blake had Flash on her shoulders but out to the ring come both Phoenix and Kong they distract the referee enough for Alissa to get off Blake’s shoulders. When Alissa is going to hit Blake with a kick to the ring come Tara and Nakano and this distraction is enough for Blake to get Alissa on a roll up for the three count.

Winners: Jennifer Blake and LuFisto. Good back and forth match a lot of chemistry. I will love to see the match ups with the boys of these girls.

After the match Nakano, Tara, Blake and LuFisto stand in the ring as Kong, Phoenix, Alissa Flash and MsChif. A lot of tension can be felt between these girls.

Backstage we have Kenny Bolin talking to Kwang and KENTA and saying that the beginning of the end is near and that last week was their first step into their plans of taking what Japanese stars have been negated over the years. And that tonight they will take another step towards that.

3-- Tommy Diablo & El Zorro vs. KENTA & Kwang (w/Kenny Bolin)

The match started well for the Spaniard and the Puerto Rican. They used a lot of combo moves and a lot of speed; great spots by Diablo on Kwang and KENTA. The crowd really erupted on this match as both Zorro and Diablo used moves that were perfectly executed. Kwang and KENTA then took control of the match when they used their technique over speed and secured the victory when Kwang submitted Diablo to the Cobra Clutch.

Winners: Kwang and KENTA. I have to say that to this point this has to be the match of the night. Back and forth action the entire match. Both teams dominated parts of the match, no team really looked superior to the other. It seemed like Kwang had Diablo on the Clutch for so long. Kenny really found a great partner for KENTA.

Backstage we see the two guys we saw earlier now walking on the backstage. The cameraman went over them to capture their faces but one of them shoves the cameraman away and he doesn’t get the chance to do so.

Back in the ring we have the Teacher’s Pets, Idol Stevens and KC James. They talk about their name and say that they are sick and tired of that moniker and that from now on they would like to be referred as The American Family. They throw the mic away and wait for their opponents.

4--The American Family vs. Samoa Joe & Bison Smith

As stipulated before the match Larry Sweeney and his guys are not allowed at ringside. So the match goes smoothly all the way to the end. Stevens and James used more their speed than their power and that proved to be a really nice strategy from their part as both Smith and Joe have more strength than both of them. But the speed trick only has effect for so long. It wasn’t that much of a time until Bison and Joe grabbed advantage of their power. But then Stevens entered to the action and countered some of that power they had on James. Stevens sent Bison to the floor on the outside with a kick to the chin and James went over him to attack him. Stevens inside the ring was looking to hit Joe with a spear. But out of nowhere to big guys showed in the ring, one distracted the referee while the other hit a crucifix powerbomb on Stevens. Joe didn’t know what to do but he covered Stevens for the three count.

Winners: Samoa Joe and Bison Smith. Until the interference this was a good match and it looked like the Family had a shot at actually winning the match.

After the match Joe looks confused about the interference while the two big guys smile on the outside.

Backstage they show Sweeney and his guys on the locker room watching what happened and Bischoff enters the room. He tells Sweeney that he better don’t have any part on that interference or else… Sweeney just answer’s him by saying… “You did say that neither me nor these four guys could be at ringside… here we are… you didn’t say anything else….†Bischoff goes out of the locker room looking stressed and pissed as Sweeney had a point.

In-ring we have Willie Urbina with Muhammad Hassan and The Sheik, both of them say that they aren’t afraid of the challenge that lies ahead for both of them. Urbina asks The Sheik about his condition for the match as we have only seen him as a manager for Hassan not a wrestler. The Sheik tells Urbina and the fans that he is in great condition and that’s the reason of why Hassan chose him for this important match. Then Buffer takes the ring and announces their opponents. The music hits and the crowd goes wild at the sight of the Road Warriors.

5-- Muhammad Hassan & The Sheik vs. The Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering)

Awesome tag match… I really didn’t expect the condition of The Sheik and watching the Warriors is just an experience. Hassan brought his entire arsenal on this match. At one point Hassan had Hawk on the Camel Clutch but it wasn’t enough to stop him. Then he almost hit his Driver on Animal but he reverted the move and converted it to a Spine Buster. The end came when The Warriors had The Sheik for the Death Device and hit it for the three count.

Winners: The Road Warriors. This match is in serious contention for MOTN honors. Both of these teams gave it all tonight and gave the fans a great showing. Hassan and The Sheik are great working together, with this kind of performance I wouldn’t be pissed with any team winning.

We go backstage again and now we see the two guys that attacked the Family talking with some guy, when the camera turns around hiding we can see that the guy they are talking to is none other than Larry Sweeney with Aries and Helms behind him. We can hear part of his conversation and he talks to them by name Snitsky and Judas and he says that they have done well… that he’s full but they can be his bodyguards for now and he will try to get them to where they are supposed to be. Then they walk away.

So Cal Val is shown with Xtreme Tiger and she interviews him for the upcoming match on the night. He says with a very heavy Mexican accent that he’s going to win the match and he will earn a spot on the Ultimate X Match for the Xtreme Title; that who else will carry that title with honor than the man who has Xtreme on his name. We go back to the ring where AJ Style’s music hits and once again the crowd erupts.

6-- AJ Styles vs. Xtreme Tiger vs. Austin Aries (w/Larry Sweeney)

Golden match from the word go. Fast paced, a lot of high risk moves, a lot of spots. Great technique, great psychology; hell this match had it all. AJ, Tiger and Aries showed the world what they have in this match right here. AJ at one point hit the Styles Clash on Tiger but didn’t get the three count as Aries broke it. Tiger hit Aries with a beautiful 450 Splash but the count just got to two as AJ broke it. Aries then hit a Step Up Enzuguiri on AJ for the two count as Tiger broke it. That sequence was so beautiful that all the crowd had to step up and never sit back. The end of the match came when AJ hit another Styles Clash on Tiger with Aries on laying on the mat. When AJ went for the three count, Sweeney distracted the referee and that pissed AJ off and went on to hit Sweeney right in the jaw. That gave Aries enough time to recover and hit a Step Up Enzuguiri on AJ for the three count and the victory.

Winner: Austin Aries. GREAT FUCKING MATCH. Didn’t want it to end, it was just awesome waiting to explode in the middle of that ring. Aries looked amazing, AJ looked in his best shape and Tiger keeps impressing the crowd.

After the match Sweeney celebrated with Aries who then helped him get to backstage. Once there Helms asked Sweeney if he will be on his corner for the next match and Sweeney said no but he sent Gargano and Taylor with him. Aries went with Sweeney to the EMT’s to check Sweeney’s jaw from AJ’s punch.

Buffer announced the competitors for the next match and out of the gate come the three of them

7-- CIMA vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Gregory Helms (w/Gargano and Taylor)

CIMA and Daniels started the match before the bell even rang by launching against Gargano, Taylor and Helms electrifying the crowd even more. The 5 guys brawled at ringside and then the three legal guys entered the ring and the bell officially rang. Another fast paced match from beginning to end. Daniels showed all of his experience while CIMA showed a lot of aerial moves with Helms just showing it all tonight. The end came when Daniels was to hit the Best Moonsault Ever on CIMA but when he turned around in the air he was grabbed by Helms on an STO from mid-air and the three count for the win.

Winner: Gregory Helms. I don’t really know what match will earn MOTN honors but certainly Larry Sweeney’s guys have to win MVP’s for the night.

Backstage they show Sweeney celebrating Helms victory with Judas, Snitsky and Aries. Bischoff comes in and says that he has some news regarding the Xtreme Title. He says that we all know that that title will be contested on a 6 man Ultimate X Match and after the performance tonight he has chosen the 6 guys competing for that title… but he has added 2 more. It will be an 8 man Ultimate X Match… but everything is legal so Hardcore Style Ultimate X. He then says that both Aries and Helms are on that match. Sweeney’s and Aries reaction to that is one of joy. But then Bischoff continues and says that also on that match will be CIMA and Xtreme Tiger… Prince Devitt and Tommy Diablo… and last but not least… AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels…. Sweeney can’t believe those words and Bischoff leaves the room with a smile on his face as Helms, Taylor and Gargano enter the locker room.

Bruce Buffer goes to the ring and he announces the Main Event of the evening. Out to the ring comes Scott Steiner accompanied by Rick and Ryan Shamrock. Then comes Rick Rude accompanied by Ray Gonzalez and Terri Runnels. But then Bischoff comes out and says that there’s a lot of people out there and makes Ray, Rick, Terri and Ryan get out of ringside.

Main Event-- Rick Rude vs. Scott Steiner

This match was exactly what I expected. Rude and Steiner brought the house down in one hell of a Main Event to close Fuji of Oz night 2. A lot of technical grappling, showmanship, great performance and overall a great show. The end came when Scott had Rude for a Death Valley Driver but out of the crowd come Thunder and Lightning who distract Scott enough for Rude to hit his Rude Awakening on Scott for the win.

Winner: Rick Rude. Great match and I wasn’t expecting the showing these two men brought. Sure I was expecting one hell of a match but not that match they brought in.

After the match Rude, Thunder and Lightning attack Steiner with another Rude Awakening and the 3D. Rick comes out with a chair for the save. Rude, Thunder, Lightning, Ray and Terri celebrate out of the ring and ask for a microphone. Rick states that they are going to be a force in WaW and that tonight was only the beginning. The show ends with Rick Steiner and Ryan Shamrock checking on Scott’s condition and Rude, Ray, Thunder, Lightning and Terri celebrating.

Bad News Booty

It’s Ghetto Blaster Time, Fool
May 22, 2011
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amazing fuckin show...you really have a knack for getting people drawn into your matches...I love the Sweeney stuff and can't wait to see where it goes

Catfish Billy

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2011
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Nice. I would love to see the Co Main Event so much ...


Jul 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico
Fuji of Oz: The Tag Tournament Night 3 Card

The Second Round of the Tag Tournament begins with the following match-ups

Team F.I.S.T (w/Larry Sweeney)


Samoa Joe & Bison Smith

Larry Sweeney wants Joe on his team. Last week we saw how Sweeney convinced Judas and Snitsky to be on his side and "aid" Joe on his win, his first in a period of time that goes back to the last company he was on. This time around Joe faces Sweeney's boys alongside his partner Bison Smith. The winner of this match will advance to Week 4 of the tournament. Will Joe and Bison overcome F.I.S.T and Sweeney? What will Sweeney do this week to get Joe on his side?

The Steiner Brothers(w/Ryan Shamrock)


Thunder & Lightning (w/Terri Runnels)

Last week we saw how Thunder, Lightning, Runnels, Rude and Gonzalez formed a stable by attacking the Scott Steiner. We don't know in what condition is Steiner at the moment, but we do know that this match will only sparkle some heat between the Steiner's and Rude's team.

Phoenix & Kong


The Road Warriors (w/Paul Ellering)

Women always fought to be consider as equal to men. Well... in WaW we do believe in that thing women fought about. That's why Kong and Phoenix have this opportunity to advance in the tournament. Still, they have a HUGE challenge ahead of them... The Road Warriors.

Masked Luchadores


KENTA & Kwang (w/Kenny Bolin)

The Masked Luchadores, the guys with the Mexican tradition behind them square off against Bolin's Oriental Express... Kwang and KENTA with Japanese tradition. A battle of two styles and two very distinct paths. Who will win in this match and advance to the third round.

Rude & Gonzalez (w/Terri Runnels)


Blake & LuFisto

LuFisto and Blake also have the opportunity to advance in this tournament full of men. But to do so they have to win against two men that are willing to do anything to win in Rude and Gonzalez.

Sons of Darkness



The Sons of Darkness thought they had the week off... but Bischoff managed to sign LAX, so they have a challenge this week when the two teams face off. Who will advance to the next round.

Mikael Judas (w/Larry Sweeney)


"The Pirate" Paul Burchill

Sweeney keeps getting people to join him as he now has Judas on his side and he asked for a match for Mikael in this card. Bischoff found the perfect guy to face Judas in another acquisition Paul Burchill.

"The Icon" Sting


Muhammad Hassan (w/The Sheik)




Idol Stevens

In the first week Sting battled it out against KENTA and Joe. This time around WaW's Icon faces another great challenge in the Great Hassan, the Mexican warrior of hell Chessman and the up and coming Idol Stevens. It will be an interesting match here folks and you won't want to miss it by any means.​


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
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Taken List All present and accounted for and card looks great!