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This is a reason why I like Mike.

Nice dude

but act like a twat

and he'll hit you where it hurts on here. BOOM!

I read that while Reigns Speared the two Usos in your sig. lol

But anyways I'm guilty of writing short comments on shows myself, not as short as Shane made an example of but short none the less. To be honest as a writer I don't care if people post as little as 2-3 sentences for a show. I understand that you're busy or your on your phone or whatever. All I ask is that as Shane mentioned, you post some kind of constructive criticism or at least something that you liked about the show to boost the self esteem of a TT'er who submitted a promo or whatever.

Just my 2 cents.


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Jun 11, 2010
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I guess that's why I constantly open shows huh?

I wasn't talking about anyone in particular bro. This is like the first time I've ever had you on my show like ever. And I threw u in that match since u signed up so late. Could have left u off the card but wanted to give u a match so that's how u wound up there. In my book this restart is a fresh start for EVERYONE! Though let me just put out there. If I feel like u aren't paying attention to the shows and that u don't give a shit why in the world would I push u? Answer I wouldn't. Do u need to write a book hell no! But things u liked throughout the show go a long way in my book!

Rated R Superstar

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I know you weren't talking about anyone in particular. But I rarely post big posts on shows because I'm usually on my phone. But I've been opening almost every show for a while now before being on your show.


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I know you weren't talking about anyone in particular. But I rarely post big posts on shows because I'm usually on my phone. But I've been opening almost every show for a while now before being on your show.

Maybe you should take what we're saying into account then man. Nobody's asking for an essay; just 3 or 4 sentences about that you liked about the show that don't involve your character. Me personally, I rarely comment about what's going on with my guys on the show cause it comes off as self centered.

And as far as you opening every week; there could be many reasons for that. I know when I was in charge I had a reason for booking you in the 1st or 2nd match at times; I'm sure everyone else does as well.


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Sep 14, 2010
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Well of course I always do whatever I want... but yeah... its nice to post about other parts about the show. But yeah... looks like we got a crew to take down the one liners... they think losing sucks on the show... just wait til they get triple teamed by this dream team.


Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Personally I wouldn't mind naming names, because that's my biggest pet peeve in e-feds as well, but I'm not going to do so. You don't have to write novels, that's what things like the Dresden Dose were for and the in-depth feedback usually happens on the podcast, but yeah, my opinion is and will always be, "Sucks I lost. On to next week!" and "Ooh how bout that powerbomb my guy gave someone on the stage?" or "Ugh, lost again, maybe I should just give up...", and these are just a few examples, are ridiculous responses.

By the way, all of us agreeing and seeking to end this will do the exact opposite, because some people are stuck in their self-absorbed ways and can't write about anything in e-feds not involving themselves, let's realize that before we get a tense argument/debate about it.


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I'm just living the gimmick. Makes it more authentic :D


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I usually can't comment on the shows for the fact that I'm running on a TERRIBLE computer that simply can't take how much stuff is in a typical show thread. So I read them on my kindle which, surprising, can read it a lot better, but again typing is weird on there so I don't comment much. I will occasionally comment on a show in this thread, however.


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I have to say I have not had this much fun with a character in a very long time. Edge is awesome.

And def be on the lookout for his "mad skills" on the court :p


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Well I had a blast with that Fatal Four Way match. I don't think I've ever did a multi man match that went 3 rounds. Hope Aniking and RRS can get one up too so we can make this a fair match. Good luck everyone!


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Jun 11, 2010
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Alright my battle royal trash talkers, I don't care what the order is but you have until this evening about 6 EST to get in your second post if you haven't already. I need to start this bad boy tonight plotting out eliminations and the like. So the sooner you can get one in the better. Thanks for your effort all it is greatly appreciated!


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Looking through the old PWmania forums and came across the very first show/set of matches I wrote. Ahh I loved see how much my writing skills has increased over the years. :)

Fire. Toronto Ontario December 19, 2007

(Pyro goes off for Fire)

JR: Welcome folks to the first episode of Fire, brought to you by the World Alliance Wrestling.
King: Yeah JR, were here to give wrestling fans what they wanted to see, good wrestling.
JR: I hear you king. ( Mr. McMahon music plays)
JR: And here comes Mr. McMahon with an important announcement.

(McMahon enters the ring)
McMahon: Good evening everyone, I am Mr. McMahon and I am the chairman of WAW, now this is our first show and I guarantee you this won’t be our crappiest show, not that any of our shows will be crappy but lets get down to the chase. I will be running both Fire and Storm until next week where I will announce the General Managers for both of these shows. Now a must inform you that at Armageddon, which will take place at December 30th, there will a crowned champion that represents all of WAW, the WAW Undisputed Championship. One superstar from the roster from Fire and one from Thunder. Who will be wrestling in that match is up to the General Manager.
And also we will have a specialty title on Fire. The challenger will get to pick their type of choice of match. But tonight lets make it a falls count anywhere .Now sit back and enjoy the show as Fire kicks things off with round 1 for the WAW Tag team titles (crowd chants)

JR: Alright King were going to start things off right with some tag team action.
King. I wonder who’s going to win the tournament and become the first tag team champs, who’s going to represent Fire at Armageddon, who’s...
JR: Okay well it seems that King is exited about tonight
King: Damn straight JR, lets get this show on the road.
JR: Okay I’m with that!

1. Round 1 for the WAW Tag Team titles:
New Age Outlaws(Billy Gunn & Road Dogg) vs APA(Bradshaw & Farooq
Farooq and Billy Gunn starts the match with a lockup as Billy Gunn takes down Farooq with a headlock takedown and holds in the headlock until Farooq punches Gunn 5 times then he lets go.
Farooq then clotheslines Gunn as he gets up and then throws him in a corner as Farooq then starts punching and kicking him until Gunn drops to his knees as Farooq kicks him in the head as Gunn falls out of the ring. Gunn goes to Road Dogg’s post as he leaves the apron and talks to Gunn as the ref is count, 1.....2......3......4......5..... Gunn enters the ring and looks at Farooq as he tags in Bradshaw as Gunn tags in Road Dogg. Dogg then does a test of strength against Bradshaw as he throws him at the ropes and attempts a clothesline from hell but Dogg ducks and punches Bradshaw as he tries to go for a pump handle slam but Bradshaw flips him over as he punches out Gunn and then he big boots Dogg and he goes for the cover...1....2.... kickout from Dogg. Gunn throws Bradshaw to a corner and attempts a tornado DDT but Bradshaw spinebusters Gunn ...1.....2... kick out form Gunn. Bradshaw tags in Farooq and he picks up Gunn and hits a suplex on Gunn. Farooq then picks up Gunn and throws him on the ropes and rubs Gunn’s head on the top rope then starts to choke him unitl Dogg tries to get in but the ref tries to put Dogg back onto his corner as Gunn give Farooq a low blow and throws Farooq at the corner and tags Dogg in. They then give Farooq a double DDT as Dogg goes for a cover 1....2.... Bradshaw breaks up the cover and Gunn throws Bradshaw over the ropes as Dogg goes for a pump handle slam but Farooq slips out and gives Dogg a huge clothesline and covers 1.....2..... kickout.
(King: Farooq can’t believe it. Road Dogg kicked out!) The ref goes outside and tries to breakup the fight between Bradshaw and Gunn as Dogg gives Farooq a low blow and then a pump handle slam and goes for the cover, 1....2......3!(crowd boos)

Winner:The New Age Outlaws via pinfall

JR. Road Dogg gets the win for the new age outlaws from cheating!
King. JR, you know the old saying. It’s not a crime if you don’t get caught.
JR. Yeah but....
King. JR this a wrestling event, not a popularity contest.(JR shaking his head)

Backstage Promo: Molly Holly talking to Melina
Holly: Guess what? The women’s title is going to be on Fire! Here! We get first dibs on the title!(Both of them screech)
Melina: I know, now I get to show the world that just have more than good looks
Holly: Uh don’t tell that your going after the title because that belt is mine.
Melina: Oh really? (Both laugh and screech again, Lita and Beth Phoenix comes and looks at them both)
Lita: What are you two doing, my ear drums are shattered? Jeez this is wrestling not a popularity contest( King : That’s what I just said). And secondly, I’m going to be the women’s champion not either of you.
Melina: Oh really?
Lita: Yeah I’ll prove it by beating you ass to the ground in our match coming up Molly.
Holly: Yeah sure! Bring it on.
Melina: Molly show that loser what your made of!(Phoenix slaps Melina, they get into a cat fight.)

King: Oh JR a cat fight, whoo hoo!

Melina: You’re mine you b*tch!

Promo: Watch Storm on Friday Night. The Main Event of it will be The Undertaker vs Kurt Angle,and it will be Sabu & Rob Van Dam vs The Hardy Boys. Plus Test and Rhyno will be squaring off against each other. Watch out for the Storm!

King: Oh my goodness JR, we are going to see divas action and it’s coming out on right now.
JR: Oh King, you and the divas.

2. Lita vs Molly Holly
They start with a quick lock up and right away, Lita shoves Holly to the corner and starts punching her and she knees Holly as she DDT her and goes for the cover ..1.......2... kick out from Holly. Lita then picks her up and goes for a snap suplex but Holly slips out and goes for a roll up ..1......2... kickout from Lita. Holly then punches Lita and then smacks her head 10 times onto a top turnbuckle.
Lita then tries to escape but Holly then pulls her hair and yanks her down. Holly then goes on the top rope but Lita then charges up and gives her superplex and goes for the cover ..1...2...kickout from Holly. Lita then starts yelling at her as she attempts a powerbomb but Holly starts to punch her while on the position and Lita then falls. Holly then picks up lIta and then nails Lita with the sidewalk slam. She goes for the cover ..1.....2.....kickout from Lita.(King: She kicked out of that?) Holly then picks Lita up again and tries to go for the sidewalk slam again but Lita nudges her and gives her a quick powerbomb and then a Moonsault and gets in for the cover ...1.....2.....3!

Winner: Lita via pinfall

King : Yay! A diva won!
JR: What are you talking about...(Beth Phoenix comes into the ring)
JR: What’s this?(Phoenix and Lita starts to beat down Holly from punching, kicking and hair pulling until Melina shows up and assists Holly. Everyone gets taken down except for Phoenix who is last standing. Jazz comes in and take her down with a powerbomb. She then taunts saying that she will be the first women’s champion.
JR: Wow King it seems like every diva on this roster wants that Women’s title.
Kingjust stares)
JR: King? (Still staring)
King: How can a diva like that not be classified as a heavyweight?
JR: Oh for the love of... never mind.

Backstage Promo:
Todd Grisham: Good day everyone, my name is Todd Grisham and I’m here with a superstar that says that he will be the first WAW Undisputed Champion. Ladies and Gentleman, my guest fro right now is Bobby Lashley!
Lashley: I came to the WAW to be one thing: a winner. And the only way to be a winner is to win the WAW Undisputed title. I am destined to win the WAW..( Kevin Nash Shows up)
Nash: You’re going to be what? The first WAW champ? I don’t think so! That title is reserved for me, buddy!
Lashley: Oh Really? Are you man enough to have that title!?
Nash: Dude, I don’t swing that way but finw, whatever. See you later man.
(Lashley looks disgusted)

Backstage Promo:
Cena: Hey man, Who do you think is going to win the title at Armageddon?
Jericho: I don’t know, as long it’s not some jack like Orton or something.
Cena: What’s wrong with Orton? Oh wait Everything!
Jericho: He’s rude, he’s Blue. he doesn’t know sh*t from applesauce, he’s...
(Randy Orton shows up)
Orton: Are you guys talking trash to me behind my back?
Jericho: No.......(eyes move back and forth)
Orton: I hope you know that I could beat you guys down to ground in a snap(he snaps)
Cena: So why aren’t we down yet?
Orton: What? Ugh, I bet I could take out the both of you. How’s this you two vs me and a partner of my choice.
Cena: What do we got to lose?
Jericho: The Undisputed title?
Cena: Yeah right.( The both laugh, Orton leaves disgusted)

Backstage Promo:
Maria: Hello Everyone, my name is Maria and am right now interviewing The New Age Outlaws.
Dogg: Hi everyone.
Gunn: Okay Road Dogg, we are heading towards the top of the tag team division. We’ve already beaten the APA and now we can gladly take out another tag team that will win later on tonight.
Dogg: Obviously we don’t know who will win the match tonight but were sure we can take them on, right Billy?
Gunn: Right, not that we can’t do anything about it. Or can we?
Dogg: Oh Billy don’t think that were going to help on one’s behalf,, every team was on there own.
(Dudley Boys show up)
Bubba: Well well, the new age outlaws. Seems like that we have some tough competition for the tag team titles(he fake coughs). We’ve been tag team champs how many times? You guys don’t even sand a chance against.
Dogg: We may not but what about your opponents
Bubba: I seriously doubt that.
Dogg: Well you could be in for a surprise. Not that we cheat you guys out or anything like that(The Dudley’s look at the New Age Outlaws, The camera turns to the side and Edge and Christian are laughing.)

JR: Okay a few weird incidents there eh King?
King: How, could she be considered as a diva?
(JR shakes his head)

3. Kevin Nash vs Bobby Lashley
Lashley picks up Nash and rams him into the corner and starts to shoulder thrust him. Lashley then back toss Nash and starts to get him in a headlock. Nash then throws lashley and gets up and starts to punch him as soon lashley gives Nash a spinebuster. Lashley then attempts to go for the dominator but Nash then throws Lashley over his shoulders. Nash then picks up Lashley, runs and big boots Lashley and goes for the cover..1...2...kickot from Lashley. Nash then throws Lashley over the ropes and steps outside. There Nash throws Lashley into the steel steps and starts to smash his head over steel seps, ring posts and the guard rails as the ref is counting ...1....2....3.....4.....5......6.....7..... Kevin rolls out and backs in but once he’s out, Lashley spears him as quickly enters the ring. As the ref is counting out ref..1....2.....3.....4....5......6.....7....8 Nash gets back inside the ring. Lashley then starts to punch down Nash until he gives Nash a powerslam followed by a front suplex and goes for the cover..1....2.... Nash kicks out.(King : Wow what power from Bobby Lashley) .Lashley then goes for the spear but Nash gets out of the way and Lashley hits the post with his shoulder. Nash then throws Lashley onto the opposite post with his shoulder. Nash then hits Lashley with a back suplex and then a forearm smash to Lashley’s head. Nash then picks up Lashley and attempts to the jackhammer but Lashley shoves Nash to the corner and goes for the superplex but Nash throws him off the corner. Lashley then runs back up and nails Nash with the superrplex. Lashley then goes for the cover ..1....2.... kick out. Lashley is a bit surprised but he doesn’t lose focus. Lashley then goes for a dominator but Nash pushes Lashley and goes o his knees. Once he gets up, Lashley goes for the spear and goes for the cover...1.....2......3!

Winner: Bobby Lashley via pinfall

JR: Lashley wins the match! What a match with plenty of athleticism.
King: No kidding JR, I wish that mach was a bit longer though.
JR: Yeah but I can’t complain though.

Backstage Promo:
Grisham: I’m here with one of the two competitors of the specialty title that is happening tonight. Ladies and gentlemen pleas welcome Mr. Kennedy!
Kennedy: People, even though I have never been here before...
(JR: This is the first show.) .... I can feel that I will be the dominate superstar in the WAW. Even though I clearly deserve that Undisputed title match. I didn’t want to go through everyone and be part of a crowd. I could f if I wanted to. But I wanted to go for a title that there is no serious fighting for. That’s why I demanded Mr. McMahon a title shot for the specialty title match. That way once I win it. Scums like all of you will realise that I am Championship material and clearly deserve a title match.
(Booker T’s music hits, he enters the ring)
Booker: Dog, what makes you think that you could beat Booker T? Do you have what it takes to beat Booker T?
Kennedy: Of course because I’m Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Kennedy..... Kennedy. And I’m coming into the ring to beat you ass to the ground in this falls count anywhere match.( He leaves)
(Mr Kennedy music hits and he walks into the ring)

JR: Boy King were going to see a fight!
King: Booker T is such a jerk!
JR: Sometimes I wish that I had a different broadcast partner

4. Specialty Title match: Falls Count Anywhere: Mr Kennedy vs Booker TBooker starts to slap him until Kennedy left the ring. Booker T then exits and starts to continue beating on hima nd he rams him on a barricade on the entrance ramp. Booker then starts to kick him down until Kennedy shoves him and then elbows him. Kennedy then DDT’s Booker and drags Booker to the stage as Kennedy smacks Bookers head onto one of the large screens. Kennedy then grabs a nearby trash can and smacks Booker with it. Kennedy then chucks Booker onto the screen again followed by a suplex. Kennedy then picks Booker up and throws Booker off the stage onto the bottom technical equipment(tables, wires)
King: Ahhh, did you see that JR?
JR: No I was looking at Trish (sarcastic voice)
King: Ohhh, where?
JR: Sheesh
Kennedy then goes down where Booker fell and goes for the cover..1.....2.....near kickout from Booker! Kennedy then picks up Booker and they start to brawl in the audience until they were at the upper floor. Kennedy then grabs a trash can lid and attempts to smack him with it but Booker punches Kennedy and the takes the trash can lid and smacks him with it. Booker then goes for a scissor’s kick but Kennedy doges and throws Booker onto a stair railing. Kennedy then beats down Booker until they reach to the floor and Booker throws Kennedy over the Security Railing and onto ringside. Kennedy then grabs onto a post and enters the ring. Booker grabs a chair and enters the ring. Booker then hits Kennedy’s ribs with the chair and nails him right on the face. Kennedy is busted wide open. Booker then goes for the Book End but Kennedy nudges him on the head and grabs the chair and smacks him on the head. Kennedy then groggily leaves the ring as Booker then goes on the top rope an double axe handle’s Kennedy as he brings him back inside. Booker then delivers the Book End to Kennedy as he attempts to go for the Houston Hangover and nails it. He goes for the cover ...1.....2......kick out from Kennedy. Booker can’t believe it. Booker then sets up for the Scissor’s Kick but misses and Kennedy then nails Booker with a spinebuster and goes for the Kenton Bomb and nails it. Kennedy then tries to pick up Booker but Booker tries to cover Kennedy with a small package..1....2.....and a kickout from Kennedy. Booker then gets up and nails the scissor’s kick and Booker then stays on the ground for a minute. As Booker is trying to get up using the ropes, Kennedy then gives Booker a schoolboy as he’s holding onto the ropes..1...2...3!


JR: Another cheap victory!
King: Well you know the rules, it’s not a crime if....
JR: Yeah it get in now King thanks!

Backstage Promo:
(Camera is at McMahon)
McMahon: So what you are saying is that you don’t have a partner for the tag team match fo tonight?
(Camera zooms out to add Randy Orton)
Orton: No I don’t. Nobody wants to team up with me. I don’t understand, I’‘m very much respected in these areas.
McMahon: Well maybe you got to be more firm with others. Like this fellow right here(Chavo Guerrero
show up on Camera)
McMahon: Son, do you want to team up with this man right here
Guerrero: No I don’t think so Amigo.
McMahon: Listen Damnnit, this man needs a partner or he won’t be the only one with a problem right now.
Guerrero: Listen man, I’ll team up with anyone, but not him.(leaves)
McMahon: Well it works with me.
Orton: Well I’ll find somebody, but thanks anyways Sir...
McMahon Whoa Whoa Whoa, Wait a second!(Booker walks him)
Booker: McMahon, I’ve got a problem.
McMahon: So do I (JR: He sure does)
Booker: Did you see me get screwed out there!
McMahon: Yes I did, And I will get you a rematch next week
Booker: How?!
McMahon: By teaming up with this man( points out at Randy Orton. Booker looks at him and at McMahon again.)
Booker: No deal man!
McMahon: But..
Booker: I said no deal man! No way, no how will I team up with him. I don’t care if I never get a title shot again. I’m not teaming up with that jerk!( He leaves)

JR: Okay folks it’s time for second match for the tag team titles

5. Tag team titles tournaments- Dudley Boys vs Edge & Christian.
Bubba and Christian started off the match. They went fro a lock up and Bubba puts Christian in a headlock. Christian then Irish Whip’s Bubba but Bubba comes back and shoulder blocks’s Christian. He jumps over him and hits Christian with an elbow drop. And he goes for the cover..1...2..kickout from Christian. He then picks Christian up and gives Christian a body slam and gives him another elbow drop. Bubba then drags Christian at the corner and tags in D-von. D-von then starts to strike Christian and sends him to a corner and continuously starts to elbow him on the head. D-von then Irish Whips Christian to the ropes and flapjack’s Christian on the ropes. D-von then starts to rap Christian’s head onto the top turnbuckle. Christian the falls to his knees as D-von then kicks Christian in the ribs as he tries to crawl to Edge. D-von then Picks up Christian and attempts a powerbomb but Christian counters to a tornado DDT. Christian then tags in Edge and D-von tags in Bubba. Bubba tries to clothesline Edge but Edge ducks and Christian and Edge double dropkicks Bubba. Edge then attempts to go for the spear but D-von trips Edge from the outside. The ref then tells D-von to go back to his corner as Christian starts to kick Bubba and picks up Bubba as Edge spears Bubba and goes for the

Winner’s Edge and Christian via pinfall

JR: Oh Good Lord King. Next week were going to see The New Age outlaw vs Edge and Christian and this will be for the WAW tag team titles.

Backstage Promo:
Maria: Hello again everyone. Please welcome A-train as my other guest for tonight.
A-train: I am A-train, I will be the first superstar to win the WAW Undisputed title. Because I’m just that good. I guarantee you that...(Eugene walks in)
Eugene: Oh is this thing on? Hello everyone, my name is Eugene. I-I’m a WAW Fire superstar. I will be the first WAW champion. I’ve always wanted to win a WAW championship.(He starts to sniff). What stinks?(looks at A-trian)Oh I there, my name is Eug..
(A-train pushes Eugene)A-train: Are you try to piss me off boy?
Eugene: When’s the last time you shaved your back?( A-train is furious)Uh-oh!( He runs)

King: That was a bit weird, huh JR:
JR: Yeah a bit, but I’ve seen more weirder before.
(Eugene awkwardly walks into the ring, A-train storms into the ring.)

6. Eugene vs A-train
Eugene sits there and looks at A-train as A-train clotheslines Eugene and knocks him to the corner. A-train then starts to beat down Eugene. A-train then picks up Eugene and he gives Eugene a neckbreaker. A-train then knees Eugene on the ground. Eugene then crawls back up as A-train then gives Eugene a bearhug. After a bit A-train lets go and nails Eugene with the Train Wreak and goes for the cover. ..1.....2.....3!

Winner: A-train via pinfall

JR: A-train wins at WAW Fire.
King: Well look at it this way. At least Eugene didn’t win. What a freakshow.
JR: And your not?
King: Well...
JR; Don’t answer that.

Backstage PromoJericho, Christian and Edge)
Jericho: Congrats guys on your win
Edge. Thanks Chris, next week’s match is going to be very easy.
Christian: The New Age Outlaws are going down.
Edge: There’s no way those morons are going to pass us.
Christian; No way at all!
Jericho: Ah, but my match is coming up soon. I hope that Cena keeps his end to the bargain and doesn’t screw this up. Then again he is very dependable and he would be a great asset.
(Batista walks in)
Batista: Hey, Jericho. Are you saying that you are going for Undisputed title? Do you think that you could beat me?
Jericho: Well yeah, I could if I wanted to.
(Batista leaves)
Jericho: Yeah honestly like Batista could possibly beat me.(Edge and Christian looks at each other)

(Goldberg’s music hits and they show Goldberg leaving his locker room)

7. Goldberg vs Batista
The start with a stare down and Batista then quickly struck Goldberg. Goldberg then struck back and Batista then speared Goldberg and went for a quick cover...1.... and a very quick kickout from Goldberg. Goldberg got up and locked up. Batista got the best and drove Goldberg to a corner. Batista then held it for a second and then he repeatedly struck down Goldberg until he sat down. Batista then held his knee to Goldberg’s face until the ref broke it up. Batista then puts Goldberg’s neck onto the second rope and then starts to choke Goldberg until the ref breaks that up. The ref gets Batista back as Goldberg tries to catch his breath. Batista then gets back and starts to kick Goldberg a couple of times until the ref puts him back again. Goldberg then gets back up and starts to walk around the ring. Batista then charges and goes for a clotheslines but Goldberg dodges and gives Batista his own clothesline. Goldberg then bends down for a spear. Batista then gets up and Goldberg charges but Batista runs him into the post. Batista then kicks him out of the ring and exits himself. Batista grabs Goldberg and uses him as a battering ram onto the steel post. Goldberg is busted wide open! Batista ten picks up Goldberg and rams him onto the apron then shoves him into the steel steps. Batista rolls in and back out. He grabs Goldberg and attempts to powerbomb him but Goldberg tosses Batista onto the steel post. Goldberg then spears Batista outside the ring. Goldberg then smashes Batista in the head on the apron and then on the ring post. Goldberg rolls back in and back out. He then throws Batista back inside the ring and gets inside as well. Goldberg then gives Batista a brainbuster and goes for the cover,..1.....2.... kickout from Batista. Goldberg then sets up for the spear and charges and nails Batista. He then picks Batista up and tries to for the Jackhammer but Batista lands on his feet and gives Goldberg a spine buster. Batista then tries to give Goldberg his spear again but Goldberg spears Batista while he was charging. Goldberg then goes for a cover ...1......2.....kickout!(JR: How on earth did Batista kick out of that!?)Goldberg, a bit shocked , picks Batista up again. Batista instantly regains conscious and gives Goldberg a Batista Bomb.
Batista then goes for the cover..1.....2..... and a kickout from Batista! Batista can’t believe it. Batista then picks Goldberg up but Goldberg gives a swift kick to Batista. Batista is down on the ground as Goldberg then delivers a huge spear to batista. Then he nails Batista a Jackhammer and goes for the cover...1.....2......3!

Winner: Goldberg via pinfall

JR: Wow King, what a match!
King: You said it JR, I could watch that match all over again. Wow Did you see that spear from Goldberg? I was sure that Batista was broker right in half
JR: I know King, but Batista could of still pulled it through.
King: But he didn’t now did he?
JR: No I guess he did not.
(William Regal’s music hits)
King: Oh no, I thought this night was going to be perfect. What does he want?
JR; I don’t know King.
(Regal enters the ring)
Regal: Now I know that the entire locker room is in total chaos from this whole Undisputed Championship issue but that does not mean that mean that I should be left out of the chaos. I’m William Regal, I’m a fighter dammit, I would never back down. I would take on Kane, Jericho, Cena, Triple H. I would take on anyone from the Storm locker room. Hell, I would take on the whole WAW. I am just that good.
(Looks at the crowd and Triple H’s music hits, he walks in and take the mic from William Regal)
Triple: Look man. I know you mean well but I just couldn’t help myself thinking that, could you beat me. And then I realize, no he cannot. And the reason is this. Because I’m just that damn good. I am the game. I’m triple H(and looks at William Regal). Do you seriously think that you can beat me. I don’t think that you have the guts bud!(William tries to leaves but Trile H Pedigree’s Regal)
King: He just pedigreed Regal! Can he do that!?
JR: Well King I got some news, he just did!
Backstage Promo:
Orton: Randy Orton here, to inform all of my fans out there that I’m not going in this tag team match alone. That’s right everyone. I got myself a partner. Belive me it wasn’t easy to get, or find for that matter. Cena, Jericho, you guys are going down. I can assure that I will be going to Armageddon to face a wannabe from Storm to get what is rightfully mind, the WAW Undisputed title.(Cm Punk walks in)
Punk: Hi everyone. CM Punk here to inform you that I will be debuting here, at Fire, next week.(looks at Orton). Get a life loser!(walks out, Orton looking pissed)

JR: Watch out King: This match is coming up next!

(While everyone is in the ring)
Orton: Ladies and Gentleman, it is my great honour to introduce to you all my partner for tonight. Please welcome... KANE!

8 John Cena & Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton & Kane
Randy Orton and John Cena starts off the match. They go for a quick lock up with Cena twist Orton’s arms and flipping him over as he leg drops the arm. Cena then quickly puts Orton into the headlock. Orton then quickly gets up and Irish Whips Cena as Cena comes back and shoulder blocks Orton. Cena then picks up Orton, throws him into the corner, and starts to beat down Orton as he grabs Orton and makes a tag to Chris Jericho. Jericho then uppercuts Orton and lays Orton on the second ropes and runs back and jumps on Orton. Jericho the goes for a quick lionsault but Orton quickly gets up and dropkicks Jericho while he is in mid air as he falls. Orton then tags in Kane. Kane then aggressively starts to uppercut Jericho as he then gives Jericho a pump handle slam. Kane then goes for a quick cover..1....2... Cena breaks up the cover. Kane quickly looks at Cena and back to Jericho. He picks up Jericho and throws him in a corner and attempts to clothesline Jericho but Jericho boots Kane as he falls back a bit and Jericho then hits Kane with a bulldog and goes for a cover..1....2.. kickout from Kane. Jericho then picks up Kane but Kane then pushes down Jericho. Kane then kicks Jericho as he then gives him a sidewalk slam. Kane then threatens for a chokeslam. Kane then picks up Jericho and gets him in the position but Jericho kicks him in the mid section. Jericho then throws Kane into Cena’s corner and tags in Cena. They give Kane a double suplex and Cena goes for the cover..1.....2.. kickout from Kane. Cena then picks up Kane a tries to go for a DDT but Kane rams Cena into the corner and then gives Cena at terrifying upper cut that puts Cena on the ground. Cena then crawls to the center as Kane then picks up Cena and delives a big chokeslam and goes for the cover...1.....2...... and a near kickout from Cena. Kane is stunned for a second and then gets madder. Kane then picks up Cena and rams him to Orton’s corner and tags in Orton. Orton then hits Cena with a couple of those swift uppercuts and kicks him in the mid section. Orton then gives a DDT to Cena and quickly gets up and drop fist’s Cena. Orton then taunts for Cena to come up. Orton then tries to for the RKO but Cena chucks Orton to a corner. Cena then tries to clothesline Orton but Orton gets out of the way and he nails Cena with the RKO. Orton then goes for the cover, ..1.....2.... Jericho breaks the cover just in time. Kane then throws Jericho out of the ring and they brawl to the stage and out of the arena. Orton then throws Cena outside and he smashes Cena through the steel steps and he raps his head onto the steel steps and then onto the stel post. Cena then punches Cena and he throws Orton onto the apron and he starts to chop and punch him them he throws Cena back inside. Cena then gets back in the ring and he puts Orton on the top turnbuckle from the back and gives Orton a super back drop. Cena then goes for the cover...1....2..... and a kickout from orton. Orton gets up at the same time as Cena. They exchange punches as Cena then gives one big punch but Orton then knees him in the gut. Then he gives Cena yet another DDT. Orton then attempts to go for another RKO but Cena ducks as Orton reaches for him and kicks Orton in the mid section and bulldogs Orton Cena then goes on the top rope and gives Orton an elbow drop. Cena then goes for the cover ..1.....2....kickout from Orton. Cena then gives Orton a suplex and knee smashes Orton. Cena then kicks Orton in the mid section, and gives Orton that flipping bulldog move*. Then he gives Orton the 5 knuckle shuffle and he taunts as Orton gets up and he FU’s Orton and goes for the cover...1.....2.....3!

Winners John Cena & Chris Jericho via pinfall

JR: Cena won!
King: They beaten Kane and Randy Orton
JR: Yes and look how happy Cena is.
King: Whatever happen to Kane and Jericho?
JR: Probably backstage fighting still
( shows Jericho and Kane being broken up from the backstage crew)

King: Well that’s our show folks.
JR: And tune in next week to see who will be the GM of Fire, Who will be the first ever WAW tag team champions, and who will face a Storm superstar for the Undisputed title.
(Ends show with credits)


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