you all is be crazy
You ever have Canadian bacon? I mean the real Canadian bacon? Far superior to what America produces, and I've had America's "finest".
you all is be crazy
You ever have Canadian bacon? I mean the real Canadian bacon? Far superior to what America produces, and I've had America's "finest".
*emerges from a dark deep cave in the desert*
My deepest apologises for going absolutely awol, some unexpected events and work took over my life and time slowly disappears and I can't hold my breathe and even bother saying I'm back because I have no idea D:
Welcome back WWS!
Also the PPV is looking really awesome. And I'm liking Doink's TTing against me, even though I'm pretty sure he just wiped the floor with my R-Truth all over that thread.
If you ever had America's finest... you'd know there is no debate.
Send me some Canadian bacon then
If you ever had America's finest... you'd know there is no debate.
Send me some Canadian bacon then
It's not a hard goal to accomplish to be fair. :white: