UWF - Anarchy Roster

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Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7: Carlito vs Christopher Daniels

“Woah! Woah! Woah!â€

The mysterious voice booms over the arena. Suddenly an image of Daniels appears on the titantron and the crowd gets excited.


“The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels:
I’d like to just start off by saying it was not my intention to work with any of those people in the ring at Bad Blood. It was my full intention to after you first, and I had no idea everybody else was thinking just like me. The most ironic thing and I’m so glad you pointed it out is that your fellow Establishment member joined the fray. If I’m being honest here, and I am, that was the highlight of the night!

The crowd cheers in approval of the insult.

You see Carlito, out of the entire Establishment; I like you, the least of all. You’re far too cocky for my liking; you actually think spitting apple chunks in people’s faces is cool. The very nature in which you walk is disgusting. I couldn’t be more worried about where my career is heading than knowing I have to wrestle you. You’re a spineless weasel who will do anything to be on top. You have no idea what you have coming for you on Anarchy. I’m so agitated that even the slightest of smirks from your ugly mug, I will snap. You’re upset that your lack of wins is upsetting your boss. You’re afraid you might lose your status if you piss off Vince Russo. You know that those who you spat in the face of in order to keep your status are going to remember what you did to them. I can assure you. We do.

The crowd cheers once more for such a statement. Daniels only smiles smugly to himself.

I know that the loss I hand you will possibly cause Russo to lose any faith he had in you, so I shall have to cherish it. Oh how sweet this shall be, nearly as sweet as my great grandma’s may she rest in peace. Carlito! Do you know what this means?! I’m going to be the reason why you have to leave Anarchy. I mean think about it, you must have pissed off quite a few people, I’m sure they’ll hunt you down for some time until they run you out of town.

I don’t think I have to remind you that I work alone. There was no scheme that I am aware of that was created against you. I just figured it would be time to go after the weakest link which just so happens to be you. I honestly can’t say I’m lying, everybody knows it. Everybody is aware that you are the weakest link, and it’s time to say goodbye!

The crowd is cheering heavily as Daniels smiles for the camera. The instant the crowd becomes quiet he makes sure he gets that one last statement in.

How do you like them apples?!

The crowd erupts into a volcano of cheers. But quickly hush as they await Carlito’s response.​


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Re: Anarchy 11/7: Pillman vs Otunga


What would Flair say? He would want me to go away considering I embarrassed him before just a few times. Steamboat? Does it really matter? Really I’m curious why would it matter what any of those guys say. But then I’m curious why does it even matter what you say? Because I stand here… and I listen to you but it seems what you say is you don’t even know what is going on around here anymore. You have lost touch with reality man. You have LOST IT! But you want to get it back. But I’m here to let you know… that isn’t possible now. Once you’ve lost it then it is gone unless you go under the tutelage… under the guidance of one that understands what all oft his chaos is really all about. But then they have to know how to turn this chaos and anarchy into something sane. Something that is not really normal… but feasible. Something that can be interpreted by even the simplest of minds. Something that your friend Otunga can't possibly understand.

But you in your sweater vest… you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. You here with your button up shirt to the neck do not belong here. The thing that you bring here is the very thing that all of these people try to avoid.

A boisterous cheer erupts from the crowd at that statement.


We no longer want this proper looking build. We no longer want the proper charisma. The nice stuff. We don’t want what you are offering. Can you not see that the tides have turned. The tides have turned crimson red… they are the color of blood. The times have changed and you are still behind. You are still looking to take hold of the old but the old has passed on. The old is DEAD! I was there… I was once among them but no more. There is no death here. There is LIFE! Life is here… and life is what keeps Anarchy alive. LIFE is what keeps chaos alive. LIFE is what keeps this blood flowing in my veins and over my face…

And it is this chaos, this anarchy, this life that I speak of… these tides that I will teach you and your friend Otunga. It will be this life that will look to teach you in such a short amount of time… what it means to finally really live. Live with me. Live with me… or die next to me.

Pillman lowers his mic with a huge smile on his face thinking about the future altercation.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7/13 Preview

Ey guys due to some personal problems I am having right now. Anarchy won't be going up today. I apologize to all the Trash Talkers, It will be up on Friday. Really wanted to get the show up for you guys. Hope y'all understand.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7/13 Preview

Yeah so promos would be nice for the show, and also if I can get someone to write for a match on here it will be awesome.


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UWF Anarchy 11/8/13 Edition

And Now UWF Presents...


The pyro goes of as we see Anarchy open up the fans begin to cheer when all of a sudden

We head ringside where the lovely Christy Hemme is standing by.


Christy Hemme: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the New International Champion, "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan!

There's a brief moment of silence until....


"Sleeping Giant" begins playing and the fans begin too boo as the new the brand new International Champion is about to make his way towards the ring. As the vocals kick in, Morgan walks out onto the stage with his newly won Championship strapped firmly around his waist. Morgan slaps the title before cocking backwards as the pyro goes off behind him.


As the pyro stops, Morgan begins making his way down the ramp and towards the ring. Morgan reaches the bottom of the ramp and hops up from the floor to the ring apron. Morgan steps over the top rope and into the ring where he flexes and shows off his Championship once again.


Morgan unstraps the Championship and throws it over his shoulder before walking to the far side of the ring and receiving a microphone from the timekeeper.


The International Champion "Blueprint" Matt Morgan: Rhino.

The fans although somewhat confused by Morgan's first words give off a mixed reaction to the new Champion.

Morgan: CM Punk.

This time there's a much more positive reaction from the live audience.

Morgan: Fandango.

The arena begins to shake as the fans chant for the master of ballroom dance.

Morgan: Homicide.

Those cheers now turn into boos at the mention of the LAX leader.

Morgan: Seth Rollins.

There's now a mixed reaction when the name of the former International Champion is mentioned.

Morgan: All of those men have two things in common. First, they've all had this Championship previously. Some of them held it for a long period of time while others were flash in the pan Champions. But that leads me to the second thing they all have in common. As of Sunday night, they all became irrelevant as former Champions. Because once I climbed that ladder and unhooked this Championship; all of their reigns were erased from history. This Championship reign is the only one worth remembering. I stand here right now as the greatest International Heavyweight Champion this company has ever seen and it's only a matter of time before I stand before you as the greatest World Champion Ultimate Wrestling Federation has ever seen.

It seems as if winning the ladder match at Bad Blood has only raised Morgan's confidence.

Morgan: I told all of you the second I was drafted to this show that me winning this Championship was inevitable. I told everyone in the back but they refused to listen. I told Seth Rollins, I told Homicide, I told Shawn Michaels, I told David Otunga and I especially told your hero Jeff Hardy that this was going to happen. None of them wanted to believe me. They all wanted to think that Matt Morgan was another big man who just spewed hot air. I proved them all wrong. I proved you all wrong. I proved everyone who thought Matt Morgan was going to quit because he didn't get his way on the other brand wrong.

Morgan: But instead, I persevered. I persevered when I lost King of The Ring. I persevered when the Tag Team Championship tournament was stolen from me. This is what I do. I persevere and I get stronger. And that is what's going to set me apart from everyone else on this roster. No one is going to take this from me. This Championship will remain in my possession until the day I die. And there's not a damn thing that anyone in the back can do about it.

Morgan smirks as the fans boo him again. The big man looks to put the mic back to his lips but before he can, he is interrupted.


The music of Anarchy's General Manager begins playing and all of the heat that Matt Morgan had is now transferred to the arriving Vince Russo. Russo comes out onto the stage, dressed in his usual casual attire. Russo marches down the ramp and climbs each steel step before entering the ring. Russo demands a microphone and begins speaking.


Vince Russo: Matt Morgan; the new International Champion. You know something Morgan? There's a reason why I made you my first draft pick for Anarchy. And it's because you're big, you're strong, you're a destructive force. And now you stand here my World Champion.

Morgan looks at Russo with an expression that says "What's your point?"

Russo: And Matt, I think you're the perfect guy to be the face of The Establishment. You've got everything we need and you've got that....

Russo points at the International Championship.

Russo: Which means you've got the power. And that's all the Establishment needs to stay strong. We need Matt Morgan!

Morgan: The Establishment needs me? That's funny because you needed Tyson Kidd at one point. You also needed Homicide when he was Champion.

Russo: But you said it yourself; they're nothing like you. You are the genetic wonderment and it would benefit you greatly to officially join the winning team.

Morgan: Benefit me greatly?

Russo: Yes. If you know what was good for you and the rest of The Establishment, you'd join me in my office right now.

And with that, Russo drops the mic and exits the ring before marching up the ramp. Morgan hasn't moved an inch. Russo realizes this and as he reaches the top of the ramp, he turns around and screams "Come with me Matt." A conflicted Morgan shakes his head before dropping the mic and leaving the ring. Morgan heads up the ramp as the fans boo.

Styles: Well that was awkward.

Anarchy then heads elsewhere as Morgan walks to the back with Russo.


UWF Anarchy sponsored by Pillows, like honestly who dosen't use a pillow to sleep



Fans begin to cheer like crazy hearing the theme of Roman Reigns rain through the building. The camera moves around a bit, and we see him walking through the crowd. The fans cheer as Reigns enters the ring, as the fans cheer like crazy seeing this Reigns enters the ring as he awaits for his opponent

I come from Money, I come from Class...


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the wealthy Ted DiBiase Jr, the UWF Universe already fills the arena with a hostile reception. It doesn't take long for the man of the moment, accompanied by his squeeze, the beautiful Maryse, to emerge from the back into the arena filled with fans that dislike him. The couple look confident as DiBiase offers his arm to Maryse, which she graciously accepts, as they stroll down the ramp. They offer the UWF Universe nothing as they approach the ring, as DiBiase breaks the link and takes off for the ring. He slides in and immediately jumps to his feet and walks towards the ropes. DiBiase pops a note in the announcer's chest pocket and demands he open the ropes for Maryse, which he does so begrudgingly. DiBiase waits in the centre of the ring for Maryse before demanding for the announcer to hand him the microphone that he has in hand, again doing so against his better judgement. DiBiase snatches it from his grasp and tells him to leave the ring as he is ready to say a few words.


Dibiase and Reigns look at each other. Reigns goes as he begins to lock up Dibiase, Dibiase drops down on one knee as he is trying to take down Reigns. Reigns goes as he begins dropping hard elbows to the back as Dibiase lets go of the single as he spins around a bit. Dibiase turns around meeting a big boot from Reigns. Reigns goes for the cover.



No Dibiase kicks out. Reigns gets up from the cover, and so does Dibiase. Dibiase goes and he sweeps the legs of Reigns causing the big man to go down hard. Dibiase goes and he bounces off the ropes, and drops a nice elbow to the chest of Roman Reigns, Dibiase gets up again, and then boom hits another elbow drop onto Reigns. Dibiase goes as he poses a bit and the fans give him massive heat.

Taz: Wow Ted Dibiase sure is cocky.

Joey Styles: Is that a problem Taz?

Taz: No I love it!

Dibiase goes and he picks up the huge Reigns as he grabs him by the head and he tries to nail a vertical suplex onto him, all of a sudden Reigns goes and he blocks it. The fans are giving a mix reaction when all of a sudden Reigns goes and he spinebusters him right on the mat. The fans cheer as we see Dibiase on his back and he looks almost completely shell shocked. Reigns goes as he screams, and picks up Dibiase hitting a straight right onto him. Dibiase is against the corner, and Reigns comes after him charging. Reigns goes as he hits a nice shoulder shove right onto him. The fans cheer as Dibiase holds his gut, and Reigns goes as he grabs the head of Dibiase and lifts him high in the sky. The fans begin to flash there cameras with the lightbulbs Reigns goes as he drops Dibiase onto the mat. The fans cheer like crazy seeing this, as Reigns goes for the cover.




No Ted Dibiase kicks out the fans boo. Reigns begins to get chanted for as he likes the crowd noise. Reigns screams as the fans cheer even louder, reigns goes as he backs up. The fans cheer like crazy as Reigns is starting to get in the spear position. The fans cheer like crazy as Reigns is backed up. Dibiase gets up and Reigns goes charging at him, and Dibiase moves out of the way. The fans boo as Reigns is holding onto the shoulder, Dibiase goes and he hits a dropkick right into the shoulder of the hurt Reigns, Reigns falls to the mat holding onto the shoulder. Dibiase goes and he drops a knee right onto the shoulder and the fans boo as Dibiase goes down and he starts kneeing the shoulder now. Dibiase goes and he smiles as he goes on top of Reigns and he locks in a crossface.

Joey Styles: The Crossface is locked in.

William Regal: The could be trouble for Roman if he can’t get out of the hold.

Reigns is on the mat screaming in pain as Dibiase Jr. has the crossface completely locked on. The fans are banging the barricades hoping for Reigns to break out of the hold. The fans start to clap for the hold to be broken. Reigns is screaming in pain as Dibiase has the crossface locked on. All of a sudden we can see Roman building his body back up, Dibiase is now on the side with the crossface locked in. The fans cheer as Dibiase lets go of the hold quick avoiding getting slammed really hard. Dibiase goes and he kicks the gut of Roman Reigns and charges at him. Reigns though catches him and he hits a huge spinebuster. The fans cheer like crazy seeing this as Reigns goes and he tests his shoulder as he rolls it out. Dibiase is getting up and Reigns goes hitting a huge big boot right onto him. Sending the chewing gum right out of the mouth of Dibiase. Dibiase is on the ground as Reigns goes for the cover, but Ted wisely rolls out of the ring.

Joey Styles: Oh that snake Ted Dibiase

Taz: There is nothing wrong with what Ted did Joe.

Dibiase is on the outside, and Reigns wants to go after him, but he is still tendering to that wounded shoulder. Dibiase is on the ground and the referee is making his count. The referee starts at one, and Dibiase is coming to a bit. Reigns goes as he is done tendering the shoulder, and rolls out of the ring, and onto the outside. The fans cheer like crazy as Reigns is out there. Reigns goes and he grabs Ted, but Ted goes and he drives him into the barricade. Reigns is down as Ted smiles, and he looks at him. Reigns is loopy, and Ted charges at him kicking him right in the face. Reigns eyes roll back as he looks out cold, and Ted is in the ring as he looks like he is celebrating this victory. The referee’s count right now is at Four.

Joey Styles: Oh man Ted Dibiase is going to win this match based on a countout.

The referee is counting as the fan boo, the referee is now at 6, Reigns we can see holding up his head, as Santino comes out. Santino is trying to get Reigns up, but Reigns got knocked so silly that he dosen’t know what is going on. Reigns begins to talk to Santino, as Santino is pointing to get in the ring. Reigns is confused as he yells at Santino. Santino is confused as well when all of a sudden the referee counts to ten and asks for the bell to ring.

Christy Hemme: Here is the winner of the Match via countout Ted Dibiase Jr.

Joey Styles: Damn it that isn’t right.

Taz: I find it funny Joey.

William Regal: You find everything funny Taz.

Ted is celebrating as Roman Reigns goes on looking pissed off at Santino for costing him the match. Santino is trying to apologize as Reigns goes and he just leaves Santino in the dust, and Roman Reigns walks up the ramp pissed off. The fans boo as Reigns walks away pissed off with Santino following him. Ted is in the ring smiling as Dibiase kisses Maryse who enters the ring with him. Anarchy goes as he fades to black.

We head backstage to see Drew Mcintyre in the locker room

Drew Mcintyre:I want everyone to listen up, two weeks ago I went out to that very ring and I vowed that I would not waste the grand opportunity that was offered to me. The opportunity that was given to me was that if was able to defeat the Ultimate Warrior at Bad Blood that were would be a strong chance that I would be able to join the Establishment. Now I can neither confirm nor deny if I have been added to the group because their great leader Russo has not come up to me and told me in person that I have been welcomed into his glorious group. So I am going to wait and see what happens, because I don’t pull the strings around here.But I do want Russo and the Establishment to know that I would make a great addition to their group and here is why.

Drew pauses

Drew Mcintyre: It is true that my career in UWF has not gone the way that I planned. But I want to make it known that even though I have not been in form, I was still able to win gold over on Smackdown and I still have the ability to achieve that here on Anarchy. The Establishment wants to go down as the best group in history, well by adding The Chosen One to that group, they get a future World Champion and although I know that other people in the group are in the chase for the championship. I will wait my time and do anything that Russo asks me to do. For example, he wanted me to take out the Ultimate Warrior because Warrior was an annoying pain that you can’t get rid of, well I was able to defeat him a short period time and I sent him back to his planet. I’m ready to show the world that the McIntyre that was brought here as the Chosen One is back and they can expect me to be more successful. So Russo, I want you to know that if you want me to be a part of the Establishment; I will not let you down. I will do anything you tell me to do. I will make sure that for the enemies of the Establishment, their party will be put to an end.

Drew walks away as Anarchy heads to its next segment


Shoutout to Andrew who did a good good job sending in two fun promos ones coming up after this break!


We're backstage where we see Santino Marella.


Santino Marella: My debutings was a successings! I defeatings Mr. Gold Burgers! But I am disappoint, he is soooo chicken. You see, he runnings away from me! I win by countout! This is not a very good situations for Santino. I win, but I do not getting my Cobra out. The Cobra is not a very happy, he wanted to tastings Gold Burgers! But uh, I guess now I am going to be focusings on a single division because I am a better than Roman Reignings? Umm...

???: What did you just say Punk?

Roman Reigns is now seen backstage with Seth Rollins.


OOC: Ignore Ambrose.

Roman Reigns: You wanna know something you little pipsqueak! This company was desperate for numbers, that's why I said yes to you. But hell, you suck! This is why I'm kicking you out, as far as I'm concerned... Your contract got ripped up just before. You see this man here? Seth Rollins? Yeah, Former WWE Tag Team Champions. Well, we're looking for a bit of revenge... You wanna talk about Tag-Teams Santino? Well, you can sit on the damn couch because you're going to witness the re-incarnation of The Shield. The Hounds of Justice are ready to play once again, it's a injustice having such comedy on Anarchy. But now you're gone, so are we... We're shipping to RAW where we'll be seeing many people suffer from their own remorse.

Santino Marella: This-a cannot be true! I defeatings Mr. Gold Burgers! I shall-a be the biggest successor ever!

Seth Rollins: Did you not hear what Roman just said Santino? Time for you to leave the building. You are no longer needed, you're no longer wanted! Regardless of what happened at Bound for Glory, I have my sights on something else... It's a privilege to be away from Vince Russo once and for all, I hope RAW is listening carefully because we're coming. BELIEVE IN THE... SHIELD!

Santino Marella tries to interrupt once again but Roman and Seth beats Santino down to a bloody pulp and leaves him hanging by himself completely destroyed as we see The Shield heading to the rooftop as they leave the building in a helicopter. Anarchy fades to where we have Christopher Daniels entering the ring looking to take on Carlito

Daniels vs Carlito

The bell rings and both men begin to circle. The crowd is making some noise as they're all waiting to see what should be a highly athletic contest. Daniels and Carlito lock up, Daniels is able to get Carlito in a headlock. Carlito however backs up to the ropes and pushes Daniels off. Daniels hits the ropes and hits Carlito with a shoulder block. This knocks Carlito to the mat and Daniels gets in between Carlito and the ropes. He jumps up, springs off the ropes, landing on Carlito with a perfect Asai Moonsault. Daniels hooks the leg, going for the quick win.


Kick out just after one, Carlito isn't going down that easily. Carlito gets back to his feet and meets Daniels with another lock up. This time however Carlito is able to win the lock up and takes control of Daniels, quickly slamming him to the mat. Carlito doesn't let up, while Daniels is on his stomach from that slam, Carlito stays on him, mounted on Daniels back, laying in forearm shots to the back of the neck and head. The referee has to pull him off of Daniels and has a brief talk with Carlito. Medics quickly check on Daniels to make sure he's not knocked out. The referee has to keep Carlito back while the medical staff checks Daniels out. It's not often that an injury like this happens so early in a match. Daniels uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet and shoves the doctors off of him. Looks like he wants to continue this one. You can tell from Daniels' look in his eyes that he's not all there but that doesn't seem to be stopping him as he rushes as Carlito and unloads with some forearms of his own. Hitting him over and over on the jaw. Carlito rolls underneath the bottom rope and to the outside to catch a breather. However, Daniels is making his way to the top rope.

Carlito is catching his breathe, however when he turns around to get back to the ring. He's met by a huge cross body from the top rope by Daniels. Both men are laid out on the outside. The crowd is on their feet from that huge dive. Daniels gets back to his feet and slaps a few fans' hands and poses for the camera. He gets Carlito back to his feet, however, Carlito lowers his shoulder and runs Daniels back into the steel steps. Daniels grabs his lower back in pain. Carlito rolls in the ring and rolls right out again to break the referees count. Carlito grabs Daniels by the head and stands him up. Only to bounce his head off those steel steps. This move is effective after those huge forearms earlier in the match that did a lot of damage. Carlito deals with some hecklers as Daniels makes his way to his knees and everyone can see now that he's busted wide open. With Daniels on his knees, Carlito unloads some punches on that target that's literally painted on his head now. The crowd boo's Carlito as he rolls Daniels into the ring. That gash is really opened up now and the blood is just pouring out of Daniels head.

Daniels is crawling to the ropes to try to get back to his feet, however Carlito cuts him off with a big elbow to the spine. This stalls Daniels' efforts to get back to his feet. Carlito drags Daniels back to his feet and shoulders him to the corner. Carlito climbs up to the second rope and looks down at his bloodied opponent. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, te- After nine punches to that gash on Daniels head, Daniels catches Carlitos' hand and pushes him off him. Carlito hits the mat, he's on his back and tries to get back to his feet but it met with a dropkick while he tries to get up. Daniels is losing a lot of blood from that huge shot on the stairs. He's on his feet now and the crowd is going crazy. He's signalling for Carlito to get up. Kick to the gut, Daniels hooks him for the Angel's Wings, however, Carlito is able to flip him over into a bridge for the pin.



Right before three, Daniels gets his shoulder up. It couldn't have gotten much closer than that. Carlito gets to his feet first and pulls Daniels back up and runs him to the corner. Daniels fights back however with some clubbing shots to the side of the head of Carlito. Carlito backs up and runs at Daniels. Daniels gets his boot up which meets the face of Carlito. Carlito backs up and Daniels runs at him and with a flying calf kick. Daniels covers him for the pin.



Kick out! Daniels gets to his feet, blood is pouring from his head, running down to his chest. He waits for Carlito to get to his feet. He hooks him for the Uranage, he hits it. Daniels is on his feet, with Carlito at his feet. Daniels points to the turnbuckle. Stepping over Carlito, Daniels is in front of the turnbuckle. He jumps from the second rope to the top then hits the Best Moonsault Ever on Carlito and quickly hooks the leg.




No! Right before the referees hand could hit the mat for the three count, Carlito just gets his shoulder up. Daniels can't believe it. Daniels is back on his feet again, this time with Carilto wobbly when he's getting up, Daniels kicks him and hooks him for the Angel's Wings. He hits it, this has to be it! Daniels goes for the cover.



Somehow Carlito gets his shoulder up again and Daniels can't believe it. He's hit him with everything he's got and he still can't seem to put his opponent away. Daniels is on his knees looking at the referee, asking how that wasn't three. Carlito rolls to his stomach, not quick to get to his feet. Daniels hooks his legs and arms around the neck of Carlito, locking in the Koji Clutch. Carlito tries to fight his way to the ropes but he's been hit with everything and the pain is just too much. He has no other choice but to tap to the Koji Clutch, making your winner by submission, the Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels!


The fans cheer like crazy seeing this as Daniels gets up and he looks happy. Daniels goes and he poses and the fans cheer as Daniels goes and exits the ring with a smile on his face. Anarchy goes as it fades away to another segment

Anarchy takes a break from all the action that has transpired so far and heads backstage to where interviewer Lauren Mayhem is standing by.

Lauren Mayhem: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time; the new International Champion; Matt Morgan.

Morgan walks into the shot, putting his arm around Mayhem's shoulder; leaving her visibly uncomfortable.


Mayhem: Now Matt, tonight you head into a tag team match with fellow G.E.N.E member Alex Riley against the Three Man Band. What are you thoughts heading into your first match as Champion?

International Champion "Blueprint" Matt Morgan: What?

Mayhem: I want our thoughts about tonight's match.

Morgan: You want my thoughts?

Mayhem: Uh..yeah. That's how an interview works.

Morgan can only smirk before extending both arms in an "I made it fashion"


Morgan: Well look at that. Looks like I finally made it. You have to forgive me Lauren. I'm not used to being interviewed. I'm used to being overlooked for egomaniacs like Randy Orton, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. But now that I stand here with something that none of them have, a World Championship, all of the sudden I'm the most popular person on the roster. Do you know how many of these little cameramen I've beaten up over the weeks just to steal their cameras and hack into the broadcast? But I guess as long as I have this Championship, I don't have to anymore.

Morgan: Well let me tell you my thoughts on this match Lauren. This match is going to go the same way that Bad Blood went. It's going to go the same way that every match has gone ever since I came to Anarchy. It's going to end in a Matt Morgan victory. It's going to end in a victory for G.E.N.E. And then I'm going to go on and defend this title until I become the greatest Champion that this industry has ever seen. And there's not a damn thing that anyone on RAW, Smackdown, Anarchy or Impact can do about it!

Mayhem: Speaking of which, earlier this evening, you and Vince Russo had an interesting exchange in the middle of the ring. Care to expand on what happened out there?

Matt Morgan stares deeply at Lauren who goes back to looking uncomfortable. Morgan doesn't say anything before just walking off and leaving the interviewer alone. The scene soon fades to black.


Who's That Basketball Player?

'One of the world's worst covers begins playing as the crowd is laughing at who would have such a ridiculous song, it is Glee - Don't Stop Believing. The strums are played, we see Bo Dallas standing by the entrance stage. The crowd are quite annoyed given he's been standing there for a good minute with his face looking down. After the minute has passed, the song is still playing. Bo Dallas then looks to the crowd as he raises his hands up in excitement'.


Bo Dallas then walks down the entrance ramp as he smiles, he looks at all the people in the building as he slides into the ring as the ring announcer hands him over the microphone.


OOC: Ignore the title belt.

Bo Dallas:

My, My! It's absolutely fantastic to be out here on Anarchy! Now it's never the brand I thought I'd kick-start my UWF career but I'm tellin' y'all. It's just amazing being here! Last night, I'm sittin' at home with my father... Mind you he's famous and I'm quite sure y'all know who I am, 'cos if you don't... then what are you doing? My name is clearly written on the Titantron! But I'll happily introduce myself once again, I'm Bo Dallas! Everybody loves me! Of course y'all here love me right?

The crowd are booing Bo Dallas.

Oh, you people are so lovely saying BOOOOOOOOOOO! That's my name! I'm glad you all could BO-lieve in me! Ya know somethin' folks? I've gotta admit somethin', there ain't gonna be no risks taken here on Anarchy. I don't know much about this place and I ain't concerned one bit. Should I though? I'm Bo Dallas and simply Bo Dallas ain't scared, Bo Dallas is BO-Leivin' in himself and as should all of you. Y'all have to realize that I'm the newest talent around 'ere, I
ain't the guy you expected but hey... I'm a superstar! It's fine, it's fine... I understand you guys can't get enough of Bo. But I'm tellin' y'all... it's BO TIME! MC Hammer got nothin', thing is... He told y'all that you can't touch this, he's damn right 'bout that. Y'all can't touch this, I'm too legit to quit! I'm just gettin' started 'ere folks! Alas, I am now here on Anarchy and next week I'll be presentin' y'all my abilities and steppin' on up! I thank y'all for giving me the opportunity to come out here and introduce myself to y'all. I'm just me! I'm BO-vable! The moment's gonna come and I cannot wait, ya know to step in the ring and be a step closer. Now all the people backstage were talkin' bout Survivor Series, my papa was part of that a long time ago! I'm goin' to be writin' history when I compete at Survivor Series but I see Scott Hall is around but he's hidin' elsewhere over on Smackdown. Eh! It's fine, I'm goin' to try get myself on a team 'cos I'm gonna BO-liminate everybody. I'm a winner! But I can't be askin' for much can I? I've just gotta see what's put on the table next week, well c'ya later folks 'cos I'm quite hungry and I'm wantin' some steak. But remember...


The crowd boos the living hell out of Bo Dallas, not paying attention. Bo Dallas just smiles as he waves to the people, he blows a kiss to a few fans before he leaves and heads off backstage.


Hulk Hogan takes on Johnny Gargango for the UWF Commonwealth Championship. Can the backward warrior defeat the Real American, tune into a Special Saturday Night Impact to find out

We return from commercial where we hear the sound of


Fans begin to boo as they hear the song "Power" as David Otunga and Brad Maddox come out, Maddox goes as he poses, and he is happy as he is showing some bruises from the ladder match. Otunga makes his way down the ramp, as he goes and he awaits his opponent


Fans begin to give a mix reaction to the loose cannon Brian Pillman coming out to the ring, the fans give a good mix reaction, and Pillman goes as he enters the ring, the bell rings

Pillman goes as he looks at Otunga, and Otunga looks at him. Pillman goes and he wastes no time as he comes charging at Otunga, and Otunga meets him in the middle, and Pillman is landing crazy rights and lefts. The fans cheer like crazy seeing these two men just slugging it at each other. Otunga goes and he ducks under, as he grabs the legs of Pillman. Otunga goes and he starts to drive Pillman to the post. Otunga begins to drive his shoulder right into him as he starts ramming the shoulder about five times. Otunga goes as Pillman is laying there. Otunga goes and he backs up as he poses, and the fans boo as Otunga poses very gleefully. Otunga goes and he charges at Pillman, and Pillman goes as he sticks his foot in the air knocking Otunga Sideways. Otunga spins around, as Pillman is on the second rope, and he hits a crossbody right onto him. The fans cheer like crazy seeing this as Pillman gets up and he looks like he is possessed.

Joey Styles: Pillman bringing the highflying action.

Taz: We just got rid of Jeff Hardy, now we have this nut.

Pillman goes and he awaits for Otunga to get up. Otunga goes and he gets up as Pillman charges at him and leaps in the air as Otunga looks up as Pillman hits a tomahawk chop right onto the forehead of Otunga the fans cheer as Otunga falls to the ground. Pillman goes and he points to the turnbuckle as he is looking to climb it. Otunga goes and he is getting up as Pillman is perched up on the top turnbuckle. Otunga gets up and Pillman goes for a diving dropkick. Otunga though moves out of the way as Pillman crashes and burns. Pillman is down on the mat as Pillman is trying to get up, but Otunga goes quickly and he grabs the head and hits a sharp DDT. Otunga goes and he hooks the leg.



No Pillman kicks out. The fans cheer as Otunga goes and he picks him up Otunga goes and he throws Pillman against the ropes, but Pillman stops himself. Otunga goes, and sees this as he turns around and goes for the clothesline right onto Pillman. Pillman goes and he ducks under and throws Otunga over the ropes. The fans cheer as Pillman is down, and Otunga is on the outside. Maddox looks down at Otunga and he is trying to help him up. Maddox does so, all of a sudden Maddox looks up and here comes Pillman flying over the top rope. The fans cheer like crazy as they see this as Maddox, and Otunga are down on the outside, and Otunga is down on the outside. Pillman gets up as he is screaming. The fans cheer.

Joey Styles: Brian Pillman pulling all the stops here tonight on Anarchy.

William Regal: We will be able to see if he can keep this up

Pillman goes as he grabs the head of Otunga, and he throws Otunga into the ring. The fans cheer as Pillman enters the ring, Pillman goes and he kicks the head of Otunga who is straggling up. Otunga is down as Pillman goes and he hooks a leg.



No Otunga kicks out. Pillman looks down at Otunga and he flips his body over. Pilman goes and bounces off the ropes and he drops a knee right into the face of Otunga. Otunga holds his face as Pillman goes and he screams as he is super excited. Pillman goes and he awaits for Pillman to get up. Pillman goes and he awaits for Otunga to get up. Otunga is getting up, and Pillman goes a for a superkick, but Otunga ducks under. Pillman goes and turns around as Otunga picks him up, and he hits an atomic drop. Pillman holds the nuts of his, and Otunga hits the bodyslam. Otunga goes and he bounces off the ropes hitting a leg drop. The fans boo as Otunga goes for the cover.



No kick out by Brian Pillman the fans cheer like crazy, and Otunga goes and he starts to beat down on Pillman. Otunga goes and he grabs the legs of Pillman, Pillman goes and he pulls it a bit. Otunga goes and he drops an elbow right onto the knee and he starts to hold the leg a bit. The fans begin to cheer for Pillman to get up, as they start to clap as they are trying to help him up. They keep on clapping as Pillman starts to drag his body to the middle of the ring, The fans cheer like crazy seeing this as Pillman goes and he grabs the bottom rope, and the fans cheer. The fans cheered as Otunga lets go of the hold. Pillman is down as Otunga is awaiting for Pillman to get up. As Pillman is up Otunga goes and hits Star Studded Spinebuster. The fans boo and Otunga goes for the cover.




No kick out by Pillman, the fans begin to cheer as Otunga goes and he picks up Pillman again, he hits another star studded spinebuster as the fans go “ohhh” and Otunga goes for the cover one more time.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner David Otunga!

Taz: My man David Otunga looking impressive here tonight.

Orunga gets his hand raised when all of a sudden Vince Russo appears on the screen.


Vince Russo: David, David great stuff my man, two thumbs up. Now I was so impressed by your effort in the ladder match. Felt you did fantastic, better then others who I will personally address later tonight, but anyways David I just want to tell you congrats, because you and Ted Dibiase will be facing off one on one at Survivor Series, and your asking for what? Well its simple one you guys win, and you get an International title shot. That is right buddy, so be excited, be happy because it is going to be great!

David smiles as Russo disappears. Maddox gets up and he rolls in the ring, and David looks on excited at his huge opportunity


Don't do drugs kids, otherwise you end up like Justin Blackmon


We return from the commercial with Heath Slater, and Curt Hawkins in the ring, all of a sudden

The fans sit on their hands as they wait for anything to happen in preparation for the next edition of Anarchy. They don't have to wait any longer once the new International Champion makes an appearance.


"Sleeping Giant" plays and the fans begin booing as the new International Heavyweight Champion Matt Morgan makes his way out onto the stage. Standing to Morgan's right is his tag team partner; Alex Riley. The team collectively known as G.E.N.E make their way down the ramp without and fanfare or pyrotechnics.


Riley and Morgan get in the ring as the bell rings

Curt Hawkin is in the ring, and he still has his extreme championship around his waist. Heath and him start taking pretend pictures with Curt Hawkins posing. Curt then goes as he high fives Heath. Morgan looks really irritated with this, Hawkins turns around, and wham gets hit with a carbon footprint right in the face. Morgan goes for the cover as the fans count.




Christy Hemme: Here is you’re winner G.E.N.E

Taz: Wow just like that

Joey Styles: The International Champion is not pulling any punches

William Regal: Yep and he is looking just as dominate as ever.

Morgan goes and he gets handed his title, as he goes and him and Alex Riley raise it up high. The fans boo as Heyman goes on the outside still clapping his hands strong. Heyman goes and he claps his hands. The final image is Matt Morgan looking at the camera intense as Anarchy fades away from commercial break.


Don't be Richie Incognito

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentleman the following contest is a 6 Man Tag Team match, where the losing team will be fired! Introducing first, coming in at a combined weight on 684 pounds; R-Truth, BG James and Rey Mysterio; they are the 3! Live! Kru!

Beware, coming for you!
Its the remix!,
3 live kru,
still gettin rowdy,
oh ien say,
oh you didnt know?
we the 3LK!


BG James, R-Truth and Rey Mysterio all appear on the stage as they make their way towards the ring. The crowd pops loudly to see all three men live as R-Truth is doing a free dance while walking as Mysterio slaps the extended arms of the fans on one side while BG is doing the same thing to the other side, BG looking into the camera and yells something into the camera.All three of them enter the ring as they look to the crowd in different sides and all pose for them.


And introducing their opponents, from the Latin Community, weighing in at a combined weight of 740 pounds, Homicide, Hernandez and Sin Cara... The Latin. American. Xchange!

Fans in the arena immediately boo like crazy as they hear "Bleeding is a Luxury" hit the pa system, Homicide, Hernandez, and Sin Cara all come out. Sin Cara is obviously trying to get the fans attention, but Homicide, is slapping his hands down telling him to stop it. Hernandez goes and he looks angry as he slides in the ring, and he grabs a microphone first. Hernandez begins to speak as he seems pissed off, as Homicide, and Sin Cara trail behind him


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Taz: Up next are my boys, LAX taking on 3 Live Kru!

Joey: Although LAX is very exciting, they will have their hands full against 3 Live Kru here tonight. It's a 3 on 3 anything goes match. Konan could get involved you know.

Taz: He shouldn't have to. LAX could take em out on their own.

Joey: Well whatever happens, the loser gets fired! Three men will lose their jobs here tonight.

Taz: *Cough* 3 Live Kru *Cough*

Joey: Will you shut up?

Hernandez is starting the match for LAX on one side and R Truth is starting the match for the other. Both men walk up to each other with the ref in between them before hearing the bell ring. Ding Ding Ding The match is underway but, Truth holds out his hand as if he wants to shake hands before the match begins. Hernandez looks dead at him before kicking him in the gut and sending a strong axehandel blow to his back, sending him to the mat. Hernandez then wastes no time, stomping viciously at Truth. After moments of stomping have passed by, the ref is finally able to push him off. Hernandez gives off a smile before pulling Truth's limp body back to his feet. He then scoops him up and slams him right back down on the mat with a scoop slam. He goes right back on the attack with a few more stomps to the chest and left shoulder of R Truth which causes him to cry out in pain. Hernandez then drags R Truth towards his corner and he tags in Homicide who climbs up on the top rope. He then dives off the turnbuckle and lands elbow first onto the chest of R Truth before going for the first pin of the match.


2..No! Kickout!

Taz: LAX sure is dominating!

Joey: Well they got the advantage when the match first started. R Truth went for a handshake for good luck but Hernandez took that to his advantage and attacked him.

Taz: That's stupidity on his part Joey.

Joey: He was trying to show respect.

Taz: LAX doesn't need their respect. Now let's get back to the match.

Homicide stands to his feet and bring Truth back up. As he goes for the suplex, Truth wiggles out of it and lands behind Homicide to hit a Russian Leg Sweep. Homicide gets little damage from the attack and shows it as he gets up fast but runs right into a high impact drop kick from R Truth. Truth, while holding his midsection in pain, hurries for the tag and tags Rey Mysterio in. Homicide gets up and turns around to a Head Scissors Takedown which sends him flying back towards his corner, he then gets to his knees and quickly tags in Sin Cara before crawling out of the ring. Sin Cara gets into the ring but runs into a few right hand blows from Rey and sent flying towards the ropes only to come back to a drop kick. Homicide is seen whispering something into Hernandez's ear as they both smiles. Sin Cara gets back to his feet as Rey wraps his arm around his head and jumps high into the air in order to gain momentum on the way down to the mat with a strong jumping DDT. Rey doesn't stop yet. He then stands by Sin Cara's body and delivers a standing moonsault before going for the pin.



Before Rey can do anything else, he's drilled in the back of the head by a steel chair that Hernandez is holding. R Truth comes running in only to suffer the same fate that Rey did with a chair to the skull. Homicide then joins Hernandez in the ring with a steal chair as the both of them invite Road Dogg into the ring. Road Dogg then steps off the apron to make everyone believe that he's giving up, but instead he runs around to the side and tackles Konan which causes both Homicide and Hernandez to drop the chairs and rush to the outside to help Konan. But, Road Dogg out smarts them by immediately sliding into the ring and picking up a steal chair. He hits the mat hard with his chair while screaming "Come on!". Hernandez and Homicide circle around the ring until they end up on opposite sides before climbing up on the apron. They give each other a nod before entering the ring, but Road Dogg jams the chair into the gut of Hernandez and nails Homicide in the skull sending him back to the outside of the ring. Road Dogg then drops the chair and comes running at Hernandez with a clothesline that sends both men out of the ring. R Truth has no rolled out and the only two men in the ring are Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio who are both getting to their feet.

Joey: So much chaos going on? Jesse James made things fair though.

Taz: Oh please! If he didn't have that chair, he'd be squashed.

Rey get's to his feet first as he attempts a kick to the gut. But Sin Cara catches the foot only to get sent right back down to the mat by an enziguri from Rey. But Rey falls down due to head trauma from the chair shot from earlier. Road Dogg has made it back to his corner and holds out his hand for the tag. As Rey is crawling, Homicide has made it to his side as well. Sin Cara and Rey both make their tags at the same time while Road Dogg and Homicide come running at each other. Road Dogg ducks a clothesline and hits a Belly to Back suplex. He then notices something happening on the sidelines. The camera turns to Konan getting the ring bell. Road Dogg goes towards the ropes and begins yelling threats to Konan. But, Road Dogg doesn't notice Hernandez sliding into the ring with another steal chair. As Road Dogg turns around, Hernandez holds up the chair but is speared by R Truth. Hernandez rolls out of the ring in pain but Truth follows and continues his assault with multiple punches. As this is all going on, Road Dogg turns back around towards the ropes where Konan is now on the apron and smashes that ring bell right on the temple of Jesse James which sends him crashing down on the mat for Homicide to pin.




Ding Ding Ding!

Joey: NO! Konan wasn't even a part of this match!

Taz: It was anything goes Joey What did you expect? Plus, Konan was tackled by Road Dogg so it was payback.

Announcer: Here are your winners, Hernandez, Homicide, and Sin Cara! LAX!!!!!

As Homicide stands up, he continues his attack on Road Dogg by stomping on him with all his might. But is shortly interrupted by R Truth who attempts to take him down with a few right handed blows, but Hernandez comes back in on the attack, Sin Cara joins in. They all bring Truth to the mat with dozens of stomps before looking up to see Rey Mysterio flying over the top rope and knocking LAX down on the mat. Sin Cara is the first one to stand up only to get drop kicked and sent falling on the second rope. Rey then runs towards the ropes and hits a 619. He jumps up off the ropes afterwards and nails Hernandez with a seated Senton. But his momentum dies when he is hit by a strong clothesline from Homicide. Homicide wastes no time and picks Rey up and hits him with Da Gringo Killa. LAX's music hits the PA sytem as Sin Cara, Hernandez and Homicide all roll out of the ring with Sin Cara barely being able to stand. Konan catches up with the men as they all leave the arena.


Why would anyone want to write someone choke slamming Mickie James... Just Turrible



The fans boo intensely as "Bleeding Is A Luxury" by Atreyu, the theme song of the Establishment, begins to play over the PA system and thunder throughout the arena. As the theme plays and the members of the crowd voice their disdain, the group emerges from behind the curtain. Out first is the Big Show and Carlito followed by Chris Masters and Layla, then Homicide and Hernandez, then Konnan and Sin Cara, then Alex Riley and Paul Heyman, and lastly by Shawn Michaels. The group head down the ramp and enter the ring two by two, forming a line-up in the ring. "Bleeding is a Luxury" fades out to silence, making the fierce booing more audible. It is at this time that Paul Heyman steps forward from the line-up and raises the microphone he's holding up to his mouth


Paul Heyman: For those of you that actually get involved in the product before you beyond the typical, "ooh"'s and "ahh"'s and notice details and are thirsty for continuity and the like, and I imagine that's not many of you, based on what decades in this industry has taught me. But for those select few of you that are involved, do notice, do thirst, and are currently wondering why the "Blueprint" Matt Morgan isn't out here with the rest of us, well, it's simple. Matt Morgan, Alex Riley, and myself are not members of the Establishment, we are merely associates as things stand right now. Because of that, we deserve better than to just blend in like faceless sheep in the herd. Matt Morgan is the International Champion, people. He is my International Champion, he is your International Champion, he is the face of Anarchy and as a result, Matt Morgan is demanding the respect and recognition that the past men to hold that belt did not have the courage to ask for. Now, without further delay. Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and put your hands together for the Inter-national Champion, the "Blueprint" Matt...MORRRRRGAAANNNNN!!!!


"Sleeping Giant" plays and the fans begin booing as the new International Heavyweight Champion Matt Morgan makes his way out onto the stage and heads down the ramp without any pyrotechnics or fanfare.


Morgan enters the ring and, as his music fades out to silence, paces the line-up of men several times over before stopping and patting the belt he's proudly wearing over his shoulder. Paul hands his microphone to Matt but before the big man can speak...


The theme of Vince Russo begins to play as the fans boo more intensely as the man himself appears on the stage and makes his way to the ring quickly. As he arrives to the ring, he enters it, and immediately begins speaking.


Vince Russo: I'm glad you brought that up, Paul, out here in the open for the entire wrestling world to see and hear, no less. Ever since you became members of my roster and found out that I was interested in you joining the Establishment, you've been riding high, having our back while we had yours. Well it's starting to come off as ungrateful, Paul, and I'm not one to just sit back and take that kind of slap to the face without retaliating. So here's my solution, an ultimatum if you will. You three have until next week to decide if you're going to officially join the Establishment or not, and since you work for me either way, I suggest you make the right choice.

Matt and Heyman fall in line with the rest of the superstars, Matt looking visibly irritated as Heyman looks at him and shakes his head, discouraging it as Matt's expression becomes blank as he and Paul now look straight ahead as Russo addresses everyone.

Vince Russo: "Oh, that's bold, Vince." "Are you sure you want to issue an ultimatum like that, Vince?" I've never been more sure, and here's why. For weeks, I've been too soft when it comes to the Establishment, I've been a pushover and let the weak ones and the dead weight and those that have failed me time and time again stay with the ranks of this stable. Well not anymore. Things are going back to the way they were before, and it's Mankind deciding to get involved that gave me the violent shove into realizing that. Tonight, I evaluate all of you and that's because, in returning to the old guard, a departure is required to get my point across. Tonight, the Establishment will lose a member.

The crowd cheers this as the members of the Establishment look uneasy. Russo turns and looks at the line-up, who appear as follows from left to right: Michaels, Morgan, Heyman, Riley, Sin Cara, Konnan, Hernandez, Homicide, Layla, Masters, Carlito, Show. He walks over and stands in front of Big Show.

Vince Russo: Big Show. You have done the Establishment a lot of good since its inception. You've manhandled almost everyone I've put in front of you, and that's where the feeling of disgust creeps into my stomach when it comes to you, almost. Not only did you fail to beat Umaga for the Extreme Championship in a one-on-one encounter, but as thanks for a second chance, not only did you fail me again, but someone far smaller than you and far less of a physical force than Umaga was the one that was able to accomplish the feat. Is that what you've become, Show? A shell of your former self? Someone that decimated a man like The Rock but couldn't handle someone like Curt Hawkins?

Russo shakes his head as he moves on to Carlito.

Vince Russo: Carlito. On your very first night in UWF and on Anarchy, you were part of the history making formation of the Establishment. You helped beat down and bloody Mick Foley, Trish Stratus, The Rock, and Umaga. But since that night, what have you done? You lost to Derrick Bateman, and you too failed to capture the Extreme Championship, in fact you were the first one eliminated from that match. Should I even bother evaluating the rest of these guys? What's it going to take to motivate you to do better and actually contribute to the Establishment in a positive way?

Russo shakes his head again as he moves on to Masters.

Vince Russo: Chris Masters. The third man that helped ring in this group. You've done well for yourself among these ranks, getting the recognition you wanted for Layla and yourself, you even won the Ironman Championship. I'd be proud of you if it weren't for the fact that not only did you lose the Ironman Championship, you lost it to the very man you captured it from in the first place. If you beat him once, beating him again shouldn't have been difficult at all but for some reason, it was difficult and you came up short. Is there no one in this group that can keep that belt away from Dolph Ziggler?

Russo rolls his eyes as he moves on to Homicide, walking past Layla as though she weren't standing there.

Vince Russo: Homicide. Your list of accomplishments is the longest out of anyone in this faction. You and the LAX have dominated in so many matches, you've even represented Anarchy against other brands. You were the first Ironman Champion and held it for sixty-three days, and even went on to capture the International Championship. But you know what, Homicide? And this goes for Konnan, Mistico, and Hernandez too. All of that means nothing. Because when you represented Anarchy against other brands, you lost, to Eddie Guerrero and his talentless nephew no less. And your failure is what set the domino effect in motion that left Dolph Ziggler with the Ironman Championship. Not to mention, as soon as you won that International Championship, you lost it to Seth Rollins and just like Big Show, you choked when I gave you another chance and couldn't win your championship back. With each week that passes, the four of you become less and less of an acquisition and more and more of an embarassment.

Russo turns and walks past the other members of LAX as well as the members of G.E.N.E., stopping in front of Shawn Michaels.

Vince Russo: The members of G.E.N.E. have been given their ultimatum, and the other members of L.A.X. were addressed in the same breath as Homicide, which brings me to you. Shawn, when you joined the Establishment, it was the proudest I've been of an acquisition, but what have you done for me or the Establishment since then besides walk around with the same sense of entitlement and arrogance that you've always darkened this world's locker rooms with?

Russo turns his back and walks away from Shawn and the others.

Vince Russo: While all of you mull my words over, allow me to address another matter of business. Mankind issued the Establishment a challenge for Survivor Series, a traditional five-on-five elimination match, so that the differences between myself and Mick Foley as well as between the Establishment and the rest of the Anarchy roster can be resolved. Mankind, before you were even finished issuing the challenge, I knew my answer. If you want to martyr yourself for Mick Foley's sake, then so be it, captain the men willing to fight for him into mediocrity and inevitable failure. On behalf of the Establishment, we accept. If your team wins, the Establishment will disband and I will leave, and if the Establishment wins, since you're standing in for Foley, you will leave. Now, speaking of the Establishment...

Russo turns around and faces the group.

Vince Russo: It's decision time.

Suddenly Morgan turns and clotheslines Michaels, knocking him to the mat.

Taz: What the?

Morgan grabs Michaels by the ankles and drags him to the center of the ring as Riley and the members of the Establishment help Matt circle him as they all begin stomping on Shawn. After a moment, Michaels is stood up as he actually begins fighting back, delivering Sweet Chin Music to Sin Cara as the masked superstar goes down. Michaels tackles Carlito to the mat and begins pummeling him but he is pulled off of him by Hernandez and Konnan as Michaels throws his foot backward and kicks Konnan between the legs. Michaels turns around and drills Hernandez with Sweet Chin Music and then Konnan as well before Homicide low blows him in return, the crowd going from wildly cheering to fiercely booing in an instant.

As Michaels falls forward, Big Show hits him with the WMD and Michaels staggers backward where Carlito catches him with the Backstabber, causing him to stagger forward again where Morgan is waiting as Matt grabs him and hits him with the Hellevator! The crowd is booing intensely as Morgan and Russo hug and the members of G.E.N.E. and the Establishment all pose together as Anarchy fades to black


Confirmed for Survivor Series.
Establishment vs Anarchists
Matt Morgan (C), Homicide,Carlito, Chris Masters, and Big Show vs Mankind, ???, ???, ???, ???

Number One Contendership Match
David Otunga vs Ted Dibiase

Tapout has earned a strike

Respective TTers- Promos
Dresden- Main Event Segment
Schmidty- LAX vs 3LK
CliqueClacks- Carlito vs Daniels
Chase- Everything Else

ppc: Sorry for the lateness, I apologize to all the TTers, and all the UWF Staff for letting you guys all down. No excuses for me guys, If I want to be taken seriously as a head writer I have to do a better job. Thank you guys for all your support in me becoming one. New Chillin with Chase coming out soon, should be a fun one.

Last edited:


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/8/13 Edition

Hey man its all good. Everything has been on literal delay around here lately so no probs. You was still first to get a show out. But as far as the show goes... Anarchy is still rolling on all cylinders. Of course I was hoping for the win but shoot you win some and you lose some. But I am interested in this new Establishment and wondering who is going to be going against them at Survivor Series.

But this show was definitely good man. Don't be too hard on yourself.


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: UWF Anarchy 11/8/13 Edition

Chase buddy you got to relax, you're putting too much on yourself. You've explained how the booking is going until after SurSer and have done admirably up to now. Anarchy is still interesting and the Russo character is still top notch when handled by any head writers of the green brand.

Slim good game bro, could have gone either way, pleasure doing business with ya.

I've got a nice little reward too (Y)


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/8/13 Edition

Very good edition of Anarchy. Very promo heavy but it progressed all stories well.

Disappointed Tapout didn't show for our match but I know that real life comes first.

Don't be too hard on yourself Chase. We all understand where you're coming from so it's cool bro.

Onto next week!


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/8/13 Edition

I'll gladly take my strike because these past two weeks have been HELL. College is killing me and any free time I do get goes to being with my girl. I think all I needed was a week break, and I'm good to go now.

Show was pretty promo heavy but all the promos were well done and furthered some stories. I'm loving Cwalkers Morgan stuff, and I'm sorry I didn't get time to go head to head with you this week but I'm sure we'll meet up again sometime soon.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/8/13 Edition

Don't stop BOleivin'!

Great show Chase!

Don't stop BOleivin'!

Great show Chase!
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/8/13 Edition

Solid show. Great match between Daniels and Carlito! So the Establishment has made an adjustment and have kicked out ole' HBK huh. I'm looking forward to what the next steps are for HBK going forward I assume against this new Establishment!
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