UWF - Anarchy Roster

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Re: UWF Anarchy: Hardcore Championship Final - Brodus Clay vs. Sheamus

"Sheamus stares down Clay waiting for a reaction from the trio" but he doesn't get the reaction he's looking for. Bischoff suddenly bursts into laughter as Clay and Jackson sport grins.


Eric Bischoff: Do you even have the remotest idea of what you've just done, Sheamus? Huh? Do you? I don't think you do! For what seems like the one billionth time, I'm once again bang on the money and I expected nothing less. Allow me to enlighten you big guy, because I'm sure you're struggling to work out exactly what you've done wrong. Don't worry; you're not the only person who has been stupid enough to make this mistake, because Derrick Bateman and Fandango have done the very same thing. See Sheamus, you've done the very thing I have warned the roster time after time to not do - don't take us lightly. Can it BE any simpler than that? I mean I know I'm an intelligent guy, but come on; you can't simplify it any more than that! Yet the message still continues to be lost in translation, which is just a damn shame, it really is. Brodus has left two opponents in his wake, he has forced his way into the final against all odds, and against all odds he'll emerge victorious this week as well.

Bischoff looks down the camera grimly, ensuring the entire UWF Universe understand that point.

Eric Bischoff: It's becoming a pandemic - Brodus is ridiculed by his opposition, then when the microphone's are set down, Brodus is the man who has the last laugh. Am I beginning to get through to you here, Sheamus? I hope I am because it'll save us all a lot of time if you... just... LISTEN! See Sheamus, I take one look at you and I DON'T see a future Hardcore Champion, because all I see is a man who'll succumb to the NEXT Hardcore Champion. You had the audacity to question Brodus' spot in the match when you failed to provide me with a suitable answer as to why you deserve yours. I don't see a dominant superstar, I just see a fool playing a fool's game - it's what I like to call "The Bateman". Now what's "The Bateman"? Well I'm glad you asked, Sheamus! "The Bateman" is the notion that an individual thinks they have the match in their back pocket and instead of having a civil war of words, they decide to run their comedy routine instead. And hasn't that proven to be the smart path to take...

Bischoff shakes his head in sheer disgust.

Eric Bischoff: "Kick your little boy toy’s ass", "All of you have a face only a mother could love", "You guys got lucky", "I’m going to have fun kicking that fat head off those stupid shoulders", "Maria wasn’t the only one bleeding", and yes, I know what you meant and quite frankly you're disgusting. This is all a game to you, Sheamus, but laughing time is over. On Anarchy, you're going to come face-to-face with one of the most destructive, dangerous forces that this business has ever laid eyes on. He WILL be the Last... MAN... Standing! I'll give you one final warning before Anarchy, one that I truly implore you to take. This isn't me trying to get inside your head. This is me telling you to shape up, Sheamus, otherwise you'll be finished. You can continue your little charade of making light of a dangerous situation just to save face. I get it, you don't want the UWF Universe to know how much you fear for your career at Brodus' hands. But just do us all a favour - don't test me.

Bischoff stands less than a metre away from Sheamus, looking up at him with no fear. Bischoff is looking straight into Sheamus' eyes, hoping he can comprehend the danger he's faced with.



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Re: UWF Anarchy: Hardcore Championship Final - Brodus Clay vs. Sheamus

Sheamus looks unimpressed at the men before him, and wastes little time in coming back with his answer.



Oh, its time to get serious, fella? Is that what ya trying to say? Okay, so I make a few jokes, but I love to fight more then I love to joke and I hope ya boy here can bring it because I’m expecting a fight. I’m expecting a fight that Ryback promised me, but never delivered on. I’m getting real tired of people around here promising me a good ol' fashioned fight, but falling so short. Its just not fun. I’ve been chomping at the bit to finally have a real challenge, so all I can say about that Bishy is I really hope Clay can deliver. If not, he’s in for a rude awakening when his head is kicked off by me big Irish boot.

Sheamus cracks his neck and continues


And did I hear you right, fella? Did you compare me to “The Bateman?†I think the one thing me and you can agree on is that guy is a joke. Yeah, I look a little silly. I have pasty white skin, and bright orange hair, but I have done nothing but dominate since stepping my foot into this here ring, fella. I laid to waste Ryback...Twice. Left him in a pool of his own blood, and I walked away with a smile on me face. I would have ended Drew McIntyre's career if Ryback didn’t stop me. I beat Alberto Del Rio into retirement, and sent him crying back to Mexico. Your boy Clay is going to be no different. Just another name on the list of people that I ate up, and spit out in the middle of the ring. Brodus, you’ve never faced anyone like me. Look at who you’ve been up against. Enzo Amore? Who even is that guy? A no body. A worthless rookie. How about Derrick Bateman? Psh, again, who? None of those guys hold any weight. I’ve beaten former champions. I’ve beaten future champion. You? I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys decided to leave after I whoop your arse as well.

Sheamus has clearly gotten more serious, and takes a few steps towards Bischoff.


I don’t want to take ya lightly. I really don’t. I want a good fight this week, but sadly you have given me no reason to see you as a threat. You’ve beaten two nothing opponents and basically coasted into this finals match on pure luck. Maybe ya are a monster. Maybe ya will kick my arse and give me the fight of my life. But I don’t go down easily. I’m no pushover. I’m no quitter, fella. Even if I have to done the crimson mask, I will just come back stronger than ever. If Brodus is a monster, then I’m a monster slayer, and I will do what I have to do to hang your head on a stake. It’s time to go Hardcore, and no one loves it more than me. A Great White doesn’t play with it’s prey. It meets it face to face..and then attacks. Leaving it dead in the water, swimming in their own blood. Much like how I’m going to leave you here in the middle of the ring, in a bloody mess, fella!

Sheamus gets face to face with Clay as the tension rises.


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UWF Anarchy 10/24/13: Slater vs. Hernandez vs. Reigns

"We're a 3 Man Band!!!!"

The theme of the 3MB plays out for the UWF audience to a positive response. The fans are eating up the act of 3MB. The camera zooms in on the crowd on people who are holding up 3MB signs. The trio of Rockstars walks out from the back, pumped like always, and led by The One Man Band himself, Heath Slater.


Both Jinder and Hawkins take either side while Heath plays the Air Guitar. Heath jumps to his feet and the three make their way to the ring. All three slide in and do some more posing before retrieving mics from ring side.

Heath Slater

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, and those of you confused, this is ANARCHY and I am the resident rockstar, Heath Slater!

Cheap pop.

Heath Slater

This week I am tasked with the challenge of defeating the odds that have been stacked against me when I face two of the biggest, strongest people on Anarchy and in the UWF as a whole. Super Mex Hernandez and Roman Reigns. I’m I scared? Maybe. But I’m not gonna show it baby because this is what I was BORN to do. I was born to be an entertainer, to be a wrestler..and to be a winner. And winning is what I will be doing on Anarchy when I pick up my first win here on the Green Brand. What a win it will be. I’m going to call my dad. I’m going to pop the champagne and just party like a rockstar with my two best friends.

Heath lays his arms around McIntyre and Mahal.

Heath Slater

I mean, come on, I’m going to be beating not one, but TWO giants. Yeah, that’s right, count it, TWO. T-W-O. Dos. Duece. That is no small feat. Then guess what? My boy here Hawkins is going to go to Bad Blood and bring some gold back to 3MB in the form of the Extreme Championship. I tell you, things are looking up for 3MB. I’m going to get the biggest win of my live and Hawkins is going to win yet another championship and well...Jinder..you just keep it up, kiddo!

Jinder Mahal takes the mic from Heath

Jinder Mahal

What does that mean? I could be UWF Champion if I wanted to!

Both Hawkins and Slater hold back a laugh.

Jinder Mahal

Man, forget you guys.

Heath Slater

Aww, come on Jinder, we know we’re just messing with you! Actually, tell you what, if you want, I can trade spots with you this week, and you can face Reigns and Hernandez, how about that?

Jinder Mahal

Um..I..I’m good.

Heath Slater

But I don’t want to face them!..I mean..I just don’t want to hurt them. I’m not scared or anything..just um, see, I’m a lover, not a fighter.

Curt Hawkins

But didn’t you just say you were born to be a wrestler?

Heath Slater

Don’t you have a title match to focus on?

3MB starts to bicker among themselves but none are talking into the mic so their words are unheard. They continue bickering as the crowd sits confused.


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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/24/13: Slater vs. Hernandez vs. Reigns


'Lose My Mind (Instrumental) begins playing throughout the titantron as Roman Reigns comes from the side of the entrance via the crowd, Roman stops by the barricade as he looks at the ring.


Roman Reigns then leaps over the barricade as he approaches towards the commentary desk where he snatches a microphone, Roman Reigns then hops up onto the apron as he steps into the ring.

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Roman Reigns:

I don't know about you Heath Slater, but I suggest you stop speaking. You think this is funny? The fact you and I don't have a Pay-Per-View match? But your buddy Curt Hawkins has? This is a travesty but I can see why you're laughing Heath, It's because you're nothing more than a scared weasel! You think this match is going to do you any favors? If anything it'll be either me or Hernandez squashing you, breaking you in half that you won't be able to entertain no more. You won't be able to play with your little air-guitars. Now mind you... I'd rather have Rikishi and his Too Cool gang dancing then me having to witness and seeing you three piss-ants trying to impress the crowd. I somehow wonder what drives this crowd, it's blatant stupidity that allows you people to go wild, but what happens when one destroys your hero? What happens when a savage is pissed off? What happens then? You tell me. All you people shouldn't be enjoying this 3MB crap, they have promised you many things... but they've estimated themselves to nothing! Heath, you weren't born to be anything more than a Ginger hack; I don't know about your parents but I'm quite sure they work at Wendy's or something. Either way, you should forever keep away from me... I'm like a train coming at you, I'll hit you and simply... I will break you! Even my tag partner has a match against Goldberg, mind you... I'm going to be laughing if Santino even beats Goldberg. It should have been me that was put to the test, but I'll take this week's match as my Pay-Per-View match... A win this week will just succumb what was truly missing at Bad Blood. But this week we're not here to talk about Curt Hawkins; Heath. We're here to talk about you! The fact you're nothing more than a freak that belongs in the bottomless pit of this company... Your face should never be shown, do you know who I am? I have a legendary bloodline behind me, what do you have?

That leads me to the next opponent... Hernandez. Yeah you. I've been to war with your pal Homicide, I had him pinned. I'm still upbeat about that! Do you think one second goes past me that I'm over that? NO! This week, I'm going to beat you up so damn hard that Homicide will wish he never was part of Anarchy. Whilst Seth Rollins might have been a former friend of mine in the WWE; I want you to tell Homicide that he's standing absolutely zero chance to win the belt back. This week, I'll be proving to you Hernandez that soon enough... I'll be stepping up to the plate. I'll be the one proving to Homicide that he should have believed in me as well, just like he should have believed in Seth Rollins. Who knows, perhaps we'll form up again here in UWF... You'll never know, but this week you'll experience the savage firsthand; I hope you can feel the impact buddies... Both of you will fall, both of you will never want to experience Roman Reigns after this match. I am a predator, I am a savage, I am Roman Reigns and I'll be leading the way to the top of the food chain!



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Re: UWF Anarchy 10/24/13: Slater vs. Hernandez vs. Reigns

As Reigns is finished speaking, all of a sudden Hernandez appears on the titantron, and he begins to speak


Hernandez: Pretty speeches by you pendejos in the ring. I would be out there myself, but Homicide, and I we got bigger, and better things to prepare for. Not to mention I don't see you two as even time for my violence to even be released. Reigns you talk down on my little homie Homicide, but look at where he is, and look where you are. You're nothing but a small little ant here on Anarchy, you may find it hypocritical of me saying this. As I myself don't have a pay perview match either, but what your Gringos don't understand is blood. Blood is not just what drains from our bodies when we are hurt, no it can connect. That is what Homicide and I are connected by the brotherhood that we share.

We lift each other back up when we are down. When he lost the international title I cried. I felt the very same pain he felt. That is what makes us tight. He may be alone in that ladder match, but in spirit we are together. We are one, and that right there is enough to get us by. This three man band mess I see in this ring, you're not amigo's. You're apart of the Gringo crap that this company tries to feed you. Soon our message will be heard, the Establishment will rise once again, so soon boys. Come Anarchy you will see why they call me SuperMex.


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Re: UWF Anarchy - R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase Jr


R-Truth is sitting backstage as he looks into the camera, clearly not pleased with what DiBiase had to say.

R-Truth: That's real cute dawg, just real cute. Kick a man while he's down huh? Y'know go figure that I finally get a match on this stupid brand and I have to face off against some little rich kid named Ted DiBiase Jr. I used to watch your papa when he wrestled back in the late 80's.... oh no wait I didn't because I didn't have a tv! That's right Ted, not everyone was rich back in the day like you, and especially low income families like me who couldn't afford a friggin tv either. Yes I made enough to buy a tv now but that doesn't change the fact that I never grew up watching your rich daddy throw away his money on live tv for his entertainment. I don't give a damn that you don't need your daddy to succeed in this company, and I sure as hell don't care what kind of contract that you have. What I care about is walking out there and kicking your ass this Thursday on Anarchy and showing to everyone that Ron "The Truth" Killings doesn't play second fiddle to everyone. Not to BG James, and sure as hell not to Mysterio. Mysterio... see I knew bringing the fan favourite into the 3 Live Kru was a bad idea, everyone wants to see him in action rather then me, and it's complete bullshit!

The crowd gives off a mixed reaction as R-Truth starts to breathe heavily backstage.

Y'know Ted, I want to come down there and kick your sorry smug face with my foot and be done with this day, because honestly dawg I'm not feeling you. I'm not feeling anything right now about you, about this match, and about this brand! Why does it always seem that I always come up short against everyone and every task that I always challege? I mean I lost the friggin hardcore title for Christ's sakes! And if that's not embarrassing enough I got my ass whooped by Cena at the next PPV. Oh it gets better though because me and Mysterio ended up losing against The Watchmen on Impact for the Tag Team Tournament; a team that disbanded two weeks later! I'm a failure to the UWF and I'm a failure towards myself. Ted DiBiase, this Thursday will mark as the first night as the re-incarnation of R-Truth! The Truth who will go against all odds and overcome the biggest challenge in life: The will to survive. If you want to face off against The Truth on Anarchy Ted then you will bring your A-Game because when I'm done with your there will be no excuses for my win. I don't need The 3 Live Kru on my side. Hell I don't need the crowd favourite Rey Mysterio on my side to become the best thing that this brand will ever see! So the next time somebody asks me "Oh Ron when will you make something of yourself" I will tell them to shove it because I WILL make a name for myself! And it will happen sooner then later, believe me! The Truth has set me free, and soon I will use the Truth to set you all free as well! Now beat it rich boy because I have things to do and bitches to fuck! Peace yo!

R-Truth leaves the area in a fury as the camera shuts down

OOC: Sorry we can't go on to 2-2 man, but I'm unfortunately pretty busy atm. I have to say that your DiBiase Jr. is pretty snazzy and knowing Chase, he'll book you to go pretty far if you keep at it.


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UWF Presents Anarchy 10/24/13

And Now UWF Presents...


Pyro hits all over the arena as the fans cheer like crazy seeing the Anarchy logo, we see signs all over the place such as "I love Jeff Hardy", and "Show off" signs through out the arena. The fans cheer like crazy as we are taken down at ringside with Taz,Joey Styles, and William Regal

Joey Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Thursday night Anarchy, I am Joey Styles here with Taz, and William Regal. What a night we have in store for you guys.

Taz: You ain't kidding Joe, I mean this is better then watching the stupid Buccaneers taking on those Panthers. Ha I mean what chumps

William Regal: Yes well anyways we have some big match ups here tonight. Some fresh faces as that fool Russo would call it.

Taz: Ey watch it Regal, the only bad thing Russo has done is get rid of my boy Tyson Kidd, but other then that he has been doing a great job here on Thursday night

Joey Styles: Let's take it away to Christy Hemme, Who has our first opening match.

Christy Hemme: The Following match up is the finals of the Hardcore Tournament

Its a Shameful Thing


“Written In My Face†starts to play out and Sheamus walks out from behind the curtain with an unamused look on his face. He wastes no time and heads straight to the ring. Sheamus is in the ring, as he paces back and forward getting excited for this one as he smiles to the fans and he waves. Sheamus goes and he awaits.

Ground zero, bow down to the countdown...


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the intimidating force known as the Three Minute Warning, the UWF Universe already fill the arena with a hostile reception. Many superstars would be intimidated at such a negative response to their arrival, but not these three. Soon enough the beastly Brodus Clay and monstrous Ezekiel Jackson wander out from the back standing alongside one another, slowly joined by their voice, Eric Bischoff. The three men reach the bottom of the ramp, walk up the steel steps and enter the ring as Clay & Jackson stand just behind the centre of the ring, arms folded, glaring out at the sea of fans, Jackson, and Bishoff leave the ring as the bell sounds for the start of the match.

After the two make their entrances, the referee calls for the bell and Sheamus and Brodus Clay get ready to go to war. The two men lock up and this turns into a stalemate. No man really has a power advantage in this one, Clay gets the slight advantage and pushes Sheamus back into the corner. Clay has Sheamus in the corner and is clawing into his face while the ref is starting his five count. Clay breaks but the break is not clean as he soon delivers a shot to the midsection of the Celtic Warrior. Brodus takes a few steps back to create some distance and runs at Sheamus who's in the corner. Sheamus has enough time however to move out of the way so Clay gets a chest full of turnbuckle. Sheamus rolls Clay up to try to go for the quick cover.


Kick out at one! Sheamus is going to have to do a lot more than that to defeat Brodus Clay. Both men get back to their feet and they lock up again. Sheamus quickly gets Clay into a side-headlock and starts to wrench on the neck of his opponent. Sheamus is able to take the larger Clay over and onto the mat. Clay is able to get to a knee, then to his feet and push Sheamus off. Sheamus runs back at Clay, but Brodus catches him and hooks him for a t-bone suplex. Clay takes a few steps closer to the turnbuckle and launches Sheamus over head with a t-bone suplex so that Sheamus lands upside down in the corner. With Sheamus upside in the corner, Brodus Clay builds up a head of steam, runs and knees his opponent in his chest. Sheamus falls to the mat, holding his midsection. Clay drags his opponent back to his feet just to pick him up and hit him with a side slam. The crowd starts to boo, and with Sheamus on the mat on his back, Clay is looking to his his big splash. Clay bounces off the ropes and before he gets to Sheamus, he leaps into the air however all he hits is the mat as Sheamus is able to roll out of the way. Sheamus capitalizes on this opportunity and rolls Clay to his back, hooks the leg and the referee goes down to count.



Kickout! Clay gets the shoulder out just after a two count. Sheamus gets back to his feet and makes his way over to the corner. He exits the ring to get on the apron then scales his way to the top rope as he's waiting for Clay to get back to his feet. Sheamus jumps off the top rope looking for a double axe handle and he gets all of it on Brodus as Brodus crashes to the mat. Clay gets back to his feet rather quickly and is able to grab Sheamus while he's still getting back to his feet. Clay picks Sheamus up to his feet and throws him over the ropes, so Sheamus lands on the apron. The two battle each other with a flurry of punches until Sheamus gets the upper hand, Sheamus is able gain the upper hand and pulls Brodus through the ropes so both men are now on the apron. Brodus gets the upper hand, and kicks Sheamus in the stomach, Clay gets Sheamus into powerbomb position and lifts him up and powerbombs him onto the apron. The crowd breaks out onto a 'Holy Shit!' chant as Sheamus rolls off the apron and onto the mat outside, holding his back. Clay enters the ring again and beats his chest as a show of dominance over his opponent.

After a while, Sheamus makes his way back into the ring and Clay charges at him with a clothesline, Sheamus ducks the clothesline and when Clay turns around Sheamus hits him with a double axehandle. Clay quickly gets back to his feet and Sheamus hits him with another double axehandle. Sheamus hits his chest with his fist as he waits for Clay to get back to his feet, Sheamus shows off his strength here as he picks Clay up and hits him with the White Noise! Sheamus makes his way to the corner and waits for Clay to get back to his feet, he's looking for one thing and one thing only. Clay doesn't seem to know where he's at and right when he turns around he's hit with a huge Brogue Kick!
Sheamus goes for the cover.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner Sheamus!


Joey Styles: What a huge win here for Sheamus tonight!

As Sheamus is celebrating, the fans begin to give a mix reaction. Sheamus turns around, and he gets hit by the hardcore championship squared in the face. Sheamus is down on the mat as a possessed Mr. Anderson looks down on him and breathes heavily. The fans keep giving a mix reaction as he just looks down on his opponent at Bad Blood, Anderson goes and he holds his hardcore championship high in the sky as the camera fades to a different scene here we see the Ultimate Warrior sitting in a hospital bed, with a neck collar, and an IV attached too him Ultimate Warrior begins to speak

Ultimate Warrior: Don't think that you can count me out.... Ahhh the spirits the Wrestling spirits they hear my claim. They want me there at Bad Blood, and they will get me there.... This right here, this neckbrace it means nothing, this IV it means nothing... All that matters is the Warrior coming into that arena, and defeating the tiny, and much punier Drew Mcyintire. The Warrior will be there promise....

The screen fades to black/I]

Commercial Break


Hi I am Chase, you may know me as the dude who makes Podcast here in the UWF, as well as the dude who plays three characters, and the dude who writes for Anarchy, You people may be wondering. Chase how do you fit that into your schedule? Well simple because of Alpha Brain. Alpha Brain has helped me open my eyes and has made me into a smarter person, Try out Aplha Brain at onit dot com. We now bring you back to Anarchy.


The Camera cuts to a backstage area where Carlito is sitting back in a chair


Carlito: It has now been close to a month now since Vince Russo personally called Carlito and asked him to return to the UWF and to be completely honest Carlito hasn't quite been at Carlitos full potential. Carlito knows that, Vince Russo knows that, the Entire Establishment knows that, but this Sunday that all comes to an end when Carlito brings Gold to the Establishment, when Carlito brings the Extreme championship back to its rightful home on Anarchy, when Carlito finally shuts the mouths of all you fans and superstars in the back who think Carlito is the weak link and laughing stock of The Establishment! Carlito will no longer be a joke in the UWF!

Carlito takes a deep breath to calm down before beginning to speak again

Carlito: For weeks now Carlito has been abused and insulted for being a part of Vince Russo's stable but as I look through the participants named for this 6 man event Carlito realizes that your all a bunch of hypocrites. Curt Hawkins you walk around with your 3MB buddies as do you R-Truth with 3LK and our great extreme champion Umaga is rarely seen without Trish Stratus and The Rock, so why are Carlito and Big Show the bad guys? The only person flying solo and Carlito is sure he has a few voices in his head he can talk to.

Carlito stands and looks into the camera

Carlito: Badd Blood, such a perfect name to go along with this Extreme match, 6 people will enter and Blood will be spilled but at the end of the match when that bell goes Carlito will still be standing, Carlito will no longer be a joke Carlito will be the UWF Extreme Champion and Carlito will be back on top where the Colon name and The Establishment belongs, Now thats Cool!

Carlito takes a bite out of an apple and spits it over the camera as it returns to the ring


The scene opens up backstage where only one member of 3MB, Curt Hawkins, is sitting. He is alone on a crate, with his glasses on, and hood up. No other member of 3MB is around him.

Curt Hawkins

Will you allow me to be serious for one moment here? I want to tell you a story about someone who was once the top rising star in the UWF. Someone who was once revered as "The Future." I want to tell you the story of Curt Hawkins. Many of you know me as a member of the fun loving, rock trio known as the Three Man Band. But before that I was a renowned rising star on the Raw brand, on my way to to the top. I held the Hardcore Championship, and went undefeated for weeks on end.. I was quickly on my way to becoming the King of the Ring that year. I had it all, was on top of the world winning all the awards there were to win and life was good. I was with my former best friend, Tyler Reks, and everything was just perfect. Then...things started to happen. My mental frame switched. I lost the title. I lost my streak, and it seemed like whatever I did, I just couldn’t win anymore. The final nail came last year when I suffered an injury that would put me on the shelf for months.

Curt pauses.

Curt Hawkins

That’s where it all ended. Lost my title. Lost my spot on Raw. Lost my best friend. Lost my confidence. Hell, I was ready to hang the boots up at 26 years old. I was sitting at home resting my injury when I got a call from someone. Someone who I had known very little about. He called me up and he said “Curt, I’m putting together a group, a band, and I want you in it.†After some thought I decided to give it ago, and try it out. That’s when I met my new best friend, and the reason why I’m still in the company today, Heath Slater. He picked me up, and he believed in me when no one else did. He saw that I was a former champion, and he knew I was going to be a future champion. Now look at me. I’m starting to climb that ladder again and after the dust is settled at Bad Blood, 5 men will lay at my feet and I will once again be..champion.

Curt hops off the crate and looks into the camera, taking his glasses off.

Curt Hawkins
I may not be the same man that I was a year ago at this time. But I’m still just as talented. I’m still just as skilled. I changed my look, changed who I hang out with, and yeah, I have some fun now, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have what it takes to get back to the top. The title comes to 3MB this Sunday. I don’t care how big Umaga, and Big Show are. I don’t care about the speed and agility of Rey Mysterio. I don’t care about Carlito and his “establishment.†I don’t care about Christopher Daniels veteran knowledge. Because when you take the best parts of all of them, and you wrap it up in one perfect package..You get me. Queens Finest.

Curt tosses the shades at the camera and walks off.

Taz: Some intense going on here don't ya think Joey? ]

Joey Styles:Taz these men are going for the Extreme Championship this Sunday night. If they aren't serious about it they must have some Extreme problems

Taz: It's time for tha' 3 way, baby!

Regal: Great. We have a clown who thinks he's in a rock and roll band taking on a monster who has been tamed by Santino Marella of all people and someone like Hernandez has to face them both?

Styles: Actually, William, I'm receiving word from the office of Vince Russo. Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

Taz: What's the deal, Joey?

Styles: Well, apparently, Vince Russo has excused Hernandez from the match!

Regal: Great, now this match means even less!

Taz: It's Russo. He loves his swerves!

We are then taken to the ring where Christy Hemme is waiting.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"We're a 3 Man Band!!!!"

The theme of the 3MB plays out for the UWF audience to a positive response. The fans are eating up the act of 3MB. The camera zooms in on the crowd on people who are holding up 3MB signs. The trio of Rockstars walks out from the back, pumped like always, and led by The One Man Band himself, Heath Slater.

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Both Jinder and Hawkins take either side while Heath plays the Air Guitar. Heath jumps to his feet and the three make their way to the ring.


'Lose My Mind (Instrumental) begins playing throughout the titantron as Roman Reigns comes from the side of the entrance via the crowd, Roman stops by the barricade as he looks at the ring.


Roman Reigns then leaps over the barricade as he approaches towards the commentary desk where he snatches a microphone, Roman Reigns then hops up onto the apron as he steps into the ring. The referee then rings the bell.




The bell sounds and this one is underway. Slater does some more air guitar as he screams "3 MAN BAAAAAAAND, BAY-BAY!. As he does, Reigns nails him with a big splash. Slater falls to the mat and then Reigns starts stomping away at him. After a few attempts by the referee, Reigns steps away from Slater and sets up in the opposite corner and stalks him.

Taz: Reigns is really taking it to Heath Slater!

As Slater gets to his feet, Reigns charges at him with a spear. As he does, Slater sidesteps him and sends Reigns shoulder-first into the ring post. Reigns falls to the mat in pain, holding his shoulder. He's leaned up against the corner which Slater takes advantage of. Slater hits Roman with a big boot across the face. Slater drags Reigns by the leg to the center of the ring and pins him.




And does Reigns kick out. Slater goes sailing into the air as Reigns kicks out. Heath lands on his feet and meets Reigns up. Both men begin exchanging punches. Eventually, Reigns backs Slater up into the rope. He whips Slater off the ropes and, on the rebound, nails Slater with a huge clothesline. He slaps his chest a few times and grabs him up and sets him up in powerbomb position.

Styles: This could be all she wrote!

Regal: In a perfect world, yes.

As Reigns goes to lift Slater up, Heath squirms free and ends up countering with a back body drop. Slater is back on the attack as he applies a front facelock. Slater wrenches it in a few moments before Roman powers himself to his feet. Slater, however, refuses to let go of the hold and is still applying it. The referee finally creates separation and Slater lets him go. Slater then causually pins Reigns.




Reigns gets his shoulder up. Slater then gets on top of Reigns and start pounding away with right hands to his face. The referee, after several attempts, stops it. Slater backs off as Reigns stands up angrily. After a few moments, Reigns is turned around and is met with a few right hands by Slater. Heath attempts to whip Roman into the ropes but Reigns reverses and whips Slater into the ropes. As Slater comes back, Reigns attempts a clothesline but Slater ducks. As Reigns turns around, Slater springboards off the ropes and hits Reigns with a crossbody. Instead of going down, Roman catches Slater and hits Slater with an overhead slam! Reigns then covers Slater again.




Taz: That should've been it!

Styles: Never count out the 3MB front man!

Slater somehow gets the shoulder up. Reigns looks up with a look of utter disbelief on his face. Reigns grabs Slater up and drags him to the corner and begins hitting him repeatedly with shoulder thrusts. You can see the pain in Slater's face as Reigns drives his shoulder into his abdomen. Reigns then whips Slater intot he opposite corner. As Reigns charges toward him, Slater gets his knees up and blasts Reigns in the face.

Regal: The tenacity on this Heath Slater is remarkable.

Slater quickly hops up onto the second rope and grabs Roman by the head. He then plants Reigns to the mat with a Tornado DDT. Heath then covers Reigns.




Slater gets up and goes back up top. This time going to the top rope. Before he can do anything, Reigns hits the nearby ropes and ends up racking Slater on the top rope. Reigns then scales the turnbuckle in front of him and hits Slater with a superplex! Reigns then places an arm over Slater.




Styles: OH MY GOD!

Taz: How did Slater kick out?

Reigns lifts Slater back up to his feet but Slater springs to life and begins hammering away on Roman. He sends him into the ropes and attempts a clothesline. Reigns ducks the clothesline attempt and, instead, nails Slater with a huge Spear!

Regal: What a devastating move!

Reigns then pins Slater.






Styles: Roman Reigns with a decisive victory over the 3MB member!

Taz: Don't take anything away from Heath Slater. He put up a valiant effort but, uh, he just couldn't take big Roman down!

Slater rolls out of the ring and Mahal and Hawkins help him up the ramp as Reigns celebrates his win. We then head to another segment.

We take a break from the Anarchy action and head backstage to where one of Anarchy's most underrated performers is standing by.


"The Blue Chipper" Alex Riley: For weeks, I've sat backed and watched as my best friend Matt Morgan dispatched of everyone that this brand has to offer. One by one, he put them down all in the pursuit of change. All in the pursuit of being the next International Heavyweight Champion of the world and completely altering the landscape of this business. And every step of the way, I've grown more and more proud of him. He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do.

Riley: But tonight, tonight is something different. Tonight is my night to prove that Matt Morgan isn't the only member of G.E.N.E that can make an impact. Alex Riley can do the same damn thing. And tonight it's going to happen as I make my singles debut.

Riley: Hurricane, tonight I prove to you that "justice" is indeed blind. You're fighting for the wrong cause Helms. But what we're fighting for; what G.E.N.E. is fighting for is change. Tonight, Alex Riley begins the transformation of this business and on Sunday, Matt Morgan finishes off the process. But I'm not going to talk about it back here. I'm not going to stay back here and tell it to the cameraman. I'm going to go out to that ring Hurricane and I'm going to Say It To Your Face!

Riley pie faces the cameraman and walks off as the scene fades.

Commercial Break


Chillin' with Chase! Two huge prediction podcasts check it out


Matt Morgan's face is revealed bearing a huge smile.


"The Blueprint" Matt Morgan: In 72 mere hours, I will FINALLY get what I deserve. I will finally get to the top of the mountain after years of being held back. The International Heavyweight Championship will belong to me by the end of Sunday night.

Morgan: Later this evening, I'm supposed to join my five other "opponents" in the center of that ring and we're supposed to debate why we're going to win this Sunday. I don't need to debate anyone to tell why I'm going to win. The proof is in the history books. Look at who I've beaten. Look at where I am. There's a reason why Mister Russo wants me to join The Establishment and that's because I am the hottest ticket in Ultimate Wrestling Federation today.

Morgan: But tonight, I'll entertain everyone and take part in this little debate. But when the words are finished and everyone has said their peace; I will do what I do best. And that is put each and everyone one of my competition down for the count. And then this Sunday; I will make it official. I have been the top wrestler on Anarchy ever since the day I was drafted but when I climb that ladder and unhook MY Championship, it will be official. Then and only then will the landscape of this business change. 72 hours....

Morgan smirks before looking into the camera.

Morgan: Until I change this business forever.

Morgan tosses the camera onto the ground causing the static to come up again.



The camera goes back to Taz, Styles and Regal as they begin to speak

Taz: Woah some intense fury by Matt Morgan there..


The crowd cheers on as "The Million Dollar Man" comes out from the back. Ted Dibiase Sr. tosses money to the crowd as he walks his way down to ringside while doing his classic laugh. As Dibiase gets to ringside, he walks up the steps and heads inside the ring and walks over to the corner and is handed a microphone

Ted Dibiase Sr.: Wealth is the bottom line and wealth will allow you to succeed in this business. Last week, I paid off, Vince Russo to make an appearance here on Anarchy as a non-paid employee in the UWF. Money isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing HAHAHAHAHAHA.

The crowd cheers Dibiase Sr. on with his classic laugh

Ted Dibiase Sr.: I made my return to professional wrestling last week not as an active member, but as a scout. I am back in wrestling as a business matter and a business matter only. I'm done with active competition. I am here because money does buy you whatever it is you want and certainly as "The Million Dollar Man" it will. I spoke with, Vince Russo about my plans on coming back and playing a major role here on Anarchy. When I saw The Establishment and the core of guys in it, it made me think about two superstars or free agents for that matter that would fit perfectly with the group. You have a bunch of well established wrestlers that currently are trying to figure out who's running The Establishment, but with my two guys they will help further The Establishment to even more new heights in its quest to take over the UWF.

Dibiase Sr. pauses for a moment as the crowd boos for him wanting to join The Establishment

Ted Dibiase Sr: Now I understand why you're upset, but this is a business matter and money talks when it comes to business. Now, Vince Russo, he has yet to make a decision about whether or not he would like to sign my guys. However, he has granted me the opportunity to bring them along with me tonight for a hefty payout. Like I said, money talks and I have the money to do all the talking. With that said allow me to welcome you the first new Client of Money Inc. and future member of The Establishment...............



The crowd erupts as X-Pac comes out from the back. X-Pac is all hyped up and tries to get the crowd going

X-Pac heads to the ring as enjoys his walk down to ringside. X-Pac gets onto the apron and heads inside the ring and hugs, Dibiase Sr. before he heads to the corner and climbs to the middle turnbuckle and is continued to be cheered on

Ted Dibiase Sr.: Surprise, surprise. Now that's what happens when money talks. I bet you all forgot about one the most talented superstars of all time. He's a great fit for The Establishment. Now if you thought that was big, this next one and lastly my second client is one of the biggest superstars of all time that I am surprised hasn't been scarfed up by any other brand. Bring him on out...........

Sirens Are Heard throughout the arena



The crowd goes into a frenzy as Scott Steiner walks out from the back

Steiner walks down to ringside and is being greeted by cheers. Steiner pounds fist with a few fans along the way. Steiner walks up the stairs and heads inside the ring and shakes Dibiase Sr.'s hand as well as X-Pac's. Dibiase Sr. hands X-Pac the microphone first

X-Pac: First off I just wanted to say what's up to my boys on Smackdown, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Triple H. You boys are doing big things over there on Smackdown, but we're about to do it much bigger on Anarchy. And remember one thing, you three are just a version of the Kliq. You don't have two of the biggest members of the Kliq in myself or Shawn Michaels over there with you, but you guys keep on doing your thing.

An "X-Pac" chant breaks out

X-Pac: Now back to the matter at hands, the Kid is back in professional wrestling! I can't speak for, Scott Steiner, but I am back to kick some ass and raise some hell while I'm back in the business. I was sitting at home and I get a phone call from a familiar voice that I hadn't heard from in a long time in, Ted Dibiase's. So it's one of those you have to take calls. Ted, proposed an idea and any way I could get back into the business, I would do it. Not to mention like he says, money talks! Now it's not official that I am even back. That's up to, Vince Russo, but Ted, just for even getting me here, I will always have your back! Vince Russo, where ready to rip ass on the UWF. Make the right choice.

X-Pac hands Steiner the microphone

Scott Steiner: This goes out to all my freaks out there. Big Poppa Pump is your hook up. Hollar if ya here me!

The crowd erupts for Steiner's phrase and chant "Poppa Pump" and do a dog bark

Scott Steiner: What X-Pac said, I agree with. It's been a long time since I have been in a ring and I am ready to kick some ass and take some names along the way. Vince Russo, I've known you for years and I know you will do what is best for business and that's put your two biggest free agent signings into The Establishment.

Steiner hands Dibiase Sr. the microphone

Ted Dibiase Sr.: You heard it for yourself, Vince Russo. I spent hundreds of thousands to just talk to you and bring in these guys here tonight. I know you will make the right decision. These two guys will further carry The Establishment on their shoulders. And if that doesn't make your decision for you, then money will HAHAHAHAHA.

Dibiase Sr.'s music goes off as the three men hold their hands together in the air in support of joining Anarchy and The Establishment. Anarchy fades to commercial break

Commercial Break


Suppose to be out for Eight Months... comes back in two! Who else but Cena? Watch Hell in a Cell live this Sunday only on Payperview... or some streaming website.

Say It To My Face!!!


Downstait's "Say It To My Face" begins playing and the fans begin to groan as the arrival of the Alex Riley is imminent. Alex Riley doesn't disappoint the people and comes out onto the stage but he's not alone. Standing to his left is his manager, Paul Heyman. The two stand smugly on the stage and bask in the boos that rain down on them.


Hurricanes music plays as the fans are cheering like crazy excited for the Hurricane to come out. Riley is awaiting, but the music blares in the background, and Helms hasn't come out yet. The fans are in there seats awaiting, for the man to come out when all of a sudden


Shane Helms comes out instead as the fans are confused but still cheering like crazy, the fans don't know what to expect as Shane Helms is making his way to the ring, Helms makes his way to the ring, and he awaits for the bell to rang. They ring the bell as the match begins

Helms is in the ring as the fans are confused what he is doing in there. Riley dosen’t seem to care as he goes and he charges at Helms clotheslining him. Helms is down on the ground, as Riley goes and he stomps him a couple of times. Paul Heyman is cheering him on as Riley stands there and he poses a bit to show people that he is all that. Riley goes and he picks up Helms and he knees him in the gut a couple of times. Riley then goes and he hits a vertical suplex. Helms is on the mat as Riley gets up and he poses.

Joey Styles: I thought we are going to get the Hurricane tonight.

Taz: Joey who cares if its Hurricane or Shane Helms. You know he dosen’t stand a chance against Alex Riley.

Riley goes, and he picks up Helms again, and this time sends him flying to the corner. Riley goes and he jumps a couple of times, and he charges at Helms, but Helms slips away, and Riley goes right into the turnbuckle. The fans cheer, as Riley turns around, and Helms kicks him in the gut. Helm goes off the ropes hitting a running fameasser onto Riley. Riley’s head bounces off the mat, as Helm goes and he gets up not really being emotional about hitting a big move.

William Regal: Very good move by Helms here.

Taz: Ehh it was nothing special Regal. We all know my boy Alex Riley is going to come back and win.

Riley is down on the mat, as Helms goes and he starts to physically dissect him being stomped on. The fans cheer like crazy seeing this, but Helms is paying no attention to it. Helms goes, and he picks up Riley and he does a simple body slam on him. Helms goes as he bounces off the ropes, and hits Riley with a killer leg drop. Helms hooks the leg as the fans count along with the referee.



No Riley kicks out. Fans echo 2 around the arena, as Riley is getting up after the two. Helms sees this as he goes and he grabs the head of Riley, and begins to hit vicious back strikes on him. Helms all of a sudden is lifted up high in the sky, as Riley goes and hits a mean spinebuster on him. Riley is on the ground down, but he kips up at the last second. Heyman is seen on the outside clapping him on. Riley goes and he bounces off the ropes. Going slowly when all of a sudden he throws a fake grenade, and hits a elbow right onto the sternum of Helms. Riley hits the A-bomb. Riley goes for the cover.



No Helms kicks out of the move. Riley goes and he picks up Helms. Riley looks at the crowd, and it is almost like he is waving goodbye towards them. Riley goes and he tries for the your Dismiss, but Helms slips away. The fans cheer, and Helms goes and flips over him, and goes for the pin.



No Riley kicked out.

Joey Styles: That was very Hurricane esque by Shane Helms

Riley gets up, and he charges at Helms, but Helms slides underneath him. Riley turns around as Helms hits a huricurrana on him. The fans cheer like crazy seeing the move as Helms seem to go into his alter ego a bit, and acknowledges the fans. Helms goes and he heads to the top turnbuckle. The fans cheer like crazy, but all of a sudden Heyman goes up to the ring apron. The Referee is telling him to get down as Helms is distracted by that. Riley goes and he pushes Helms, and Helms falls on his crotch right into the turnbuckle. Riley goes up the turnbuckle, and grabs the head hitting a your dismissed from the top rope. Heyman jumps off the apron, as Riley goes for the pin.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, one half of G.E.N.E Alex Riley.


Joey Styles: Damn it Paul Heyman!

Taz: Hey Joe that man is your former boss. Show some respect kid.

Riley goes as he is not done with Helms as he begins stomping on him. The fans begin to boo, when all of a sudden Matt Morgan comes out. Morgan, and riley begins to stomp on Shane Helms.

Joey Styles: Oh come on this isn’t fair guys.

Taz: Hey all fair in love and scorn.

William Regal: Taz, not only did you say the motto wrong, but it dosen’t fit in this situation what so ever.

Helms is just getting beaten down as the boo like crazy seeing this. Riley goes, and he picks up Helms sending him over to Matt Morgan. Morgan goes, and he grabs Helms as he hits a hellevator right onto him. G.E.N.E stands tall over the down Hurricane as the segment fades to black.

The camera opens up backstage where The Big Show is looking into the camera.


The Big Show:

This weekend at Badd Blood, I will finally prove to myself, to all of you, and to Vince Russo that I am not a laughing stock. I am going to prove that I am the best that The Establishment has to offer, and I am going to book my place in the next International Championship match. I am going to make sure that Vince Russo sees my dominance and I will ensure that he puts his total faith in me. This weekend, I am going to beat five other men in a six pack challenge, a match that suits me down to a tee. Lately, I have been involved in a lot of multi man matches, and I have proved that I am deserving of more. I have knocked out many people since I have come to Anarchy, five more won’t phase me. I am a GIANT, I am the biggest threat to anyone who crosses me, Vince or anyone in The Establishment, but people like Umaga still just don’t see that. They think that I am still the happy, dancing clown of the past; they think that they can interrupt my matches, try to embarrass me but it’s not happening.

I won’t be stepped on like I was in the past, and Umaga will get exactly what he deserves at Badd Blood. Umaga will be hit with my giant right hand and knocked out. You see, my right hand is a weapon, a weapon of mass destruction and nobody else in this company has a weapon like that, and it is a weapon that will give me an advantage in the six pack challenge. One minute, you can think you have a real chance, and then the next minute I can hit you so hard in your face that you fall down, out cold. One punch is all it takes, and then your dream is gone. None of you have that kind of power, and I guarantee you that I will knock out each and every one of you out and walk out the new Extreme Champion.

One of my friends, my partner, Carlito is also in the match at Badd Blood, but I will not let that distract me from claiming what should already be mine. Carlito knows that this is an individual match, and I don’t mean to hurt him, and we will still be partners after the match has finished, but if he stands in the way of me winning the championship, then he’s going to be treated the same as Umaga is. Carlito is another member of The Establishment that is overlooked time and time again and he is out to prove himself, just like me. We are out to prove to Vince, that he doesn’t need to go and find new members for our group, because he has already got the best of Anarchy right here. Shawn Michaels, Matt Morgan, they don’t DESERVE to be in the International Championship match, they don’t give a damn about you Vince, they don’t care about The Establishment, they only care about themselves.

Rey Mysterio, you are also involved in our match, I must say, you are quite good for a dwarf. Little man, I don’t see what you can accomplish when you have trouble lifting your opponents off the ground. You will regret the day you stepped in to that ring when I put you on the shelf, although I see you have become accustomed to being there lately. You possess no physical threat to me whatsoever and I’ll enjoy tossing you around that ring, bullying you like all of these people bullied me. You are just like Christopher Daniels, weak and feeble and have no chance of winning this match.

Umaga, you have pushed me for the last time, you cost me my match last week and now I’m going to cost you your career. I will cause you more pain than you have ever experienced. You have made me out to be a fool, and those days are long gone, at Badd Blood, I’m going to punch you so hard that you fall into a coma.

Commercial Break


Reason why I will win my Fantasy League


The scene is set in a backstage area where Chris Masters and Layla are in a room full of Work Out Equipment. It then zooms in on Chris who is spotting Layla on the bench.


As Chris lifts the bar and puts it back, Layla gets up off the bench.

Good job babe. Hit the showers and I'll meet you at the hotel.

Ok, love you.

Love you too.

With that, Layla picks up her gym bag and leaves the room as Chris turns to the door to see 8 men enter the room.

Alright men, welcome to a life changing experience. Today I will make you all work out until your arms fall off. This is the Masterpiece work out session and it's not easy. It takes hard work and determination. It'll make you feel like jello after each session, but after a while, you'll get used to it and become a Masterpiece like me. Now before we get started, I would like to ask for all fat people to leave the room because this work out session is not for you.

Chris notices that three large males are just sitting there laughing as if he's joking.

This isn't a joke. This is a very serious workout that is too intense for you three to keep up with. So leave the room or I will have you escorted out by security.

With that, the three larger gentlemen pick up there bags and leave the room as Chris directs his attention to the 5 remaining men in front of him.

Ok now I can tell that you are all average men. Not weak. Not strong. But today I am here to make you all above average. Hell take a look at me. I am above the above average. Hell if you don't believe me then take a look at the article over me pulling a damn tree out of the ground and throwing it through a window. Not any man can do that, but a Masterpiece can. I have a gift from god and that's my golden body. A body that get's me whatever the hell I want. I got the gold. I got the woman. I got the fame. And I got the money.

Now, let's get started with a small warm up. I want each of you to get down and give me 100 pushups. And the trick of this warm up is that if you have a 3 second or more wait in between a push up, you have to start all over. Now let me show you all what a proper push up looks like.

Chris drops to the ground and does a few basic push ups. As he gets up, he instructs the class to begin. The video then skips a bit to a new part of the session.

Now that you all have a set of two dumbbells, you will have 4 sets of 15 reps on the standing curls.

After Chris shows an example of the curls, the class begins to do just that until one of the men is having trouble.

You can't curl 30 pounds? What are you? A sissy? Here I got some dumbbells that you should be able to lift.

Chris walks off camera for a brief moment and then comes back with two small pink dumbbells and hands them to the man as he looks to be embarrassed at the situation.


These were my girlfriends, but they were to light. I was gonna throw them out but it seems like you need them.

The video then skips ahead once again to a later part in the session where the five men have formed sweat on their foreheads due to the hard workout.

Now we have been working out for about an hour now. And you men are.......no where near to being as being as big as me. Now if you all want to become an above average male like myself then you will do this workout every single day for two hours. Hell maybe even two times a day. You all desperatly need the strength. Strength is the only way you are ever going to get anywhere in this world. Without strength then you are just a common class citizen with no special privileges. That's something you will have to deal with each and every day as well. You will wake up as a loser. And you will fall asleep as a loser. The process will go on and on and on until you die! Now if you want to prevent this then you work your ass off. You stop being a pussy and work out until you sweat blood! Alright, now give me 100 jumping jacks. If I have to show you what a jumping jack is then get the hell out.

The men immediately begin their jumping jacks as Chris counts. A few moments go by as the session is almost over. The five men and Chris are circled around a bench.

Alright, now this is my favorite part of this exercise. The bench press. Now I will have extra weight on mine since I am obviously 20x stronger than you all. You all will each start out with 215 on the bar, I'll bench 430 as an example of how strong I am.

The camera zooms in on Chris as he lifts the bar and slowly benches it 5 times before setting it back down.

You see? And that's not even that heavy. You know what? You two, put a 45 on each end.

The two men that he was talking to proceed to lift a two 45 pound weights on each side of the bar to make the total weight be 520 pounds.

Watch how a Master does it.

Chris then lifts the bar up off the stand and slowly benches it three times before setting it back on the stand with a struggled look on his face.

I can do more. A lot more! put two more 45's on each end!

The men listen and put two 45's on each end as the competitive Chris Masters goes to work. He grabs onto the bar and lifts the weight into the air. As brings the weight down to his chest, something wrong happens.

Dolph Ziggler: Ever been into a Gym Room Brawl??!?!?

Fans cheer as all of a sudden Dolph Ziggler comes out ruining Master's workout tape, the fans begin to cheer like crazy as they see Ziggler attacking Masters. Ziggler goes and he grabs the little pink 5 weighted dumbbells as he begins to speak

Dolph Ziggler: Oh these are cute, only five bros. Okay let me see what I can do with these Ziggler begins hitting Masters with the five pound dumbbells. As the Fans cheer Yeahh feel the burn don't you Chris? Ziggler begins doing arm curls with them as he throws them on the ground Chris thank you agent for letting me in such a pathetic little workout tape. I am pretty sure the only reason why this will go viral is because of me saving the carnage it was going to be. No need to thank me just doing my job. See you at Bad Blood chump.

Fans cheer as the last thing we see is Chris down on the mat with Layla checking on him, afterwards as Anarchy fades away to the commentary crew.

William Regal: What a Shame I quite enjoyed that little tape Masters Made

Taz: Yeah Regal. You could probably use some of those workouts yourself Ha-Ha

William Regal: I wouldn't be talking Taz

Joey Styles: Anyways Folks it is time for R-Truth to take on the debuting Ted Dibiase Jr.

Dibiase looks at R-Truth, and before the match he goes and lets Maryse kiss him on the cheek. The fans hiss at Dibiase in spite, as Dibiase turns around, and he is met by a spinning shoulder from R-Truth. The fans cheer like crazy as Truth starts to hit on Maryse who is still on the apron. Maryse goes and she jumps off the apron, as Mysterio, and James on the outside laugh at him. Truth hears this as he goes and yells at them on the outside. Truth turns around only to get hit by a clothesline from Ted Dibiase. Truth is down, and kind of loopy as Ted goes and he puts in a headlock onto R-Truth. Ted is applying the pressure onto R-Truth. The fans start to clap hoping R-Truth can break out of the hold. R-Truth begins getting up, and he nails him in the gut a couple of times. Truth breaks free as he turns around hitting a nice right cross onto Dibiase jr. Dibiase comes back and nails him with a knee. Dibiase goes and he picks up R-Truth hitting an Atomic Drop. Truth is holding is lower area as Dibiase backs up and hits a big boot right onto R-Truth. Dibiase goes for the cover.



No kick out at two, Dibiase goes, and he picks up R-Truth. Dibiase goes as he grabs his arm, and he extends it. Dibiase then pulls the arm over his shoulder and brings it down causing Truth to hold that shoulder. Dibiase goes, and he hits a dropkick onto Truth as Truth is down, and Dibiase gets up pointing to Maryse who just waves at him. Dibiase goes and he grabs Truth, and he begins to elbow him in the shoulders. R-Truth bounces off holding his arm. Dibiase goes, and he grabs the arm and head of R-Truth and slams his down hard on the mat. Dibiase goes for the pin again.



No kick out by R-Truth.

Joey Styles: Ted Dibiase looking good here tonight folks.

Taz: Wouldn’t you Joe especially with Maryse cheering you on. Hello gorgeous.

Ted Goes and he picks up R-Truth, and he looks to pick him up. R-truth though has one leg in between Ted Dibiase. All of a sudden gets countered by R-Truth. Dibiase is down and the fans cheer. Dibiase gets up quicky and he tries to clothesline Truth, but Truth does the splits, and Dibiases misses him. The fans cheer as Truth dances around a bit as Dibiase turns around and he gets hit with huge spin kick to the face. Truth screams “Whats upâ€, before dropping a nice leg drop. The fans cheer as R-Truth hooks the leg.




No Dibiase kicks out. The fans boo at the sight of this as R-Truth goes, and he picks up Ted Dibiase. Truth goes and he kicks him in the gut, and he lifts him up. Truth is trying to go for the suplex stunner, but Dibiase manages get his way out of the vertical suplex. Dibase lands behind him, and he grabs the arm, and the head of R-Truth. Dibiase hits the money shot as the fans boo. Dibiase goes for the pin as the fans boo like crazy as he makes the cover and the pin.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner Ted Dibiase!

Joey Styles: Huge win for Ted Dibiase here tonight!

Taz: Yes.. Man Maryse is good looking.

Fans boo like crazy seeing this as Dibiase has his hand raised. The Kru go into the ring checking on R-Truth, as Anarchy fades away to commericial.

I come from Money, I come from Class...


At the commencement of the theme belonging to the wealthy Ted DiBiase Jr, the UWF Universe already fills the arena with a hostile reception. It doesn't take long for the man of the moment, accompanied by his squeeze, the beautiful Maryse, to emerge from the back into the arena filled with fans that dislike him. The couple look confident as DiBiase offers his arm to Maryse, which she graciously accepts, as they stroll down the ramp. They offer the UWF Universe nothing as they approach the ring, as DiBiase breaks the link and takes off for the ring. He slides in and immediately jumps to his feet and walks towards the ropes. DiBiase pops a note in the announcer's chest pocket and demands he open the ropes for Maryse, which he does so begrudgingly. DiBiase waits in the centre of the ring for Maryse before demanding for the announcer to hand him the microphone that he has in hand, again doing so against his better judgement.

Beware for the 3 Live Kru.

R-Truth, BG James, and Rey Mysterio all come out to the ring to huge cheers. They start to dance as all men begin slapping the hands of each of the fans as they are cheering them on. Truth gets in the ring as he awaits to take on Ted

Dibiase looks at R-Truth, and before the match he goes and lets Maryse kiss him on the cheek. The fans hiss at Dibiase in spite, as Dibiase turns around, and he is met by a spinning shoulder from R-Truth. The fans cheer like crazy as Truth starts to hit on Maryse who is still on the apron. Maryse goes and she jumps off the apron, as Mysterio, and James on the outside laugh at him. Truth hears this as he goes and yells at them on the outside. Truth turns around only to get hit by a clothesline from Ted Dibiase. Truth is down, and kind of loopy as Ted goes and he puts in a headlock onto R-Truth. Ted is applying the pressure onto R-Truth. The fans start to clap hoping R-Truth can break out of the hold. R-Truth begins getting up, and he nails him in the gut a couple of times. Truth breaks free as he turns around hitting a nice right cross onto Dibiase jr. Dibiase comes back and nails him with a knee. Dibiase goes and he picks up R-Truth hitting an Atomic Drop. Truth is holding is lower area as Dibiase backs up and hits a big boot right onto R-Truth. Dibiase goes for the cover.



No kick out at two, Dibiase goes, and he picks up R-Truth. Dibiase goes as he grabs his arm, and he extends it. Dibiase then pulls the arm over his shoulder and brings it down causing Truth to hold that shoulder. Dibiase goes, and he hits a dropkick onto Truth as Truth is down, and Dibiase gets up pointing to Maryse who just waves at him. Dibiase goes and he grabs Truth, and he begins to elbow him in the shoulders. R-Truth bounces off holding his arm. Dibiase goes, and he grabs the arm and head of R-Truth and slams his down hard on the mat. Dibiase goes for the pin again.



No kick out by R-Truth.

Joey Styles: Ted Dibiase looking good here tonight folks.

Taz: Wouldn’t you Joe especially with Maryse cheering you on. Hello gorgeous.

Ted Goes and he picks up R-Truth, and he looks to pick him up. R-truth though has one leg in between Ted Dibiase. All of a sudden gets countered by R-Truth. Dibiase is down and the fans cheer. Dibiase gets up quicky and he tries to clothesline Truth, but Truth does the splits, and Dibiases misses him. The fans cheer as Truth dances around a bit as Dibiase turns around and he gets hit with huge spin kick to the face. Truth screams “Whats upâ€, before dropping a nice leg drop. The fans cheer as R-Truth hooks the leg.




No Dibiase kicks out. The fans boo at the sight of this as R-Truth goes, and he picks up Ted Dibiase. Truth goes and he kicks him in the gut, and he lifts him up. Truth is trying to go for the suplex stunner, but Dibiase manages get his way out of the vertical suplex. Dibase lands behind him, and he grabs the arm, and the head of R-Truth. Dibiase hits the money shot as the fans boo. Dibiase goes for the pin as the fans boo like crazy as he makes the cover and the pin.




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner Ted Dibiase!

Joey Styles: Huge win for Ted Dibiase here tonight!

Taz: Yes.. Man Maryse is good looking.

Fans boo like crazy seeing this as Dibiase has his hand raised. The Kru go into the ring checking on R-Truth, as Anarchy fades away to a

The scene opens up with Daniels looking at the camera with a very serious look on his face. You can see the focus in his eyes as he whets his lips preparing to speak.

There is still a moment of silence until he speaks.


“The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels:
To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing here. And by here I mean in this room with the camera. Last week I stole this camera for my own personal use. I pay a guy to put my videos up during Anarchy, and this week is no different. Last week I sent out a message to all about joining forces in order to defeat The Establishment. Last week I made it very clear that I plan to do everything in my power to oppose The Establishment. Last week we saw what could possibly be the beginning of the resistance needed in order to have true peace here on Anarchy. You know, it’s kind of funny. Before last week I wasn’t very happy about being moved over to Anarchy. In fact, if you had asked me about a month ago if I was happy about being drafted again after a short period of time spent on Smackdown, I would have told you it was the greatest injustice UWF had ever performed on me since my debut. Fact of the matter is, I was upset. So upset in fact that I didn’t really care about my matches. I didn’t care if I lost. I pretty much just showed up.

But I started notice all the little things. I noticed the little things. I noticed backstage workers moving cautiously. I lurked in the shadows for a while, watching everybody as they didn’t know I was around. They walked around with their heads hung low whenever a member of The Establishment would walk by. I say no more! Why do we allow them to bully us anyway? There are more of us than there is of them. Someone needs to stand up to them, why not be it as a united front rather than individual mice? Last week may not have ended as smoothly as we all would have hoped, but we sent a message, and I’m sure Russo was listening. I doubt we’ll go unpunished, and that’s something I look forward to.

Daniels pauses as he takes a sip from his Appletini. He looks back at the camera after carefully placing his glass down.

Yes, it’s back! Well technically it never left; I just chose not to drink on live television for a while. Now I’m sure everybody is curious to hear why I believe I’ll walk out of Bad Blood the new Extreme Champion. I’d like to say it’s as simple as apple pie, but it’s not. The amount of training I have done to get myself prepared for this match is simply unimaginable. I have spent hours sitting in a silent, empty dark room just mentally preparing myself. It’s gotten me close to the point of insanity as I sit there and wonder how I can overcome all my opponents individually. I’ve been putting in the hours at the gym also. Every day I’m doing something different. I have never been more focused on anything more than I have been this. After my poor performance at Money in the Bank I’ve been doing everything I could to get myself ready for whenever I was put in a title match next. Long story short, I’m motivated. I want to make up for that poor performance and what better way than to be crowned the new Extreme Champion. Most of the guys I’m dealing with are very cocky and I think that is what will be their downfall.

At Bad Blood I intend to walk as the new Extreme Champion and give Vince Russo the middle finger as I do so.

There was a brief dramatic pause.

Alright so how do you turn this thing off?

Daniels grabs hold of the camera, as he tries to figure out how to turn it off. With the sound a clicking nose the camera turns off.

Commercial Break




The camera comes back as we see the commentators

Joey Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen we would like to thank you for joining us here tonight, and just an announcement CO-GM Mick Foley or Mankind will be making his presence known. This Sunday at Bad Blood.

Taz: Ahhh who cares what he has to say

All of a sudden we see the ring is full of ladders, time for the six men to come out and address the UWF Universe why they are going to win this Sunday at Bad Blood when all of a sudden

Brad Maddox steps out from the back but he’s in ring gear for the first time. After the debacle of last week he has elected to do a pre-match warm up so to speak and has come ready to throw down. He heads towards the ring continuing to speak.


Brad Maddox: At this time you will hear from a number of men who will all lay claim to the coveted International title that, as the name implies, means across land and sea from the extreme brand to the A-show, you are number one if you hold that belt. Right now it’s being held by a…by a…blight on this company. It’s being held by a miscreant who looks like he hasn’t finished school and never grew out of his “reflective poetry†phase. I am here to introduce a man to bring prestige back to the title and to this brand. I am here to introduce the only qualified lawyer to ever lace up a pair of boots and step into this ring. I am here to introduce the A-lister, the new Icon, the man, the myth, the maverick – DAVID OTUNGA!



David Otunga steps out from the back oiled to high heaven and ready to rumble too. The heat is pretty palpable and the crowd are not happy to be witnessing the BrOtunga duo once more. With cape over his shoulder the camera guys all move in and Otunga throws it off to allow his impressive body to be lapped up by the millions of eyes from around the world. Finally he heads to the ring to meet up with Maddox.


Brad Maddox: THIS is what a real man looks like. THIS is the man you will see raise the title high above his head on Sunday night. THIS is the future of Anarchy so take it in, soak it up, you’re all going to have to get used to the fact that we know what’s best for you and you can come along for the ride or sit it out – it’s not going to change a thing.

Maddox hands Otunga the mic.

David Otunga: We all know I’m the smartest man in this match. I’m also the most chiselled and efficiently sculpted. Hell my training regime probably puts the rest of these guys to shame, I know it does for Hardy, Michaels, Rollins and Homicide…wait, that means I’ve got about 1 challenger Sunday night. So those 6 to 1 odds you’ve been hearing about become a 50/50 shot. Then you’ve got the fact I practically single handedly sent Ultimate Warrior to retirement, he’s a fool for still being around, and Sting to another show! So what are we at, 70/30 in my favour? Then of course I’m the most charismatic, athletic, physically gifted man to ever look so good oiled up AND in a blazer. That’s a recipe for disaster for the champ and my so-called challengers. Oh and another thing –

Otunga is cut off... by Homicide's voice[/img]

Homicide: You got to be shitting me


Fans boo like crazy seeing Homicide comes out as he begins to speak and walk down to the ring

Homicide: You think the Joo are going to win this contest this Sunday, well let me tell you something Holmes that will not be the case, ya see Mr. Maddox I have something called momentum on my side, I have something called Hernandez, and Konan on my side. Yeah you people might think it is unfair, but this is a ladder match. Like Taz said earlier in his stupid Gringo expression all is fair in love and War, and trust me man this Sunday at Bad blood when all these damn Gringos are bloodied up to a pulp and in this ring.. Well you will know who is the international champion.

Homicide goes as he enters the ring facing Maddox, and Otunga

Homicide: It will be none other then the "Notorious 187" Homicide holding that belt up high in the sky once again. Brrrrrrrrraaapppppp, Brrrrrrraaapppppp

Seth Rollins: Gentlemen, Gentlemen that is both so very cute but let's not count me out...

Fans cheer as we see Seth Rollins on top in the crowd, the fans cheer as he makes his way down to the ring with the international title over his shoulders

Seth Rollins: This belt I yearned it for so long, it was almost like the nightmares were telling me I would never get it. Yet I proved all the doubters and haters wrong about I. I made all those who put my candle out long ago understand that this belt, it is not going to leave my shoulder nor my waist. My peroxyism, it is much stronger then it was in the past. That is why when I climb that ladder faster then any human being has ever climbed a ladder before, and a grab the illustrious gold hanging before my head, and I hold it high for the world to see.

Rollins enters the ring, as he looks on at the two men in the ring

Seth Rollins: They will see me still as there international champion, and that the hero that Anarchy needs.

Rollins holds the title up high as the fans cheer like crazy for him. Homicide looks at him almost pissed off, and gives him the bird, while Otunga stands there almost unimpressed, all of a sudden Matt Morgan comes out. Morgan comes out to the ring. Morgan goes in the ring, and he looks at all the men in it. Morgan goes as he snatches the microphone at Maddox, and he begins to speak


Matt Morgan: Sorry Junior, but frankly all of you guys are nothing but chumps. I have never laid my eyes on more pathetic flock of men in my life. You guys really think you can beat ME at Bad Blood. Please give me a break, Homicide you may think you're some type of leader, but honestly you're nothing by an annoying fly that bothers me while I am eating. I am seven feet tall Homicide, you barely reach 5 foot 8. Sorry Kid that is the way the cookie crumbles... Seth Rollins I don't care what Devil is on your side, and how you believe the life patterns should go, because I know for a fact for whatever "Lord" you believed in created me as your worse nightmare by fall. Do you people not realize NASA did test subjects on me, and said I was the Ultimate Human Being. Yeah that is right David they tested me, not your synthetic kreatine body you have on you. They tested ME, and they said that I was perfect. So this is why it dosen't matter which one of you get in my way, because I will be walking out as the International Champion when it is all said and done.

Fans boo when all of a sudden the voice of Jeff Hardy is heard.

Jeff Hardy: Woah, Woah everybody cool your jets.

Hardy comes out as he has his microphone in his hands, The fans all chant for Hardy as he goes and he makes his way into the ring, and he begins to speak

Jeff Hardy As I was sitting in the back, reflecting too all the words you have just spoken I came to a freaky realization. You see this is Thursday night Anarchy, and with all the wackiness we have on this show I figured to try something different. I mean we all can come out here, and talk about our situation, but why in the hell would we just do that. I have come to notice you got to do something crazy on this show to get some attention. You all know me I love me some crazy. We all have ladders in this ring, so how about a little preview. Shawn you are more then welcome to come out and join, but as of right now lets get this started bzzzzzzzzzzt

Hardy goes as he begins to attack Matt Morgan the fans cheer like crazy as Homicide goes after Seth Rollins. Maddox and Otunga are in the ring trying to avoid the car wreck damage that is going on in this ring. Jeff goes and he gets pushed off Morgan, and he gets shoved right into David Otunga as he begins pounding away at him. Morgan goes and he hits a carbon footprint right onto Bard Maddox sending him outside of the ring. Homicide goes as he grabs Seth Rollins, and hits the Da Cop Killa on him as the fans begin to boos as Homicide grabs the Intnernational title. Homicide turns around as he sees Matt Morgan, Morgan goes as he hits a hellevator right onto Homicde when all of a sudden. Morgan looks at the title, and he grabs it from the ground, all of a sudden..


Shawn Michaels titantron hits the pa system to a mix reaction Shawn Michaels comes out as he just looks on at Matt Morgan


Matt Morgan goes as he screams looking on at Shawn holding the International title high up in the sky


All of a sudden from out of nowhere Jeff Hardy goes, and he turns Matt Morgan around. Jeff kicks Morgan in the gut and he looks to hit the twist of fate, but Morgan pushes him away as he slides out of the ring Jeff goes to a risen David Otunga, Jeff goes as he kicks the gut of David Otunga hitting the Twist of Fate onto him. The fans cheer like crazy, as Jeff Hardy goes and he sees the international title laid out in the ring. Jeff goes and he grabs the international title looking at Shawn before doing so. Shawn dosen't seem contempt at going after him, and Morgan looks on at Hardy, Jeff grabs on of the ladders and puts it in the middle of the ring. Jeff goes with the international title in hand climbs the ladder, and he begins posing with the International Championship


The fans cheer like crazy seeing this as Jeff Hardy poses and as a Disgruntled Matt Morgan looks on at Hardy, and a very game Shawn Michaels looking on as the carnage can be seen done in the ring. The fans cheer as Hardy's music fades into the background

Promos- TTers
Sheamus vs Clay- CliqueClacks
Reigns vs Slater- The Hoov
Everything Else- Chase

OOC: Hope you guys enjoy. Short show because of Bad Blood!



Aug 5, 2012
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Re: UWF Presents Anarchy 10/14/13

Im slammed right now, thought I'd pop on though. Saw the show and I thought it was some really nice build for Anarchy. I like what I see from the Green brand as always, so great work Chase and company!

Very sorry I couldnt get my own Jeff stuff into that promo. I know that hurts my chances and such, but Ive got a real important midterm tomorrow and Ive been just overall with other stuff, real busy etc etc etc. Not important, but the ending segment was a nice surprise. I hope I can get another TT up for the Thread and hopefully... Thats the scene at the end of Bad Blood.

Really excited for Anarchy, A+ guys


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Re: UWF Presents Anarchy 10/14/13

Mannnn... I suck. I didn't contribute at all to this show. I dunno what's going on. Mann... my bad.

But this show still rocked.


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Re: UWF Presents Anarchy 10/14/13

Every time I look up, that jerk Shane is trying to top me. You're lucky I like you bro. Lol

Onto the show, I really enjoyed it. Very good go home show with a lot of promos. Obviously everyone didn't get their promo in for the main event segment which sucks but it still came out well. Riley picks up his first singles win although it was uncontested. Reigns wins again which surprised me; really thought Tapout had that one. Great job all around.

Onto Bad blood.


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Re: UWF Presents Anarchy 10/24/13

Honestly that workout tape was probably the greatest promo that I've ever seen in an e-fed, I actually marked for it. It was pretty amusing when Masters was insulting the guy who couldn't curl the dumbells (doing arms and chest workout in the same session is fail btw Masters. :p), when when I read this:

Dolph Ziggler: Ever been into a Gym Room Brawl??!?!?

And read Ziggler fighting against Masters there and then I was like 'holy shit!'

Anyways nice go home show there Chase. Wasn't surprised in the least that I lost to AK's DiBiase (really good bro), but it doesn't matter because Rey's gonna walk home with dat Extreme Championship around his waist... y'know assuming that Big Show breaks his leg before the match or something. Keep up the good work Green Team, Dresden can now retire from writing in peace since it's in good hands.

PS: You would advertise Alpha Brain...


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Re: UWF Presents Anarchy 10/24/13

Maaaan Aniking put up a good fight, as always. Always been one of my favorite TT'ers ever. Really could have been his win, easily. Oh, and Andrew, I'm not even mad about the title shot to the head because Sunday, its going to be The Brogue kick against your head.

Promos were crazy this week. People really turned in some good stuff it.

Anarchy continues to be my favorite show in the UWF. Even if Heath, or any one from 3MB can ever get a win, it's still home!
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Presents Anarchy 10/24/13

Very promo heavy, but that's ok with a ppv going on this week. The ending was great. I'm glad everyone got into the last segment from the ladder match. I didn't get the promo pm until that Thursday and by the time I got it, the show was posted. Sorry on my end that I couldn't get something up. But I'm looking forward to this ppv! Also I think I may have been the only one to notice this, but did I really just read that Scott Steiner and X-Pac are on Anarchy or about to be with The Establishment? I have only known one person to use Scott Steiner and that was Shane, so whomever has him will have some big shoes to fill in. I mean this could wind up being a plug to fill in some time and these guys just make a one night appearance on the show like Charlie "Hastin" did at Royal Rumble and the other guys who did.


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UWF Anarchy 11/7/13 Preview


After a crazy night at Bad Blood, the Landscape of Thursday night has changed, with three new champions crowned what will happen this week on Anarchy. Well Mr. Russo is not happy with some people, and have made some matches as sort of a punishment for some superstars


Christopher Daniels and Carlito both failed to capture the Extreme Championship, but Russo is not very happy with Carlito. Carlito is going to be punished facing off against arch rival Christopher Daniels. Russo even said no Establishment members can come out, and help out Carlito in this match, if they do they could lose there job. Can Carlito handle Daniels on his own? Or will the fallen angel take out Carlito.


Brian Pillman debuted and took out the Ultimate Warrior,but David Otunga came out and had a big showing in the ladder match. Russo said this match winner has a big spot for them at Survivor Series, so this will be a big match for both of these men.


Same as Pillman, and Otunga Russo said this match right here can earn both of these men big spots at Survivor Series. What will it be? Whatever is the case Reigns wants to prove he is a legit deal after a huge win on the last Anarchy, and Ted Dibiase wants to keep the momentum rolling after looking impressive in his debut match last week on Anarchy.


Morgan won the International Championship, and Hawkins won the Extreme Championship. This was a big win for both me, but can they keep momentum going? G.E.N.E will take on the 3 man band in what should be an exciting tag team match up.

Main Event: Losers get Fired

Ever since Bound for Glory Russo has been mad at his so called "Face" of the Establishment, calling him weak during this time of war, but now L.A.X will have to fight for there lives against the 3LK. 3LK is being put on the chopping block as Russo feels like the Kru has nothing but play poker since coming to Anarchy, the fans seem to love them, and plus he views them as tools for Mankind/Foley in his wars against him. Who will stay on Thursday night brand, and who will be out of a job.


Russo is going to have a meeting with the Establishment members about what he has thought of them in recent weeks


Masters will talk about his recent loss of the Gold, how does Layla feel about this loss?


Ziggler on his thoughts recapturing the Ironman Championship


Mcintyre on his huge win at Bad Blood, and what can we expect from the Chosen One from now on


Why did Shane Helms come out instead of the Hurricane what is the meaning behind this?
Anyone Else


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Re: UWF Anarchy 11/7/13 Preview

Fuck, Aniking. I'm so dead.
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