UWF 2013: Past NXT Shows & Cards

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Jun 11, 2010
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UWF: NXT Super Late Edition


"Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria plays as another white hot edition of Wednesday Night NXT opens up and is ready to get underway. As the song plays, the camera pans out and around the packed arena to get a shot of all the excited fans that have shown up to see the great action that is scheduled to be contested between their favorite superstars.


As their anticipation is caught on camera for all to witness, the camera pans to the titantron where the official banner for NXT is displayed.


After holding on the image for a moment, the camera pans along the sea of fans again on its way to the commentary table where Joey Styles and Matt Striker await the cue to begin their duties as commentators.


Joey Styles: Good evening everyone and welcome to another fantastic edition of Wednesday Night NXT! After tonight, we only have one more stop before Wrestlemania. We're almost to the grand stage, Matt!

Matt Striker: Right you are, Joey, but as you said, that's after tonight and next Wednesday's show, and what a show we have planned for tonight! In tag team action, Wrestlemania opponents must team up when the Extreme Champion Umaga and the "Human Suplex Machine" Taz take on the "Olympic Gold Medalist" Kurt Angle and the self-proclaimed "Best in the World" Chris Jericho.

Joey Styles: In singles competition, the "Phenomenal" AJ Styles takes on the man that interfered in his match last week, the "Big Red Monster" Kane.

Matt Striker: Also in singles competition will be the "Fro'd Crusader", the "Deirk Knight" Bate Man as he takes on the dastardly Seth Rollins.

Joey Styles: And in our main event, the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived" Austin Aries takes on the other self-proclaimed "Best in the World", CM Punk.

Matt Striker: It's going to be explosive and I can't wait to get it started, let's get this show on the road!

The camera pans away from the commentary table and to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing by, ready to do the introductions but all of a sudden, a loud "Ligths Out" is heard and lights in the arena immediately go off.



"Lights Out" by Hollywood Undead blasts through the arena as lights switch back on and the whole arena gets covered in purple hue. After a short amount of time Austin Aries walks through the curtain with an angry look on his face. He makes his way down the ramp with people booing him.


He walks up the ring-steps, enters the ring, takes the microphone from Christy Hemme and opens the ropes for her, telling her to leave. She does so. A Double's theme song stops playing. He raises the mic to his mouth and begins to speak.


"The Greatest Man That Ever Lived
", Austin Aries:
One word. Enough. I've had enough. I've head enough of everything that's been going on on this brand. I have some things to adress. I'll start since the very beginning.

In December 2012, UWF celebrated its first birthday. UWF is officially one year young. The time goes by really fast, now doesn't it? As I said, UWF is here for a year already and since the very first day A Double is brining greatness to UWF every single night. I did so for a year with a short break. Since the day I came to this company I had my ups and downs. On my first night here, I entered a Battle Royal to crown the first UWF World Heavyweight Championship. Everybody was like "Oh, this is the new guy, he doesn't stand a chance against all of them vets, he's going out first." But on that night I proved everybody wrong when I ended up 3rd and came one step closer to cementing my legacy in this company.

After like three, four months from that night I made my first ever Wrestlemania appearance in a Money in The Bank ladder match which I won. I climbed a ladder, took down the briefcase and again, got closer to cementing my legacy in UWF. Shortly after that, I cashed in my Money in The Bank contract on Wade Barrett to win the UWF Undisputed Championship. That was it. That was the moment when I really cemented my legacy in this company, that was the moment when all the guys in the back went "Shoot, he did
n't lie when he said he's going to make it." I was at the very top but only 12 days later, Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated me and took away my title. Later on that very night, Randy Orton punted me in the head and tried to end my career.

A month later, I came back. I came back, I didn't lace up the boots and put them on a nail in the wall. I put them back on and made my return, wanting a piece of Randy Orton. You know, some people say "Be careful what you wish for." And I got a full taste of that. I was so condifent that I
'm going to beat Orton that I put my UWF Career on the line. I came this close (Aries shows how close he was with his fingers), this close to putting an end to the nWo and moving on to regain my championship but I tripped. I tripped, I lost the match and had to go away from UWF.

I traveled the entire world. Won championship, put on some 5 star matches, made money but after three months of doing that I got a phone call and I came back. I came back and you all went crazy. You were all super excited that Austin Aries is brining greatness to Tuesday Nights but I got screwed by Sting who brought me over to NXT. I hated it here and I still do. I still don't want to be here, I want to be where I belong...on RAW! I could be the UWF Undisputed Champion by this time if it wasn't for Sting and the Purveyors of Poision. Sting and his goons made a living my life into a living hell but I fought back and they realised that they should have never crossed my panth. At least Sting did when I cost him the NXT Extreme Championship at No Way Out. But what goes around, comes around. Sting cost me the NXT World Heavyweight Championship but that doesn't matter because I know, you know and everybody in the back knows that I am the real NXT Extreme Champion. I AM! Not Rhino, not anybody else!

Anyway, what I was trying to say is that starting at No Way Out, things got even worse. I've made a huge 180 spin and I don't like what I'm seeing. Sometimes people do that spin because they know things can only get better. But when you are Austin Aries, it doesn't get any better, it can only get worse and that's what happened. I came from making big money to getting a milk bath from Kurt Angle! I came from main eventing shows all over the world to beeing the guy that as Stone Cold said restores confidence in others. I'm not that guy! I'm the Greatest Man That Ever Lived and I won't settle with beeing thrown into random matches because there's nothing Stone Cold has for me. This. All of this. I had enough of this. I want things to improve. I'm not here to be the Seth Rollins and cry about how bad everything is while sitting on my ass eating cheetos. I've been
working my ass off ever since I came back even though I hate this brand. That's who I am. I give everything 120% because people expect nothing less from me. And I expect nothing less from them, I expect nothing less from Stone Cold. Well, expected. Because this is it for me.

You all live by the old saying "Hard work always pays off." It does, I
'm a living proof but things don't work that way in this company. You can be the work horse yet people will always hold you back. Which is why I'm standing in this ring to tell you that I hate you all, I hate this brand but most importantly I hate Stone Cold and his damn guts. He's the biggest reason why I'm standing here and I'm saying...I QUIT!

Austin Aries drops the microphone and wants to leave the ring but he gets interrupted by the familiar sound of shattering glass.



The crowd erupts into cheers and rise to their feet at the famous sound of the shattering glass. It isn't long before they're joined by the "Texas Rattlesnake" himself, Stone Cold Steve Austin, as he makes his way from the backstage with a purpose, his eyes focused on the ring as he walks down the ramp quickly. He leaps onto the apron and steps through the ropes quickly.


Stone Cold stands there as his music fades out to silence, making the ovation of the raucous crowd more audible. Stone Cold looks at Austin Aries and raises the microphone he's carrying to his mouth.


Stone Cold: Thanks for the history lesson, kid, you've effectively wasted precious air time that myself, all the people watchin', and everyone payin' ta' broadcast it are never gonna get back. Since we're takin' trips down memory lane, let Stone Cold take ya back to the night Vince McMahon approached me about taking on this position. Stone Cold thought about it, and then he asked Vince McMahon to provide Stone Cold with a roster and was promptly presented with a sheet that had all of the In Ex Tee performers on it. And as soon as I saw your name and yer beady little eyes lookin' off the page at me from yer roster photo, I knew this was gonna be trouble, but I took the job anyway, and already Wednesday Night In Ex Tee is benefitin' from it. When I scheduled everyone on the roster from Rhino down ta' dedicate some a' their time ta' talkin' about Wrestlemania, I didn't intend, nor did I anticipate, any of ya comin' out here whinin' and bitchin' about it. So you drew AJ Styles, I'm so sorry that you aren't happy about that. Stone Cold knows you'd rather be stompin' a mudhole in Sting's ass, if yer familiar with my and the "Icon"'s history you know that I'd like ta' see you stomp that particular mudhole, especially considerin' I don't like your ass that much either and know for a fact that you'd get as good as ya gave in that exchange but hey, shit happens, kid.

Kurt Angle wanted his match with Jericho ta' be a number one contender's match, but why in the hell am I gonna do that when Jericho just lost a number one contender's match? Maybe if Kurt picks up the win he'll be well on his way to a title shot, because that'll make him undefeated, but I digress, we aren't talkin' about the Olympic Gold Medalist or the milk he gave ya for free, we're talkin' about you wantin' ta' take ya little ball and go home. Now normally I'd tell ya ta' walk yer goofy little ass up the road, but the fact of the matter is Stone Cold's position requires him ta' look at this from a bidness standpoint, and regardless a' if Stone Cold likes ya or not, and he doesn't, Austin Aries being an active part of In Ex Tee is good for bidness. Stone Cold doesn't wanna see ya go, 'specially considerin' Jay Bee Ell let enough talent slip through his fingers. Robert Roode. (What?) The Rock. (What?) Randy Orton. (What?) Brock Lesnar. (What?) Zack Ryder. (What?) Darren Young. (What?) Bully Ray. Have I made ma' point yet, son?

However, don't think me wantin' ya ta' stay means me and you are gonna buddy up and I'm gonna treat ya like he did, Stone Cold ain't startin' no Cabinet, managerial or otherwise, because despite what See Em Punk and others would have you believe, In Ex Tee is a one man show as far as the General Manager position goes, meaning it is ran by me and me alone. So I guess the question now is what's it gonna take ta' keep Austin Aries part a' In Ex Tee? What's it gonna take to ensure you compete in the main event tonight and against the "Phenomenal" Aye Jay Styles at Wrestlemania?

Austin opens the floor back up to Aries as he awaits his response.


This is exactly what I was talking about. You come out here and call me a kid. I'm not a kid. I'm The Greatest Man That Ever Lived. I'm the one who sells merchandise, I'm the one who people come to see night in and night out. Vince McMahon pays you the money I made this company. Because of me and me only you can fill your truck's tank, go back home, buy some beer on a fuel station, get home, drink it all, pass out and repeat this every day. You're eating out of my hand Steve and you're well aware of that so you should appreciate me, not look down on me and call me a kid. But we all know that
's not going to happen because you're too, too, too "Stone Cold" for that.

When you came back not so long ago I'm not going to lie. I knew I'm up for a lot of trouble. I was standing in the ring and the moment I heard that sound of shattering glass, I got goosebumps because I knew I wasn't going to lay my hands on the NXT Title ever again with you in charge. And now, I'm standing here and I can say that myself that I was right. You're wasting my ability when you put me in a regular match against AJ Styles. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to that match because Austin Aries vs. AJ Styles is what people wanted to see for almost a decade now. What I have a problem with is the way you made that match. You just threw a couple of names in the hat, pulled out two and those two happened to be Austin Aries and AJ Styles and that's not the way either me and AJ Styles should be being booked.

's Wrestlemania time. The time of the year when people throw everything behind their backs and enjoy some wrestling. But we're not regular people, we're wrestlers. This time of the year is not about eating fries, drinking beer and watching wrestling for us. This time of the year, we're working our asses off to get a chance to steal the show at the grandest stage of 'em all. You've been in that position before, you know what it's like but now that you're a legend and the NXT General Manager, it seems like you forgot where you came from, it seems like you overlooked all the hard work we, the wrestlers do when you decided to have a match at Wrestlemania against CM Punk and possibly stole an opportunity of a lifetime from someone. Hey, you even stole an opportunity of a lifetime from both me and CM Punk because we all know that Wrestlemania it shouldn't be Sting versus Rhino. It should be Sting versus Rhino versus CM Punk versus Austin Aries. That's a match that a good GM would put together but that something you know nothing about.

But seeing you want Austin Aries on your brand, I can tell you really know what
's good for "bidness". You want me on NXT? Here, let me think.

Austin Aries lowers his microphone and thinks about something that would keep him on NXT. It doesn't take him long. He chuckles and raises the microphone back to his mouth.

At Wrestlemania I am going to face AJ Styles under two conditions. Number one, Austin Aries versus AJ Styles is going to be a no count-out, no disqualifications, no...holds...barred.

People in the arena pop as they're liking what Austin Aries came up with it.

Me and AJ will work out something called magic and when the match is going to be no holds barred, it's going to be a dream-come-true for all wrestling fans around the world. But that's just one out of two conditions. The second condition I want added to match is that the man that comes out victorius will get a shot at the NXT World Championship. Wanna tell me to get back in the line? You better hold up on that because there's nobody more deserving, nobody more hard-working than me and AJ Styles. How about that?

Stone Cold strokes his goatee as he looks at Aries for a moment, pondering over what has been presented to him.

Stone Cold: Ya got cahoneys, I'll give ya that, son. Stone Cold gives you the bargaining chips and you don't hold back, you ask for a shot at the grandest prize on In Ex Tee and want ta' take the most brutal route ta' get there. Before I give you what you want, I want you ta' consider exactly what is it yer askin' me for. Let's say you beat Aye Jay Styles at Wrestlemania. Boom, yer the number one contender. If Sting beats Rhino, he's the man you gotta go through ta' get that belt. What about Rhino? He'll have a rematch clause and you can bet yer ass he's not gonna hesitate ta' use it. And then there's Punk and the rematch clause he hasn't used, so go 'head and add him to the mix. And if Kurt wins his match and Stone Cold decides ta' reward his undefeated streak? Go 'head and add him to the mix. Are you prepared ta' take on those odds? Are you great enough to go through four of the toughest sumbitches on this roster ta' win the World Championship? Cuz Stone Cold doesn't think ya are, Stone Cold thinks you'll choke just like ya choked in the tournament I set up ta' crown the number one contender and, since yer a fan of history, just like ya choked when you put the You Dubya Eff Championship on the line against yers truly.

I'm not givin' ya this stipulation cuz I think you deserve it, because you haven't proved a damn thing ta' me except you still know how ta' flap yer little gums, I'm givin' ya this stipulation because I hope that Aye Jay's gonna remember just how "Phenomenal" he is and use every acceptable hold, slam, strike, and weapon at his disposal ta' beat yer sorry ass like a redheaded stepchild. You want it? You got it, Austin Aries versus Aye Jay Styles will be a No Holds Barred match and the winner will be the number one contender to the In Ex Tee World Championship. And that's the bottom line...

Aries cuts Stone Cold off before he can finish his trademark catchphrase and seemingly end their interaction and walk away.

Not so fast, Steve. I have one more thingy left in my sleeve and now I'm about to pull it out. See, the fact that you don't believe in my ability to get the job done doesn't surprise me because since the day we met you see me as a little kid. That kid came this close (Aries a shows how close he was with his fingers), this close to beating your ass on RAW. And I know it's bothering you because you know that you're only a UWF Legend and a future UWF Hall of Famer because of A Double because I made you a legend in this company. The day when we met inside of this ring, magic happened. People PeopPeople are talking about our match to this very day. See, I couldn't handle the loss because I knew I was close to beating you so a week after you pinned me I came out and busted your brains. Because of that Teddy Long booked us to wrestle each other at Backlash. All that led to Austin Aries vs. Steve Austin II. Sure, it was a Fatal 4-way match but nobody really gave a crap about the other two guys. My point is, that if there wasn't for me beeing hot-headed, you wouldn't be where you are at this very moment so keep your mouth shut and give me some respect.

Now, as I said I have one more thing that I want to pull of and you'll agree to it if you want me to stay here. Now, I already said I deserve some respect from you and I know a way I'm going to earn that respect, I know what to do for you to respect me as an authority. And that's that at Wrestlemania, your match versus CM Punk will have a new stipulation to it as well. How about a match with a special guest referee?

People in the arena erupt in cheers.

Stone Cold Steve Austin versus CM Punk, with Austin Aries as the special guest referee. I can see the look on your face. You look like someone who just saw a ghost and I like that. I
'm giving you an hour to think about it, Steve. But have in mind, if ya don't agree to it, I'm leaving UWF. And that, my friend, is the bottom line.

Austin Aries drops the microphone and puts his hands in the air as his theme song begins to play. Aries leaves the ring and heads to the back.



Derrick Bateman and Johnny Curtis are walking around backstage searching for Maxine. Derrick is kind of looking while Johnny is looking in every nook and cranny.


Derrick Bateman
We're not gonna find her bro.

Johnny Curtis
Well we can't just give up! You think Batman and Robin just give up when someone takes Catwoman!

Hmm. I guess not. But she's not really Catwoman.

If she's not really Catwoman than I'm not really Robin.

Whoa don't say that buddy! Robin can be anyone.


Yeah man, Batman goes through them like cake.

Okay cool but we gotta save Maxine okay?

Sure thing bro. I gotta get ready for my match though and then we can find her after.

Alright cool. You go get ready, I'll keep looking.

Derrick walks off to go get ready while Johnny keeps searching.

Maxine! Maxine!

Johnny is yelling for Maxine but he comes across Kaitlyn and stops and just stares at her from behind.


Hey how's it going? You new here? I haven't seen you around. Can you tell me why not? I mean why are you just standing around? You lookin’ for someone? You lookin' for me? I'm not hard to find baby! Just ask anyone. Well maybe not everyone. Just the chicks. I'm kind of a chick magnet. Hey you seen any other chicks around here? Now that I think about it there aren't really a lot of them. Just that bitchy blonde girl with the fake title. And Maxine. Oh Maxine! Have you seen Maxine? She's a smokin' hot brunette. But nothin' compared to you baby. Hey what's you're name? Where you from? Why are you just standing around? Are those real?

Kaitlyn groans and gets a disgusted look on her face and walks away.

Yeah good talk. Now what was I doing?

Johnny scratches his head to try and remember what he was doing.

Oh right Maxine. Maxine! Where are you!

Curtis walks off in the distance still in search of Maxine.

The camera pans to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing by, ready to do the introductions as the opening bell sounds.



Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...

"To the Batmobile, let's go!

Atomic batteries to power,

Turbines to speed.

Roger, ready to move out!"


The crowd erupts into cheers as the theme song from the 1960's Batman television show begins to play. After a moment of the classic, "nana nana nana nana, nana nana nana nana", the camera pans over where the Batmobile pulls around the corner and parks next to the stage. The driver's door opens as Derrick Bateman steps out of the car, sending the crowd into an amused uproar as he is donned in full Batman gear. As the crowd cheers, the passenger door of the car opens and Johnny Curtis steps out dressed as Robin. Both men climb onto the ramp and begin walking towards the ring.

Christy Hemme: From Gotham City. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty-two pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Johnny the Boy Wonder, the "Deirk Knight", Bate Man!

The duo arrives at the end of the ramp where Johnny the Boy Wonder remains ringside as Bate Man slides into the ring and gets to his feet, breaking out into The Hurricane's signature pose as a spotlight flashes above him displaying an afro. After collecting herself from the laughter, Christy Hemme begins her introduction for Derrick's opponent.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...









The brand new theme song for Seth Rollins begins playing throughout the arena as a spotlight shines down on the stage at the top of the ramp but Seth is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly members of the audience give a mixed reaction and the camera pans over to one of the staircases amongst the seating where Seth is entering with Kane as they make their way down the steps..

Christy Hemme: From Davenport, Iowa. Weighing in at two hundred and nine pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Kane. He is one-third of the Purveyors of Poison, Seth Rollins!

Seth and Kane leap the barricade as the "Big Red Monster" remains ringside and Seth enters the ring as the match is ready to get underway.


Joey Styles: Well this is what I would certainly call a look into the future, Matt. Bateman has brought Curtis to ringside as always but Seth has leveled the playing field by bringing Kane to ringside, making both the Purveyors of Poison and the Modern Day Double Dragons, the Wrestlemania opponents, present for this match-up.

Matt Striker: Well said, Joey, but it's a bit too commentator-y, this booth needs a bit of Johnny the Boy Wonder.

Johnny the Boy Wonder: Thanks for the intro, bro.

Matt Striker: You're wel...

Kane: Not so fast, you pitiful wastes of flesh and soul. I refuse to let you taint another match with your unintelligent, pitiful antics, especially one that involves the "Shield", Seth Rollins.

Johnny the Boy Wonder: What does that even mean, dude? Do you know? Does Seth know? I mean for a consistent period of time he's coming out to "Battle On" by War of Ages and then one week, without any rhyme or reason, he starts coming out to this Shield stuff and calling himself the "Shield" because you called him the "Shield" because Sting called him the "Shield." Did you guys forget which faction you are or was Two-Face playing some Legend of Zelda in his downtime and found himself thinking, "The sword slays but the shield protects, I want to be that."

Kane: The Purveyors of Poison have no interest in video games, while little boys like you are working your thumbs on controller buttons, we are preparing ourselves for battle, carving out the path to war...

Johnny the Boy Wonder: And opening your eyes a lot, right? Because you guys say that a lot. Where's your leader, by the way? Sting seems to have realized that you were holding him down and embarassing him and has cut the dog crap off of his shoe.

Kane: Sting's championship victory will ultimately be for the good of the Purveyors of Poison.

Johnny the Boy Wonder: That's some strong denial you're in there, Bane.

Kane: It's Kane.

Joey Styles: I'm not sure I even want to focus on what's going on in the ring, this is great.

Matt Striker: Good thing they're on opposite sides of the table.

Joey Styles: That puts us smack in the middle, you idiot.

Bateman is giving his partnet a thumbs up with his back turned towards Rollins, a big mistake as Rollins sets and waits for the Superkick! Unfortunately for Rollins Bateman turns and ducks the Superkick before grabbing Rollins and rolling him up for a cover.




Winner: The Bateman!

Styles: What? Are you serious?

Striker: Holy upset Bateman!

The Bateman rolls out of the ring leaving a shocked Rollins unable to believe what just happened in the ring. The crowd is cheering as Johnny the Boy Wonder joins up with him. Kane looks livid at what just happened as he stands in front of the announcer's table.

Styles: Will this be the scene after Wrestlemania folks?

Striker: I'll tell you who I don't want to be, and that is AJ Styles. He's got a match up against Kane and its up when we come back from break!

Back from commercial, the camera pans to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing by, ready to do the introductions as the opening bell sounds.


Christy Hemme: Already in the ring...from Parts Unknown. Weighing in at three hundred and twenty-three pounds. He is one-third of the Purveyors of Poison, the "Big Red Monster", Kane!

Kane doesn't do his usual pyrotechnics, he just gets ready for the match ahead, anxiously awaiting the arrival of his opponent.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...


The fans look equally as confused as they did before as "Loser" by 3 Doors Down begins to play. Before too long, the "Phenomenal" AJ Styles comes walking out from the backstage, except he isn't looking like the AJ everyone knows and loves and instead dons the same rough look he donned when he and Bateman exchanged words in the time leading up to their match, the hair on his head unkept and his facial hair scruffy. AJ stops at the top of the ramp, looking down as he stuffs his hands into his pockets.

Christy Hemme: From Gainesville, Georgia. Weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds. The "Phenomenal" A...J...Styles!

The crowd cheers AJ as he walks down the ramp slowly, looking down at the ground, indifferent to their praise as though he doesn't feel he deserves any of it. AJ reaches the end of the ramp and turns, making his way up the steel steps and entering the ring. He doesn't pose, there's no pyro, he just removes his hands from his pockets and takes an uninterested fighting stance as he looks across the ring at Kane.



The match kicks off with Kane lunging forward at AJ Styles but Styles ducks and hits Kane with a hard leg kick staggering the big man. Kane stumbles against the ring ropes and AJ Styles fires away with rights, lefts and kicks to the legs before Kane simply shoves him onto his back. Styles wastes no time in getting back to his feet, leaping at Kane with a flying forearm shot knocking Kane against the turnbuckles in the corner. AJ Styles mounts Kane in the corner and fires away with shots to the head but Kane gets his hands up and around the throat of AJ and walks towards the centre of the ring with AJ up in the air before tossing him down to the mat below. AJ Styles takes a hard bump due to the height he has fallen from but is still rather quick to his feet with assistance from the ring ropes. Kane wastes no time, Irish Whipping Styles across the ring and off the opposite ropes, Kane leans over looking for the big back body drop but Styles sees this and kicks Kane square in the face, but Kane simply stands up straight unphased.

Styles: Kane almost looks invincible at times, he really is a monster.

Striker: Well he can take a great amount of punishment as we've seen throughout his storied career.

AJ Styles hits the ropes and goes for a Cross Body but Kane catches him mid-air. Kane walks to the centre of the ring before swining AJ Styles round into a Sidewalk Slam. Kane stays atop for the cover.



Styles rolls the shoulder out and Kane grabs him by the head and drags him towards the corner. Kane stands Styles up against the corner and hits him with a Back Elbow followed by a shot to the gut before hitting him with his signature Throat Thrust. Styles drops to a seated position but Kane lifts him back up by the arm and drags him into a punishing Clothesline. Kane looks down at AJ Styles before deciding to ascend to the top rope. Kane wastes no time in doing this and perches atop the turnbuckles awaiting AJ Styles to get back to his feet. When he does so Kane launches himself off of the top rope with an attempt at the Flying Clothesline however AJ Styles drop-rolls out of the way and Kane has to change trajectory mid-air and lands on his feet only to turn around into a Pele Kick from AJ Styles knocking Kane down to one knee. AJ gets up and turns around, upon seeing Kane still kneeling AJ simply unleashes a kick to the temple sending Kane down to the mat.

Striker: AJ Styles damn near took his head off with that kick!.

Styles: Kane didn't look to invincible there!

AJ Styles wastes no time in covering the 'Big Red Monster' but fails to even get a one count as Kane throws him off of the pin attempt. Kane then sits up, AJ Styles throws a kick but Kane grabs the leg and reaches up with the other hand and wraps it around the throat of AJ Styles, Kane lifts AJ Styles up into the air but AJ Styles gets out of the tricky predicament and lands behind Kane he runs Kane against the ropes with his arms wrapped around his waist and attempts to pull him back into a pin but Kane grabs ahold of the top rope and AJ Styles rolls back himself and back onto his feet. AJ Styles runs at Kane but Kane simply raises his boot up and catches AJ square in the jaw dropping him to the mat. Kane then raises his gloved hand in the air signalling the end is near for his opponent. AJ Styles slowly stumbles back to his feet holding his jaw and turns around to be met with Kane's hand being wrapped around his shoulder. Kane then proceeds to lift AJ Styles up into the air before throwing him down to the mat with authority with his signature Chokeslam!. Kane drops down and covers Styles after the devastating maneuver.




Winner: Kane


Kane dusts himself off and heads to the back, once back there however...



The crowd erupts into cheers as their NXT Champions music hits. The only thing is, Rhino doesn’t come storming out. Coach cannot be seen either. The fans cheers turn into curious whispers as the music fades away. Still not a single sign of Rhino, the fans appear to be worried. Some fans begin looking around to see if they can spot Rhino possibly hiding in the crowd for a surprise or something.

“The War Machine†Rhino:
I’m up here!

The crowd exclaims in surprise as they look up, searching for the man behind the voice. Suddenly the titantron comes to life as a shaky camera makes its way up some stairs and into the rafters. The crowd cheers as Rhino can be seen crouching and holding onto the lower part of the guard rail. He doesn’t seem too concerned. However Coach seems frightened as he is sitting behind Rhino holding onto the guard rail with all his might.

I thought I’d get to know my opponent better. I thought I’d get to know Sting better. What better way to learn about my enemy than to walk a mile in his shoes? What better way to learn about Sting than to stand in the rafters like he does. I must say, this is quite the field trip. You all look like ants from up here. Coach here is being a little girl, so he probably won’t be talking much. But I can talk, and I shall. You see, for months now Sting has been considered the better man between the two of us. Every match we’ve had, he’s always come out on top. Every altercation we got into, he came out on top. So why should I, the guy he beat so many times feel so confident? Why should I look so confident? I know Sting; I know all his tricks now. I know that all the stuff he said can’t get inside my head anymore. I see he’s changed, and I’m not going to mock him for it. We’ve all gone through the life changing stuff before.

Look, I’ll keep this nice and short because I’m pretty sure Coach is about to puke over some fans down below. Sting, you and I are no strangers to each other. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited about facing you at Wrestlemania as I now have my chance to prove to the world that I can beat you. And what better way to do that than to do it at Wrestlemania retaining my NXT Championship? I think this is the perfect way to end it too Sting, if it even ends. I told the world that it would never end. Our rivalry would never end until one of us was either dead or decided to retire. Fortunately for the both of us, we are too stubborn to do either of those things. This is something that we are doing not only for our benefit... Well actually it is. Think about it. All those kids in the locker room would constantly tell us we are too old to be in this business.

I say that’s a load of crap! THIS old guy is their current World Champion! What does that say? You know what it says; it says that an old man is better than you punks! Sting and I are going to show the world that a couple of old geezers can still steal the show. You thought our first two encounters were crazy? Wait until you see what we have in store for everybody at Wrestlemania. I know I’ll be bringing everything I have and whatever I have on reserve. I know Sting will do the same. Two veterans going at it for a world title, you know it’s going to be great. After both of those matches with Sting, I found some kind of respect for him. Coach here still doesn’t trust him, I could really care less. Sting seems to have his head on right now, but I know he’s ready to go as hard as I plan to.

So, as I send Coach off to do his Coach like things, I’ll just be up here watching the show proceed. I’ll be doing what I can to think like Sting and do get in the mind of Sting. Come Wrestlemania, the better man will win. Come Wrestlemania, us two old guys are going to steal the damn show!

The crowd cheers as the titantron fades to black.



Back from commercial, the camera pans to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing by, ready to do the introductions as the opening bell sounds.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...


Kurt Angle’s theme – Army Rollout by Tha Trademarc hits the Public Announcement System and after a few moments, the fans erupt into hysteria due to the arrival of their Olympic Hero, Kurt Angle. Angle comes up from under the stage into a spotlight where he raises his hands in the air as pyro shoots out from the stage high up towards the ceiling in the arena in Red, White and Blue streams. Angle then makes his way down towards the ring. Angle steps up the ring steps and through the ropes into the ring, he then raises his hands in the air and does his signature chest beating theatrics as the crowd go wild.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in UWF history, 'The Wrestling Machine' Kurt Angle![/COLOR]

Angle gets ready for the match ahead as Christy continues her introductions.

Christy Hemme: And the partner...

As Break the Walls Down is heard around the arena, booes comes from the crowd. Jericho walks slowly from the stage with no facial expression. He enters the ring and looks to the crowd depreciately, then he has a smirk smile on his face.

Christy Hemme: Residing from Tampa Florida, Y2J, Chris Jericho!

Jericho and Angle look at each other intensely and dissatisfied with the fact that they have to tag up as Christy continues her introductions.

Christy Hemme: And the opponents. Introducing first...


Trish Stratus and Umaga come out from the back to a mixed reaction. Mostly the men are cheering for Trish and whistling at her while the others are booing at Umaga as they both make their way down the ramp on their way to the ring.

Christy Hemme: Making his way to the ring being accompanied by Trish Stratus, he is the NXTreme Champion, the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga!

Trish remains ringside while Umaga enters the ring, looking at both of his opponents ready to rip them apart.

Christy Hemme: And the partner...

As the infamous heartbeat begins to thunder throughout the arena, it signals the moment the UWF Universe begin to cheer for the arriving Taz. Once the heartbeat ceases and the theme kicks in, Taz emerges from the back ready to go, towel over his head. Taz doesn't take the time to soak in the atmosphere, instead choosing to make his way down the ramp and towards the ring, although he does take the time to gaze out at the adoring crowd and listen to their encouraging words while walking. Taz eventually reaches the steel steps, not breaking stride as he makes his way up them and promptly enters the ring. He proceeds to go to the top rope and cross his arms in signature fashion. He then takes his place in the ring corner looking at his opponent.


Christy Hemme: From the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, New York. Weighing in at two hundred and forty-five pounds, he is the "Human Suplex Machine" Taz!


The bell rings and Jericho and Angle put aside their differences long enough to go after the Samoan Bulldozer who will clearly be the most difficult opponent in the match. Taz gets on the apron apparently happy to see Umaga getting attacked. Angle and Jericho take turns, Angle with a right, Jericho with a chop, but it is doing little to hurt the NXTreme Champion. Jericho and Angle look at each other unable to believe what little effect they are having. It is in this instance Umaga decides to go on the offensive. He takes Angle first and nails him to the mat with a headbutt, and Jericho begins laughing. It doesn’t last however as Umaga turns towards Jericho and knocks him down to the mat as well with a headbutt.

And Jericho laughing at Angle after being taken down by a headbutt only to get the same dose himself.

Angle shoots to his feet trying to gain an advantage on Umaga but the Bulldozer chops Angle so hard he falls back to the mat. Jericho shoots up and also gets a hard chop from Umaga. Angle and Jericho recuperate and decide to attack together, both rushing Umaga at the same time, but both men find themselves on the ground again as Umaga sends them both to the mat with a double clothesline. Umaga screams in pleasure, Trish applauds on the outside, and Taz looks unimpressed.

And once again Umaga is simply dominating this match up as Angle and Jericho can’t seem to mount any sort of offense.

Jericho is first to his feet and Umaga takes him and shoots him off the ropes before waiting for Jericho to come back and crushes him with a Samoan drop! Angle tries to get in a cheap shot but Umaga nails Angle with the Savate Kick! With both men down Umaga decides to go for the cover on Jericho.



Jericho kicks out!

Trish is shouting orders as Umaga turns and sees Angle just laying there in the center of the ring. The Samoan Bulldozer bounces off of the ropes and comes back before dropping his head square into Angle’s chest. Umaga looks like a predator as he lays on top of Angle for the cover.



3. NO!

Angle kicks out!

Taz is on the apron and asks for a tag, Umaga looks at him and then at Trish for guidance. Trish tells him not to do it and Umaga looks at Taz contemplating. eHeHe turns his back long enough for Jericho to climb to the top rope. Umaga turns around and Jericho goes for a crossbody. Umaga however catches Jericho with ease and Jericho is trapped and not in a very good place at all, luckily for Jericho, Angle sees it and with whatever he can muster nails Umaga with a chop block. Umaga falls onto his back with Jericho on top of him for the cover.



Umaga powers out by throwing Jericho off of him. Jericho hits the mat hard and has the wind knocked out of him. Umaga gets to his feet and is angry now as he kicks Jericho right into the ribs, potentially cracking them. Umaga grabs Jericho and with all of his strength whips Jericho hard into the turnbuckle. Jericho comes back out and Umaga grabs him and lifts him up into the air and connects with a two handed chokeslam. Jericho is really hurting now as Umaga bounces off of the ropes and comes crashing down on top of Jericho with all of his weight with the Wild Samoan Splash.

Oh god! Jericho has just been broken in half by the Samoan Submission machine!

Good grief the whole ring shaked under the impact of that maneuver!



3… NO!

Angle saves the match up!

And Kurt Angle saving the match for his team, Kurt appears to want to win this match even if it means he has to save
Jericho in the process.

Angle gets out of the ring just as quickly as he entered willing to allow Jericho to get the barrage of Umaga’s wrath. Jericho is out clearly and Taz begins begging the Samoan for a tag, but again Umaga ignores him. The Samoan is clearly not impressed with his challenger. He brings Jericho to his feet ignoring Taz and throws Jericho into the corner so hard Jericho goes flipping into the corner into a tree of woe position. Umaga immediately rushes right after him connecting with a running jumping headbutt drop. Jericho crumbles into two and Umaga gets up screaming. Angle comes in hoping to attack but Umaga nails the rushing Angle with a big boot sending the Olympic Gold Medalist to the mat.

Umaga has just dominated this entire match up, he hasn’t even looked at his partner yet and it would appear by Angle and Jericho’s bodies on the ground he doesn’t need one!

“Hey asshat!†Taz shouts out at his partner. “Tag me in before I choke your ass out!†Umaga looks at Taz and shouts back something in his Samoan tongue that surely can’t be nice. Taz however keeps talking to the beast, goading the Samoan to come closer to the corner. Taz has his hand out for a tag to which Umaga doesn’t take. Trish tries to get some order between the two men, but it is no use as Umaga turns back to his opponents Taz tags himself in by slapping Umaga’s back.

Well that’s one way to get yourself into the match isn’t that right Joey?

Umaga takes Taz’s blind tag as an attack and turns and brings Tazz in the hard way over the top rope. The crowd love it as Umaga is hacked off. Trish tries to get her Monster’s attention and does not seeing Tazz get up to his feet and Angle come up behind him and connect with the Olympic Slam. Umaga has himself hanging on the ropes focusing on what Trish is telling him, not where he wants to be as Angle comes up behind him and with all the strength he can muster tosses Umaga over the top rope to the floor below. While Angle is doing that, a broken and beaten Jericho is able to crawl over to Taz and throw an arm over him going for the cover.





Here are your Winners the Team of Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho!

Oh come on Jericho just stole this one from Kurt Angle! Angle did all the work and Jericho is taking all the glory.

Striker: Jericho took all the beating in that match while Angle sat on the sidelines, turnaround is fair play Joey.

Angle is in the ring with his hands on his head in frustration as Jericho is on the outside holding a hand on his head with his hand raised in victory. Angle might have won the match for his team, but it was Jericho who made the cover. Meanwhile Trish is taking Umaga up the ramp saving her man from getting injured before his LMS match at Mania. This is the last we see of these four men before NXT heads to commercial break.



]Matt Striker: This morning, the former NXT World Champion, CM Punk was on hot 93.7 with Kiki and Trevor in the Morning discussing, CM Punk's up coming match at WrestleMania versus Stone Cold Steve Austin. Let's take a short clip and listen to what was said on the show.


Kiki: In less than two weeks you and UWF have the pay per view known as WrestleMania which is described as the biggest event in not only your profession, but in all of sports entertainment. Why do you think this is such a big success for this one night of the year?

CM Punk: Well you mentioned it right there, it's one night out of the three-hundred sixty-five days where every superstar who is on the show gives it everything they have because they know not only are there thousands ten thousand fans in attendance, but also millions watching at home and they know that if they do not deliver the people meaning the fans will let it be known. It's a privilege to get onto the WrestleMania card because of the history that surrounds this show. It's the biggest night for all of us and it also help the city where we're in as they take in a good gross amount of money with people traveling to see the show. All the local hotels, restaurants, you name it makes for good tourism and you have to be lucky to get the opportunity for our biggest show to be in your city. The UWF board doesn't just pick any random place for WrestleMania to be held at.

Trevor: You have yourself a high profiled match at WrestleMania versus the "Texas Rattle Snake" Stone Cold Steve Austin, but you could have challenged for the NXT World Title I believe it is. I'm not too caught up with everying in UWF, but I believe I got it right. So why did you choose a match versus Stone Cold?

CM Punk: Well first, you got it right, it is the NXT World Championship. Last year at WrestleMania I won the Unidsputed World Title and here once comes WrestleMania time and I have my rematch clause for the NXT World Title that I could have used, but I already won a major World Title the previous year where I need something different this time around. I look back to all the historical matches at WrestleMania that have happened and some of those match the two superstars who faced off had matches before hand, but they didn't come at WrestleMania. The likes of Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart, Triple H and Randy Orton, John Cena and Edge, you name it there have been many matches just like that where the two have had previous encounters, but not on the biggest stage of them all and those guys delivered. And then you have myself and Steve Austin and I have been in the ring with, Steve, but not at WrestleMania. Those matches before do not even matter because they didn't happen at WrestleMania. This is where you showcase the best and I am the best in the world and on April 14th I am going to show that to Steve Austin once again!

Back from commercial, the camera pans to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing by, ready to do the introductions as the opening bell sounds.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...



"Lights Out" by Hollywood Undead blasts through the arena speakers as the whole arena gets covered in purple hue. The theme song of Austin Aries is playing for a while when out comes out Austin Aries with a huge smile on his face. Aries wastes no time as he begins walking down the entrance ramp with his hands in the air and pyros explode behind his back. Aries then makes his way down to the ring and slowly walks up the ring steps before stepping into the ring and heading to the top rope where he throws his hands into the air, accepting the heat he is getting from the crowd.

Christy Hemme: And from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, weighing in at 210 pounds, 'A Double' Austin Aries![/COLOR]
Austin Aries and CM Punk are talking trash to each other in the centre of the ring, Aries has that cocky arrogance about him, but so does CM Punk; this is a true clash of arrogance, CM Punk and Austin Aries lock it up in a collar and elbow tie up in the centre of the ring, both men are jockeying for position but neither man can get the upper hand, leading to the first series of one-upmanship with Aries turning his body putting Punk in a side headlock but CM Punk has other ideas hoisting Aries up for a backdrop but Aries flips out of it landing behind CM Punk and grabs CM Punk in a waist lock but Punk twists out of it into his own waist lock on Austin Aries. Aries glances around before flipping CM Punk over into a grounded side headlock, CM Punk is quick to outdo Aries again and pushes out of the headlock, taking the right arm of Austin Aries and puts Aries in a wristlock. Aries spins around, breaking the wrist lock and Irish Whips CM Punk into the ring ropes, as CM Punk fires back, Aries leaps down flat on the canvas, Punk leaps over him and goes into the opposite ropes and comes back, allowing Aries to get to his feet but CM Punk leapfrogs Aries and lands on his feet, both men turn around and back to a straight standoff; clearly both men have the capability to one up eachother.
Styles: Matt, this match in the early going is coming across as one of those, I’m better than you and I’m going to prove it scenarios.
Striker: Indeed it is Joey, looking at this in the early going, both men are talented individuals and are able to counter each other and can one up one each other but it’s going to be a matter of who makes a mistake first could very well lose this match.

Austin Aries rubs his chin as Punk mouths “I got your number!†and that’s not exactly true in the early going as Aries possibly had the better of first exchange. This time both men circle each other around the ring, CM Punk tries to slide across and take out the legs of Austin Aries but Aries rolls over CM Punk and lands into a forward roll; as Punk turns around, Aries goes for a Missile Dropkick to CM Punk, but CM Punk predicts Aries move and ducks out of the way as Austin Aries manages to land on the middle rope, clutching to the top rope before leaping off attempting to catch CM Punk offguard with the second try but Punk manages to catch Aries into a Fireman’s Carry, Aries quickly nails CM Punk in the side of the head before falling behind CM Punk, CM Punk tries a spinning back handed fist, Aries ducks and counters into a Small Package.

CM Punk escapes with a look of frustration on his face, once again he’s been made a mockery of by Austin Aries, Aries opens his arms taunting CM Punk. CM Punk wipes his brow and picks himself up and snarls back at Austin Aries, the square up into each other and CM Punk then makes an cheap move on Aries, with a thumb to the eye just out of view of referee Andrew Thomas, Aries clutches at his eye as CM Punk then proceeds to roll up Austin Aries and grabs him by the trunks going for a roll-up.

Strikers: I talked about one upping each other but in reality, CM Punk is seemingly not afraid to take a few short cuts here and there to get away with the victory.
Styles: It’s disgusting, I was looking forward to a tremendous show of ability but CM Punk has decided to take the low-road!


Austin Aries manages to shove off CM Punk and attempts to get back to his feet but CM Punk delivers a kick to back of Austin Aries head; Aries hit the canvas with a thud as CM Punk roars “who’s the better man now, huh?†before grabbing Austin Aries by the hair and pulling him up to a standing position, Punk then delivers an elbow smash to Austin Aries, Aries is groggy on his feet but he returns fire with an elbow smash of his own, but Punk then takes a the low road and delivers a knee to the gut, Punk can match Aries in terms of ability. Punk follows through with a second martial arts kick to the head of Austin Aries, Aries flops to the canvas as CM Punk chuckles and seemingly is ready to put a quick end to this match as he puts his hands together and rests his head against them, meaning one thing, the Go To Sleep is coming up.

Styles: If CM Punk can hit the G.T.S this match is over.
Striker: It’s a possibility Joey, but Aries has Punk’s number when Punk is playing by the rules.

Austin Aries manages to pick himself up again as CM Punk hoists Austin Aries up for another Fireman’s Carry for the G.T.S as CM Punk spins on the spot, he knocks referee Andrew Thomas off of his feet, knocking out the referee but Aries has managed to counter, landing on his feet and goes for the Brainbuster but CM Punk delivers a knee to the crotch of Austin Aries, delivering a disgusting low-blow. CM Punk chuckles but his chuckling doesn’t laugh long as he frozen to the spot, he’s staring into the eyes of another man taking advantage of the fact the referee is down.

Striker: Haha, oh man, CM Punk is in for it now.

Stone Cold Steve Austin is chuckling back at CM Punk but then goes all serious, Austin Aries holding his crotch spots Austin in the right and seizes the moment and pushes CM Punk into Stone Cold Steve Austin, Austin boots CM Punk in the gut before following up with the Stunner! The crowd erupts as Austin Aries thinks he’s scot-free but he’s not as he discovers, Austin boots the approaching Austin Aries in the gut and follows up with a Stunner! Aries springs on top of CM Punk, Stone Cold Steve Austin chuckles, as he gets down on his knees, he has the power and authority to do this, as he counts the pinfall on CM Punk.

Styles: What just transpired here!
Striker: Stone Cold Steve Austin is sending a message!


-==Winner via pinfall at 08:31: Austin Aries==-

Stone Cold Steve Austin gets back to his feet and chuckles, he’s sent a message to both Austin Aries & CM Punk; Austin yells at one of the ring technician to pass him a beer, Austin is ready to begin a beer bash to celebrate as Wrestlemania is merely seven days away and everyone is on edge as Wrestlemania is the most unpredictable show of them all.


TTers: Respective Promos
Dresdon: Putting entrances together
Sam: Kane v. Styles
WWS: Aries v. Punk
SBS: Everything else


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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

It's disappointing that nobody else chose to comment on this, so I'll be the first.

I really enjoyed Austin Aries kicking off the show. In my opinion and this is no disrespect to Dresdon or RRS, but he should be in the NXT Title Match instead of some throwaway match.

Bateman and Robin continue to make me chuckle before picking up a big victory.

Not a bad NXT, good job fellas

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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

This whole show is going to help me with Rhino and what he will have to say. I'll comment further whe I get home.


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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

Well in my defense I've been out all day... but I am here now and just now saw this posted... so I have to say job well done. I prob shoulda did a promo for the show but the show did good without it.

Nice to see my monster not get pinned still. YEAH!!!!

Austin given the stunner to Punk and Aries was very nice. Good to see Austin doin what he wants.

Bateman... bateman... BATMAN! Roll up roll up roll up... win win win. Holy geez golly gee whillakers Batman... you did it :p

Yes I enjoyed this.

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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

The show sets up for some very good storylines down the line. I'm very excited to see where Aries/Austin goes. Honestly, I think that opening promo was the main thing I like about this show. Great freaking effort from Chriss and Dres.

The ending was pretty great too. Overall a great show considering all the confusion. Bateman & Curtis still make me chuckle. I feel as though I've seen that promo already, maybe that's why I laughed so much at it.


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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

- Gonna comment as I scroll down the page

- Great promo as per always by Aries there.

- Damn nice stipulation with Aries/AJ Styles there. Should be a good read.


- :lmao Bateman/Curtis never ceases to fail, great short segment.

- Alright I ain't going to fucking bother commenting on my match. We both promo'd and we get this? A failed superkick into a roll up and that's it? GTFO. There's some fucking explaining right there.

- Seems like the matches are half-assed here and shortly written, I don't know Kane gets an easy win.

- Nice Rhino promo.

- Great tag match, good win for Angle & Jericho!

- Short CM Punk promo but it's good.

- Stone Cold helping Aries here, this is great!

- Very disappointed in my match nonetheless, felt it deserved better regardless if I had that won or lost. A real put off right there...


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

Enjoyed the hell outta the initial promo, Aries on top form. Like the idea of the special guest ref at 'mania and A Double getting a shot at becoming number one contender.

Also still enjoying Desperately Seeking Maxine.

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

- Gonna comment as I scroll down the page

- Great promo as per always by Aries there.

- Damn nice stipulation with Aries/AJ Styles there. Should be a good read.


- :lmao Bateman/Curtis never ceases to fail, great short segment.

- Alright I ain't going to fucking bother commenting on my match. We both promo'd and we get this? A failed superkick into a roll up and that's it? GTFO. There's some fucking explaining right there.

- Seems like the matches are half-assed here and shortly written, I don't know Kane gets an easy win.

- Nice Rhino promo.

- Great tag match, good win for Angle & Jericho!

- Short CM Punk promo but it's good.

- Stone Cold helping Aries here, this is great!

- Very disappointed in my match nonetheless, felt it deserved better regardless if I had that won or lost. A real put off right there...

Well considering everybody that wrote it was busy, you should be thankful to get a damn show. How about showing some appreciation there sport, unless you'd like to take over as head writer. Otherwise shut the hell up, we didn't even HAVE to get a show at all. Fuck you piss me off sometimes. You come across as dissatisfied with whatever you get. Get your head out of your ass.
Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

- Gonna comment as I scroll down the page

- Alright I ain't going to fucking bother commenting on my match. We both promo'd and we get this? A failed superkick into a roll up and that's it? GTFO. There's some fucking explaining right there.

- Seems like the matches are half-assed here and shortly written, I don't know Kane gets an easy win.

- Very disappointed in my match nonetheless, felt it deserved better regardless if I had that won or lost. A real put off right there...

The audacity of this post makes me wonder why people seem to have a dislike of you, your attitude sinks, not once since I've joined this fed have I ever seen you put any form of effort into your match and the fact you won't make the Wrestlemania deadlines for either of your Wrestlemania matches, give me, SBS, Grimlock, Dresden or Sam why we should make the effort for you?

I seriously hope your bad attitude gets punished by throwing you off the Wrestlemania card and you get some sort of suspension from the fed because your comments are seriously uncalled for? Do you even write? Do you know how hard it is to write a good match, I've been slaving over Wrestlemania all week to bring the best quality I can, I might not be as good as SBS, Cwalker, Sam or Grimlock but I'm trying and so are the other writers.

Ungrateful person. If I'm allowed to have any say in the staff for Mania, I will make sure you don't even get mentioned on the card.
Last edited:


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

The aucidity of this post makes me wonder why people seem to have a dislike of you, your attitude sinks, not once since I've joined this fed have I ever seen you put any form of effort into your match and the fact you won't make the Wrestlemania deadlines for either of your Wrestlemania matches, give me, SBS, Grimlock, Dresden or Sam why we should make the effort for you?

I seriously hope your bad attitude gets punished by throwing you off the Wrestlemania card and you get some sort of suspension from the fed because your comments are seriously uncalled for? Do you even write? Do you know how hard it is to write a good match, I've been slaving over Wrestlemania all week to bring the best quality I can, I might not be as good as SBS, Cwalker, Sam or Grimlock but I'm trying and so are the other writers.

Ungrateful person. If I'm allowed to have any say in the staff for Mania, I will make sure you don't even get mentioned on the card.

I think leaving him off the card completely is a little harsh. He doesn't show, he faces the consequences, and in this case his characters will get jobbed out at fucking Wrestlemania.

Andrew has written in the past, in fact he ran the first e-fed that was on this forum. It was called CWF... and it sucked. Troy sent me in to save it, I was continuously undermined, I left, it survived a few more weeks and Troy pulled the plug.

As for the show, it's a credit to you guys for giving us one. It didn't NEED to happen, but it did and it built NXT's side of the Wrestlemania card further. It may have been very late, but it's not like it meant an edition of NXT missed out. There was no Raw or Smackdown for this week either, so there's no issue at all. As for my no show, well I have my own reasons for disappearing for 4 days and therefore choosing to no show. I don't regret it because I'm very pleased with my Wrestlemania showing for both matches and I credit that mini-break for it.

But anyway, well done guys!
Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

I think leaving him off the card completely is a little harsh. He doesn't show, he faces the consequences, and in this case his characters will get jobbed out at fucking Wrestlemania.

Andrew has written in the past, in fact he ran the first e-fed that was on this forum. It was called CWF... and it sucked. Troy sent me in to save it, I was continuously undermined, I left, it survived a few more weeks and Troy pulled the plug.

Writing a job match requires us to write for him, which he clearly doesn't like us writers doing his work, so we're in a sticky situation there xD!

Eh, seriously? How late and disorganized was that fed?


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

Writing a job match requires us to write for him, which he clearly doesn't like us writers doing his work, so we're in a sticky situation there xD!

Eh, seriously? How late and disorganized was that fed?

But now you've gotten an excuse to write whatever you like :p

I don't think their shows were late, but in some areas it was a fucking mess and I had to clean it up. Pretty sure one of the show's sections was like 20-30 pages of threads that I trolled through, cleaned up, did the same for every other section, then got told by someone that I was a shit Owner because "I don't write matches". Pretty much they had their nice little group, I questioned it, they always fought against my decisions, so I left and Troy said enough was enough.
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Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

For crying out loud, are we really erupting into this again? The Hall of Fame is tomorrow and Wrestlemania is Sunday, let's channel our passion towards that and sweep comments like that under the rug. Thank you everyone for the help with NXT, next week or the following Wednesday, whenever the next edition is, we'll be back to the Sam/Dresden regime in full force and that coupled with Cwalker's successors coming in is going to make for some great product! Andrew, please show up for Mania.


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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

I don't understand why we continue to ride his Ferris Wheel over and over again. It's literally the same thing every couple weeks.

He runs off at the mouth, someone gets on him, he keeps his mouth shut for a week, then goes back to his old ways.

Wash Rinse Repeat.

Let's just stop feeding the trolls.


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Re: UWF: NXT Super Late Edition

Heh I always come late for these things. :p

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