UWF 2013 Bound For Glory Trashtalking

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Re: UWF Bound For Glory: Matt Morgan versus Jeff Hardy

Morgan looks down on Hardy. The Charismatic Enigma has an intense look all over his face as The Blueprint picks the mic back up to his lips.


"The Blueprint" Matt Morgan: You know something Jeff? I'm hurt. I'm hurt because after what I did for you, you came out here and you insulted me with such harsh words. With one Carbon Footprint, I put you in the REAL Main Event of Bound For Glory. With one Carbon Footprint, I've given Jeff Hardy the chance to step in the ring with the next International Heavyweight Champion. And how do you repay me Jeff? You call me a big, selfish, jealous bully! I know I'm a big guy, but I have feelings too, Jeff!

Morgan begins laughing again at his obvious sarcasm. Hardy's expression doesn't change and Morgan soon begins taking the matter serious.

Morgan: But Jeff, I want you to ask yourself a serious question. Am I really the bad guy here? Because I know something for a fact Jeff. I know for a fact that when I hit you with that Carbon Footprint, I was doing something many guys in that locker room wanted to do. I know that while all of these insignificant fans in the arenas all over the world might hate me, but there are a few very important people in the back who loved every second of it. And why? Because it was absolutely justified. If anyone here is the bad guy Jeff; it'd be you.

The fans begin booing Morgan for that last statement. Hardy reacts for the first time with a perplexed look plastered on his face.

Morgan: Look at the facts son. You've made a lot of enemies in a real short amount of time. Hell, even your own brother doesn't want to see you succeed. But I guess they're all jealous of you too huh Jeff? Get it right son; we don't want to see Jeff Hardy succeed because Jeff Hardy doesn't deserve to succeed. And as long as I'm around, you won't succeed Jeff. I'm the obstacle that you just can't overcome Jeff. You can throw everything at me that you can muster and I promise you that it still won't be enough. It'll never be enough Jeff. No matter what risk you take, no matter how high you climb, no matter how much you live in the moment; I will always stop you. These people consider you their Superman Jeff, you're their hero. They live vicariously through you. When you win, they win. The problem is though Jeff, even Superman has a weakness. Yours happens to come in the form of giant with a temper. And I promise you Jeff that this giant will render Superman absolutely useless come Sunday.

The fans refuse to believe that. Jeff Hardy will always win in their eyes. The "Hardy" chant breaks out again.

Morgan: You said something that intrigued me earlier Jeff. You said, I'm going to "play by your rules." Here's the thing you need to know about me Jeff. I've played by other people's rules for a very long time and I don't plan on doing it anymore. You're going to have to play by my rules now. Anarchy is now my show. So that means no more ridiculous face paint, no more of those silly little arm bands. Nothing. Because on my show Jeff Hardy, you and everything that you represent will not be tolerated. Instead, like the worthless vermin that you are, you will be exterminated.

Morgan: I don't want you to feel bad though Jeff. Because the end of your professional career at my hands will serve as demonstration to every other member of the Anarchy roster who may thinking of getting in this ring with me. You will be the ultimate martyr Jeff Hardy. Your lifeless carcass will show everyone just how dominant a seven foot giant can actually be.

Morgan and Hardy never take their eyes off one another. This situation has gotten heated very quickly.

Morgan: You said it yourself, Jeff; this is going to be a fight. Because for every second that you are in this ring with me, you are going to be fighting for your life. So I want you to do me a favor. I want you to enjoy every second from now until Bound For Glory. Because you Jeff Hardy are indeed living for the moment....

Morgan gets directly in Hardy's face before speaking his last words.

Morgan: Your FINAL moment!!

And with that, Morgan lowers his mic. The tension can be cut with a knife and the Charismatic Enigma soon begins to reply to the intense "Blueprint"​


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UWF Tag Team Championship Match: Ted DiBiase & Wade Barret (c) vs Beer Money Inc.



They made it! Beer Money Inc. now one step away from being the new Tag Champions. The crowd shower them with cheers as Beer Money Inc. walk out. Storm is riding his cooler as Roode makes his way down the ramp with the Tag Team Tournament trophy clutched in his hand!


Roode: They said we couldn't! They said we shouldn't! But who the damn in this world has the right to say this crap! The Modern Day Dragons thought, Los Guerreros, The Watchmen thought and so did Morgan, Riley and Heyman but look what happened to those jackasses they took a trip down to the back of the pecking order! While Beer Money Inc. the team of ''The Cowboy'' James Storm and me ''The IT Factor'' Robert Roode made our way back to the place we deserve to the top! On iMAPCT! things were made clear we're definitely not the underdogs we're the top dogs! We own this tag team division and now all we need is those tag belts! I've seen these two champs in action before and I'm kinda impressed especially like they were fresh of the blocks and first thing you know it bang your new champions but boys it's time for your reign to come to a stop! Beer Money Inc. reunited after a very damn long time, Guerrero said that we couldn't work as a team but look where we are now! Damn two steps ahead of him! DiBiase has the money and he's got the ladies! But Teddy would you really be here if it wasn't for your daddy? That's the question I want to know and Wade Barrett do you really think you'v'e got IT! Everyone knows I do, everyone we've faced thought they had but in truth they didn't! I know you're going to give it all but we'll give it even more! We'll win in style and take what's are's! You see in my hand I've got the tournament trophy and I'm pretty proud of having this trophy in my hand! But soon this trophy will fall out of my hands and in return the gold belts will fall in our hands! I've done the talking, I've kicked it off, I've said what I needed and wanted to say but it's now time for me and James to see if you've really got IT!

Roode lower's the microphone and awaits the Tag Champions to walk out.

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Re: UWF Bound For Glory 2013: World Heavyweight Championship- Bryan (c) vs Styles

Bryan lifts his microphone back up and looks at AJ with a certain amount of disgust.


Daniel Bryan: That's a big promise you just made, AJ. Too bad it's going to end up being just as empty as you're other promises. I don't mean that you won't be a tough opponent because you damn sure will be, but I mean the promise you told yourself just now. You won't be able to keep the promise you just made yourself by becoming World Heavyweight Champion. AJ, you say you do all of this for the people. You questioned my position on things but, you never quite went into full detail as to why we can all of a sudden believe what you say because, to be honest, I don't trust a damn word that comes out of your mouth. You're doing this for the people, huh, AJ? You're just waltzing off to another brand as World Heavyweight Champion, attempting to make Randy Orton look like a fool to the Board of Directors. Do you know what happens then, AJ? Orton gets fired and Stephanie McMahon takes over completely. Tell me again, AJ, how you're doing this for the fans again? Because it seems to me the only person you care about is yourself. Do I trust Randy Orton? You'd be a fool to trust him but there's a mutual respect between us and he saw in me what these people saw in me and decided to give me a chance when people like the McMahon Family wouldn't. Randy trusts me to get the job done and If that means defending RAW against the Corporation by his side, well, AJ, I can put personal feelings aside and do what is necessary.

There is a "BRYAN! BRYAN! BRYAN!" chant that is beginning to rumble throughout the arena as Daniel continues tearing into AJ.

Daniel Bryan: And keep dirty hands off of this championship? Really, AJ? Like your hands are the cleanest of them all? As long as I breathe, this World Heavyweight Championship will stay around my waist. This war isn't Randy vs. Stephanie, AJ. This war is Decency vs. Avarice. You don't get it, AJ. You're so consumed with your own ego and hopes of becoming World Heavyweight Champion that you don't see the big picture. I have to keep this World Heavyweight Championship on RAW, where it belongs. You see, they already have a World Heavyweight Champion who's hands aren't dirty. They already have a World Heavyweight Champion who is their guy. I'm the Yes Man for these people, AJ, and they know that they already have a World Heavyweight Champion who is The Best Wrestler In The World!

The crowd's cheering gets louder as Bryan begins to sound more and more passionate about what he's talking about. After a few moments, Bryan continues speaking.


Daniel Bryan: I'm more passionate than anyone has ever been about the position that I hold in this company. While I'm here on RAW, this brand will never need to reignite their passion because I'll have more than enough to go around. This World Heavyweight Championship is the richest prize in this industry. It doesn't need to be rebuilt because its legacy cannot be destroyed. Many a great warrior has held this championship but none, and I guarantee you, none of them feel as passionately about this championship as I do. I will walk through Hellfire and Brimstone, as JR would say, and walk out still World Heavyweight Champion. No matter what Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon or anybody could throw at me that I won't be able to overcome because that's what I do. I overcome the odds and obstacles and don't think for a minute I can't overcome the challenge I face at Bound For Glory when we step into this ring and that bell sounds. Make all the claims you want, it doesn't matter to me. You wouldn't be the first to tell me they have me all figured out and you won't be the last. Just like my good buddy "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, just when you've got all the answers, I'll change the questions. Just when you think you're ahead of the game, I'm gonna change it and you won't be ready. They never are. Shawn Michaels wasn't. Y.E.S. weren't. Edge wasn't. They all fell at my feet and you will be no exception.

Bryan then looks out towards the crowd and begins talking to them.

Daniel Bryan: Since AJ wants to infringe upon my gimmick here tonight, I'll show him how it's done. Have I been an honorable World Heavyweight Champion? -YES!- Are the Corporation going to be in for a world of pain very soon? -YES!- Will I walk into Bound For Glory and walk out still World Heavyweight Champion? -YES!-

Bryan begins leading the audience like an orchestra in chanting "YES!" It isn't quite as big because there are still quite a few AJ Styles fans but it's loud enough to carry Bryan's message across.

Daniel Bryan: I need to beat you, AJ, and I will beat you. There isn't a doubt in my mind or anyone else's. Even those out there who didn't chant along know exactly how Bound For Glory will pan out. I'm making a promise right here and now to these people and myself that I will save Monday Night RAW and the entire UWF from a Corporate takeover.....and I'm going to do it as World Heavyweight Champion. I've worked too damn hard to have it all taken away from me now and I'll be damned if someone will try. For so long I have fought to be World Heavyweight Champion and now that I am, I see what my greater purpose is. I want to leave this business better than when I found it. It's not about who's the biggest. That's why I love this match-up so much. It's two guys who no one would give the time of day fighting for the measuring stick of this business. But, make no mistake about it, AJ Styles. They may bill it as "Who will be the better man?" but you're looking at the better man. The might say "Who will walk out champion?" but you're looking at the true champion. AJ, you're good, phenomenal even.......but you're not The Best!

Bryan lowers his microphone and lifts his World Heavyweight Championship up high.
Mar 6, 2013
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Re: UWF Bound for Glory UWF Championship: Edge (c) vs. CM Punk


The downtuned chugging riff of Kevin Nash hits the Public Announcement system and the crowd explodes into chorus of cheers as Kevin Nash steps out from the backstage wearing his black leather jacket and street clothes; he looks incredibly pissed off as he marches down to the ring without much fanfare before being handed a microphone from a technician. Nash steps over the top rope and looks out to the fans before speaking up.


Kevin Nash: Ya know what pisses me off the most??

People like CM Punk, who bitch and whine and complain that they aren’t being treated like the hottest shit going and when they even get a glimpse of it; when they given a title opportunity and all they can do is throw it back in your face and take their ball and go home. Yeah, that pisses me right off and I can bet you a hundred bucks right here and now that he will come back and throw one of the biggest bitch fits in the history of this industry throwing it all back in our faces, well fuck you man you shouldn’t be such a mark for yourself, because when you are, we can fuck with ya and you fuck with yourself. You were given opportunity and you no-showed and here we are now with me stood in the middle of this ring having to announce that I am replacing Phil Brooks as the one number contender to Edge’s UWF Championship just to save face on Smackdown.

Hell, this one ain’t even Zack Ryder’s fault, this is all down to CM Punk; now I know me and Zack have beef but even he was brought into the board meeting with Big V, Hunter, Stephanie, myself and Benoit and we all agreed to kick Phil Brooks off of Smackdown and I volunteered to take on the match and I damn sure ain’t expecting to win this as much as I want to. Hell, only reason I took it because it wouldn’t of been fair on anyone to fill in at such short notice, but hey when you’re a member of the board, you gotta shovel shit and deal with it yourself.

The fans pop for Kevin Nash as he’s pretty much unleashing hell on the entire situation.

Kevin Nash: But there is plenty of shovelling needed to be done across the Smackdown board, you gotta deal with the crap like Zack Ryder, Enzo Amore and Edge but Bound For Glory is a start because I do get kick Edge’s ass all in front of well over a confirmed attendance of 53,000 because since May, since Money in the Bank I’ve been wanting to get my hands on Edge after he snuck up that ladder and took the briefcase then basically performed one hell of a screw job on Batista, screwing his ass with a briefcase switch. I mean what a load of BS! You can’t just switch briefcase’s like that, sure you wanted to jump brands Edge but you jumped from the frying pan straight into the fire because I was waiting for you to show your ugly head on another brand and now you got buddy in soon to be former General Manager once I find away to fire him, you’re gonna be next.

But you want to know what gets my back up the most about you, Adam which is everything has to be about you, man that pisses me off almost as much as CM Punk being a mark for himself then taking his ball and goes home but at least you have the decency to stay around but it’s not all about you Adam. Sure you are this company’s namesake champion but you act like it, hell no! You are bad for business, all you do is steal your wins, you look cheap, you act cheap and you win cheap but I suppose I should give the devil his due because it has gotten you this far but if there’s anything I can do which is good for business come this Sunday it’s going to be that you won’t want to compete ever again in UWF that I make you open up your eyes and everything isn’t about you, that there is more to this company than just your bullcrap.

Kevin Nash gathers another strong positive reaction, he isn’t CM Punk but the fans are glad there is someone stepping up to take on Edge.

Kevin Nash: You mentioned the UWF European Championship, well what about guys like Antonio Cesaro, Rob Van Dam and Jeff Jarrett who pushed that title to the limits, hell even John Cena over on Raw is making a statement with that UWF European Championship from what was originally planned to be a third championship is now a second tier championship and that wasn’t because of you Adam, I’m pretty sure that Championship was made by the time you got your greasy hands on it.

Sure Vanilla Midgets ain’t exactly the best option for business but they bust their asses off to give the fans their monies worth; they build up those mid-card championships so when you win it, you look like the hottest shit going, so yeah Adam; it’s not always about you, man you remind me of Bret Hart thinking everything is about you but it’s not. It’s about everyone in this industry and I’ve learnt that since I’ve become the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and damn it’s a hard job since I’ve got to deal with Prima Donnas like CM Punk, you and other’s but some of you make some good money and do some good business but as I’ve said before Edge, you ain’t that good for business especially to be the UWF Champion but hell, I’m going to take a quite consensus vote from these fans. Who would you rather have folks, me or Adam ‘Edge’ Copeland?

A massive pop which almost shakes the arena, which brings Kevin Nash to a conclusion.

Kevin Nash: Well I be damned the fans proven me right yet again on the business front! Well Adam, it looks like the fans have forced my hand, clearly you aren’t good for business at all, in fact I think these fans would rather see Big Daddy Cool to return for one night to hand your ass back to you. It’s not going to be hard to beat some sense into you and then maybe you’ll get what I’m saying about the fact this isn’t always about you that is more to Smackdown than just the Rated R Superstar that there is Big Daddy Cool, The Game, The King of the World and the Deadman.

I had interesting talk with the Deadman earlier today actually about you Adam and he felt the same way as me that you step way outta line with your attitude; the way you parade yourself throughout the backstage, never too far from your stooge Zack Ryder then; thinking you are something and I can tell you now, you’re making enemies on Smackdown you don’t want to be making because it’s not just me, it’s Hunter and The Undertaker who want to get their hands dirty with you and teach you some respect and you can bank on that happening because like me, they get a say on who face and this isn’t some backstage politics or some conspiracy theory against ya Edge, it’s just happens you are f’ing off the wrong people at the wrong time.

The fans are rallying behind the VP of Talent Relations; while he might not be cutting those typical gimmick promos what he says has a lot of impact and the fans love his brutal honest as remains on the subject known as Edge.

Kevin Nash: Hell, some people just get pissed off how much air time you’re getting by Ryder just to cut these long laborious promos about how you’re something; how you are the Rated R Superstar just trying to justify yourself and Zack Ryder to all these fans but it’s just flopping; you might not be a paper champion but that doesn’t make you a great champion, just look at the champions before you on that UWF Champions list, you got guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Cody Rhodes, they were not only good for business but they were also great champions whether you like it or not, they were great and more importantly both of them were great for business.

I get you, Zack Ryder and some of these fans must be getting restless about me talking about what’s great for business but if the industry didn’t do the right thing for good business then there wouldn’t be these great shows like Bound For Glory which we got coming up Sunday Night on Pay-Per-View and you can bank your ass on that you’re not the most important thing on that card, the most important thing on that card is the UWF King of the Ring final; who knows, the winner of that match might choose you as their opponent and either one of those guys are great for business and the best bit is they can straight up beat you in the middle of this ring and they are wise to your underhanded tactics.

Kevin Nash rallies the fans behind him again, trying to help the overall UWF product by getting over people over and in some twist way he’s attempting to do the same for Edge by making the fans hate him even more.

Kevin Nash: However Adam, don’t be mistaken I know your little cheap tactics too and I ain’t going to be caught out by them but I get your gimmick is really you and that’s you look for every single opportunity to get the upperhand and win matches; sure you might get some against me, I’m not as fast as you and I don’t have a flashy arsenal but you want to know what I have, experience and I have a lot more experience than you; to me you’re even still a bit green Adam and that’s what’s going to screw you over against me.

Everyone knows it Adam that it’s only going to take one mistake by you and I’m gonna chew your ass up and spit out and then the rest as some would say would be history. I’m expecting Zack Ryder to come out and save your ass at some point, in fact I’m banking on it because everyone knows that’s what has been happening is he’s been saving your ass week in and week out for god knows how long and I’m not gonna be a dick and mess with the stipulation because that isn’t how Big D gets it done and I’m doing this not because of my position in the company, I’m doing this for the most corny reason of them all and that’s the fans but hey as the saying goes, look after the customers the business take cares of itself and that’s what I’m doing here by taking you on such short notice with little to no time to prepare but I am going into this with a plan because I’m expecting the same from you Adam because you’re not just the Ultimate Opportunist but the Master Manipulator and that explains why Zack Ryder is wrapped around your finger like a fan girl.

Nash gains another positive reaction from the fans for his light hearted remark as he brings his promo to a close.

Kevin Nash: Damn that was one hell of a speech by me and my apologises it drags but I figured if I’m going to be in this contest, I better beef it up a bit and let Edge knows how all these fans and the folks in the back feel after one of his long incoherent speeches.

So what is left for Big D to say before Bound For Glory this Sunday on Pay-Per-View, well not much offer than Edge, your ass better be there Sunday and you don’t decide to take your ball and go home like CM Punk because there won’t be a job waiting for you at the end of the day. I’ll see you Sunday, Adam.

Kevin Nash drops the microphone and grabs the top rope with hand and raises his left hand to pose for a moment as he’s met with a ruckus reaction from the fans.


OOC: I know it said non-TT bout but Hoov asked me if I could get one in and @<a href="http://wrestlingsmarks.com/forums/member.php?u=53" target="_blank">Slim</a> was fine about me doing it so I got this done, I'll add an entrance and first in-ring actions later on as I'm about to head out the door, I hope it's UWF Championship level material but I very much done even if it is it would change the outcome of the match because that wouldn't be fair on Slim.

Long ass post btw Slim but I pretty much matched yours I think I'm 46 words under if anything <3.​
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Re: UWF Bound For Glory 2013: World Heavyweight Championship- Bryan (c) vs Styles

AJ kind of smiles as he looks at the World Heavyweight championship high in the air. AJ goes and he begins to speak towards Bryan


AJ Styles: Cute little cheesy line there at the end Bryan. What did you ask your friend CM Punk for that one? Bryan the line you pulled it would have worked, but the problem is these fans and I we have heard that line so many times. Whether it was Alberto Del Rio, Whether it was that one time I faced Kaval, whether it was facing off against Dolph Ziggler, even Carlito and Melina. That fact of the matter is Bryan you're not the first person to say that too me. You're actually probably the 46th person if I really want to get technical you see Bryan lets go look up the definition of these words you want to compare.

AJ goes and he puts in his smartphone the word phenomenal. AJ goes and he begins to speak

AJ Styles: Here is the definition for phenomenal- Very Remarkable; Extraordinary. That is the definition for Phenomenal. Now fans let me ask you. Do you think AJ Styles is very remarkable? YES Do you guys think AJ Styles is Extraordinary? YES Well you see that answers my question towards the audience now Bryan lets go check out what the definition of Best stands for.

AJ goes and he begins to type in the word Best towards Bryan on his smart phone once AJ is done he goes and he talks to Bryan

AJ Styles: Now here is the definition of Best: of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality. Not as exciting of Phenomenal, and the fans already think you're the best. So there is no point in asking these people if you fit the quality, but the fact of the matter is this Bryan. I didn't go look up those definitions to show how great modern day technology is. No in fact I looked up those words to prove a point to you. I wanted to show you how your last line dosen't make sense to whatever message you're trying to get across. These fans they know you're the best. You can be the best, because being the best dosen't even compare to being phenomenal. Being phenomenal is a once in a lifetime statement that only certain men have the right to be. Bryan you think that I called myself the Phenomenal AJ Styles when I first broke in this business. No I didn't I was calling myself "Air" Styles before I was AJ Styles. I went to a local show, and wow'ed this crowd of maybe one hundred fifty, or one seventy five. Then after the show we had to do autographs, and I remember I was getting more people in my line, and I remember a bunch of people telling me: "What you did in the ring that was phenomenal", and ever since then poor Air Styles he never got to fly, but the phenomenal AJ Styles did fly.

AJ looks at Bryan as he smiles as he is on a nostalgia trip. AJ goes and he begins to speak towards Bryan

AJ Styles: That is why I am called phenomenal. Not because I am just brash, not because I am just cocky, it is because these people called me Phenomenal and I absorbed that name because that is what the fans were calling me. So before you accuse me of not doing what the fans wanted me to be let me tell these fans made my name. These fans are the one who called me phenomenal, and I delivered too them. So Bryan go on talk to these fans again, and talk about how I do nothing for them, because I do a lot for these fans. These fans here Bryan said they didn't want to see that world title stuck in a war between the corporation, and Randy's boy. So what is it these fans or the war? Cause it seems to me that you want war, and these fans they want that world title far away from that.

The fans burst into the cheers, and the fans are chanting "AJ" the Seattle arena is very deafening. The fans quiet down as AJ speaks towards Bryan

AJ Styles:Also empty promises? Were not going down this road again, because Bryan look into my eyes. Do you see in these eyes any man would tell you these eyes aren't empty. These eyes are a full of hope, and belief. That is why none of my promises are not empty. I said it before it is from my heart, just like the words you speak are from the heart Bryan. So Bryan when we go in this ring you be the best all you want. It dosen't matter to me, because in the end of the day I will always be simply....

fans begin to cheer as they know what is next. With much passion AJ Styles says

AJ Styles: Pheeeeennnnnnommmmmmmmeennnnnnnnallllllllll!!!!!!

Fans in the arena cheer like crazy. Some finish in unison with AJ saying the catchphrase, and Styles goes and awaits a response from Daniel Bryan.

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Re: UWF Bound For Glory Prediction Thread

Official Card:


King of the Ring Finals:
Raw's Kurt Angle versus Impact's Austin Aries

Kurt Angle to win despite Dexter putting up a hell of an effort.


UWF Championship Match:
The UWF Champion, Edge versus CM Punk

Sucks that Shawn didn't show, but I understand. Slim to retain


World Heavyweight Championship Match:
The World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan versus AJ Styles

Daniel Bryan to retain in a hell of a match.


UWF Global Championship Match:
The UWF Global Champion, The Great Khali w/Ranjin Singh versus Kane w/Paul Bearer

I think we've got a new Champion. I enjoy this Kane.


UWF International Championship defended in a Flag Match:
The UWF International Champion, Fandango versus Homicide

I think Chase gets something for all his hard work and gives the Establishment the belt they need for all the power. Bumout can go over to Smackdown and jump right in it with Edge.


UWF Tag Team Championship Match
This one is a toss up. If Killz can step in, Beer Money will win it.


I Quit Match:
Dean Ambrose versus The Corporation's Cody Rhodes

I just can't picture Ambrose saying "I Quit". Hopefully this feud will continue and we get the tiebreaker.


Number One Contendership for the UWF Championship, Fatal Four Way Match:
Enzo Amore versus Damien Sandow versus The COO, Triple H versus Brother Devon

I'm a huge Sandow fan, so he's my pick but I wouldn't be surprised if D'Von pulled it out.


Raw versus The Corporation Tag Team Match:
Representing Raw, Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Miz w/Ric Flair versus Dave Batista & John Cena w/Stephanie McMahon

As much as I like the face team, I feel like the heels are going to be too much.


UWF Extreme Championship to defend in a Last Man Standing Match:
The UWF Extreme Champion, Umaga w/Trish Stratus versus The Big Show

I think Umaga has had a hell of a run as Extreme Champion but it's time for him to move up the card over on RAW.


UWF United States Championship to be defended in a Two Falls Match:
The UWF United States Champion, Chris Jericho versus The Undertakerversus Vampiro
First Fall: Three Way Dance (Eliminator round)
Second Fall: Steel Cage Match (1v1 Match)

I like what I've seen out of Taker so far.


UWF Intercontinental Championship Finals, Ladder Match:
Christian versus Juventud

I find the Mexicools extremely entertaining so Bumout wins this one.


UWF Ironman Championship to be defended in a 30 Minute Ironman Match:
UWF Ironman Champion, Dolph Ziggler versus Chris Masters

I'm a huge fan of Blizzard's Ziggler and I would love to see him hold onto the belt.


UWF Hardcore Championship to be defended in a Hardcore Match:
The UWF Hardcore Champion, Mister Kennedy versus Eddie Guerrero

Andrew has done a good job with Kennedy, but Guerrero may be too much


Singles Match:
Brock Lesnar w/Jim Cornette versus Chris Sabin


Tag Team Match:
Muhammad Hassan w/Daviari & David Otunga w/Brad Maddox versus Sting & The Ultimate Warrior

I love the BroTunga tandem and I enjoy Hassan and I think they did an overall better job.


Singles Match:
Matt Morgan w/Alex Riley & Paul Heyman versus Jeff Hardy

My match and as always Shane delivers. One of my favorite opponents.


Singles Match:
Carlito versus Derrick Bateman

Carlito to win and get off on the right foot.



Apr 29, 2011
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Re: UWF Bound For Glory Ironman Championship Chris Masters vs Dolph Ziggler (c)

Dolph shakes his head in disappointment, listening to Chris’ words, as he takes no time to pause before responding.


Dolph Ziggler: I bet you’re proud of that, Chris. I bet you’re so proud you don’t have to worry about staying on the radar of the “suits†in the back. I bet you’re so proud you don’t have to ever fear about being lost in the shuffle. I bet you’re so proud you didn’t have to work as damn hard as I worked. And worse out of them all, you’re proud of not doing a DAMN thing to be in this match! I can see it on your face, you’re proud of all of that, and that makes me SICK to my stomach!

Dolph shakes his head in anger, looking down at the canvas for a couple of moments, gathering up his words as he continues.

Dolph Ziggler: That makes me sick to my stomach, because you’re so obsessed with making your boss proud, you’re so obsessed with keeping your “hard-work†body intact, you’re so obsessed with your little girlfriend here, you’re oblivious of what’s going on in the locker room. You’re completely oblivious of the fact there are countless guys who bust their ass day in and day out just for ONE opportunity. They’ll KILL for a shot at my Ironman Championship and you decided to swoop in and take it like it’s nothing. Not only did you do that, but you don’t even give a damn. It’s whatever to you. It’s nothing to you and you blame it because of your fit body. Newsflash, Chris, it’s the year 2013; it’s not the 80’s anymore. You need A LOT more than a good body to make it in this business. For one, you need intelligence, which you clearly lack in. You need IT, and you just don’t have it. You have the strength though. You might be a barbarian, and an Ironman match might seem like the perfect battleground for a brute like you. But I’m not intimidated and I’m not impressed! We all know what you’re capable of, if you come ready for a fight, but we all know what I’M capable of, too. In fact, I can’t wait to dropkick that smirk off of your face!

Dolph nods his head, as he’s all serious, taking no time to pause before continuing.

Dolph Ziggler: You claim you need this win Chris, then PROVE it. Because we all know it’s been “all about the money†for you, how else are you going to explain the Establishment? Prove you can do this without them. Prove to us you can be a lone wolf. Survive and thrive in the cut-throat world of Anarchy all on your own. But the thing is, the facts are facts, and no matter what story you might try to spin, you will NEVER been your own man! You will NEVER have the guts to stand on your own two feet for more than a nano-second, without somebody there to hold your hand. Without somebody calling all the shots for you! And that, more than anything, is why you will NEVER be in my league! So why don’t you stop rambling about crap because let’s face it, you’re used to settling for crap.

Dolph points at Layla, and the audience explodes in cheers, as a huge smirk appears on the champion’s face, before continuing.

Dolph Ziggler: Anyways, sure, I know that a lot of people might think differently. They’ll look at a man like you Chris. They’ll see a man that’s big, strong, tough, and as mean as anybody on the roster! Looking at you, on the surface, it looks as if you have all the physical tools in your arsenal to make something of yourself. To become a champion and I mean a REAL champion like myself, not the kind of paper champion that clings onto a title just because their boss told them to go after with no care in the world about it. But anyone that looks at you Chris and thinks that you could ever be in the same league as a perfect champion like Dolph Ziggler is DEAD WRONG! Because being a champion is about more than just the physical qualities. I mean, you might be nearly a foot taller than I am, you might outweigh me by almost fifty pounds, but make no mistake about it, I am still the bigger man! It’s not just an empty threat or a worthless claim, like you make about being a golden-boy or any of the other garbage that comes out of your mouth. No, it’s the absolute God’s honest truth! And I’ll prove that at Bound for Glory when I show you I’m well, bound… for… glory.

The audience explodes in cheers, and Dolph lowers the microphone, locking eyes with Chris the entire way.​

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Bound For Glory 2013: World Heavyweight Championship- Bryan (c) vs Styles

Bryan lifts his microphone back up and begins to smile at AJ's audacity.


Daniel Bryan: What's cute, AJ, is reciting excerpts from Webster's Dictionary in a wrestling promo. Well, thank you, AJ, for informing myself and this audience of that bit of information but, let me give you a bit of my own. You see, the definition of phenomenal to me is AJ Styles and the definition of The Best is me so, in that sense, Best beats phenomenal. At Bound For Glory, that's exactly what's going to happen. That line at the end........it wasn't a catchphrase. Many have used it on you and failed. Whether I'm the 46th person or the 9000th person, I'll tell you right now, I'll be the first that means it. You dropped some pretty heft names but notice my name is not on that list because when I say it, it's the truth. I'm better than Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. I could wipe the floor with Kaval and Carlito. And, let's face it, Melina? I already have myself a lady and, let's just say, you're not the only AJ I'm going to be going one-on-one with the night of Bound For Glory!

The crowd is caught off guard with that line and a bit of laughter goes throughout the arena. Bryan then continues.

Daniel Bryan: In all seriousness, this match means more to me than you realize. It defines who I am as World Heavyweight Champion. My first title defense was ruined by the Corporation. I have to beat you, AJ, to prove them wrong. I have to beat you to prove why I deserve to be World Heavyweight Champion and that, on RAW, I'm certainly not the weak link. Bound For Glory will be my first real title defense and, if I just lose it to you, then all of my sacrifices will be all for nothing. If I allow you to walk out of Seattle with this World Heavyweight Championship, that very well could be it because the McMahons will have all the ammunition they need. Don't you understand? I'm on a crusade, AJ Styles. I'm a man on a mission and that mission is to remain World Heavyweight Champion but pulling out every stop, never giving up, not backing down, several other stupid John Cena catchphrases. As long as I am alive and breathing, this World Heavyweight Championship will stay around my waist and there's not a catchphrase in the world that can change that fact.

Bryan then rubs his beard as the fans cheer wildly for Bryan. Daniel then continues his speech to AJ.

Daniel Bryan: That was a nice history lesson, however, on how you got your nickname. It was riveting. It really was. But, you see, you and I are very different people. We're so alike in many ways but, at the end of the day, we're on different sides of the spectrum. So, you got a nickname. "Phenomenal" AJ Styles. That must have sold a ton of t-shirts over the years. But, that's not what I'm about. That's cool that people gave you a nickname and you took off and ran with it, but I'm no stranger to being give a nickname. "American Dragon", "Best Wrestler In The World", "The Flying Goat". I don't quite understand the last one but, nevertheless, that's one of them. I don't endorse them like you endorse yours, AJ. I don't feel the need to because they follow me. My talk segment "The Dragon's Lair" ? Named for me by management. I would've been fine with "The Daniel Bryan Show" but I guess it lacks a certain "pizazz". But, I'm not about all that. I'm not flashy like you are. I don't have a fancy jacket and cool customized gloves. You get what you see with Daniel Bryan. I'm down and dirty, old school traditional wrestling. I'll tap you out or I'll snap you in half. It's the only way I know and, AJ, you're stepping into the ring with me......

Bryan then gets a little closer to AJ and starts speaking softer again.


Daniel Bryan: A dangerous man. I'm not a joke, AJ, and I shouldn't be taken lightly. I've been through battles. I've been through wars. I've been through it all and I've lived to speak about it. This championship is the culmination of everything I have worked for. This championship isn't "tied up in a war" and it never will be. Do I care about these fans? You damn right I do and that's why I'm fighting the good fight on RAW. You see, you get to leave and never look back until it's too late and the Corporation swallows iMPACT hole unless I do something about it, but I can't do a damn thing if I don't have the power this championship gives me. All you see, AJ, is "Oooooh, World Title, Gimme gimme!" but it's not that simple. The very essence of RAW is on the line in this match and you didn't even know. This is my test to prove my worth and I will not fail. When I look into your eyes, I see hunger and passion, but I see that little shred of doubt rearing its ugly head. No matter what you do, you can't hide it. When you look into mine, you see the fire that burns and what fuels that fire are these fans who support me through thick and thin. I'm doing this for RAW but I'm more so doing this for them.

The crowd begins clapping and applauding Bryan and he wraps up his speech.

Daniel Bryan: Bound For Glory is almost here, AJ. The biggest night of both of our careers and, when the dust settles and the books are written, will it say that Daniel Bryan defeated AJ Styles?

A large majority of the crowd screams "YES!" but still a portion of the crowd is hesitant. Bryan then looks at AJ, expecting a reply.


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Re: UWF Bound For Glory 2013: World Heavyweight Championship- Bryan (c) vs Styles


AJ looks around the arena as the fans are cheering on. AJ goes as he looks serious at Bryan and he goes to speak towards him

AJ Styles: How dare you Daniel.. How dare you insult me like that. The corporation will swallow iMPACT if I win the world heavyweight championship. You really think that if I win that belt, that I would allow such a thing. That is just insulting to who the hell I am. Bryan I rarely get pissed off. I normally as cool as a cucumber, but you my friend think that you can come out here and act like you can protect MY brand. I don't think so bub. iMPACT is my new home, and when I go over there I make for damn sure that no one comes over there and try to ruin it. I will do that time and time again. Don't ever undermine my demeanor on where I stand. I will protect my home turf every single night I am there. That is a fact my friend.

AJ goes and he looks ahead at Bryan with more fire intensity ever then before

AJ Styles: Bryan a great man by the name of Mike Tyson once said this. If you're never afraid of losing you're lying to yourself. Bryan you don't think about what happens when I lose this match. You don't think I have run the scenarios through my head what in the heck happens. Bryan do you expect to win this match by the basis because you believe in the best. Bryan if you come into this ring thinking that you're letting these people down. To develop that killer instinct Bryan you need to have it in your head you might not win. That way you are prepared for whatever situation your in that match, because Bryan if you lock me in the Labell Lock, or the Yes Lock, or the No lock. Whatever name you decided to put on it. When you have that move on me oh hell yeah doubt will run through my mind, but so will a light bulb in my head. The switch will turn on, and all of a sudden ding, ding, ding. Right then and there the killer instinct will come on, and then what Bryan. When your on the ground looking at the lights screaming in pain from the calf killer then what? What will happen? Do you have a killer switch, because Bryan you just called yourself the best. You just said you don't have any doubts of losing. See Bryan there is a difference between being confident, and being cocky.

Right now me. I feel confident going into our match. I am hungry, and determined, but it dosen't mean I am going to win. Oh no, no there is still our match I need to overcome to win. Though you feel cocky. Saying everytime my promises are empty you're the first one to point that out. You're the one who thinks you can snap me up so damn easy. So what Bryan I have customized NFL gloves, so what Bryan that I have this cool leather jacket that I bought at my local thrift shop. I don't give a damn. So what that I am not as rough and rigid as you, because Bryan that is not me. I am someone who wears my nickname with pride, because like I said Bryan these people gave it too me. I pride myself on the name, because it makes me feel closer to all of them. That is why I call myself the Phenomenal one, and just because I wear my nickname with pride dosen't make me anymore less of a man then you. Also to answer you about the T-Shirts. Yeah TNA wasn't so good on selling those bad boys.

Fans laugh at AJ staking a shot at his old company, but not only that they can see that AJ is fired up and he goes onto speak towards the crowd

AJ Styles: Bryan honestly I don't know what in the hell the book will say at Bound for Glory. It could say AJ Styles defeats Daniel Bryan, or it could say the opposite, but I know one thing for sure it will be a treat for not only I, but for you as well. Because in the end one of us will walk out as a loser, but these fans they will walk out the ultimate winners, and that too me is just as important. So Bryan when we face off at Bound for Glory I want the best of you. I wanted to face the man they call the world heavyweight champion of the world. I wanted to face a man who showed the same passion, and the same fire I did, and I think I found it. I know Bryan if I win that damn belt. You'll becoming after me and I will be looking forward to the challenge, and even though are paths may end if you retain I know I will find a damn way to make them cross again.

AJ goes and he backs up and he extends his hand out to Bryan for a handshake the fans begin to cheer

AJ Styles: Put em' there Bryan. Lets give these fans what they want a true real legit Wrestling match. Let us both show why we are two of the best if not THE BEST wrestlers on this roster. Let us prove all of upper management wrong about the perception of the term "vanilla midgets". Let us be classy. Cause Bryan unlike the other main events we really don't hate each other. We don't were not like Fandango and Homicide who want to kill each other at this point. We are not like Kane and Khali who want to slam each other through this ring. Were not like Edge and Kevin Nash who are trying there hardest to clean up the mess that CM Punk made. Then again when does CM Punk keep things clean?

Though all the names I just mentioned. All the people I just talked about. Hell there all plenty great talents, but none of them are the "Phenomenal One" or "The Best" in this situation. We are Bryan. I want to shake your hand Bryan as good luck, and a show of respect we have in this ring to keep it clean. To keep it classy, and show why we are the best. I know things got heated between us, but that just shows why we are the two guys going for this World Heavyweight title. That is why we are going to be one of the main focuses for RAW, because we are exactly both hungry and ready to show our mark in this business. This right here this moment I have in this ring with you and I will be burnt in my memory. September 29th will be burnt in these fans memories as they saw the two best go at it for that World Heavyweight championship. Good luck Bryan and may the better man win.

The fans in the arena are going ballistic. It is almost like Marshawn Lynch ran another huge playoff run TD in the building as it is shaking. Bryan looks around knowing if he denies the handshake, who knows how the fans will respond too him.


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Re: UWF Bound For Glory Bateman vs Carlito

Derrick initially laughs off Carlito's threat but soon stops and realizes something.

Derrick Bateman
Wait a minute, did you say clown!? As in THE clown? Are you hiding him? If you are you need to give me his coordinates right now! WHERE IS HE!?

Derrick Bateman screams that last sentence loudly before trying to compose himself.

Sorry for yelling dude but my inner Bate Man just goes crazy when I even suspect that people are working with the clown. What were you saying though? Something about an excuse for not making it here yet. Something along the lines of entertainment over raw talent. Well yeah it's true. This business has been that way for a very long time since Hogan. Raw talent gets you nowhere buddy. Sorry to be the one to tell you this bud but raw talent is just an easier way of telling people like you you're boring as hell. That's why it's taken you so long to get here. No one wants to sit here and listen to you talk about stuff from the past. No one even remembers your accomplishments because no one cares. Show of hands, who here even remembers this guy?

The fans in attendance are notably quiet and only a few hands in the sold out crowd are raised.

Yeah thought so. But hey if you're so tough, why don't you try MMA or something. Those guys don't need to speak really. And while you're at it, tell the Establishment the same thing. All you guys need to lighten up. Tyson Kidd lost one match and you guys jump him. How do you think it's going to go for you at Bound For Glory. After you lose to me, you'll be the next one getting jumped. I don't like you and I'll be sitting there watching backstage with my bucket of popcorn as you get beaten down but it's still sad to see an easily avoidable beatdown if all you did was listen to me. So spare your father the embarrassment of watching his son get schooled twice in one day. Just go ahead, leave the ring and ask for your release. Come on Baters, let's give him a hand for at least trying.

There is a mixed response from the crowd as half are cheering for him to leave and the other half are booing because they don't want to clap for Carlito. After awhile though, Carlito doesn't move. Derrick keeps motioning Carlito to get out of here with his head but to no avail.

Yo what's up bro! I'm giving you a way out. What, you don't really think you have a chance at beating me do you? You could barely muster up enough fight to take on Jinder Mahal. He knocked you so loopy you think you're in the WWE talking about debuting on Monday Night RAW instead of Wednesday Night Anarchy. Do you even lift? You look like crap dude. You don't have any muscle tone so you obviously can't out power me. You're flabby so you can't be a high flyer. What do you even do? You should go back to your dad's promotion and learn some things. Get rid of that dumb haircut while you're at it because it is a disgrace to all fro's out there. And if you do not comply, I will rip that clown wig right off your head buddy!

Bateman points ferociously at Carlito and the crowd is 100% behind him.



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Re: UWF International Championship Match: Flag Match- Fandango (c) vs Homicide

My name is not Holmes and you will not address me as that. My name is Fandango. You may call me your International Champion or better, your superior! That's right I am better than you in every way. And stop calling me gringo. Look at my skin, it's the same as yours except not as dirty and much more luminous.

Fandango rubs his skin all over as Derrick looks very uncomfortable.

And don't you make fun of poodles! They are beautiful creatures who can get ferocious if you invade their personal space and the only reason I haven't put my foot in your mouth is because you have yet to muster up the courage to come and physically attack me. I've seen what you can do to the common man but I am far better than those guys. Now I won't go over there and attack you because I'm better than that. I'm not what you people might call "ghetto". I was raised a gentlemen but the gloves come off when it comes to a contest of skill and I'm the most skilled of all. Every since my inner beauty, which is another way of saying my true self, was released, I have yet to be pinned to made submit. Fandango is undefeated and if a show off, the best in the world, a monster and the people's champ couldn't get it done, how is some inner city street thug going to do it?

The crowd "oohhs" as Fandango has a big grin on his face.

You are easily replaceable so I suggest you learn your place. I'm going to take you out of commission and then Russo is just going to find someone else. That's how the world works. You are not me. Anarchy losing exclusive rights to me has been the biggest loss and it's going to take a very long time until someone steps up. You are expendable while I am much more than that. I am.

Fandango takes a big breath.




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Re: UWF BFG: Fatal-Four Way: Triple H vs. Brother D-Von vs. Enzo Amore vs. Damien San

Triple H immediately grabs a microphone and speaks into it as soon as Sandow finishes his last word.

Triple H:
I apologize Damien but I’m going to have to stop you there because the last thing these people want to be is silent. How could anyone be quiet when all they want to do is rip your head off. Don’t worry folks the feeling is mutual, and if I have anything to say about it at Bound for Glory, Sandow your head is going to be plastered next to my massive wall in my office next to ALL of my World Championship reigns.

The crowd cheer, Hunter is telling Sandow he can’t compare to the accolades and achievements of Triple H and at the moment this is very true.

But you know something Damien you think you may be the single greatest Smackdown Superstar in UWF History. I mean you have more than enough accolades, a TV Title, two Tag Titles, a World Title reign. What more do you need right? You’ve beaten everyone there is to beat around here and sent most of them packing to Raw.

Sandow nods his head clearly proud of the achievements Triple H is talking about here. Triple H isn’t impressed as he continues his point.

I disagree. You see when I look at you Damien I see the reason I came to Smackdown in the first place, I see everything that is WRONG with Smackdown in you! You always have been. Since you got your hands on that UWF Championship, a championship you stole from Cody Rhodes, ever since then the belt has fallen into mediocrity. And I blame you for that. And let’s not forget about your little faction, your enlightened saviors. You know how many people quit on me because of your little group. Zack Ryder might be slowly poisoning Smackdown, but when I look at who is really to blame for its current situation I don’t have to look any further than you. So I’m going to continue my vow of “fixing†Smackdown, when I take you down in this fatal fourway.

Hunter leaves Sandow alone, cracking his neck as he does turning towards the Jersey style Enzo. Triple H looks at him and Enzo gets a huge smile on his face. Triple H just shakes his head.

You know something, less than a month ago, I, just like everyone else here had never even heard of you. The only word they associated with Amore was love, now thanks to you they associate that word with crap!

The crowd pop and giggle at Triple H’s words. But he isn’t laughing as he continues to take it to Enzo.

Which is a real shame, because I’m the one that found you, I’m the one that went to Big V and I said, “Vince you got to hire this guy. He’s got the “it†factor. Now I normally don’t admit mistakes but like your mother and father said when they found out they were pregnant with you, “oops!â€

The crowd again pop as Hunter again makes a joke at the Jersey natives expense. Enzo takes it in stride he is just happy to have someone like Hunter’s caliber’s attention.

I mean after I go all out on a limb for you, and get you signed to a UWF contract, what is the first thing you do? You create a bromance with Zack Ryder. How’s that working out for you Enzo? Not only now are you trapped in the ring with a former UWF Champion, a King of the Ring Finalist, but you are trapped in the ring with me. You have just committed career suicide. You’ve disrespected me, and ask all my former opponents who are no longer around, what happens to people who disrespect me. That’s right Enzo, at Bound for Glory its Game over!

The crowd go nuts as Hunter turns not wanting to give Enzo anymore time whatsoever of his attention until he beats the crap out of him on Sunday.

And finally what do we have here. Looks like getting Big Kev hired as the VP of Talent Relations was a better idea than Enzo here. Look at you, D’Von Dudley. Reverend, brother, I can’t keep track and honestly I don’t care. What I care about is how well you represented Smackdown in the King of the Ring tournament. You showed guts, heart, and determination. Everything Sandow lacks. You earned yourself a spot in this match, congratulations.

The crowd pop loudly in recognition of D’Von’s accomplishments in the KOTR tournament. Triple H smiles and nods his head in respect.

But I have a question for you D’von, and I don’t expect you to answer it now I expect you to answer it in the ring on Sunday. That question is, do you have what it takes to go that extra mile? You got all the way to the Semi-Finals and you couldn’t quite get the job done. And now here we are, even more pressure is going to be on you than before, and I have to wonder, can you hack it.

The crowd begin to jeer Hunter for his comments not realizing that Hunter is merely trying to get D’von fired up for the match on Sunday. The Game always has a plan after all.

Can you take the brass ring off of my finger and wear it? Because to win that’s what you are going to have to do. You are going to have to reach into that sack of yours, find your balls, put them on the table and leave all hanging, because that is the only way you are going to walk out victorious in this match. Because while you’ve impressed me, you still haven’t beat me. And until you beat me, to me you’ll be just a kid, playing in the Adult world, and believe me, I’ve got my shovel ready for you if you let me down.

Triple H sees the fire in D’von’s eyes and smiles knowing D’von is now going to come out on fire if not only in his response but in the match as well.

I want to finish up by telling everyone a story, once upon a time there was a rattlesnake with an egg, and this rattlesnake held the egg for a record number of days, only to lose it to a vulture. The vulture would hold on to it, drop it, only to pick it right back up, before one day he gets blindsided by a jet. The egg falls and breaks into many pieces. Everyone wants a piece, and over time one holds it for a second, than another, than another, until there is nothing left of the egg worth a damn. This is the UWF Championship folks, it is in pieces. It’s being passed around more than the neighborhood’s favorite whore. It’s lost its recognition as the single greatest Championship in this entire business. Once I go through all of you, I’m going to take that UWF Championship and put it around the waist of the King of Kings. I’m going to hold it for a good long time, and there is nothing any of you can do about it, and you want to know why. Simple. It’s best for business!

With that the crowd explode as the Game puts the Microphone down and waits for someone to make a reply.
Mar 6, 2013
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Re: UWF Bound For Glroy King of the Ring Finals : Austin Aries vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle is bewildered at Austin Aries last statement and Kurt Angle begins what will be his last rebuttal towards Austin Aries.


Kurt Angle: And that is beat you? I’m sorry Aries but I have earned respect for years, and I’ve doing it for many more years than you; I have been busting my ass in the middle of this ring to become the greatest wrestler in this industry; I’ve built up a reputation as the freakin’ Wrestling Machine! What exactly have you ever done? Wrestled in High School gyms becoming what I hate, a simple internet-darling, sure you got fanboys, guys who live in their mom’s basement popping zits like I supposedly pop pills.

If someone was to ask me what the biggest mistake Austin Aries has made during our “confrontation†I would say it’s his lack of respect towards me as a wrestler! In any wrestling federation, there’s a food chain and I’m always at the top of the food chain; when you’re in the ring with Kurt Angle, you’re going up against the best of the best, the top predator, call it whatever you want; the principle is the same, I am the one you don’t want to step into the ring with because I will beat anyone put into the ring with me, I’ll chew you up and spit you out Aries for underestimating me, it’s a fatal mistake; there’s a difference between being the Greatest Man who ever lived and the Greatest Wrestler in this Industry and you will learn the difference this Sunday when I beat your ass.

The fans respond for Austin Aries with a ruckus chorus of boos, Kurt Angle snarls as he lifts up his intensity.

Kurt Angle: You can be damn sure I’m going to be your ass like a man, one on one in the middle of this very ring; I don’t give a damn how I do it but you can guaran-damn-tee I’m gonna beat ya, hell it could be the Olympic Slam, it could be the Ankle Lock, or I could choke you the hell out with the Triangle Choke, I’ll take a freakin’ moonsault victory but I’m gonna beat you and you’re gonna learn that you don’t underestimate Kurt Angle and you sure as hell don’t respect an Olympic Hero, an American Hero.

Austin Aries blows Kurt Angle’s comments off with relative ease but Kurt Angle is pissed off with Austin Aries.

Kurt Angle: You listed who respected and why you respect and it pisses me off that you tout them in glory; Daniel Bryan tries to stake his claim to being the Greatest Wrestler in the world but who exactly has he beaten, Dean Ambrose? Shawn Michaels? I’ve beaten ‘em too at some point. Hunter might have given you another opportunity and I’m sure he believes it’s good for business but this is more than business to me, it’s freakin’ person with your blatant disregard for me with your attitude but Sunday it’s all gonna change when all the talking stops and the wrestling begins, when the Wrestling Machine steps into the ring with you Austin Aries; I’m a different level of competition to anyone else you faced, Bully Ray he was nothing but a joke, Brock Lesnar – sure he’s a monster but he’s not unbeatable once you know his little tricks and Jeff Hardy is nothing more than a recovering drug addict; I’m a different breed Aries and that is a fact!

But don’t get me wrong Aries, there is one thing you have made me realised about you. You won’t bow down to me which means you won’t tap out but that doesn’t mean I won’t break you, and I’m not talking about snapping your ankle; I’m talking about breaking your spirit because I will beat you till your body gives up on you, you can be damn sure of that; I will win like a man and you will lose like a man and if you think I won’t take a lost to you as a man then you’re dead wrong because if you can beat me, then I will shake your hand and congratulate you on your victory but you have to win the match first. Sunday one of us will lose and will lose not because of some bullcrap on the outside, you can be damn sure of that too. One of us lose in the middle of the ring by submission, technical knockout or pinfall.

That Austin is real, it’s damn real.

Kurt Angle drops his microphone, he is completely done and squares up to Austin Aries and removes his shades, to end the epic confrontation between the two, they are nose to nose talking trashing beyond the audibleness of the microphone sending the fans into a frenzy wondering what will happen this Sunday on PPV.


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Re: UWF Bound for Glory - Global Championship: Khali vs Kane

Ranjin Singh smiles his charismatic smile that also sometimes makes him look like a weasel as he retorts to the two in the ring.


Ranjin Singh:
Ahh Paul you see right there is why you are going to fail, right there is why no matter how much you want to talk about pain, torture, and rage you are going to lose. You claim to know no honor, you care not about honor. Honor is what the Great Khali, this is what he stands for. Honor. But of course a masked reject and his overweight abusive father could never understand the concept. How could you possibly understand the concept when you watched your son nearly burn alive! The Great Khali would have walked into that burning house without hesitation and you want to know why, because he cares. He cares about the Championship he holds around his massive waist, the belt cannot even be fit around it. He cares for the people, he cares for the fact that he is known now as the best iMPACT has to offer as its Champion, a champion of the entire globe. How can a man who just revealed to all of us, without honor dare hold the belt. The answer is simple he cannot.

The crowd begin to boo Ranjin who even though he makes a fair point Kane is the fan favorite in this match and therefore all arguments against Kane are invalid to them.

You may indeed address me gentlemen if you so which. It just proves once again that not only is the Great Khali bigger, but he is also smarter than the two of you. The Great Khali can speak English, he can speak Hindi, as well as many other languages they do not even have names for here in the United States. You are indeed a machine Kane, because like all machines you do not think. You did not think at all when it was you who started this, by involving yourself in the Great Khali’s affairs. It was you who thought you could waltz right in here and walk away with the single greatest victory of your miserable career over the Great Khali. But what you failed to realize is that the Great Khali, he backs down from no one. No man, myth, or monster can hope to oppose the Great Khali. All of this “attacks†and interferences we’ve done to you Kane, you and only you have yourself to blame. You offended the Great Khali’s honor, and by the rights of his native land he has the right to kill you. Of course to kill you would be doing you a favor, wouldn’t it Kane. You want the Great Khali to end your suffering at the hands of not only these people, but also the absentee father who now shows up merely so he can ride any success you garner. I hate to be the “bearer†of bad news gentlemen. But you are both going to fail at Bound for Glory, Kane will not be successful and there will be nothing but a broken “monster†left in the ring that you used to know as your “sonâ€.

Ranjin Singh is proud of himself for easily deflecting Bearer and Kane’s trash. It is at this point the Great Khali asks for a mic and is granted it. Out from him comes a deep voice in a foreign tongue.

The Great Khali:
केन मैं तुम पर मैं एक राक्षस नहीं दिख रहा है जब देखो, मैं एक धमकाने देखें. आप का मज़ाक उड़ाया या एक छोटे लड़के के रूप में दुरुपयोग किया गया था क्योंकि अगर तुम जिंदा जला दिया जा रहा है के बारे में बुरा लगता है तो मुझे परवाह नहीं है, मुझे परवाह नहीं है. आप महिमा के लिए बाध्य पर मेरे साथ रिंग में कदम के लिए, आप मेरे दूसरे घर में कदम. मैं राजा हूँ जहाँ जगह. मैं इस तरह के केवल खुद पीड़ित हैं और खून बहाना, मुझे दर्द पैदा करने के लिए कामना की है जो अपने आप के रूप में कई उत्पीड़क मिले हैं. मैं इस विश्व खिताब बरकरार रखने के लिए जरूरी है कि जो कुछ भी करेंगे, और मैं यह करने के लिए है, तो मैं तुम्हें मार देंगे.

The Great Khali hands the mic back to his brother who is smiling and nodding his head in agreement. Singh looks almost possessed as he translates.

Ranjin Singh: What my brother so eloquently said was this, ‘Kane when the Great Khali looks at you he does not see a monster. The Great Khali he sees a bully! The Great Khali doesn’t give a damn how you wound up this way. Weather you were traumatized by the fire or abused by your father it matters little. When you step into this ring on Sunday, you will experience pain and abuse like you have never felt before. You are not stepping into a ring this Sunday, no, you are stepping into the Great Khali’s second home. The place where the Great Khali is known as King. The Great Khali, he has faced many tyrants and rebellions in his day. The Great Khali has turned them all away in a pile of blood and bone. Like his kingdom, the Great Khali will do whatever it takes to retain his honor and the Global Championship. The Great Khali will even kill you if he must.

The crowd boo this as Kane now begins to chuckle, and Bearer bursts out laughing, they have heard this statement been made many times before. This upsets the Great Khali.

The Great Khali: तुम मुझे एक भाषा अपने खुद के नहीं बोलने के रूप में मुझे गंभीरता से ले, लेकिन यह पता नहीं हो सकता. जय हो के लिए बाध्य मेरी महिमा के बारे में है! अगर मैं तुम थे जिनमें से एक इस चैम्पियनशिप जीत उनतीस पुरुषों को दूर. मैं कुछ करने की जरूरत है क्या करना है संकोच नहीं करेंगे. मेरा हाथ, मेरे चल रही एक ट्रेन से प्रभावित हो रही है जैसे में स्क्वैश अपने सिर हो जाएगा सकता है. आप इस धरती की कोई ताकत के लिए, अपने लीग दानव से बाहर हैं या एक और मेरी गति बंद हो जाएगा. और वह इस Ranjin विश्वास नहीं करता है तो मैं अपने पैतृक भूमि में यह कहना होगा. मैं उसे खत्म हो जाएगा.

Khali does not look happy, this is evident as he literally slams the mic back into his brother’s chest nearly taking the wind out of him. Singh steps back from his brother and translates.

Ranjin Singh: The Great Khali believes you are not taking him seriously as he chooses not to speak in your tongue, but the Great Khali wants you to know this. Bound for Glory is going to be about the glory of the Great Khali. My brother overcame 29 men, including you, to win the Global Championship. Like then he will not hesitate to do what needs to be done. The Great Khali’s hands will squash Kane’s head like a bug, his punches will be like a hurricane hitting the land. The Great Khali wants you to know you are out of your league “demon†for no force on this earth, this plain, or any other can stop the momentum of the Great Khali. And even though it took you years to finally speak, the Great Khali will now demean himself and speak to you as you once did.

Singh holds up the mic to the Great Khali’s mouth and turns his head as if ashamed at whatever is about to happen. Out from the Great Khali’s mouth, mocking how Kane talked in his early days comes the Great Khali’s response.

The Great Khali: I! WILL! END! YOU!

The crowd are booing wildly at the Global Champion who looks ready to kill, however on the other side so does the Big Red Machine. They stare at each other intensely in anticipation of their gigantic clash at Bound for Glory.

OOC: I've really been enjoying myself with this feud Coldhands, but seeing as I have to write some of the show this is going to be my last tt. I'm hoping we'll be able to do this again real soon as this was so much fun bro. Thanks for such a great challenge and good luck.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Bound For Glory 2013: World Heavyweight Championship- Bryan (c) vs Styles

Bryan looks at AJ's extended hand and scratches his beard. The crowd is starting to chant "YES!" as if coaxing Bryan to shae AJ's hand. Before he does, Bryan lifts his microphone back up.


Daniel Bryan: I'm glad you just said that, AJ. You see, this match isn't just about you and I going head-to-head for this championship. This match is for them. Kane and Khali are going to rip each other apart, Nash and Edge will be brutal and Homicide and Fandango is going to be interesting but, this match is what is going to stay in people's minds. This match between us will shatter those barriers that people like the Corporation put up in front of people like us. So-called "vanilla midgets". Well, right now, AJ, I'm not feeling so vanilla and neither are you I can tell. At Bound For Glory, people are going to expect vanilla but we're gonna give them rocky road because AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan are going to make sure that no one ever forgets either one of our names. We're going to give these fans 110 percent of our hearts, bodies and souls.

The crowd begins applauding and clapping Bryan once more. Daniel lets them applaud for a few moments before continuing.

Daniel Bryan: But, AJ, don't mistake what I just said for weakness. I'm still as confident as I've ever been that I can beat you. Is there a tiny part in my brain that thinks maybe you can beat me? I've learned to tune that guy out because, if you want to win, you have to go into each and every single match with the exact same outlook. You have to go into battle with the thought that I'm gonna come out alive because any other thought will cost you. Do I have a killer instinct? I always am in synch with my killer instinct. It's the only instinct I have, AJ. That "switch" as you call it, mine is always on and it never runs out of life. AJ, you have yet to face me in this company so I forgive you for not knowing better but, look at me. Really look at me. I have been in the ring with maniacs like Dean Ambrose, superhumans like John Cena and icons like Shawn Michaels and I am standing here World Heavyweight Champion and they're not. What does that say, AJ? It says that I have every tool imaginable to get the job done. Lock me in the Calf Killer. I can find a way out. Hit me with a Styles Clash. I'll kick out. Throw me into the fiery pits of Hell and I'll walk out breathing smoke and the souls of the damned. I will not give up. You'll have to kill me to get rid of me, AJ, and you'll have to kill me to get this title from me. Since you like to quote famous athletes, I'll quote one of my own. "To Be The Man, You Have To Beat The Man" and right now and until the day I decide to call it a career, you're looking at The Man.

The crowd cheers loudly and begins a "BRYAN! BRYAN! BRYAN!" chant once more. Daniel looks for an opening and starts speaking again.

Daniel Bryan: I'm not out here to insult you with anything that I say. You've done nothing to me to warrant that. When I say that I am The Best, it's nothing personal. To be quite honest, I'm trying to light a fire under your ass because I want the best you can offer me. I want AJ Styles at the top of his game because I have something to prove. I need to prove that I am the true World Heavyweight Champion and prove to those corporate goons that it doesn't take someone wearing a fancy suit and kissing ass to be champion. I've always dreamed of being a World Heavyweight Champion that the fans could be proud of. A World Heavyweight Champion who will wear this title with pride. AJ, you've said over and over that you want to be that guy. Well, I appreciate that there's those of us who still want to be honorable champions but, I'm not ready to give all of this up. That champion already exists and you're looking right at him. If you want to win this championship, get in line but you're going to be waiting a long time.

Bryan then points at AJ's jacket and kind of smirks as he continues.

Daniel Bryan: Thrift shop, huh? I'm impressed. I'm no stranger to thrift shops. About half of my wardrobe comes from thrift shops. But, AJ, it wouldn't matter to me if you wore a poncho to the ring. My point wasn't the clothes. My point was your personality and mine are totally different. You are the way you are and I am the way I am. That's why this match works so well. That's why Bound For Glory is going to be one hell of a night for the fans. It's a dream match to everyone around the world and I don't plan on disappointing. After it's all said and done, the only thing for certain is that I'll still be on RAW and you will be on iMPACT. AJ, I want you to know, I have every bit of faith in you that you can represent iMPACT proudly but, you still don't see what I'm saying. I have to win this match to keep the balance. If the balance shifts, it could mean the end of UWF as we know it. The stench of the Corporation will encompass the entire company and guys like us will be left having to pick up the pieces later. I can't let that happen. I'm going to nip this problem in the bud and, as long as I have this World Heavyweight Championship, the Corporation won't. AJ, I'm not saying you would join them but I just can't take that chance.

AJ still has his hand extended as Bryan begins acknowledging it.

Daniel Bryan: The fact that you have your hand extended and has been the entire time I've been talking speaks volumes about your character and I can respect that. You have my word that this match will be clean and classy. That's the way I won this championship and that will be the way I defend it. Decades from now, when they look back on UWF Bound For Glory 2013, they're going to be talking about AJ Styles versus Daniel Bryan for the World Heavyweight Champion and, whatever the outcome, I'm honored to be in the ring with a real athlete, a true wrestler in yourself and I'm proud to be doing it in front of the greatest fans in the world. Let's prove why we're in the position that we're in and, I've got one more question to ask. Are you guys excited to see Daniel Bryan go one-on-one with AJ Styles?

The entire audience screams "YES!" over and over again as Bryan shakes AJ's hand. The scene fades as both men continue to shake hands but never letting their eyes leave the other's.
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