UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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Smackdown: Batista/Hardy/Wyatt vs. Ambrose/Sting/Joe

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring as he calls for a microphone as he indicates he wants spotlight and is given so.



Last week on Smackdown, I was there to make a statement. Yet when I left, I heard my name was sprayed around like a fly couldn't disappear. Yet this week I'm thrown in another tag match? When will management realise that I don't do tag matches, I don't. However, this week is a little different then usual. This week I finally get my hands on the one person I want to tear apart right before The Great American Bash and that's Dean Ambrose. Dean, last week I heard you crying like a little bitch about how I closed the show on a high, well... that very night. Jeff Hardy was the one standing tall. Dean, you're a target not just from me, but your opponents. So quit yapping like a freakin' chihuahua because this is what WRESTLING is all about. You signed that contract knowing you'll get injured, knowing you'll be tormented, beat up to a bloody pulp yet you chose to complain. Have you heard me complain about things other than being involved in stupid tag matches like this with absolutely no meaning? I would have settled just facing you one on one Dean, but it seems management is hiding. They want you to compete at The Great American Bash which is why you've got Sting and Joe on your side to help you because Dean, you won't be in that very ring when I make the pinfall and that's unfortunate. I know you'll walk away, I know you'll step away from the very apron and beat me up after I've made the pinfall. Do I look stupid to you Dean? Do I? Because I'm not. The power I've destructed as of late is a force to be reckoned with, people have been hurt Dean. I don't know what Sting and Joe have to do with this match, maybe it's because they're bored and couldn't find an opponent. It's a shame because I heard Sandow and Bryan bitching last week but THAT doesn't mean I'm afraid of you puppets. Sting, week after week you come out here prancing in a freakin' kids face-paint trying to entertain, you know who you remind me of? Rey Mysterio. I'm surprised you've yet to join his stupid "Justice League" of superheroes because surely you could have gotten away with it with your stupidity. Sting, you're a lot more older than I am, you're washed up and deemed yourself into a Tag Division. The days where you held gold and busked in glory as a Heavyweight Champion is long over, the same could be said for Joe here. You two are much better than having to look after each other, it's a real shame because the both of you are irrelevant these days. This is why this Friday, Bray and Jeff will work with me as a team for one freakin' night, after that... you're an enemy of mine. You already are one, but GOD DAMNIT I want to tear Dean's freakin' head off, break his skull and make sure he does NOT turn up at The Great American Bash. What he has around his waist is soon mine.

The crowd boo's Batista heavily, Batista continues on.

Jeff... Jeff Hardy. I may not like you, you may not like me. Bray, the same to you. But this week, we come out as winners, not losers. We're here to show Dean that his championship belt is at stake and one of us could just as well walk away the winner. Now if the both of you will listen to me carefully.... I don't want to have to hurt you this week at all. For one week only... One freakin' night! We do this, we beat the living hell out of Dean Ambrose and his little friends. Because after I'm done with the match, I'm going to continue to hurt you Dean and nobody will stop me. NOBODY! Either way Dean, I'm going to ensure that I have my hands on you next week on Smackdown... I don't care how I'm going to do it but I freakin' will and I will kick your ass just like I'm-

Batista is cut short as a theme song begins playing.

OOC: The shorter we keep it the more we can get in. Good luck guys!



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Re: SmackDown Friday 13th July Preview

Looking forward to the 6 man tag.

Do I send promo to SBS & EoR or?


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Re: SmackDown Friday 13th July Preview

Send promos to me. Backstage plz none of the in the ring crap or they won't be used.


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Re: SmackDown Friday 13th July Preview

Send promos to me. Backstage plz none of the in the ring crap or they won't be used.

Sorry, didn't see this. I already did mine in the ring :(


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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: SmackDown Friday 13th July Preview

ALL done backstage PROMOS, alright!


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Re: SmackDown Friday 13th July Preview

Paul HEyman vs Bill Alfonso! Haha! Let's do this daddy!


May 29, 2012
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The Hell itself
UWF SmackDown 7/13/2012 - Raven vs Jeff Jarrett

To the dismay of many fans around the world and mostly, to the dismay of the fans that bought the tickets to see the UWF wrestlers in action, a theme they know, a theme they fear, hits the PA system of the arena.


Under the titantron is no one else than "The Human Cancer", the wrestler known as Raven, wearing a jacket, carrying a singapore cane. The red lights have filled the whole arena as his theme blares as loud as it can, many fans, mostly children scream and yell insults at Raven, however the only answer they get from Raven is a cold stare with a sadistic smile.


When he finally reaches the ring, he rolls in and brings the cane with him as well. The lights go back to normal, as Raven gets a microphone handed from one of the UWF workers at ringside. Raven plays with the microphone in one hand, and still carries the singapore cane in the other, smiling at the audience, before suddenly changing his face expression to a totally serious one as he sits in one of the corners of the ring and just points at the titantron with the singapore cane.

The fans erupt as Rey Mysterio steals it, Rey Mysterio begins to celebrate, holding his left knee as Raven gets to his feet and shakes his head; Raven snarling in frustration spins Rey Mysterio around and boots him in the gut and delivers the Raven Effect DDT! The fans begin to boo Raven wildly as Raven rolls underneath the bottom rope and pulls out a Singapore Cane from underneath the rope and rolls back and begins to beat Mysterio across the back with a Singapore Cane! Busting up Rey Mysterio’s back!


Roddy Piper: Too right JR, you are right!

Raven snarls and turns on the spot as Derrick Bateman slides into the ring, looking to save Rey Mysterio but gets a Singapore Cane across the head, breaking it in two. Raven stands over Derrick Bateman and takes a splinter of the cane and begins to blade Bateman infront of everyone, the fans boo Raven wildly as he finishes off his beatdown, doing his signature pose, standing over both members of The Justice League!

After the replay of his post-match mayhem from the last edition of UWF SmackDown finishes, Raven brings the microphone closer to his mouth and starts speaking.



And after all.. I haven't lied.. have I.. Everything I promised, I have done. If I'm not mistaken, I promised you mayhem, I promised you a living hell for my victims, and as you have just seen, I have demolished Rey Mysterio and Derrick Bateman just the way I usually do it. And all I needed was a bit of insanity and this singapore cane.

The audience strongly boos Raven as he laughs.

It doesn't bother me a single bit that I technically lost, for pinfalls matter only when it comes to championship matches, what truly mattered was their pain.. and you know it.. you saw it. I see your faces, I see you're terrified, wondering who might be the next on the list, who will I destroy next time, fearing it will be your favorite performer, guess what, I do not care. Everything I know, everything I will do, most importantly everything that matters to me is the fact that I know that if I dominate my victims on a weekly basis, I shall become the title contender to a championship; sooner or later. Now that you have seen what I am capable of, now that you have seen my true return, better than ever, I am sure I gave you more than enough reasons to know that I'm the force to be beaten in this federation.

The audience boos once more, as Raven continues in an almost groggy, careless voice.

People kept asking me.. 'why, Raven, why?'.. in all honesty.. I was tired of seeing the faces all of you are used to, faces of people psychically and physically weaker than me celebrate their victories and their title victories, while I always knew that I was more than capable of beating the living soul out of them. If someone mentioned the UWF, they started names-dropping names of Batista, Randy Orton, Christian, Steve Austin, Austin Aries, Dean Ambrose and such. All I could do as my reply to their reaction was a question.. but.. WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN? They all, week-in and week-out happily kept taking my spot of the man to defeat.

Jeff Jarrett.. you're next. You're next on my path of destruction, you are the next step on my way to a championship. Jeff Jarrett.. I never liked you. I haven't liked you in any of the past federation we've been together.. and I don't like you now. All you 'care' of is being an entertainer, all you care of is making someone happy.. why make people happy, when they can be depressed. Why to give anyone happiness, why does anyone deserve it, when I was never able to be happy. Only feeling I have, Jeff, is satisfaction. And my need for satisfaction, the inner beast is already hungry, it pleads me to feed it. Calling you out would ruin my pleasure on Friday. On the other hand, come here, even with your guitar.. I'm eager to let you play a swan song to your fans, just before I end your career, before you see by yourself who is the true 'King of The Mountain'.

Raven awaits for Jeff Jarrett to accept his invitation.​

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Re: SmackDown Friday 13th July Preview

WOW, really looking forward to my debut against Duece!

Also, this card is just crazy! I'm lovin' the tag team match and Cena against Bryan! These gonna be absolutely epic!
Really awesome card here, lookin' forward for this!

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Smackdown: Batista/Hardy/Wyatt vs. Ambrose/Sting/Joe


As the crowd erupts into cheers, "Immortal" by Adema begins to play as the fans are joined by the one and only Sting as he makes his way from the backstage area and enters through the curtain, turning the corner and appearing on the stage before them all. He makes his way down the ramp, darting over to the steel steps as he reaches the end of it. He ascends the steps and walks along the apron, stepping through the ropes as he walks to the opposite side of the ring and retrieves a microphone from the ringside official. He turns around and faces his opponent, the music fading out to silence as he raises the microphone to his mouth.


Sting: It was kind of disheartening to do the abridged version of my entrance this week, but management has asked that I be fair and not do a drawn-out, lavish arrival since you didn't, so I made it as short and sweet as possible. So because I spent less time coming out here, I figure I'll get right down to business. For starters, I don't get all the hype surrounding you. All I've heard for weeks is how impressive you are, but now that I've seen and heard it for myself, quite frankly I'm very let down. I know you want to make people think you're tough by stomping around here flaunting your muscles, beating unsuspecting wrestlers up, and talking mean and angry, but when I look at you all I can think is how ironic it is that you make fun of me for wearing "kids' face paint" when, if either of us is acting like a child, it's you. Do you think using swear words and taking the Lord's name in vain makes you sound tougher? Because it makes you sound less intelligent, it exposes your vocabulary for what it is, weak. You're giving into the stereotype that guys with big muscles have small brains, and I tell you this because you clearly aren't grasping that fact on your own. I mean, is this really what people are so impressed with? A temper tantrum and a spotlight? If that's all it takes to get a title shot around here, someone get me my red face paint, I can talk mean and abuse the same word numerous times.

That's all I hear. Swear, swear, swear, freakin' this, freakin' that. You talked about a freakin' dog, if you mentioned a freakin' cat you could quit wrestling and start writing anger laced literature in the style of the late Theodore Geisel! If you're trying to compete with Jim Cornette for over-usage of obscenities, I'd say you're on the right track, once Jimmy gets out here you can officially begin the competition, until then I challenge you to address me with wiser verbiage. While I'm at it, are you really in a position to declare, "I don't do tag matches"? Here's a thought, why don't you try being a bit more professional and downsize the chip on your shoulder, because if you remove it then I won't have the privilege of doing so, so just downsize it. No one is bigger than UWF, and if anyone on this roster was, his name wouldn't be Dave Batista. You are exactly like the members of Y.E.S., William Regal, Shark Boy, Jeff Jarrett, and lastly, Jeff Hardy and Bray Wyatt, so it's fitting that they be on your team this week. Because of this, you must be defeated, and the combination of the Black and White Machine and Dean Ambrose will see to it that you are, causing Jeff to undergo a feeling of deja vu and delivering Bray Wyatt the punishment he should've received several weeks ago.

But I will have more to say to both of those men when they decide to join us, ya know, like a man would do. But at least you're standing this week, which I'm sure has the steel chair all to pieces, but if it can hear my words, I want it to find strength in the fact that the next time Dave Batista has a promo to deliver, he will be sitting down in that steel chair, with the lights dimmed everywhere but on him. I'll be honest, the first time I saw you sitting in that chair with a spotlight on you, I thought you were going to light a cigar and begin a rendition of, "Rocket Man" a la William Shatner. It's too bad Jericho hung it up, with his sparkling jacket and your spotlight providing the only other illumination in this place, we could've had ourselves a belated Independence Day celebration. Or better yet, ya know what this spotlight reminds me of? An old school interrogation scene! I don't expect you to talk, Mr. Batista, I expect you to wrestle!

Sting begins laughing as Batista looks visibly irritated. Who will next join the fray?


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF SmackDown 7/13/2012 - Raven vs Jeff Jarrett

Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - Step Up (I'm On It) [official music video] - YouTube


The music erupts and the crowd reacts immediately. The commentators notice the venom in the jeers of the fans. They don’t like Jeff Jarrett and by the look on his face as he enters the arena, he doesn’t like them either. Jeff steps out, guitar in hand, and stomps straight to the ring. He ascends the steps and enters the ring without even giving Raven a notice and goes to find the nearest camera.

Jeff Jarrett looks intensely at the camera: Ya know, I didn’t come here to play games! First, they put me up against that clown, Zack Ryder. Then, they team me up with Batista. What did I get for my trouble? Ambushed by the Animal. And, last week? I’m taggin’ with the Anti-Christ of Wrestling. What does he do? He walks out and leaves me high and dry. DESMOND WOLFE, I know you’re scared as HELL having me loose in your little playground. How about we cut to the chase and you stop trying to make a fool of me!


The crowd begins to chant and jeer.

Jeff Jarrett scowls at the fans: Don’t start with me! Most of this is your fault! Cheering and pandering to those actors in the back who couldn’t wrestle their way out of a paper bag! You buy their tootie fruity shirts and head bands and watch their damned internet videos. YOU feed their egos and Wolfe dances along every week (Jarrett mock dances) parading wrestling mediocrity right in front of your eyes! If you had the good sense God gave ya, you’d get on the Tweeter and tell the powers that be that you want some real wrestling!

As the arena erupts and the noise becomes deafening, Jarrett holds the microphone to his side and looks over to the corner where Raven is still seated staring off into space.


Jeff Jarrett: Holy Shit! Where did they dig YOU up at? Last time I saw you, you were working for me. Well, I’m not sure working is the word for it. I mean, you came in every day with that sorry ass attitude; wearing clothes that look like you’d slept in them.

Jarrett stops and looks him over.

Jeff Jarrett: You DID just get up, didn’t you? Good God, boy! Don’t you think it’s time to move on? ECW is dead. Hardcore was apparently a passing fancy. You’re old news. Seems to be a lot of that around here….

One part of the Crowd: EC DUB! EC DUB! EC DUB!
Another part of the Crowd: RAVEN! RAVEN! RAVEN!

Jarrett laughs: Hear that, Raven? That’s all you’re ever gonna be. A faded memory; something the crowd chants every now and then. But, if you think you’re gonna make a comeback and win a title here on Smackdown, well, you are deluded. They’re playing games here, obviously. They rolled you out to excite the fans and sell some hardcore matches and retire your ass ONE MORE TIME! Just like I did last year! WE used your tired old ass to push a hardcore agenda and you didn’t win squat! When are you gonna get tired of being a marketing ploy, Raven?

As the crowd continues to chant, Jarrett walks over a little close to Raven.


Jeff Jarrett: What ABOUT you? What ABOUT RAVEN?

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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UWF Smackdown 7-13-12: Alberto Del Rio vs. JTG


This thread is for the debuting Alberto Del Rio(awesome miz) and JTG(Deuce) to trash talk for their one-on-one encounter on this week's edition of Smackdown. Have fun guys, let's all put forth an effort the writers can be proud of!​

Chris Dresdon

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UWF Smackdown 7-13-12: Bill Alfonso vs. Paul Heyman


This thread is for Paul Heyman(Got_Swag), The Miz's manager, and Bill Alfonso(Lubaninho), RVD's manager, to trash talk for their one-on-one encounter for this week's Smackdown. Have fun guys, let's all put forth an effort the writers can be proud of!​

Chris Dresdon

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UWF Smackdown 7-13-12: John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan w/Special Ref Desmond Wolfe


This thread is for John Cena(Blizzard), Daniel Bryan(Hoov), and special referee Desmond Wolfe if he has something to say(effectsofraven) to trash talk for their one-on-one encounter for this week's Smackdown. Have fun guys, let's all put forth an effort the writers can be proud of!​


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Feb 13, 2012
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Re: Smackdown: Batista/Hardy/Wyatt vs. Ambrose/Sting/Joe


Sting's laughter is cut off by Dean Ambrose's music as the crowd erupts into cheers. The World Heavyweight Champion comes out with a mic already in hand. He starts to make his way down the ring while he address's Batista.

Oh what Batista, no chair this week? You wanna talk about crying, that's what you do every single week when your whining about tag matches. You think I was crying? Trust me, you don't want to see what happens when I cry. I was praising you for doing something smart for a change. Sure you're a big brooding man but let's see if you can actually beat me one, two, three in the middle of that ring Friday. If you manage to somehow out of some miracle get a win, unless you pin me, everything you've said or threatened me with is null and void. I've seen your matches and all I've seen is the same tired muscular guy act. Sure you have muscles and power but I have power in far more places than my muscles. My mind, while sometimes unstable is the greatest muscle in my body. I have yet to really flex it and you can be damn sure when I do, an unimaginable amount of pain will reside over you. I'm used to pain, my body feels it every time I step into the ring but my mind doesn't. You on the other hand claim to be such an unstoppable force that surely you've never been hurt before. I can't wait to be the first person to step up to the task and show you what true terror looks like.

The crowd cheers as Ambrose makes his way into the ring and ignore the two before addressing the audience once again.

I am what people should really fear. I am true terror in the form of a man. Not Batista. Not Jeff Hardy. Not Bray Wyatt. Jeff you may have been standing tall at the end lf the night last Friday but that doesn't mean a damn thing. I know your trying to go for this dark and mysterious type of thing but being silent for all those weeks and then trying to make yourself seem formidable is laughable. You couldn't beat me one on one regardless of a couple of idiots getting involved in our match so what makes you think you even stand a chance at the Great American Bash. The only impressive thing I've seen you do is take advantage of unsuspecting victims. Oh so menacing. If that is really all you've got Jeff, your just one less thing I have to worry about. Not that I worry or anything.

Dean turns his attention to Sting as he walks up and leans against the ropes.

The legendary Sting. This Friday I get to team up with the one and only Icon. Luckily for you Sting, I have you and Joe's back this week. You couldn't ask for a better partner this week. Not even each other. I don't like sharing and I don't necessarily play well with others but I do have one thing on my mind and that's proving a point. People seem to think that I may have gone soft a bit ever since I won my World Heavyweight Championship but that's far from the truth. I can't wait to get a weapon in my hand. It's been a long time and you can sure bet that I'll shove it right down that cult leader Bray Wyatt's mouth.

The crowd cheers as Dean walks over and faces the stage.


Yeah that's right Bray, all the way down your throat. There's been a mighty fine praise going around about you. They say your new and fresh but when your in this ring you've done nothing worth talking about. In your debut match, you beat a nobody. You know who I beat in my debut match? A former WWE World Heavyweight Champion in Jack Swagger and a former UWF Champion in Wade Barrett. Your one of the more obscure wrestlers in this match. You may have something up your sleeve but just remember this, sure you can beat some of these men, but they are not Dean Ambrose. Until you beat Dean Ambrose, you haven’t down a damn thing. So come on down hear and prove to me that your worth a damn.

The crowd cheers as Dean walks over to the corner of the ring and sits atop the turnbuckle.


The Hoov

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Re: UWF Smackdown 7-13-12: John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan w/Special Ref Desmond Wolfe

The crowd is ecstatic here tonight in the arena as they eagerly await more exciting UWF SmackDown action. Just then....


The crowd boos as Daniel Bryan, the self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The World†emerges from the back. The crowd, still booing, chant along with Bryan as he runs down the ramp screaming “YES! YES! YES! YES!†all the way towards the ring. Daniel is given a microphone at ringside and climbs into the ring. He waits for the crowd to die down a bit before speaking.


Daniel Bryan: Last week on SmackDown, myself and Damien Sandow organized a protest outside of the arena and we weren't ever going to enter a SmackDown ring again until our demands were met. Low and behold, here I stand before you a happy man because at the Great American Bash, I get what I want and I also get to make my country proud as I wipe the floor with our British hack of a General Manager Nigel and make him regret the Hell he has put my through. I'm so happy and yet, I'm still being screwed around here. You see, I have a match tonight with Nigel wearing the traditional black and white stripes and I'm facing a man who I couldn't have less in common with, John Cena.

The crowd cheers as Bryan mentions Cena. Bryan doesn't like that fact.

Daniel Bryan: Oh yeah, cheer John Cena on. That's what your supposed to do, right? After all, he “Never Gives Up†and he's the man of “Hustle, Loyalty and Respect†isn't he? John, you and I come from completely opposite backgrounds. You walked right into this business and right into the welcoming arms of Vince McMahon and you became a mega-star. You're the face of the company, John. ANY company you're in. Me, on the other hand? I was told time and time again that I wouldn't make it to the big leagues. I didn't have the IT Factor. I couldn't do it. But guess what, John? I worked from indy promotion to indy promotion and I honed my craft and I became something that you will never be and that is The Best Wrestler In The World. You know it, these people know it, Nigel knows it, No one can deny me that fact. John, I can't wait for our match. It's going to give me the perfect warm-up for the Great American Bash when I destroy you, Nigel.

There's a slight “DESMOND!†chant breaking out which greatly upsets Daniel.


Daniel Bryan: Don't you dare chant that son of a bitch's name in my presence! Nigel, you may be the special referee for this match and that's all fine and good. That doesn't bother me because, you see, accidents do happen in this ring. People get hurt. And it would be a real shame if something happened to you in this ring to where you didn't walk into the Great American Bash not at 100%. Do the right thing, Nigel, and call it right down the middle because Cena, he's just a walk in the park. I'll have plenty of time to focus on you too. That's right John. I'm not threatened, intimidated or even remotely scared of you because, in our match, those little “5 Moves of Doom†aren't going to same you from your inevitable fate of tapping out.

Daniel lowers his microphone and seems very pleased with himself.
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