UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown: Jeff Jarrett and Dave Batista vs. Rey Mysterio & Derrick Bateman

Already apologized to EOR and it won't happen again...so, forgive me and maybe our opponents will answer?


Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Smackdown: HHH vs Ted DiBiase Jr

We cut backstage, as Ted DiBiase Jr appears on screen in a dark room. He's pacing about and he looks extremely mad as he looks into the camera and speaks.

Ted DiBiase Jr

Words can't describe how mad I am right now, I had the World Heavyweight Championship won, I'd finally done what I set out to do, but within a matter of moments it was all taken away from me! For those of you that were too poor to catch it live, or to pay your Television bills on time, here's what happened...

The camera fades into a shot of last weeks Heatwave Show.

UWF Heatwave said:
Dibiase throws his hands in the air in surrender and the official feeling he’s won the confrontation shakes his head before turning back towards the turnbuckle and begins fixing the pad Dibiase has screwed up. Dibiase gives off a big smirk as the officials back is turned towards him. He turns and Ambrose comes out of the corner rushing the challenger when suddenly Dibiase just kicks Ambrose square in the testicles. The Champion is easily taken down by the maneuver and hunches over in the ring. Dibiase uses the opportunity to grab Ambrose and roll him up.

Oh come on! What the hell was that? Dibiase just broke another unwritten rule in professional wrestling Hot Rod.

He can’t win the title like this JR, what a cowards way.

Dibiase yells for the official who turns and sees the cover. He is so shocked and not wanting to make another mistake immediately gets down, however the official is out of position and Dibiase knows it. He grabs Ambrose’s tights with one hand and the rope with his other to add leverage to the pin fall.


God Dammit! Not this way!


This is BULL SHIT!


The bell rings and the crowd begins booing as Dibiase is super quick to exit the ring.


Here is your winner and the NEW UWF World Heavyweight Champion: Ted Dibiase Jr.

JR: NO! What a crime? This is not the way I imagined in a million years this match ending.

It’s official Dibiase is the World Champion and dammit what a joke of a champion he is!

Dibiase slides back into the ring and throws the title belt up into the air unable to believe he has just done the impossible. Ambrose watches on from the corner arguing with the referee when suddenly…


The fans erupt as Desmond Wolfe's theme hits the PA system, and low and behold the General Manager of Smackdown emerges on the titantron, DiBiase is caught half way between the two as Wolfe speaks up.


Desmond Wolfe: Ted DiBiase, ya cheating little wanker; ya think I’m gonna let the World Heavyweight Championship match is gonna end this way? Not a chance Sunshine, ya better shift yer arse back into that ring because this ain’t how Smackdown works around ‘ere, so right ‘ere, right now; Chioda, ring the bell ‘cause Dean Ambrose is getting’ his right match, right now!

JR: Yes! Yes! Yes! Justice has been done by our General Manager. Dean Ambrose is going to get a rematch right here, right now.

I think the General Manager actually made some freaking sense for once though I can guarantee you Dibiase is not going to be happy.

Dibiase is holding onto his newly won world Title when official Mike Chioda grabs it out of his arm and rings the bell.


Dibiase begins arguing with the official saying he can’t do this when suddenly Ambrose comes out from nowhere and rolls Dibiase up. The ref gets into position and yet the crafty Ambrose still manages to grab the tights unleashing a little justice of his own.


Yes Yes Yes!


Talk about poetic justice JR.



Here is your winner and NEW UWF World Heavyweight Champion: Dean Ambrose!

The crowd goes nuts as the blood soaked Ambrose has just ended Dibiase’s reign in record time and has become a 2 time UWF World Heavyweight Champion. Ambrose doesn’t care about any of that though as he grabs the Championship out of Chioda’s hand and throws it up into the air screaming at the top of his lungs.

I can’t believe what we just saw. The title changed hands twice tonight! What a heatwave this has been. Things on Smackdown have really begun to heat up here tonight.

You gotta feel for Dibiase he was going to join Jeff Hardy, Batista, Bray Wyatt and John Cena in the scramble, but in a rare sign of justice, Wolfe gave Ambrose his rematch right now and the Champion is champion again!

As the screen fades back to DiBiase he shakes with anger and looks really disappointed.

That's right, after I beat Dean Ambrose for the World Heavyweight Championship, Desmond Wofle decided to crash the party and give Dean Ambrose his rematch straight away! Helll, I wouldn't of cared so much if I'd of actually of been given a chance to get ready, but that jerk Mike Chioda rang the bell in an instance giving me no chance. If I remember correctly, that's against the rules, which clearly state both competitors must be ready before the referee rings the bell, and I certainly wasn't ready! I was screwed out of my title and every single one of you know that, sure I may of cheated to win, but Dean did the exact same thing, so if we're going off that logic why the hell didn't he get punished and forced to defend his title right away? What makes things even worse, is the fact that I worked so hard to get that title, and somehow I managed to walk out of Heatwave with nothing!. I proved all you people wrong, I had one of the best matches in MY LIFE, yet management decides it is fun to shatter peoples dreams and make them out to be the bad guy. I bet all you fans loved seeing me hurt, but the fact remains that I am still the most wealthiest man in this company, and I am still THE BEST!

DiBiase pauses for a second and gets even closer to the Camera.

This Friday I face that corporate scum named Triple H. Sure, he may not have power any more, but the fact he was on management just a few weeks a go gives me even more reason to beat his sorry self to a pulp.. I'm not joking, any current, or former member of management is on my hit-list at this moment in time due to what happened at Heatwave, and I'd advise them to stay out of my way. Unfortunately for Triple H, he created a match that he will regret, I plan to send out a message this Friday that I am not to be messed around with, and Mr. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, will be on the recieving end of the harshest beating I have ever dealt out. I'm not joking people, I have a suspiscious feeling that Triple H had something to do with what happened at Heatwave, telling Desmond Wolfe to make me lose at all costs whilst he was still the COO. Whether he did that or not, I still hate his guts, and this Friday I'm going to send him and his washed up career down DREAM STREET.

The camera fades as the crowd boo.
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Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Smackdown 6/29/12: Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Daniel Bryan & Damien Sandow

Sting, having heard what Damien Sandow as well as Samoa Joe and Jim Cornette have to say, raises his microphone again out of readiness to respond.


[COLOR="B4B0082"]Sting: Damien, your ability to string together a series of what the world deems advanced words doesn't make you enlightened and it doesn't ordain you to prophesy and preach to these people. The fact that these people look up to me troubles you, which is something you oppose only because it isn't you they admire. Rinse my face of this paint? Why don't you shave your beard? Because much like the paint makes me the Stinger, your tuft of facial hair makes you the pompous dictionary that is Damien Sandow, without it, you're just Idol Stevens. That's what upsets me about you, Aaron, you're just like Windham, under the illusion that who you portray is your true self.

Which is something you and I actually have in common, we are both in UWF to deliver enlightenment, only mine is pure with the interest of others in mind while yours is sinful with your own praise and personal gain in mind. On Smackdown, U will take the first step in ushering in this enlightenment, to both you and your brother in the beard, who has been suspiciously quiet since first opening his mouth. Perhaps it has finally set in that this is a can't-win situation. You are going against a debuting Submission machine and an Icon looking to avenge losses and wrong, an Icon that has already dealt you loss twice, Mike Knox.

Sorry, when I look at you, that's who I think of. The beard, the way you structure and deliver your promos, both are a reminder of the man that reminds me of Bruiser Brody. It's also glaring evidence of what I have already proclaimed, that Damien Sandow is a character. Riddle me this, riddle me that. Who's getting their body pinned to the mat? You two.[/COLOR]

Sting lowers his microphone, looking around at those sharing the ring with him, waiting to see who speaks next.

The Hoov

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Re: Smackdown 6/29/12: Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Daniel Bryan & Damien Sandow

Daniel loks at everybody in the ring and starts shaking his head. He lifts his microphone back up to speak.


B]Daniel Bryan:[/B] Would you four just look at yourselves for a minute? I mean, take a good hard look at yourselves. You're out here bickering and arguing with each other buty, at the end of the day, the only one in this ring who has ANY accomplishments in this company is me. I was a former UWF Hardcore Champion. No one beat me for that title. It was stripped from me uncerimoniously I might add. I come out here week in and week out and I prove that student truly has surpassed the teacher because the person synonomous with great matches is no long Shawn Michaels, it's Daniel Bryan. I AM The Showstopper. I AM The Headliner. I AM The Main-Event and I AM soon to be an Icon if I'm not already. Sting, you call yourself an icon but, take the face-paint away and what are you? A decrepit old man who's never learned when to hang it up. On SmackDown Sting, your fourth loss will be the most humbling because it will be at the hands of The Best Wrestler In The World.

The fans are really mixed towards Bryan here tonight, knowing what he says is true but not liking how he's saying it.

Daniel Bryan: And Joe, what was that? Stealing Tazz's catchphrase? Well guess what? It wasn't threatening when he was using that almost 20 years ago in ECW and it damn sure isn't threatening when it comes out of your fat jowels. Joe, I can out-wrestle you and blow you up any day of the week, twice on Sunday. It doesn't make a difference to me if you have Jim cornette and his dementia bleeding onto you, it doesn't matter. You and I have unfinished business from the rumble and being Nigel's lacky certainly doesn't gain you any brownie points with me. And Jim, I see you over there, Jim, you can run your mouth all you want. It doesn't make one bit of difference when I make your client here tap out and scream in agony and pain. Then, I might just take that tennis racket of yours and shove it where the sun don't shine. This isn't some New York punk like Vince Russo you're talking to or some clerk at a Dairy Queen in small town Mississippi. I'm the most dangerous man inside of this ring and the most lethal. That you can take to the bank.

Daniel then turns and addresses his partner Damien Sandow.


Daniel Bryan:And Damien, you lucked out by getting me for a partner because Daniel Bryan is on the roll of his career in UWF and it's not being derailed by some has-been and a never was, being led to the ring by a crazed lunatic. Daniel Bryan is the real deal, ladies and gentlemen. Get used to it.

Daniel then lowers his microphone and stares everyone down.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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UWF Friday Night Smackdown July 6th Card!


UWF Friday Night Smackdown: July 6th 2012: Card

Smackdown is coming off a show that only saw parts of the roster able to show due to a bizarre snow storm and it cost several men opportunities to compete this week. This week however Texas is calling for sun and lots of it as Smackdown heads to San Antonio Texas for another edition of UWF Friday Night Smackdown.


The Miz v. JTG
(Non Title)

In the first match of the evening the European Champion returns to action against the debuting JTG. Miz got his European title back from the clutches of RVD last week but at the cost of being knocked out. The Miz is still fuming about the disqualification a few weeks back and looks to take his revenge on JTG. JTG was one of those men who could not make it do to the weather and will have a chance to debut tonight. A win against the European Champion would surely make JTG's debut one of the most talked about ever.


RVD v. Bray Wyatt

Wyatt missed out on his chance to compete in the wild dueces tournament a week ago due to the weather. This week he'll be in action against the Red Hot Rob Van Dam.The Number one contender's to Smackdown's two championships will look to build more momentum heading into the PPV. Will the Redneck preacher find a way to win or will Mr. Friday Night continue his hot streak and send a message to the Miz he won't forget.


Raven v. Rey Mysterio

Last week we had a shocking debut as Raven appeared out of nowhere to join the Friday Night Roster. He'll have his first taste of in ring action in several months when he faces off against Smackdown's resident SuperHero Rey Mysterio. Mysterio was too busy saving lives in a snow storm last week to arrive but he'll be here this week to get back on track. But will the sadistic and psychotic Raven be too much even for him?


Ted Dibiase Jr. v. John Cena

Dibiase continued his roll last week by putting Triple H out of action for the time being. This week however he faces a man who will never quit and never back down John Cena. Both men will be in the King of the Mountain Match at the Bash in a few weeks and after missing last week Cena looks to take his strength and bring Dibiase's streak to an end. But can the Chaingang commander give Dibiase an attitude adjustment, or will Dibiase continue to have his way on Smackdown looking towads retaining his World Championship.


Sting and Joe v. Jarrett and Hardy

In the main event of the evening Smackdown will find out who will represent them in the Tag Team Title match at the Bash. On the one hand is the victorious team of Sting and Samoa Joe who look for one more victory to send them to the title match. On the other side is a pissed off Jeff Jarrett and his partner of choice the Anti-Christ Jeff Hardy. Hardy was seconds away from defeating the World Champion last week but came up short when Dibiase and Batista got involved. This week Hardy will have a chance to go on to the bash and win tag team gold as well as World Title gold should he win this match.

We Will Hear From:

Y.E.S. The two men came up short last week thanks to the combined efforts of Samoa Joe, Sting, and Smackdown General Manager Desmond Wolfe. You will not believe what the two men have planned for Smackdown, you'll have to tune in to find out.

Dean Ambrose: Ambrose has been a fighting champion indeed, but after the beatings he's taken the past few weeks Wolfe has decided to give him the night off to protect him. Of course don't expect Ambrose to just sit on the sidelines. He'll open the show and give his thoughts on the other 5 men who will be looking at his title at the Great American Bash.

Shawn Michaels: Shawn has been left off the card in his hometown, and was a man who couldn't make it last week. With 2 losses and no wins to his name what drastic measures will the Heartbreak Kid take to get back on a roll.

ANYONE ELSE who wants to send one in is welcome.

New deadline is set for 4 PM Eastern Standard Time on Thursdays. EOR and I usually start writing the matches Thursday afternoon and so this is what it is. There will be absolutely no exceptions and the threads will close at that time. Hopefully this is a better week don't let me down guys. Good luck and have fun.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown July 6th Card!

Well, dang (sarcasm)...I looked so forward to giving Batista a hard time again this week. But looks like I have three new targets...OH! the fodder! Let the fun begin!!


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Feb 13, 2012
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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown July 6th Card!

Great looking card. Nice to get a week off to charge a bit. I should be able to get a TT for the bash tonight. The main event should be an awesome read.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown July 6th Card!

Very nice card, blue crew. The matches look great, and I'll be sure to send in several promos to make up for last week. I'll definitely get cracking on my TT with Prod right now, good luck by the way bro. :)


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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown July 6th Card!

Will send a promo in by Wednesday or Thursday.

Looks like a good card!


May 29, 2012
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The Hell itself
Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown July 6th Card!

Facing Rey Mysterio, I see. From what I've seen.. uh.. last week (?), Rey Mysterio portrays a superhero character over here. That of course means that the advantage over here is mine, because at the very moment when I saw who I'm facing, I already had the whole TT basically written in my head, so Chase (Chase is his name, right), watch out man.

Haha, just kidding. This will be a classically good show, I'm looking forward to it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown July 6th Card!

TTing now for my match guys :).

Also, yeah, Chase plays a Superhero Mysterio. Should be a really fun read.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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UWF Smackdown - Wild Deuces Tournament Finals (Joe/Sting vs Jarrett/Hardy)


The fans erupt as the loudmouth himself Jim Cornette storms out first, with a tennis racket and clipboard, no doubt ready to unless profanity hell on his opponents, as Samoa Joe emerges out from the backstage after him; marching confidently the two arrive at the ring side area; Jim Cornette leaps up onto the ring apron and grabs a microphone before climbing into the ring, Samoa Joe follows suit as Jim Cornette, Jim Cornette thinks about what he's going to say for a moment before speaking up.

The Loudest Mouth in UWF,
Jim Cornette

My name is Jim Cornette and I'd usually be cutting a promo right about now on Samoa Joe & Sting's opponents for this week on Smackdown but unfortunately I can't because of some pansy's and over protective parents complained about my conduct and my use of foul language! So I'm just going to stand here and look important, as I always do but Samoa Joe is gonna do the talkin' this time!

A lot of the boos the fact Jim Cornette is being censored as he verbally mouths away from the microphone "I know it's bullshit!" but alas, Jim Cornette hands over the microphone to Samoa Joe, Joe casually leans against the ropes before cutting the promo.


The Samoan Submission Machine,
Samoa Joe

Last Friday, those two punks Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan jumped me from behind before my match with them, leaving the Stinger himself to face both of them but as we all saw, you don't want to piss me off as I damn near took Sandow's head off with the Sick Kick! Taking me and my tag team partner, through to the finals of the Wild Deuce's Tournament for some unknown prize, and if Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy think they are going to stand our way, particular my way, you two have got another thing coming because it doesn't matter if I get jumped from behind, hell, jump me from the front, the point is, by the end of the night, I'm going to kick both your punk-asses in the ring!

Joe chuckles as he relaxes off the ring ropes, the fans give Joe a really cheap pop but that doesn't bother the Samoan Submission Machine as his focus is the men in the match, not the fans.

I'll be the first to admit, I was quite apprehensive of me and Sting's chances of winning our match, especially when I got taken out of it but Stinger, you proved me wrong, you proved to me that not all old timers are weak and frail and quite frankly, you did a hell of a good job and you've earned my respect! So this week, our chances of winning are tenfold because Jeff Jarrett, as so many wrestling critics have said, you broke over 4,000 guitars but never drew a dime and they are right because you was never a winner, you just looked like one! Sure, you got a few World titles underneath your belt, but I got two, one championship I held for well over two years and the other one, in your precious little company, I held that belt for close to six months before I lost it to the same man I am teaming with this week but that doesn't matter because this about you and how you are, Jarrett.

Joe pauses for a moment and thinks about his next line, before continuing.

I was about, but that's all in the past and this is now, but I just realised, Jeff you ain't changed a damn bit, you still win matches off the backs of guys like Batista who busted their ass to make you look like million bucks, who made you look like a winner! But come this Friday, Jeff Hardy won't make you look like a winner, because he sure as hell ain't one himself! That's right, "Mr. Anti-Christ!" you ain't nothing but a bitch, you got a few fancy flips and a bit of luck on your side but you haven't got much else going for ya, you can stick your gimmick and your words straight up your ass because Friday, I ain't coming for a little chit-chat, I'm coming for a fight and I damn sure gonna beat your asses in this right! And just like my old mentor used to say, BEAT ME IF YOU CAN, SURVIVE IF I LET YOU!

The fans erupt into a cheering frenzy as Samoa Joe looks at Jim Cornette, Jim Cornette chuckles and seems very impressed with Joe's little trash-talk as both men stand in the ring, as _______'s theme hits the PA System.


Jun 3, 2010
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Smackdown 7/6: Bray Wyatt Vs Rob Van Dam

The crowd inside the Smackdown arena is typically packed to the rafters, awaiting the usual excitement that only Smackdown can deliver.


'Broken Out In Love' suddenly hits the PA system without warning and the lights dim. The strumming guitar sends the crowd into a frenzy of booing. Before long Bray Wyatt emerges onto the stage with Cousin Eli right behind him. Bray and Eli walk slowly down to ringside, Bray Wyatt stands leaning against the ring steps, Eli goes and gets him a microphone from the ring technician and Bray stands upright and begins to speak.


Bray Wyatt: Divine intervention. Divine intervention is what saved many a man from a situation that was not favourable to them. Last week on Smackdown, Dean Ambrose, John Cena and Jeff Hardy all became effected by divine intervention. A storm hit the city and we couldn't get to where we had to be. Dean Ambrose and Jeff Hardy?, yeah they made it to the show. They had their match and they beat each other up real bad until Batista showed up and beat both of them to within an inch of their life. And y'all are probably thinkin', well it was divine intervention that saved you Bray Wyatt... it saved you from a beatin' from The Animal!. But I don't take that point of view, because you say every action has a positive reaction... if I was there, Batista wouldn't have come out. Because his job would have already been done by me. And after all, why would divine intervention be favourable to mean ol' Bray Wyatt?... I never claimed to be a man of God... but rather a God amongst the lost souls of the men and children that fall around me... the 'Angel In The Dirt'... truly divine. Truly your brother, your father and your friend.

The crowd are booing loudly as Bray continues.

I mean I ain't sayin' I am 'God' as such... I am a much different being than God. I am not focused on rewarding those who sin with forgiveness, I am not interested in saving those who are un-savable... I am here to save those who need to saved. ALL OF YOU. But my opponent on Smackdown this week, well, he's simply un-savable, he's a sinner, he's damned to hell my brothers and sisters and I am merely the executioner for he has been judged, and before this court, before my jury, he will be sentanced. And we need not say what it is that he done. Or does indeed do. For he will tell us all most likely, for he is a boastful man. Boastful of his sins, and man, does that make me mad. He claims to be this extreme guy, who puts his body on the line. So y'know what?, this is the perfect warm-up match for The Great American Bash, because it allows me to see what 'extreme' is all about before I face Jeff Hardy and the Champion, Dean Ambrose who both claim to be 'extreme'. Is it really a figment of their imaginations?, I believe it is. But who am I to judge?... I am merely a man in their eyes, in all of your eyes, and probably in Rob Van Dam's eyes as well.

The crowd begin to chant 'RVD!, RVD!'

WELL I AM NOT!... I am not a mere man, I am so much more, I see everything, I hear everything, and I am EVERY THING!. And I know that 'extreme' in the sense that these men use it, does not exist!. How will I disprove these men?... not with words, they are too far gone, I must intervene. Divine intervention. Again divine intervention, 'extreme' in the sense these men use it does not exist and I will show them the true meaning of 'extreme' with 'extreme love'... that's all I have to give. Love. And I will be doing what I do to Rob Van Dam out of love... and maybe he will learn to love me like a brother... probably not, but regardless, I am doing this for his, Jeff Hardy and Dean Ambrose's benefit... not my own... I am doing it because I am an angel... it is my duty... and I will spread my wings of righteousness and cast the evil out of these men... and maybe then people will learn that Bray Wyatt ain't just a mortal man... he is so much more than that... and maybe then they'll learn why they should indeed follow me. Brothers and sisters... heed my words and join me. I am your friend.


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: Smackdown 7/6: Bray Wyatt Vs Rob Van Dam

For a moment there’s a big silence in the arena when suddenly ...



After a while "One Of a Kind" by Breaking point hits the PA System of the arena as the crowd goes crazy. With the first guittar riff hits, one of the most loved UWF superstars Rob Van Dam and his manager Bill "Fonzie" Alfonso appear under the titantron with a wide smile on their faces as the crowd chants RVD's name. Huge ovation for Rob Van Dam and Fonzie. RVD goes down the ramp and making his way towards the ring, while Fonzie is jumping behind him and he's blowing his whistle ...


On the way to the ring, Rob is high-fiving many of the fans and when he reaches the ring, he enters it and after him goes Fonzie. Rob then jumps and turns around, pointing with his thumbs at him, while Fonzie goes for the microphone. When he gives the mic to RVD, Rob starts to speak ...


Hell, dude, I have no idea, who you are or what you've just said, but I'm pretty damn sure I'll kick your ass anyway ...

Crowd cheers and chants RVD's name, but RVD immediately continues, while Fonzie stands behind him ...


You see man, the thing is, that you're standin' in the middle of the ring, but that's okay, it's everybody's ring, but ... when I am in the ring, when you are in the ring ... that means a lot of trouble, but not for me. I have no idea what you were saying a while ago, or maybe I just wasn't listening, but you're makin' me feel angry, Mr. Beach Boy and I have no clue why. Maybe it's because of that stupid shirt or the crap that was coming right out of your mouth. But the thing is, me and Fonzie here, we've just had enough of it and we decided to come out here and teach you some manners. Maybe, as a first rule, we should teach you to not speak about Rob Van Dam badly. Because if you do, I'll come out here and whip your big fat ass. Uhm ... I guess that's the only rule I have, but it's very important, if you have no health insurance. It doesn't matter if it's gonna be me or Fonzie, you know Fonzie has a lot of potential in him. Yeah, he's slim, probably not strong, not clever, but he can still give you a beatin' you won't forget. And when it comes to me? Oh man, I'm RVD, you have no chance to face me in the ring, because all you're gonna do here, you'll come out here get some fists by RVD into your face, lie down on your back for a while and then walk away, just like many times before ...

Fonzie suddenly grabs the microphone out of RVD's hands ...


That's right daddy! If it wasn't for RVD, I would come out here by myself and knock your ass down baby! It doesn't matter if you have wings, problems with your weight or hemorrhoids! This guy is a ECW legend, a WWE legend and he's on the right track to be future UWF legend, baby! Right now, you should be saying goodbye to your mom, daddy, because after the beating, this man, Rob Van Dam is gonna give you, your own mother won't recognize you! No one gives a damn about your love or anything else you give, you do or you want! RVD is here to kick your ass and that's just how it will be, daddy! This man may have a lot of scars after this match, but he will kick your ass out of this buildin' d ....

Fonzie is suddenly cut off by RVD himself ...


Whoa, whoa whoa. Hold on Fonzie. Walk out of a match with scars? That's just not my style, I won't even have to catch my breath after the match, but I'm sure he will be the one who'll be catching breath. Look at him, is he gonna run or is he gonna just roll against me? No, I'm sorry dude, but seriously ... wouldn't it be cool, if you just rolled against me? Maaan, that would be a great ... but very short match. Well, it's gonna be short anyway, but ... whatever. You know, I heard that there's a lot of hype about this match and I'm not surprised about it, because in whatever match Rob Van Dam is, it's always the main event of the evening. I think it's obvious that I'm gonna win our match, but ... after it, I'll give you a chance to shake my hand. You won't shake it, you're not gonna shake it? Well, it doesn't matter, I'm gonna shake yours. By the way, were you sayin' something about ... brothers and sisters? Hell man, I don't know who would like to be your brother or sister, at least I know, that these people would rather kill you than even have you as a friend on their facebook. I guess, that's all I gotta say, so can we end this "press conference", because both candidates have already spoken and I prefer action than words, shirt man ...
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