UWF 2012: Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: Mankind vs Scott Steiner: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 6th Card

Mankind is slumped over as if he was crying, when the titantron lights up from its darkened state. On the screen appears the massively jacked frame of Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner. He like usual, looks angry and starts to rant in front of the camera.


Scott Steiner: You shut your punk ass up! You fat sonuva bitch! Thats right, go sit in that corner and cry while you eat your Twinkies, fat boy.

Steiner laughs to himself as he continues to speak to Mankind and Paul Bearer.

I don't take too kindly to people who are FAT and think that they got what it takes to go one on one with the Genetic Freak. You understand that? Huh? Lissen- I ain't going to play this game with you, I ain't buying your crap. We all know, sittin' under that stupid beef jerky mask and brown double extra large tights, that you're Mick Foley! You're the same freakin person, and I ain't buyin it, Jack! What are you, Huh?? Some sorta psycho-ma-path or whatever, that kills people with Fat?? What kind of bullsh** is that!? You ain't nothin, but a fat old man, who writes stories for little kids. You're soft, Mickey! You're damn soft! You think that you can use my Catchphrases and question my orientation to get under my skin? Bitch, Scott Steiner is straighter than straight. I'm a mans man. You see these arms?? These are whats going to choke the life outta yer fat neck! This is what a man looks like! You ain't got the power, the strength, the endurance to keep up wit me. I'll do push ups around yer ass in that ring all night long, and you'll just be sitting there cryin and whining and talking to your damn self.

Steiner strokes his goatee and continues to rant and rave while the fans boo.

Why don't you take some advice from a guy who you were LUCKY wasn't in King of the Ring, because I would have whooped not only your ass, but hell, I would have taken on all you chump change bastards at the same time in a Steiner open challenge, and walked out as the damn king. Why don't you just keep on remembering that you lost, Mick, and remind yourself that I'm superior in every way to you- You little piss ant! I'm gonna walk all over you and your fat ass, and you better believe it. Because I got half a mind to come out there right now and whoop you for tryin to steal my catchphrase. So boy, are you ready? Are you ready to get your loser ass kicked by Freakzilla? Why don't you just quit while your ahead, and maybe I'll let you walk outta the friggin arena. You know what, scratch that, I'm going to come out there and kick your ass right now. So Holla! If Ya Hear Me!

Steiner storms off the interview stage, shoving the camera away from him, as the screen eventually fades to black but soon after the lone siren begins to wail.


As the siren sings throughout the arena and a brief amount of time passes, Scott Steiner emerges from the behind the curtain looking determined and pumped up. Scott skips his usual flexing, and makes a bee line down the ramp and towards the ring. Steiner turns the corner, and stomps up the steel steps, before he enters into the ring through the middle rope. Mankind hasn't moved but now that Steiners in the ring, he has his attention. Steiner yells at Mankind to get up, but he doesn't move. Steiner paces at the far end of the ring, yelling all sorts of random nonsense over to Mankind and Paul Bearer, but he isn't getting a response from them. Eventually, Steiners music is cut, and he stands there, still yelling and posturing at his opponent, looking vehement as usual. But before he can say anything else, he is cut off by Mankind.



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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: Mankind vs Scott Steiner: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 6th Card

Still huddled in his corner and not daring to look at Scott Steiner, Mankind begins to ramble.


Well, I’m not sure I understood a third of what you just said, but the gist I get is that you don’t like me very much, do you Scotty?

Big Poppa Pump points at the huddled figure and yells: Ya DAMN RIGHT!!

Suddenly, the portly figure of Paul Bearer comes alive. He crosses the ropes and clutches the golden urn as he grabs a microphone from a stage hand.

Now hold it right there, SCOTT STEINER! You have no right to talk to Mankind like you know him! You have no idea who it is you are talking to. It may be true that you are a physical freak and an athletic specimen, but you are not the man who DESTINY courts!


As Paul Bearer talks, Mankind looks up from his corner.

It is not you who she pines for. It is not you who she smiles upon. Mankind may have lost to John Morrison, but it doesn’t change a damned thing! He is still DESTINED to be KING OF RAW! He is the man who will tear a path of destruction through this show; leaving bodies strewn behind him! He will shock the world as he beats you all one by one!! So don’t you come in here all smug and talk down to him! Because the only voice he listens to is mine and DESTINY!!!

Suddenly, the twisted form of Mankind rises from the corner and walks up behind Paul Bearer; looking a little taller and a tad stronger.

So, you can babble on all you want about your body and what you think you know about this man. In the end, it will be meaningless! He may not be in the shape you are in, Scott! But what boils up from inside of him will tear through with a vengeance! The power…

Paul Bearer raises the golden urn as Mankind kneels before it much like Undertaker of old.


The power he wields is far greater than what little athleticism you have to offer!!

Finally, as Scott Steiner seems to be about to answer Bearer, Mankind stands and pushes past Paul to face Steiner eye to eye.

I’ve been a lot of things in my life, Scott; as have you. The hero. The villain. The funny guy. The disturbed guy. The perpetual jobber. The Heavyweight Champion! But I’ve never been sought after by DESTINY…until now. And, if you standing in this ring means you’re about to get between me and my gal, Destiny, WELL…then, SCOTT, ya better be hearing me! Cause I’m not gonna ‘hollah’ this.

The crowd begins to get loud as Mankind gets a little closer.

You step in the ring with me, it won’t matter if you’re physically superior to me. It won’t matter if you’re mentally superior to me. Hell, it won’t matter if you’re spiritually superior to me. Because I’m gonna do what it takes to win my girl's love and devotion! If that means beating you to within an inch of your genetically freaky life, then so be it!

That set off the crowd in a big way as they anticipate that things could get messy real fast!

You were real big on giving me advice earlier. Well, I got some advice of my own. Pack your chain mail hat, you stupid sunglasses and your steroids and head back to whatever hole you pulled your freak self out of! Cause you wanna get freaky, SCOTT? Huh, do you? Cause you’re in the ring with the one man who knows FREAK! And, if you don’t get wise…well…it’s about to get freaky up in this place!




Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
San Francisco
Re: Mankind vs Scott Steiner: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 6th Card

Much like Mankind had difficulty with Steiner, Steiner seems to have pretty much no idea what either Paul Bearer or Mankind are talking about, and his tone is of irritation.


Scott Steiner: You two are the most fat, stupid, babblin sons of bitches I've ever met! You wanna talk about destiny and all that crap about the stars aligning and makin you successful or whatever. Go right ahead then, but Freakzilla is gonna be real with you, and tell you two porkys that destiny ain't real. It ain't about the friggin stars in the sky or some psycho lady in the clouds that gives you what you think you deserve. All there is in this business is losers, and people who earn what they get! I'm standin across from two losers, and you both are lookin at the man who EARNS what he gets! And I get success, I get hooches, and I get championships; and thats been my whole career! There ain't no such thing as destiny, but if you're so damn fat up in the head, and you want to believe that, then why don't you just pencil in a new destiny called "Big Poppa Pump kickin yer ass on Tuesday Night Raw!" BITCH.

And while I'm speakings to you two, lemme say something else. I'll talk to you both how I damn please! You see this? You see this physique? This means I command and demand whatever, and whoever I want, whenever I want! And both of you aren't in the position to even suggest that Big Poppa show some respect to you two idiots. I wouldnt sweat you two even on my worst day, so all your petty threats are just worthless to me boy! You couldn't kick a puppys ass, let alone mine. If this is seriously comin down to whether or not some obese, freak that wears a mask to hide his ugly face, can beat the man who beat up the Undertaker, and made sure the Rock went home and never came back. If you think that I sweat you, Mick, then you're damn wrong and I'll be the one who beats you within an inch of your life. And when I'm through with you, I'll go find AJ Styles and do the same damn thing.

Steiner rants and raves and does his thing, as the audience boos. He wraps up his thoughts

I'm just about sick of you two, and I think I'll be doin people a favor when I put you out of your misery. It must suck to be a loser like you, being out of shape, ugly, and not even have the gas in the tank to take out a guy like John Morrison. You got your ass whipped then, and you're gonna get it whipped again. Just start counting down those last few days you got left boy, cause the real Freak, Freakzilla is comin and I'll send you back to Long Island in a body bag.

Steiner throws the microphone down right near Mankind with a "PFFT" and storms out of the ring through the middle ropes. Steiner heads up towards the back while the fans boo, and disappears behind the curtain, ending the segment.



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UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 6th Edititon


Tuesday November 6th, 2012


The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the excited UWF Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The arena is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs. The cameras spin around the UWF arena showing a jammed pack arena, then go down to Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole: Welcome to another edition of the longest running weekly episodic show in UWF history. Welcome to UWF RAW. We are just 9 night removed from the King of The Ring Pay-Per-View and what a show it was.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: That's right! We saw Cody Rhodes retain his UWF Championship. We saw John Morrison become King of The Ring and finally we saw an unbelivable match between Steve Austin and Christian.

Cole: But King of The Ring is in the past. We need to focus on the future. Tonight, RAW's newest talent; Dave Batista gets a shot at the UWF Championship.

King: That's right! Batista has a chance to accomplish more in one night on RAW than he did in his entire Smackdown run. But that's not hard considering how poorly he was treated over there. From what I hear, Pope got Batista for a bag of beans.

Cole: Nonetheless....


"Just Close Your Eyes" by Story Of The Year can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, signalling the imminent arrival of Captain Charisma, Christian. Although many UWF fans can be seen singing along with the theme music, it's not due to their enjoyment of the arriving Christian, rather due to the fact they just enjoy the song. Just five to ten seconds after the commencement of his theme music, Christian emerges from the back sporting a smirk on his face as he looks around at the booing audience. Christian only momentarily stands on the stage before choosing to make his way down the ramp towards the ring.


Fans can be seen hurling abuse at the charismatic man, but Christian doesn't acknowledge the jeers whatsoever, as he is focused on his objective. Christian reaches the bottom of the ramp, rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps, before approaching the ring ropes. Christian walks along the ring apron, wipes his feet and enters the ring, where he then proceeds to the opposite side of the ring and is handed a microphone. As Christian walks to the centre of the ring, his music ceases as he then waits for the crowd to become quiet before he speaks.


Christian: In the lead up to my match two weeks ago on Raw against MVP, I was left standing in this ring alone. MVP opted to keep silent and not say a word during the week, but the same can't be said for myself. Anybody who knows me knows I love to be handed a microphone and voice my opinion and project what's on my mind. I'll admit that in the early years of my career I was too self-conscious and I actually cared what my fellow wrestlers and what my peeps thought of me, so I was careful with what came out of my mouth. It wasn't necessarily due to a lack of confidence; it was more as a way to cover my own ass if I happened to make a vow that I couldn't keep. Fast forward well over a decade and I'm standing here in this ring, microphone in hand, and fresh off a victory at the King of the Ring pay-per-view that backed up two claims I made - one two weeks ago, and the other four months ago.

Christian stands still and pauses for effect, as the crowd remains silent.

Christian: I stood here two weeks ago, days before I faced MVP, and ended with one simple statement - nobody is immune from Captain Charisma's vengeance. I began the second run of my UWF career with seven successive victories, culminating in a UWF Championship match that I would've won if it wasn't for Teddy Long greasing the palm of the official to turn a blind eye and assist Steve. I then went on to lose two more matches and be placed on the shelf because of a concussion, but those who wronged me have all been swept away since. MVP put me through a Table, so I embarrassed him in his last ever Raw match. Teddy Long screwed me time after time, and my campaigning for his resignation was finished for me by the Raw roster when I was just a week away from returning. And finally, Steve turned a blind eye to what occurred at The Great American Bash and continued to walk around Raw with a championship he held on bought time, and not only did I finally end his reign on top but I upheld that promise I made all those months ago - I ended Steve Austin's Raw career!

This time the crowd are noisy, resoundingly booing the arrogant Christian.

Christian: I came back, ended the longest UWF Championship reign in history and the Raw career of "Stone Cold' Steve Austin. I'll be honest and give credit where it's due - that match was one of the toughest I've ever competed in, but there wasn't a moment where I thought I wouldn't win. From the very moment that Hell in a Cell match was booked, I knew Steve was done. Not only was there no escape for Steve, but Raw now has a General Manager who would never stoop to the level of Teddy Long. D'Angelo Dinero is a man who, so far, has shown men like me, somebody who was robbed of a World Championship, that there's hope for Raw after all. It's no coincidence that Raw has returned to its rightful place as UWF's top brand ever since I returned and Teddy Long left, but now that Steve's gone too? Raw has never been in a better place than it is right now, but this is only the beginning... for me.

Christian takes a few steps around the ring while the crowd again boo him.

Christian: I came back with three goals to achieve my vengeance - get Teddy Long fired, end Steve Austin's Raw career, and become UWF Champion like I should've been all along. If justice is to be done, if order is to be officially restored, D'Angelo should ignore the fact that John Morrison is the King of the Ring, come out to this ring and give me one... more... World Championship match. So D'Ang...

Suddenly Christian is cut-off and is interrupted mid-sentence, as he stands in the ring with a grin on his face.

Sorry 'Bout Your Damn Luck!!!


Christian's smile turns into a look of perplextion as "Longnecks and Rednecks" begins playing and The UWF Hardcore Champion James Storm makes his way out onto the stage. Storm already has a microphone in his hand as he stares down captain charisma in the ring. The two never take their eyes off one another until Storm begins his own promo.


"The Cowboy" James Storm

Now, 'ya got to excuse me son. I ain't mean to come out and interrupt 'ya same ol' tired run down speech, but I had to tell 'ya Christian; that nobody cares 'bout 'ya vengeance. Nobody cares that 'ya left for a few months, and I'm damn sure positive that nobody cares that 'ya came back. Nobody that is, 'cept me son. And the only reason I care is 'cause when 'ya came back; 'ya came back at the expense of one of my best friends. 'Ya cost him the UWF Championship and I ain't get involved 'cause I knew he woul' handle 'ya. Then 'ya proceeded to help him get fired, and I ain't do nothin' 'cause I knew that in his last match; he woul' make sure that Christian woul' get
what was comin' to him. But then came King of The Ring...

The fans boo at the thought of what happened at the end of the Steve Austin versus Christian match at King of The Ring.

And at King of The Ring, 'ya took my best friend Christian and 'ya throw him 20 feet from the top of the Hell in A Cell in that very ring that 'ya are standin' in. And that was when I decided that I wasn't goin' for it anymore son. 'Ya need to understand somethin' bout us rednecks Christian; 'ya can't kill us. 'Ya put one down and I promise that another one is goin' step up and take his place.

And that's why I'm out here right now son. 'Ya may have put Steve down, but 'ya ain't go do the same to me. So the way I see it; 'ya took out my best friend, so I owe 'ya one. So let me make 'ya a proposal. I come down to that ring, and I put 'ya through the ring the same way 'ya did to Steve Austin.

With that, Storm throws the microphone down onto the stage and makes his way down the entrance ramp to the delight of the fans.

Cole: Here comes James Storm!!

Storm walks towards about halfway down the ramp before sprinting the rest of the way and sliding into the ring. As soon as Storm enters the ring, Christian bails out and the cheers from the fans turn into boos. Christian backs away from the ring, shaking his head at Storm. Christian mouths the words "Not Now" to James Storm and the Cowboy stares him down from inside the ring. Christian continues to back up the ramp, shaking his head as RAW heads to its first commercial.




AJ Styles is shown walking backstage as the fans cheer at the site of the phenomenal one


All of a sudden Lauren walks up to AJ Styles

Lauren: AJ, AJ, AJ.

AJ Styles: Lauren hows it going?

Lauren: It is going good, but I know you have a match with Shawn Michaels tonight but I just wanted to get your quick thoughts on Scott Steiner and Petey Williams at King of the ring.

AJ Styles: Look Lauren I don't know what that was about. I know for sure though Petey did not do that on his own; ya see Lauren Petey is smart. He knows me long enough to know not to cross paths with me. He knows me well enough that he would not attack me on his own will, we all know it was Scott who put the bounty on me. I mean think about it Lauren..The guy is the lunatic. I mean you've interviewed him. You know how this guy is the guy just treats Petey like dirt.. it was obvious that he was the reasoing wh....

the talking stops as all of a sudden Scott Steiner and Petey comes and Steiner doesn't seem to be happy

Scott Steiner: YOU SHUT YOUR REDNECK MOUTH, AJ STYLES! You shut your mouth right now! You don't have the right to come sit back here on your stupid trailer park ass and bad mouth Big Poppa Pump! What happened at King of the Ring ain't none of my business, but you're sure as hell gonna make it my business if you keep runnin yer mouth back here, and not even say it to my face. I ain't no lunatic, and your just trying to make me look like a chump in front of Petey. But you can't make him turn against Me, because Petey ain't got the smarts to outsmarts me! But he sure as hell can outsmart you!

Steiner is yelling and pointing at AJ Styles and just about everything he said made no sense, but Petey cuts him off.

Petey Williams: Whoa whoa whoa Scott, I am plenty smart, remember that. And as far as this mess goes, AJ; I made you my bitch at King of the Ring, and I made sure our paths crossed. I didnt make sure they avoided each other. And Scotty, you know you told me to attack AJ

Scott Steiner: I DIDNT TELL YOU S**T BOY!

Petey Williams: Scott we all know you told me to punk out AJ, and I did exactly that, to get your respect

Scott Steiner: You piece of crap! You're just trying to steal my thunder, and get Styles all to yourself with your lyin and cryin!

While Steiner and Williams argue among themselves, AJ Styles interrupts during the confusion

AJ Styles: ENOUGH! Ok look right now I'm getting a massive headache just listening to the both of y'all. Look listen closely. Petey if you even think I'm scared of you. I'm not; Petey in the past I've defeated you so many times, I almost lost count how many times I won. The fact you even feel like you can kick my ass I find that as a joke. As to you Scotty, you need to learn how to be more respectful to the people around you. I see you harassing Lauren every single week, and I see you harassing Petey every single week. Let me tell you freakzilla I'm not afraid of you what so ever, your a chump compared too me in that ring and that is a fact... so if you guys don't give me an answer on who attacked me. I am just going to walk my merry way along and get ready for my match later tonight.

Scott Steiner: You ain't goin anywhere Bitch! It dont even matter who attacked you, because I'll whoop your ass right now and put an end it. You better start watching your back AJ, because maybe I'll be the guy who attacks you next, because I don't respect you, and I dont take too kindly to being told what to do.

Steiner gets real up close to AJ, almost nose to nose before he turns away to Petey.

Scott Steiner: And as far as you go, I'm gonna kick your ass right now!

Peteys eyes light up with fear as he turns and bolts out of the camera shot, with Steiner in hot pursuit. This leaves AJ alone with Lauren

AJ Styles: Now that right there Lauren was... weird.

AJ walks away

King: It’s now time for our first match of the evening. King of The Ring runner up Mankind faces off against Scott Steiner!

Justin Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 265 pounds; "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner!

Out of the silence comes the wail of the siren...

Holla! If Ya Hear Me!

The arena is covered in a red hue as the music of Scott Steiner plays through the PA system. From behind the curtain, emerges the man with the largest arms in the world. Steiner is wearing his chain mail hood, sunglasses and ring gear as he stands out on the stage. Steiner flexes both of his massive biceps, and yells out at the crowd

"It's the Big Bad Booty Daddy, BITCH!"


Scott starts to walk down the ramp towards the ring without Petey Williams or Rhaka Khan. Scott continues to walk down the ramp and when he reaches the bottom, he flexes right in front of the camera and kisses his bicep, before shoving the camera man out of the way. Steiner stomps up the steel steps and enters the ring through the middle rope. Steiner patiently waits for his opponent.

Roberts:And his tag team partner, from the Boiler Room; Mankind!


The ever strange Mankind walks out from the back with the lights all turning blue. Mankind stumbles out from the back, hunched over looking like the modern day hunchback of Notre Dame. Mankind talks to himself as he walks down the ramp, not wanting to interact with any of the fans in the front row. Foley slowly enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

The bell rings and in traditional Scott Steiner fashion, he flexes his muscles for all his “freaks†in attendance. Mankind isn’t for all that tonight, and immediately rushes Steiner, delivering right hands directly to Scott Steiner’s head, causing Steiner retreat back into the corner. Mankind will not relent. He continues to beat up on Steiner, who drops to his backside in the corner. The referee pulls Mankind off Steiner and the fans pop for the assault on the Big Bad Booty Daddy. Mankind quickly pulls himself away from the referee before charging back towards Steiner, who by this time has pulled himself to his feet and out of the corner, delivering his own stiff short arm clothesline to Mankind. Steiner drops to a knee before covering Mankind for the first pinfall of this evening…



Mankind kicks out!

Scott Steiner gets off Mankind and grabs him by the back of the head, bringing Mankind to a knee. Steiner pounds on the back of Mankind’s head before grabbing Mankind by the arm and throwing it over his shoulder, powering Mankind to the canvas with a snap suplex. Steiner quickly floats over and goes for another cover…



Steiner gets off Mankind and performs his traditional push-up routine in the middle of the ring…

King: Look at this idiot!

Steiner completes his set of five pushups before getting back to a vertical base. Mankind on the other hand, is back on a knee trying to get to a vertical base. Steiner walks over towards Mankind, looking to stay on the attack, but as Steiner walks in; Mankind meets him with a right hand to the stomach. This slows Steiner’s progress and Mankind connects with another right hand. This doubles Steiner over and allows Mankind to get back to a vertical base and grab Steiner by the head before bringing him to the canvas with a swinging neckbreaker. Steiner grabs his neck as Mankind goes for another cover…



Steiner kicks out!

Steiner rolls towards the far side of the ring as Mankind stumbles back to his feet. Steiner rests in the corner in a seated position. Mankind looks at Steiner and notices his positioning before running towards Steiner and driving his knee directly into Steiner’s face…

Cole: What impact!

Steiner’s neck snaps back as Mankind drags him out of the corner and covers him…



Steiner kicks out!

Mankind quickly mounts Steiner and begins throwing right hands yet again to the face of Big Poppa Pump. One fist, followed by another, followed by a third and after the third right hand, Mankind begins biting the nose of Scott Steiner!

King: He’s biting him!

Cole: Mankind letting go of all the pent up anger and frustration after coming so close to being King of The Ring!

The referee does everything in his power to pull Mankind off Scott Steiner. All the while, Paul Bearer is repeatedly cheering “Yes, Yes, Yes!†directed towards the onslaught of Mankind. Mankind does indeed get off Steiner before using the near set of ropes to gather momentum and drop a knee right across Steiner’s forehead. Mankind proceeds to cover Steiner yet again…



Scott Steiner kicks out again!

King: We’re definitely seeing a more aggressive Mankind!

Scott Steiner yet again rolls away from Mankind. For the first time since coming to UWF, Steiner is literally and figuratively on the ropes. Scott pulls himself to his feet yet again, and one more time Mankind rushes in. Steiner is ready for him this time, catching Mankind in mid-run, lifting him off the canvas and slamming him down hard with a spinebuster. The ring shakes upon impact and Steiner quickly jumps on top of Mankind, going for another cover…



Mankind rolls a shoulder!

Steiner gets back to his feet, shaking off the effects of the beating that he’s taken so far. Steiner watches as Mankind rolls onto his stomach and pushes himself to a knee. Steiner does not let Mankind get to a vertical vase and quickly wraps both arms around Mankind’s waist before bringing him to the canvas with a belly to belly suplex…

Cole: And now it’s Big Poppa Pump in firm control!

Steiner gets back to his feet. He knows that this match is over! Steiner watches as Mankind tries to get to his feet. Steiner slowly poses for the fans, who all boo him. Mankind finally makes it to his feet and when he does, someone slides in the ring and drills him in the back with a steel chair…

Cole:What the hell!

The referee calls for the bell as the assailant is revealed to be Petey Williams.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this bout as a result of a disqualification; Mankind!


Williams lays into Mankind one more time with the chair before throwing it onto the canvas. Williams finally looks at Steiner, who is none too happy. Steiner mouths the words “You son of a bitchâ€; all the while Petey screams “I did it for you†at the top of his lungs…

King: Petey Williams just cost Scott Steiner this match!

Steiner goes right after Williams, but before he can get his hands on him; Williams ducks out the ring and leaps over the barricade and exits through the fans. Scott Steiner may not be as quick of feet as Petey Williams is, but he leaves the ring and chases Williams through the sea of people. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Mankind manages to get to his feet and has his hand risen by the official. Mankind screams at the top of his lungs “Adrian, I did itâ€. Mankind celebrates his victory, while grabbing his back as Raw heads elsewhere.

The camera fades backstage, where John Morrison is stood with his US Championship draped across his shoulder. Beside him, stands a picture which is covered.

Morrison: Just over one week ago, John Morrison did what no man in this company has ever done, and became the first ever King of the Ring; a great accomplishment and a great honour. Even for a man of such extraordinary grandeur and panache, winning King of the Ring was a momentous victory. There's one thing about it, that I'd like to stress, though; it's just the beginning. If any mere mortal had taken this crown, they would have allowed it alone to define their career. John Morrison will make no such move. Greatness never sleeps, and tomorrow doesn't wait; I want it all, and I want it all now.

Morrison shuffles slightly towards the picture besides him, he puts his hand on the cover, but doesn't remove it yet.

Morrison: I'm the US Champion, the King of the Ring, hell, I'm unbeaten, what's next? I'll tell you; the Guru of Greatness wants the UWF Championship. Actually, scratch that; want is no suitable word. It's much more than that; I crave it. I yearn for it. My existence in UWF is defined by being the best. I exist to be champion, and no less. With that being said, the perfect victory is now within my sights. Cody Rhodes is in my sights, and finally, John Morrison is going to get a shot at the UWF Championship. Someone stands in the way though. A menace has the potential to throw a spanner in the works and rob John Morrison of his most-perfect dethroning of Cody Rhodes. Who is this menace, this methodical predator, you ask?

Morrison looks like he's going to pull the cover away...

Morrison: This freaking guy.

Morrison flings the cover away, revealing the photo.


Morrison: This truly is, without doubt, the most stupid man the world has ever seen. His favourite movie is probably Grease 2. He's probably never read a book which wasn't an instruction manual for his toilet. I'd be surprised if he even knows what chess is. Yet, here he stands, between me and Cody Rhodes. Like Shawn Michaels speaking to the youth of today, Batista finds himself hopelessly out of place. He may as well be trying to butt in on the presidential election race. With that being said, Cody Rhodes isn't needed either. The only reason he's anywhere relevant, is because somehow, on his untainted virgin waste, lies the UWF Championship, and The Guru of Greatness wants to be the one who takes it from him. Whoever emerges victorious tonight, I guess I'll see at Survivor Series. Rest assured, though, whoever draws that pink slip, is in for the most frightening realization of their life. The Zeus-like might of John Morrison will strike down upon them in a furious burst of domination as I rip the UWF Championship from their grasp and leave Survivor Series with every major accolade on Raw. That's not fiction, that's the most accurate statement of intent you'll hear in your entire life.

Morrison walks away, leaving the camera to fade to black...


UWF Survivor Series November 25th

Poster coming soon


The crowd inside the Tuesday Night Raw arena are on their feet looking to see what is happening next when something most unexpected hits the PA system.

Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum


'Ode To Joy', the anthem of the European Union plays over the PA system and the crowd, somewhat confused boo at the foreign tongues they hear. A few moments pass, nothing happens, no one emerges from behind the curtain, the song plays for one full verse before fading off. The crowd still confused continue to boo until another song blasts out of the PA system and it is fast evident to the crowd just what is happening.

C'est un miracle, c'est vrai
c'est un miracle, c'est vrai
c'est un miracle, c'est vrai c'est un miracle...


The crowd are now up in arms about the man who is soon to arrive out on the stage back from Europe it seems. Soon the former three time UWF European Champion, Antonio Cesaro walks out from behind the curtain decked out in a sharp suit. He raises his arms out in the air and does his signature posing on the stage before heading down with the ramp with the fans shouting all kinds of abuse at him. He takes no notice, looking fairly smug as he climbs the steps and proceeds through the ropes into the ring. He is handed a microphone by a ring tech and he begins to speak.


Antonio Cesaro: You didn't really think I was gone for good now did you?.

The crowd boo loudly, we get a 'USA!, USA!' chant.

Something's will never change, one of them is that incessant, stupid 'USA' chant and a second is the fact that Mister Antonio Cesaro is the single greatest European wrestler of all time. Now I have been at home in Europe by my own choice. A self imposed exile much like one of many great Europeans, Napoleon Bonaparte, and I did so because I was sick of having to watch this brand fall into just another American redneck sideshow. I was so sickened that I left this so called land of dreams and prosperity to go home and live in a true land of prosperity, Switzerland. A place where there is no recession... a place where there is no war... a place where second best is not acceptable which is why none of you Americans here today would ever excell or excede in anything quite like Mister Antonio Cesaro. That makes me happy, knowing that no single American will ever live up to the ability, pinache and style of a true European, and ladies and gentlemen, and I use the term loosely, Mister Antonio Cesaro is VERY European.

Antonio smiles arrogantly as the crowd boo.

So I got to thinking... why should I?, Antonio Cesaro sit at home and allow the business I love be degraded by the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, James Storm, Goldust, Mankind, John Morrison... even the World Champion, Cody Rhodes is a terrible... eine schreckliche... representation of not only this company, but professional wrestling as a sport of combat. In my time away I have crafted my skills... I have trained with the best European wrestlers in every style imaginable and I come back better than before. Which got me thinking, if I was able to become a three time... drei mal... UWF European Champion then?... well then, who knows what might happen this time round?. I do. I know exactly what will happen this time around here in UWF... I will become the first ever Swiss-born UWF World Champion and I will bring about a change this brand so desperately, desperately needs right now. I will bring European class, European sense of self, European dignity and European prestige to a belt ruined by the score of useless, undignified soft-egg Americans that have held it over the past year or so.

The crowd boo even louder, Antonio Cesaro simply ignores them and continues on.

Ich bin hier, um Veränderungen aus rohem und krassen die Klasse und Ehre zu bringen. If you didn't understand... get an education and we'll perhaps talk, until then I refuse to lower myself to the likes of you in the crowd. No, you have a chance to do exactly what I said I would... make a change... when you go to your polling stations to vote on the American Presidency. Although... let's be honest it's like choosing between a rock and a stone, both the same and both useless. Unlike Barack Obama, and unlike Mitt Romney, I promise change that I can actually deliver. I promise a change that will make a vast difference to this company. I promise to all of you, and you know a European man of such dignity would never break a promise, that I will stage a coup d'etat in this company... eine Staatsstreich... I will be a one man European Revolution... and I will change the way you think, they way you act and maybe even civilize you into behaving like normal human beings so you can gain half the class of a man as European as me.

The crowd continue to chant 'USA!, USA!' and 'GO BACK HOME!, GO BACK HOME!', Antonio laughs and shakes his head and mouths 'typical' before finishing up.

I am Mister Antonio Cesaro and I am... sehr europäisch!... très européen!... molto europeo!... VERY EUROPEAN... and soon... so will this company and so will the UWF World Championship. Ich verspreche Ihnen, dass.

Antonio drops the microphone and does his posing with his arms in the air before stepping out of the ring and up the ramp, smiling from ear to ear, full of smugness as Raw goes elsewhere.

The feed goes backstage as Rhodes appears in front of a camera and begins to speak


Cody Rhodes:

UWF is a place full of the greatest superstars in our profession, Past Present and Future of our industry comes through here on a weekly basis. Even our three general managers are legends from a federation past, and this brand is its centerpiece. It was here before Smackdown and NXT were even thoughts… and the man the people in charge have been trying to get rid of is its champion. That means they want anyone to step to the plate and get this off of me, last Sunday was MVP and a week later another challenger is picked from the deck of cards. Batista has been rather impressive on Smackdown, and he’s been waiting to get his opportunity. Any other champion would be worried in the back of their minds about this match, and yet I’m not. Because is looking for something else, he wants this title for what it brings and that’s a bigger paycheck and pseudo recognition. I have this because it represents every past second of my career, the UWAs the UCWs the UWFs all of it culminating into one reign. I am here to make sure everyone who comes and goes from this company knows who their superior was, a lesson Batista will learn tonight.

*Rhodes touches the gold with his fingertips as he continues on

It’s more than a leather strap or a bigger pay day, this is what proves everything I’ve ever said right, this makes me right and all of you the crazy ones. And I will be damned if some random “beast†gets brought over from another show and takes it away from me, and then comes the King of the Ring. The King of the Ring took this title away and was the straw that broke the camel’s back, ironically over a year later once I’ve accomplished my greatest goal in my redemption we have ourselves another King of the Ring. John Morrison has been rather popular as of yet, the signs in the crowd, the praises in the reviews, even .com loves him. Batista is the ultimate weapon to take this off me, but should he fail like other monsters have failed to stop me before, John Morrison seems like the golden boy come to accomplish what the people in charge so desperately want. And I will admit in a normal situation he might have an opportunity to give me trouble, he has been undefeated and all even though he is all flash and I have learned to get rid of the flash and only use raw talent. But the stars have aligned in the wrong way for Johnny, because of that King of the Ring moniker. That little moniker is personal, and because of it I’m going to make sure I show everyone who the true king is. Survivor Series is coming up, fitting because Cody Rhodes is the ultimate survivor. I’ve outlasted the greatest of the greats, The Rocks, the Austins, the Punks, their all gone now and yet the man people said was nothing more than a last name is here holding the UWF championship. This is my era now, my new generation, and this isn’t one built for the people or the rest of the roster as a whole…this Era is Mine and mine alone, And you will ALL Learn to grovel at my feet because soon all those little heroes destined to take this away from me will have fallen. I will be all that’s left, and I will become legend not only for what I’ve accomplished but of the stories people tell of the American Nightmare….Cody Rhodes 6:25 has come, let his reign shine through you in the dark days of the rest of the roster. Snakes slither away, Rocks fall, Punks leave, War machines break down, Chosen ones disappear, and best in the world quit…but Cody Rhodes Remains.

*Rhodes turns his head and gets a smirk on his face*

My redemption was not only about this championship, it was about making those who caused me that pain suffer…Right now UWF is only having a nightmare…I’m here to make sure it gets put in a coma…So that it will relive the nightmare personified in me over and over again…sweet dreams kiddies…hahaha

Rhodes twist his head to the side as he leaves off screen.

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen; it’s now time for what some may consider a dream match. AJ Styles will go one on one with “The Heartbreak Kid†Shawn Michaels.

Justin Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Gainsville, Georgia, weighing in at 216 pounds, AJ Styles.

Get Ready to Fly


The theme music of "The Phenomonal" AJ Styles begins to play and the fans cheer one of the few bright spots of Tuesday Night RAW. Out walks AJ onto the stage, wearing his trademark hoodie. AJ looks out to one side of the arena, never taking the hood off. Then he looks to the other side, repeating the process. Styles then forces the hood off and poses in his trademark fashion as the pyro goes off behind him.


The pyro concludes and Styles saunters down the ramp, high fiving a few fans who want to touch one of their favorite wrestlers. Styles hops onto the ring apron and enters the ring, where he poses again to the delight of the fans.


And his opponent, from San Antonio, Texas, weighting in at 227 pounds; he is the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.


Sexy Boy" plays and out dances the one and only Shawn Michaels from the back. Good Old HBK just like the fans love him. Men want to be him, women want to be with him, but none the less, they all cheer for him. Michaels dances about halfway down the ramp before dropping to both knees to say a little prayer before speaking loudly to the heavens as the pyro goes off behind him. Michaels hops up off the steel and heads towards the ring where he enters and poses once more as his music fades.

The bell rings and Styles and Michaels lock up. Michaels is first to attack, snapping off a brilliant arm drag. Styles flies across the ring, but rolls through avoiding in form of damage. Styles manages to get back to his feet and he and Michaels locks up yet again. This time it’s Styles that snaps off an arm drag. Just like Styles earlier, Michaels flies across the ring. The Heartbreak Kid gets back to his feet and goes back after Styles, who is prepared for this and performs a beautiful step up enziguiri; almost kicking Michaels’ head off his shoulders. Michaels falls to the mat and Styles goes for the first cover of this match…


Cole: What a kick!


Michaels kicks out!

As Michaels kicks out, Styles grabs him by the skull and lifts him to his feet. Styles wraps both arms around Michaels’ waist and drives him backwards into the corner. Michaels’ back hits the corner hard and he screams in agony…

King: Shawn Michaels’ history of back problems always makes it a target!

As Michaels hits the corner hard, AJ removes his shoulder and drives it into the gut of Shawn Michaels. Michaels gasps for air, but doesn’t get much of a reprieve as AJ repeats the process and drives his shoulder into Michaels yet again. AJ pulls out and looks to drive his shoulder into the Heartbreak Kid for a third time, but this time Michaels is able to use the bottom set of ring ropes to leapfrog over Styles and sunset flip him into a cover…



Styles kicks out!

Both men get to their feet, with Michaels slowly grabbing his back. Styles charges at Michaels, looking for a clothesline. Michaels ducks under and spins AJ around before connecting with a stiff knife edge chop directly to Styles’ chest. The fans “Woo†as the chop knocks Styles backwards. Michaels doesn’t relent, delivering another stiff chop to Styles’ chest. This chop knocks Styles back onto the ropes, where Michaels grabs him by the arm and Irish whips him across the ring. Styles reverses the whip and as Michaels comes back towards him, Styles leaves his feet and delivers a picture perfect standing dropkick directly to the face of the Heartbreak Kid. Michaels falls to the canvas and Styles goes for yet another cover…



Michaels kicks out!

As soon as Michaels kicks out, AJ Styles rolls under the bottom rope and onto the ring apron. Styles makes his way over to the near turnbuckle and begins climbing to the top. AJ reaches the top and waits patiently as The Heartbreak Kid makes his way to his feet. Michaels does make it to a vertical base and AJ leaps off, stretching out both his arms and his legs. As AJ flies, hanging almost in midair, Shawn Michaels is able to leave his feet and deliver a dropkick of his own directly to the chest of AJ Styles…

Cole: A beautiful counter by Shawn Michaels!

King: So far, between these two; it’s almost like wrestling a mirror image.

As AJ was previously hanging in midair, this time he falls to the canvas like a sack of potatoes. Shawn Michaels wastes no time going after him and covering him…



Styles kicks out!

As Styles kicks out, he rolls over towards the near corner and picks himself to his feet. Shawn Michaels will not give Styles any chance to catch his breath though. Michaels immediately goes after Styles in the corner, delivering two swift boots to the stomach of the “Phenomenal Oneâ€. Michaels then grabs Styles by the arm and Irish whips him towards the opposing corner. Styles runs and seems bound to collide with the opposite turnbuckle but as he’s heading in, AJ Styles is able to run up the turnbuckle and propel himself into the air, performing a corkscrew splash and landing on top of Shawn Michaels who happened to be chasing him…

Cole: Almost a version of Jeff Hardy’s Whisper in The Wind performed by AJ Styles.

Styles’ momentum takes Michaels to the canvas where he goes for another cover on The Heartbreak Kid…



Michaels kicks out!

Styles gets back to his feet before heading back overt to the far corner. Styles pushes himself from the canvas to the middle rope. Michaels pushes himself from the mat to his feet and when he does, Styles leaps off the middle rope and delivers another dropkick right to Michaels’ face. This sends the Icon to the canvas where Styles goes for another cover…



Michaels kicks out!

Styles gets back to his feet and points to the top one more time…

Cole: It looks like AJ is going to fly one more time!

AJ drags Shawn Michaels under the turnbuckle before heading through the middle rope and climbing to the top one more time. AJ wastes no time leaping off the top and performing a 450 splash…

King: 450!!!

At the last minute, Shawn Michaels rolls out of the way and AJ Styles hits nothing but canvas. Shawn Michaels may have been playing possum there. Either way, it doesn’t matter. As Styles rolls around ring in pain, the Heartbreak Kid is making it back to his feet. Michaels grabs Styles off the canvas before hoisting him up in the air and dropping him groin first onto his knee with an Inverted Atomic Drop. AJ grabs his groin in obvious pain as Shawn Michaels deliver a forearm directly to Styles’ face. Styles falls to the mat but gets right back up, only for Michaels to deliver another forearm. The process repeats itself as Styles hits the canvas and gets up, only for Michaels to lift him off his feet and deliver a ring shaking scoop slam. The fans pop as Shawn Michaels begins his traditional comeback sequence. As Styles lies motionless on the canvas, Michaels makes his way towards the top rope and swiftly leaps off, driving his elbow right into Styles’ chest.

Cole: Vintage Shawn Michaels!

King: Ugh!

Michaels gets back to his feet and the crowd begins to feel it. As the crowd gets more and more excited, so does Shawn Michaels. The blood begins to flow and Michaels makes his way over towards the far corner and the band begins tuning up…

King: AJ Styles may want to stay down!

With every foot stomp from Shawn Michaels, the crowd gets louder and louder. On the other side of the ring, AJ Styles is slowly pulling himself to his feet. Michaels is locked and loaded and as Styles does indeed make it to a vertical base, Michaels lunges out of the corner, looking for the Sweet Chin Music…

Cole: Goodnight AJ Styles!

At the last second, AJ Styles is able to duck under the Superkick. As Michaels turns around, AJ Styles perform a standing backflip and kicks Michaels directly at the top of his skull…

Cole: Pele!

Styles gets back to his feet one more time; the crowd is on their feet. Styles shakes off the effects of this match and watches as Michaels makes it to a knee. AJ Styles quickly grabs Michaels by his head and places it between his legs. Styles poses for the fans before hoisting Michaels up, wrapping both legs I front of Michaels’ arm and dropping him face first onto the mat…

King: Styles Clash!

AJ Styles just hits his finishing move to the delight of the fans. Styles floats over, hooking the leg of Shawn Michaels and covering him…


Cole: Did he get him?



Justin Roberts: Here is your winner; AJ Styles!


“Get Ready To Fly†plays again and a tired AJ Styles gets to his feet and has his arm risen by the referee. Styles performs his trademark taunt before rolling out of the ring under the bottom rope. As AJ heads to the back, Raw heads elsewhere.



WWE Survivor Series

Vince McMahon needs to mail me a check for all this advertisement


King: It’s now time for the Hardcore Championship match. A returning Christopher Daniels gets the opportunity of a lifetime as he challenges James Storm.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the UWF Hardcore Championship. Introducing first, from the City of Angels, weighing in at 227 pounds; he is the "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.


"Wings of A Fallen Angel" starts playing and out walks Christopher Daniels. The fans quite don't know how to react as Daniels looks out at them. Daniels poses one more time before making his way down the ramp. Daniels reaches the end of the ramp and walks up the steps and onto the ring apron where he poses one more time.


Daniels enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Leapers Fort, Tennesse, weighing in at 256 pounds, he is the UWF Hardcore Champion; the "Cowboy" James Storm!



The fans fill the arena with cheers as the theme song of James Storm hits the PA system. The Cowboy is seen walking through the curtain with a beer bottle in one hand. He heads down to the ring and prepares for his big time match up.

The bell rings and it’s Christopher Daniels who makes the first move by slapping James Storm across the face. The fans “ooh†in reaction to the slap, which obviously catches James Storm off guard. Storm gathers his bearings rather quickly and tackles Daniels to the mat, where both men exchange fists. First, Storm’s on top of Daniels beating on him, then Daniels is able to use his momentum and shift on top of Storm and starts beating on him. Daniels now has control of the situation and gets off Storm. As the Hardcore Champion tries to get to his feet, Daniels hits him with a stiff dropkick to the side of the head. This sends the Cowboy to the canvas and allows Daniels to jump on him for the first cover of the match…



Storm rolls a shoulder!

Cole: And Daniels’ coming out quick!

Daniels gets off of James Storm and watches as Storm gets up. Storm is a little stunned from that dropkick, so he staggers a little. Daniels charges towards Storm and the Hardcore Champion is able to regain his composure long enough to lower his shoulder and send Christopher Daniels flying overhead with a back body drop…

King: Look at the elevation!

Daniels crashes hard on the canvas and Storm rushes to a cover…



Daniels kicks out!

As Daniels kicks out, he rolls over towards the far corner. James Storm is not too far behind. Daniels pulls himself to a vertical base in the corner and Storm begins lighting him up with right hands. Each fist is more and more intense and violent that the previous. Storm proceeds to grab the arm of Christopher Daniels and Irish whip him across the ring. Daniels hits the opposing turnbuckle hard and Storm runs right after him. Daniels sees Storm coming and catches the incoming Champion with a reverse elbow. This stuns Storm and allows Daniels to push himself to the middle rope and when Storm is refocused; Daniels leaps off the middle turnbuckle and takes Storm down with a diving Crossbody. The force takes Storm to the canvas where Daniels hooks both legs and covers him…



Storm kicks out!

As soon as Storm kicks out, Daniels grabs him by the head and applies a rear chinlock. This catches the Cowboy by surprise and he gasps for air as Daniels applies pressure…

King: I don’t know how may rear chinlocks I’ve seen in Hardcore Championship Matches!

The Jacksonville crowd gets behind the Cowboy and begins clapping their hands. This gives Storm and he begins trying to get to his feet. Daniels notices the new life that is filling Storm’s lungs and the Challenger does everything he can to apply more pressure to the rear chinlock. It goes to no avail as Storm is able to make it back to his feet. As Storm makes it to a vertical base, Christopher Daniels’ chinlock becomes more of a sleeper. Daniels steps to the side of Storm’s body, but Storm is able to push him backwards onto the ropes. Storm then pushes Daniels’ body off him to the far side of the ring. Daniels bounces off the far ropes and comes back at Storm, who delivers a shoulder block that sends Daniels to the canvas. Storm then runs off the far ropes as Daniels turns onto his stomach. Storm leaps over Daniels’ downed body and continues running off the opposing ropes as Daniels gets back to his feet and leap frogs the incoming Storm. Storm stops running as Daniels lands on his feet and the fallen angel quickly delivers a standing dropkick to the face of The Hardcore Champion. This sends the Champion to the canvas and Daniels goes for another cover…



Storm kicks out!

King: I’m surprised at the wrestling that we’ve seen in this match!

As Storm kicks out, Daniels rolls under the bottom ring rope and to the outside of the ring. Daniels searches under the ring skirt and pulls out a steel chair…

Cole: And I think you spoke too soon Jerry!

Daniels holds the chair on the ring apron, preparing to slide back into the ring. But before he can, the Cowboy comes from out of nowhere and baseball slides the chair right into the chest and face of the fallen angel. Daniels screams as steel meets flesh. On the inside of the ring, the Cowboy is just raring up. Storm watches as Daniels gets back up to his feet and when Daniels does, Storm leaps over the top rope with a plancha…

King: Incoming!

What Storm does not know is that Daniels has grabbed the steel chair once again and as Storm is flying over the top rope, Daniels throws the chair right into his face…

Cole: What a shot!

The Cowboy falls to the arena floor and his body splats hard on the floor. Daniels wastes no time grabbing Storm’s body and throwing him back into the ring. Storm rolls in under the bottom rope and Daniels hops onto the apron before performing a heelo over the top and landing hard on Storm’s chest. This drives all the air out of Storm’s lungs and Daniels crawls backwards, going for another cover…



Storm kicks out!

Cole: Christopher Daniels has been so impressive in his return!

Daniels sense that the end is near. He gets to his feet before watching James Storm try and get to his. Daniels cuts him off at the pass, grabbing Storm while he’s down on one knee. Daniels puts Storm’s head between his legs and grabs both arms, placing them in a double underhook position…

King: Daniels may be going for the Angel’s Wings!!

Before Daniels can attempt whatever he was looking for, Storm wraps both of his arms around Daniels’ waist and lifts him overhead with a bridging Northern Lights Suplex…



Daniels kicks out!

Both competitors get to their feet at the same time and James Storm immediately lifts Daniels off the canvas and drops him with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Daniels grabs his groin as Storm leaves his feet, wrapping both arms around Daniels’ head and bringing them down onto both knees with a Double Knee Facebuster…

Cole: Closing Time!

Jacksonville fills with cheers. They know what’s coming next! James Storm knows what he needs to do. Storm heads to the far corner and begins tapping his foot lightly on the mat…

King: It may be time for the Last Call!

On the far side of the ring, Christopher Daniels is starting to move. James Storm gets more and more anxious the closer Daniels get to making it to his feet. As Daniels makes it to a full vertical base, Storm prepares to strike. But before he can, the Jacksonville crowd begins to boo. Running down the ramp is Captain Charisma, Christian!

Cole: What the hell is Christian doing here!

King: After the exchange earlier, I’m sure Christian is here to gain what he calls Vengeance.

Christian slides into the ring and James Storm spots him. Turning his attention away from Christopher Daniels; Storm lunges at Christian with a Last Call Superkick. Christian is ready for it and ducks under Storm’s boot. Christian runs off the near ropes and comes back at Storm before delivering a massive Spear…

Cole: Spear from Christian!

King: It’s Clash of The Champions all over again!

Christian almost breaks James Storm in half with the Spear. Christian gets to his feet before looking down on Storm and slapping his chest in traditional Captain Charisma fashion. Christian soon leaves the ring, slowly backing up the ramp; never taking his eyes off Storm. Back in the ring, Christopher Daniels has gathered his bearings. He didn’t see Christian’s attack; all he sees is James Storm down and out. Daniels decides to take advantage. He makes sure Storm’s body is in position before leaping from the canvas to the middle rope and then to the top rope before backflipping in midair and landing on top of James Storm with the Best Moonsault Ever. Daniels hooks the far leg, looking for victory…


Cole: Not like this!


King: Kick out James!


Justin Roberts: The winner of this bout and NEW UWF Hardcore Champion, “The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels!


The fallen angel has his arm raised by the referee; who also awards him the UWF Hardcore Championship. Daniels has no idea as to what has transpired. All he knows is that he’s the new Hardcore Champion. Daniels rolls out of the ring, clutching the Championship to his waist.

Cole: I can’t believe this! First Christian cost Stone Cold the UWF Championship and now Christian cost Austin’s best friend the Hardcore Championship.

Raw heads backstage with Daniels heading to the back with his newly won Championship.

Raw heads backstage for the final time before tonight's Main Event. This is not an interview; this is not a segment. This is simply UWF Champion Cody Rhodes making his way towards the ring for his next Title defense.


Cole: And there's the Champion, Cody Rhodes. Fresh off a defeat of MVP; Cody Rhodes must switch gears and face an Animal in Batista.

Rhodes walks down the hallway that leads to Gorilla position but as he walks, he runs into someone he probably didn't expect to run into.


John Morrison: Hey "Champ". Good luck out there tonight. I just wanted to let you know that whether it's tonight or at Survivor Series; your reign as UWF Champion is coming to an end. It's inevitable. If you manage to make it past the big moron, there's no way that you'll beat me. It's only a matter of time before I take that title and add it to my already impressive resume.

Morrison and Rhodes exchange a vicious staredown before the UWF Champion blows right by John Morrison and continues to head towards the ring. The camera stays on Morrison; who still has a few words for the Champion.

Morrison: Break a leg.

Cole: The UWF Championship Match is next!

This is where Raw heads to its final commercial.




How I miss these two sometimes


Cole: And now it’s time for our highly anticipated Main Event. Dave Batista has been traded from Smackdown to RAW and in his first night on the brand; he gets a shot at the UWF Championship.

Justin Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the UWF Championship. Introducing first, from Washington, DC, weighing in at 326 pounds; he is "The Animal" Batista!



Batista's entrance music 'I Walk Alone' by Saliva hits the PA system and the big brute himself walks out on the the stage. He walks around the stage with great intensity before doing his signature machine gun pyro posturing. With the final bang Batista begins to walk down the ramp. Once ringside he grabs himself one of many chairs that litter the ringside area. He then jogs up the ring steps and steps between the ropes before heading up the top rope and flexing his guns. Batista steps down ready for action.

Roberts: And his opponent, from Marrietta, Georgia, weighing in at 225 pounds; he is the reigning and defending UWF Champion; Cody Rhodes!



"Only One Can Judge" starts playing and out walks the current UWF Champion; Cody Rhodes. He's wearing his long jacket and has the UWF Championship firmly in his hand. Rhodes marches down the ramp as the fans boo him. Rhodes ignores all things around him and only focuses on the task at hand; successfully defending his UWF Championship for the first time.


Rhodes makes it to the bottom of the ramp and climbs up the steel ramp before entering the ring. Rhodes holds up the Championship one more time before handing the title over to the timekeeper and awaiting the formal introductions.


The bell rings and Rhodes and Batista lock up. Batista uses his brute strength to lift Cody Rhodes off his feet and throw him into the near corner. Batista follows Rhodes to the corner and drives his mammoth-like shoulder right into Rhodes’ midsection. Cody Rhodes gasps and his eyes almost pop out of his head from the sheer force from Batista’s blow. The Animal backs up and drives his shoulder right back into Rhodes. The UWF Champion begins coughing and sucking in air when Batista pulls back once more and for a third time in the early goings of this contest; Batista drives his shoulder right into Cody Rhodes’ midsection…

Cole: And the power game of Batista is giving him the advantage in the early going of this match.

Rhodes stumbles out of the corner and into the waiting arms of the Challenger, who lifts him off the canvas and applies a bear hug. The UWF Champion tries to squirm out of this predicament, but Batista’s grip is like quick sand; the more you fight, the tougher it gets to escape. Batista applies more pressure to the midsection of the UWF Champion, who does everything he can to escape; but he just isn’t strong enough to compete with Batista. As Batista’s grip gets stronger, Rhodes comes up with the only counter that seems as if it would work. The Champion rakes the Challenger’s eyes. This causes Batista to drop Rhodes and the Challenger checks his eyes for any structural damage. This gives Rhodes the opening he needs. Batista has his back to the Champion and Rhodes looks to go on the offensive. The Champion runs towards Batista, but the Challenger turns around and almost takes the Champion’s head off with an unbelievably stiff clothesline. This takes the Champion to the canvas and Batista drops to a knee before going for the first pinfall of this Championship bout…



Cody Rhodes kicks out!

Cole: Batista has been absolutely dominant in the early goings.

King: You can’t teach power Cole. And if there’s one thing that Batista has an unlimited supply of; it’s power.

Batista gets off the Champion, who quickly rolls to the near corner. Batista goes right after him; standing tall over the Champion. Batista grabs hold of the near ropes before laying his boots right into the already abused midsection of Cody Rhodes. One big boot from Batista, followed by another, followed by a third; all of which are intended to hurt or mane Cody Rhodes…

Cole: This is a brilliant strategy by Batista. All of his high impact moves; The Batista Bomb, the Spinebuster, the Spear; they all focus on the midsection!

Batista holds up on the onslaught long enough for Cody Rhodes to manage to make it to his feet. Batista quickly grabs the arm of the Champion before Irish whipping him to the far side of the ring. The force of Batista’s toss causes Cody Rhodes’ injured midsection to hit the turnbuckle so hard; that Rhodes’ has no choice but to fall to the mat…

King: Cody Rhodes just seems overmatched. It may only be time until we see a new UWF Champion!

Batista backs up into his corner and drops to a three point stance. He watches Cody Rhodes on the opposing side of the ring. Rhodes does everything he can to push himself to his feet and before he even fully makes it to a vertical base, Batista charges at him, lowering his head; looking for the Spear…

Cole: I told you Batista had a game plan!

At the last second, Cody Rhodes is able to side step Batista; going behind The Animal and rolling him up from behind…



Batista powers out!

King: Rhodes almost stole one!

Both men get to their feet, although Rhodes is somewhat slower thanks to his rib injury. Injury or not, he is able to surprise the Challenger to his Championship with a picture perfect standing dropkick. This sends the Animal to the mat, where Rhodes goes for another cover…



Batista kicks out!

King: That barely affected Batista!

Rhodes kicked Batista squarely in the face and it barely fazed the Animal. Rhodes drags himself to a vertical base and the Animal isn’t too far behind. Rhodes strikes Batista with a right hand, which barely fazes him. Rhodes throws another; this one hitting Batista right between the eyes and it does nothing. Batista tells Rhodes to bring it; so Rhodes goes low, kicking Batista right in the shin. This drops Batista to a knee and allows to front face lock him before spiking his head on the canvas with a DDT. The Champion rolls the Challenger over and goes for another cover…



Batista kicks out!

Rhodes gets to his feet yet again; this time he’s the one in control of this match. At Batista gets to a knee, Rhodes meets him with a running knee to the side of the head. This sends Batista right back down to the canvas and Rhodes goes for a cover…



Batista kicks out again!

Cole: Rhodes may have found the perfect strategy; attack the Animal fast and often.

Rhodes gets off Batista, before getting to his feet and laying boots to the Challenger. Now, the tides are turned as the Champion is the one beating on the Challenger. Rhodes kicks Batista into the near corner before taking a few steps backwards; creating distance between him and Batista…

King: What’s Rhodes thinking? He needs to stay on him!

Batista pulls himself up in the corner and as he does, Rhodes charges in looking for a big splash. At the last minute, Batista moves out of the way and Rhodes crashes right into the top turnbuckle. The Animal, who is deceptively quick has side stepped the Champion and runs off the far ropes and comes back at Rhodes who has stumbled out of the corner and takes him down with a rib-breaking Spear…

King: He may have broken Cody Rhodes’ ribs!

The UWF Champion screams in pain as Batista rolls him from his side onto his back and covers him…



Rhodes kicks out!

Cole: I’m shocked that Rhodes was able to get the shoulder up!

King: This is what being UWF Champion is all about!

Batista once again gets to feet. This time he grabs a imp Cody Rhodes by the arm. Batista lifts Rhodes off the canvas and throws him onto his shoulder, presumably for a powerslam. Rhodes is able to use his agility to slide down Batista’s back and grab him by the neck, bringing the Challenger down with a reverse neckbreaker. Rhodes quickly jumps on Batista; covering him yet again…



Batista kicks out again!

Cody Rhodes releases an exhausted sigh. He can’t believe Batista is this tough. The Champion gets back to his feet, although he’s having a hard time breathing thanks to the rib injury. Rhodes makes his way over to the far side of the ring, where he pushes himself upwards from the canvas to the middle rope. The Animal makes it to his feet and stumbles towards the corner where Rhodes is perched. Cody Rhodes grabs Batista by the head and leaps off the middle rope, attempting a Tornado DDT. But the Animal is just too strong. In midair, Batista is able to shove Rhodes away; breaking the grip that Rhodes had on his head in the process. Rhodes falls chest first onto the canvas and he again grabs his ribs in pain…

Cole: One has to believe that the clock is ticking on Rhodes’ reign as Champion!

The Champion rolls around the ring in pain as the Challenger looks on. Batista’s decided that he’s had enough of this. He goes over to Cody, lifting him off the canvas before bringing him back down with a Spinebuster. The ring shakes as Cody Rhodes’ body bounces off it. The Challenger gets back to his feet and goes towards the near ropes and begins shaking them in Ultimate Warrior like fashion…

King: I think everyone knows what’s coming next…

Batista quits shaking the ropes and throws the thumbs up…

Cole: Thumbs up!

Those same Thumbs up quickly become Thumbs down!

Cole: And thumbs down for Cody Rhodes!

Batista goes back over to Cody Rhodes; who is struggling to get to a knee. Batista quickly places Rhodes’ head between his legs and hoists him up…

King: Batista Bomb!!

Batista made one mistake. When he lifted Rhodes up in the air, he put too much into it and Rhodes was able to use the momentum to roll down Batista’s back and rolls him up from behind, grabbing the tights for good measure…


King: Hey!



Justin Roberts: The winner of this bout and Still UWF Champion; Cody Rhodes!


As “Only One Can Judge†plays, Cody Rhodes quickly rolls under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring; looking to get as far away from Batista as possible. The official comes and grabs Rhodes’ UWF Championship, handing it to the lucky Champion.

Cole: In a match that Batista dominated; Cody Rhodes was able to walk out UWF Champion!

Rhodes continues backing up the ramp, never taking his eyes off Batista. He thinks he’s safe until…


Cole: Hey!

King: That’s the music of the man who will meet Cody Rhodes at Survivor Series, John Morrison!

As Rhodes backs up the ramp, Morrison comes running down and grabs Rhodes, bringing him down the ramp before throwing him back into the ring. Rhodes gets to his feet and stares down Morrison, before realizing who is still in the ring.

Cole: Oh My!

Cody Rhodes cautiously turns around and receives a boot to the stomach. This doubles Rhodes over and Batista quickly wraps both arms around Rhodes’ waist before hoisting him up in the air and slamming him down with a Batista Bomb.

King: Batista Bomb!

The ring shakes uncontrollably as Batista hits his finishing move. Batista stares down Rhodes before exiting the ring. Batista makes his way up the entrance ramp and as he does; John Morrison starts walking down it. Morrison and Batista share an intense stare before John Morrison slides into the ring. Morrison picks up Cody Rhodes’ UWF Championship and places a foot over the Champion’s semi-conscious body.

Cole: It’s official. At Survivor Series, it will John Morrison versus Cody Rhodes for the UWF Championship. Will this be the sight come November 25th?

RAW goes off the air with Morrison still holding the UWF Championship high in the air.


Promos: Respective TTers
Everything Else: Cwalker

Confirmed for Survivor Series

UWF Championship Match
Cody Rhodes(c) versus John Morrison


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 6th Edititon

Kinda knew I was not going to win at all. Nice to see I dominated the entire match only to lose by a roll up, eh... I'm fine with that. I've always known I'd probably never be a Champion here at all.

But I'm not fussed at all RIR is a great TT'r and so is Dod. The both are going to tear the house down here.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 6th Edititon

I knew I was about to lose when Storm interrupted Christian. That one was so predictable. Although I said I don't care if I win or lose my match I gotta say that I am a bit disappointed because there were points when I though I really had RRS. These three TT's where without a doubt my best Storm TT's I ever wrote and I still lose. But anyway, if a writer says that my opponent did better then I guess he's right. Congratulations, RRS.

Seriously, the only thing that makes me keep playing as Storm is the fact that I might have a feud with Aniking. Those will be some crazy times.

As for the show, I don't know. The TTing for this week was pretty decent and we got a show like that. No disrespect but I thought that me and RRS, we would get a better match but I understand that you can't write a long match on a weekly show. 3-3 with 1K+ word long TT's in a session for a 3rd tier title, you don't see that very often though.

I am really interested in this feud between Morrison and Rhodes. Both RiR and Dod are great trash-talkers so when it comes to the Undisputed Title, this is the shit. I expect at least a 5-5, 6-6 session for Survivor Series from these two machines.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 6th Edititon

I knew I was about to lose when Storm interrupted Christian. That one was so predictable. Although I said I don't care if I win or lose my match I gotta say that I am a bit disappointed because there were points when I though I really had RRS. These three TT's where without a doubt my best Storm TT's I ever wrote and I still lose. But anyway, if a writer says that my opponent did better then I guess he's right. Congratulations, RRS.

Seriously, the only thing that makes me keep playing as Storm is the fact that I might have a feud with Aniking. Those will be some crazy times.

As for the show, I don't know. The TTing for this week was pretty decent and we got a show like that. No disrespect but I thought that me and RRS, we would get a better match but I understand that you can't write a long match on a weekly show. 3-3 with 1K+ word long TT's in a session for a 3rd tier title, you don't see that very often though.

I am really interested in this feud between Morrison and Rhodes. Both RiR and Dod are great trash-talkers so when it comes to the Undisputed Title, this is the shit. I expect at least a 5-5, 6-6 session for Survivor Series from these two machines.

Cwalker writes this by himself. Hell he even gave me a decent size match and my opponent didn't even TT. Length of a match shouldn't matter the quality inside of it is the importance.

As for the show it was very good read. I enjoyed the Morrison segment that was a highlight for me. Once again Petey Williams does something stupid. When will Petey ever learn? Congrats to RRS for winning the hardcore title.

[MENTION=11]Andrew[/MENTION] dude don't say you won't be a champion for real man, you can do it and just because you lost ONE world title match your going to give up on that? Dog it is ONE match you'll get another shot.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 6th Edititon

[MENTION=54]Chase[/MENTION], I am glad you believe in me. I am not giving up, I never stated that I was giving up at all.

I'm glad to have had the opportunity and I hope I can do what it takes to be up there once again.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 6th Edititon

Mankind wins another one! THank you Petey! Dang, Shane. You're a beast and I barely escaped. CWalker. Great show. Love what you're doing!


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 6th Edititon

I love how only half the roster comments on this show and half the comments are people complaining about losing a match.

Can someone remind me why I'm still doing this?


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW November 6th Edititon

Cause you're that damned awesome at it! (That wasn't too much of a suckup response was it?) :Wight:


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 13th Card



AJ Styles versus Petey Williams

At King of The Ring; AJ Styles was attacked by Petey Williams. Williams claims that Scott Steiner orchestrated the attack and AJ Styles believes it. Nonetheless, "Pope" D'Angelo Dinero has decided that Williams must get in the ring and pay for that attack. Will Steiner be there to support his protege? Or maybe to finish the job he started at King of The Ring?


Mankind versus James Storm

Last week, we all saw a more aggressive Mankind in action aganist Scott Steiner. Mankind looks like a new man since losing King of The Ring. Is it still is destiny to run RAW? On the other hand, James Storm got into a verbal altercation with Christian; who subsequently cost the Cowboy his Hardcore Championship. Can the Cowboy rebound? Will Christian be lerking?


Christian versus Shawn Michaels

Last week, Christian claimed that Steve Austin got what he deserved at Hell in A Cell. This brought out Austin's best friend, James Storm. Just when it seemed as if Storm and Christian were going to get involved; Christian decided to wait until a later time. Shawn Michaels on the other hand, fell to AJ Styles. Michaels is looking to get back on the right track after not tasting victory for a few weeks. Who will win?


John Morrison versus Batista

Last week, Batista was so close to winning the UWF Championship. He dominated the match; only to have Cody Rhodes steal it from him at the end. Batista got a form of retirbution by Batista Bombing the Champion in the center of the ring; making an impact on his first night on RAW. You can give an assist to Cody Rhodes' Number One Contender; John Morrison for that one. Morrison and Batista shared an uncomfortable stare, but this week; they will meet in the center of the ring. Can the Animal prove hs dominace yet again? Or will Batista be yet another name on John Morrison's list?

We Will Also Hear From
Christian/James Storm- Both men will give their input on what transpired last week.
Scott Steiner - On Petey Williams facing AJ Styles tonight and whether or not he actually sent Williams to attack Styles.
Batista-On coming so close to becoming UWF Champion.
Christopher Daniels- On what it means to be the new Hardcore Champion.
John Morrison/Cody Rhodes- Survivor Series' Main Event will have their official contract signing.​


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 13th Card

Wow, got Dod for the first time in my E-Fed Career. This is going to be a beauty going back and forth with him!

Good match ups this week, will have a promo and TT in later today.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 13th Card

Getting a match against BDC this week, great. It will be fun for sure.

I will try my best on putting together a good two-men promo as well.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw November 13th Card

Overall solid show being presented here. A lot of good interesting match ups.
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