UWF 2012: Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

Deadline for this? I'm assuming it's Monday night US time?


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

Yep same time.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

Just a heads up, will drop my TT tomorrow. Planned to do it tonight, but I went to the beach and I'm crushed.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

I'd say so far, Hoov and Lewb have held up their end and proven they deserve to be booked frequently. Tapout and RRS can do nothing more than they have as their opponent(s) haven't replied, so they pass. The rest have let Cwalker down, and to me it looks like two guy's heads are on the chopping block for no-showing two weeks in a row.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

I'd say so far, Hoov and Lewb have held up their end and proven they deserve to be booked frequently. Tapout and RRS can do nothing more than they have as their opponent(s) haven't replied, so they pass. The rest have let Cwalker down, and to me it looks like two guy's heads are on the chopping block for no-showing two weeks in a row.

It's really a disgrace. I didn't want to win my first title this way. Hawkins is not backing down though. And will be heading to the top. You can believe me with that.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

Could always give people like Andrew & Prodigy second char privileges, reliable people, all that good stuff.

Instead of people just hogging up guys and not even showing up, it's kinda sad :(.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

I'd say so far, Hoov and Lewb have held up their end and proven they deserve to be booked frequently. Tapout and RRS can do nothing more than they have as their opponent(s) haven't replied, so they pass. The rest have let Cwalker down, and to me it looks like two guy's heads are on the chopping block for no-showing two weeks in a row.

This week simply proves that the guys who are at the top of the card should be at the top of the card and the guys who are jobbers deserve to be jobbers.

After this week, a few guys will be getting the axe and it'ss extremely doubtful that they'll ever be back.


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Alton, England
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

Once again, I'm ashamed for having missed this deadline. Won't happen again. I totally deserve to be a jobber.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Card

Don't beat yourself up bro. Just don't wait to the last minute anymore.


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Edition


Tuesday July 24th, 2012



The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the excited UWF Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The arena is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs. The cameras spin around the UWF arena showing a jammed pack arena, then go down to Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to another Edition of UWF Tuesday Night Raw. As always, I am "The Voice of UWF" Michael Cole and to my right is Jerry "The King" Lawler. And King, we're just two nights remvoed from the Great American Bash Pay-Per-View.

King: That's right. On Sunday, we saw Steve Austin retain his UWF Championship in a controversial match aganist Christian. We also saw CM Punk shock the world and become United States Champion.

Cole: That's not all. Sadly, we saw the end of Austin Aries career at the hands of Randy Orton.

King: But now Cole, it's time to move forward with our first match of the evening. Let's send it to Justin Roberts.

Justin Roberts: The Following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first being accompanied to the ring by Ric Flair, Dolph Ziggler.


"Here To Show The World" by Downstait starts playing and out walks Dolph Ziggler and Ric Flair. Ziggler is obviously ready to go, sporting his usual ring attire with his pink "Show Off" T-shirt wrapped around his waist. Ziggler makes his way down the ramp, flicking the wax out of his hair and onto the people who disgust him. Ziggler soon enters the ring where he hops to the top of one of the four turnbuckles and poses once more as Flair cheers him one from ringside. Ziggler jumps down and waits for the bell.

Justin Roberts:
And the opponent from Gainesville Georgia, The Phenominal AJ Styles!


Get Ready To Fly" by Grits starts playing and the fans begin to cherr the imminent arrival of "The Phenomanal" AJ Styles. Pryo begins raining down from the stage and Styles can be seens standing behind it. The fireworks stop and AJ performs his trademark taunt before walking down the ramp. He slaps a few hands as he makes his way towards the ring. Styles soon enters the ring before posing once more and waiting for the bell.

Justin Roberts:
And their opponent weighing in at 215 pounds "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.


As the Fallen Angel’s music plays throughout the arena, the crowd is instantly on their feet. Christopher Daniels was caught off guard by this. Given all he had done in TNA to some top faces, most people had given him much heat. But now he was nearly being praised. He felt slightly bad that he had to pop their bubble. As he made his way down to the ring, he made no attempt to interact with the crowd. Walking down he simply just stared ahead, more focused on his task at hand.


Daniels proceeds to enter the ring, before psing as the fans boo him. He ignores them though and waits for the match

Ding Ding Ding

The Bell rings and it is on as the three men look at each before Styles and Daniels share a nod. The two men suddenly go right after Ziggler who is shocked to see the two men come after him. AJ and Daniels time in TNA seems to be going against Ziggler as AJ hits him high and Daniels hits him low. Flair calls a foul on the outside but referee Tim White can do nothing about it. AJ nails Ziggler with a punch before Daniels kicks him in the gut. AJ jumps into the air and comes down on Ziggler’s head with an elbow. Mr. Perfection is hurting as Daniels brings him crashing down to the mat with a running neckbreaker. The crowd is impressed by the teamwork of both men whom only a week ago were unable to pull out the victory. AJ performs a picture perfect standing Senton on to Ziggler. As AJ admires his work Daniels goes for the cover.



AJ seeing Daniels has pinned Ziggler breaks up the pin.

Well it looks like the Styles/Daniels partnership is officially over.

Daniels was smart in trying to get the pinfall there, but Styles was able to turn around just in time.

Styles gets in Daniels face asking what the hell the pinfall was all about. They were supposed to work as a team as planned. Daniels reminds AJ it is a triple threat match and that he is going to do whatever it takes to win. AJ says that wasn’t the deal and Bryan shoves AJ. Daniels tells AJ as the crowd is booing him now he better deal with it or get knocked out. AJ is pissed but turns away from Daniels and the Fallen Angel gets a smirk on his face the crowd booing loudly. AJ suddenly leaps up into the air and nails Daniels with the Pele Kick. The crowd loves it as Daniels falls flat to the ground. “You want to do a triple threat I’ll do a triple threat.” AJ screams as the crowd erupts into cheers.

It is lights out for the Fallen Angel , Cole. That Pele kick is brutal.

I can’t say Daniels didn’t deserve it the way he treated AJ like that.

The crowd begins chanting AJ! AJ! AJ! AJ throws out his arms proud of himself not seeing Dolph Ziggler hit the ring behind him and send AJ crashing to the mat with a backstabber. The crowd boos as Flair cheers on his protégé.



3. NO!

AJ kicks out!

Ziggler slams his fist on the mat before looking down at AJ with a shy grin on his face. AJ stirs and begins getting up, the ever cocky Dolph Ziggler slaps AJ in the back of the head getting the crowd to give him heat. AJ gets to his feet and Ziggler sends him sailing off of the ropes, AJ comes back and Ziggler latches on the sleeper hold. Before Ziggler can truly lock in the hold however AJ elbows Ziggler in the gut before lifting Ziggler into the air and crushing him with a back body drop. Both men lay on the ground for several seconds before both stir and get back to their feet. AJ uses the ropes to get up and Daniels gets up on the apron having fallen to the outside after the attack by AJ, but Ziggler goes to dropkick AJ, who moves out of the way and Ziggler connects with the dropkick on Daniels. AJ grabs Ziggler before he can get up and quickly sets him up before bringing Ziggler down with the Styles Clash. The crowd cheers wildly as AJ goes for the cover.



3.. NO!

Ric Flair pulls AJ off of Ziggler and out of the ring.

This is why I think everyone should have a manager King. Ric Flair just saved the match up for Dolph Ziggler there.

Normally that kind of thing would get you disqualified Michael, but in this type of match up there are no disqualifications which makes having a manager all the more valuable.

AJ is not happy with Flair, and the Nature Boy knows AJ is going to try something so before he does Flair unloads on AJ with a knife edge chop. This staggers AJ who responds with a right hand, Chop, punch, chop, punch, before AJ grabs Flair and attempts to throw him into the steel steps, however the Nature Boy counters and sends AJ sailing into and over them with a thunderous crash. Flair is angry now and heads over to AJ not paying attention to what is going on in the ring. The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels has climbed up to the top rope and the crowd is jeering loudly.

I think the Fallen Angel is about to fall from the heavens here.

Dolph Ziggler is defenseless after the Styles Clash.

Daniels turns his back to Ziggler and double jumps into the air before performing the World’s Greatest Moonsault onto Ziggler. Flair is so busy beating on AJ he doesn’t even notice which allows Daniels to make the cover.





The Winner of the Match: The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels!

Flair turns his attention having heard the bell and grabs his head in disgust. AJ is holding his ribs having been kicked there repeatedly looking on unhappy about the decision of the outcome.

The Fallen Angel picking up a much needed win here tonight and in high flying style at the expense of his best friend AJ Styles.

Daniels did need this win, Cole, and he’s proved here tonight he’ll step on whomever it takes to win and get ahead here on Raw!

The final image we see is of Daniels celebrating his victory as the crowd jeers him. We than head elsewhere.

We're taken backstage and are instantly met with a very familiar face, but it's a face that's clearly in no mood for jokes tonight. It's the face of none other than the now former number one contender to the UWF Championship, Christian. Christian's state of mind is clearly detailed by his facial expression.


As the camera pans out, we notice Christian's not standing alone in the backstage area. Christian is joined by Matt Striker, who stands alongside him with a microphone in hand. The moment Striker begins to speak, Christian instantly becomes irritated.


Matt Striker: Christian...

Christian: Shut up.

Christian holds his hand up in front of Striker's face.

Christian: Not tonight, Matt... not tonight. I don't want to hear it.

Christian slowly drops his hand to his side. He takes a deep breath in and out.

Christian: I've done enough of these interviews to know what you're about to ask me. These interviews are too predictable, Matt, and although most of the time I'm more than willing to allow you to ask your stupid questions, I'm not in that mood tonight. So what I've decided to do, right now, is ask the questions myself and answer the questions... myself. How does that sound, Matt? You'll get paid for not having to say a word and instead just stand there, hold the microphone to my mouth, and just listen. I'm sure you're fine with that. Right?

Matt Striker: Yeah... sure.

Striker rolls his eyes, but he doesn't realise that Christian's looking straight at him. A look of fear comes over Striker as he meets Christian's icy glare.

Christian: Question number one, Matt - what do I have to say regarding my match on Sunday night? Well, that's easy. My thoughts can be summed up into just two words - a travesty! Sunday night was a travesty, Matt, an absolute travesty. I should be standing here as the UWF Champion, and whether you'd like to admit it or not, as well as my peeps here in Phoenix, Arizona, but you all know it too. Now this isn't me being bitter over losing to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, it's about me being bitter because I DIDN'T lose to Austin. As far as I'm concerned, my undefeated streak remains intact, and again this isn't me being bitter, because the proof is in the facts, Matt. I'm a guy who enjoys facts as they're evidence that I use to back up my arguments, my theories, my claims, and I once again have evidence as to why I DIDN'T lose at the Great American Bash and why I'm still undefeated. How about we watch the footage.

Christian swiftly turns his head and looks at the television behind him and Striker. Striker follows suit a few seconds later as the video rolls.

The Great American Bash; 2 nights ago said:
Christian goes right after Austin. He lifts the Champion off the floor and slams him face first onto the Raw announce table. Austin goes face first onto the table and Christian tries to slam his head again. This time, Austin gets his hands up to block and sends Christian face first onto the table instead. Austin then takes leisure with Christian and slams his head onto the table yet again. This sends Christian to the floor. Austin rolls in the ring to break the referee’s count and then rolls back to the outside. Austin looks down on Christian who is on both hands and knees before going over to the cameraman and grabbing one of his cables. Austin stretches out the cable before standing over Christian’s body and wrapping the cable around his throat...

Cole: Come on, Austin’s blatantly choking Christian with that wire!

The referee acknowledges Austin and tells him he needs to let go of the cable. Austin refuses, so the referee starts counting to five, letting Austin know that if he doesn’t let go, he will be disqualified…





Austin releases the cable at the very last minute!

The referee gets in Austin’s face and lets him know that he’s needs to watch it. Austin in turn yells back a few obscenities at the referee before grabbing Christian by the head and tossing him back into the ring.


Austin’s ready to end this. He yells at Christian, telling him to get up. Christian slowly complies with the demanding Champion. Christian makes it to his feet, only to see Austin give him the double bird salute and kick him in the stomach….

King: Stone Cold going to the well one more time!

Austin reaches for Christian’s head, and again Christian is able to hook Austin’s arms, putting him in position for the Killswitch…

Cole: Christian counters!

Christian’s ready to flip the switch, but Austin pushes him in the back, breaking up the attempted finishing move. Christian bounces off the ropes and comes back at Austin, who kicks him in the stomach and bam!! Stone Cold Stunner!!

King: He got him! Cover him Steve!

Christian flops over towards the ropes as Austin goes for a cover…



Christian gets a foot under the bottom rope!


Roberts: Here is your winner and still UWF Champion; “Stone Cold” Steve Austin!


Cole: Wait a minute! Christian’s foot was under the ropes!

Cole is right. The camera pans in to clearly see Christian’s foot under the bottom rope. The referee didn’t see it, Stone Cold didn’t see it. An exhausted Steve Austin gets to his feet and the referee hands him his Smoking Skull Championship. Austin pounds his chest in victory before climbing to the top rope as replays show that Christian did indeed get his foot under the bottom rope before the count of three.

King: I hate to say it Cole, but it’s plain as day. Christian has a legitimate gripe.

We're again shown the backstage area, and Christian is absolutely furious. He wants to smash the television screen, Striker's face, anything he can get his hands on, but he decides to take some time to reel in his thoughts and act professionally.


(stupid picture should be fucking small!)

Christian: That... that's a disgrace, Matt. That's two pieces of footage from my match on Sunday night that prove that I should be standing here as UWF Champion. It also proves that the officials are incompetent and that Teddy Long was prepared to screw me from the start. Honestly, Matt, I thought Teddy had changed, but clearly I was wrong. Teddy had owed me one... more... World Championship match for a long time, from all the way back to our time in the WWE, and although it took him long enough to give me one, he still gave me one. Teddy finally came to the realisation he couldn't deny me any longer, so I got what I deserved, but now I find out it was a ploy all along for Austin to rediscover his sickening love for my peeps and for Teddy to once again favour one of his pals? No, this isn't right, Matt, this isn't right at all. Not only have I been royally screwed, but Teddy, that official, and Austin have all shown just how corrupt Tuesday Night Raw really is. See this is the very thing the New World Order came together to stop, and so far we'd done an excellent job in seeing justice served to those who have had it coming, and once again it was in full force when Randy ended the career of Austin Aries. Our work, Matt... all our work has been disrespected, and frankly I'm not going to let it pass me by without doing my job as a member of the New World Order.

Christian takes a moment to gather his thoughts and calm down a little more.

Christian: Now how about we analyse that footage, Matt. As everybody was already aware, my UWF Championship match at the Great American Bash was your usual one-on-one singles match, which means if you used anything other than your body, the ring, the barriers, the ringside mat and the announce table, you would be disqualified. Now Matt, I'm going to ask you a few questions and you're going to answer them honestly. Sound fair?

Matt Striker: Sure, Christian. Sure.

Christian: Good. First question - in that piece of footage, Austin strangled me. Correct?

Matt Striker: Correct.

Christian: Alright. Second question - was it with his hands or a cable used by the cameraman?

Matt Striker: A cable. The cameraman's cable.

Christian: Exactly, which brings me to my third question - as the rules clearly state, no foreign objects are to be used in a match with disqualifications. Therefore the referee failed in his duty and did not disqualify Austin. Correct?

Matt Striker: Well, yes, but Christian...

Christian holds his hand up in front of Striker's face again.

Christian: Let me guess, Matt - if Austin was disqualified, per the champion's advantage he would still be UWF Champion. Again, am I correct?

Striker nods his head, so Christian smirks.


Christian: I know that, Matt, and that's where Teddy Long's part comes into play. See if Teddy was a man he would've allowed the match to go ahead with no strings attached and no hidden agendas, which means when the official disqualified Austin, Teddy would've come down to the ring and done the right thing. If Teddy was a man, he would've come down to the ring, stripped Austin of the UWF Championship, and declared me the new champion, just like I deserve to be. But hang on a second, Matt; it doesn't quite end there as this brings me to the second piece of footage. Anybody with working eyes can see that I moved my foot underneath the bottom rope DURING the pinfall, which again, as the rules state, Matt, means I broke up the pinfall and the match therefore should've continued. I think Jerry Lawler worded it well at the end of that footage - Christian has a legitimate gripe. I have a legitimate gripe with the disqualification and being awarded the championship, and I have a legitimate gripe with Austin's "victory" being struck from the record... and me being given my rematch.

While the crowd are heard groaning at Christian wanting a rematch, Christian's deadly serious.

Christian: I know you're an intelligent man, Matt, and I can tell by just looking at you that you know I'm right. You know that I deserve one... more... World Championship match as I should be standing here as the UWF Champion. All I want is justice to be done, and I hope that's what Teddy Long has in mind for later tonight. See rumour has it Teddy is going to announce Raw's main event for Summerslam, and if I were Teddy Long I would make that match "Stone Cold" Steve Austin verses Christian, one-on-one, for the UWF Championship. Anything other than that would be unfair, unjust, and a total abuse of power on Teddy's part... which is exactly what I'm expecting. Raw has so much potential for greater things, Matt, but while we have a power hungry, egotistical, self-centred General Manager in charge, Smackdown is only going to leave Raw further and further behind. Unfortunately that's the future I see, Matt, and it could mean you'll be out of a job soon enough, so if I were you I'd be getting behind my campaign, Christian's Campaign, and walking up to Teddy Long and demanding I be given a rematch.

Striker doesn't seem to keen on the idea.

Christian: Maybe he'll listen to you, maybe he won't, but Teddy needs to hear my gripe from somebody he considers a pal or else he'll never come to grips with the damage he's causing this show and the company by siding with somebody like Steve Austin. Hopefully justice will be done later tonight, Matt, otherwise...

Christian grins and strokes his stubble before turning his body and completely facing Striker. Christian adjusts Striker's tie and pats him on the shoulder.

Christian: ...somebody will get hurt.

Christian pats Striker on the back and leaves the camera's view, leaving Striker fearing he could be that person that'll get hurt. Striker has been tense the entire interview, his shirt drenched in sweat under his armpits, but now he can calm down as he watches Christian walk off in the distance. We're now taken to ringside.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from El Paso Texas, Eddie Guerrero!


Eddie emerges from the side of the entrance ramp in a classic low rider, a cheesy grin across his face as the crowd is loud throughout the arena. He stops at the end of the ramp, using the hydraulics to raise the suspension up and down, before exiting. He climbs the steel steps and enters the ring, climbing all four turnbuckles slapping his chest, as the chants of Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! rings out throughout the arena. He jumps down as his music fades away.

And his Opponent being accompanied to the ring by Justin Gabriel, representing Almost Famous: Evan Bourne.


The two small, high-flying superstars step out onto the stage, to an approving reaction from a select portion of the crowd. Despite the less than enthusiastic stance of the remainder of the fans, the duo still takes time to wave and smile, looking stoked just to be there. They slide in the ring as Evan's opponent stares them down, as they build the crowd up before Evan removes his jacket. Their music fades from the PA asThe bell rings and this one is underway!

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and Bourne and Guerrero lock up in the center of the ring. Both men have the ability to fly but only Eddie has the ability to mat wrestle and easily throws Evan into a headlock. Evan tries to fight out of it but Eddie just takes him down to the mat with ease. The crowd loves Guerrero as breaks up the hold and allows Bourne to get to his feet, Bourne does and lunges towards Guerrero who drops him to the mat with a drop toe hold. Guerrero begins dancing in the ring Orale Mi amigo! To which the crowd goes nuts. Guerrero bounces his hands off of his chest as if he does done something when in fact he has not, he turns around right into a picture perfect dropkick of Evan Bourne’s. Guerrero shoots back to his feet as quickly as he possibly can only for Evan to nail Guerrero with a bulldog that sends the Latino Superstar to the ground.

And now both men exchanging blows in a match up that could very well be a show stealer here tonight.

Both men haven’t managed to do a hell of a lot here in UWF and General Manager Teddy Long went out on a limp to give them this airtime.

Evan gets up and brings Eddie to his feet before sending him off of the ropes. Bourne puts his head down and Guerrero quickly flies over him and manages to sunset flip Evan into a pinning predicament.



Bourne kicks out!

Evan and Guerrero get to their feet ready to continue the action when…

I'm Off The Chain...
Time To Go Aganist The Grain!!


The crowd erupt into cheers as The NWA World Champion appears on the stage dressed in his suit. He would normally have the NWA Championship but tonight he doesn't. Instead he just looks pissed off. Evan and Guerrero look out at him in surprise wondering what he is doing out here.

Cole: Robert Roode!? What the devil is he doing here?

I don’t know Cole, but by the look on his face he isn’t out here to shake hands and kiss babies.

Gabriel stands between Roode and the ring asking Roode just what the devil he is doing out here. Roode looks past Gabriel into the ring where both men haven’t really moved since Roode’s entrance. Gabriel again tries to get Roode’s attention and succeeds. Roode grabs Gabriel and lifts him up into the air before bringing him down on the steps with the Double R Spinebuster. The crowd erupt into cheers as Roode turns around and looks up into the ring and sees Guerrero and Bourne. He slides into the ring and Guerrero and Bourne go on the offensive immediately. The two begin punching Robert before sending him off the ropes. Guerrero and Bourne nod at each other proud of their ability to work together, but as they look at each other it gives Roode an opening and he clotheslines both men to the mat at the same time. Roode smiles as Guerrero gets up and Roode grabs him before nailing him with the bridging cradle suplex or the Pay Off. The crowd is going nuts as Roode screams out in rage, something is clearly up his ass tonight.

What has gotten into Robert Roode? If he would have done this two nights ago perhaps he would be walking in a victor instead of a loser.

I don’t know about that Cole, for all we know it could be something else entirely.

Bourne is all that is left now and the little guy tries to surprise attack the NWA Champion, but Roode hears him coming and without breaking a sweat turns and Spears the holy hell out of Evan Bourne. The crowd goes nuts as all three men are down and Roode wipes the hair out of his eyes before turning towards Justin Roberts and demanding a mic. Roode throws off his jacket and shirt revealing his chest to the world. Roberts is quick to give in to the demand as the crowd cheer Roode who begins to speak. Roode grabs his hair in anger and frustration before beginning to speak.


Robert Roode:
I can't begin to tell you how incredibly frustrated I am. What happened at the Great American Bash was nothing short of a screwjob, but what do you expect? Ever since I came here I have been held down by chains, weather its by Teddy Long, management, or the superstars on the roster it doesn't matter. Everyone wants to hold me down because everyone is jealous of my talent and my god given ability. Well I've had enough and I am breaking these chains and I am Most DEFINITELY going against the Grain. From this moment on no one is going to stop me till I get the respect and the spot on the card the NWA Champion deserves, which is at the top of the card. I don't care what I have to do or who I have to go through. That is why I am proposing an open challenge to anyone dumb enough to think they can beat me. Summerslam, someone, anyone, hell it can be seven of you I don't care, because at Summerslam I am showing the World why I am the NWA World Champion and Why it Pays to be Roode!

Roode stands there and waits patiently as....​

Sorry About Your Damn Luck!!!


Cole: It Can't Be!!

"Longnecks and Rednecks" starts playing and to the surprise of everyone, out walks "The Cowboy" James Storm. The UCW legend stands tall on the stage, beer in one hand, microphone in the other as the fans cheer him on. Roode and Storm share a look, everyone knows the past between these two. Storm wastes little time before he starts speaking.


James Storm: So 'ya lookin' fo' a challenge huh Bobby? Well seein' as I jus' signed a very good contract wit' You Dubya Eff Raw, how's 'bout you and I meet in the middle of that ring at Summerslam and I'll show that I ain't worried 'bout bein' Roode. All I'm worried 'bout is puttin' a hurtin' on 'ya and movin' my way up to the top. 'Cause 'ya see, I've been Champion before and I damn sure wanna be Champion again. And if I gotta go through to get there, well then so be it. 'Cause there damn sure ain't goin' anythin' on this brand, naw this company, hell naw this entire world that can stop me from becomin' World Champion. So Bobby, I'll see 'ya at Summerslam. But before we get there, let me jus' tell 'ya somethin'. Sorry 'bout your damn luck.

Raw heads to a commercial with a staredown between Storm and Roode



Lita looked very good on Raw 1000. So that earns her honorary diva of the week


The camera is recording backstage of the Raw arena tonight as Christopher Daniels stands directly in front of him. A look of anger, humiliation and determination wash over his face as he speaks, his voice nearly mimicking his facial expression.


‘The Fallen Angel’ Christopher Daniels: Last week was a damn joke! I was humiliated by that overweight hoodrat Bully Ray. I will gladly admit that I am rather upset over the course of events that transpired two weeks ago.. I was made a fool in front of the entire world. I was beaten, and just when he could have pinned me, Ray decides to apply my own submission move on me. That was just to pour salt in my already open wound. But to add insult to injury, he continues on with the barbaric attack even after my body lay there, nearly lifeless. This ladies and gentlemen is the act of a coward. Sure, he’ll act all tough, but a true man would not do what he did. I was brutally attacked, not even given a chance to cry out for mercy. It’s not as though I would have, I am much stronger than that. I proved to almost everybody that I’d rather die than submit to defeat. Especially defeat by the hands of such an ogre!

You see Ray, I will not be cast aside much like you would wish me to. I am far more resilient than that! You insulted me, and for what? You gain nothing from what you did, nothing at all. Do you honestly think that Theodore Long would have you anywhere near his top athletes? The only reason I agreed to the match was because I knew you desperately needed a job. But I have been shown reason to regret that agreement. I however do not regret my words as I speak them now. You claim to be a bully, but all you are is a common thug. A man who just wants to hurt people, where as a bully looks to gain something out of his hurtful ways. And much like a common thug, or in your case a “bully”, there is only one true way to get rid of them. Stand up to them; face them for what they truly are! You are nothing but a coward.

I honestly don’t blame you for your actions; I’d probably do the exact same thing. You see me as a threat; therefore you deemed it necessary to take me out of the equation. It’s a fairly common strategic move. It’s happened to me before. It will most likely happen to me in months to come as all who work under the same flag of Raw will see me as a threat. But I am not some coward who would back away from such things. I am a warrior who would face his enemies head on. I am a man who will stop at nothing to see his dreams come true. I have but two dreams heading into UWF. One of them was to headline the largest show UWF had, and to obtain the UWF Championship. Those are “dreams’, my goals are much different. I only currently have one goal, and that’s to see your body lying lifeless in the middle of the ring. You have pissed off the wrong guy Ray, I hope you know that.

Daniels pauses as he fumbles with some words. Finally finding his next words, he continues.

I hope you understand that you have started a war that won’t be so easily won. A war where bodies will be broken, minds will stray and worlds collide. I will have some form of vengeance for the injustice that was done to me last week, and if I have to hurt anybody to just get one shot at you, so be it. Bully Ray, by the time this is done, you will be just like a frightened dog, your tail between your legs as you live in constant fear for your own well being. You have awakened something that has its own agenda away from mine. I’d be afraid Ray, and I’d watch your back if I were you. Bad things happen to bad people. And you, you’re bad people.

As the last words rolled off his tongue, Christopher Daniels began to laugh, almost hysterically as the camera fades and goes back to the ring.

Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the UWF Hardcore Championship. Introfucing first, from Queens, New York, weighing in at 223 pounds; Curt Hawkins!


Hawkins emerges from the curtains in full ring gear; cane in hand, as he smirks. He proceed down the ramp past the fans as he climbs the steel steps, and enters through the middle rope. The crowd is still unsure of Hawkins who is making his UWF debut Championship Match here tonight. He lays his cane down in the corner, as the uses the ropes to stretch out, staring down the ramp awaiting his opponent His music fades from the PA system.​

Roberts: And his opponent, from Fairfield, Connecticuit, weighing in at 305 pounds, he is the UWF Hardcore Champion; "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan!


"Click, Click, Boom" begins playing and out walks Matt Morgan from the back. Morgan looks out into the sea of people, who all cheer him. Morgan hops in place on the ramp, before throwing his arms back as his pyro goes off. He then heads down the ramp, towards the ring, with people trying to get hold of the blueprint. He then enters the ring and poses once more before his match starts

The bell rings and Morgan immediately goes after Hawkins, looking for a clothesline. Hawkins is smart and rolls under the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring. Morgan stands in the ring, furious at being outsmarted, while Hawkins stands on the floor, pointing to his temple, letting Morgan know how intelligent he is. Morgan takes exception to this and exits the ring. Hawkins again outsmarts the big man, sliding back into the ring underneath the same bottom rope. Morgan gets to the outside and sees that Hawkins is back in the ring. Morgan slaps the ring apron in fury before sliding in the bottom rope. As Morgan attempts to get in the ring, Hawkins begins laying the boots to the Hardcore Champion…

Cole: Hawkins knows what he’s got to do. He can’t go straight up against this monster!

Hawkins continues to lay the boots to Morgan. The Hardcore Champion is too strong for the Challenger though as Morgan simply gets an arm up and swats Hawkins away like a fly…

King: Matt Morgan is scary strong!

That show of strength absolutely stuns Hawkins. The Challenger tries to go back on the attack, but Morgan has gotten back to his feet. Hawkins charges in and Morgan meets him with a huge big boot to the face. The Challenger goes down as Morgan drops to a knee and goes for the first cover of this Championship bout…



Hawkins kicks out!

King: Morgan almost took Hawkins’ head off!

The Champion lifts his Challenger off the canvas before powering him into a nearby corner. Morgan drives his shoulder into Hawkins’ midsection. You can hear Hawkins gasp for air as those big shoulders drive into his windpipe. Morgan backs up and again drives another shoulder into Hawkins. Hawkins coughs as Morgan brings his shoulder out and lunges back in for a third time. This time, Hawkins is ready, he uses the bottom rope to launch himself off the canvas and sunset flips Morgan, looking to win his first Championship…



Morgan kicks out!

Both men get to their feet at the same time and Morgan clothesline Hawkins’ almost immediately….

Cole: I think I saw a tooth fly!

King: Matt Morgan is just too strong for Curt Hawkins.

Morgan again lifts Hawkins off the mat before once more tossing him into a corner. Morgan charges in, attempting an avalanche splash, but Hawkins moves out of the way and the only thing that Morgan connects with is the turnbuckle. Hawkins takes this free opportunity to roll under the bottom rope and grab a steel chair from ringside. He quickly reenters the ring and goes right after the dazed Morgan. Morgan gathers his bearings just in time for Hawkins to cock back and hit him directly in the skull with the chair…

Cole: What a shot!

King: Someone call Justin Upton and tell him that Curt Hawkins may have found his homerun swing!

For as hard as Hawkins hit Morgan, the Champion didn’t go down. He’s staggered, but he’s still on his feet. Hawkins cocks back and hits the Champion again, and Morgan still will not go down. The camera pans over to Curt Hawkins and you can visibly see him mouth the words “You’ve got to be kidding me”…

Cole: What’s it going to take to get this behemoth down?

Hawkins takes a few steps back before lunging at Morgan, hitting the Champion with a diving chair shot! This time, the Champion goes down and Hawkins quickly covers the fallen Champion…



Morgan shoves Hawkins off him, sending the Challenger flying.

Hawkins can’t believe the strength of the Champion. He quickly grabs the chair and charges at Morgan again, but this time, Morgan punches the chair right into Hawkins’ face!

Cole: Dear God!

The Challenger goes limp as Morgan goes for a cover…



Hawkins rolls a shoulder!

Morgan rolls out of the ring and goes looking for a weapon of his own. He lifts the ring skirt and finds what he is looking almost immediately. He pulls it out from under the ring and reveals it to the audience…it’s a table!

King: I wouldn’t want to be Curt Hawkins!

Morgan tries to roll the table in under the bottom rope, but Hawkins comes out of nowhere and baseball slides the table right into Morgan’s face. Both Morgan and the table fall to the arena floor as Curt Hawkins climbs to the rope…

Cole: What is Curt Hawkins going to do?!

Hawkins is perched on the top rope as Morgan lies motionless on the floor. Hawkins says a quick prayer before leaping off and landing on top of Morgan with a big splash. The crowd collectively cheers “OOH” as Morgan tries to regain all the air that Hawkins drove out of his chest. Hawkins hooks the leg as the referee exits the ring and begins counting…

King: Falls Count Anywhere! We could have a new Champion!



Morgan rolls a shoulder!

Hawkins can’t believe that the huge splash didn’t finish the job. He gets off Morgan before going after the table the Blueprint originally brought out. Hawkins grabs the table and slides it into the ring. Hawkins turns his attention back to Morgan before throwing a few blows to the back of the Champion. Hawkins then throws Morgan head first back into the ring. Hawkins follows suit, but this time, a lot like earlier in the match, Morgan has time to recover and now he lays the boots to Hawkins. Hawkins gets to his feet, only to have Morgan lift him up and sidewalk slam him back down to the canvas. The Hardcore Champion then hooks the leg…



Hawkins kicks out!

Cole: Hawkins may have kicked out, but that wasn’t emphatic at all.

Morgan gets to his feet and throws his right arm into the sky. He’s ready to end this! Morgan looks over to the table and has an even better idea. He lifts the table off the mat before setting it up. Hawkins is now starting to get to his feet, and Morgan turns his attention back to him. Morgan throws the arm back in the air and as Hawkins turns around, Morgan goozles him…

Cole: Oh no! Morgan’s going to Chokeslam Hawkins through the table!

Morgan turns towards the table and lifts Hawkins in the air…

King: Here it comes!

Before Morgan can Chokeslam Hawkins, a figure attacks him from behind. The figure lands a clubbing blow, causing Morgan to drop Hawkins, with the Challenger barely missing the table…

King: That’s Reks!

King is right! The monster Tyler Reks has entered the ring and is attacking the Hardcore Champion. Reks lands a few blows to Morgan’s back before throwing the big man off the ropes and hitting a huge big boot…

Cole: Where did he even come from?

Reks lifts Morgan off the mat before lifting him up in the air in a Gutwrench position and dropping him down with a backbreaker!

Cole: What a move!

Hawkins gets to his feet and starts directing traffic. He stands tall over Matt Morgan before telling Reks to put Morgan on the table. Reks lifts a limp Morgan off the canvas before complying with Hawkins’ wishes. Hawkins then picks the steel chair off the canvas and heads to the top rope…

King: Now what does Hawkins have planned!z

Reks holds Morgan in place on the table until the perfect moment where Hawkins leaps off the top rope, putting the chair under him and hitting the Heat Seeking Elbow with the chair as assistance!!

Cole: What a huge elbow from Curt Hawkins!

Hawkins obviously hurt himself with that elbow but he manages to cover Morgan…



Cole: He got him!


Roberts: Here is your winner and the NEW UWF Hardcore Champion; Curt Hawkins!!


The music of the party starter starts playing and Tyler Reks lifts the new Champion to his feet. Hawkins is handed his newly won Championship as Reks lifts him onto his shoulders.

Cole: I guess the party is just getting started!

Reks and Hawkins celebrate in the ring as RAW heads backstage!

Suddenly the lights black out in the arena and the screen lights up with the back of a man's head, covered by a platinum blonde wig. The crowd know immediately who this man is and begin to give a loud reaction towards him. It is of course Goldust. The camera zooms out a little to show a blonde haired lady, who we can identify to be Marlena smoking a cigar. She has a movie board in her hands and she says.


Marlena: Lights, Camera, Action.

Goldust turns around and faces the camera and begins to speak in his own, bizarre way.

Goldust: "Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.", Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society 1989. And an extraordinary life I have lived. Thus far. I have wined and dined in high society, and premièred some of thee most wonderful features one could ever possibly fathom. But what has forever eluded me is that one big blockbuster. A real barnstormer of a feature. And just when I thought I was done, dreams shattered... they bring me back in again. Well, what a decision that was. I'd say the best possibly decision one could make, that is to bring back the... ohhh, 'Bizarre One'... the... 'Feature Presentation'... and what a time to bring him back. I say it was a novel decision, because I look out in the night sky that is UWF Tuesday Night Raw and I see no stars. I see red giants... dead stars, stars that have long expired and gone... soft and useless. And I see rising stars, not quite at their... climax... struggling along to the inevitable disapointment... but hey, it isn't my job to satisfy them... or is it?. Perhaps it is. Regardless, Raw truly does now have a shining star. A golden star. A star that despite being up for so long... just keeps on going, it's called endurance, standing... the test of time. And I will stand tall once again on Tuesday Night Raw and I will stand tall at the very top... atop this Golden Globe that we call the UWF and I'll shout from the top, " Made it, Ma! Top of the world!", White Heat, 1949.

The crowd are quite unsure how to react to Goldust as he continues.

On top of this world as the champion of it all. Oh they all said it can't be done, but I know deep... deep down inside that it can be done. And whether I need to start right at the bottom again, or if I get my chance at that naughty boy, the rebel without a cause ruffian, Stone Cold Steve Austin early... I will make sure that I get my gold. Because my lust for gold is insatiable... it eats away at me every night, and I promise all of you that I will not go long without gold. And when I do become champion, be it the World Championship... be it an Oscar, an Emmy or a Golden Globe... they will all come in time... and regardless of what I do indeed accomplish.... I will make sure that the champions... the rest of the roster and the entire world... NEVER forgets the name of... oooohhhh...

Goldust rubs his chest and inhales deeply before saying his final word.


Goldust licks his lips as Marlena walks over with the clapperboard.

Marlena: That's a wrap.

The feed cuts off as Marlena shuts the clapperboard and she and Goldust look deeply into the camera.



Who is the new GM? Will Cwalker accept EOR's Challenge?


The fans are red hot for the action they've seen so far, and are anxious to see what's going to happen next. Cameras cut away to see The Rock walking backstage, inciting wild cheers from the crowd. Suddenly The Great One turns the corner and runs into an unexpected guest, the crowd cheering even wilder as this guest appears in the shot.


Stone Cold: Hey, Rock.

The Rock looks at Austin dead in the eyes, then down at the championship over his shoulder, then back at his eyes.

The Rock: What's up, champ?

Stone Cold: Well tonight's Raw is dedicated to the guys that didn't have a match at the pay-per-view a couple nights ago, and yer one of those guys, so Stone Cold just wanted ta' come by and wish ya good luck. Maybe if Teddy likes what he sees in yer match tonight, he'll give ya a shot at this belt, and we can pick up where we left off at You Dubya Eff Wrestlemania Four.

The Rock: Let The Rock get this straight. You stand here waiting on The Rock with a thumb lodged right up your ass and that's all you got to say to The Rock is good luck? Stone Cold, The Rock is THE MOST Electrifying Man In All Of Entertainment and The Rock has handed you your ass on more than one occasion so forgive The Rock if he's not impressed with your good luck wishes. The Rock doesn't need luck to lay the smackdown on Bubba Ray Dudley's candy ass. And you're right, Steve. This is a message to Teddy Long. The message is simple. Sometime, somewhere, The Rock wants a piece of Stone Cold Steve Austin for that UWF Championship.

Austin looks at Rock with a smile.

Stone Cold: Before you get too ahead of yerself there, Hollywood, let Stone Cold remind you that he handed you your third generation ass twice before you got one up on him. I came ta' wish you luck so that you know I'm watchin' ya, and that if you earn yerself a shot at this belt, it won't blindside me, I'll be expectin' it and I'll be ready ta' beat yer ass and put you on the same list that Barrett, Jericho, Aries', and Christian's names are on, son. If you truly want a piece, you'll make it happen. Think about that going into yer match tonight.

Austin turns and walks away as the camera zooms in on Rock, who mouths, "Oh it's gonna happen".




I WAS KID.....znzssppwjdndbfingoeepepepeototpowppsprpe




Dresdon Dose. I hear this one has a certain UWF Owner giving an interview.


Justin Roberts: The following matchup us scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Hells Kitchen, New York, weighing in at 306 pounds; Bully Ray!


The Evil Bully Ray makes his way out to the ring in his usual ring attire. The man looks pissed off that he has been ignored for the past two weeks and cannot wait to get into the ring and take out his frustrations. He walks down to the ring at a brisk pace for going up the steps and wiping off the apron with his boot before stepping in. He yells something nasty once inside the ring and waits for his opponent.

Roberts:lAnd his opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 265 pounds; The Rock!

If 'Ya Smell!!!


The electrifying music of The People's Champion begins to play and soon enough the man himself walks out from the back. As the people bare witness to the arrival of The People's Champion, they jump from their seats. Everyone starts chanting "Rocky" over and over as the most electrifying man in all of entertainment heads down the ramp and into The People's Ring. He heads to one turnbuckle, before climbing and throwing his arm into the air. Flashbulbs go off to catch this moment and Rock soon jumps down, before heading to another turnbuckle and repeating the process. He does this for the remaining tow before staying on the canvas and awaiting the bell!

The bell rings and the match up starts. Rock starts firing right hands right at Bully Ray, sending the Bully staggering. Rock then grabs Ray by the arm tossing him to the near ropes, and when Ray comes back, Rock grabs him and tosses him with an overhead belly to belly throw. Rock wastes no time, quickly going for the first cover of the match…



Ray kicks out!

Rock gets off Ray before laying a few boots to Ray’s backside. Rock waits for Ray to get to his feet and when he does, Rock takes him down almost immediately with a clothesline. Rock wastes no time grabbing Ray’s legs before stepping through, looking for the Sharpshooter…

King: Rock doesn’t get paid by the hour; he’s looking to end this!

Ray knows what’s coming; he quickly crawls to the ropes. Rock recognizes the break and lets go of Ray’s legs. This doesn’t mean Rock is taking his foot off the pedals. He puts both hands on his knees, patiently stalking Bully Ray. Ray gets to His feet, unaware that The Rock is behind him. Ray turns around and The Rock ducks under, looking for The Rock Bottom…

Cole: Rock wasting no time!

Bully Ray has it scouted. He throws elbows to the side of Rock’s head, breaking Rock’s concentration and his trademark finish. Raw sneaks up on a stunned Rock before lifting him off the canvas and slamming him back down with a vicious spinebuster. Ray wastes no time going for a cover…



Rock kicks out!

Ray is now the one on offense. He slowly stomps away at The Rock before dropping an elbow on him and going for another cover…



Rock kicks out!

Bully Ray patiently waits for Rock to get to his feet and when “The People’s Champion” gets to his feet, Bully Ray meets him with a huge big boot to the face. Rock goes down and Ray goes for another cover…



Rock kicks out!

King: Bully Ray is not playing any games!

Ray tries to lift Rock up by his head, but Rock starts throwing right hands. Rock staggers Ray onto the ropes and Rock grabs Ray’s arm, throwing him off the ropes and as Ray comes back, Rock lifts him off the canvas and onto his spine with a vicious Samoan Drop. Rock reaches back and goes for a cover…



Ray kicks out!

Both Rock and Ray get to their, Rock takes Ray down with a clothesline. Ray gets up and Rock takes him down with another. Ray gets up one more time and Rock hits a spinning DDT. The fans are eating it up as Rock goes for the cover…



Ray kicks out!

Cole: Rock looks poised.

Rock gets to his feet once more. He puts both hands on his knees, ready to deliver the Rock Bottom! Bully Ray stumbles to his feet and swings wildly at Rock. Rock ducks under and has Ray in perfect position…

King: Rock Bottom!

Bully Ray counters again, sending elbows to the side of Rock’s head. Rock shakes it off though and lunges at Ray, looking for a clothesline. Ray ducks under and Rock accidentally hits the referee. Rock can’t believe it, he just ran through the ref. Bully Ray uses this opportunity to apply a Full Nelson before lifting Rock up and slamming him onto the canvas. Instinctively, Ray goes for a cover…

Cole: Bully, there’s no ref!

This is where Daniels gets up from the announce table and grabs a steel chair from the timekeeper. Daniels slowly gets in the ring, making sure that Ray doesn’t notice his presence. Ray gets off Rock, realizing that there is no count. Ray goes over to the ref, trying to revive him. He is still unaware that Daniels is in the ring. Ray finally turns around and Daniels leaps with the chair and hand, swinging at Ray’s skull…

Cole: What is Christopher Daniels doing?

Before Daniels can hit Bully, he ducks out of the way and the chair collides with the skull of The Rock, who was just getting to his feet. Rock goes back to the canvas as Bully Ray delivers a boot to the face of Daniels, which sends him to the arena floor. Ray looks down on Rock before going for a cover as the referee finally comes to…




Roberts: Here is your winner; Bully Ray!


“The Beaten Path” starts playing again and Bully Ray raises his hand in victory. On the outside, Daniels can’t believe he just helped his rival win a match. Ray quickly exits the ring as Raw heads to commercial.



Raw would have been up Monday afternoon, but I really got into this game.


Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to Tuesday Night Raw. And right now, I'm being told that we're going to be joined by our UWF Champion. You've seen him backstage all night, now he's going to grace us with his presence.


A sound that has not been heard for several months rings out, a sound that the fans have been dying for. This sound is none other than the infamous shattering glass that precedes the opening riff of the entrance theme of one of the most popular and successful superstars in professional wrestling, Stone Cold Steve Austin. At the sound of the shattering glass, thousands and thousands of fans are brought to their feet, cheering in unison, as the camera pans around the arena to get a shot of all of them. Many are seen with various signs dedicated to the Rattlesnake, while others are donning a variety of Austin memorabilia, and many of the fans belong to both groups. Just as it seems like they can't be anymore excited to be cheering for the Bionic Redneck again, out he comes from the backstage, stopping at the top of the stage with his UWF Championship over his shoulder, soaking it all in.


After a moment, Austin begins walking down the ramp towards the ring, making his way up the steel steps and along the apron, stepping over the middle rope and entering the ring. Stone Cold walks over to the nearest corner and ascends it, throwing up the Stone Cold Salute with one hand and raising his championship belt as high as he can with the other hand. Austin steps down and heads to the corner diagonal from the one he was just standing on, repeating the process. Austin steps down again after posing and repeats the process with the remaining turnbuckles before signaling for a microphone from the ringside officials. He is granted one as Justin Roberts gives him an introduction.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the UWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin!

The fans erupt with further excitement as Austin stands there with the microphone in hand, soaking in the adoration further. His theme music fades out until it can no longer be heard playing, making the deafening "Austin!" chants more audible than they were before, as they echo throughout the arena and seem to shake the place. After a moment, Austin raises the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.


Stone Cold: Lemme tell ya a little story about a man named Stone Cold. For weeks upon weeks, months upon months, years upon years, Stone Cold gave everything to this business. Every drop of sweat that his pores would sweat, every tear that his ducts would cry, every drop of blood that his body would bleed. Every bit of flesh he could tear was torn, everything he could bruise he bruised, everything he could break he broke, and he did it because from the day he first learned about professional wrestling, Stone Cold knew there was nothing else he wanted ta' do, and that if he was going to take it seriously, he would have to take it seriously twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, four weeks a month, twelve months a year. He did that, he wrestled until he couldn't wrestle anymore, then he'd take some time off, come back, and wrestle til' he couldn't wrestle anymore again. He got on this microphone you see in his hands right now and talked and talked and talked until he was out of things to say, either because the ground he intended ta' cover was covered in one sitting, or his voice gave out and he quit talkin' because he couldn't.

Along the way, Stone Cold had his detractors, just like anyone else does in any line of work. There were people that tried ta' hold him down by telling him he wasn't good enough, they tried ta' hold him down by booking him in angles that were, in their eyes, doomed ta' fail. They tried ta' hold him down and hold him back with backstage politics workin' against him, where there were people that thought Stone Cold wasn't talented or thought they were more talented and therefore deserved the pushes and whatnot instead. But ya know what, none of that mattered. Because even with all those elements workin' against him the poured sweat, cried tears, bled blood, torn flesh, bruises, and broken limbs eventually paid off and Stone Cold became the most popular, most successful, most marketable and memorable soup-er-star in all of professional wrestling. In 2003, Stone Cold had done all he wanted ta' do in professional wrestling, so he hung up the wrestlin' boots and pursued a different line a' work. Seven years later, seven long years, Stone Cold decided he wanted ta' go back to the business, so he signed with a company called You See Dubya.

In my tenure there, I did what I'd done in my combined Dubya See Dubya, E See Dubya, and Dubya Dubya E careers combined with the volume cranked up. From the sweat to the injuries, it was business as usual, and business was good. However, there were also people there that wanted ta' hold Stone Cold down and hold him back, there were a lot of young punks that wanted Stone Cold to believe that he was too old and broken down ta' keep doin' this at any level, too washed up to contribute in any capacity. Well, once again, I proved 'em wrong, and I became a Legends Champion, Tag Champion, and three time Tee In Aye World Heavyweight Champion during my time there. But, Stone Cold was not meant ta' end his career there, as after several attempts ta' reboot the company, You See Dubya closed its doors and the Texas Rattlesnake came to the You Dubya Eff. When I got here, Raw was on Wednesday nights and Shane McMahon was runnin' things, and because he deemed me too reckless because of my You See Dubya past and the beer drinkin' and anger and all that, I got paired with the motivational speaker and former Dubya See Dubya World Champion Dee Dee Pea.

It was deja' vu as, even though the environment was different, the situation was the same. People tryna' hold Stone Cold back, people tryna' hold Stone Cold down, until one day I wanted to be at the top again so badly that something snapped, and I turned my back on everyone and everything that had got me as far as I'd come. I coasted on that for awhile, but in the midst of my war of words with Christian, I realized I couldn't keep doin' business this way. And when I made that revelation, there were doubters, people that said there was no way I could successfully go back to being the beloved Stone Cold. Well ya know what, those same people said I'd leave the Great American Bash without my title. So that means, once again, Stone Cold has proven everybody wrong and here I stand still the You Dubya Eff Champion.

I told Christian he was outclassed, I told him that he couldn't keep up once it was time ta' put the microphone down, and I was right. He put up the best fight he possibly could, but it wasn't enough, and as a result I shift my focus to the future. Who's gonna be the next person ta' step up and challenge for this belt? Is it gonna be one of these up-and-coming talents competing tonight? Is it gonna be someone not on the card at all tonight? Whoever it is, you bet yer last beer I'm gonna be ready for 'em, and THAT'S the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!

Austin's theme music begins playing again as he heads to the top turnbuckle and signals for a couple beers to be thrown to him, as he starts a celebratory Beer Bash. As Austin celebrates, he is soon interrupted by....



The version of "Just Close Your Eyes" by Waterproof Blondes can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, signalling the imminent arrival of Captain Charisma, Christian. Although many UWF fans are gearing themselves to sing along with the theme music - not due to their enjoyment of the arriving Christian, rather due to the fact they just enjoy the song - their hatred for Christian grows when it cuts to the New World Order's theme just five seconds in. About ten seconds after the commencement of the NWO theme music, Christian emerges from the back sporting a smirk on his face as he looks around at the booing audience. Christian only momentarily stands on the stage before choosing to make his way down the ramp towards the ring.


Fans can be seen hurling abuse at the charismatic man, but Christian doesn't acknowledge the jeers whatsoever, as he is focused on his objective. Christian reaches the bottom of the ramp, rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps, before approaching the ring ropes. Christian walks along the ring apron, wipes his feet and enters the ring, where he then proceeds to the opposite side of the ring and is handed a microphone. As Christian walks to the centre of the ring, his music ceases as he then waits for the crowd to become quiet before he speaks.


Christian: Stop!

Austin steps town from the turnbuckle and looks dead into Christian's eyes.

Christian: This entire celebration is a travesty. There is no reason for you to be celebrating Austin. You didn't beat me at The Great American Bash Austin. The referee beat me when he didn't see my foot under the bottom rope. Teddy Long beat me when he didn't disqualify you for illegaly choking me with the cameraman's cable. But you Steve, did not beat me.

Stone Cold: 'Ya sure son? 'Cuz this You Dubya Eff Championship says otherwise. This title says that Stone Cold whooped 'ya ass all over Chicago, hit 'ya with a Stunner, and Bam! Stone Cold's still You Dubya Eff Champ. Hell, Justin Roberts confirmed it after it happened, let's ask him. Justin, did I beat this sorry sumbitch at The Great American Bash?

The camera cuts over to Justin Roberts, who shakes his head in confirmation of Austin's question.

There 'ya have it. I beat 'ya. So I don't know why 'ya out here right now takin' up Stone Cold's time. Maybe 'ya should go in the back, rub some oil on Randy, try and console Cody after he lost his title, 'cuz 'ya got no reason for bein' out here.

Christian: I don't care what you think Austin. I don't care what Justin Roberts thinks. I don't care what any of these people think. The only thing I care about is that Teddy Long does the right thing and comes out here and gives me what I deserve; one...more...World....Championship Match. I am the best thing on this brand, nobody deserves it more than me...

Whoa Oh


*"Only One Can Judge" starts playing and out walks former United States Champion; Cody Rhodes. He obviously isn't in a good mood after the events that transpired on Sunday. Rhodes walks onto the stage with a grimace on his face. It isn't his normal grimace though. Rhodes slowly but surely starts walking down the ramp, towards the ring.


Rhodes reaches the bottom of the ramp before heading up the ring steps and into the ring. He asks for a microphone from ringside and recieves it. It's now Rhodes turn to give his two cents on the matter.


Cody Rhodes: Excuse me Christian, but did I just hear you say that nobody deserves a Championship match more than you? Christian, you and I share a few qualities. We are both members of the New World Order. We both feel that Theodore Long has been unjust in his position as General Manager, and we have both beaten Stone Cold Steve Austin in the past. But that is where the similarities stop. Because unlike you Christian, I've been a Champion in UWF. I've beaten the best of the best; Steve Austin, CM Punk, Austin Aries. I'm the reason Drew McIntyre, Brock Lesnar, Paul London, and Kassius Ohno are no longer a part of this company. I end careers and I know that once I recieve the one on one World Championship Match that I deserve, I will do the same to Stone Cold Steve Austin.

I Hear Voices In My Head....

Cole: Here comes the third member of the New World Order!


The crowd erupts, as the New World Order's music begins blaring across the arena. Seconds pass before he finally steps through the curtains, donning the usual Black and White of the NWO. He's smirking, as he stares out at fans that love to hate him. He pauses briefly at the beginning of the ramp, throwing up the NWO hand signal as pyro falls from the rafters, black and white instead of their usual gold of the old age of Orton. He proceeds down the ramp quickly to the apron, as fans reach out to touch him. He ignores them, climbing the steel steps and entering through the middle rope. Up the turnbuckle he goes, posing with his arms out, before climbing each turnbuckle in succession and repeating. He hops down as his music fades out, someone from the outside hands him a mic, he gives it a few seconds as the fans are going nuts cheering for the NWO, and some even starting a Randy Orton chant, he raises his mic to speak his first words of the night, but makes the crowd wait just a few more seconds before finally speaking.​


Randy Orton: Christian, Cody this is cute. This entire thing is cute. But let me remind both of you something. Out of the three of us, I was the only one to win a match at The Great American Bash. Christian, you couldn't get the job done. No matter what the cirumstances were, at the end of the day, you failed. You let the nWo down. And you Cody, not only did you lose the United States Championship to the man who I hate more than anything else, but he made you tap out in the middle of this ring. That is unforgivable!

The crowd starts chanting "You Tapped Out" directed at Cody Rhodes. Rhodes looks over to Orton and says "Thanks" as Orton continues.

Orton: Cody, you want to talk about ending careers, look what I did on Sunday. I took Austin Aries, the man who proclaimed that he was going to rid RAW of the nWo and I ended his career. And I did it in an even more impressive fashion than anything that you've ever done Cody. So if anyone here deserves a match with Steve Austin for the UWF Championship, it is me; The Viper!

Stone Cold:'Ya know boys, I don't mind whippin' all y'all asses at one time. Cody, I'll show 'ya how green 'ya really are. Christian, I'll beat 'ya so bad that 'ya goin' wish 'ya were still havin' matches with Sexton Hardcastle. And Randy, after I'm done wit' ' ya, 'ya goin' go back to livin' in 'ya daddy's basement back in St.Louis. But by that point, I'll have beaten 'ya so badly, that everyone's goin' think I'm 'ya daddy.

Christian: Shut up Austin! I'm sick and tired of hearing your voice. The fact of the matter is; I deserve this match more than anyone else. I'm undefeated...

Rhodes: No, you're not...

Christian: My point is, I have pinned Austin's shoulders to the mat for a three count and nobody else should be given a match againist him for MY title before me.

Orton: Ok! Ok! I think we're forgetting one very important key to this entire thing.

Rhodes: And what's that Randal? You're going to tell us that out of the three of us, you've been the least relevant?

Orton: Now Cody, what I was going to say is that, we all seem to be forgetting that there is only one Stone Cold Steve Austin in this ring right now, but there are three members of the nWo. So I propose that we take Austin out right now and then figure out who should be UWF Champion afterwards.

Orton drops his microphone and soon Rhodes and Christian follow suit. All three members of the New World Order circle around the UWF Champion. Austin's ready to fight, but he's out numbered. The dogs are ready to feast when....



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring, bending over to pick up a mic that was placed on the apron. He strides back to the middle of the ring, raising the mic to his lips but the noise the crowd is making stops him from starting his speech. He lowers the mic, looking forwards now, smirking away as the crowd in front of him are booing and jeering him. He raises the mic to his lips again and this time is allowed to start.


The Ballin' Superstar

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. First things first, I'm not out here to stop the thee of 'yall from whippin' his ass. Personally, I think he needs it. But I'm out here because if anyone should be getting a UWF Championship match, it should be the highest paid superstar on this brand; me. I beat Robert Roode at The Great American Bash and proved that his NWA Championship is nothing more than a toy. I am the biggest star on this show. MVP is Raw for all of 'ya who ain't know that. So Orton, Christian, Rhodes, y'all better fall back and watch as the prime time player becomes the new UWF Champion.

MVP smirks but notices that the nWo and Austin are still ready to fight. He puts his hands up and is ready to go to until....


"MacMillitant" starts playing and out walks Theodore Long on the stage. All five men turn their attention to the stage and look at the GM. Long shakes his head before he pulls a microphone out of nowhere and starts speaking.


Theodore Long: Now hold up playas. There ain't goin' be any fightin' between the five of y'all. Atleast not tonight. 'Ya see, I've been listenin' to this lil' back and forth and I've come to my decision 'bout what to do regarding the UWF Championship. Christian, at The Great American Bash, 'ya were unfairly defeated. Now that loss will still count playa, but I'm givin' 'ya what 'ya want. At Summerslam Christian, 'ya will be challegin' for the UWF Championship....

The camera cuts over to Christian in the ring who is estatic. He looks over to Austin and motions for the UWF Championship as Rhodes, Orton and MVP look on disappointed.

Long: I'm not done playas. Cody Rhodes, 'ya did lose the United States Champion this past Sunday, but that doesn't change how impressive 'ya have been. Now I know that they two of us don't see eye to eye on everythin' playa, but that doesn't mean I don't notice how talented 'ya are. And I think that 'ya have earned a shot. So at Summerslam, Cody Rhodes will be challengin' for the UWF Championship!

Cody Rhodes nods his head in approval. He tells everyone that "It's about time" before Long cuts him off.

Long: MVP, last Sunday, 'ya may not have done it the way I like, but 'ya did defeat Robert Roode. And jus' like Cody Rhodes, 'ya have been impressive ever since comin' to Raw. So playa, I'm goin' reward 'ya. At Summerslam, MVP will be challengin' for the UWF Championship...

MVP throws up the ballin' taunt as the fans boo him challenging for the UWF Championship. Theodore Long still isn't finished with what he has to say though.

Long: Randy Orton. Last but not least. Nobody can argue everythin' that 'ya have done lately. Whether it be wit' the nWo or by 'yaself playa, 'ya have gotten the job done. 'Ya ended Austin Aries' career. I shouldn't reward that, but Aries was the one who put himself in that situation. 'Ya have earned a shot Orton. So at Summerslam, Randy Orton will be challengin' for the UWF Championship.

Randy Orton turns to Austin and looks at his UWF Championship. All the challengers turn to the Champion, who is still ready to fight.

Long: What I'm sayin' playas is that at Summerslam, the six of y'all with compete for the UWF Championship. And we're goin' do it in a match never seen before in UWF history. At Summerslam, Stone Cold Steve Austin will defend the UWF Championship aganist Christian, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton and MVP inside....The Elimination Chamber!

Cole: OH MY!

All five men's hearts drop at the same time as Long announces the Elimination Chamber Championship Match. MVP is the first to react, counting the number of men in the ring, realizing that there are only five men inside the ring, while Teddy Long will said there will be six men inside the Chamber.

King: Wait. Teddy Long said six men will be inside the Chamber, I only see five men in the ring? Who is the sixth man?

Raw goes off the air with all five men staring each other down uncomfrotably.

Promos: Respective TTers
Triple Threat, Roode run in: SBS
Everything Else: Cwalker

Confirmed for Summerslam

Elimination Chamber for the UWF Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin(c) versus Christian versus Cody Rhodes versus MVP versus Randy Orton versus ???

James Storm versus Robert Roode

OOC: Couple of things. 1st, big thank you to SBS for stepping in after Fetter's internet went down yet again. 2nd, last week I gave you an early Raw, I gave you an early PPV. And now I'm giving you a relatively early Raw again. I told all of you if you worked hard for me, I would work hard for you. I'm holding up my end of the deal. So here's what's going to happen. This little experiment of giving guys who aren't booked on PPVs an entire Raw to themselves, it's not going to happen again. I'm not going to waste my time with people who can't give me 30 days, but then wonder why they can never go anywhere.​
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Edition

Wow. I wish I was on RAW as well.

Awesome show!

Really enjoyed Aniking's promo as long as the last segment.

Who's playing Storm? I'm feeling Vita's back maybe? Also saw that Goldust segment, first I thought Hoov but whoever is playing Goldust, props. Great promo.

Also well done Tapout on being Hardcore Champion!


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Edition

Another tremendous show here guys, considering what you had to work with this week TTing wise, it was a great showing.

The Raw Elimination Chamber is looking fantastic already, can't wait to see who's added. Of course, congratulations to Tappy for getting himself the Hardcore Championship.

Also... Goldust is here, he may be queer, and he will be changing Tuesday nights from now on.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Edition

Nice to be Champion but I wish I would have actually had to fight for it. It's disappointing to win the title by doing nothing...but I guess that's what my defenses are for! I'm taking on all challengers.

The show was very good, better then I expecting seeing how not a lot of people booked on this show even cared to show up...

The Raw chamber is looking awesome and so star studded. I bet the final member will be pretty big. Maybe a return.

Can't wait for the preview and next weeks show! I love being on Raw baby!


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Edition

Seeing how half the card showed up for their matches, I think this was a very good Raw. Not only that but it was another early show courtesy of Cwalker. Machine!

Very interested in who has picked up James Storm. The first thought is always Vita, but I highly doubt it. I'm still keen to find out who those mystery codes belong to, but I still think it's Chris Jericho. Can't think of anything else other than somebody from left field that nobody would guess unless they knew. Also cool to see somebody picking up Goldust, and I knew straight away that it was Sam. Shame to see Shark Boy gone already, but Sam always plays unique characters like Goldust so well and we've not seen what he can do with him until now.

Congrats to Tapout for becoming Hardcore Champ. Well deserved!

Bit embarrassed that my promo had the "(stupid picture should be fucking small!)" part kept in there haha, but no big deal. For anybody wondering what the fuck is going on there, originally when I sent the promo to Cwalker the picture came up big and not resized, so I wasn't happy seeing how I'm a perfectionist. Good to see it worked out in the end and the promo came off well.

Anyway, two matches already announced for Summerslam, and what a big one I've found myself in. I wonder who that sixth participant is, but my guess is it's the person behind the codes. Either way, doesn't matter to me, because at Summerslam I'll be taking that UWF Championship!


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 24th Edition

This was a decent show, although half of people who very scheduled to TT did not do so.

Congratulations to Tapout on becoming the Hardcore Champion, I have been a fan of his Hawkins since I saw his first TT.

The Main Event segment was interesting. Every single superstar who will be in that Elimination Chamber match is a good TTer and I know you guys will do an awesome job.

At last but not least....SORRY...'BOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK!
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