UWF 2012: Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/2012: The SBS Special!

Oops! Got a little confused about WHEN I was supposed to post for the Open Challenge. Deserved to job. Still, thanks to CD for the rub! :y:


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Alton, England
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Card

If Andy even turns up you mean... ;)


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/2012: The SBS Special!

That was a huge show and the ending was very well done. Looking forward to that match next week.
Have to agree with everyone, Christian and Rhodes are bringing the win in those segments.

Writing team was amazing. Highly enjoyed my match. Big ups to Fetter. You far exceded my expectations on what that match would be

Thanks bro appreciate that.


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Card

7 tt's this week so far, pretty damn weak. :(


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Alton, England
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Card

^Gonna try and drop over the weekend. AF need to stop jobbing!

Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Card

I'm sure Andy will show up. He has to, otherwise I'm stuck kicking your ass on my own. 8D


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Card

Quick update...

I'm currently working on the main event right now. Raw is be up a date early. I just need promos. It would be appreciated.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Card

Im sending a promo now CW.


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Edition



23-8-1-20....9-19... 20-8-9-19?


NWO will end


Tuesday July 17th, 2012



The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the excited UWF Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The arena is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs. The cameras spin around the UWF arena showing a jammed pack arena, then go down to Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to UWF Tuesday Night Raw, live from The Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. I am the voice of UWF and to my right is the returning Hall of Famer Jerry "The King" Lawler. How are you feeling Jerry?

Jerry "The King" Lawler: I'm fine Cole. I just want to say something to Stone Cold. Steve, at some point, you will have to deal with the consequences for that attack on me.​

Cole: OK Jerry. Don't jump the gun. Tonight, we have a huge six man main event for you. We will watch the New World Order face off aganist UWF Cahmpion Steve Austin, CM Punk and former Undisputed Champion; Austin Aries!


The glass shatters and the fans are surprised to hear the old music of Stone Cold Steve Austin. They don't know how to react as Austin walks out onto the stage and heads down the ramp. Stone Cold is all business tonight as he makes a bee line to the ring before entering it and grabbing a mic.

Stone Cold: The question begging to be answered is one that I'm confused regarding why it's still being asked, because if you've listened to a word I've said over the past several weeks, you'd already know why I feel like I'm going to win this Sunday. But in case ya had yer head up yer ass, up yer friend's ass, had their head up yer ass, ya simultaneously had yer heads up each other's asses, which is possible ask the In Dubya Oh, or you've had yer fingers pluggin' yer ears while ya sang a little song every time I've come out here, here it is again. I, Stone Cold Steve Austin, am going to retain the You Dubya Eff Championship at the Great American Bash because of facts. I am the most suitable candidate for the position of incumbent titleholder. The man that I won this belt from, the man I defended it against, the current number one contender, and anyone else who could ever hope ta' be the number one contender in the future all have one thing in common, they don't posses the passion that Stone Cold possesses. I want this more than anyone in this company wants it, because out of all of them, I've fought the longest for it. I kept earning the contendership for a reason, and that reason was the inevitable fact that one day, it would be my time, it's a testament to my ability.

While other men, some of them fellow champions which I was disgusted ta' see, refuse ta' show up for their matches, here I have been, admittedly not on my A-game every time, but here I have been. Talking trash, cutting promos, and win, lose, or draw, opening up a can of whoopass and raising hell and doing both like only the Texas Rattlesnake can. A lot of things have been said in my war of words with Christian, a lot of mind games played, a lot of boasts and claims made, some justified and some not, some approaches successful and others unsuccessful, but this Sunday things will go down exactly as I have foretold. Christian will be forced to set down the microphone, which will remove his power, and he will then be forced to take a toothpick to a gun fight because while talking is my strong suit, fighting is my stronger suit. I didn't say wrestling because I don't want to wrestle at the Bash, it's gotten far too personal for that. No rest holds, no catch-as-catch-can bullshit, I want to beat this Canadian piece of trash so severely that he has ta' have his entire head bandaged like he's Darkman, which would put Cody Rhodes in more relatable company if the In Dubya Oh weren't about to disband.

In six days, your hype will be exposed as simply that, hype, and the world will see that you were nothing but talk. You will be like the men before you, a failure. And that's the bottom line...


The version of "Just Close Your Eyes" by Waterproof Blondes can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, signalling the imminent arrival of Captain Charisma, Christian. Although many UWF fans are gearing themselves to sing along with the theme music - not due to their enjoyment of the arriving Christian, rather due to the fact they just enjoy the song - their hatred for Christian grows when it cuts to the New World Order's theme just five seconds in. About ten seconds after the commencement of the NWO theme music, Christian emerges from the back sporting a smirk on his face as he looks around at the booing audience, microphone already in hand. Christian steps out to the top of the stage, his music cutting quickly, and he wastes no time in raising the microphone to his mouth.


Christian: Let me guess, Steve - because Stone Cold said so?

Christian looks down at the ring as Austin's shown saying "You're damn right, son" while the crowd continue to boo Christian.

Christian: So you're finally taking my advice and reverting back to the ways that shaped you into one of the legends of this business. All I can say to that, Steve... is you must really be desperate to remain UWF Champion. You were so set in your ways before I became number one contender after beating you three weeks ago, but now I have single handedly forced you to jump back into your comfort zone, and why's that, Steve? Why is it that the past week or so you've had no other choice but to listen to me and become the old "Stone Cold" Steve Austin that I want to beat at The Great American Bash? Is it because of your love for these people? No, it's not. Is it because you miss the "What?" chants every night? No, it's not that either. See Steve, you've finally come to the realisation that your attitude, the way you presented yourself, the way you spoke, it was all about to lead to one of the most disgraceful performances of your career, and on such a big stage as well. Finally somebody has gotten into that thick head of yours and you've actually listened to sense, but you're still not going to get the job done this Sunday night. See this Sunday night is the end of your reign as champion, and frankly it's the end of your career, because it's MY time to be the man who stands at the very top with the gold around MY waist.

Christian points at his waist then motions for the championship, whilst glaring right at Austin.

Christian: So many words have come out of both of our mouths these past few weeks, but the fact remains that I have not told one lie since I debuted in this company. Every single thing I have claimed to do I have done, yet you're the exact opposite. Week after week you have come out here and been made to look like an utter fool, Steve, and it even got to the point where management couldn't afford to take the risk and back their UWF Champion because they didn't want to be embarrassed. With that in mind, this past week you've done something to sway the ledger in your favour, especially with that final lunge towards the finish line where you spoke from behind a titantron, yet if common sense is to prevail then the entire world will watch as Captain Charisma walks out of The Great American Bash as UWF Champion. The facts are as clear as day, Steve, because I've proven twice already that I'm better than you in that ring, but over the past few weeks I have done the unthinkable and outmanoeuvred you on the microphone too, something countless opponents have failed miserably in accomplishing. There isn't a mind game I haven't played, there isn't a line I haven't overstepped, and all of it will amount to me climbing to the top of the mountain and therefore saving this company from deteriorating more than it already has with you as its champion.

Not even for one second have Christian's eyes looked away from Austin, the intensity in them burning a hole through Austin's face. Christian has never been more serious about anything in his life.

Christian: If anybody has scratched and clawed their way to becoming World Champion, let alone even becoming a number one contender again, it's me, Steve... not you. I was away from this business for so long, it got to the point where I needed to come back and prove that I could reach the absolute top once again, and finally I am doing it. Finally I am becoming World Champion again in just five night's time, and finally justice will be done. It would be a travesty if you were to steal the win and that championship right out from underneath me, Steve, because you don't deserve a single bit of it. I'm not about to be denied that championship, Steve, because I've never wanted anything more in my entire life. I'm not about to watch this show and this company fall to pieces any longer, and at The Great American Bash something will finally be done about it. You've meet your match, Steve, somebody has finally overtaken you as the face of Tuesday nights, so the sooner you come to grips with it the easier it'll be to get over your failures. Face it, you're finished, and I'm about to break through the glass ceiling, continuing my undefeated streak... and become UWF Champion.

Christian drops the microphone where he stands, immediately turning around and walking straight to the back. Not once was a smile etched across his face, detailing how determined he is to be victorious on Sunday night in a match he's confident is already in the bag. Of course Austin will have a large say on the outcome, but Christian feels the night WILL be his, but the time for sentiment is over as Raw heads to its first commercial.



Re-watched this Pay-Per-View recently and outside of Orton/Punk and Triple H/Undertaker, man this was bad.


Justin Roberts: The following is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 405 pounds, Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel; Almost Famous!



Soon, Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne, the duo which has been calling themselves Almost Famous, steps through the curtain. Much like in previous weeks, their reception is not the most enthusiastic; the fans seem to recognize the two have done nothing but job thus far, and do not get overtly excited about the high-flying tag team.

All that changes, however, once they realize what the wrestlers are wearing: both members of the team proudly sport sleeveless t-shirts reading "I JOBBED TO STONE COLD". This move is just cheeky and self-aware enough to turn the crowd over to the duo's side, and, as they take to the ring, their pop has increased exponentially.

Roberts: And their opponents, first from the City of Angels, weighting in at 215 pounds; "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels!


As the Fallen Angel’s music plays throughout the arena, the crowd is instantly on their feet. Christopher Daniels was caught off guard by this. Given all he had done in TNA to some top faces, most people had given him much heat. But now he was nearly being praised. He felt slightly bad that he had to pop their bubble. As he made his way down to the ring, he made no attempt to interact with the crowd. Walking down he simply just stared ahead, more focused on his task at hand.


Daniels proceeds to enter the ring, before psing as the fans boo him. He ignores them though and waits for the match

Roberts: And his tag team partner, from Gainsville, Georgia...

Get Ready To Fly!

Roberts: AJ Styles!


"Get Ready To Fly" by Grits starts playing and the fans begin to cherr the imminent arrival of "The Phenomanal" AJ Styles. Pryo begins raining down from the stage and Styles can be seens standing behind it. The fireworks stop and AJ performs his trademark taunt before walking down the ramp. He slaps a few hands as he makes his way towards the ring. Styles soon enters the ring before posing once more and waiting for the bell.

The bell rings and Styles tells Daniels that he is going to start the match. On the other side, Bourne and Gabriel are engaged in an intense game of Rock, Paper, and Scissors to see who goes first. Bourne wins the contest, so we get AJ Styles versus Evan Bourne to start Raw’s opening contest. AJ and Bourne lock up before AJ successfully performs a quick go behind, ending up behind Bourne and lifting him overhead with a beautiful German Suplex. Styles bridges the move and goes for the first cover of the night…



Bourne kicks out!

AJ releases Bourne before getting to his feet. Evan uses the top ring rope to get to his and AJ quickly grabs him by the arm before Irish whipping him towards the far ropes. Bourn reverses Styles whip, and AJ bounces of the ropes that were initially intended for. As Styles comes back towards Bourne, Evan leaves his feet before wrapping both legs around AJ’s neck and snapping off a standing hurricanrana. After the swift move, Bourne reaches back, grabs AJ’s legs and covers him…



AJ kicks out!

Cole: Fast paced action at the beginning of this match up.

After AJ kicks out, both men get to their feet at the same time. Bourne goes right at AJ, almost taking his head off with an out of nowhere enziguiri. AJ goes down and Bourne quickly runs the ropes before performing a cartwheel and landing on top of AJ with a moonsault. As Bourne lands on Styles, he hooks the leg one more time and goes for another cover…



AJ rolls a shoulder!

As soon as Styles kicks out, Bourne heads over to his corner and makes a tag to his partner; Justin Gabriel. Bourne leaves the ring as Gabriel heads to the top. He reaches his destination as Styles gets to his feet. Once Styles turns his attention towards his opponent, Gabriel leaps off the top, outstretching himself and landing on top of Styles with a Crossbody…

King: Justin Gabriel with a beautiful move!

As Gabriel land on top of Styles, the momentum allows Styles to roll through and grab hold of Gabriel by the back. AJ has a firm hold of Gabriel and is able to get to his feet, holding Gabriel in a Fallaway slam position…

Cole: Look at the strength of AJ Styles!

Instead of falling backwards like normal, Styles falls forwards, driving Gabriel back first onto the canvas with a front press slam. Gabriel yells in pain as Styles hooks the leg and goes for a cover…



Gabriel powers out!

AJ quickly rolls off Gabriel before heading towards his corner and tagging in Christopher Daniels. Before AJ leaves the ring, he drags Gabriel near his teams’ corner before Daniels slingshots himself from the ring apron onto Gabriel with a heelo. Daniels’ back crashes across Gabriel’s chest before Daniels crawls backwards and covers Gabriel…



Gabriel kicks out!

Daniels then heads back over to his corner before tagging Styles back in. Daniels then quickly lifts Gabriel off the canvas before throwing him into the nearest corner. Daniels then uses his upper body strength to push Gabriel to the top of the turnbuckle. Styles then enters the far and heads to the opposing side of the ring. Daniels gets in position right under the top rope where Gabriel is positioned and Styles runs at him….

Cole: What’s this?

Daniels uses his arms to catapult Styled to the top where he wraps both legs around Gabriel’s neck and takes him from the top with an assisted hurricanrana…

King: Big time move!

The crowd pops as Styles hits the huge move. Styles quickly recovers from the impact and crawls to cover Gabriel…



Gabriel kicks out!

Styles gets to his feet and looks to remain on the offensive. Gabriel pulls himself to his feet with assistance of the ropes and Styles quickly goes after him. Styles grabs him by the arm, throwing him towards the far ropes once again. As Gabriel heads towards the ropes, he is able to use his agility to springboard off them and come back at Styles, hitting him with a back elbow to the face. Styles goes back like a ton of bricks and Gabriel lies on the mat, trying to recuperate from the beating he’s taken. Both men lie on the canvas and the referee begins counting…






Gabriel starts crawling towards his corner…



Cole: Justin Gabriel desperately needs to make a tag!


Styles heads towards his corner


Both men dive and tag in their respective partners!

Evan Bourne and Christopher Daniels both enter the fray. Both men meet charge towards the middle of the ring. Daniels goes for a clothesline, only to have Bourne duck under. Daniel realizes this and turns around, only to eat a standing dropkick to the face from Bourne. Daniels falls to the canvas and Bourne quickly goes for a cover…



Out of nowhere, AJ leaps off the top rope and drops both legs across the back of Bourne’s head!

Bourne falls off Daniels as The Fallen Angel, himself and Styles all lay on the canvas. The crowd starts cheering as the only man who hasn’t been taken done; Justin Gabriel heads to the top rope. Gabriel looks at Styles before looking at Daniels. Gabriel then makes up his mind. He leaps off the top turnbuckle and lands on top of Daniels with a modified Frog Splash!

Cole: What impact!

It’s obvious that Gabriel hurt himself somewhat with that offensive move. He grabs his ribs in pain and rolls under the bottom rope to the outside, leaving only Bourne and Daniels in the ring. Bourne still hasn’t recovered, but manages to throw an arm over Daniels’ chest…



Daniels rolls a shoulder!

King: What a great match to kick of Raw!

Bourne starts making his way over towards his corner. Slowly but surely he crawls, until he reaches out and tags in the high flyer from Cape Cod. Daniels has gotten to his feet and Gabriel charges right at him. Daniels sees Gabriel coming and catches him, before putting his foot behind Gabriel’s leg and driving him back first towards the canvas with an STO. Gabriel grabs his back in pain as Daniels drags him towards his corner and positions him right under the top turnbuckle. Daniels then tags in Styles before having one more crack at Gabriel. Daniels leaps from the canvas to the second turnbuckle, then up to the top before moonsaulting onto Gabriel!

Cole: BME: Best Moonsault Ever!

Styles, who is now the legal man, springboards from the apron to the ring and lands on top of Gabriel with a 450 Splash. All the air leaves Gabriel’s lungs and Styles covers…



Gabriel kicks out!

Styles looks towards the referee, who confirms it was only two. Styles grabs Gabriel by the arm and lifts him to his feet. Styles holds Gabriel up in the corner before Irish whipping him towards the opposing one. Gabriel reverses the whip and sends Styles towards the corner instead. As Styles runs towards the turnbuckle, he leaves his feet and jumps to the top…

King: AJ showing off tremendous balance.

As AJ stands on the top turnbuckle, Gabriel quickly runs up on him and places his head between Styles’ legs. Styles now rests on Gabriel’s shoulders in an Electric Chair position before Evan Bourne climbs to the top rope and leaps off, clotheslining Styles off Gabriel…

Cole: Doomsday Device!

Bourne quickly runs to Daniels’ corner and knocks him off the ring apron. Gabriel drags Styles towards the ropes before heading to the ring apron and climbing to the top. Gabriel looks out to the live audience before leaping off the top rope and hitting his own 450 Splash. Gabriel is once again in obvious pain but manages to cover and hook the leg…




Roberts: Here are your winners; Almost Famous!


Gabriel and Bourne have their hands raised. Almost Famous has picked up their first victory. Both men celebrate before quickly leaving the ring to the delight of the fans. They head up the ramp as Raw goes backstage.

Backstage and Bully Ray has hijacked another cameraman, very similar to how he did the first time he appeared on Raw. He appears on the titan tron unannounced and when he does, the crowd immediately boo the roof off the building. The look of discontent on Bully Rays face tells a story as he starts to speak.


Bully Ray: You hear that? You hear what's going on out there? These people "Hate" me. They hate the sight of me, they hate the sound of me, they hate everything to do with me. And I? I couldn't give a rats ass what they thought of me whether it was here in Denver, or if it was in my own back yard. There is nothing that satisfies me more than knowing that what I am doing annoys the hell out of them! It's not like anyone in Denver could pick out any talent anyway, just look at what they have to be proud of. A football team that haven't won the Superbowl since Nineteen ninety eight..... and Vader. And he's not even from Denver, just from Colorado State. And believe me when I say, it is NOT Vader time.

No, what it is time for, is a new wave of dominance here in the UWF. Dominance, a word that is synonymous with UWF since it has began. CM Punk was dominant. Wade Barrett then knocked him off and became dominant. Stone Cold took the gold and became dominant. Over on Smackdown some second rate superstar has done the unthinkable and become dominant. But that's all just a rehearsal. That is a rehearsal to the UWF having a real star in it's ranks. One that doesn't reach dominance and then full into the obscurities of mid-card failure. One that doesn't make his way to the top only to be short-lived and lose his championship as quickly as he won it. And not one that only disregards the fans as a ploy to one day come back more beloved than ever. No.... UWF Raw is on notice for a very different sort of dominance.

Bully Ray looks into the camera instead of at the cameraman now.


UWF needs to brace itself for the kind of dominance that will only come around once in a lifetime. The kind that no matter how hard anyone tries, no matter how much anyone does not want it to go ahead, there is literally nothing they can do to stop it. The kind that even though you know you should try and do something about it, because of fear, you don't. The kind of dominance that you would associate with... a bully. Wade Barrett and Antonio Cesaro found out about first and look where they are now, probably right with the majority of the hicks in the arena tonight that will tomorrow be in the unemployment line! Not only that, but Christopher Daniels found it out last week also. The "Fallen Angel" fell at my feet literally ,as he could not continue to take the onslaught I am now giving out as standard. And tonight will be no different. Shark Boy; You can bring your pal to the ring with you tonight, I couldn't really care less. All that does is give me another ass to kick. Gone are the days I was tolerant to brain-dead idiots like you. No more. I will straight up bully your ass tonight!

And you will, you will.... You will.... Know who I am.

And with that, the camera turns straight off, and the crowd all stir as UWF try and get their show back on track, but goes to commercial first.



Trish was SBS' favorite diva of all time. Meet mine.


We are taken backstage and are shown Teddy Long standing backstage in his office, bringing with it cheers from the crowd. Teddy is pleased with how the show has panned out thus far, but his mood quickly changes when he's joined in his office... by Christian. Christian stands alongside Long, tightly clutching a familiar clipboard.


Teddy Long: Christian... what can I do for you, playa?

Christian: Nothing, Teddy, I'm not here to ask for anything. You gave me what you have owed me for some time three weeks ago, but wait, what was that again? Oh, that's right - one... more... World Championship match. I don't mean to be rude, but it was about time, because ever since then I have proven why I should've been named number one contender back at Backlash. Since then I have proven that I am the man to take this company to the next level and ensure that your show, Tuesday Night Raw, doesn't get overshadowed by Smackdown and frankly never will. Ever since that fateful night, Teddy, the crowning of a new UWF Champion has been inevitable, something you're more than aware of, but something else you're aware of is that it all should've come much, much sooner.

Christian looks down at the clipboard he's holding, cutting a wry grin as he thinks back to the past.

Christian: Do you remember this, Teddy? Do you remember the last time I came into your office holding a clipboard?

Teddy Long: I don't, playa. What's your point?


Christian: Well I'm not surprised you don't remember, Teddy, after all you're a very busy man, but allow me to refresh your memory. Starrcade was over four weeks ago, and before my match against Chris Jericho, I came into your office and asked you to sign this very contract that guaranteed that after I beat Chris, which I did, I would be named as the next number one contender to the UWF Championship. I'd already signed it, as you can see right there, Teddy, but you ignorantly refused to sign it and instead threatened to suspend me if I didn't leave your office. But it didn't end there, did it, Teddy, because you went on to fine both Randy and I for making a minor appearance on Smackdown that week for teaching John Cena a lesson. So how about now, Teddy... sound at all familiar?

Before Long can respond, Christian interjects.

Christian: You know what, I don't care if it sounds familiar to you, Teddy, because that's not the reason why I'm here. I didn't come into your office just to give you a history lesson; instead I came in to prove a point to you. See you refused to sign this contract, knowing full well that I deserved one... more... World Championship match, and it only took one week for your decision to backfire. You stood right there, looked me in the eyes and said no, then a week later opened Raw and said that if I beat Austin that night then I would get my title shot. Well Teddy, the rest is history, and thanks to you I'm this close to becoming UWF Champion at The Great American Bash. All I need to do is show up and that title's mi...

Teddy Long: Hold on a second, Christian. Let me drop some knowledge on you.

Christian is less than impressed at being interrupted in the manner he was.


Teddy Long: There's a reason why Austin is UWF Champion, and I won't stand by and listen to you dismiss his chances of retaining his championship. Christian, what you need to understand, and fast playa, is that you're in for one hell of a fight on Sunday night, but tonight as well. So what I suggest is for you to...

Christian: No, now YOU hold on a second, Teddy. I know what I need to do to get the job done at the Great American Bash, but the same goes for Randy and Cody for our tag match later tonight. So what I suggest to YOU, Teddy, is not to be so rude to the man who's about to carry your entire show on his shoulders and ensure it once again becomes the envy of the professional wrestling business. You need a champion that doesn't disgrace history like Austin has with that skull and bones championship of his, in fact you need a champion you can be proud of. I'm going to become UWF Champion on Sunday night, Teddy, whether you may like it or not, so what I recommend you do from now until the Great American Bash is this - buy yourself a suit that isn't outdated, shave off that ridiculous looking moustache you've sported for like a decade, and show me a little more respect the next time you see me.

Christian turns and is about to walk away, but he's decided he's not quite finished yet and opts to turn back around.

Christian: Nothing looks worse than a General Manager talking down to their champion.

Christian grins and this time walks away, leaving Long to ponder the entire situation he just found himself in. Long is shown shaking his head just before we return to ringside.

Justin Roberts: The following matchup us scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Hells Kitchen, New York, weighing in at 306 pounds; Bully Ray!


The Evil Bully Ray makes his way out to the ring in his usual ring attire. The man looks pissed off that he has been ignored for the past two weeks and cannot wait to get into the ring and take out his frustrations. He walks down to the ring at a brisk pace for going up the steps and wiping off the apron with his boot before stepping in. He yells something nasty once inside the ring and waits for his opponent.

Roberts: And his opponent, from the deep blue sea; Shark Boy!



The familiar sound of shattering glass causes the crowd to go wild and from the back walks Shark Boy. Shark Boy stomps down the to the ring with little to no interaction with the crowd. He has his eyes firmly set on Bully Ray. He walks up the ring steps and through the ropes into the squared circle. He walks right past Bully Ray and goes to every top rope, throwing his fists in the air as he does so. Shark Boy then steps down and waits for the match to start.

The bell rings three times and Ray immediately drills Shark Boy with a clothesline. Sharky falls to the canvas and Ray quickly goes for the first cover of the match up…



Shark Boy kicks out!

Ray grabs Shark Boy by the back of head and lifts him to his feet. Ray then whips Shark Boy towards the nearest turnbuckle pad. The force of Ray’s whip was so strong that as soon as Shark Boy collides with the turnbuckle pad, he falls chest first to the mat…

Cole: What a show of unbelievable strength by Bully Ray!

Bully Ray isn’t finished torturing Shark Boy just yet. He heads over to the part of the canvas where Shark Boy is lying, and sits on Shark Boy’s back before pulling his arms backwards and putting his own arms under Shark Boy’s chin, applying a camel clutch…

Cole: Bully Ray showing some in ring prowess!

Shark Boy screams in pain as Bully Ray laughs at his dilemma. The only thing Ray didn’t account for is that Shark Boy it too close to the ropes. All Shark has to do is outstretch his leg and find the rope which he does and the referee tells Bully to break the hold. Initially, Bully doesn’t listen so the referee has no choice but to start counting him…





Ray breaks the hold!

King: Bully Ray would have been disqualified on five!

Ray gets to his feet after breaking the hold. He’s in firm control of this match up. Ray takes a step back in order to watch Shark Boy get to his feet. Shark pulls himself up in the corner and Ray goes back on the offensive. He charges at the turnbuckle, looking to avalanche splash Shark Boy…

King: This won’t be good for Shark Boy!

At the last minute, Shark Boy moves out of the way and Ray crashes chest first into the top turnbuckle pad. Sharky then runs off the ropes and comes back at Ray, taking him down with a vicious clothesline. The crowd cheers, hoping this is Shark Boy’s comeback as he goes for a cover…



Ray kicks out!

Ray was able to kick out, but that clothesline obviously caught him off guard. He drags himself over to the turnbuckle and rests his head on the bottom one, trying to catch his breath. Shark Boy does not let that happen. He goes right after Ray, meeting him in the corner with boots to the stomach…

King: Shark Boy is stomping a mudhole and walking it dry!

Cole: Ugh!

Shark Boy continues to stomp away on Ray, even going so far as to give him the one-finned salute. Shark Boy ceases with the boots and walks away, talking trash to the UWF universe, who love it and cheer for him. Sharky looks to go back on the offensive as he turns his attention back to Ray. Sadly for Sharky, Ray has had enough time to recover and as he walks in, Ray takes Shark Boy’s head off with a massive big boot. Ray throws up the horns and lets out a primal scream before covering Shark Boy…



Shark Boy kicks out!

Bully Ray gets off Shark Boy before screaming at him “Stay Down you dumb bastardâ€. Ray quickly lifts Shark Boy to his feet before grabbing him by the arm and Irish whipping him to the ropes. Shark Boy reverses the whip and Ray goes to the ropes instead. As Ray comes back at Shark Boy, Sharky looks for a clothesline, only to have Ray duck under. Ray bounces off the opposing ropes and comes back at Shark Boy, who is ready for him this time and takes him down with a Lou Thesz press! Sharky drives fists into Ray’s face, before hopping off him and driving an elbow right into Ray’s skull. Sharky then goes for a cover…



Ray kicks out!

Shark Boy gets to his feet. The fans are all cheering him on. Shark puts both hands on his knees and begins stalking Bully Ray…

Cole: Shark Boy seems ready to go on the attack!

Ray starts pulling himself to his feet. He’s somewhat stunned as to what’s transpired. Ray makes it to a vertical base, before Shark Boy quickly spins him around and kicks him in the gut. The blow doubles Ray over and Shark Boy immediately grabs Ray by the head…

Cole: Chummer!

Shark Boy goes for the Chummer but as he turns his back to Ray, Bully is able to underhook both of Shark Boy’s arms before lifting him up with a Full Nelson Slam...

King: Bully Bomb!

Shark Boy slams hard on the canvas as Ray quickly goes for a cover…



Sharky kicks out!

Ray can’t believe it. He looks over towards the referee, who responds by holding up two fingers. Shark Boy starts crawling over towards the ring apron, towards his partner William Regal. Regal looks at Shark Boy before reaching into his pocket and sliding something into the ring…

King: What was that?

Regal slid in his trademark brass knuckles to Shark Boy. Sharky looks at the knuckles and contemplates using them. The fans cheer “Sharky No!†Sharky looks at Regal before throwing the knuckles back at him. Shark Boy shakes his head in disapproval before turning back to Bully Ray. As soon as Shark Boy turns around, Bully Ray is waiting for him. Ray uses his strength to lift Shark Boy in the air…

Cole: What elevation!

As Shark Boy floats in midair, Bully Ray is able to grab him by the head and slam him onto the canvas with a midair Bully Cutter!

Cole: Bully Ray just hit a one man version of the 3D!

Shark Boy’s body goes limp as Ray goes for a cover…




Roberts: Here is your winner; Bully Ray!


“The Beaten Path†plays for the second time this evening as Bully Ray gets to his feet. Ray looks down on Shark Boy before spitting on his fallen opponent. Regal enters the ring to check on his tag partner just as Ray leaves. Bully is all smiles as he heads backstage and Raw heads to another segment.

The action in the ring has been explosive so far as Raw is living up to the hype as the camera's suddenly switch from the arena, zooming in on a piece of bling that everyone knows belongs to one man. The camera is zoomed in on a silver necklace that has the numbers '305' shining with a few gold diamonds as well. The camera zooms out and confirms everyone's guess that it is time for a little MVP time. MVP is not alone however as the camera zooms out more and more, 2 women slowly become visible standing arm in arm with MVP as he looks into the camera with a smile on his face.


MVP: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time once again for MVP to entertain you like only I can, but please, would you all take a seat, please reframe from going to the toilet, save that for when NWO makes an appearance but right now, the time has come for Big Things Popping while Little Things Stopping so sit back, relax and enjoy the view because MVP is better then you.

The crowd lets out a massive boo inside the arena as MVP just smiles towards the camera, it seems he can also hear the boos but it doesn't affect him.

Now I all know what you are thinking, I know you all have your hopes up now, wanting this little segment to be coming to you from the backstage area with just a little glimmer of hope that you will see MVP live and in the flesh but sorry to dissapoint you, I am not in that arena tonight, I will not be walking through that curtain and showing my face for you all to take pictures and compare what a real man should look like to the big, fat ugly pigs that you call your husbands, slash brothers and I add a slash in there, not because it is either, I add a slash because for most of you, it's the same person. No, No, No, like I said, I am not in the Colorado region but if you think I am going to give everyone the details of my where abouts, you once again will be dissapointed as I know how many fans are watching Raw from their loungerooms and I don't want to block the roads from all the cars and trucks and just general traffic all trying to get to the same destination as me so I will save everyone because I wouldn't even waste my time with you anyway, but that is enough about tonight and where I am, I actually have a purpose for being here, I have a purpose for this camera to get the chance of a lifetime and travel along with me, first off I wanted to show off two very special guests that are here with me tonight, as you can see, the ladies just couldn't resist me but Ladies, would you please go back to the party as some language might come out of my mouth in the next few minutes that aren't meant for beautiful women like you to hear so please, I'll rejoin you in a minute.

The ladies look at each other, looking a bit dissapointed but MVP removes his arms link that he had with them, the ladies grab each others hand and start to walk out of the picture, MVP though claps his hands. The girls stop dead in their tracks and turn around quickly, MVP raises his eyebrows and put his arms out to his side. The ladies come closer and go either side of MVP, both leaning in and kissing him on the cheek before turning and fully walking out of shot this time as MVP readjusts his jacket and sunglasses on his head. He looks into the camera again and starts to speak.

Those two very special guests won't just be with me tonight but also tomorrow morning if you all catch my drift but anyway, to business. Last week on UWF, you all watched The Highest Paid Superstar in UWF History dispatch of the 2nd biggest waste of space I have ever seen. Matt Morgan, the current Hardcore Champion had no answer to Montel Vontavious Porter but that was not the big news of the night, no the main headline belonged to another man, a man that I will be facing at the Great American Bash, Robert Roode. You all know who Robert Roode is and I know it's only because I showed an interest in him that you started actually caring about the man but this past week on Raw, I showed him why he deserved the award for being the biggest waste of space, beating Morgan by a fair bit actually, you see, for weeks and weeks, Robert Roode has been talking about all this class, honour, manners, nobleity and all this crap that comes out of his mouth, he claims to have honour and claims that I have none of it. Are you freaking kidding me Robert. You might of had everyone fooled but you slipped up on Raw, didn't you playa? Everyone saw your true colours for the first time and you dissapointed everyone but me, I knew that everything that came out of your mouth was bullcrap and you tried for as long as you could to try and make it the truth but you couldn't do it forever. If you are all trying to think of what I'm talking about, please allow me to refresh your memory. On Monday, the show was Raw, which is of course my show but it was Robert Roode's time to have his match against an MVP wannabe in The Rock. If that hack ever stepped into the ring with me, it surely wouldn't take me as much time as it took Robert Roode to win the match but maybe it was because he was a bit distracted with yours truly giving my thoughts on his match on commentary, I mean that just means he was like every other fan in the building but they didn't seem to have as much as a problem as Roode did. I don't know why Roode didn't like me being out there but he was told beforehand that I would be watching him up close, a bit of a punishment to myself you all might think but it had to be done but that is all I did. I just sat next to Michael Cole and the sucka that is known as Queen Booka and I gave my thoughts on the match, a match that Roode went on to win, I don't know how he did it either but all of us are entitled to a fluke win sooner or later, but then after the match, Roode was the one standing in the ring and calling me out, it doesn't surprise me one little bit, he knew I had a match later on in the evening, he knew I still had to compete so what did he want to do? He wanted to warn me out and make me tired for my match with Morgan but I am too smart for that, I walked away and saved myself for my match while he didn't have to do sqat for the rest of the night but yet he still looks at me behind my back I might add, and shows his disgust.

MVP gives out a little chuckle as he shakes his head, putting his hand on his forehead, pushing his fingers across, back and forth on his forehead, trying to piece it together as he doesn't remove his hand but he continues to speak.

He is disgusted in me for saving him from being embaressed and using my head, that is a man that is suppose to be classy and have such high regard for honour but that isn't even the half of what really dissapointed me later in the night. Later in the night, was the match I have mentioned before, of course all of you watched it, who would want to miss me in action, but Roode decided to repay the favour and make his way to help Cole and Booker, now I know thats when the mute button on all of your remotes were all pressed in unison but you all continued to watch your favorite superstar and I didn't dissapoint but all of you saw that Roode decided that he wasn't quite comfortable at ringside, letting me have the spotlight I deserve so what did he try to do? He tried to screw me out of the win by jumping onto the apron but he isn't the full quid is he? His plan didn't go to plan and I still defeated the big oaf but he didn't just stop there, he decided to attack me from behind, trying to injure me before our match at GAB. Let me recap for you if you haven't quite kept along, firstly after his match that I stayed out of the whole time, didn't leave my chair at all, he wants to call me out and do battle right there and then when I have a match later on, I use my brain and I decline his invitation and make my way to the back, secondly, Roode comes to watch me up close and he tries to interfer in my match before I have the chance to beat Matt Morgan, getting up onto the apron and distracting me and the referee but luckily, I showed him that was a bad idea and I got rid of him but lastly, Roode thought it would be really classy to attack me from behind, a man with such class and honour and he attacks me from behind. I don't know about all you lot, you might not have the same picture being painted to you as I seem to see but from his actions on Raw, Robert Roode is the complete opposite of what he claims to be, a man of honour would have sat at ringside and watched his opponent do battle instead of trying to influence the end result, a man of class would have celebrated his victory and not asked his opponent into the ring to have an unplanned fight and a sophisticated man does not attack someone from behind after he just beat a over 6 foot monster, so if you were all keeping count, the makes the score 3-0 to Montel Vontavious Porter.

MVP lifts his arms to his side again, looking up to the ceiling now as he breaths in. He slowly lowers his head again, lifting up 3 fingers and showing 0 with the other hand as he starts to chuckle once again. The camera zooms out a little but MVP snaps his neck quickly and starts to talk again.

I'm going to wrap it up here since I can tell the party needs a bit of Montel, it seems to be falling apart without me but Roode, do you see what I did on Monday Night Raw? I came out of Raw beating you at your own game, I came out the classy man, I came out the honourable man, I came out the sophiscated man, all the things that you think sets you apart, I bested you at on Raw but not only did I best you at that, I bested you when you decided to attack me from behind, I left you laying on your back once again and I once again used your pathetic title to do it, how many times do I have to bash your head in with it until it sinks in that its garbage, it should be thrown out and never seen again but it shouldn't be alone, you should be thrown into the garbage as well and Roode, at the Great American Bash, I'm going to make it my mission to show you how worthless you and that title is, I will throw both of you in the garbage and I will make the score 4-0 with all the points going to the Ballin Superstar but the thing that I will prove before I achieve any of that will be the point of showing the fact that is that MVP is BETTER THEN YOU. See you Sunday, chump.

MVP points towards the camera, seemingly pointing at Robert Roode as the point quickly turns to his trademark, Ballin' Taunt. MVP starts to laugh as he fixes his jacket once again and walks out of the camera shoot as it quickly fades out and the cameras go to commercial.



Guess I should advertise Smackdown since they did a good job in my abscence last week.


The scene opens on “The People's Champ†The Rock standing backstage. The crowd comes unglued as he stares into the camera.


The Rock: FINALLY! The Rock HAS COME BACK....Well actually, The Rock isn't there tonight. And The Rock is genuinely upset about that. Do you think The Rock likes to talk to his fans via satellite? Do you honestly think The Rock is happy standing in front of this camera instead of standing in the middle of that ring whuppin' some monkey ass in front of the millions....'

The crowd screams “AND MILLIONS!â€

The Rock: And millions of The Rock's fans? Teddy Long, you know The Rock has never had anything but love for you, but Teddy, look at what's going on, would you? I mean, The Rock isn't booked to be on the show, The Rock is told not to come to the arena and he had to pull some strings to even get some airtime on the show. The Rock has never AND THE ROCK MEANS NEVER had to worry about not being on the show because he is The Most Electrifying Man In All Of Entertainment and he is The People's Champ so Teddy Long, The Rock has one question for you: What happened?

The crowd is confused by The Rock's question but he doesn't give them much time to question before he elaborates. He starts walking and the camera follows him. They end up outside.


The Rock: What happened? You just let everybody run all over you. I mean, you got the New World Order running wild around here, lookin' like something the original nWo crapped them out, you got Robert Roode walking around holding a fake title and pretending to be a World Champion and then your actual World Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, is walking around trying in a sad attempt to prove that he's still got it. Teddy, The Rock knows it can be tough to run a successful show, but you haven't been doing the job you used to be doing. But, it's ok because The Rock is here to help. The Rock is here to lend a hand. The Rock can be your shining white light amidst all this monkey crap we have here on RAW. You see, The Rock WILL BE live at The Great American Bash to electrify the people and entertain the masses because that's what The Rock does best is entertain. Whether it's in that ring or on a microphone. On the TV screen or the big screen, from Hollywood to Tallahasse, Florida. From sea to shining sea, The Rock only has one agenda in mind: To make RAW better. And it all starts at the Great American Bash. IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLL-LALALALALALALALALALALLALALALALALALALOW! WHAT THE ROCK.........IS COOKIN'?!

The Rock raises the People's Eyebrow as the fans go wild.

Michael Cole: I wonder what The Rock has planned for the Great American Bash?

King: I don't know but it's going to be electrifying without a doubt!

Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introfucing first, from Queens, New York, weighing in at 223 pounds; Curt Hawkins!


Hawkins emerges from the curtains in full ring gear; cane in hand, as he smirks. He proceed down the ramp past the fans as he climbs the steel steps, and enters through the middle rope. The crowd is still unsure of Hawkins who is making his UWF debut here tonight. He lays his cane down in the corner, as the uses the ropes to stretch out, staring down the ramp awaiting his opponent His music fades from the PA system.​

Roberts:And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240 pounds; Robert Roode!!

I'm Off The Chain...
Time To Go Aganist The Grain!!


Roode marches down the entrance ramp, clutching at his NWA World Heavyweight Championship and serious look on his face as he makes it down the ringside area, Roode glances over his shoulder before walking up the ring steps and into the ring, the fans cheering for Roode as he poses for them before waiting for the match to start.

The bell rings and Roode and Hawkins lock up. Roode uses his superior strength to snap of a quick suplex before floating over and going for the first pinfall of the match up…



Hawkins kicks out!

Both Roode and Hawkins get to their feet at the same time. Roode attempts to go back on the offensive before Hawkins drops to a knee and grabs Roode by the arm, snapping off a beautiful arm drag. As Hawkins takes Roode to the canvas, he holds onto the arm, grape vining it and applying a Cross Armbreaker. Roode yells as Hawkins has this modified submission applied. Roode tries to break the submission, but it seems to be to no avail…

King: If Roode wants to break this submission, he needs to break Hawkins’ grip!

Roode starts using his free arm to try and pry Hawkins’ arms apart, but it seems like Hawkins has this move applied too tight for that to happen. Roode instead comes up with another counter. Roode begins shifting his body weight, trying to roll onto his side…

Cole: What’s Roode trying to do?

Roode continues to shift and is able to roll onto his side, forcing Hawkins onto his shoulders for a pinfall…



Hawkins breaks the hold and kicks out!

King: Brilliant move by Robert Roode! He knew that the only way Hawkins would be able to kick out would be to break the submission.

Both Hawkins and Roode get to a vertical base, Roode holding his arm. Hawkins mocks Roode by grabbing his own arm, feigning pain. Roode responds by charging at Hawkins and almost taking his head off with a clothesline. Hawkins drops to the mat and Roode goes for a cover…



Hawkins kicks out!

Roode lifts Hawkins off the mat before wrapping both arms around Hawkins’ waist and driving him straight towards the nearest turnbuckle. Hawkins’ back and ribs crash into the corner hard, but there is little time for Hawkins to recover as Roode quickly takes his shoulder and drives it right into Hawkins’ sternum. Hawkins coughs as the air is driven out of him, only to have Roode repeat the process. Roode then grabs Hawkins by the arm and Irish whips him to the opposing turnbuckle. The force of Roode’s whip actually causes Hawkins to stumble out of the corner, where Roode runs off the ropes near him and takes Hawkins to the canvas from behind with a running bulldog. Hawkins goes to the canvas and Roode rolls him over and goes for another cover…



Hawkins kicks out!

King: Robert Roode seems ready for MVP this Sunday!

Cole: MVP and Curt Hawkins are two completely different athletes Jerry.

Roode gets off Hawkins and gets to his feet. He starts slowly stalking “The Party Starterâ€. Hawkins starts pulling himself up, and as he’s about halfway to his feet, Roode kicks him square in the stomach, before throwing Hawkins’ arm over his shoulder…

Cole: Roode may be looking for the Roodeplex!

Before Roode can deliver the trademark Fisherman’s Suplex, Hawkins is able to drop to his back and hook Roode’s head, surprising him with a small package.
The referee goes down and counts…



Roode kicks out!

Both men manage to get to their feet at the same time after the surprising counter from Hawkins. Hawkins strikes first, grabbing Roode by the arm that he was working on earlier in the match and driving both knees into it. Roode grabs the appendage in pain as Hawkins makes his way over to the ring apron and heads to the top turnbuckle…

Cole: Hawkins is heading to the high rent district!

Hawkins makes it to the top before looking down on Roode. Hawkins then leaps off, dropping the Heat Seeking Elbow Drop right into the heart of Robert Roode!

King: Heat Seeking Elbow! This kid may pull of the upset!

Hawkins hits his finish before hooking the leg and covering Roode…



Roode kicks out!

King: What?

Hawkins looks at the referee in dismay. He quickly covers Roode again…



Roode kicks out!

Hawkins gets off Roode and decides that he’s had enough of this. He rolls under the bottom rope to the outside and goes to retrieve his cane from ringside…

Cole: Hawkins may have bad intentions!

Hawkins now has possession of the cane and reenters the ring. As soon as Hawkins steps through the middle rope though, Roode takes him down with a massive spear!

King: Spear!

Roode drags Hawkins away from the ropes before covering him…



Hawkins kicks out!

Cole: I can’t believe that didn’t end it.

Roode gets off Hawkins before heading to the second rope. Hawkins starts to pull himself up and looks for Roode. He fins Roode perched on the second rope and heads over to meet. Roode leaps off the rope, grabbing Hawkins by the head and flipping forward with a beautiful Buff Blockbuster. Hawkins’ neck snaps forwards as Roode goes for a cover…



Hawkins kicks out!

Roode slaps the mat. He felt that should have ended this match. Roode gets to his feet one more time, shaking his head at Hawkins. Roode prepares for one more crushing blow. Hawkins uses the ropes and the referee to pull himself to his feet and when he does, Roode charges at him going for the Pay Off Lariat. But at the last minute, Hawkins ducks out of the way and Roode hits the referee, knocking him off…

King: Roode just accidentally took the referee’s head off!

This momentary lapse allows Hawkins to sneak up behind Roode before leaping in the air and bringing both knees into his spine with a vicious Backstabber!

Cole: Backstabber! Both competitors and the referee are down!

All three men are down, not moving an inch. Hawkins is the first to move, but he’s taken quite the beating in this match, so he’s moving very gingerly. He is the first man to get to his feet, but Roode isn’t too far behind. Hawkins charges at Roode, but Roode is able to catch him before spinning and slamming him on the canvas with the Double R Spinebuster!

Cole: Huge Spinebuster!

Roode hooks the leg out of instinct, forgetting that there is no referee…

King: 1…2…3…4…5...come on, this thing is over!

Roode finally remembers that he knocked the ref out. He gets off Hawkins and goes to revive the referee. Roode starts shaking the official, hoping to get something out of him when…

1…2 You Hear The Clock Tickin’
Tick Tock…You’re About to Stop Livin’
Tick Tock…I want you to remember me
Tick Tock…But the dead don’t have no memory


Cole: What the hell?

The music of MVP starts playing and MVP immediately runs down the entrance ramp and slides right into the ring. Roode is unaware of all this, but turns around just in time to meet MVP. MVP goes on the attack, charging at Roode, grabbing him by the head and slamming him face first onto the canvas!

Cole: Play of The Day!

King: I thought MVP wasn't even in the arena tonight!

MVP’s not finished though. He quickly drags Hawkins on top of Roode before grabbing the referee and tossing him into position…


Cole: Not like this!


King: MVP just cost Roode the match!


Roberts: Here is your winner; Curt Hawkins!


Curt Hawkins raises his own arm as the bell rings three times. Hawkins has beaten the NWA World Champion. The camera cuts to MVP, who couldn’t be more proud of himself. MVP heads up the ramp and to the back as Hawkins gets to his feet. He grabs his cane and celebrates before leaving the ring. He heads backstage as Raw goes to commercial.




As RAW fades to its next segment, we see Josh Matthews standing backstage.

Josh Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, he is the Number One Contender for Cody Rhodes' United States Championship.. CM Punk.

CM Punk enters the frame with a large smile on his face.


Josh Matthews: Now Punk, what are your thoughts heading into your title match this Sunday at the Great American Bash?

Josh places the microphone in front of Punk's mouth, and Punk begins to speak.

CM Punk: My thoughts? Well honestly Josh, my thoughts are that I've never been more confident. See, this Sunday, Cody Rhodes goes behind enemy lines when he steps into the United Center in my hometown of Chicago, Illinois. But what he doesn't realize is, it's more than just a home. It's my sanctuary. Take a look at the things I've managed to accomplish in my hometown, the list attests for itself. Cody Rhodes has been talking a big game ever since he defeated me a couple weeks ago on RAW, but I managed to bounce right back and get named the Number One Contender for that coveted title. When we lock up on Sunday, it's not going to be about how many times I've beaten Cody or how many times he's beaten me, it's going to be about one thing and one thing only.. that United States Championship.

Punk takes a short pause as the crowd pops.


CM Punk: Cody and his little nWo buddies have defaced that title for long enough, and it's about time that I step in to stop it. Words can't explain the sheer joy I'm going to feel watching that entire pathetic "faction", and I use that term loosely, get embarrassed at The Great American Bash, but tonight is just a little preview. Aries, Austin and myself are going to show the world just what's in store, and why this Sunday.. will be the end of the new world order, forever.

The crowd cheers as Punk walks out of frame. RAW fades to its next segment.


We go backstage with the Apex Predator Randy Orton who tonight has a huge six man tag match to compete in, including his opponent at the Great American Bash. The camera pans in as we see Orton staring off beyond the camera view, before he looks into the camera and begins to speak.

This Sunday at the Great American Bash, will be either the New World Order's finest hour, or the end of a movement before it got started. The latter which I cannot and will not allow to happen. Since the reboot of this company, and my lost in RAW's first main event after Wrestlemania, I've been watching this roster; observing it to see who would join me in what would become RAW's and this company's most dominant stable to ever step foot in the square circle. Fast forward to Backlash where the arrival of the New World Order began. I left Stone Cold Steve Austin laid out in the ring, and put Austin Aries out of action for a month on a whim to prove a point, to show that we would no longer allow a bias General Manager in Teddy Long to turn his head away from the most talented core of guys his brand had to offer. Christian, Cody Rhodes, and myself have left nothing but destruction at our feet. For two month's now we've took our the likes of the European Revolution, Mr. Anderson, Edge, Chris Jericho, John Cena and our list goes on and on.

Orton scoffs at these names, like they leave a bad taste in his mouth as he continues

Tonight will be a historic night indeed for RAW and the New World Order. Tonight will be the last time you'll ever bear witness to Austin Aries in a UWF ring. When he makes his entrance tonight for our match, you better have your camera ready; because come next Tuesday the New World Order's list of victims will only continue to enlarge itself. Next tuesday I will forever prove why the New World Order as a entity are truly the Greatest Men Alive. Tonight we will stand victorious, tonight we will leave this ring, exactly as we will leave it at The Great American Bash; as champions, as GREATNESS.

Orton begins to stare off again, the hate in his eyes glowing as he finishes up.

CM Punk, Austin Aries and Stone Cold Steve Austin. What do these three names have in common? Past and current champions? Maybe so but tonight their names will be synonymous to something else. Tonight these three men will be forever known as the failed crusaders, the latest victims of the New World Order. This ends at The Great American Bash, but here on RAW in that very ring; this match tonight will be another statement of why WE are YOUR future.

Without saying another word Orton walks off camera as the scene goes black.​



23-8-1-20....9-19... 20-8-9-19?


NWO will end

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, it's now time for our main event. The six men who will be involved in Raw's three biggest matches this Sunday will face each other in six man tag action.

Justin Roberts: The following match is a six man tag scheduled for one fall. Introducing first Randy Orton, Christian and UWF United Stats Champion Cody Rhodes; The New World Order!

The following announcement has been brought to you by the New World Order!


The UWF remix of the original NWO theme song starts playing and everyone starts booing. The arena becomes engulfed in a black and grey hue as Orton, Christian and Rhodes make their way onto the stage. The three men pose as they make their way down the ramp. Cody holds high United States Championship high in the air, Christian motions for the UWF Championship and Randy Orton strikes his Legend Killer pose. All three men soon enter the ring as the lights return to normal and they await their opponents.

Roberts: And their opponents, first from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 215 pounds; "Double A" Austin Aries!


"Lights Out" by Hollywood Undead starts playing and the man that calls himself "The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived" walks out onto the stage. He is soprting his pink boa and wrestling trunks and interacts with the fans as he makes his way down the ramp. Slowly but surely, Aries makes it to the bottom of the ramp and decides to wait for his partners as opposed to entering the ring with the nWo.

Roberts: And his tag team partner, from Chicago, Illonois, weighing in at 227 pounds; CM Punk!

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous mixed reaction, as majority of the audience isn't quite sure which version of CM Punk they're going to see. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk outstretches his arms and begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds mixed reaction. Punk has a look of determination on his face as he ignores any possible fan interaction.


Once Punk reaches ringside, he proceeds to wait next to Aries. Both men point towards the back, waiting on teh arrival of their partner and the UWF Champion.

Roberts: And their tag team partner, from Victoria, Texas, weighing in at 256 pounds, he is the UWF Champion; Stone Cold Steve Austin!


The iconic glass shatters and out walks Stone Cold Steve Austin to a massive pop. The old Stone Cold has returned! He has the UWF Championship firmly in tow as he struts down the ramp and heads towards his partners. All three men meet at the end of the entrance ramp before entering the ring together. The nWo roll out the back door, allowing Austin to perform his trademark corner salute. Austin climbs each turnbuckle, showing off the UWF Championship. He hits all four before hopping down and waiting for the match to start.

The bell rings and Randy Orton decides that he will start the match against CM Punk. Orton and Punk quickly lock up, but Orton breaks it with a swift boot to the gut. CM Punk grabs his stomach in obvious pain before Orton grabs Punk by the back of the skull and drives his forearm right into Punk’s face. The blow staggers Punk, allowing Orton to hit another. This one hits Punk hard that he falls back onto the ropes, where Orton grabs him by the arm and throws him across the ring. Punk bounces off the ropes as Orton lowers his head. Punk leapfrogs Orton and keeps running. Orton gets back to a standing position and turns around to see Punk coming at him with a leaping leg lariat. Orton goes to the canvas and Punk goes for the pinfall of the match…



Orton kick out!

Punk quickly grabs Orton by the skull lifting him to his feet and heads towards his corner. Punk throws Orton to the turnbuckle before tagging in Steve Austin. The UWF Champion comes into the ring and throws fists at Orton almost immediately. Fist after fist connect with Orton’s face and chest. Austin then pulls back and hits Orton with a right so hard that Orton leaves his feet and falls to the canvas. With Orton in a seated position, Austin proceeds to lay the boots to him. One boot follows another to the sternum and solar plexus of Randy Orton before Austin delivers his trademark double finger salute and drives one more boot to Orton.

Cole: Austin is on fire. You know he can’t way to do this to Christian this Sunday!

King: The old Stone Cold is back!

Austin turns his attention to the New World Order corner and flips Christian off. The momentary lapse of focus allows Orton to get to his feet and charge out of the corner, taking Austin down with a stiff clothesline. Austin lies on the mat, obviously stunned but gets to his feet. As soon as he does, Orton hits him with another clothesline. Austin goes back down to the canvas. Now he’s frustrated! He slaps the mat in anger before getting back to his feet and swinging at Orton. Orton ducks it and Austin turns around right into a waiting Orton who hits him with a powerslam!


King: It’s a powerslam! Don’t you dare!

Austin grabs his neck as the powerslam seems to have shaken him up. Austin rolls under the bottom rope to the ring apron and Orton goes right after him. Austin tries to get back in the ring through the middle rope, but Orton catches him with a swift kick to the face. This stuns Austin, who now staggers on the apron, half his body in the ring and the other half on the apron. Orton takes advantage of this situation, applying a front face lock…

Cole: Orton going to the well very early.

Austin knows the Hangman’s DDT is coming. So he uses his upper body strength to lift Orton over the ring ropes and to the outside…

King: Brilliant move by the UWF Champion. Very rarely do you see Orton’s DDT countered like that.

Austin drops to the floor from the ring and goes right at Austin. Orton lies on the arena floor, stunned from the fall he just took. Austin lifts him to his feet before tossing him onto his shoulder and dropping Orton face first onto the barricade. Orton grabs his face in obvious pain as Austin rolls in and out of the ring to break the count. The Champion goes right back on the assault, grabbing Orton by the back of the head and lifting him to his feet. Austin screams a few obscenities towards Orton before running towards the steel ring pole. Orton is able to put the brakes on and shift momentum, sending Austin into the pole instead. Austin’s skull bounces off the steel as Orton looks on. Orton rolls into the ring and distracts the referee which allows Rhodes and Christian to drop off the apron and put a beating on Austin. Both men lay the boots to Austin before lifting him to his feet and tossing him right into the steel ring steps. A sickening thud can be heard as Austin crashes shoulder first into the steel. Christian thinks the damage that he and Rhodes have done is sufficient and picks Austin off the floor before throwing him back into the ring. As Austin lies on the canvas, Orton decides to go for a cover…



Austin kicks out!

Cole: Steve Austin is in a bad way. He really needs to tag out!

Orton grabs Austin by the arm and drags him to the New World Order corner. Orton then proceeds to tag in Cody Rhodes and the “Grotesque One†comes into the fray…

King: And here comes quite possibly the most dangerous man in this match.

Rhodes lifts Austin off the mat before taking him up in the air in a scoop slam position. Instead of slamming Austin, Rhodes takes him to the turnbuckle and wraps his legs around it, leaving Austin stranded in the New World Order corner in a Tree of Woe. Rhodes then takes a step towards the opposing team’s corner before staring a whole at CM Punk…

Cole: You can tell how much CM Punk wants Cody Rhodes!

Rhodes turns his attention back to Austin, charging at the prone UWF Champion and driving a knee right into the helpless Champion’s face. Austin’s body goes semi-limp as Rhodes unhooks him and covers him…



Austin kicks out!

Rhodes gets off Austin before heading back to his corner and tagging in the Number One Contender to the UWF Championship; Christian. Christian comes in smirking and mocking Austin…

King: Of course Christian wants Austin after he’s been beat down. What a coward!

Cole: Watch it Jerry! That’s the next UWF Champion you’re taking about. If you’re not careful he’ll be some respect into you just like Austin did!

As Austin tries to get to his feet, Christian just toys with him. Christian repeatedly slaps Austin in the back of the head. Austin crawls over to the turnbuckle and uses it to pull himself to his feet. Christian grabs Austin by the arm and Irish whips him out of the corner, but Austin manages to counter. Christian hits the turnbuckle instead, and he hits it so hard that the recoil forces him to stumble right into the waiting arms of Steve Austin, who lifts him in the air before driving him right back down with a ring-shaking spinebuster. The crowd cheers as both men lay motionless on the mat. The referee notices that both men are out and begins his count…







Austin starts heading towards his corner…



Christian starts heading towards his…


Both men dive and tag in their respective partners. Christian tags in Randy Orton and Austin tags in CM Punk! Orton enters the ring first heading right to the opposing team’s corner. Punk doesn’t give Orton the opportunity to strike though as he leaps from the ring apron onto the top and takes Orton down with a springboard clothesline. Cody Rhodes tries to sneak up on Punk, but Punk sees him coming and delivers a beautiful spinning wheel kick. Orton has gotten back to his feet and Punk charges at him, grabbing Orton by the head and spinning, taking him down with a spinning neckbreaker. As the chaos concludes, Punk takes this chance to cover him…



Orton kicks out!

Orton rolls a shoulder and tries to get away from Punk. He crawls to an empty corner and gets to his feet, hoping for some sort of reprieve. CM Punk doesn’t give it to him as he runs right at the corner and drives his knee right into Orton’s face…

Cole: Vintage Punk!

Orton’s head snaps back as Punk grabs him and charges out of the corner before slamming Punk onto the mat with a running bulldog. The fans start chanting “CM Punk, CM Punk†as Punk gets to his feet and places both palms to the side of his head, letting everyone know that its naptime…

King: We all know what that means!

Punk immediately grabs Orton and lifts him to his feet. Punk drops to a knee and lifts Orton onto his shoulders…

King: Go To Sleep!

Orton throws elbows into Punk’s head, causing Punk to drop him. Orton lands behind Punk and grabs him by the head, dropping Punk onto Orton’s own back with his trademark inverted backbreaker…

Cole: Vintage Orton!

Orton rolls over to his corner and tags in Christian. Christian is ready to attack. He enters the ring and immediately gets in a three point stance. Punk’s still somewhat stunned after that backbreaker, but manages to do so. As soon as Punk gets to his feet, Christian charges at him and almost cuts Punk in half with a vicious Spear! Punk grabs his ribs in pain as Christian goes for a cover…



Austin Aries slingshots into the ring, dropping a leg across the back of Christian’s head, breaking the pin!

This brings Cody Rhodes back into the ring. Rhodes goes right after Aries, clotheslining him right out of his boots. This brings Austin back into the fray. Austin goes right after Rhodes, lighting the United States Champion up with lefts and rights…

Cole: We all know this history between Rhodes and Austin!

Austin continues to deliver fists to Rhodes, when out of nowhere he kicks Rhodes in the gut and drops him on the mat with a Stone Cold Stunner!

King: Stunner!!!

Austin stuns Rhodes and talks trash as Cody rolls out of the ring. Austin stands tall, but only momentarily as Randy Orton spins Austin around grabbing him by the head and slamming him face first onto the mat with an RKO…

Cole: RKO!

Orton throws up his legend killer pose, but it doesn’t last long as CM Punk spins him around and lifts him onto his shoulders before quickly throwing him off onto his knee…

Cole: Go to Sleep! Bodies are flying everywhere!

Just as CM Punk stands tall over Orton, Christian underhooks both arms and spins around, dropping Punk with a Killswitch! Christian is the only man standing. He motions for the UWF Championship…

King: Will this be what we see this Sunday? Will Christian stand tall at the end of the night?

The fans boo Christian as he slaps his chest. The boos turn to cheers as unbeknownst to Christian, Steve Austin enters the ring, wielding a steel chair. Christian turns around and Austin drops him with the steel chair!

Cole: Austin just took out his Number One Contender!

Austin stands over Christian with the chair in hand. Austin takes the chair and brings it down on Christian’s back. One chair shot to the back, a second chair shot to the back, a third, then a fourth, all directly onto Christian’s spine!

King: We may have spoken to soon! Maybe Stone Cold can retain the UWF Championship.

Austin sees Christian stirring and throws the chair away. Christian desperately tries to pull himself up after the steel chair assault. Austin smiles as he waits for his Number One Contender to rise. As Christian gets up, Austin quickly turns him around before kicks him in the stomach, doubling Christian over and grabbing him by the head, hitting the Stone Cold Stunner!!

King: Another Stunner!

Christian flops to the mat as Austin rolls under the ring and grabs his UWF Championship. Austin climbs the top rope and poses with the Championship.

Cole: Stone Cold Steve Austin may have just taken all the momentum away from Christian heading into The Great American Bash. For Jerry Lawler, I’m Michael Cole. We’ll see you on Sunday!

The last image we see before Raw goes off the air is Stone Cold Steve Austin posing with his Championship.


Promos: Respective TTers
Everything Else: Cwalker​


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Edition

Great show, lets get ready to get all out at The Greatest Bash of them all. :D


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Edition

LOL Rock Paper Scissors, I love it! :D Great match too (a gif of the 450 Splash would have just made it perfect!)

Jobbers no more! Get ready world, here come #AlmostFamous!

Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Edition

You're not jobbers because you beat Andy and I due to my lack of internet and Andy probably just not giving a shit? Bravo!

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Edition

You're not jobbers because you beat Andy and I due to my lack of internet and Andy probably just not giving a shit? Bravo!

Been there before, I know how frustrating it is but please don't get too discouraged, I am a fan of your Christopher Daniels and feel you are a valuable asset to the Raw brand and UWF. Pete, Almost Famous were never jobbers. Their first match was for the contendership for the UWF Tag Team Championships, then you had a match with yours truly the UWF Champion. Even though both matches were lost, by no means does that make your tag team jobbers. I wish this match wasn't plagued by internet issues because I know RRS would've shown if he could have. Let's not take shots guys, let's just have fun.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 17th Edition

Nice show, I noticed that S-A-V-E and numbers bit.

Sounds like Jericho to me but just who is that person?
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