UWF 2012: Past Pay-Per-Views & Cards

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Re: UWF New Year's Revolution: Official Card!

Oh! I'm sorry! Was that posted? My bad. That's what I get for taking a weeks vacation for the first time in the last three years...


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Re: UWF New Year's Revolution: Official Card!

Alright I'm just waiting on the Last Man Standing Match and the. The PPV can go up. Hopefully it's not too log of a wait


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UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

As New Year's Revolution begins, we are automatically taken backstage to what seems to be the loading dock area. It doesn't take long before we are greeted by the Number One Contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, the Show Off, The Sole Survivor, Dolph Ziggler.


Dolph Ziggler: Tonight's the night. Tonight's going to be a good, good night. And no I'm not talking about the Black Peas Song *no offense Fergie*. When I say tonight's going to be a good night, it's because tonight is the night I get whay I deserve. Tonight is the night that I do what I do best and that is steal the show. Day after day, week after week, month after month I do this and I do it better than everyone else around me. Best in The World? PFFTT. Whatevs. Why call myself The Best in The World when I can be the Show Stealer, the Hashtag heel, the Sole Survivor and most importantly your soon to be World Heavyweight Champion.

Ziggler takes a breath after one of his trrademark long winded monologues before continuing.

Ziggler: Jeff Hardy, you've had a good run kid. But tonight it's over. No more creatures of the night, no more living for the moment and no more World Heavyweight Championship. Tonight, I take what's mine, the World Heavyweight Championship, my permenant spot in the main event, the hearts of all the woman in the arena as if I haven't done that already. But most importantly tonight Jeff Hardy, I prove that you are a paper Champion. A boy in a Man's world. Jeff Hardy, all your screw ups, all your mistakes, all your addictions have led you to this moment. I want you to live this final moment because when it's gone Jeff, it's over. After tonight, it's over. Show Off.

Ziggler soon cuts off the camera and the traditional Pay Per View opening begins.

UWF Smackdown and UWF NXT Proudly Present....New Year's Revolution!!


Live December 30th, 2012, from Cleveland, Ohio!


Official Theme Song- Hurt by Adelitas Way

"The pyro explodes the cameras cut all throughout the Quicken Loans arena to the live image of UWF fans cheering their heads off for what is about to transpire. All sort of signs are read from "I love Jeff Hardy" to "The Champ is Here" and lastly "YES". The fans are obvious excited for New Year's Revolution and they have a huge reason to be. After all this transpires, the cameras cut to our first announce team, Jim Ross and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.


Jim Ross: Welcome to New Year's Revoultion Ladies and Gentlemen. 2012 is coming to a close and I can't think of a better way to end it than with the show that we have for you tonight.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: That's right Ross! Our Main Event will steal the show. The spot monkey Jeff Hardy will defend his World Heavyweight Championship aganist Dolph Ziggler. It may be Ziggler's night to steal the show Ross.

JR: That's going to be a Slobberknocker for sure! But how about Edge versus Jeff Jarrett for the European Championship. Edge goaded Jarrett into this match and now the Rated R Superstar looks to become Champion.

Piper: And we can't forget Bryan versus Ambrose part four. These two have beat the hell out of each other and now it's time for them to do it again.

Ross: Big stakes for in that match up. But for now, let's go over to our Monday Night counterparts, Joey Styles and Matt Striker!

Joey Styles: Thank You Jim! And yes ladies and gents, NXT is back on Pay-Per-View. And tonight, we have the red hot Miz challenging Bully Ray for the NXT World Heavyweight Championship.

Matt Striker: What a match that's going to be Joey. How about CM Punk versus Rhino. That feud has become extremely personal over the past few weeks and now they'll duke it out.

Styles: That match may be Awesome!

Striker: It very well may be, but let's get is started!

And after the introductions, we head to the ring for our first contest.

Joey Styles: Are you ready for our first match Matt?

Striker: I sure am Joey. Austin Aries and Seth Rollins have been at each other’s throats for weeks and now it culminates in a Last Man Standing match.

Christy Hemme: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Davenport, Iowa, weighing in at 205 pounds; Seth Rollins!


"Flesh It Out" by Blues Saraceno begins playing and the charasmatic yet strange Seth Rollins moshes out onto the stage. He rages all over the entrace stage, flailing his arms everywhere in a strange fashion. This weird ritual has become common place for Seth Rollins and the fans love it; whether it's because of the originality or simply due to the spastic motions.


Rollins finshes up his rotuine before heading down the entrance ramp towards teh ring. Rollins runs down the rest of the way before sliding into the ring under the bottom rope. He climbs one of the turnbuckles and poses for the fans who pop for him. Rollins leaps down and waits patiently for his opponent.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

People in the arena are having a good time watching UWF NXT when all of a sudden lights in the arena go off.


Lights Out by Hollywood Undead starts playing through the arena speakers and people automaticaly start booing the arrival of A Double, Austin Aries who emerges from behind wearing a cape.


Austin Aries
' cape is slightly shining when he turns around. Aries extends his hands as he walks down the ramp. As Aries is walking down to the ring pyros are exploding behind his back.

Christy Hemme: From Minneapolis, Minnesota. Weighing in at two-hundred and ten pounds, he is the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived", Austin Aries!


When Aries is in front of the ring he lies down on the apron and puts his hand in the air. Aries then stands up and faces the ring. The camera angle focuses on Aries' cape.


Aries then uses the ropes to catapult himself into the ring. When Aries lands on his feet he turns around couple of times. Then he unclips his cape and faces his opponents as the match gets underway.




Styles: And this isn’t just your normal match. A Last Man Standing Match constitutes keep your opponent down for the ten count.

As the bell sounds, Rollins and Aries lock up to begin. Aries being the stronger of the two forces Rollins down to a knee before grabbing Rollins by the arm and performing a go behind hammerlock. Rollins throws a back elbow, looking to break the hammerlock, but Aries ducks under it before lifting Rollins off the canvas and dropping him onto his knee with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Rollins grabs his groin as Aries steps up and performs an enziguiri. Rollins falls to the canvas and Aries demands that the referee begins his 10-count…





Rollins gets to his feet…

Striker: And Austin Aries had to know that wouldn’t keep Seth Rollins down!

Styles: It was smart Matt. Aries is just testing the waters and seeing how much it’s going to take to keep Rollins down.

The kick to the back of the head staggers Rollins and as he gets back to his feet, he falls backwards towards the near corner. Aries goes right after Rollins, grabbing him by the arm and Irish whipping him to the far side of the ring. As Rollins runs towards the opposing turnbuckle, he uses the middle turnbuckle pad as a springboard to catapult himself backwards towards Aries and land on top of the former Undisputed Champion with a Crossbody Block. Rollins rolls off Aries and the “Greatest Man Who Ever Livedâ€￾ gets to a knee where Rollins delivers a Shining Wizard. Rollins’ boot connects with Aries’ skull, sending Aries to the mat and under the bottom rope to the arena floor. Rollins tells the referee to count as Aries lies on the arena floor…






Aries rolls onto his stomach and begins to push himself to his feet.


Aries get to his feet!

As soon as Aries gets up, Seth Rollins leaps over the top rope and lands on top of Austin Aries with a plancha. Aries is on the floor just as fast as he gets back to his feet. Rollins gets to his own and screams in enjoyment…

Styles: Seth Rollins is now in control!

Rollins grabs Aries by the back of the head before lifting him to feet and grabbing him by the arm and tossing him towards the ring steps. Aries reverses the whip and Rollins heads towards the steps instead. Before Rollins hits the steps, he leaves his feet and leapfrogs over it. Rollins lands on the other side of the steps as Aries charges towards him. Rollins responds by dropkick the steps, which crash directly into Austin Aries’ ribs. This stops Aries in his tracks and sends him to the floor. Rollins rolls back into the ring and tells the referee to count Aries out again…








Aries crawls onto the apron and back into the ring, getting to his feet.

As soon as Aries gets into the ring, Rollins meets him with a right hand to the face. The right hand knocks Aries onto the ropes where Rollins grabs him by the arm and attempts to Irish whip him yet again. Aries is shot off the ropes, but grabs hold of Rollins’ left arm and ducks under before spinning Rollins around and performing a snap DDT. Rollins’ head spikes off the mat and Austin Aries soon exits the ring and lifts the ring skirt, obviously looking for a weapon of some sort. Aries soon finds a folding chair and reveals it to the masses…

Striker: And one would assume that Austin Aries has some evil intentions!

Aries looks to enter the ring with the chair before Seth Rollins comes out of nowhere and delivers a baseball slide into the chair, which connects with Aries’ chest. The chair strikes Aries in the chest which knocks him backwards towards the ring barricade. Aries doesn’t release the chair as he sits on the barricade. Back inside the ring, Rollins runs off the far ropes before leaping through the middle rope and performing a suicide dive. Austin Aries is ready for him and launches the chair just as Rollins flies through the ropes. Seth Rollins is unable to protect himself and the chair collides with Rollins’ unprotected skull. Rollins falls to the canvas as the referee exits the ring and Aries demands that the official count…



Styles: That was a sick shot to the face of Seth Rollins. He may not be able to get up!






Rollins manages to get to his feet!

The referee stops his count and Aries goes back on the offensive. He grabs Rollins by the back of the skull and launches him into the steel ring post. Rollins barely gets his hands up for protection, but the damage is still done. Rollins’ body rolls over in front of the announce table and Austin Aries goes after him, looking to continue his attack. Aries goes towards the NXT announce table before removing the table top and all of the television monitors…

Styles: I don’t know about you Matt, but I’m getting the hell out of here!

Both Matt Striker and Joey Styles leave their positions at the announce table before Aries grabs Rollins by the air and throws him onto the announce table. Aries soon follows suit, climbing onto the announce table before delivering a right hand to Rollins’ head. Aries then lifts Rollins to a knee before putting Rollins’ head between his legs…

Striker: Don’t do this Austin!!

Aries tries to lift Rollins up off the table, but Rollins holds onto him, blocking Aries. Aries tries again, and yet again Set Rollins blocks him. Seth Rollins refuses to let Aries do whatever the Former Undisputed Champion has planned. Austin Aries tries to hoist Seth Rollins up a third time when out of nowhere, Seth Rollins is able to counter by back dropping Seth Rollins onto the nearby Spanish Announce table, breaking it in the process…

Styles: Oh My God!

As UWF’s Spanish announces Julio Diego and Miguel Sanchez abandon their posts at the table, it explodes upon Aries’ body hitting it hard! Rollins drops to his knees on the NXT announce table but motions for the official to count Aries out once and for all…





Styles: That was an unbelievable fall. I don’t know if Aries will make it up!





Aries stirs, trying to get up…


Styles: Is he going to make it?

9 ½…

Aries makes it to his feet before a count of ten!

Rollins rolls off the table as Aries staggers to his feet and grabs Aries by the back of the head, throwing him back into the ring. As Aries rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring, Rollins hops onto the ring apron and waits for Aries to get to his feet. Aries makes it up and as he does, Rollins leaps in the air and attempts a springboard clothesline…

Styles: Rollins is keeping the offense coming at Aries!

As Rollins soars in midair, Aries is able to catch him with a dropkick to the midsection that causes Rollins to fall to the mat. As Aries gets to his feet, he doesn’t tell the referee to count. Instead, he goes right after Rollins, grabbing him by the hair and lifting him to his feet. Aries quickly throws Rollins’ shoulder over his shoulder before hoisting Rollins high in the air…

Striker: Oh no! I know what’s coming next!

Aries holds Rollins in place for a few moments before dropping Rollins on his skull with the brainbuster!!

Styles: Brainbuster! It’s over for Rollins!

Aries gets back to his feet and motions that it’s over. Aries tells the official to count as he goes to the far corner and perches himself on the turnbuckle pad, stretching out and getting comfortable…






Styles: Austin Aries seems to think this is over and I don’t blame him!



Seth Rollins begins to stir…


Seth Rollins begins pushing himself to his feet…


Seth Rollins makes it up and breaks the count!

Austin Aries cannot believe it. He leaps off the turnbuckle before charging at Rollins and delivering a spinning wheel kick to Rollins’ face. Rollins falls back to the mat again and Aries leaves the ring…

Striker: Now what does Austin Aries have planned?

Aries heads to the corner of the ring and grabs the steel ring steps before separating the top half from the bottom half. Aries holds onto the top half of the steps before sliding them into the ring under the bottom rope. Aries soon slides back in the ring and drags the steel steps directly into the center. Aries turns his attention back to Rollins before grabbing the young man by the hair and lifting him to a knee. Aries has a look of finality written across his face. This will be the end of the match here in Aries’ mind. He grabs Rollins by the arm and throws it over his shoulder again before lifting Rollins into the air in front of the steel steps…

Styles: No don’t do it!

Aries is thinking Brainbuster. This move has won him so many matches, so many Championships and he’s looking for one more victory here. Aries holds Rollins longer than normal allowing the blood to rush to Rollins’ skull. What Aries doesn’t expect is that Rollins is able to shift his body weight and force himself onto his feet behind Aries. Aries quickly turns around and Rollins catches him with the Avada Kedavra Superkick right to the midsection. This doubles Aries over as he stands over the steel steps. Rollins then runs the near ropes to gather momentum before leaping high in the air and delivering a running stomp on the back of Aries’ head!

Striker: The Blackout directly onto the steel steps!!!

Aries’ face and head crashes down onto the steel steps with unbelievable force and velocity. An exhausted Seth Rollins staggers backwards into the near corner before motioning to the referee to count Austin Aries out…








Styles: Austin Aries hasn’t moved!




Christy Hemme: The winner of this match, Seth Rollins!!!


Striker: And Seth Rollins picks up a huge win!

Seth Rollins’ theme music plays and the referee raises Rollins’ arm high in the air in victory. Rollins shakes off the fatigue of the match. Rollins soon exits the ring and heads to the back as New Year’s Revolution makes its way backstage.

New Year's Revolution pans backstage to a dark room where Sting, Kane, and Seth Rollins are standing together. Sting is standing in the middle of the group as he begins to speak.

Allow me to clear up a few misconceptions about the Purveyors of Poison, because I've heard a lot of accusations since our formation that just aren't true. For starters, when you see this group, your immediate reaction should not be one of alarm or defensiveness. A war has begun on NXT, ladies and gentlemen, JBL is continuing to increase his numbers in his effort to destroy this tandem and when all is said and done, every member of the NXT roster will be embroiled in this war, either opposing JBL alongside the Purveyors of Poison or standing alongside him as part of his cabinet. Already he has recruited Austin Aries, and we suspect that he has done the same with Darren Young. JBL will stop at nothing to rid what he deems his brand of us, as well as ridding the company of us, but here's some statistics for you.

It was while I was in control that NXT became the brand it is today, when JBL was in control people deemed it as nothing more than a joke. We have done more good for NXT than JBL ever could and that's what bothers him the most about us, and because of his competitive streak he would rather get rid of his competition than find a common ground, and that's why we find ourselves embroiled in this situation. The Purveyors of Poison are not an antagonistic faction, the poison that we supply, or purvey as it were, is not meant to toxify but instead purify. JBL and anyone he gets under his greedy thumb is a cancer to ours and all other's programs, and we are the chemotherapy that will rid NXT and UWF of that cancer. Much like a vaccination to cure a virus is an injection of a dead version of that virus into your bloodstream, we come with our own vaccination, we are the remedy for the disease the cabinet is spreading and because of our existence in the bloodstream of NXT, the disease in time will die because within us exists the dead version of that disease from our days of acting out in self-interest in greed.

Accusation number two arises from a comment that my opponent tonight, Zack Ryder, made during our brief exchange of words regarding this evening's event when he compared the Purveyors of Poison to Smackdown's faction, Y.E.S. The Purveyors of Poison are unlike the Enlightened Saviors for many reasons, the most important of which being that all three of our members are still actively competing and appearing on weekly television and while they desperately try to maintain a foothold on the managerial end of Smackdown for their own benefit, we are resisting those in power on NXT for the benefit of others. We are not copying them, and we certainly are not copying the New World Order. But I expect those accusations to arise, with each wrestling faction those accusations are made and comparisons are drawn but I assure you, you are misinformed if you think we are like any group you've seen grace the world of professional wrestling before.

Tonight begins the next chapter in this ever-heating encounter when I defend my Extreme Championship and Seth Rollins takes on Austin Aries. It will be a test for we as individuals as well as we as a group. Regardless of what happens, the war...is far from over.

New Year's Revolution heads elsewhere.


Darren Young emerges from the back with a huge smile on his face due to his actions last week on NXT

As he makes his way the audience isn't showing any type of emotion towards this superstar. Darren grabs the mic from Christi, holding on to her hand and gyrating his hips shouting: MAKE MONEY MONEY MAKE MONEY MONAYYYY[/SIZE]

Darren Young: SO...did everyone my debut on NXT last week? I took out the Big Red Freak and cost him his match... That's just what I do, Mr. No Days Off...but I'm the worst is yet to come...

Young hops on the top turnbuckle and lays out while talking

Darren Young: I guess you could say that I've put myself in a bad situation with the "Purveyors of Poison" taking out their biggest member. I see it as their mistake...they lost focus and I've exposed how weak that group really is. Come on, a 7 ft tall monster taken out in less than 10 second...WHILE his goonies were at ringside. Who could blame them though, I know it can be hard being in the presence of THE Prime Time Player. See, what the other superstars may not understand is that I don't fool around...I like to mess people up something terrible. .

Gets off the top rope and stands in the middle of the ring looking directly into the camera


Darren Young: Now as far as Aries goes, I won him the match...Everyone in the arena saw how Aries couldn't hold himself and I had to come save the day. It must be hard to hold a title for 12 days but beating Kane?? Come on homie even you have to admit you dropped the ball on that one. That was only a demonstration of what I did to Kane; now if you want my help...it's going to cost you...and that goes to anyone in the back..If you need the help Mr. No Days Off you better have MILLIONS OF DOLLAHS MILLIONS OF DOLLAHS MILLIONS OF DOLLAHS


Derrick Bateman, Johnny Curtis and Maxine are shown backstage in the middle of a conversation.

Derrick Bateman
Look, all I'm saying is that Dolph is the most underrated talent of this generation. I mean have to seen the way he sells? His facial expressions alone are enough to warrant admission. I mean it's like a thing of beauty.

Johnny Curtis
Yeah but when's the last time you've seen him do anything worthwhile? I mean what's he doing now?

What’s he doing now? Have you not been watching? He's been going toe to toe with the biggest names in the industry. Maybe you've been living under a rock bro but he's back at it. He's making a comeback!

Look idiot, no matter how much of a man crush you have on him, there's no way Dolph Lundgren is making a comeback.

You watch your mouth woman!

Look enough arguing, we need to get on page for our match. No matter how over the hill Taz is, he's a big obstacle. Brock is as well but if we could beat him last month, we can surely do it again this month. I just have to avoid letting Taz get a grip on me and I'll be all good.

Oh don't worry about that baby, I'll lotion you up while you get ready. He won't be able to lay a finger on my little Michelangelo’s David.

Maxine pulls out lotion and starts to rub down Johnny Curtis.

I'm better than David. There's a certain BIG difference between us.

Oh yeah. BIG difference.

I can't believe you three idiots are still here.

Dean Ambrose emerges from down the hall much to the disdain of everyone.

Dean Ambrose
Is this the kind of talent NXT has to offer? NXT must really be suffering if they have to resort to giving any of you a title shot of any kind.

Keep talking bro! Last time we had a conversation like this, we walked out winners while you came out as a loser.

Loser? You a winner? You beat a nobody whose career has been falling for the past two years while I defeated three of the biggest wrestlers in this company. Sure I didn't win in the end but-

That's right you didn't win! We did. At the end of the day that's all that matters.

Dean looks down a Maxine before looking back at Johnny Curtis.

You better tell her to keep her mouth shut. If she interrupts me again, I won't hesitate to do something drastic.

Cool it babe. Look, you have something we want. And we'll be more than happy to take them from you.

Oh you mean these shiny new Tag Team titles? It's funny, In our first match ever together, me and John were able to accomplish what you've been trying to do since you got here. I never even wanted to become Tag Team Champions. It all sort of just happened. I always thought a partner would slow me down so I never even bothered. But if you guys would like a shot just tell me. Hell I'll even defend them in a handicap match. What'dya say?

Curtis Bateman and Maxine all look around at each other.

We'll talk it over later but first we need to concentrate on our match.

Yeah well I'll be waiting for ya'. First I'm going to win that Television Championship and become the first person to ever become a Triple Crown Champion as well as the longest reigning Television Champion. Later chumps.

Dean gives a peace out sign and walks away as the trio is left with no words.

Christy Hemme: The following is the Triple Threat match to determine who will go on to face Sting or Zack Ryder for the Extreme Championship at the Royal Rumble!.


The familiar sound of pounding drums signal the arrival of 'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar. Before too long Lesnar walks out from behind the curtain and the crowd give the monster some insane heat. He does his normal warm-up routine on the stage before heading down the ramp. He stands in front of the ring, he does another quick warm up before leaping from the ground with a standing jump up onto the ring apron as pyro shoots out from all four ring posts. Lesnar then steps into the ring, throws his t-shirt off and prepares for battle.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 278 pounds, he is 'The Beast'... Brock Lesnar!.


Johnny Curtis's music hits as the crowd mostly groans. Curtis comes out with a very sleazy look on his face. He walks over to the titantron and once again starts to gyrate around and even slapping his ass. Maxine is clearly loving this as the crowd is more or less, scratching their heads. Johnny comes down the ramp with Maxine in tow as the crowd continue to boo, wondering where fan-favourite Derrick Bateman is. Curtis slides into the ring and Maxine takes up her post on the outside. Curtis stays well clear of Brock Lesnar in the ring as they await Taz.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Maxine, from Westbrook, Maine, weighing in at 225 pounds, Johnny Curtis!.


As the infamous heartbeat begins to thunder throughout the arena, it signals the moment the UWF Universe begin to cheer for the arriving Taz. Once the heartbeat ceases and the theme kicks in, Taz emerges from the back in his wrestling gear, a black towel hangs over his face. Taz doesn't take the time to soak in the atmosphere, instead choosing to make his way down the ramp and towards the ring. Taz eventually reaches the steel steps, not breaking stride as he makes his way up them and promptly enters the ring. He then simply stands in the corner, his arms folded, focused on the task in hand.

Christy Hemme: And from the Red Hook Section of Brooklyn, New York. Taz!.


The bell sounds and Taz remains motionless in the corner. His arms folded, showing zero intimidation of his opponents. Curtis looks the most wary, standing between both 'The Human Suplex Machine' and a former Ultimate Fighter. Curtis simply drops out of the ring and beside Maxine. Lesnar looks down at him, he's been waiting to get his hands on Curtis, but before he can go and get him on the outside Taz steps up into his face. Lesnar and Taz look at each other, Lesnar towering over the stocky Taz, this makes no difference to Taz as Taz catches Lesnar on the nose with a headbutt starting the match. Lesnar stumbles back against the ropes and Taz goes on the assault with kicks to the mid-section and right hand shots to the back of the head. Lesnar fires right back, rocking Taz with a right hand, but the tough Taz doesn't stop, as Lesnar throws a looping right hook, Taz ducks, catches him under the arm, he clasps his hands around Lesnar before throwing the behemoth half way across the ring with a signature Head and Arm Suplex!.

Styles: Taz with the Tazplex!, many of the younger generation won't remember this Taz, but trust me... you'll get to know him.

Striker: He isn't called the 'Human Suplex Machine' for nothing Joey!, impressive feat of technique and strength there from Taz.

As Lesnar hits the mat Curtis slides into the ring and blindsides Taz knocking him down to the mat with a clubbing blow upside the head. Curtis then starts stomping away at Taz but unfortunately for Curtis he overestimated how long Lesnar would be down and before he knows it Lesnar is up in his face. Curtis tries to turn his back and get out of harms way but Lesnar spins him around and lifts him up into the air on one shoulder before driving Curtis into the ring corner where Maxine is situated. Lesnar flashes a sick smile at Maxine as he lifts Curtis back up and runs across the ring, driving Curtis into the opposite corner of the ring. Lesnar then starts driving his shoulder into the ribs and mid-section of Johnny Curtis, each time he does so Curtis gasps in pain. Taz however comes up behind Lesnar, locks his arms around Lesnar's waist and drops him overhead with a German Suplex with a bridge, forcing the pinning predicament.



Lesnar rolls the shoulder out. Curtis quickly gets Taz who is getting back to his feet and rolls him up with an Oklahoma Roll maneuver.



Lesnar breaks up the pin.

Styles: Taz almost had Lesnar!.

Striker: Curtis almost had Taz!

Lesnar goes back to trying to get his hands on Curtis, but Curtis dodges a lunging Lariat from the big man and hits him on the back, between the shoulder blades with a Dropkick dropping him between the ring ropes and to the outside. Taz comes up behind Curtis and locks his arms up in a Full Nelson, but before he can execute the move Curtis slips out, turns behind Taz and locks his arms around his waist, he pushes him up against the ring ropes and rolls back looking for a Roll Up pin, but Taz holds onto the ring ropes. Curtis still rolls through with the move and gets up only to find Taz standing looking at him, Curtis looks surprised but Taz wastes no time kicking him between his eyes with the Brooklyn Boot. Curtis' head bounces off the mat real hard, possibly knocking the Maine native out as Taz covers.


Lesnar slides in for the save and lifts Taz clean off of Curtis with an incredible deadlift and throws him overhead with a release German Suplex!. Taz lands on his weak neck and is down for sometime as Lesnar sets his sights back onto Curtis. Lesnar stalks his pray, moving slowly over to the fallen Curtis, Maxine screams for Curtis to get up and see Lesnar moving towards him but he can't get away in time.

Styles: What a freakish show of strength there from Lesnar with that deadlift of Taz, and then to throw him clean over his head?... unbelievable!.

Striker: The man is a freak of nature, he has strength, size, speed, agility... all in abundance!.

Curtis is lifted up onto his feet by Brock Lesnar who lifts him up into his arms in a Fall Away position. Brock then proceeds to drop Curtis onto his knee with his signature rib-buster. He does this three times to Curtis who looks in a great deal of pain. The agony written on his face he once again slides out of the ring, this time however as Maxine runs to protect him, Taz appears standing behind him, Taz spins Curtis around, wraps his arms around his waist and throws him overhead with a Belly to Belly Throw down on the floor. Brock Lesnar then runs and dives through the middle rope down onto Taz knocking him down to the outside also. Lesnar gets up and sees Maxine cowering behind the steel steps. He makes his way rather creepily so over to Maxine. Lesnar walks over and leans on the steel steps with his fists and looks down to Maxine with a sick grin on his face he goes to grab Maxine by the hair but before he can do anything to her, Curtis runs along the ring apron and jumps down onto the head of Lesnar crushing it against the Steel Ring steps!.

Styles: Oh my god!, Lesnar may have a broken skull!.

Striker: It's amazing what a man will do to save the woman he loves!.

Styles: Or even the slightest advantage he may have in a match, Matt!

Taz is getting to his feet and he runs at Curtis going for a clothesline, but Curtis ducks, Taz turns around, Curtis kicks him in the gut and then simply tosses him into the ringside barricade. Curtis grabs Lesnar and hoists him up into the ring with great difficulty. Lesnar is laying prone now in front of Curtis. Johnny Curtis makes his way up onto the top rope and begins to rub himself down and gyrate his hips much to the crows displeasure. However it seems his showboating may have cost him once more as Taz slides into the ring. The tough Taz looks up at Curtis with both beffudlement and anger before he begins to climb up to the top rope himself. Curtis foolishly turns around and tries to find a way to escape but before he knows it Taz grabs him under the arm and around the neck in a Tazmission up on the top turnbuckle. Brock Lesnar now, somehow has regained consciousness and gets underneath Taz in a Powerbomb position. Lesnar then proceeds to throw Taz to the mat, but as he does so Taz throws Curtis overhead with a Tazmission-Suplex completing the Tower of Doom!.

Styles: Tower of Doom!, both Taz and Curtis are down!.

Striker: All Brock has to do now is pick who he wants to finish off!.

Of course Brock chooses to go after Curtis and stands with Curtis' head in his massive hand but just as he goes to lift him up Maxine jumps up onto the ring apron. She screams something that can't quite be made out from ringside at Lesnar which clearly catches Lesnar's ire. Lesnar makes his way over to Maxine, the referee tries to step in but of course he is too intimidated by Lesnar to do anything. Lesnar grabs Maxine by her hair and then around her throat with the other hand. This however allows Maxine to get her hands up around the head of Lesnar and drop him down across the top rope. This sends Lesnar stumbling backwards and into the grip of Taz who was standing behind him with a determined look in his eyes, Taz locks up the arms under that of Lesnar and around the neck of Lesnar forcing his forearm against the windpipe of Lesnar locking in the Tazmission!. The crowd go wild as Lesnar drops down to the mat, fast running out of air, also affected by the previous blow his head took off the steel ring steps at the boot of Johnny Curtis. Taz does not relinquish the hold and instead drops back, locking in a body vice as he does and wrenching back on the manuever. There is nowhere for Lesnar to go but he refuses to submit and as such the referee is forced to check his hand, one time it drops, the second time it drops and on the third time it drops meaning the ref has to declare Lesnar can not continue, which means that Taz is announced the winner by TKO!.

Winner via TKO - Taz


As Maxine looks on in disbelief having caused her boyfriends defeat inadvertently, Taz has his hand raised by the referee, celebrating the fact he is next in line for an opportunity to become the Extreme Champion.

Styles: Taz did it!, he made Brock Lesnar pass out in the Tazmission!.

Striker: Unbelievable Joey!, but I'm sure Curtis will be somewhat pissed at Maxine for causing Lesnar to fall into the deadly Tazmission!.

Styles: Could that be the fate the awaits either Sting or Zack Ryder at the Royal Rumble?!

We are taken to the backstage area where Austin Aries is standing by.


"The Greatest Man That Ever Lived", Austi
n Aries:
Here we are! Six days after Chritmas. Santa gave out all the presents
, children enjoyed their vacation and their parents went crazy because they didn't know what to do. Oh, how much I love Christmas. By the way...what did you get for Christmas, guys?

Austin Aries smiles at the camera.

I really don't care, I just wanted to be nice. Although I don't need to know what you got for Christmas to warm my heart, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you what a great present I got. It won't make your heart warm. It will make you jealous of me. Yep, even more than ya already are. I have a girlfriend. We're together for almost two years. Last year she gave me a great present but this year she gave me what you can call the greatest present of all time. This year I got something that none of you people will ever get. You know, when she was in college she had this one roommate and she was also her best friend. My girlfriend told me that one night they w
ent out to party got hammered and when they got back...well, I'm sure you know the rest. Earlier this year they got back together, had a conversation and my girlfriend got this awesome idea and BANG! This Christmas history repeated itself but with a little essence of Austin Aries to it.

You can hear men cheering Austin Aries but ladies go all out and boo him.

I thought I would make all of you angry but it seems like men in Cleveland know what's good, right? Ladies might've boo'd the hell outta me but hey...don't boo me. Get inside of
your head, call your roommate from college and give your husband a nice gift. It won't be as awesome as mine because when I look at your red faces and obese bodies I can tell it ain't worth the time. So yeah...in case you're not a pretty momma...you should buy your husband a pair of socks. Anyway...let's get down to business. Tonight I'm facing a man who I called by a lot of names but the one name that fits him the most is "coward". Yes, Seth Rollins is a coward. Last week, he came down to the ring and answered my words. I'm good with that but I'm not good with what happened after that. See, a real man would call me out when he's done talking, I would come out, we would argue, I would be right and at the Pay-Per-View I would kick his ass. But now I'll only kick his ass.

Austin Aries turn serious.

Seth Rollins is a coward. He ran away from me. He ran away before I was even able to realize he's out there talking. But don't worry, people. This is not the last time you've had a chance to see some trash-talking between Austin Aries and Seth Rollins because I have a major announcement. Recently there was a lot of so called controversy revolving around my being, the former general manager of NXT, Sting, the current general manager of NXT, JBL and my oponent for New Year's Revolution, Seth Rollins. It appears that we all have our differences between each other. This almost explains why I'm here tonight. In history of wrestling...where did people settle their differences? Yup, mostly in the ring but also on the microphone. To be accurate, on talk shows. Yes. Talk shows. Since the golden era of wrestling, there are talk shows where people come out and talk and by talking they try to settle their differences. There were so many but after all those years, there's one talk show that's one level above every single talk show there's ever been...The Greatest Talk Show That Ever Existed! And the host of The Greatest Talk Show That Ever Existed is none other than The Greatest Man That Ever Lived, Austin Aries. And The Greatest Talk Show that Ever existed debuts at the first episode of NXT after New Year's Revolution! Pretty awesome right? This is what you get when you're as great as I am but of course, you'll never know what that feels like. Many people dream of having talk shows but not many of them are able to achieve that dream. But hey, I'm not a regular man, I'm The Greatest Man That Ever Lived and great things come with me. Now, I started this by talking about the differences I have with JBL, Sting and Seth Rollins. So if any of you were wondering who will be my guest, you're really, really stupid. Although he's not worthy of an appearance on my talk show, I will have him on my show at the nearest episode of NXT...Seth Rollins. But before that can happen, I have to beat him tonight. See ya later.

The scene fades to black.

JR: It’s now time for the European Championship Match. Weeks ago on Smackdown, Edge issued an open challenge to anyone on the UWF roster. The challenge was soon accepted by Jeff Jarrett and here we are.

Piper: Let’s not forget how Edge goaded Jarrett into putting the European Championship on the line Ross.

JR: We can’t forget that! He’s called “The Master Manipulatorâ€￾ for a reason.

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the UWF European Championship. Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 236 pounds, he is "The Rated R Superstar" Edge!



It's been a long time, been a long time comin
Looks like the death of me now
But you know, there's no turning back now
This is what makes me - this is what I am

Edge walks out and the boos from the crowd almost drown out the music

He simply smiles as the boos rain down on him. He makes it down to the middle of the ramp and does his signature pose.

He makes his way down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from Nashville, Tennessee, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the UWF European Champion; Jeff Jarrett!



Suddenly, as if on cue, the hard rockin' intro music of the King of the Mountain, Jeff Jarrett, begins to play and receives a strong pop from the crowd. Wasting no time, the Team Wolfe Captain marches out onto stage with his spikey, short hair and his slim, yellow glasses with his new (old) T-shirt design on. He stops at the top of the ramp and grins at Ziggler and shakes his head. After a short hesitation, he stomps on down the ramp and to the ring.


As he ascends the steel steps, he stops and looks over the crowd. The fans erupt in appreciation of their European Champion. He quickly steps into the ring and jumps to the ropes toward the camera. As the pyro goes off behind him, Double J yells at the camera.

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The pyro stops and Jarrett gets ready for his match.




The bell sounds and the European Champion match is now underway. Edge and Jarrett met in the center of the ring before Edge delivers a vicious slap across Jarrett’s face. The Cleveland crowd “OOHsâ€￾ at the sign of disrespect shown to the Champion. Jarrett looks to react, but before he can, Edge backpedals and wraps himself in the ring ropes. Jarrett looks to strike the Rated R Superstar, but since he’s in the ropes, there’s nothing that Jarrett can do. The official backs Jarrett away from Edge and this allows the Rated R Superstar to capitalize by bringing himself out of the ropes and delivering a right hand directly to Jarrett’s face. This knocks Jarrett onto the mat and like a shark smelling blood, Edge goes on the offensive. He begins to stomp on Jarrett’s body aggressively, striking the back and midsection. All the while, Jarrett tries to get to a vertical base, but Edge’s boots keep him down. As Edge continues to lay the boots to Jarrett, the European Champion is forced towards the ropes, where he lies under the bottom one. Edge finally relents on his assault, but only momentarily. The Challenger takes a few steps backwards before running towards Jarrett and performing a low baseball slide, causing Jarrett to go completely under the bottom rope and fall to the arena floor….

JR: And the European Champion is in trouble in the early goings of this match!

Jarrett lies motionless on the arena floor. Edge looks to go after him, but the official holds him up and tells him to stay in the ring. He has to begin his count on Jarrett and he soon does…






Edge says screw this and rolls under the bottom rope on the far side of the ring, breaking the official’s count!

Piper: I’ve always thought that Edge was a smart fellow. He knows that he can’t win the European Championship via countout, so he’s going right after Jarrett.

Edge rushes to the side of the arena floor where Jarrett is just now getting to his feet. The Challenger tries to blindside the Champion with a right hand, but Jarrett is ready for it and blocks. Jarrett then returns the favor by delivering a right hand of his own. This staggers the Challenger and allows Jeff Jarrett to mount his first offense of this match. He grabs Edge by the hair and drags him over to the announce table before slamming Edge face first into the table. Edge’s skull “thudsâ€￾ off the table and he staggers backwards. Jarrett isn’t finished with the “Rated R Superstarâ€￾ just yet though as he grabs Edge by the arm and Irish whips him into the steel steps. The collision causes a loud crash as Edge hits them…

JR: As you can see Roddy, Edge may have hit the stairs, but the stairs didn’t move. Edge took the brunt of that collision.

Jeff Jarrett looks on proudly at the situation that he’s got Edge in. He soon realizes that the official’s count has reached 7. Jarrett soon slides into the ring under the bottom rope before sliding right back out the same way. This breaks the referee’s count and causes him to start over. As he exits the ring, Jarrett goes right after Edge, lifting him off the arena floor and throwing the dead weight back into the ring under the bottom rope. Jarrett slides back into the ring and goes for the first pinfall of this Championship bout….



Edge kicks out!

As Edge kicks out, he rolls over to the far corner of the ring and lifts himself to his feet with help from the ropes. Jarrett goes right after him before grabbing Edge by the arm and Irish whipping him to the opposing corner. Edge hits the opposite turnbuckle pad and Jarrett charges across the ring at him. As Jarrett comes barreling towards him, Edge is able to get his right foot up and deliver a huge boot to Jarrett’s face, which sends the European Champion to the canvas. Still sitting the corner, Edge looks to go back on the offensive. He pushes himself to the middle rope before leaping off and delivering an elbow right into Jarrett’s chest. The Challenger soon follows this up with a cover…



Jarrett kicks out!

As Jarrett kicks out, Edge grabs him by the arm and brings Jarrett to his feet before applying a hammerlock. Edge twists Jarrett’s arm before performing a go behind and now the Challenger stands behind the Champion in firm control of Jarrett’s arm. Edge wrenches the arm to the obvious discomfort of the Champion. Jarrett soon responds with a back elbow, hitting Edge right in the face and causing him to release Jarrett’s arm. The European Champion looks to capitalize on this by running forward towards the near ropes, but Edge is able to grab a handful of Jarrett’s hair and slam him backwards onto the canvas…

JR: In typical Edge fashion, another shortcut!

Jarrett’s head bounces of the canvas and Edge runs off the near ropes before delivering a quick leg drop and going for another cover…



Jarrett rolls a shoulder!

Piper: It’s only a matter of time before we have a new Champion Ross!

Jarrett rolls onto his stomach after kicking out as the Challenger gets to his feet. Edge looks down on Jarrett before motioning for the Champion to get to his feet. Jarrett unwittingly begins pushing himself up and as he makes it to a knee, Edge applies a front face lock on the Champion…

JR: Edge may be looking for that huge Impaler DDT!

Before Edge can attempt a move, Jarrett wraps both of his arms around Edge’s waist and drives him backwards into the near corner. This causes Edge’s grip on Jarrett’s head to be released and the European drives his shoulder right into Edge’s midsection. Jarrett then grabs Edge by the arm and Irish whips him to the opposing corner. Edge hits the corner so hard that he stumbles out of it. Jarrett uses this and runs the ropes behind Edge before grabbing Edge by the skull and bringing him to the canvas with a running bulldog. The Challenger’s skull bounces of the mat and Jarrett goes for a cover…



Edge kicks out!

Piper: Close call for Edge. He needs to get this back in his control!

The Champion gets back to his feet and motions that this match is over. He patiently begins to stalk Edge as the Rated R Superstar pushes himself to his feet. As Edge gets up, Jarrett grabs him by the arm and performs yet another go behind. This one is different from the first as Jarrett puts Edge in perfect position for his finishing maneuver…

JR: Jarrett seems to be going for The Stroke!

Everyone in the arena knows what’s coming next. The Challenger knows as well. Edge frantically reaches out and grabs the official by his shirt. Edge desperately holds onto the official, not trying to have Jarrett connect with The Stroke. The official tries to get Edge off him, but Edge moves his arms off his shirt and grabs the official by the head, bringing it close to his chest and shielding the referee’s vision. This is perfect for what Edge is about to do. With the referee’s vision obstructed, Edge is able to back kick Jeff Jarrett right in the groin…

JR: Oh!

Jarrett drops to a knee, grabbing his groin in obvious pain. Edge releases his grasp on the referee and goes right back to Jarrett. Edge quickly grabs Jarrett by the head and lifts him off his feet, dropping him on his skull with the Edgecution DDT…

Piper: That’s it!

Jarrett’s skull spikes off the canvas and Edge goes for the cover…



Jeff Jarrett kicks out!

Piper: What?!

Edge is just as shocked as Piper is. He restrains himself momentarily before getting back to his feet and heading to the far side of the ring. Edge drops down into a crouching position and the entire arena groans as they known what’s coming next…

Piper: This will end it for sure!

Edge begins bouncing around in the corner, pulling at his hair, just waiting and waiting for Jarrett to get to his feet. The European Champion does begin to rise, but he has no idea what is in store for him. As Jarrett makes it to a vertical base, Edge charges out of the corner that he’s in and goes for the Spear. Jarrett is ready for Edge and sidesteps the Challenger before interlocking both his and Edge’s legs and swinging backwards, performing a Russian Leg Sweep…

JR: Brilliant counter from Jeff Jarrett! Looks like he’s not done yet Roddy!

After the Russian Leg Sweep, Jarrett quickly goes for another cover…



Edge rolls a shoulder!

Jarrett sighs in frustration. He gets off Edge, who rolls to the middle of the ring. Jarrett gets to his feet and decides to leave the ring, exiting through the middle rope and onto the apron. Jarrett then climbs the turnbuckle and reaches the top as Edge starts making it to his feet…

JR: This isn’t like Jeff Jarrett! He’s out of his element up there!

Edge finally makes it to his feet and turns towards the corner that Jarrett is standing on top of. As Edge turns, Jarrett leaps off the top straight into the air, preparing to come down on Edge with what appears to be a Double Axe Handle. Edge is ready for him and leaps in the air himself, meeting Jarrett at the apex with a Spear!

Piper: Spear! Spear!

Edge just speared Jeff Jarrett out of midair. The Champion falls the six or so feet out of the air and to the mat where Edge quickly crawls on top of him and covers…


Piper: I told you Ross!



Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and the new UWF European Champion, “The Rated R Superstarâ€￾ Edge!!!


Alter Bridge’s “Metangilusâ€￾ plays and Edge gets to his feet and is handed the European Championship. Edge holds the title high in the air with one hand and holds up the horns with the other. Victoria soon enters the ring and the two embrace.

JR: This is Edge’s first Championship in UWF and he did it in impressive fashion!

Piper: Say it JR, say it just once. Europe just got Rated R!

Edge and Victoria soon leave the ring, arm in arm and head up the ring as New Year’s Revolution heads elsewhere.

As the cameras pan away from the happenings inside the arena, they cut to Eddie Guerrero who is backstage.


Eddie Guerrero: I feel as though I'm feeling the after effects of blunt trauma to the head, because just feeling the presence of each and every one of you sitting in those arena seats overcomes me with dizziness and makes me feel as though my brain cells are decreasing in number. Why? Because it's you simple-minded vermin known as the UWF fanbase that support this miscarriage of justice against me by buying tickets to every event and tuning it to every show, ese'.

New Year's Revolution has nine matches on the card tonight and I am not in any of them, yet they hasn't stopped a single one of you from plunking down your money for seats, has it? And not only have you chosen to sit here and watch this abomination, you're giving this company more of your money by buying memorabilia from the merchandise stands that don't sell a bit of my likeness and purchasing snack foods and drinks. I can almost smell the grease and butter that you've smeared on your fat faces and fingertips, succeeding in doing something I didn't think was possible, making me more disgusted with you than I already was.

Why was I left off of the card tonight? Your guess is as good as mine, ese', but in saying that my money is on it being punishment for barely showing up to talk trash to Jeff Jarrett in the time preceding our non-title bout. This is management's way of sticking it to me, you see, because since I have a track record of my employers mistreating me and overlooking me, I'm easy pickings when they require a sacrificial lamb to make an example of.

Let me ask you something, do you even remember who I am? If you do, commit a service to yourself and act as though you do not. Behave as if this is the first time you've seen this face, the first time you've heard this voice, the first time...you've ever heard my name. That is, if you partake in the company Kool-Aid, in which case many of you have already forgotten.

I should be challenging for the European Championship, ese', but instead I'm forced to sit on the sidelines and watch while the man I defeated in Edge gets the undeserved shot. You all thought I was just rambling and raving when I accused Smackdown management of trying to hold me down, yet here is concrete evidence. The message being sent to all of the viewers of this product is that my victory meant nothing because Edge gets rewarded and I get left off of the card.

Do you want me to quit, Smackdown management? I can see you now sitting down in your individual little cubicles drafting the script, rolling your eyes because someone scheduled some time for me to cut a promo and scoffing because my name appears on the match card. Well allow me to enrich the bitterness vato, I'm not going to quit.

You want to leave me off of pay-per-views? Then I will be a team player and act like the outcast anarchist you treat me like, holmes. Tonight's event will be the site of a one man revolution, you have started a fire with your negligence of me that only I can put out, Smackdown management, and when that flame strikes in the first, second, and third degree you will have no choice but to give me my recognition and grant me the same opportunity to succeed that all of these other pendejos get!

And when that fire strikes and chooses its first burn victim, it's going to hurt you a lot more than its going to hurt me.

Eddie walks offscreen as New Year's Revolution heads elsewhere.

Joey Styles: Well Matt, it's time for one of the most important matches of the evening, the NXT Extreme Championship match.

Matt Striker: Not a lot has been said between Zack Ryder and the champion, but I'm sure their fists will make up for the silence here tonight.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Long Island Street Fight for the NXT Extreme Championship! Introducing first...



The crowd ignites as “Radioâ€￾ by Downstait hits the PA system and the “Long Island Iced Zâ€￾ Zack Ryder makes his way out from the backstage area. Zack is all smiles despite the circumstances at hand as he throws up the LI.


Christy Hemme: From The L.I. Weighing in at two-hundred and fourteen pounds. He is the "Long Island Iced Z", Zack Ryder!

Zack makes his way down the ramp, looking out at all of the girls in attendance. He spots one he likes and calls out to her “CALL ME!â€￾ He then hops up onto the apron and climbs the turnbuckle and again throws up the LI.


Christy Hemme: And the opponent...

Suddenly darkness falls over the arena as the crowd erupts into a mixed reaction.


"Fear of the Dark" by Graveworm begins to play as the fans continue reacting as they normally would for about a minute and forty seconds, because at the minute and forty-one second mark, a screaming begins in the theme, bringing their booing to an end and shattering all silence that existed in the arena.

Christy Hemme: From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds. He is the NXT Extreme Champion, Sting!

The lights come up as suddenly as they dimmed as Sting is standing in the ring, staring down his opponent.


Sting wastes no time taking advantage of the rules as he charges at Ryder, cracking him in the face with the Extreme Championship, knocking him down. Sting grabs one end of the strap and cracks it like a whip but Zack rolls out of the way and grabs Sting's wrist, delivering a kick under the arm, the point of Ryder's boot connecting with his opponent's arm pit. Sting drops the belt as Zack catches him across the left side of his face with a stiff right then leaps into the air, bending his legs backward so that when he lands on Sting's arm, the arm is sandwiched between Ryder's knees and the mat.

Ryder stands up as Sting gets to his feet holding his injured arm, the right one, with his left arm, looking angrily at Zack. Zack challenges Sting to attack by motioning to him and telling him to, "bring it bro'". Sting, not amused, accepts the challenge and throws a wild right but Zack leaps to the side to avoid it as the force of the punch causes Sting to turn around with his back to his opponent. Ryder grabs him around the waist and brings him overhead with a bridging German suplex, Sting's legs going over his head in a way that he could see his own toes if he opens his eyes. The referee notices his shoulders pinned to the mat and begins the count.



Not long after the referee slaps the mat to count one, Sting throws his body straight to break up the situation, Ryder rolling to the left and catching himself on the mat by putting his hands down as Sting ends up on his stomach. Both men climb to their feet and are right back at one another's throat as they meet in the middle of the ring for a collar-elbow tie-up. Sting applies pressure to loosen Ryder's grip as he hoists him into the air and brings him crashing to the mat with a sit-down powerbomb, the back of Zack's head hitting the face plate of the Hardcore Championship.

Sting grabs the side of Zack's right leg and pushes him away, Ryder rolling onto his face as Sting gets to his feet. Sting brings his hands together into one fist and leaps into the air, bringing his legs together and bending at the lower parts so he crashes down on top of his opponent with the points of his elbows connecting with the top of the spine and his knees connecting with the kidney area. Zack cries out in pain from this as Sting grabs his wrists and rolls onto his own back, applying a form of surfboard stretch.

Joey Styles: Absolute brutality being shown from the champion.

Matt Striker: Don't be so quick to count Zack out, he's got a vicious streak as well. We've already seen that.

Sting releases the hold by throwing Ryder to the side and climbing to his feet as he steps through the ropes, bypassing the apron and landing on the outside. Sting flips up the ring skirt and begins to search for items stowed underneath it that he can use on his opponent. While Sting searches, Zack slips out of the ring on the opposite side and begins to walk around it. Zack ends up behind Sting and pulls the ring skirt outward and upward, kicking Sting against the apron and then releasing his hold on the skirt, trapping the Extreme Champion.

Ryder acts quickly and grabs the upper half of the steel steps, driving it hard into the chest of the champion. Sting fidgets in place in anger, yelling at Zack, who decides to strike him with the steps again, and then again, and one more time for good measure. As each strike seems to simply infuriate Sting more and more, Zack hits him over the top of the head with them, dropping them to the floor after making contact. Zack then hooks his arm around the back of Sting's neck and falls backward, delivering a spike DDT onto the steps, the ring skirt ripping from the quickness of the execution.

Joey Styles: Ooh, what a move!

Ryder throws up the "LI", taunting Sting who, much to Zack's surprise, stands up as if nothing happened to him. Fire is in the eyes of the Extreme Champion as blood and fading paint are running down his face. Ryder puts his fists up, expecting Sting to charge, but instead he snatches the steps up with one hand and hurls them.

Zack moves out of the way as the steps hit the ringside barricade, but it seems that's exactly what his opponent wanted him to do as Sting charges and takes Zack and himself over the barricade with a stiff lariat. Sting gets to his feet as he makes his way through the crowd, heading up a nearby staircase.

Matt Striker: Is Sting fleeing?

Ryder is right on Sting's heels as the two men enter a tarped off area of seating. That's when Sting puts on the brakes and trips Ryder, causing him to hit the side of one of the chairs. Zack gets up angrily, swinging at Sting, who avoids the punch and throws a knee into the abdomen of his opponent, knocking the wind out of the Long Island Iced Z. Sting then executes a suplex onto the series of chairs, Zack crying out in enraged pain.

Sting releases Ryder as he climbs up onto the chairs, grabbing Zack again and firing off another suplex, Zack crying out in rage again. Sting swings his legs around, returning to his feet and going for another suplex but Ryder pushes him off as Sting hits back first against the barricade. Sting looks over his shoulder, observing how high up they are, then turns back to his opponent, who hits him in the abdomen with a shoulder thrust before hoisting him into the air.

Joey Styles: They can't be serious.

Matt Striker: I think they are. Somebody clear the area!

Arena security directs the fans to a safer seating area as a precaution to what may occur. Before Ryder can throw his opponent, Sting delivers a kick to the bridge of the nose, slipping out of Zack's grip and returning to his feet. Ryder checks his nose for bleeding as Sting delivers another knee to the abdomen, locking his arms together around Zack's waist, launching himself backward with a belly-to-belly suplex, releasing it so that he's left standing against the barricade as Ryder went flying through the air and went flying towards the seating and concrete below!

Joey Styles: OH MY...

Matt Striker: There's absolutely no way he's getting up from that! Wait, what's Sting doing?

Sting turns around and watches as Ryder hits the concrete chest and face first. He then climbs up onto the barricade and stands up as tall as he can. Without a second more of standing around, Sting leaps from the barricade!

Joey Styles: WHAT THE...

Matt Striker: These two have lost it, Joey!

Sting connects with a frog splash as he crashes on top of Ryder, the impact causing the chairs around them to slide. Sting rolls Zack over and covers him as the referee runs over and begins counting.




The crowd is in absolute disbelief as Ryder gets the shoulder up. He throws Sting off of him and rolls onto his front, catching himself with his hands as he gradually climbs to his feet.

Joey Styles: I feel like we're watching the dead come back to life here.

Zack's body is red and covered in blood and sweat, his hair frizzed and matted with blood. He's breathing heavily, a look of intensity and anger on his face. Ryder turns to face Sting, who swings downward with a steel chair he picked up, the seat of the chair being knocked out of place by how hard it hits Ryder's head. Zack falls to his knees as the remnants of the chair are around his head and neck, blood beginning to pool from the top of his head.

Suddenly he looks up at Sting and returns to his feet, grabbing a side of the chair with each hand as he pulls in opposite directions, the chair breaking in his grasp. Sting takes off running, his limping slowing him a bit, as Ryder chases after, he too handicapped by the damage he's sustained, the remnants of the chair in his tightly clenched fists.

Sting turns the corner and looks to head up the same staircase again but Ryder catches up and clubs him in the upper back with the piece he's holding in his left hand, throwing it to the ground after making impact. He grabs Sting by the hair and pulls him backward, letting go as Sting stumbles, trying to regain his footing in time to defend himself, but to no avail as Ryder clubs him with the piece in his right hand, Sting's head sandwiched between that and the concrete wall.

Ryder throws down the piece as Sting slinks down the wall into a seated position, a blood stain in the shape of his head where he made contact and streaking all the way down the wall as he slinks. Zack grabs Sting by the back of the neck with one hand and by the back of his tights with the other and begins to walk down the hallway. He sees a Bud Light Lime machine as he swings Sting backward, then swings forward and hurls him. As Sting makes contact, the machine crumbles as if it was made of the aluminum of one of the cans. Bud Light Lime cans roll out as Sting lies upside down in the machine before the machine falls forward, trapping him inside.

Joey Styles: This is heinous! He could be getting electrocuted in there right now!

Matt Striker: Well if he is, Zack seems to have a rescue plan.

Ryder grabs the machine and sets it back upright, grabbing Sting by the legs and pulling him out, Sting hitting the floor chest and chin first. Zack drags Sting, who's bleeding from the mouth, down the part of the hallway that forks right as they near two knobless doors right next to each other. The cameraman catches up and it can be seen the doors are for the restrooms as Ryder throws Sting into the Men's door, the champion landing and acting as a doorstop as the referee isn't far behind. Zack pulls Sting to his feet and irish whips him into a hand drying machine but Sting catches himself and turns to face his opponent.

Ryder charges but Sting has him scouted, sidestepping and grabbing him by the back of the head, slamming him face first into the hand drying machine. Ryder falls to the ground as Sting grabs him by the hair, dragging him across the bathroom floor, kicking open the door of one of the stalls and continuing to drag. Sting picks up Ryder and lifts him into the air, delivering a spinebuster onto the seat, cracking it as the pieces fall to the ground. As Zack lies there slouching backward, Sting sticks his head into the bowl and flushes.

Matt Striker: Take care...flush your hair?

Joey Styles: This is the most unique Street Fight I've ever seen.

Ryder's hair is violently being pulled down the drain as he's grabbing at his head, his legs kicking at the air and the ground, Sting punching him repeatedly in the face. Ryder manages to kick Sting, launching him backward as Sting knocks the door open again, landing in a sitting position on the floor. Ryder cries out as grips the back of the seat, pulling his legs towards himself then forcing forward, kipping up and ripping the toilet from the wall as he gets to his feet and throws the toilet at Sting.

Joey Styles: Whoa!

Sting rolls out of the way as the toilet shatters against the wall, Ryder rounding the corner out of the stall, his hair completely gone. Sting grabs the handle of the door and looks to leave but Ryder grabs a large porcelain shard of the broken toilet, and swings at him, leaving a gash mark across his opponent's back. Sting falls to his knees, crying out in pain and still gripping the door handle as Ryder grabs the top of his head and pulls him to his feet, Sting losing his grip of the handle.

Ryder opens the door and leads Sting back into the hallway as they turn the corner and begin to head down the hallway to what appears to be double doors. Ryder throws Sting into them as they swing open, Sting landing on the asphalt of the parking lot. Zack follows behind and grabs Sting, pulling him up and over his shoulder. Ryder begins to walk forward towards the road where cars are driving.

Matt Striker: They're taking this outside!

Ryder throws Sting onto the windshield of one of the cars, shattering it as Sting's upper body goes through, his lower body on the hood. The car screeches to a halt but before the driver can get out, Ryder punches through the window, grabbing him by the back of the head and beating him into the steering wheel several times. Zack walks around the car and opens the passenger door, grabbing Sting and pulling him over the dashboard, across the seat, and into the road. All the other cars have stopped as Ryder drags Sting onto the sidewalk.

As Ryder grips the top of Sting's head and drags him across the pavement, Sting suddenly grabs his arm at the elbow with both hands and begins squeezing. Ryder stops walking and throws Sting into a sitting position. Zack charges angrily as Sting grabs a manhole cover from nearby and launches himself at Ryder, clobbering him in the face as both men fall to the ground, Sting on his stomach and Ryder on his back. The crowd inside the arena are absolutely electric, clapping and stomping their feet as Sting begins to crawl towards Ryder, the referee standing by and observing closely.

Joey Styles: Can he do it?

Sting is mere inches from Ryder as he army crawls, his strength reserve ticking to near nothing. Zack is out cold as Sting can reach him with his fingertips.

Matt Striker: Sting is seconds from another successful defense!

With the last of his strength, Sting throws his right arm over Ryder as the referee begins to count the pin.





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner and STILL the NXT Extreme Champion, Sting!


Joey Styles: It was a match that got crazy quickly, and because of it, neither of the competitors will ever be the same.

Matt Striker: Sting keeps his title once again, Joey. The question is, can anyone take the Extreme Championship and if so, who?




JR: Our next match seems to be a modern day tale of right versus wrong. A few weeks ago on Smackdown, Mister Money in The Bank Bray Wyatt attempted to cash in his briefcase against a worn down Jeff Hardy. Wyatt seemed poised to win the World Heavyweight Championship until John Cena intervened and saved Hardy’s Championship.

Piper: Now let me ask you a question Ross. Who is John Cena to get involved? Wyatt won that contract which entitles him to a World Championship Match whenever he sees fit, not when John Cena sees fit.

JR: Roddy, I believe Cena’s argument is that if one is to win a title as prestigious as the World Heavyweight Championship; it should be done fair and square.

Piper: Well, Cena’s “opinionsâ€￾ are going to get him into trouble tonight!

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Lafayette, Lousiana, weighing in at 295 pounds, he is Mister Money in The Bank; Bray Wyatt!


The theme music of Mister Money in The Bank begins to play and the fans begin to boo. Wyatt soon walks out onto the stage, shouting out bible verses to each member of the "unwashed masses". Wyatt continues to make his way towards the ring as the heat rains down on him. Tonight, there is no Cousin Eli, it's just Wyatt going at it alone. He soon enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from West Newbury, Massachussetts, weighing in at 246 pounds, he is one half of the UWF Tag Team Champions, John Cena!



"My Time Is Now" starts playing and out walks John Cena onto the stage. As always, Cena is in his usual jovial mood. He runs across the stage, yelling and enjoying himself with the fans. Cena hads back center stage before throwing up his marine signal and running down the ramp before sliding into the ring. Once there, Cena throws his hat into the stands before waiting for his opponent.




JR: One would have to assume that this will be a power contest. John Cena is one of the strongest men in all of UWF and he only knows one speed, full force.

The bell sounds and Wyatt and Cena lock up. Cena is able to use his superior strength to push Wyatt backwards into the near corner. Cena breaks the lock up clean before delivering two rapid right hands to Wyatt’s midsection. Cena then grabs Wyatt by the arm and Irish whips him to the far corner of the ring. Wyatt counters Cena and sends Cena towards the corner instead. Cena hits the corner and Wyatt rushes right after him, performing an Avalanche Splash that drives the air out of Cena’s lungs. Cena stumbles right into Wyatt’s arms and Mister Money in The Bank finishes the sequence by wrapping both arms around Cena’s waist and performing a belly to belly suplex, which takes Cena to the canvas. Cena’s midsection once again hits the mat hard and Wyatt goes for the first cover of the match…



Cena kicks out!

As Cena kicks out, Wyatt grabs him by the arm and rags him towards the center of the ring. Cena lays dead center of the ring and Wyatt runs off the near ropes and crashes down hard on Cena with a running senton. All of Wyatt’s body weight is driven down onto Cena’s chest and ribs and Wyatt quickly goes for another cover…



Cena kicks out!

JR: It seems as if Wyatt’s strategy at least in the early going is to weaken the core of John Cena!

After Cena kicks out, Wyatt grabs him by the appendages and centers him again before running off the ropes and performing another running senton. Cena begins gasping for air as the near three hundred pounder lands hard on him again. Wyatt once again goes for a cover…



Cena kicks out!

Wyatt gets frustrated and lines Cena up for a third time. He uses the ropes to gain momentum and attempts to splash Cena for the third consecutive time. Cena is ready for him this time and rolls out of the way and Wyatt hits the mat hard back first…

JR: It looks like Wyatt may have gone to the well one too many times!

Cena takes advantage of Wyatt’s mistake by pouncing on Mister Money in The Bank and covering him…



Wyatt kicks out!

As Wyatt kicks out, he rolls to the far corner of the ring and tries to recover from the mistake that he made. He pulls himself up in the corner and Cena goes right after him yet again. Cena grabs Wyatt by the arm and Irish whips him yet again to the opposing side of the ring. This time, Wyatt does not counter. Instead, he hits the turnbuckle with so much force that he stumbles out of it. This allows Cena to run the ropes behind him before leaping over Wyatt and grabbing him by the head, performing the front flip Facebuster known as “The Throwbackâ€￾…

JR: Cena just drove Wyatt face first onto the mat! That could do it!

Piper: Come on Bray!

After hitting the Throwback, Cena quickly goes for a cover…



Wyatt kicks out!

Cena gets to his feet after Wyatt kicks out and takes a few steps back towards the near corner. He patiently waits as Bray Wyatt pushes himself off the canvas and to his feet .Cena rushes out of the corner that he’s in and looks for a running clothesline, but as he does, Wyatt catches him with a huge sidewalk slam. Cena’s already injured midsection collides with the canvas yet again and Wyatt hooks the leg, going for yet another cover…



Cena rolls a shoulder!

As Cena kicks out, Wyatt rolls Cena onto his side and applies a side bearhug to the leader of the Cenation. Cena tries to break it, but he can barely breathe as Wyatt squeezes on his ribcage and midsection…

Piper: Wyatt’s going to make Cena pass out with this!

Bray Wyatt continues to squeeze the life out of John Cena. Cena has no other option other than to take the abuse at this present moment. As Wyatt squeezes, Cena’s face begins to lose its color. He’s turning a very bright shade of red and his movement is becoming less and less fluid. Wyatt doesn’t relent and the referee notices that Cena begins to fade. He decides that it may be time to check Cena. The official grabs Cena’s arm and raises it in the air before releasing it. Cena’s arm falls to the mat…

JR: You may be right Roddy; John Cena may have passed out!

The official grabs Cena’s arm gain and raises it high in the air for a second time before releasing it. For the second time, Cena’s arm hits the mat. John Cena may very well be unconscious. The Cleveland crowd gets to their feet, cheering on their Cenation leader as they referee prepares to raise Cena’s arm for a third time. The official grabs Cena’s arm and raises it high in the air before releasing it…

JR: This is it!

The official releases Cena’s arm and it stays elevated. There’s still life in John Cena! The Cleveland fans begin to chant “Let’s Go Cenaâ€￾ over and over again. In between each “Let’s Go Cenaâ€￾ chant, some fans begin to chant “Cena Sucksâ€￾. The two chants alternate, but they seem to breathe new life into the Cenation leader. Cena is able to drag himself to his feet with Wyatt still holding onto his ribcage. Looking for a way out of the predicament that he’s in, Cena drives both himself and Wyatt backwards into the far corner, causing Wyatt to release his grip on him. Both men stagger out of the corner and Cena runs off the far ropes before coming back at Wyatt and hitting him with a running shoulder block…

Piper: Not again!

Wyatt hits the canvas but manages to get back to his feet just in time for Cena to hit him with another running shoulder tackle. Wyatt goes to the mat once more but gets up swinging at Cena. Cena ducks under Wyatt and lifts the big man off the mat before performing a spinout powerbomb, dropping Wyatt in the center of the ring. Cena grabs his midsection before throwing his right arm high in the air before looking down on Bray Wyatt and letting Wyatt know that “You Can’t See Meâ€￾ before using the near ropes to gather momentum and deliver his patented Five Knuckle Shuffle…

JR: I know you know what’s coming next Roddy!

Piper: Don’t remind me!

After delivering the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Cena gets to his feet and begins stalking Bray Wyatt. Cena begins tugging on his jean shorts in anticipation to what’s about to happen. Wyatt begins to move around, trying to gather his bearings. Wyatt manages to pull himself to his feet and Cena immediately spins him around and hoists him onto his shoulders…

JR: It’s about time Bray Wyatt had his attitude adjusted!

Before Cena can deliver his finishing move, Wyatt delivers a stiff elbow to the side of Cena’s head, hitting Cena right in the temple. Wyatt is able to slide down Cena’s back before delivering a stiff forearm shot right to Cena’s midsection. Cena drops down to a knee; all the cumulative damage to his midsection has taken its toll. Wyatt capitalizes on his, grabbing Cena and lifting him onto his shoulders before performing a Gut buster on the Cenation Leader. Cena rolls around the ring in pain, grabbing his ribs…

JR: John Cena may have internal injuries!

After dropping Cena down onto his knee, Wyatt goes for another cover…



Cena kicks out at 2 ½

JR: And John Cena refuses to die!

Wyatt gets back to his feet and yells at Cena. Wyatt tells Cena to “stay downâ€￾ repeatedly, but there is no quit in John Cena. He may have broken ribs, but John Cena will never quit. Cena drags himself to his knees and grabs hold of Wyatt’s ring attire. Cena can’t even get to his feet; Bray Wyatt stands tall over him and motions that this is the end. Wyatt grabs Cena by the neck and throws his right arm under Cena’s throat…

Piper: This is it Ross!

Bray Wyatt prepares to deliver the reverse STO, but before he can, Cena is able to perform a drop toe hold, surprising Wyatt. Cena takes Wyatt to the canvas and locks in the STF submission hold. The fans get to their feet as Cena begins pulling back on Wyatt’s throat, applying as much pressure as he can…

JR: This John Cena isn’t human. He looked defeated and he’s on the verge of victory now.

Cena screams to Wyatt that he better tap out. Wyatt struggles as Cena continues applying the pressure. John Cena is a man possessed and Bray Wyatt has nowhere to go. The pain soon becomes too much for Wyatt and Mister Money in The Bank has no choice but to submit…

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner via submission; John Cena!!


JR: Cena did it! He did it!

Piper: How the hell did he pull that off!

As the bell sounds, John Cena rolls off Bray Wyatt and the official raises Cena’s hand. John Cena lies on the mat, unable to get to his feet. A trainer comes running down the ramp, sliding into the ring and checking on Cena. The trainer and the referee help Cena to his feet, where Cena insists that he walk off on his own accord. Cena does so, leaving the ring and walking up the ramp…

JR: John Cena may have just taken the first step in getting back his World Heavyweight Championship.

Cena reaches the top of the ramp before turning around and giving the fans his “Marineâ€￾ salute before walking to the back as New Year’s Revolution heads elsewhere.


Not nearly enough promos to make this flow!!!


Joey Styles: Well Matt, are you ready to crown a number one contender?

Matt Striker: I sure am, Joey. Things between CM Punk and Rhino has gotten very personal and very physical over the past several weeks. With their personal animosity, this is going to be nothing short of a war.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the number one contendership to the NXT World Title! Introducing first...



The crowd unites into a chorus of cheers as "Stampede" by Dale Oliver roars over the PA system. Jonathan Coachman and the man himself walk out onto the stage as Rhino throws his arms into the air, inciting more cheers from the crowd.


Christy Hemme: From Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at two-hundred and seventy pounds. He is the "Man Beast", Rhino!

Rhino charges the ring and slides into it upon arrival, standing up and instantly getting into fight mode as he awaits the contest ahead.


As CM Punk comes out, there is a heavily split mix reaction for him. CM Punk though doesn't look to be in the best of moods. Punk makes his way straight for the ring


Christy Hemme: From Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in at two-hundred and eighteen pounds, C.M. Punk!

Punk enters the ring and gets ready for the match ahead.


Rhino and Punk begin to circle each other in the middle of the ring, tentatively approaching each other before locking up. Rhino immediately grabs Punk and applies a side headlock, prompting Punk to attempt to escape the hold by flipping backwards but Rhino rolls through with the headlock still applied. Both men return to a vertical base as Punk pushes Rhino into the ropes, successfully breaking the hold, but Rhino is quick to spring off of the ropes and takes Punk down with a thunderous shoulder tackle.

As Punk hits the mat, Rhino leaps over him and runs to the far side of the ropes, going for another shoulder tackle as Punk returns to his feet, doing a leapfrog over Rhino to avoid the attack. Rhino heads into the opposite ropes and bounces back again as Punk grabs him by the hair on the back of his head with his left hand and gets a fistful of Rhino's tights with his right and throws the "War Machine" over the top rope, but Rhino lands on the apron. Punk charges at Rhino and swings at him with a hard right but Rhino ducks it and sticks his upper body through the space between the top and middle rope, connecting with a shoulder thrust to his opponent's abdomen.

As Punk doubles over, Rhino hooks his head and throws his arm into position, lifting him into an attempted suplex but Punk delivers a knee to the solar plexus and the attempt is thwarted as Punk launches into a suplex of his own once his feet return to the mat as he successfully brings Rhino crashing to the canvas.

Joey Styles: An effective counter!

Matt Striker: CM Punk and Rhino keeping a solid pace thus far.

Rhino returns to his feet as Punk attempts a kick to the stomach, but Rhino catches his leg, flipping it upward violently, hoping to knock Punk on his back but Punk's legs go over his head as he does a complete back roll in mid-air and lands on his feet, connecting with a spinning mule kick that knocks Rhino to the mat.

Both men are up quickly as Rhino attempts a clothesline but Punk ducks it, ending up behind Rhino as he turns him around and connects with a sit-out jawbreaker. Rhino is stunned as Punk runs into the ropes and launches himself off of them, connecting with a jumping forearm, sending Rhino backwards into the mat.

Rhino is up again but Punk sends him right back down with a stiff clothesline, following up with a leg drop to the neck soon after Rhino hits the mat. Punk then goes for the pin.


NO! Rhino kicks out!

As Rhino returns to his feet, Punk goes for another clothesline but Rhino manages to sidestep and reverse the situation into a hip toss. Punk pops up from the mat as Rhino lights into him with a quick flurry of European uppercuts! Punk is reeling as Rhino headbutts him and then drops down, sweeping Punk's legs with the back of his calf before flipping Punk over and applying a bodyscissors.

Joey Styles: Rhino's in the driver's seat!

Matt Striker: Not a position you want to be in if you're CM Punk.

Punk tries to spin free from the hold but can't. He makes another attempt to get free in the same fashion but fails once again. Finally, Punk turns inside the bodyscissors so that he's facing Rhino and flips his weight over into a jackknife cover!



Rhino bridges out and pushes upwards, lifting Punk on his chest before spinning around into a backslide!



NO! Punk kicks out!

Punk gets back to his feet and rushes towards Rhino, but the big man is ready for him as he pulls Punk into him and launches him over his head with a belly-to-belly suplex. Punk gets up but Rhino's ready for him again as he applies a waistlock and takes him down with an amateumaneuver. The two distance themselves from one another as Punk gets up to one knee, Rhino taunting him to bring it, prompting Punk to get back to his feet and close the distance.

The two lock up but it doesn't last long as Punk delivers a knee to Rhino's solar plexus, slipping behind the big man and throwing him overhead with a release German suplex. Punk and Rhino both return to their feet quickly and run at each other, simultaneously connecting with a clothesline as they hit the mat at the same time, jarred from the impact. As both men are down, dueling chants begin amongst the fans as it begins on one side of the arena with, "Let's Go Rhi-no!" and then, "Let's Go Punk!" comes from the other side.

The dueling chants continue as both men return to their feet, Rhino attempting to take Punk down with a double leg takedown but Punk blocks it, hammering Rhino down to the mat. Punk rushes to the nearest turnbuckle and connects with a corkscrew senton.

Joey Styles: Punk going high risk!

Punk rushes to the ropes again and as Rhino gets up, Punk springs off the second rope with a moonsault as both men connect chest-to-chest in the air and crash to the mat in a cover, with Punk pinning Rhino!



THR...NO! Rhino gets a shoulder up!

Punk gets to his feet as he grabs the legs of Rhino and leaps into the air, bending both legs backward and driving both knees into the "Man Beast"'s midsection! Rhino holds his midsection in pain as he rolls to the outside of the ring, using the security barricade to pull himself to a vertical base. Punk takes off running and leaps through the ropes, going for a suicide dive but Rhino sidesteps and grabs Punk, throwing him as hard as he can into the barricade. The crowd, "Ooh"'s as Rhino grabs Punk, placing his head in between his thighs as he hoists him into the air, but instead of putting him through the barricade, he turns and takes off running, delivering the powerbomb onto the steel steps!

Joey Styles: OH MY!

Matt Striker: CM Punk may have a concussion after that head trauma!

Rhino gets up, surveying the damage he's done with a smirk before sliding into the ring as the referee begins to count Punk out.







CM Punk isn't moving a muscle as the referee continues his count.







Punk rolls over onto his stomach, beginning to push himself up with his arms.





Punk gets up to his feet.




Punk re-enters the ring at the last possible moment, breaking the count and saving the match for himself. Rhino charges him and connects with a stiff kick to the back of Punk's head, stepping through the ropes as he waits for his opponent to get back up. Punk slowly does as Rhino grabs the top rope and springboards over it, connecting with a crossbody and going for the pin!



NO! Punk kicks out!

Rhino picks Punk up and goes for an irish whip into the nearest turnbuckle but Punk reverses it and Rhino ends up in the corner instead as Punk connects with a body splash. Punk drives a knee into the solar plexus of his opponent and as Rhino doubles over, Punk hooks his head and turns, running forward and leaping out of the corner with a bulldog. Punk gets up and returns to the turnbuckle, ascending it and launching into a 450 splash, connecting successfully and going for the pin!



THR...NO! Rhino kicks out!

Matt Striker: The wherewithall of these two men is impeccable, Joey, both of them are so incredibly driven, so passionately focused, so indeterrably determined to get their shot at the championship.

Joey Styles: It's anyone's guess who's going to take this one, Matt!

Punk asks the referee if it was three, but the official informs him that it was only a two count. Punk responds to this by pulling Rhino to his feet to begin attacking him but Rhino slipped around behind him and lifted him up and connected with a huge belly-to-back suplex!

Matt Striker: Rhino connecting with a counter out of nowhere!

Joey Styles: But can he capitalize? It took everything he had just to execute it!

The fans are rocking the stands, stomping their feet and clapping their hands, turning the arena into a deafening atmosphere. Rhino and Punk try to pull themselves back to their feet to continue, willed on by the ovation. When they arrive at a vertical base, Punk goes for a short-arm clothesline but Rhino ducks it and slips behind Punk, connecting with another belly-to-back suplex.

Punk gets to his feet and attempts the short-arm clothesline again, but Rhino ducks it again and applies a waistlock, launching backward and connecting with a German suplex. As impact is made, Rhino keeps the waistlock applied as he rolls through and connects with a second German suplex. The waistlock remains applied as Rhino rolls through again, connecting with a third German suplex but this time he bridges into a pin.



NO! Punk kicks out!

Matt Striker: Rhino trying to use all his strength to keep Punk down!

As Punk lies there, Rhino gets up and crouches down in the nearest corner, illiciting a monstrous pop from the fans in attendance as they begin to chant, "GORE! GORE! GORE! GORE!". Punk gets to his feet as Rhino charges across the ring, connecting with a brutal Gore.

Joey Styles: The Gore! That has to be it!

Rhino hooks the leg.



THR...NO! Punk gets a shoulder up!

The crowd can't believe it and even Punk himself looks surprised, but no one's as shocked as Rhino as he picks Punk up and throws him over the top rope towards the announce table, but Punk grabs the rope mid-flight and lands on the apron. Rhino charges Punk but Punk grabs him by the back of the head and leaps down off of the apron, snapping Rhino's head off of the top rope. As Rhino bounces off, Punk climbs back onto the apron, grabbing him before he can stagger too far backward, spinning him around and applying a waistlock. Before Rhino can fight out of it, Punk launches backward, delivering a German suplex off of the ring apron!

Rhino flies through the air as Punk releases him, Rhino landing on top of the announce table before sliding off in between Joey Styles and Matt Striker as Punk lands on the outside on the back of his head.

Joey Styles: WHAT THE?

Matt Striker: LOOK OUT, JOE!

The fans begin a, "That was sick!" chant as they repeat it over and over again. We get a quick replay as the commentators give their thoughts on the matter.

Joey Styles: This match may be over, Matt. That suplex seems to have taken both men out!

The referee quickly rushes out of the ring and heads over to both men, checking on Punk and then checking on Rhino. Rhino rolls over onto his side as Punk tries to crawl out from behind the non-broken desk.

Both men reach the front of the table as Punk gets to Rhino first, connecting with a forearm to the jaw. Both men fight to their feet, exchanging punches all the way up, Punk ending the exchange with a kick to the stomach as he delivers a DDT, spiking Rhino's head against the outside floor. Punk climbs onto the announce table and leaps off of it, connecting with a double leg drop to the forehead and neck of Rhino!

Punk crawls across the floor, grabbing the ringsteps and using them to pull himself to his feet as he rolls into the ring to try and buy some time, but Rhino manages to follow him in. Punk gets to his feet as Rhino charges and connects with a stiff knee to the abdomen, hoisting Punk upward and connecting with a sit-out inverted suplex, leaning in and grabbing the leg, going for the cover.





Rhino can't believe it as he brings Punk to his feet again and then takes him back down with a Russian Legsweep, holding on to Punk's legs as they fly up, transitioning into a double leg drop roll-up pin!



NO! Punk kicks out!

Punk and Rhino both pull themselves to their feet as Punk goes for a high kick but Rhino avoids it, slipping behind Punk like he has several times before and bridging into a belly-to-back suplex, going for the pin one more time!



NO! Punk kicks out!

Rhino grabs Punk's legs and applies the Sharpshooter, wrenching back on the hold as Punk cries out in pain! Punk crawls on his forearms, one after another as he desperately tries to get to the ring ropes, extending his arm as far as he can as his fingers graze the bottom rope. Rhino stands up and pulls Punk to the center of the ring, but this proves to be a mistake as Punk flips over, bending his legs towards his body before extending them and kicking Rhino off of him, sending him into the ropes.

As Rhino comes off of the ropes, Punk leaps up and catches him in the face with a high knee as both men hit the mat with hard impact, Rhino's head whipping violently against the canvas as Punk lands on his feet. Rhino's been busted open as blood runs from his nose, Punk taking full advantage as he brings him to a vertical base and hoists Rhino onto his shoulders, connecting with the GTS! Rhino falls limply to the mat as Punk goes for the pin.



THREE...NO! Rhino...kicks...out!

Joey Styles: How in the...

Matt Striker: The determination of these two men is awe inspiring, Joey, this is an epic.

Punk gets up, beating his hands against the mat a few times angrily before walking over to the nearest corner and crouching. Rhino rolls over onto his stomach, bringing himself up to his elbows and knees as blood drips from his face to the mat. The crowd begins to chant, "Don't get up! Don't get up!" as they see what Punk has planned. Rhino places his hands on the mat as he pushes upward, extending his legs so that he's standing.

Matt Striker: I think I agree with these fans, he should've stayed down.

Rhino removes his hands from the mat and stands up straight, wobbling a bit before managing to hold his ground. Rhino gradually turns around to find his opponent, and when he does, Punk nearly cuts him in half with a Gore! The entire arena seems to gasp in unison as Punk collapses over top of him, hooking the leg.





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner and the Number One Contender to the NXT World Championship, C...M....PUNK!


Joey Styles: Well, he pretty much finished the match with a middle finger to his opponent, but you can't take the fact that it's a hard fought victory away from him. It honestly could have gone either way.

Matt Striker: We know that big things are ahead for Punk, but I'm going to call it now, 2013 will be a big things ahead for Rhino as well.




Styles: Well up next is our main event of the evening, it is for the UWF NXT World Championship. Bully Ray will defend against The Miz in this highly anticipated match-up

Striker: Yeah, I can not wait for this one, and what makes it even better is that it's a tables match.

Styles: Yeah, which means you surely have to give the advantage to Bully Ray.

Striker: I don't know, The Miz is no slouch when it comes to tables either Joey and I think he might upset the apple cart a little bit tonight and I'm going to go ahead and say it, my money is on The Miz!.



The theme of The Miz hits the PA system and almost immediately The Miz walks out in his his signature leather trench coat and with a focused look in his eye he makes his way down the ramp. Making no contact with the fans he runs up to the ring and slides up onto the ring apron in his usual way before he steps through the ropes into the ring and onto the top rope where he motions for the belt and stares at the titantron as Bully Ray's theme hits the PA system.


The NXT World Champion, Bully Ray makes his way onto the stage as "The Beaten Path" just gets into the guitar solo part. He starts pointing at random members of the audience and shouting obscene profanities to them as he marches towards the ring. Near the ring he looks at the camera as he gets his phone out. Walking past he says into the camera "About to go kick Miz's ass and put him through a table. Should be hard LOL, Hash Tag BullyNation, let's get this done." looking mighty pleased with himself as he makes his way up the ring steps and in between the ropes. He stands in front of the ring ropes and with one hand raises the horns and with the other the coveted NXT Championship. hands it over to the referee as the ring announcements are made.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is the Tables Match and it is for the Ultimate Wrestling Federation NXT World Championship!. The only way to win is to put your opponent through a table and the winner will be declared champion and will be set to face number one contender CM Punk at the Royal Rumble!. Introducing first, the challenger, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 235 pounds... he is, The Miz!.


Christy Hemme: And the champion. From Hells Kitchen in New York City, New York. He weighs in tonight at 310 pounds, he is the reigning and defending NXT Heavyweight Champion of The World. Bully Ray!.


Both men step up towards the centre of the ring as the referee issues instructions and checks both of them for any hidden weapons before he raises the NXT Championship into the air and calls for the bell.



As soon as the bell sounds they are at it. Bully Ray and Miz going tooth for nail with rights and lefts. The southpaw Miz gets the upperhand on the older, more experienced Bully Ray to everyones surprise and knocks him against the ring ropes. Miz Irish Whips Bully Ray across the ring and off the opposite set of ring ropes, Miz runs and catches Bully Ray with a Knee Lift sending Ray flipping over the knee of Miz to the mat below. The crowd are seemingly behind The Miz here, not buying into the reign of Bully Ray as NXT Champion. The Miz continues the assault on Bully Ray as Bully Ray crawls into the corner. In a seated position Ray manages to pull his legs up and kick Miz in the face with an up-kick as Miz attempted to get to him. Miz stumbles back and the bully gets to his feet before running at Miz and going for a Clothesline which Miz ducks but Bully Ray sees this and stops his head of steam, turns round and smacks Miz over the back of the head before he can turn around with a Lariat.

Styles: Fast and furious start to the match-up here, back and forth action.

Striker: I think Bully Ray just took the first advantage with that clothesline to the back of Miz's head.

Bully Ray immediately puts The Miz in a Rear Chin Lock on the mat. Slowing the pace of the match to suit himself, Bully Ray tries to choke Miz and stop the air getting to his brain. The Miz however begins to fight out of the hold and gets to his feet where he hits Bully Ray with a couple of elbows to the mid-section but Bully Ray simply releases the hold and drops a pointed elbow down into the back of The Miz before locking Miz up in a Side Headlock. The Miz forces Bully Ray back against the ring ropes but as he goes to push Ray away with the aid of the ring ropes, Ray takes him over to the mat below with a Headlock Takeover. Bully Ray continues to hold in the Side Headlock now on the mat. The Miz is trying to fight out of it with everything he has before he is finally able to get his boot up and catch Ray in the face a few times before pushing the much bigger man off of himself and away before getting to his feet.

Styles: The Miz fighting out of the Grounded Side Headlock there, now he'll try to quicken the pace.

Striker: Smart strategy however, employed by Bully Ray to try and choke Miz out... because I'd imagine it's easier to put someone through a table who isn't conscious.

The Miz goes to attack Bully Ray but Bully simply sticks a thumb in his eye forcing Miz to stumble back holding his eye. Ray kicks Miz in the gut before Irish Whipping him across the ring. The Miz rebounds off the ropes as Bully Ray bends over looking for a Back Body Drop. However Miz scouts this and lands a big soccer kick right to the face of Ray sending him stumbling backwards towards the ring ropes. Miz then runs and goes for a Clothesline but it's then that Ray hits the Back Body Drop to The Miz throwing him overhead over the ring ropes. However The Miz grabs onto said ring ropes and stops himself falling to the floor and pulls himself back up onto the ring apron. Ray is resting against the ropes assuming Miz had a gnarly collision with the floor. Miz grabs him around the head in an Inverted DDT position and drags him through the ropes onto the apron where he drops Ray onto his knee before turning around and hitting Bully Ray with a sickening Neckbreaker, completing the Reality Check on the outside ring apron.

Striker: Look at the Miz using his guile and know how to use the ring to his advantage.

Styles: Yeah, smart move by The Miz but remember the only way to win this match is to put your opponent through a table.

Speaking of tables, The Miz takes a folded table which lies against the barricade and sets it up right beside the ring apron before he goes back to work on Bully Ray who is now trying to get to his feet on the outside with the aid of the Steel Ring Steps. The Miz grabs at Bully Ray but Ray trips him and drags him down into the Steel Ring Steps face first. The Miz's head bounces off the steps and he crumples to the ground. Ray then gets himself back to his feet and sees the table which is set up. He drags it towards himself and The Miz who is still down. He begins to lift Miz back onto his feet and places his head between his legs. Bully then proceeds to hoist The Miz up in position for a Powerbomb but The Miz gets his fists up and punches Bully Ray right between the eyes a few times before dropping down onto the outside ring apron. He goes to kick Ray but Bully Ray takes his leg and drags it out from underneath him and The Miz takes a fall on the outside ring apron but wisely rolls into the ring to grab at his back in agony.

Striker: Again The Miz showing he has ring awareness that far exceeds his experience here in UWF.

Styles: Very smart by Miz to roll back into the ring especially with that table looming in the not to far distance.

Bully Ray looks on as Miz rolls into the ring in frustration. He immediately looks under the ring and pulls out a Singapore Cane. He then slides into the ring and as Miz gets on all fours ready to get back to his feet, Bully Ray drives the Singapore Cane off of his back. Welts almost start to form immediately as Bully Ray goes to town on Miz's back with the Cane. Bully Ray stops hitting him with Cane and starts twirling it around like a Baseballer would a Baseball Bat, waiting for The Miz to turn round. The Miz does eventually turn around but he scripts Bully Ray's actions and as Bully Ray swings the Singapore Cane, The Miz grabs it under his arm and then kicks away one of Bully Ray's legs dropping him to one knee. Miz then takes his time and levels Bully Ray over the skull with a disturbingly hard shot with the Singapore Cane, so hard in fact that the Cane snapped and shot into splinters in The Miz's hand. The Miz then grabs the kneeling Ray and drops him with his signature Snap DDT.

Styles: The Miz giving Bully Ray some of his own medicine here tonight.

Striker: I think Bully Ray might be bleeding from his forehead after that shot.

The Miz drops out of the ring and grabs another table, a different table from the one that still lies on the outside. The Miz sets this table up against the ring corner opposite to that Bully Ray is pulling himself to his feet in. Bully Ray foolishly leans back in the corner to catch his breath and recuperate. This gives Miz the opportunity to run at him and fly through the air before hitting Bully Ray with his signature Awesome Clothesline. Bully Ray drops to the mat below, just in front of the corner. The Miz is beginning to get some momentum going. The hometown crowd begin to chant 'Miz is Awesome!' as The Miz begins to ascend to the top rope. Feeling the admiration of the partisan crowd The Miz awaits Bully Ray getting to his feet and as soon as the NXT Champion does get to his feet Miz leaps off the top rope and catches him square in the jaw with a Missile Dropkick. The Miz jumps to his feet and screams 'COME ON CLEVELAND!'

Styles: This home town crowd really is behind Miz tonight.

Striker: Well can you blame them, Bully Ray said it's the only city where their age is higher than their IQ.

The Miz then throws his arms out wide and yells 'SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!'. He stands behind Bully Ray stalking him as he struggles to his feet with the assistance of the ring ropes, blood tricking from his hardway cut from the Singapore Cane shot. He stumbles back into the grip of The Miz who goes to lock him up in a Full Nelson, but Bully Ray uses his experience to twist out of the move behind Miz where he locks up The Miz's arms in a Full Nelson before lifting him up into the air and spiking him down on his tailbone with the Bully Bomb!. Both men are down, Bully Ray exhausted begins to crawl towards The Miz and lays atop him for a cover. However there are no pinfalls in a table match and the referee relays this information to Bully Ray who has a look of disbelief in his face. Had this been a normal match it would've been over then with Bully Ray's finishing maneuver but not tonight and Bully Ray is now well aware of this.

Styles: Bully Ray must have forgotten that this is a tables match, the only way to win is to put your opponent through a table.

Striker: He's just so desperate to put away The Miz tonight!.

Bully Ray gets up and then grabs Miz by the hair and pulls him up off the ground. Bully Ray stands Miz in front of the table which Miz set up against the corner. Bully Ray goes for a Scoop Slam, but The Miz drops out of it behind him and as Bully Ray turns around The Miz hits him with a Big Boot. Bully Ray falls onto the table but does not fall through it. The Miz sees this and takes some steps backwards to the opposite corner before he runs at Bully Ray looking for a Spear that would send Bully Ray through the table but The Bully is well aware of this, he sees Miz coming and he reverses the move grabbing Miz with one arm before slamming him down to the mat below with an Urinagi like move. The Miz slumps down out of the ring to the outside and now lies hurt at the foot of the ramp. Bully Ray sees this and drops down and rolls out of the ring himself and goes right back on the assault stomping at Miz.

Styles: Bully Ray just saved himself with that Side Slam, The Miz so close to becoming NXT World Champion...

Striker: He could smell it Joey, but Bully Ray is laying it all on the line to remain champion here tonight.

Bully Ray grabs Miz and begins to lead him up the ramp but The Miz fights free and tosses Bully Ray into the steel barricade that keeps the crowd clear of the entrance ramp. Miz then runs at Bully Ray and leaps off the ramp onto him with a Crossbody like move, more just a leap onto Bully Ray taking him over the barricade along with Miz into the crowd of spectators. The crowd now getting a closer view of the action cheer on and chant Miz's name as he gets back to his feet. He grabs a Steel Chair of which there is many and begins to drive it down into the back of Bully Ray as Bully Ray crawls towards the barricade which is situated on the floor area in front of the stage where all the electrical equipment is housed. Bully Ray gets to his feet against this barricade as Miz swings a chair at his head. Bully Ray gets his boot up and catches Miz in the midsection before Ray lifts Miz up onto the thicker rim of the barricade and then proceeds to raise him into the air with a Suplex and fall off the barricade to the floor area with a Superplex!.

Styles: SUPERPLEX!...

Striker: What a move by Bully Ray surely taking The Miz now, completely out of commission!.

Styles: Yes, but he may have taken himself out also!.

Both men are writhing in extreme pain on the concrete floor below as the referee rushes down to check on them. They are conscious but in great agony. Miz taking the brunt of the impact remains down as Bully Ray gets to his feet with the air of the entrance ramp. As he gets to his feet Bully spots an area where the pyrotechnics workers sit, of course there is about four tables full of equipment. Bully Ray wastes no time in stumbling over to this table and throwing the equipment off the tables. He drags the tables closer to the entrance ramp and then goes after Miz with some bad intentions. Bully Ray takes The Miz up onto the entrance ramp and is looking for a Powerbomb once more through the tables but The Miz fights him off and drops him with a Back Body Drop!. The whole arena thinks Miz has done it but Bully Ray misses the tables and falls instead only onto the floor!. Even Miz believes he has done it until he turns around and sees he has not. Still it is a great fall and Bully Ray is in a great deal of pain.

Styles: SO CLOSE!

Striker: How did Bully Ray not go through those tables?!.


The Miz has almost an expression of agony on his face as he claws at his hair in frustration. He goes after Bully Ray and drags him back up to his feet before hitting his head off of the rim of the stage. Miz then gets back up on the stage dragging Bully Ray up as he does so. Miz drags Bully Ray over to just in front of the tables which lay in waiting it seems for Bully Ray. The crowd begin to anticipate a monumental title change however as Bully Ray is getting up The Miz takes the time to throw his hands in the air and this allows Bully to seize the opportunity in survival mode to simply the Miz with a disgusting and despicable Low Blow. The Miz holds at his most vulnerable area and Bully Ray simply pushes him off of the stage and The Miz goes crashing through the tables down on the floor in a sickening fashion signalling the end of the match. The crowd boo louder than ever before as Bully Ray snatches victory from the jaws of defeat!.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion: Bully Ray!


Bully Ray yells out in ecstasy as the EMT's rush to The Miz's aid. He's stole a victory his face is one that knows he has stolen it. He struggles back to his feet as the referee hands him his NXT Championship belt which he holds high above his head standing on the stage just in front of the titantron. The baying crowd want his head as Bully Ray gloats.

Styles: DAMMIT NO!... The Miz had it and just like that, with the low blow, the most dirty, despicable way to end the match... it leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

Striker: It sure does, but Bully Ray will do anything to hold on to that title and in a match where anything goes... anything goes. Adapt and survive Joey.

Styles: Suppose that's true Matt, but one things for certain Bully Ray's title reign continues and that means we'll have to endure this for another month!.


Seriously, when I ask for promos try and deliver please!!


JR: Now it’s time for the Television Championship match. Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose have an extensive history with one another and now it’s time to add another chapter to it.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the UWF Television Championship. Introducing first, from Cincinatti, Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is one half of the UWF World Tag Team Champions, Dean Ambrose!


The crazy ex-World Heavyweight Champion comes out to the ring to the biggest pop of the night so far. The sadistic Ambrose looks determined and angry, not a good combination for his opponent. Ambrose gets into the ring as quickly as he can before turning towards the crowd and the cameras to taunt. He then begins to lean on the ring ropes, smirking, but also watching around before taking off his jacket, and continuously rocking, waiting for the match to begin


The crowd immediately breaks into a chorus of boos as 1 half of the UWF Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan, the self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The Worldâ€￾ makes his way from the back. Much to the crowd's chagrin, he is in a great mood here tonight. Bryan has his tag team Championship wrapped firmly around his waist as he chants "Yes" over and over again before entering the ring.

[/I]Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from Aberdeen Washington, he is the UWF Television Champion, Daniel Bryan.[/color]




The bell sounds and the Television Championship match is underway. Ambrose and Bryan lock up and Bryan grabs Ambrose by the arm before dragging him to the canvas, looking for the YES Lock…

JR: Bryan’s going for the YES Lock already!

Ambrose is very familiar with the YES Lock, so before Bryan is able to lock his arms together, Ambrose is able to roll out of Bryan’s grip and get back to his feet. The two stare at one another before locking up again. This time it’s Ambrose who gets the upper hand. Ambrose grabs Bryan by the arm and lifts him high in the air in a vertical suplex position…

Piper: One hitter! Ambrose is going for the One Hitter!

Ambrose holds Bryan high in the air in position for his One Hitter finishing maneuver. Bryan responds by throwing his knee in a downward position, striking Ambrose in the top of his head. Bryan throws another, catching Ambrose again. This causes Ambrose to drop Bryan, who falls backwards away from Ambrose. Ambrose stands tall and holds two fingers less than an inch away from each other, letting Bryan know that he was “this closeâ€￾…

JR: Both men have countered their opponents’ trademark maneuvers.

Piper: When you know each other as well as these two do, you have to know what the other is thinking.

With Ambrose obviously mocking him, Daniel Bryan becomes infuriated. Bryan charges out of the corner that he’s in and surprises Ambrose with a running dropkick to the chest. Ambrose falls to the mat but quickly gets back to a knee so that Bryan cannot cover him. Bryan takes advantage of Ambrose’s position by throwing a stiff roundhouse kick directly to Ambrose’s chest. The kick echoes throughout the arena. Ambrose doesn’t have enough time to react to the first roundhouse before Bryan connects with another. Ambrose’s face grimaces and Bryan cocks back, preparing to deliver another roundhouse. Ambrose is ready for this one and blocks it by catching Bryan’s foot. Bryan hops on one leg as Ambrose gets to his feet with Bryan’s other leg in his possession. Ambrose smiles before performing a dragon whip leg sweep, bringing Bryan to the canvas in the process…

JR: That’s a good way to hyper extend someone’s knee!

Ambrose gets to his feet, never releasing Bryan’s leg. Ambrose wastes no time taking hold of Bryan’s other leg and separating them before stomping right into Daniel Bryan’s chest. Bryan groans as the air leaves his body and Ambrose repeats the process. The fans cheer as Bryan continues his grunts of pain and Ambrose releases his legs. Ambrose gestures to the fans as Daniel Bryan rolls to the far corner of the ring. Bryan uses the turnbuckle pads to lift himself to his feet and as he does, Ambrose charges at him. As Ambrose gets closer to him, Bryan catches him with a reverse elbow. This halts Ambrose in his tracks and Bryan pushes himself up from the mat to the middle rope before leaping off and connecting with a second rope missile dropkick to Ambrose’s face. The Challenger goes to the canvas and the Champion goes for the first cover of this Championship Match…



Ambrose kicks out!

Piper: After an awesome opening sequence, he just had our first pinfall attempt.

After Ambrose kicks out, Bryan grabs him by the shoulder and applies a shoulder grapevine, shifting Ambrose’s head to the right side of his body. Bryan stands tall over Ambrose before throwing back elbows directly into the side of his head. Bryan’s aggression comes out with each elbow and they show as each blow has more force behind it than the previous…

Piper: This is the type of match Daniel Bryan needs to have against Dean Ambrose. Slow it down and pick him apart!

With Bryan in full control of his arm, Ambrose is forced to his feet as Bryan stands up. Bryan’s grapevine evolves into a modified hammerlock, but Ambrose counters it by performing a hip toss, breaking Bryan’s grip on his arm. This sends Bryan towards the far corner where he picks himself up. Ambrose charges at him and connects with a running clothesline. Bryan staggers out of the corner and Ambrose grabs him by the arm before Irish whipping him towards the far ropes. Bryan is shot off and comes back at Ambrose, who lifts the Champion off the mat before hitting Bryan with the swinging sideslam known as the Moxocity!

JR: Moxocity!

After hitting one of his trademark moves, Ambrose goes for a cover…



JR: New Champion!

Bryan kicks out!

Ambrose gets back to his feet and watches as Bryan starts getting to his. Ambrose connects with a running clothesline sending Bryan to the mat. Bryan is able to get back to his feet, only to have Ambrose snap off another hip toss taking Bryan to the canvas yet again. As Bryan hits the canvas, Ambrose shoots himself off the far ropes and drops both knees across Bryan’s throat. Bryan grabs his throat as Ambrose goes for another cover…



Bryan kicks out!

JR: Dean Ambrose seems to have found the opening he needs and is taking it to the Television Champion!

After he kicks out, Daniel Bryan rolls under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring. Bryan tries to catch his breath on the arena floor. He gasps for air as he gets to his feet and the referee begins his 10 count…




Bryan hops onto the ring apron, looking Ambrose in the eye…



Bryan motions “Noâ€￾ to Ambrose before hopping off the apron back onto the floor…


JR: Where’s Bryan going?

Piper: He’s just taking a breather Ross!

Bryan goes over towards the timekeeper and grabs his Television Championship from ringside.


Bryan starts walking towards the entrance ramp, heading away from the ring...


JR: Bryan’s leaving!!

Bryan clutches his Championship as he heads up the ramp. Dean Ambrose isn’t having it and leaves the ring, running up the ramp behind Bryan. Ambrose reaches Bryan and grabs him by the shoulder turning him around…

JR: What the hell?

As soon as Ambrose turns Bryan around, Bryan strikes Ambrose in the face with his Television Championship. Inside the ring, the referee sees as all of this transpires and calls for the bell…

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has disqualified Daniel Bryan, so the winner of this match, Dean Ambrose! But, Championships cannot change hands via disqualification, so still UWF Television Champion, Daniel Bryan!!

JR: Bryan gets himself disqualified! What a low move!

Piper: Be quiet Ross! All that matters is that Bryan is still Champion!

Daniel Bryan’s theme music plays as he stands tall over Dean Ambrose’s body. Bryan chants “YESâ€￾ over and over again as New Year’s Revolution heads backstage.




JR: And the time has finally come folks. It is now time for the Main Event of the evening. Jeff Hardy will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against Dolph Ziggler.

Piper: Ziggler has gotten the better of Hardy the past few weeks; can he do it again tonight? Or will the spot monkey continue his reign as Champion? It’s time to find out Ross!

I'm Here To Show The World.....!



In his pink ‘Show Off’ tee Dolph girates before spinning around and screaming some sort of delusional, grandeur based, self promotion at the crowd. Dolph walks down to the ring, pointing at himself and then his ‘Show Off’ tee before rolling into the ring and runs and jumps on to the turnbuckle to showboat some more. His music finishes and he awaits his opponent....


"No More Words" bursts through the arena and the whole of the arena get up on their feet with some already clapping the imminent arrival of the new World Heavyweight Champion. The glow off the belt is the first thing you see as Hardy walks out onto the stage As the belt is draped over his shoulder he looks fired up as he casually makes his way to the ring.


He wastes no time in sprinting to the ring and sliding inside, before picking his belt back up, running up the turnbuckle and showing the whole of Detroit his new possession.


He pops down off of the turnbuckle and his music stops. With the belt now draped across his shoulder he has a microphone passed to him and he wastes no time preparing for the bell.

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first in the corner to my right, from Hollywood, Florida, weighing in at 232 pounds, he is the "Show Off" Dolph Ziggler!!

Ziggler stares intently at Hardy as the crowd boos and Garcia continues with her introductions.

Garcia: And in the corner to my left, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Hardy!!!!

Hardy throws up his hand signal to the delight of the crowd as the official holds the World Championship high in the air.





The bell sounds and the World Heavyweight Championship Match is set to begin. The two competitors each begin the bout in a separate corner, but each man gets closer and closer to the center of the ring. As the Champion and Challenger get closer to one another, Ziggler looks to begin the offensive onslaught. The Challenger drops to a knee and looks to sweep Hardy’s legs with his arms. Hardy is ready for it and leaps over Ziggler’s arm. This doesn’t deter the Number One Contender as he attempts a back leg sweep, this time catching Hardy as Hardy lands on his feet. The sweep trips the Champion and forces him to the canvas where Dolph Ziggler pounces on Hardy, grabbing the Champion by the head and applying a side headlock. Hardy lies on the mat as Ziggler controls a firm grasp on Hardy’s head and neck. Hardy throws right hands over his shoulder, trying to break Ziggler’s hold on him, but this doesn’t deter the Challenger. Ziggler keeps his grip on Hardy’s skull and even takes it a step further. As Ziggler continues to keep the side headlock applied, he shifts his own body weight upward until he’s upside on his head, performing a headstand…

JR: Is this kid really performing a headstand in the middle of a World Championship Match?

Piper: He’s the Showoff Ross. When you’re as good as he is, you can do whatever you want.

Ziggler rests upside down on his head before bringing his body weight back down, slamming his formerly elevated knee directly into Hardy’s back at the same time. The Champion cringes as Ziggler drives his knee into his spine. Ziggler reacts confidently, elevating himself into another handstand and repeating the process…

JR: It seems as if Ziggler has found a way to turn that ridiculous showing off into something beneficial.

Hardy finally begins to look for a way to escape this situation. Hardy sits up, with Ziggler’s side headlock now becoming a full one. The Champion’s face has become a hue of red, but he will not be deterred. As Hardy’s “creaturesâ€￾ cheer him on, the World Heavyweight Champion finds a way to get to his feet. As Hardy makes it to his vertical base, Ziggler must readjust his position and keeps the headlock applied, with his own body adjacent to Hardy’s. Hardy is able to use this to his advantage by grabbing Ziggler by the arm and hip tossing him over Hardy’s shoulder. This breaks the grip that Ziggler had on the Champion and Hardy quickly goes for the first pinfall of this World Championship match…



Ziggler kicks out!

JR: Smart by Hardy there! He was able to use Ziggler’s own positioning against the Challenger. That’s the true mark of a Champion.

Piper: Speaking of marks, why don’t you keep kissing Hardy’s ass Ross!

Both Champion and Challenger get to their feet at the same time and its Hardy who connects with a right hand to Ziggler’s face which knocks the Challenger back onto the ropes. Hardy grabs Ziggler by the arm and Irish whips him to the far side of the ring. Ziggler reverses the whip and sends the Champion towards the far ropes instead. As Hardy runs the ropes and comes back towards Ziggler, the Challenger leaves his feet and delivers a standing dropkick to the Champion’s face. Hardy goes to the canvas and Ziggler goes for a cover….



Hardy kicks out!

As soon as Hardy rolls a shoulder, Ziggler gets off his opponent before dropping an elbow right across Hardy’s chest. Ziggler repeats himself, dropping another elbow on Hardy before lying on his back and doing a set of sit-ups as the fallen Champion lies our at his feet…

JR: This may end up costing Ziggler!

Piper: Ah! Shut up and enjoy as our future World Heavyweight Champion does what he does best!

Ziggler finishes his set of sit-ups and gets to his feet and backs himself into the far corner. Ziggler watches as Hardy pushes himself chest first off the canvas. As Hardy barely makes it to his feet, with his head still facing the mat, Ziggler runs out of the corner that he’s in and leaves his feet, attempting the FameAsser. Hardy is ready for it and takes a step backwards, causing Ziggler to miss him. After missing the Champion, Ziggler manages to land on his feet, but that’s no worry to the Champion whip quickly spins Ziggler around before kicking him in the gut and performing a snap suplex. Ziggler’s back hits the mat and Hardy floats over, covering him…



Ziggler rolls a shoulder!

Ziggler may have kicked out, but he’s still on the mat. Hardy looks to capitalize on this. Hardy quickly makes his way through the ring ropes and onto the ring apron before climbing to the top rope…

JR: Hardy might fly!

Ziggler knows that the Swanton Bomb is coming, so he quickly rolls under the bottom rope to the arena floor. The fans boo the Challenger’s decision, although some don’t think it was that bad of a choice…

Piper: You want to talk about a mark of a Champion that was it right there!

Ziggler stands on the outside of the ring, thinking that he’s escaped the Champion. What he doesn’t know is that Hardy is still on the top rope. Ziggler turns towards the corner where Hardy is standing and can only watch as the World Heavyweight Champion leaps off the top and tags Ziggler out with a Crossbody Block to the outside.

JR: That’s Jeff Hardy for you. Always putting it on the line!

The creatures of the night get to their feet in excitement as the World Champion gets to his feet and grabs Ziggler by the hair and lifts him off the arena floor before throwing him back into the ring. As Ziggler enters the ring, Hardy takes a moment to mock Ziggler by “showing offâ€￾ for his fans. Hardy looks to reenter the ring, putting his head through the middle rope. This proves to be a mistake as Ziggler has had enough time to recover and surprises Hardy as he tries to enter the ring with the FameAsser, bringing Hardy back into the ring the hard way. Hardy’s neck and face snaps on the mat and Ziggler quickly covers the Champion…


Piper: New Champion!


Hardy kicks out!

JR: There’s still fight left fin our World’s Champion!

After the high impact maneuver, Ziggler looks to end Hardy. Ziggler takes a few steps backwards as Hardy crawls to the far corner of the ring and uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Hardy manages to make it to a vertical base and Ziggler prepares to strike. The Challenger goes right after the Champion, leaving his feet and grabbing Hardy by the back of the head, looking for his Zig Zag finishing move. Jeff Hardy is ready for it and counters by holding onto the top turnbuckle. Ziggler’s grip on Hardy’s skull fails him and he falls backwards onto his back. Hardy soon goes back on the attack, turning his attention to his Challenger before grabbing both of Ziggler’s legs and separating them. Hardy performs a leaping leg drop that catches Ziggler in the midsection. The show off grabs the lower portion of his body as Hardy goes for another cover…



Ziggler kicks out!

Ziggler rolls onto his stomach and pushes himself to a knee. As he does, Jeff Hardy grabs him by the arm and Irish whips him to the far corner of the ring. Ziggler is prepared and counters Hardy, sending the Champion to the corner instead. As Hardy heads towards the corner, he is able to halt his momentum and run the turnbuckle pads before performing a corkscrew plancha backwards onto Ziggler…

JR: Hardy looking for Whisper in The Wind!

The Challenger has the Champion scouted and moves out of the way at the last second. Jeff Hardy hits nothing but canvas and the Challenger loves it. Hardy rolls onto his side after his missed his trademark move and tries to get to his feet. As soon as Hardy staggers up, Ziggler catches him with a Superkick that hits Hardy right under the jaw. The Champion drops like a ton of bricks and Ziggler goes for another cover…



Hardy kicks out at 2 ½

Ziggler slaps the mat in anger as Hardy kicked out yet again. Ziggler shakes off the frustration and gets back to his feet as the World Heavyweight Champion rolls his way over to the corner of the ring opposing Ziggler. Ziggler watches as Hardy begins picking himself up and as he does, Ziggler runs across the ring, diving right at Hardy with a splash. Before the Challenger can connect, Hardy sidesteps him and Ziggler’s skull bonces right off the steel ring pole. Ziggler, being the awesome seller that he is, staggers around the ring which gives Jeff Hardy the opportunity to climb up the turnbuckle pad and this time successfully connect with the Whisper in The Wind. Hardy’s boot catches Ziggler directly in the head and almost knocks Ziggler out. Hardy wastes no time leaping on top of his Challenger and going for another cover…



Ziggler kicks out again!

JR: This has been a war of attrition! Both men are throwing everything they’ve got at each other.

Hardy gets back to his feet and looks at Ziggler. Hardy removes his shirt to the delight of some of the females in the audience. Hardy exits the ring and walks the apron before climbing to the top rope again. As soon as Hardy reaches the top, Ziggler comes from out of nowhere, leaping from the ring mat to the top…

Piper: Look at the athleticism Ross!

As Ziggler lands on the top rope, he delivers right hands to the face of Jeff Hardy. Ziggler grabs Hardy by the arm and throws it over his shoulder. Dolph Ziggler looks for a superplex, but Hardy blocks it. The Champion then counters with right hands to the midsection of his Challenger. This breaks up the attempted superplex by Ziggler and allows Hardy to lift Ziggler off the turnbuckle and drop him on the canvas with a front suplex…

JR: Huge counter from Hardy!

Ziggler hits the canvas hard and rolls onto his back. Hardy balances himself once more before leaping off the top and landing down on Dolph Ziggler with his patented Swanton Bomb…

Piper: Ugh! He got him!

The fans cheer as Jeff Hardy hits his finishing move before hopping on top of Ziggler and hooking both legs…




Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and Still UWF World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy!


JR: Jeff Hardy has done it again!

Endeavorafter’s “No More Wordsâ€￾ plays and Jeff Hardy is handed his World Heavyweight Championship. The Creatures of the night get to their feet and praise their World Champion. Hardy responds by climbing to the top rope and holding the World Championship high in the air as the pyro shoots off from the rafters.

JR: 2012 was a banner year for Jeff Hardy and it ends with him as the World Heavyweight Champion. For Roddy Piper, I’m Jim Ross, have a great night, we wish you a happy new year and we’ll see you this Friday on Smackdown.

New Year’s Revolution goes off the air with Jeff Hardy still holding his World Heavyweight Championship in the air while celebrating with his creatures of the night.


Promos: Respective TTers
Sting versus Ryder, CM Punk versus Rhino: Chris Dresden
Miz versus Bully Ray, Lesnar versus Taz versus Curtis: Sam
Hardy versus Ziggler, Bryan versus Ambrose, Edge versus Jarrett, Cena versus Wyatt, Aries versus Rollins: Cwalker​


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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

- Great Ziggler promo before the show, short but it was good.

- Glad to see I picked up the win, hoping we can get another good session in, sorry about the 1-1 bro.

- I liked the Purveyor of Poison promo, should have gone in before my match with Aries however.

- I liked the promo from whoever plays Darren Young, however that font I disapprove of but nonetheless a good promo and I hope to face you on NXT sometime!

- Enjoyed the Curtis/Bateman/Maxine/Ambrose segment, it was a nice touch.

- Glad to see Taz win the triple threat, we're going to see a real showdown soon enough.

- Great Aries promo there!

- Was obvious Edge was going to be the new Champion, hope Slim has a good reign, wonder who will beat him though.

- Liked the Eddie promo on not being booked, hopefully an Edge/Eddie feud happens down the track, that's something I'd love to see happen.

- That match was absolutely insane between Sting/Ryder! Ryder came close but Sting holds on!

- Good win for Cena, doesn't hurt Wyatt whatsoever but I'd like to see a cash-in happen sometime soon!

- Another sick match between Rhino/CM Punk, was expecting a draw by reading it but Punk kicking out of the Gore, damn! Great finish as well, Shawn plays a great Punk.

- Bully Ray winning, can't wait for the Punk/Bully feud now! This is going to be a good read. However Miz is absolutely under-rated and will still be a top player on N-X-T.

- Nice move by Bryan walking away, wish it had a proper finish but it's a finish I could still enjoy.

- Great win for Lewb there! Wish Ziggler was able to get another TT up to even it out but nonetheless a great PPV.

I'm assuming my promo will be used later this week. 10/10 PPV!


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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

Lol UWF Spanish announce table got broken. That steel steps spot to end it was brutal.

I enjoyed my first match of the night. The sliminess of Curtis came through and I thought it was over with that tower of doom spot. Looking forward to the fallout of that match.

We all knew Edge was going to win the match but it was a very good back and forth match.

Long Island street fight was pretty awesome. I bud light lime machine spot made me laugh as did the swirlie. Sting coming up with the win means it'll be him vs Taz. Interesting matchup there.

Cena picks up the win in another great matchup. I'm really wondering when Bray will cash in. Seems like he's been on a downward spiral as of late.

Punk/Rhino has been a great feud thus far and the match has done it justice. It feels like Rhino has been losing a lot recently but I hope RRS doesn't get down on him because its a great character.

Bully Ray/Miz was also an excellent match. Hopefully this isn't the end to this feud as its really enjoyable.

I'm actually sort of glad my match with Hoov ended the way it did. We weren't able to have the quality TT session we've had in the past. Was a technical matchup at the start and hopefully we get one more go to really do what we do best.

Hardy retains to end a phenomenal show. Really you guys there was awesome matches all throughout. Not one thing disappointed me and I can't wait to see how the Royal Rumble turns out.


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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

Aries vs Rollins opening the show. An awesome opener I say. Although we did only did 1-1 the match Cwalker wrote was great. I enjoyed reading it. The end was very realistic. Loved the Blackout on the steps although Aries didn't, haha. Good job there.

Some nice promos rolling in there. God, how much I love reading this Curtis/Bateman/Maxine/Ambrose stuff.

Taz picking up the win there. Everytime Aniking picks someone up he is on a roll. I hate you man, haha.

Aries promo. I suggest you all read it this time.

Edge defeating Jarrett and ending his what I am not afraid to call legendary reign. I hope Slim and BDC get one more sesh as I would really love to read some of that stuff.

Ryder vs. Sting. Take care, flush your hair! That shit made my day although I am sick as fuck. Sorry Hoov but I didn't see Ryder winning anyway. Was a great match though.

Wyatt vs. Cena was decent. Nothing really awesome but just another decent and very realistic match to read. Just how I like it.

CM Punk winning the number one contendership. Lewb/Shawn...that will be some awesome shit as well. I really feel bad for RRS. First losing to Sting like two/three times and now this. I know that feel bro.

Bully Ray still the NXT Champ. Wow, I thought BGA was gonna take the win there but Lewb proved that he is worthy of that title. Winning it by default wasn't any big of a deal but Lewb showed he deserves to be the champ.

Bryan walkins away was a nice move but I'd rather see a regular finish to the match.

Lewb winning his second match. Still holding two world titles. Huge win there.

Overall this was a 10/10 PPV. Good job everybody.


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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

This was a good show. Glad to be a part of it. Sucks I couldn't get a promo in to help with the flow of the show though. That part... ehhhhh I'm not too pleased about. And me being me... yeah I like winning titles :p But to win like that... gotta have a rematch sometime down the road. But hey with the rematch... don't think you'll win it back :)

But the show itself... that thing delivered and it was the goods. That was a very good show. All the matches stand out and someone NEEDS to stop Jeff Hardy :p


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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

Thought that this was a solid pay-per-view, even with a lack of TTing in a few threads. I'm hoping it's primarily due to the festive season and that everything will resume full service now that we've crossed into a new year. In saying that, the commitment shown to write solid matches regardless of some showings is brilliant and just a credit to the three-man writing team, but especially to Cwalker who has done it for as long as I can remember.

Obviously stoked to win my match as it means I've already earned myself a title shot just three matches into picking Taz up. Hoping to make this shot count at the Royal Rumble as I've gotten the match up I craved! As for the other matches, there really weren't many results that surprised me as I'm quite sure I predicted all of them correctly, apart from the Bryan/Ambrose one. That isn't anything bad, it just shows that UWF is consistent, straightforward, and that if you put the work in you'll get the recognition you deserve. It's a pretty simple equation and a good one at that.

The only negative I have to say about the pay-per-view were the placement of the promos. Putting aside there weren't many, just looking at a couple where they spoke about their match when the match had already been completed. It's a little odd, buit on the whole just a minor issue.

Anyway, great job by the three of you :)

Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

I am not bummed about losing at all guys. I was busy the day of the deadline, so I couldn't drop one. It's all good. Shawn will continue to be great. Although a win would be nice! The show itself was fantastic. I'm actually really glad to see Taz pick up the win there. Aniking plays him very well. That Aries/Rollins match was also awesome, Rollins picking up a win was something I didn't see coming. Nothing against Andrew at all. You play him very well.

Ryder/Sting wishes it could be as cool as Rhino/Sting.

Edge getting that win is awesome, bout time he has a freaking belt!

I'm actually quite surprised that Ziggler didn't win as I felt Killz did an excellent job with him.


I know a missed a couple of matches and such, but I haven't been able to follow everything lately. The show was great, and it really sets the bar for 2013.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

This was a good show. Glad to be a part of it. Sucks I couldn't get a promo in to help with the flow of the show though. That part... ehhhhh I'm not too pleased about. And me being me... yeah I like winning titles :p But to win like that... gotta have a rematch sometime down the road. But hey with the rematch... don't think you'll win it back :)

But the show itself... that thing delivered and it was the goods. That was a very good show. All the matches stand out and someone NEEDS to stop Jeff Hardy :p

Gotta say that I appreciate the respect considering I noshowed. Don't worry, I beat myself once, shame on me...I beat myself twice...never...look forward to the rematch this week!


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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

Gotta say that I appreciate the respect considering I noshowed. Don't worry, I beat myself once, shame on me...I beat myself twice...never...look forward to the rematch this week!

Just as long as you beat yourself and we not having to be a witness to it... we're all good :D


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

Just as long as you beat yourself and we not having to be a witness to it... we're all good :D

OK, Is it me or am I the only guy who walks into those kinda things? lol...ok, no peeking though!


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Dec 11, 2012
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La Casa
Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

I honestly didn't think doing this could be this fun but hey, what do I know. Looking forward to all upcoming matches
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

WOW is all have to say! That was one hell of a read. My feud with RRS is by far one of favorite TT sessions. We put together a good read and I wish him luck with Rhino. Our match was surreal. I could picture everything that was going on and for Punk to end the match using Rhino's Gore was pure genious. Punk stuck to him. As for everything else, congrats to Lewb for retaining now it's you and me buddy! I'm happy Andrew picked up a huge win. It should build a ton of confidence for him going forward as his Rollins is impressive. Congrats to everyone else who picked up wins and others who participated and helped put the show together. Also like AK said a few promo's were out of place, but things like that happen. I sent one in, but didn't see it here.


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: UWF Proudly Presents: New Year's Revolution 2012!!

Just catching up as I've had a busy few days but once again it was a great show. My match against Lewb could have went either way, but thanks to the way it was written I'm not too down about losing, gives me plenty of stuff to work with. I loved the Ryder v Sting match, great fun. Once again just a great show from start to finish which is an especially good achievement given the time of year.
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