UWF 2012: Past Pay-Per-Views & Cards

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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Vengeance Official Card


If anyone is around and able to do the following entrances, please can you do them! It'll be a great help.

Jeff Jarrett w/ Alberto Del Rio & Karen Jarrett (NO RICARDO) vs Bray Wyatt w/Eli Cottenwood
Big Show vs Damien Sandow
Samoa Joe vs Batista vs Dean Ambrose

Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF Vengeance Official Card

did you really just go *ahem*?

Last edited:


Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

And now... UWF NXTand Smackdown present to you...



The pyro goes off inside the sold out Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York. The crowd go wild as the camera pans the arena getting shots of all the fans on their feet cheering, various signs are visible throughout the arena which feature the names and likenesses of our favourite stars, Y.E.S, Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, Jeff Jarrett and more. The camera soon lands itself in front of the announce team of Jim Ross and 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper.


Jim Ross: Welcome!, ladies and gentlemen to UWF Vengeance!. The first ever split brand Pay Per View, and what a night full of Smackdown and NXT action we've got instore for you!.

Roddy Piper: Exactly JR!, we've got title matches, street fight matches and hey, we've even got some NXT brand matches for you just incase Smackdown doesn't completely quench your thirst for quality wrestling action here tonight!.

Jim Ross: I can't say how excited I am to see that main event here tonight Roddy. We have got four of the biggest stars in professional wrestling today, the champion Ted DiBiase defends against Rey Mysterio, John Cena and Rob Van Dam.

Roddy Piper: That's an exciting one JR, but what I'm looking forward to is seeing every single member of those YES idiots getting their commupance tonight.

Jim Ross: You touched on it earlier Roddy, but remember, we've got two huge NXT matches tonight also, so we're going to send it to the NXT announce team, Joey Styles and Tazz!.


Joey Styles: Yes, that's right JR, the new boys are in town and we have got two monumental matches for the great UWF Universe tonight!.

Tazz: Monumental ain't the word Joey, we have to GINORMOUS matches tonight for both of the championships here on Monday Night NXT.

Joey Styles: Firstly we have the NXTreme Championship on the line between the champion and resident conspiracy theorist, R-Truth and the changed man, Sting.

Tazz: That match should be off the hook, but so too should our main event.

Joey Styles: That's right in NXT's main event of the evening it will be Randy Orton, broken arm et all taking on the man who broke that arm, Robert Roode in what's sure to be a heated contest, if that does it justice. But first up it's the three way street fight between Batista, Samoa Joe and the always unpredictable Dean Ambrose... so we'll send you back to good Ol' JR and the legendary, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!...

Fade. The cameras cut to ringside, as Lillian Garcia is shown in the center of the ring with a microphone in hand.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Street Fight match!

The audience erupts in cheers as they await for a superstar’s music to hit.


Dean Ambrose’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the audience explodes in cheers as the former World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out on the stage. Ambrose slowly walks to the center of the stage, soaking in the cheers from the audience. Ambrose has a maniacal smirk across his face, which is normal for a maniacal man. Ambrose spins around a couple of times before outstretching his arms as he makes his way down the entrance ramp.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from Cincinnati, Ohio, weighing in tonight at 225 pounds, DEAAAAAN AMBROOOOOOSEEEE!

Dean Ambrose’s arms are still stretched out as he nods his head toward the audience’s appreciation toward him. Ambrose lowers his arms as he walks over to the ring before rolling into it. Ambrose rises up to his feet as he spins around a couple of times before preparing for his match in the corner.


Samoa Joe’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the audience releases a mixed reaction as the “Samoan Submission Machine†makes his way out on the stage. Joe has a black towel covering his face, as he methodically walks down the entrance ramp. Joe ignores everything around him as he continues making his way down the entrance ramp, similar to fellow machine, Taz.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing his opponent, from The Isle of Samoa, weighing in tonight at 280 pounds, he is the Samoan Submission Machine, SAMOAAAA JOOOOOOOE!

Samoa Joe slides into the ring as he spins around from the main camera. Joe spins around and throws his towel on the mat, before “cutting his throat†and raising his arm in the air, with an intense expression upon his face. Joe goes to attack Ambrose and Ambrose calls for it, but the referee stops it, letting them know to wait for the final participant.


Batista’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the audience explodes in boos as “The Animal†Batista slowly makes his way out on the stage. Batista stops in the middle of the stage, looking at the audience with a scowl, before pointing at himself. As Batista points to himself, the lights go out and a single spotlight appears on Batista. Batista has a huge smirk upon his face, as he slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp.

Lillian Garcia: And, introducing their opponent, from Washington, D.C., weighing in tonight at 290 pounds, “The Animal†BAAAAAAATIIIIISTAAAAAAAA!

Batista walks down the entrance ramp as a fan slaps the back of “The Animalâ€. Batista stops mid-way before staring at the fan who slowly falls in his seat full of fear. Batista laughs to himself as he continues his journey to the ring. Batista walks up the steel steps as he enters the ring before climbing up the turnbuckle, staring at the booing audience. Batista shakes his head as he prepares for his match.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Fans cheer like crazy looking as Batista, Samoa Joe, and Dean Ambrose look at each other. Ambrose goes to the outside of the ring as Batista tries to follow, but Joe goes and stops Batista hitting him with slaps to the face. Joe backs Batista up to the turnbuckle and begins to stomp on him. Batista is down as Joe backs up and he runs at Batista hitting a huge boot to the face. Joe smiles when all of a sudden Ambrose hits Joe with a stop sign to the head. Joe looks dazed as hell and Ambrose throws him the stop sign and Joe gets hit in the face. Joe falls down as Ambrose goes for the pin.



Joe kicked out as Ambrose goes and he grabs the stop sign. Ambrose turns around and walks into a spear from Dave Batista. Fans cheer like crazy as Batista grabs the stop sign and he starts to wail Ambrose with it. Batista goes and he looks under the ring and he finds a steel chain. Batista grabs the steel chain and he begins to choke Ambrose with it. Ambrose is screaming in pain as Batista starts to yell. All of a sudden Joe comes out of nowhere and he kicks Batista off of Dean Ambrose.

Jim Ross: Great job by Joe stopping the move by Batista!

Joe goes and he grabs the chain and he begins to whip the back of Batista with it. Batista is feeling the pain of the chain as he rolls to the outside of the ring. Joe looks at Batista and all of a sudden Ambrose goes charging at Joe but Joe steps away and Joe moves out of the way. Ambrose goes flying and hits Batista on the outside. Joe looks surprise that these two looked like idiots. Joe awaits for both to get up as Joe goes flying over the ropes and suicide dives on both men. Joe gets up as he smiles at the carnage the has ensued. Joe goes as he looks at the steel steps. Joe picks them up as he sets them in position. Joe awaits for one of them to get up. Batista is getting up first as Joe slaps him across the face a couple of times. Joe sets Batista up in a suplex position and he looks to suplex Batista onto the steel steps. Batista blocks the suplex attempt ducks under and hits a huge spinebuster on the steel steps. Batista begins to scream when out of nowhere Dean Ambrose hits Batista with a Singapore cane. The fans are cheering like crazy as Ambrose grabs Batista’s body and throws it in the middle of the ring. Ambrose hits Batista a couple of more times with the Singapore cane. Ambrose goes and he locks in the crossface chicken wing with the singanpore cane right in the face of Batista.

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd what a maneuver by Dean Ambrose

Roddy Piper: That move is already deadly, it just became deadlier.

Fans cheer like crazy as it looks like Batista may tap out. Joe though comes out of nowhere and he lands a back slam on Ambrose with a steel chair. Joe is hurting on the move so is Ambrose as he slides away. Joe goes as he grabs Batista and he starts to beat the living tar out of him. Joe grabs Batista and sends him flying to the turnbuckle. Joe goes charging at Batista and Batista moves out of the way. Batista goes and kicks Joe in the gut as he looks to Batista bomb him on the steel chair. Batista tries to lift Joe but Joe backdrops him on the chair and Batista’s back on the chair. Batista is in pain and Joe goes and he grabs Batista. Joe puts Batista by the top turnbuckle and he kicks him in the head hard. Joe goes and sets Batista up, spins and he hits Batista with a huge muscle buster. The fans go crazy as Joe goes for the pin.




No Ambrose breaks it up and he throws Joe off Batista. Ambrose goes and he goes for the cover.



Joe pulls Ambrose off as the two look at each other as they start trading blows back and forward at each other as the fans are going ape shit over them brawling. Joe though gets the upper hand and hits Ambrose with a knee to the gut. Joe goes and he grabs the steel chair and he sets it up by the turnbuckle. Ambrose keeps punching the crap out of the gut of Samoa Joe and Joe feels the pain of the move and gets backed up to the turnbuckle. Joe is backed up to the ropes. Ambrose charges but Joe sidesteps. Joe moves out of the way and he enziguris Ambrose,Ambrose leans against the top turnbuckle. Joe goes as he sets Ambrose up for a muscle buster.

Jim Ross: This could be the beginning to the end.

Ambrose is in trouble as Joe looks to hit it, but Batista comes out and hits Joe from Behind, Batista begins to beat down on Joe, Joe though gets the upper hand, and hits a huge roundhouse kick. Batista goes down and rolls out the ring. Joe all of a sudden gets both his under hooks caught. Ambrose hits the hook and ladder off the top turnbuckle as the fans go crazy! Ambrose goes for the cover.




Here is your Winner: Dean Ambrose


Jim Ross: What a victory for young Dean Ambrose tonight!

Roddy Piper: I can't believe they even let this loon in the building let alone in a match and then he goes and wins it?!... give me a break!.

The Pay Per View lags between matches as the cameras cut back stage to see the premiere couple of Smackdown, Jeff and Karen Jarrett sitting studying a television intently.


Jeff Jarrett, as if explaining it to his beautiful wife: Ya see there. How he focused on the face of Wyatt. First mistake. He was all invested in the attempted arm lock and Bray went downstairs. Typical cheap shortcut. Kid shoulda been watching for it. I won’t be that gullible.

Karen Jarrett agrees turning to face Jeff and taking his face into her hands: Oh, of course not, honey. You’re gonna beat the stuffing out of that overgrown TV preacher, aren’t you?

Jeff Smiles: Well, of course, I am. But I need to watch this sweety. This is important. THERE! Did you see that? Repeated knee smashes and, then, he’s throwing that idiot inta everything. Is that even a move? I think not. The referee shoulda stopped that match right there. See? He’s doing it again; launching that kid into the barricade. I just don’t see anything here at all.

The two of them continue to watch as they wince and and move like their trying to avoid the attack themselves.


Jeff Jarrett: Yeah, see? After he tenderized the rookie, he went for the power moves and…OH!! Now, that finisher is one to avoid. Nice touch, if you can pull it off. But, unlucky for Wyatt, he’s up against a seasoned veteran tonight. Old Double J ain’t gonna fall for his cheap tricks and fall prey to his power attacks. Oh, no! Ima gonna put the hurt on him and drop him with a good ole fashioned STROKE!

Suddenly, Alberto Del Rio runs in looking a little frantic.


Jeff Jarrett smiles: Hey, Alberto!! Didn’t think you were going to make it! I was just about ready to get my ring gear on. Hey, where’s RICKY? I mean, you two are usually joined at the hip, you know, like those freaky Siamese Twins…

Alberto butts in: I am sorry, Jeffery, but I cannot take part in your, how do you say, DOWN HOME HUMMER?

Karen corrects him: I think you mean Humor…

Alberto: Si! Gracias, Karen! I’m afraid I have pressing problems that take precedent!

Jeff becomes concerned: Now, slow down, Al. What is this about and where’s Ricky?

Alberto Del Rio, breathing heavy: I am afraid he is the reason for my distress. You see, he is missing!

Jeff Jarrett jumps to his feet shocked as does Karen.


Jeff Jarrett: WHOA? Are you sure? I mean, he was supposed to do my ring entrance tonight!

Alberto Del Rio: I am afraid that is impossible…

Karen Jarrett: What? What do you mean impossible? Last time we saw you two, you were heading off with your ‘escorts’ for the weekend.

Alberto Del Rio: I am not sure what happened. We had separate rooms in the hotel and I took Macy and Lacy to my penthouse and Ricardo and the well endowed lady went to his. That is the last I saw him. Here, let me show you. I received this just an hour ago.

The Jarretts gather close to Del Rio as he plays a message on his cell phone.


We hear the voice of Ricardo Rodriguez

ALBERTO! Se trata de Ricardo. No estoy seguro de lo que pasó. Yo y la señora boobie estaban bebiendo y ... las cosas ... y bueno, lo siguiente que sé, me despierto en un cuarto de hotel sucio en San Diego, California ...

Jeff Jarrett: San Diego? Hell, that’s all the way across the damn country!! How in the hell?

Ricardo continues: Por favor, no me dispare! Necesito este trabajo y Te amo tanto ... Quiero decir, me encanta el trabajo sea mucho! De todos modos .. Tengo el cableado banquero algo de dinero ... voy a extrañar Vengence, pero debería estar allí para Smackdown! Oops! Envié una imagen equivocada! Haga caso omiso de eso! No tenga en cuenta!


Jeff Jarrett looks like he just realized something: Ya know what? I just came to the conclusion that I didn’t understand any of that but San Diego, California, Oops and Smackdown!

Del Rio looks a little flush: I think he just said he had my banker wire him money out to California where he ended up after having a mucho fiesta with the woman with the huge…

Jeff Jarrett: BUST!

Del Rio and Karen just stare at him.

Jarrett: This thing’s just went BUST! He knows how much I love his introductions!!

Karen, a little annoyed at Jeff’s insensitivity, tries to calm things: Ok, it’s going to be ok. He will get a plane ticket and meet us at Smackdown or before and until then, JEFF; you need to get your ring gear on. GO!

Jeff takes off and Karen turns to Del Rio.

Karen: And, Alberto, don’t worry. He’ll turn up.

Alberto Del Rio comes out of his stupor to answer: Huh? Oh, yeah sure. But do you know how much a plane ticket to travel from one end of the nation to the other is going to cost? And, if he goes first class, don’t think I won’t take it out of his paycheck.

As Del Rio walks off, he leaves Karen with a befuddled look on her face.


Vengeance is brought to you tonight by the CWA writing team circa, 2010: Sam and Effectsoraven.


Fade. The cameras cut to ringside, as Lillian Garcia is shown in the center of the ring with a microphone in hand.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the European Championship!

The audience erupts in cheers as they await for a superstar’s music to hit.


Jeff Jarrett’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the audience explodes in cheers as the European Champion makes his way out on the stage, with his wife, Karen Jarrett, and his partner in crime, Alberto Del Rio! Jarrett throws his arms in the air, while Karen twirls her hand in the air, and Del Rio simply smiles and poses, as golden fireworks fall behind the three as the audience continues cheering. As the firework dies out, Jarrett unhooks his European championship and raises it high and proud, with a huge smile on his face as the three make their way down the entrance ramp.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing the champion, from Nashville, Tennessee, weighing in tonight at 235 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Karen Jarrett and Alberto Del Rio, he is the European champion, “The King of the Mountain†JEFF JAAAAAREEEEEETT!

Jeff Jarrett has a huge smile on his face, as he prepares for his upcoming match by throwing air punches with Alberto Del Rio. The three make their way down the entrance ramp as they walk over to the ring. Jarrett enters the ring, as Del Rio holds the bottom rope down for Karen Jarrett. Del Rio enters the ring, and the three pose for the audience as they continue cheering them.


Bray Wyatt: I have arrived children... arrived to save you all. But first, please children now is not the time for talk... for I have a serpent to slay, a sinner to condemn and championship to win... we'll talk later.

'Broken out in Love' by Mark Crozer hits the PA system and the crowd immediately begins to boo heavily, even at the first strum of the guitar. Before too long Bray Wyatt walks out from behind the stage with Eli Cottonwood right behind him. Bray Wyatt has the briefcase in his hand as he out onto the stage. Wyatt and Cottonwood taunt the audience, as they methodically begin to laugh at every movement.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing the challenger, from Lafayette, Louisiana, weighing in tonight at 285 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Cousin Eli, he is the Money in the Bank briefcase holder, BRAY WYAAAAAAAT!

Bray Wyatt raises the Money in the Bank briefcase high in the air, as Cousin Eli simply laughs at the audience. The audience continues booing to the duo, who simply laugh it all. Wyatt and Eli rolls into the ring, as they taunt the audience and soon taunt Jeff Jarrett who brushes it off. Wyatt gives the briefcase to the referee and he gives it to the ring keeper, as Wyatt prepares for his match.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Bray Wyatt versus Jeff Jarrett and this has developed into quite the rivalry between the two men, as Jeff Jarrett stands for everything Bray Wyatt hates!

Roddy Piper: I hope Bray Wyatt loses this, as all he’s done is hate on big tits ever since Jeff Jarrett’s celebration party! But also,

Wyatt shakes his head at Jeff Jarrett who starts off the match by mocking Wyatt by ripping his nipples before squeezing Karen’s breasts yelling “YER JUST JEALOUS CAUSE YOU CAN’T GET SOME!†Jarrett then struts to the centre of the ring as Bray Wyatt takes his time walking up to the centre of the ring and delivers a slap across the face of Jarrett, sending Jarrett’s gum flying, Wyatt roars at Jeff Jarrett “YOU DISGUST ME!†Jarrett laughs back and delivers a slap back and yells “Grow a set SLAPNUTS!†which has the fans going wild for Jarrett as he follows through with a knife-edge chop across the chest of Bray Wyatt, Wyatt returns fire with a punch but Jarrett reads it and ducks underneath, as Wyatt spins around straight into another chop from Jeff Jarrett who chuckles and yells “YEAH, YOU AIN’T SO GOOD ARE YA!†Jarrett then follows up with a step up Enziguri, the fans are 100% behind Jeff Jarrett in the early going as he looks out into the crowd and sees an incredibly large breasted woman and yells “Wanna help me convert Bray Wyatt, Honey?†She nods her but as Jarrett turns around, Eli Cottenwood pulls Bray Wyatt out of the ring to safety but Jeff Jarrett follows in hot pursuit! Jarrett nails Eli Cottenwood with a huge chop before grabbing Bray Wyatt and storms around the ring with him before tossing him into the barricade in front of the woman, Jeff Jarrett smirks “MOTORBOAT HIM BABY!â€

Roddy Piper: This is going to be fun to see JR!

Jim Ross: What’s a motorboat Roddy!?

Roddy Piper: You’re about to find out JR!

Jeff Jarrett grabs the dazed and confused Bray Wyatt by the hair and points at the woman, the fans go nuts as Jeff Jarrett slams Bray Wyatt’s face between the two huge tits of the woman as she shakes them back and fourth, smacking Bray Wyatt in the face multiple times but Bray Wyatt manages to elbow Jeff Jarrett in the gut and simple away with a look of repugnance on his face he yells at Big Cousin Eli “ESCORT THAT WHORE OUTTA ‘ERE CUZ!†but Eli Cottenwood is caught in a day dream staring at her breasts allowing Jeff Jarrett to sneak up behind Bray Wyatt and tosses him into the ring. Jarrett slides into the ring behind Bray Wyatt but gets caught by the boot of Bray Wyatt, who begins to stomp away violently before picking up Jeff Jarrett and Irish Whipping across the ring, Jarrett rebounds straight back into a huge big boot from Bray Wyatt who drops to his knees and makes a cover on Jeff Jarrett.



Roddy Piper: Bray Wyatt seems pissed, like he didn’t enjoy it.

Jim Ross: I’ll reserve my opinion on that incident Hotrod.

Jeff Jarrett kicks out!
Bray Wyatt shakes his head but he’s now like a man possessed, grabbing Jeff Jarrett by the hair and dragging him across the ring before slamming face first into the corner and yells at him “DON’T YOU DARE DISRESPECT ME!†before diving a knee into the gut of Jeff Jarrett, Jarrett kneels over in the corner as Bray Wyatt seemingly hugs him and whispers into his ear “I will show you the light now…†before grabbing Jeff Jarrett into a Bearhug and in an uncanny move by Bray Wyatt spins on the spot before throwing Jeff Jarrett into a Belly to Belly Suplex toss. Jarrett goes flying across the ring but Bray Wyatt isn’t done as he goes to pull Jarrett up by the hair but Jeff Jarrett manages to escape it but Wyatt manages to reserve it and Irish Whips Jarrett across the ring, but Jarrett rebounds and leaps up over Wyatt and goes for a Sunset Flip but Wyatt drops to his knees and leans backwards and grabs the arm of Eli Cottenwood, referee, Charles Robinson can’t see it as he’s focusing on the shoulders of Jeff Jarrett.



Jim Ross: Blah god, Bray Wyatt is gonna steal another match!

Roddy Piper: Typical YES tactic JR!


Alberto Del Rio tackles Eli Cottenwood!
Cottenwood loses his grip on Wyatt, allowing Jeff Jarrett to reserve the pinfall attempt, but Jeff Jarrett manages to turn his entire body around so his feet are facing the ropes, as Charles Robinson goes to count Bray Wyatt’s shoulders, Jarrett puts feet on the middle rope, allowing Karen Jarrett to hold on to them. Cottenwood is distracted by Alberto Del Rio as the count begins.



Jim Ross: YES! Take that Bray Wyatt, now you know how it feels to be cheated!

Roddy Piper: Good ole fashion medicine, eh JR!?


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via pinfall at 08:12: Jeff Jarrett (STILL UWF EUROPEAN CHAMPION)


Jeff Jarrett quickly drops his feet and rolls out of the ring and gives Karen a big hug as Alberto Del Rio joins the trio, Charles Robinson hands Jeff Jarrett the European Championship, Bray Wyatt is absolutely fuming in the middle of the ring as Jeff Jarrett yells at him “Now you know how it feels to be cheated, SLAPNUTS!†before walking up the entrance ramp celebrating with his wife and his tag team partner, leaving Bray Wyatt to kick the bottom rope and roar in frustration, he looks up at the sky “They will pay later tonight, yes they will, you’ll see…â€


I hear this is going to be quite a big deal.

Fade. The cameras cut to ringside, as Lillian Garcia is shown in the center of the ring with a microphone in hand.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Television Championship!

The audience erupts in cheers as they await for a superstar’s music to hit.


“WEEEEEEEELL!†is heard throughout the arena as The Big Show’s entrance music blares out of the speakers! The audience explodes in boos, as Show makes his way out on the entrance stage. Suddenly, a tower of pyro shoots out on the stage, as we hear screams from the audience, as some females were unprepared. As the smoke clears, Show slowly makes his way out on the entrance stage. Show has an intense yet focused expression on his face as he continues his journey to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing the challenger, from Tampa, Florida, weighing in tonight at 441 pounds, he is the World’s Largest Athlete, THE BIIIIIIIIG SHOOOOOOOW!

The Big Show raises a fist in the air, as the audience heavily boos the giant. Show shakes his head, as he brushes off the boos before continuing his entrance down the ramp. Show walks over to the ring before grabbing the top rope, pulling him on the apron before stepping into the ring. Show rushes over to the ropes, before raising a fist in the air, as the fans continue to boo him. Show begins to prepare for his match as he does punch drills.


Damien Sandow’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the audience erupts in boos, showing their disapproval for the Television Champion. Sandow walks out on the entrance stage, one hand behind the back, other in the air as he waves his finger to the tune. Sandow has his T.V. Championship across his waist, as his eyes are closed, ignoring the boos from the audience. Sandow shakes his head, as he slowly makes his way down the entrance ramp.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing the champion, from Palo Alto, California, weighing in tonight at 247 pounds, the T.V. Champion, DAAAAAAAMIEEEEEEN SAAAAAAAANDOOOOOOOOW!

Damien Sandow continues his entrance toward the ring, as the masses continue to heavily boo the T.V. Champion. Sandow ignores the boos of the masses, as he intellectually walk down the entrance ramp. Sandow makes his way to the ring before walking to the steel steps and slowly walks up them before entering the ring. Sandow raises his T.V. Championship in the air, as the fans continue to boo him.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: This match up folks is the encounter between Damien Sandow & The Big Show for the UWF Television Championship!

Roddy Piper: You haveta wonder JR, how can Sandow take down the Big Show here tonight!?

Sandow looks up and down at his opponent as the Big Show delivers a goliath roar and raises his arm up into the air, the crowd is seemingly behind the monstrously Big Show tonight just out pure hatred for YES. Sandow stands walk to Big Show and looks up him and shakes his head but that just leaves him to an attack from the Big Show, Big Show manhandles Sandow, tosses him across the ring into a corner, Big Show walks up to Sandow and lunges forward with his hips crushing Damien Sandow in the corner, Sandow has the breathe seemingly knocked out of him as Big Show follows up with a second thrust into Sandow. Sandow kneels over in discomfort but Big Show pushes Sandow back into the corner and takes a deep breathe before delivering a huge chop across the bare chest of Damien Sandow, the fans pop but Big Show puts his finger over his mouth telling them to shush as he follows through a second chop across the chest of Damien Sandow, Sandow looks in absolute agony as his chest is fire red. Sandow stumbles out of the corner, looking to escape but Big Show has a different idea as he grabs by the hair and drags him towards the centre of the ring before delivering the step over Leg Drop to Damien Sandow, knocking the wind out of Sandow, Big Show covers the fallen Television Champion.



Jim Ross: Well, this could be the end for Damien Sandow already!

Roddy Piper: Good, because that be the second member YES down tonight!

Big Show lifts Sandow’s shoulder off the canvas!
The fans are unsure how to react to Big Show’s cockiness but they enjoy it as Big Show grabs Damien Sandow by the throat and hoists him up into the and is seemingly going for the Showstopper Chokeslam but Damien Sandow suddenly realises where he is and pokes Big Show in the eye, Show drops Damien Sandow as the Intellectual Saviour lands on his feet, he goes for a Russian Legsweep but the Big Show is too big, leading to Big Show shoving him and turning on the spot, roaring at Damien Sandow, who begins to back away into a corner, this time Big Show tosses Damien Sandow out of the corner, sending him flying into the air and across the ring, to the delight of the fans! Big Show thunders across the ring as Damien Sandow tries to crawl over the top rope to the outside but Big Show has other plans, grabbing Sandow by his trunk, he pulls him back into the ring exposing his behind, Sandow tries to cover up his own indecency but Big Show grabs Sandow by the throat and leg and hoists him up into a Military Press, showing Damien Sandow’s ass to the entire crowd before walking out from underneath of Sandow, sending him crashing down the canvas. Big Show smirks as he puts his boot across the chest of Damien Sandow making a cover.



Roddy Piper: Don’t you love this JR!? Big Show is just toying with Damien Sandow.

Jim Ross: It is entertaining to say the least, but it’s not like Big Show is fans favourite wrestler of the month!

Damien Sandow gets a shoulder up!
Big Show isn’t impressed as Damien Sandow rolls over onto his belly, Big Show hoists him up the trunks, giving Sandow the mother of the wedgy, Sandow lands on his feet and ducks underneath the WMD and hatches a plan, rushing over to the turnbuckle and quickly unties the top turnbuckle pad, which gains the attention of the official, Earl Hebner who yells at Sandow and begins to put the padding back but Sandow takes the opportunity to kick Big Show between the leg, taking the giant down to one knee but it doesn’t take out the Big Show, in fact it makes him even more angry but Damien Sandow rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair out from underneath the ring before sliding into the ring.

Jim Ross: I Don’t believe it, Damien Sandow is going to cheat to win!

Roddy Piper: JR, it’s a member of YES, what do you expect?

As Damien Sandow slides into the ring, Big Show grabs the steel chair from Damien Sandow, quite literally ripping out of the UWF Television Champion’s hands but as Earl Hebner turns around, Big Show cracks the steel chair over the head with such force, Damien Sandow’s skull in moulded into the chair, the sickening thud would make Balls Mahoney proud but it doesn’t impress Earl Hebner as he calls for the bell.

Jim Ross: My god! What a sickening chair shot!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via Disqualification at 07:31: Damien Sandow (STILL UWF TELEVISION CHAMPION)


Big Show looks over at Earl Hebner and looks absolutely livid as he looks back down at Damien Sandow and roars before grabbing Damien Sandow by the throat and hoisting the lifeless corpse of the UWF Television Champion and locks in the Cobra Clutch before delivering a brute backbreaker! The fans go nuts as Big Show isn’t done yet, he lifts up the lifeless corpse of Damien Sandow and delivers one almighty ShowStopper Chokeslam onto the mangled Steel Chair, straightening out once again! The segment comes to an end with Big Show roaring out of frustration before storming up the entrance ramp.

Jim Ross: I've got a feeling that The Big Show, ain't to happy about that decision Roddy.

Roddy Piper: Well I'm not willing to ask him right now so I'll take your word for it.

Fade. The cameras cut backstage within the arena. In the background, we see an enormous plasma television showing previews for tonight’s SmackDown and NXT exclusive inaugural pay per view, Vengeance! The cameras cut to the right where see UWF’s resident backstage interviewer, Todd Grisham standing in front of three logos. On the left, we see a SmackDown logo, on the right we see a NXT logo, and in the middle, you guessed correct, a Vengeance logo! Grisham has a huge smile on his face, all dressed up for tonight’s event as he slowly raised the microphone up to his lips, beginning the interview.


Todd Grisham: Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you’re having a fine evening here tonight. It has been a great night so far and it’s only going to be getting better by the second! But, right now, we’ve a special guest for me to interview. He is the reigning nXtreme Champion – R-Truth!

The camera’s widen a bit, as the nXtreme Champion himself, R-Truth is seen watching a preview of Smackdown’s main event of the night – John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Ted DiBiase for the World Heavyweight Championship! R-Truth nodded his head as he continued to watch as he’s talking to someone next to him. However, no one’s there so we wonder who he’s talking to.

Todd Grisham: Uh, Truth, I’m right here!

R-Truth spun around, staring at Todd Grisham, as he has a puzzled expression on his face, before continuing.


R-Truth: Uh, DUH! I ain’t stupid, T-Dawg, I know you’s right ‘ere! I was jus’ watchin’ my dawg’s John Cena preview with Little Jimmy! Y’know what, T-Dawg? Fo’get ‘bout J.C., this is MY interview. So, les’ get this show on the road, buddy!

Todd Grisham shook his head, as he looked around, before shaking off what he’s been doing before continuing.

Todd Grisham: Uh, okay. Uh, thank you for joining us, R-Truth! Tonight, you have a big match coming up! You’re set to defend your nXtreme Championship against none other than Sting! What…-

Todd Grisham’s voice immediately cut, and ignored as R-Truth shot up his index finger, allowing his eyes to widen even more, and his mouth to gape open. Wonder filled Grisham as his eyebrows raised, and he stared toward Truth, who nodded his head, before speaking.

R-Truth: What?! Whaaaat?! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? Now, I’m gon’ stop soundin’ like that ol’ mud-stompin’, stanky, beer drinkin’, dumb-ass redneck – but lemme’ answer yo’ question. I’s a gooood one too, T-Dawg. WHAT?! Y’see, fo’ decades, nah, LONGER, years! People have been askin’ the same question. Why are we ‘ere? Why are their shoes that look like feet? WHAT ARE FEET?! Well, you gots no need to fear, dawg, ‘cause Truth is here! Feets is those hands that are glued to yo’ legs. They s’pposed to scare off scorpions – BUT THEY DON’T! Y’see, ‘em scorpions still be creepin’ on you! An’ the firs’ chance they get, they gon’ STICK you! An’ they gon’ POISON you! GOOD LORD! I don’t like scorpions, dawg. DO YOU LIKE SCORPIONS, TODD?!

Todd Grisham shook his head, as R-Truth nodded his, with a smile on his face continuing.

R-Truth: Good, ‘cause I hate ‘em. Y’know what else I don’t like, Todd? Stings. Listen up, write it down, ‘cause we gettin’ down to the nitty-gritty! Pull a chair ol’ Todd, ‘cause this is gon’ be a LONG one. Y’see, Sting? He ain’t nothin’ but fresh meat. A baby scorpion, waitin’ to get OKIEDOKED! I been in this bi’ness fo’ a long time, buddy. Almost a decade! An’ ever since ol’ Truth came along, all I’ve been hearin’ is STING THIS, STING THAT. STING’S A LEGEN’. STING’S UNSTOPPABLE. Well, lemme’ tell you this, STING. We gon’ have some fun tonight! All the Truth doubters, and all the Sting lovers are gon’ get GOT! Y’all gon’ eat up yo’ words and bow down to king Truth ‘cause after tonight? No one’s gon’ be talkin’ ‘bout Sting, EVERYONE’S gon’ be talkin’ ‘bout The Truth! I’m sick and tired of bein’ stepped on and treated like nothin’, T-Dawg. I know you been treated like nothin’ ‘cause you an interviewer! No one likes interviewers! I feel fo’ you, dawg. I feel you, but I don’t feel you Sting. Sting, you tried to punk me out this pas’ Tuesday on NXT! You tried to make me look CRAZY! You disappeared while I was gon’ teach you a lesson. That don’t fly with me, Sting, so tonight? Tonight ain’t yo’ night. Tonight’s the continuation of the conspiracy gettin’ the BOOT! And if yo’ don’t believe that, believe it! ‘Cause it’s the Truth an’ the Truth shall set you free! Now, LES’ GO LITTLE JIMMY!

R-Truth looked at the floor next to him, before walking off the cameras sight. The cameras cut to Todd Grisham who is beyond confused; he just doesn’t know what to say. The cameras cut to ringside, as we fade.


The new kid on the block. UWF Monday Night NXT.

The action that the fans have seen from UWF Vengeance thus far has been a sight to see. When there's a break in this action, the camera cuts away but when it does there is only a black screen and silence. At first it seems there is a technical error going on in the production truck, then a man's voice pierces that silence and makes his presence known in the darkness.

There have been a lot of accusations made recently. There are members of the UWF that don't believe that I am who I say I am, the bearer of the torch once carried by the "Icon". They don't believe that Steve and I are not one in the same. What, do you want me to show you a death certificate? Well while I could easily provide that paperwork, out of respect for the deceased, I will not. The reality is I tire of trying to prove this situation with my words, those that are non-believers are either too lacking of intelligence to realize what's going on, there are in firm denial, or in R-Truth's case they are both of these things. R-Truth's accusations are that I am not only the fifty-three year old former Tag Team Champion, but that I am a loser because of it, and that this entire thing is a lie and a conspiracy. Ironic, isn't it? For you see Ron, your suspicion that this entire thing is a conspiracy is a conspiracy theory in and of itself, if only you had the mental capacity to realize that on your own you wouldn't be so quick to throw those words around, lest you come off looking like a hypocrite.

But as things stand, it appears you do not care about how you come off to the people watching and listening to you, and as a result you bring shame to that championship you so boldly claim to be proud to be the holder of. With that title in your possession, it's easy to see that you feel you are back on course in your career, and plan to steer yourself to bigger and better things in the future. That destination could become a reality, but you're far too busy going on tangents about animated films, pop culture figures, and insulting the members of the audience to focus on the task at hand and make it that reality. While you're asleep at the wheel, Truth, people like me are alert and awake and as you avert your focus to these irrelevent topics and living beings, lowering your guard, I continue to attack and I will not stop attacking until what you have in your possession belongs to me. But that wasn't the only accusation that you made, was it, Truth? While in the midst of your attempt to write off this brutal reality as a conspiracy theory, you also painted it up as though I were a puppet and the General Manager of NXT, John Bradshaw Layfield, was the marionette pulling the strings.

I am not like Robert Roode that needs management in his pocket to cut corners because he can't get to the top on his own. I am not like Ted DiBiase who has to pay off referees to help him cut those very same corners. I can get exactly where I need to be and intend to go with my power and my power alone, no one at either side of me, my itinerary ahead of me, and none at my back but the wind. You can try to steal the merit of my mission away with your words, but your body language gives you away every time. When you are encased in darkness and can only hear the sound of my voice without knowing where it is I that I'm standing, I see the beads of sweat on your brow, I see the fear in your eyes, and I can hear the thoughts in your head as you wish that you had this crowd's backing so that perhaps there's something those you call James and Jennifer could do to rescue you. But there is no salvation for the man they call Killings, Ron, there is nothing for you but the inevitable indulgence of your just desserts.

Tonight's event is appropriately titled, because for all of the doubt and the accusations, for your outright refusal to take me seriously, vengeance will be mine. The NXTreme Championship will be mine. And then the Monday night brand will truly see its darkest hour as I reign over it and spare none in my quest to shed the name Sting of all the shame that its predecessor brought to it and bask in its newfound glory once the redemption is complete. You can call me the "Icon" all you want, because it is now action that will disprove those theories instead of words. I prefer a different moniker anyway, something that will remind you, Ron Killings, and everyone that I meet down the line of the impending fate that awaits them before it even darkens their doorway, Memento Mori.

As Sting finishes speaking, there is another moment of silence in the darkness before Vengeance cuts away to elsewhere.

Styles: Well ladies and gentlemen, up next is NXT's first ever Pay Per View match and it will be for the NXTreme Championship. A championship not long introduced and it will feature R-Truth the first ever NXTreme Champion defending against stalwart here in UWF, Sting, who has been going through some big personality changes as of late.

Tazz: Yeah, Sting has not been that same Sting we all know and love, but with this change comes a mean streak and it could bring him championship glory tonight.

Styles: We must not forget that when the NXTreme Championship is defended the rules go out of the window, just like the good old times, it's anything goes so long as a pinfall is counted between those ropes or the opponent submits, again, within the confines of the squared circle.

Christy Hemme: The following no-holds barred contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the UWF NXTreme Championship!.



Those are the words heard throughout the arena, as the fans erupt in boos! Suddenly, the nXtreme Champion R-Truth makes his way out on the stage, with an angry expression on his face. Truth stops at the entrance stage, as he throws his arms up in the air, screaming out “WHAT’S UP!?†in the process. The fans respond with boos, as Truth spoke to himself, mouthing off insults toward the audience. Truth is currently sporting a white bullet proof vest, and his usual wrestling attire from down low. Truth makes his way down the entrance steps, ignoring the Little Jimmies and Little Jennies trying to get a hand slap. Truth walked over to the steel steps before hiking up them and entering the ring. Truth walked over to the turnbuckle, before climbing up it, raising the nXtreme Championship up in the air to a chorus of boos.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, the champion, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the current UWF NXTreme Champion... R-Truth!.

Darkness falls over the arena, inspiring the fans in attendance to respond with boos.. After a moment of being able to see nothing and only hear the sound of the crowd's reaction, suddenly a familiar voice, the voice that recited the former poem, begins to speak over the PA system

The age of the old vision, has passed away.
The birth of a new way, has occurred.
This. Is. Sting.

Following the reciting of the new, much shorter poem there is silence, when a new theme begins to play.


The song is "No Reflection" by Marilyn Manson as the lights come up and the crowd comes alive with the same reaction they had earlier, but more energetic and more audible. The music plays for a moment on its own before Sting walks out from behind the curtain, wearing a long leather trenchcoat and the red and black face paint, making his way down the ramp quickly. As Sting ascends the stairs, moves along the apron, and steps into the ring and removes his trenchcoat, ready for the match to begin.

Christy Hemme: And the challenger, from Venice Beach, California, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is 'The Icon'... Sting!.


The two men stand in opposite corners as R-Truth seems unwilling to hand over his title to the referee. Instead he runs at Sting and attempts to hit him over the head with the belt, but Sting sees this coming and ducks out of the way and R-Truth misses, as he turns round Sting immediately begins to let fly with rights and lefts until R-Truth is firmly against the turnbuckles, Sting then unloads with Knife Edge Chops in the corner before Irish Whipping R-Truth across the ring to the opposite corner. Sting sets himself up before running at R-Truth. Sting leaps into the air looking for the Stinger Splash, but R-Truth ducks out of the way and Sting connects with the ring corner. R-Truth then grabs Sting by the head and throws him out to the outside ring mats. Sting lands flat on his back but is relatively quick to his feet using the ring apron as an aid of sorts. R-Truth steadies himself, grabbing the top rope and as Sting gets to a vertical base, he launches himself up and over with a Slingshot Dive to the outside on top of Sting. R-Truth and Sting are now both laid out on the outside as the crowd give a mixed reaction, still unsure of who to support, but it seems they are siding with the veteran, Sting.

Styles: R-Truth willing to lay it on the line here it seems with that Plancha.

Tazz: We're going to see plenty more of that in this match, I assure you of that Joey.

R-Truth is predictably first to his feet and he grabs Sting by the hair as he does so. He drags Sting round to the announce table and rattles his head off the plastic coating before turnings his back to it and wrapping his arm around the head and neck of Sting. R-Truth goes for a Suplex attempt, however Sting manages to wrap his leg around the leg of R-Truth, blocking the move. Sting then reverses the manoeuvre lifting R-Truth up into the air before dropping him down mid-section first into the rim of the Announce Table with a Gordbuster. This move causes the table to topple over with R-Truth laying on the mat in front of it. Sting grabs the cord that is laying on the floor and proceeds to wrap it around the throat of R-Truth with a choke hold. R-Truth is fighting hard to get out of the move and gets up onto his feet before jaw-jacking Sting with a sit out jawbreaker sending Sting falling backwards to the floor. R-Truth then unwraps the cord from his neck and drives it down onto the throat of Sting who lays on his back. R-Truth then lets go of the cord and lands some solid right hands onto the temple of Sting before he stands back up and answers the booing crowd with 'SHUT UP!'. R-Truth is visibly enraged which does not bode well for Sting.

Styles: R-Truth so far is not endearing himself to anybody... and I don't think he particularly wants to!.

Tazz: Nah, he's got a title to defend, these people are the last thing on his mind.

R-Truth grabs Sting and throws him into the ring. R-Truth then rolls into the ring himself. He grabs Sting by the hair and raises him back up to his feet by force before lifting him into the air and Scoop Slamming him down in front of the ring corner. Truth then begins the climb to the top rope and steadies himself before jumping off with an attempt at a Diving Splash, but Sting rolls out of the way and R-Truth crashes down hard onto the hard canvas. R-Truth holds his mid-section, grimacing in pain, steel feeling the affects of the Gordbuster on the table on the outside. Sting rolls to the outside and looks under the ring. He pulls out his trusty Baseball Bat!. The crowd pop for the bat, he rolls it into the ring and climbs into the ring himself. R-Truth is struggling to his feet when he turns round into a Baseball Bat to the mid-section, Sting then wraps it around R-Truth's neck before dropping him back with a Russian Leg Sweep. Sting covers.



R-Truth kicks out. Sting looks down at R-Truth angered and immediately goes for the Scorpion Death Lock, but he can't roll R-Truth over as Truth uses his leg strength to twist Sting away.

Styles: Incredible resliellence from R-Truth here, not only kicking out of that assault with the Baseball Bat, but also managing to escape from the Scorpion Death Lock before it was locked in and now he rolls to the outside. Smart from the NXTreme Champion.

Tazz: He's desperate to hang on to this title Joey!.

Sting slowly crawls back to his feet after taking the bump due to Truth's reversal. R-Truth is up on his feet already on the outside and he goes to get up on the ring apron. Sting gets to his feet as R-Truth leans through the ring ropes and he catches Truth with a kick to the face. Sting then wraps his arm around the head of R-Truth and brings him inside the ring, he twists R-Truth around into position for the Scorpion Death Drop, but R-Truth reverses kicking his legs into the air he lands down on his ass bringing Sting down with him into his own variant of a Reverse DDT. Truth covers.



Sting gets the shoulder out. Truth gets to his feet rather quickly and runs the ropes, but as he does Sting raises an arm up and catches Truth again in the midsection with a clothesline. Sting gets back up to his feet and drops the point of the elbow down across the back of R-Truth's neck before lifting R-Truth up into the air in a Military Press before dropping down to one knee and dropping R-Truth down across the extended knee with a Elevated Gutbuster. Sting now really working on the midsection of Truth. Sting then covers R-Truth.



Truth rolls the shoulder out. Sting annoyed pulls Truth back down for another cover.



Truth rolls the shoulder out again. Sting gets up looking frustrated. He shakes his head looking at the crowd who meet him with a loud mixed reaction.

Styles: Sting is really working the abdomen of R-Truth, but he hasn't managed to hit that one big impact move that it will take to put the champion away.

Tazz: No he hasn't, but he has softened him up for the Scorpion Death Lock that's for sure.

Sting rolls out to the outside and immediately looks under the ring, he doesn't find what he's looking for on that side to he goes over to the side in front of the entrance ramp and this time he finds what he is looking for, he pulls out a Table. Sting goes to shove it into the ring when R-Truth, now on his feet again, Baseball Slides it down into his jaw causing Sting to fall back on his back on the foot of the entrance ramp. R-Truth now takes the table into the ring. R-Truth now sets about setting the table up just in front of the ring ropes. Instead of waiting for Sting to get back up he goes to the outside to get Sting, but Sting sees this and grabs R-Truth around the waist in a Bearhug position before running and driving him back first into the outside rim of the ring. Again, targeting the mid-section. Sting then proceeds to his R-Truth with a Snap Suplex on the outside before climbing into the ring. Sting takes the table that R-Truth set up and sets it up against the ring corner. He then goes to the outside and grabs R-Truth taking him by the scruff of the neck and pushing him into the ring. He then places R-Truth against the table in the corner as the crowd begin to liven up.

Styles: I don't like the look of this!.

Tazz: It's time for the Stinger Splash, Joey!

Sting walks backwards looking for that Stinger Splash, but R-Truth again drops down and rolls out of the ring. He goes under the ring and grabs an object which is soon to be seen as being a Steel Chair. Sting can't see this however and Sting goes for a Suicide Dive to the outside, however just as he leans between the ropes R-Truth throws the chair at him and it smashes him straight in the head!. The crowd in unison chant 'Holy Shit!, Holy Shit!' as Sting crumples backwards onto the mat. R-Truth scrambles into the ring and jacknifes Sting up into the cover.



Sting gets the shoulder out!. R-Truth gets up and is almost foaming from the mouth in frustration. He goes to the outside and grabs the Steel Chair and throws it into the ring before climbing back in himself. He unfolds the chair and sets it up right in front of Sting as he gets up. R-Truth readies himself right behind Sting and as Sting gets up he goes for the 'Shut Up' Jumping Reverse STO!. Sting however grabs onto the ring ropes and this sends R-Truth falling back himself. Sting then scrambles to lock up R-Truth's legs and twist him round into the Scorpion Death Lock!.


Tazz: This could be it Joey!.

Sting gets it locked in and Truth immediately begins to almost scream in pain. He grits his teeth together and refuses to quit. Sting really sits down on R-Truth. Truth however, still refuses to tap out and slowly begins to make his way over to the ring ropes. The crowd is chanting 'Tap Out!, Tap Out!' at Truth. Truth still refuses to tap and is right in front of the ring ropes. He reaches out but can't make it to the ring ropes. His mid-section must now be tore to shreds by the legendary submission manoeuvre.Truth raises his hand in the air, and it looks like he may tap out, but somehow he manages to lean forward at his body's maximum and grab onto the bottom rope. Sting however refuses to break the hold and the referee does his five count, but there's no disqualifications, but still the referee forces Sting to break the hold as some rules do still exist. Sting wastes no time in grabbing Truth by the legs as he tries to escape and he drags him to the centre of the ring, Sting looks around before going for the Scorpion Deathlock again!. This time however Truth reaches up and grabs Sting by the head and brings him down into a Small Package!, R-Truth grabs the tights!.




Winner and STILL NXTreme Champion: R-Truth!.


R-Truth rolls out of the ring and is handed his NXTreme Championship!. He holds it high in the air as he walks up the ramp looking back at a disapointed Sting who looks incredibly frustrated.


Styles: R-Truth retains!, just when it seemed like all was lost, he pulled it out of the bag with that Small Package... wait a minute... that's... THAT'S RHINO!

Suddenly in the ring is Rhino, he jumped the barricade. He stands behind Sting who stands in front of the table in the corner, the crowd is on their feet chanting 'GORE!, GORE!, GORE!'. Sting seems confused and he turns round right into the Gore from Rhino right through the table set up in the corner!.

Styles: OH MY GOD!.

Tazz: GORE!, GORE!, GORE!.

Rhino stands up and beats his chest, suddenly Jonathan Coachman is by his side. Rhino points at R-Truth who looks on shocked and motions for the title belt around his waist.


Styles: I think Rhino has made his intentions very clear tonight to everyone in the locker room and especially R-Truth, he's done waiting, he's coming to take what he wants.

The scene opens on Josh Mathews backstage.

Josh Mathews: Ladies and Gentlemen....my guest at this time......Zack Ryder.

The camera pans over and the crowd comes unglued as the “Long Island Iced Z†Zack Ryder is shown standing by. Josh then proceeds to ask him a few questions.


Josh Mathews: Zack, last week on NXT you made your debut and you defeated Derrick Bateman. What does it feel like to defeat someone who defeated the number one contender to the NXT Championship?

Zack Ryder: Josh, it feels SSSIIICCCKKK!!! I took Derrick Bateman in the middle of the ring and I Fist....Pumped.....His Face and as far as I'm concerned, it puts me in line to an NXT Championship opportunity.

Josh Matthews: Zack, some people may say that you've just arrived on NXT and that you haven't paid any dues yet.


Zack Ryder: Paid any dues? Paid any dues? Are You Serious, Bro? I've been paying my dues for years. Hell, I've been paying my dues over on that poor excuse for a brand SmackDown. I defeated the World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase AND I was in the biggest Money In The Bank match in UWF history. That's the excuse management likes to use. “Oh, Zack hasn't paid his dues. He's just not ready.†Bro, I'm primed, I'm hungry and I'm damn sure ready. First chance I get, I'm taking the NXT Championship and putting it around my waist. It doesn't matter if it's Randy Orton or Robert Roode, The Ryder Revolution is here, Josh, and it stops for no one. WOO WOO WOO! Yo...

All of a sudden, a throat is heard being cleared. The camera pans over to see Jimmy Jacobs standing off to the side, smoking a cigarette.


Zack Ryder: Can I help you with something, bro?

Jimmy Jacobs: What on Earth is this? You're interviewing this chipmunk and not me? Do you not realize the dangerous intentions of Jimmy Jacobs?

Zack Ryder: Chipmunk? Bro, I don't know if you've been watching too many kids movies, but this is my interview time so let me tell you where you can stick your “dangerous intentionsâ€....

Jimmy Jacobs: Your interview is over... Kids movies? Please tell me what they are, for I do not watch such stupidity like that. Do you not realize that my whole childhood was being in a playground, all alone, all cold.. in the dark...

Zack Ryder: Spare me the sob story, bro, because I don't want to hear it. Look, I don't know what you're getting at, maybe just trying to leech off of my fame, so I'll tell you what: Just go ask Derrick Bateman what happens when you get on Zack Ryder's bad side. You claim to have a dangerous side, but bro, I don't have to brag about mine.

Jimmy Jacobs: You... *Chuckles* have a bad side? Please... You could never enter the darkness even if you tried, you'd probably pee your pants. This entire bright clothing and look on you, it spells LIGHT, not DARK. But I'm not here to speak about the darkness, no Zack... I'm here to speak about why the hell I don't have a match! Look at you Zack, how can you love this place when you are with me backstage...?

Zack Ryder: Bro, I don't even know if you even hear yourself when you speak but I'll tell you what. You're right, we both don't have matches tonight and it's a travesty. If you ever wanna step into the ring with the Long Island Iced Z, I'd love nothing more than to shoot you a dose of Vitamin Z.

Jimmy Jacobs: Shoot a dose? Look, I don't understand your formality of speech, but you need to understand something. NXT is nothing but a travesty at all, join me in protest. My offer to you Zack, not a match, but a protest because we deserve better. Violence does not seek answers Zack. Think about it....

Jimmy walks away leaving Zack looking dumbfounded.


Care to see what happens next?, check out Smackdown every Friday night.

We’re live backstage with Todd Grisham.


Todd: Ladies and Gentlemen I am here with Smackdown’s newest signing, please welcome back Dolph Ziggler!

The crowd boos fervently as the camera pans over to reveal Dolph stood next to Todd.

Todd: No Vickie Guerrero?

Ziggler: What is that supposed to mean? Is that supposed to suggest I can’t cut it? Do you have doubt that I am the best wrestler in this company and that it was only a matter of time until I returned to that ring to steal the show?

Todd: Shawn Michaels might have a word to say about that but more to the point, what are your goals-

Ziggler snatches the microphone.

Ziggler: Todd it’s simple, I don’t want to get lost in ‘hopes and dreams’ because I’m living them now. You expect to see me out here with someone? No, my name is Dolph Ziggler, I am the showoff, pink tee, hashtag:heel and that means I am the best at what I do every single night. Every time I step through the curtain I steal the show, I show off and I do it all because I can. I’ve paid my dues, I’ve paid my dues and then some so now it’s time to start taking the spotlight when it’s on brightest and it’s time to start taking the main events.

Ziggler pauses for breath.

Bret Hart was the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. If he saw some sort of premonition into the future it was a different reality where we don’t have past-it guys going at it for the title because in this reality, sorry Bret, the best there is – that’s Dolph Ziggler. The best there will ever be? Me; Dolph Ziggler. It doesn’t take a genius to work out why people boo me. It’s because they’re jealous but I don’t need their support. I will make believers out of everyone whether they like it or not. Follow me on twitter, marks.

Ziggler shoves the mic into Todd’s chest and leaves the scene.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a Last Man Standing match, this match will continue until a superstar in unable to answer a referees ten count. Introducing first…

The crowd throughout the arena is buzzing seeing great UWF action. All of a sudden, the lights go out. Then, after a few seconds, an old theme comes on the PA system.


About a minute in, "The American Dragon" Daniel Bryan emerges from the back. He looks out into the audience as boos are heard throughout the arena.

Lillian Garcia: From Aberdeen, Washington. Weighing in at 210 pounds, he is one half of the UWF Tag Team Champions…Daniel Bryan.


He jogs down the ramp sideways screaming "YES! YES! YES!" as the crowd looks at him not knowing what to make of him. He climbs up in the corner looking around before unsnapping the title from around his waist and raising it up with one loud “YES!â€â€¦he holds it for a moment before hopping over the top rope and to the ring. Once inside he runs around the ring, still screaming "YES! YES! YES!". until..


Edge walks out on stage and is pumped for his upcoming match. He walks out towards the middle of the ramp and does his pose.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Weighing in at 241 pounds he is the Rated-R…Superstar…Edge!

He continues down the ramp and slides in under the ring.

He then goes up on the ropes and poses for the crowd as they all cheer loudly for him.

He gets down, taking his shirt off, and readies himself for the match.


*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell rings as Edge throws his shirt out to the crowd, once he turns around Bryan charges after him. Both men start to hit each other with right hand shots, seemingly each punch landing at the same time as the crowd cheers the sudden start of this match. After a couple shots Edges start to string together better getting the advantage when Bryan suddenly ducks his head down sweeping Edges legs from under him and knocking him on his back mounting him and tries to get a couple right hands in but Edge quickly counters turning Bryan around to his back and hitting him with right hand shots, Bryan rolls Edge back to his back but this time chooses to top trying to fight him off and quickly rolls off and through the ropes to the ring apron. Edge gets up and goes after him immediately, but Bryan stands up straight with his back turned to him and hooking his head on his shoulder ready to drop down for a hotshot. But before he drops down Edge smacks him with a quick shot to the side of the ribs causing him to let go, Edge wraps his hands around Bryan’s head his fingers locking on his chin and he drops down to the ring hanging Bryan neck and back on the top rope the force sending Bryan off the apron and to the outside in an awkward landing. The referee gets out of the ring and checks on Bryan before standing up

Jim Ross: This one could be over quick, with the way Daniel Bryans head snapped off that top rope and how he landed on the floor below.


Jim Ross: And here we go, the count has begun

Roddy Piper: What? This match hasn’t even been a minute old

Jim Ross: Those are the rules, for all intents and purposes this match could only last ten seconds.


Bryan pushes himself off the cold hard floor shaking his head as he tries to get himself up. As he does this Edge steps out of the ring to the floor to continue once he gets up


Bryan stands up but puts his hands up telling Edge to back off for a moment since he’s still hurt, Edge just continues after him ready to grab his head but right as his hands touch his head Bryan grabs Edges tights and drops backwards the momentum sending Edge forwards left shoulder first unto the ring post with a loud smack. The crowd gasp as Edge drops to the floor holding his arm as Bryan is up with a smile on his face, the referee goes to check on Edge but Bryan gets in his way as he reaches down and pulls Edge up by the hair.

Jim Ross: That quickly Daniel Bryan was able to turn things around, thanks to that ring post.

Bryan shoves Edge into the ring and climbs in himself, immediately going after Edges arm wrapping his arms around for a key lock as he keeps Edges back to the mat. He forces Edges hand to bend at the wrist as pushes it to the mat pointing Edges elbow up with the back of his hand to the mat, Bryan steadies himself ready to stomp down on the arm before Edge swings his leg up kicking Bryan on the shoulder. It only stuns him but Edge swings it up once more and this time Bryan lets go of Edges arm completely, this allows Edge to get back up to his feet. Edge grabs Daniels arm and goes for an Irish whip but as he swings him over Bryan holds on and in that moment quickly pulls Edge in and rams his shoulder unto Edges left shoulder, he drops to his knees from the impact to his bad shoulder and Bryan keeps a hold of his left arm getting him up to his feet. Once there Bryan slowly turns under Edges arm twisting it as he does, once he’s turned it completely he rams his shoulder unto Edges once again this time sending him backwards to the corner. In the corner Bryan pushes off him before whipping him out of the corner sending him back first unto the opposite side of the ring hitting the turnbuckle.

Roddy Piper: That’s how you do it, you find a weak point and you work on it till your opponent don’t even want to get up anymore.

Bryan stands up straight with his back to the corner holding up his hands as he calls out “Yes!â€, Bryan suddenly charges out of the corner towards him jumping up in the air for his dropkick. But Edge sees it coming and gets out of the way just in time as the back of Bryans legs hit the top turnbuckle and ropes flipping him backwards to the mat in a crash landing, As Edge turns around Bryan pulls himself up the ropes resting on the second one trying to figure out up from down after the crash in the corner. Edge looks around for a moment before hitting the ropes and charging up diving sideways and landing a cross body across the back of Daniel Bryan the impact bouncing him off the second rope to the mat, Edge gets up to his feet ready to continue the fight but the referee tells him to wait a moment. He checks on Bryan before standing up to start a count


Edge moves over the referee and pulls Bryan up not wanting to give him a break.

Jim Ross: Smart by Edge, if he doesn’t think it’ll get the ten count then don’t give him the luxury of a resting period.

Pulling him up by the head Bryan suddenly moves his right hand away from him grasping the left and twisting under it in a quick motion as he pulls it downwards the sudden jerk bringing Edge straight down on his shoulder in the middle of the ring. Bryan falls backwards to the corner sitting on the bottom turnbuckle smiling, Edge is still down slowly moving his shoulder off the mat trying to not think of the pain when Bryan quickly stands back up and kicks him on the left side of the chest hitting the shoulder as well. Edge gets up straight still on his knees from the impact of the kick, Bryan quickly hooks Edges head under his arm and pulls him up to his feet. With his other arm he hooks it around Edges arm looking around it looks like he’s about to go for a DDT, Bryan kicks his leg back swinging it back down to the mat in that moment lifting Edge up suplexing him up and hitting the half-hatch suplex in the middle of the ring. Daniel sits up with a smirk on his face, he lifts his hands up and yells out “Yes!†to the crowd before he gets back up to his feet.

Jim Ross: One would normally question the tactic of going after the arm in a Last Man Standing match; I first thought Daniel was just used to going after it.
Roddy Piper: It’s simple; you make a target you can go back to whenever you get in trouble. This is to see who can’t get up no more, and when the dust is cleared it’s gonna be the guy who can push his body off the floor long enough to stand up Ross.


Edge rolls to his stomach as Bryan simply stands over him waiting for him to get to his feet so he can hit another move.


Edge is pushing himself up with his right arm keeping his left close to his body, before he can attempt to stand up Bryan suddenly grabs him by the hair. The referee stops the count as Bryan slowly pulls Edge up to his feet, right as he stands up Edge moves his hands away from his hair and hits him with a right hand. Bryan staggers back for a moment and Edge hits him with a clothesline knocking him to his back, Bryan scrambles up and Edge starts to him with right hand after right hand the crowd getting up their feet as Edge fights back into this. He turns around and hits the ropes for one last big hit when Bryan charges forward lifting his knee up and catching Edge coming in right in the sternum flipping him forward from the low impact to his back. Bryan holds on to the ropes his hand on his chin after the right hands.

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan can counter just about anything, as seen there snuffing out that little flurry Edge had.

Edge sits up to get back up to his feet, when from behind Bryan hooks his arm from behind moving his right arm around Edges neck as he bends his arm with the left.

Jim Ross: Daniel is looking for…for a

Roddy Piper: He’s going for a Cross face chicken wing Ross, genious pull that shoulder out of its socket and simultaneously make Edge pass out.

Edge is trying to fight out of it using his height advantage to prevent Bryan from locking his hands, but Edge can’t seem to find a way out before he quickly drops forward the momentum carrying Bryan forward flipping over him and to the mat. Bryan scrambles up to his feet as Edge pops back up to his, immediately lifting his leg up in the air and catching Bryan coming in with a boot to the face. The crowd ooh as Bryans head snaps back to the mat and his body bounces from the impact, Edge drops to his knees after the boot and drops to the second rope taking a breath. The referee checks on both men before lifting his hands up


Jim Ross: Devestating boot to the face by Edge, two instances of whiplash like moments to Bryan now I’m not sure if he’ll be able to get himself up.


Edge pulls on the ropes with his right hand to stand himself up, while all you see is Bryans head lift off the mat trying to see where he is


You see Bryans eyes close shut then open up blinking trying to get his wits about him as the referee says Edge is clear on his feet turning to focus only on Bryan now.


Bryan rolls over pushing himself up to his knees shaking his head lightly, right as the referee goes to count 5 he pushes himself up to his feet having trouble finding his footing but the referee clearing him. Once Edge notices he’s up he goes right after him, when out of nowhere Bryan swings his body around catching him coming in by the left arm trying to force him to his stomach looking for the Yes Lock. Edge is caught off guard but manages to react quick enough to fight being brought down, Bryan is still trying to force him down when Edge reaches over with his free arm and hooks Bryan head twisting with it in hand causing him to let go of his arm and at the same time hitting a neckbreaker in the center of the ring. Edge stands up and looks down at Bryan stepping back into the corner as he sees him trying to get back up holding his head from the neckbreaker. The referee goes to count but stops as he notices Edge isn’t done, Bryan is pushing himself up when Edge crouches down lifting his hand up begging Bryan to get to his feet.

Jim Ross: Here we go, Edge is going to end this right here and now.

Bryan stands up stumbling a bit still holding the back of his head before turning around, Edge shoots out of the corner his body low aiming for the spear. Bryan sees this and immediately shifts his body to one side moving out of the way of impact, catching Edge coming in by the arm and using his carried momentum to bring him down to his stomach and wrenching back on the arm immediately not even attempting to go for the Yes Lock.

Roddy Piper: That’s how you do it, Yes, that there is called a Fujiwara Armbar.

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan was able to counter the spear out of nowhere, and with the damage the arm and shoulder have taken Edge must be in excruciating pain

Bryan pulls back on the extended arm, looking around he seems to have some idea. He lets go of the arm floating over to Edges legs lifting them up off the mat he puts his own foot on top of the back of Edge thigh. He does the same with the other leg before reaching down and pulling both of Edges arms back, he stretches Edge up once before dropping him back to the mat. He does the same as if counting himself off, on the third pull he sits back lifting Edge up to his knees and in that motion moving to his back as he lifts Edge up in the surfboard also recognized as the Romero Special. The crowd give off a mixed reaction for the hold itself not so much the person applying it as Bryan hangs back and keeps Edge up in the air stretching his body back.

Jim Ross: a painful hold to be in, Daniel Bryan has the added luxury of hanging back as far as he can pull his arms as usually the referee would be checking his shoulders in this situation.

Edge is shaking his head, not saying no to a submission but trying to get himself out of this in some way trying to forget about the shooting pain on his limbs. Bryan finally drops Edge forward to his knees and legs of the hold letting Edge drop to the mat, Bryan moves to the ropes and pulls himself up as Edge is slowly rolling out of the ring. Daniel Bryan stands in the center of the ring holding his hands up gloating; Edge is getting himself up to his feet on the outside with help from the announcers table. Bryan casually steps out of the ring and down to the floor, he goes after Edge who suddenly bends down hooking one of Bryans legs and lifting him up in the air dropping him down in a flapjack unto the announcer table, the table moves from the impact as Bryan drops to the floor bringing the cover off with him.

Roddy Piper: Hey Watch it!
Jim Ross: The action is right in front of us, and we just witnessed Daniel Bryans head bounce off our table.

Bryan is trying to get himself up holding his chest in pain as Edge as a weird look on his face, he stares down at Bryan for a moment before he slaps his left arm and then pulls Bryan up putting his head between his legs.

Jim Ross: I don’t like that look in Edges eye…

Edge moves over a bit before lifting Bryan up in the air for a powerbomb, taking a step forward and drops him forward sending him back first unto the barricade. The crowd ooh as Bryan bounces off the barrier and drops to the floor as Edge stumbles back sitting on the steel steps. The referee comes out of the ring and checks on Bryan

Jim Ross: Good god what a sickening powerbomb on that steel barricade
Roddy Piper: That thing is just made to keep the fans in line, I don’t think Bryan is going to be able to get up.

The referee looks at Edge and tells him he’s being counted as well before he starts.


Edge shakes his head as he ups his right hand on his bicep moving his left arm up and down trying to get over the pain dealt already.


Bryan doesn’t seem to be move, still slouched down on the floor after the impact off the barrier


Edge stands himself up off the Steel steps and the referee tells him he’s clear, focusing on Daniel Bryan now


From a lower angle Edge driving Bryan back first unto the barricade is shown

Jim Ross: Would you look at the impact on that powerbomb, I think the pain in his arm got Edge in the mindset to finish this any way possible.

*Back to live feed*


Bryans arm moves up but his body is still out, he hand is searching for something to grab unto as Edge doesn’t even notice this, still dealing with his own pain.


Bryan hand touches the barricade and he starts to shift his body around to get up to his knees trying to get himself up clearly hearing the count now.


Roddy Piper: The counts up to 7 now get up Daniel

Bryan grabs on to the barricade and pulls himself up struggling


Bryan gets both his feet planted and the referee waves off the count, Edge now sees him standing and goes right after him. He hooks Bryans head under his arm from behind and pulls him towards the ring, but right as he’s about to let go Bryan hooks his arm around Edge and lifts him up for a back suplex. Bryan shifts his body around and lands the back suplex at an angle that drives Edge back first unto the ring apron, Edge arches his back in pain as he drops to his knees and then face down to the floor. His right hand moving to his back in pin as Bryan holds unto the ring skirt still groggy from the powerbomb he took. The referee once again checks on both men before the count


Roddy Piper: turnabout fair play, my man Daniel able to get one on Edge.


Bryan is up to his feet and looks down at Edge with a furious expression; Edge is pushing himself off the floor but still out of it. But Daniel doesn’t seem to care and bends down to grab him by the head and arm as the referee calls off his count, Bryan pulls Edge up to the ring apron and shoves him into the ring Edge gets up to his knees immediately trying to find where he is and fight back. Bryan slides in and walks right up to him pulling him up to his feet and reaching over him locking his arm with his own trying to lock in a hold on the injured left arm.

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan going back to what brung him, in this case that left arm.
Roddy Piper: That might be a Kimura Ross

Bryan can’t seem to lock it in, when suddenly Edge uses his right hand to sweep in his legs knocking him to his back. The crowd cheers as Edge quickly holds on to his legs and steps his leg through them before wrapping them up and turning Bryan to his stomach, but instead of turning himself Edge simply drops to one knee locking in the Edgecator. The crowd erupt as Bryan screams out in pain his arm flailing around trying to reach for anything to help him.

Jim Ross: What a counter by Edge
Roddy Piper: But it doesn’t matter, you can’t win by submission…not that Daniel would.
Jim Ross: But you can incapacitate your opponent, and by the looks of this hold it is very capable of doing so.

Bryan is clawing at the mat trying to find a way out as Edge keeps wrenching on his legs pulling them as far as he can to make sure Bryan feels it, but after the initial lock in Edges left arm shows pain as he lets go with his left for a moment. In that moment Bryan pushes off the mat forcing himself to turn back over to his back as he reaches up trying to grab Edge, Edge stands up trying to get back his advantage but Bryan gets to his back and grabs Edges left wrist pulling on it he manages to get out of the Edgcator and pull him down to this stomach. Wrapping his leg around the left arm Bryan goes for the Yes Lock

Roddy Piper: That’s what you call a Counter!
Jim Ross: Amazing resilience shown by Daniel

Edge is fighting and fighting, pushing himself off the mat before Bryan can lock his hands. He manages to get to his knees and uses the leverage to shove Bryan backwards getting him off his arm and creating distance, Edge gets up to his feet as Bryan rolls backwards up to his. Daniel charges forward but is caught with a kick to the sternum doubling him over, Edge hooks Bryans head under his arm and the crowd knows what’s next. But in the moment of lift off Bryan twist out of it keeping a hold of his arm in the process, in the created distance Edge pulls him in and goes for a clothesline but Bryan ducks it and charges the ropes. Edge turns around and Bryan flies up in the air with his foot extending catching him across the chest bringing both men crashing down with a leg lariat.

Jim Ross: what a series by these two, Daniel Bryan able to get the best of it but with all the bad landings with his head and neck he’s having trouble recovering.


Bryan rolls to the ropes as Edge is already turning over to his knees


Daniel gets up and sees Edge getting up and starts breathing in and out as he seems to grow angrier, he looks out at the crowd before turning back to Edge who has gotten up to his knees


Bryan suddenly swings his leg around kicking Edge across the chest; the referee calls the count off as Bryan shouts out Yes on impact. After the first kick Daniel swings his leg back once more and starts to string his kicks together, with a “YES!†accompanying each one. After the series of kicks Bryan pauses, he looks at the audience and points his hands up in the air shouting Yes one last time before he measures Edges head up, Bryan goes for a roundhouse kick to the skull but Edge ducks it at the last moment. Bryan body swings around before he brings his foot to a stop on the mat, Edge pops up to his feet and grabs his head from behind before dropping down to a seated position hitting the Edge-O-Matic. Edge rolls out of it and to the corner as Bryan holds the back of his head.


Jim Ross: Another perfectly aimed shot to the head, after the snapping of his neck forward and back all match Bryan is in serious trouble.


Edge crouches down in the corner and just stares at Daniel as he attempts to get up.


Bryan pushes off the mat, grimacing as he holds his head struggling to find his footing as Edge doesn’t seem to have any emotion in his face.


Bryan gets up to his feet and Edges eyes suddenly get a gleam to them, he starts to bounce around in the corner as the referee calls off the count. Bryan is stumbling a little but his back is still turned and Edge is like a madman in the corner, chopping at the bit for him to turn around. Bryan finally does and Edge fires out of the corner, Bryan at the last moment of realization jumps up in the air leapfrogging over Edge whose momentum sends him face first to the second turnbuckle. Edges head rest on the second rope after the impact as he drops to his knees, Bryan turns around and quickly aims up and kicks the second rope up sending it up to Edges fact snapping his head up and dropping him to the mat away from the corner. Bryan hooks his arms around the top rope and taps the side of his head

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan showing how intelligent he is between those ropes.

Edge is pushing himself up to his knees struggling a bit as Bryan winds up once more aiming for the head, Bryan goes for the roundhouse kick but Edge ducks it once again this time he puts his head between Bryans legs once he’s turned around and lifts him up on his shoulders for the electric chair. Bryan waves his arms around shouting “No No No†when he quickly starts hitting the top of Edges head with right hands, Edge stumbles forward a bit and Bryan bends over falling forward and hooking the top rope as his legs hook under Edges arms and bring him sailing over the top rope and to the outside as Bryan holds himself up on the ring apron. Bryan is breathing heavily lucky to get out of it as Edge is already getting himself up on the floor, Bryan stands up with his back to the turnbuckle holding his hands up as Edge gets to his feet. Daniel runs across the ring apron and leaps off lifting his knee up as he does, crashing down knee first on Edges shoulder and chest as both men come down to the hard floor. Both men are down Edge seemingly out as Bryan is writhing around in pain himself, the referee comes outside.


Roddy Piper: That’s what you do, you put it on the line to win, and Danny boy is going to get this done.
Jim Ross: I’ll say it seems Daniel Bryan might of hurt himself just as much.


Edge is starting to move a bit as Bryan moves his hand up to the announcer table pulling himself up to his feet


The referee clears Bryan and focuses on Edge, Daniel is leaning back on the table trying to catch his own breath and rest a bit.


Edge finds the steel steps with his hands and starts to slowly climb his hands up them to push himself up.


Jim Ross: We’re at a count of five, Daniel Bryan is halfway there.


Edge seems to get up but stumbles a bit as his hand slips off the steel dropping back to his knees, Daniel is now watching intently.


Edge hooks his hand on the space between the steps and ring and this time heaves himself up to his feet, the referee calls off the count and Bryan seems furious. He starts stomping down on the floor angry before looking down and seeing the floor he was stomping, something seems to click in his head as he bends down and reaches on the side of the mat. He pulls it up forcing it a panel of the mat to rip off as he bends it over exposing the concrete underneath, the area exposed a greater length than the announcer table it’s next to.

Roddy Piper: here we go now, now we are getting down to business.

Bryan goes over and hooks his arms around Edges waist, as if he’s going to go for a German suplex. But Edge quickly hits him on the side of the head with an elbow shot that makes him let go, Bryan turns around in pain holding his head as Edge is still using the steel steps to keep himself up. Daniel quickly charges at Edge but is sidestepped as he catches Bryans arm in a half nelson, Edge lifts Daniel up and drops to his back driving him face first unto the steel steps. Bryan falls to the ground holding his head in pain as Edge arches his own back from the landing.


Jim Ross: Driven Face first unto the steel steps, Bryans head takes yet another shot and I’m not sure how much these two have left in the tank.


Edge gets himself up holding his left arm close, as Bryan is pulling on the ring skirt trying to get himself up to his feet as fast as possible.


Edge keeps an eye on Daniel, he seems ready to pounce on him whenever he gets to his feet.


Bryan stumbles a little but gets both feet planted, before the referee can confirm this Edge immediately grabs him from behind and throws him into the ring. Bryan rolls in but suddenly springs to his feet as Edge slides in, his legs haven’t even cleared the apron when Bryan drops a knee across his back and shoulders. He holds the knee in place as he takes a breath before standing up straight and dropping the knee back down, he yells out to Edge “STAY DOWN!†Lifting himself up again and dropping yet another knee “STAY DOWN EDGE†he lifts his knee up once more and drops it this time he gets away from him trying to get his wits about him.

Jim Ross: Frustration brewing, I’m thinking it’s started to get to Daniel Bryan that Edge keeps fighting back.
Roddy Piper: What are you talking about, Daniel Bryan has been in control most of this matchup
Jim Ross: That may be, but every time Daniel gets some advantage Edge hits him with something harder. Daniel has been in more control but Edge has hit the bigger moves.

Daniel stands up straight and looks at the corner, quickly he walks over stepping out unto the ring apron and climbing up as Edge is pushing himself up after the knees. Daniel finds his footing on the top rope and slowly stands up straight holding his hands up in the air shouting Yes to the crowd as Edge is up on his feet.

Jim Ross: Daniel is looking for it all right here…

Daniel leaps off the turnbuckle but as he comes down Edge shifts his body catching him in mid-air and twisting him with the momentum turning him over completely and slamming him down on the mat with a mid-air powerslam. Edge bounces off on impact as the crowd cheers loudly, he rolls to the corner as the referee starts the count


Jim Ross: And he got absolutely nothing, what an awe-inspiring counter by the Ultimate Opportunist.
Roddy Piper: Daniel shouldn’t of gone up top, he needs to calm his temper he’s making mistakes.


Edge pulls himself up in the corner shaking his head as if just now realizing what he did.


Bryan is kicking his feet up and down trying to will his body to get up, Edge slouches down for the third time of the night in the corner but this time he is immediately pumped up.


The camera zooms in on his face as Bryan is starting to pick himself up, Edge is mouthing “Get up, come on get up†as the crowd start to chant “Spear†in unison. Bryan is still having trouble getting up.


Edge is rocking back and forth like a madman moving his arm up and down the pain replaced by adrenaline at this point.


Daniel finds his footing standing up straight as the referee calls the count off, he turns around slowly and Edge charges out of the corner. He hits Daniel with the spear driving him down on the mat as the crowd erupts, hitting the spear straight ahead instead of from the side as usual he bounces off of the impact to his knees between bryans legs as he lays motionless.

Jim Ross: SPEAR!
Roddy Piper: oh no, Daniel
Jim Ross: Edge hit that spear with so much force he looks a little groggy himself.
Roddy Pipers: That’s all that adrenaline coming out through that move, it makes you dizzy if you expend it all in one place.

Edge seems like he’s about to fall over, but puts his left hand down on Bryans chest stopping himself from falling as he shakes his head. The referee bends down and tells Edge he needs to separate so that he can begin his count, Edge looks up at him and nods his head agreeing when in that moment Daniels legs move up out of nowhere keeping a hold of Edges left arm as he shifts his body around perfectly transitioning Edge to his stomach with his arm wrapped around his leg. Bryan reaches forward and locks his hands together locking in the Yes lock as the crowd is in shock.

Roddy Piper: YES!
Jim Ross: how in god’s name did Bryan find the where-with-it-all to do that
Roddy Piper: who’s the ultimate opportunist now?

Daniel is shouting down to the back of Edges head “YES!†as he pulls back on the hold, Edges screams muffling by both of his locked hands. His free hand flailing around in a panic trying to find something to help him out of this, his legs kicking as Daniel just wrenches back.

Jim Ross: There are no submissions, but after the sheer punishment Edges left arm has received the pain must be insurmountable.

Edges hand starts to slow down, from a frantic panic to seemingly falling asleep. You can’t tell if it’s Bryans hands covering his mouth from breathing, or the sheer amount of pain making him pass out but Edge is fading. Daniel doesn’t let up, pulling back as hard as the grip of his hands allows, tilting his head back as if wanting to rest himself but not wanting to let go. Edges fingers are limb but his hand is still up, but suddenly it drops, his body goes limp as the only movement his body is doing is from Daniels wrenching of the hold. Bryan yells out a long “YEEEEEEEEEES!†Before suddenly his hands let go, the sudden release causing him to drop to his back on the mat. Edges body just drops to the mat knocked out as Bryan is on his back seemingly out himself.

Jim Ross: Finally, mercifully the hold is released. Daniel pulled that out of instinct, as you see his body now showing the effects of the spear.

Both men are down and the referee takes a moment before starting his count.


Both are still motionless, Edges hair covering his face from the camera as Daniel is out on his back.


Roddy Piper: What happens now?
Jim Ross: Both men can be counted out right here.


Finally some movement from Daniel Bryan, as he starts to move away from Edge who still hasn’t even twitched.


Bryan slides himself over to the ropes and starts to pull himself up struggling


He manages to get to his feet and the referee clears him, he immediately drops to one knee but now the referee continues his count on Edge.


The crowd desperately try to get Edge back in this and start chanting “Let’s go Edge†clapping their hands together to will him up.


Edges head moves up as if a breath of air finally revived him, but he still has a long way to go as Daniel doesn’t seem focused on him holding his ribs and the back of his head only listening to the count.


Edge moves his right hand down to the mat and starts’ pushing himself off it, his left arm is limp on his side as he tries to get up the crowd cheering him on.


Edge is up to his knees, he reaches up and grabs the referees shirt. He takes a breath before pulling himself up to his feet, the crowd pops as the referee calls off the count, and in that moment Edge drops back down to his knees and to the ropes.

Jim Ross: I have no idea how Edge managed to get himself up, but that is just the fight he has in him.

Daniel looks over and sees that the referee is saying this match continues, his eyes widen and he gets in the referees face telling him that this was over. Edge is still struggling in the ropes, completely out of his game. Daniel looks over at him and seems steaming angry before turning and sliding out of the ring, he moves the time keeper off of his chair and picks it up.

Jim Ross: This match has been one on one this entire time but now it seems Daniel has had enough.
Roddy Piper: it ain’t against the rules so shut it Ross. This is the refs fault for counting so slow.

Edge is sitting on the bottom rope his head hanging low noticeably out of it after passing out, Daniel slides into the ring and lifts the chair up in the air as he walks over to Edge. When suddenly Edge burst out of the ropes catching Bryan coming in with a huge Spear, the crowd erupt as the chair goes flying Bryan hits the mat on his shoulders and head and as his body recoils from impact turns to his stomach as Edge bounces on impact to his knees before dropping to the side on his back.

Roddy Piper: What the-
Jim Ross: Spear! Spear out of nowhere! Listen to this crowd.


The referee begins once again, counting both men out Bryans face on the mat almost looking like he’s sleeping.


The crowd begin clapping, as Edge starts to sit himself up shaking the cobwebs.


Edge picks himself up, he’s on one knee when he finally starts to struggle a little. Bryan is starting to move a little but is still down.


Edge forces himself up and the referee clears him from the count, he moves to the ropes hooking his arms around the top rope.


Daniel is moving his arm off from underneath his body to the mat, his mind trying to tell his body to get itself up.


Roddy Piper: What’s the count up to!?
Jim Ross: We’re at a count of Six here folks

Daniel reaches to the side and finds the bottom rope, he grips it with his hand and keeps a hold of it.


He pulls himself slowly closer to the ropes, once there he hooks his arm up to the second rope.


Roddy Piper: hurry it up get on your feet

Daniel finds the top rope but is his arms are shaking too much to get up to his feet, he pulls himself up with all his power


The referee immediately calls off the count, as Daniel is up to his feet. Edge moves his head down for a moment, thinking that it was over. He stands up straight and goes right after him but walks right into a roundhouse kick to the side of the skull, a loud smack echos as Edge falls forward through the ropes to the ring apron. Bryan falls to the mat after the sudden kick, he sees Edge on the ring apron and moves through the ropes himself.

Jim Ross: What do these two men have to do to put each other away?

Bryan pulls Edge up by the hair, standing him up on the ring apron. When suddenly Edge moves his hand away from his head and kicks him in the sternum, as he doubles over in pain Edge hooks his head with his arm and drops straight down off the ring apron driving Bryan head first on the ring apron with a loud thud, Edge immediately falls to the floor as Bryans head bounces off the ring apron causing the crowd to gasp as he falls off the apron to the floor next to Edge both men down once again.

Jim Ross: That may have answered my question.
Roddy Piper: But he got him with that kick Ross, Edge is out of it.

The referee comes down and goes to begin his count, but both men are moving themselves over. They lock up while on their knees and start pushing off of each other trying to stand themselves up, both men out of it as they trade random shots to the ribs and sternum as the get up off the floor. They get to their feet and suddenly Bryan moves off of him and grabs Edge by the hair, he throws him on top of the Spanish announce table. Bryan takes a breath before he climbs up on the table himself.

Jim Ross: Oh no, what is Daniel Bryan looking for here?

Bryan pulls Edge up and hooks his arms up seemingly going for a butterfly suplex, but Edge forces his arms down getting off of his grip. Edge stands up straight and hits Bryan with a right hand that sends him staggering back to the edge of the table, Bryan flails his arms around trying to keep his balance so as to not fall back unto the head announcer table behind him.

Jim Ross: Watch out here
Roddy Piper: I’m taking five Ross…

Edge sees Bryan in position and charges forward, driving his shoulder unto Bryans ribs the impact sending both men backwards to the announcer table. A sickening crash is heard as Bryans body hits the table, a thud following shortly after as Edge goes flying off the side not stomping until he land awkwardly on the exposed concrete floor. The crowd goes crazy as the table stays standing with Bryans broken body on top of it, and Edge lies not motionless on the cold concrete.

Jim Ross: Good god all mighty That was the damnedest spear I think I’ve ever seen.
Roddy Piper: What the hell is Edges problem pulling a stunt like that.
Jim Ross: By god Roddy these men are hurt can you leave the scolding to another day. We need some help out here.

The referee is still in shock but it clicks that he should be doing his job, and begins his count


Roddy Piper: What do you think your doing? You can’t count, Daniels hurt over here.



Showing the spear from an angle that shows how Edge landed almost head first onto the concrete floor below.

*Live Feed*


Jim Ross: My god we really need some medical attention Edge landed damn near face first on the floor.

Both men have yet to move, still motionless on one the floor and the other on the table.


Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentleman over the years with so many people coming over here to our announcer table they have reinforced them with steel framing on the sides to prevent people from crashing through them. But I think this has done more damage than ever before.


Edges hand starts to twitch a little bit, but his eyes are closed and his body is motionless. Bryans arm is hanging off the side of the table limp as the referee gives both men a short time in between counts but has to continue on


Roddy Piper: What can we have a draw?
Jim Ross: if both men are counted out of course, and right now I say get the EMTs on standby once the 10 is counted because both men are going to need it.


Edge moves his hand up in the air, but is still just cold. Bryans body starts to move around a very little bit as if he’s starting to regain consciousness but doesn’t look like he’s getting up. More like his body is trying to move to hold unto the parts that hurt.


Edge moves himself over to his stomach, reaching out and grabbing the ring skirt with his hand but his body is just out, he pulls on it a little but can’t get himself up and has to let go as Bryan is still out on top of the table.


Jim Ross: Valiant effort by both men tonight, neither have anything to be ashamed of.

Bryans body shifts a little on the edge of the table, causing him to roll off it and drop off face down on the floor. The referee shouts out his final count


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: All over, both men unable to answer the count of Ten after that hellacious Spear.

Edge running across the Spanish announce table, and diving through Bryan bringing him down on the announce table as he goes flying off the side to the concrete floor below.
*Live Feed*

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman…The winner of this match…

Jim Ross: Winner?

Lillian Garcia: Daniel Bryan

Bryans music begins to play as the referee reaches down and lifts his lifeless hand up in the air signaling his victory, the crowd begin to boo not understanding what just happened.

Roddy Piper: He did it! I told you Ross He did it.
Jim Ross: I’m sorry folks I’m a little confused as I think we all are, this match ended in a draw.
Roddy Piper: confused? I aint confused, I’m celebrating, because Daniel Bryan won this thing.
Jim Ross: it appears we’re going to go back to the replay and see what the referee is referring to…

*Replay of the count*

Bryans body falls off the edge of the table to the floor as the referee counts ten and calls for the bell

Jim Ross: I’m not getting it here…

The replay restarts as the camera angle changes, in slow motion Bryan falls off the edge of the table the way he was on causing him to land face down. But in that split second he lands on his feet on the floor before dropping face down, the shot highlights his feet hitting the floor.

Jim Ross: I can’t believe this.

Roddy Piper: The genius? The resiliency? The talent? What can’t you believe?

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan doesn’t even know where he is, he fell onto his feet and the referee used his discretion to call him standing up.

Roddy Piper: Discretion? Are both feet not on the floor?

Jim Ross: well yes but

Roddy Piper: and are the rules whoever cannot get up to their feet at the count of ten loses?

Jim Ross: technically

Roddy Piper: Then Daniel wins the match simple as that.

Jim Ross: The match is called Last Man Standing, Daniel wasn’t standing.

Roddy Piper: details, all I know is Daniel Bryan wins.

Bryan doesn’t even realize he’s won, as he starts to come back into reality, Edge is up against the ring apron sitting down and holding his left arm tightly.

UWF Vengeance swings backstage as we're shown a locker room door. There's a nameplate attached to it, detailing that the locker room belongs to one of the newest additions to the NXT roster and to a man who made his debut earlier this week on NXT via the titantron. The man is none other than third generation superstar, Michael McGillicutty. The first individual we see is not McGillicutty but instead Josh Matthews, who knocks on the door with the intention of interviewing McGillicutty, and he just about immediately gets what he wants. McGillicutty swiftly opens the door, steps out, and is a little taken back to see Matthews standing there.


Michael McGillicutty: Why are you standing outside my locker room door, Josh? Don't tell me you've had an ear pressed to it, listening in to what I'm doing in there. That'd be a little sad, and just a little... creepy.

Josh Matthews: I wasn't doing that, I promise. I'm actually here because I was wondering if I could ask for a moment of your time to ask you a few questions?

Michael McGillicutty: I'm actually busy watching the pay-per-view right now, Josh, scouting all the so-called talent this company penned deals with well before even considering the best in-ring performer this business has ever seen. It makes me sick to watch so many talentless hacks waste their opportunities and break promises to their adoring fans when they never deserved any of it in the first place and have never worked a hard day in their lives. But you know what, Josh, I'm feeling generous tonight, and if answering a couple of your questions means I'll get my face on millions and millions of television screens, then I'm game. In fact, I'd be on there right now, wouldn't I? Hold on, let me check.

McGillicutty pushes open his locker room door and gazes over at his television, which shows the back of his head. McGillicutty turns his head back and looks at the camera, before closing the door shut.

Michael McGillicutty: Looks like I was right, Josh, which doesn't surprise me.

Josh Matthews: Yes, well what does surprise me is that you're here tonight. Now you're not scheduled to compete in a match tonight, in fact you only debuted on NXT on Monday night, so is there any particular reason you're here?


Michael McGillicutty: Seriously, Josh? Come on, man. What other possible reason could I have to be in Uniondale? As an NXT superstar, I have every right to be here, whether I'm booked in a match or not, and I actually take offence to you questioning that. I've officially been an NXT superstar for under a week, but believe me, Josh, you'll all be seeing a hell of a lot more of me in the coming months. See I'm here to make a name for myself, I'm here to carry on the Hennig name on my own terms, and sooner or later my name will be the only name on everybody's lips. Nobody will care about Randy Orton, nobody will care about Robert Roode, and nobody will care about The Rock, R-Truth, Sting, Sheamus and anybody else on the NXT roster. Soon... soon everybody will only have eyes for me - the Personification of Perfection in the 21st Century. I'm unpredictable, Josh, you just never know what I'm going to do next. Not a single soul knew I was going to be here in Uniondale attending Vengeance tonight, and that actually brings me to the answer to your question, Josh. I don't have a particular reason for being here, but I do what I want. It’s pretty simple.

McGillicutty shrugs his shoulders, followed by folding his arms, whilst giving a quick glance to the camera and then back to Matthews.

Josh Matthews: With that bei...

Michael McGillicutty: Look, Josh, I'm tired of you already, so here's what's going to happen. I'm going to go down the hall and grab some food from the buffet, probably a bottle of water while I'm there too, and I'm going to come back to my locker room and watch the rest of the pay-per-view. And while I do just that, you're going to leave me alone, not ask me stupid questions, and go bother somebody else. If I find you anywhere near me OR my locker room... let's just say things will get a little unpredictable. Hopefully I've made myself abundantly clear, Josh, not only for my benefit but for your own well-being as well. Have a good night.

McGillicutty bumps into Matthews before he begins to stroll down the hallway on a mission, the camera fixed right on him. McGillicutty quickly disappears from view as Matthews is shown a little puzzled that the interview ended so... unpredictably. Vengeance moves on to somewhere else.


Next month, NXT and Raw present: King of The Ring

Only on PPV

Now scene moves to backstage, there is Matt Striker.

Matt Striker: Ladies and gentleman, please welcome my guest at this time PAUL HEYMAN!

Paul Heyman smiles to camera and starts wawing.

Paul Heyman: Hello, Hi, good evening ladies and gentleman. My name is Paul Heyman but you know it very clearly and I'm your little shining Sunny.

Matt Striker: Paul, when the camera was turned off you said that you are angry bud you don't look like that now. Has something changed during last moments?

Paul Heyman: No, nothing has changed I'm just smiling for these people. I want to be their teddy bear in their beds. Their idol and god... I want to say things that they like because I dont wanna see little children cry. I want them to scream my name and jump in the theme song of Lesnar as Brock does. I want to see them wear a t shirts with our names and fake tatoos on their arms made...

Now Heyman stops, Lesnar comes there and Matt runs away. Crowd start booing...

Paul Heyman: Stupid sheeps, do you thing that WE will make a clowns for you? Your IQ is lower than the IQ of wooden horse... Eat the t-shirts with your idol and in bathroom when you will poop these things will get there where they belong... Why we are here again? Brock Lesnar has something to say.

Heyman gives microphone to his client Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar: What a great night had Randy Orton on last week of NXT. When he defeated me. Guys let me make one thing clear. I lost, so congratulations goes to Randal. I am not a type of guy who will cry here and who will say: "If this match is next I will make Randy cry on the mat." NO! That match is gone and I can admit that i lost but what I just said about Randy is clear as a sky in Summer. He is clown and parasite. His ego is now more bigger than the Empire State Building... I am not here to make a statement by words. I am here to fight and I hope that Bobby Roode will make an example of Randy! Bobby, finish what I just started! Send this little snake back to ZOO where he belongs!

Paul Heyman: And now it's my pleasure to give a challenge to Bobby Roode if he wins the title tonight! So Bobby... Brock Lesnar, the PERFECT STORM, THE NEXT BIG THING, THE BEAST, THE MOST DOMINANT FORCE IN UWF is challenging you to title match anywere you want. When? It depends on you. We know that you are fair guy and you can get what you want... Also I know that you want to break records and move your targets higher. So what about talent collision? What about a pure awesome match Lesnar vs Roode? Think about it. You have my contact so no problem.

Brock Lesnar: And you people. Enjoy a last days of your so called champion. Every meat will be eaten and every shit will be flushed!

Both men shake hands and then exits the backstage area with big smiles on their faces.

Styles: Well Tazz, this is it, our NXT Main Event of the evening, it was destined from the beginning, Randy Orton defending his NXT World Championship against the thorn in his side, Robert Roode.

Tazz: That's right, this rivalry has more than ruffled some feathers here in UWF, but tonight it comes to an end when they compete for that title.

Styles: Can Orton get revenge on Roode for all the damage he did to his arm with the help of Brock Lesnar?, or will Roode put the final nail in the coffin that is Orton's title run here?. We're just about to find out.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is your NXT Main Event of the evening!...


The crowd immediately begin to boo as the entrance music of the challenger hits the PA system. Roode swaggers out onto the stage full of confidence with a smile plastered on his face. He believes he has already done enough damage to the arm to defeat Orton easily tonight. He walks down the ramp with a certain confidence to his step. He runs up the ring steps and in through the ring ropes where he then stands in front of the ring ropes and raises his arms in the air before signalling for the belt around his waist.



'Voices' hits the PA system and the crowd go wild. It's not long before Orton walks out from behind the curtain with a cold icy stare transfixed on the ring and his opponent that stands in it. His arm is wrapped in a cast. His NXT Championship draped over his shoulder. He walks down the ramp with the crowd cheering him on and he wastes no time in getting into the ring and up onto the top rope where he raises the title up into the air with his good left hand as opposed to his injured arm obviously. Orton then steps down and goes into his corner as the announcements are made.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and Gentlemen this is your NXT Championship Match and it is set for one fall to a finish!. Introducing first, the challenger, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240 pounds. He is the 'IT Factor' Robert Roode!.

The crowd boo wildly as Roode raises his hands in the air, before again signalling for the belt.

Christy Hemme: And the champion!... from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the current, reigning and defending UWF NXT Heavyweight Champion of The World, 'The Apex Predator' Randy Orton!.

The crowd go wild for Orton and begin to chant his name as he hands the belt over to the referee. The referee then proceeds to show both men the title before raising it into the air signalling the start of the match.



The bell sounds and the crowd lets out a roar. Roode motions to Orton that he's going to break his arm tonight. Randy laughs it off and rotates his injured arm showing that he can still use it despite the obvious injury. The two men circle the ring, Randy looking to lock up. The two superstars enter the centre of the ring, Randy has his arms up ready for the Collar and Elbow tie-up, however Roode takes a few steps back and circles the ring again. The crowd boo for Roode's lack of engagement. The two men then enter the centre of the ring again, but before they can lock up in the Collar and Elbow tie-up Roode slaps the taste right out of Orton's mouth. Roode stands laughing and smiling as Orton staggers back holding his mouth. Orton however, wastes no time in returning the favour. He sends Roode crashing to the mat with his slap. Roode enraged gets back up onto his feet and goes head to head with Orton. The veins are almost popping out of either man's skulls as they go head to head. They refuse to take a step back, neither man budging as the crowd begin to rally behind Orton once more. Both men then raise their arms up and lock up in the Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock and test one another's strength as the crowd roar on the first proper engagement in this championship main event.

Styles: The bad blood between these two men is clearly evident from the get-go here Tazz.

Tazz: It's exactly how I expected Joey, Roode broke Orton's arm and Orton stole a championship away from Roode that was on a platter for him, of course there's going to be bad blood.

Roode takes the first advantage in the match up taking Orton's bad right arm round into a Hammerlock, Orton grimaces but wastes no time in reaching up with his left arm and brings Roode over and down to the mat with a Snapmare forcing Roode to release the potential submission manoeuvre. Orton slaps on a Chinlock, but Roode quickly escapes locking in a Rear Waistlock on Orton on the mat before raising Orton up and dropping him down with a Backside Slam. Roode keeps the Waistlock locked in before he moves up into a Front Facelock while Randy remains belly down on the canvas. Randy rolls over onto his back taking Roode with him he then proceeds to bridge before kicking his legs up into the air and landing down atop now the downed Roode. However Roode is quick to react and grabs Randy's leg forcing him down onto his side into a Leglock. Randy lands just underneath the ring ropes however and this forces the two apart after Roode breaks the hold immediately. The clean break allows Roode to take some steps back as Randy also gets to his feet with the aid of the ring ropes.The two opponents exchange a nod and a smile before circling the ring again looking to lock up once more.

Styles: Some grappling here in the early going, but I may suggest Tazz, that it won't stay like this for the duration of the match.

Tazz: I wouldn't imagine so, Joey. There's too much bad blood between these two to have a technical masterclass.

Roode and Orton lock up again, this time in the Collar and Elbow tie-up. This time Roode takes the upper hand with a Keylock, tripping Orton's legs from him, forcing him onto his back as the Keylock is applied. Randy Orton manages to roll over the back of Roode and lock on a Headlock down on the mat. Roode gets himself and Orton back onto their feet. Orton cranks the Headlock, but Roode runs the ropes and shoves Orton away and when Orton returns he goes for the Dropkick, but Orton dodges and immediately slaps on the Front Facelock down on the mat. Roode escapes quickly and slaps on another Hammerlock on the grounded Orton but Orton manages to get his foot out onto the bottom rope. Roode is less keen to break the hold this time however and releases at the count of two from the referee before dropping a knee down into the shoulder and upper injured arm of Randy Orton. The referee tells Roode to back off as he asks Orton if he is good to continue. Orton pushes the referee out of the way and goes right on the attack at Roode with a left as the match finally flares up. It's an exchange of right and left hands between Roode and Orton until Orton lands a series of powerful European Uppercuts even with his left arm which send Roode crashing down to the mat several times.

Styles: There we go, the match has sparked into life here.

Tazz: Those are some stiff uppercuts from Orton, even with his weaker arm!.

Roode gets up but is pushed into the corner. Orton climbs the corner and proceeds to smash Roode with left hands he lands nine of them as the crowd chant along, enjoying the beating Roode is finally receiving. However Randy stalls on the tenth raising his cast-covered right hand, but before he can bring it down, Roode escapes from behind and pulls Orton down to the mat below and immediately goes after the injured arm, with a kick as Orton is in a seated position on his way to a vertical base. He then grabs the arm before dropping down with a Jumping Arm Breaker. Orton grimaces in pain. He rolls out of the ring to the mat below, he is on his feet however and is wasting no time in attempting to get back into the ring but is met with a Baseball Slide. Orton stumbles back into the Ringside Barricade. Roode then runs the ropes before diving through the middle ropes. However Orton scouts this and uses his wits to simply move out of the way, allowing Roode to crash rather violently into the barricade on the outside. Orton rolls into the ring and back out again as the referee counts to four. Orton grabs Roode by the head gets into the ring with Roode's feet still out on the outside of the ring apron.

Tazz: I think we all know what Orton's planning here, Joey!.

Styles: Yeah, he's going for that deadly DDT!.

Orton grabs Roode around the head and tries to pull him through, but Roode grabs hold of the middle rope and pulls himself back through breaking Orton's grip. Orton leans over and tries to grab at Roode, but Roode manages to get a grip of Orton's bad arm and brings it down across the top rope with a Hotshot on the top rope sending Orton crashing back to the mat below as Roode drops down to his feet on the outside. Roode exchanges some pleasantries with the crowd on the outside. Roode then turns around and climbs back into the ring and as Orton gets to his feet he siezes up on the injured arm and tries to drive him down into the mat but Orton escapes shoves Roode off the ropes and cracks him over the head with that cast!. Roode grabs at his head just as Orton grabs at his arm in pain. Roode looks at his hand as the camera closes up on him and it is covered in blood. Orton has split Roode open with the cast shot the head. This makes the crowd gasp. Orton is kneeling down in the corner biting at his cast in absolute agony but he makes his way back up to his feet. Roode runs at him in sheer rage at Orton for bloodying him, but Orton uses the cast once more this time catching Roode in the gut sending Roode flipping over his arm and onto his back on the mat.

Styles: Oh my god!, Orton is going to town with that cast.

Tazz: That's surely an illegal weapon Joey?!.

Styles: I doubt it, it's just the same as a knee brace, it's for his own protection and perhaps Roode might have thought twice about breaking Orton's arm going into this match.

Roode is clutching at his mid-section as Orton once again retreats into the corner biting at his arm trying to dull the pain. The referee walks over to check on him. Roode is already on his feet, he runs at Orton, Orton shoves the ref out of the way and is met with a High Knee in the corner. The referee falls down onto the mat and rather predicatbly is knocked out by the faint blow. Roode grabs Orton by the arm and begins to claw at the cast trying to rip it apart. Orton pushes him away and goes on the attack, but Roode sees the referee down and proceeds to punt Orton between the legs. Orton drops down to the mat below clutching at his most vulnreable area and this allows Roode to once again go to work on the cast. He lays the cast out and lifts his knees up into the air before dropping them down across the extended right arm of Orton. Orton screams out in pain, a few curse words can be heard from Orton as well as he tries to get out of the hold, but Roode has all of his weight now down across the Upper Arm of Orton. He claws at the cast once again and begins to pull on it. Orton has sheer fear on his eyes as he looks up and swings wildly with his other arm as Roode slips the cast off of Orton's broken arm!.

Styles: Oh no, this is not good, Orton's broken arm is left defenceless Tazz!.

Tazz: It's not looking good for Randy Orton here.

Roode, still kneeling on the arm of Orton then smacks Orton over the head with the cast to shut him up before Frisbee-ing the medical device out of the ring, up the ramp. Roode looks down at Orton as Orton gets into the corner, holding his right arm. Looking up at Roode. He pulls himself up in the corner, holding his arm up against his chest. He somewhat foolishly runs at Roode, but Roode just steps off the the side and pushes Orton into the corner. His arm against his chest meets the turnbuckle with the weight of Orton against it. As Orton turns around, Roode kicks him in the gut and grabs his arm, he then throws his leg over and brings the other across now bringing Orton down to the mat and into the Cross Armbreaker!. Orton yells out in pain, he grabs onto the bottom rope he is right beside. With the referee nowhere to be seen Roode doesn't release his grip on Orton. Orton falls out to the outside but Roode keeps a hold of his arm now stretching Orton's arm across the ring apron. The steel edge of the ring's rim is now pushing into the elbow area of Orton's already broken arm. The referee is barely to his feet and he runs over to this situation and begins his count. Roode relinquishes his hold at the count of 4!.

Styles: This is just sickening!.

Tazz: All's fair in love and war, and this is definitely a war, Joey!.

Roode looks pleased with his actions and stands up and raises his hands in the air. He knows that all he needs to do now is lock in the Armbar and this match is over. He drops out to the outside and grabs an injured Orton who is leaning over the Barricade. Roode clobbers him over the head with a right hand from behind. Sucker punching Orton gets him the ire of the already outraged crowd. Roode grabs Orton's broken arm and slams it down across the Steel Ring Steps. Roode then takes Orton's arm and does something ingenious. He takes Orton's hand and puts it behind the turnbuckle pad between the pad and the steel turnbuckle. Roode then pulls the hand up so that the part of the arm that was broken by his hand is prone and placed against the steel of the turnbuckle. The referee doesn't know what to do. He tries to get in the way. Roode slides into the ring and heads into the corner opposite from Orton. Orton is completely prone and unable to escape, he has gotten up onto the ring apron however, yet it is too late as Roode runs at and Dropkicks the bottom rung of the turnbuckle crushing Orton's arm between the pad and the turnbuckle it is placed against. The referee tries to help Orton out of it as the crowd gasp in horror for Orton's welfare. Roode lays in one final boot before the referee gets Orton free.

Styles: This is sickening Tazz, sickening, surely Orton can't continue here?!.

Tazz: I don't know if it's stupidity or bravery, but knowing Orton, he won't quit.

The referee asks Orton if he wants to continue. Orton shakes his arm and nods his head, he wants to continue. The crowd rally behind Orton as he gets to his feet. He walks towards the middle of the ring where a cocky Robert Roode goads him towards a lock up. Orton isn't that stupid however and socks Roode in the face with a Left Hand. Roode throws a right hand but Orton blocks surprisingly, he can't hit the right hand however and instead knees Roode in the gut before grabbing him around the head with the left hand and dropping down onto his knee jacking Roode with his signature Backbreaker!. Orton crawls towards the corner and drags himself back his feet with one hand. Roode is already back up and runs out of the corner, this is when Orton quickly twists him around and down to the mat with his signature Powerslam!. The crowd go wild as Orton looks to be getting a rally going. Orton is goading Roode up to his feet, looking for an RKO it seems. The crowd is chanting 'RKO!, RKO!' as Roode is slowly stirring back to his feet. As Roode finally gets to his feet Orton goes for the RKO with his bad right arm surprisngly and it costs him as Roode reverses throws Orton into the corner and he heads into it side on, rebounding out into the clutches of Roode who wraps Orton's arm up his back with a Hammerlock before raising him into the air and dropping him down with a Hammerlock Backdrop!.

Styles: Oh!, Orton left it all on the line with that RKO attempt, now he's in deep trouble as Roode stalks him looking for the Cross Armbreaker!.

Tazz: I've got a feeling the end is coming soon.

Roode stands over Orton, he shouts down at Randy saying he's going to make sure he can never wrestle again. Roode wastes no time in grabbing Orton by the arm and flipping him over with it into a Cross Armbar!. The crowd are booing loudly as Roode pulls back on the arm with vigour. Orton however is fairly close to the ring ropes. The crowd is on his side as he swings wildly with his other arm and leg trying to get to that bottom rope. The crowd chant 'Randy!, Randy!'. Orton begins to squirm, he has his arm up in the air and almost taps but somehow keeps himself in the game and claws the mat as he makes his way towards the ring ropes. He scratches at the mat as he wriggles towards the ring rope and he finally grabs it!. The crowd cheer wildy as Orton manages to get to the ropes. Roode however refuses to break the hold, the referee counts, one, two, three, four, he has to practically pull Roode off of Orton to break the hold. Orton holds onto the bottom rope as Roode is admonished for his actions by the referee. Roode goes into the corner and kicks the bottom turnbuckle. He's trying to figure out how to beat Orton. He sits up on the top rope waiting for Orton to get to his feet. The crowd continuing to cheer and chant Randy's name as he somehow gets back to a vertical base. Roode wipes the blood from his face as he focuses on Orton.

Styles: How is Orton even still able to move, he should have passed out through just sheer pain by now!.

Tazz: I don't know, but I think he's showing to everyone right now that he does deserve to be champion... and I think the only one saying different right now is Robert Roode, the challenger.

Roode jumps down from the top rope and walks over to Orton. He grabs him by the arm and goes up to the top rope on the opposite side of the ring. He grabs Orton by the head and begins to pull him up onto the top rope. He is looking to hit the Cross Armbreaker from the top rope. Orton however stills his wits about him to gets his thumb into the eye of Roode out of sheer desperation. Roode grabs at his arm as Orton drops back down and struggles back to his feet. As Orton is getting back up, it seems Roode is going to go for a Double Axe Handle to the back of Orton, he leaps off, but in mid-air Orton somehow, someway manages to contort his body and wrap his arms around the head and neck of Roode and bring him face down into the mat with an RKO!...

Styles: RKO!, RKO!, OH MY GOD!.

Tazz: HOW THE...

Orton grimacing in pain manages to get back up to his feet and covers Roode.



Orton had it in the bag but he pulls up shoulders up from the mat himself and a smile, still covered in the look of pain, comes across the face of The Viper and he raises Roode up to his feet. Roode is completely out of it and Orton smiles as he leans Roode over and grabs him by the arm. He then puts his leg over before bringing Roode over into a Cross Armbreaker!. Sweet justice for Orton seems to be the case as he puts the arm underneath his left arm and pulls up on the wrist/lower arm of Roode with all of his force he still has in his body, and even after the beating he took, Orton still has some amount of power to put into the hold. Dead centre of the ring, Roode tries to reach out, but Orton pulls back on the hold some more, and suddenly a horrible look comes across Roode's face and he tells the referee he quits, telling Orton to break the hold. Orton appears to have broken the arm of Roode as the challenger quits, meaning Orton wins the match via submission!.

Winner of the match via submission and STILL NXT World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton!


The crowd erupt as Orton is handed the title and he raises it into the air with his good left hand. The referee tries to raise his other arm, but Orton gives him a darting stare and he runs away.

Styles: YES!, he has done it!, Randy Orton against all the odds has made Robert Roode submit to his own move, justice for Orton, justice for NXT!.

Tazz: What a match, Joey, and what a performance from Randy Orton, wrestling with a broken arm, he pulled it off, and just about pulled Roode's arm off in the process!.

Orton heads to the top rope and holds his title aloft.


Orton's celebrations don't last long however as a familiar theme hits the PA system.


The camera pans the audience and everyone is looking around as if trying to look for those actually cheering when they realize what is going, the cheers coming from the speakers as you can hear over it a JBL chant sadly being attempted by JBLs own voice. The driver opens the door and JBL comes out with a seemingly impossible wider grin lifting up his hands one holding his hat as the crowd boo as loud as they possibly can to drown out the cheers playing through the speakers. JBL puts back on his white cowboy hat before he makes his way down the ramp, holding his title up in the air with a big grin on his face. Once at ringside he stops looking around at the booing crowd as if they are cheering he starts to do a little Texas two-step before walking up the steel steps and looking around at the crowd. He holds on to his hat before stepping into the ring and lifting his arms up, he is handed a microphone as he looks around his music and therefore the piped in cheers fading off, the boos taking over but his smile still plastered on his face.


JBL: Ladies and Gentlemen, let's all congratulate the man who just retained his title, the NXT World Champion, Randy Orton!. Now Randy, I'm real proud of you, I truly and sincerely am... but I think you need greater competition. I think you need to step it up a gear from facing a failure like Robert Roode, which is why!... I have set up an eight man tournement which starts next Monday night on NXT to determine a new number one contender at King of The Ring. Now, I'm just gonna rhyme of some names for ya Randy, keep it real simple. First up we've got 'The Monster' Abyss!. Secondly, we've got a guy I see a lot of myself in, 'The Celtic Warrior', Sheamus!. Thirdly, we've got Michael McGuillicutty. Fourth, we have Derrick Bateman. Fifth, we have 'The Long Island Iced Z' Zack Ryder. Sixth, we've got the guy that calls himself a 'Zombie Princess', Jimmy Jacobs. Seventh, we have the man who you beat last week on NXT, but barely, 'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar.

The crowd gives a mixed reaction after JBL announces the seventh participant, this is when a wry smile comes across the face of JBL.

And the eighth member of my tournament... and I am saving the best for last of course, because that's what a true business man does! He keeps the good people in suspense, leave them wanting more. That's why... I've chosen-

In a split second, JBL is cut off and appearing on the titantron before the world... is CM Punk. Punk looks into the camera, and says what is on his mind; as he always does.


CM Punk: Hold on just a second there, Bradshaw... Before you announce the last member of the tournament, there's something I have to get off my chest. I've noticed around here... that there's been a pecking order. Up is up, and Down is Down. But as of this moment forward, I'm going to do something about it. You see, what I have right here in front of the entire world is the power of opinion, of free speech. It's a constitutional right, appointed to people like me way WAY before any of us were born. Now that's all fine and dandy, but what exactly is the freedom of speech I plan on using... you might ask. You'd be wise to ask that question, John boy, because it may not be along the lines of things you look forward to when you put your cowboy hat on in the morning. It just might be the very last thing you want to hear while you're walking around pretending like you mean something to the brand of NXT. It just might be the thing that wipes that smile off of that ugly area where your face should be.

The fans laugh, as Punk refuses to stop as JBL is shouting inaudible words right back at Punk, but it seems as if his microphone doesn't work for the moment. Punk continues, a smirk on his face.

CM Punk: Hell, I may have said too much already! Why don't you go on and announce the last member of your precious tournament, Bradshaw... or else I'll do the honors for you. If you'd like, I'll even put a fancy ring on it... you know, shout his name in a foreign accent. Maybe even add a few syllables of my own, we all know I can be quite the character sometimes.

JBL pounds on his microphone, until it turns back on and he begins to shout into it.

JBL: You ungrateful piece of crap, this isn't what we talked about in my office earlier today. This isn't what you promised you'd bring to NXT! How dare you say those things to me?

Punk folds his arms and mocks JBL as he continues to shout at Punk. Punk waves it off, and speaks once more.

CM Punk: I guess when you want things done... you'll have to do it yourself. I'll announce the eighth man right now then, John... I'll save you the trouble. Don't go running out of breath there, I mean... I'm sure none of us would like to hear you stop talking anytime soon. But anyway... ladies and gentlemen of all ages and sizes... I present to you the eighth man of this tournament; you'll have to excuse me... this isn't a name I can pronounce well... it's not like I've heard it and said it a million times before. I guess I'll just tell him to... be there! Right... now.


Punk walks off out of the scene, leaving the fans in the arena and watching at home without a clue what just happened. The fans await, as the champion waits in the ring.

Joey Styles: CM Punk has made a statement for sure, but we still don't know who the final competitor in JBL's tournament is!

Tazz: Let me tell you something, Joey... I think we're about to find out. Punk says the eighth man is going to be there right now, and JBL looks livid that Punk interrupted him!

Just as the fans are about to get restless, as the millions of people watching Vengeance around the world are on the edge of their seat... the music hits, and the eighth member of tournament for the NXT World Heavyweight Championship... is revealed.




The fans roar as the stage comes to life, blasting Cult of Personality through the speakers... as the World Champion takes a step back in anger. JBL takes his hat off in disgust, realizing that he was swindled by Punk, who obviously plans to be mischievous during his time at NXT. Punk gets to the stage, laughing as he stares down the two men in the ring. Punk claps at the fans for their approval, while getting down to his signature one knee. He points at his wrist, signifying to the crowd that they chant along with him



Punk doesn't waste any more time, as he gets to his feet. He begins walking his way down the ramp, his eyes set on the ring in front of him. He walks up the ramp steps, one at a time, his eyes never off the World Championship belt thats in front of him. He jumps up on the turnbuckles, cupping his hands as shouts out his catchphrase to the UWF crowd in attendance.


Punk climbs down, as he is firmly in the ring with the World Champion and JBL, the General Manager of NXT. Punk looks at both of them with a smirk on his face, trying his best to hold back a smile as he begins to talk as seriously as he possibly can. JBL looks livid as Punk opens his mouth to talk.


CM Punk: I guess the cat is out of the bag, isn't it, John! It wasn't hard to figure out for those watching at home... I think my early appearance did the trick. But if you're wondering why, John... I'll be happy to tell you right to your face. That conversation we had earlier today and throughout the past week, it wasn't all for show. It was for the stroke of the pen that you were so happy to provide me with. Now, I'm a man living comfortably financially, with security. As much as you were probably looking forward to having a man like me under your wing, ready to do your bidding... that's just not my style, Bradshaw. Sorry to be the one to tell you.

JBL throws his hat on the ground, raising his microphone with his free hand. He points a finger at Punk, and responds to his comments.

JBL: I signed you to this brand, and this is how you repay me? I gave you that eighth spot in this tournament, and I can easily take it away from you. Give me one reason why I shouldn't! Give me one damn reason-

Punk raises his arm up to silence JBL, while he opens his mouth to continue where he left off before JBL's interruption.

CM Punk: As most people know, I'm a man who likes the simple things in life. I don't wear fancy clothes, I don't drink... I don't smoke. I train hard and work harder. But if there's one simple thing I enjoy more than anything... it's the look on your face when your angry, John. You stand there in your fancy suit, the one that you paid for with these people's hard earned money... you act as if you're owed something, when it's quite the contrary. You are the one that owes these people... you are the one that owes us wrestlers in this business, the ones that perform day in and day out without a day off. I'm not a saint, Bradshaw... but I know when I can get a sweet deal; and you... you offered the sweetest of deals. You can try and take away my tournament spot, but it's not going to work. I added a very specific detail in my contract that you were so happy to sign away... and that was the very opportunity to take place in the NXT World Championship tournament that you've been planning non-stop since you created this brand. Now, you don't have to like it John... but there isn't much you can do about it.

JBL gets red in the face as he stares at Punk, letting Punk continue in the way he does best... pissing people off.

CM Punk: I'm not like most guys, Bradshaw... I'm not a push-over; which is exactly what you were looking for to have in your corner in case things started to escalate around here. I can assure you I'll show up every single Monday, ready to fight whomever you decide to place in front of me... but there is one thing I won't be here on NXT, and that's your push-over. The world knows that I'm opinionated, and while the match tonight with Orton and Robert Roode was entertaining, sort of... I'm under the assumption that there was no work towards either of these men getting the championship opportunity. On the first night, Orton steals away the title... and a week later, Roode is handed a title shot... which makes me wonder just exactly what kind of champion we have in front of us right now.

Punk turns his attention to the World Champion, looking at him dead in the eyes as he finishes what he has to say.

CM Punk:It's simple, straight up. This tournament, no matter who wins... has eight competitors. The best of the best, the true challenger for that title I'm looking at, at this very moment... that man will get the opportunity he works hard for. Whether it's me, whether it's any of the other seven guys named here tonight... very soon, that title will have meaning. Very soon, there won't be any denying who the true champion of this brand is. If I was a betting man... I'd put money on the best in the world. I'd put money on the guy who's done nothing but come out here, week after week, proving to the world that you don't have to be the biggest and the meanest... you have to be the best. I am that guy, this is my ring... and I am a proud professional wrestler. I'm going to do whatever it takes to win that tournament, to go for the World Championship... to prove my point.

Punk looks back at JBL, a smile creeping on his face. He walks towards the General Manager, who doesn't like how close Punk is getting to him.

CM Punk: The best part is... you can't do a damn thing about it, John. You get to sit back and watch, because this tournament... it's going to prove to the world what a true World Champion is made of. It's going to show these people that they deserve a champion that isn't a fraud! That wasn't handed a title, that wasn't given a shot. Respect is earned, John... which is why you haven't been getting any around here and I'm not about to break that trend now. I'm here to tell everyone in this arena... holding a championship is one thing; being a champion... is another.

Punk drops the microphone, and as it hits the floor the sounds of the device can be heard for a split second. The crowd cheers for CM Punk as he gets closer to the World Champion, ready at a moments notice to throw down with the obviously tired champion. Punk stares him down, recognizing how close the championship is to him... and how hard he's going to have to work to get it.

Joey Styles: Wow, all eight competitors for the NXT Championship have been named, our World Championship was defended here tonight at Vengeance... it looks like NXT has a long road ahead, filled with a jam packed tournament!

Tazz: CM Punk obviously returning and making a splash was a headline for tonight, but the championship is another one. This is going to be a bloodbath for weeks to come. Who's going to become the next number one contender!

Punk and the Champion get face to face, as Cult of Personality plays throughout the arena. The fans are on their feet, wondering if Punk's arrival on NXT is just the jolt start that they were looking for.

Go to UWF INTERACTIVE, your one stop shop for all things UWF behind the scenes. Featuring everybodies favourites, both the Dresden Dose and Chillin' With Chase!

Fade. The cameras cut backstage within the arena. A set of lockers are seen in the background, so it’s obvious we’re in someone’s locker room. Along with a man standing in front of the lockers, decked out in the colors of black and pink. It’s not Bret Hart, no. It’s John Cena. Supporting the cause of breast cancer, Cena’s rocking a brand new attire in black and pink. The expression upon on Cena’s face was a look of focus because later tonight Cena would be competing in the World Heavyweight Championship match against Rob Van Dam, Rey Mysterio, and Ted DiBiase. He would look to the left of screen, not facing the cameras head on, and he would remain that way as he’d soon begin to speak.


John Cena: I wish he’d actually show up. It’s a very shocking outcome, and he can still show up whenever, but he didn’t even choose to hype up the match at the last minute. We haven’t heard him speak in the past couple of weeks; all he’s done is attack me from behind. Something he’s fond of doing, sneak attacking. But, Rey showed up, Rob showed up – I SHOWED UP. Why couldn’t he? Huh? Was it his ego? His cockiness? Him believing he has this match in the bag? Does he have another trick up his sleeve? Big Show gon’ make the save again? Whatever the excuse is, I’m dying to know. I’m dying to find out why he decided to flake out and not show a care in the world. He doesn’t even care for the World Heavyweight Championship! One of the most prestigious prizes in professional wrestling history and he doesn’t care enough to defend it. He’s not a champion, he’s a coward. And it makes me sick to my stomach knowing he’s still champion. But, after tonight? There’s not a chance in hell he’s gon’ walk out with the World Heavyweight Championship. I know that for a damn fact.

John Cena would pause for a moment, staring off slowly as he begun to collect his thoughts. Cena nods with a quick rise of his eyebrow, as he continues.

John Cena: Now, y’see, it could be Rey-Rey, Rob, or myself, I don’t care. I just don’t want Ted DiBiase to walk out Vengeance with the World Heavyweight Championship. I don’t wa – I REFUSE to have him walk out with it. He’s disgraced the championship far too much for far too long and if he holds it for another day, I don’t know what I’m gon’ do with myself. I don’t know how this company’s gon’ react. How the brand’s gon’ stay standing. I can’t predict the future, but I know it ain’t gon’ end up pretty. In fact, it’s gon’ end up pretty damn bad if the header reads – “Ted DiBiase, still World Heavyweight Champion!†I’m not friends with him, I don’t even like him, but I know how much the championship means to him. He thinks it’s a toy, he thinks it’s a prop. It eases his ego to the point where he’s at the top of the world! And y’know, maybe, just maybe, he’s at the top of the world. But, after tonight? He’s gon’ go straight down to the irrelevancy point. He’s a piss ant, a coward at its finest, and I’m positive Rey, Rob, and myself are gon’ do everything in our will to make sure he doesn’t walk out as the champion. That’s a guran-damn-tee.

Clenching his fist, John Cena could feel the energy on the back of his words. John Cena now looked at the cameras, addressing the other two opponents in tonight’s fatal four way match-up.

John Cena: However, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I’m not walking into tonight’s match to lose. I’ve fought to become World Heavyweight Champion for far too long just to see the opportunity slip beneath my fingers. I’ve complained, I’ll admit to that, but I’m not complaining anymore. With that being said, I’m not LOSING anymore. I’m not getting SCREWED anymore, none of that B.S. will happen! I know the importance and the pressure of being World Heavyweight Champion. I understand it, I respect it, and I live for it. But, for those people out there who’re doubting me at this very point, to those people who wanna’ see me drop everything and walk out as a coward, to them I say NO! Nothing comes for free in this business. I earned this opportunity, and I’m not gon’ let someone else come in and snatch the opportunity and become champion. If that’s gon’ happen, they’re damn well gon’ have to have earned it! I will make them earn it. Because this opportunity will be done with my name on the plate of that World Heavyweight Championship! So, Rey-Rey, Rob, we’re friends, we’ve been through it all. We’ve fought, we’ve teamed, and we’ve made history. But, tonight? There are no friends; you’re enemies in the way of something much more important. I wish you two the best of luck; I honestly do, because tonight isn’t the typical old John Cena. Tonight is a man on a NEW mission. Tonight is a man looking for vengeance, making sure Ted DiBiase doesn’t walk out the same way he walked in. Tonight is a man who WANTS to and NEEDS to become the World Heavyweight Championship and if that doesn’t happen?

John Cena would lift his finger, collecting his thoughts as he shook his head constantly before looking down at the ground. Cena looked up once again and stared at the cameras before saying this final line.

John Cena: That’s not an option.

John Cena walked out of the cameras view, as we hear an open and a close from a door. The camera’s cut to ringside as we fade.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a fatal fourway for the UWF World Heavyweight Championship!


“I come from Money†hits the PA system and the crowd gets to their feet booing as loud as they can for the man who was the King of the Mountain and the UWF World Heavyweight Champion. Ted Dibiase comes out with the title belt on his shoulder and dressed for in ring competition with the Big Show towering behind him. Dibiase gets up on the apron and wipes his boots before he heads over to the rope and throws up the World title to jeers from the crowd preparing for his latest match.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from West Palm Beach Florida, being accompanied to the ring by the Big Show, he is the current and reigning UWF World Heavyweight Champion, Ted Dibiase JR!

JR: Young Dibiase's title reign has been surrounded in controversy Hot Rod. Starting back when he won the Championship in that King of the Mountain match where he revealed to the World the Big Show. At Summerslam he retained thanks to the help of a crooked official, screwing John Cena out of the belt. Tonight you have to wonder what he has up his sleeve as in recent weeks his three opponents have taken out one by one Dibiase's fall back plans.

Piper: Dibiase is NOT a cheater JR. How dare you! He is the World Heavyweight Champion because he is a gifted athlete. But for the sake of argument let's say he does have a plan, he won't need it! Should his athletic ability let him down I can promise you right now that the Big Show won't.


Fans cheer as Rey Mysterio pops out of the staging as if he were flying before he makes his way to the ring, Rey is wearing a cape with the 619 from his back to show that he is here to stop the evils in wrestling. Rey goes and he takes off his cape and he begins to interact with the fans

Lillian Garcia: Introducing the challenger: From San Diego California, weighing in at 175 pounds… He is UWF's Resident Super Hero, Rey Mysterio.

Mysterio gets into the ring and goes the corner, Mysterio poses for the young children and his fans in attendence as JR and Piper introduce him.

JR: And you have to believe that this man, Rey Mysterio, is at the head of making Dibiase's tricks extinct. He's promised to end the evil's in professional wrestling Hot Rod, and he says it is his destiny to sanctify that UWF Worlds Heavyweight Championship with nothing short of justice.

Piper: Rey Mysterio is nothing short of a menace JR. Dibiase is prestiege JR, and this so-called hero would just disgrace the belt. Mysterio wins tonight I'll eat your hat JR!


The crowd goes nuts as "One of a Kind" hits the PA system as Mr. Friday Night comes out to huge a decent pop. Fonzie comes out behind him Rob motions to him as he extends his arms out.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing their opponent, from Battle Creek Michigan, Rob...Van...dam !

Van Dam is clearly excited as he motions for Fonzie to join him as he does his traditional R... V... D... at the top of the ramp. Rob tells Fonz to get a move and his manager begins shaking hands with the fans as RVD sprints down to the ring. Fonz runs to the steel steps and gets in the ring as Rob meets him there having slid in himself. Rob holds out both his hands opening them as Fonz puts his fist up punching each hand with rights and lefts warming up.

JR: And this man for all intense and purposed could be considered the wild card. The former UWF European Champion has impressed the brass enough to earn his way into this match, but you have to wonder about Van Dam's inexperience in a big time match. Not to mention after what he did to his crime fighting partner Mysterio, how is that going to play out here tonight?

Piper: RVD send a message on Smackdown and showed the world he will do whatever it takes to win the World Championship JR. He might be inexperienced here in UWF, but RVD is the whole F'n Show JR. He has a better chance then the jumping bean Mysterio!


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera mouthing something that can't be heard over the sound of his music before meeting the end of the stage.

Lillian Garcia: And the challenger, from West Newbury Massachusetts, John Cena!

Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring and prepares for his match.

JR: And you have to wonder what is going through the mind of this last man, John Cena. Last month he had to deal with Dibiase, Show, and Nick Patrick. This time around he's got Dibiase, Mysterio, and RVD. You have to believe Cena is out for revenge tonight as Dibiase has made Cena's life a living hell since Smackdown began back in May. Tonight he'd have the opportunity to shut him up once and for all and finally win that elusive World Championship.

Piper: John Cena is a joke JR. He sucks! Dibiase put him in his place last month and Dibiase will do it again this week. No way in hell Cena is getting out of here with the belt, I'll guarantee it!


Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and the four combatants for the UWF World Heavyweight Championship each take a corner and prepare for what is sure to be a big time match. Dibiase is clearly the target as everyone appears to be focusing on him. Dibiase notices and decides it would be better for him to go on the offensive immediately. The Champion immediately goes after his long time foe in Cena but as he goes for a right hand Cena blocks it before Cena nails Dibiase in the chin with one of his own. Dibiase turns back into the center of the ring where Van Dam is waiting and lashes out with a sharp kick to the side of the head that staggers Dibiase into the waiting arms of Mysterio who is able to hit him with a drop toe hold that sends Dibiase falling into the ropes in a bad position. The 619 position of course, and the crowd erupt into cheers as Cena and Van Dam step back allowing Mysterio to bounce off of the ropes and connect with the big time move. The crowd explode into cheers as Dibiase sells the move, standing as if out on his feet, it is Cena who grabs him and lifts him up onto his shoulders and the crowd erupt again as Cena sends Dibiase down to the mat with the Attitude Adjustment. As Cena sets Dibiase onto his shoulders, RVD decided to climb up to the top rope, so as soon as Dibiase hits the mat Cena backs off and Van Dam leaps off the top rope and nails the Five Star Frog Splash. The move injures Van Dam a bit as it usually does. As Cena turns to hype up the crowd Mysterio sneaks in and covers the World Champion.



Cena grabs Mysterio and pulls him off of Dibiase.

JR: My god I wouldn’t want to be Ted Dibiase after that. The 619, the AA, and the Five Star!?

Piper: And look at that menace trying to steal the pin attempt there, how the hell is that heroic JR?

Cena appears to tower over Rey as he smiles at the masked hero impressed. “Is that how its going to be huh?†Mysterio nods his head. “You know what this belt means to me John!†Mysterio counters. Cena shrugs but before he can do anything RVD comes into frame and kicks Cena in the back of the head. Cena falls to his knees and Mysterio bounces off the ropes, because of his small stature it is simple to nail Cena right in the face with a dropkick. Cena falls to the mat and RVD looks at him before nodding to Rey. Rey nods back and together both men bring Cena to his feet and send him shooting off of the ropes. Cena comes back expecting the Justice League to go high but they go low as Van Dam now performs a drop toe hold, Mysterio bounces off the perpendicular ropes and as Cena’s face connects with the mat Mysterio connects with a leg drop to the back of Cena’s head.

JR: I guess you’d have to assume that Van Dam and Mysterio have an advantage being a tag team together here in UWF Hot Rod. They seem to be working together here to take down Cena, and so far it appears to be very impressive.

Piper: Teamwork is great JR, except when it is every man for himself, it is only a matter of time before the “Justice League†will have to do battle amongst themselves.

Mysterio gets up and tells Van Dam to cover Cena at the same time Van Dam tells Mysterio to do it. Both men share a chuckle as they see Cena beginning to roll on the mat. The camera pans to the outside where the Big Show is watching closely as his employer lays on the ground behind him. Back in the ring Van Dam brings the Champ to his feet before driving an European uppercut into the bottom of Cena’s chin. The Champ comes out and sees Mysterio waiting for him, Cena attempts a clothesline but Mysterio ducks it before driving his right foot into Cena’s knee, followed by a left foot into the other knee. Cena grabs his legs in pain as he spins around only to be dropped to the mat with a spinning heel kick. Cena goes down and RVD nods his head to Mysterio as RVD hits a standing moonsault onto Cena. Mysterio slides onto the apron as RVD hits the moonsault and as soon as RVD gets out of the way Rey Rey leaps over the top rope and comes down with a bigger leg drop then before. Mysterio goes for the cover on Cena.



RVD throws Mysterio off of Cena and covers him himself.



Mysterio grabs Van Dam and brings him to his feet. Both men shake their heads as the fans let off a small pop. Cena has rolled outside of the ring to regroup and the Big Show is right there. The crowd boo as Cena is in the hands of the Big Show, but it suddenly turns into cheers as Van Dam and Mysterio both leap out of the ring to the floor in a double suicide dive. RVD hits the Big Show and Mysterio hits Cena. The crowd goes nuts as all four men are down.

JR: And the superheroes flying in to make the save just as all heroes do!

Piper: You call that a save? If Cena were a hostage I think they just killed him! But you have to wonder, how angry and frustrated the Big Show must be getting at suffering all these incidents tonight!

With Big Show and John Cena downed on the outside of the ring, Rey Mysterio and Rob Van Dam look at each other, Rob Van Dam shrugs his shoulders and delivers a forearm smash to the head of Rey Mysterio, Rey Mysterio returns fire with a blow of his own, but Rob Van Dam delivers another one back before delivering a High Half-Crescent Spin Kick to the face of Rey Mysterio knocking him down to the padding. Van Dam realises Ted DiBiase is finally stirring in the middle of the ring, Rob Van Dam leaps up onto the ring apron before hauling himself onto the top rope, taking a deep breathe, Rob Van Dam leaps off the top rope and goes to connect with the Thurst Kick but Rob Van Dam's inexperience in this match shows as DiBiase reads the move and catches Rob Van Dam's foot but RVD's explosive moveset comes into play as he leaps over for the Enziguri, DiBiase ducks it but RVD flips upwards and delivers a killer kick to the jaw of DiBiase, knocking him down to the canvas. Rob Van Dam takes the moment together his thoughts but has he goes down to pick up DiBiase, DiBiase grabs him into an inside cradle with a handleful of tights.



JR: Blah, DiBiase is back to his cheating ways!

Piper: JR, if it's works, don't stop using it.

John Cena pulls DiBiase off Rob Van Dam.
RVD rolls to his feet as John Cena tosses DiBiase out of the ring and yells at him "GET YER CHEAT ASS OUTTA MY RING!" but Rob Van Dam is taking no prisoners this evening as Cena turns around straight into an Rob Van Dam Superkick, staggering Cena, but as Rob Van Dam goes for another one but Cena manages to block it and grabs the foot of Rob Van Dam, RVD hops on the spot as Cena chuckles "Not this time Robby boy!" before dropping the foot of RVD and delivers a huge clothesline, taking Rob Van Dam down! But as Cena leans over to do the "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" taunt but Ted DiBiase slides back in and grabs Cena into the Million Dollar Dream hold but Cena manages to wringle free and tosses Ted DiBiase over his shoulder straight onto Rob Van Dam, knocking the wind out of Rob Van Dam but DiBiase is back to his feet, John Cena goes straight for DiBiase looking for revenge but DiBiase delivers a poke to the eye of John Cena before mocking him with his own "You can't see me" taunt but it's short livid as Rey Mysterio leaps up onto the ring apron behind Ted DiBiase before springboarding off, delivering a dropkick to the back of Ted DiBiase's head, DiBiase stumbles forwards into a partially blinded Cena but he can see enough to lift up DiBiase into a thrust spinebuster but that's not the end of it as Rey Mysterio follows through with a Droppin' the Dime across the head of DiBiase but Cena straight on Mysterio pulling him off DiBiase.

JR: They work as a team, then they don't, then they do! This is an interesting match, eh, Hotrod?

Piper: Indeed JR!

Cena and Mysterio look at each other, there is signs of mutual respect as the winded Rob Van Dam is back to his feet, the three men look at each other trying to work out what to do next but their decision is made for them as the ragin' Golith, The Big Show climbs over the top rope holding a steel chair, the first thing he does is smack the steel chair across the back of John Cena but Rey Mysterio manages to duck underneath the chair shot as Rob Van Dam leaps up and delivers a Van Daminator to Big Show, the chair flies up into the air, cutting Big Show above the eye and the giant has completely snapped!

Piper: Oh man, this doesn't look good for the three heroes!

JR: It's looks that way Hotrod!

Big Show wipes the blood away from his eye as he snarls, Rob Van Dam begins to back off but Big Show shows no signs of mercy as he grabs Van Dam by the throat and is seemingly going for the ShowStopper but Rey Mysterio leaps onto Big Show's back and begins to strangle him with a sleeper hold as Rob Van Dam boots Big Show in the gut to release the hold but Show tosses Mysterio off his shoulder straight onto the canvas but Cena is back to his feet and goes for flying shoulder block but Big Show, knocked backwards Rob Van Dam leaps up and delivers a spin kick to the face of the Big Show, Big Show leans against the ring ropes as both Rob Van Dam & John Cena hoist up Rey Mysterio and toss him straight into the Big Show, sending him flying out of the ring and once again but DiBiase has had a chance to recover and delivers a brutal low blow kick to Cena. Cena collapses to the canvas as Rey Mysterio suddenly gets caught from behind by Ted DiBiase locking in the Million Dollar Dream Hold but as he looks to go for Dream Street, Rob Van Dam makes a choice and delivers a thrust kick to the side of Ted DiBiase JR head, saving him from the hands of the UWF World Heavyweight Champion.

JR: It's good to see that the Justice League and John Cena are still watching each other's backs as much as possible!

Piper: But that can't keep going around in circles all this match!

Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio nod their heads at each other as DiBiase pulls himself out of the ring and to safety, Rob Van Dam goes for another Crescent kick but Mysterio ducks underneath it and goes for a legsweep take down but Rob Van Dam flips backwards with a somersault over Rey Mysterio before landing on his feet, Rob Van Dam goes for a seated dropkick to the face of Mysterio but Mysterio rolls to the side for safety as Rob Van Dam manages to roll through and get back to his feet but it straight into a groggy Cena, who catches the leaping Van Dam straight into the fireman's carry, Mysterio goes for Cena but Cena spins on the spot looking to clip Mysterio in the head with the feet of Rob Van Dam but it doesn't work as Mysterio does a matrix bridge backwards to dodge the move but is second attempt to save RVD doesn't work as Cena manages to hoist Mysterio onto his shoulders as well, the fans go nuts as Cena looks to deliver a double Attitude Adjustment to both members of the Justice League but they are quickly saved by the most unlikely of people, Ted DiBiase as he nails Cena in the back with the steel chair, Cena stumbles forward in agony as Mysterio and Van Dam land on their feet and return the favor by delivering a Total Elimination with an added Van Daminatior into the mix for added effect as the fans go nuts.

JR: This is no Ted DiBiase's day, every time he cheats another one of our three resident heroes make a save!

Piper: You cannot deny how entertaining this is though, to see DiBiase get a good dose of vengeance!

With Ted DiBiase and John Cena down once more the two members of the Justice League are seemingly about to duke out once more, but Big Show climbs into the ring and he’s PISSED OFF, he grabs RVD and tosses him into the closest turnbuckle before grabbing Mysterio by the throat and hoists him up for the Showstopper but RVD leaps up on the turnbuckle and has two choices, save Mysterio or kick Big Show afterwards but he takes the heroic option and leaps off the turnbuckle and hits Big Show with the Diving Thrust Kick sending Mysterio and Big Show flying, RVD nods his head at Mysterio and Mysterio responds but it’s too late for Rob Van Dam as he eats a hasty Dream Street from Ted DiBiase! The fans are going nuts but the Big Show is back up to his feet, as Ted DiBiase yells at him to finish off Mysterio, screaming at Big Show he owns him, Big Show has had enough as he delivers the WMD To Ted DiBiase the fans go nuts but it’s short lived as Big Show then grabs the weakened Rey Mysterio and hits the Showstopper and Big Show’s last act, he drags the knocked out DiBiase ontop of Mysterio for the cover.



JR: This is bullshit! I can’t believe Big Show has saved Ted DiBiase from losing the championship once more!

Piper: But at the same time he handed in his resignation!


NO! Cena pulls Ted DiBiase off of Mysterio straight into the STFU!
The fans go nuts as John Cena stares at Big Show and yells “I DARE YA!†but Big Show just snarls and storms off out of the ring, everybody is down and Ted DiBiase is trapped in the middle of the ring, Cena wrenches back on Ted DiBiase and yells “TAP OUT YOU SON-A-BITCH!†Ted DiBiase screams back “NO!†but it’s doomed as Cena leans back even further and begins to choke out Ted DiBiase shakes his head and reaches for the ropes, looking for someone to save him but there’s nothing, no referee to pay off, nothing, John Cena roars at the top of his lunges “TAP OUT! QUIT! SAY IT!†Ted DiBiase shakes his head but there is nothing that is going to save him this time, as he screams “I QUIT!†and continuously taps on the canvas as referee Charles Robinson signals for the bell.




Lillian Gracia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the Fatal Four Way match and NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, JOHN CEEENNNNNNNAAAAAA!



The fans going bonkers as John Cena stands to his feet and takes a very deep breathe as he is handed the World Heavyweight Championship and has his hand raised in victory the fans are going absolutely nuts as John Cena climbs the turnbuckle and holds the World Heavyweight Championship high above his head.

JR: Well folks, what a dramatic and chaotic night, Randy Orton retains his UWF… WHAT THE HELL!?

Suddenly Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow invade the ring, battered and bruised but both of them are holding their own steel chairs, both of them nail Cena in the back at once, sending him crashing off the top turnbuckle but their assault is relentless as they begin to drill John Cena with their steel chairs as the third member of YES emerges on the titantron waving his Money in the Bank briefcase and most importantly, he has a referee with him, well Eli Cottenwood is dragging him out from the back, but Bray Wyatt has a microphone in hand and begins to explain the situation.


Bray Wyatt: People, tonight is the night, yes is it, yes it is indeed! Because tonight, brother and sister, we shall rejuce and bathe in my glory, as a capture the World Heavyweight Championship, the holy grail and save you all! After tonight, UWF has proven it cannot survive without us saving y’all, the way I, brother Damien and brother Bryan have been reached tonight is blasphemous and we’re here to save y’all for yourself and most importantly than man in the middle of the ring. He thinks he can save us, he thinks he is savior but he is nothing more than a false prophet, yes he is… Brother Doan, complete your intination and signal for the bell, it’s time to save the world…

Bray Wyatt climbs into the ring and opens up his arms as Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow smile, their chairs are mangled but Cena is desperately trying to get back to his feet but suddenly, there’s hope for John Cena…



JEFF HARDY SLIDES INTO THE RING! The fans go nuts as Jeff Hardy grabs a steel chair and nails Bray Wyatt between the eyes, sending him down to the canvas, but Hardy isn't done yet as he drops the steel chair and ducks underneath Sandow's attempt of a steel chair shot and leaps grabbing Sandow into a Twist of Fate! Daniel Bryan then tries it but Jeff Hardy grabs the steel chair and swings it, smashing it into the face of Daniel Bryan sending him down to the canvas, John Cena stumbles back to his feet, bruised all over from his assault, he staggers straight into a chair shot from Jeff Hardy! The fans confused over what's just transpired, but Jeff Hardy knows what's on his mind as he grabs the World Heavyweight Championship high above his head, leading to more questions than answers as UWF Vengeance comes to a close.


JR: Why Jeff, Why?


EffectsofRaven: Street Fight 3 Way, TV Title Match, European Title Match, World Heavyweight Title Match
Rawisrey: Last Man Standing Match
Sam: NXTreme Title Match, NXT World Heavyweight Title Match
Promos: Respective Trashtalkers

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Holy shitballs what an ending! Jeff Hardy, you cheeky bastard! :p

I'm just gonna put this out there, Bryan/Edge was a fucking classic. Also, Punk's promo was cool but I believe the man winning that tournament is a bit more of a "bro" than he is!

Good ppv guys!


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Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Awesome PPV,

Really really annoyed my promo wasn't there at all after having sent it to SBS ages ago. Really expected it to be in staff, however I can tell there's a few missing promos...

Sighs... I had this promo all laid out and everything and now I don't even have it anymore due to cleaning my inbox and sent messages last week...


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Ah, man. Finally, John Cena is the World Heavyweight Champion and R-Truth is still the nXtreme Champion? Fucking awesome. We could have killed it more Dresden, but for the short time we did great. I'm hoping we can go at it again, but it seems as if Rhino wants a piece of The Truth. Fantastic match, same goes for the fatal four way. It feels awesome being the World Champ, I'm hoping Prod would have been involved and Lub could have shot another one up but I understand their situations. Honestly though, I pissed a little when I saw Y.E.S hitting the ring. I thought I would have had the shortest title reign so far, lmfao. I'm glad Hardy saved the day though.

Phenomenal PPV, everyone. We all did a great job so no one should feel let down. Looking forward to King of the Ring next month. :D


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Well that was a pretty good pay per view. Was a solid read, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Felt like some of the action got a little crazy to follow, but overall the matches were pretty strong. Match of the night probably goes to the Last man standing fight. Really strong work in that match, but the finish a bit strange. No problem with it, but it was just a wee bit hazy. Fatal fourway was a close second. Big Show tonight gave some punishment and took a lot which was nice. Loved knocking out Dibiase, icing on the cake. Seems like Jeff Hardy is now apart of YES, which I didnt seem coming. I'll have to see where that goes in the next few weeks.

Overall, good show, great effort for eor and sam to get this up today on time. So thanks guys, and lets see the SD preview soon for that lovely, lovely aftermath.


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Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Well congrats to Blizzard first and foremost good win for you. You've been working at it for a while. Now overall the show was impactful. Bryan and Edge was a crazy match had me confused who won, so I had to re read it a couple of times. Overall good show UWF.

Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

lol I literally just opened up Word to write a Rhino promo. That swerve at the end of that nXtreme Championship match is freaking awesome and I look forward to having some fun with that.

The entire show was just secks, great job by all who ever involved! Congrats to Blizzard for getting the title.

Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Wrote the ending segment to the NXT world title match and had a blast doing it. Happy to be on as CM Punk, looking forward to the tournament ahead. Good show guys, very good effort here collectively.

Dod Draper

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Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Great show guys.

Congrats to Blizzard on taking the big one, you've been great over the past few months.


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Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Well that was quite a show. Quite the show indeed. Quite an insane show. Very good show though. Very well written. The Last Man Standing match was crazy. The CM Punk promo... very nice.

This was a banging PPV for sure.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

Ho ho ho. It's not even christmas, this show has just made me chuckle with delight. To all those doubting NXT, the matches here are showing that yellow bastaqrd is here to stay bitchezzzzz.

Bryan and Edge.... Fuck me. Match of the year maybe? Rey, you blew the doors off the place with that thing man.

A lot of good promos, including one from our WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION..... JOOOOHN... CEEEEEEENA! Will done blizzy boy. Double champion, that's some nice stuff right there. But eh........ Things are about to get extreme!


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Presents: Vengeance 2012

AWESOME PPV! Whoever wrote the Wyatt/Jarrett match...perfect. But Match of the night and maybe week goes to Bryan/Edge!
Can't wait to see what happens next with Hardy too!
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