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Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Updated version



Andrew Reynolds v. Michael Black v. Sammy Sensation v. Solomon White


Aaron Asterisk v. Kid Krazy

We are backstage, when suddenly, a video feed begins streaming something on the titantron with a low quality camera. It seems that the cameraman is walking, thus the camera is shaking and therefore the video is as well. It however seems that he isn't recording the hallway, but that he is actually following a well known name for the ACW fans, Jacqui M. He is breathing heavily. Suddenly, he started running towards her with some powder on the palm of his hand. He put his hand onto her face and started choking her with the other hand.

???: Sweet dreams, little girl.

It seems that he put the camera on some kind of a box. The exact picture the audience sees is a tall man with something that looks like long black hair and a white shirt with a black vest over it. Jacqui looks the same way she looks usually. It seems that she lost consciousness and the man grabbed her under her chin with his left hand and took the camera with the right hand. He began dragging her through the hallway until they reached a door hidden behind some boxes. He apparently has the key, so he unlocked it. The stream turns off.

--insert another PPV segment or match--

(part 2)

Once again, a LQ video streams on the titantron. It seems that the camera is recording something in a dark room in which a candle is the only light. The man from before is standing in one corner of the room, looking at Jacqui, who is in the other corner of the room, her hands and feet tied, lying on the ground.

Jacqui M: Release me, you stupid son of a bitch!

??: In fact, I am your Demon, female mortal. Although I like women with enough strong personalities to proclaim such things, I don't remember that you were given the permission to talk, Jacqueline.

Jacqui: Fuck you and release me!

The man, the one who let us know that Demon is his name, walks slowly to Jacqui; his steps are heard loudly, and kneels on one of his knees. After that, he puts gloves on and takes a box of matches out of his pocket.

Demon: Demon.. or Macabre. Those are the names they use to call me. I do not exist, Jacqueline. Sooner or later, I shall vanish. That is the purpose of my existence, for I am the only incarnation of evil to ever exist, that is everything I know about me. As much as I like you.. I like the smell of burning skin..

At that moment, Demon puts his hand in one of his pockets and takes a razor blade out. Since Jacqui is tied, she cannot do anything. She is lying on the floor, therefore Demon rolls her over, so she lies on her belly. He raises her t-shirt, just to see her back. He takes the razor blade and cuts out a small piece of her skin. She screams.

Demon: Nobody hears you over here, I guess.. I shall be your only pain and medicine..

He takes a needle and something that looks like a long hairline. He sews the open wound of Jacqui's as he says the following.

Demon: Jacqueline.. oh, wake up from your agony, please. I am here. There is no need to worry, my dear. This, what I am holding, is a part of you. This is your skin. And this, in my other hand, is a box of matches.

He takes a match out of the box and lights it up.

Demon: Fire is a magical thing, isn't it? Look, your skin is burning! This was a presentation, Jacqueline, take a look. I burned a part of you. Inhale, darling, this is a magnificent scent in the air, the air is now filled with you, and a part of you vanished the way I always do. The same way the rest of your skin remained untouched and this little piece is in the air is my existence, Jacqueline. I used to vanish every time.. but now? I will stay here. Permanently, as the darkness shall prevail.

Jacqui looks at Demon with a killing look full of despise. The stream goes off.


Brandon Banks v. Multiplex

The lights in the arena cut as eerie music creeps out of the sound system. A massive set of pyrotechnics erupts from the stage, and the debuting Multiplex steps out of the flames. Immediately, it is apparent that Multiplex is ‘different’. Half of his face is burned, leaving only thin, charred skin remaining. On top of that, he mutters to himself uncontrollably, as if engaging himself in conversation, as he slowly walks down the ramp.

Martin Mays: This guy gives me the creeps, wouldn’t it be nice if John would just fire him already.

Kareem Ali: Who wouldn’t you fire?

Martin Mays: I just wished I worked for a wrestling organization, not a… Not a… Not a twilight book.

Kareem jumps back shooting a glance at Martin in disbelief.

Kareem Ali: Wow.

A strange symbol flashes on all the walls as Banks just steps out with a strut as if HE’s in charge. Black stops half way down the ramp and just turns and looks. Brandon looks over at the camera and throws his right hand over his left eye in the shape of a circle with three fingers up.

Kareem Ali: So?

Martin Mays: So what?

Kareem Ali: No amazing social commentary about Brandon Banks?

Martin Mays: Nah! I like his rhymes.

Banks and Multiplex squareoff in the ring. Banks turn it into a spinning neckbreaker. Banks looks down at Multiplex on the mat. Banks climbs the rope looking down at Multiplex who begins arguing with himself, banks smiles looking out over the crowd he jumps for a frog splash but Multiplex stops arguing and rules out of the way and quickly jumps to his feet. Banks climbs to his feet just in time to take the full force of Multiplex ‘s clothesline. Multiplex stands over Banks this time and begins arguing with himself

Kareem Ali: He’s got to get himself under control.

Martin Mays: He’s got a disorder, he can’t help it.

Kareem Ali: Thought he was creepy.

Martin Mays: He is but it’s not his fault.

Multiplex grabs Banks by the hair pulling him up he lifts him into a gorilla press, Banks wiggles free grabbing ahold of Multiplex from the front lifting him behind his head delivering a belly to belly suplex.

Martin Mays: I’ve got to admit I’m a bit surprised by the prowess of these two men.

Kareem Ali: You’re not wrong. I’ve got to admit I’m a bit shocked at the match we’re starting to see in front of us.

Banks grabs Multiplex by his foot but Multiplex manages to kick him with is free foot and make his way to his feet. The two men lock up once again in the ring. Multiplex wins the test of strength this time whipping Banks into the ropes. Multiplex starts arguing with himself and banks grabs him whipping Multiplex into the ropes this time. Multiplex flies off the ropes sticking his foot up delivering a big boot to the face of Banks.

Martin Mays: Brandon just got to eat leather right there.

Kareem Ali: Even A1 won’t get the taste of that boot out of his mouth. Banks may be done after that.

Banks rolls to the outside trying to regain his composure as the ref begins the ten count.




Banks smiles realizing that Multiplex is arguing with himself in the ring. He stands tall as the ref continues the count.




Banks slowly walks up the ring steps Multiplex facing the other direction. Banks smile widens as he grabs the turnbuckle and begins climbing. Banks yells in Multiplex ‘s direction he turns looking up at Banks on the turnbuckle as Banks jumps off nailing Multiplex in the chest with a missle dropkick. Banks quickly takes advantage of the downed Multiplex locking in a cross arm bar. The ref slides in watching for Multiplex to tap. Multiplex screams in pain suddenly he starts laughing.

Kareem Ali: What the hell?

Multiplex starts screaming in agony again.

Martin Mays: I think…I think he has conflicting emotions.

Multiplex manages to roll over forcing Banks into an awkward looking pin. The ref looks at the mess unclear what to do as Multiplex is still acting as if he may tap. The ref slide down to the mat making certain that Banks shoulders are touching and begins counting.



Banks breaks the hold and quickly lift a shoulder before making his way to his feet. Banks grabs a hold of Multiplex ‘s arm that he had just had in the arm bar. Wrenching it even more before flinging Multiplex into a turnbuckle. Multiplex takes a hard hit screaming before once again laughing.

Martin Mays: This guy is sick! I think he’s enjoying the pain.

Kareem Ali: If it’s pain he wants Banks sure has been giving it to him, he’s taken total control of this match.

Banks runs toward Multiplex who starts to make his way out of the corner but banks jumps on the top rope propelling himself off the ropes and onto Multiplex.

Martin Mays: Banks with the No Ceilings DDT. This match is over.

Kareem Ali: I think your right Martin.

Banks quickly covers Multiplex for the pin.



The ref begins to bring his hand down for three with no movement from Multiplex. Banks lets the pin go. He stands in the middle of the ring arguing with himself for a moment.

Martin Mays: Now that’s just unprofessional Multiplex has already lost the match pin him and end it.

Multiplex leans forward groggy looking over at Banks he sees himself being made fun of and screams in anger as he stands. Banks turns hearing the scream and nails Multiplex with the Bank Shot.

Martin Mays: I hope he has the common sense to finish it this time.

Banks covers Multiplex.




Kareem Ali: This one is finally in the books.

Ashley Sparxxx: Your winner Brandon Banks.

Ashley raises Brandons arm in victory.

The lights go out in the arena. A low rumble begins and the lights flash on then cut out, the rumble begins again this time with a little music the lights come on again and stop. Suddenly the music hit's at full volume blaring out over the fans in attendance as the lights come back on. "South Texas Death Ride" by Union Underground blares. Avalanche flashes on the screen.

Everyone in the ring looks at the entrance ramp.

Martin Mays: Well that’s Avalanche’s music but where…

The Camera cuts to Avalanche in the back staring at John McHenry. John blocks Avalanches way to the entrance ramp.

John McHenry: Bruce I’m not going to let you go out there without telling me who you’re calling out.

Avalanche: John I’ll let you know when I let everyone else know. My music’s playing I gotta go.

John McHenry: Yeah see you signed your contract and when we inked that deal you told me you wanted me to treat you just like any other guy on the roster.

Avalanche: Yeah that’s exactly what I said.

John smiles as he signals the tech to cut Avalanches intro.

John McHenry: No other rookie gets to make his second appearance for the company on a pay per view and call out whoever he wants without clearing it with the General Manager.
Avalanche smiles at John.

Avalanche: Oh I see your just doing what I asked?

Avalanche turns around throwing up his hands in defeat. He yells over his shoulder.

Avalanche: Doesn’t matter who I get. Winter is coming.

The camera is on the ground. All we see is that Jacqui somehow untied herself and ran away. The man whose name is Demon is running after her. After ten seconds, the camera records an incident that happened farther in the hallway; Zack Bronko big-booted Demon and saved Jacqui.


#1 Contendership to the ACW International Championship
Abram Vance v. Heath Venomous


As the fans start to calm down after last match, the lights dim and a single light in the shape of a star can be seen in the middle of the stage. After a few moments of darkness, the lights come back on and Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic hits the PA system giving everyone an idea of who is about to hit the ring. The women in the crowd begin to scream over the boos of thousands of jealous men as "Mr. Hollywood" Stevie Starr walks onto the stage with his trademark Hollywood smile on his face. Wearing a expensive Italian suit and sunglasses, he takes in the atmosphere and slowly removes his sunglasses with a sight twinkle in his eyes. Stevie then struts his way down the ramp, stopping to kiss every hot girl at ringside on route to the ring. Just before entering the ring, he spots a hot blonde along side her boyfriend and rather unceremoniously sticks a card with his name and number, down her top. The boyfriend doesn't look best pleased as the women blushes. Stevie then walks up the stairs and into the ring where he is handed a microphone. As the boos and the endless screaming continue, Stevie begins to speak over the noise.

Stevie: Look at everyone here tonight, the standard of wrestling fans has clearly declined recently. Don't worry women of the audience, I'm not talking about you because you're not wrestling fans. You're my fans. Every guy that has brought his girlfriend here tonight, prepare for your arse to be completely ignored for the rest of your lives because now your women have seen me, they won't be needing you anymore. You will be left praying I haven't bought the services of your favourite hooker and that is while I'm with your girl. Doesn't being normal suck, especially when women all over the world want me, even lesbians they all want a piece of Mr. Hollywood and when I see myself in the mirror, I can't blame them one bit.

Stevie places his sunglasses in his pocket as the men in the crowd boo louder and louder.

Stevie: One thing I came here to clear up is the fact people are deciding to use my stage name as their stage name. Yes, this does indeed annoy me but I will not be forced to change my name. So the Welsh wrestler that has signed with that other company, should go back giving sheep a bone and that regurgitator can choke on whatever he likes to shove down his throat. Before I get to the main reason I'm here tonight, I'd like to take a few minutes to reflect on the talent this company currently employs. Other than me, no one here is worth the admission price, not even the two guys in the main event. I mean come on, one of them wears make up and the other looks like Seth Rogan. There is also a guy who claims to have not one, not two but five different personalties. Whoever came up with that seriously needs to stop smoking weed and consider the way their life is going. Then we have an alcoholic who looks like he could break a hip by walking into the ring and he is so old that he was around when alcohol was first discovered.

A number of boos can be heard from the Abram Vance fans in the crowd.

Stevie: I'm not finished so shut the hell up! Also we have a clown, fits perfectly well here then because this city is a freakin' circus. There is also Nicky Trix whose name makes him sound like a 50 year old women whose currently starring in porn movies. There are many more but I have problem with one more than the rest, Jacqui Monroe. No I'm not talking about Jack Ripper's alter ego, I'm talking about a actual women that wrestlers men. Big wow, she beat Aaron Asterisk but that guy looks like he was ladies parts too. Jacqui, please do yourself a favour, get your reasonable ass out of a wrestling ring and into a kitchen where you belong. Stop trying to be a macho women too, it's not attractive. So for the sake of.. well me, let the bats out of your vagina, shave the area around it, spray it with some perfume and get a boob job. After that I will gladly give you my hotel keys and a free pass to the greatest man on the planet.

A huge grin takes over the face of Stevie, as the boos begin to get even louder with the pissed off women joining in.

Stevie: Now before I go and stare at the sun for kicks all by myself, here is what I came to do. For those of you that used to keep track of PWA, you will all know that I created the best tag team that company has ever seen. I will admit I made a mistake by choosing the women beater, Floyd Mayweather but now he has been replaced and the team is better than it ever was. So ladies and douchebags, please welcome the man formerly known as Vincent Price, Ray Price and my brother Robbie Starr. Better known as Starrdom Nation!

A voice over then begins to play, the voice of that of Morgan Freeman.

As the war between light and darkness continues
Heroes and villains become harder to identify
Kindred spirits separated at birth
Fighting for their place in time to be solidified
The clock ticks faster and faster
While time runs a marathon in this babylon
But see, the end is only the beginning
The beginning of the calm before the storm

Once the voice over has finished it the song that precedes it is Bombs Away by B.o.B. Robbie Starr and Ray Price then walk onto the stage to a heated reception from the crowd as they stand on the stage for the fans.

Stevie: The era of Starrdom has just begun.

Stevie then drops the microphone before leaving the ring to join Robbie and Ray on the stage.



Jacqui Monroe v. Raiden Blaze v. Zack Bronko w/ Claressa King

As the members of Starrdom Nation mug for the crowd and finally begin to exit the stage...

Martin Mays: Wow! Those three dominated PWA for all of last year! This could be big!

Kareem Ali: Or this could be a big waste of time! You still on that damned PWA kick? Maybe you, Bronko, those lunatics and that stuckup bitch, King, should pack up and go do your own thing!?

Martin Mays: Whoah! I was only speaking in the interest of broadcast integrity. I mean, you can't just ignore what they did no matter what company they worked for. PWA was big for a good three years running, on nation wide. I'm just saying they need to be respected. It's as if Benjamin and Haas walked in. It's all about respect!

Kareem Ali: Really? The world's greatest tag team? You're comparing...Oh, MY GOD!


We Will Rise by ARCH ENEMY begins to play; saving Martin from this argument.

Martin Mays: Well, we know what that music means!

Ashley Sparxxx: The next TRIPLE THREAT CONTEST is scheduled for ONE FALL! Entering the arena first, the first lady of kick ass, old school wrestling; Jacquiline Monroe!!!!

Jacqui M hits the stage rocking out! The crowd begins to get loud as she walks to the edge of the stage and headbangs to the music. The crowd begins to join her. Suddenly, she stops and looks to the ring. She becomes incredibly focused as she walks down the ramp.

Kareem Ali: You gonna talk about her dominance last year, Martin. How she kicked all the women's asses in THAT company and, NOW, she's gone to kicking men's asses?

Martin Mays: Well, actually, she did have an incredible feud with...

Kareem Ali cuts him off: Nobody cares, Martin.

Martin Mays: Oh, I'm sure...

Kareem Ali: Oh, just shut it...look at how hot she is!

Martin Mays: Is that all you think of?

Kareem Ali: Yes...

As she hits the ring, she gets quite a pop. The crowd gets even louder as she ascends the corner to throw up her rock fist!

Gorgeous Nightmare - Escape The Fate (Lyrics) - YouTube

Suddenly, Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate plays and Jacqui M spins her head around surprised.

Martin Mays: Are we going to see RAIDEN BLAZE?

Kareem Ali: Word from the back all night has been that he's disappeared. Some say kidnapped.

Martin Mays: Maybe he escaped...

The music plays way long and no Raiden.

Kareem Ali: Doesn't look good. And my sources are still calling him a no show.

Martin Mays: That's way too bad. And, by the look on Jacqui's face, she's a bit disappointed too. And worried.

The music ends suddenly and there's a slight boo from the crowd.

Zack 'the Badass' Bronko - YouTube

The boos get louder as BADASS by Saliva plays and Claressa King comes out and taunts the crowd.

Kareem Ali: Oh, MY GOD!! What a hot little red dress!

Martin Mays: Too bad it's full of bitch...

Kareem Ali: Oh, come on

Martin Mays: You were just over here bad mouthing the PWA and NOW you're gonna drool?

Kareem Ali: Hot! RED! DRESS!

Bronko is not far behind. As Claressa slinks down the ramp, the Badass is eyeballin' the former team member in the ring.

Martin Mays: Speaking of PWA, Jacqui left them to join our ranks and Claressa has wanted to kill her ever since.

Kareem Ali: Definite cat fight here. Should be fun...

Well, Bronko wastes no time, but pushes Claressa to the side and runs into a slide into the ring. He is met by the female fury known as Jacqui Monroe as she puts the fists to him. The referee calls for the bell.

Martin Mays: Well, this one is underway and is sure to be an all out brawl!!

Finally, Zack pushes her off and tries to get up. She just rebounds off the ropes and hits him in the face with a baseball slide!!

Kareem Ali: OH! Man! That's gonna leave a mark where EVERYBODY can see it!!

Bronko rolls out of the ring to try and collect himself. But Monroe postitions herself against the ropes and sizes the big man up.

Martin Mays: Oh, no! She's not doing what I think she's doing??

Kareem Ali: OH, YEAH!!

She uses the ropes to launch from and comes over in a crossbody! But Bronko is ready for her and catches her and drops her in a simple body slam!


Kareem Ali: Extreme hang time! Extreme risks!!

Bronko picks her up and drops her in an old school back breaker!


Martin Mays: This one may be over fast!

Zack goes to pick her up again and she gives him a hard left to the tenders!

Kareem Ali: OH!! The great equalizer!


Bronko is leaning on the barricade as Monroe pulls up and gives him a kick to the ribs. She follows up with a series of kicks as the crowd counts off. After about six, Claressa comes around the corner with a chair in hand. Jacqui sees her coming and turns to keep her away! As Monroe stalks the beautiful yet deadly Ms. King, Bronko gets up behind her. Before Jacqui realizes he's up, Zack grabs her by the head and rams her into the turnbuckle!!

Claressa King is esctatic. Bronko doesn't react. He simply picks her up and rolls her into the ring. As Jacqui comes to, Zack picks her up and holds her in the piledriver position.

Kareem Ali: oh, yeah!!

Crowd: 69! 69! 69!

Martin Mays; Perverted ingrates...

Before he can drop her down, she starts hitting him hard in the ribs again. He weakens, but drops her anyway. He goes for the pin a little shakily.

THR....kick out!

Kareem Ali: Impossible!!

Martin Mays: Incredible!

Bronko looks strongly at the referee and goes to pick her up. She hits him in the guts a few times and rolls away from him; coming to her feet. She pushes off the ropes into a standing head scissors that rolls Bronko down hard.

Martin Mays: The Badass just got EMASCULATED!!

Kareem Ali: Shit's not funny yo!

She follows up with a springing leg drop. Zack rolls out of the way and she lands hard. He rolls to his feet and catches her with a Big Boot before she can recover!

Martin Mays: Quick recovery by the monster, Zack Bronko!

Kareem Ali: It's like David and Goliath in there!! The odds are not in her favor!

Suddenly, Raiden Blaze's theme, "Gorgeous Nightmare", by Escape The Fate, hits the PA system a second time. His name flickers on the minitron, the titantron is dark. Nothing is happening. Raiden Blaze is nowhere to be found.

Martin Mays: What the hell is going on? Where is Raiden Blaze?

Kareem Ali: I've got like no idea. This ain't normal.

Suddenly, his music stops playing, all the effects that play during his entrance turn off at once. Static is shown on the titantron. A creepy eerie music begins playing, however the volume is low. A man's bloodied face shows up on the titantron. It is a man with a blue face, covered in blood. His hair is long, and black, but it looks more like a well made wig, glued to his head.


The man starts talking.

Demon: Looks like your hero is nowhere to be found, mortals. The time has finally come, I was unleashed. I have been imprisoned for a long time, I have been put away.. like an old, unwanted dog in a kennel! However, if you untie and release the dog, regardless of his outer look, you will find out that he has an inner wolf in himself, and that being is me. The definition of my existence.. is pure evil. I heard.. people gave me names throughout the history.. the most common one is Demon. My time has finally come. I exist.. in front of you.

Everyone seems confused.

Demon: I was informed.. that.. since the wrestler known as Raiden Blaze.. disappeared.. I have been given his spot in the following match.. the darkness will prevail sooner than I thought. My reign.. starts.. now.

Jacqui and Bronko mouth "fuck". The titantron goes black as the whole arena is filled with dark blue smoke and "Sweet Dreams" by Marilyn Manson begins playing. After 7 seconds of it, a man slowly walks from behind, onto the entrance ramp. A man we have seen in the mysterious videos throughout the night. A man we have seen on the video several seconds ago. This is him. This is Demon and he is making his way to the ring, saying nothing. He is barely visible, since the blue smoke has really filled the arena at it's whole. At one point, the lights flash and the theme stops playing. Demon is in the ring and smiles viciously at Jacqui, almost as if he was ignoring Bronko.

Martin Mays: Oh, No!!! What in THE WORLD??!

Kareem Ali: I don't' know, but it's coming to the ring!!

Zack walks over and eyes him over. For a moment, there is silence. Then, the interloper slaps Bronko hard with the knife edged chop!

Crowd: Woooooooooo!

The Badass is enraged and goes to attack! But the newcomer puts his shoulder into the giants gut; stopping him cold! He follows up with a float over DDT!! Bronko is down and the Demon is screaming at the crowd. Suddenly, Jacqui drops an arm on the Badass!

The Demon breaks the pin!!

He picks Jacqui up and locks her in the head lock. After leering at the crowd, he drops her in a swinging neckbreaker!! The Demon just rolls out of it and climbs the turnbuckle. Bronko is trying to pull up as the Demon launches into a senton and goes for the pin. The referee looks confused, but is intimidated into counting.

THR...Bronko kicks out!

Kareem Ali: Ya know, if the referee hadn't taken so long. That Demon woulda won!

Martin Mays: He's not booked in this match! How can he win?

Kareem Ali: I can't believe I'm having to explain this. He pins; ONE, TWO, THREE.

The Demon is seen chasing the referee out of the ring as Jacqui M is up and stalking him. As soon as he turns, she nails him with a super kick that flips him up over the ropes and falling down to the floor! Monroe goes to run at the ropes, but Bronko catches her foot and brings her down hard. He gets up on one knee and glares at the Demon.

Martin Mays: What a bizarre match!

Bronko looks at Monroe and, then, at the Demon. He gets up and gives her a kick as she begins to stir and heads out after the invader! The Demon runs at him and he puts a shoulder up and catches him hard in the chest! Bronko, then, gives him a boot and grabs him; throwing him into the barricade! After a few strong shots to the back, the Demon is on one knee. Zack walks over to the steel steps and climbs to the top. He lines his prey up when, suddenly, Jacqui M comes out of nowhere with an Awesome Splash that sends them both hard to the floor!!

Kareem Ali: Oh, dear LORD!!


All three competitors are down and barely stirring.

Martin Mays: No countouts in this contest so the referee is just there to call the pin attempts.

After a long while, the Demon is up first and slides into the ring. He instantly climbs to the top rope and sticks his tongue out to the crowd. Then, he launches into a moonsault! Unfortunately for him, Bronko rolls out of the way and the Demon crashes and burns!


Kareem Ali: Whoah! I do too!!

Bronko is up and pulling Jacqui M into the ring. As he starts to get into the ring, he turns and gives the Demon the back kick from HELL! As Zack turns, he doesn't realize that Jacqui's up and she just ricocheted off the ropes. Once more, she hits him with the baseball slide to the face! Bronko drops out of the ring and Monroe launches off the ropes; catching the Demon as he's getting up with a strange flying elbow!!

Martin Mays; You don't see too much of that out of her. She usually stays more grounded. But you can tell she really wants it.

After a little recovery time, Jacqui M is up and pulling Bronko up. She sets him up for a DDT, but the Demon pops up and grabs both their heads and drops them for an odd double DDT!!

Kareem Ali: Bodies broken all over the place out here! What a match?!!

Martin Mays: Yes, this 'Demon' guy is holding his own and making this quite a match even though he's not scheduled!!

The Demon is up and rolls both Bronko and Jacqui into the ring. He pulls up on the apron and celebrates to the anger of the crowd. He steps into the ring and sees Bronko getting up and Monroe stirring. He looks back and forth trying to figure which one to attack. He decides to go after Bronko and tries to tie him up in some sort of leg lock, but Zack gets one boot on the Demon's butt and pushes him off. Monroe rolls the unsuspecting Demon up!

T...Bronko stops the count!

Monroe looking pissed as her and the Badass have a few words. Finally, they both pick up the Demon and look out at the crowd. Both smile as Claressa is on the apron yelling at Bronko. They ignore her and hold him in a double half hour suplex position! To the crowd's delight, they drop him hard to the mat!

Martin Mays: Didn't expect this!! Double Team!!

As the Demon tries to get up, Zack grabs him and throws him hard to the corner; following up with a Boot tot he face! Jacqui catches him and drops him in the DROP DEAD GEORGIOUS (facebuster DDT). Bronko catches him with a surprise ZACKBREAKER!! Monroe picks the Demon up and swings him out of the ring. She, then, just barely ducks a hard left from the Badass!!

Kareem Ali: I knew that wouldn't last very long!

Jacqui follows up the duck with a hard kick to the ribs again! She, then, begins hitting the big legs of the Badass with a barrage of kicks! He shoves her off and into the corner hard. He seems to be showing the wear and tear of those kicks! He goes to hit her hard in the corner, but she ducks; sending him into an emtpy corner! Monroe jumps to the second rope and hits Bronko with a spinning heel kick to the head!

Martin Mays: Oh, Yeah! What a hit!!

As Bronko teeters out of the corner, Monroe jumps and bulldogs the seven foot giant all the way to the mat!!

The crowd erupts!!

Kareem Ali: TIMBERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

Both remaining competitors are laid out in the ring. The crowd is stomping and clapping loudly now. Suddenly, we see the face of the blue Demon peaking over the apron!

Martin Mays: Oh, no! He's not down! He's going to steal the win!

The Demon creeps in and crawls on hands and knees stalking his prey. He stands up and climbs the corner turnbuckle. He raises his hands high and launches toward Jacqui M! Suddenly, she gets a kick up! It catches the demon off guard as he walks around teetering in the ring! Bronko suddenly pulls up and catches him and delivers another ZACKBREAKER!! Jacqui didn't see him in the ring! She instinctively turns with a roundhouse kick that nails Bronko in the head; sending him over the ropes and hard to the floor! She, without thinking about it, drops on the Demon!


The crowd erupts!! Monroe is stunned! Bronko is still waking up on the floor!

Ashley Sparxxx: Your winner!! Due to pinfall, Jacqui Monroe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zack sits there in unbelief. Monroe finally realizes what just happened and hits the corners! The crowd is pouring love out to the anti-Diva, Monroe! Suddenly, she turns into a chair to the head! Claressa King stands over her with that smirk on her face. As Bronko gets up, she gets rid of the evidence. Zack slides in.


Claressa: Get up!! We aren’t finished, Bronko!!!

Bronko just sat there, looking at her astonished.

Claressa King: Did you hear me?

Claressa gets in the Badass's face.

Claressa King: This is where we end it! Now get your ass up and finish this!!

Bronko just smiles.

Claressa King: Zack Bronko, if you don’t get up and break this bitch, you’re over!!!

The crowd has begun to boo; finally figuring out what she’s up to. Bronko looks out into the sea of faces. They're all enraged and focused on the two of them.

The camera catches sight of a young woman with a small boy with a big sign.


Martin Mays: Who is that woman?

Kareem Ali: I don't know, but she's hot!!

Bronko looks at the sign and then back at Claressa.

Zack Bronko: No, Ressa. It’s over. Finished. Dead. Let it go.

You could see the rage pour into Claressa’s face. She haulsoff and slaps the Badass.

Kareem Ali: “Damn…shouldna done that, woman…”

Luckily for her, she rolled out of the ring away from Bronko. Claressa retreived a chair and was back in the ring with demonic intentions. She was standing over Monroe with that look in her eyes. A couple of referees tried to stop her, but she actually caught them in the head with the damned chair!!

Martin Mays:“She’s seriously gonna do it…”

Kareem Ali: Well, of course! She's already nailed her once!

She raised the chair high over the nearly unconscious Jacqui and wound up for the finishing blow. As she came down, you could see the surprise on her face as the chair wouldn’t do her bidding. The crowd had begun to cheer as she turned to look up into the eyes of Zack Bronko.

Zack Bronko: I said it was over, Ressa.

He took the chair and threw it down. With the big man's attention distracted for a second, that bitch decided to get her cheap shots in anyway. She began kicking Monroe hard with the tips of her fancy shoes. With one shove, King flew into the corner and Bronko turned and looked at her.

Zack Bronko: Leave Ressa. There’s no place for you here.

Bronko turned to see after Jacquiline and the viper struck. She picked up the chair and nailed Zack in the head. He just turned with a snarl.

Zack Bronko: I gave you a chance, woman!

I grabbed her by the neck and you could literally see the rage flow through the veins of the Badass! Then, Bronko caught sight of the woman with the sign. The look of horror on their faces. Zack pushed her down (not too hard) and motioned for her to leave. This time, she rolled out of the ring and started up the ramp.


Zack Bronko grabs a mic (looking at Claressa): Keep going, Ressa, and don’t ever come back. I’ll take what I get from here, but I’m not going to be that man ever again. Ya made a big mistake with this whole PWA thing. It was never about the PWA. Not even when it began way back with Max. It wasn’t about any organization or company or any single person. It was about simple, old school wrestling. Doing what we love to the delight of the fans. Ya see, I still believe, Ressa and I always will…

Bronko looks down and Monroe is coming to finally. She looks up and returns a shocked expression.

Zack Bronko (looking down at Jacqui): I believe….

Zack offers his hand to one hell of a woman.




ACW International Championship
Eric Snow (c) v. Nicky Trix


ACW Tag Team Championships
The Bogans v. LWO w/ Wisecrack v. The Rednecks v. RipperCussions


ACW World Heavyweight Championship
Syn (c) v. Drew Alexander

Reynolds v. Black v. Sensation v. White: ~Primetime~
Asterisk v. Krazy: The_King
Banks v. Multiplex: Primetime
Vance v. Venomous: Pete
Monroe v. Blaze v. Bronko: BDC
Snow v. Trix: The_King
Bogans v. LWO v. Rednecks v. RipperCussions: BDC
Syn v. Alexander: Pete

Quick Results
Andrew Reynolds def. Michael Black, Sammy Sensation, & Solomon White
Aaron Asterisk def. Kid Krazy
Brandon Banks def. Multiplex
#1 Contendership to the International Title: Abram Vance def. Heath Venomous
ACW v. PWA: Jacqui Monroe def. Raiden Blaze & Zack Bronko
International Title: Nicky Trix def. Eric Snow (c)
Tag Titles: RipperCussions def. The Bogans, LWO, & The Rednecks
World Title: Syn (c) def. Drew Alexander
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Now I feel bad that I'm not writing, as I've had plenty of opportunities to do so in the past few hours... Will do so in timely manner.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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I think we're shooting for Saturday night (US time), so as long as we have everything done by then, we should be good.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Don't expect that opener to be a show stealer I'll make Reynolds look good but it'll be short It's just not worth me wasting my time if they can't bother to rp.

Banks Multi should be fairly decent and I would have made it a show stealer if Finder wasn't bailing.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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what do you think is a good word count to shoot for in a match?


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Our old guidelines in XWF were:
Normal Show Match: 1.5k-2k
Normal Show Main Event/PPV Match: 2.5K-3K
Title Match: 3K-5K.

It's really up to you though

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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The camera is on the ground. All we see is that Jacqui somehow untied herself and ran away. The man whose name is Demon is running after her. After ten seconds, the camera records an incident that happened farther in the hallway; Zack Bronko big-booted Demon and saved Jacqui.

Wasn't sure where that was supposed to be doesn't make sense after Banks Multi but it was after the Images so I have it after the match should be moved.

Avalanche challenges Banks at the end of the match.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Doesn't matter where you put it as long as it is after the first promo. I really didn't read over it. Figured the person handling the match could figure it out.

A single, triple threat, Fatal Four way, ten man rumble...all different.

as I said below. I dont' care, just set it and tell me. I'm probably the one going over.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
The way I do it is, the match just "plays" in my head and I go on writing it. When it ends, I stop writing. I don't keep tabs on word count or whatever - it's enough to have to do that for work :p

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Updated Updated version



Andrew Reynolds v. Michael Black v. Sammy Sensation v. Solomon White


Aaron Asterisk v. Kid Krazy

We are backstage, when suddenly, a video feed begins streaming something on the titantron with a low quality camera. It seems that the cameraman is walking, thus the camera is shaking and therefore the video is as well. It however seems that he isn't recording the hallway, but that he is actually following a well known name for the ACW fans, Jacqui M. He is breathing heavily. Suddenly, he started running towards her with some powder on the palm of his hand. He put his hand onto her face and started choking her with the other hand.

???: Sweet dreams, little girl.

It seems that he put the camera on some kind of a box. The exact picture the audience sees is a tall man with something that looks like long black hair and a white shirt with a black vest over it. Jacqui looks the same way she looks usually. It seems that she lost consciousness and the man grabbed her under her chin with his left hand and took the camera with the right hand. He began dragging her through the hallway until they reached a door hidden behind some boxes. He apparently has the key, so he unlocked it. The stream turns off.

--insert another PPV segment or match--

(part 2)

Once again, a LQ video streams on the titantron. It seems that the camera is recording something in a dark room in which a candle is the only light. The man from before is standing in one corner of the room, looking at Jacqui, who is in the other corner of the room, her hands and feet tied, lying on the ground.

Jacqui M: Release me, you stupid son of a bitch!

??: In fact, I am your Demon, female mortal. Although I like women with enough strong personalities to proclaim such things, I don't remember that you were given the permission to talk, Jacqueline.

Jacqui: Fuck you and release me!

The man, the one who let us know that Demon is his name, walks slowly to Jacqui; his steps are heard loudly, and kneels on one of his knees. After that, he puts gloves on and takes a box of matches out of his pocket.

Demon: Demon.. or Macabre. Those are the names they use to call me. I do not exist, Jacqueline. Sooner or later, I shall vanish. That is the purpose of my existence, for I am the only incarnation of evil to ever exist, that is everything I know about me. As much as I like you.. I like the smell of burning skin..

At that moment, Demon puts his hand in one of his pockets and takes a razor blade out. Since Jacqui is tied, she cannot do anything. She is lying on the floor, therefore Demon rolls her over, so she lies on her belly. He raises her t-shirt, just to see her back. He takes the razor blade and cuts out a small piece of her skin. She screams.

Demon: Nobody hears you over here, I guess.. I shall be your only pain and medicine..

He takes a needle and something that looks like a long hairline. He sews the open wound of Jacqui's as he says the following.

Demon: Jacqueline.. oh, wake up from your agony, please. I am here. There is no need to worry, my dear. This, what I am holding, is a part of you. This is your skin. And this, in my other hand, is a box of matches.

He takes a match out of the box and lights it up.

Demon: Fire is a magical thing, isn't it? Look, your skin is burning! This was a presentation, Jacqueline, take a look. I burned a part of you. Inhale, darling, this is a magnificent scent in the air, the air is now filled with you, and a part of you vanished the way I always do. The same way the rest of your skin remained untouched and this little piece is in the air is my existence, Jacqueline. I used to vanish every time.. but now? I will stay here. Permanently, as the darkness shall prevail.

Jacqui looks at Demon with a killing look full of despise. The stream goes off.


Brandon Banks v. Multiplex

The lights in the arena cut as eerie music creeps out of the sound system. A massive set of pyrotechnics erupts from the stage, and the debuting Multiplex steps out of the flames. Immediately, it is apparent that Multiplex is ‘different’. Half of his face is burned, leaving only thin, charred skin remaining. On top of that, he mutters to himself uncontrollably, as if engaging himself in conversation, as he slowly walks down the ramp.

Martin Mays: This guy gives me the creeps, wouldn’t it be nice if John would just fire him already.

Kareem Ali: Who wouldn’t you fire?

Martin Mays: I just wished I worked for a wrestling organization, not a… Not a… Not a twilight book.

Kareem jumps back shooting a glance at Martin in disbelief.

Kareem Ali: Wow.

A strange symbol flashes on all the walls as Banks just steps out with a strut as if HE’s in charge. Black stops half way down the ramp and just turns and looks. Brandon looks over at the camera and throws his right hand over his left eye in the shape of a circle with three fingers up.

Kareem Ali: So?

Martin Mays: So what?

Kareem Ali: No amazing social commentary about Brandon Banks?

Martin Mays: Nah! I like his rhymes.

Banks and Multiplex squareoff in the ring. Banks turn it into a spinning neckbreaker. Banks looks down at Multiplex on the mat. Banks climbs the rope looking down at Multiplex who begins arguing with himself, banks smiles looking out over the crowd he jumps for a frog splash but Multiplex stops arguing and rules out of the way and quickly jumps to his feet. Banks climbs to his feet just in time to take the full force of Multiplex ‘s clothesline. Multiplex stands over Banks this time and begins arguing with himself

Kareem Ali: He’s got to get himself under control.

Martin Mays: He’s got a disorder, he can’t help it.

Kareem Ali: Thought he was creepy.

Martin Mays: He is but it’s not his fault.

Multiplex grabs Banks by the hair pulling him up he lifts him into a gorilla press, Banks wiggles free grabbing ahold of Multiplex from the front lifting him behind his head delivering a belly to belly suplex.

Martin Mays: I’ve got to admit I’m a bit surprised by the prowess of these two men.

Kareem Ali: You’re not wrong. I’ve got to admit I’m a bit shocked at the match we’re starting to see in front of us.

Banks grabs Multiplex by his foot but Multiplex manages to kick him with is free foot and make his way to his feet. The two men lock up once again in the ring. Multiplex wins the test of strength this time whipping Banks into the ropes. Multiplex starts arguing with himself and banks grabs him whipping Multiplex into the ropes this time. Multiplex flies off the ropes sticking his foot up delivering a big boot to the face of Banks.

Martin Mays: Brandon just got to eat leather right there.

Kareem Ali: Even A1 won’t get the taste of that boot out of his mouth. Banks may be done after that.

Banks rolls to the outside trying to regain his composure as the ref begins the ten count.




Banks smiles realizing that Multiplex is arguing with himself in the ring. He stands tall as the ref continues the count.




Banks slowly walks up the ring steps Multiplex facing the other direction. Banks smile widens as he grabs the turnbuckle and begins climbing. Banks yells in Multiplex ‘s direction he turns looking up at Banks on the turnbuckle as Banks jumps off nailing Multiplex in the chest with a missle dropkick. Banks quickly takes advantage of the downed Multiplex locking in a cross arm bar. The ref slides in watching for Multiplex to tap. Multiplex screams in pain suddenly he starts laughing.

Kareem Ali: What the hell?

Multiplex starts screaming in agony again.

Martin Mays: I think…I think he has conflicting emotions.

Multiplex manages to roll over forcing Banks into an awkward looking pin. The ref looks at the mess unclear what to do as Multiplex is still acting as if he may tap. The ref slide down to the mat making certain that Banks shoulders are touching and begins counting.



Banks breaks the hold and quickly lift a shoulder before making his way to his feet. Banks grabs a hold of Multiplex ‘s arm that he had just had in the arm bar. Wrenching it even more before flinging Multiplex into a turnbuckle. Multiplex takes a hard hit screaming before once again laughing.

Martin Mays: This guy is sick! I think he’s enjoying the pain.

Kareem Ali: If it’s pain he wants Banks sure has been giving it to him, he’s taken total control of this match.

Banks runs toward Multiplex who starts to make his way out of the corner but banks jumps on the top rope propelling himself off the ropes and onto Multiplex.

Martin Mays: Banks with the No Ceilings DDT. This match is over.

Kareem Ali: I think your right Martin.

Banks quickly covers Multiplex for the pin.



The ref begins to bring his hand down for three with no movement from Multiplex. Banks lets the pin go. He stands in the middle of the ring arguing with himself for a moment.

Martin Mays: Now that’s just unprofessional Multiplex has already lost the match pin him and end it.

Multiplex leans forward groggy looking over at Banks he sees himself being made fun of and screams in anger as he stands. Banks turns hearing the scream and nails Multiplex with the Bank Shot.

Martin Mays: I hope he has the common sense to finish it this time.

Banks covers Multiplex.




Kareem Ali: This one is finally in the books.

Ashley Sparxxx: Your winner Brandon Banks.

Ashley raises Brandons arm in victory.

The lights go out in the arena. A low rumble begins and the lights flash on then cut out, the rumble begins again this time with a little music the lights come on again and stop. Suddenly the music hit's at full volume blaring out over the fans in attendance as the lights come back on. "South Texas Death Ride" by Union Underground blares. Avalanche flashes on the screen.

Everyone in the ring looks at the entrance ramp.

Martin Mays: Well that’s Avalanche’s music but where…

The Camera cuts to Avalanche in the back staring at John McHenry. John blocks Avalanches way to the entrance ramp.

John McHenry: Bruce I’m not going to let you go out there without telling me who you’re calling out.

Avalanche: John I’ll let you know when I let everyone else know. My music’s playing I gotta go.

John McHenry: Yeah see you signed your contract and when we inked that deal you told me you wanted me to treat you just like any other guy on the roster.

Avalanche: Yeah that’s exactly what I said.

John smiles as he signals the tech to cut Avalanches intro.

John McHenry: No other rookie gets to make his second appearance for the company on a pay per view and call out whoever he wants without clearing it with the General Manager.
Avalanche smiles at John.

Avalanche: Oh I see your just doing what I asked?

Avalanche turns around throwing up his hands in defeat. He yells over his shoulder.

Avalanche: Doesn’t matter who I get. Winter is coming.

The camera is on the ground. All we see is that Jacqui somehow untied herself and ran away. The man whose name is Demon is running after her. After ten seconds, the camera records an incident that happened farther in the hallway; Zack Bronko big-booted Demon and saved Jacqui.


#1 Contendership to the ACW International Championship
Abram Vance v. Heath Venomous


As the fans start to calm down after last match, the lights dim and a single light in the shape of a star can be seen in the middle of the stage. After a few moments of darkness, the lights come back on and Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic hits the PA system giving everyone an idea of who is about to hit the ring. The women in the crowd begin to scream over the boos of thousands of jealous men as "Mr. Hollywood" Stevie Starr walks onto the stage with his trademark Hollywood smile on his face. Wearing a expensive Italian suit and sunglasses, he takes in the atmosphere and slowly removes his sunglasses with a sight twinkle in his eyes. Stevie then struts his way down the ramp, stopping to kiss every hot girl at ringside on route to the ring. Just before entering the ring, he spots a hot blonde along side her boyfriend and rather unceremoniously sticks a card with his name and number, down her top. The boyfriend doesn't look best pleased as the women blushes. Stevie then walks up the stairs and into the ring where he is handed a microphone. As the boos and the endless screaming continue, Stevie begins to speak over the noise.

Stevie: Look at everyone here tonight, the standard of wrestling fans has clearly declined recently. Don't worry women of the audience, I'm not talking about you because you're not wrestling fans. You're my fans. Every guy that has brought his girlfriend here tonight, prepare for your arse to be completely ignored for the rest of your lives because now your women have seen me, they won't be needing you anymore. You will be left praying I haven't bought the services of your favourite hooker and that is while I'm with your girl. Doesn't being normal suck, especially when women all over the world want me, even lesbians they all want a piece of Mr. Hollywood and when I see myself in the mirror, I can't blame them one bit.

Stevie places his sunglasses in his pocket as the men in the crowd boo louder and louder.

Stevie: One thing I came here to clear up is the fact people are deciding to use my stage name as their stage name. Yes, this does indeed annoy me but I will not be forced to change my name. So the Welsh wrestler that has signed with that other company, should go back giving sheep a bone and that regurgitator can choke on whatever he likes to shove down his throat. Before I get to the main reason I'm here tonight, I'd like to take a few minutes to reflect on the talent this company currently employs. Other than me, no one here is worth the admission price, not even the two guys in the main event. I mean come on, one of them wears make up and the other looks like Seth Rogan. There is also a guy who claims to have not one, not two but five different personalties. Whoever came up with that seriously needs to stop smoking weed and consider the way their life is going. Then we have an alcoholic who looks like he could break a hip by walking into the ring and he is so old that he was around when alcohol was first discovered.

A number of boos can be heard from the Abram Vance fans in the crowd.

Stevie: I'm not finished so shut the hell up! Also we have a clown, fits perfectly well here then because this city is a freakin' circus. There is also Nicky Trix whose name makes him sound like a 50 year old women whose currently starring in porn movies. There are many more but I have problem with one more than the rest, Jacqui Monroe. No I'm not talking about Jack Ripper's alter ego, I'm talking about a actual women that wrestlers men. Big wow, she beat Aaron Asterisk but that guy looks like he was ladies parts too. Jacqui, please do yourself a favour, get your reasonable ass out of a wrestling ring and into a kitchen where you belong. Stop trying to be a macho women too, it's not attractive. So for the sake of.. well me, let the bats out of your vagina, shave the area around it, spray it with some perfume and get a boob job. After that I will gladly give you my hotel keys and a free pass to the greatest man on the planet.

A huge grin takes over the face of Stevie, as the boos begin to get even louder with the pissed off women joining in.

Stevie: Now before I go and stare at the sun for kicks all by myself, here is what I came to do. For those of you that used to keep track of PWA, you will all know that I created the best tag team that company has ever seen. I will admit I made a mistake by choosing the women beater, Floyd Mayweather but now he has been replaced and the team is better than it ever was. So ladies and douchebags, please welcome the man formerly known as Vincent Price, Ray Price and my brother Robbie Starr. Better known as Starrdom Nation!

A voice over then begins to play, the voice of that of Morgan Freeman.

As the war between light and darkness continues
Heroes and villains become harder to identify
Kindred spirits separated at birth
Fighting for their place in time to be solidified
The clock ticks faster and faster
While time runs a marathon in this babylon
But see, the end is only the beginning
The beginning of the calm before the storm

Once the voice over has finished it the song that precedes it is Bombs Away by B.o.B. Robbie Starr and Ray Price then walk onto the stage to a heated reception from the crowd as they stand on the stage for the fans.

Stevie: The era of Starrdom has just begun.

Stevie then drops the microphone before leaving the ring to join Robbie and Ray on the stage.



Jacqui Monroe v. Raiden Blaze v. Zack Bronko w/ Claressa King

As the members of Starrdom Nation mug for the crowd and finally begin to exit the stage...

Martin Mays: Wow! Those three dominated PWA for all of last year! This could be big!

Kareem Ali: Or this could be a big waste of time! You still on that damned PWA kick? Maybe you, Bronko, those lunatics and that stuckup bitch, King, should pack up and go do your own thing!?

Martin Mays: Whoah! I was only speaking in the interest of broadcast integrity. I mean, you can't just ignore what they did no matter what company they worked for. PWA was big for a good three years running, on nation wide. I'm just saying they need to be respected. It's as if Benjamin and Haas walked in. It's all about respect!

Kareem Ali: Really? The world's greatest tag team? You're comparing...Oh, MY GOD!


We Will Rise by ARCH ENEMY begins to play; saving Martin from this argument.

Martin Mays: Well, we know what that music means!

Ashley Sparxxx: The next TRIPLE THREAT CONTEST is scheduled for ONE FALL! Entering the arena first, the first lady of kick ass, old school wrestling; Jacquiline Monroe!!!!

Jacqui M hits the stage rocking out! The crowd begins to get loud as she walks to the edge of the stage and headbangs to the music. The crowd begins to join her. Suddenly, she stops and looks to the ring. She becomes incredibly focused as she walks down the ramp.

Kareem Ali: You gonna talk about her dominance last year, Martin. How she kicked all the women's asses in THAT company and, NOW, she's gone to kicking men's asses?

Martin Mays: Well, actually, she did have an incredible feud with...

Kareem Ali cuts him off: Nobody cares, Martin.

Martin Mays: Oh, I'm sure...

Kareem Ali: Oh, just shut it...look at how hot she is!

Martin Mays: Is that all you think of?

Kareem Ali: Yes...

As she hits the ring, she gets quite a pop. The crowd gets even louder as she ascends the corner to throw up her rock fist!

Gorgeous Nightmare - Escape The Fate (Lyrics) - YouTube

Suddenly, Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate plays and Jacqui M spins her head around surprised.

Martin Mays: Are we going to see RAIDEN BLAZE?

Kareem Ali: Word from the back all night has been that he's disappeared. Some say kidnapped.

Martin Mays: Maybe he escaped...

The music plays way long and no Raiden.

Kareem Ali: Doesn't look good. And my sources are still calling him a no show.

Martin Mays: That's way too bad. And, by the look on Jacqui's face, she's a bit disappointed too. And worried.

The music ends suddenly and there's a slight boo from the crowd.

Zack 'the Badass' Bronko - YouTube

The boos get louder as BADASS by Saliva plays and Claressa King comes out and taunts the crowd.

Kareem Ali: Oh, MY GOD!! What a hot little red dress!

Martin Mays: Too bad it's full of bitch...

Kareem Ali: Oh, come on

Martin Mays: You were just over here bad mouthing the PWA and NOW you're gonna drool?

Kareem Ali: Hot! RED! DRESS!

Bronko is not far behind. As Claressa slinks down the ramp, the Badass is eyeballin' the former team member in the ring.

Martin Mays: Speaking of PWA, Jacqui left them to join our ranks and Claressa has wanted to kill her ever since.

Kareem Ali: Definite cat fight here. Should be fun...

Well, Bronko wastes no time, but pushes Claressa to the side and runs into a slide into the ring. He is met by the female fury known as Jacqui Monroe as she puts the fists to him. The referee calls for the bell.

Martin Mays: Well, this one is underway and is sure to be an all out brawl!!

Finally, Zack pushes her off and tries to get up. She just rebounds off the ropes and hits him in the face with a baseball slide!!

Kareem Ali: OH! Man! That's gonna leave a mark where EVERYBODY can see it!!

Bronko rolls out of the ring to try and collect himself. But Monroe postitions herself against the ropes and sizes the big man up.

Martin Mays: Oh, no! She's not doing what I think she's doing??

Kareem Ali: OH, YEAH!!

She uses the ropes to launch from and comes over in a crossbody! But Bronko is ready for her and catches her and drops her in a simple body slam!


Kareem Ali: Extreme hang time! Extreme risks!!

Bronko picks her up and drops her in an old school back breaker!


Martin Mays: This one may be over fast!

Zack goes to pick her up again and she gives him a hard left to the tenders!

Kareem Ali: OH!! The great equalizer!


Bronko is leaning on the barricade as Monroe pulls up and gives him a kick to the ribs. She follows up with a series of kicks as the crowd counts off. After about six, Claressa comes around the corner with a chair in hand. Jacqui sees her coming and turns to keep her away! As Monroe stalks the beautiful yet deadly Ms. King, Bronko gets up behind her. Before Jacqui realizes he's up, Zack grabs her by the head and rams her into the turnbuckle!!

Claressa King is esctatic. Bronko doesn't react. He simply picks her up and rolls her into the ring. As Jacqui comes to, Zack picks her up and holds her in the piledriver position.

Kareem Ali: oh, yeah!!

Crowd: 69! 69! 69!

Martin Mays; Perverted ingrates...

Before he can drop her down, she starts hitting him hard in the ribs again. He weakens, but drops her anyway. He goes for the pin a little shakily.

THR....kick out!

Kareem Ali: Impossible!!

Martin Mays: Incredible!

Bronko looks strongly at the referee and goes to pick her up. She hits him in the guts a few times and rolls away from him; coming to her feet. She pushes off the ropes into a standing head scissors that rolls Bronko down hard.

Martin Mays: The Badass just got EMASCULATED!!

Kareem Ali: Shit's not funny yo!

She follows up with a springing leg drop. Zack rolls out of the way and she lands hard. He rolls to his feet and catches her with a Big Boot before she can recover!

Martin Mays: Quick recovery by the monster, Zack Bronko!

Kareem Ali: It's like David and Goliath in there!! The odds are not in her favor!

Suddenly, Raiden Blaze's theme, "Gorgeous Nightmare", by Escape The Fate, hits the PA system a second time. His name flickers on the minitron, the titantron is dark. Nothing is happening. Raiden Blaze is nowhere to be found.

Martin Mays: What the hell is going on? Where is Raiden Blaze?

Kareem Ali: I've got like no idea. This ain't normal.

Suddenly, his music stops playing, all the effects that play during his entrance turn off at once. Static is shown on the titantron. A creepy eerie music begins playing, however the volume is low. A man's bloodied face shows up on the titantron. It is a man with a blue face, covered in blood. His hair is long, and black, but it looks more like a well made wig, glued to his head.


The man starts talking.

Demon: Looks like your hero is nowhere to be found, mortals. The time has finally come, I was unleashed. I have been imprisoned for a long time, I have been put away.. like an old, unwanted dog in a kennel! However, if you untie and release the dog, regardless of his outer look, you will find out that he has an inner wolf in himself, and that being is me. The definition of my existence.. is pure evil. I heard.. people gave me names throughout the history.. the most common one is Demon. My time has finally come. I exist.. in front of you.

Everyone seems confused.

Demon: I was informed.. that.. since the wrestler known as Raiden Blaze.. disappeared.. I have been given his spot in the following match.. the darkness will prevail sooner than I thought. My reign.. starts.. now.

Jacqui and Bronko mouth "fuck". The titantron goes black as the whole arena is filled with dark blue smoke and "Sweet Dreams" by Marilyn Manson begins playing. After 7 seconds of it, a man slowly walks from behind, onto the entrance ramp. A man we have seen in the mysterious videos throughout the night. A man we have seen on the video several seconds ago. This is him. This is Demon and he is making his way to the ring, saying nothing. He is barely visible, since the blue smoke has really filled the arena at it's whole. At one point, the lights flash and the theme stops playing. Demon is in the ring and smiles viciously at Jacqui, almost as if he was ignoring Bronko.

Martin Mays: Oh, No!!! What in THE WORLD??!

Kareem Ali: I don't' know, but it's coming to the ring!!

Zack walks over and eyes him over. For a moment, there is silence. Then, the interloper slaps Bronko hard with the knife edged chop!

Crowd: Woooooooooo!

The Badass is enraged and goes to attack! But the newcomer puts his shoulder into the giants gut; stopping him cold! He follows up with a float over DDT!! Bronko is down and the Demon is screaming at the crowd. Suddenly, Jacqui drops an arm on the Badass!

The Demon breaks the pin!!

He picks Jacqui up and locks her in the head lock. After leering at the crowd, he drops her in a swinging neckbreaker!! The Demon just rolls out of it and climbs the turnbuckle. Bronko is trying to pull up as the Demon launches into a senton and goes for the pin. The referee looks confused, but is intimidated into counting.

THR...Bronko kicks out!

Kareem Ali: Ya know, if the referee hadn't taken so long. That Demon woulda won!

Martin Mays: He's not booked in this match! How can he win?

Kareem Ali: I can't believe I'm having to explain this. He pins; ONE, TWO, THREE.

The Demon is seen chasing the referee out of the ring as Jacqui M is up and stalking him. As soon as he turns, she nails him with a super kick that flips him up over the ropes and falling down to the floor! Monroe goes to run at the ropes, but Bronko catches her foot and brings her down hard. He gets up on one knee and glares at the Demon.

Martin Mays: What a bizarre match!

Bronko looks at Monroe and, then, at the Demon. He gets up and gives her a kick as she begins to stir and heads out after the invader! The Demon runs at him and he puts a shoulder up and catches him hard in the chest! Bronko, then, gives him a boot and grabs him; throwing him into the barricade! After a few strong shots to the back, the Demon is on one knee. Zack walks over to the steel steps and climbs to the top. He lines his prey up when, suddenly, Jacqui M comes out of nowhere with an Awesome Splash that sends them both hard to the floor!!

Kareem Ali: Oh, dear LORD!!


All three competitors are down and barely stirring.

Martin Mays: No countouts in this contest so the referee is just there to call the pin attempts.

After a long while, the Demon is up first and slides into the ring. He instantly climbs to the top rope and sticks his tongue out to the crowd. Then, he launches into a moonsault! Unfortunately for him, Bronko rolls out of the way and the Demon crashes and burns!


Kareem Ali: Whoah! I do too!!

Bronko is up and pulling Jacqui M into the ring. As he starts to get into the ring, he turns and gives the Demon the back kick from HELL! As Zack turns, he doesn't realize that Jacqui's up and she just ricocheted off the ropes. Once more, she hits him with the baseball slide to the face! Bronko drops out of the ring and Monroe launches off the ropes; catching the Demon as he's getting up with a strange flying elbow!!

Martin Mays; You don't see too much of that out of her. She usually stays more grounded. But you can tell she really wants it.

After a little recovery time, Jacqui M is up and pulling Bronko up. She sets him up for a DDT, but the Demon pops up and grabs both their heads and drops them for an odd double DDT!!

Kareem Ali: Bodies broken all over the place out here! What a match?!!

Martin Mays: Yes, this 'Demon' guy is holding his own and making this quite a match even though he's not scheduled!!

The Demon is up and rolls both Bronko and Jacqui into the ring. He pulls up on the apron and celebrates to the anger of the crowd. He steps into the ring and sees Bronko getting up and Monroe stirring. He looks back and forth trying to figure which one to attack. He decides to go after Bronko and tries to tie him up in some sort of leg lock, but Zack gets one boot on the Demon's butt and pushes him off. Monroe rolls the unsuspecting Demon up!

T...Bronko stops the count!

Monroe looking pissed as her and the Badass have a few words. Finally, they both pick up the Demon and look out at the crowd. Both smile as Claressa is on the apron yelling at Bronko. They ignore her and hold him in a double half hour suplex position! To the crowd's delight, they drop him hard to the mat!

Martin Mays: Didn't expect this!! Double Team!!

As the Demon tries to get up, Zack grabs him and throws him hard to the corner; following up with a Boot tot he face! Jacqui catches him and drops him in the DROP DEAD GEORGIOUS (facebuster DDT). Bronko catches him with a surprise ZACKBREAKER!! Monroe picks the Demon up and swings him out of the ring. She, then, just barely ducks a hard left from the Badass!!

Kareem Ali: I knew that wouldn't last very long!

Jacqui follows up the duck with a hard kick to the ribs again! She, then, begins hitting the big legs of the Badass with a barrage of kicks! He shoves her off and into the corner hard. He seems to be showing the wear and tear of those kicks! He goes to hit her hard in the corner, but she ducks; sending him into an emtpy corner! Monroe jumps to the second rope and hits Bronko with a spinning heel kick to the head!

Martin Mays: Oh, Yeah! What a hit!!

As Bronko teeters out of the corner, Monroe jumps and bulldogs the seven foot giant all the way to the mat!!

The crowd erupts!!

Kareem Ali: TIMBERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

Both remaining competitors are laid out in the ring. The crowd is stomping and clapping loudly now. Suddenly, we see the face of the blue Demon peaking over the apron!

Martin Mays: Oh, no! He's not down! He's going to steal the win!

The Demon creeps in and crawls on hands and knees stalking his prey. He stands up and climbs the corner turnbuckle. He raises his hands high and launches toward Jacqui M! Suddenly, she gets a kick up! It catches the demon off guard as he walks around teetering in the ring! Bronko suddenly pulls up and catches him and delivers another ZACKBREAKER!! Jacqui didn't see him in the ring! She instinctively turns with a roundhouse kick that nails Bronko in the head; sending him over the ropes and hard to the floor! She, without thinking about it, drops on the Demon!


The crowd erupts!! Monroe is stunned! Bronko is still waking up on the floor!

Ashley Sparxxx: Your winner!! Due to pinfall, Jacqui Monroe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zack sits there in unbelief. Monroe finally realizes what just happened and hits the corners! The crowd is pouring love out to the anti-Diva, Monroe! Suddenly, she turns into a chair to the head! Claressa King stands over her with that smirk on her face. As Bronko gets up, she gets rid of the evidence. Zack slides in.


Claressa: Get up!! We aren’t finished, Bronko!!!

Bronko just sat there, looking at her astonished.

Claressa King: Did you hear me?

Claressa gets in the Badass's face.

Claressa King: This is where we end it! Now get your ass up and finish this!!

Bronko just smiles.

Claressa King: Zack Bronko, if you don’t get up and break this bitch, you’re over!!!

The crowd has begun to boo; finally figuring out what she’s up to. Bronko looks out into the sea of faces. They're all enraged and focused on the two of them.

The camera catches sight of a young woman with a small boy with a big sign.


Martin Mays: Who is that woman?

Kareem Ali: I don't know, but she's hot!!

Bronko looks at the sign and then back at Claressa.

Zack Bronko: No, Ressa. It’s over. Finished. Dead. Let it go.

You could see the rage pour into Claressa’s face. She haulsoff and slaps the Badass.

Kareem Ali: “Damn…shouldna done that, woman…”

Luckily for her, she rolled out of the ring away from Bronko. Claressa retreived a chair and was back in the ring with demonic intentions. She was standing over Monroe with that look in her eyes. A couple of referees tried to stop her, but she actually caught them in the head with the damned chair!!

Martin Mays:“She’s seriously gonna do it…”

Kareem Ali: Well, of course! She's already nailed her once!

She raised the chair high over the nearly unconscious Jacqui and wound up for the finishing blow. As she came down, you could see the surprise on her face as the chair wouldn’t do her bidding. The crowd had begun to cheer as she turned to look up into the eyes of Zack Bronko.

Zack Bronko: I said it was over, Ressa.

He took the chair and threw it down. With the big man's attention distracted for a second, that bitch decided to get her cheap shots in anyway. She began kicking Monroe hard with the tips of her fancy shoes. With one shove, King flew into the corner and Bronko turned and looked at her.

Zack Bronko: Leave Ressa. There’s no place for you here.

Bronko turned to see after Jacquiline and the viper struck. She picked up the chair and nailed Zack in the head. He just turned with a snarl.

Zack Bronko: I gave you a chance, woman!

I grabbed her by the neck and you could literally see the rage flow through the veins of the Badass! Then, Bronko caught sight of the woman with the sign. The look of horror on their faces. Zack pushed her down (not too hard) and motioned for her to leave. This time, she rolled out of the ring and started up the ramp.


Zack Bronko grabs a mic (looking at Claressa): Keep going, Ressa, and don’t ever come back. I’ll take what I get from here, but I’m not going to be that man ever again. Ya made a big mistake with this whole PWA thing. It was never about the PWA. Not even when it began way back with Max. It wasn’t about any organization or company or any single person. It was about simple, old school wrestling. Doing what we love to the delight of the fans. Ya see, I still believe, Ressa and I always will…

Bronko looks down and Monroe is coming to finally. She looks up and returns a shocked expression.

Zack Bronko (looking down at Jacqui): I believe….

Zack offers his hand to one hell of a woman.




ACW International Championship
Eric Snow (c) v. Nicky Trix


ACW Tag Team Championships
The Bogans v. LWO w/ Wisecrack v. The Rednecks v. RipperCussions

The crowd is milling around as we see Ashley Sparxxx in the ring.

Ashley Sparxxx: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the FIRST EVER ACW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!!

The crowd gives a big pop!

Ashley Sparxxx: This contest is scheduled for ONE FALL and will be competed under fatal four way rules!


Suddenly, Lousiana Saturday Night by Mel McDaniel plays and the crowd gives a decent ovation.

Ashley Sparxxx: Our first team, hailing from Myrtle Grove, Louisiana at a combined weight of 530 pounds! They are Billy and Leroy, THE BRADLEY BOYS!!

As the music plays and the crowd gets a bit excited, Billy and Leroy hit the stage with a can of beer in each hand! They both walk out to the edge of the stage and take swigs and, then, begin to shake up the other and spew it into the crowd. After banging the other cans together in a toasting fashion, the two rednecks run down to the ring and slide in. They take their positions on the corner turnbuckles and salute the crowd with the beers before guzzling more down.

Martin Mays: The Bradleys have been impressive as of late. Holding their own with every tag team that has come their way.

Kareem Ali: But yet to really have that decisive win that impresses me at all, Martin. I think these Hillbillys have a thing to learn about New York, Old School wrestling!


The crowd begins to laugh a bit at the song and the video playing on the screen.

Ashley Sparxxx: And their opponents, from Moe, Victoria, Australia , they are Robbo and Jack Frost, THE BOGANS!!!

After an awkward moment or so, there's no BOGANS.

Kareem Ali: What in the hell? Another kidnapping?

Martin Mays: I'm not sure, Kareem, but I'm getting word that we have a camera backstage. Let's go look.

The scene changes to the backstage area and on the ground, out cold, are the BOGANS. The cameras pans over to finally show the cracked Clown, Wisecrack, flanked by his Hispanic Horrors, El Loko and Maddog.

Wisecrack: Looks like the BOOGERS won't be making the match tonght. SO, that's one down; two to go!

El Loko: UNO!!!

Maddog: DOUS...TRACE!!!

The Lunatics walk off camera.


Hollow Again by PROJECT 86 plays and the crowd is on its feet booing instantly. Wisecrack steps out in an awesome purple pinstriped three piece suit. His oversized shoes are all shined up and he has a spiffy yellow bowtie on. Behind him are El Loko and Maddog in their ring gear. They're yelling at the crowd in incomprehenible Spanish as they walk to the ring. The Bradleys are resting against the top rope drinking their beers a little amused. But mostly making fun of the idiots.

Martin Mays: These Lunatics have made a mockery of the rules since they got here.

Kareem Ali: Yeah, but they're funny!

They take to the ring as the Bradley's keep to their corner, but they don't show any fear of the LWO.


Wisecrack and the boys whip their heads around as the crowd gets to their feet!

Martin Mays: The BOYS are definitely BACK IN TOWN!!

Darren Pesinger and Jack Ripper hits the stage and the crowd comes alive! Suddenly, the cameras cut to the ring where the Bradleys have jumped in on the Lunatics and Wisecrack has vacated the ring! Jack and Darren waste no time and run straight for the ring to join the brawl!!

Kareem Ali: I knew this was gonna be a good one!! Now, we have a fight!!

It becomes a three team slugfest as the referee fights to get control. Leroy Bradly throws Maddog out of the ring and launches awkwardly over the top ropes in a crazy looking body block!

Kareem Ali: Rednecks flying, baby!!

As Billy and El Loko duke it out, Jack and Darren double clothesline them out of the ring! As Rippercussions play to the crowd, the official talks them into starting the match! The bell rings as Maddog and Billy Bradly get into the ring and start after Darren Pessinger to start the match. They double team him only to have him duck them. When they both turn around, he grabs Maddog and swings him into Billy! He, then, catches Billy and tags his partner. As he holds the Bradly, Ripper goes top rope! Jack jumps and lands an amazing missle dropkick on Billy, as Darren DDTs Maddog. The referee makes Pesinger leave.

Martin Mays: This is going to be a nightmare for the referee tonight.

Kareem Ali: Why not just make it tornado and get it over with!! You know that's where it's headed!

Jack sizes up his opponents as Billy reaches for his partner. Ripper takes off running and elbows Leroy off the apron and ricochets into a standing leg drop onto Billy's back. The crowd is hot and into this match as Jack gives Maddog a swift roundhouse kick to the face and tags his partner in.

Martin Mays: Ya know, you have to admire the tag team efficiency of Rippercussions! They seem to always be on the same page!

The two start in opposite corners...


Kareem Ali: What? Do you guys go to the same gay bar or something?

But, before they can start running, El Loko grabs Jack and the referee turns to warn him. Darren starts to help, but Leroy Bradley hits him with a running clothesline from the apron!!

Martin Mays; OH, No fair!!

El Loko hits Ripper hard before letting him go before the referee threw him out.

Jack rolls out of the ring as Maddog is up and runs, then, drops an elbow to Pesinger! Billy has pulled up on the ropes. Maddog runs at him, but the redneck drops and pulls the ropes down; causing the Lunatic to fly out of the ring! As Billy turns, he is met with a Big Boot to the head by Pesinger! Instead of falling, Billy bounces off the ropes and into a grapple! Darren flips him up and slams him hard with a simple suplex! Pesinger goes for the pin!

THR...El Loko breaks it up!

Loko picks Darren up and Irish Whip's him into the corner!

Martin Mays: Hey! He's not the legal man! That's El Loko!

Kareem Ali: Are you sure? That looks like Maddog!

Loko follows up with a splash to the corner and turns and rams Billy into the opposite corner hard! We can see Wisecrack seeing to Maddog who took quite a spill.

Martin Mays: Good grief! Look right there! He's the one that JUST took the spill!

Kareem Ali: I don't know...not sure..

Martin Mays: Sheesh!!

Darren is pulling up in the corner and sees El Loko putting the pressure on Billy Bradley with a vicious looking half crab! Pesinger runs and boots him off before Billy taps!

Martin Mays: That was close!

Pesinger goes right to work on El Loko; slapping a triangle choke hold on him and putting on the pressure. Billy begins to drag himself across the ring towards his brother. Darren watches as he inches over. Pesinger pulls back trying to get the Lunatic to submit! When, suddenly, Billy launches far enough to get the tag and Leroy is in! Darren lets go, but too late. Leroy Bradley hits him in the side of the head with a leaping knee!! The Redneck picks up El Loko and body slams him hard. He goes back to the well again; body slamming him again!! After a couple of boots to the ribs, he has to defend himself as Darren spears him into the corner!

Kareem Ali: Damn!

Martin Mays: I couldn't have said it better myself.

Pesinger spins Loko and Irish Whips him into the Rippercussion corner and follows up with his own shinning wizard to Loko's face. Tagging Jack in, Darren falls back off the corner; taking El Loko down in a hard DDT! Ripper jumps to the top rope and launches into an amazing shooting star press! Nailing it, he goes for the pin!

THR....Leroy breaks up the pin!!

Martin Mays: Man, Rippercussions has come into this competition a well oiled machine!!

Kareem Ali: Oh, they're oiling up alright!

Martin Mays: When are you going to get off the GAY jokes? Can't you just appreciate their wrestling prowess?

Kareem Ali: Sorry, no...

Leroy is seen in the ring muscling Jack around in some weird choke hold. The referee checks the hold to make sure it's legal when, suddenly, Loko pushes past the official and nails Leroy in the head with a hard right fist! Maddog is back up and ready for a tag, which El Loko gives him.

Kareem Ali: Awesome! Now, we can get to see El Loko fight!

Martin Mays: Idiot! That WAS EL LOKO!!

The Hispanic Horrors then pull off the TWIN TERROR (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CUPa3z52jzI ) and Maddog goes for the pin.

THRE...Leroy barely makes the save!!

Leroy makes the tag and Billy jumps off the ropes into a BRADLEY BELLY FLOP onto Maddog!! Billy roles up the Lunatic!


Crowd: TWO!!

Darren is up and making the tag as Billy gets up. Jack runs in goes to kick him. Billy catches Jack's leg and he flips; kicking the redneck with the other leg! Maddog rolls out of the ring as Jack scales the corner turnbuckle. Suddenly, El Loko jumps up and bulldogs Ripper to the mat hard!

Martin Mays: Oh, Good God! Unfa...nevermind...

Loko goes for the pin!

TW...Kick out!

Loko has an astonished look on his face and looks back at Wisecrack who is beside himself. Billy is up on one knee and catches Loko with a left as he comes at him. Getting up, he scoop slams the lunatic hard. Jack is trying to make the tag, but Billy runs and clotheslines Darren off the apron! Turning to Ripper, the redneck jumps to the second rope and gives Jack an elbow tot he back! Loko is up and drops his own elbow on Billy! The Mexican clamps on a crossface from hell and starts screaming something in Spanish.

Martin Mays: What is that he's saying?

Kareem Ali: Sounds like, 'SAY MY NAME!'

Suddenly, Jack Ripper gets up and jumps up and drops Loko back with a backcracker to the side! Jack drops on Billy!

Wisecrack pulls Jack out of the ring!!

The crowd boos as the cracked clown begins to tell off the crowd. As Maddog puts the boot to the fallen Jack, El Loko goes to pick up Billy. Billy reaches and makes the tag with Leroy! Loko goes to ram Billy into the corner, but gets hit from behind by the legal man, Leroy! The Bradley Brothers pick Loko up and double DDT him hard to the mat! Leroy goes for the pin!

Darren makes the save!!

After breaking up the pin, Pesinger slides out catching Maddog with both feet! Billy rolled out as Leroy begins to work on El Loko with a bear hug! Darren is standing face to face with Wisecrack who is begging off Ric Flair style. The crowd is begging Pesinger to do something when Billy hits him from behind!! Bodies are everywhere as it looks like El Loko is fading to the Bear Hug. The referee is checking the arm to see if the Hispanic is still conscious. During the third check, El Loko's fist raises high and Leroy has a look of shock on his face! After a few punches to the ribs, Leroy lets go. Loko Sidewalk Slams him to the mat and gets up in time to hiptoss an incoming Billy Bradley! Maddog rolls the legal Jack Ripper back in and Loko goes for the pin!

Martin Mays: This is probably it!!


Once again, El Loko is bewildered.

Kareem Ali: Where is that little guy finding the energy?

Martin Mays: I don't know, but all six men are showing signs of the wear and tear of this match!

Darren is up and pounding Maddog again! He takes time to go repay Billy Bradley by knocking him hard off the apron!! Before the referee sees, he takes his place in his corner and calls for the tag!! Billy mocks him and turns to catch Loko and flip him into back body drop! Billy, then, catches an incoming flying super kick from Jack Ripper! Jack makes the tag!! They take their place in opposite corners.

Martin Mays: One more try!!

As El Loko and Leroy Bradley get up they both run and spear their opponents down. They then smile and point at each other. Running at each other, they lock hands and spin into an amazing elbow drop!


They both go for the pin!


The crowd erupts!!


As the beaten opponents roll out of the ring, Jack and Darren share a moment of celebration; hugging each other. Realizing how Gay that looked, Pesinger pushed off and offered a manly handshake which Jack returned with pride! The two members of Rippercussions continue to celebrate as the other tag teams exit the arena. The crowd gives Jack and Darren a well deserved Monster Pop!!


ACW World Heavyweight Championship
Syn (c) v. Drew Alexander

Reynolds v. Black v. Sensation v. White: ~Primetime~
Asterisk v. Krazy: The_King
Banks v. Multiplex: Primetime
Vance v. Venomous: Pete
Monroe v. Blaze v. Bronko: BDC
Snow v. Trix: The_King
Bogans v. LWO v. Rednecks v. RipperCussions: BDC
Syn v. Alexander: Pete

Quick Results
Andrew Reynolds def. Michael Black, Sammy Sensation, & Solomon White
Aaron Asterisk def. Kid Krazy
Brandon Banks def. Multiplex
#1 Contendership to the International Title: Abram Vance def. Heath Venomous
ACW v. PWA: Jacqui Monroe def. Raiden Blaze & Zack Bronko
International Title: Nicky Trix def. Eric Snow (c)
Tag Titles: RipperCussions def. The Bogans, LWO, & The Rednecks
World Title: Syn (c) def. Drew Alexander
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John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Reinserted Banks Multi match with a new Avalanche promo allowing him to take on any challenger. Should have the opener mid to late day friday.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Quick note to Beedz: the Emasculation is a submission. As in, the submission sort of headscissors, not the Rey Mysterio sort of headscissors. LOL.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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So it doesn't involve pruning shears?
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Haha nope. she's not that kind of a girl :D

Should have one of my matches tonight. Probably the main event, while I ponder Baz/Multi. I should actually have written it yesterday, but got sidetracked by a movie, then a livestream from probably my favourite YouTuber... :p