^sky pointed these out as to why haza/odo could be scum based on what chris brought up but then:
he clarifies he's actually defending odo.
he did credit grim more for the lynch than odo tho, but odo then started pushing him harder
and rkd himself said:
^sky you already thought haza/odo could be scum before.

and chris said:
Chris said grim was responsible for the lynch
and rkd corrected him and said it's odo. why are scum giving credit to town odo for their lynch when they're being pressured?
oh that crazy, impulsive rdk just making sure everyone knows odo is the one that was lynching him. definitely how scum behave.
rkd just showed up to have a back and forth with odo, say odo is responsible for his lynch when grim had been pushing it harder, and then dipped again and came back to claim sk.
^this does look better for odo tho.
also chris literally wouldn't speculate who was scum based on jeff's question about if haza would flip sk because
like he couldnt up with fake thoughts for it? i guess.
this also probably reflects well for odo.
tl;dr chris is my other suspect. his interaction with haza was weird and him not replying to jeff in regards to a speculative haza sk flip just looks weird like TMI that he knew that haza wasnt going to flip scum so he shouldn't comment on it either. i would be down to lynch him too. sorry chris. ill try to think up a third suspect, maybe if you guys want to discuss non-odo pairings.
also sky is town for sure. the way she pressed odo means she's not aligned with him.
actually ill just do a town list.
fun fact about america: march was the first time since 2002 that they didnt have a mass shooting in a whole month.