Evil Austin

And you can also use the sort of hype as both of them being ECW originals and whatever. / dunno.
D.) Gards and Lennie
Anyway, there was something I saw at another forum that I think could be transferred over here and help out some of the bookers who need help writing promos with whoever it is.
Basically, it would be a thread where whoever was running it (if there was high demand more than one) would take on the role of Generic Interviewer Twelve. Then the person who was having trouble writing promos (let's say they were having problems with Triple H) would engage in an interview with Generic Interviewer Twelve. GI12 would post some questions, and the person having trouble would answer them in character as Triple H as best they could. Then the other bookers could tell them what they did wrong/right.
I personally like the idea. I know that it would have helped me a lot back wneh Raven was on POI. I couldn't write a Raven promo to save my life. That's why I had him fired. He's not coming back... ever!
What about Explosive Fest?Just wanna say, The Raven poem is pure awesomeness in a truck!
As of now, I finally did the backstory for my new BTB. Just tell me if you want me to post the thread now but I promise you that the shows will be posted longer than expected
As for the commentating team, I am also having some brainstorms of picking between Hart and Shane Douglas. Both of them could be nice color commentators unlike Sunny, 'coz I need to release my feminine side <no homo> if I use Sunny as she just compliments every good looking and big muscled Batista like wrestler. As for Hart, I think he is good in hyping up like, "Oooooh! This is going to be a good one!". While Shane could be the funny son of a bitch heel himself.
Well, I also threw out the Gards and Lennie, as this will only let Lennie talk and annoy Joey Styles while Gards tries to have a quick nap at the announcer's table
Well they way you put the Hart/Douglas situation makes it tough now imo because while you need someone to hype everything up you also need someone to go against Styles when he talks up all the good face talent so its really a matter of what you would want more, good flowing commentary with Douglas or a good build up to your shows/matches with Hart. Should be a great BTB btw Levy, ill be reading it anyways! (lets hope you don't get like a certain booker and start doing btbs then quitting regularly, not naming anyone here though but we all pretty much see who I mean :shifty
While I'm posting I might as well tell you guys that IPW is back on track, finally finished the boring ass match I was up to and actually enjoyed writing the end of it and now I have a little more to do before posting the preview and the whole PPV...
What about Explosive Fest?
As long as Explosive Fest is the epic show I'm expecting it to be.I am still going to post it later but as of now, I am thinking that I should post the last HEW Show before EF in Recaps.
from a MSN talk with the guy of loves Sex and Power said:Joey Styles: Tonight folks! We have a great Main Event!
Jimmy Hart: Oh yeah! I want to see this in the ring right now! I can't wait this match to start! I will shout it in my megaphone and say this match is going to be great!!!!!!
Shane Douglas: Shut Up! You two blueberries! Let the Franchise do the talking!