THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

That BTB was over 10 months ago. That was when I was like only one month or two months here. I was new and noobish here just like we all were at one point in time and to be fair I never did post a show and ended it after two days I think.
Yet you expect to be taken seriously? Never going to happen.
I Second what Paranoir was saying not how he said it. Think about that, I agreed (like I said) that it should be moved, though I didn't agree with how he said it. (which is also said about a line underneath) >_>
Para summed up what he said by telling the person to fuck off and you said 'I second that notion'. Pretty simple logic that surely even you can understand, right?
Yeh I know, to be fair no offense to XBA he is a great great guy and cuts it right down the middle but there should be a mod that comes in here more often. But what has that got to do with me?
I was replying to what you had said about a mod moving it.
I know it's an alt account, I said that in HIAT last night more then once. I even said it is probably by the same person who made that wwe369 account around a month ago or whenever that happened.
Then you shouldn't care about the flaming, right? Since it's a gimmick, the flaming isn't at the actual person, rather the gimmick.
And no, it's not the same person as wwe369.